10 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s oh we just wared straight in to block
2s you from bumping him dude it feels no no
4s it's fine it's fine fry frying pan is
6s good I think yeah you're get you'll get
8s him on this one you'll get him on this
9s oh there he
10s goes Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get
13s Ready Get Ready is it enough I don't
14s think somebody else somebody else yeah
16s hit me hit me into him yes missed it oh
19s no you hit me into him I think no we're
21s bad bowling for pancakes I'm going I'm
24s going for it I'm lining at my attack run
26s do it come on oh I hope I don't turn
29s into you moving
32s nice what a there it is there it is
34s that's it that's it you stay on him
36s we'll try and bump the other one oh
37s [Laughter]
40s he why did you have to bump him into
43s alignment you
45s big was perfectly aligned what the [ __ ]
48s was that perfectly aligned to war out
52s are you kidding me