about 6 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | hello glorious capsuleers and welcome to |
3s | another edition of Yves pulse where we |
5s | give you the inside scoop on what's |
6s | coming up for Eve online we've had a few |
9s | announcements in the last couple of |
10s | weeks I want to go through them a little |
12s | bit with you guys to give you a little |
13s | bit more information the first thing I'd |
15s | like to talk about is skills on demand |
17s | we've released a blog for this about a |
19s | week back now and so far we've seen |
21s | pretty good reaction to it the core of |
24s | these changes will focus around making |
26s | sure that the skill system is a little |
28s | bit more understandable and accessible |
29s | for new players while at the same time |
31s | we want to improve convenience for our |
33s | veteran players to the core of these |
36s | changes will be to actually make skills |
38s | accessible through the skill sheet |
39s | rather than having to go out and |
41s | purchase them on the market so pilots |
43s | will be able to just take a look at the |
45s | skill training cue decide what they want |
47s | to tree in and and then access them |
48s | directly from the skill sheet rather |
50s | than having to go out and buy them |
51s | separately another part of these changes |
53s | is we'd like to take a look at the value |
55s | and the price of some core skill books - |
56s | we've added a lot of skill books in each |
59s | 16 year history and there's been a |
61s | little bit of disparity in terms of |
62s | prices where things have been added over |
64s | the years so what we'd like to do is |
66s | take a look at each skill book and see |
68s | where it should lie in terms of price |
69s | and structure so it'll be some changes |
71s | coming up to the price of skill books to |
72s | the next blog I'd like to talk about a |
75s | little is the war Dex dev blog that we |
77s | recently released we started making |
79s | changes to the war declaration system in |
81s | December of 2018 and so far the changes |
84s | have been pretty positively received a |
85s | blog last week showed off a few more |
88s | changes that were planning for the March |
89s | April and me releases this year the |
92s | first one in March is going to be a |
94s | bunch of changes that will basically fix |
96s | a few loopholes and make sure that war |
98s | decks aren't able to be exploited then |
100s | in the April and the me release will |
102s | build further on this by changing |
104s | functionality and adding completely new |
106s | mechanics that make war declarations a |
108s | little bit more fair and a little bit |
109s | more well structured there are lots of |
112s | changes to the war deck system planned |
114s | over the course of the next three months |
115s | or the March April and miR and this all |
118s | factors into our focus on making sure |
120s | that quality of life changes are a big |
122s | part of EVE Online going forward we'll |
124s | have more information about these coming |
126s | soon and of course you can check out the |
128s | dev blog that we released last week in |
129s | order to get the details on exactly |
131s | what's coming |
132s | in the next few releases another thing |
134s | we'd like to talk about is the 64-bit |
136s | client and the mass test that just |
139s | occurred as well this week here's CCP |
141s | antiquarian with a little bit more |
142s | information on March 5th the combined |
146s | efforts of teams techo engine and try |
149s | lamda culminated in the first ever |
151s | public test of the 64-bit Eve client we |
155s | may have underestimated the enthusiasm |
157s | of the Eve player based slightly as over |
159s | 800 capsuleers showed up on duality to |
162s | help us explore potential issues with |
164s | the first iteration of this significant |
166s | client upgrade if we had expected even |
169s | half that number of participants we |
171s | would have held the test on singularity |
173s | duality just isn't that much of a tank |
175s | but server node issues and tie-dye |
178s | notwithstanding the math test still gave |
180s | us a ton of data client crashes |
183s | specifically related to the forgiveme |
186s | bitna sub eve were limited which is |
189s | great news memory usage however was a |
192s | little out of scope so we're currently |
194s | investigating how best to keep that |
197s | within our specified parameters special |
199s | thanks to everyone who logged in and |
201s | extra special thanks to those who filed |
203s | in-game bug reports with descriptions of |
205s | their experiences you are why we can |
208s | have nice things you can expect further |
211s | information on future mass tests and |
213s | feature developments in the coming weeks |
215s | so keep your eyes on the forum and keep |
217s | watching each pulse |
218s | I'm CCP antiquarian by 3 another thing |
223s | that we're super excited about here at |
224s | CCP headquarters is the even vision |
226s | world tour which kicks off in just a |
228s | couple of weeks with Easter damn we're |
231s | super stoked to show you guys a lot of |
233s | the plans that we've got as we roll |
234s | towards the summer and we're really |
236s | really excited to see your feedback |
237s | we've also got a big selection of |
240s | developers that are coming out with a |
241s | Steve's tadam including CTV Curtis CCB |
244s | roughage CCB dopamine CCP psych CCP |
247s | bartender CCP shreddy CTV Berger CC |
250s | Vitara CTV Goodfella |
252s | CCP Grendel CC b4 CC CB ghost GM |
256s | Archduke and of course as we've all |
258s | heard this will also be CCP guards last |
261s | event as CCP guard so you're all going |
263s | to have to |
264s | grab tickets to Yves Saddam and give him |
265s | a big hug for all the work he's done |
267s | over the last like 17 years it's been |
270s | incredible tickets are also on sale for |
273s | our first event in a long time for our |
275s | Russian players in st. Petersburg Russia |
277s | and we've got a huge selection of |
279s | developers who are also coming out to |
281s | party with us in st. Petersburg |
282s | these include CCB Curtis CCV roughage |
285s | CCP dopamine CCP deadlift CCP Alpha CCP |
289s | cognac GM is lling and GM stinger as |
291s | well as GM archduke are you going to |
296s | I've got I've got to do this again I'm |
298s | sorry and of course what would a |
301s | wonderful event be without the guy |
303s | behind the camera right over there CCP |
305s | law key he'll also be out in st. |
307s | Petersburg to do all kinds of crazy |
308s | shenanigans and film and to to really |
311s | capture the spirit of the event and then |
313s | of course part of the calendar every |
316s | year is the wonderful stuff that goes on |
318s | on the other side of the planet |
320s | underneath and Eve Down Under |
322s | we've got an amazing core community in |
324s | Australia and we're super happy to let |
327s | people know that we're going to have |
328s | another big contingent of developers who |
330s | are also going out to party and talk |
332s | spaceships in Sydney this year these |
334s | will include myself and we'll also have |
337s | CCP dopamine CCP Curtis CCP roughage CCP |
340s | mimics ECB larrikin CCP and a new GM |
343s | vertical as well and in a little bit of |
346s | an e pulse exclusive we can also reveal |
348s | that our CEO CCP Hjalmar will also be |
351s | coming out to eat down under for the |
353s | first time as part of the even vision |
355s | world tour will also be hosting an even |
358s | vision tournament series as well and at |
360s | most of these large events as part of |
362s | the tour you'll be able to take part in |
363s | a 2v2 tournament that will see a winner |
366s | crown for each event the winners of |
369s | these individual events will win a trip |
371s | to come out to fan fest twenty20 here in |
374s | Reykjavik Iceland to fight it out to |
376s | find out who is the best in the world so |
378s | if you're interested in a free trip to |
381s | the land of Ice and Fire next year for |
383s | Fan Fest 2020 be sure to sign up at your |
386s | local event and take part in the |
388s | tournament you have to be in it to win |
390s | it |
395s | ah capsule is I want to tell you about a |
403s | research project we've been doing with |
405s | company in England called Yves ether |
409s | Wars we are reinvesting in our |
413s | infrastructure a lot these days and we |
416s | are taking a look at every possibility |
417s | of making your experience in the better |
419s | one of the steps is to try to look two |
423s | three four five years into the future |
424s | and see where we can be at we partnered |
427s | with an English company called happy n |
429s | to work on breaking our own Guinness |
432s | World Records in a single fluid fight in |
435s | in the best spaceship game ever |
437s | we've codenamed this project Eve is the |
441s | wars and we are aiming to get 10,000 |
444s | players onto a battlefield shooting each |
447s | other's interface trying to break their |
449s | attack join on this page here and I'll |
453s | see you in space our CCP burger what a |
457s | handsome devil and as a creative |
459s | director his skills at a low level |
461s | Python program and a really common along |
463s | so you can expect lots of good stuff |
465s | soon in other news we've also had an |
468s | incredible event happen this week the |
470s | first time in two years that we've seen |
473s | the loss of a gold magnet these holes |
475s | are incredibly rare with less than 10 |
477s | now still known to exist on Tranquility |
479s | the gold magnet is valued Anzhi kill at |
482s | over half a trillion credits right now |
484s | but in reality the rarity of these holes |
486s | make them worth so much more they were |
489s | issued to two winning teams of the AMA |
490s | championship in 2003 and 2016 these are |
494s | some of the most sought-after holes in |
496s | the whole of New Eden for collectors |
498s | huge props to gelatin a lover of Exodus |
501s | for having the balls to go out and fly |
502s | this thing in live combat and |
504s | tranquility to many of these holes end |
506s | up as hanger ornaments and of course |
508s | huge congrats as well to nyan cat to of |
511s | panning to galactic business community |
512s | who landed the final blow on one of the |
515s | most sought-after kill meals in New Eden |
517s | incredible work guys and finally for |
520s | this edition of Eve pulse some of our |
522s | eagle-eyed players might have noticed |
524s | that we're looking for a new community |
525s | developer for EVE Online the community |
527s | team here in Iceland has started |
529s | again and we're looking for a talented |
531s | Eve pilot to join the ranks here at CCP |
533s | Iceland so if you're interested in |
536s | pitching in to organise events |
537s | gatherings and tournaments and have a |
539s | keen interest in social media the Eve |
541s | community and internet spaceships in |
543s | general then be sure to drop an |
544s | application in and we'll take a look at |
546s | it this is a position that's located |
548s | right here in Reykjavik Iceland so the |
550s | right candidate will need to be prepared |
552s | to relocate north of the wall and |
553s | tolerate the sometimes crazy Icelandic |
555s | weather but part of the deal is of |
557s | course a full relocation package so |
559s | don't worry about moving your pet dog |
561s | bare feet or goldfish giraffe or |
563s | whatever you might have that you need to |
565s | move it'll be all good and we'll help |
566s | you take care of it if you think you |
568s | have what it takes to be part of the |
569s | community crew here at CCP then we'd |
571s | love to hear from you but be sure when |
574s | you submit your application that you |
575s | include a lot of detail on your history |
577s | and Eve things like your character names |
580s | your alliance affiliation things you've |
582s | got up to and where your focus lies in |
584s | terms of gameplay we really like to hear |
586s | about this stuff and we want to make |
587s | sure we fill the position with someone |
589s | who is as passionate about Eve as we are |
591s | if you'd like to apply to become part of |
594s | the Eve online community team here at |
595s | CCP feel free to head to CCB Gamescom |
598s | slash careers and fill out an |
600s | application to dear we love to hear from |
602s | you and who knows in a couple of months |
604s | maybe it could be you stood here |
606s | Horstmann Eve pulse only probably |
608s | decidedly more handsome and maybe with |
610s | more hair I would imagine so that's it |
613s | for this edition so all we've got time |
615s | for right now but we'll be back soon |
617s | with more information around Eve online |
619s | see you in space |
623s | I like doing that unless anyway hmm all |
639s | right we'll do this if you think what |
642s | you've got |