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It's been speculated that the ISK-farming botnet that was recently banned is behind these DDOS attacks, as a form retaliation (correlation not causation). There might not be a way to know for sure, but it seems to be a reasonable explanation for why someone would randomly DDOS CCP servers.

If this is the case, CCP deserves some love. Even if they have made some controversial balance changes recently, we can all agree botters are sh*t. They add no content to the game and only leech server resources. Banning them can be a tough business decision because, on top of losing vampire subs, you could risk the retaliation we're all experiencing. Not to mention a pissed off player-base.

I know there is some speculation here, but if this is the case we shouldn't add to the fallout of the already tough (but right) decision they made. They are offering ship replacements for those lost due to server issues, which seems to be the best response aside from capitulating.


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almost 5 years ago - /u/ccp_peligro - Direct link

Originally posted by tharnadar

Do you have any sources for the CCP bans?

Hey, CCP sends out notifications to bot reports which we action against. So if you found some probable bots and used the in-game report system you may receive notifications via email. https://support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000249125-Reporting-suspected-bot-users