about 3 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

Flagging a post or a topic, regardless of how many times doesn’t mean we’ll automatically do something about it. It just means we’ll take a look at it.

As for players using multiple accounts to try to scheme threads or posts being locked or removed, that’s something I’ve suspected on a few occasions but when checked has never been the case, at least not in the use of alts. That doesn’t mean it’s never happened in the past but I’ve never seen it.

In regard to locking the topic because the replies are all super bad. This is something that’s of course not supposed to happen under normal circumstances and is only ever done if the post is beyond repair and we would have to delete almost every comment in a thread.

This is a dilemma and usually only ever happens when something blows up before we can step in. We of course try as much as possible to allow discourse, especially when it’s directed at CCP but sometimes it’s just not a good thing to remove almost every comment in a thread, regardless if they are violating the rules and pretend like it never happened. In that case I would rather lock it and leave it up for you to read and then you can make up your own mind.

I hope this answers the topic and I do like discussing these things in general so if there’s something else then fire away.

about 3 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

Well, since you asked, there was a period of time when CCP would start off a thread in ‘slow mode’ which was really annoying and I have seen the offical forumthreads for patch notes getting locked.

  • This hasn’t been the case since I started at CCP so that’s a couple of years at least. Edit - (We tried employing slow mode last year for a limited time but quickly moved away from it.) I also don’t remember this(Locking official posts) happening specifically when I was a player but I could just have missed it or forgotten. In any case we neither use slow mode or lock official threads.

The best way to talk about things you like / don’t like is to post it in the most recent General Feedback thread or a Devblog thread, like this one.

So multiple accounts to post on the (who would do such a thing) forums and set a narrative is bad, but alts voting in elections is fine?

No I’m not saying that at all. I think using alts to vote for anything is bad and not just here, but in general. Voting system’s usually aren’t designed to accommodate individuals voting multiple times. I only say usually because maybe there’s a system out there which does handle it but I have yet to see one.

Is it easy to spot? Are people pretty blatant about it?

This usually only ever happens or I’ve only encountered it where someone has lost posting privileges in some capacity and is not willing to respect that. There’s usually not much effort spent on trying to hide it.

Super bad in what way? People just having a go at each other (which is half the forum), or when the community says things like :-

‘Skillpoints for money is bad’
‘Entosis Trollceptors is bad’
‘Blackout is bad’
‘High security wars are bad’
‘Jump fatigue is bad’
‘Ganking is bad’
‘MESS and DBS is bad’
‘Fillaments are (anti-PvP, cause when caugh people just pochven out) bad?’

and people getting really upset when the mechanics get implemented anyway?

Super bad I mean genuinely bad things like severe harassment or very hurtful personal attacks, something along those lines.

Saying you think something in the game is bad is probably the most valuable thing you can tell us. It would of course help if you also included why, but if you only say that it’s bad I would rather have that then nothing. It’s at least something I can work with and find the underlying feedback. Same goes for if you don’t like implementation.

about 3 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

2021 is certainly not “years ago”, even though it might feel like it due to circumstances. :frowning:

Your absolutely right. I didn’t remember that when writing out my reply and I should have mentioned that. I was more referring to us locking official threads but your point still stands.

Not that we’re considering introducing it again but the mechanic is a timer set to an arbitrary point in the future until it expires so that’s strange if that thread is still in slow mode. I’ll have to check out what’s causing that, thanks for the heads up!