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0s | now coming on to the importance of |
2s | hauling why I feel that uh it is |
6s | something that moves everything uh uh |
9s | and it is it plays a very important part |
11s | in our whole economy uh and everything |
14s | that a player does everything that we |
15s | are able to accomplish is because |
17s | there's some bit of falling involved |
19s | whether it is uh uh you moving your own |
23s | stuff someone moving your stuff uh |
25s | Alliance is moving |
27s | um they're free everything right even |
28s | ganking uh happens because we we move |
32s | that stuff |
37s | so yeah |
39s | um now coming on to uh types of colors |
43s | um I have divided them into three type |
44s | of followers one is what the if you if |
47s | you if you were presented causes |
50s | presentation they are divisional Traders |
52s | or Trader haulers |
54s | um these are the people who are moving |
56s | stuff from one region to another trying |
57s | to figure out which regions make better |
60s | profits for them and to increase their |
63s | margins they basically move their own |
65s | stuff |
66s | yeah uh and then second we have |
68s | industrial hauler so if you saw the data |
72s | set that the last uh CCP data team was |
75s | sharing Dell has a lot of movement of |
77s | Freighters and docking so I think |
79s | primarily that is because these are the |
81s | haulers who are moving uh their |
83s | production materials from one Citadel to |
85s | another uh and uh that can be |
88s | accomplished in Freighters so that can |
90s | so these are the people who are moving |
91s | their own stuff from one production |
93s | cycle to next intermediate materials or |
96s | whatever |
97s | and they they fall into this industrial |
99s | Hollow category and the finals are the |
102s | professional haulers or The Courier |
103s | contract haulers uh which we are or |
106s | which I am |
107s | um so we basically cut across both of |
110s | these uh play styles |
112s | uh if Regional haulers feel that they |
115s | can you know take a dip in their margins |
118s | for the safety that uh of someone else |
120s | taking the risk will provide |
122s | then they they will use us uh or they |
125s | are basically people who will move |
127s | anything for some isk yeah so they carry |
130s | the highest risk uh and they carry all |
133s | the all the risk and that's why they are |
135s | rewarded for that |
137s | so yeah uh |
140s | this is |
142s | uh so I think it's self-explanatory but |
144s | okay what new Eden fields we do we are |
147s | these space uh spaceship cargo haulers |
150s | moving stuff from one place to another |
152s | like a ship captain |
153s | what gankers will we do we just |
155s | autopilot uh or we have Bots or half of |
158s | us are Bots |
160s | what we think we do |
162s | um so |
163s | we think we are the Han Solo moving |
166s | through this |
169s | moving through the the treacherous Inuit |
171s | evading Pirates evading gankers and then |
174s | getting the stuff to where they are |
176s | needed what we actually do is we just |
179s | watch Netflix |
180s | on the other screen |
182s | so yeah that's that's uh yeah of what we |
186s | do so now coming on to the main topic uh |
188s | how do you become a hauler so you |
191s | maybe there is something that you find |
193s | it interesting or you want to get into |
195s | it |
196s | and these are the requirements that I |
198s | feel uh are basic requirements to get |
200s | into hauling |
201s | first is you need minimum of two |
203s | accounts I say that because it is Eve if |
207s | you use your hauler to move your stuff |
209s | you are going to get get killed so you |
211s | need two accounts the one will be your |
213s | hidden uh one who accepts the contract |
216s | and the other one who actually moves the |
218s | contract so uh you subcontract it to |
220s | your other pilot so nobody knows who is |
223s | your real freighter alt yeah that's why |
225s | you need two and the second one is that |
227s | your uh the one who accepts the contract |
230s | can also uh Scout ahead and scouting is |
232s | very important because |
235s | ganking |
237s | uh and yeah any ship type so uh can be a |
241s | hauling ship if you look at it right it |
243s | can be sunesis which is a really good uh |
245s | Destroyer which has the biggest cargo |
248s | capacity very versatile ship and can use |
251s | it can be used for hauling in a way but |
253s | don't use it uh |
260s | uh and then yeah any any ship which has |
262s | an M3 can be moved can be a hauling ship |
265s | but then there are specific hauling |
267s | ships made in Eve uh which have which |
269s | provide larger cargo capacities for the |
272s | stuff which are big |
274s | um and they and we'll get into that in a |
276s | bit and then collateral you need |
279s | collateral to cover the |
281s | amount uh if you're moving someone |
283s | else's good collateral is something that |
285s | you will need so that you can cover the |
286s | isk or the risk from the person you are |
289s | accepting the contract from this can |
292s | start from anywhere if you're public on |
293s | uh hauling you can it can start from say |
296s | 10 million 15 million and go up to 300 |
299s | billion for a bank contract |
302s | um and then strain the skills that |
304s | matter for hauling so there are very few |
306s | skills that can help you move faster so |
308s | these will be your agility skills |
312s | um your tanking skills uh depending on |
315s | the ship type you use it can be Shield |
316s | tank or armor tank Fuel and range this |
320s | is specifically for jump rating so if |
322s | you are using |
323s | uh you need jdc jump drive calibration |
327s | five to be most effective |
329s | um and the other jump fuel conservation |
332s | or jump rater skills to optimize how |
334s | much fuel you're consuming so that you |
336s | don't get stranded in a null sex system |
339s | um and then speed |
341s | um so there are few skills that increase |
343s | your subvert velocity uh and they they |
345s | also come in handy so if you have |
347s | trained these skills the then you are on |
350s | your path to you can start hauling in in |
352s | a way |
354s | uh now coming on to public versus |
357s | private hauling this is something that |
359s | is uh ever lasting debate that keeps on |
362s | going |
364s | um so CCP data team was uh kind enough |
366s | to provide some data on this as well to |
370s | us to see how how much it actually is |
373s | there so I'll just delve into it |
375s | so if you look at the distribution of |
377s | Courier contracts |
379s | um you will see that public private |
382s | contracts make up three times the so |
384s | this this data set is for past six |
385s | months by the way so from January to |
388s | June 2023. |
390s | uh so private contracts make up almost |
394s | three times the number of public |
395s | contracts that are that are out there |
397s | across all six status |
400s | um |
401s | and that is contrary to popular belief |
404s | that public contracts are widely used uh |
406s | we when we when I saw this data I was |
408s | surprised as well uh and if you if you |
411s | start breaking this down a bit you will |
413s | see that private contract distribution |
415s | how does it look like across sex |
417s | statuses it can also give you a view |
420s | into how accessible something is uh for |
422s | if players which can affect this uh |
426s | distribution |
428s | so if you look at this uh High SEC makes |
430s | up 63 percent of all the private |
433s | contracts being private Courier |
435s | contracts being generated |
436s | 32 percent is Null Sec and then a very |
439s | tiny bit in uh low SEC which didn't show |
442s | up because by check |
447s | this is origin |
449s | orange yeah |
452s | uh yeah so high second Null Sec make up |
454s | the bulk of the private Courier |
455s | contracts that are there nulsek |
458s | uh in a way it is I mean it's uh it's |
461s | it's it can explain by the fact that a |
465s | lot of these big huge alliances that you |
467s | guys are part of have their own Freight |
469s | freight services that go from their |
472s | region to uh the market hubs and that is |
475s | and and since you can control the access |
477s | of who docs in the stations and |
478s | everything it is their own folks who are |
481s | doing The Courier contract so it is it |
483s | can make up a lot of private contracts |
486s | um we are not able to decipher why |
489s | private contracts and high SEC is such |
491s | big part of it |
494s | um if you look at the public contract |
496s | distribution it is 92 percent of all the |
499s | contracts being generated in uh |
502s | in high SEC is basically uh |
506s | public contract you know |
508s | so yeah so this is because I mean this |
510s | can be explained that uh for haulers if |
513s | you if you see high SEC is the most |
515s | accessible place you can go anywhere you |
517s | want and that is why it shows that 92 |
520s | percent of those contracts that are |
522s | there are really accessible to a lot of |
524s | haulers but if you start moving to low |
526s | SEC which is still again accessible but |
529s | it is a bit harder to get into |
532s | uh it so it makes up a small percentage |
535s | of it and then it completely dies off in |
537s | Null Sec |
539s | uh so yeah public hauling uh is more |
542s | predominant in high SEC if uh if you can |
545s | say that |
545s | uh choosing the right hauling ship so |
548s | once you have decided you want to either |
549s | go with the private hauling or a public |
552s | hauling you want to choose the right |
554s | ship type yeah |
556s | so this is my cheat sheet that uh |
560s | um I'll not go through each of these but |
562s | I'll just quickly tell you that oops |
564s | sorry |
566s | I'll just quick quickly tell you uh |
568s | Interceptor destroyers are a good |
570s | starting ship if you want to try hauling |
574s | um they they they they can they are low |
576s | tank uh very low tank they can be smart |
578s | bombed up uh smart bombed on your way |
580s | from uh going through Amazon |
584s | verse system uh cargo value they can |
587s | carry is really high a lot of people use |
589s | uh |
590s | uh what do you say move their bpcs and |
593s | bpos in interceptors or sunasis |
596s | um and it is really safe ship but if it |
599s | is in high SEC it is really safe in a |
601s | way cargo capacity is limited so if you |
604s | see sonosis has the highest one that is |
607s | 600 M3 |
608s | uh whereas the uh um if you use |
611s | interceptors you get hundred hundred and |
612s | fifty M3 which is very less |
616s | um speed very high so when I talk about |
618s | speed it is basically moving from point |
620s | A to point B uh they can move at very |
623s | high velocities uh blockade Runners are |
626s | a bit upgrade or a starting level safest |
629s | ships to move high value cargo |
631s | and then deep space transport is again a |
635s | dsts again are very good ships if you so |
638s | they have a limited uh |
640s | um what do you say cargo value because |
642s | you don't want to carry a lot of stuff |
644s | into lowsec or null sex system I I do |
648s | have the destruction data for all of |
650s | these so we'll just go through all of |
651s | this uh quickly how how safe they can be |
654s | in a specific system |
657s | you have a deep space transport the same |
659s | as a generator |
666s | I'm also |
669s | that is yeah I messed up |
673s | no no so this goes to 62 500 M3 at the |
677s | maximum |
678s | and that is 360 000 yeah I need to work |
681s | on that I I'll I'll share the updated |
683s | one |
687s | yeah yeah |
690s | jump rate is high yeah |
693s | no I think I had updated it but this is |
695s | probably the old old version uh but I'll |
697s | share the updated one |
699s | um yeah and then jump raters are the |
702s | fastest ship that can go around from |
703s | point A to point B because they have |
705s | jump drives so something like Freight in |
708s | a freighter if you move from Jita to |
709s | Amar through high sex system and don't |
712s | take uh any shortcuts through Amazon you |
715s | will reach there in |
717s | two hours and where is if you use a jump |
720s | freighter you you can probably reach |
722s | there in 20 minutes that's how fast it |
725s | is |
726s | um so yeah you can use this as a as a if |
730s | you want to try to figure out which ship |
732s | type to use you can use this |
735s | and then if you look at public versus |
737s | private contract one of the other thing |
739s | is the failure rate right how much risk |
742s | is involved in all of these |
745s | um so private so let's look at private |
747s | private contracts first so two percent |
749s | of all the private contracts have been |
751s | failed so the data that we were provided |
753s | doesn't say uh whether it was ganged or |
757s | it was failed |
758s | um because the item inside was valuable |
761s | for the for the person |
763s | so we don't have that clarification so |
765s | we are just clubbing it clubbing it all |
767s | and under the gank and thinking it's |
769s | mostly gank |
771s | um so if you look at it two percent of |
773s | all the public private contracts are |
775s | getting failed in uh in past six months |
777s | so that that is almost 7 000 contracts |
781s | uh and if you look at the distribution |
783s | of this two percent where it goes |
785s | 1.9 percent is high sec |
788s | 4.8 percent is low SEC and two percent |
791s | is Null Sec so that is the distribution |
793s | of those 7500 contracts |
795s | and if you look at public contracts |
799s | 2.6 percent is the failure rate which is |
803s | 2564 contracts or the 90 000 contracts |
806s | that are that are made uh in the last |
808s | six months and the distribution of this |
810s | looks like something like this |
812s | so if you see I did public contracts are |
815s | something that is if you post it on uh |
818s | public haulers Channel |
820s | something good and rewarding will get |
822s | quickly snatched up but then the risk |
825s | involved are very high in a way |
827s | relatively |
828s | so people are competing like there's a |
831s | high competition uh there's lower |
833s | rewards because public contracts are |
835s | generally paid lower than what you can |
837s | get in private contracts |
839s | and the risk you carry is a lot higher |
841s | so when you when you try to choose |
843s | between if you want to be a public |
845s | hauler or private hauler that can be |
847s | something |
848s | Um this can be a good indicator to look |
850s | at it that way uh to gauge the risk and |
852s | reward |
854s | um and now I just wanted to give you a |
856s | reference point on how it looks like |
857s | with one of the bigger uh like voice X |
860s | Red Frog or a bigger hauling Corporation |
863s | how does these failure rates look like |
865s | and our data is basically gank rates uh |
868s | what are gank rates look like uh so for |
870s | high circuit is 0.42 |
873s | for low circuit is 0.23 percent and null |
877s | second zero percent |
878s | so not bragging but yeah |
885s | this is that uh this is against our own |
887s | data of how much contracts we get |
890s | um yeah on that |
893s | uh Hollow destruction so my friend Zee |
896s | was able to scrap through all the zekel |
899s | data to give us some of uh the data that |
903s | I'm going to show you around ship |
904s | destruction and hollership destruction |
906s | um one caveat with this is this is all |
909s | the destruction that is posted on zikal |
911s | so lot of the gankers try to hide it by |
914s | not providing the apis to their kills to |
918s | zekel and sometimes the haulers don't |
922s | want to be shamed so they they don't |
926s | post their uh kill on on zekel so unless |
929s | it is not on zekel it's not shown up |
932s | here |
935s | destruction how it looks like across the |
937s | four categories that is the |
939s | um |
940s | Blockade Runner DST jump freighter and |
943s | freighter if you look at it |
945s | dsts and blockade Runners make a very |
948s | big part of the ship destruction and I |
952s | don't know if this one has a laser |
953s | pointer |
954s | this is the last six months yeah uh till |
957s | from June from January to June and then |
959s | July because we wanted to look |
962s | and because we wanted to look at how |
964s | does it look like with Lancers coming |
966s | into the picture |
967s | uh so if you see |
970s | um for freighter specifically |
972s | um it starts picking up in May it almost |
974s | doubles the number of kills this is |
976s | because |
977s | uh safety was trying to do a lot of |
979s | ganking in high sec |
981s | and it it and there was only one person |
984s | who does it so it just spiked and then |
988s | he he slowly is burning out or I don't |
991s | know |
993s | so it's on a downwards Trend but if you |
995s | see jump raters they were not making up |
998s | that much of kills in high sec in June |
1001s | it suddenly spikes up to 57 kills which |
1003s | is almost five times the number of kills |
1005s | that usually happens this is again |
1008s | because that specific player started |
1010s | killing jump Raiders in um Jita |
1013s | and then it again dwindles off because |
1015s | killing jump Raiders and high SEC |
1017s | requires a lot of DPS a lot of |
1021s | um |
1021s | planning yeah very initially because you |
1025s | don't get much time to prepare if a |
1026s | freighter is coming through a certain |
1028s | system it is usually three or four jumps |
1030s | before you need to figure out uh is it |
1032s | worth taking or ganking them or not |
1034s | unless they are autopiloting |
1037s | um so yeah this is what it looks for |
1038s | high sec |
1039s | uh and this is what it looks for low sec |
1043s | um so if you see again dsts and blockade |
1046s | Runners make up a very big part of the |
1049s | ship kills almost 300 to 400 kills every |
1052s | month every month |
1054s | um and again Freighters I don't know why |
1056s | they're in low SEC but they are there |
1059s | uh and they they make a 40 to 50 kills |
1062s | every every uh every month and jump |
1064s | Freighters if you see it has started |
1067s | picking up from June to July |
1070s | um and I think it has and now it will |
1073s | pick up more |
1074s | this doesn't show land circles |
1078s | um I'm yet to check if it does I don't |
1080s | think it shows land circles |
1083s | um but with Lancers it's very tricky |
1085s | because they don't show up on Z kill uh |
1088s | specifically the people are trying to |
1089s | hide it and that's why it uh I think |
1092s | this is this regular all the all the |
1094s | jump fighter kills that are happening |
1095s | and it is started picking up and I think |
1097s | it's a lot more higher right now with |
1099s | all the risk involved and the another |
1100s | thing is that's a kind of uh if I can |
1104s | say uh ripple effect that is happening |
1107s | is if they're not getting killed in |
1109s | low-sec you will see them trickle down |
1111s | to high SEC it is because the entry |
1113s | points to these high-sec systems have |
1115s | been cut down a lot because now you |
1118s | cannot use stations that are very far |
1121s | away from the gates right you need to |
1122s | either have your own citadels near the |
1124s | grid |
1125s | or you need to have an empty system |
1128s | um and so a lot of gankers have started |
1131s | uh you know getting into these choke |
1135s | points that are that are good systems to |
1137s | get into high SEC and you will see if |
1139s | they are not happening there they will |
1140s | they will if they are the targets they |
1142s | will happen over there |
1144s | now |
1145s | coming on to why pros and cons of public |
1148s | hauling and uh private hauling so if you |
1152s | look there's no commitment required in |
1155s | when you become a public holiday right |
1156s | you can it's like a switch if you want |
1158s | if you feel like it you go go out and |
1161s | haul someone's accept someone's contract |
1163s | and just go out and haul |
1166s | um and if you don't feel like it you |
1167s | don't need to haul if you can go months |
1169s | without hauling you can ah |
1171s | Hall every day |
1173s | if you look at the other one which is |
1175s | the choose any ship type so |
1177s | once the contract is accepted what ship |
1180s | type you use to get that delivery done |
1182s | doesn't matter and till the time the |
1185s | delivery is made |
1187s | and even if you lose that ship the and |
1189s | you have covered it through collateral |
1191s | uh the person who has made the |
1193s | contractors and loses anything so you |
1195s | can use any ship type there's no |
1196s | standard operating procedure that you |
1197s | need to use this specific ship types |
1200s | yeah uh no Sops and you build your own |
1203s | brand so you say you are into it for a |
1206s | long time so someone like a moon pyre if |
1208s | you guys know him uh he has made his own |
1210s | brand by evacuating fraternity out of uh |
1214s | or was it fire |
1216s | yeah he he evacuated fire and moved like |
1219s | one |
1220s | something 20 years 20 years so he just |
1222s | moved a lot of stuff for them and he has |
1224s | built a brand brand around evacuation |
1226s | for large null second alliances and that |
1229s | is how you can make your own brand if |
1231s | you're doing your own thing and that is |
1233s | one of the pros of public hauling and |
1235s | you get to keep what you earn you don't |
1236s | need to share it with anyone |
1238s | so that's a good part uh cons so if you |
1242s | look at the cons of it is you have to |
1245s | figure out everything on your own you |
1246s | have to go through a lot of stuff as |
1248s | eBay's you have to read through a lot of |
1250s | Articles best practices around hauling |
1253s | you have to read through all of those |
1255s | and then you have no access to |
1257s | sophisticated tools so um shortly after |
1259s | some time I'll show you what tools we |
1261s | use at push X and those have been built |
1264s | across last 10 years so very |
1266s | sophisticated tools that helps us keep |
1268s | our sanity uh but if you are someone |
1272s | getting into hauling you don't have any |
1274s | access to sophisticated tools you you |
1276s | use contract Windows mostly uh to figure |
1279s | out what contracts to pick up are they |
1280s | gang contracts or not you have to figure |
1282s | everything out on your own |
1286s | higher risk with lower rewards so if you |
1288s | look looked at the uh looked at the last |
1291s | destruction charts if you looked at how |
1293s | much competition is there for the |
1295s | limited number of amounts of public |
1296s | contacts that are out there |
1298s | uh as us said |
1301s | uh it doesn't make a lot of sense the |
1304s | risk reward doesn't make a lot of sense |
1307s | too much competition for good contracts |
1309s | and then lack of standardization uh in a |
1312s | way that |
1314s | you don't have a volume limited systems |
1317s | in place so 360 |
1320s | 1000 M3 of materials can be moved in a |
1323s | jump freighter as well as a freighter so |
1325s | you you are free to use anything so |
1327s | there's no standardization of what what |
1329s | chip type to use for what |
1332s | private hauling uh Pros good money to be |
1335s | made really good |
1337s | it is uh very good money I mean if you |
1340s | want to try it and want to join a |
1343s | private hauling corporations they make |
1344s | tons of money I think |
1346s | I don't know uh push X in last 10 years |
1349s | has a total reward of 15 trillion amor I |
1353s | don't know |
1354s | um and then access to sophisticated |
1356s | tools access to private structures a lot |
1359s | of private haulers if you're in an |
1361s | alliance and your goons you have your |
1363s | Amazon structure that you can use to get |
1365s | into Gita which is really safe it is |
1367s | 1000 kilometers of uh of the grid so if |
1371s | you are part of a big Corporation or a |
1373s | big Alliance you get to have access to |
1376s | structures that where otherwise you |
1378s | would be using NPC stations which are a |
1380s | lot more scarier |
1382s | um yeah so so that makes Hollings a bit |
1385s | safer |
1387s | um years of knowledge on private wikis |
1389s | um if |
1391s | there are a lot of there's a lot of |
1392s | small details when you when you are |
1394s | hauling apart from the big ones that you |
1397s | the small nuances that you need to keep |
1399s | uh |
1400s | keep in mind so that you are more safer |
1402s | than the general haulers and these are |
1405s | in a way walled behind a lot of these |
1409s | private wikis that they have you know um |
1412s | the data the knowledge has been |
1414s | accumulated over a long period of time |
1419s | that is the wrong one |
1421s | you don't keep what you want this is |
1423s | again an outdated one |
1426s | uh minimum required hauling so if you |
1430s | are private part of a private Courier |
1432s | contract group you need to keep certain |
1434s | minimum activity to not be kicked out uh |
1437s | because at the end of the day if the |
1439s | goal is to do as many Courier contracts |
1441s | as possible uh then you need to be |
1445s | actively doing it |
1449s | stringent interview process to join so I |
1451s | don't know about rff but at push X we |
1453s | have a very huge uh interview uh |
1459s | Google forms that you need to fill out |
1461s | before you join us |
1462s | and it takes an hour to fill it out so |
1464s | it's very it we basically want you to |
1468s | know what you're doing we're not there |
1470s | to train you uh and and that is that is |
1473s | how it works uh because uh |
1476s | people trust us with moving their goods |
1478s | from pointer to point B we cannot be |
1480s | teaching them how to do it so public |
1483s | hauling can be a good start to get into |
1484s | it and once you get a Vibe of it and you |
1486s | want to stick around and want to start |
1488s | making money then probably private |
1490s | career contracts or something waiting |
1492s | times to join can be High |
1494s | um retrog has a six months waiting time |
1498s | um so yeah that so if they are filled up |
1502s | to capacity and normally freighting is |
1504s | something that scales up the more amount |
1506s | of oils that you can add |
1509s | um so because it's uh one click action |
1513s | per system in a way |
1515s | um so it scales up if you have more |
1517s | Freighters and you start making more |
1519s | money |
1520s | um so that way uh if it's a demand |
1523s | Supply thing you're getting a number of |
1525s | contracts you have enough people who can |
1527s | control that amount of or move that |
1530s | amount of stuff then they don't need |
1532s | additional people uh coming in and |
1534s | taking the contracts away right so |
1536s | joining awaiting times can be a bit High |
1538s | uh |
1540s | will give you a percentage of earnings |
1542s | of attacks so for push X it is three |
1545s | percent that we need to give uh as uh |
1548s | tax every week that we earn to the |
1551s | corporation |
1552s | and |
1554s | um for |
1555s | Red Frog it is 10 to 15 including the |
1560s | insurance so they also provide insurance |
1561s | so if you lose your stuff they will |
1563s | reimburse you the whole money we don't |
1566s | uh |
1568s | you are a small Cog in a machine so at |
1571s | the end of the day you join them you |
1573s | move the stuff and you move out so some |
1576s | someone like me I came here uh I'm |
1579s | talking about hauling and then maybe |
1581s | I'll move to a different Alliance |
1583s | different Corporation but uh you guys |
1585s | will remember that push X did a |
1586s | presentation right so so so uh we are |
1591s | all a small Cog in the machine our CEOs |
1593s | keep changing |
1595s | um our CEO changed in the last two years |
1597s | he was there for last eight years but |
1598s | you guys don't remember him nobody does |
1600s | we also sometimes forget so so at the |
1603s | end of the day we are all working for a |
1604s | brand uh not the we we don't work for |
1608s | ourselves whatever we do reflects on |
1610s | what we are trying to build as an |
1612s | alliance as a corporation so at the end |
1614s | of the day you um |
1616s | are a small Cog in a machine |
1618s | uh |
1620s | first ever sneak peek into R2 I don't |
1622s | know how many of you have seen our tool |
1624s | but this is something that we have built |
1626s | over uh last 10 years it keeps on |
1629s | getting upgraded |
1631s | uh I'll just quickly walk you through |
1633s | what it what it can do |
1636s | so it automatically segregates the |
1638s | contracts that comes to us on based on |
1641s | their type so if it is a large jump Rita |
1644s | contract it will get categorized as jump |
1646s | rater if it is standard it will get |
1648s | categorized as standards and the rush |
1649s | contracts which are the what do you say |
1653s | the Amazon rush I don't know one day |
1654s | delivery thing uh that that gets |
1658s | segregated on the top |
1660s | uh that is how it works it helps Pusher |
1662s | keep track of their in-progress |
1664s | contracts so if you see up there there |
1666s | is an in progress tab so it keeps uh it |
1669s | helps you keep the track of what |
1671s | contracts you have in progress you have |
1672s | accepted those what are what what is the |
1674s | number of time left to deliver those |
1677s | where does the expiration looks like and |
1679s | everything like that |
1680s | PR also helps you find contracts on |
1683s | Route so uh if you're moving from Gita |
1685s | to Omar you don't necessarily move into |
1688s | a deadhead like without any cargo it can |
1692s | that you find something in rents to pick |
1694s | up so our PIR our software will |
1696s | basically tell you that there's |
1698s | something in range that you can pick up |
1699s | while going to Omar |
1700s | so it helps you min max the amount of |
1704s | money you can or and contracts you can |
1706s | do and the money you can make |
1708s | internal leaders for internal |
1710s | leaderboards for pushers so uh weekly |
1713s | we'll show you uh who are the top |
1716s | pushers who are moving a lot of stuff |
1718s | around uh and how many contracts they |
1720s | have finished and you can see the whole |
1722s | Leaderboard on our |
1724s | leaders like the main page |
1727s | uh it helps you send completion contract |
1730s | to our customers so if you might have |
1731s | used any any project Services you might |
1734s | have gotten a completion email uh that |
1737s | states that your stuff has been moved by |
1739s | this Pusher uh we used to have it that |
1742s | you need to click on that email email |
1745s | thing and then it gets the mail gets |
1748s | sent out but now I think we have |
1750s | automated that as well so |
1752s | we constantly keep working on it uh |
1755s | helps you keep track of your bonus |
1756s | payout so we have a bonus payout system |
1758s | I'll not go into that if you join us |
1760s | I'll let you know uh but it it helps you |
1763s | keep track of how much bonus you are |
1765s | earning in a week uh that is a part in |
1768s | above more um |
1770s | about what you want as a pusher like |
1773s | from the rewards |
1775s | helps you set up root so if you see we |
1777s | have a router system there which and |
1780s | that is one of the best part about it |
1782s | that it doesn't work with the in-game |
1784s | router system it we have built our own |
1787s | router database uh within within our |
1789s | software which helps you make routes uh |
1792s | much better and then export it to |
1794s | in-game so so you can just quickly make |
1797s | routes in in here avoid whatever you |
1799s | want to avoid go wherever you want to go |
1801s | and then export it to a game |
1803s | so it helps you be more efficient |
1806s | filter out the contracts for your needs |
1808s | so if you see there's a queue filter |
1810s | over there which can help you so say for |
1812s | example your freighter has a 848 000 M3 |
1815s | capacity you are filled up to 800 000. |
1818s | now there's only 48 000 left you put in |
1821s | the volume 48 000 you put in the |
1823s | collateral that you have left |
1826s | um and then it will figure out all the |
1829s | contracts that you need that you can |
1830s | take up while going uh wherever you are |
1833s | headed |
1835s | um check cargo values in an instant to |
1837s | Janice so if you see the links tab over |
1839s | there which is basically hyperlinks to |
1841s | every |
1842s | um every useful website and articles uh |
1846s | it will take you to Janus where uh you |
1848s | can put anything you want as a I I mean |
1851s | appraise the cargo value that you're |
1853s | moving |
1854s | and then you can see if it is over |
1856s | collateral or someone has just put in |
1858s | you know being smart and put the lower |
1860s | collateral value for |
1862s | uh for moving the stuff |
1864s | and much more so this is just the tip of |
1867s | the iceberg of what this software can do |
1868s | it has it's lot more uh sophisticated |
1871s | than this and if you if you ever decide |
1874s | to join us uh it will be a great |
1876s | experience hauling with this tool it |
1878s | makes life much more easier and helps us |
1880s | keep our sanity |
1882s | uh how to spot gang contracts so okay so |
1885s | if you look at it you have decided |
1887s | between private contract public contract |
1889s | you have decided chip type to use you |
1891s | have decided uh that you want to get |
1893s | into hauling and now you want to figure |
1896s | out how to find out gang contracts or |
1900s | scam contracts |
1902s | uh and they can be really pain in the |
1904s | ass so they they will be very lucrative |
1907s | for the efforts or something like Jita |
1909s | to UA dhamma |
1911s | um |
1913s | uh say it's a 5 billion is collateral |
1916s | it's 500 million reward oh that sounds |
1919s | good so you you might just think oh I |
1921s | can deliver it it's just six jumps seven |
1923s | jumps extremely high collateral |
1926s | or it can be something like Gita to |
1929s | Shera you guys know that the adjacent |
1932s | system to Amazon |
1934s | and then it will be so it's goes through |
1936s | Amazon so it's gonna die uh |
1941s | so so you might think it's six jumps and |
1943s | then you accept it it's very high |
1945s | collateral uh you pay the collateral and |
1948s | then if it dies the so the the |
1952s | issuer gets the money back uh so yeah so |
1956s | if you see something that is very |
1958s | lucrative and sounds too good to be true |
1959s | which is true with Eve don't take it |
1963s | freighter size contracts in high SEC |
1965s | Island so if you guys know what high SEC |
1967s | Islander it is a system of high SEC |
1969s | islands that is connected or that will |
1972s | need to go through a low sex system to |
1974s | reach to that high SEC Island uh so a |
1977s | lot of what people do is they create |
1978s | contracts |
1980s | um I think incursion Runners have uh |
1982s | have these high SEC Islands sometimes so |
1985s | what basically will happen is they they |
1987s | will need to go through uh low sex |
1990s | system to reach that high SEC and once |
1993s | you have accepted that contract uh |
1995s | you've there's no other way so if they |
1997s | are freighter sized you will need to |
2000s | move it in a freighter you cannot move |
2001s | it anything else so it will be like 5 |
2003s | billion collateral and its Pi materials |
2006s | worth 100 million so you you can't do |
2008s | anything uh |
2010s | private structures this is my biggest |
2013s | concern is that docking accesses or ACLS |
2016s | can be switched in an instant uh my |
2021s | like yeah this is I don't like this uh |
2023s | so what happens is that once you accept |
2026s | the contract even if it's a private |
2028s | contract uh or a public contract but in |
2031s | a high sex system what will happen is |
2033s | they will accept the contract and then |
2035s | they will switch the docking rights off |
2037s | uh to that structure but now I think |
2040s | there's also called delivery boxes that |
2042s | you can put it in the delivery box but |
2045s | again it's a very tedious process so if |
2047s | you're standing there in a freighter in |
2049s | a 0.5 system very highly High chances |
2051s | that you might get ganked check past |
2053s | contract history of the people who are |
2055s | making these public contracts the very |
2057s | lucrative ones so if you see a lot of |
2059s | failed contracts then uh there's |
2061s | something fishy going on over there |
2063s | because if a person's lot of uh the |
2066s | issuers a lot of past history or failed |
2068s | contracts that basically means that |
2070s | something wrong is happening in that |
2072s | area |
2073s | uh contracts not being picked up for |
2076s | some time so if you see something that |
2078s | is not picked up by anyone in a long |
2080s | time then there's something going on |
2083s | over there yeah that's the biggest |
2084s | indicator like if you see uh something |
2086s | like uh contract that is not being |
2089s | picked up first with a 500 million |
2091s | reward not being picked up for past |
2094s | seven days then yeah if people are not |
2096s | touching it don't touch it |
2101s | best practices as a hauler so |
2103s | autopiloting is just asking for it to be |
2105s | killed don't do it |
2107s | I would suggest even if it is boring and |
2110s | you looking at the screen for a long |
2112s | time for two hours you're just hitting |
2114s | one button |
2115s | CCP needs to update that I talked to a |
2117s | lot of people but yeah if you're looking |
2120s | at uh one screen for two hours and just |
2122s | making one action every system it gets |
2124s | boring but do not autopilot it's uh it's |
2129s | very risky uh and gankers get a lot of |
2132s | time to set up because you're Landing 15 |
2134s | kilometers off gate and you're moving at |
2136s | sub 100 M3 uh speed meters per second |
2139s | sorry uh speed and then it you they get |
2143s | a lot of time to scan you and then if |
2145s | you are worthy enough or they are bored |
2147s | enough you're dead |
2149s | so always Scout uh |
2152s | and use Intel tools so there are a lot |
2154s | of free Intel tools available you have |
2156s | gank Intel channel in game uh you have |
2160s | gate cam Checker that is out of game uh |
2164s | you have zekel out of game you can use |
2167s | these tools to figure out if the route |
2168s | you are going to is safe enough how safe |
2170s | it safe enough it is when to move your |
2172s | stuff |
2173s | um yeah so that that's that will help |
2175s | have John Wick's Focus |
2179s | you need to be very focused because with |
2181s | scouting a lot of gankers are now |
2185s | so if you know there's a stream that |
2186s | runs 24 7. um |
2188s | Scout so gankers are now trying to get |
2192s | around it by |
2195s | by moving out of the regions that are |
2198s | the systems that have eyes in so if |
2201s | you're moving your stuff and you are |
2202s | seeing your Dharma Scout you will see |
2205s | that there's no one in the system it's |
2206s | empty for example uh |
2209s | and then they will basically be hiding |
2211s | in the next uh so for UA Dharma it will |
2215s | be in kubernet so it's a nearest low sex |
2217s | system they will just hide there so they |
2220s | will not show up on any of the streams |
2221s | your scout will not check the low sex |
2223s | system because it's the least expected |
2225s | system for for the gankers to come in |
2227s | from and then suddenly when your |
2229s | Freighters jumps in you will have 20 |
2231s | bombers in front of you and they move |
2233s | really quick so you need to keep looking |
2235s | around and you need to be very active in |
2237s | your scouting trying to figure out what |
2239s | potential places can the gankers come |
2241s | from uh yeah |
2244s | Fleet up this is basically for webbing |
2247s | um so if you're if you are in a uodama |
2250s | or in a very tight Sports system you can |
2254s | web out if you want to uh and webbing is |
2257s | again a different concept I did not have |
2260s | not covered it in here but if you are |
2263s | moving from point A to point B |
2265s | uh if you're fleeted up it's more easier |
2268s | to see where your freighter is and and |
2270s | then web them uh short cuts in |
2275s | no shortcuts it should be no shortcuts |
2277s | don't take shortcuts |
2279s | uh if you take shortcuts it's again |
2282s | asking for to be killed |
2284s | prime example someone moving from Gita |
2286s | to uh Amar and taking Amazon |
2290s | so don't take it uh |
2293s | don't be a loot pinata so if you see |
2295s | there are some zekel contracts that have |
2298s | 13 billion in freighter but getting |
2300s | moved CCP Arora told me yesterday she |
2302s | moved 13 billion in a freight and I was |
2303s | like don't you don't do that |
2306s | so if someone is moving 13 billion in a |
2308s | freighter or 15 billion in a freighter |
2310s | 10 billion in a freighter the risk |
2312s | rewards gets completely skewed because |
2314s | the people who are trying to make that |
2316s | uh or trying to kill you will will have |
2320s | a very good time and they don't have |
2322s | much of risk I'll just quickly start |
2324s | going through a lot of these because I |
2325s | think I've covered a lot uh dual |
2328s | invitations don't accept have it off by |
2330s | default or in in your general settings |
2333s | there's a way to turn off dual dual |
2335s | invitations have it off on your |
2337s | freighter not on your Weber |
2340s | um cloak plus mwd is your friend in DST |
2342s | you always use it if you are in an empty |
2344s | system if you are in a system filled |
2346s | with a lot of people always use it it |
2349s | will keep you safe and it's one of the |
2351s | best practices uh and follow your gut so |
2354s | a lot of time I have been saved by |
2355s | following my gut you will see this empty |
2358s | slasher sitting on the uh on a on a gate |
2362s | and they will and you are not paying |
2364s | attention they will scan you passively |
2366s | scan you and there's no way to tell you |
2368s | or tell that apart from seeing the |
2371s | animation that happens with it that they |
2374s | have scanned you and you wouldn't know |
2376s | that so unless you're paying attention |
2377s | uh you wouldn't know that you have been |
2380s | scanned and you have been picked up as a |
2381s | Target |
2382s | so follow your gut sometimes it just |
2384s | feels that I don't I should not go |
2386s | through this system at this time just |
2387s | don't do it uh |
2389s | gankers are evolving so suicide ganking |
2392s | as I said the scanners are being |
2394s | replaced by bumping and scanning |
2396s | materials so scanners are very uh if you |
2399s | see at them at them you will see that |
2401s | they are just sitting there and they |
2403s | just scan everything that passes through |
2404s | so it becomes more uh giveaway so what |
2408s | they've started doing is they've started |
2409s | using bumping materials bumping was |
2411s | nerfed right now there's a three minute |
2414s | warp off timer on bumping but what they |
2416s | are doing is when they're bumping you |
2418s | the materials will scan you and if uh |
2421s | they are if you are worthy enough of |
2423s | being ganged the fleet will come in and |
2425s | they will kill you |
2426s | hiding in the nearest logic system I |
2428s | think I covered this uh using bombers |
2430s | instead of catalyst bombers have really |
2432s | high application for the capital ship |
2434s | classes so if uh so and they are a lot |
2437s | more agile so if they're hiding in a |
2439s | system they can easily move two to three |
2441s | systems while the time you get into the |
2444s | gank system so your Scouts will be out |
2447s | of place your Webers might be out of |
2448s | place and it gives them a lot of time |
2450s | and Agility to gank you |
2452s | ganking Lancers have brought in a huge |
2455s | change to the jump rating meta uh |
2457s | they're hiding uh Lancers through |
2461s | because they they Lance it it can't work |
2463s | they get scrammed by the fleet and then |
2466s | the Lancer takes a 20 minute uh timer |
2469s | um that the Z the kill mail refresh |
2471s | timer they will hide for next 20 minutes |
2473s | they'll keep the scram on and then uh |
2476s | they will reship and then they will kill |
2478s | you so they don't show up on zekel so we |
2480s | don't know how much impact they are |
2481s | making uh in the overall uh system |
2483s | reshipping to hide the impact of lances |
2486s | is something I talked about and using |
2487s | Citadel gate fighters to de-cloak ships |
2489s | at gate camps uh so if you see there are |
2492s | a lot of ships that uh citadels that can |
2494s | project fighters to the gate and they |
2496s | when they set up the gate camps in low |
2498s | SEC they will have these Fighters orbit |
2501s | the gate so that when uh when you jump |
2504s | into the system and try the mwd plus |
2506s | cloak trick it takes 10 seconds before |
2509s | you warp Off the Grid but the fighters |
2511s | that move uh with their nwds they are so |
2514s | fast they will de-cloke you and then the |
2516s | fleet will catch you so yeah that's |
2519s | something that they are there so now |
2523s | Courier contracts yeah this is for the |
2526s | customers so if as someone who is making |
2528s | a contract always use the 100 210 |
2531s | collateral rule always ensure your stuff |
2533s | in your insurance |
2535s | uh like having a collateral is your |
2539s | insurance that if something goes wrong |
2541s | uh you get your stuff back so this these |
2544s | are all from now the hollow point uh |
2546s | from a customer point of view so if it |
2548s | is uh if you're making a contract |
2551s | uh collateral is paid by the holler not |
2553s | you so if someone uh reaches out to you |
2555s | and says oh can you return me my |
2557s | collateral after a delivery don't do |
2559s | that they already get it back so uh no |
2562s | actual hauler will ask you for your |
2563s | collateral to be returned after delivery |
2565s | uh it's a scam |
2567s | so so haulers have one way to scan ah |
2570s | so set right reward |
2572s | um |
2573s | if you if you choose a reward very low |
2576s | it might not get picked up if you put it |
2578s | very high it will get picked up uh but |
2581s | then you are giving more money for that |
2584s | thing so how much you reward the haulers |
2587s | really depends if you if you will see |
2590s | your stuff in the station that you want |
2591s | to buy the next play session uh public |
2594s | reward calculator so you have Hollis |
2596s | Channel they have uh public uh they have |
2599s | a lot of links uh a lot of resources to |
2601s | figure out how much to reward if you're |
2603s | using a public contract |
2605s | private haulers have their own channels |
2607s | they have their own calculators which |
2609s | will show you how much uh certain things |
2611s | will cost you to move stuff and there's |
2613s | Eve hauling advisor uh that's uh that's |
2617s | a |
2618s | what do you say a website which |
2620s | basically Compares it Compares your move |
2623s | stuff that you want to move across the |
2625s | across all the private haulers and tell |
2628s | you whichever one is the cheapest |
2631s | uh I think you guys already know this |
2637s | customers finding right haulers uh |
2643s | yeah uh so if you see customers point of |
2646s | view finding the right haulers |
2649s | if you are a public hauler creating a |
2652s | public contract you will have wide |
2653s | availability of followers who are ready |
2654s | to accept the contract for the right |
2656s | price you have to pay lower cost so you |
2660s | uh you're paying uh bits like bit less |
2664s | than what you are paying to a private |
2665s | contracts and it supports new players so |
2667s | if anybody wants to start into hauling |
2669s | public contracts are the most accessible |
2671s | ones so you are helping a new player get |
2673s | into that uh uh get into the hauling |
2676s | aspect of Eve so that helps with that |
2679s | but the cons are that you don't know if |
2681s | it's a day one player going to accept a |
2683s | contract or a veteran who has been doing |
2685s | it for past 10 years you don't have |
2686s | control over that so it might be that |
2688s | you might just lose your stuff or it |
2691s | might be that it will get delivered |
2693s | safely a reward based sorting so lot of |
2696s | public haulers who are doing contracts |
2698s | they will sort it by rewards so the |
2700s | first reward the highest reward will get |
2702s | picked up first and then it trickles |
2705s | down so if you have put it at lower |
2707s | reward it will take some time but it |
2711s | will get picked up I've heard that it |
2712s | does get picked up little to no |
2714s | communication so if your stuff gets |
2717s | uh if your stuff gets delivered you will |
2720s | not receive a completion email if it |
2723s | gets stuck somewhere you will not |
2724s | receive a completion email so till the |
2727s | time uh the stuff has to be delivered it |
2730s | will it will not show up um |
2732s | but there's no communication |
2737s | so with private contracts you get |
2739s | reputation and trust a lot of these |
2742s | private hauling corporations have been |
2744s | going on for past 10 15 years so they |
2746s | have trust uh you are basically paying |
2749s | for the reputation and trust that your |
2751s | stuff will get moved safely you are |
2753s | paying for the expertise that they bring |
2755s | onto the table uh |
2757s | that they know what they're doing and |
2760s | then there's a good customer service |
2762s | really good and across across the |
2764s | Spectrum I think |
2766s | there's if you reach out to any of these |
2768s | private contract career contracts they |
2770s | will help you set up the contract they |
2772s | will help you figure out what |
2774s | um what to do for your specific scenario |
2776s | and and it's really good |
2779s | um cons is it's costly a bit more costly |
2782s | than what you would see on public |
2784s | contracts |
2785s | peak time delay so sometime it is |
2787s | earlier we had this where there was we |
2790s | were so cheap uh that the guy in Amar |
2793s | used to mine everything like the ice |
2795s | compressed Dice and then move it to Jita |
2797s | so we would get 50 50 contracts full |
2800s | fully loaded from Amar to Gita so it |
2803s | really clogs up our system and we need |
2806s | to have lot more people moving that |
2807s | stuff but now we have made it more |
2809s | expensive so they don't use us |
2813s | because uh we we want to manage what we |
2816s | what we want to do uh and moving |
2819s | compressed dice is not something we want |
2821s | to do uh and lack of personalization so |
2824s | uh you have to fit in with our limits |
2828s | that we that that we have on our |
2830s | websites that we have on uh uh set up |
2833s | that if certain contracts will not be |
2836s | moved if it is a jump rater uh say for |
2839s | example someone tells us why don't you |
2841s | use a freighter to move my stuff we |
2843s | can't do that if it is more if it is |
2845s | going to low sec |
2846s | and it it is above say 60 000 M3 we will |
2851s | use a jump fader I mean we'll not use a |
2853s | DST or a Blockade Runner for that so |
2857s | uh so yeah so you don't get to |
2860s | personalize the requests that much but |
2862s | if you have something like you say I |
2864s | want to move 500 billion ISC of stuff |
2867s | can you guys do it will definitely do it |
2870s | we just move the keepstar so |
2875s | sorry yeah yeah okay yeah yeah uh and |
2878s | this is almost done this is uh |
2882s | yeah so this is what happened so this is |
2884s | the trust and reputation you're paying |
2885s | for someone created a contract and they |
2888s | did uh 29 billion reward for a 600 |
2891s | million |
2892s | collateral which is not happening right |
2895s | so we reached out to them saying that |
2897s | you have made a wrong contract we have |
2900s | rejected your contract uh would would |
2902s | you like to remake it and that that was |
2904s | their response yeah so so you're paying |
2907s | for that trust uh you're paying for that |
2910s | reputation that the corporation has |
2912s | built |
2912s | uh at the end of the day everyone is a |
2914s | hauler uh public private doesn't matter |
2917s | uh you you are hauling and supporting |
2921s | the eve economy and this is a small |
2923s | video that that we have made and this is |
2926s | basically from all these screenshots |
2928s | that we uh have captured during one of |
2931s | our competitions internal competitions |
2933s | so you get to so we have a lot of time |
2936s | so we took we take a lot of good |
2937s | screenshots so |
2940s | so yeah this is this is what it is |
2959s | thank you |
2966s | foreign |
2998s | foreign |
3029s | foreign |
3044s | thank you so much |
3046s | so yeah |
3052s | so yeah it is uh shared uh uh we are all |
3056s | part of the single economy single |
3057s | universe trying to get stuff from point |
3059s | A to point B for everyone and get this |
3063s | whole new hidden economy moving in one |
3065s | way or another enabling the fights |
3067s | enabling everything so yeah that's |
3069s | that's uh |
3071s | that's us if you have any questions uh |
3073s | yeah oops Yeah if you have any questions |
3077s | we don't have ah so if you find me |
3079s | anywhere uh you can ask me uh that's |
3081s | fine I'm sorry I overshoot the time |