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EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
5s | foreign |
11s | [Music] |
29s | welcome back to Alliance tournament 18 |
31s | IM CCP overload and I am joined on the |
33s | desk by mystical Knight and Blackboard |
35s | pirate we have a whole bunch of matches |
37s | for you today explosions guaranteed I'm |
39s | sure there's plenty of explosion |
40s | enjoyers and chat today uh we started uh |
43s | we start today with 18 teams remaining |
45s | uh 14 of them will be eliminated today |
48s | uh two of them still waiting to try and |
50s | get prize ships because price ships go |
51s | all the way to 16th place and we have 18 |
54s | teams remaining so there's some teams |
56s | going to go home very disappointed today |
58s | um and I looked at the matches earlier |
60s | on today from the upper bracket the |
61s | winners bracket and there's some |
62s | absolutely hashtag POG matches coming up |
65s | in that Winners bracket Mr combat |
67s | anything you're looking forward to |
68s | seeing today I'm looking forward to |
70s | platinum sensitivity winning the upper |
72s | bracket match today against we from |
74s | Walter I believe I'm also really |
76s | interested to see how the brave match |
77s | goes because I think fear has been |
80s | selling themselves short I think they |
81s | could really make an actually deeper on |
83s | here so uh let's see what they do I I |
85s | actually agree with you um I think |
87s | that's a super interesting match as well |
88s | fear the one of the core captains spent |
91s | a long time telling everyone how bad |
92s | Brave was and brave have been very very |
94s | solid so we're certainly looking forward |
96s | to seeing them uh we have truth on our |
98s | light going up against the tuskers call |
99s | oh yeah that should be a very exciting |
101s | match |
102s | um I think truth on the light obviously |
103s | that's Hydra reloaded from last year the |
104s | current defending Champions the tusker |
106s | is also a championship team at one point |
108s | in their history |
109s | they're a good team this year they have |
111s | been performing really really well so |
112s | they could give truth orally a solid run |
114s | for their money like they can't |
115s | underestimate them Bart what do you |
117s | think might happen in that match oh in |
119s | that match well you know |
121s | I think we actually talked about it a |
122s | little bit before this because we were |
124s | sort of uh hyping ourselves up and |
125s | getting ready for it but uh I think that |
127s | this is one that tuskers definitely |
129s | could take if they're able to not out |
131s | meta themselves which we've seen in the |
133s | past before |
134s | um |
135s | it was a very interesting match when |
137s | they did it last time so I'm very |
138s | excited for that one I'm also very |
140s | excited for platinum sensitivity because |
141s | uh if I if they get knocked down I get |
144s | an L next to my name on the Eve Discord |
145s | and I will be very sad |
147s | yeah the um the tuskers call a solid |
150s | execution team really really really |
152s | fantastic at running comps especially |
153s | mirror matchups I'd love to see them in |
155s | the mirror match up against truth on a |
156s | light I think they could really push it |
158s | and but last year we watched them uh |
160s | outmeter themselves as you say get a |
162s | little bit too deep into their own head |
163s | and bring essentially the wrong comp |
164s | mystical mate you have a comment I'm |
166s | just gonna say I know you want it to be |
167s | really exciting but I hope it's not too |
169s | exciting for my heart's sake thank you |
171s | okay I'll pass that on to the script |
174s | writers yeah if we could get that just |
175s | commented let me just make sure that |
177s | it's a nice and easy win for tuskers |
178s | please thank you that's perfect yeah |
180s | let's look at our first match of the day |
182s | it's coming up in only five minutes and |
184s | it's going to be no farts given versus |
185s | boundary experts |
187s | um let's see what they've chosen to ban |
188s | so no Forks given Banning out the EOS |
190s | the slept near and the balgorn uh |
193s | boundary experts Banning out balgorn as |
194s | well uh curse and arbitrator the trickle |
197s | Bands then being the Nighthawk for |
199s | norfolks given and Boundary experts |
201s | Banning The Sentinel mystical might |
203s | curse arbitrator in balgar and lots of |
205s | them are stuffing band there hell curse |
207s | arbitrator and Sentinel as well yes |
209s | being a really interesting set of bands |
211s | it looks like they really want to remove |
212s | disruption it seems like it's less about |
214s | the newts themselves although the |
216s | balgorn was a suggest that perhaps they |
218s | don't like newt but it seems like they |
220s | really are looking to project their |
221s | damage this time around and uh they've |
224s | basically removed everything they're |
225s | still the crucifier in the pool so there |
227s | is still the option for no folks given |
228s | to bring the crucifier but they're very |
231s | limited in their options now yeah Bart |
234s | um that Nighthawk and the slept near |
235s | band taking out a bunch of bonus link |
237s | ships what do you think of that sing I |
239s | think that uh this entire tournament |
240s | we've been seeing this like massive |
242s | Resurgence of the kaldari ham rush and |
245s | sapners are also very very good in that |
248s | so even if you ban the Night Hawk out |
249s | you can bring a slapner both are |
251s | extremely high DPS ships very versatile |
253s | both of them can actually be flown |
254s | either as a kiting setup or a rush setup |
257s | so I think it's like a it's just a good |
259s | like we don't want to see this and it |
261s | kind of hurts the shield setups by a |
262s | significant amount so pretty smart bands |
264s | I still question the balgorn band I will |
266s | always question about going been but |
268s | that's okay maybe they all know |
271s | something I don't I mean the |
272s | Battleground is obviously a fantastic |
273s | ship long range webs even though they |
275s | can't use them as flagships so they're |
277s | only Tech Two fitted they're still |
278s | pretty long range they don't get a newt |
280s | range bonus but they get a new amount |
282s | bonus so if one of them gets on top of |
283s | you it can really just let you know |
284s | until you have to go home yes yes quiet |
291s | mystical my bow guard is do you think |
293s | it's worth batting even though you can't |
294s | bring it to Flagship I |
297s | I've we've only seen a few teams really |
299s | rely on the balgorn I think this |
300s | tournament and I don't know how well the |
302s | battle necessarily does when you're |
304s | going up against so many different types |
306s | of Rush comps there's so many high |
308s | damage setups that want to sit on top of |
310s | you and most of them don't really have |
312s | cap using weapons so even if they're |
314s | fully neutered out it's maybe their tank |
316s | that may go off but even then some of |
318s | the modules cycle for a really long time |
320s | so it's really easy to try and get that |
321s | back online because we have to remember |
323s | that the Bal gun is using heavy newts |
325s | which have a 20 24 second cycle time and |
328s | you don't need that much capacitor to |
329s | run an invol so I don't know I don't |
332s | think it's necessarily something that |
332s | needs to be banned all that much |
334s | it does pair well with the Vindicator |
336s | though which we know some teams do have |
338s | their Vindicator flagships and you can't |
340s | really ban Out The Vindicator in those |
341s | cases so removing the balcony does |
343s | weaken what you can bring with The |
345s | Vindicator yeah and if you want to bring |
346s | a Vindicator then the Battleground |
348s | probably one of the worst things you |
349s | could see because it can effectively |
350s | shut that Vindicator down we've seen it |
352s | all right a couple of times teams |
353s | bringing vindicators and just getting |
355s | muted zero and just sat useless a big 23 |
358s | Point hole in the team doing nothing so |
361s | this first match we have no flex given |
363s | they are one and one so far in the |
366s | tournament dropping a match to lock |
367s | range enjoyers and winning against cast |
369s | abouts these are elimination matches so |
371s | that means that these teams are fighting |
373s | to remain in the tournament if they lose |
375s | they go home this basically sets up the |
377s | final 16 so if you win this match you |
380s | become a prize ship enjoyer you get to |
382s | go home with at least some price ships |
383s | which is definitely better than going |
384s | home with no price ships Bart I I am |
388s | looking for a prediction from you in one |
389s | word looking for a prediction for me in |
391s | one word |
392s | you may use multiple words if the team |
394s | names okay good I was like uh this is |
396s | gonna be tough so I'm gonna say no Forks |
398s | given okay I'm mystical Knight |
400s | no folks given interesting so I'm gonna |
403s | have to balance this out and go for |
404s | boundary experts but let us go to the |
407s | arena and find out right now |
413s | all right welcome to the arena |
415s | just start off the day with a double the |
417s | shot comp asses what looks like a |
418s | galante drone Rush kind of thing like |
421s | what do you think about this one swift |
422s | this looks interesting uh yeah uh I |
425s | think the uh the Double lash X now we |
427s | see why they banned out the balgorn |
430s | um unsure why uh no Forks giving men at |
432s | the balgorn too maybe they just hate |
433s | balgorns uh they're gonna be kiting |
435s | around uh like maniacs in their drones |
437s | so it's gonna be really really close for |
440s | this uh boundary experts team they're |
442s | gonna have to grab something quick and |
444s | lock it down |
445s | uh |
450s | yeah it's kind of as you can see the the |
452s | old king of DPS versus the new king of |
454s | DPS in terms of dummy Navy versus Le |
456s | Shack so I'm kind of amused to see |
458s | what's gonna happen there I feel like |
458s | dummy Navy is going to have a really bad |
460s | time with Twila Shacks on his face but |
461s | he does have it on yours backing him up |
463s | as does the shack so if to see where |
465s | this match goes |
466s | yeah the no Forks giving team uh you'll |
468s | see them in red they warped in all in a |
470s | ball at 50 kilometers from the arena |
472s | center uh no boundary experts they |
475s | worked in between 30 and 50. uh at quite |
478s | a quite an obtuse angle so they're it's |
480s | probably about 90 kilometers between uh |
483s | their backlines respectively |
485s | the only thing I'm going to be finding |
486s | very curious about this match is the |
488s | extra support of control that boundary |
489s | excerpts were brought because they |
491s | brought quite a blood of a small size |
493s | support uh control ships but no Forks |
495s | does have ships that can go kill them so |
497s | we'll just see how long those ships last |
499s | as the match is now underway yeah |
500s | crucially no Jack thoughts in this match |
502s | uh so there's mollus and and Griffin and |
505s | Kitsune uh they're gonna have to try and |
507s | do something here it's tough because |
508s | they're up against the Drone boats drone |
510s | boats don't really care about being |
512s | damped or anything they can just assign |
513s | their drones to the trigger and we see |
516s | this exact Navy leading the charge uh |
520s | rushing right in to the no foreign |
527s | is the first primer at the moment |
529s | getting beaten down |
531s | and yeah I'm trying to figure out what's |
533s | shooting him probably little Shacks I |
534s | guess uh Clive is is definitely taking |
536s | some damage here uh ekan in the exec |
539s | Navy he has gotten uh really really |
540s | close he's right up in the no Fork seven |
542s | team uh taking quite a bit of damage |
545s | here and now it looks like he's scrammed |
546s | as well uh so no Forks given team is |
548s | gonna have to charge it or rather |
550s | battery experts they're gonna have to |
551s | charge in Gonna Save their boy over here |
554s | but likewise the Dominic's Navy of uh |
557s | konkel has now been held down which |
558s | means that both the Shacks will get on |
559s | top of him and start applying that |
561s | ramping DPS so now at this point I |
563s | believe uh no Forks are kind of on a |
564s | time limit here they got to make some |
566s | damage quick before their dummy Navy |
568s | goes down and a big chunk of their DPS |
569s | gets removed |
571s | exactly and this is not this will not be |
573s | a good trade if they traded Domino Navy |
575s | uh for an exec Navy here uh that exec |
577s | Navy still holding on for remarkably |
579s | good time uh recently bonus in Uprising |
581s | uh so we can be a little bit more |
583s | tankier |
584s | and interesting as well is that little |
585s | Shacks of Avery Lewis has a small bomb |
587s | fitted and he's right next to his |
588s | friendly exec Navy so he's gonna start |
589s | smart bombing off these DPS drones and |
592s | even the lodgy drones on the nearby Le |
593s | Shack because uh Dominic's Navy |
596s | so he's going to remove a lot of the |
598s | both the DPS and the tank ability of |
601s | this no folks given domics Navy oh it's |
603s | ripping up that damaged Army Navy is in |
606s | a half armor here exactly also in a half |
608s | armor uh no for example they're swapping |
610s | over to uh Captain James Sparrow uh |
613s | maybe trying to do a chunk of damage |
615s | while they still have their Navy Domi |
617s | alive uh but it's not gonna be enough |
618s | this dummy Navy is going down |
621s | and that is the power of Tula Shacks |
623s | like there's just so much DPS on very |
625s | tanky platforms surprisingly the exit |
627s | Navy is still alive I honestly thought |
628s | they would be able to break the room but |
630s | it's she he's just holding very |
631s | comfortably the pump fix just gets nuked |
633s | The Alchemist date goes down losing the |
635s | armor links but uh I think boundary |
637s | experts don't care too much uh they just |
639s | trade for a Navy dummy that's a huge |
642s | chunk of DPS down and as you mentioned |
644s | Avery Lewis does have Smart bombs |
646s | running uh so these drones are gonna |
648s | have like as this game goes longer and |
650s | longer |
651s | these drones are going to go away |
654s | they're going to lose a lot of their DPS |
655s | today because this is our drone comp so |
657s | losing their drones is just not a fun |
658s | experience just traffic with the Shacks |
660s | going for next I think they're going for |
661s | the murmidon next which is definitely a |
663s | very fair cool next biggest thing |
664s | uh yoyas in the boundary experts uh his |
667s | owneris is tackled uh he did battleball |
669s | in with the rest of his no boundary or |
671s | boundary experts team and uh you know he |
674s | doesn't mind too much there are some rep |
676s | Bots around him that no Forks given will |
678s | have to deal with |
679s | um but this actually could be a pretty |
681s | decent way for them to come back in if |
683s | yoyaz does go down |
685s | very much they definitely have to kill |
687s | him to try and make this match swing the |
688s | other way because at the moment no Forks |
690s | are kind of on the back foot right now |
692s | and they just can't I don't think |
693s | they're going to be able to break |
693s | through the onions to be honest he's |
695s | holding well enough I think the momentum |
696s | will go down first |
698s | yeah it's so tricky because you see so |
700s | many uh of these armor rep Bots you're |
702s | like oh maybe I can go through it uh but |
704s | once the reactive kicks in on the oneros |
706s | Assuming he's got a reactive fit uh he |
708s | can tank so much better and yeah it |
709s | looks like they are uh potentially |
711s | moving off of yoyas right now well |
713s | that's because yo-yo has managed to |
714s | break free |
716s | so not only can they not break through |
718s | the tank they also can't hold on to the |
720s | guy as you said yes last week this is |
722s | the power of the uh dual proper nearest |
724s | we had a pretty much self-escape with a |
726s | little bit of help |
727s | yeah yeah it's breaking free still |
729s | getting uh Bots uh reparts uh from the |
733s | uh lashacks so he's doing just fine and |
736s | we see boundary experts just making |
737s | quick work uh of anything else that they |
739s | can catch here it does look like they've |
741s | now uh caught up to you and caught Rogue |
744s | clone uh in the no Forks given on arrows |
747s | this will be uh definitely a great |
749s | primary for them to go through |
750s | uh we'll see if it pays off or we'll see |
753s | as as soon as they catch up |
755s | you gotta get the checks over there |
757s | first but it's been great to watch these |
758s | exact navies from both sides kind of |
760s | running around being very aggressive |
762s | tanky fighting platforms you see a |
764s | kitsuno just getting nuked but these are |
766s | just I'd be great to see these ships |
767s | becoming honestly very interesting picks |
769s | in this uh tournament |
771s | uh dice verpio on the norfolks given |
773s | team uh he is dying right now in an |
775s | ishkar but he's doing a great job right |
777s | now he is pinning down uh one of the |
780s | leshacks trying to keep them separated a |
782s | little bit uh you know when you come up |
784s | with a comp like this you have to |
786s | execute perfectly uh so daiserpio doing |
789s | a really really good job uh admirable |
791s | piloting on that side |
793s | definitely the power of a single assault |
795s | frigate can just tackle and hold down |
796s | one big ship and looks like at the |
798s | moment no one's even trying to really |
799s | shoot him they're just kind of leaving |
800s | him there now I said they're actually |
801s | priming the vexer instead and that's |
803s | obviously a very good cool it's much |
805s | easier to hit and much less tanky |
807s | you can see boundary experts exerting |
809s | almost all of their control bar right |
811s | now uh that's damn uh that's newts uh |
815s | that's jams from the Griffin now that |
817s | the katsune is dead |
821s | a lot of control in this comp and |
823s | they've been able to like wield that |
824s | throughout the entire match it's been |
826s | honestly just I must honestly surprised |
828s | the Griffin and the moles have survived |
829s | as long as they have when there's an |
830s | issue in the grid that could easily go |
831s | kill them |
835s | yeah you can say that |
837s | the exact Navy issue uh is the one |
839s | that's tackling the oneros right now |
842s | um you know the fact that he's still |
844s | alive he's just a testament to uh how |
846s | this boundary expert team played they |
848s | knew exactly what they were getting into |
849s | uh all around in the beginning of the |
852s | match usually the first one that charges |
853s | in is at a disadvantage but boundary |
855s | experts were confident they knew what |
857s | this matchup would do and they just |
859s | rushed in and applied all of their DPS |
863s | yeah I'm honestly uh happy to see a twin |
865s | lashac comp win I always tend to find |
867s | they're a bit Lackey on the support Wing |
868s | but this one has brought a lot of some |
869s | good support ships as well as a really |
871s | strong logic to back it up so this is |
873s | all looks like a potentially very strong |
874s | little shot comp but hopefully we'll see |
876s | a few more of it |
877s | yeah and as you can see it's so powerful |
880s | um they're just able to get uh spot jams |
883s | on the no for example no neros and then |
885s | just clear off uh the small ships during |
887s | that one Jam cycle uh so the UI as you |
891s | see |
891s | um on your screen it will show an |
893s | attempt of a gem but not a successful |
895s | gem we don't know if it's successful or |
897s | not we just have to kind of glean that |
898s | based on what's Happening uh but based |
901s | on how fast how fast some of these ships |
902s | died I have a feeling that onerous was |
904s | jammed for a huge chunk of this match |
907s | that's the the economy Griffin picked |
909s | doing a lot of work as well as the |
910s | Kitsune as well |
911s | it's again we've seen this up from a lot |
914s | of teams even like Brave is most well |
915s | known for having that single Griff and |
916s | just managed to win them the entire |
918s | match uh I think it was a great last A.T |
919s | indeed that Pilot's name is jinx to care |
922s | is now the new leader of Brave uh you |
924s | know they just find the best Griffin |
926s | Pilots they can uh and just put them in |
928s | charge of the alliance |
929s | carry the entire team when you're back |
931s | once guess what mate you can do it again |
934s | where's the sister hiding a good |
936s | distance away |
937s | all right cred knows does have a |
939s | relationship with the boundary experts |
940s | team uh they were |
942s | um you know all previously on well some |
944s | of them were all previously on uh PL |
946s | teams some gold medal winning teams uh |
949s | so you know just a little bit of respect |
951s | going on here letting their boy die last |
953s | or just making him watch until the very |
955s | end and it's super disrespectful who |
957s | knows but I'm gonna say that they're |
958s | very genuinely like on this one |
961s | yes gentlemanly and Eve that is |
963s | definitely a thing I expect to happen |
965s | yes quite uh boundary experts with this |
969s | win over no Forks given will actually |
971s | now be prize ship enjoyers they are |
974s | guaranteed uh Alliance tournament |
976s | probably ships uh so they're gonna be |
977s | really really happy with this one uh no |
980s | Forks given unfortunately they're one of |
982s | the last teams eliminated before the |
983s | priership round uh but we'll send it |
985s | back to the boys in the booth to analyze |
987s | everything that you just saw |
1011s | spark could be anywhere |
1013s | [Music] |
1039s | [Music] |
1045s | did it |
1049s | [Music] |
1055s | welcome back as boundary experts take |
1057s | that victory over no thoughts given and |
1059s | kick them out of the tournament boundary |
1061s | experts as CCP Swift says are now prize |
1063s | chip enjoyers they have confirmed |
1065s | themselves into the top 16 of the |
1067s | tournament uh eliminating no Forks given |
1069s | in a pretty solid match we saw at the |
1071s | start of that match mystical night and |
1073s | the executor Navy of the boundary |
1075s | experts team we were all thinking he's |
1077s | way overextended that he was quite |
1079s | separate from his Logistics uh the rest |
1081s | of his team he was just getting dunked |
1083s | upon by a bunch of drones uh we'll have |
1084s | what is overextending and like kind of |
1086s | what happened there yeah so |
1087s | overextending refers to the positioning |
1090s | of your ships versus the enemy ships |
1092s | fantastic |
1093s | um overextending would be putting |
1095s | yourself out of the rep range really of |
1097s | your Logistics ships and you're not able |
1099s | to get support when you overextend |
1100s | because the rest of your team is |
1102s | probably going to be over here somewhere |
1103s | in a nice little Cloud the enemy team |
1106s | will be down here and this will be you |
1109s | um so that will be the overextending uh |
1111s | the reason we thought the uh the Navy X |
1113s | I could overextended was because he was |
1115s | in the middle of the enemy team tackling |
1117s | down I believe the Navy Dominics |
1119s | um we thought that he would die a lot |
1120s | faster than he did but it seemed that |
1122s | that was actually part of the plan was |
1124s | just to get in there get that Navy |
1125s | Dominic snailed down and then make sure |
1127s | that the two of the shots could get on |
1128s | top of it |
1129s | um and one thing that we didn't really |
1130s | consider when we were talking about it |
1131s | is that one of the recent changes is to |
1133s | the mass |
1135s | um |
1136s | on Navy XX which means that they are |
1138s | super quick and they can also be very |
1140s | tanky as well so yeah I think a really |
1143s | good use of the Navy exact as a taco |
1145s | boat though yeah that had the effect of |
1147s | almost pulling in the universe for the |
1149s | Brandy expert we were watching that ship |
1151s | fly in Bart and we were like oh no don't |
1153s | get too close don't get too close and |
1154s | then he got webbed and then I think |
1156s | someone said GG that said but then he |
1158s | just kept holding on they took down that |
1160s | Navy Dominics which was a solid trade |
1162s | flame at that point and they also |
1163s | managed to kill that EOS before they |
1165s | lost their uh oniros so they've taken |
1167s | off a lot of DPS from the field a lot of |
1168s | logistics and they still have those two |
1169s | Shacks so is there anything else that |
1172s | the norfolks given team could have done |
1173s | in that situation not really |
1176s | um honestly like they probably could |
1177s | have done some swapping a lot faster I |
1179s | do think that like they got baited into |
1182s | going after the Navy executor because it |
1184s | did Ramen and it looked out of range but |
1186s | uh we did see like just how powerful a |
1188s | Tech 2 Logistics is there versus like |
1190s | logy frigates because the logistics |
1192s | freaking soda had to get right in there |
1193s | as fast they could so if you tried to |
1194s | ram in when it caught them boundary |
1196s | expert season oniros they're able to |
1198s | keep them alive their Universe almost |
1199s | died but they got like a clutch Jam off |
1201s | at the last second and so he lost |
1203s | tackling was able to get away uh yeah |
1205s | really good job with boundary experts |
1207s | planning um also no Forks didn't spread |
1209s | out ever so they're like oh no my domi's |
1211s | tackled I have to stand next to it and |
1213s | save it |
1215s | oh well big brain tactics mystical |
1218s | Knight yeah I just wanted to add that |
1220s | while it did work out for them this time |
1222s | with the Tula Shacks telegraphing that |
1224s | you want to bring something like the |
1226s | Shacks by Banning every other tracking |
1228s | disrupting ship in the game apart from |
1229s | the crucifier does mean that people may |
1232s | be able to anticipate your moves and |
1234s | then try to counter that in other ways |
1236s | so ECM for example I think would have |
1238s | been a decent counter to the Lush acts |
1240s | breaking their spools instead of just |
1242s | limiting their range and they would have |
1243s | run into similar issues |
1245s | um as they would against the track and |
1246s | disruptors so something to think about |
1247s | perhaps for the boundary experts team |
1249s | but I'm glad that they are now price |
1250s | ship enjoyers I'm pretty sure the |
1251s | biringer experts have been a team that |
1253s | has favored the uh the Double The Shack |
1255s | more than more than most I think Odin's |
1256s | as well are a team that like to use it |
1258s | yeah it's not a very common comp uh the |
1260s | teams tend to use quite heavily |
1262s | um but 52 points though in two ships |
1264s | that's uh those are big numbers what do |
1266s | you think no yeah 52 is a pretty big |
1268s | number um it is actually over half the |
1270s | amount of points you can have and over |
1271s | half is a very good number as well uh I |
1274s | do think Tula Shacks is very strong |
1276s | um |
1277s | the ship hasn't actually been changed |
1278s | much since we saw it's like overwhelming |
1280s | dominance back in I want to say a t16 |
1283s | where they were like 21 points each |
1285s | because it's like oh it's Strickland |
1286s | sponsored so they were super cheap uh |
1289s | obviously that was realized to be maybe |
1291s | not the best idea ever |
1293s | um they're still very strong uh we saw |
1295s | it like if they once they get on top of |
1296s | you you're done like they just sit there |
1297s | and they ramp and eventually their |
1299s | damage becomes unreparable and you go |
1300s | down they are however very very slow uh |
1304s | hence why I was like oh just kite away |
1305s | with your drone setups and no Fork said |
1308s | no we will not we will stand and fight |
1310s | which is uh not a good idea so double |
1312s | Shacks are strong but again like Misty |
1314s | said there's so many little things you |
1316s | can use to stop it |
1318s | they just weren't used in this match |
1319s | well that is unfortunate for them and |
1321s | they have left the tournament uh and |
1323s | with that we move on to our next match |
1324s | which is going to be big yikes versus |
1326s | Deepwater Hooligans so let's take a look |
1327s | at the bands for this match |
1331s | so a big egg spanning out the Le Shack |
1333s | the Claymore and the Armageddon Navy |
1334s | issue Deepwater Hooligans Banning Out |
1336s | The Vindicator of the Nighthawk and the |
1338s | Loki mystical my interest in sets of |
1340s | bands here yeah I mean the Armageddon |
1343s | Navy issue again teams seem to be |
1344s | thinking that it's extremely strong we |
1346s | saw a lot of teams bringing it last |
1348s | weekend |
1349s | um not everyone did well with it a lot |
1351s | of teams seemed to try and cram it into |
1353s | their setups |
1354s | um favoring it because of the recent |
1355s | Buffs that it's received |
1357s | um but I never panned out for them so |
1359s | interesting to see that it's banned here |
1361s | the Le shark band makes sense again |
1362s | because it is still an extremely strong |
1364s | ship as demonstrated by boundary experts |
1366s | just now and then we have the typical uh |
1368s | bands coming out on the Nighthawk and |
1370s | Loki to try and get rid of those strong |
1371s | Rush elements that we've been seeing but |
1373s | the sleptness still available so there's |
1375s | other ways that they can go about it if |
1376s | they want to |
1377s | yeah again this is another elimination |
1378s | match so one of these two teams is going |
1380s | to go home with nothing the other one's |
1381s | going to get at least some price ships |
1383s | let's take a look at some of the |
1384s | background of these teams |
1386s | um whichever one the production crew |
1387s | wants to put up first we'll have a look |
1388s | at that |
1391s | there are so Deepwater Hooligans 21 |
1394s | Pilots have flown from for them a bunch |
1396s | of Veteran Pilots to moxa zero believe |
1397s | the captain and Dano I last match they |
1400s | have played was against ahil now which |
1402s | they won and prior to that they lost to |
1405s | arrival so that's how they ended up |
1406s | getting uh put into this lower bracket I |
1408s | believe uh local is primary lost against |
1410s | them ride my turtle they beat and then |
1413s | good and swarm Federation Hard Knock |
1414s | citizens unlocks to Esports Petopia so |
1416s | they've had reasonable success in the |
1418s | alliance tournament thus far four wins |
1419s | the three losses let's take a look at |
1421s | their opponents here and I just wanted |
1423s | to quickly say regulio Smith I think did |
1426s | excellent work in one of the previous |
1427s | matches I just wanted to give him a |
1428s | quick shout out nice so here's the big |
1430s | yikes team a little bit less uh varied |
1433s | so far as the newer team this year but |
1434s | no less experienced Pilots KitKat the |
1436s | captain with 11 matches played in |
1438s | Alliance tournament uh they won against |
1440s | hidden Leaf ninja Village and lost |
1442s | against Brave Collective uh who dropped |
1444s | them into this lower bracket here where |
1446s | they are right now we can also look at |
1448s | some of the top pilots in these teams |
1450s | and see what they like to fly in let's |
1451s | see if we can throw that up right now |
1457s | okay we cannot throw that up right now |
1459s | but I can tell you that uh there is a |
1461s | flagship bar gas coming up in this next |
1463s | match which should be super super |
1464s | exciting |
1465s | um mystical Mike what do you think we |
1467s | can look forward to here |
1469s | oh tricky question when there's so many |
1471s | ships available in Eve online |
1473s | um who can say |
1475s | um I don't know big yikes I don't think |
1477s | have really demonstrated that much depth |
1479s | when it comes to their Theory crafting I |
1481s | looked back at a couple of their |
1482s | previous matches and they ran the same |
1484s | thing twice they won with it and then |
1486s | they lost with it so I'm wondering if |
1488s | they're just going to bring the same |
1489s | thing again maybe this is the extent of |
1491s | their Theory crafting and it's just look |
1492s | to crush the execution of it which is |
1494s | what some teams do and it obviously gets |
1496s | some people fairly far they are on the |
1498s | second weekend now Within Reach of price |
1500s | ships so it's not necessarily a bad |
1502s | strategy but again if your opponent is |
1504s | able to anticipate what you're going to |
1505s | be bringing it does make it a little bit |
1507s | harder to execute |
1508s | um but yeah no idea what they're going |
1510s | to bring |
1511s | okay let's take a look at one of the |
1512s | player graphs this is the flagship uh |
1514s | and Captain |
1516s | um of uh Deepwater hooligan so this is |
1518s | Dano I uh you see normally he likes to |
1521s | fly in the larger ships we see the uh |
1523s | apocalypse Navy issue the Absolution |
1525s | typhoon Fleet issue uh Golem he's a he's |
1528s | a Chad Gollum pilot and an EOS uh wins |
1531s | more often than he loses which is always |
1532s | good and you can see he's been playing |
1533s | for a bunch of Alliance tournaments so |
1536s | very experienced pilot here at Deepwater |
1538s | hilligans last couple of times and prior |
1539s | to that Nelly and Good Fellas so this is |
1542s | a definitely someone who knows a little |
1543s | bit what they are doing |
1546s | okay I hear ships are landing on grid so |
1548s | let's talk about our predictions at this |
1549s | point though Mr Clement who are you |
1550s | going to go for between big yikes and |
1551s | Deepwater Hooligans uh hmm |
1554s | I'm gonna have to go with big yikes here |
1557s | big yikes and black Pirate no I'm going |
1560s | with Deepwater Hooligans because that's |
1562s | where my heart tells me to go |
1564s | my heart hopes they lose well that makes |
1567s | me want to also go for deep water |
1568s | Hooligans to the mystical might is wrong |
1570s | so uh let us go to the arena uh for big |
1573s | yikes versus Deepwater Hooligans |
1580s | and welcome back to the arena we have a |
1582s | very interesting match obviously as said |
1583s | by uh Mr overload that there is a flag |
1585s | bug but it's in a very interesting comp |
1587s | what do you think about this one Swift |
1589s | uh yeah this is uh this is gonna be good |
1591s | the old armor Bargas uh that's a real |
1595s | thing uh the bark obviously gets quite a |
1597s | lot of mid slots uh it is a very flimsy |
1600s | ship though for your Flagship so we'll |
1602s | see how Dano does this uh as the desk |
1604s | pointed out this guy has a ton of |
1606s | experience in the alliance tournament uh |
1608s | and kind of uh you know all eyes are |
1610s | definitely going to be on him |
1612s | interesting on the other side we have |
1613s | another very honestly quite interesting |
1615s | comp full projection Navy apoc Fleet |
1617s | Tempest a starry Absolution comp so |
1619s | there's a lot of uh DPS at range |
1622s | and obviously a very good support Wing |
1623s | in terms of t3ds and Jack Jones football |
1626s | so this is this is a very like I would |
1628s | say DPS heavy comp but that attack bar |
1629s | does not say that at all |
1632s | oh yeah this should be actually |
1634s | incredibly interesting uh obviously I we |
1636s | kind of glossed over it but there's also |
1637s | a battle going on the Deepwater Hulu |
1639s | inside a lot of control out there uh you |
1641s | can't fit officer webs or anything on |
1643s | this thing or even faction webs so it's |
1645s | just gonna be standard balgorn webs |
1646s | there uh so they're gonna need those |
1648s | people and uh flee vigil to kind of |
1651s | tackle something in order for the |
1652s | balgorn to kind of lock on and hold down |
1654s | forever uh so we'll see how this goes |
1656s | real quick uh keep an eye on the owners |
1658s | for the Deepwater hooligan side I think |
1660s | tamox is going to be put under quite a |
1662s | lot of pressure here early on uh we'll |
1665s | see |
1666s | indeed indeed it's also very interesting |
1667s | to see a bow go on top uh paired up with |
1669s | a Bargas they're both kind of control |
1670s | ships but on different sides of the |
1672s | spectrum and they've just decided let's |
1674s | just bring them both this is this is |
1675s | fine |
1676s | but as you said that our nearest is |
1678s | definitely going to be the one that gets |
1679s | uh probably pressured immediately by |
1680s | these ranged battleships but we'll have |
1683s | to see how many rep drones get thrown on |
1684s | them to try and give them some more life |
1685s | as the match is about to be underway |
1687s | yeah also uh want to shout out Deepwater |
1688s | Hooligans who you'll see in Blue uh they |
1690s | brought a Hound a bomber a lot of |
1692s | battleships in this meta so uh huge |
1695s | value there uh three points 600 damage |
1698s | let's see if he can stay alive though |
1701s | honestly I'm just watching a lot of |
1703s | e-warp going out immediately I believe |
1704s | the uh jacked up from both sides have |
1706s | just dumped out their uh their damps yep |
1709s | and you can see the big Yanks team is |
1711s | charging into the Deepwater Hooligans |
1713s | team who are just kind of holding back |
1715s | and waiting a little bit and as you |
1717s | mentioned the support wings are the ones |
1718s | going to be taking a lot of the damage |
1720s | so far |
1723s | just keeping an eye out on the Jackson |
1725s | triple demand looks like that's gonna be |
1726s | the primary simple as being beaten up |
1728s | quite handily at the moment |
1730s | yeah Tomatoes is way back there he is oh |
1734s | this people just gets deleted instantly |
1737s | gone there as soon as the webs apply |
1740s | I'm just double checking as well I |
1742s | believe yep that is a rapid heavy Burger |
1744s | so that with the webs from a bowel gone |
1746s | is going to apply very well even to |
1748s | these T3 destroyers so this could |
1750s | honestly be a surprising amount of DPS |
1752s | coming from this bug because I see that |
1754s | tyrannus about to go down too yeah the |
1756s | tyrannos was tackling uh tamoxa all the |
1759s | way in the back lines there at least got |
1760s | the initial tackle there uh but he just |
1762s | way outplayed his the rest of his team |
1765s | and they could not keep him alive no way |
1767s | no how uh this big yags team uh is uh |
1771s | just losing a little bit too much of the |
1772s | support too quickly here on that initial |
1775s | charge in an amazing work as well but by |
1777s | the uh balgorn and the Bargas the |
1779s | bargain has an Absolution held down |
1781s | permanently and the bogus has an astada |
1783s | held down which means tomoxo can also |
1785s | just run away and be safe while still |
1787s | repairing his uh his friends there's |
1789s | honestly some great screen where from |
1790s | the battleship of all things yeah this |
1793s | is a super control team here the the |
1795s | starter as you mentioned abso Thalia |
1797s | they're all webbed down held down and |
1799s | this Fleet temp is too he's just |
1801s | scrammed with his heavy scram uh by this |
1804s | bar guest so he is not going anywhere uh |
1807s | this team is just being kept at arm's |
1808s | length and they want to get in a little |
1810s | bit closer but they just can't |
1812s | yeah the Tempest Fleet can shoot and |
1814s | he's not even being tracked but it |
1815s | doesn't matter you can't do it on his |
1817s | own you see actually he's tracking shop |
1818s | is going to the Navy ipok enter the a |
1820s | star day and to the episode so all those |
1822s | ships are are kind of neutered at the |
1824s | moment so the only [ __ ] that can really |
1825s | fight back is the Tempest Fleet and |
1827s | that's just not going to be enough |
1828s | against an aniros this is well flown and |
1830s | controlled by Deepwater Hooligans here |
1831s | who are just dominating this match uh |
1833s | BB's bbp's heart was right here it looks |
1836s | like as the Thalia goes down deacons are |
1838s | going to fall down with it really |
1839s | quickly as it is painted by the sleet |
1841s | visual uh webbed down nuded damp there's |
1844s | nothing this poor Deacon can do |
1846s | especially with his Thalia buddy down |
1850s | I see sometimes going to the bugs but |
1852s | again I do not see them breaking through |
1854s | this Flag bug under a neros reps that is |
1857s | that is a very tall ask for a comp that |
1859s | is rapidly losing teeth |
1861s | yeah the estarta is also going down of |
1863s | KitKat uh losing quite a lot of uh |
1866s | damage here as he goes down uh no local |
1869s | tank on this has started you could see |
1871s | uh the defense bar would have a nice |
1872s | little bit of purple if there was uh but |
1874s | no p is just all buffer and damage uh |
1877s | tracking disrupted uh he's not able to |
1879s | apply anything here uh big yikes are |
1882s | having a really hard time they're |
1884s | chewing through the bar guest a little |
1885s | bit but I have a feeling deep water |
1887s | hooligans are just kind of baiting uh |
1889s | they're not really worried too much here |
1891s | they've got full control of this grid |
1894s | exactly and they've also got a lot of |
1896s | newts in both the balgorn and the |
1898s | utility hires of the Bargas so they are |
1899s | constantly newting out this apoc Navy |
1901s | and also the Absolution so they can't |
1903s | shoot enough to actually kill this bug |
1904s | as you see his armor is now going up so |
1906s | honestly again even even on their High |
1908s | slots they have got amazing control on |
1910s | this team and are using it to the |
1912s | absolute perfect effect |
1914s | okay we didn't talk about this |
1915s | stormbringer here on the Deepwater |
1916s | hooligan side uh this is a ship they |
1918s | brought last time and we kind of |
1920s | questioned it a little bit but it is |
1921s | incredibly tanky uh it's a shield uh |
1925s | resistance bonus uh and also is great at |
1927s | clearing some drones here uh and wow |
1930s | just great Target calling on the sea |
1932s | water hooligan side they've |
1933s | systematically gone through every ship |
1936s | that they need to uh their jackdaws |
1938s | people uh and flea vigil are just kind |
1940s | of working as their own separate unit |
1942s | killing the big egg support team as it |
1944s | comes through uh incredibly flown uh and |
1948s | just well well executed |
1950s | I'm having a bit of a giggle with myself |
1952s | at the moment this storm bringer with a |
1953s | shield bonus is being brought to an |
1955s | armor comp and is still kicking butt |
1960s | this is yeah this is just how what do |
1962s | you say to this besides well done |
1963s | Deepwater Horgan's well flown indeed the |
1965s | Bargas are still holding comfortably |
1967s | tamoxa was threatened at the start but |
1969s | he flew his part perfectly as well as |
1971s | his entire team like it is it looks like |
1974s | it's entirely one-sided but it honestly |
1976s | could have gone the other way with a few |
1977s | maybe some potentially better flying |
1979s | from Big yikes or some unlucky moments |
1981s | with deep water it's it doesn't look |
1983s | like even though it'll be a hundred zero |
1985s | it was not a hundred zero at the start |
1987s | it was looking a lot more uh |
1989s | what would you say risky |
1991s | yeah I could have been quite painful |
1993s | there uh you know this is one of those |
1995s | matches where you're like oh if I could |
1996s | do this again here's what I would do uh |
1998s | and maybe just if you have like uh best |
2000s | of five there's an entire possibility |
2003s | that the big eggs team can pull out the |
2005s | the dub on that one but you only get one |
2008s | chance in the alliance tournament uh |
2010s | especially in the elimination bracket |
2013s | so they're gonna have to uh |
2015s | unfortunately exit on big yikes but for |
2017s | deep water Hooligans these guys are will |
2020s | be a prize ship enjoyers with this win |
2023s | uh so they just kind of squeaked into |
2025s | the top 16 now as they finish up the |
2027s | sleet Tempest uh interestingly enough |
2029s | match is completely over uh they're |
2031s | still playing this one perfectly uh |
2033s | newting out the apoc and killing the |
2035s | Tempest |
2036s | um just a great execution |
2039s | very much I also noticed that there was |
2041s | a tracking shopping both temples and the |
2042s | Navy a plug they're not letting anything |
2043s | happen at the last second they're being |
2045s | very careful about it but this Tempest |
2047s | Fleet is dying incredibly slowly so can |
2050s | someone please just nude them out remove |
2051s | his hardness please he's taking so long |
2053s | to die |
2055s | and you can see where they went for him |
2056s | last there they knew that they could uh |
2058s | keep these ships from applying their |
2059s | damage uh onto their uh onto what they |
2063s | need but |
2065s | I wonder if someone's doing a little bit |
2066s | of cheeky Looting of the field right now |
2069s | so kind of just keeping him alive to do |
2070s | a little bit of looting who knows this |
2072s | is of course on Tranquility so all these |
2075s | losses are are like of course real |
2078s | losses and the loot does matter so you |
2081s | know the flag bark it's not exploding so |
2083s | no one needs to grab that loot but |
2084s | everything else you know a few hundred |
2086s | mil here and there it adds up |
2089s | very true it looks like the Flag bug is |
2091s | not finished reloading and it's finally |
2092s | finished off this Tempest Fleet leaving |
2093s | with just an apoc Navy who I said like |
2096s | last week The Vindicator hates when it's |
2097s | being fully e-board down I think the |
2099s | Epic Navy hates it more because he has |
2101s | less tools to stop that from happening |
2103s | the guns can't even fire that's just the |
2106s | super feels bad man like you just can't |
2107s | do anything and you're just stuck on |
2110s | grid kind of saying trying to maybe |
2112s | doubting yourself working that I've done |
2114s | differently uh but there's really |
2116s | nothing to do in this match uh with the |
2118s | way it panned out uh Christian moon in |
2120s | the Hound I'm sure he's going to be top |
2122s | damage on a lot of these battleships |
2124s | really well flown there these ships are |
2126s | hard to keep alive uh specifically when |
2128s | there's a jacked off people tyrannis on |
2130s | the other side uh expected that guy to |
2132s | take a little bit more damage there but |
2134s | bam Navy apoc explodes uh wing night at |
2138s | night we're gonna send it back to the |
2139s | boys in the booth uh where Bart's heart |
2141s | is going to grow three sizes this day |
2161s | [Music] |
2165s | thank you |
2169s | guys stop being casual they're really |
2171s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
2174s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
2176s | everybody warp off this is a really |
2177s | really bad execution I'm very |
2179s | disappointed |
2183s | another great haul back from Omar damn |
2187s | I'm thirsty |
2196s | [Applause] |
2205s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
2208s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
2210s | logo is in the game of course you could |
2212s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
2214s | would be kind of a jerk move that kind |
2216s | of oh you don't like it though it's Lego |
2218s | sucks I'm gonna go join |
2220s | foreign |
2234s | [Music] |
2237s | exiting the tournament as deep water |
2240s | Hooligans take that final spot in the |
2242s | top 16 thus securing themselves at some |
2244s | price ships in a very interesting match |
2247s | they had it pretty much locked down from |
2249s | the start we saw some interesting ship |
2250s | choices on both teams and we saw the use |
2253s | of a hound we haven't seen very many |
2254s | stealth bombers this Alliance tournament |
2256s | now usually they're a staple in the |
2257s | tournament very low amount of points |
2259s | very high DPS especially against |
2260s | battleships mystical might why do you |
2262s | think we're not seeing as many as we |
2263s | have in previous years it seems like |
2265s | teams are prioritizing control and |
2268s | tackle a little bit more than just raw |
2269s | damage from the lower end we are seeing |
2272s | some jackdaws coming out for example |
2273s | some sequels that we as we saw in this |
2275s | match which double as effective damage |
2277s | boats but also ships that you can send |
2279s | in to actually pin down the enemy team |
2281s | the reason that we might not be seeing |
2283s | some of these stealth bombers a little |
2284s | bit more I hypothesize at least is that |
2287s | we're seeing a lot of Rush setups and |
2289s | bombers are going to suffer greatly from |
2291s | these raw setups because they aren't |
2292s | able to go and attack with these Rush |
2294s | ships down so it allows their full team |
2295s | to get onto View and then work their way |
2298s | through your core so even though they do |
2300s | a lot of damage not always the best |
2301s | option to bring because it's fairly |
2303s | risky leaves you open to uh yeah being |
2306s | rushed Bart speaking of rushing we saw |
2308s | that tyrannus there we kind of expected |
2310s | him to just rush in for that bomber and |
2312s | try and remove it especially as big X |
2313s | brought a couple of battleships for |
2315s | which uh the bombers will be applying |
2316s | perfectly too but he ran in and he |
2318s | tackled the unitos I think and it was |
2320s | Euro pointing out that he's done it too |
2321s | rarely that the team wasn't there to |
2323s | capitalize on it like what was going on |
2325s | there I think uh what was it it's like |
2326s | the it's the over extension that |
2328s | actually was an overextension not one |
2330s | that kind of baited us into thinking it |
2331s | so uh the trainous was going at about |
2333s | close to 5000 meters a second which is |
2335s | very very fast compared to pretty much |
2337s | every other ship on there because there |
2339s | was you know heavy armor battleships uh |
2341s | he just went straight for the nearest |
2343s | tackled it immediately blew up and the |
2345s | rest of his team was like 50 kilometers |
2346s | behind so it was kind of like like you |
2348s | said if you'd gone after the bomber |
2350s | which is probably six to seven hundred |
2351s | DPS maybe tried to solo PVP it down |
2353s | stress out the logistics especially when |
2355s | using Logistics frigates |
2356s | that might have worked as uh much better |
2358s | or just hung back and waited until his |
2360s | other ships were in range because he he |
2362s | did get the oniros tackle the oniros did |
2364s | a great job |
2365s | they're just with no follow-up so yeah |
2368s | sometimes we see teams using uh suicide |
2370s | tackle their job is to just run in hold |
2372s | something down and survive long enough |
2373s | before you inevitably die for the rest |
2376s | of your ships to trundle in but if you |
2377s | just get too far ahead of them then you |
2379s | know that's not gonna work no one can |
2380s | save you at mystical might we also saw |
2382s | another armored jackdaw not the most |
2385s | common chip on TQ but very popular in |
2387s | the tournament uh why would you bring an |
2389s | armor Jack doll yeah so as mentioned an |
2392s | armor Jack door does two things really |
2394s | well I think one is that it is able to |
2397s | project damage so it's a constant stream |
2399s | of like missiles that come into pressure |
2401s | either the lower end of the enemy team |
2403s | especially useful if you are using a |
2406s | thing like or if you're fighting against |
2407s | something like a zom or logifrix because |
2410s | having to make the decision on what you |
2412s | rep is actually fairly difficult in |
2414s | those two circumstances so they do |
2415s | damage which is great and they project |
2417s | it really far and the other thing that |
2419s | they do really well is that they have a |
2420s | lot of mids and if your armor fit you |
2422s | can use those mids for things like |
2424s | tracking disruptors or missile guidance |
2425s | filters which means that you can |
2427s | effectively shut down one or two of the |
2428s | ships on the enemy team the only real |
2430s | downside of an armor Jack door is that |
2432s | if it gets shot it disappears so the |
2434s | trick is to not get shot |
2436s | and by disappears uh Bart do you think |
2438s | he means cloaking no I don't I think he |
2440s | means it explodifies |
2442s | um but yeah like the other thing about |
2444s | the arm projectile is when it goes in |
2446s | defensive mode it has there's no bonus |
2448s | to it it's like oh the signature gets |
2450s | reduced a little bit so even if you fill |
2452s | those two low slots with as much tank as |
2456s | you possibly can yes your it has no |
2458s | chance so it's it actually becomes a |
2459s | pretty piloting intensive one because |
2461s | you have to be very aware of |
2462s | where you are compared to the enemy but |
2464s | uh I think especially with this new uh |
2467s | with the changes allowing scripts it has |
2469s | become even more powerful because now |
2471s | those uh those stamps track and |
2472s | disrupters whatever are like twice as |
2474s | good |
2475s | awesome now our next match is going to |
2477s | be arrival versus Exodus so let's check |
2479s | in with gentan and an interview with the |
2481s | captain from Exodus |
2483s | all right so first of all can you just |
2485s | introduce yourself to the audience both |
2487s | who you are and what team you represent |
2489s | uh yes uh I am a zaraxel Nightblade I'm |
2493s | with a team Exodus I've been an eve |
2495s | player since 2007 I'm currently the |
2498s | captain of the at team this year and |
2501s | I've been a member of Alliance since |
2503s | 2013. |
2505s | so what do Exodus typically do on drag |
2507s | quality outside of the tournament |
2509s | currently uh well currently we do a lot |
2512s | of small gain PVP solo PVP not quite as |
2516s | uh active as in the past uh most of us |
2520s | um have been playing for years and we |
2523s | just really focus on the at |
2525s | um that's when we become active and then |
2527s | we go in our little holes uh when we are |
2530s | not playing |
2531s | um but uh mainly uh small gang PVP and |
2535s | solo PVP |
2537s | all right so what uh exodus's |
2539s | competitive history have there been any |
2541s | major results from the team in the past |
2544s | um you know give us some idea of your |
2545s | tournament pedigree of course |
2547s | um you know exit that first uh played in |
2550s | at-10 |
2552s | um and we've participated in every at |
2553s | since then |
2555s | um you know we have uh current members |
2558s | of our alliancee team participate in |
2561s | um the newly Eden open tournament we |
2564s | also had uh one of our members win the |
2567s | mar Championship says the name is awasa |
2569s | QC |
2571s | um we actually took account of our team |
2573s | members and found that we have almost |
2575s | 100 Years of at experience Among Us |
2579s | um eight of our T our team Corps members |
2581s | have been in Exodus since uh the first |
2584s | tournament run |
2586s | um we finished third in the first uh and |
2589s | the second ATS we were part of you know |
2591s | so 18 10 and 11. and then since then we |
2595s | finished second and multiple times in |
2597s | the top ten |
2598s | um one year we didn't practice at all |
2601s | um and we finished in the top 12 which |
2604s | was uh pretty fun uh we also uh were |
2607s | made aware of this uh I want to buy one |
2610s | of our practice partners that among all |
2613s | U.S teams Exodus uh has finished the |
2617s | highest in history in 80s at second and |
2620s | third the fact that we've never really |
2622s | even considered representing n a yep |
2625s | representing any I can't believe Eve is |
2627s | the only esport where n a is actually |
2629s | good |
2630s | big facts can you give me some idea of |
2634s | where you would hope to or expect a |
2636s | place within the alliance tournament you |
2638s | know are you expecting to compete for |
2639s | that top four this time or maybe even |
2641s | take the trophy itself |
2644s | um I think that with the the group of |
2646s | guys that we have this year |
2648s | um and just uh the the general |
2651s | atmosphere of the team |
2654s | um I think that we definitely have a |
2657s | very good chance to get into the top |
2658s | four |
2659s | um as long as we uh don't uh beat |
2662s | ourselves and do something uh stupid I |
2664s | think we uh we should we should very |
2667s | well be competing for the top four |
2674s | are you argentan talking to the captain |
2675s | of Exodus a very experienced team uh |
2678s | with a lot of Pilots I think he said was |
2680s | it eight years or 100 years or something |
2681s | that combines experience that's just |
2683s | mind-boggling let's take a look at some |
2685s | of the most experienced pilots in Exodus |
2688s | and see what we can look at there |
2690s | foreign |
2692s | Maybe |
2695s | there we go |
2697s | all right so uh Walter Uber snow of |
2699s | course now flying with truth honor light |
2700s | I believe uh 61 matches uh when he flew |
2703s | with Exodus that's uh that's something |
2705s | in itself I'm pretty sure uh one of the |
2707s | more experienced pilots in my Instagram |
2709s | history right there uh and this this is |
2711s | just a who's who of experience here |
2713s | we've of course got a zaraxel there we |
2714s | just heard from him uh nixar Mr Falcon |
2717s | some amazing names in there anyone |
2719s | jumping at you mystical knight uh I know |
2722s | sabotage I think from my days back in |
2724s | faction Warfare so it's nice to see that |
2725s | he's been doing well with the 18 getting |
2727s | involved I've seen him quite a bit it's |
2729s | been years now since we flew together |
2732s | um yeah I mean next door as well water |
2734s | Uber snow like you said a few members |
2736s | there that have left Exodus and moved on |
2738s | to other teams |
2739s | um and they've also had good runs as |
2740s | well with those teams so really high |
2742s | school Pilots I'm a big fan of uh Snow's |
2745s | win rate there uh is a solid solid |
2748s | number |
2749s | um let's look at the bands for this |
2750s | upcoming match |
2754s | so a rival choosing to ban the arthrus |
2757s | oh I can see myself again hello uh the |
2759s | Arthur is the caracal Navy issue the bar |
2761s | guest X to spanning out the Nighthawk |
2763s | the Bargas the Armageddon and then the |
2765s | trickle bands we have an osprey and a |
2767s | curse uh Blackberry pirate what do you |
2769s | make of this I think that a arrival has |
2772s | finally done something that I have been |
2774s | suggesting for like at least three ATS |
2776s | now which is Van caldari kaidi type |
2780s | stuff out against Exodus and also thanks |
2783s | to the current modern meta that we're |
2785s | starting to see the orthos and the |
2786s | caracal the issue are both like key |
2789s | ships for the Calgary rush so somebody |
2791s | finally actually studied their playbook |
2793s | and was like ah we think we have a way |
2795s | to defeat them |
2796s | um |
2797s | yeah they're just very very smart and |
2799s | then the Osprey as well is like kind of |
2800s | key to these calorie Rush setups because |
2802s | it's so few points but still reps very |
2804s | very hard so I I really like arrivals |
2806s | plans they definitely thought about this |
2808s | and uh |
2809s | yeah just just really really good play |
2811s | on their part mystiko yeah I just wanted |
2813s | to add that uh one of the talking points |
2815s | that I had about arrival as a team is |
2818s | that they seem to actually go back |
2819s | through and watch some of the matches |
2820s | that their opponents have played and |
2822s | then try and put their band strategy |
2823s | together based on what they've actually |
2824s | shown so with truth on the light as an |
2827s | example they banned the exact Navy issue |
2829s | which is I think the first and only |
2830s | exact Navy Band that we've seen maybe |
2832s | there's been one or two other ones but |
2834s | it's interesting because it shows that |
2835s | they're actually taking the interest in |
2837s | understanding what the matter of the |
2838s | other team is instead of just assuming |
2840s | that everyone shares the same |
2841s | understanding of what's good and what's |
2843s | not excellent uh well it's time to find |
2845s | out you know can arrival pull one over |
2846s | on Exodus or will Exodus try and rise to |
2849s | the top |
2850s | um being one of the first n a teams |
2852s | potentially to win the alliance |
2853s | tournament in itself |
2855s | um let's go to the arena and find out |
2862s | and welcome to the arena and we have of |
2865s | course a rival versus exit and we have a |
2866s | very interesting match with a um |
2868s | honestly it looks like a bit of a uh |
2870s | kite Rush maybe versus Belgian Navy apoc |
2872s | this is very interesting what do you |
2873s | think about this one uh |
2875s | Swift I think it's crazy that arrival or |
2878s | almost a three to one Underdog here uh |
2880s | as you mentioned they've got the |
2882s | Claymore slip their Loki uh double Navy |
2884s | Osprey this is definitely going to be a |
2885s | nice little uh Rush team over here |
2887s | against Exodus taking in a bad Navy apoc |
2891s | balgorn core oh that is uh that is |
2895s | definitely a bunch of tanky boys uh |
2897s | sitting right up there uh augmented by |
2899s | an arbitrator Confessor crucifier and |
2901s | Punisher so a lot of uh missile guidance |
2903s | disruptors potentially uh we'll see how |
2905s | this plays out |
2907s | yeah it's a very heavy core indeed just |
2909s | checking around the ships at the moment |
2910s | seeing if the slept near it would be |
2912s | artillery for some reason it's not but |
2914s | you know I can hope |
2916s | um yeah this is going to be very |
2917s | interesting to see how this match uh |
2918s | develops but there's a very heavy core |
2920s | from Exodus that's going to be a pain to |
2921s | break even with the rivals big massive |
2923s | chunk of DPS yeah and they're actually |
2925s | fairly close to one another here so uh |
2927s | probably a little bit of Advantage uh to |
2928s | arrival we see their Navy Osprey is |
2930s | already webbed down by this Exodus |
2932s | belgorne and he's going to be deleted |
2934s | off the field here let's see how fast |
2935s | they can apply that damage |
2939s | it's pretty good at the moment I'm |
2940s | waiting to see if it slows down but |
2942s | they're actually kicking his butt real |
2943s | hard right now and these of course the |
2945s | uh apoc Navy and Abaddon can apply at |
2947s | range so as long as he's web they can |
2949s | apply them as a Punisher is getting |
2951s | absolutely ripped open but he actually |
2952s | managed to survive maybe yeah he's hold |
2955s | he's old 15 structure easy uh that you |
2958s | only need a little bit of structure |
2960s | right so he's totally fine and we see |
2962s | wasik you've seen now taking quite a bit |
2963s | of damage here uh on the Exodus side uh |
2966s | he is right up in there |
2968s | uh but now it looks like he might be |
2970s | trying to save himself a little bit uh I |
2973s | think this is probably one of the most |
2973s | individually skilled pilots in the |
2975s | tournament uh so let's see how long he |
2977s | can last if he can Outlast uh for this |
2979s | Navy Osprey who is slowly about to enter |
2981s | armor here quickly about the Under Armor |
2983s | here |
2984s | being the intelligible Indies he's |
2986s | currently in defensive mode which makes |
2987s | that Confessor even harder to kill as |
2988s | you see he's now sitting at 100 armor |
2990s | and not moving as Osprey Navy is now |
2992s | going through armors they are starting |
2994s | to punch through the ship and that will |
2996s | start swinging this match towards |
2997s | exodus's way yeah one of the things you |
2999s | can't see here is the arrival dot uh |
3002s | they have a cloud or at least had a |
3003s | cloud of light Shield maintenance spots |
3005s | uh that The Exodus support Wing was |
3007s | actually shooting off there uh so that's |
3009s | where you saw the kind of the damage die |
3011s | there a little bit more uh Claymore and |
3013s | slept here are pinned down oh my gosh |
3016s | this Exodus team uh maybe they are maybe |
3019s | a rival should have been a three to one |
3020s | Underdog but we'll see as another Navy |
3022s | Osprey is pinned down here uh this guy |
3025s | is double webbed uh larynx is not moving |
3027s | anywhere and this balgorn Navy apoc and |
3030s | abandon are going to throw their em |
3032s | damage right into his face it's not |
3034s | going to be pretty to be a Navy Osprey |
3036s | on this day |
3037s | it looks like a rival is not committing |
3039s | fully and trying to kill the bowel gone |
3040s | the Battleground is obviously very tanky |
3041s | and they've got a reactive arm hardener |
3042s | but then again they've got missiles so |
3044s | they could fire the rainbow with this |
3046s | guy but that is not going to change |
3047s | anything he is tanking incredibly well |
3050s | his notes aren't really going to hurt |
3051s | anything on the grid except for maybe |
3053s | removing their tank but he you just they |
3055s | just don't have the DPS to make this |
3056s | work |
3057s | I love the confidence of Mr Falcon here |
3059s | in the Punisher uh when you are flying |
3062s | around with like 30 structure maybe your |
3064s | instinct is to kind of hide in the |
3066s | background he is not having a background |
3068s | look at the Auger the auger's been held |
3070s | down now he's being absolutely pounded |
3072s | that's going to be their lodgy gone and |
3074s | maybe they can break this bar they need |
3075s | this may potentially go for another big |
3077s | ship or maybe go for the lodgy trade now |
3078s | because they they are now on a timer oh |
3081s | my gosh a Rivals are swinging this one |
3083s | back here with that auger trade uh they |
3085s | still have their cement are sure he's |
3086s | being neuted down uh but he is being |
3088s | neuted down by the Bal Gordon newts so |
3090s | he should be able to kind of get some |
3092s | reps off here and there uh as we see a |
3094s | speeple is now tackled on the arrival |
3096s | Dart side uh let's see how these guys |
3098s | are smart they're gonna have to clear |
3099s | off all the tackle that's clipping their |
3101s | Claymore and slept near down then they |
3103s | have to start moving around there's a |
3104s | unit |
3106s | I think they're going to recommit to the |
3107s | burgling yep I'm already seeing the Loki |
3109s | back on the balglin now just keeping an |
3111s | eye out for the other ones and I think |
3112s | they're going to fully commit this but |
3113s | we're going to try and get one of these |
3114s | big ships down the bug one's probably |
3116s | the biggest uh |
3117s | biggest Center of uh control for Exodus |
3120s | on this grid right now |
3121s | Scimitar look at the Timmy Simmy is now |
3125s | tackled uh all right Exodus ice water in |
3128s | their veins saying hey we got that logic |
3129s | trade we can do this they're about to |
3131s | lose their Magus which is going to be a |
3132s | lot of their links uh but the semi for |
3135s | arrival is now tackled uh let's see if |
3137s | the apron gets tackled by |
3139s | The Punisher |
3142s | Mr Falcon MVP of this match if Exodus |
3145s | can kind of take this one back uh riding |
3148s | with no Logie a sliver of structure left |
3150s | uh pinning down linchpin ship after |
3153s | linchpin ship this Scimitar is dropping |
3156s | Exodus are pulling this one back uh just |
3159s | a back and forth match here you see the |
3161s | Scimitar is repping he has an xlasb he's |
3164s | got nine charges that can go up and down |
3166s | so when you see it just every time it |
3168s | goes up count and as soon as nine is |
3170s | over then it's gonna start dropping he's |
3172s | doing his show because he's buying time |
3174s | as his team has now killed the battle |
3175s | going and they are starting to slowly |
3177s | maybe call this back if he can survive |
3179s | just a little bit longer he can buy his |
3181s | team that extra bit of time they can |
3182s | maybe start working on maybe the apoc |
3183s | Navy and start breaking apart the DPS |
3185s | core here this could honestly flip to a |
3187s | rival's way even with a scimitar loss |
3190s | yeah and we see this uh it looks like |
3192s | Wasa was trying to kill this flycatcher |
3194s | here oh Mr Falcon finally goes down no |
3198s | oh my gosh all right I mean this is |
3200s | incredibly back and forth here uh this |
3203s | is almost a dead even heat uh arrival |
3205s | still have their DPS Coral alive Exodus |
3208s | have two of three uh now it's just uh |
3210s | decision making what are you gonna do |
3212s | are you gonna take out the support Wing |
3213s | that's what Exodus wants to do uh they |
3215s | just killed a jackdaw from the |
3217s | arrival.team uh as uh arrival kind of |
3220s | working on this abandon they say who |
3222s | cares about the small ships let's kill |
3224s | the big boys get them off the field now |
3226s | uh my gosh that will be the center of |
3228s | this match for them at the moment you |
3230s | can see obviously they're all right on |
3231s | zero and but something is loaded hail |
3232s | this claim was probably firing rage they |
3235s | are putting everything into this Abaddon |
3236s | I was confused why they're going for the |
3238s | Abaddon first but turns out the apoc |
3239s | Navy is actually quite a distance away |
3240s | so they had to go for this guy which is |
3243s | not not usually the best of cools but |
3245s | his armor is not that much like he's |
3247s | taking massive chunks |
3249s | yeah generally when you see in a bad you |
3251s | don't want to uh to shoot it so maybe he |
3253s | kind of baited a little bit uh we see |
3255s | Exodus kind of swapping their strategy |
3256s | over they say yeah we don't need the the |
3258s | small ships let's try and get the logic |
3260s | or DPS trade going uh they're shooting |
3263s | yeah oh my gosh handsy babes uh in the |
3267s | slept near is very tanky a very high yam |
3269s | resist I think he's gonna Outlast this a |
3271s | badon though |
3272s | in Abaddon this should not be the case |
3275s | in any world the other one is now going |
3277s | through structure he's going to go down |
3278s | before the slip knee and this is |
3279s | honestly a painful blow for Exodus the |
3283s | Rival core still exists and this letter |
3284s | is still holding and all they've got |
3286s | left now really is an apoc Navy for real |
3288s | damage |
3289s | my got a rivalry doing it oh this is |
3292s | great uh the slept near uh is still |
3294s | tanking of handsy babes uh let's see |
3297s | what they're gonna go for next obviously |
3299s | they can now break off if they want to |
3301s | start clearing off some of this tackle |
3302s | uh they have a lot of control on vitones |
3305s | Navy apoc so not too worried and that's |
3307s | exactly what they're doing uh Washington |
3309s | QC is now tackled they're gonna try and |
3311s | uh clear up some of this uh back end |
3313s | here and survive a little bit uh just |
3317s | both teams going back and forth back and |
3319s | forth uh incredible match |
3322s | and notice that the slip new is now |
3324s | tanking comfortably he's actually run |
3326s | away from the um from the Navy apoc and |
3329s | is also the neighborhood's been tracking |
3330s | the truck so they can't even shoot him |
3331s | so that slept near Will Survive relay is |
3333s | xlasb can go straight back in this is |
3336s | honestly a surprising Victory from a |
3338s | rival hoop honestly I think they've got |
3339s | this completely I think you're right a |
3341s | handsy and that's left near uh he's |
3343s | reloaded his ASB are in the process of |
3344s | reloading so that's why he's kind of out |
3346s | of no man's land here doing a little bit |
3348s | damage uh clearing off some of the |
3349s | smaller ships uh but exit is they're not |
3352s | throwing in the towel uh they want to |
3353s | keep this one going they think they've |
3355s | got a pretty good chance to win here uh |
3357s | so they're just clearing off a little |
3358s | bit more of the back end going after the |
3359s | caracal |
3361s | yeah |
3363s | should have picked that Target a lot |
3365s | earlier like these T1 Cruisers are very |
3367s | easy to kill and they obviously provide |
3369s | a good amount of DPS this kind of comp I |
3371s | think you might maybe kind of rip apart |
3372s | the uh DPS that you can but it's a |
3375s | little late unfortunately but they might |
3376s | maybe be able to kill something else |
3378s | oh look I mean if I invite someone right |
3381s | now I am flipping my desk I have been |
3383s | pinned down this entire match damped or |
3386s | tracking disrupted unable to shoot |
3388s | anything at all uh what a frustrating |
3391s | thing this must be to be the one guy |
3393s | singled out uh you see the Claymore and |
3395s | something right now playing and laying |
3397s | into him uh as the Loki is kind of going |
3399s | around uh webbing anything he can and |
3401s | shooting it uh mag is about to go down |
3403s | Navy apocal down arrival showing that |
3406s | they shouldn't have been three to one |
3407s | thugs uh get some respect on that name |
3409s | uh they're going to knock Exodus out |
3412s | here |
3413s | like this is honestly the surprise of |
3416s | the entire day for me that I don't think |
3417s | they're gonna be our top there's X's |
3419s | being taken out by arrival in a match |
3420s | honestly look like it was going Exodus |
3421s | way at the start but that clutch uh |
3423s | lodgy trade for arrival just really just |
3426s | put them into the driver's seat and they |
3427s | just they capitalize immediately I know |
3429s | I was gushing over a Punisher uh while |
3431s | watching an auger getting uh pinned down |
3433s | or just glassing over dog or getting |
3435s | pinned down glad I'm joined by you |
3437s | Wingnut uh for catching that one uh that |
3439s | was the pivotal moment of this match I |
3441s | mean it was back and forth back and |
3443s | forth but as soon as that auger went |
3445s | down uh just huge huge uh win for |
3449s | arrival that was just really well played |
3451s | Exodus though they didn't Panic they got |
3453s | the logic trade uh but you know |
3455s | composure arrival nailed that battleborn |
3459s | nailed that a badon kept the Navy apoc |
3461s | pinned down uh and now they're just uh |
3463s | reaping the rewards of that composure uh |
3466s | congratulations to a rival thought uh |
3469s | taking down Exodus apparently the N.A |
3472s | Kings I had no idea uh so long |
3478s | so I'm just going to piss off all the |
3479s | North American viewers here and it's the |
3482s | most gold medals of anyone in the |
3484s | alliance tournament just dropping that |
3485s | out there uh might not be here real yeah |
3487s | that I could have just made that up |
3489s | we'll never know uh Pawn effects going |
3492s | down by then Tessie arrival get that |
3495s | sigh of relief my gosh their hands must |
3498s | be shaken here uh this was as we were |
3501s | saying back and forth back and forth all |
3503s | match long I think I'm gonna watch this |
3505s | one again I'm actually going to leave |
3506s | after this just to watch this match |
3508s | again uh let's find CCB Castro to uh to |
3511s | kind of take over the Reigns uh what an |
3514s | amazing amazing match very much all the |
3518s | guys in chat saying uh good fights as |
3519s | well the match is now over so thank you |
3521s | very much to Exodus for an amazing match |
3522s | unfortunately you are out but with that |
3524s | we'll head back to studio and see what |
3526s | they think |
3542s | [Music] |
3546s | thank you |
3553s | sino's up |
3574s | pump it up a little more get the party |
3577s | going on the Dance Floor |
3599s | foreign |
3613s | victory over Exodus who are now |
3615s | eliminated from Alliance tournament 18. |
3618s | the interview curse continues uh pretty |
3620s | much every time we play a captain's |
3622s | interview they immediately get |
3624s | eliminated from the tournament as so |
3626s | apologies there uh there's some some |
3628s | poor lazy script writing from from the |
3630s | team here in the back but wow I mean |
3633s | arrival played that super super well uh |
3636s | that could have gone many different ways |
3638s | they could have lost that many different |
3639s | ways the the one with bands essentially |
3641s | the the forced uh XS to bring something |
3643s | that they maybe rent is comfortable with |
3645s | they brought their own counter to that |
3646s | and then they just executed it super |
3648s | well we saw some amazing piloting by all |
3650s | those team members to to pull that |
3651s | Victory off we also wanted to shout out |
3653s | to Mr Falcon on The Exodus team because |
3655s | he was in The Punisher and he went |
3657s | flying in got tackled on something and |
3659s | then started to die pretty quickly he |
3660s | was unable to extract himself get back |
3662s | out of a damage room range get reps and |
3665s | then reposition and come back in and get |
3667s | tackle on the Scimitar of howling wind |
3669s | to enable his team to take down that |
3670s | Scimitar and put them back into Fighting |
3672s | Chance one of the most experienced |
3674s | Pilots we can see here he's flown in a |
3677s | bunch of matches 23 wins to 15 losses |
3679s | which is a pretty good ratio obviously |
3681s | flying for Exodus all the way back here |
3683s | to Alliance tournament 10 |
3684s | um flying in a bunch of different |
3686s | tournaments flying a bunch of different |
3687s | ships usually the smaller ships the high |
3689s | scale ships sometimes the nearest a |
3690s | bunch of them a bunch of basilisks and |
3692s | then a whole bunch of people's so he we |
3695s | were very impressed with his piloting in |
3696s | that particular match uh unfortunately |
3698s | we won't see him again because he is |
3699s | eliminated but well done you good job |
3702s | um so mystical might we saw the slept |
3705s | near of arrival uh starting to Boost |
3708s | after that Scimitar went down and you |
3710s | were sitting here and you were counting |
3711s | boost charges as it was happening walk |
3713s | me through what you were looking for |
3714s | yeah so one of the things that we'll |
3716s | typically see with ships like the slept |
3718s | near and the Claymore because there are |
3720s | active tank bonuses they'll usually have |
3721s | an extra large ASB fit which allows them |
3724s | to self-sustain their tank for a short |
3726s | time I mean ASB is an ancillary Shield |
3729s | booster which uses cap charges to give |
3732s | you back your Shields without using your |
3734s | own capacitor now when those cap charges |
3736s | run out because there's only a limited |
3738s | amount in these asbs it then starts |
3741s | using your ship's capacitor to regen |
3743s | your Shields it's extremely expensive |
3745s | cap wise so it's not something that |
3747s | really can be sustained once those |
3749s | charges are gone which is why I was |
3750s | counting to see how many charges he had |
3752s | already used because that gives us an |
3754s | idea of how much more tanky's actually |
3756s | got left remaining to him and it was a |
3759s | race between killing that abaddin and |
3761s | whether that slapnel was going to die |
3762s | before then once the abandon goes down |
3764s | though sleptner is pretty free to burn |
3766s | away reload that Shield booster because |
3768s | you can reload it it just takes a really |
3771s | long time so you can't really do it in |
3772s | combat |
3773s | awesome and uh I'm told by the |
3776s | production team we have a Graphic uh for |
3777s | you some hard-hitting deep analysis of |
3780s | the alliance tournament let's see let's |
3782s | see if we can throw that up and take a |
3783s | look at it |
3787s | so this is the win rate after uh playing |
3789s | the interviews for the teams |
3791s | um as you can see here not very many |
3793s | wins in fact I would call that a goose |
3795s | egg e0 zero wins for teams after playing |
3797s | interviews so if you have been |
3799s | interviewed by Jin tan and you don't |
3801s | want us to play it then perhaps perhaps |
3804s | reach out |
3805s | it will cost you you know incidentally I |
3808s | believe that uh Volta has an interview |
3810s | with I've already deleted it just and |
3813s | Truth honor light does not I I have made |
3815s | one I I pretended to be Dexter and I did |
3818s | the interview myself ah perfect |
3820s | excellent play it whenever we're ready |
3823s | um |
3824s | let's look at our next uh next match now |
3827s | which is nanofiber tokens versus root |
3828s | Capel and have a look at the bands for |
3829s | that one |
3831s | so nanofiber tokens Banning out the bar |
3833s | guests the Loki and the balgorn whereas |
3836s | Rook Capel Banning out Scimitar |
3837s | Blackbird and EOS uh Blackberry pirate |
3840s | what are you seeing here well |
3842s | interestingly enough I believe this is |
3843s | actually the same bands that root Capel |
3845s | has used several times now |
3847s | um so uh they are clearly not adjusting |
3850s | them based on their opponent they just |
3851s | don't want to see scimitars blackbirds |
3853s | and eoses I don't think we've seen a lot |
3855s | of Blackbird play we did see that one uh |
3857s | kind of disgusting one by Darkseid as |
3860s | their potentially trump card of magic |
3863s | Jam just spread everywhere and making |
3864s | the game hard to play but uh nanofiber |
3867s | tokens one is a little bit more |
3868s | interesting |
3869s | um I don't understand bargasbands |
3871s | because we're really only seeing them as |
3872s | flagships which can in fact evade the |
3875s | ban uh though the Loki and the |
3876s | Battleground are starting to become very |
3877s | very standard |
3879s | um again have opinions on belgorns but |
3881s | you know maybe I'm wrong even though we |
3883s | just saw one feed really hard who knows |
3885s | who knows and um I think we have some |
3887s | graphics for the teams as well so let's |
3889s | see if we can throw up the root Capel |
3891s | team graphic and take a closer look at |
3893s | them |
3894s | so Rockpile 94 Pilots that flown with |
3897s | them over the years a whole bunch of |
3898s | veterans uh flying in this team pretty |
3901s | good pretty good ratio of winning uh to |
3903s | not winning which is kind of what we |
3904s | like to see |
3905s | um they've won recently against Rusty |
3907s | heinous Clan and Arcos core losing |
3909s | against Volta and Hydra and also beating |
3912s | Volta recently as well so this is a this |
3914s | is a solid team like definitely not to |
3915s | be discounted |
3917s | um I know lady labia a very experienced |
3919s | pilot flown uh in many Alliance |
3922s | tournaments also been a desk Caster over |
3924s | in Iceland at some previous Alliance |
3925s | tournaments uh many many years gone so |
3928s | again very experienced team another U.S |
3930s | time zone team I believe so we'll see if |
3932s | they do well at all Nano fiber tokens |
3934s | bit more uh of a newer team in terms of |
3937s | uh the core experience but the pilots |
3940s | themselves obviously uh relatively |
3942s | experienced and the astronaut with seven |
3943s | rounds played and reasonably good uh |
3945s | good ratio here two to one uh beating |
3948s | both pandemic Legion and Esports Petopia |
3950s | and just dropping to the losers bracket |
3951s | against Odin's call who had a top eight |
3953s | run last year so very respect to be |
3955s | dropped down by them so Mr Gourmet who's |
3958s | going to be this time nanofiber tokens |
3959s | are rocker pal hmm |
3961s | I'm gonna have to go with a rote I'm |
3964s | gonna I'm gonna put my Caster curse upon |
3966s | them and we'll see whether they can |
3968s | break it Blackboard pirate I am also |
3970s | going with throat because I am a |
3971s | mademoiselle enjoyer |
3973s | I am a Mademoiselle spammer so I will |
3976s | also be going for Road Coppell so let's |
3977s | go to the reader and find out who can |
3978s | win for nanofiber tokens versus Road |
3981s | Coppell |
3987s | and welcome to the arena with nft versus |
3989s | uh Road Capel we have a very interesting |
3991s | match coming up ahead we have twin Navy |
3993s | armageddon's versus what I believe is a |
3995s | coyote Nighthawk uh comp what do you |
3997s | think about this one zitonia |
3999s | uh I'm really excited for this one uh |
4001s | it's nice to see the new Armageddon Navy |
4003s | issues on the field that were recently |
4005s | buffed uh just uh last week |
4010s | good timing for the buff indeed uh it's |
4014s | gonna be very interesting I'm having a |
4014s | look at what weapons they've got I |
4015s | believe yep they are rapid heavy |
4017s | armageddon's again so luckily they did |
4019s | not verse any ECM here because that |
4021s | could have really broken their Clips up |
4022s | Meanwhile we're seeing a triple BC plus |
4025s | uh French full-on support uh DPS support |
4028s | sorry comp from uh throat so I suspect |
4031s | they're gonna run away what do you think |
4033s | are these uh I think they are rapid |
4034s | Heavies aren't they uh I'm sorry yeah on |
4038s | the uh authoris and the on The |
4040s | Nighthawks they look like hams to me oh |
4042s | no I haven't had a chance to look at the |
4044s | author so I just looked at them oh no |
4046s | tell me this is a ham sandwich |
4049s | it that might okay this is gonna be very |
4052s | interesting then so they're going to |
4053s | potentially Rush oh |
4055s | okay so uh that everything's out the |
4058s | window now boys |
4059s | I could be completely wrong though they |
4061s | could be uh HML as uh uh let's take the |
4064s | carpet lights they're definitely not |
4066s | rapid lights they're either HML or ham I |
4068s | can't tell which so uh okay here we go |
4071s | The Party Starts Now |
4077s | okay yeah looking at what they said in |
4079s | local saying witness me this is |
4081s | definitely a ham rush I don't need to |
4083s | look at the ships anymore no that's a |
4084s | ham Rush 10 seconds to a match underway |
4086s | we're gonna watch them go running and |
4087s | screaming I think |
4089s | yeah who do you think's gonna have the |
4091s | edge here because like these uh I'm |
4092s | again Navy issues they have the bonus |
4094s | new range that you can mute out pretty |
4096s | well but they're not really going to |
4098s | shut down like the weapon systems from |
4099s | the Exiles and the offices and they're |
4102s | coming together there's too much dam |
4104s | look at that look at that attack bar |
4105s | from rote there's not a single blast |
4107s | shipped here and the attack bar is |
4108s | girthy the control buffer 905 tokens is |
4111s | quite nice but unfortunately I think |
4113s | once they get on top of these |
4114s | battleships it's not going to matter |
4116s | actually see damage onto an arbitrator |
4117s | first just keeping an eye on targets |
4119s | yeah no there we go they're going on to |
4121s | kante in the Army and the Armageddon |
4123s | Navy and just watch how fast this guy's |
4124s | gonna go down |
4125s | Jack door verdeck is already gone |
4127s | however Road capella are in now they're |
4129s | putting some DPS on compassos uh failure |
4132s | we're also seeing a bit of DPS go on to |
4134s | the Sentinel as well where it looks like |
4136s | Hall County is the main Primary in the |
4138s | armaged Navy issue there's a lot of |
4140s | split damage here for some reason though |
4143s | yeah I'm not sure what's going on there |
4144s | I I'll just keep an eye who's shooting |
4146s | the failure |
4148s | I think fairly is just uh DPS drones on |
4150s | him at the moment that is not split DPS |
4151s | that is just a drone way when the valley |
4153s | forcing his uh teammate to try and save |
4156s | him |
4157s | uh psycho hexanals uh office is down now |
4160s | but Hawaii Kanti is in half armor that |
4162s | navitus as well can passo is also pretty |
4165s | low it's really interesting I think |
4167s | you're forcing the uh Deacon of Andy |
4169s | astronaut either to save the Thalia or |
4172s | like don't just don't rep her the |
4173s | Armageddon Navy issue which has just |
4175s | five ham ships shooting it so that's a |
4178s | pretty pretty interesting tactic it |
4179s | looks like it's working for them kind of |
4181s | right now though |
4183s | interesting thing as well is that the |
4184s | rapid Heavies has managed to kill off |
4185s | the uh authors of cycler but I think the |
4188s | Osprey they should be able to say the |
4189s | Osprey Navy I think these all these |
4191s | armaged names will have to reload |
4192s | whereas the ham sandwich will not reload |
4194s | it will just keep on pounding the ship |
4196s | as they do take down the Thalia so they |
4198s | have broken half of the lodgy frigates I |
4200s | suspect they'll put the drones on the |
4201s | Deacon perhaps or maybe on the |
4202s | Armageddon Navy |
4204s | yeah so now the uh now the navitus is |
4206s | down it looks like any astronaut is |
4208s | going to have the drones on him and they |
4209s | will be able to get through this Deacon |
4211s | probably but have they lost too much at |
4213s | this point I mean they still do have two |
4215s | Nighthawk strike Navy they're two |
4217s | caracal navies and the Osprey but they |
4219s | have lost like a lot of their DPS now I |
4221s | do think they're going to kill the |
4222s | Armageddon Navy issue probably the |
4223s | Deacon but they're probably gonna lose |
4225s | at least the character Navy issue I |
4227s | think before the Armageddon Navy goes |
4229s | down they might lose character Navy I |
4231s | was surprised they managed to get |
4232s | through the Osprey Navy before but um |
4233s | honestly if they get rid of the |
4234s | Armageddon maybe they might be able to |
4236s | hold there because they still got their |
4237s | Osprey on grid who was definitely |
4239s | helping him out he's getting neutered a |
4240s | little bit but you should better keep |
4241s | wrapping his team at the moment but I |
4244s | keep saying that and then things keep |
4245s | dying can you please stop Elmo please |
4247s | don't die the armaged Navy goes down to |
4249s | another down to one left |
4251s | as Elmo's about to die he's already in |
4253s | Hull |
4254s | yeah so I'm just gonna go down but so is |
4256s | Angie astronaut which will get rid of |
4257s | all of the logistics from the nft side |
4260s | we still have Chadwick alive he's not |
4263s | going to get reps anymore but he's |
4264s | probably gonna at least take down at |
4266s | least a character Navy possibly |
4267s | something else down before he dies I |
4269s | imagine and then it's going to be |
4271s | damnation that's the Navy issue versus |
4273s | two Nighthawks potentially in an osprey |
4278s | sounds like the Vixen Navy tried to go |
4280s | over to kill off the Osprey I believe |
4281s | he's actually just new to him at the |
4282s | moment which double check that |
4284s | yeah it looks like the Vex the Navy is |
4286s | actually newting the Osprey out the sky |
4288s | breaker's trying to scream off but |
4289s | nothing he can do about that so it's |
4291s | going to be a race now the Osprey Navy |
4293s | is not out of the fight but he's pretty |
4295s | close so now it's just going to be a |
4296s | race between Chadwick and well honestly |
4298s | most of the uh Road Capel team |
4301s | it's really interesting that the Vex and |
4303s | navy issue doesn't have any drones at |
4304s | all I mean that's probably one of the |
4306s | main upgrades from going from a vexer to |
4308s | a Vex and Eve issue right it's getting |
4309s | those uh Stronger medium hybrid turret |
4312s | uh damage bonus as well as the tracking |
4316s | Sentinel goes down that's actually going |
4318s | to help quite a bit these Nighthawks |
4320s | probably been gimped the entire match |
4321s | their application being hurt by the uh |
4324s | Sentinel so maybe they start putting out |
4326s | even more damage you see the Drake Navy |
4328s | being shot next shadwick's doing great |
4330s | work picking off the better DPS but less |
4332s | tank ships slow but surely ripping this |
4334s | team apart at the end it might just be |
4336s | two Nighthawks versus a Navy Armageddon |
4338s | if he can survive long enough but I |
4339s | don't think he will I think they're |
4341s | going to break through Chadwick here and |
4342s | that there is honestly going to be the |
4343s | end of the match I think because what |
4345s | DPS does magnified tokens have left |
4348s | they do still have the damnation and the |
4350s | vaccinated issue but as you uh pointed |
4352s | out the vaccinated issue is a full new |
4354s | fit so he doesn't have turret DPS he |
4357s | only has drone DPS there's like 400 DPS |
4358s | and the damnation is probably about 600 |
4361s | so yeah the Armageddon Navy issue is |
4362s | gone Alice is about to go down as well |
4364s | but it is still two Nighthawks and an |
4367s | osprey although the Osprey might be |
4368s | neuted out at this point but I think two |
4370s | Nighthawk speeds of a damnation and a |
4373s | Vex Navy issue and an arbitrary honesty |
4374s | yeah even if the Osprey was dead I think |
4377s | they'd still have us with two Nighthawks |
4378s | that is a lot of tank and great DPS |
4379s | platforms all you have to do is kill for |
4381s | damnation in the next Navy in their |
4383s | match is entirely over Alice is slowly |
4385s | dying in the direct Navy he's done his |
4387s | job in survival if the pontifex just got |
4388s | deleted holy crap |
4393s | well now they're doing damage to the |
4395s | osprey |
4396s | yeah |
4398s | it is a ham damnation so it is going to |
4401s | have some DPS but damnations are still |
4403s | probably only putting out maybe 600 DPS |
4405s | total Nighthawks are probably doing |
4407s | about double his DTS they are taking |
4410s | down the Osprey now though um which is |
4412s | interesting uh the vaccinators yeah like |
4416s | I think he was probably knitted out to |
4418s | be honest with the Vex and navy issue on |
4419s | him |
4420s | oh so he said it's a ham damnation right |
4422s | so it's a ham Nation |
4424s | thank you thank you I feel very smart |
4426s | for saying what someone else has |
4427s | probably said a thousand times |
4431s | yeah as long as you don't make any jokes |
4433s | about one of them that whole character |
4434s | names |
4438s | I I don't want to get myself kicked out |
4440s | so I'm gonna keep my mouth shut on that |
4441s | they are slowly killing off the Osprey |
4443s | but I don't think it's going to do |
4444s | anything of them at the moment these |
4445s | nigh hooks are just gonna honestly just |
4447s | dominate this match in this point |
4448s | onwards |
4450s | is there an angle where uh where the nft |
4453s | team can maybe kite it out like the |
4455s | arbitrating vaccine issue don't have to |
4457s | be at zero they can just put drones on |
4459s | people and sort of burn away maybe |
4461s | extend the match with an mjd Beacon and |
4463s | try and take down one of The Nighthawks |
4465s | or they'll get a word no because a |
4467s | skybreaker is still on grit and there's |
4469s | a great tackle ship in this scenario |
4471s | yeah and the damnation is also tackled |
4473s | and I think even if the Vex and navy and |
4476s | the arbitrator cut away the damnation is |
4478s | tackled so it's gonna die and I the next |
4481s | issue an arbitrator are less points than |
4483s | one of them Nighthawks so |
4486s | yeah it looks like yeah well done to |
4488s | broke Capel here uh Nighthawk Rush lives |
4491s | on except it's not going to rush without |
4493s | the usual support |
4494s | we saw no Loki no hyena these Nighthawks |
4497s | were left on their own with their uh DPS |
4499s | wings so this is honestly great to see |
4501s | Nighthawks kind of uh break the mold |
4503s | sort of |
4505s | but so yeah nanofiber did a great job |
4507s | here but I just feel like they kind of |
4508s | uh well got rushed down to let's be |
4510s | honest |
4511s | yeah it was a super close match |
4512s | especially at the starter to really like |
4514s | uh Nano fibers were actually winning |
4516s | because they killed about free ships |
4518s | before they started getting their own |
4519s | ones killed but the ham Rush was just so |
4522s | powerful they just went for the high-end |
4524s | ships the armaged Navy issues and just |
4526s | went straight through them |
4528s | yeah and they also didn't make any make |
4530s | any bad Target calls either they went |
4531s | for the ships that they could kill |
4533s | quickly and remove DPS |
4535s | but Nighthawk is slowly going down I'm |
4537s | actually kind of surprised |
4540s | that's you should not be going down that |
4543s | fast |
4544s | it looks like there's a bit of split DPS |
4546s | here we see the Vex and navy issue of 10 |
4548s | arrest is webbed and yes oh it just |
4550s | broke the web now and uh ovix damnation |
4554s | is not taking damage so it looked like |
4556s | maybe there was like a bit of a split |
4557s | call to maybe go after the the |
4560s | vaccinated issue which broke tackle his |
4562s | webbed again now but if this makes a |
4564s | Navy issue can extend it out to the |
4566s | point where one of The Nighthawks dies |
4568s | what the hell what in the world how's |
4570s | this notebook about to die to a |
4571s | damnation wait I'm sorry hold on |
4575s | sister ham Nation baby |
4578s | oh my God I honestly did not think the |
4581s | handmation was even [ __ ] but mildly |
4583s | functional but here we go he's actually |
4584s | gonna kill the Nighthawk and at that |
4585s | point is this I think his team's |
4587s | actually going to be ahead there that's |
4589s | not looking good now for rogue well the |
4591s | time yeah the time is on road now I |
4593s | think they're gonna get this next Navy |
4594s | issue but crucially a damnation of the |
4597s | arbitrator is more points than a |
4599s | Nighthawk and a skybreaker so if this |
4601s | arbitrator can make sure he just doesn't |
4602s | get tackled in this damn thing survive |
4604s | rhoten has already knows this and is |
4607s | already tackling the arbitrator in that |
4608s | skybreaker a really good call there |
4610s | they're still trying to kill that victim |
4611s | but but scrammed he has survived he |
4614s | escaped he's free he's run away oh my |
4618s | God this is this I will think this is |
4619s | gonna be over but it's gone the entire |
4621s | other way and now wrote I've got a time |
4623s | limit they need to catches back to Navy |
4625s | and catch the arbitrator within what is |
4627s | it a minute |
4628s | this one this might have been a disaster |
4630s | they pulled the sky breaker off for 10 |
4633s | to go on to the arbitrade it was really |
4634s | smart but 10 wasn't finished off and he |
4636s | got away from the Nighthawk and now he's |
4638s | just cutting away he's gonna survive I |
4640s | think he can survive outside ham range |
4642s | and now I think Roca Belmont actually |
4644s | lose this the Skype they're about to go |
4646s | down and the noise can save this you can |
4649s | spam all you want you cannot do bring |
4650s | enough mademoiselles to save this match |
4652s | this has been an absolute upset from |
4654s | nanofiber tokens oh Road Capel obviously |
4657s | had this match as far as I'm concerned I |
4658s | don't know how they kind of just thrown |
4660s | it away a bit |
4661s | it's not over yet it looks like the |
4664s | Nighthawk is gonna be able to kill 10 |
4666s | he's pretty close to him he hasn't wept |
4668s | again 30 seconds I I don't see how they |
4670s | can kill it I'll be in 30 seconds |
4673s | I think 10 is going down here but you're |
4676s | not killing a damnation of arbitrade in |
4677s | 20 seconds so I think this might be nfts |
4681s | as long as as long as it's no like |
4682s | crucial piloting mistakes at the end |
4684s | here |
4685s | my channel points no |
4691s | I think is over |
4694s | oh my God that is an amazing match so |
4696s | then if I was like is clawing it back in |
4698s | the end Bravo I I'm gonna go back to the |
4701s | studio and see what they think because |
4702s | that is amazing |
4704s | That's All She Wrote |
4722s | [Music] |
4725s | [Applause] |
4731s | [Music] |
4737s | thank you |
4749s | [Applause] |
4762s | connected Channel switched well it would |
4765s | have been an easy fight right but guess |
4766s | what dude I'm not seeing it people can't |
4768s | get together |
4774s | crash our enemies your temps are |
4777s | completely damned out Crush I'm dumped |
4779s | out I'm downtown you don't like Travis |
4781s | boys |
4788s | I'm jammed |
4791s | nanofiber tokens that are proving that |
4793s | nfts can have value as they eject |
4796s | rotcapel from the tournament along with |
4798s | over 1 million Channel points uh for all |
4800s | of you there on Twitch you mostly |
4802s | predicted that it was going to be a |
4803s | solid rock appellate Victory 79 to 21. |
4806s | unfortunately you were all wrong and uh |
4808s | all those Channel points have gone good |
4810s | by that was an incredibly exciting match |
4812s | we thought it was going to go back and |
4813s | forth back and forward I'm joined on the |
4815s | desk by Jin tan and CCP Swift Jin tan |
4818s | you had your head in your hands at one |
4819s | point uh take me through what was going |
4821s | on uh yeah that was just an incredible |
4823s | match there we saw the kind of Advantage |
4825s | go between the teams back and forth and |
4828s | it eventually came down to |
4830s | um at the start of it really good drone |
4832s | usage from Road Coppell you saw that |
4834s | they were splitting their damage using |
4836s | those light drones to harass the |
4838s | logistics frigates whilst then applying |
4840s | their main DPS to the Armageddon Navy |
4842s | issue and just forcing a split decision |
4845s | the uh the team of nanuary tokens |
4848s | decided to keep their Armageddon Navy |
4850s | alive for as long as possible and then |
4853s | later on in the match they did much the |
4855s | same thing putting all of their light |
4856s | drones on that skybreaker they |
4858s | recognized that it was the only piece of |
4859s | tackle the only thing that could go out |
4861s | and grab something |
4863s | um left on the road capower side and |
4865s | once that was taken care of there was no |
4867s | way that that range stamped Nighthawk |
4869s | could do absolutely anything to actually |
4871s | win the match he was just running around |
4873s | spewing missiles that you know ran out |
4876s | of fuel about two seconds after leaving |
4877s | him |
4878s | and CSP Swift do you think uh like where |
4880s | did it kind of go wrong for road like |
4882s | they started to lose it could they have |
4883s | pulled it back uh it's really hard to go |
4886s | back against uh when you start losing |
4888s | your Logistics like that I think if they |
4890s | had the chance a do-over I think uh the |
4893s | Road Coppell side would be pretty happy |
4895s | and pretty confident uh in their |
4896s | execution they do a lot of things the |
4898s | same way they just maybe kind of spread |
4900s | out a little bit more uh take out some |
4902s | more linchpins a little bit earlier on |
4904s | that arbitrator went untouched uh |
4907s | through the match and it was just |
4909s | wreaking havoc against those uh |
4910s | Nighthawks really really annoying when |
4913s | you're damped down and as Jen was saying |
4915s | your missiles just go boop boop |
4918s | is that the technical term yeah yeah |
4919s | that's exactly how that works it has a |
4921s | sound in game now where it just goes if |
4924s | you're uh it's disrupted yeah uh one |
4927s | other thing 10 uh in the vexer Navy |
4929s | issue lived way too long uh right wrote |
4932s | uh kind of did that cool guys don't look |
4934s | at the explosions maneuver uh and 10 was |
4937s | able to kind of sneak away uh if you |
4939s | want to know how he did that you can |
4940s | always listen to the less than 10 |
4941s | podcast small gang podcast uh it's a |
4944s | cool cool podcast it is a cool podcast |
4946s | I've got one of the little wooden chips |
4948s | he gives uh the guests have come on his |
4950s | show so I recommend it uh if you're not |
4952s | you've not got one you didn't give me |
4953s | one what the heck it's a entry to the |
4956s | kill Club I think he said as well well |
4957s | don't listen to that podcast uh it's a |
4960s | garbage podcast no I'm just kidding it's |
4962s | a great podcast I probably have one of |
4963s | those one things I'm a good at stealing |
4965s | swag from players nice let's take a look |
4967s | at the patterns for our next match Dark |
4968s | Side versus paper numbers and see what |
4970s | these teams are choosing uh not to face |
4974s | so dark side Banning out the Scimitar |
4976s | the curse and the balgorn paper number |
4978s | is Banning out the shack EOS and orthos |
4980s | Jin tan what are you making of these |
4981s | bands here yeah these dark side bands |
4983s | are very similar to uh to what we've |
4985s | seen in the past from them Darkseid |
4986s | targeting off that Scimitar making sure |
4988s | that there's no real potential for a |
4990s | heavy mic uh a heavy missile kite comp |
4992s | which we saw paper numbers I believe |
4994s | lose with in their first game |
4997s | um whereas paper numbers are just |
4998s | throwing out a couple of power bands |
4999s | there they're taking out the EOS which |
5001s | is the central linchpin of the Drone |
5002s | kiting comp the Le Shack which has been |
5004s | very very powerful in two Battleship |
5006s | control and then the authoris which is |
5008s | useful both in kite and in ham Rush |
5010s | which is something we've never really |
5011s | seen before it used in before but has |
5013s | performed very very admirably it's one |
5015s | of the highest win rate comps in this |
5017s | tournament so far yeah obviously that |
5018s | curse and that balgar and very powerful |
5021s | muting ships and for those of you who |
5022s | maybe are a bit newer to Eve online CP |
5024s | Swift can you take us through uh energy |
5026s | centralization uh yeah as you can see |
5028s | here once you're in optimal range these |
5030s | energy neutralizers will remove |
5032s | capacitor from the target Chip it'll |
5035s | cost some capacitor on your own chip but |
5037s | not nearly as much as it takes away so |
5039s | as the match goes longer and longer |
5042s | these ships will start losing capacitor |
5044s | and that gives your team a late game |
5046s | Advantage as you can see there are |
5048s | things you can do to circumvent this |
5050s | right you can use a cap injector you can |
5052s | use a capacitor battery which kind of |
5054s | sends some of that bad juju of energy |
5056s | sucking back to your opponent but yeah |
5059s | as these matches go on it is very very |
5061s | painful and hard to deal with I love |
5064s | those bands from faffy waffy those are |
5065s | like very like very faffy waffy bands |
5068s | right he he really strongly values the |
5070s | curse thinks it's a great platform for |
5072s | the points and it is incredibly Point |
5074s | efficient uh the Scimitar pretty much |
5077s | kicks out any uh Shield Rush team with |
5080s | like obviously you can't take uh |
5082s | anything uh major outside of logic |
5084s | frigates uh and then just the balgorn |
5086s | because you know no one wants to deal |
5087s | with those newts and webs gen time we |
5090s | don't normally see |
5091s | um the pilgrim get much use here but we |
5093s | were talking about this last week and |
5095s | you think the Pokemon is a bit |
5096s | underrated in some of these situations |
5097s | why might that be so the program doesn't |
5099s | have quite the same ability to actually |
5101s | impact the capital of their game as the |
5103s | cursed does that's what really makes it |
5105s | a unique ship however those TDS and GDs |
5108s | are incredibly potent they allow you to |
5110s | control where your opponents are able to |
5112s | position themselves on the grid and also |
5114s | has the ability to turn off the shacks |
5116s | and stuff and very very effectively |
5118s | however the Sentinel and other similar |
5120s | ships kind of fill that role a little |
5122s | better uh I just I think we'll see at |
5125s | least one team try and get tricky bring |
5126s | the program and probably find out maybe |
5129s | why it isn't used quite as often |
5130s | somewhere down the line in this |
5132s | tournament |
5133s | so dark side obviously a very |
5135s | experienced team |
5136s | um this year CTP Swift are they going to |
5138s | be able to pull this right over paper |
5140s | numbers here |
5141s | I think so I mean this team is stacked |
5144s | with talent I think they probably fly |
5145s | under the radar for a lot of people uh |
5148s | you might not think that they're like a |
5150s | top two Contender but they absolutely |
5152s | are fatty waffy one of the most |
5153s | experienced captains in the at an |
5156s | incredibly solid Theory crafter and they |
5158s | actually picked up a few key members |
5160s | from the vigra reloaded team so uh you |
5162s | know stacked with Talent stacked with |
5164s | area crafting this is a scary team to |
5166s | come up against and Jin tan who would |
5169s | you put your uh your Twitch Channel |
5170s | points behind this time uh given that we |
5172s | haven't played darkseid's interview I |
5173s | put my money on Dark Side excellent uh |
5176s | let's go to the arena and find out as we |
5178s | go to Dark Side versus paper numbers |
5185s | and welcome back to the arena we have a |
5187s | very interesting match again we have I |
5189s | think it actually is a form of fly |
5190s | killer because that's definitely rapid |
5191s | light Navy Ospreys this time from dark |
5193s | side and then we have kind of the same |
5196s | thing but a bit more confused from paper |
5197s | numbers we have a lot of missile ships |
5199s | today and all of them bring in Shield |
5200s | this is going to be very interesting |
5202s | what do you think about this one so Tony |
5203s | I'm really happy to see a raven Navy |
5205s | issue that's such a such a great shift |
5208s | out of left fielder for sure it's gonna |
5210s | be interesting we also see Osprey versus |
5212s | basilisk here so that again is just I'm |
5215s | loving the choices these teams have made |
5216s | I keep saying the same it's bloody |
5218s | interesting to see what they're doing |
5220s | I wonder which one's gonna come out on |
5221s | top of this one this is awesome I need |
5223s | to interrupt you for something very |
5224s | important here the Raven native shoot is |
5227s | torpedo fitted |
5228s | uh tons of damage |
5231s | uh |
5233s | um I feel like he's come to the wrong |
5235s | Arena |
5237s | I feel like he's in the wrong place okay |
5240s | it's also tough here |
5243s | we might see some mjd plays I'm actually |
5245s | getting very excited now come on I want |
5247s | to see an MGD play with torpedo |
5249s | battleships |
5253s | so yeah we're gonna see a ton of DPS and |
5255s | if you look at the uh oh the DPS bar |
5258s | doesn't look that impressive on the uh |
5260s | fancy UI but I assume that they're gonna |
5263s | do a ton of DPS |
5265s | oh my God torpedo battleships versus |
5269s | what I think is basically fly killer |
5271s | this is going to be very very |
5274s | interesting I suspect we can see the |
5276s | support when getting nuked very quickly |
5278s | it's going to question if these |
5279s | battleships can get on target they need |
5281s | to grab something anything hold it down |
5284s | and rip it apart |
5285s | yeah crucially yeah crucially there's |
5288s | not really a lot of great targets for |
5289s | Torpedoes on their team I mean sure you |
5291s | can kill the bar guest on the Drake Navy |
5293s | issue but everything else is not really |
5296s | going to apply that well like dark side |
5298s | have invested a lot of their points into |
5299s | their support Wing here with the you |
5301s | know jackdaws stalk Osprey Navy issues |
5304s | so they might actually have a hard time |
5306s | applying with these torpedoes and |
5309s | they're actually running away initially |
5310s | they're not running straight they're |
5311s | actually running back to mjd because |
5312s | they may almost definitely be trying the |
5314s | mjd play here now also trying to maybe |
5316s | uh break up these rapid light clips from |
5318s | their opposing team make them reload and |
5320s | maybe find opportunity here but yeah the |
5322s | team's backing up the rapid light flight |
5324s | team is currently just doing the usual |
5326s | thing of spiraling in |
5329s | it's interesting that Darkseid bought |
5331s | three Jack doors because they're playing |
5333s | a lot of points for them |
5335s | three Jack doors wow yeah that is uh |
5339s | that definitely balloon they cost quite |
5341s | a bit but it looks like that comp looks |
5342s | pretty solid even with that uh that cost |
5345s | if you've got a they've got a Splurge |
5346s | for a basilisk in this comp |
5348s | yeah paper numbers are now all sort of |
5350s | congregating around this MGD Beacon |
5353s | although dark side looks fairly out of |
5356s | range so it might be hard for them to |
5358s | pick off anything here we'll have to see |
5360s | if they decide to go in |
5363s | just keeping an eye out it looks like |
5365s | potentially just keeping an eye the |
5367s | Bargas might be a spot they can mjd it |
5369s | but it looks like at the moment they're |
5370s | just lining up |
5371s | yeah okay there we go mjd here we go |
5374s | they're all going in |
5376s | that's what Russian I think did in Anger |
5377s | games he was just constantly mjding and |
5379s | he goes being pro at typical again is |
5382s | doing it once again |
5386s | but not quite close enough at the about |
5388s | 30k off I believe |
5390s | I'm watching this swivel and bifrost who |
5392s | maybe try and go for a tackler but |
5394s | they're still up at the uh Beacon they |
5395s | have not jumped down with them yet |
5397s | there's their jump now they've finally |
5398s | arrived but I think that might have been |
5400s | a bit too late the support needed to |
5401s | arrive first as the Osprey is now |
5403s | honestly about to die |
5405s | yeah Park Bank mjd down with his team |
5408s | but he's just taking so much damage from |
5410s | from everything here that he looks like |
5412s | he might go down him he's not he's an |
5414s | armor already and uh paper numbers |
5416s | aren't really getting anything for it |
5417s | they're about to tackle the bug I think |
5419s | they're getting pretty close to a sky |
5421s | killer and uh hold on are they not going |
5425s | Sky killer now moving off the Drake |
5426s | Maybe |
5429s | I see a caracal Navy issue was pretty |
5431s | close but I think he got defensively |
5433s | scrounged off of it there is a drake |
5435s | Navy issue with Pandy who has been |
5436s | caught who's like a little bit behind |
5438s | not sure if that's a tactical decision |
5440s | from them to just let them have the |
5442s | Drake Navy issue and so that the Bargas |
5445s | can escape here 's the power of a fly |
5447s | killer setup as well they've deleted |
5449s | this couple in seconds they're |
5450s | destroying the bifrost the Osprey can be |
5452s | hit very easily rapid lights and Rapid |
5453s | Heavies as well so they've been able to |
5455s | pull apart of some of the small side of |
5457s | this comp already |
5459s | and we're waiting for a doctor to try |
5461s | and make something they either need to |
5463s | try and make something out of this at |
5464s | the moment |
5465s | I'm gonna pay the numbers lost their uh |
5467s | buy Frost now which is unfortunate they |
5469s | are putting pretty good DPS into these |
5471s | Jack doors but it's getting wrapped up |
5472s | because uh they they still have the but |
5475s | the Basilisk alive and he's relatively |
5477s | uh untouched here well it's taken a lot |
5480s | of damage now though |
5482s | what from he has been caught by |
5484s | Nighthawk by uh jelfie yeah you're right |
5488s | yeah that's just in the night hook I |
5489s | managed to get tackle on the bassless |
5491s | they'll try and go for the logic trade |
5492s | here but I think even then it's going to |
5493s | be an uphill battle I don't think the |
5495s | battle actually the Raven Navy can |
5497s | definitely hit him so yeah they are |
5498s | bringing the DPS onto this uh onto this |
5500s | battle as the Bargas I believe has been |
5502s | screened or is he screaming |
5505s | he's screening he's got the Drake Navy |
5507s | held down so they're going to go for the |
5508s | battles then the direct Navy they could |
5509s | honestly keep put they could pull this |
5510s | back they've caught the uh the core ship |
5513s | for their opposing comp and then they've |
5515s | picked off one of the belt the DPS ships |
5516s | as well this is honestly starting to |
5518s | head towards darkseid's way |
5522s | I I think Darkseid have control of this |
5525s | match pretty much like if they lose the |
5526s | Basilisk it's still two Osprey Navy |
5529s | issues to drink Navy in the bogus versus |
5532s | Fleet Nighthawk Raven Navy Bargas with |
5535s | with dark side having more support |
5538s | I think they need to keep this cycle |
5540s | alive the CEO CEO is the last tackle |
5542s | ship left on this grid they need to keep |
5544s | him alive if he dies they've got |
5545s | basically two slow battleships and a |
5547s | Nighthawk who's also slow trying to |
5549s | catch fly killer that is going to be a |
5551s | painful experience but the cyclic will |
5552s | die |
5553s | that is going to make it even again even |
5555s | harder yeah panty Pandy died pretty fast |
5558s | I I guess it's gonna it's gonna depend |
5560s | on whether they can catch anything looks |
5562s | like the Jack door is taking damage from |
5564s | something and it looks like it's gonna |
5565s | die I'm not sure what is hitting him I'm |
5567s | just keep an eye if no one tackles |
5569s | rifles I believe he will be able to |
5570s | tackle the bogus of Sky killer he's |
5572s | pretty fast in his own he might be able |
5574s | to catch him I'll just keep an eye out |
5576s | stuff like the song bringer the |
5577s | Stormbreaker doing anything nope he's |
5578s | running away jackdaw's being nuked this |
5580s | this is surprising I did not expect to |
5582s | be able to do this much with this comp |
5584s | yeah this Jack though is dying to uh see |
5587s | some combat drones although I think they |
5589s | actually moved off of him now that the |
5592s | Bargas is in pretty big danger I think |
5595s | Nighthawk got the tackle I believe on |
5597s | the burger soon |
5599s | come on you're so close you're so close |
5601s | I said it and then he didn't get it I'm |
5604s | so sad |
5607s | arrival since Vargas is uh having a lot |
5610s | of trouble here as well uh so and I |
5612s | think if Ryerson goes down it's |
5614s | completely over for uh for paper numbers |
5616s | very much agreed yeah I believe nope |
5620s | never mind I was about to say sky |
5621s | killers on reload but he is still |
5623s | shooting rifles just holding out in the |
5625s | like into armor now he's he might he |
5628s | could potentially survive in Hull but I |
5629s | I don't know if that's actually going to |
5630s | work |
5631s | they're chasing this uh Sky killer |
5634s | buggies with everything they've got and |
5635s | it's just not going to be enough I think |
5640s | no |
5642s | he's he's just cutting them out I think |
5644s | he's faster than everything and he's |
5646s | doing a great job of just using the |
5648s | defensive scram to keep them like Hawk |
5650s | off him whenever it gets close enough |
5654s | oh no there we go okay so I think at |
5657s | that point darkseid's lost the oh |
5659s | sometimes people always lost the last |
5660s | tool in the shed that nothing they can |
5663s | really do now this bug will control that |
5664s | Raven Navy all day long |
5666s | that is so I'm so sad for that mjd play |
5669s | was definitely ballsy but it's just |
5671s | nothing you can do |
5672s | Striker is taking a little damage for |
5675s | some reason I think the Navy Raven is in |
5676s | range it it the the Bargas is not |
5679s | tackled but I believe he's in torpedo |
5681s | range and he is actually taking quite a |
5683s | bit damage it's possible that Sky killer |
5685s | might actually die here |
5687s | if he does I will cringe internally |
5689s | because there is no way he should be |
5690s | getting shot by this raven Navy unless |
5692s | he wants to he should have all the speed |
5694s | in the world to outrun this ship and |
5695s | even outrun the Nighthawk |
5697s | and see the Stormbreaker coming actually |
5698s | stormberg has gone in and tackled The |
5700s | Nighthawks and now that hook could |
5701s | definitely not uh chase after him |
5704s | so yeah that's that's not where it comes |
5706s | in at the last moment tackles uh one of |
5708s | the two ships remaining so you can't |
5709s | chase off the Bargas |
5711s | I personally would have liked him to |
5713s | come in a bit earlier but looking at how |
5714s | quickly his tank is going down maybe |
5716s | that was probably a very smart idea |
5721s | yeah and dogs that have really good |
5722s | positioning here like the bar guest is |
5724s | moving away from the Raven Eve issue and |
5727s | you can see the stalk Jack doing |
5728s | Offspring Eve issue kind of moving into |
5730s | a position where they can screen for him |
5732s | if they need to if the Raven is like |
5735s | going to get a scram on him so I think |
5736s | this is definitely darksides now at this |
5738s | point |
5739s | absolutely yeah |
5741s | I I I have a bit of a bit of a bit of a |
5744s | fan of riferson's work both Hunger Games |
5746s | and in here the man loves his mjds and |
5748s | he's been honestly quite terrifying with |
5750s | him but bringing a torpedo Cup against |
5752s | fly killer that is a hard selling amount |
5755s | of the pilot |
5757s | yeah I think they were hoping for |
5759s | Darkseid to bring out the flagship |
5760s | Armageddon and you know bring a heavy |
5762s | armor comp and they probably would have |
5764s | had a really good shot of killing that |
5765s | with this |
5768s | definitely would have made it hurt if |
5769s | nothing else Raven Navy's now being put |
5771s | into Hull so he's not along for the |
5773s | world unfortunately |
5775s | very sad |
5781s | it is it is a great shift I know I'm |
5785s | glad to see they got changed I actually |
5786s | need to go fly one again now because |
5788s | they actually might be useful |
5791s | but with the Raven Navy going down okay |
5795s | never mind rest in peace there we go now |
5798s | he's down Bravo to Dark Side well flown |
5801s | and well that will go back to Studio see |
5802s | what they think |
5825s | [Music] |
5828s | thank you |
5833s | [Music] |
5843s | [Music] |
5855s | foreign |
5864s | [Music] |
5873s | [Music] |
5892s | foreign |
5893s | [Applause] |
5895s | [Music] |
5897s | [Applause] |
5905s | [Music] |
5909s | numbers there they're gonna have to find |
5911s | a new accountant as that one has filed |
5912s | them straight into the shredder as they |
5914s | are now eliminated from Alliance |
5915s | tournament 18 but in a incredibly hard |
5918s | fault match the that CP Swift that one |
5920s | went back and forth back and forward we |
5922s | were standing there talking about like |
5923s | wow what an incredible match we were |
5925s | watching it go and you finish with I |
5927s | have a raven story uh yeah I do have a |
5929s | raven sword but yeah all these matches |
5930s | today have been incredible I mean you |
5932s | see these teams fighting for their life |
5934s | quite literally uh and Darkseid just |
5936s | kind of eeking that one out uh but |
5937s | earlier before earlier today csb |
5940s | convicts seems to be BNI uh because last |
5942s | week's meta had a lot of caldori rush so |
5944s | we were standing by the window in our |
5946s | room kind of like rehearsing caldari |
5948s | ship names and stuff like that and a |
5950s | little Raven flew by and gave us like a |
5951s | side eye and we're just like yo your |
5953s | ship is garbage in the meta go away and |
5955s | that Raven was super mad uh so I'm |
5958s | pretty sure that Raven's gonna try and |
5959s | kill us so I'm really really happy that |
5962s | paper numbers took a raven so at least I |
5964s | can say yeah there was some Raven he did |
5965s | real good and I'll just give him like a |
5967s | little wink and we'll live |
5969s | oh wow thank you the fates of Our Lives |
5972s | hang in the balance thanks uh to that |
5974s | paper numbers Raven well they are |
5975s | literally saved Our Lives all of us the |
5978s | number of curses in this Alliance |
5979s | tournament is seems to be increasing by |
5981s | the moment Dark Side of course won |
5982s | because we didn't play the uh the |
5984s | interview gentan that you have uh |
5985s | produced by the way again thank you for |
5986s | producing those they were super cool I'm |
5988s | sure the teams are now very regretful uh |
5991s | having seen the uh the results they've |
5992s | been having but before we just get |
5994s | completely off topic let's talk about a |
5996s | little bit more about that match one of |
5997s | the really cool things we saw there was |
5999s | uh paper numbers making excellent use of |
6001s | the MGD beacons in the arena they all |
6003s | got together on that Beacon they were |
6004s | facing a team that they couldn't catch |
6005s | and they started to propel themselves |
6007s | around uh multiple times eventually |
6009s | managing to lock down on uh the Basilisk |
6011s | with a navy Drake I think I can't |
6013s | remember talk to me about this yeah so |
6016s | as you said there are nine mjd beacons |
6019s | um kind of situated all around the all |
6021s | around the edges of the arena and these |
6023s | will allow you to fling yourselves at |
6025s | 100 kilometers in whatever Direction |
6026s | your ship is facing and it's a very |
6028s | risky maneuver because all it takes is |
6031s | for you to not angle yourself correctly |
6033s | you can get yourselves in all sorts of |
6035s | hot water or if in the worst case |
6037s | scenario you can actually just run into |
6039s | the object of the beacon bounce yourself |
6041s | backwards and just jettison yourself |
6043s | completely out of the Arena which |
6044s | happened a couple of times when I was |
6046s | practicing |
6047s | um uh but there we saw |
6050s | um paper numbers use it really |
6051s | effectively managing to get that |
6052s | Nighthawk on top of the Basilisk and |
6054s | that really gave them their chance to |
6056s | get back into the match you know they |
6057s | didn't look at the comp a kind of uh the |
6060s | comp match up and go okay throw our |
6062s | hands up we've lost you know this is an |
6064s | 80 20. let's just take the L and go out |
6066s | for beers as soon as possible no they |
6068s | really fought for that match and and |
6070s | you've got to hand it to them they did |
6071s | excellently |
6073s | um I think all it would have taken is a |
6075s | couple of uh a couple of bits of |
6077s | mispiloting or maybe even the ec300s |
6079s | that they'd managed to throw on the |
6080s | Basilisk taking effect a little earlier |
6082s | and and they could have walked away with |
6083s | a win there yeah they could have indeed |
6086s | but unfortunately they did not now uh |
6088s | CCP Swift as you said so many good |
6090s | matches uh thus far today is there any |
6092s | matches today you're really looking |
6093s | forward to seeing we're coming up to the |
6095s | winners bracket very shortly |
6096s | this is gonna be tricky um the tuskers |
6099s | match uh later today is going to be |
6100s | incredibly good uh those two teams they |
6103s | could easily be in the finals in fact a |
6105s | lot of people are predicting those two |
6106s | teams to be in the finals uh ever since |
6108s | my team got knocked out I have picked |
6110s | the brave newbies or the brave |
6111s | Collective is my team uh very sorry to |
6114s | all the brave fans out there I might |
6115s | just be cursing you all to Doom uh but |
6118s | I'd really like to see them go far I |
6119s | think they're an awesome team uh they're |
6121s | a great story in Evil 9 as well they |
6123s | started as a bunch of little newbies and |
6124s | atrons that would undoc and Zerg you uh |
6127s | their motto of like fun for hour fun per |
6129s | hour uh good stuff I'd like to see them |
6132s | go far I would too for somewhat the same |
6134s | reasons I specifically I enjoyed earlier |
6137s | on today I could hear giggling coming |
6138s | from the corner and uh CP Swift was |
6140s | sitting there working Ms pain expertly |
6143s | to produce some high quality memes he |
6145s | then spent the next half hour just |
6147s | looking at it and then giggling more you |
6149s | were laughing at your room this is a |
6150s | great great meme yeah it's like a c plus |
6153s | meme but I made it myself so I made it |
6154s | better uh I was thinking about you can |
6157s | go to twitter.com CCP underscore Swift |
6160s | and see my dank meme uh it's okay yeah I |
6165s | give it a solid eight out of seven uh so |
6168s | let us look forward to the next match up |
6169s | which is going between boundary experts |
6171s | and Deepwater Hooligans so we are still |
6172s | in the elimination bracket both these |
6174s | teams have already played and they have |
6175s | to play a game so they didn't have much |
6177s | turnaround time uh between their last |
6179s | matches uh which obviously they won |
6181s | tickets remain in the tournament |
6183s | um I think we have the bands available |
6184s | that's what I'm currently waiting for |
6186s | here they are |
6187s | okay so boundary experts banning at the |
6189s | balgar and the curse the Nighthawk |
6191s | Deepwater Hooligans Banning out the |
6192s | Nighthawk the Griffin the Kitsune saying |
6194s | hey ECM no thank you uh the trickle |
6197s | bands the Scimitar and The Vindicator |
6199s | Jin tan uh Griffin and the kitsuni uh |
6203s | they are really scared of small kite ECM |
6206s | so they're not Banning out the uh falcon |
6209s | or Blackbird which is another couple of |
6210s | ECM ships that we've seen various teams |
6212s | ban and we also saw used to create |
6214s | effect by dark side previously |
6216s | kind of implies to me that I want to use |
6218s | a Shack or maybe a vedmack something |
6220s | that's going to spool up in damage or or |
6223s | they just don't have the ability to deal |
6224s | with frigates that's the other thing |
6226s | that this could indicate to me is that |
6227s | whatever comp they're bringing doesn't |
6229s | have a lot of projection maybe they're |
6230s | trying to bring some sort of armor |
6231s | control comp themselves I don't know |
6234s | those are some Curious pants |
6235s | what do you think about these bands here |
6237s | uh I think they saw what the battery |
6239s | experts team did in their previous match |
6241s | uh they had a Kitsune and a Griffin and |
6244s | they're just like |
6246s | screw those ships I don't want to see |
6247s | them take something else uh which |
6249s | actually does put you a lot put a lot of |
6251s | pressure on the team right you just |
6252s | mentioned it boundary experts played |
6254s | like an hour ago uh they're gonna be |
6256s | panicking they're gonna be a little bit |
6258s | of spaghetti falling out all over the |
6259s | place and if you have to make them make |
6261s | some substitutions they might just make |
6263s | a different comp altogether and uh might |
6266s | miss play a little bit uh this boundary |
6268s | experts team if I had to choose like a |
6270s | second team to support it would be them |
6271s | a lot of Legacy PL pilots on there uh |
6274s | people who kind of remember me when I |
6276s | was relevant so I have to still give |
6277s | them a little bit of love uh but these |
6279s | guys have a lot of talent and it'll be |
6282s | interesting to see how they uh how they |
6284s | react to this yeah now gen time one of |
6286s | the questions that we had in twitch chat |
6288s | earlier on was in that last match we saw |
6290s | I jacked at the start and not moving for |
6292s | about 15 seconds or so something we also |
6294s | saw yesterday last week in the boundary |
6296s | experts team where one of their pilots |
6298s | radicals Dead Set stationary for almost |
6300s | a minute to start the match what can |
6301s | cause that like why aren't they moving |
6303s | um so when you start when you load into |
6305s | grid on a match that's being run by the |
6309s | tournament tool no inputs are accepted |
6312s | from your ship until the timer hit zero |
6314s | so if at one second before the game |
6316s | starts or in the tick between it saying |
6318s | one second uh in local and then go go if |
6322s | you double click in space that won't do |
6324s | anything and I've off I've often found |
6326s | myself in practices just sitting there |
6327s | with my mwd on being like wow why am I |
6330s | not catching this ship I'm in a Punisher |
6332s | and then I realize my velocity is at |
6334s | zero MMS because I have not you know |
6336s | clicked a couple more times just to make |
6338s | sure it went through it's a very easy |
6340s | thing to do especially if you don't have |
6341s | a huge amount of experience obviously we |
6343s | wouldn't expect that hugely from the |
6345s | Dark Side team but they do have some new |
6347s | pilots they aren't like the vide loaded |
6349s | teams that have been kind of fielded |
6351s | previously they are bringing alongside |
6353s | some slightly newer Pilots although they |
6354s | do have a lot of people with experience |
6357s | and other times you know spaghetti you |
6359s | know these matches are really intense |
6361s | especially when you've got to fly them |
6362s | once you know uh right after each other |
6364s | the adrenaline Island builds up and |
6366s | builds up and eventually |
6368s | um you know people start to make |
6369s | mistakes at the end of the day it's |
6371s | pretty much impossible to play a perfect |
6372s | at game it's always a battle who makes |
6375s | the least important mistakes |
6377s | yeah it is one of those moments when you |
6379s | warp in it and then you're like |
6380s | everything is cool and then the |
6381s | countdown starts in local and you feel |
6382s | your heart rate just suddenly shoot |
6383s | through the roof and you start making |
6385s | mistakes I remember one time |
6387s | um I accidentally instead of clicking to |
6389s | turn on my guns I accidentally |
6390s | spaghetted and clicked the unstack rack |
6392s | and then I panicked and then I turned |
6394s | all the guns on individually but then of |
6396s | course you can't restack them while they |
6397s | were running so I'm trying to manually |
6399s | overheat every single gun to try and uh |
6400s | try and avoid uh burning them out but |
6403s | anyway let's go for some quick |
6405s | predictions from you guys so boundary |
6407s | experts uh gentan or will it be deep |
6409s | water |
6409s | uh I'm gonna say that I think Deepwater |
6412s | uh Hooligans have this you know they |
6414s | played excellently in their first match |
6415s | and yeah I I don't have any deeper |
6418s | reason than that and CC Swift uh |
6420s | Deepwater Hooligans was incredibly |
6421s | impressive in their win but my heart |
6423s | goes with boundary experts uh so I'm |
6425s | gonna I'm gonna give them a little bit |
6427s | of energy okay I think I will as well so |
6429s | let's go to the arena and find out who |
6431s | will take this this Victory between |
6432s | boundary experts and Deepwater Hooligans |
6439s | welcome to the arena boys and Deepwater |
6440s | Hogans we're Banning out the ECM |
6442s | frigates for one reason they wanted to |
6443s | bring an ecn Cruiser instead they've got |
6445s | a blackbird and grib with a double a |
6446s | shack comp and reversing a triple |
6448s | Battleship double armored Navy and |
6450s | typhoon Fleet and of course I am joined |
6452s | by my favorite B nerd in the world |
6454s | beyond my man good to see you how you |
6457s | doing man how's it going |
6458s | my I'm so happy this is a dream but we |
6462s | had to focus on the match I'll uh I'll |
6464s | be happy about that later but uh yeah |
6466s | triple Battleship comp with two Navy |
6467s | Armageddon plus a fleet typhoon against |
6469s | a double the shack core I'm just double |
6471s | checking these armaged names if they are |
6473s | rapid heavy I believe they are indeed |
6475s | they are |
6477s | so okay this is gonna be very |
6479s | interesting they need to try and break |
6479s | two Le Shacks under a neros reps with |
6482s | their rapid Heavies this is going to be |
6483s | a very hard match for these Armageddon |
6485s | navies especially with a blackbird |
6486s | providing gems to break up those rapid |
6488s | heavy clips |
6490s | I think we're in for a very interesting |
6492s | match and we see the uh the links |
6494s | popping here it's about to start |
6496s | yeah I'm gonna wait to see where the ECM |
6499s | drops from that black but what do you |
6500s | think what do you think is going to go |
6501s | for first of the ECM |
6503s | honestly I have no idea let's see what |
6505s | they do |
6508s | all right I've seen damage go out to the |
6509s | exact Navy at the moment |
6511s | and yeah damage until the shackle so |
6512s | they're gonna try and go to kill off the |
6514s | big ships first I don't think that's |
6517s | gonna work I mean I'm hopeful but I'm |
6519s | not sure on that |
6522s | well Chuck's taking a lot of damage |
6525s | thank you so much for catching reps yeah |
6527s | but actually the heavy drones on the |
6529s | Army good Navy hadn't arrived yet they |
6530s | were just about to arrive and then |
6531s | they've been recalled so they're |
6532s | actually potentially with the rapid |
6534s | Heavies plus drones could have broken |
6536s | through the shack there that is honestly |
6538s | quite scary for uh people with Hooligans |
6540s | here if their last shot gets caught |
6541s | underneath one of the armageddon's it's |
6543s | gonna die |
6546s | I think with this uh Le Shack had |
6548s | something really working I think of |
6550s | course the Armageddon is now we're gonna |
6551s | have to go on to reload uh what do you |
6553s | think is going to happen with the Shacks |
6554s | now I think we're going to burn in go |
6555s | get some proper damage on |
6558s | range it's hard to tell somebody seems |
6560s | something like to wait a little bit and |
6562s | see what's going to happen sometimes |
6563s | wait for their team to make a mistake |
6564s | but at the moment they're kind of just |
6565s | chilling |
6567s | but they're moving towards each other |
6569s | now a lot more yep here they go they're |
6571s | starting to move in are they have they |
6572s | got a tackle ship in their comp not |
6574s | particularly all they've really got is a |
6575s | high enough application and maybe some |
6577s | webs so honestly their tackle is |
6579s | basically the little shacks and maybe |
6581s | the Magus so or the male addiction I |
6583s | suppose |
6584s | as you say that the checks are burning |
6585s | in together it's going to be pushing in |
6587s | towards the deacon I'm not sure what the |
6590s | Deacon's doing there uh having a good |
6592s | time he's just enjoying himself |
6594s | we've seen lots of damage happening onto |
6596s | the Blackbird now oh like maybe just |
6599s | maybe clip through them quick maybe |
6601s | that's things going I think this guy's |
6603s | going to try to rip and at the same time |
6605s | the hyena is taking a ton of damage |
6606s | blackbird's about to hit Hull as well |
6608s | one rep cycle if it doesn't gonna matter |
6610s | yeah |
6612s | it's so much damage he's still he's |
6615s | still bleeding ah he's going down for |
6617s | sure |
6618s | oh my God |
6620s | how much is that hold on uh that's six |
6623s | percent structure |
6626s | he's actually holding he's actually |
6628s | catching it Meanwhile we're seeing a |
6630s | deacon on the other side taking a bit of |
6632s | damage but not that much |
6633s | oh my God he actually survives it there |
6636s | with six percent Hull and that is |
6638s | honestly not the same time though the |
6641s | hyena just went down |
6642s | yeah not only did he survive that |
6644s | situation it also means the armageddes |
6645s | now have to reload and cannot headshot a |
6647s | battleship and that is honestly gonna be |
6649s | the painful point right there I think |
6650s | I'm gonna get maybe I believe it's |
6651s | already tackled down so yeah they have |
6653s | to reload and then pick on a big ship |
6655s | that's just not gonna work with them at |
6656s | the moment they're gonna be at a |
6657s | disadvantage |
6658s | if they get their visual Fleet down here |
6660s | as well and both the long range webs are |
6661s | down it's going to be kind of rough for |
6662s | them |
6663s | but the original fleet seems to be |
6665s | tanking quite fine |
6666s | yeah you should be all right so yeah |
6668s | it's going to be a race Tula checks onto |
6670s | an Armageddon Navy and the good navies |
6671s | and typhoon Fleet have to do something |
6673s | that wants to have to reload first and |
6675s | do you think he's gonna survive to |
6677s | reload |
6678s | I'm not sure we're seeing Liam here now |
6680s | in half armor I think he's gonna catch |
6683s | this is going to be rough as soon as the |
6685s | shack starts pulling up proper damage on |
6686s | him exactly he might catch with reps |
6689s | from The Valley in the beacon but that |
6690s | is not gonna be enough rep power to |
6691s | survive even one wish I could let alone |
6693s | two this is gonna be really pain we see |
6695s | some damage now go on to that little |
6696s | Shack I believe that is heavy drones yep |
6698s | Freighters from the Armageddon navies if |
6700s | the rapid heavy is reloading time they |
6701s | can start putting in that clip they |
6703s | could probably break him before the |
6704s | logic can even save them |
6708s | we know that Deacon is also just about |
6710s | tinkering over death here they're both |
6712s | sitting there in like 20 armor look look |
6714s | at look at the endless Jack of Dino he's |
6716s | dropping remarkably quickly goes down as |
6718s | well leader yeah I mean this is a rush |
6720s | they gotta they gotta rush to get the |
6722s | DPS landed there get the check down |
6724s | before the Armageddon Navy goes down |
6727s | I think they're gonna make it it's so |
6729s | close the shack is losing Health firstly |
6731s | I'm a good Navy is still holding in 15 |
6732s | ah but he could maybe just eat this out |
6736s | at the same time the vigil Fleet and |
6737s | Thalia get deleted as well |
6740s | yeah both coms are brought a very robust |
6742s | support Link in terms of being able to |
6744s | kill small ships two Jack doors versus |
6746s | another jacket on the malediction they |
6747s | can rip apart small chips rather easily |
6749s | the Armageddon Navy's now and how the |
6751s | shack is starting to tank a bit better |
6752s | now I think it's starting to go to the |
6755s | Shack's way |
6760s | oh my god |
6761s | um |
6762s | that's that right there is honestly the |
6766s | end the match is still going but it's |
6768s | going to be an incredible Hill to climb |
6770s | the shack is still surviving the nearest |
6772s | is still alive that is I just don't see |
6775s | it happening I mean if the the oneris is |
6777s | still out there rapping and the other |
6779s | guys have lost both of their wrapping |
6780s | ships now we're seeing the pontifex hit |
6782s | High farmer acts like Navy's about to |
6784s | hit half armor they're trying to Black |
6786s | Parade again but he already like proved |
6788s | he's a champion he's not gonna go down |
6790s | now I think this uh this match is over |
6792s | exactly that it's going to be a slow |
6794s | painful death from this point onwards |
6796s | that's uh black but it's also going to |
6797s | be incredibly annoying now he's |
6798s | basically just gonna jam out one of the |
6800s | two battleships and leave him there |
6802s | unable to sync their rapid Heavies with |
6803s | their their friendly ship as now one of |
6805s | their support ships also dying so yeah |
6807s | that's |
6807s | well flown by deep water here they're |
6809s | very well controlled and charging at the |
6811s | right moment |
6813s | I think it just came down to the uh the |
6815s | rapid light cycles and syncing them up |
6816s | together there and not being able to |
6818s | punch that black bird I think that was |
6819s | the the losing defining moment of this |
6821s | match |
6822s | exactly that once that Blackbird |
6824s | survived and then they had to reload |
6825s | with the Shacks coming at them that was |
6827s | just game over he said look at the black |
6828s | one he's actually might still die they |
6830s | might get the Revenge yeah no way |
6834s | just to prove a point |
6840s | yeah oh well Bravo they managed to get |
6842s | their revenge on the Blackbird |
6844s | bye |
6846s | it's like the party called a champ |
6850s | but this match is basically over they're |
6851s | just going to be spending the rest of |
6852s | the match now most likely just chunking |
6855s | down the jackdaw here and then working |
6856s | on the Armageddon |
6857s | uh I think this is this is done |
6860s | exactly that's funny because actually it |
6862s | basically a lot one on loss on a single |
6864s | rapid heavy clip and we've seen |
6866s | situation before people have not been |
6867s | willing to fire the rapid Heavies at all |
6869s | because the moment they fire and not |
6870s | kill something they lose |
6871s | but this team was willing to fire |
6873s | probably a bit too early potentially and |
6875s | managed to fail the kill at that point |
6877s | it was Game the moment they didn't get |
6879s | the kill on the Blackburn they wasted |
6880s | their clip it was just ended |
6882s | yeah there's a bit of posturing there at |
6883s | the start but then as soon as the shack |
6885s | started getting closer and closer you |
6886s | might be right they may have started to |
6887s | go a little too early but at the end I |
6890s | don't think there's much they could have |
6891s | done there |
6892s | just didn't land the black but didn't |
6894s | die and then suddenly wasted in you know |
6896s | a couple of minutes |
6898s | basically the only win scenario for them |
6899s | was probably to like once Shack is close |
6901s | enough all in it immediately with all |
6902s | their heavy drones plus rapid heavy and |
6904s | maybe break through but beyond that it's |
6906s | it is a hardcore with a blackbird on |
6908s | grid and then on euros |
6912s | I very much respect to Tim oxer there |
6914s | and the oneros keeping that Blackbird |
6915s | alive in six percent structure just that |
6918s | that there is honestly the moment that |
6920s | pretty much broke uh boundary experts |
6922s | probably broke their backs and their |
6923s | hearts |
6926s | now we're going to see them working on |
6927s | Avery |
6928s | Last Man Standing he's been scrammed |
6931s | held down and he's just gonna get |
6932s | chunked |
6933s | yep that'd be so you have to wait for |
6935s | those checks to get there first bloody |
6937s | slow things |
6941s | I don't think everything's gonna do |
6942s | anything anyway yeah this is this is |
6944s | over they realize that it's two and a |
6945s | half minutes left on the clock but |
6946s | that's not not really what matters he's |
6948s | just gonna get held down |
6950s | and slowly chunked |
6954s | it looks like the the Shack's actually |
6955s | just looting instead |
6957s | why not we've got some time mate well |
6960s | while we've got that time welcome to uh |
6961s | welcome to CCP everyone doesn't know |
6964s | this is beyond B now ccpb just making |
6966s | sure everyone knows that because he's |
6967s | the best nerd around |
6970s | thank you for that warm welcome man I've |
6972s | been having a blast here with the people |
6974s | it's been it's been super fun seeing the |
6976s | entire uh the production Team all the |
6978s | people working on this |
6980s | has been crazy experience so far |
6982s | I was gonna say like congrats on being |
6983s | the newest CCP member but then Mr Ithaca |
6985s | overload replaced you there and with |
6987s | that uh Deepwater horgins gets the win |
6989s | very cleanly and without go back to the |
6991s | studio with the newly minted TCP |
6993s | Overlord have a look |
7011s | [Music] |
7015s | [Applause] |
7018s | I remember |
7026s | YouTube |
7036s | [Music] |
7061s | foreign |
7062s | [Music] |
7076s | s there taking the Victory and |
7078s | eliminating boundary experts from |
7080s | Alliance tournament 18. it's not all bad |
7082s | for them though of course because they |
7084s | do win price ships they only win a few |
7086s | compared to winning more than a few |
7088s | which obviously is considered preferable |
7090s | but they are eliminated in a relatively |
7093s | hard-fought match by both teams I'm |
7095s | joined on the desk by CCP Kestrel CB |
7097s | casual how are you hey I'm good thank |
7099s | you |
7103s | tons of damage |
7105s | chunks whatever that whatever Shady's uh |
7108s | thing is I think it was a chunks and the |
7109s | tangu is breaking of course being the |
7111s | famous ones excuse me Castro how does |
7112s | that match for you uh that was a super |
7115s | enjoyable |
7116s | um mostly just seeing uh |
7118s | uh boundary experts win more 80 pirate |
7120s | ships than radicals was the highlight |
7122s | for me |
7124s | and uh jintan I wanted to ask you a |
7126s | little bit about the damp war on that |
7127s | and what's your favorite topic and we |
7129s | have a little bit of a video about the |
7130s | mechanics of that but can you just run |
7131s | us through it again yeah so um Center |
7133s | dampling allows you to control the lock |
7135s | Ranger Lock speed of your opponents um |
7138s | and these are going to be incredibly |
7139s | powerful in this tournament because you |
7141s | can now utilize the script for them |
7144s | which means that you can either make |
7146s | things look really really slowly or you |
7148s | can make things look uh really really |
7150s | shortly and which will prevent your |
7154s | opponents from being able to project out |
7155s | onto and that's especially useful when |
7157s | used in conjunction with things like the |
7159s | Le Shack which if it can sustain a lock |
7162s | for a long period of time |
7164s | um within around the 70 kilometer range |
7165s | that it can fire its weapon it's going |
7167s | to be able to ramp up and just burn |
7169s | through anything even under you know |
7171s | Tech 2 Logistics reps |
7174s | um and tons and tons of rep Bots which |
7176s | is what makes it such a powerful ship in |
7178s | a tournament format and it's also |
7180s | interesting to see that I think we saw |
7182s | some |
7183s | um uh some of the scan res scripts |
7185s | actually being used there as well on |
7187s | that Jack door as it was able to |
7189s | synergize really well with the Blackbird |
7191s | the Blackbird was causing something to |
7192s | have to lock it and then |
7195s | um the Jack door from the Deepwater |
7197s | hooligan side was using scan resolution |
7199s | scripts on whatever was jammed so that |
7202s | once the Blackbird dropped its jam on it |
7204s | because obviously that's RNG based it |
7206s | then took them more than the 10 second |
7208s | title cycle time to re-lock any Target |
7211s | which meant that effectively things were |
7214s | being perma-jammed off the boundary |
7216s | experts team uh effectively breaking up |
7218s | that rhml clip and stopping them from |
7221s | being able to break anything pretty much |
7223s | now before we go and talk about the next |
7225s | match which is when we go to the winners |
7227s | bracket and there's some really exciting |
7229s | matches CTP Kestrel |
7231s | um tell us what you do at CCP yeah so I |
7234s | I'm a QA analyst at CCP I work on team |
7236s | raw although I've been doing a lot of |
7238s | work with the living Universe team which |
7240s | is essentially like the live gameplay |
7241s | team on Eve so for example I did a lot |
7244s | of testing for the new Navy ships that |
7246s | came out in Uprising last week |
7249s | excellent and now what kind of testing |
7250s | do you do with these ships oh yeah just |
7253s | make sure the bonuses are working |
7254s | correctly making sure like the traits |
7256s | and the descriptions are working make |
7258s | sure they have the right LP costs in the |
7260s | Loyalty Point store making sure the |
7262s | blueprints work for the capital ships |
7264s | especially there's a lot of extra tests |
7266s | that we need to do like making sure like |
7268s | doomsdays work on them making sure that |
7270s | they spawn the sleeper escalations in |
7272s | class 5 Wormhole space and a few other |
7275s | things too like making sure you can't |
7277s | build the blueprints in portrait for |
7278s | example just all these like extra little |
7280s | tests just to make sure there's no uh |
7283s | big bugs with them all the super |
7284s | important things that basically keep the |
7286s | game from breaking completely out yeah |
7288s | so CP casual our QA analyst at CCP games |
7290s | now I want to talk about this next match |
7292s | because I am looking forward to this one |
7294s | um this is the tuskers call versus truth |
7296s | honor light truth on a light being the |
7299s | members of Hydra reloaded from last year |
7300s | the defending Champions tuskers not a |
7302s | bad team whatsoever let's see what |
7304s | they're doing with the bands so truth on |
7306s | the light Banning out the jackdaw Osprey |
7307s | Navy issue and Deacon tusker is Banning |
7310s | out Jack Dart guardian and Loki uh just |
7313s | on the lake the trickle ban is the |
7314s | Osprey and for the tuskers it is the |
7316s | uniro so both teams choosing to use |
7317s | their trickle bands for the uh the |
7320s | logistics Cruisers jintan what do you |
7322s | what do you think of these bands here uh |
7323s | the thing I'm noticing most of all is |
7324s | that both teams have brought uh have |
7326s | brought a jackdaw band to play here and |
7328s | what that effectively signifies to both |
7330s | uh to me is that both teams want to keep |
7332s | some form of damp control comp on the |
7334s | field uh those Jack doors with their |
7337s | Sharpshooter mode have an incredible |
7338s | resistance to ewar uh which makes them |
7341s | super effective at shutting down your |
7343s | hostile uh damping ships without really |
7346s | being that useful in a pure control |
7347s | setup themselves |
7349s | awesome and uh I mean some of those |
7351s | experienced teams in the history of |
7353s | Alliance tournament right now about to |
7354s | go up against each other let's take a |
7355s | look at some of the pilots for uh for |
7357s | these teams so first up uh we have truth |
7360s | honor light so uh Pilot's famous pilots |
7363s | such as Casper 24 uh previous holder of |
7365s | the boundary record before it was |
7366s | snatched from his grap by Azure and |
7368s | Argan from goons from Federation uh nick |
7371s | domar uh Kadesh Priestess Lucas these |
7373s | are just like this is a who's who of uh |
7375s | incredibly experienced Pilots |
7378s | um so you speak Kestrel uh what do you |
7380s | tell us something about some of these |
7381s | Pilots here |
7382s | yeah I mean a lot of the uh two funnel |
7385s | light Pilots are sort of X hydropilots |
7387s | who have been playing together for a |
7388s | very long time uh Hydro came second |
7391s | place in 88 which is when the the team |
7393s | first sort of |
7394s | was on the field and then since then |
7396s | they've always came uh second mostly |
7399s | although the they won the last previous |
7401s | Alliance tournament so they finally |
7403s | broke the curse so a lot of these Pilots |
7405s | are incredibly talented they've been |
7407s | around in the tournament scene for a lot |
7410s | of them for over a decade |
7412s | so tons of experience especially when it |
7415s | comes to fairy crafting kadash Priestess |
7416s | is the person who uh maintains pytha the |
7421s | uh python fitting management tool so he |
7424s | knows a ton about fittings like he knows |
7427s | more about fittings than me even so yeah |
7429s | and that's saying something like that |
7430s | guy is a wizard when it comes to fitting |
7433s | uh let's look at the tuskers pilots now |
7435s | uh and compare them |
7438s | foreign |
7441s | he's not flown with him for a while he's |
7443s | kind of returned this year the last |
7444s | couple of years I think last two years |
7445s | he's not flown and yet he still has |
7447s | flown in 46 matches so he's been flying |
7449s | with them for a significant period of |
7451s | time you then have electronicus he is |
7453s | probably one of the better uh Logistics |
7456s | Cruiser pilots in the game in the last |
7457s | term history and he certainly was with |
7459s | them when the one Alliance tournament 14 |
7461s | I believe and then again another who's |
7463s | who we have hoodie Mafia who is on the |
7465s | uh I think runner-up of our championship |
7467s | team uh along with uh his captain lysis |
7470s | back then and then people like uh Tebo |
7472s | Skyler jaxley uh all really experienced |
7475s | Pilots that have flown in just I mean |
7477s | you can see here the lowest ranking of |
7478s | them is 27 matches uh which is |
7481s | incredible when you think about it |
7482s | because a lot of teams go maybe two and |
7485s | two one one two for example so to get to |
7487s | 27 matches and still be like just |
7490s | creeping into the top 10 in a team then |
7491s | that's how you know that team has got a |
7494s | lot a lot of experience |
7496s | now let's maybe talk about some |
7497s | predictions because we're only a few |
7498s | minutes away from this match |
7500s | CCP Kestrel um who would you put your |
7503s | Twitch Channel plus buying truth on a |
7504s | light or the tuskers call well going by |
7506s | history I believe every single time |
7508s | taskers and Truth on are light or hydras |
7511s | they previously were known as have gone |
7513s | up to against each other in the |
7514s | tournament they've always lost tuskers |
7516s | have never beaten Hydra actually in a |
7518s | match in 80. so I'm probably going to be |
7521s | putting my points on truth on a light if |
7523s | I had to |
7525s | a sentiment that you share uh no I think |
7527s | this is a time that you know tuskers |
7529s | relive their Glory Days of at13 and come |
7531s | out with the win here if they do they |
7533s | should pretty much have a clear run into |
7535s | the winners finals yeah I think this is |
7538s | one of these matches where |
7540s | um truth or like cannot sleep on this |
7542s | like this is not just any other team |
7544s | that they can go up against bring |
7545s | something middle of the road comp and |
7547s | then hope to oh execute and win I think |
7549s | they're gonna have to still bring their |
7550s | a game respect the tasker's team they've |
7552s | uh tuscaros have shown a couple of comps |
7554s | so far in the tournament they performed |
7556s | extremely well with them uh I have I if |
7559s | I had a bit Channel points which I don't |
7560s | want to do because I I find this match |
7562s | so hard to predict I would probably put |
7564s | them on the tuskers because I think the |
7566s | return might be slightly better if they |
7568s | make a win and I would put this match |
7569s | somewhere like 70 30 in you know 700 |
7572s | times out of ten I say truth on like |
7574s | maybe you could win this one but you |
7576s | know given the right set of matchups the |
7577s | right set of piloting and the right |
7578s | execution I think the Tasker is cool |
7580s | have the ability to pull one over on |
7581s | truth on the light here |
7583s | so you've grown your protection you've |
7585s | given your protection I've given my |
7586s | production I'm told the teams are |
7588s | landing right now so let us go to the |
7590s | arena and find out who will win between |
7592s | truth honor light and the tuskers call |
7600s | and welcome back to the arena and we |
7601s | have a flag pancake in the arena uh vld |
7604s | minome in the uh for taskus has brought |
7606s | the flag bargest and we have a very |
7609s | honestly a lot of the control on both |
7611s | these teams considering what they're |
7612s | brought what do you think about this one |
7613s | big |
7614s | I'm gonna be honest with you uh I I I'm |
7617s | not gonna be neutral on this match uh I |
7620s | was meant to be in this match or at |
7621s | least with this team with truth on the |
7623s | light and they're absolutely gonna |
7625s | dominate this I can tell you that |
7627s | ah fair and unbiased reporting indeed |
7632s | but yeah this could be honestly there |
7634s | was a lot of this match that's going to |
7635s | make the flip in the entirely different |
7637s | directions we have double Blackbird from |
7639s | a tourism like they're going to provide |
7640s | a lot of control tuscles with that Flag |
7642s | bug plus a lot of support and DPS it's |
7645s | gonna be very interesting to see as well |
7646s | this is gonna be a match that's gonna go |
7648s | down to piloting I'm pretty sure and |
7650s | maybe a bit of dice roll look |
7652s | never seen the double Blackbird and the |
7654s | carries from the truth on the right uh |
7657s | we have double web uh visual Fleet hyena |
7659s | on the other side I'm not sure if |
7661s | they're gonna go top down or or bottom |
7663s | up but uh that flag Bargas is something |
7665s | they need to respect and be careful |
7666s | about |
7667s | I'm just double checking as well that's |
7669s | definitely a rapid heavy bug just going |
7671s | over the rest of the strips to make sure |
7672s | they are where they think they are |
7675s | I believe that's definitely a hand my |
7676s | hook so it should be all right but yeah |
7678s | these are going against a triple uh |
7680s | battle cruiser setup with uh ECM support |
7682s | it's going to be a very interesting |
7684s | match for tuskers to try and fight |
7685s | through and hopefully they don't lose |
7687s | the dice roll I want to point out one |
7689s | interesting thing here as the match |
7690s | starts that we have claimer Nighthawk |
7692s | barges and then an auger |
7694s | it's kind of an interesting setup |
7696s | bringing the Cheapo |
7698s | I think we should see a bunch of uh logy |
7701s | joins getting dropped on that augura |
7702s | tuskers tend to be pretty good at doing |
7704s | that are seeing no DPS drones never mind |
7707s | as a stalk is now being a primary First |
7710s | stuck is not too bad |
7714s | this is an armor cup my dude yeah my |
7717s | brain just clicked that's that's an |
7719s | almond Nighthawk and Claymore and Bob |
7721s | yes sir hold on a second |
7723s | hold up wait a minute |
7726s | something right it's something that's |
7728s | very not right here so we have two |
7730s | armacos both bringing augers but one's |
7732s | auger with a a Nighthawk Claymore okay |
7735s | all right we're seeing uh Amelia ducks a |
7737s | dust space now being primary but I think |
7739s | he should be left alive with the auger |
7741s | reps and defense mode |
7744s | yeah the Confessor is an incredibly |
7746s | tanky ship and I believe this should be |
7748s | able to pull through at the same time |
7750s | we're seeing a vigil Fleet go almost |
7751s | into half armor here |
7753s | manufacturer is holding strong meanwhile |
7756s | the vigil Fleet this is one web ship |
7758s | down and is going to put uh in a better |
7760s | position where's the Reps from the organ |
7762s | okay there's a cycle you're gonna get |
7764s | another one there we go the visual pitch |
7766s | should survive now he's now pulled back |
7767s | away from the posing team and is still |
7768s | receiving reps but if they leave him |
7770s | alone and focus on the later he will die |
7772s | before the order can even save him |
7776s | the moment is not really much going on |
7778s | towards truth on a lot like uh tuskers |
7780s | haven't really been able to project much |
7781s | at all except to maybe without Confessor |
7783s | who's now sitting at full armor they |
7785s | need to find something to do this |
7785s | Nighthawk is now being primary the rare |
7788s | armor Nighthawk |
7790s | when you see the art he's been caught |
7791s | where if they've been pushed to the back |
7793s | and have to kite up again uh he's been |
7795s | held down now |
7796s | which means that uh him going into the |
7798s | they're going to apply a lot better I |
7800s | think this nighthawk's gonna go down |
7801s | there you go I'm not even surprised |
7803s | there's an arm and no hook he's gone he |
7805s | was tackled down by the Confessor by the |
7806s | way the thing they tried to primate the |
7808s | star confessions could be incredibly |
7809s | dangerous as I very well know and they |
7812s | are like they're just gonna fly around |
7814s | pretty much uncontested shoot down lodgy |
7816s | drone shoot down DPS drones tackle ships |
7818s | willingly that is honestly a painful |
7820s | loss for tuskers and that's only the |
7822s | first ship they've lost that's a big |
7824s | chunk of DPS going as the controversial |
7826s | tried to go for the claimer he got |
7827s | scrounged by the bariest uh he's gonna |
7829s | be pushing in the game we can see a |
7830s | couple Executives pushing in with him |
7832s | too they're just chasing him with a |
7833s | Blackburn carries at the very back oh |
7836s | Lucas Quan and the auger is going down |
7837s | fast |
7840s | honestly if they killed that ogre they |
7842s | could start pulling this match back |
7843s | towards their own side like that ogre |
7845s | has been keeping ships alive but if he |
7846s | goes they can remove the tackle quickly |
7848s | then start beating all these black birds |
7850s | this can entirely flip again that means |
7851s | the Claymore for tuskers is now about |
7853s | time and he goes down oh no yeah same |
7856s | time claimers down yeah what damage |
7858s | tuskers have left they've got a Bargas |
7860s | and caracal Navy and that's really bad I |
7862s | guess I've got a fleet Scythe actually |
7863s | but like this is gonna be painful warp |
7865s | out now being Primary getting rid of the |
7867s | ECM this is honestly I don't see tuskers |
7870s | winning this they've managed to like |
7871s | kill the lodge and start maybe breaking |
7873s | into this team but they've lost so much |
7875s | too quickly |
7876s | they've also got their Bargas scrammed |
7878s | held down by that same Confessor who's |
7880s | not going to let go exactly that and |
7882s | don't forget this is also a flag bug |
7883s | this is the special brand of pancake |
7886s | and it's just they'll be able to buy |
7888s | more time but I don't see them breaking |
7891s | through they've killed one of the |
7892s | Blackbirds I don't know what they're |
7893s | going for next look they're going after |
7893s | the confess next try and break the bug |
7895s | is free |
7897s | and I mean we're seeing the bar gives |
7898s | you a hit half armor he's gonna mean |
7900s | he's knocking out he's not gonna hold |
7901s | here interestingly though he does have |
7903s | the ogre support and with with the flag |
7905s | bark he's going to have some pretty |
7907s | shiny stuff on that [ __ ] to keep him |
7908s | alive he could survive long enough for |
7911s | this team to pull back pull it back I |
7912s | wonder if trifling was going to see that |
7914s | and maybe pick on the organ next the |
7915s | auger is kind of on its own maybe remove |
7917s | him now you can focus on this DPS chord |
7919s | because at the moment that bug is |
7920s | holding comfortably |
7924s | maybe I'll be seeing Amelia hit here |
7926s | lower and the same with the other |
7928s | Blackbird Durant is almost going into |
7930s | Hull |
7932s | yeah and we see also the ECM drones |
7934s | getting put into the auger and |
7935s | immediately destroyed by the uh |
7937s | stormbringer of Jason showing why he is |
7939s | the best pilot in all of Eve |
7941s | and yeah the uh professor's about to go |
7943s | down the August it looks like they |
7945s | listen immediately and they went |
7946s | straight for the auger auger is down but |
7948s | meanwhile Emilia is also going down in |
7950s | the Confessor |
7952s | honestly bought them an incredible |
7954s | amount of time I think truth might have |
7955s | reacted a little slowly there but that |
7957s | being said they were in a commanding |
7958s | position they had the room to do that |
7960s | but now it's going to be a race and I |
7962s | think at the moment that race is so |
7964s | squarely interested on the light side I |
7966s | don't see that Flag bug surviving long |
7968s | they've got two potentially Blaster |
7970s | exact navies and three battle Cruisers |
7972s | that's a lot of DPS with no support to |
7974s | help you for |
7976s | you say that in kadash's executive Navy |
7978s | hits Hull no stop doing this to me I say |
7981s | a thing and they immediately proved me |
7982s | wrong this is unfair |
7984s | but let's not forget we still have a |
7986s | hard Navy Absolution and a starter here |
7988s | they're all fully health except for |
7990s | Dexter's absolutions a little bit in |
7992s | armor I think they're gonna have enough |
7994s | to push the Bargas into Hull and finish |
7995s | them off |
7997s | indeed I'm seeing if the bug is gonna |
7998s | try and break away but the Absolution is |
8000s | holding him permanently meanwhile the |
8001s | bug is actually screaming off the uh |
8003s | executive Navy instead |
8006s | they've actually got a good amount of |
8008s | DPS left and support on tusker's fleet |
8010s | they've got their character that's a |
8012s | good amount of damage plus these web |
8014s | support from the Vigilant hyena they |
8016s | have a chance but that chance is about |
8018s | to vanish the moment that Bargas goes |
8020s | from being present to past |
8024s | now we're saying the bark is just |
8026s | hovering over the Hallmark where Casper |
8028s | in the exact Navy is now going into |
8030s | about 60 armor |
8033s | meanwhile the Vargas starting into Hull |
8035s | yeah that's bits about how here and |
8037s | they're getting removed |
8039s | I think this bar gets going down the |
8041s | next next 40 seconds oh bogus is |
8043s | actually being away he might be able to |
8045s | pull a little bit of rings and get |
8046s | another rep cycle off he's actually |
8047s | making the tackle he's loose yeah but |
8049s | all these are these are ranged battle |
8050s | cruises they can definitely still apply |
8051s | for a good distance but he can maybe |
8053s | pull some distance away and buy a little |
8055s | bit of armor |
8058s | meanwhile the caracal Navy and the uh |
8060s | site Fleet will not keep pounding upon |
8061s | that executive Navy and maybe kill off |
8063s | another ship before the bogus goes down |
8064s | he's got they've got a chance again vld |
8067s | with the amazing party you're trying to |
8068s | break free |
8070s | I think this may have been a just a game |
8072s | changer that he got away here Casper |
8073s | going down into Hull |
8076s | vld in the uh the flag bark is still |
8078s | holding while we see Kane in the caracal |
8080s | Navy taking some damage |
8082s | yeah this is this is obviously starting |
8084s | to go towards VOD side now he can |
8085s | obviously keep repairing back up he can |
8086s | if you've got an absolute armor up he |
8088s | can reload that as well caracal Navy's |
8090s | now being primaried he will not last |
8091s | long |
8092s | what are they gonna go for next because |
8093s | everything is very tanky it's the hard |
8094s | Navy is probably your best option but |
8096s | it's still incredibly tanky ship |
8099s | I mean the character Navy is going to go |
8100s | down now in the next couple of seconds I |
8102s | think hard Navy is definitely the best |
8104s | compared to an Absolution and an astarte |
8107s | oh the character navigation managed to |
8108s | survive by getting away he's still alive |
8110s | he might still get killed but he's got a |
8112s | bit of room to play with left and buy |
8113s | even more time so this the tuscus team |
8116s | is flying incredibly well with the tools |
8118s | they have that being said yep character |
8120s | is about to go pop as you said he bought |
8121s | a little bit extra time actually look at |
8123s | the Absolution how is he so low |
8128s | how is the absolutely so close to dying |
8130s | that that's that's not what I expected |
8131s | to see |
8133s | I think they would have had a better |
8134s | chance Killingly hard Navy if they if |
8136s | they held him down |
8139s | but look at the side Fleet is about to |
8140s | get killed as well he's trying his best |
8142s | again they're buying time trying to get |
8144s | this Bargas back online he is back the |
8146s | full Army he's probably reloading his |
8147s | answer if he's got one and the hard |
8149s | thing is about to go down hard Navy's in |
8151s | Hull meanwhile the Scythe fleetish is |
8152s | taken down we got two minutes 20 seconds |
8154s | left here roughly and it's uh this is a |
8157s | nail biter exactly if that Hub |
8159s | navigation I'm pretty sure tuskers will |
8160s | be ahead on points I believe if the |
8161s | Sci-Fi goes down it will probably go |
8163s | back but this is this is honestly quite |
8165s | incredible flying from tuskers they went |
8167s | from a position where they're looking |
8168s | like they were going to lose this and |
8169s | they're slowly but surely clawing this |
8171s | back with some amazing piloting and |
8172s | their teamwork |
8175s | it looks like they're gonna go down at |
8176s | the exact same moment here hard Navy is |
8179s | about to eat it and the same time with |
8180s | the Scythe Fleet issue |
8183s | yep there he goes side fleet's still |
8185s | alive for a little bit longer he's |
8186s | actually trying to pull away honestly I |
8187s | wouldn't have bothered with that I would |
8188s | have gone straight in and try and get |
8190s | your damage in make your ship worth the |
8192s | points |
8196s | hitting about 20 percent |
8198s | never seen ggs and local from Dexter and |
8200s | Kadesh I think the truth or not I don't |
8202s | think they've got this and honestly I'm |
8203s | with them the episode can't do anything |
8205s | the I started can't do anything this |
8206s | Bargas this flag is gonna pull ahead |
8208s | with the win from they were about to |
8210s | lose |
8213s | they've managed to call this one back |
8218s | I'm I'm immeasurably gutted |
8221s | oh we're seeing Dexter here go down in |
8224s | his Absolution merome and the Vargas I |
8226s | mean that just getting away was was the |
8228s | game changer here 58 structure pulling |
8231s | away suddenly wrapping to full |
8233s | forcing truth on the light to swap |
8235s | targets to other things and it just it |
8236s | didn't pan out |
8237s | exactly that do you think they would |
8239s | have won a fewer in the team that if |
8241s | this match don't ask me that bro |
8247s | I surely I can't put you on the spot |
8249s | there |
8250s | [Laughter] |
8252s | I just think it was that the carries has |
8253s | been left on grid this entire time he's |
8254s | been damping that bogus and trying to |
8256s | remove his lock range the entire time |
8257s | and honestly the bogus has not suffered |
8260s | too much for it so this carries has not |
8262s | really really been worth the points here |
8268s | they pulled back there they killed the |
8271s | the two ECM blackbirds and then they |
8273s | somehow managed to slip that Bargas out |
8275s | of being tackled and held down we had |
8277s | the confession holding it down |
8279s | it might have just been that it might |
8281s | have just been the fact that this is a |
8282s | flag bargist |
8284s | and so it is what it is man what can it |
8287s | is |
8290s | oh man like yeah again as you said that |
8292s | bug escaping was the the end that was |
8294s | the end point once that happened THC THL |
8296s | sorry we're just gone |
8298s | I'm loving that the carries are still |
8300s | alive uh where's this starting there he |
8302s | is |
8304s | oh matches over never mind then |
8307s | and with that go back to studio and see |
8308s | what they think |
8326s | [Music] |
8329s | [Applause] |
8333s | guys stop being casual they're really |
8335s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
8338s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
8340s | everybody warp off this is a really |
8341s | really bad execution I'm very |
8343s | disappointed |
8347s | another great haul back from Amar damn |
8351s | I'm thirsty |
8356s | that hits the spot |
8360s | [Applause] |
8369s | uh yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
8372s | collectively uh so that's why that |
8374s | Alliance logo is in the game of course |
8376s | you could change your alliance by |
8377s | leaving but that would be kind of a jerk |
8379s | move that kind of oh you don't like it |
8381s | now sucks I'm gonna go join |
8399s | match of the day so far for me holy crap |
8402s | that was incredible uh the tusker is |
8404s | called pulling out a victory over truth |
8406s | honor light in just the most exciting |
8409s | match that I've seen this tournament in |
8410s | my opinion uh we saw a little of |
8412s | everything we had jams we had dance we |
8414s | had that bar guest just going down we |
8416s | had trades for ships and then he managed |
8418s | to get away in fact we saw um that the |
8420s | uh the small ships on the tusker side |
8422s | able to both web down and track and |
8424s | disrupt uh the remaining battle cruisers |
8426s | on truth on the light a living vld in |
8429s | that bar guest to just Cruise out to |
8431s | safety reload his armor repair and then |
8433s | come back in again incredible Mr come |
8436s | out how are you feeling uh I feel great |
8438s | yeah I uh I actually made some Channel |
8440s | points uh in that match I bet on tuskers |
8443s | of course as you do |
8445s | um so I got a pretty good return |
8447s | I suppose that way at least if your team |
8448s | loses the match you get the channel I |
8449s | always get something it's fine |
8451s | any any highlights in that match for you |
8454s | um I think it's just interesting to see |
8455s | tuskas pull out the same kind of |
8457s | strategy that they always have which is |
8459s | just loading their mids with track and |
8460s | disruption and missile against |
8461s | disruption to a an extreme degree flying |
8466s | a typically Shield setup with an arm and |
8469s | Logistics to allow them to fit more |
8470s | e-war into their mids and it really |
8472s | showed that it does it does kind of work |
8474s | well if they can fly it properly yeah |
8476s | and I mean we were kind of discussing |
8477s | that was pretty much an execution win |
8480s | um the truth on the light guys obviously |
8481s | flew incredibly well really made Tesco's |
8484s | have to work for it and then just a |
8485s | little stresses the piloting the the |
8487s | evasion to get that Bargas out that was |
8489s | a flagship Bargas as well I imagine if I |
8492s | know the Tasker is it's probably Giga |
8493s | expensive |
8495s | um and if that's not a flagship CC |
8497s | casual I don't think that uh tuskers win |
8499s | that |
8500s | yeah I think the I think the Bargas |
8502s | would have died if it didn't have the |
8503s | extra Flagship power of having the extra |
8505s | powerful rep |
8506s | like uh being a flagship it's allowed to |
8508s | fit you know an extra special uh X-Type |
8511s | armor repairer so it probably had maybe |
8514s | had one of those if it wasn't a large |
8515s | ancillary and also the extra power of |
8518s | having like a longer range scram more |
8520s | powerful prop mod meant that he was just |
8522s | better able to escape better able to get |
8524s | out of range and I I think he definitely |
8525s | would have died if it was just a tattoo |
8527s | Bargas yeah and at one point we thought |
8529s | we were going to see a really expensive |
8531s | Flagship kill meal before he did pull |
8532s | off that uh The Great Escape and get out |
8535s | away from truth on a light so well done |
8536s | the tuskers score that was a incredible |
8538s | incredible match |
8541s | um I want to also ask you mystical my |
8543s | the truth and light team they had a |
8545s | couple of black birds we don't see them |
8547s | super often this year and we saw a dark |
8549s | side flying with the twin Blackbird |
8550s | pilot |
8551s | um and I think we can throw up a little |
8552s | graphic about ECM can you just take us |
8554s | through it yeah absolutely so my |
8556s | greatest Nemesis in Eve online is ECM |
8558s | the ECM module uh effectively what ECM |
8561s | does is when a ship like a blackbird |
8564s | um puts its ECM module on a hostile ship |
8566s | it prevents that ship from locking |
8568s | anything else apart from the Blackbird |
8570s | if the jam is successful now it is a |
8573s | dice roll so there is the chance that |
8574s | the jam actually doesn't go through |
8576s | which means that nothing happens you |
8578s | have to wait for the 20 seconds cycle to |
8580s | go around and then you can try again to |
8582s | get that jam off |
8584s | um it used to be that ECM was a complete |
8588s | block unlocking so you couldn't even |
8590s | lock the jamming ship back but now with |
8593s | some of the ECM changes that came in a |
8594s | few years ago you're able to at least |
8596s | lock the ship that's jamming you which |
8599s | kind of helps you feel like there is a |
8600s | little bit of counter play to it it's an |
8602s | extremely strong type of e-war but it's |
8604s | not something that we see used that |
8606s | often because |
8607s | it's kind of difficult to execute it |
8609s | doesn't always work out and |
8611s | guidance disruptors and tracking |
8613s | disruptors are a little bit more |
8613s | reliable when it comes to the actual |
8615s | effect that they have on the enemy ship |
8617s | awesome thank you let's look ahead now |
8619s | to our next match so again we're going |
8620s | to stay in the winners bracket here |
8622s | um and look at Odin's call versus |
8624s | Templars calcif so the bands for this |
8626s | upcoming match are Odin's called banging |
8628s | out the Nighthawk the guardian and the |
8630s | pontifex Templars kausif with the Le |
8632s | Shack the EOS and the Healer CCB Kestrel |
8635s | what do you see here in these bands |
8638s | oh that's fairly interesting bands here |
8640s | um I'd say that the pontifex is a pretty |
8642s | specific band I'd say like they're |
8645s | forcing them to either go with the Magus |
8647s | which is a lot less tanky if they do |
8649s | choose to go armor or they have to go |
8652s | into more Shield stuff or have like |
8653s | heavier armor command ships which is |
8655s | typically not how you fly it armor |
8657s | normally you have like a triple |
8658s | Battleship core or double slack the |
8660s | shark although templates actually banned |
8662s | on the shack so it seems that they want |
8664s | to try and force uh templates into like |
8666s | Shield rush or like a a head like |
8670s | provide problems for uh templates if |
8673s | they go for like a heavier armor core |
8675s | yeah and mystical mate this uh Nighthawk |
8677s | band against Templar seems kind of |
8679s | targeted they use that to great effect |
8680s | during the lines open last year as well |
8682s | in the last tournament 17. um do you |
8684s | think that's the best of them saying we |
8685s | don't want to see that Nighthawk rush I |
8687s | think it's very much a case of the |
8688s | Nighthawk is a strong ship both in the |
8690s | rush and the kiting setups so if we do |
8692s | see Heavy missile kite typically it will |
8694s | be with Nighthawks and then direct |
8695s | navies and standard Drakes uh in the |
8698s | rush setups the Nighthawk typically |
8700s | trumps the slept near now although the |
8701s | sleptner is a good second it's a kind of |
8703s | easier to deal with you can limit its |
8705s | range a little bit more it's a little |
8706s | bit harder to apply that paper damage |
8707s | that you'll be able to get in EFT or |
8710s | pifer I think Piper's now the more |
8712s | modern one EFT I think is uh probably |
8714s | gone away to dodo but anyway |
8717s | um it's a bit harder to actually apply |
8718s | that damage so yeah I think it's just a |
8720s | case of they don't have to deal with |
8721s | that awesome audience call um perhaps we |
8723s | have a sleeper team for many people I |
8725s | think they're kind of underrated just |
8726s | looking through some of their history |
8727s | here the last two matches they've lost |
8730s | in the last two years are only against |
8732s | vidra reloaded |
8733s | um that is a championship winning team |
8735s | of course running twice in a row here |
8737s | you can see this year they've won uh |
8739s | twice paper numbers and nanofiber tokens |
8741s | and then last year having a pretty solid |
8743s | run getting knocked down immediately by |
8745s | a video reloaded into the the lower |
8746s | bracket on the first day and then going |
8748s | through a tear in that loser's bracket |
8750s | versus also main Esports Petopia Exodus |
8752s | boundary experts and then coming back |
8754s | against video reloaded after they were |
8756s | knocked down themselves and then losing |
8757s | so a very solid team and I'm hoping to |
8760s | see them do very well let's have some |
8761s | quick predictions so CCP Castro Odin's |
8764s | call or Tempest Castle who's your |
8765s | channel points on |
8767s | um So based on recent history it'll |
8769s | probably be Odin's call because the last |
8770s | the last tournament I think templates |
8772s | were definitely a little more shaky |
8773s | although I think templates have looked |
8775s | very strong in the past especially |
8777s | winning the alliance open winning the |
8779s | anger game shortly after like in the |
8781s | space of the a year they won two out of |
8783s | three of the like big tournaments so I'm |
8785s | gonna go votings just because of their |
8787s | more recent pedigree but both of these |
8789s | teams are very strong and Mr hamart well |
8792s | you see |
8793s | not Hydra has just lost so now I have to |
8795s | go back to templates number one so I'm |
8796s | gonna vote templates that's number one |
8798s | all right well I'm a big fan of the |
8799s | audience call boys so I'm gonna go for |
8801s | them so let's go to the arena and find |
8802s | out in Odin's call versus templar's |
8804s | calcif |
8810s | hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to |
8812s | this next match of the upper bracket of |
8814s | Alliance tournament 18. I am joined by |
8816s | my colleague Alex Day of card Odin's |
8818s | call have opted to bring a flagship bar |
8821s | guest supported by a pair of heavy |
8823s | missile claim or it's going for the |
8825s | tried true traditional |
8827s | not very tanky fly killer |
8831s | meanwhile Temple is calcif saying we |
8833s | still have armor in our pockets rolling |
8835s | the double Magus for links supporting a |
8837s | balgorn fleet Tempest Battleship Corps |
8839s | arbitrator Thalia Deacon hyena crucifier |
8842s | making up the lows giving them a lot of |
8844s | rep and control |
8847s | yeah and the control is definitely going |
8850s | to be interesting to see here |
8852s | um balgorn is kind of the |
8854s | um classic Nemesis of shits that want to |
8858s | you know kite away uh in this fight |
8860s | killer setup so one of the wind |
8863s | conditions for campus kausif will be |
8865s | being able to use those long range webs |
8868s | really you know get on top of something |
8871s | catch something that maybe misplaced |
8873s | gets out of position within range of |
8875s | those webs and go from there because we |
8878s | don't really see a lot of really tackle |
8881s | ships from calcif that can get on top of |
8883s | Odin's yeah you maybe have a Magus |
8886s | um |
8887s | Board of a hyena but hyen is going to |
8889s | get deleted by heavy missiles if it |
8890s | extends |
8892s | yeah crucially and if they can't tackle |
8894s | anything they're going to have a |
8895s | difficult time Landing damage because |
8897s | their setup does not have a ton of |
8898s | projection the flight Tempest is a good |
8900s | Battleship has does have a lot of range |
8902s | but it's going to be doing only partial |
8904s | damage at that range you can immediately |
8906s | see the Odin's call team |
8909s | spanning out kind of pushing themselves |
8911s | away from calcif while his calcif is |
8913s | rearranging their back line to make sure |
8915s | that they keep their smaller ships out |
8917s | of range |
8918s | this is going to be crucial because that |
8920s | Magus is already taking the brunt of |
8922s | Odin's call aggression |
8924s | yeah we see that we feel a lot of |
8926s | tracking disruption from what I presume |
8929s | to be the mid Slots of things like a |
8931s | hook bill from the jackdaws onto the |
8934s | balcorn fleet Tempest |
8936s | um really just limiting how much |
8938s | meaningful projection they can get out |
8940s | meanwhile we see an absolute cloud of |
8942s | reptrones getting on top of the uh |
8945s | magazine so we see a slip now onto |
8947s | Aurora work holes Magus he was getting |
8949s | it down to low armor and he they save |
8952s | him and now he goes down just in a |
8954s | little bit of uh |
8955s | um structure but now |
8957s | um we see that uh orthodist of hodar is |
8961s | having to run his ASB getting a little |
8962s | bit too close to that Tempest Fleet |
8964s | issue yeah quite pivotally uh you have a |
8967s | Templars cast of battleground Fleet |
8968s | Tempest charging forward trying to bully |
8970s | out the Odin's call team Odin's call at |
8973s | one point was approaching them head on |
8974s | they've now pivoted away but they're |
8976s | going to pay for it here by losing this |
8978s | orthos most likely uh I mean they're not |
8982s | going after the logistics frigates of |
8984s | temples calcif maybe this was a |
8986s | calculated decision saying hey they're |
8987s | not going to let us get in range unless |
8989s | we take some risks but will it be worth |
8991s | it for trade we will see they've brought |
8994s | down one they're going after the Thalia |
8995s | this orthos will pay for it with his |
8997s | life but what can calcif do to mitigate |
9000s | if they lose both of their Logistics |
9001s | frigates they're going to get chipped |
9002s | away will they not |
9004s | yeah I mean I don't think they're going |
9006s | to lose their Logistics frigates just |
9007s | yet I think if you're in the position of |
9010s | Odin's um you know you try to kite |
9012s | around it seems like they're just trying |
9014s | to maneuver around to the back side |
9017s | um Behind These slower battleships you |
9019s | know we see that the abat and the |
9020s | Tempest Fleet issue the Battleground are |
9022s | all balled up but now that the links are |
9024s | gone uh crucially those template ships |
9027s | are going to be less tanky they're going |
9028s | to be slower and they're not going to |
9029s | have the bonus uh web range on that |
9032s | balgorn to really uh meaningfully catch |
9034s | things so uh stainless now and the |
9037s | crucifier they're just swapping targets |
9038s | between these frigates trying to catch |
9041s | the logistics sleeping |
9043s | now you can see the temples calcip |
9046s | battleships trying to own the center of |
9047s | the Arena trying to match the movements |
9049s | of the Odin's call team what they're |
9051s | looking to do here is pressure Odin's |
9054s | call to keep the moving force them to |
9056s | make piloting errors and every time |
9058s | Odin's call has to turn there is a |
9061s | window where that bow guard can |
9063s | potentially land some long-range webs or |
9066s | even a long-range Newt which would cap |
9067s | out and turn off the micro warp drive of |
9070s | some of these kiting ships enabling them |
9072s | to get more on top of it it's a |
9074s | dangerous long game for them because |
9075s | they're going to be taking fire the |
9077s | entire time but it's their only way |
9079s | forward in this match and they might |
9081s | have success here as they're closing in |
9083s | on the Claymore of Colonel Kurtz |
9085s | yeah um this Claymore of Kernel carts is |
9088s | getting way too close to this uh Fleet |
9089s | Tempest and it looks like he's going to |
9091s | get held down he's going to get grappled |
9093s | um webbed and scrammed and that's a |
9094s | major misplay from one of these command |
9096s | ships in a claimer you should never ever |
9098s | be getting caught by an armor Fleet |
9101s | Tempest so uh we see that the arbitrator |
9103s | is now the primary they're going to try |
9104s | to get rid of the tracking |
9106s | um disruption from templates not sure |
9110s | why they're doing that it doesn't seem |
9112s | like the arbitrator has been putting out |
9113s | any guidance disruption but I mean |
9116s | you're not happy losing a command ship |
9118s | for that it's the target they have |
9120s | available what you're seeing here is |
9121s | Odin's flanking around the back end of |
9124s | temples calcif which has kind of strung |
9126s | out their formation as they would kind |
9127s | of have to do in this in this match the |
9130s | arbitrator is the thing hanging around |
9131s | in the back side and so now you're |
9133s | seeing all the odins called sweep in |
9135s | behind the temples calcif battleships to |
9138s | try to go for the squishiest ship and |
9140s | the arbitrator is what they landed on |
9142s | but they're not having a ton of luck uh |
9145s | the arbitrator in the hyena they're |
9147s | somewhat splitting their focus here and |
9148s | neither one is dipping below half armor |
9151s | yeah I mean you're losing a claim when |
9153s | an authoris hurts you a lot that's |
9155s | roughly in the vicinity of a thousand |
9158s | damage that you just don't have anymore |
9160s | and it's pretty tragic for Odin's |
9162s | because both of those were pretty severe |
9164s | misplays |
9166s | um just being significantly faster |
9167s | kiting ships getting |
9170s | um muted and then scrammed by a |
9172s | tempestory issue it wasn't even the |
9173s | balcorn that was getting on top of |
9175s | things really |
9176s | yep and now temples is kind of reacting |
9179s | to that play they're rearranging |
9181s | themselves putting the battleships at |
9182s | the front once again and grouping their |
9184s | smaller ships behind them this is now |
9186s | forcing Odin's to figure out another |
9188s | direction to go Odin says a lot of Arena |
9189s | to play with they own the center right |
9192s | now and Temple's Castle is coming from |
9194s | the edge back in but crucially to |
9196s | something you said earlier moderator |
9197s | losing links from a team the mega |
9200s | scissors are down from Temple's calcif |
9201s | but now that Claymore is down from |
9203s | Odin's call in another couple seconds |
9205s | we're going to see the link that he was |
9206s | providing fall off which should make |
9208s | them either a bit slower or reduce their |
9210s | tackle range |
9212s | yeah and right now the crucifier is just |
9216s | very well in the back line getting held |
9218s | up by these heavy armor Bots uh |
9220s | meanwhile The Tempest and the |
9222s | Battleground are doing a pretty good job |
9223s | of just zoning out uh this side of |
9226s | Odin's trying to put them in an awkward |
9228s | situation uh Odin's needs to find a way |
9231s | uh to kill these logic frigates because |
9234s | if they don't |
9235s | um they're just going to run out the |
9236s | clock they have you know four minutes |
9238s | and 20 seconds left I mean if they don't |
9240s | really burn down |
9242s | um one of these logic they're going to |
9244s | go up in the cloud of smoke |
9246s | yeah for the audience Temple's Castle |
9248s | has the point lead here 28 to 14 so the |
9251s | the onus is on Odin's call here they |
9253s | need to take the initiative they need to |
9255s | make a move if things stay exactly as |
9257s | they are if Temple's Castle continues |
9259s | maneuvering as they're maneuvering with |
9260s | no change they will win this match in |
9263s | about four minutes a little less than |
9264s | four minutes so the clock is ticking |
9266s | here for Odin's call they need to make a |
9268s | play they need to find a hole so far |
9270s | they've tried the crucifier the hyena |
9272s | the Thalia and the arbitrator and they |
9275s | haven't found any success now it looks |
9276s | like they're going after the Tempest |
9278s | Fleet issue but if anything that will be |
9280s | a more challenging Target for them to |
9282s | break down |
9283s | yeah I not sure if we're doing that just |
9286s | yet |
9287s | um it looks like they still have a fair |
9288s | amount of drones onto uh the arbitrade I |
9291s | really don't like the Tempest Fleet |
9292s | issue as a call if anything what they |
9294s | should be trying to do is use those Jack |
9296s | balls to clear off the heavy armor Bots |
9299s | and maybe once there's a little bit less |
9301s | rep support try to make some snap calls |
9304s | kill a deacon kill aphalia once you kill |
9306s | one of those two you can eek away |
9308s | because with three minutes on the clock |
9310s | with what you have left you're not gonna |
9311s | kill a battleship you have to work away |
9314s | at the support side and hope that you |
9315s | can get something out of that |
9317s | well they're gonna have to get more than |
9319s | one thing out of that no single Target |
9321s | on the temples calcif team aside from |
9323s | those battleships is going to be able to |
9325s | afford them the points they need now |
9327s | they've just killed the crucifier here |
9329s | that is good |
9331s | that's the first step uh it looked like |
9333s | it might have been putting out the loan |
9335s | uh guidance disruptor on the devil's |
9337s | gossip team but the Battleground Fleet |
9339s | temp is the bad and still untouched |
9341s | they're being tracking disrupted a |
9343s | little bit which will be inconvenient |
9344s | for them but they don't need to kill |
9346s | anything else right now it's all about |
9348s | Odin seeing what Odin's can put together |
9350s | here they're going to need to string |
9352s | together three small ship kills if they |
9355s | don't want to go after one of these |
9356s | battleships uh kind of an odd Advantage |
9358s | from the temples House of setup where |
9360s | they've put so many points into their |
9362s | top end with the balgorn fleet Tempest |
9364s | the Baton core that they could lose a |
9367s | lot of their low end but if they're |
9368s | still killing a lot of the enemy they're |
9369s | going to be fine |
9372s | they trick the arbitrator into um |
9374s | thinking he's a primer they snap and |
9376s | kill the hyena that makes it a six point |
9379s | game so if they can kill the arbitrator |
9381s | that would make it tied on points |
9384s | however The Offspring though of toast |
9386s | um uh 995 took a fair amount of fair |
9390s | amount of damage earlier but now he's |
9392s | outside of that Scorch range so again in |
9395s | the next minute or so you really only |
9397s | have one clip reload left on your |
9399s | bargist you have to reload between your |
9402s | jackdaws and everything else I mean this |
9405s | is where you might have to go For Broke |
9407s | and it |
9408s | gonna come down to them being able to |
9410s | force snap and the folly or the Deacon |
9412s | being asleep at the wheel |
9414s | yeah the hyena play was very crucial it |
9417s | really brought this match into range for |
9419s | them if they can do a repeat of that it |
9422s | looks like they might be going after one |
9424s | or both the logistics forgets here |
9425s | starting to put some damage into the |
9427s | Deacon while they've got electronic |
9428s | warfare on the Thalia |
9430s | this would be the points they need |
9432s | critically most of the heavy armor Bots |
9434s | are on top of the arbitrator and they're |
9436s | going for the Deacon we see all the |
9438s | paints are on top of that Deacon the |
9439s | Thalia however is 100 on top of the ball |
9442s | getting all of his reps on top of his |
9444s | bro however |
9446s | um now it looks like they're swapping |
9447s | back to the arbitrator and the Deacon |
9450s | might have burnt out of range of this |
9452s | arbitrator oh no he's actually coasted |
9454s | out he's not going to be in range to get |
9455s | to the arbitrator and if he breaks the |
9457s | arbitrator we're tied on points with 40 |
9459s | seconds left |
9461s | huge huge play they just repeated the |
9463s | magic that they put in with the hyena we |
9465s | are now tied with 30 seconds left we |
9468s | might be going into tie-dye a tie-dye |
9470s | tide breaker yes so for those of you who |
9473s | are you know unfamiliar to these more |
9475s | esoteric tournament rules what will |
9477s | happen is we have time dilation which |
9480s | many people know wait this carries this |
9482s | carries is in armor as the seconds are |
9484s | ticking down can they kill him before we |
9486s | go into time |
9487s | uh I don't know why that carries this |
9489s | anywhere near there he is rammed way too |
9492s | close that wait no he's trying to force |
9494s | a um he's trying to force a um jam by |
9496s | getting closer |
9499s | he gets the he gets the the uh follow |
9501s | you down but the carries |
9503s | uh okay so we are in tie-dye okay so |
9506s | um right now so the time is actually |
9508s | going to spool forward it's gonna go |
9510s | faster as opposed to slower like you're |
9512s | used to so with that follow you down the |
9515s | Deacon will have no rep power left they |
9517s | can kill the Deacon I think they take |
9519s | this |
9520s | I think they take this as well what an |
9522s | amazing final minute of play here this |
9525s | is absolutely incredible this Deacon |
9527s | will drop he has no one to help rep him |
9530s | oh he's getting some love from arm |
9531s | robots that it's not gonna be enough |
9533s | here the carries meanwhile back to full |
9535s | Shields that Osprey coming back in and |
9537s | being a hero for his team this Deacon is |
9540s | dropping very rapidly I can't overstate |
9543s | how goaded Martin Conrad is when he |
9545s | pushed in he forced he got into closer |
9548s | optimal so his |
9549s | um damps were more effective and he |
9552s | essentially made um fafoy much less |
9555s | effective and unable to rep his buddy |
9557s | when he did that |
9559s | um it was enough time for the Thalia to |
9561s | go down and I mean we are at 225 tie-dye |
9565s | so ships are effectively moving at |
9567s | roughly 8 000 meters a second in real |
9569s | time so if you're not careful you can |
9572s | accidentally boundary yourself however |
9574s | the balgorn is going down carries goes |
9576s | down |
9579s | is falling apart at an alarming Pace |
9582s | here |
9584s | yeah I mean this is probably a little |
9586s | bit of an upset I'm however very glad |
9589s | that I put 30 000 points on Odin's call |
9591s | I'm feeling somewhat uh Vindicated what |
9593s | that decision is Killa and the last of |
9596s | his armor goes down and I don't see any |
9598s | way for temples to come back at this |
9600s | point |
9601s | no this is Signed Sealed Delivered for |
9603s | Odin's call what a thrilling what a what |
9606s | a thrilling final minute of play |
9607s | everything turned on those last couple |
9610s | pilot decisions forcing us into this |
9612s | tie-dye situation and obviously Odin's |
9615s | call reacted to it much more |
9617s | successfully they were |
9620s | they have their game plan in mind and |
9621s | they had to pull it |
9623s | they had to pull it out in like twice |
9625s | three times the rated which you would |
9627s | normally think and act and Eve |
9629s | incredible Temple Scouts if not able to |
9631s | keep up |
9633s | well I say not able to keep up but now |
9635s | that we're at 350 tie-dye I think that |
9638s | is the fastest I have ever seen a |
9639s | claymore go in my life he's just zoom |
9641s | zooming around the arena uh well out of |
9644s | range of this Sabaton The Last Spartan |
9646s | the last member of his team and it looks |
9649s | like he's going to die on his shield as |
9652s | he goes down into hole and he drops and |
9654s | with that thrilling match I'll send it |
9656s | back to the studio to break that |
9658s | exhilarating match down |
9677s | [Music] |
9680s | thank you |
9688s | sign us up |
9709s | pump it up a little more get the party |
9712s | going on the Dance Floor |
9733s | foreign |
9748s | I said at the end of the last match that |
9750s | was one of the most exciting matches I'd |
9751s | seen and then I think I might have to |
9752s | say it again because that was incredible |
9754s | uh what we saw at the end there is |
9756s | something that we haven't seen in many |
9757s | years in the Lions tournament in fact I |
9759s | can't remember the last time we actually |
9760s | saw one it's been a good few years but |
9763s | when a match gets to time at 10 minutes |
9765s | it goes into reverse time dilation so |
9768s | normally when we have tie-dye on TQ it's |
9770s | when the server is super overloaded and |
9772s | everything has to be slowed down to |
9774s | allow the server to catch up so |
9775s | everything is the effect of running |
9776s | slower reverse tie-dye happens at the |
9778s | end of 10 minutes where we say hey |
9780s | you've had 10 minutes to kill each other |
9781s | you have failed uh we're gonna make you |
9783s | now do it faster so everything starts to |
9785s | move faster and faster and faster your |
9786s | modules cycle quicker your modules |
9788s | overheat and burn out quicker and then |
9790s | that keeps ramping up and ramping up |
9792s | every minute we saw it go from 150 to |
9794s | 225 percent to 350 before the end of |
9798s | that match there so it's quite chaotic |
9800s | I've flown in a match where it goes to |
9802s | reverse tie-dye I can tell you it gets |
9804s | very panicky very quickly because I |
9807s | guarantee you pretty much none of these |
9808s | Pilots will have had any chance to |
9809s | really practice that |
9811s | um the fact that everything moves |
9813s | quicker you move quicker if you make a |
9815s | mistake it's over quicker you have less |
9816s | time to correct it absolutely wild CP |
9819s | casual how does that match for you oh |
9820s | man that was just uh super exciting it |
9823s | looked like Odin's had it at the |
9824s | beginning |
9825s | uh pretty solidly but then they got to |
9828s | claim or call tackled it looked really |
9830s | dire for them for a very long time after |
9832s | that but they were they're able to do |
9834s | like a really they were really good I |
9836s | think with their shot calling where they |
9837s | would like put a little bit of damage |
9839s | onto one target force uh templates to |
9842s | put the heavy rep bots on that Target |
9844s | and as soon as they saw the Red Bulls |
9845s | going over to the new Target they would |
9846s | swap back to a new Target or swap back |
9848s | to the old Target they were doing so |
9849s | they're playing mind games and they were |
9851s | able to over time just slowly break |
9854s | through things like they got the |
9855s | crucifier then they were able to go like |
9858s | get through the arbitrator after like |
9860s | tricking them into like putting the red |
9862s | button the Deacon for a while and then I |
9864s | think the Deacon burned out of range uh |
9867s | of the arbitrator because it's just |
9868s | trying to mitigate as much damage as |
9869s | possible and so he just wasn't in range |
9871s | of the arbitrator for a crucial amount |
9873s | of time and then just died so yeah and |
9876s | then that's that's the point where we |
9877s | got into the first hiding owners were |
9879s | able to clean up yeah that was a an |
9881s | incredible match I'm sure those Pilots |
9882s | were very very stressed during that part |
9884s | now let's look forward our next match |
9886s | which is going to be between V4 and |
9888s | Volta and platinum sensitivity so let's |
9890s | take a look at the bands for this |
9893s | so Volta banging out the abandon the |
9896s | pontifex and the Magus Platinum |
9898s | sensitivity bang at the jackdaw the EOS |
9900s | and the Loki uh mystical might what do |
9902s | you make of these bands here oh fairly |
9904s | interesting bands coming out from both |
9906s | teams I will note that having looked |
9908s | back through some of the Platt sense and |
9910s | the we form vaulted comps it does seem |
9912s | like we form Volta have essentially just |
9913s | run Shield Rush each match whereas |
9916s | Platinum sensitivity have just been |
9917s | running 3bs core each match I don't |
9920s | remember if Platinum sensitivity have |
9921s | actually been using the abandon so it's |
9923s | interesting to see that band coming out |
9924s | here it doesn't seem like it's a |
9926s | targeted ban it might just be the fact |
9928s | that we from vulture are changing up |
9929s | their plan a little bit and the abaddin |
9931s | Apparently as as the amazing utility |
9935s | mode that it is |
9936s | um it's not something that they don't |
9937s | want to come up against |
9938s | um abandon's known for being High Dam |
9940s | High DPS but it doesn't have any e-war |
9942s | bonuses so it's purely a damage and tank |
9944s | ship that they're that they're banging |
9946s | at a banding out here yeah it doesn't |
9948s | have the most projection out of the book |
9949s | with Scorch uh it can project quite far |
9952s | the greatest animal in the game I'm told |
9954s | the teams are on grid so we can go to |
9956s | the arena now and find out who will win |
9958s | between Wi-Fi and Volta and platinum |
9960s | sensitivity |
9966s | hello everyone and welcome back we are |
9969s | here with we form Volta vs Platinum |
9971s | sensitivity |
9973s | we form Volta coming in with a bar cast |
9975s | two Navy Drakes Osprey two Navy Ospreys |
9978s | and navy caracal stork hyena and |
9980s | skybreaker a very caldari heavy missile |
9983s | setup from we form Volta what does |
9985s | platinum sensitivity bring to the table |
9987s | yeah they've brought interestingly |
9989s | enough a redeemer their Flagship |
9991s | Vindicator a typhoon Fleet issue and |
9995s | um double laundry freeze with some |
9997s | assorted |
9998s | um support interesting to see a bifrost |
10001s | and a stork |
10003s | um in an armor composition possibly uh |
10006s | going with all e-ore mids not unlike |
10008s | with what we saw in the tuskers versus |
10011s | uh truth on a light match |
10015s | we're definitely going to see a bit of |
10016s | Rush from the Wii form Volta team they |
10018s | are Geared for close range combat |
10020s | they're gonna look to get right in there |
10022s | which could be a dangerous proposition |
10024s | for them with the Vindicator there |
10026s | that said they've got the DPS to |
10028s | absolutely headshot some of this |
10030s | Platinum sensitivity team yeah to be |
10033s | clear these are heavy missile Drake Navy |
10035s | issues and Vargas so |
10038s | um they may want to actually be keeping |
10040s | away at range rather than just closing |
10042s | in on zero and brawling outrageous Lee |
10046s | with uh Vindicator and Redeemer here |
10053s | it will be difficult however to do that |
10055s | kiting when you're facing against a |
10057s | stork and a bifrost as well as an |
10059s | arbitrator that are sure to be full of |
10062s | mid slot e-war that will greatly reduce |
10065s | the effectiveness of these heavy |
10067s | missiles to projected range |
10070s | yeah I think you might be right I'm |
10073s | looking more closely at those Drakes I |
10074s | thought those were ham Drakes |
10076s | I think you are right though we are |
10079s | seeing some heavy missiles so they will |
10080s | attempt to kite |
10082s | the Platinum sensitivity team doesn't |
10084s | really have a ton of projected damage |
10086s | although that said the Redeemer can fit |
10088s | some long range even if it's pulse fit |
10090s | Scorch hits far |
10093s | yeah and uh of note it looks like this |
10096s | typhoon Fleet issue is torpedoes so they |
10099s | are definitely on the Platinum side |
10101s | wanting to fight in at close range |
10104s | um and not really wanting to fight at |
10107s | distance if that typhoon was fit with |
10110s | Heavies oh and I don't know if it's |
10112s | going to matter because that stork is |
10114s | already |
10115s | um kind of eating [ __ ] right now it's |
10117s | getting put down into low armor uh it's |
10119s | getting hit and now it's down |
10122s | fabulous call from waveform Volta you |
10124s | know the stork is going to have the |
10125s | weakest armor tank on the enemy team the |
10127s | bifrost will not be much better as it's |
10129s | now getting its Shields taken out and |
10131s | the armor will go relatively fast now |
10133s | their Logistics should be more prepared |
10135s | this time around but you can still see |
10137s | it's steadily dropping they're getting |
10138s | in some rep Cycles but it won't be |
10140s | enough the bifrost just does not have |
10142s | the low slots to fit a respectable armor |
10144s | tank as it goes down and that's the |
10146s | links off for platinum sensitivity yeah |
10149s | and crucially it's also going to be a |
10151s | lot of the mid-thought E War uh I can't |
10153s | help but feel like this match was very |
10155s | much lost in the draft phase for |
10158s | platinum sensitivity you have a |
10160s | Vindicator you know a tour typhoon Fleet |
10163s | issue and a redeemer they're all very |
10165s | very good at fighting in at close range |
10167s | but I mean there's really nothing on |
10170s | this Volta side that's going to be in a |
10172s | close range typhoon Fleet is getting |
10174s | fairly close to control freak and |
10176s | thrantha's uh Drake Navy issue but |
10178s | they're doing a better job than their |
10180s | counterparts in Odin's call at not |
10182s | getting caught by battleships so we'll |
10184s | play to both of them |
10186s | and unlike templar's khalsif's triple |
10188s | Battleship core from one of the previous |
10190s | matches fighting a missile kite comp |
10191s | Platinum sensitivity does not have the |
10194s | projected newts or projected webs to |
10196s | snare one of those ships as they're |
10198s | trying to turn they really don't have an |
10201s | answer for this The Vindicator might get |
10202s | lucky it might be able to microwave |
10204s | drive around and get on top of someone |
10206s | and land one of those webs but it's it |
10209s | it's almost down to chance I think he |
10211s | has managed to run down one of the |
10213s | Drakes here control freak is now tackled |
10215s | and webbed but it might be too little |
10218s | too late here their arbitrator is |
10219s | already taking damage the sky breaker is |
10221s | taking some damage they've lost all the |
10223s | shields off of their Logistics frigates |
10225s | are also taking damage it's just too |
10227s | much for them to keep track of and the |
10228s | arbitrator goes down |
10230s | yeah uh control freak or thrawn thrather |
10233s | is was a little bit out of position |
10235s | um uh |
10237s | so now they're gonna lose a Thalia and |
10240s | an arbitrator at the same time yeah I |
10243s | mean they're gonna get the strike Navy |
10244s | issue but that's all your Logie down and |
10246s | at this point it's just gonna be a slow |
10247s | death it'll be well very likely a 16 to |
10251s | 100 game hate I hate to call it with |
10254s | seven minutes remaining on the clock but |
10255s | that's kind of what it is when you lose |
10257s | uh your laundry this early in the match |
10259s | and don't have projection |
10261s | yep I think you're right as the sky |
10263s | breaker now also goes down these |
10265s | battleships are starting to look more |
10266s | and more lonely they've got a storm |
10268s | bringer for company but that will not be |
10270s | long for this world either They're Gonna |
10271s | Come Away with this Drake kill but |
10273s | already the we form Volta team has kited |
10275s | away from that Drake so now they've |
10278s | killed one thing there's really nothing |
10279s | else for them to turn around and shoot |
10281s | they've got a microwarp drive all the |
10283s | way across the other side of the Arena |
10285s | practically to get on top of something |
10287s | and that is looking less and less likely |
10289s | as their support continues to vaporize |
10292s | yeah I mean unfortunately for platinum |
10296s | sensitivity it feels like they got a |
10298s | little bit predictable with their |
10299s | compositions bringing essentially three |
10302s | armored BS every time and Volta finally |
10304s | called their Bluff |
10306s | um a faction bar gift or Flagship at |
10309s | Argus rather with those uh essentially |
10311s | officer scrams is the very last thing |
10315s | you want to run into as a Vindicator |
10317s | you're just never going to be able to |
10319s | close range against what will be 40 |
10321s | kilometer scrams and we see that The |
10324s | Vindicator is just not able to get |
10327s | anywhere near anything as this redeemer |
10329s | is already down into half armor |
10330s | the Redeemer is an interesting choice I |
10333s | wonder what their game plan was bringing |
10334s | the Deemer in it has been buffed but |
10337s | it's still a lot of points for what it |
10340s | actually brings to the table compared to |
10341s | cheaper alternatives like the Armageddon |
10343s | what do you think they were hoping for |
10347s | um to be perfectly honest |
10350s | um I'm not |
10351s | 100 on top of the meta as far why you |
10355s | would bring a redeemer over the |
10357s | Armageddon uh they must have seen |
10359s | something in their training and testing |
10361s | that made them feel like uh perhaps The |
10364s | Tech 2 resists were more worth it over |
10366s | the tech one that you would have in a |
10370s | you know a Faction Armageddon but uh I |
10373s | don't think it's going to matter too |
10374s | much uh both |
10376s | teams are about to good fight here |
10379s | um typhoon Fleet issue already down into |
10382s | mid to what will soon be low armor |
10388s | yeah I think Platinum sensitivity maybe |
10390s | just didn't keep up with the patches to |
10392s | the Navy ships they just seemed dead set |
10395s | and bring this comp they had the pawn |
10397s | effects and the mega spanned out and |
10398s | they replaced them with a stork and |
10400s | bifrost rather than alter their setup |
10402s | uh just some strange choices in the |
10405s | drafting phase from Platinum sensitivity |
10407s | and they're paying for it here we've got |
10409s | this typhoon Fleet issue he's into half |
10411s | armor he's dropping slowly he's trying |
10413s | to hold on but there's really not much |
10415s | he can do in response there's no targets |
10418s | there tackled down for him his Torpedoes |
10420s | will not reach effectively |
10422s | uh there is a web now on the sky breaker |
10424s | the sky breaker looks like it may have |
10426s | been vindi Webb that is dropping speed |
10428s | rapidly |
10430s | but that will not change the course of |
10432s | this match in in any material way |
10435s | yeah I mean I don't want to make too |
10438s | much fun of platinum sensitivity what |
10440s | they brought would have done very very |
10442s | well in an armor versus Armor match |
10444s | where control would have been |
10447s | um a key factor that's probably why you |
10449s | would be bring the Redeemer again for |
10450s | those who resist you would but |
10453s | um and maybe they felt like they had to |
10455s | go for kind of an all-in |
10456s | raid there in order to have a chance |
10460s | against Volta team that they're an |
10461s | underdog against uh the sky breaker does |
10463s | go down for reasons I don't totally |
10466s | understand at this point they're just |
10469s | killing off the typhoon Fleet issue at |
10472s | this point and we'll see if Mark Bridges |
10475s | is an honorable samurai warrior or if |
10478s | he's going to try to micro jump drive |
10479s | and spool himself out of the arena and |
10482s | take his Flagship loot out with him |
10484s | because zero and Michael jumps right |
10487s | into the arena |
10489s | you just get a loose though he's near |
10491s | another micro jump unit we'll see if |
10493s | he'll go two for two |
10495s | yeah uh he's turning around so he's not |
10497s | trying to uh take his loot out of the |
10500s | arena with him he's trying to survive |
10502s | the next three minutes of the match |
10505s | which |
10506s | you know it's understandable uh you want |
10508s | to keep all of what is going to be |
10511s | presumably very very expensive uh |
10513s | faction and probably officer Webb's the |
10517s | hyena however doing a pretty good job of |
10519s | getting a drive-by web and paint that's |
10521s | gonna be Tick Tock one of the better |
10524s | Alliance tournament Players for the |
10526s | Volta roster |
10528s | we've seen calls and local to Kill The |
10530s | Vindicator and not to let him boundary |
10532s | violate he is doing his best to Mosey on |
10535s | over to that other micro jump he's |
10537s | heavily webbed though his speed is |
10539s | dropping |
10540s | it's crawling he has managed to get into |
10542s | range though we're seeing the activation |
10544s | animation and here he goes |
10548s | he's microwork driving toward the other |
10550s | side of the Arena he's not going for the |
10552s | boundary here |
10553s | yeah shot himself forward well away from |
10556s | the enemy team but they're rapidly |
10558s | repositioning to get tackle on him again |
10560s | two minutes left in this match |
10562s | yeah and one of the things about being a |
10565s | Vindicator is that you're not going to |
10566s | outrun what are heavy missile |
10569s | um you know heavy missile boats the |
10571s | heavy missile bolts are going to have no |
10572s | trouble projecting to essentially all of |
10574s | the Arena now that there's two minutes |
10576s | left in the match he's about half armor |
10578s | he's trying to burn for one of uh the |
10581s | far micro jump drive beacons but I don't |
10583s | think he's gonna get there uh Tick Tock |
10585s | is too on the ball getting the web and |
10589s | he's gonna slow him down that's going to |
10591s | be X-Type rappers but I don't think that |
10593s | Marcus gonna be able to hold out for the |
10595s | next minute in 40 seconds and his local |
10598s | defense bar is is pretty girthy for |
10601s | being one ship so he has some I can't |
10603s | even begin to imagine how expensive |
10605s | those rappers are uh but it's still not |
10608s | enough there's just too much of the |
10610s | waveform Volta team still alive they've |
10611s | got damaged drones they've got uh high |
10614s | damage High projection missiles they |
10616s | don't really have to worry about kiting |
10618s | around so they can definitely swap to |
10619s | rage here and do everything they can to |
10621s | try to put him away there's one minute |
10623s | left he does have a pretty thick |
10625s | structure he's still pulling back armor |
10627s | it is conceivable that they just don't |
10630s | have the DPS to bring him down within |
10632s | the time limit of the match and that's |
10634s | really what he's playing for here he's |
10635s | playing for time this is all taking |
10637s | place on Tranquility this is real isk |
10639s | it's not a test server so there is a |
10642s | considerable incentive for him to try to |
10644s | stay alive here but he is now hitting |
10646s | structure and it's going away much more |
10648s | rapidly than mark would like yeah that's |
10650s | going to probably depend if any guard |
10652s | debt is or is not on a Reload and he is |
10654s | not on a Reload he is clipping him out |
10656s | and that'll be the end of that so uh |
10659s | Tick Tock and the rest of the Volta team |
10661s | is rushing to try to scoop that loot |
10664s | hopefully the referees give them enough |
10665s | time to pick up that very expensive |
10668s | Flagship kill |
10670s | um |
10671s | I really don't think Platinum |
10673s | sensitivity really could have done |
10674s | anything differently in that match |
10676s | unfortunately but let's see what the |
10677s | desk has to say about that as we send it |
10679s | back to them |
10696s | [Music] |
10700s | [Applause] |
10708s | so I was up |
10722s | Pump It Up why your team is stumping and |
10726s | today I'm so pumping look here at the |
10728s | ground is jumping pump it up a little |
10731s | more get the party going on the Dance |
10733s | Floor |
10734s | foreign |
10763s | Volta there taking the victory over |
10765s | Platinum sensitivity Platinum |
10767s | sensitivity still in the tournament they |
10769s | are knocked down to the lower bracket at |
10770s | this point unfortunately for them they |
10772s | could not retain the uh the last |
10775s | remaining one structure hit point which |
10777s | is the most important hit point in the |
10778s | game of Evon line of their Flagship |
10779s | Vindicator and that has gone down I'm |
10782s | told we will get to kill me as soon as |
10783s | possible is 55 no more than that 75 |
10786s | billion isk Flagship Vindicator that is |
10789s | a spicy meatball right there uh yeah |
10792s | there's a core Max modified damage |
10794s | control in the low slots there 36 |
10795s | billion alone so Mark Bridges did a |
10798s | great job trying to survive at the end |
10799s | there he managed to pull it out for |
10801s | about three minutes or so unfortunately |
10802s | he needed three minutes 40 seconds uh |
10804s | which was a bit of a shame Mr come out |
10806s | you were talking uh during well he was |
10808s | jumping from Beacon to Beacon uh that he |
10810s | got his angles wrong one of them what |
10811s | happened yeah so we've kind of brushed |
10814s | over it a few times in some of these |
10816s | matches where we say that they're |
10817s | burning back towards an mjd beacon in |
10819s | the arena in the arena there are a bunch |
10821s | of MJG baby can set out in a square |
10823s | formation with one in the middle if you |
10826s | jump from one corner of the square to |
10828s | another there are exactly 100 kilometers |
10830s | apart so you can effectively chain mjd |
10833s | around the arena constantly which does |
10836s | allow you to |
10837s | if you're in this case trying to run |
10839s | away from the enemy team with your |
10840s | Flagship Vindicator avoid the damage |
10842s | what Mark ended up doing is that he went |
10845s | for an mjd at a poor angle which sent |
10848s | him in between four different mjd units |
10850s | but none of them were Within Reach and |
10853s | Tick Tock in the hyena is able to burn |
10855s | in and web mark down so that he can't |
10857s | get to those mjd beacons to continue |
10859s | jumping around so yeah I think with a |
10862s | little bit less Panic a little bit more |
10863s | planning on that initial mjd that we saw |
10866s | um he would have just lived for the |
10867s | entire time but it's a 75 billionis |
10870s | mistake yeah that is a expensive mistake |
10874s | um speaking of not mistakes CCP cash or |
10876s | you really liked after we saw that match |
10878s | the bands that Volta had done you |
10879s | thought they were very targeted tell me |
10880s | about that yeah so really full it really |
10882s | felt like Volta had their number they |
10884s | only bought the triple armor core team |
10886s | over and over again so Volta decided to |
10889s | ban out the pontifex and the Magus which |
10891s | are the the armor command destroyers |
10893s | which meant that to bring that same |
10895s | setup |
10896s | Platinum sensitivity bought a buy for us |
10898s | on a stock instead but the buy first on |
10900s | the stalker just you know they don't |
10901s | have much of a tank at all right the |
10903s | stock only has two low slots the buy for |
10905s | study has free low slots both of them |
10907s | have pretty huge explosive holes so and |
10910s | that are pretty hard to hard to feel |
10912s | when you only have two weeks lots and |
10913s | three low slots so it feels like they |
10916s | force them into bringing that they knew |
10917s | that they were going to bring that and |
10918s | then they just blew those ships up |
10919s | straight away at the start of the match |
10920s | and then without links it was just so |
10922s | hard for them to pin anything down and |
10925s | Volta aside from you know a few ships |
10927s | getting tackled and killed they've |
10929s | pretty much executed it almost perfectly |
10931s | and just completely destroyed them |
10933s | yeah I was just going to say in terms of |
10935s | the bands that we saw as well I would |
10937s | have liked if the Platinum sensitivity |
10939s | team had perhaps targeted their bands a |
10941s | little bit more towards what Vault had |
10943s | actually been flying earlier in the |
10945s | tournament as they have effectively |
10947s | flown kadari Rush |
10949s | in both of their other matches and now |
10951s | they've flown kadari kite in another one |
10953s | so a couple of targeted bands towards |
10955s | that setup would have also impacted this |
10957s | setup as well |
10958s | excellent well as I say we will see |
10960s | Platinum sensitivity again uh this was |
10962s | the winners bracket match so they |
10963s | dropped down there is one match |
10965s | remaining in the winners bracket uh to |
10967s | get the uh the four remaining in that |
10970s | particular bracket the rest of the |
10971s | team's all being knocked down and we |
10972s | will see some elimination matches after |
10974s | the break but first let's go to jintan |
10976s | with a quick interview with the captain |
10977s | of Brave Collective |
10979s | first of all can you introduce yourself |
10981s | to the audience please I am doing I and |
10984s | I represent the brave Collective |
10987s | Alliance and what does brave do on |
10989s | Tranquility outside of the tournament we |
10992s | fight people for fun uh we're a |
10994s | reasonably large uh Null Sec Alliance we |
10998s | were |
10999s | founded seven and a bit years ago and we |
11004s | live in pure blind where we're currently |
11006s | at war with uh fraternity we are known |
11009s | for having a good attitude towards |
11013s | fights and a lot of people come to our |
11016s | uh solve systems in order to fight us |
11019s | and our standing Fleet we are a |
11022s | mid-sized Alliance compared to the |
11024s | largest ones but uh yeah we we enjoy |
11028s | fighting a lot |
11030s | so what's Brave collective's competitive |
11033s | history are there any major results that |
11035s | you've had or you know players from |
11037s | teams you've done well in the past |
11039s | we have a pretty unbroken line of |
11043s | tournament Players |
11046s | I was on the team |
11049s | for an 80 many many years ago |
11053s | and |
11055s | after that I was not very engaged with |
11060s | um |
11060s | that aspect of Eve despite the fact that |
11065s | I got into Eve in order to play |
11067s | tournaments in the uh the first time I |
11070s | tried |
11072s | but I think we have an unbroken line of |
11076s | tournament Players all the way back to |
11078s | our first tournament more or less |
11080s | currently |
11082s | on the team we have now we have our |
11086s | previous Captain who is sandor Vol and |
11091s | he actually took over for |
11093s | um the person who is currently CCP |
11096s | Aurora |
11097s | so |
11099s | we've um we've had a tournament team for |
11103s | as long as I've been in Brave and |
11107s | our best result I think is |
11111s | I think we got top eight one year that's |
11113s | before my time |
11115s | other than that we |
11117s | are probably more a mid-tier team |
11121s | are there any teams that you're excited |
11123s | to face either as a chance to get |
11125s | revenge or to prove yourself we have uh |
11128s | a lot of Frenemies in the tournaments in |
11131s | people who we compete against measure |
11134s | ourselves against and practice with |
11137s | and anyone who's ever knocked us out of |
11141s | a tournament is always on the top of our |
11143s | list of teams that we want to face again |
11145s | and prove that that time was a fluke and |
11148s | this is the time that really counts like |
11151s | last year we were knocked out by um |
11154s | bsod and we'd like to fly against them |
11157s | again and show that we can go |
11160s | head-to-head against the people we like |
11162s | to fly against |
11166s | AR Brave Collective no cursed by jintan |
11169s | uh so just a quick Amendment on the |
11172s | flagship Vindicator we just lost in the |
11173s | last match we've reviewed it a little |
11174s | bit closer there was a Tobias modified |
11177s | status webifier on it which is |
11178s | approximately 60 70 billion at the |
11180s | minute so the total value of that |
11182s | um Flagship indicator probably more like |
11184s | 120 to 140 billion ISC that is many many |
11188s | isks now let's take a quick look at the |
11190s | bands for this match coming up lock |
11192s | range enjoys versus brief Collective |
11195s | so lock range enjoy is Banning out the |
11197s | bar gas the EOS and the Osprey Navy |
11199s | issue with brave Banning out the curse |
11201s | the Drake and Aviation the hyena |
11202s | mystical Knight what do you see here uh |
11205s | hmm I think it's interesting that we're |
11206s | seeing an osprey Navy issue band since |
11208s | it's been essential for a lot of the |
11209s | kardari rush comes that we've seen |
11211s | um so typically with the kadari rush |
11212s | you'll see Navy caracals and navy |
11213s | Ospreys since they do quite a bit of |
11215s | damage and they're also fairly cheap |
11217s | points wise the Drake Navy Band on the |
11219s | brave collector's side makes me think |
11221s | that they're trying to remove kiting a |
11222s | little bit especially when paired with |
11223s | the hyena since uh Drake Navy issues |
11226s | less common in the rush rolls and more |
11228s | common in the kardari kite setups that |
11231s | we've been seeing earlier in the day and |
11233s | uh also last weekend but yeah I mean the |
11236s | curse ban is always a standard |
11238s | and CPS or anything to add to this no I |
11240s | think Misty has pretty much spot on here |
11243s | um I don't really see these bands being |
11245s | super specific other than Brave probably |
11247s | trying to avoid kiting if they can |
11250s | especially combined with the curse band |
11252s | as well they might be trying to bring |
11253s | something like double the shack uh get |
11255s | it get rid of the like Fast cutting |
11257s | stuff get rid of the curse which is the |
11259s | major biggest obstacle to bring a double |
11261s | check then you can bring just a little |
11263s | shark or a big armor core and boss at |
11266s | least force them to run like a more |
11268s | sub-optimal cutting setup if they are |
11270s | going to yeah so it's time to go into |
11272s | three and find out who will win between |
11273s | lock range Enduros and brave Collective |
11275s | as we could know |
11283s | hello I am moderator joined by my |
11286s | colleague Alexander for yet another |
11288s | Shield kite versus uh armor brawling |
11291s | matchup we see that lock range enjoyers |
11293s | is going to enjoy targeting things at a |
11296s | long distance with that triple Navy |
11298s | executor comp we've seen get used along |
11301s | with what appear to be artillery slept |
11306s | nears and hurricane flit issue against |
11309s | um the armor comp of Brave uh walk |
11311s | through that armor cop for me here |
11313s | Brave's armor comp is Senator Iran a |
11315s | leshack Navy getting in a fleet Tempest |
11318s | they've got Magus Ponte for links to |
11320s | Logistics frigates and simple heretic |
11322s | vexer giving them some tackle that some |
11324s | of the previous armored Battleship comps |
11326s | have lacked |
11328s | so we've seen this kind of triple |
11330s | executive Navy |
11331s | um so far in the event why would someone |
11333s | to choose to use that many points on |
11336s | those ships |
11337s | well they have been recently buffed they |
11339s | are quite good |
11341s | um they are extremely fast so if you |
11344s | want to talk some kind of kiting setup |
11346s | they're already fantastic for that |
11348s | they've got an intense speed and with |
11351s | the railguns the amount of damage bonus |
11353s | they get gives them a pretty respectable |
11354s | Alpha which works well with the fleet |
11356s | Kane Seffner they have going on as we |
11358s | see that heretic it's sniped out |
11360s | immediately yeah that's going to be the |
11362s | power of 720 artillery uh backed by |
11365s | railguns and they're still able to track |
11368s | things that they're putting damage onto |
11369s | a vexer they're putting damage onto |
11371s | athalia and just now while Retros are |
11373s | getting on top of that Thalia I mean if |
11375s | this Thalia goes down already it's going |
11378s | to be probably game but uh he is |
11380s | apparently stabilizing we see that |
11382s | Adrian is uh on top of things getting |
11385s | reps to his friend uh meanwhile the |
11388s | vexer |
11389s | um taking a lot of drone damage |
11391s | yeah the locker engine jar is making the |
11393s | most out of the surprise of their |
11396s | artillery and Alpha strike comp taking |
11398s | that heretic out that is one half of the |
11400s | fast tackle for brave now they've |
11401s | switched over to Omega it's an |
11403s | absolutely evaporated him you're seeing |
11405s | a theme here where they're able to kill |
11406s | these destroyers with uh alarming |
11409s | rapidity as the spiffle now stripped of |
11412s | its Shields half armor dropping into |
11414s | structure these ships are dying so |
11416s | quickly the logistics frigates from |
11418s | braver having a difficult time reacting |
11420s | and being destroyers they are easy |
11422s | targets he's dipping ever so slightly |
11426s | now is oh he's gone oh yeah that's harsh |
11429s | That's The Power of 720 artillery we |
11432s | haven't seen a lot of it in this |
11433s | tournament so far but uh Locker range |
11435s | enjoyers uh reminding us why it's |
11437s | effective why it's been brought in so |
11438s | many events and uh that's going to be |
11441s | one link shift down I can't help but |
11442s | feel like the pontifex of Arcos that's |
11444s | being primaried is definitely going to |
11447s | be the next kill Target here we're just |
11450s | gonna wait for that artillery to keep |
11451s | loading and seeing if the Folly and |
11454s | Deacon which are in range can apply to |
11458s | that however blue morpheme is getting |
11460s | applied to as well uh this vulture |
11462s | that's not very fast is being chased |
11465s | down by a lecheck that slowly but surely |
11467s | spooling up on him yeah the lock range |
11470s | enjoyers have moved to the edge of the |
11472s | range literally to the edge of the Arena |
11474s | they've found themselves in a position |
11475s | where they had to turn around but as |
11477s | they did they found the triple |
11478s | Battleship core hot on their heels |
11480s | they've pinned down this vulture he's |
11482s | getting neuted out and now he's down |
11483s | that is a pretty significant chunk of |
11486s | links off of law grade enjoyers as well |
11488s | but critically not the Skirmish links |
11490s | they're going to want the most |
11492s | demanding position here as they pop the |
11494s | phalia from Brave Collective that's |
11496s | taking out half their lodgy that means |
11498s | the other Deacon will be sure to follow |
11500s | quickly yeah however speaking of that |
11502s | we're going to see a logic trade the |
11503s | vexer of Aaron Gaul has been on top of |
11506s | 10 Baron for the last 20 seconds or so |
11508s | and that's going to be essentially |
11510s | trading out |
11511s | an osprey for the entire support wing of |
11515s | Brave I think lock range is going to be |
11516s | pretty happy to take that as we see the |
11520s | vexer go down and the Deacon continue to |
11523s | have a cloud of drones and railguns on |
11526s | top of him so 10 drops at the same time |
11528s | but it's three battleships versus a |
11530s | world right now |
11531s | yep and uh the lock range team has |
11533s | already kited away from those |
11534s | battleships there's no immediate clear |
11536s | Target for them to turn on as I say that |
11538s | though the hurricane Fleet issue from |
11540s | Lock range enjoyers barreling straight |
11542s | toward them in a very curious decision |
11545s | uh he is slowed down I think he's |
11547s | realized this error and he started to |
11549s | turn it doesn't look like they are going |
11551s | to make him pay for it although okay so |
11554s | they're going after the striker Eric's |
11557s | Navy extra they've landed a long range |
11559s | nude on him what they're going to hope |
11560s | for is that that Newt turns off his |
11562s | micro warp drive but you can see him |
11563s | speeding along at 2300 meters a second |
11565s | and Rising the speed of the Navy X |
11568s | occurred not to be underestimated |
11570s | meanwhile you ever again a Navy issue is |
11572s | about to pay the iron price he is going |
11574s | down and that is a tremendous amount of |
11576s | their remaining long-range tackle |
11579s | yeah they may very well kill Striker |
11581s | Erica with the uh cable utas |
11585s | um |
11585s | entropic |
11587s | um well damage dealer |
11589s | um now actually out of range of him the |
11591s | slept near we see a lot of ships from |
11594s | um lock range getting to mid-range |
11597s | trying to apply more damage instead of |
11599s | going to |
11601s | um you know kite at |
11603s | um you know all full distance but with |
11605s | lower damage ammo uh lock range realizes |
11608s | that they can fully win the DPS trade |
11610s | comfortably with what they have trying |
11612s | to break any sort of active tank that do |
11614s | check and now laid in head and with that |
11616s | I think we're what 043 maybe over four |
11620s | on uh interviews that Jim Thomas had |
11623s | before a match |
11625s | and also my point betting |
11629s | that said uh the fleet Tempest now he's |
11631s | now dipping into half armor it looks |
11633s | like Striker Erica's Navy Exeter is safe |
11635s | they've switched over to grunkata's |
11637s | schleffner he is grappled and neuted now |
11641s | he's broken the grapple it's hard to say |
11643s | if he'll be able to escape with his life |
11645s | the Seffner has a very thick tank |
11647s | uh he is going to be able to hold on for |
11649s | a while the fleet Tempest meanwhile |
11651s | cannot say the same as he dips into |
11652s | structure here leaving cable it is the |
11654s | Shack by itself The Shack a fantastic |
11657s | ship both in the tournament and in |
11659s | Tranquility but not enough to one-man |
11661s | Army against a kiting cop like this |
11664s | yeah I mean the lock range enjoy your |
11667s | team is something that I think a few |
11669s | people have slept on uh they were |
11670s | essentially the uh what we now know is |
11673s | the better half of um only need uh two |
11677s | comps that made it to top four in the |
11680s | previous Alliance tournament |
11681s | um the French half or portion of that |
11684s | team getting eliminated whereas lock |
11686s | range enjoyers you know getting into top |
11688s | eight with this victory over Brave |
11691s | Collective |
11692s | um showing that they very much belong in |
11695s | this upper echelon of teams |
11697s | yeah Loch Ranger jurors are a higher |
11699s | class of gentlemen uh you know you |
11702s | they enjoy the Finer Things in life they |
11704s | enjoy locking from long range primarily |
11707s | and their comps that for the most part |
11709s | reflected that and it's brought them a |
11711s | lot of success here it looks like |
11712s | gruncato's leftner will probably go down |
11715s | here he's in very low armor that said Le |
11719s | Shack has stopped applying any |
11720s | meaningful damage to him likely because |
11722s | of that tracking disruptor just out of |
11724s | range breaking the spool |
11726s | uh you've also got Striker Erica's |
11728s | executor probably in range now the Le |
11731s | Shack switching targets and bringing him |
11733s | down but it's going to be minor |
11735s | consolation as cable UDA himself drops |
11738s | into structure and he will die presently |
11741s | this was a very exciting match these |
11743s | triple armor Battleship cord not doing |
11746s | well against the kite cop meta that has |
11748s | been dominant today as this Le Shack oh |
11751s | yes I was gonna say as he dies he gets |
11753s | one last gasp of armor in and he goes |
11756s | down we'll throw it back to the desk to |
11758s | break this down |
11775s | [Music] |
11779s | [Applause] |
11784s | [Music] |
11791s | thank you |
11802s | [Applause] |
11815s | connected Channel switched well it would |
11818s | have been an easy fight right but guess |
11820s | what dude I'm not seeing it people can't |
11822s | get together |
11827s | crash our enemies your temps are |
11830s | completely damned out Crush I'm dumped |
11832s | out I'm dumped out get on that Travis |
11834s | boys |
11844s | there you are so lock range drawers |
11846s | taking the victory over Brave Collective |
11848s | uh in a very convincing win there uh |
11851s | we've actually gone through during that |
11853s | match and updated some of our graphs uh |
11855s | to bring them totally up to date let's |
11856s | take a look now uh so as we can see here |
11858s | the win rate after displaying gentile's |
11861s | interview remains a solid zero percent |
11864s | um that is a pretty effective curse if |
11867s | I've ever seen one uh so again captains |
11869s | if you want us to hold back your |
11870s | interviews uh please do get in touch so |
11872s | we can ignore you uh now we are going to |
11875s | go to a break and then we'll be back for |
11876s | some more explosions shortly |
11882s | welcome back to Alliance tournament 18 I |
11885s | am TCP overload joined once again by |
11887s | mystical mate and Yin tan and we have |
11890s | more matches more explosions uh and I'm |
11892s | an explosion enjoyer mystical matter |
11893s | you're an explosion enjoyer if they're |
11895s | the right type of explosion I might not |
11897s | be an enjoyer of explosions in this next |
11899s | match interesting you should say that |
11900s | this next match is going to be truth |
11902s | honor light versus dark side so we are |
11905s | now in elimination matches because truth |
11907s | on a light dropped a match aileron to |
11909s | the tuskers co and now they're fighting |
11911s | for their lives now they're in a |
11912s | situation where if they don't win this |
11914s | best of one series they're out and the |
11916s | dark side team is a good team Mr I was |
11919s | going to say actually we're fighting for |
11920s | skins because uh the more matches you |
11923s | win the more skins you get it's not |
11924s | something that we typically mention and |
11926s | going through a loser's bracket run |
11928s | means that you play more matches more |
11930s | matches equals more wins equals more |
11932s | skins awesome then where exactly are you |
11934s | hiding the rest of your corpium because |
11935s | I can't see it from here I've used up my |
11937s | Supply there are a few empty cans under |
11940s | the desk I'm gonna have to run to get |
11942s | more during the next match let's take a |
11944s | look at the bands for this upcoming |
11945s | match and see what these teams have |
11946s | chosen to ban out |
11951s | so truth on a light binding out the |
11953s | Ishtar Stratus and bar guest and |
11955s | Darkseid Banning out the slept near |
11956s | jackdot and Scimitar interesting clips |
11958s | of bands uh jintan the Stratos we saw I |
11960s | believe Dutch said using asratios but is |
11963s | it bandworthy |
11964s | um I don't know but it seems like truth |
11965s | on a light maybe either haven't prepped |
11967s | against it or have prepped uh have done |
11969s | enough testing to know that it beats one |
11970s | of the comps that they really favor what |
11972s | I find interesting about this band |
11973s | choice is that Darkseid have gone for |
11975s | something completely different for what |
11976s | they've previously banned |
11978s | um historically they've banned the |
11980s | balgorn Scimitar and the curse that's |
11983s | been their band for their previous three |
11984s | matches |
11985s | um so it's going to be you know maybe |
11987s | they're planning to use one of those |
11988s | ships or maybe they just think they have |
11990s | a read on what truth on the light are |
11992s | going to bring and want to completely |
11993s | shut that down |
11995s | let's commit is that true did they have |
11997s | a read on you |
11998s | uh I will confirm or deny any comments |
12002s | and statements after this match okay |
12004s | we'll see all right we'll see all right |
12006s | so uh predictions I know what you're |
12007s | predicting yeah Dark Side of course I'm |
12010s | going to protect Tristan a light then to |
12012s | character in my circle my jintan uh yeah |
12014s | I'm gonna predict truth on a light as |
12016s | well you know ducks are a great team but |
12018s | uh I think truth on will I have this and |
12021s | do you have an interview with uh truth |
12022s | on the light by any chance no I do not |
12024s | that's a shame oh well let's go to the |
12025s | arena and find out who's going to win |
12027s | between truth on a light and dark side |
12033s | foreign |
12035s | back with my broadcast partner moderator |
12038s | as we unveiled truth honor and light |
12041s | versus Darkseid truth honor and light |
12043s | has brought a flagship bargast EOS a |
12047s | neros orthos double Blackbird pontifex |
12050s | Sentinel carries vexer the armor orthrus |
12053s | by Kadesh Priestess very interested to |
12056s | see how this works out for them |
12057s | moderator what if Darkseid brought to |
12059s | the field |
12061s | uh well Darkseid has chosen to bring a |
12065s | heavy missile kite comp with two healers |
12068s | supported by a Loki for some webs and a |
12071s | scalpel Kieran for their Logistics it'll |
12074s | be interesting to see |
12077s | um |
12077s | how these teams choose to kind of Face |
12080s | Off against each other with |
12082s | um Bargas you know we usually think of |
12084s | that as a essentially a shield ship but |
12088s | it does really work well in armor comps |
12091s | as well especially if you bring a flag |
12093s | bar gift like Dexter axio has that will |
12097s | essentially have a 40 kilometer scram |
12099s | that will be pretty effective at chasing |
12101s | down these kiting ships |
12105s | yeah the distributed scrams on the truth |
12107s | honor Light Team certainly I would think |
12110s | hoping to keep these teams at range or |
12111s | if they're against a kite comp it'll |
12113s | greatly increase their ability to pin |
12114s | them down when they try to turn we're |
12116s | about to kick this match off as links |
12118s | have popped and we'll see how this match |
12121s | develops Darkseid likely looking to stay |
12124s | away do you think or do you expect them |
12126s | to try to go in |
12128s | uh I mean I think they have to stay away |
12130s | you're in a Kai cop you have to do that |
12132s | even if |
12133s | um circumstances make that difficult you |
12136s | still have to play to the strengths of |
12138s | your setup and go with that off the bat |
12140s | we're seeing that there is some |
12143s | disruption coming from The Sentinel of |
12146s | knife hiking that will be onto the |
12148s | Nighthawk and the Navy drink makes sense |
12151s | it's the two heaviest damaging |
12153s | um heavy missile ships in the entire |
12155s | Dark Side comp meanwhile Nick domar is |
12158s | having his Shields chipped away as he |
12161s | along with his bar guest buddy is |
12163s | closing in |
12164s | against that dark side kite comp |
12167s | and looked for a moment like the |
12168s | broadcast might have been going for the |
12169s | micro jump unit but it will instead |
12171s | decide to Barrel into the dark side team |
12173s | and more conventionally it's looking for |
12175s | its initial scram hasn't quite found it |
12177s | yet but you are seeing these ecms the |
12180s | damps it's all being distributed out to |
12182s | the dark side team meanwhile Darkseid |
12184s | concentrating all the control they have |
12186s | on the bar guest trying to isolate it |
12189s | and insulate themselves from its damage |
12191s | and Tackle as much as humanly possible |
12193s | yeah they do have webs that will be the |
12195s | hyena of Eva Zen or possibly the Loki of |
12199s | fafi wafi we see that knife is a |
12203s | brainstorm rather is using his carries |
12205s | to try to |
12207s | um you know mitigate the range of those |
12210s | long range ships we see uh the carries |
12212s | taking a little bit of damage but that's |
12214s | just from |
12215s | um with some drones and possibly a |
12218s | little bit of missiles he's pretty safe |
12220s | at the moment uh Dexter's taking again |
12223s | Shield damage but |
12224s | um he's been able to hold down this Fly |
12226s | Catcher And it looks like hydra's just |
12228s | going to try to play against the low end |
12230s | now that they've got that scrammed |
12232s | aheen and the Loki are playing a very |
12234s | dangerous game here their web range is |
12236s | not going to be much further than the |
12237s | Bargas scram range they are at risk of |
12240s | getting scrammed at any moment looks |
12242s | like the fly catcher of tick tocks has |
12244s | been caught he's gonna drop very rapidly |
12246s | there uh that is the first Blood over to |
12249s | truth honor light but they are not in |
12251s | that commanding of a position both teams |
12253s | kind of jockeying around for that |
12254s | Advantage right now |
12256s | um that said we have a scram onto the |
12259s | Loki that will be Dexter axio so I mean |
12262s | that's pretty pivotal if you can break a |
12264s | Loki and even if brainstross carries |
12267s | which is taking damage from again a |
12269s | cloud of light drones you're pretty |
12271s | happy with that uh the lookie going down |
12273s | into about half |
12275s | um shield and the hyena getting in maybe |
12278s | a little bit too close and will go down |
12280s | to uh rapid lights |
12283s | not even tackle the hyena just being |
12285s | deleted the Loki it is a shield tank |
12288s | Loki it's got about half of its Shield |
12289s | remaining a little bit over it is |
12291s | getting some reps so it's not I mean I |
12295s | wouldn't be panicking if I were the Loki |
12297s | pilot but he's definitely not in a great |
12298s | position with that scram from the bar |
12300s | guest he is going to be absolutely |
12302s | isolated there the team kind of has to |
12304s | play around him because he's pinned they |
12307s | have to decide if they're going to get |
12308s | into range of the Bargas and commit or |
12311s | leave him to die and now we see truth |
12313s | honor light going after the scalpel |
12315s | which has come in to rep the Loki |
12317s | scalpel not necessarily going to have a |
12320s | micro warp drive there so he was not as |
12323s | much risk from the bar guest but still |
12325s | dangerous if they go down then the uh |
12328s | Karen will go down followed by the rest |
12329s | of their team in short order yeah so um |
12332s | Hydra is just ignoring the low key so |
12334s | Dexter axio still has a scram on it from |
12336s | range and now the vexer of China Tech |
12338s | has to pass it off but what they've done |
12339s | is completely isolated the Loki with the |
12341s | scram and now the bar guest is free to |
12343s | get on top of uh targets of opportunity |
12346s | they have a scram Newt jams on top of |
12348s | the Kirin of recorder us they're going |
12350s | to continue applying damage to him and |
12353s | I'm thinking he's going to go down |
12354s | pretty soon the scalpel doesn't look |
12356s | like he has enough Red Power with what |
12359s | heider is putting out to really keep |
12361s | that Kieran up uh excellent job of uh |
12364s | orante that'll be Jordan and warpout uh |
12367s | putting on jams and putting pressure so |
12369s | the Cure goes down scalp will soon to |
12371s | follow yeah the scalpel was jammed out |
12373s | for the majority of that kieran's damage |
12375s | cycle they are going to try to trade |
12377s | some damn image back on the Sentinel |
12379s | vexer and pontifex the Sentinel may even |
12381s | go down here but that is not worth it |
12383s | for Dark Side losing that Kieran was a |
12385s | huge huge loss their Nighthawk is also |
12388s | tackled Down The Gila scrammed down and |
12390s | webbed they're losing considerable |
12392s | chunks of their team not yet Perhaps but |
12395s | they are lined up in queue for truth |
12397s | honor like to pick off at their Leisure |
12399s | because without that second Logistics |
12401s | forget how it's a scapula is very easily |
12403s | controlled and they can kill it anytime |
12405s | they want meanwhile The Gila is taking |
12407s | significant fire he's down to one-third |
12409s | Shield trying to claw back but it's a |
12411s | losing battle Yeah if you look at |
12414s | darkseid's control bar they have nothing |
12415s | left in the tank |
12417s | um General Hungary is completely safe |
12419s | right now and truthfully with what dark |
12421s | side has right now if they don't kill |
12423s | General Hungary somehow or new to life |
12426s | him from the fight hydra's just going to |
12428s | run away with this 100 to know oh I say |
12430s | that his brainstra gets rather low and |
12433s | might even die if he's in about half |
12435s | whole but now getting wrapped up |
12437s | um that said the Gila down into low |
12441s | Shields continuing to be the primary |
12443s | um the pontifex now getting on top as |
12446s | the bar guest is scramming the stork so |
12448s | Hydra just very surgically picking apart |
12451s | uh different targets of opportunity |
12454s | holding things down and look at the |
12456s | e-war that's being applied to Dark Side |
12458s | truth on our light maxing out that |
12460s | control bar |
12461s | yeah and you mentioned General hungary's |
12464s | aniros he is not under threat right now |
12466s | a couple Dark Side ships have a direct |
12468s | line to him but they're not going for it |
12470s | this healer will drop |
12471s | followed perhaps by the Blackbird he is |
12474s | taking a lot of fire blackbird's not |
12476s | exactly known for their tank but the ECM |
12478s | is going to be breaking up a lot of the |
12480s | ability for Darkseid to be coordinated |
12482s | with their fire and they are losing |
12484s | their DPS core now |
12486s | yeah and I mean again this is the power |
12488s | of a flagship Bargas I think Hydra was |
12490s | absolutely 100 right to bring that |
12492s | you're in the lower bracket match you |
12494s | know you need to win this in order to |
12496s | get into the best out of eight |
12499s | um for Hydra anything less than first |
12501s | place they consider to be something of a |
12503s | failure so this is where you go For |
12505s | Broke bring your kind of your end game |
12507s | Flagship uh setups and what they had is |
12511s | very effective as we're seeing them just |
12512s | completely shut down dark side |
12514s | yeah at this point the entire Dark Side |
12517s | team is tackled down ironically except |
12519s | for the Gila that they're currently |
12520s | shooting |
12521s | uh that Gila is jammed he's painted he |
12524s | is taking enough fire to break his tank |
12526s | so that's a matter of time |
12528s | uh meanwhile not a not effective trading |
12531s | going back from Dark Side they're trying |
12533s | again for the carries of brainstra but |
12535s | General Hungary zaniris has brainstra |
12538s | covered he's been on top of that the |
12540s | entire match right so I had a bit of a |
12542s | scare getting into half uh structure but |
12544s | he got pulled back pretty quickly and |
12546s | now there's even less for the truth |
12548s | honor light Logistics pilot to worry |
12550s | about as dark side is losing their DPS |
12553s | core they're losing it quite rapidly |
12555s | although the Gill is actually to his |
12557s | credit is beginning to stabilize and now |
12559s | it seems like Darkseid has gotten the |
12560s | memo and they are pivoting to try to |
12561s | kill the nearest of General Hungary a |
12564s | little bit too late but if Hungary is |
12566s | poorly tanked I doubt it from truth |
12567s | honor light but if he is that could be |
12569s | their window back into some semblance of |
12572s | a competitive match but they're going to |
12574s | be paying for it here is the Drake Navy |
12575s | issue of Sam Punisher is taking tons of |
12578s | Fire |
12578s | I mean we look at the ships like |
12580s | everything either has a jam on it a damp |
12582s | or a scram I mean that's pretty |
12584s | traditional |
12586s | um Hydra for you uh General Hungary the |
12588s | damage on top of him was a pair of |
12591s | Valkyries that are no longer within |
12593s | targeting range and we see a cloud of |
12596s | armor maintenance spots trying to top |
12598s | him off as Sam Punisher continues to dip |
12600s | lower into armor now Holland will be |
12603s | popping any second now |
12605s | um I don't know if truth on the light |
12606s | will kill all the ships with only two |
12608s | minutes left on the clock but uh showing |
12610s | a very effective control setup against |
12612s | this dark side roster |
12616s | uh truth on our life perhaps on reloads |
12618s | is the Drake Navy issue is still hanging |
12620s | around at about one-third structure |
12622s | pulling back some Shields but that Drake |
12625s | uh much thinner than I think most of us |
12628s | would expect this Shield bar went away |
12630s | quite quickly perhaps trading out some |
12632s | of those mid slots for electronic |
12634s | warfare or tackle he's now pulling back |
12636s | Shields that'll be from the scalpel it |
12639s | will not be enough as soon as the bar |
12640s | guest is off reload that will uh I will |
12644s | tell you I will do it for Sam Hunter if |
12645s | he's gonna head back to the locker room |
12646s | uh |
12648s | but after that it's really truth honor |
12651s | lights uh call as to where to go next |
12653s | the logistic file is just kind of |
12655s | showing off spreading reps throughout |
12656s | the entire team signaling to the |
12658s | audience that they are not concerned at |
12660s | all about what Darkseid has left in the |
12662s | tank here they have their team well |
12664s | controlled both of their blackbirds are |
12667s | still alive they still have a sentinel |
12668s | for newts and tracking disruption it's a |
12671s | guidance disruption |
12673s | um they haven't even lost their vexer |
12674s | the carries and staff structure uh the |
12678s | best case scenario for Darkseid not |
12681s | quite enough to kill that carry as |
12683s | they're trying again to Pivot back to |
12685s | him but it's just not doing it yeah I'm |
12687s | not quite sure if that attack bar is |
12688s | glitch we just saw a stork recently go |
12690s | down and Sam Punisher uh is continuing |
12693s | to take damage now Sky killer Russian |
12696s | um appears to be something of a primary |
12698s | Sky killer being much closer to the rest |
12700s | of the truth honor core and Sam Punisher |
12702s | uh to his credit has burned to the |
12705s | literal opposite side of the Arena away |
12707s | from the truth honor light so uh that |
12710s | Drake Navy issue will survive |
12711s | unfortunately |
12713s | um |
12714s | darkseid's tournament run will not they |
12717s | will be eliminated |
12719s | um you know good fights in local this is |
12721s | something of a kind of a Demi uh Grudge |
12725s | Match you know with some of the Vita |
12727s | core against Hydra the tournament |
12730s | um you know typical one two between that |
12732s | uh but you know we'll send it back to |
12734s | the desk to break that one down |
12754s | [Music] |
12757s | [Applause] |
12761s | yes |
12763s | [Music] |
12777s | [Music] |
12794s | [Music] |
12800s | thank you |
12802s | [Music] |
12822s | down |
12824s | here |
12825s | [Music] |
12826s | [Applause] |
12835s | well unfortunately for Darkseid the |
12838s | future is bright for truth honor light |
12840s | uh what's your thoughts mystical might |
12843s | not even close |
12845s | never doubted never doubt it easy no use |
12849s | again I told you more skins |
12851s | it's easy |
12852s | straight to the finals talk to me about |
12854s | that comp there so we saw um just want |
12856s | to like bringing a bunch of ECM ships |
12858s | there with a couple of blackbirds and it |
12860s | looked like uh they were able to do some |
12863s | good work especially when we saw the |
12864s | logistics frigates of Darkseid get split |
12866s | up one Jam one knot and then done like |
12869s | what's the thought process behind |
12870s | bringing ECM chips I mean the the |
12872s | thought process is that you don't really |
12873s | need as much damage if you have a lot of |
12875s | control |
12876s | um so we saw here that the truth on a |
12878s | light team wasn't necessarily one of the |
12879s | most high damage comps that we've seen |
12881s | in this tournament in fact most other |
12882s | comps that we've seen would have more |
12884s | raw damage coming out but it's about the |
12886s | application of that damage it usually |
12888s | it's a fight between how much damage |
12890s | we're doing versus how much they're |
12891s | repping which is typically what we've |
12893s | seen so far but with blackbirds you |
12896s | remove their ability to rep which means |
12898s | that the small amount of damage that |
12899s | you're doing is going to remain the |
12902s | content on that Target so it's less of a |
12905s | battle to break through reps and it's |
12907s | more about man making sure that you are |
12909s | effectively tackling down your opponents |
12912s | making sure they can't get on those |
12913s | black birds and then just taking that |
12915s | team apart bit by bit |
12916s | gentan I feel like in this case the ECM |
12919s | um can be a much more devastating |
12920s | against Logistics frigates because the |
12922s | logistics Cruisers tend to have a very |
12924s | strong local tank they tend to be more |
12925s | mobile able to get around the grid quite |
12927s | well if they're jammed then usually that |
12929s | means they can't wrap someone on their |
12930s | team but you know that isn't necessarily |
12932s | the end of the world because you're |
12933s | talking religious ships however in a |
12935s | logistics frigate if one of them gets |
12937s | jammed the other one is almost certainly |
12938s | going to die because they rely on each |
12939s | other |
12940s | um for for tank |
12942s | what's your thoughts here on on bringing |
12944s | Logistics frigates versus Logistics |
12945s | Cruisers so Logistics forgets have the |
12947s | advantage of being able to kind of uh |
12950s | they allow you to bring more points what |
12952s | we've typically seen is we've seen these |
12953s | Logistics frigates be used in |
12955s | compositions which require a heavy |
12957s | investment in the top end either these |
12959s | rushes or um three Battleship controls |
12962s | it's especially good in through |
12963s | Battleship controls because you have a |
12965s | absolute ass load of repair for drones |
12968s | to put on them so that even if it's |
12971s | little buddy gets uh you know jammed out |
12972s | or damped out or it gets tackled a |
12975s | little too far away it gives that that |
12977s | ship enough survivability that it can |
12979s | survive for its friend to either get a |
12982s | recycle or get back on top of it but |
12985s | it's uh another reason why they are so |
12987s | weak against ECM is that they actually |
12989s | have a much more a much lower sensor |
12992s | strength than the um the t2 Cruiser |
12996s | counterparts and not only that but when |
12998s | you're looking at these Shield ones they |
13000s | don't have the spare mid slots to fit |
13002s | sensor boosters so they're relying on |
13004s | remote sensor boosters and when you've |
13006s | got you know multiple black birds along |
13008s | with carries and all other sites types |
13010s | of just you know disgusting control |
13012s | being applied to you it's very difficult |
13014s | to utilize those effectively to stop |
13017s | them from getting jammed awesome well |
13019s | there you are disgusting control brought |
13021s | by truth on the light and taking it to |
13023s | find effect over Darkseid who are sadly |
13025s | eliminated from the tournament as that |
13027s | was indeed a elimination match now let's |
13029s | look forward to our next elimination |
13031s | match between templar's castlev and |
13032s | Deepwater Hooligans and let's see if we |
13034s | can check out the Bands |
13036s | so templates calcif Banning out the Le |
13039s | Shack the EOS and the jackdaw whereas |
13041s | Deepwater Hooligans banning at the |
13042s | Nighthawk they're locating The |
13043s | Vindicator relatively standard bands Mr |
13045s | glamite I'd say so uh I think the Jack |
13047s | door is probably the one that we've seen |
13048s | the least of out of these six ships that |
13050s | are shown |
13051s | um we have seen a jackdaw ban I believe |
13053s | last weekend where they wanted to remove |
13056s | armor Jack doors from the pool I think |
13058s | they had a bad experience in their |
13059s | previous match uh the team that banned |
13061s | the director in that case uh and we've |
13064s | discussed the perks of the armor Jack |
13065s | door |
13067s | um earlier on in this in this broadcast |
13069s | so it is a strong ship it definitely |
13071s | allows you to do a lot more than perhaps |
13073s | you'd expect from an armor Jack door as |
13076s | long as you can keep it alive so it |
13078s | makes sense to see it banned here by |
13079s | Templars they're a good team |
13081s | one would expect they've made it to the |
13083s | the second weekend they're playing for |
13084s | Price ships |
13085s | um they're going to know what the |
13086s | strengths are of the armor jackdawg I |
13089s | think they're also playing in this case |
13090s | for pride and one of the things that |
13091s | makes the line stream a little bit |
13093s | unique compared to a lot of other |
13094s | Esports is uh these alliances are based |
13097s | on obviously the Tranquility alliances |
13098s | the server we're all playing on and |
13100s | these two groups are essentially at war |
13102s | with each other right now uh templar's |
13104s | calcif currently flying around with the |
13105s | Wrecking Crew guys and being invaded by |
13107s | Deepwater Hooligans so this is like a |
13109s | pride and a grudge match it doesn't |
13110s | really have any bearing on the war but |
13112s | like as a morale point of view it's kind |
13114s | of cool |
13115s | um jintan what do you think of this I |
13117s | think you're wrong when you say it |
13118s | doesn't have any bearing on them all you |
13120s | know in on the war |
13122s | um Wars and Eve online are fought so |
13123s | often about things like morale things |
13125s | like Pride things about belief or |
13126s | whether you can win and not only that |
13128s | but they're playing for Price ships here |
13130s | you know if Templars calcium get knocked |
13131s | out or Deepwater Hooligans get knocked |
13133s | out that's a couple of hundred billion |
13135s | is that they're now missing in their |
13136s | coffers and that's also gone to their |
13138s | enemies you know if you don't think that |
13140s | people both to the this uh War are now |
13143s | going to be spamming each other in local |
13144s | depending on who wins I think you're |
13146s | you're wrong |
13147s | do you know what I actually agree with |
13148s | you I think that is in fact true uh |
13150s | mystical mate let's talk predictions |
13151s | though um who do you think is going to |
13153s | build this one out is it going to be |
13154s | temples or do you think Deepwater are |
13155s | going to be able to pull one over here |
13157s | uh see remember it's always templates |
13159s | number one so I'm gonna go Templar sir |
13161s | and jintan what are your thoughts |
13164s | um I think temples templar's Calif is |
13166s | probably going to win this uh but they |
13168s | just have too much pedigree I think for |
13170s | uh Deepwater to take over yeah I'm just |
13173s | gonna check who these guys got knocked |
13174s | down to the lower brackets by so |
13176s | templates uh lost to Odin's call earlier |
13179s | on and again Odin's call we've discussed |
13181s | a few times essentially the only matches |
13183s | they've dropped in a live stream in the |
13185s | last couple of years have been up |
13186s | against reloaded a championship team uh |
13188s | so very respectful uh to be dropped down |
13190s | by them and uh Deepwater Hooligans uh |
13193s | got dropped down by |
13195s | boundary experts so another pretty solid |
13198s | team |
13199s | um and I find this one really hard to |
13201s | decide but I think I had to put my money |
13202s | on the uh The Tempest Cals of boys is 10 |
13205s | plus calcif number one so let us go to |
13207s | the arena and find out who wins |
13215s | welcome back to the arena I am moderator |
13217s | joined by |
13219s | Alexander Hooligans is going to be |
13222s | Fielding triple armor |
13224s | Battleship and they're going to be |
13227s | supported by a pair of logistics |
13229s | frigates but they're going to be up |
13231s | against a very scary temples comp |
13234s | yeah temples cows have bring a balgar |
13237s | and Fleet Tempest the bad and kind of a |
13239s | repeat of their previous setup |
13241s | um they've got omega's Pond effects your |
13242s | links Thalia Deacon for logic arbitrator |
13245s | hyena Sentinel for control |
13250s | yeah unfortunately it looks like |
13254s | um in the Stream the teams are reversed |
13256s | on colors because that is in fact uh in |
13260s | the red the bar guest belongs to |
13262s | Deepwater Hooligans and uh Dano I so uh |
13267s | we'll be having to call that reversed |
13270s | um so the bar guest and we see that be a |
13273s | flagship that uh basically about half of |
13277s | the teams maybe a little bit over chose |
13278s | as their Flagship why has it been so |
13280s | popular in this and other ATS Alexander |
13284s | well there are a lot of faction battle |
13286s | fish battleships that scale well with |
13288s | isk and when we say scale well with this |
13290s | we mean that the unique abilities they |
13292s | have are greatly enhanced the more money |
13294s | you put into it and that makes a good |
13296s | Flagship because the advantage of having |
13298s | a flagship is that you can stuff it to |
13299s | the gills with faction and in this case |
13302s | the barcast benefits from the faction |
13305s | damage mods so it can put its lows into |
13308s | an armor tank and still have good damage |
13311s | it benefits from the range of its scrams |
13313s | it also has a lot of utility highs that |
13315s | you can invest a lot of money in to make |
13316s | it hit harder farther and tankier |
13319s | yeah I mean it is in fact like the Daft |
13322s | Punk song harder better faster stronger |
13324s | because you know uh the bar guest is |
13327s | already very fast I mean you can get |
13330s | office or scrams because you're on that |
13332s | uh Flagship uh restriction and we'll see |
13336s | how that plays into things as disciple |
13338s | of Thomas wild duck is |
13340s | um just sort of slow boating uh now in |
13343s | defensive mode as he's being primaried |
13345s | down into about half armor as this |
13348s | abandoned Tempest Fleet in battleborn |
13350s | are projecting onto him and he pops |
13352s | already interesting yes a little asleep |
13355s | at the wheel there he did not get off |
13357s | the Jump and managed to get pinned down |
13359s | by Temple's cow stuff like taking an |
13361s | early First Blood here it's also going |
13363s | to be interesting to see how the Newt |
13364s | battle plays out between this Navy |
13366s | Armageddon and the balgor and the Navy |
13368s | getting getting a bit more range but |
13370s | sacrificing some of its new power for |
13372s | extra damage while as the balgorn has |
13375s | much more powerful newts and also some |
13377s | long-range webs to help hold things down |
13379s | speaking of they managed to get a brief |
13381s | web on the prophecy of akov but that has |
13384s | now shredded off and he has escaped |
13386s | tackle he is taking some damage but it's |
13389s | not catastrophic yet meanwhile deep |
13391s | water is primering the hyena from |
13393s | Temple's Castle |
13395s | yeah um our production team has now |
13397s | corrected the uh |
13399s | sides that both teams are on uh the |
13402s | prophecy has now kind of balled up with |
13404s | his uh Bros uh Stalin says hyena |
13407s | continues to be |
13408s | um the primary that's going to be a |
13410s | cloud of light drones however there is a |
13413s | smart bomb from Ariana kamarsky's |
13415s | Tempest Fleet issue that has cleared off |
13417s | all the damage on top of that hyena so a |
13420s | hyena bro will be safe right now |
13422s | um so far we're not really seeing deep |
13424s | water do much of anything for the moment |
13426s | trying to figure out uh what they want |
13430s | to do against this balgorn that's up in |
13433s | front as the barges is getting |
13435s | uncomfortably close to that balgorn at |
13437s | the moment |
13439s | interesting by Temple's calcif to bring |
13441s | the Tempest lead issue back and have it |
13443s | focus on Smart bombing they're chasing |
13446s | to sacrifice a lot of their projected |
13447s | damage to do that playing the long game |
13449s | on this match looking to get an |
13451s | advantage in the later minutes here |
13452s | speaking of advantages uh that's a cloud |
13455s | of drones that are on top of the |
13456s | Sentinel very well played by Temple of |
13459s | calcif realizing that the Sentinel was a |
13462s | little bit out of position still within |
13464s | a rep range of his own Nero's buddy but |
13466s | that's going to be a lot of drones on |
13468s | top of him forcing a little bit of |
13469s | stress from tomok's zero |
13473s | and they have now decided to Target |
13475s | paint the flagship bar guests they've |
13477s | taken it past Shields but it is an armor |
13478s | battle so he's doing just fine they're |
13480s | throwing more of more of their focus on |
13482s | the low end now as the Sentinel |
13483s | continues to be pressure and the vexer |
13486s | of Sid the Kid has been webbed not sure |
13488s | if that is a hyena web or a Battleground |
13490s | web but he is snagged |
13492s | yeah that will be the balgorn of Killa |
13494s | 542 up in front |
13496s | um putting webs onto that Vector The |
13499s | Sentinel now coming back a little bit |
13500s | safer but again FID the kid uh vexer is |
13503s | not known for their uh tank we see it |
13506s | being used often as kind of a |
13508s | inexpensive uh drone bow and something |
13511s | that can bring a lot of Utilities in the |
13513s | high slot for new pressure as well |
13516s | um acid continues to drop but |
13518s | um |
13519s | not sure he'll hold on too much longer |
13522s | as the Sabaton and balgorn are closing |
13524s | range on him |
13526s | well they're closing range quite fast |
13528s | Battleground is a very scary ship it |
13530s | controls a huge sphere of the |
13532s | battlefield you really have to play |
13533s | around it and they're doing what they |
13536s | can to try to stay out of range of its |
13537s | newts that said their team isn't very |
13540s | capacitor dependent so as long as the |
13542s | ownero stays safe they're going to be |
13544s | doing just fine now they have lots of |
13546s | vexer the Sentinel is also struggling |
13548s | here he's not pulling back his armor as |
13550s | effectively as he was just previous that |
13553s | said he just gets a big injection of |
13555s | armor from the nearest and goes back to |
13556s | full Sentinel uh trying to ride the line |
13559s | there he doesn't have a great tank |
13561s | speaking of not great tanks the vigil |
13563s | Fleet issue of Pixie Thief is down yeah |
13566s | so between the bar guest and the um |
13568s | digital flea they were trying to go for |
13570s | a snap call onto the Thalia the vigil |
13572s | Fleet of Pixie Thief got deep into the |
13574s | back line trying to get webs on the |
13575s | Thalia but now that she is dead that |
13578s | will no longer be an option that was |
13579s | probably the only win condition uh for |
13583s | Deepwater Hooligans and now their bar |
13585s | guest is uh kind of in the back line |
13588s | being scrammed down by that pontifex and |
13591s | the prophecy getting low The Sentinel |
13593s | getting even lower uh tempo's starting |
13596s | to run away with it |
13598s | yeah they're building up momentum here |
13600s | this Sentinel is once again taking a lot |
13602s | of fire they've split fire now between |
13603s | the Sentinel and the prophecy probably |
13605s | trying to optimize their damage here and |
13608s | it's a great decision because it forces |
13610s | the iners to make some calls and the |
13612s | Sentinel it just has a very thin buffer |
13615s | they can pivot to it if it's low and |
13617s | potentially get through its structure |
13619s | before the veneers can react prophecy is |
13621s | going to be more of a long-term grind |
13623s | for them but not as able to mitigate |
13625s | with speed and they are slowly working |
13627s | their way through him so nearest is |
13629s | gonna have to make some hard decisions |
13630s | very soon |
13631s | yeah I mean I I like what deep water |
13634s | tried to do realizing that they were on |
13636s | the back foot they needed to do |
13637s | something to get a snap kill onto some |
13640s | of the frig lodgy in order to come back |
13641s | into this match but uh as they lose the |
13644s | prophecy and now you know more of the |
13647s | length that they would have more of the |
13648s | damage they would have from the drones I |
13651s | don't really see a good way back into |
13652s | this match they really need to break the |
13654s | Foley a deacon uh combination to really |
13657s | continue to push anything else but |
13660s | um failing that they're just gonna |
13661s | slowly get whittled down as the |
13663s | Armageddon of crimson Serenity uh is |
13665s | getting down into about half to one |
13669s | third armor and the power effects on |
13671s | temples calcif has tackled that Flagship |
13673s | bark so that kill is there for them |
13675s | whenever they want to do it they can |
13677s | crowd out the sceneros and make sure |
13679s | that the bar guest actually make sure |
13681s | that the bow guard is positioned between |
13682s | it and the bar cast that will force the |
13685s | nearest to either let their Flagship die |
13687s | or get killed himself and now the anerus |
13690s | has been neuted and webbed they have |
13692s | tackled tamoxa he is it will probably be |
13696s | primaried after the get and they may |
13697s | just decide to hold him off with the |
13700s | newts and get through the getting of |
13702s | crimson as that tank is getting tested |
13704s | very hard right now and it is failing |
13706s | we're getting D's at best for the tank |
13708s | of crimson Serenity he is dropping |
13711s | rather fast for a faction Battleship now |
13713s | bleeding into structure he's trying to |
13715s | pull it back the owner is trying to cap |
13716s | loose through the newts but it will not |
13718s | be enough as the Magus and Armageddon |
13721s | Navy issue go down nearly simultaneously |
13723s | here Magus Bites the Dust first but |
13726s | Serenity will follow |
13727s | now if you're a Dano I um what you were |
13730s | trying to do earlier is you know you |
13732s | were trying for a snap call but in doing |
13735s | so they really went all in they said hey |
13737s | we probably know we're going to lose our |
13739s | bar guest if this doesn't work but we're |
13741s | going to try to go for the win which I |
13743s | think was the right call needed to do |
13745s | that earlier unfortunately that play |
13747s | didn't work out and with three minutes |
13749s | left and I scrammed Bargas courtesy of |
13752s | this pontifex of stoesh being completely |
13754s | on the ball and on top of Dano templates |
13757s | will kill The Spar guest with only two |
13759s | minutes and 40 seconds remaining in the |
13761s | match plenty of time as Danos already |
13763s | bleeding armor rapidly |
13768s | oh that barcast will be interesting to |
13771s | see how much isk Deepwater Hooligans is |
13773s | about to lose here the previous |
13775s | flagships that have been killed so far |
13777s | today have been |
13778s | breathtakingly expensive we will see |
13781s | what the kill mail looks like I'm sure |
13782s | the desk will have the full breakdown |
13784s | but that is going to be painful no |
13785s | matter how well you cut it for deep |
13787s | water Hooligans they are a rather Rich |
13789s | Alliance but they're that much poor |
13791s | today as the flagship Park goes down and |
13794s | now this storm bringer is looking a |
13795s | little lonely |
13797s | I mean they are going to be a little bit |
13800s | poor for that Flagship but at the end of |
13802s | the day |
13803s | um they did still make top 12 in the |
13805s | alliance tournament which is you know |
13807s | very respectable they're going to get a |
13809s | fair number of uh ships and that are |
13812s | going to be probably in this we've got a |
13815s | boundary attempt |
13816s | yeah jump activated will he break the |
13819s | record he's got a lot of speed |
13821s | yeah that's gonna be reglio Smith |
13822s | unfortunately he's just a cruiser so he |
13825s | will boundary but he is nowhere close to |
13827s | the record of I believe 227. he gets to |
13830s | 191 as he jumps out of the arena and |
13834s | Deepwater Hooligans is out of the |
13836s | tournament as temples wins it cleanly |
13838s | 100 to nil |
13857s | [Music] |
13861s | thank you |
13864s | I remember |
13872s | apart |
13882s | [Music] |
13906s | foreign |
13908s | [Music] |
13922s | a leak as they sink out of the alliance |
13925s | tournament 18 Templar Scouts of with the |
13927s | big fat dub they're gonna be very happy |
13929s | with that one and of course that means |
13931s | that they and they win the war so |
13932s | congrats to them |
13934s | um jintan you were talking during that |
13936s | match about the Newt War talk to me a |
13937s | little bit about that yeah so the new |
13939s | war is something that we kind of tend to |
13941s | talk a lot about when we see two ships |
13943s | that have uh bonuses to Newts or even |
13946s | ships that just have a lot of utility |
13947s | High slots like little Shacks or Tempest |
13949s | Fleet issues which have been very |
13950s | popular throughout this tournament |
13951s | matter and what we're talking about |
13953s | there is the fact that both of these |
13955s | ships can spend capacitor to remove |
13956s | capacitor on their opponents whilst |
13958s | pressuring the amount of charges that |
13960s | they have in their cargo bay however |
13962s | there is basically a cheat code |
13964s | um to winning the new wall which is |
13965s | bring a bowel gone because the |
13966s | Battleground can utilize its bonuses |
13969s | um which allow it to use noses even when |
13972s | its opponents are out of cap |
13974s | um or have a lower capacitor than itself |
13976s | to continue generating cap whilst |
13979s | removing cap from all of their opponents |
13981s | so so if a balcony is able to get the |
13984s | advantage any point in a new war it can |
13986s | practically shut down your ability to |
13988s | you to have space mana and cast space |
13990s | spells with your space modules |
13992s | and mystical about you've uh you know uh |
13994s | stranger to flying in a balcony in the |
13996s | Lions tournament |
13998s | um you've flown with a number of teams |
13999s | over the years including with myself in |
14001s | the vaulted team where you flew our |
14003s | Flagship balgorn this year we don't have |
14005s | any Flagship Battlegrounds because they |
14006s | are banned one of the few ships that are |
14008s | banned from being flagships mystical why |
14010s | is that ship banned from Big flag I |
14012s | think it's because teams found it |
14014s | historically pretty oppressive I think |
14016s | is is the general idea |
14018s | um it gets a bonus to its web range and |
14022s | the neutralization amount of its |
14024s | neutralizers so what you'd effectively |
14025s | have is a full new balcon |
14027s | so you can already imagine there's about |
14029s | seven buttons in the highs and then |
14031s | you'd have two webs a mic warp drive a |
14034s | cat booster |
14035s | um so that's already another like four |
14036s | or five buttons here and then you'd have |
14038s | full active tank in the lows so it is it |
14041s | is about 20 different buttons that you |
14042s | kind of have to imagine press manage |
14044s | your heat on apply them properly to |
14046s | chips around it's a lot to do it's |
14048s | really intense to fly but it's even more |
14051s | intense to play against because of just |
14053s | the sheer area denial that it provides |
14055s | you because a flagship is able to fit |
14059s | um better newts and better newts |
14062s | typically go a little bit further and |
14063s | nuke more so um yeah it's just really |
14065s | difficult to play against not fun for |
14067s | many teams indeed not fun whatsoever |
14069s | what else is not fun is being in an |
14071s | elimination bracket match and being |
14073s | kicked out of the tournament and that |
14075s | might happen |
14076s | um well it will happen to one of the two |
14077s | teams coming right up which is going to |
14079s | be platinum sensitivity versus arrival |
14080s | so let's just take a quick look at the |
14082s | bands for this match |
14084s | so Platinum sensitivity Banning out uh |
14086s | what has now become a relatively |
14088s | standard set of bands here jackdaw EOS |
14090s | analoki will arrival Banning out the |
14093s | orthos the caracal Navy issue and the |
14094s | bar guest jintan what are your thoughts |
14097s | I'm a little curious about these rival |
14099s | bands these seem like three bands kind |
14101s | of focused in the same general vicinity |
14104s | of one another uh the authoris and the |
14106s | caracal Navy those are both headed |
14108s | towards that ham Rush we've seen quite a |
14110s | lot of as well as potentially working in |
14111s | the kite and then the bar guest is a |
14113s | little more kite focused but we've seen |
14115s | it in in both stars of those comps so it |
14117s | just seems like a rival don't want to |
14118s | face a missile comp maybe they're |
14120s | waiting their mids really heavily |
14121s | towards tracking disruptors and they |
14122s | just want to avoid the possibility of an |
14124s | all missile comp |
14125s | mystical night your thoughts here yeah I |
14128s | agree I mean I think the character Navy |
14129s | issue and the authoris |
14131s | um they've reappeared time and time |
14132s | again in some of the kardari rush comps |
14134s | that we've been seeing |
14136s | um the bar guest I think is also a |
14137s | decent band because the Platinum |
14140s | sensitivity team had had a flag |
14143s | Vindicator so they won't be able to |
14145s | bring bar guests in any fashion now that |
14147s | it's been banned against them so that |
14149s | really limits their choices if they did |
14150s | want to go for a kiting setup of some |
14152s | sort they still do have the plethora of |
14155s | you know kiting battle Cruisers that |
14157s | they could still run in an armor comp |
14159s | which I think is probably what they're |
14160s | leading towards anyway just because they |
14162s | seem to be armor enjoyers not so much |
14164s | the shield enjoyers that we've seen from |
14165s | other teams |
14166s | awesome now uh jintan when you are in a |
14170s | team maybe you're the captain and um |
14172s | first of all you've read all the rules |
14173s | you've understood the meta and you're |
14174s | ready to go what exactly uh do you do |
14177s | when you're getting your team ready to |
14178s | perform to the arena |
14180s | um what you're generally doing when |
14181s | you're waiting to warp into the arena to |
14183s | just keeping everyone calm you're making |
14184s | sure everyone knows their General role |
14186s | you're making sure everyone's checked to |
14188s | make sure their models are active you |
14190s | know 10 15 times before you finally do |
14192s | walk to the arena is sometimes that can |
14195s | bug out a little bit and people have |
14196s | subsystems go offline and all sorts of |
14199s | wonderful occurrences like that and then |
14202s | once you land on grid though that's when |
14203s | things get really intense you've only |
14205s | got one maybe two minutes whilst the |
14207s | commentators are going over the |
14208s | compositions to figure out what everyone |
14211s | needs to do in this specific matchup and |
14213s | that is what really |
14215s | controls the actual game like if you |
14218s | cannot assign your evil properly and |
14220s | we're seeing that especially now when |
14221s | you've got something like two black |
14223s | birds you've got a carries a sentinel |
14225s | you're talking about maybe 20 25 modules |
14229s | that you then have to assign and spread |
14231s | correctly around your enemy's comp to |
14233s | stop their game plan from taking effect |
14235s | and that can take up so much mental |
14237s | energy |
14238s | and Mr Jim's taking us through some of |
14240s | the stuff that's just happening before |
14241s | the match once it starts uh how |
14243s | important is things like Target calling |
14245s | Target priority that kind of stuff I |
14247s | mean generally your target calling and |
14249s | Target priority is going to be part of |
14251s | that pre-match plan where you land on |
14252s | grid and then you have to figure out |
14254s | okay what are we going up against what |
14255s | are we doing and then it's really about |
14257s | just adapting to things that happen |
14259s | during the match so if you go up against |
14261s | the kiting team and then suddenly they |
14262s | have a bunch of tracking disrupters that |
14264s | you weren't expecting you then need to |
14265s | take that into account and adjust your |
14267s | game plan accordingly so there's a lot |
14269s | that goes on and it really is going to |
14271s | benefit teams that communicate well if |
14273s | it's you know if you if you have 10 |
14275s | people on your team that can all |
14277s | communicate really clearly and explain |
14278s | what's happening what they're doing ask |
14280s | questions on whether they should do |
14281s | something without being told to do so |
14283s | you know instead of putting all the |
14285s | burden on one person you share that |
14286s | around the team and that really helps |
14288s | some of these top tier teams progress |
14290s | warranty these tournaments yeah a lot of |
14292s | times people ask like how do I get |
14294s | involved with these kind of tournaments |
14295s | and in general the alliance tournament |
14297s | is great because you've got the feeder |
14299s | rounds this year we had the mandatory |
14300s | public trials and that happens on |
14302s | Thunderdome which is a completely |
14303s | separate server from tranquility and uh |
14306s | you don't lose anything so if you don't |
14307s | make it through the feeders you get your |
14309s | Plex back that you've submitted |
14311s | um and you know you don't lose the ships |
14312s | on TQ it cost you anything uh those |
14315s | ships when you fly them on Thunderdome |
14317s | you have maximum skill points so you |
14319s | don't have to worry about being oh I've |
14320s | only got you know five million skill |
14321s | points I've only got 20 million skill |
14322s | points whatever everyone is equal it's a |
14325s | really good way of getting into uh |
14326s | tournaments and giving it a go and who |
14328s | knows maybe you come through maybe you |
14330s | win some cool prizes uh so thank you |
14333s | very much to the the guys in the |
14334s | community team like cease to be zealous |
14335s | who's been an absolute hero getting that |
14337s | all set up running all the uh the the |
14339s | trials and just managing on the teams |
14341s | like without him doing things like that |
14343s | and of course people like CCP Aurora who |
14345s | can carry that torch before him |
14347s | um then we wouldn't be where we are |
14348s | right now with you know this this |
14349s | incredible incredible tournament |
14351s | um Mr you'll let you had some thoughts |
14353s | yeah I just wanted to add I mean you're |
14355s | talking about the the Thunderdome |
14356s | portion where everyone's equal on score |
14357s | points but you know you could have five |
14360s | million skill points all dedicated |
14361s | towards flying a frigate and we've seen |
14363s | how important some of this frigate |
14365s | tackle is in these matches you don't |
14367s | have to be the person flying the bar |
14369s | guest or the bowel gone you can be the |
14371s | support Wing that's helping your team |
14372s | actually secure the objectives by |
14374s | tackling down the targets that they need |
14375s | to get onto and really that is as |
14377s | important as anything else so yeah |
14379s | there's no reason not to get involved |
14380s | you just have to find an alliance to |
14382s | take part with yeah I mean some of my |
14384s | earlier tournament memories was flying a |
14386s | new tackle vexer in my job will just go |
14389s | sit on someone and be incredibly |
14390s | annoying and then wait not appear in any |
14392s | kill males and just wait to be killed |
14394s | myself now let's go some quick |
14396s | predictions here for this upcoming match |
14397s | it's going to be platinum sensitivity |
14398s | versus arrival mystical mate who are you |
14400s | thinking Platinum sensitivity and jintan |
14403s | I think the Rival might have this |
14405s | they've been looking really strong |
14406s | they're not a team we had super high |
14408s | expectations for but they have |
14410s | demonstrated a really good level of |
14411s | execution so far in this tournament well |
14414s | they have indeed and I have super high |
14415s | expectations for arrival so I'm going to |
14417s | go for them let's go to the arena and |
14419s | find out who will win |
14426s | like Safeguard and moderator here for |
14428s | platinum sensitivity versus a rival |
14430s | Platinum sensitivity bringing a widow |
14432s | Vindicator a bad end with the |
14435s | stormbringer for anti-drone support |
14436s | Mega's Pawn effects for lengths Thalia |
14438s | Deacon for Reps crucifier skybreaker for |
14441s | more control and anti-drone damage |
14445s | yeah meanwhile a Rivals want to he's |
14448s | going to want to get on top of things at |
14449s | zero we see that those Osprey navies the |
14452s | slept near and the klamer are all fit |
14454s | with auto cannons and heavy assault |
14457s | missiles respectively so it's going to |
14459s | be an all-out brawl as uh the Widow is |
14462s | going to try to do it's very level best |
14465s | to jam things out and try to mitigate |
14467s | incoming damage Mark bridge is having |
14469s | lost his Flagship Vindicator in the |
14472s | previous round has not been deterred and |
14474s | will bring the tech 2 variant of that |
14476s | supported by an abandon and forget |
14480s | support |
14482s | still a fabulously scary ship even if |
14484s | it's fit like a poor still very good and |
14488s | against a team that intends to brawl a |
14491s | very scary proposition that said a rival |
14493s | has a fantastic amount of damage on |
14495s | their team it's entirely possible they |
14497s | could headshot this Widow and Vindicator |
14499s | before taking too many losses themselves |
14501s | that is definitely their win condition |
14503s | for this match |
14505s | yeah I can't help but wonder what jams |
14508s | are going to be on that Widow if it's |
14511s | um Amar and galente uh then Kentucky was |
14514s | going to be a very very sad individual |
14517s | however if they rolled correctly and |
14519s | have caldarya ninatar then that's going |
14522s | to change the dynamic of this match very |
14524s | heavily in Platinum sensitivity's favor |
14526s | we see that Platinum sensitivity has a |
14528s | control bar that is nearly off of the |
14530s | screen |
14532s | and here we go we see both teams |
14535s | starting to kite away from each other at |
14536s | the start of this match I guess the uh |
14538s | Platinum sensitivity team not too |
14540s | confident in their damage and a rival |
14542s | not too confident in theirs we're seeing |
14545s | a lot of control thrown out from |
14546s | Platinum sensitivity they predicted |
14548s | correctly and they have a lot of missile |
14549s | guidance disruption going out onto the |
14551s | arrival team with one dragging disrupter |
14554s | for the sleffner uh that just kind of |
14556s | worked out for them |
14559s | yeah um given that this is a shield |
14561s | composition that a rival has brought |
14563s | they probably have a lot less overall |
14567s | um |
14568s | Lots to have e-war against Platinum |
14571s | sensitivity likewise like you were |
14573s | saying I can't help but feel like the |
14575s | crucifier might have |
14576s | um rolled in correctly with |
14579s | um what's going to be in their slots and |
14582s | maybe they just have a series of |
14585s | tracking disruptures they can put on the |
14587s | sleptner and maybe not a lot of guidance |
14589s | um at the moment we see that |
14591s | the sign of arrival has chosen to ball |
14594s | up on one of the micro jump drive units |
14597s | and platinum sensitivity is happy to |
14600s | just sit in the very center of the Arena |
14602s | as both teams decide to figure out what |
14605s | exactly it is they want to do as both |
14609s | teams are just kind of staring at each |
14611s | other right now |
14612s | and platinum sensitivity the clustered |
14614s | around the micro jump unit they seem to |
14616s | have begun to have picked a direction |
14618s | they're Loosely all pointing toward the |
14621s | Platinum sensitivity team is now both |
14624s | teams seem to be rushing toward each |
14625s | other they're neglecting not to micro |
14627s | jump it seems |
14629s | oh wait nope corrected they've all |
14631s | activated simultaneously |
14634s | yeah that's gonna be fooled from all of |
14637s | the arrival team they're going to try to |
14638s | catch um something for platinum |
14640s | sensitivity out of position and they are |
14641s | now Landing in the back line let's see |
14643s | what they go for they are on top of the |
14645s | Vindicator the Widow and the pond |
14646s | effects I could feel Widow call here |
14649s | rather shortly that would make a lot of |
14650s | sense to me and it will be the call |
14652s | they're going to go for Kentucky in the |
14654s | Widow very well played by a rival |
14656s | perfect timing and execution |
14658s | and we talked about wind conditions |
14660s | earlier that's arrivals they've got to |
14661s | go for this Widow blow it out of the |
14663s | water and then Focus their damage on The |
14665s | Vindicator if they can take down both of |
14667s | those battleships they have a pretty |
14669s | good chance of winning this match |
14670s | moderator what does platinum sensitivity |
14672s | hoping for |
14673s | Platinum sensitivity is hoping that they |
14675s | can string out some of these heavy |
14676s | assault missile boats it turns out they |
14678s | do actually have a lot of guidance comps |
14680s | they do actually have a lot of jams and |
14682s | they're putting their jams onto that |
14684s | Scimitar using it to try to put damage |
14687s | into the Osprey Navy issue they might |
14689s | lose their Widow for it but they're |
14691s | saying if we're going to lose our Widow |
14692s | you're going to bleed an osprey Navy |
14694s | issue or more before we lose anything |
14697s | major but that Widow is holding just |
14698s | fine whereas larynx is not at all |
14701s | yeah it seems I'm seeing some split fire |
14704s | here from the arrival team they have |
14705s | spread their damage out to some of the |
14707s | logistics frigates from Platinum |
14709s | sensitivity and the Widow which is not a |
14712s | fantastic call as they're losing their |
14714s | Osprey that's the first of their damage |
14715s | Cruisers down they only have so many of |
14718s | those and they need to use their uptime |
14719s | very wisely and focus on head shotting |
14722s | here they're not doing that they're |
14723s | spreading damage on the Magus they're |
14725s | spreading damage in lethalia they spread |
14726s | damage to the Deacon they're wasting a |
14728s | lot of their time they totally wasted |
14730s | the uh whatever surprise Advantage may |
14733s | have come from that micro jump play as |
14735s | both of these teams have tackled each |
14736s | other down and they're just somewhat of |
14738s | a static Brawley mess in the middle of |
14741s | the Arena now yeah |
14746s | unfortunately for arrival they don't |
14748s | have a choice because uh Platinum |
14750s | sensitivity has done a very good job at |
14752s | stringing apart those ships that jumped |
14754s | they didn't all land together and when |
14756s | they went from Kentucky they split up a |
14758s | little bit |
14759s | um on the way in and we can see that all |
14763s | of the ships from arrival are really |
14764s | guidance disrupted they're being webbed |
14766s | down scrammed this is actually perfect |
14768s | execution from Platinum sensitivity |
14772s | um having their Sky breaker having their |
14774s | pontifex Magus stormbringer hold things |
14776s | down and spread them apart yeah a rival |
14779s | has a ton of damage but they can't apply |
14781s | that to any one Target because they're |
14783s | all split apart from each other and the |
14785s | guidance disruptors are wreaking havoc |
14787s | as the two Navy Ospreys drop |
14790s | yeah Platinum sensitivity not having any |
14792s | trouble at all applying their damage is |
14793s | another Navy Osprey goes down it looks |
14796s | like they're going to go after the |
14797s | stipple now of black tooth Tony about to |
14799s | get those teeth punched out as he has |
14801s | webbed down he's getting some reps but |
14803s | it will not be enough and the Widow is |
14805s | highly likely to land gems on the |
14807s | Scimitar as it can focus all of its |
14809s | jamming power on that one ship now a |
14812s | rival is trying to return fire it looks |
14814s | like on the sky breaker now uh they're |
14817s | having a little bit of trouble getting |
14818s | themselves into the same page here the |
14820s | sky breaker not really a high priority |
14822s | Target for them the Widow is taking sun |
14825s | damage but not dying nearly as fast as |
14827s | they need to they are rapidly running |
14829s | out of time to win this match |
14832s | yeah and I'm gonna be uh definitely uh |
14835s | in Platinum sensitivities uh Camp here |
14838s | um just the way that a rival is spread |
14840s | out uh none of their targets are none of |
14843s | their target calling is able to actually |
14845s | apply damage uh they have on top of |
14848s | Kentucky they have a total of a caracal |
14851s | and a fly catcher maybe a claymore that |
14854s | can do anything uh meanwhile another |
14856s | disciple dies and Mark Bridges uh team |
14860s | is doing work here the Widow can tarp it |
14863s | definitely has called RH jams |
14865s | um we've seen those continue to stay on |
14867s | top of the Navy Drake in the caracal so |
14869s | definitely packing something called Ari |
14871s | uh just really mitigating the amount of |
14873s | incoming damage yes he is in half armor |
14875s | but another caracal drops and even if he |
14878s | dies it's very worth it for the 24 |
14880s | points of platinum sensitivity is killed |
14883s | so far |
14884s | and you can see with the Widow here the |
14886s | amount of damage that it's taken once |
14888s | they've all gotten onto the same page |
14889s | you've got to imagine a replay of this |
14892s | match where they do that right at the |
14893s | start and use that all in micro jump |
14896s | play to just headshot the Widow it would |
14898s | be at a much more successful position |
14900s | than they're at now as their schleffner |
14902s | struggling to cling to life with his |
14904s | ancillary Shield booster clawing those |
14906s | Shield hit points back |
14907s | but it's gonna be a losing battle that |
14910s | has a very finite time to give him that |
14912s | additional tank boost and once it runs |
14914s | out they're gonna grind him down into |
14916s | dust |
14918s | yeah and I mean this is something that |
14920s | we're seeing out of platinum sensitivity |
14921s | that you have to demonstrate if you |
14924s | really want to make it into the top a |
14925s | and then top six and then top four you |
14928s | know grinding your way through the lower |
14929s | bracket you have to very effectively |
14931s | apply your scrams apply your e-war |
14934s | um just like jinton and Mr Cole might |
14936s | were talking about on the desk uh |
14938s | Platinum sensitivity has a ton of e-war |
14941s | has a ton of tackle and they have to |
14942s | very effectively and quickly assign |
14944s | who's going to do what when they're |
14946s | going to do it and how they're going to |
14947s | execute and platinum sensitivity is |
14949s | executing right now with the very best |
14951s | of them uh hats off to them |
14953s | yeah very clean well-run match from |
14956s | Platinum sensitivity they knew what |
14958s | their comp did they showed a lot of |
14959s | restraint and not just charging forward |
14961s | after arrival they saw the micro jump |
14963s | play coming as the sleffner goes down |
14965s | and they were fully prepared for it they |
14968s | kept their composure and just not a very |
14971s | acclaimed performance from a rival here |
14973s | they are getting slowly picked apart |
14975s | their fly catcher goes down their |
14978s | Scimitar is well controlled at this |
14980s | point he's putting out some occasional |
14981s | reps but the sustained repping power he |
14984s | can bring to the table is not enough to |
14986s | keep up with a full Platinum sensitivity |
14988s | team that is totally unfazed by what a |
14991s | rival brought to the field here |
14993s | yeah we don't even see any remote repair |
14995s | effects so that's likely going to be uh |
14997s | you know those 20 second Jam Cycles up |
14999s | wreaking havoc on the Scimitar not being |
15002s | able to rep up our time Hardy's Drake |
15004s | Navy issue as the Drake Navy issue goes |
15007s | down into armor and will drop shortly |
15010s | um one of the difficulties with these |
15011s | micro jump drive plays is that when |
15014s | you're as far away as a rival is is you |
15017s | can jump and you'll be right on top of |
15018s | people but you still have to acquire a |
15021s | look and that can take time and what |
15024s | Platinum sensitivity did in that time is |
15026s | Just Adjust all of their tackling nearly |
15029s | perfectly so that as soon as |
15033s | um the arrival team landed they had |
15035s | their tackle Wing assigned to each of |
15038s | the mean core ships and were able to |
15039s | pull the Widow apart far enough that |
15043s | only maybe one or two could actually |
15044s | apply meaningful damage uh really I |
15047s | can't overstate how brilliantly executed |
15049s | that was uh as Bacardi desire is |
15052s | dropping down into Shield looking like a |
15055s | clean sweep as there's a minute left on |
15057s | the clock |
15058s | yeah this claimer is definitely gonna |
15060s | die the Scimitar has pulled some range |
15063s | there's not exactly a lot of tackle on |
15066s | the Platinum sensitivity team but they |
15067s | do have the sky breaker trying to chase |
15069s | him down a little bit and the sky |
15071s | breaker I don't know if he's giving up |
15073s | and trying to come back it looks like he |
15075s | is they might just leave the Scimitar B |
15077s | for now |
15078s | oh no it's because he's boundary |
15080s | violated there he goes yeah he he |
15082s | decides to uh you know just uh end it |
15085s | that way |
15086s | um it looks like the hyena of zags is |
15088s | attempting to do the same let's see if |
15091s | he can try to go for the world record uh |
15094s | mjd Play Here hyen is known for being |
15096s | very very fast |
15098s | um so he might actually be able to do it |
15101s | uh both teams good fighting and local as |
15104s | uh Platinum sensitivity moves on from uh |
15108s | their lower bracket and gets themselves |
15110s | into top eight |
15112s | now it's not just about the speed it's |
15114s | also about the angle of the hyena is |
15116s | coming he's not coming from toward the |
15118s | center of the Arena if he doesn't change |
15120s | his angle I think he's gonna have a hard |
15122s | time hitting it but that said he's in |
15124s | position |
15127s | unfortunately he's out of time that said |
15131s | let's look at him he is a 120 dick as |
15135s | micro jumped off spools |
15138s | he is 241 wow 246 251 256. |
15143s | this might be a record I'm not sure if |
15144s | he's not exploding because we're after |
15146s | time but uh I think that might be a new |
15149s | record |
15150s | it might be the boundary record but the |
15152s | time is over he's gotten some extra |
15153s | micro warp drive ticks in there I don't |
15155s | know if that's going to count for the |
15156s | Guinness World Records but we'll turn it |
15158s | back to the desk to break this down |
15176s | [Music] |
15179s | [Applause] |
15183s | guys stop being casual they're really |
15186s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
15188s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
15190s | everybody warp off this is a really |
15192s | really bad execution I'm very |
15193s | disappointed |
15198s | another great haul back from Amar damn |
15201s | I'm thirsty |
15206s | that hits the spot |
15211s | [Applause] |
15220s | uh yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
15222s | collectively uh so that's why that |
15224s | Alliance logo is in the game of course |
15227s | you could change your alliance by |
15228s | leaving but that would be kind of a jerk |
15230s | move that kind of oh you don't like it |
15231s | now sucks I'm gonna go join |
15249s | arrival have now departed from the |
15251s | alliance tournament in a exciting match |
15253s | uh we saw a pretty cool mjd play from |
15256s | the whole team they all lined up on that |
15257s | mjd Beacon they all align down towards |
15260s | their target after moving around joking |
15262s | for possession being careful then they |
15264s | jumped in right on top of that Widow but |
15266s | ccbb you're drumming the desk what |
15269s | happened why didn't it work as we as we |
15270s | thought it was going to I think they |
15271s | landed a little too scattered and as |
15274s | they mentioned they had to lock the |
15275s | target up when you land maybe not in |
15277s | lock range as you're pumping that mjd |
15279s | from from the beacon and then when you |
15281s | land you're kind of out of position you |
15282s | can't properly apply all that damage it |
15284s | would have been super interesting to see |
15285s | if they just sat on that Beacon for a |
15288s | while and didn't do anything what if |
15290s | they just waited until you know three |
15291s | minutes left of the match and just |
15293s | headshotted one of the frigates that |
15294s | would have been a very like boring match |
15296s | to watch but like an attack that maybe |
15298s | could have worked out better yeah we're |
15300s | seeing |
15301s | um teams favor more sort of control |
15303s | heavy setups now as we're getting deeper |
15305s | into the alliance tournament uh comps |
15308s | that reward execution in patients and |
15311s | you know Soul solid piloting speaking of |
15313s | solid piloting let's take a look at the |
15315s | player profile of howling wind one of |
15317s | the key members of the arrival team he |
15319s | was flying in the logistics uh Cruiser |
15322s | I'm told now we don't have that |
15323s | available we'll have it in just a minute |
15325s | we'll come back to that uh Blackberry |
15326s | pirate what else could the arrival team |
15328s | have done I mean it's so hard to |
15330s | practice a maneuver like that but in all |
15332s | honesty just kidding wind has arrived |
15336s | just a few minutes late so howling went |
15338s | uh flying currently obviously with |
15339s | arrival previously with that he was in |
15341s | The Weekend Warriors uh going back to |
15343s | Alliance tournament 11 when he was in |
15345s | Rainbow Dash friends as we can see he |
15347s | normally flies the logistic ships for |
15349s | these teams flying in the Scimitar a |
15351s | bunch of times the newest the Basilisk |
15352s | and the scalpel he has once been allowed |
15355s | to fly in the bar gas but clearly took |
15356s | that off him and put him back in the |
15357s | logistics ship uh four wins nine losses |
15360s | so they've struggled a little bit but I |
15361s | mean you can see here just looking at |
15363s | matches played every time they go |
15364s | further and further and further they're |
15366s | definitely a team that is improving |
15367s | consistently as far as I remember even |
15370s | like the alliance open anger games and |
15371s | some of the other uh competitions |
15373s | they've competed in this is a team with |
15375s | the core of people who are just getting |
15377s | better and better and better and I would |
15378s | expect to see them again next year doing |
15380s | very well no Bart what else could they |
15382s | have done ah well they could have won I |
15385s | got totally distracted there um I do do |
15387s | agree I actually think Misty said |
15388s | something about out them earlier that |
15390s | this team is they definitely look back |
15392s | and learn from their mistakes for this |
15394s | specific one honestly like the only real |
15397s | mistake was maybe not practicing that |
15399s | maneuver and like Landing everyone |
15400s | together because they did end up spread |
15402s | out and I think it was less that a rival |
15404s | made mistakes and more that uh Platinum |
15407s | sensitivity just capitalized so well |
15409s | like as soon as all those ships landed |
15411s | they noticed they were spread out they |
15413s | split their uh webs and scrams and |
15415s | whatever to tackle everything away from |
15417s | the Widow because like clearly Platinum |
15419s | sensitivity saw what was happening he's |
15421s | like they're going to try and kill our |
15422s | Widow we need to not let that happen and |
15425s | then they executed it perfectly so I |
15427s | Gotta Give Them props for it it did look |
15429s | really good when it had it because like |
15432s | the chord looked like it landed |
15433s | perfectly and then they sent me to the |
15434s | side and I was like oh what a move but |
15436s | then nothing came out no damage it was |
15438s | just kind of like where is it you know I |
15440s | think bars right though that that was |
15441s | more down to platinum sensitivity just |
15444s | defending it super well than arrival |
15445s | doing anything wrong uh but that's it |
15447s | arrival argon from the tournament so no |
15449s | more about them all right our next match |
15451s | is an exciting one uh Brave Collective |
15453s | versus Nano fiber tokens again these are |
15455s | elimination matches so these teams are |
15456s | fighting to avoid going home and for of |
15458s | course more prize ships uh Brave |
15460s | Collective uh at least Randolph AKA CTV |
15463s | Swift's new favorite team as pandemic |
15464s | Legion sadly departed uh last weekend |
15467s | Blackboard part uh what do you make of |
15470s | this match up I think this is uh it's |
15472s | been really really interesting because |
15473s | Brave has just been consistently better |
15476s | at the alliance tournament than really |
15477s | they should be I guess as a way to put |
15480s | it where we've had like so many people |
15481s | go in the Fantastic captains go to |
15483s | different teams sometimes team CCP uh |
15486s | but again like you see in this this band |
15489s | setup that they've done that they are |
15491s | paying attention to what other teams are |
15493s | doing and that is like one of those big |
15494s | highlights of what makes a good team is |
15497s | they're actually spending their time you |
15499s | know going back researching |
15500s | understanding and they even actually |
15502s | went back and saw what nanofiber wrought |
15503s | last time and are targeting it which is |
15505s | really good so in this moment where we |
15507s | have an hour hour and a half between |
15508s | matches they're still like on top of it |
15511s | and ready to go |
15512s | yeah on a ccpb we're seeing here that |
15515s | the 95 tokens Banning Bargas looking |
15517s | balgorn and brave Collective Banning |
15519s | curse hyena executive Navy issue the |
15521s | executive Navy issue is not something we |
15523s | see super often get banned uh do you |
15525s | have any thoughts on that I mean it's |
15526s | one of those ships that we reworked and |
15528s | now has a ton of damage on top of a lot |
15530s | of speed that he can just ignore being |
15532s | played it because of that um what's it |
15535s | called again that bonus that it has |
15536s | where it doesn't lose plate Mass bonus |
15538s | there you go so it's a it's a very |
15540s | different chip than it was a month ago |
15542s | uh so it's interesting to see how the |
15544s | meta has developed into seeing a lot of |
15547s | the ship and then also seeing it banned |
15548s | I don't think a month ago people would |
15550s | have bothered to ban the exact Navy from |
15552s | anything I think we're going to be |
15553s | seeing a really interesting match here |
15555s | the match before with uh with NFTA |
15557s | against Road Coppell was incredible |
15560s | we have a lot of people uh who obviously |
15562s | looking at Brave like you said I think |
15564s | they're a lot stronger than what I guess |
15566s | their reputation has |
15568s | um this is going to be a super |
15569s | interesting match it is exactly going to |
15571s | be a super interesting match uh I know |
15573s | CC Swift is uh is hoping for for a solid |
15576s | Victory from the brave Collective right |
15578s | now |
15579s | um let's do quick predictions and see |
15581s | what we actually think so Bart who's |
15583s | gonna win this uh I'm going with brave |
15585s | just because I've I've been watching |
15586s | them and I've been loving watching them |
15588s | get better and better at the 80 over the |
15589s | last couple years and ccbb what do you |
15592s | think I have to say nft I mean that |
15594s | match with wrote before I I thought |
15595s | they're out and then they just kind of |
15597s | clotted back I I've got a root for them |
15599s | 100 yeah I mean this is a hard one I |
15603s | feel like I agree with both of you |
15604s | especially like NFC really did claw that |
15606s | back from Rook Capell in a super |
15608s | exciting match but I think I have to do |
15610s | it for dunk as well uh he's he's such a |
15613s | bro he always brings his briefcase of |
15614s | friendship uh you know I'm a big dunk |
15616s | fan so let us go to the arena and find |
15619s | out as Brave Collective face off against |
15620s | nanofiber tokens |
15628s | hello I am moderator joined by Alex AF |
15631s | card for the final match that the two of |
15633s | us will be commentating and we're going |
15635s | to get a good one we see double |
15637s | Armageddon Navy issue uh EOS Dexter Navy |
15640s | pontifex going for a bit of a mixture |
15644s | between that |
15646s | heavy rapid missile setup and a little |
15651s | bit of drones what are brave running |
15655s | Brand family double Nighthawk Claymore |
15657s | sleffner it looks like they might be |
15659s | going for Rush here scalpel Karen for |
15661s | lodgy jacked off simple fly catcher a |
15664s | lot of Destroyer damage on their low end |
15667s | very interesting to see if these are |
15668s | tackle control or just all-out damage |
15671s | destroyers into that Moa |
15674s | yeah I would not be surprised if this is |
15677s | going to be very much a rush comp I can |
15679s | see that these jackdaws are running uh |
15682s | Rockets the heavy |
15684s | um you know command ships are running |
15686s | heavy assault missiles and auto cannons |
15689s | as well so they're really going to want |
15690s | to close range get on top of something |
15692s | and just delete it I really like though |
15695s | that they have a solid support core in |
15698s | the Jackal flycatcher as well as a MOA |
15700s | that can really uh pressure you know say |
15703s | like the Thalia the Deacon the fentanyl |
15705s | while your main ships would go after |
15708s | either one of these heavier ships in an |
15710s | EOS or get a Navy |
15712s | yeah if I'm brave Collective I'm looking |
15714s | very hungrily at one of those getting |
15717s | navies as the primary for my ham ships |
15719s | while I send the rest of my low ends to |
15721s | go right after the Thalia Deacon combo |
15723s | break one of them and you'll break the |
15725s | other in quick fashion and then it's |
15727s | just a matter of a grind |
15728s | meanwhile in that if I were tokens I |
15731s | don't think they have that much of an |
15732s | answer for the uh Kieran scalpel other |
15734s | than to try and nude them out |
15737s | yeah we see that a lot of these drone |
15741s | boats are very often not running any |
15744s | guns they just go well full newts just |
15747s | because they choose to go for drone |
15749s | damage amplifiers and therefore |
15753s | um you know guns might not be the most |
15755s | effective option usually neutralizing |
15757s | things is a bit more we see that um one |
15761s | of the players has been disconnected and |
15764s | so they're going to attempt to log in |
15766s | before the referee start this match so |
15768s | we might have a little bit more time |
15769s | here |
15770s | um something that cannot be understated |
15772s | though is the control bar of nanofiber |
15775s | tokens being maxed out whereas Brave |
15777s | doesn't look like they have any real |
15780s | neuting power or disruption on their end |
15783s | but what they do have is triple the |
15785s | attack bar which is going to be the the |
15787s | key counter play here they can cut |
15789s | through that control with their |
15791s | overwhelming damage and they're going to |
15792s | be in a good position here they do have |
15794s | a bit of an uphill battle as those |
15796s | get-ins are exceedingly tanky and we see |
15799s | twitch chat investing in Nano coins as |
15801s | we speak |
15803s | yeah uh team do you support the wave and |
15806s | brave or do we want some Nano coins uh |
15808s | fortunately uh the disconnected player |
15811s | has rejoined us so both teams will be |
15813s | playing with their full 10 person roster |
15816s | and we are off |
15819s | we immediately see the brave team |
15821s | streaking across the field as nanofiber |
15824s | tokens is desperately trying to |
15825s | rearrange their ball so that they have a |
15827s | proper back line and make sure that |
15829s | their get-ins are doing some screening |
15832s | for their low end just desperately |
15833s | trying to pull range here got the pawn |
15835s | effects vexer Navy arbitrator uh as well |
15838s | as the Thalia all trying to pull away |
15842s | uh the Nighthawk is getting some |
15844s | guidance disruption they're putting |
15845s | newts in the Claymore tracking |
15846s | disruption on the sleffner you can see |
15848s | the nanofiber control bar spiking to |
15850s | about half its full girth whereas the |
15853s | five Collective has not yet really put |
15855s | their damage down they're they're trying |
15857s | to put some damage onto the Thalia of |
15859s | nanofiber tokens but not nearly what |
15861s | they could be doing |
15864s | so the Claymore is going to be the |
15865s | primary meanwhile we see that the |
15867s | jackdaw of argonal has gotten on top of |
15869s | the Sentinel of Asura chem so they're |
15871s | going to pick off the Sentinel with the |
15873s | Jackal disciple of aliphil is going to |
15876s | support so I really like that call put |
15878s | your low end chips kill off the Sentinel |
15881s | that's going to be doing disruption onto |
15883s | your main core you get a lot of utility |
15885s | off of that and once you do that you |
15888s | kill the Sentinel maybe you can move on |
15890s | to the logic |
15891s | um speaking of waji Chadwick is going to |
15894s | need a lot of reps and so will cast out |
15896s | if both of them are taking an |
15898s | appreachable amount of damage from this |
15900s | Max damage uh Brave Collective Rush |
15902s | however the fly catcher goes down of cat |
15905s | zero |
15906s | an acceptable loss for brave flycatcher |
15910s | is a great ship it's putting out a lot |
15911s | of damage for them but it's not the core |
15912s | of their setup they're gonna trade that |
15914s | fly catcher and possibly this MOA for |
15916s | the geta Navy |
15918s | uh they make it the Sentinel as well |
15920s | which would be a fantastic trade for |
15921s | them the more of that Sentinel is on the |
15923s | field the more value is adding to the |
15926s | Nano team is the Moa does indeed go down |
15928s | and the Sentinel will join him shortly |
15930s | unless he can get a little bit more |
15932s | lodgy it's tough oh Brave might lose |
15934s | their Brave just lost their Keurig that |
15936s | is a huge loss for brave oh you don't |
15940s | want to see that they may do a logic |
15942s | trade here |
15944s | yeah that's the Thalia unfortunately the |
15947s | Thalia is gotten a cloud of drones on |
15950s | top of them it's a little bit less tanky |
15952s | than the Deacon buddy uh the Deacon was |
15954s | a little bit out of range trying to save |
15956s | the Sentinel and uh they've readjusted |
15959s | to get on top of |
15960s | um the Deacon nanofiber tokens |
15963s | um their Armageddon is getting rather |
15965s | rather low but if they can keep up the |
15968s | Thalia losing a single get a Navy issue |
15970s | if they can get another jacked off they |
15972s | can get another stifle it might just be |
15974s | worth it I think it is well well worth |
15977s | it nanofiber the stock is rising |
15980s | investments in Nano coins looking very |
15982s | pressure in here as they are getting a |
15985s | pretty firm grip on this match now uh |
15987s | their Thalia not entirely out of the |
15989s | woods yet and they still have a ton of |
15991s | top end damage might be able to kill |
15992s | this other get in Navy but without Logic |
15995s | on their field they're going to slowly |
15996s | lose more and more of their low end and |
15998s | that Claymore is it's just not long for |
16001s | this world the spiffle goes down that's |
16003s | a big chunk of Their Own and damage it's |
16004s | completely cleared off at this point |
16006s | they've got four battle Cruisers four |
16009s | command ships for their DPS and that is |
16013s | it and they are loaded for bear they're |
16015s | not really going to be able to impact |
16016s | this low end they're trying to kill the |
16018s | vexer Navy they're going to apply |
16019s | relatively well to Cruisers but they're |
16022s | they're not going to change the match by |
16024s | killing this Vector Navy they need to |
16025s | get more points and they need to be able |
16027s | to hold themselves on the field which is |
16029s | going to be very hard with the damage |
16031s | coming off of nanofiber right now |
16034s | yeah I mean it's good well in all good |
16036s | that you're killing a vexer Navy issue |
16038s | but you really need to be applying that |
16039s | damage right now to a get a Navy issue |
16042s | or failing that in EOS they need to just |
16044s | all death ball up together and really |
16046s | get this Armageddon Navy out of uh this |
16050s | existence because they're really trying |
16053s | to just trade out damage right now Brave |
16055s | and nanofiber they're equal on points |
16057s | but all of the points are so heavily |
16059s | concentrated into just this top end |
16062s | whereas nanofiber tokens has most of |
16064s | their team I say as the heretic does |
16066s | finally go down |
16068s | yeah the The Narrative goes down but |
16070s | it's a bit of a time waste for them it's |
16072s | a red herring they get the kill but |
16073s | they're losing valuable time meanwhile |
16075s | disclaimer is in half armor and dropping |
16077s | rapidly they're putting a respectable |
16079s | amount of damage into this EOS but that |
16081s | damage will slow pretty noticeably once |
16083s | this claimer finally dies |
16086s | yeah and it'll be difficult possibly to |
16089s | kill an EOS they're known for having |
16090s | excellent kinetic resist and |
16094s | unfortunately uh Nighthawks really only |
16096s | do meaningful kinetic damage so once the |
16099s | Claymore and flepner die that have |
16100s | selectable damage it's going to be |
16102s | really really difficult to push through |
16104s | anything |
16105s | um and once they lose a claymore they're |
16107s | really going to have to kill a deacon |
16109s | failure |
16110s | um to break anything I think the EOS is |
16112s | safe at this point given how kinetic |
16114s | locked these Nighthawks are they've been |
16117s | splitting their damage between the EOS |
16118s | and the Thalia not enough to break |
16120s | either one of the Thalia is not really |
16122s | at risk at this point they do not have |
16123s | the tackle to really allow the hams from |
16126s | these Nighthawks to apply to a Target |
16128s | like the Thalia so it's fairly safe it's |
16131s | going to take some damage but that |
16132s | damage will get wrapped they needed to |
16134s | just try to bust through the high end of |
16136s | nanofiber tokens not able to do it here |
16139s | not able to execute as Xander Vale |
16141s | getting into low Shields here doing his |
16144s | best the tank but dropping very rapidly |
16146s | deadly and he has disrupted painted |
16149s | nuded the other Nighthawk is also |
16151s | knitted down and cable to sleffner is |
16153s | tackled so all three of these ships are |
16156s | exactly where nft wants them as soon as |
16158s | they decide they want to take those |
16159s | kills they are there |
16161s | yeah for the last 30 seconds to a minute |
16164s | or so uh Brave has desperately been |
16166s | trying to put damage into the Deacon of |
16168s | Andy and we've seen Nighthawk missiles |
16170s | apply but they're just not doing any |
16172s | damage to the Deacon uh you know very |
16175s | signature tanks if you don't have a web |
16177s | on top of top of a deacon and you are |
16180s | guidance disrupted your Nighthawk is not |
16182s | going to do meaningful damage to these |
16184s | lodgy frigs that have such tiny |
16186s | signature and still have links from that |
16188s | Pont effects and EOS Laden is down into |
16191s | about half armor and I can't help but |
16193s | feel like this is the last hurray for |
16196s | brave as their active bar is now somehow |
16198s | larger than their Total Defense bar |
16201s | that is that is the uh it's really shell |
16204s | boosters coming off the sleffner I've |
16205s | got to wonder maybe he has two of them |
16207s | that bar seems extremely swollen |
16210s | for a defense bar uh the the purple |
16213s | swelling is is overtaking the rest of |
16217s | their bar uh the Nighthawk goes down |
16219s | cable UDA the last man standing here |
16221s | three minutes to go in this match |
16224s | not looking great for him he is scrammed |
16227s | he's been tracked disrupted for quite |
16228s | some time and now we're seeing the |
16230s | neutralizers and Target painters from |
16232s | Nano being applied to him here as he |
16235s | will get ground into Pace we'll see what |
16237s | a fantastic tank he's packing but with |
16240s | the newts on him with the inability to |
16242s | return fire in any meaningful way it's a |
16245s | matter of time here once his charges |
16247s | drop he will drop |
16249s | yeah I mean that said um I wouldn't be |
16253s | too ashamed uh if I was do Jack uh like |
16256s | you described we thought that this might |
16258s | be kind of a mid-tier team maybe a price |
16260s | ship enjoyer possibly but they're going |
16262s | to go away from this event with two |
16265s | excuse me four Gary's and four baskets |
16268s | so um a total of eight uh Alliance |
16270s | tournament prize ships that's gonna be |
16272s | well worth uh over a trillion isk |
16276s | um if I'm brave I don't feel too bad |
16278s | about my performance in this event |
16280s | no they did Fabulous especially compared |
16283s | to previous Alliance tournaments and |
16284s | fitting that dunk dinkle the retiring |
16287s | Brave executive should be here to see |
16289s | his team's Swan songs cable UDA drops |
16291s | below half Shields now we can see them |
16294s | all in the chat giving their Brave |
16295s | salutes to these Brave Pilots as cable |
16298s | drops to one-third 25 soon to be zero |
16302s | percent Shield the armor will absolutely |
16305s | evaporate under the withering fire from |
16307s | Nano here as they are shredding him |
16310s | right now and walking on their way to a |
16312s | fabulous and very interesting matchup |
16315s | this really could have gone either way |
16316s | at the start but cable Utah will bite |
16319s | the dust as we throw it back to the desk |
16320s | for a breakdown |
16342s | [Music] |
16347s | thank you |
16350s | guys stop being casual they're really |
16352s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
16355s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
16357s | everybody warp off this is a really |
16358s | really bad execution I'm very |
16360s | disappointed |
16365s | another great hall back from Omar damn |
16368s | I'm thirsty |
16371s | ah that hits the spot |
16377s | [Applause] |
16386s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
16389s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
16391s | logo is in the game of course you could |
16393s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
16395s | would be kind of a jerk move that kind |
16397s | of oh you don't like it now this Lego |
16399s | sucks I'm gonna go join |
16408s | thank you |
16415s | nanofiber tokens they're pulling the rug |
16417s | out from underneath Brave Collective and |
16419s | sending them out of Alliance tournament |
16421s | 18. black part pirate what happened |
16423s | there to Brave |
16425s | well unfortunately I think that brave |
16427s | brought a rush setup without a lot of |
16431s | DPS and I know that that seems kind of |
16433s | counter-intuitive and that's how I felt |
16435s | when I looked at their Rush setup we've |
16436s | been seeing these like almost eight |
16439s | ships worth of DPS Rush setups where |
16440s | they're these like really heavy caldari |
16442s | Navy Osprey Navy authorizes with hams |
16444s | Brave actually kind of went like a |
16446s | throwback from like |
16448s | I would almost say the alliance open |
16449s | where they're running almost pure |
16451s | Command Ship DPS which is really high on |
16453s | paper but you still only really had four |
16456s | major DPS ships they did actually have a |
16458s | rocket jackdaw which I talked about I |
16459s | love rocket jackdaws because they do |
16461s | Insane damage but they also suck and um |
16464s | it was very unfortunate to watch it do |
16466s | nothing |
16467s | yeah CPP why is it rocket Jack does suck |
16469s | in this case I mean in this case it was |
16473s | not to be rude probably how it was being |
16475s | flown it kind of overshot its Target a |
16477s | little bit and maybe should have just |
16479s | orbited 500 and probably would have done |
16481s | more we saw just zooming around and uh |
16484s | yeah we saw some of those smaller shapes |
16486s | the Thalia and the Sentinel just kind of |
16488s | get tickled and then nope just gonna not |
16490s | die here never mind yeah yeah I think |
16493s | that's Sentinel surviving in I don't |
16494s | know how many Hull points but he had a a |
16496s | small number of them remaining |
16498s | um and then was able to be wrecked back |
16500s | up by his lodge Bros uh and then it's |
16503s | one of those things Bart when you're in |
16504s | a in a match and you're shooting someone |
16506s | and they're just not dying and then you |
16508s | think you're about to kill them and then |
16509s | they get wrapped again then you spend |
16510s | more time shooting someone in the longer |
16512s | you're shooting this person who has |
16514s | decided not to Die the longer you uh |
16516s | can't go off shooting someone else and |
16518s | keep working your way through something |
16519s | memo you're being shot uh like how are |
16521s | you filming some teams obviously uh NC |
16523s | DOT being the the main one |
16525s | um what is going through the captains of |
16527s | the team's mind in those situations |
16528s | where something's just not breaking yeah |
16531s | uh well the worst part about it too is |
16533s | that Eve has a mechanic called |
16534s | overheating which you can only do a |
16536s | certain amount and so sometimes if |
16537s | you're sitting there and you're like |
16538s | okay well we're barely barely barely |
16540s | breaking the ship |
16542s | are we beating it because their logius |
16544s | overheating and what if we have cat |
16545s | pressure on their lodgy and what if we |
16547s | have new pressure on their ship we're |
16549s | trying to take down what if there's jams |
16550s | and what if there's this and this and |
16551s | this so I understand why a lot of the |
16553s | times teams will like triple down on |
16555s | this but then at the same thing your |
16557s | weapons are overheating as well |
16559s | um it's tough uh I think that when |
16561s | you're in like these really high damage |
16563s | Rush setups it is kind of worth it to |
16565s | say we're not breaking switch |
16566s | immediately just because that snap |
16568s | effect of switching over especially |
16570s | against an armor comp where they do have |
16572s | to actually spool the Reps back up on |
16574s | you uh has a chance but yeah I mean you |
16576s | never know like you hate to say it but |
16578s | you don't know what's going on on their |
16579s | ship and their comms hopefully I mean I |
16582s | guess you could but that doesn't really |
16584s | happen anymore I think it's technically |
16585s | illegal uh yeah no you're you're having |
16588s | to calculate their capacitor their heat |
16590s | their e or your capacitor your heat your |
16593s | e-war what if their pilot decides |
16595s | randomly to walk away we've seen it |
16597s | happen a couple times where people are |
16598s | like oh he's going zero Ms three minutes |
16599s | into the match as a tackle ship |
16602s | so yeah it's it's crazy I mean like |
16605s | there's a reason these schemes are so |
16606s | good and especially as the weekend goes |
16608s | on or we're starting to seem like |
16610s | the really top tier teams doing really |
16612s | top tier plays or not well we shall see |
16617s | um speaking of top tier teams um we are |
16619s | going to go soon to truth on the light |
16620s | versus templates calcif now you will |
16622s | know this is match 53 and nanofiber |
16624s | tokens have to fight again in match 54. |
16626s | so they have a short turnaround time now |
16628s | they have to go away recompose |
16629s | themselves make sure they've got all the |
16631s | ships and stuff they need and get ready |
16632s | but we'll get to them later let's look |
16634s | at the balance between truth honor light |
16635s | and template Council so I just want to |
16638s | like banning at the stratus Ishtar |
16639s | Nighthawk Templars cast of banning out |
16641s | of the EOS the Bargas and the Blackbird |
16643s | Blackboard pirate what do you make of |
16644s | these bands here |
16646s | oh all right uh truth on our light is |
16649s | Banning the stratus again again yeah |
16651s | which is really weird |
16653s | um because I don't think they're good |
16654s | ships and I don't know if they think |
16655s | they're good ships uh it actually looks |
16657s | like it's almost the same bands that |
16658s | they did against Darkseid but templas |
16660s | khalsif is not dark side like I don't |
16662s | think anyone has ever been like oh yes |
16664s | temples calcif and dark side play very |
16666s | very similar |
16667s | um so I don't know what's going on here |
16669s | maybe they're trolling a little bit or |
16671s | maybe they're just like whatever full |
16673s | send but the temples calciphans |
16675s | especially with those blackbirds we've |
16676s | seen truth honor light one with |
16677s | blackbirds twice today |
16679s | so that makes perfect sense like they're |
16681s | like oh oh no iwor is here again |
16684s | and ccpb um Bart mentions the |
16686s | stratosphere like tell us about that |
16688s | ship like you see it being used like for |
16690s | solo stuff on uh Tranquility a lot but |
16693s | not usually in tournaments |
16695s | no it's a it's a drone chip which can |
16697s | cloak uh which kind of makes it a strong |
16698s | ish Hunter it's a weird chip because it |
16701s | does not enough damage to really justify |
16704s | what it does you know the right now it |
16706s | costs way too much for what it actually |
16707s | brings |
16709s | um in the tournament scene like you said |
16710s | it's not really the strongest there are |
16712s | lots of other drone comp ships that |
16714s | could work a lot better but I'm not sure |
16715s | why they twice in a row ban the stratus |
16718s | itself I don't know I might ask him |
16719s | earlier well also back in the day the |
16723s | Stratos for like I think one tournament |
16725s | was actually a really good ship to use |
16726s | because it could fly a full set of heavy |
16729s | drones now it can no longer fly a full |
16730s | set of heavy drones so it used to be |
16733s | this like okay this ship is worth |
16734s | Banning to get rid of an armor drone |
16735s | setup |
16737s | now I don't think it is |
16739s | okay so I'm gonna have to ask you guys |
16740s | for some predictions now so black Bart |
16742s | pirate truth on a light or template |
16744s | Council fear |
16745s | um I'm gonna go attempt this calcif |
16746s | because I've been wrong every single |
16747s | time today |
16748s | and uh ccpp obviously truth analytic |
16752s | what I said before when I shot casting |
16753s | the match like I was kind of beaming |
16755s | right they were playing to feed so they |
16757s | can get more skins so that you know in |
16759s | the whole run you win more ships more |
16761s | skins and everything obviously they're |
16763s | gonna win |
16763s | interesting so uh this is basically kind |
16766s | of a grudge match because uh in Alliance |
16768s | tournament 15 uh templates counts of not |
16771s | Hydra reloaded into the losers bracket |
16773s | in the first weekend of the tournament |
16774s | back when it was a four weekend |
16775s | tournament as well uh Hydro had to go |
16778s | three losers bracket run to get all the |
16780s | way back up to the final and then lose |
16782s | um so as far as I understand they |
16784s | haven't played again since so this would |
16786s | be interesting to see if Tempest Castle |
16788s | can pull it out once again so I'm going |
16790s | to put my money behind 10 plus calcif |
16791s | let's go to the arena and find out |
16795s | three two one |
16798s | hey everybody welcome back to the arena |
16800s | I am the Basilisk known by some as the |
16802s | most skilled even line pilot to never |
16804s | finish top 16 in the alliance tournament |
16805s | I'm joined by Fair weiner a man who with |
16807s | that last match with brave Collective |
16809s | unfortunately losing did still secure |
16810s | top 12 in the alliance tournament fear |
16812s | how are you doing are you are you happy |
16813s | it happened are you sad it's sorry sad |
16815s | it's over or well you know what I'm |
16817s | trying to say it's over but I'm looking |
16818s | forward to truth on her light versus |
16820s | temples calcif uh seeing some already |
16823s | slept nears already HFI is coming in |
16825s | from the truth on our Light Side uh |
16827s | bringing a kite set up meanwhile what do |
16830s | we see from temples calcif |
16832s | uh templates calcif seem to have brought |
16834s | this fairly standard triple armor |
16835s | Battleship call but I think we've seen |
16836s | from them a couple of times before and |
16837s | I'm curious to see how this is going to |
16838s | go obviously truth on light as you said |
16840s | bring in a fairly fly killer setup and |
16841s | that is not a fly killer a fly filled |
16844s | comp that they're up against in that |
16845s | Templars calcium side mainly those three |
16847s | bulky battleships so I expect them to |
16849s | just try and take out the small wing on |
16851s | that ship see if they can Alpha through |
16853s | the Sentinel behind the logic frigates |
16854s | that sort of stuff and just try and play |
16856s | it slow and Whittle down the Templars |
16858s | comp over the course of the match here |
16860s | you know it's not a quad battle cruiser |
16862s | comp lose last time around it was quad |
16863s | brawl battle Cruisers this time it's |
16865s | quad kite battle Cruisers with that |
16867s | shield with those uh ever important 720 |
16870s | millimeter artillery cannons we are |
16873s | waiting for the tournament tool to uh do |
16877s | what it needs to do at the moment as uh |
16880s | we are still waiting for that countdown |
16883s | I you know this triple Battleship armor |
16885s | control setup we've seen a lot this |
16887s | tournament and I've noticed a bit of a |
16889s | rock paper scissors going on where we |
16890s | see these kind of Rush setups typically |
16892s | do well into these triple battleships or |
16895s | into like these kite setups and the or |
16897s | sorry into these triple Battleship |
16899s | setups and we see these triple |
16900s | Battleship setups project well against |
16902s | certain kite setups but other kite |
16904s | setups have been doing very well against |
16906s | these triple Battleship cores as we saw |
16908s | in the uh earlier match between Brave |
16910s | and lock range enjoyers yeah and I think |
16913s | this kite set up in particular from |
16914s | truth on the light obviously a very very |
16916s | high skill |
16917s | um group of players here on this team |
16918s | they're definitely capable of pulling |
16919s | off mechanics that are necessary to |
16921s | maintain the Ranger and I'm going to |
16922s | keep an eye personally on stalants in |
16924s | the hyena because I think the ranged |
16925s | webs on that hyena are basically the |
16928s | only real window that templates have of |
16929s | actually controlling the truth on the |
16931s | light and actually getting hold of |
16932s | something they're not going to get |
16932s | caught by a bowel gone we've seen lesser |
16934s | teams get caught by it but I just don't |
16936s | think it's going to happen for templates |
16937s | here with those ranged Belgium ones |
16939s | unless it's some sort of heroic mjd play |
16941s | but even then I mean truth on the light |
16943s | are good enough to just look at the MGD |
16944s | look at where he's going play with the |
16946s | range play the positioning and just get |
16947s | out of the way |
16948s | and as you can see on the uh fancy UI |
16951s | lots of dance being put out uh double |
16954s | moles plus a carries I've got dual |
16956s | jackdaws as well those are going to be |
16957s | putting out uh damps in their mid slots |
16960s | we saw them go for the Sentinel off the |
16961s | start they weren't able to Alpha it now |
16962s | going for this Magus he is living |
16965s | through these reps right now I believe |
16967s | this is just dual logic figure up so |
16968s | Deacon Thalia so wrecking shots should |
16970s | be enough but they haven't killed |
16972s | anything quite yet yeah as you said on |
16974s | the fancy UI 10 plus calcif are |
16976s | definitely not lock ranging Joys at the |
16977s | moment their support Wing can lock |
16979s | basically nothing and I think that's a |
16981s | really good allocation of the damps here |
16983s | um these these battleships they've got a |
16984s | pretty short range and they've got the |
16985s | tracking disruptors on them so they |
16987s | don't really need to worry too much |
16988s | about being locked by them the main |
16990s | concern is the webs from the hyena as I |
16992s | said and if you damp down that hyena he |
16993s | probably hasn't got a sensor booster 50 |
16995s | might not have like a signal amp in the |
16996s | lows so it's going to be very very |
16997s | difficult for him to actually get into |
16999s | web range tracking interceptors going in |
17001s | onto blue melon and onto dextrogeo at |
17004s | the moment although I will say grapple |
17006s | and web has actually come on to melon in |
17009s | the sleptner so he is now taking some |
17010s | damage uh who actually has them grappled |
17013s | it is the balgorn uh got him with the |
17015s | long range web so true thunder light |
17017s | just gonna leave him to die and |
17019s | hopefully try to take out this Magus |
17020s | which they do do they do but yeah blue |
17022s | melon this is not good from him |
17024s | obviously as I said at the start the |
17025s | sleptness should really not be getting |
17026s | caught by a bow gone but Kayla 542 is |
17028s | pushing in but the orianna in the |
17030s | Tempest split is actually moving away |
17031s | from him so I mean there's a significant |
17033s | chunk of their damage there in that |
17034s | Battleship they need to kill the slept |
17036s | now although you know I guess they can |
17037s | take their time with it they know the |
17038s | truth on light and this claycomb aren't |
17040s | going to come around they're not going |
17041s | to turn around and come back to save him |
17042s | as long as they can keep this balcon on |
17043s | top of him which would you know the |
17045s | newts and the and the webs they |
17046s | definitely can and the abandon's closing |
17048s | in now as well they probably are going |
17049s | to be able to secure this lepner kill |
17050s | it's just about what can truth on alike |
17052s | get in the return |
17054s | they're gonna try to go for this |
17055s | arbitrator originally they went for the |
17056s | Sentinel but once again holding under |
17058s | those frigate webs the 720 is not |
17060s | tracking him |
17061s | at this range at the moment |
17063s | especially with those tracking computers |
17065s | from the arbitrator and Sentinel doing |
17067s | what they can do Bluebell and finally in |
17068s | a structure he will fall now things been |
17070s | traded by truth on our light at the |
17072s | moment and uh temples calcif off to an |
17074s | early lead |
17075s | yeah they are and of course as we've |
17076s | seen other matches that have played out |
17078s | slowly before this also puts the team |
17080s | that's behind at this you know they have |
17082s | they have the onuses on them to do |
17084s | something they need to make something |
17085s | happen and seeing that slapney get |
17087s | caught is disastrous maybe they should |
17089s | have split some of their damps on that |
17091s | battle gun just in case just as a safety |
17092s | measure |
17094s | um because you know the Bal gun on the |
17095s | hyena were the only ways they can really |
17096s | get caught here and they've got so many |
17097s | dams in this comp that the Jack doors as |
17099s | we mentioned the carries the two |
17100s | morrises there's just going to be |
17101s | overwhelming air pressure but they do |
17102s | manage to take down the Sentinel of |
17103s | whaling six names there |
17106s | and that is very important because the |
17108s | Sentinel has better e-war than the |
17110s | arbitrator uh in terms of the |
17112s | effectiveness of those tracking |
17113s | disruptors that have been uh running |
17116s | through these h5s and 3D [ __ ] nearest |
17117s | are now going to go on nostalia who is |
17119s | down into very low armor they nearly |
17121s | volleyed them through it one more set of |
17123s | uh gun cycle and it will do uh what they |
17126s | need to do and they take out the Thalia |
17127s | so now true thunder light are actually |
17129s | in a better position after taking that |
17131s | e-board off the table and one of the |
17132s | lodgy frigs the actress on a light have |
17135s | really shifted into gear here by taking |
17136s | out that Sentinel because in this kite |
17138s | comp they need to keep moving around so |
17139s | they they've got to keep range so they |
17141s | need the optimal range on their |
17141s | artilleries they need the tracking |
17143s | because they're burning around their |
17144s | opponents obviously burning around after |
17145s | them as well they need both of those |
17147s | critical stats for those artillery guns |
17149s | which obviously have decent range have |
17150s | pretty poor tracking taking that Central |
17152s | Off the Grid sort of solves that issue a |
17153s | little bit for them and lets them start |
17154s | chipping away at the failure as we saw |
17156s | they pop that pretty quickly now we're |
17157s | looking at the Deacon of safoy |
17159s | and if we take a look at the control uh |
17162s | on the side of Truth on our light beside |
17164s | them it's just Shield wraps those are |
17166s | the only effects going in onto them none |
17168s | of this e-war is hitting from Temple's |
17170s | calcif and they don't have anyone tackle |
17172s | truth on a light taking out another ship |
17173s | there I believe it was the pawn effects |
17175s | and now they are in the lead in terms of |
17177s | points of the match and they should just |
17179s | be able to live to win now |
17181s | yeah I mean it was a good start from |
17182s | Templars catching that [ __ ] now but |
17184s | lightning doesn't really strike twice |
17186s | and you know it's going to be tricky to |
17187s | catch Dexter or either of the fleet |
17189s | hurricanes in those battle cruises as |
17191s | well especially after you've lost for |
17193s | example the links on the Magus Skirmish |
17195s | links obviously very very critical for |
17196s | the web range on the balgon on the hyena |
17198s | and yeah now they're just going to |
17199s | continue chipping through the support |
17201s | Wing I mean I think they pop the pawn to |
17202s | fix they seem to have stopped on the |
17203s | Deacon I think now they're going back on |
17204s | to Oriana in the Tempest but yeah |
17206s | they're just gonna happen |
17208s | around come here for the 10 plus you as |
17211s | a template Fleet issue |
17214s | anyways uh gotta cover this Temple issue |
17217s | he doesn't have any logic frigates |
17219s | actually I should say he has one Deacon |
17221s | onto him which isn't a whole lot of |
17222s | rapping power |
17223s | um and the 720 artilleries they have |
17225s | decent DPS uh All Things Considered |
17228s | considering they are mostly an alpha uh |
17230s | style gun so they're taking them down |
17233s | they're burning through his armor reps |
17235s | and they should be able to take him uh |
17237s | as they've decided not to touch any of |
17239s | the rest of temples calcif's comp |
17241s | yeah and just sort of have a a slightly |
17244s | broader discussion here based on these |
17245s | comps |
17246s | um obviously when you you know you're up |
17247s | against truth on a light you know |
17249s | they're very highly rated execution team |
17251s | you know they can every pilot on this |
17253s | team is good at manual piloting they |
17254s | know where they're going they know their |
17255s | role what do you think about the |
17257s | Templars comp which is very sort of |
17259s | sort of one note I suppose you know it |
17261s | can either get on you with these three |
17262s | battleships and pump through you or it |
17263s | just gets kited around which is |
17265s | basically what we're seeing here do you |
17266s | think maybe like I think a little bit |
17267s | more versatile might have been a better |
17270s | play I think this is the type of comp if |
17272s | you don't you bring if you don't think |
17274s | you know what the other team is bringing |
17276s | and you're just like we'll hope they |
17278s | bring some sort of triple Battleship or |
17279s | armor control mirror match setup but |
17282s | that's not really something you can do |
17283s | up against teams like truth on our light |
17285s | who have myriads of tournament |
17288s | experience they won the last at they got |
17290s | knocked down the lower bracket yes but |
17292s | they still are a very scary team and |
17295s | they can bring in whatever comp they |
17297s | want and fly out very well so if you |
17299s | think oh I'll take this and hope that we |
17300s | got an armor control mirror match you're |
17302s | basically just shooting in the dark and |
17304s | hoping that maybe you can make something |
17306s | happen uh later on in the tournament but |
17308s | it doesn't matter what truth on our |
17309s | light flies here really because I think |
17311s | even if there were a mirror match they |
17313s | probably executed better over Temple's |
17315s | calcif yeah I mean trying to take this |
17317s | sort of coin flip that your armor |
17319s | control comp is either a theory crafted |
17321s | better or B piloted better than truth on |
17323s | a light is is a weighted coin I think in |
17325s | my opinion |
17326s | it's not great |
17328s | no it's not and also you brought armor |
17330s | control without high projection so you |
17332s | don't actually deal with uh these types |
17335s | of kite comps all that well even without |
17336s | the amount of e-war that they brought |
17338s | and you don't deal with uh you don't |
17341s | deal with rush very well because as |
17343s | we've seen time and time again these |
17345s | armor control comps unless you have like |
17347s | a flag Vindicator with very short-range |
17349s | guns still have trouble dealing with |
17351s | Shield rush because Shield Rush has |
17353s | overwhelming amounts of damage that |
17354s | you're not able to rep past when you |
17356s | take two Logie freaks |
17358s | so just going back to this hydrocon or |
17361s | truth on Alliant Justice League whatever |
17362s | you want to call them |
17364s | um throughout the tournament so far I |
17365s | think we remarked on day one and two |
17366s | that we didn't really see a huge amount |
17368s | of damp Supremacy we saw you know a fair |
17370s | amount of control more than obviously |
17371s | more than we saw last year when scripted |
17373s | damps weren't a thing but do you think |
17375s | this now where truth on lights sort of |
17377s | reaching the late stage of the |
17378s | tournament we're getting to top eight |
17379s | top six sort of area do you think now |
17380s | this is where truth on the light sort of |
17381s | starts to reveal their true power level |
17383s | and says look we've got this comp that's |
17384s | got five just absolutely ram-packed with |
17387s | damp ships you cannot play the game and |
17389s | other teams gonna follow suit here |
17391s | I think every team has dabbled with |
17394s | damps and with tracking disruptors one |
17396s | thing that we noticed is that the only |
17398s | team that was really bringing it early |
17399s | on in the tournament was paper numbers |
17400s | they were bringing it in the shield kite |
17402s | setup and then bringing some damps in |
17404s | the mids making the ships less tanky but |
17406s | able to kite around now we saw starting |
17408s | with tuskers and now with truth on our |
17410s | light a different take on that kind of |
17413s | damp and our control setup from either |
17415s | Shield kite or in tuscar's case armor |
17418s | kite |
17419s | um I called the armor kite one uh hammer |
17422s | time because he can't touch this very |
17424s | similar kind of idea from temples calcif |
17427s | bringing so much control in a shield |
17429s | setup so you're way faster than any of |
17432s | these armor control setups can really |
17433s | deal with yeah I actually had a chance |
17435s | to look at some of those kill mouse from |
17436s | the tuskers match like the Claymore |
17438s | um and I think he had literally a prop |
17439s | mod and then he had like two guidance |
17441s | disruptors true tracking disruptors and |
17442s | a damp or something so I imagine the |
17444s | rest of the ships the armor Nighthawks |
17445s | and all that the stalks Etc were just |
17447s | again just absolutely rampacked and of |
17448s | course that actually worked out in favor |
17450s | for them against truth on a light in a |
17452s | match that I thought at the start looked |
17454s | sort of a little bit a little bit |
17455s | questionable I thought was was that |
17457s | tuscus comp the ramblings of a Madman |
17460s | but actually it turned out to be the the |
17462s | scriptures of a genius |
17464s | and we're seeing what true thought on a |
17467s | lot has brought with that too I do think |
17468s | we're gonna see more damps show up as we |
17470s | are later in the tournament now that |
17471s | these teams are forced to play their |
17473s | hand truth or light in lower bracket now |
17475s | forced to play their hand against teams |
17476s | that they deem to be threats uh they |
17478s | will be up against either we form Volta |
17480s | or lock range enjoyers in the next match |
17482s | and those are teams that Volta second |
17486s | place in the at last time and then lock |
17489s | range enjoyers they were uh first place |
17491s | in the anger games earlier this year |
17494s | yeah I mean at the start of the day I |
17496s | was saying you know 18 teams left 16 |
17498s | after the first two matches you can't |
17500s | swing a cat in either bracket without |
17501s | hitting a good team and now we're down |
17502s | to just what is it eight teams I believe |
17504s | or seven after this match sorry so I |
17506s | mean every match is obviously very very |
17508s | difficult there's a lot at stake here |
17509s | we're really getting into the higher |
17510s | tiers of the science tournament but that |
17512s | is I think going to be just about it |
17514s | from the arena here with 10 seconds left |
17516s | on the match there's gonna be truth I |
17517s | like taking it 71 points to 19. |
17528s | uh we're gonna send it back to the desk |
17530s | to break down that mattress and bring |
17532s | you into nanofiber tokens versus |
17533s | platinum sensitivity but don't go |
17535s | anywhere we'll be right back after this |
17553s | [Music] |
17556s | thank you |
17564s | sign was up |
17585s | pump it up a little more get the party |
17588s | going on the Dance Floor |
17619s | truth honor light bonking templar's |
17621s | Castle right out of the tournament uh |
17623s | with that incredibly piloted fly killer |
17626s | setup I have we saw at the start of that |
17628s | match uh it looked like they took their |
17630s | shot and they missed then they went for |
17631s | another ship and then they missed and we |
17632s | were sitting here thinking oh hang on |
17634s | our Temple's going to pull this one off |
17635s | are they doing it uh and then we saw a |
17638s | Magus just get volleyed off the field |
17640s | and then critically blue melon in uh one |
17643s | of the Arty select news got tackled and |
17646s | he went down pretty quickly because |
17647s | these ships were kiting trips are |
17648s | designed to be you know super tanky |
17651s | um and it started to look like temples |
17652s | were going to pull this one off and then |
17654s | Bart it looked like we saw the truth on |
17656s | the light guys do some what we usually |
17658s | say transversal matching talk to me |
17660s | about what happened there uh yeah so uh |
17663s | Eve online tracking is complicated |
17665s | um but not as complicated as missiles |
17667s | and uh basically you want to have your |
17669s | ships flying in the same direction |
17671s | or flying directly away from each other |
17673s | so that the shots will hit and Truth on |
17675s | her light was able to pull that off uh |
17677s | and start alfing through things which |
17680s | sounds a lot less impressive Until you |
17682s | realize you are in a 125 kilometer |
17684s | sphere so you can't just do what you do |
17686s | on TQ where you're like oh I'm just |
17687s | going to go in a straight line |
17688s | indefinitely and they'll chase me and |
17689s | I'll blow their ships up you actually |
17691s | have to continue turning continue |
17692s | dodging they were dodging hyena webs |
17694s | ballgorn webs I believe the attempts |
17696s | Fleet issue MJ deed into them at least |
17698s | once but the big thing that I think |
17700s | happened is when that Magus went down uh |
17703s | the links dropped and as soon as that |
17704s | happened I don't know exactly what links |
17707s | the mags had on them but I think that |
17708s | was the difference of ships tanking and |
17710s | ships not tanking and I think the mag |
17712s | has had the Speed links on it as well so |
17714s | everything slowed down a little bit just |
17715s | enough truth on the lights able to land |
17717s | their shots very very well played on |
17719s | their part except for the sleptner that |
17720s | got tackled yeah unfortunately he was |
17723s | tackled and he did go down cpb |
17726s | um when you're flying things like RT |
17727s | ships like how hard is it to actually |
17728s | like make use of them |
17730s | it's something that you definitely need |
17732s | to practice |
17733s | um I think when you're starting out |
17735s | learning how to kite I think it's easy |
17737s | to do that in missile ships to begin |
17738s | with and then slowly graduate towards |
17741s | other things like turrets |
17743s | um I think practicing with rail guns is |
17745s | probably better before you start |
17746s | practicing with with the RDS because of |
17748s | how rarely you get to shoot the RDS |
17751s | basically you fire and you have to wait |
17753s | like 10 15 seconds depending on what |
17754s | what platform you're using uh whereas |
17756s | with um with railguns you get to fire |
17758s | more often and realize oh I'm hitting |
17759s | now oh I'm not hitting it now and you |
17760s | get to understand how to fly how to to |
17764s | actually apply your damage yeah we also |
17766s | saw a Liberal Liberal use of the damping |
17769s | ships in that last match from truth on a |
17772s | light a bunch of them five in fact uh |
17775s | Bart take us through the damping |
17776s | mechanics |
17777s | so with sensor damps you have two |
17779s | different scripts that you can use one |
17780s | of them which either will make you lock |
17782s | much much slower and the other which was |
17784s | much more Irrelevant in this match was |
17786s | one that reduces your lock range uh we |
17789s | saw that most of it I don't think that |
17791s | anyone was using the sensor uh the lock |
17794s | speed amps it's possible but the locker |
17797s | range stamps are incredibly powerful |
17798s | especially when you have bonus ships |
17800s | like molluses and Carries and they were |
17803s | probably some on the jackdaws as well |
17804s | but that was what it was able to allow |
17806s | truth honor light to prevent themselves |
17808s | from really taking any more damage uh |
17810s | the hyena was definitely like damped out |
17812s | the entire fight probably had a lock |
17813s | range of like five which is not |
17815s | enjoyable in any way shape or form and |
17818s | just by doing that it made the kiting so |
17820s | much easier like a hyena is so good at |
17821s | grabbing ships but not when it can't |
17823s | lock anything |
17824s | yeah so our next match we're going to go |
17826s | to talk about now if Platinum |
17827s | sensitivity versus nanofiber tokens so |
17829s | interestingly enough um when you fly in |
17832s | a match uh the actual match sort of |
17834s | simulation starts quite far before the |
17835s | match itself as you're contacted with |
17837s | the referees you have to do bands it's a |
17839s | which is what we're looking at here is a |
17840s | blind band system whereas Platinum |
17842s | sensitivity would have submitted their |
17843s | three bands nanofirus tokens there are |
17845s | three bands and then if there's any |
17846s | duplicates they have the trickle bands |
17847s | Platinum since uh sorry nanofiber tokens |
17849s | played only about half an hour ago so |
17851s | they would have finished that match and |
17853s | they would have had a conversation with |
17854s | the GMS pretty much immediately and so |
17857s | no time to unpack stuff they have to go |
17858s | through and say hey watch your bands in |
17860s | this case they went for Bargas Loki |
17861s | balgorm and platinum sensitivity going |
17863s | for yield Classics at this point uh EOS |
17866s | jackdaw and the hyena Bart what do you |
17868s | think uh I think that you know |
17871s | what you said about them having so |
17873s | little time probably starts really |
17875s | playing into this uh nanofiber tokens |
17877s | that like that's like kind of the |
17878s | standard basic like uh these ships are |
17881s | strong don't get rid of them bands um |
17883s | but yeah Platinum sensitivity is |
17884s | definitely like realized how good this |
17886s | jackdaw ship is and we've been seeing it |
17888s | uh Banning out an EOS pretty much bans |
17890s | drones out you could still try it but I |
17892s | wouldn't suggest it and uh hyenas are |
17894s | just very strong ships but uh |
17896s | yeah it's a it's pretty rough for |
17897s | nanofiber tokens 30 minutes is not a lot |
17899s | of time unless you're ending up in a |
17900s | best of three and then at which case |
17902s | you've already won so much that you're |
17903s | probably okay with it yeah CCP you've |
17905s | been uh practicing and playing uh with |
17907s | the truth on the light team you were |
17908s | telling us about |
17910s | um what's it like having to turn around |
17911s | matches pretty quickly |
17913s | I think practice is way different than |
17915s | this you know on the day actually |
17916s | competing in practice it's very relaxed |
17918s | you're you know you're just following a |
17919s | schedule you have X many things you want |
17921s | to test out that night and you're just |
17922s | running through it and a lot of time you |
17924s | know I'd be waiting on the other team to |
17926s | show up to even practice with you but |
17927s | with this this is like this is game time |
17930s | you know it matters a lot what you're |
17932s | going to be banning this is now like |
17934s | this is what they've been practicing |
17935s | from months and months for but I think |
17937s | that nft have just been warming up today |
17939s | and I think they're ready for this much |
17940s | interesting let's take a look at some of |
17943s | the um Alliance uh details for some of |
17945s | these teams let's see if we can pull up |
17946s | uh where everyone comes first |
17949s | plan of sensitivity so 15 Pilots have |
17951s | flown for platinum sensitivity in the |
17953s | alliance tournament uh some veterans |
17955s | clearly playing in over 20 different |
17957s | matches |
17959s | um and they've been relatively |
17960s | successful winning a chunk more than |
17962s | they've lost which is pretty good the |
17964s | matches that they have lost against |
17965s | recently have been against we form Volta |
17967s | the tuskers call and then we Farm Volta |
17969s | again so you know that's two very strong |
17971s | teams |
17972s | um they've won against a rival bright |
17974s | side of death a band apart laser Hawks |
17976s | the network and exodus so very strong |
17979s | victories as well so this is a good team |
17981s | uh certainly not to be underestimated |
17982s | let's take a look at nanofiber tokens |
17986s | so 95 tokens a bit smaller roster only |
17988s | 12 Pilots have uh have flown with them |
17991s | so far |
17992s | um again a couple of veterans here nine |
17994s | runs from Andy astronaut and they've had |
17996s | a good record as well I only played five |
17998s | matches but they have won four of them |
17999s | dropping only once to Odin's call who |
18002s | are currently still in the winners |
18003s | bracket and being very very strong so we |
18005s | expect a lot of things from them and |
18006s | nanofiber tokens beat Esports Petopia |
18008s | pandemic Legion wrote Capel and brave |
18011s | Collective so Esports is a good team PL |
18013s | is a team rockapel is a good team and |
18015s | brave Collective is a solid team |
18018s | okay I'm told the teams are now on grid |
18020s | so let's go to the arena for this match |
18022s | between Platinum sensitivity and Nano |
18024s | fiber tokens |
18031s | some point |
18037s | hey everybody welcome back to the arena |
18039s | um I'm again joined by Fair weiner |
18041s | um nanofiber tokens I'll start with them |
18043s | because I think this is a comp we've |
18044s | seen from them multiple times in the day |
18045s | and I think actually me and fear were |
18047s | pretty critical of it during that brave |
18049s | match that we were watching we really |
18050s | didn't like this concept of having two |
18051s | rapid heavy battleships but obviously |
18053s | they won the match it worked out for |
18054s | them and here they are bringing |
18055s | basically exactly the same thing again |
18057s | against this Platinum sensitivity which |
18059s | also looks a little bit familiar if you |
18060s | want to tell us a little bit about that |
18061s | now they brought the window vindi abedin |
18064s | once again worked against Shield Rush |
18066s | last time around this time uh instead of |
18069s | being all blue and uh red gems it is |
18073s | yellow and green that got a far figure |
18075s | out |
18076s | who you are jamming and why this is dual |
18079s | logic frags they don't have a whole lot |
18080s | of scam res I expect this Widow to be |
18082s | able to basically make them useless this |
18084s | entire game and we are about ready to |
18086s | start the countdown I'm excited what |
18088s | about you oh I'm very excited but I also |
18091s | think the key aspect of this match is |
18092s | going to be the Widow's jams as we were |
18093s | saying into logic figures but not only |
18095s | that if he can at some point you know |
18097s | say the name Navy Armageddon say okay |
18098s | we're gonna shoot |
18099s | you know the pontifex let's try and clip |
18101s | that pontifex maybe they get five Cycles |
18103s | into their clip and the Widow says okay |
18104s | I'm gonna cycle a jam on the get and he |
18105s | jams that getting that getting stops |
18107s | shooting for 20 seconds and now for the |
18108s | rest of the match unless those gettings |
18110s | commit a significant time investment to |
18112s | getting their Clips back to sync they |
18114s | will be out of sync and they they will |
18116s | be reloading at different times they'll |
18117s | be firing at different times and that is |
18119s | one of the critical weaknesses of Rapid |
18120s | heavy comps is they rely on these ships |
18122s | firing at the same time to out for a |
18124s | primary target |
18126s | yeah and this time they brought a |
18127s | damnation instead of an EOS uh last time |
18130s | we saw them bring anything else this |
18131s | time they brought a damnation just uh |
18133s | thinking that they want the Skirmish |
18135s | links this time around they do have |
18137s | quite a bit of range on those nudes |
18139s | might be able to keep this Vindicator |
18140s | which is not a flag bendy so 10 |
18142s | kilometer webs instead of uh however |
18145s | long purple webs are like 30. so very |
18150s | long uh 10 o'clock never loves the four |
18152s | lengths it's got a mega so it's really |
18153s | like 13 but uh either way potshots being |
18157s | taken out this arbitrator Thalia and |
18158s | Sentinel right now uh buy this window |
18161s | and and uh avidan The Vindicator really |
18164s | not in range yet to really do anything |
18166s | but as we take a look jams going all |
18170s | over the nanofiber tokens team yeah and |
18172s | platinum sensitivity you're trying to |
18174s | push in here as well with this Fendi of |
18175s | course they want to try and utilize the |
18176s | strength of this Fendi and obviously the |
18178s | strength of the Abaddon as well short |
18179s | range battleships to try and get into |
18180s | range and start shooting something |
18182s | um just going back to what you were |
18183s | saying about the damnation pick I |
18184s | believe they they as you say they did |
18186s | field on EOS last time but the EOS is |
18187s | banned um but I'm not sure how how |
18189s | weaker how much weaker it's going to be |
18191s | losing those Skirmish links they may |
18192s | have wanted the speed links or siglinks |
18194s | to help the Thalia and Decon tank and |
18195s | indeed The Sentinel and swipple as well |
18197s | they're small and benefits greatly from |
18198s | the extra tank from that speed but |
18200s | damnation obviously not getting those |
18201s | same bonuses |
18202s | yeah the input Lakes are nice to have at |
18205s | the very least when you have kind of |
18207s | higher production comps such as army gun |
18209s | Navy such as uh in this tournament where |
18212s | you scripted the war exists and it's so |
18215s | powerful but we see uh the scripted D |
18216s | war of choice renowned fiber tokens |
18218s | missile disruption |
18220s | and one damp it looks like |
18223s | well Platinum sensitivity brought a lot |
18224s | of missile disruption |
18226s | and these armaged navies and this |
18227s | damnation really aren't doing a whole |
18229s | lot we see split damage uh mostly from |
18231s | drones across the entire team on the |
18234s | nanofiber tokens but no one has really |
18237s | died yet this match I think from this |
18238s | point nanofiber tokens are going to |
18239s | start shooting this Vindicator of Mount |
18241s | Bridges because he's burned right into |
18242s | the middle of them here and I think he's |
18243s | got a web on that first night Navy |
18244s | getting of Chadwick I saw him burning |
18246s | towards 10 RS in the vexil Navy 10 |
18248s | obviously keeping his eyes open burning |
18249s | away from that bin he doesn't want to |
18250s | get tackled down he's in big trouble if |
18252s | he does but I think that sort of took |
18253s | Mark bridges in this Vindicator pretty |
18255s | close to these get-ins close to this |
18256s | damnation and he's got them tackled but |
18258s | I'm not 100 sure this is actually what |
18260s | he wants to do here he may have sort of |
18261s | tackled him just as a matter of |
18262s | opportunism rather than because it's |
18264s | actually his plan here because now both |
18265s | these Navy guidance I can see a cycling |
18267s | there newts on him significant new power |
18268s | from these gettings the vindi is a very |
18270s | cap Reliant boat with those guns and |
18271s | obviously he needs his prop as well to |
18273s | stay in range and now he is kind of |
18274s | eating [ __ ] |
18276s | kind of is the opportune word there |
18279s | though because remember he does have a |
18280s | widow and just like that Mark Bridges is |
18282s | taking no more damage so it looks like |
18284s | uh the Widow landed the golden gems on |
18287s | the Armageddon navies and stopped them |
18289s | from killing his Vindicator bro in Mark |
18292s | Bridges who still has a web still has |
18293s | tackle and remember uh when you jam off |
18296s | somebody they can't Newt you either so |
18298s | now his guns are working uh there is |
18300s | some damage going on on the Sully right |
18301s | now but once again looks mostly like pot |
18304s | shots uh con peso has to be close to his |
18306s | Armageddon Navy's uh so he is relatively |
18309s | close to this Vindicator but he doesn't |
18310s | have a web on top of him yet and just as |
18313s | I say that there's the web there's a |
18314s | scram and uh I mean it's a 10-month |
18316s | ollie I don't know how good the scram's |
18318s | gonna be but he will go down and maybe |
18320s | be traded for fgi too yeah the drones |
18322s | are switching over to the Thalia here I |
18324s | can see a swarm of blue drones just |
18325s | pewing away at that failure and The |
18327s | Vindicator of mock Bridges is actually |
18328s | still slowly bleeding through armor he's |
18330s | just about to hit 50 here |
18332s | um and I feel like this is not where the |
18334s | windy wants to be I said a bunch of |
18335s | times and concert we saw of indicators |
18337s | last week the key to have indicator comp |
18339s | is you need to have a setup that |
18340s | facilitates the vindi doing what it |
18342s | wants to do and the targets on this grid |
18344s | looking at them the damnation is |
18346s | probably the thing The Vindicator would |
18347s | like to shoot the least it's very very |
18349s | tanky but if that damnation just sits on |
18350s | him and holds him down |
18352s | um you know he he he can't shoot |
18354s | anything else because the rest of his |
18355s | team the getons the vexo Navy all that |
18358s | sort of stuff can just stay away from |
18359s | The Vindicator and the Vinnie has no |
18360s | choice but it does actually seem to be |
18362s | here that The Vindicator is chasing |
18364s | after the damnation the damnation seems |
18366s | to be running away from the Bindi |
18367s | whereas I would have thought the |
18367s | damnation would actually be trying to |
18368s | hold the windy in place and say you know |
18370s | shoot me leave everyone else alone |
18373s | well I mean they are shooting the |
18374s | damnation right now and he is down in |
18375s | half armor he got to a logic for X but |
18377s | he also got a widow uh and Screen gems |
18380s | between a vexer navy and Nathalia I |
18382s | guess which one is going to be uh jammed |
18386s | out by the Widow it's probably the |
18387s | Thalia so the damnation going down now |
18390s | into 25 armor remaining and Mark Bridges |
18393s | he stabilized in his armor thanks to |
18396s | this Widow jamming out the damage from |
18398s | the side plot or some side of uh |
18400s | nanofiber tokens and now damnation |
18402s | finally in a structure this will be the |
18404s | first kill of the match it will I think |
18406s | yeah this damnation is going to go down |
18407s | and this is I just want to bring Focus |
18409s | here to the fact that both these teams |
18410s | have bought lodgy frigates this match |
18412s | once you get into the later stage of the |
18413s | tournament as well this is a very very |
18415s | difficult environment to fly Logie |
18417s | Ferguson on the side of Nano fiber |
18419s | tokens you've got Kano Paso and Andy |
18421s | astronaut trying to keep people up but |
18423s | they can't go into the range of that |
18424s | Bindi web or they will just get blasted |
18426s | and on the other side You've Got fgi 2 |
18427s | and nightcap again trying their best to |
18429s | keep the Vindicator up but they don't |
18430s | want to go in range of the Navy |
18431s | Armageddon newts and just get instantly |
18432s | cut out so very very difficult juggling |
18435s | act for both for all these lodgy |
18436s | frigates here trying to do their best to |
18438s | keep people up without sort of hinting |
18440s | but that damnation of obix does go down |
18441s | and they haven't really got much in |
18442s | return of India still sort of bleeding |
18443s | again he's down to 40 armor |
18446s | yeah but importantly this Widow is now |
18447s | tackled uh Kent larkis has been webbed |
18450s | down by these Navy Gardens and scrammed |
18453s | uh as well so he is not going anywhere |
18456s | these Navy Gardens right on top of them |
18457s | alongside the vexer Navy but Mark |
18459s | Bridges is coming in wants to save his |
18461s | widow uh friend at the moment not a lot |
18463s | of damage has been put onto Kent as he |
18465s | starts putting some damage I think on a |
18467s | Chadwick uh in the star we got a Navy or |
18469s | maybe the specs are navy of uh 10 |
18471s | arrests and in fact that is his primary |
18473s | target yeah they have got this bit of |
18475s | tackle down but they don't seem to be |
18476s | shooting I think they've said well with |
18477s | you know 70 of the way through this |
18479s | Vindicator we've got to keep killing |
18480s | that or else these frigates might come |
18481s | in wrap them back up again they are |
18482s | going to lose 10 arrest but they're sort |
18483s | of saving this window for afterwards and |
18485s | they've still got these two get a Navy's |
18486s | pumping out the damage but he's this |
18488s | Vindicator 30 armor now he's so slowly |
18491s | dropping but the more they bleed DPS |
18493s | that vexil maybe goes down it's gonna |
18495s | start it's going to get even slower and |
18496s | even slower I might actually see Mark |
18498s | Bridges start to pick back up here the |
18499s | failure of can passo is going to go down |
18501s | in a second here as well |
18503s | being loved by a Vindicator will do that |
18505s | to you but uh yeah 90 words doesn't |
18508s | matter about the Tanner man they will |
18510s | eventually track you just load |
18511s | antimatter and uh get what you get that |
18515s | said uh some damage has also gone under |
18517s | this arm again of Hui kante I would |
18519s | assume that's the that's the abandon uh |
18521s | shooting on him though because the |
18523s | abandonment doesn't really track logic |
18524s | freaks all that well there's some damage |
18526s | going on to Andy and the Deacon but he |
18528s | doesn't have a brother to help him out |
18530s | uh might just be all under the snave |
18532s | again though there's the web under the |
18534s | Deacon so the Deacon will fall |
18536s | it will but I'm we're getting late into |
18538s | this match now seven minutes in both |
18540s | these teams have brought elements that |
18542s | snowball the longer the match goes of |
18543s | course the ECM gets stronger the more |
18544s | targets there are only seven ships left |
18546s | on the nanofiber side it's going to be |
18547s | more concentrated on the other side the |
18549s | two newts the bonus newts from the Navy |
18550s | geddens surely they've they've |
18552s | obliterated that vindicator's cap by now |
18554s | he can't have many cat boosters left his |
18555s | guns are going to turn off soon enough |
18557s | surely and will will it last long enough |
18560s | to deal with Hui kante in the Armageddon |
18561s | Navy or will they in fact actually be |
18563s | able to even kill him he's still just |
18564s | teaching about 40 armor in The |
18565s | Vindicator |
18566s | yeah and they've actually split the |
18568s | newts between the window and The |
18569s | Vindicator they want to turn off these |
18571s | uh Vindicator guns but they also want to |
18573s | turn off the uh jams from the Widow |
18576s | right the Widow has bonus to jam |
18578s | strength that is why it is a better ship |
18580s | than the Scorpion at jamming people and |
18582s | not taunting people uh in addition to |
18584s | its tag bonus which is kind of useless |
18586s | considering it's mostly flown as an |
18587s | armor ship unless you don't put any jams |
18589s | on it and you're just solo dropping |
18591s | people either way Deacon has been taken |
18592s | down and thus far no one has died from |
18595s | Platinum sensitivity Mark bridge is |
18597s | staying alive he's living to win Hui |
18600s | kante's almost down into structure and |
18602s | he's gotten a lodgy frigates to help him |
18603s | out yeah 13 armor ten percent armor he |
18606s | is going to go down here we can't say |
18607s | and of course this is as we said |
18609s | elimination match the loser of this is |
18610s | going to go out um with a top eight |
18612s | placement which is obviously a strong |
18613s | performance but both these teams would |
18614s | love to go further but this is this is |
18617s | what this is what makes or breaks the |
18618s | top tier team here the decision making |
18620s | in these in these critical moments have |
18622s | they decided incorrectly to split the |
18625s | new say would it have been better to |
18626s | pile all the news on The Vindicator to |
18627s | stop his guns pile you know all the |
18630s | newts on the Widow stop the jams and |
18631s | just keep their DPS flowing I don't know |
18632s | I don't know I mean this I'm not a top |
18634s | eight pilot um but this kind of |
18636s | situation is is where teams are made |
18638s | make or break themselves here |
18641s | yeah and we see them committing onto |
18643s | Mark Bridges I think he was just fully |
18644s | beating right you say oh it's a mistake |
18647s | an over extension from the veteran |
18648s | you're playing too far forward but |
18649s | remember you have a Widow on your team |
18652s | the strongest championship in the game |
18654s | and so long as he doesn't get tackled |
18655s | he's going to stay alive because you |
18659s | know are we got navies They Don't Really |
18660s | project all that far yeah they got rapid |
18663s | heavy so probably like 50 60 right but |
18665s | they don't really have a range bonus uh |
18667s | either way this Widow eventually got |
18669s | tackled but then you have Vinnie and |
18670s | Abba just going at it and the Widow uh |
18673s | prevents the vindi from really getting |
18675s | anything on top of them it's just this |
18677s | one arm again Navy and the arbitrator |
18679s | left from nanofiber tokens and I do |
18681s | think Platinum sensitivity will walk |
18684s | away with a clean victory yeah I think |
18687s | so too I don't see any Avenue where they |
18688s | kill mark Bridges here now or indeed |
18689s | anyone else |
18690s | um and it's going to be obviously a sad |
18692s | time for Nano fiber tokens strikes the |
18693s | tournament like this and it I guess it |
18695s | comes back to at the start of the match |
18696s | excuse me |
18699s | um sort of questioning this two Navy |
18700s | getting comp does it have enough damage |
18702s | to break through battleships they spent |
18704s | so long with Mark Bridges just barely |
18706s | holding on 40 armor 30 armor and these |
18708s | faction battleships have so much base |
18709s | ehp that it can be very difficult to |
18711s | actually get through them in a |
18712s | reasonable period of time when you've |
18713s | just got these two rapid heavy comps but |
18715s | as it stands they're not gonna they're |
18717s | not gonna lose everything but they are |
18719s | in fact gonna lose the match 72-0 in |
18721s | favor of platinum sensitivity and just |
18723s | as time ends we're going to send it back |
18724s | to the studio for some more analysis |
18742s | [Music] |
18746s | thank you |
18751s | [Music] |
18758s | thank you |
18769s | [Applause] |
18782s | connected Channel switched well it would |
18785s | have been an easy fight right but guess |
18787s | what dude I'm not if seeing it people |
18788s | can't get they're fit together |
18795s | enemies your temps are completely damned |
18798s | out Crush I'm dumped out I'm dumped out |
18800s | you don't like Champions boys |
18809s | Platinum sensitivity there showing that |
18811s | perhaps nanofiber tokens were overvalued |
18813s | uh in this tournament uh as we say |
18815s | goodbye to 905 tokens uh they do win |
18817s | prize ships which is great for them uh |
18819s | Platinum sensitivity continue their run |
18821s | through the lower bracket of the |
18822s | tournament looking perhaps to make it to |
18824s | the lower bracket final where they will |
18826s | then go up against the winner of the |
18827s | upper bracket final as is Tradition now |
18830s | um Blackboard pirate we noticed um that |
18832s | Vindicator seemed to be surviving for a |
18834s | very long time able to run his boosters |
18836s | for a long time despite being underneath |
18838s | pressure and uh you pointed out that |
18840s | they seem to be dropping some some cans |
18841s | or something what was going on there |
18842s | they did uh so |
18845s | eventually you will run out of cat |
18846s | boosters if the fight lasts long enough |
18848s | and that was a 10-minute fight |
18850s | um and I believe that Mark Bridges said |
18852s | hey help me |
18853s | I'm tackled and I need capacitor and |
18856s | somebody drove up and they dropped some |
18857s | cans for or a cans filled with catfishes |
18859s | for him he looted them quickly uh you |
18861s | sometimes you'll actually will be fast |
18863s | enough to blow the can up before they |
18864s | loot uh don't think we saw that we don't |
18867s | see that very much anymore it used to be |
18868s | more of a tinker setup thing but got |
18870s | those was able to keep his new or keep |
18872s | his capacitor going and can you do |
18873s | damage and they did have two Navy |
18875s | guidance which is a lot of newts so The |
18877s | Vindicator was able to continue shooting |
18879s | and that's always bad for its Target |
18881s | factually correct there Blackboard |
18882s | pirate |
18883s | um CVB you were talking about the Widow |
18886s | during that uh that match in fact I |
18888s | believe the word used to describe the |
18890s | video was disgusting it is disgusting |
18892s | yeah uh it's a ship that we even buffed |
18894s | recently as well um it now has even |
18896s | stronger ECM power than it before and I |
18899s | mentioned that I I fairly recently found |
18901s | out that you can actually have an ECM |
18904s | burst Widow that can burst through a |
18906s | Bastion Marauder which is uh like I said |
18909s | disgusting |
18910s | so the jams on that window they're |
18912s | probably doing a lot of work in this |
18914s | case obviously they're not using an ECM |
18915s | burst um they're using directed jams but |
18918s | dealing with that the entire match like |
18920s | that must have been really rough |
18922s | indeed it is now speaking of being |
18924s | incredibly rough I'm told that we have |
18926s | an interview with the captain of Odin's |
18929s | call and that we are going to play it so |
18930s | let's find out if this uh introduce |
18932s | yourself to the audience please hi I'm |
18935s | I'm Michael sobar I'm the 80 Captain |
18937s | officially for audience call |
18940s | um being audience.tcrs we have a couple |
18943s | of NC palettes with us I've been playing |
18947s | e for about five years I've been doing |
18950s | small gang and solo stuff for three I |
18952s | was co-captained for audience during |
18954s | last year's 80 and 85 and this is my |
18957s | first year as a captain and what do you |
18959s | and your team do outside of the |
18961s | tournament oh so we are a wormall group |
18963s | we live in a C2 with a no sex static so |
18967s | we do a lot of like I mean we used to do |
18969s | a lot of no sex stuff there have been a |
18972s | couple changes to the game that kind of |
18974s | nerfed us but that that's still what we |
18976s | try to do |
18977s | uh yeah we were like a a medium |
18980s | medium-sized woman group I would say and |
18983s | we're having fun |
18984s | what level of experience does your team |
18986s | have okay so yeah we got the all kind of |
18989s | pilots from at veterans to uh completing |
18993s | your Pilots to that home |
18995s | uh last year we ended up sevens in the |
18998s | 80 we got some anti-pilots that were |
19001s | like third a few days ago |
19003s | and then we got yeah company newcomers |
19005s | that were just discovering the |
19007s | tournament format |
19010s | um we are like a pretty small team and |
19012s | that's why I recruited all these NC |
19014s | stackers in the first place |
19016s | turns out they are as active on third |
19018s | room as you'll actually on TQ so I mean |
19021s | didn't really help uh and that's how |
19023s | like we ended up like nine people online |
19025s | 30 minutes before our |
19028s | final group match in the trial |
19029s | tournament |
19031s | and we have to like send messages around |
19033s | to get people online and first time log |
19036s | into ethereum and play the 80 match |
19039s | and that's how you end up like having to |
19041s | win seven or eight matches to go through |
19042s | the feeders |
19044s | you managed to get your place in the at |
19045s | by going through the Redemption round of |
19048s | the trials tournament can you tell me a |
19050s | little bit about what that was like |
19051s | oh well it has been stressful I won't |
19053s | lie it I've been extremely stressful but |
19056s | winning an 80 match which I imagine it |
19059s | is even if you lose it's like extremely |
19062s | um like an extremely good experience so |
19064s | we really enjoyed it uh obviously even |
19067s | while we went through the feeders |
19069s | um and yeah it was like a pretty hard |
19072s | experience but I I loved it I really |
19074s | loved it |
19075s | are there any teams that you're hoping |
19077s | to have the opportunity to play against |
19079s | oh yeah I got like one thing I want to |
19081s | face it's East Bob Utopia |
19083s | I'm very good friend with a captain and |
19086s | we got like a history of facing each |
19087s | other in in all tournaments we are all |
19089s | part of |
19090s | uh it's like I got the four last |
19092s | tournament the AG uh Island tournament |
19094s | last year uh the Chinese tournament |
19096s | every time we face each other and it was |
19099s | always like interesting matches so I'm |
19100s | really looking forward to face them in |
19102s | our second match |
19103s | is there anything you want to say to the |
19105s | audience just to wrap this up yeah about |
19107s | tournaments and Eve I think tournaments |
19110s | are great they are like the the peak the |
19113s | end game of pp or PP enjoys and never |
19116s | tried them you should go for it find a |
19118s | team do some practices |
19120s | even if you think you're not good enough |
19121s | you'll be good enough don't worry uh |
19123s | it's like a completely different style |
19125s | from from what to do on on track energy |
19129s | and uh yeah it's good to have people |
19131s | investing their time in in tournaments |
19133s | again |
19134s | I really appreciate it |
19136s | um so |
19138s | yeah do you want a tournament team |
19141s | and find tournaments it's like VDB great |
19150s | there you are jintan speaks to the |
19152s | captain of audience call uh my |
19153s | commiserations uh now let's take a quick |
19155s | look at the bands for this upcoming |
19157s | match and see uh what these teams have |
19158s | decided to uh ban out |
19165s | so a Tesla School Banning out pontifex |
19167s | Magus and bifrost Odin's called Banning |
19170s | out the hyena the stormbringer and the |
19171s | Nighthawk uh Blackberry pirate your |
19173s | quick thoughts here uh this is the first |
19175s | time we've seen somebody ban out a whole |
19177s | bunch of command ships and that's really |
19179s | cool and clearly tusker just does not |
19180s | want to see armor command links so or |
19182s | sorry Commissioners knock-manships that |
19184s | one awesome well uh with a quick look at |
19187s | the bands there let's uh head over to |
19188s | the arena and see who will win between |
19190s | the tuscaros call and Odin's call |
19197s | welcome back to the arena guys um as was |
19200s | just observed I'm actually a little bit |
19201s | surprised to see those bands because |
19202s | usually I've noticed this Odin's call |
19204s | that decided to ban the magazine pontino |
19205s | those are two of their favorite bands |
19207s | I'm gonna be honest I am totally rooting |
19208s | for audience here because one of the |
19209s | production guys uh went on a computer |
19211s | that I'm logged into and went all in on |
19212s | Odin's all my 12 000 points are now |
19215s | resting on this Golem scorpion Navy 2 |
19218s | Raven comp the Odin's abroad which is |
19220s | something very unusual I don't think |
19221s | we've seen them bring and uh how about |
19223s | tuskers |
19225s | they've brought Shield kite and this |
19228s | time around |
19229s | uh they have an osprey so they will not |
19232s | be having a bunch of Shield kaidi ships |
19235s | that aren't using shield and her instead |
19237s | uh full V War mids they might still have |
19239s | you ward mids I'll have paper numbers |
19241s | earlier in the tournament but either way |
19244s | they actually are shield ships with |
19247s | shields tank up against what is |
19250s | unfortunately for them I believe a crew |
19252s | set up let me take a look at these guns |
19256s | yeah this is not gonna be fun uh unless |
19259s | they have a lot of missile guidance |
19261s | disruptors which is actually rather |
19263s | hilarious because on weekend one I |
19265s | suggested that some sort of variant of a |
19267s | full Battleship Cruise comp could be a |
19269s | final weekend setup and here we are |
19270s | Odin's clearly listening into my secret |
19272s | strats I've decided to bring it with a |
19274s | position in guaranteed top three on the |
19277s | line top three to the winner of this |
19279s | match |
19281s | yep cruises you see one point on the |
19284s | model that is cruises three points as |
19285s | torps we saw earlier in the tournament |
19287s | uh torp set up with very similar looking |
19289s | battleships so this time around it is |
19292s | cruises the ruse Cruise everybody's |
19295s | favorite uh weapon system if you happen |
19298s | to be uh someone who likes running 10 |
19301s | out of 10s although some people still |
19304s | prefer torps boo either way 30 seconds |
19306s | Little Match start uh make that 15 |
19308s | seconds until match start I'm excited |
19310s | but I also think tuscars have their work |
19312s | cut out for them if they don't have |
19313s | enough e-war yeah I'm very excited for |
19316s | my channel points here to be honest I |
19317s | think this is a very very good matchup |
19318s | for the setup they're not against any |
19320s | Tech Two resist ships so |
19322s | um you know there's sometimes the damage |
19323s | lacking of cruises can be a problem if |
19326s | you're up against something that's got a |
19327s | good resist profile I can just tank |
19328s | through it with reps they've got a tech |
19329s | models prey and they've got a bunch of |
19330s | tech one Chips technical resistors play |
19332s | Navy caracal maybe Drake's |
19334s | um so these Cruisers are gonna be able |
19335s | to apply they've got the range they can |
19336s | hit the whole Arena but it seems |
19338s | actually like tuskers here are just |
19339s | ramming in despite being a more sort of |
19341s | kite comp I think they're saying well |
19342s | there's no point really kiting here |
19344s | let's just try and pump onto whatever we |
19346s | can and maybe in fact use the bumps to |
19348s | try and break uh the Tinker setup of |
19349s | these four battleships which I believe |
19350s | is what they are going to do |
19352s | yeah we saw these Cruise Sinker setups |
19354s | earlier in the tournament some of them |
19355s | won a lot of the times they lost this |
19357s | time around they delete the osprey |
19359s | historic gonna be the primary target for |
19361s | Odin's call at the moment but |
19363s | you know taking these Shield kite setups |
19365s | to kill the stork uh into crew setups |
19368s | you're bowling at zero and they're |
19369s | actually getting through this Golem |
19370s | pretty effectively even with the bonus |
19372s | rep that the Golem gets yeah and the |
19374s | stalk actually boundary there I don't |
19375s | really know why I mean he was gonna die |
19377s | anyway but he did actually just jump out |
19378s | of the arena there but yeah let's go |
19380s | with kind of is absolutely melting here |
19381s | he's going to go down and quickly now |
19383s | Odin's need to deal with this DPS they |
19385s | are looking at JJ yakin in the caracal |
19387s | they had to spend you know 10-15 seconds |
19388s | at the start of the match killing off |
19389s | the OS prey to make sure we couldn't |
19391s | tank how much damage can they clear here |
19393s | these are as I said tech one boats here |
19395s | caracal maybe is just about going down |
19397s | there he goes they're going to start |
19398s | clearing this damage and I mean like I |
19400s | said no command ships on the field here |
19401s | the Golem is still just about living of |
19403s | Colonel Kurtz he's still going to keep |
19404s | on squeezing a few more Cycles out of |
19405s | his out of his shield booster here how |
19407s | much can they get in exchange for him |
19409s | I don't know if they can actually get a |
19411s | whole lot more they got first caracal |
19413s | maybe second Care Old Navy they've lost |
19415s | their bursts they're gonna lose their |
19416s | bands on their tech one lodgy frags in |
19418s | this particular thing and we saw the |
19419s | Golem had all the repping power in the |
19422s | world at his side but this is |
19423s | overwhelming damage coming in uh even |
19425s | from these hm elbows these aren't even |
19427s | hams uh and you can see the attack bar |
19430s | of testers actually were these hands did |
19432s | I actually just look at this wrong no I |
19434s | think I think they are heavy missiles |
19435s | and that's why |
19437s | um you know the damage is just not as |
19439s | good I think I'm pretty sure they're |
19440s | heavy missile models no it's so so it's |
19443s | hands on the Cyclone the Drake navies |
19446s | looked like they had hmls is this mixed |
19448s | weapons I'm actually yeah those are hmls |
19453s | regardless of that we're in a situation |
19455s | where neither team has lodgy and it's |
19456s | just going to be a pure DPS race and I |
19458s | have to say with the just pure HP of the |
19461s | three battleships on Odin's side I |
19462s | really favor them here there's no |
19464s | command ship with any staying power they |
19465s | are absolutely melting through them the |
19467s | second Navy caracal goes down now |
19469s | they're looking at the Navy Drake of vld |
19470s | they've still got the vigil for bonus |
19472s | paints to help those Cruise applications |
19473s | they've got the fleet video for webs as |
19474s | well Odin's I mean this is going to be a |
19477s | very very close match here the Raven of |
19479s | the Paradigm is going to go down here |
19480s | how how is this DPS race going to turn |
19482s | out in the end I really have no idea to |
19484s | be honest with you and it's cruises |
19486s | versus mixed heads hmos I mean once |
19488s | again I could just be reading that model |
19489s | wrong but you saw it too they're gonna |
19492s | go on to the strike Navy issue and the |
19493s | Raven I mean he's tanking for quite a |
19495s | bit it doesn't even look like he has a |
19496s | shield booster actually he does have |
19498s | Shield booster but just not an ancillary |
19499s | Shield booster he will go down into uh |
19502s | low armor trading for the Drake Navy |
19504s | issue now they have to deal with the |
19506s | raven and a scorpion Navy with a drake |
19508s | Navy a Drake and a cyclone |
19510s | they do but they've still got these |
19512s | frigates here and it's up to tuskers to |
19514s | say I mean for Odin's here I think the |
19515s | target calling is pretty easy you just |
19517s | say we clear as much DPS as quickly as |
19518s | possible now we're looking at the Navy |
19519s | ospread they can hit anything with these |
19520s | Cruisers but tuskers have the difficult |
19522s | decision to make here they say do we |
19524s | commit you know 15 20 seconds killing |
19526s | off the fleet vigil killing off the tech |
19527s | one vigil in fact the tech one vigil of |
19529s | Hodor is actually miles away across the |
19530s | arena they can't really look at him |
19531s | except with the heavy missiles that |
19533s | requires splitting DPS but the vigil |
19534s | Fleet of ethyl is going to go down here |
19536s | but I mean they're taking chunks on |
19538s | Christina and the Osprey Navy this is |
19539s | still going to go to the wire |
19542s | indeed it is toast brought and Raven I |
19544s | mean he's got some cap transfers to help |
19545s | him uh stay alive but with that Golem |
19547s | down they have significant amount of |
19549s | their tank off the field they're gonna |
19550s | try to go for the Salisbury Navy as you |
19552s | mentioned Christina now 65 kilometers |
19554s | away from the arena center he is trying |
19556s | to move away from these missile boats at |
19559s | the moment he's not tackled down but |
19560s | still cruise missiles they hit |
19562s | everywhere in the arena and he is about |
19564s | to dive into armor yeah and of course |
19566s | the vigil's still got him painted as |
19567s | well and with this Tinker setup that |
19569s | Odin's have brought here the more DPS |
19572s | they kill sort of the exponentially |
19574s | longer it takes to deal to break through |
19577s | this raven he's receiving cap transfers |
19578s | as you saw his Angel Shield is going to |
19580s | keep going they are going to take |
19580s | another Salisbury Navy |
19582s | um and eventually they'll get to a point |
19583s | where it's going to take more time than |
19585s | the match has left to deal with this |
19587s | Raven and this sort of attritional comp |
19590s | here from Odin's where I've taken clear |
19592s | DPS they can actually sustain through |
19593s | through a reasonable amount of DPS |
19596s | whereas the tuskers at this point is |
19598s | just pure ehp they have no attritional |
19600s | power they either make enough progress |
19602s | in time or they don't whereas the the |
19604s | Odin's call comp sort of stalls things |
19606s | out by they prove their chances they |
19608s | store things out by killing off |
19610s | um more and more DPS to the point where |
19611s | they'll be able to tank and now the Navy |
19612s | Drake the second one of mirror achieve |
19614s | is going to go down here I think this is |
19615s | looking Odin's cool favored but that |
19617s | first Raven of toe Sprite is slowly |
19618s | breaking can they kill Mira in time |
19621s | I don't think they can toast product |
19623s | he's inner armor mirror down to about 60 |
19626s | Shield remaining sorry 35 Shield |
19628s | romantic 60 gone not a 24 but look toast |
19631s | brought he's already in the structure |
19633s | right now and he doesn't have a whole |
19634s | lot of structure on this raven they're |
19635s | gonna take out the strike Navy perhaps |
19637s | but then it's a Drake and a cyclone |
19639s | versus a scorpion Navy issue scorpion |
19641s | naked very tanky ship we'll see he |
19644s | doesn't have cap transfers to help him |
19645s | stay alive though yeah that's the |
19647s | problem when you're stuck in this |
19648s | situation where you've only got one |
19649s | Battleship these setups are obviously |
19651s | built around having the cap transfers |
19652s | between two battleships to try and keep |
19654s | the ancill running when it's just him on |
19655s | his own he's got his nine charges and |
19657s | then that's it so it's still going to be |
19659s | him he's probably gonna kill a strike |
19661s | Navy but then he's going to be against |
19662s | the Drake and the cyclone and of course |
19664s | the flycatcher I I still don't really |
19666s | know if he's going to be able to deal |
19667s | with both of those they are going to be |
19668s | buffer fit as you say there is a lot of |
19669s | the HP on the Scorpion Navy I'm I'm |
19671s | still questioning who's going to come |
19672s | out on top here I don't really know |
19674s | yokon about to get into half uh Shield |
19677s | but he is taking down the strike Navy |
19678s | issue then he's got a Drake and a |
19680s | cyclone probably goes for the Cyclone |
19681s | first I would have to imagine as he is |
19683s | doing more damage right now with those |
19684s | heavy assault missiles I still can't |
19686s | believe they mix the weapon systems on |
19688s | this comp that Drake Navy of Mira though |
19690s | he is finally into structure 21 |
19692s | structure remaining he goes down the |
19694s | Scorpion Navy might actually be able to |
19695s | hold now but he has to take out the |
19697s | cyclone and then the Drake in that order |
19699s | if he goes for the Drake first it's a |
19701s | huge mistake |
19703s | yeah we'll see what she chooses I think |
19704s | the target painter is on the Drake so |
19706s | they are actually going to go for the |
19707s | Drake first maybe they feel the Drake |
19708s | has their CHP compared to the Cyclone |
19710s | with his xlrsb charges but yokan's going |
19713s | into 40 Shield her three and a half |
19715s | minutes left on the match this is going |
19717s | to be very very tight still I mean they |
19718s | are yeah they are shooting toaster in |
19719s | the Drake I'm not sure whether damage |
19720s | has stopped was he reloading for a |
19722s | second now he started firing those |
19723s | cruises again this is crazy |
19727s | Drake's an absolute brick he is taking |
19729s | damage from the Scorpion Navy with no |
19731s | reps with no anselor Shield booster I |
19733s | think this actually might have been the |
19734s | wrong call can contrary to what I said |
19735s | even though Drake has a brick for aehp |
19737s | cyclone has the active reps and should |
19739s | be able to deal with this crew setup |
19741s | from the Scorpion Navy issue the visual |
19743s | taking a bit of damage at the moment as |
19744s | well but keeps those paints on that |
19746s | Drake yokan now into armor toaster in |
19750s | the Drake only at 60 Shields I think |
19753s | they might actually do it and take out |
19754s | the Scorpion Navy issue yeah it's just |
19757s | it just seems to be just enough damage |
19758s | here and I'm really mourning my points |
19760s | here 12 000 points down the drain thank |
19762s | you very much Kyle I I would have |
19764s | gambled on Odin's anyway to be honest I |
19765s | believed and then we screamed with them |
19766s | a lot but obviously very very |
19767s | comfortable |
19770s | he's ripping again oh my goodness and |
19774s | he's still killing this Drake 50 Shield |
19776s | are my points coming back to me |
19778s | two and a half minutes left in the match |
19780s | toasted her in the Drake down to 50 |
19782s | Shields remaining and yokon he's able to |
19785s | Ansel rep all the way back up to half |
19786s | Shields he's got nine reps in the Ansel |
19789s | charges Heating and believing he got an |
19791s | Ansel reload off through the armor I |
19794s | can't believe what I'm seeing right now |
19796s | yeah and this is really good play from |
19797s | yokan as well Min maxing this xlisb |
19800s | charges every time he Cycles he's |
19802s | keeping his health at about 33 he's |
19804s | maximizing that passive regen and when |
19806s | he kills the Drake it's just gonna be |
19807s | the cyclone and the Fly Catcher left |
19808s | will they be able to bake through the |
19809s | passive region of this scorpion Navy |
19811s | issue oh my goodness |
19813s | a minute 50 seconds remain in the match |
19815s | toasted her in the Drake now diving into |
19818s | armor this is going to be extremely |
19820s | close because yokan he's out of |
19821s | ancillary charges now he's just working |
19823s | on just the cap from his ship onto the |
19827s | Raptor he's into structure he goes down |
19830s | now he has to go for the Cyclone his |
19832s | caller now 83 points to 76 minute 30 |
19835s | remaining they have barely any Shield |
19837s | health left on yokan but it's just a |
19840s | cyclone left for uh tuskers can he |
19843s | reload the xlasb does he even need to |
19845s | here it's just the cyclone and the |
19847s | flycatcher I think actually doubts the |
19849s | wire Odin's are going to take this by |
19850s | the points margin here yokan is still |
19853s | just about cycling I don't think there's |
19855s | enough damage here on the other side to |
19856s | kill him what a fantastic match but |
19858s | Odin's I'm I'm sure of it at this point |
19860s | actually conversely to what I said |
19861s | earlier Odin's are actually going to |
19863s | take this and wow what a match what a |
19865s | comp what a fight Drupal cruises |
19868s | quadruple cruises you were saying hey |
19871s | this might be a thing and I'm like ah |
19873s | nah No One's Gonna spring quad |
19874s | Battleship that's so many points on |
19876s | battleships and you don't get anything |
19877s | else not only did they bring a Golem |
19880s | which is the most expensive not the most |
19882s | expensive Battleship but the most |
19883s | expensive uh for non-le-shack Battleship |
19887s | non-balgor not special battleship in the |
19889s | game but also |
19892s | you're winning with just a scorpion Navy |
19895s | left alive after all that is said and |
19899s | done I cannot believe it Odin's call are |
19901s | gonna go to the upper bracket finals and |
19904s | face the winner of we form Volta and uh |
19907s | lock range enjoyers it is and this is |
19909s | absolutely fantastic and I look forward |
19910s | I mean I said earlier day three is |
19912s | always full of absolute bangers and this |
19913s | match was no exception and I just want |
19915s | to give another shout out again to yokan |
19917s | here for optimizing those Shield reps |
19918s | just to put his shield at the right |
19920s | point for the maximum region I think |
19921s | maximum Shield regen is like three times |
19923s | as high as it is uh you know like 70 80 |
19926s | it's a really important fact when you've |
19927s | got so much Shield HP and they are going |
19929s | to do it here as time Runs Out |
19930s | congratulations to Odin's locking in a |
19933s | top three finish in Alliance tournament |
19935s | 18. we're gonna send it back to the |
19936s | studio for some more analysis on that |
19937s | one but wow what a match |
19954s | [Music] |
19957s | thank you |
19963s | [Music] |
19967s | thank you |
19976s | foreign |
19981s | [Music] |
19994s | [Music] |
20002s | foreign |
20004s | [Music] |
20021s | [Music] |
20022s | [Applause] |
20024s | [Music] |
20027s | [Applause] |
20035s | [Music] |
20036s | the curse is over gentan it's over and |
20040s | we've made it out the other end Alton's |
20042s | call despite the curse despite the odds |
20044s | have pulled it out with a big win over |
20047s | the tuskers call in the most exciting |
20050s | match that I've seen today like holy |
20052s | crap that uh just everything I read that |
20055s | match like I thought it was back and |
20056s | forth back and forward he got that ASB |
20058s | reload off just at the last minute you |
20060s | were literally dancing around like |
20062s | panicking that no one would ever talk to |
20064s | you ever again for interviews |
20068s | yeah I'd like to thank priest yokan for |
20071s | exercising me |
20075s | Blackboard pirate talk to me what |
20076s | happened in that match so many things |
20079s | um I think it was a well we heard it |
20080s | with the commentaries uh basically |
20083s | uh there was a combination of heavy |
20086s | missiles and heavy assault missiles |
20088s | there and then they just rammed the |
20090s | entire fleet directly into it because I |
20091s | think they recognized okay these four |
20093s | ships are probably a tinker we need to |
20094s | split them apart they actually kind of |
20097s | sucked at bumping them apart even though |
20098s | they had 10 people Ram which is why |
20100s | everything lived for so long and then I |
20103s | mean it just got whittled down like the |
20104s | cruise missiles apply pretty well to uh |
20107s | Shield battle Cruisers they play |
20108s | decently well to the shield chips and |
20110s | the big thing that kept happening was |
20112s | Odin's calls vigil Fleet issue was left |
20113s | alive for so long so they actually had |
20116s | that extra application of the target |
20117s | painters and the webs that let four |
20120s | cruise missile battleships which |
20122s | questionable I mean obviously it worked |
20125s | but questionable still let them apply |
20127s | ended up being a Navy scorpion basically |
20130s | I won't say 1v1ning because there was a |
20132s | vigil there and that definitely helped |
20133s | but pretty much solo pvping down that |
20136s | last four minutes yeah I'm also actually |
20138s | told by some of our observers in the |
20140s | system uh that the scorp Navy ran out of |
20143s | missiles during that fight and actually |
20144s | had to loot some from the wreck of his |
20146s | teammate so that's why we might have |
20148s | seen the damage drop off for a little |
20149s | bit as he was looking for more missiles |
20151s | that's how long that match went on like |
20154s | oh absolutely incredible match great |
20156s | performance Odin's calls securing |
20157s | themselves third place at worst now so |
20160s | they will go forward to face |
20162s | um the winner of our next match Volta |
20164s | versus lockrange enjoyers in the winners |
20166s | bracket final uh the winner of that of |
20168s | course going into the Grand Final and |
20170s | the loser dropping down to the lower |
20173s | bracket final so even if they lose twice |
20176s | and they're coming up then they get |
20177s | third place which is awesome that's a |
20180s | whole bunch of ships we spoke about this |
20181s | in our tier list and at the start of the |
20183s | show Odin's have been a team on the |
20185s | ascendancy for for quite some time uh |
20187s | they're going to be of course super |
20188s | happy with that and they should they |
20190s | that absolutely deserve it from that |
20191s | performance there the tusker is cool |
20193s | we'll we'll be back they are not |
20195s | eliminated they've just been dropped |
20196s | down into the lower bracket they still |
20198s | retain their Flagship crucially very |
20201s | crucially so they'll be able to use that |
20202s | in those lower bracket matches uh and |
20204s | make make a difference now I'm told we |
20207s | have an update to our graph and we can |
20209s | throw to that uh Jen it's happened the |
20212s | win rate after the Gin interview oh can |
20214s | I get this oh no I can't |
20216s | um as uh is no longer just a big fat |
20218s | goose egg it's happened people will talk |
20220s | to you next year you'll be very pleased |
20221s | with that yeah and I imagine now thanks |
20223s | to that you'll be happy for us to play |
20224s | the voter interview after this right |
20226s | absolutely not uh let's move on so let's |
20229s | look at the bands for this upcoming uh |
20231s | match |
20235s | okay so we from Volta batting out the |
20238s | abaddin the Magus and the pontifex Loch |
20241s | ranging jar is banning at the Osprey |
20242s | Navy the EOS and the Osprey uh |
20245s | Blackberry pirate what do you make of |
20246s | this |
20247s | it's kind of strange uh we haven't |
20249s | actually seen Locker engine joists |
20250s | really doing anything with the bad ends |
20252s | maguses or pontifexes so either Volta |
20256s | knows something about them that none of |
20258s | us including the people watching |
20259s | analyzizing and commenting do or they're |
20262s | trolling and Volta says we don't care we |
20264s | know we can Crush you no matter what you |
20266s | bring uh lock range enjoyers though |
20268s | bring pretty classic uh the EOS band |
20269s | very very standard at this point very |
20271s | strong ship helps with drones helps with |
20273s | armor and Osprey Navy and Osprey are |
20275s | both like classically targeted at Volta |
20278s | we've seen the Osprey Navy become this |
20280s | incredible sort of multi-tool ship that |
20282s | fits into so many different shield |
20283s | setups and I think that a very very |
20286s | smart choice on lock range enjoyers |
20288s | yeah I'd like to see if we can put up |
20290s | some of the pilots graphs of Volta and |
20292s | lot ranging jars uh if we if we may |
20297s | um I'm told that we are sorting that |
20298s | right now until then |
20300s | um let's do our little predictions |
20301s | actually now so Blackberry pirate what |
20304s | do you think uh we form Volta or Locker |
20306s | engine doors I think we form Volta |
20308s | definitely absolutely unequivocally |
20310s | cannot possibly lose this because they |
20312s | are just so so good can we mute his |
20314s | microphone please |
20316s | yeah I think I'm mostly going to go for |
20318s | lock range enjoyers here uh you know |
20319s | you've got a shout out to the homies |
20321s | mute too please |
20323s | um and clearly it's going to be uh |
20325s | lockrange enjoyers um we are we have to |
20327s | retain the Captain's Curse |
20329s | we do have long range Players let's |
20330s | throw them up on the screen and have a |
20331s | look at that |
20333s | so uh lock range enjoy is captained by |
20335s | Damascus a very experienced tournament |
20337s | pilot not only has he played 27 matches |
20340s | in the last tournament itself he |
20341s | captained a team in the Mario |
20342s | championship and a number of teams in |
20344s | things like the anger games and the |
20346s | alliance open so uh very experienced |
20348s | pilot um and really really cool dude uh |
20350s | Canadian very very pleasant I went |
20352s | climbing with him at Fan Fest nice guy a |
20354s | bunch of other experienced Pilots as |
20356s | well uh including Gorski car of course |
20358s | former CSM and Tin Baron do we have the |
20363s | uh Volta one of this we don't have the |
20365s | Vault one of this well we're pretty much |
20367s | almost ready to go to the arena |
20369s | um I am hoping obviously for the Volta |
20371s | Victory here |
20372s | um that's my that's my boys |
20374s | um |
20375s | whatever part is your mic unmuted |
20378s | yes |
20380s | yes it is what can we what do you think |
20383s | we can expect here like this is a very |
20385s | interesting matchup between these two |
20386s | teams Volta have been undefeated |
20388s | obviously to have lock range enjoyers |
20390s | we've seen both teams bring interesting |
20391s | things uh Walter bringing that Flagship |
20393s | Bargas a couple of times |
20395s | what do you what do you maybe expect |
20397s | here I think it's a it's going to be |
20398s | interesting because I think Locker |
20400s | Engineers has actually been playing sort |
20402s | of their own game a little bit we've |
20403s | been seeing this sort of like triple |
20405s | executive Navy sword of a fly killer |
20408s | range control maybe even octodad-ish |
20411s | setup and nobody else is really doing |
20413s | that so uh we'll see if voltage is like |
20415s | figured out how to counter it because |
20416s | block engine doors have been winning |
20418s | very very well with it |
20420s | and then you've also been doing a bunch |
20421s | of analysis of what people are bringing |
20423s | and things uh what are your thoughts I |
20425s | know we've seen so many new comps today |
20427s | that we haven't seen over the previous |
20429s | weekend so that it's hard to really |
20430s | understand what we should expect |
20433s | um but I'm given voters banned it seems |
20435s | like they are worried about sort of a |
20437s | control setup coming out from uh this |
20441s | Locker engine joyous team which is |
20442s | surprising because we haven't seen that |
20444s | brought yet |
20446s | um I don't know I really don't know and |
20448s | I'm excited to see what they do bring |
20449s | well I mean let's go to Arena and find |
20451s | out as we go for we from Volta versus |
20454s | lockrange endures |
20465s | welcome back to the arena looks like my |
20467s | co-caster uh might be having some audio |
20469s | issues right now so I'm solo casting for |
20471s | the time being my name is here Vina the |
20474s | Basilisk will be joining us eventually |
20476s | uh this is gonna be fun lock range |
20478s | enjoyers have decided to once again |
20480s | bring some variation of Octodad uh that |
20484s | is not Octodad but relies on Navy |
20485s | Cruisers instead uh those being uh exact |
20489s | navies and on the flip side Volta also |
20493s | bringing some variation of Octodad |
20495s | perhaps they've brought four battle |
20497s | Cruisers instead of the three uh but |
20500s | still having high projection Anis uh and |
20503s | an auger for Reps for them as the Reps |
20507s | for the side of lock range enjoyers are |
20509s | also inaugural so very squishy not |
20513s | really but still T1 reps uh not as much |
20516s | as in or near us we are about to get |
20517s | ready to go as a moderator I'm belief |
20521s | has stepped in perhaps or maybe Baza is |
20523s | back I'm not sure we are starting the |
20525s | match Baza if you're here please say |
20527s | something |
20529s | yeah unfortunately it seems like bath is |
20531s | having trouble oxidad is well in back |
20534s | but just Cruisers and battle Cruisers |
20536s | Edition augur of a ryload is taking a |
20539s | good amount of damage not a lot of |
20540s | tracking disruption really on grid and I |
20543s | mean these long-range uh mid uh size |
20547s | platforms are able to project quite far |
20550s | yeah and we do see some tracking |
20552s | disruptions go in the way of lock range |
20553s | enjoyers uh we form Volta bringing those |
20556s | in their mid slots while lock range |
20558s | enjoyers it looks like have been |
20559s | preferring the damps they are able to |
20560s | take Planet Six also known as reload off |
20562s | the table though so Volta without their |
20564s | lodgy off the start of the match |
20567s | yeah that's pretty disastrous for Volta |
20570s | you would expect them to get some damage |
20571s | or something in return but an auger down |
20574s | that is the worst possible outcome right |
20576s | now |
20577s | um volt is losing an executive Navy |
20578s | issue Tim Baron is being primaried in |
20581s | his auger but he's burning away uh the |
20584s | hyena of tick-tock has gotten on top of |
20585s | him and Tin will eventually drop |
20588s | um e-box in his exec Navy is |
20591s | doing a good job of getting on top of |
20592s | tin Baron enforcing The Kill |
20595s | and they keep on uh trying to take down |
20599s | that auger they finally do a box in the |
20602s | exact Navy trying to pull range at the |
20604s | moment uh is down to 14 armor but hasn't |
20607s | really taken a whole lot now just kind |
20609s | of getting plinked at and they are |
20611s | swapping over to Melinda in this |
20612s | harbringer but eibach's now into |
20614s | structure barely surviving they might |
20616s | get another good couple of shots and put |
20618s | striker in the opposite exact Navy is |
20621s | going down fast |
20623s | yeah I mean they're gonna trade again |
20624s | but I mean right now it seems like the |
20627s | DPS race is you know fairly even right |
20631s | now but look at the jams from the |
20632s | Blackbirds um onto we formed Volta |
20635s | um that's going to be really the key |
20637s | here is are those jams actually |
20638s | effective I mean maybe not because Mr |
20641s | Rambo uh in his exec Navy is down at the |
20644s | hall and drops uh meanwhile Melinda is |
20646s | the primary for Locker engine joyers and |
20648s | uh |
20650s | being held down but not quite |
20654s | yeah not quite being held down I mean we |
20657s | see there is a web onto Xiao Yi in the |
20660s | Navy harbringer and a web on to Annie in |
20663s | the native birdex as Harvey though he's |
20665s | only being scrammed so uh doesn't have a |
20668s | web on top of him but no prop mod as |
20670s | there is some damage now going on in |
20672s | this Blackbird of Jamal uh we saw |
20674s | blackbirds being used to some effect |
20675s | earlier in the tournament there's still |
20677s | more damage being put onto xiaoi so they |
20678s | will trade a Harbinger for harboring our |
20680s | Navy perhaps Volta still in the lead so |
20683s | far in this fight uh as soon as they |
20686s | take down shall we |
20689s | yeah I feel like Volta is actually |
20691s | starting to run away with this now even |
20692s | though they started on the back foot |
20693s | with rylo going down first I mean look |
20696s | at what Volta has left they've got two |
20698s | OG navies a hurricane Fleet issue and |
20700s | brutics and a harboring for damage |
20702s | meanwhile lock range has just two |
20704s | command ships not good |
20707s | no it's not good at all Absolution in a |
20710s | star day I mean we see these Navy battle |
20712s | Cruisers pulling their weight the |
20713s | spirit's Navy issue of antidote is |
20715s | tackled and they are now down to half |
20718s | armor remaining these blackbirds doing |
20720s | some work there's a whole lot of damage |
20722s | coming out from we form Volta at the |
20724s | moment although this Absolution now down |
20726s | in half armor just as I'm saying that |
20729s | you have the Absolution down into half |
20731s | armor they're trading out for the brutix |
20733s | Navy issue of antigr debt but just |
20734s | looking at the DPS bars right now reform |
20737s | Volta is solidly winning the trade right |
20739s | now |
20739s | um blue morpheme and mass Cadets are |
20741s | going to go down before any guard that |
20743s | does once it happens it's only going to |
20745s | be grunt versus world and Volta in a |
20748s | commanding position |
20751s | take down the Blackbird now taking down |
20753s | the Absolution there's one Blackbird |
20754s | left of Jamal Annie gardetto into |
20756s | structure 50 structure remaining but you |
20758s | got a hurricane Fleet issue a hard Navy |
20760s | and all girl Navy and another ini on top |
20763s | of that they're gonna go for granting |
20764s | the estar day now and that is pretty |
20766s | much all she wrote We form Volta going |
20768s | back up and getting top three once again |
20771s | they will be in the winners bracket |
20773s | finals tomorrow |
20776s | yeah that'll be an exhilarating match uh |
20778s | lock range enjoyers getting knocked down |
20780s | we haven't seen the last of them they |
20783s | will have to play uh truth on light in |
20785s | the lower bracket uh not an enviable |
20788s | position uh to be in uh meanwhile uh |
20791s | voltage is continuing to churn through |
20793s | the remaining armor of grunt Cato he's |
20795s | doing his best to Hero rep but I mean |
20797s | it's not going to be enough against two |
20799s | faction Cruisers and uh two faction |
20801s | battle Cruisers |
20803s | and yeah not not nearly enough damage I |
20807s | think uh pseudo Octodad is now what |
20810s | we're calling this one because it's not |
20812s | eight battle Cruisers but it's pretty |
20814s | dying close with these Navy Cruisers and |
20816s | we form Volta uh coming up with the |
20818s | better version of that setup against the |
20820s | team that has constantly been bringing |
20821s | it |
20822s | and just has been waiting for the right |
20824s | moment to use it they will trade control |
20826s | Fleek for this astarde but it's just a |
20828s | black bird it carries in the Confessor |
20829s | which do pitiful damage compared |
20832s | two we're from Volta |
20836s | yeah unfortunately I'm in pink lock |
20838s | range enjoy is choking slightly more |
20840s | than my co-host uh as major Jenkins uh |
20844s | goes down leave the control freak live |
20846s | just in a sliver of whole but uh no |
20850s | damage left the attack bar for lock |
20851s | range has gone to zero just like their |
20854s | lifespan in this upper bracket |
20856s | absolutely no attack and uh they will go |
20859s | down to the lower bracket they are going |
20861s | to face truth on her light not a matchup |
20864s | you really want to get uh necessarily |
20866s | truth honor light kind of uh absolutely |
20869s | demolishing templates we are going to |
20870s | send it back to the desk though to bring |
20872s | us into the final two matches of the day |
20874s | don't go anywhere we will be right back |
20892s | [Music] |
20895s | thank you |
20899s | I remember |
20917s | [Music] |
20921s | foreign |
20943s | [Music] |
20953s | thank you |
20956s | we form Volta there taking the victory |
20958s | over lock range enjoyers as we of course |
20961s | knew they would now Jin tan uh super |
20964s | interesting setups there from both teams |
20966s | at almost a mirror match a little bit of |
20968s | difference one side bringing a bunch |
20970s | more battle Crews the other side I'd |
20971s | like him to bring the command ships but |
20974s | also blackbirds we heard fear referred |
20976s | to it as the pseudo Octodad what is the |
20978s | oxidation why is that not the name of |
20980s | this comp |
20981s | um so the Octodad all traces its lineage |
20983s | back to Alliance tournament 15 where we |
20986s | didn't have any limits for the amount of |
20988s | classes of ship you could bring for |
20990s | those of you unaware you could only |
20991s | bring four of one type such as four |
20994s | Cruisers or four battle Cruisers |
20997s | um and currently |
20999s | uh |
21001s | um and this is effectively trying to do |
21002s | the same thing that that was doing which |
21004s | is just abusing medium guns medium |
21006s | turrets and later on medium missiles but |
21009s | that was a specific medical |
21012s | um what you're trying to what you're |
21013s | trying to do is just be able to project |
21015s | DPS all the way across the arena you |
21018s | know um medium guns have the best kind |
21020s | of |
21021s | uh |
21023s | cross between tracking and ability to |
21025s | apply to Long ranges you can hit up to |
21026s | 70 80 kilometers with some of these |
21028s | ships and they still do a tremendous |
21029s | amount of damage when they get up close |
21031s | and personal |
21032s | speaking of tracking Bart can you just |
21034s | take us through this I can we have a |
21036s | Mauler getting shot at by a hurricane |
21038s | and going fast but not fast enough so it |
21042s | gets blown up however when you get a |
21043s | smaller ship or a faster ship the guns |
21046s | can't uh turn as much according to the |
21048s | calculations to actually hit the target |
21050s | this can also be based off of things |
21052s | like signature radius uh so like when |
21055s | you're micro warp driving your ship is |
21057s | considered bigger by The Game and |
21058s | therefore is hit easier and also range |
21061s | the farther away you are you know the I |
21063s | guess slower your ship moves and |
21065s | relative speed to your target so like |
21067s | ginton said about the medium guns they |
21069s | have very very good tracking |
21071s | um from a massive distance of range so |
21074s | they pretty much can hit anything |
21075s | assuming the piloting is pretty well I |
21077s | think we saw some slept nears that were |
21078s | hitting things that they probably |
21079s | shouldn't have been able to do too good |
21081s | piloting earlier today |
21083s | and Jen do you think that uh lock range |
21085s | enjoyers could have done something |
21086s | different in that match to maybe pull |
21088s | out a victory over we from Volta |
21091s | um no it's always going to be very |
21092s | difficult for them just because of the |
21094s | construction of that composition |
21096s | um |
21097s | uh Volta was able to kind of spread out |
21099s | they were and still be able to actually |
21102s | project damage onto those black birds |
21103s | onto those control ships from their uh |
21106s | from the lock range enjoyer's side with |
21108s | relative ease I think the only thing |
21110s | they could have done is maybe use those |
21111s | command ships a bit more effectively I |
21113s | don't know if they had tackle modules |
21115s | fit um but if they did if they could |
21116s | have maybe held them together or pinned |
21119s | them in closer at the start of the fight |
21120s | pushed them towards a corner uh maybe |
21123s | that could have worked but it was always |
21124s | going to be quite an uphill battle it |
21126s | was kind of one of those things that was |
21127s | lost a little bit of pick and bans from |
21129s | my opinion and Bart with those |
21131s | blackbirds instead of more DPS ships |
21134s | um and do you agree with that choice do |
21137s | you think that they'd been better off |
21138s | just taking more straight up DPS ships |
21140s | in this case uh I I like their setup |
21143s | um I think that uh jyn is right in that |
21145s | so while you're jammed obviously you |
21147s | can't lock anything besides the |
21148s | Blackbird so you keep the Blackbirds far |
21150s | away and then if like Jen said he pushed |
21152s | the command ships in super close use |
21154s | that Medium gun close range of ammo |
21156s | um that might have been sort of the big |
21158s | difference here because I feel that uh |
21160s | it was kind of like a skirmish from like |
21162s | a bit of range and |
21164s | if you have jams you know that you have |
21165s | like the faster you get stuff down the |
21167s | more effective they are just because |
21168s | then there's less ships you you can |
21170s | start doubling up tripling up on the |
21171s | same ships there and I think that they |
21173s | just had to be a little more aggressive |
21174s | in that case |
21176s | um it looked like they were starting off |
21177s | really really well but then it just kind |
21178s | of Volta slowly cut up just because |
21181s | seven chips is a lot of damage and four |
21182s | is not as much yeah uh reload AKA Planet |
21186s | sex AKA new Eden's finest Logistics |
21188s | speed bump went down fairly quickly at |
21190s | the start uh and there was a small |
21192s | amount of worry from my my perspective |
21194s | but then that was uh quickly quashed by |
21196s | the uh the great performance of the |
21198s | Volta team there I'm very proud of you |
21200s | guys |
21201s | um let's have a look at the bands for |
21203s | our upcoming match which is going to be |
21204s | the telstra's court versus platinum |
21205s | sensitivity so uh tuskers choosing to |
21208s | ban at the Scimitar the Basilisk and the |
21210s | jackdaw whereas Platinum sensitivity |
21212s | Banning out the EOS the jackdot and the |
21214s | hyena because they both banned out the |
21215s | jackdaw we have some trickle bands and |
21217s | uh Tesco's Banning a deacon with |
21219s | Platinum sensitivity Banning out the |
21220s | Osprey jintan what do you make of these |
21222s | bands here |
21224s | um well obviously the taskers don't want |
21225s | to face a shield kite setup Banning out |
21227s | the Scimitar and the Basilisk uh those |
21230s | are very very key ships to that setup |
21232s | normally we just think of that as being |
21234s | a scimitar comp but we did see another |
21236s | team I can't remember which one off the |
21237s | top of my head use a basilisk kite set |
21240s | up fairly effectively earlier today |
21242s | um does make me wonder what they're |
21243s | bringing though that is so vulnerable to |
21245s | a kite setup perhaps some sort of double |
21248s | or triple Battleship control setup |
21250s | yeah it's very interesting that they're |
21252s | running at that Osprey as well it's not |
21253s | the Super not a super common band so |
21255s | we'll see how that goes for them uh |
21256s | we're looking at it the tuskers uh Team |
21259s | over the over the years so 55 Pilots |
21261s | have flown from them electronicus being |
21263s | one of their most senior uh along up |
21265s | there along with Suleiman sure uh the |
21268s | tuskers executor and CEO they've been a |
21271s | very successful uh Alliance over the |
21273s | years they first competed in fact as the |
21274s | tusker bastards uh back in the day |
21276s | before they went independent and uh that |
21278s | led to them winning a live stream at 14 |
21280s | uh in a solid Victory against pandemic |
21282s | Legion |
21284s | um they have not been as successful over |
21287s | the last couple years but you can see |
21288s | there they won a whole bunch of |
21289s | difficult matches against uh good teams |
21291s | and this year we're seeing them perform |
21293s | super super well Platinum sensitivity as |
21296s | as we've seen before a bit of a smaller |
21298s | team core 15 people have flown for them |
21300s | uh but again a whole bunch of veterans |
21302s | Mark Bridges there with 10 matches |
21304s | played in nightcap with 17. uh they've |
21307s | also been quite a successful team |
21308s | winning more than they've lost which is |
21309s | always good you get more practice says |
21311s | you get better and only dropping this |
21313s | time against nanofiber tokens and Volta |
21315s | which is a you know pretty respectful |
21317s | run thus far |
21320s | um Volta of course will join Odin's call |
21322s | in the witness bracket final at some |
21325s | point later tomorrow uh where they also |
21327s | guarantee themselves no worse than third |
21329s | place uh the Tasker is called Platinum |
21332s | sensitivity this is a elimination match |
21334s | so these teams are now fighting not to |
21336s | be eliminated from the tournament |
21338s | do you think we might start to see We're |
21340s | not gonna see a flagship from Platinum |
21341s | sensitivity because it's dead but do you |
21343s | might think do you think we might see |
21344s | one from the tuskers here I mean I hope |
21346s | so like you would always hope that you |
21348s | know they've that's their their you know |
21349s | their secret sauce their linchpin |
21351s | whatever you want to use and I would |
21353s | hope that they'd bring it out um it |
21355s | maybe won't happen depending on uh how |
21358s | much respect there is I think we did in |
21360s | fact see Volta has been not bringing it |
21362s | and not needing it because they think |
21364s | that you know a lot of times if you |
21365s | think that |
21366s | we don't need it to win maybe you're not |
21368s | going to just in case something weird |
21370s | happens like we saw a stork decide to |
21372s | boundary earlier that almost cost a |
21374s | match and what if you do that in your |
21375s | Flagship like a pandemic Legion pilot so |
21378s | you never know you got to be super |
21379s | careful at this um I don't |
21382s | I don't know if the flagship Choice here |
21384s | will matter as much because it seems |
21387s | that Platinum sensitivity |
21389s | kind of has been bringing the same thing |
21390s | over and over again and I think that |
21392s | that's a lot more like figuring out how |
21394s | to beat that is probably more important |
21396s | than being like Oh yes we'll save our |
21398s | Flagship though so we'll see what |
21399s | happens Jim what do you think about the |
21401s | choice of a bar guest and a Vindicator |
21404s | as flag hits from these two teams like |
21406s | they clearly have a different |
21406s | understanding of the meta and what they |
21408s | want to do with their flagships The |
21410s | Vindicator usually doesn't scale as much |
21412s | as ships like the bar guest so you have |
21414s | any thoughts on this |
21416s | um yeah I think it just generally |
21417s | depends on what you're trying to do with |
21419s | your Flagship you know the fin uh the |
21421s | flagship Vindicator especially when it's |
21422s | as expensive as The Vindicator that |
21425s | Platinum sensitivity lost does open up a |
21428s | lot of unique power especially if you |
21430s | expect it to come down to some kind of |
21432s | armor control mirrors uh the 90 the 90 |
21435s | plus percent webs that they can uh shoot |
21438s | out to like 22 24 kilometers with boosts |
21442s | and officer webs is just so so potent it |
21444s | allows you to get in there grab a |
21446s | logistics forget and just remove it from |
21448s | the grid with without you know Nary a |
21450s | problem whereas a T2 fit Vindicator |
21453s | wouldn't be able to achieve that whereas |
21455s | a bar guest itself is it's just a better |
21458s | version of a regular bar guest it |
21459s | doesn't offer that a different way of |
21462s | doing things that said we have seen this |
21464s | bug SB flow very very effectively by |
21466s | teams previously it gives you such a |
21468s | wide wide catch radius all you need to |
21471s | do is have one ship you know forget that |
21473s | the bar guest is a flagship and then |
21474s | it's caught and then it dies and that |
21476s | can turn an entire match yeah we |
21478s | speaking of that actually we saw vld |
21480s | from the tuskers flying his bar gas as |
21483s | Flagship bar gas to great effect against |
21485s | truth on a light earlier on in a super |
21488s | exciting match uh so if you guys had |
21490s | haven't seen that one make sure you go |
21492s | back and watch it when the vods become |
21493s | available but |
21495s | um have you had any like favorite |
21497s | matches today this has been such an |
21498s | insane day with Incredible matches I |
21501s | really liked uh we've had a couple ones |
21503s | that have come down like to that last |
21504s | wire I mean I love the Odin's call match |
21506s | that was awesome like |
21507s | literally you didn't know where it was |
21510s | going to go until maybe the last minute |
21511s | and not in a way where you're like well |
21513s | they could come back it's like no you |
21514s | actually did not know which way this is |
21516s | going to go uh the truth honor light |
21518s | match versus tuskers was awesome |
21520s | um just because I was talking about it |
21522s | earlier and the last time the tuskers |
21524s | fought them when they were under Hydra |
21526s | they actually did the same kind of like |
21528s | we're gonna met a super hard |
21530s | specifically against this team this time |
21532s | it worked last time it didn't so that |
21533s | was really cool liked both of those and |
21535s | uh |
21536s | yeah those are my two highlights so far |
21537s | I'm a big fan of the reverse tie-dye |
21540s | match as well uh it's been so many years |
21542s | I was talking with CP Swift and we we |
21544s | couldn't figure out exactly when it last |
21546s | was and I think gentan you suggested it |
21548s | was probably when we had uh the bomber |
21550s | Tinker year uh it was probably when it |
21552s | last was there let's have our quick |
21554s | predictions uh before we head over to |
21555s | the arena Blackboard pirate who do we |
21557s | think between Telstra school and |
21558s | platinum Sensitivity I think I'm gonna |
21560s | go with two screws this time |
21561s | engine 10. uh I've got I've got hope for |
21564s | my boy Mark Bridges you know Misty's not |
21567s | on the desk so I've got to sing his |
21568s | Praises for him well I mean after the |
21571s | way we saw vld fly that Flagship Burgers |
21573s | later on I'm gonna have to put my |
21574s | channel points behind the Tasker school |
21575s | but let's head over to the unit and find |
21577s | out let's go |
21583s | welcome back to the arena my name is |
21585s | Tirana I'm by moderator and are into our |
21589s | final two elimination matches of the day |
21592s | winner of this will be top four and go |
21596s | into the lower bracket semifinals |
21597s | starting off tomorrow's stream on the |
21600s | red side it is the tuskers once again |
21602s | Fielding their Flagship Burgess comp uh |
21605s | with a Nighthawk at Claymore and uh and |
21608s | auger which means uh they are playing |
21610s | can't touch this with the mids |
21614s | yeah and they might have gotten that |
21617s | right it's going to be difficult for |
21618s | platinum sensitivity with what they've |
21620s | brought to really get any sort of tackle |
21622s | on the auger |
21623s | um we see that the Deacon band may be |
21626s | actually fairly effective here as uh we |
21629s | now see that |
21630s | there are two thalias being forced to be |
21633s | brought by a platinum sensitivity so |
21635s | it's going to cost a bit more points and |
21638s | um volley is not quite as tanky as a |
21640s | deacon |
21641s | yep and as I have liked to call this |
21645s | competence hammer time from The tuskers |
21647s | Shield ships fit with armor and all the |
21650s | e-war mids Platinum sensitivity they got |
21653s | their work cut out for them but they do |
21654s | have a widow which has been very useful |
21656s | for them through their lower bracket run |
21658s | Mark Bridges and The Vindicator has been |
21660s | able to bait people uh in previous |
21662s | matches but tuskers are a different |
21664s | breed and they want to continue some at |
21667s | success that they've perhaps been |
21669s | locking the last couple years moving |
21671s | into this meanwhile Platinum sensitivity |
21673s | I just want to make it into the top four |
21676s | yeah this is going to be you know an |
21679s | incredibly Deep Run for platinum |
21680s | sensitivity and uh better than they've |
21684s | done in the past that they're you know |
21685s | relatively new up and coming uh Team |
21689s | Japanese uh Community |
21692s | um going deeper than they've ever really |
21694s | done before deeper than some of the |
21696s | other International communities like say |
21698s | the German or Russian teams |
21701s | and I think this is really the time for |
21703s | toskers like you were discussing |
21705s | to bring their uh bar guest it did well |
21708s | against Hydra I think it will do well |
21710s | against this armor comp of platinum |
21711s | sensitivity |
21713s | a dozen we'll get to see another flag |
21715s | bar guest kill and see how |
21717s | to uh this flag Bargas is from tuskers |
21720s | I'm expecting uh some very blingy |
21723s | modules some purple launchers uh among |
21725s | others so the match is now underway and |
21728s | both teams starting to cut a little bit |
21730s | but Platinum sensitivity is going to be |
21732s | the one that's burning in towards the |
21734s | tuskers as the bar guest five bar |
21736s | against the vld will say in the front of |
21738s | his team players front line as he is the |
21740s | slowest of his team ships |
21742s | yeah we're starting to see the e-ore get |
21745s | applied to The Vindicator and the |
21746s | abandoned tracking guidance to the Widow |
21748s | and to the Nighthawk into the bargift |
21750s | that makes a lot of sense given that we |
21752s | see the Moa and uh the stork The Shield |
21755s | you know ships being brought into an |
21757s | armor comp using mids for e-war here uh |
21760s | at the low Point cost the megas will be |
21762s | primary to try to get rid of any sort of |
21764s | links off the Jump |
21767s | but the links are staying alive for the |
21769s | time being this Magus got dual Thalia |
21772s | reps |
21773s | extra points on the Dual Thunder two |
21775s | extra points having to uh move into that |
21778s | uh armor MOA which will be fairly |
21780s | squishy with a number of low slots it |
21782s | has it is now being primaried and should |
21784s | be able to be taken off the field pretty |
21786s | quickly by this rapid heavy bar guest |
21789s | yeah Randall Sykes is taking some damage |
21792s | uh in his control from drones but the |
21794s | real story here is the Moa |
21796s | um is taking all of the missile damage |
21798s | and it's only got a four slot tank |
21801s | um in those low slots and |
21804s | I the Bargas still has enough rapid |
21806s | Heavies it might break through it |
21808s | between that and the Claymore Nighthawk |
21810s | yeah a little bizarre now down in to 20 |
21814s | armor remaining and he is getting broken |
21816s | through these revs but now a visual |
21818s | Fleet issue of Stew getting some drone |
21820s | damage on top of it as well I mean this |
21822s | kite set up from the tuskers they used |
21824s | it to some effect uh earlier well as you |
21827s | mentioned up against truth on her light |
21828s | knock them down in lower bracket uh |
21831s | Platinum sensitivity though they brought |
21832s | a brawl to a kite game and they still |
21834s | haven't lost any ships this mode is |
21836s | actually now repping up through I think |
21838s | the clip ran out for vld |
21842s | um just looking at vlv morome uh Vargas |
21845s | continuing to apply missiles but |
21847s | probably not for too much longer |
21849s | um some damage going on to the Thalia of |
21851s | FNG and and MOA should get fully wrapped |
21856s | up here in the meantime while the bar |
21858s | guest is on that 40 second clip |
21862s | no blood in the first two minutes of the |
21866s | match |
21867s | and uh Platinum sensitivity they just |
21869s | need one kill we'll see if they can get |
21871s | it this Mega savosot will be at least |
21873s | the primary for the Claymore and the |
21875s | Nighthawk and the other HML ships on the |
21877s | team while the bar guest is reloading |
21879s | how's that taking low but now a lot of |
21882s | these missiles not hitting their marks |
21887s | yeah I mean that's just going to be the |
21889s | effect of guidance disruption is it not |
21892s | only makes your missiles um less |
21894s | effective when they do hit it also |
21896s | shortens the flight time such that |
21898s | um it makes your Missile Range |
21901s | significantly shorter uh much like how |
21903s | tracking disruption makes your optimal |
21906s | worse but it can also make your tracking |
21909s | speed even more so you don't even hit it |
21911s | um |
21912s | right now we're just seeing that Mark |
21914s | Bridges team but the Vindicator is |
21916s | trying to go |
21917s | um a little bit above the tasker's cow |
21921s | now they are staying within range of |
21923s | their logic frigates and they are or no |
21925s | laundry focus of their auger and they're |
21927s | keeping them alive now the Magus is the |
21929s | primary from the testers they've hit the |
21931s | reload on the bar guest and they're |
21933s | gonna try to take this links off the |
21934s | field get the long or get the web links |
21936s | away from that Vindicator because that |
21938s | is so important uh The Vindicator did |
21941s | get actually drive by webbed earlier by |
21942s | the vigil Fleet of Stu Miner who stayed |
21945s | alive osato will be able to rep through |
21947s | this HML damage which don't really apply |
21949s | all that well to armor uh destroyers and |
21952s | now looks like this abaddin might be the |
21955s | target from uh the tuscars |
21958s | yeah that a badon |
21961s | um is going to be kind of leading the |
21963s | charge right now along with the |
21965s | Vindicator The Vindicator we do see long |
21967s | range webs that's going to be Randolph |
21968s | Sykes doing drive-bys in the crew or on |
21971s | the crew we don't really think of it you |
21973s | know in the same way as a high note but |
21974s | it is still |
21975s | um that bonus rain ship and then it's |
21978s | you know just pulling away |
21980s | um when it realizes it might be in |
21982s | Danger trying to buy time as the mo is |
21985s | still back into low armor |
21988s | we'll see if they'll be able to take out |
21989s | little bizarre you only need to kill one |
21991s | ship uh to win if no other ships die |
21995s | and we'll see if tuskers are able to do |
21997s | that they do so they finally kill |
21998s | someone with that rapid heavy clip of |
22000s | vld but still lots of action and by |
22004s | action I mean lots of poking and |
22005s | prodding but no deaths quite yet this |
22007s | Pawn effects uh got a good chunk of a |
22010s | shield taken out of him but not a whole |
22012s | lot left uh from Platinum sensitivity in |
22015s | terms of damage on top of them |
22017s | yep we can see these scrams flickering |
22020s | off and on of the Baton and Vindicator |
22022s | at times that's going to be the bonus |
22024s | scram from vld murome |
22026s | um one of the benefits of that Flagship |
22029s | is that you get those officer or high |
22031s | tier faction scrams and heated you have |
22033s | no trouble with links hitting close to |
22035s | 40 kilometers |
22037s | yep Skirmish links on that Claymore |
22040s | very very nice to have when you have a |
22043s | bar guest either way some more damage |
22045s | going on with us make us of osat some |
22047s | damage onto heinkel and the abaddin as |
22049s | well split DPS but I was sat now going |
22052s | into low armor and he's finally taken |
22053s | off the field so |
22055s | links off the field from Platinum |
22058s | sensitivity this is dire for them now |
22061s | yeah they still have ayaka aruta's um |
22064s | pontifex but you know who knows how they |
22066s | distributed the links between the two |
22068s | um when those links do eventually wear |
22071s | off in the next minute or so it's going |
22072s | to make the Pont effects and the belly |
22074s | is just that much easier to kill and |
22076s | speaking of easy to kill the sky breaker |
22077s | if NYX goes down |
22079s | one more kill in the tusker's cap they |
22082s | still haven't lost anyone as their e-war |
22084s | mids have just been so effective and |
22086s | their kiting has been so effective they |
22088s | haven't been caught at all on any of |
22090s | these ships this bar guest of vld doing |
22093s | the screen that he needs to do to make |
22095s | sure the rest of his team can stay away |
22097s | from the Platinum sensitivity |
22101s | this is almost comical from veal di |
22103s | morome he's just like holding out his |
22104s | arm with the scram against this |
22107s | Vindicator of Mark Bridges just holding |
22109s | him away being like haha you can't touch |
22112s | me it really is Hammer Time the pontifex |
22115s | is trying to close range get on top of |
22117s | something uh but it looks like he's now |
22120s | been webbed by the crew of either Stu |
22123s | minor or the |
22124s | leadership |
22127s | yep now the pawn effects very slow can't |
22130s | get away he's got info Links at the very |
22132s | least but uh info links are only so |
22135s | useful when you have a ship that needs |
22138s | web range it's got damaged drones now on |
22140s | top of them uh you see the Drone Cloud |
22142s | now swarming as uh nosuko and the |
22145s | crucifier is taking damage from I |
22146s | believe hmls at the moment no that was |
22148s | drone Cloud as well and both the pot |
22150s | effects and the uh what was that the |
22154s | crucifier got taken down very quickly |
22158s | and I almost hate to say this for |
22160s | platinum sensitivity it's just that |
22161s | they're uh their attack bar has been |
22163s | close to nil the entire match and now |
22166s | that um all these other support ships |
22168s | have dropped tuskers is able to |
22170s | concentrate all of their e-war uh mid |
22173s | slots and those Target painters that NOS |
22176s | onto all of platinum sensitivity and |
22178s | it's snowballing look how fast Le |
22180s | quartus in the Widow is dropping with no |
22183s | links the thalias just can't keep up |
22185s | yeah Kent larkis I mean he's in a widow |
22188s | not a super tanky ship if you uh fit it |
22190s | with armor yeah you got Shield resist |
22191s | bonuses but that's not really helpful |
22193s | he's now in to structure and should end |
22195s | up falling it's all but over and the |
22198s | tuskers co will move on to be a top four |
22200s | team playing tomorrow sorry a top uh six |
22205s | team top four top four team uh playing |
22208s | tomorrow |
22210s | yeah I mean you're surviving to the |
22213s | final day that's always kind of the goal |
22215s | tuskers |
22216s | um |
22217s | in recent memory they've had somewhat |
22220s | unfortunate bracket positions they've |
22222s | lost some of their team members uh to |
22225s | hydro reloaded or just to inactivity and |
22228s | now they're really coming back into the |
22230s | form that they were at in Alliance |
22233s | tournament 14 when they beat pandemic |
22236s | lesion to you'd win that for the first |
22238s | time ever and really showing that they |
22240s | do truly belong with the elites of the |
22242s | elite |
22243s | and they will face the winner of lock |
22245s | range enjoyers versus truth honor light |
22247s | lock range enjoyers the winner of last |
22248s | year or of this year's anger games truth |
22251s | honor light the winner of last year's a |
22253s | t that's going to be an exciting match |
22255s | hopefully we're gonna have Baza back on |
22257s | in time for that he is fixing some tough |
22259s | and hold difficulties that are |
22261s | preventing him from joining we have a |
22262s | minute left in this match moderator |
22263s | anything else you'd like to say |
22267s | yeah |
22268s | um I like Mark Bridges he's a good guy |
22270s | I'm glad to see that they |
22272s | um made as deep a run as they did I |
22274s | won't take anything away from a top six |
22276s | performance that's better than I think |
22278s | um |
22279s | anyone when we were doing these |
22282s | prediction shows thought they would do |
22283s | uh right now both teams good fighting |
22285s | and local as only the abaddin and |
22288s | Vindicator remain on grid for platinum |
22291s | yep yeah two battleships but uh I mean |
22295s | they've just been kept at arm's length |
22296s | unless you were makes them and if they |
22298s | are not at Arts length uh pretty much |
22302s | useless 20 seconds left in the match now |
22304s | and GFS have already been called in |
22306s | local I mean it's a nice run for |
22308s | platinum sensitivity uh constantly |
22310s | getting better and better as tournament |
22311s | season progresses we saw them in ag as |
22314s | cutting a niche on actually make a |
22315s | pretty deep run there as well so I'm |
22318s | excited to see what else comes from the |
22320s | steam what else comes from the Japanese |
22321s | Community as uh they are a very small |
22324s | number of players for Eve online |
22327s | yeah and coming in top six again they |
22330s | will get eight of each the Gary and the |
22332s | Bestia the prize ship from the minmatar |
22335s | Republic who's sponsoring this event |
22337s | um but that's all for myself and fears |
22340s | we send it back to the desk |
22357s | [Music] |
22361s | [Applause] |
22365s | guys stop being casual they're really |
22367s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
22370s | warp off take the fleet warp everybody |
22372s | warp off this is a really really bad |
22374s | execution I'm very disappointed |
22379s | another great hall back from Amar damn |
22382s | I'm thirsty |
22388s | that hits the spot |
22401s | uh yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
22404s | collectively uh so that's why that |
22406s | Alliance logo is in the game of course |
22408s | you could change your alliance by |
22409s | leaving but that would be kind of a jerk |
22411s | move that kind of oh you don't like it |
22413s | now sucks I'm gonna go join |
22430s | the tuskers coat with the solid victory |
22432s | over uh Platinum sensitivity in a very |
22435s | hard fault match in order to pull out |
22437s | Victory out I do think that if uh |
22439s | Platinum sensitivity had that Flagship |
22441s | Vindicator it would have been maybe |
22442s | something that made the difference we |
22444s | saw we went almost five minutes with |
22445s | only only one ship going down just a |
22448s | match all about positioning and control |
22450s | and just waiting till the right moment |
22451s | to strike as a unit rather than you know |
22453s | sort of just running in or running out |
22455s | of the Arena very very uh top end |
22458s | piloting from from all those players uh |
22460s | black part pirate we noticed that the |
22462s | crew and the visual Fleet issue seem to |
22464s | be driving in |
22465s | hitting with a web and then getting out |
22466s | of there what's going on uh yeah so they |
22468s | were they were going into slow the ships |
22470s | down um specifically they would fly in |
22473s | and put a web on it and then the target |
22474s | painters would swap from tuscars onto |
22477s | the Target that was recently webbed and |
22478s | then they try and blow it up and uh it's |
22480s | pretty dangerous move to do especially |
22482s | when you're in a setup like tuskers was |
22484s | which is a very slow burn setup and by |
22488s | doing so you slow your target down |
22490s | enough that your missiles start applying |
22491s | a lot harder um I think genton made a |
22494s | comment you slow down Eve way faster |
22496s | than you speed up most of the time so |
22497s | just coming in and webbing for a couple |
22499s | seconds and then flying away with those |
22500s | uh longer range bonus webs which like we |
22503s | see on occur which I think that's the |
22505s | first time we've seen one it can be |
22506s | really effective and sort of to uh to go |
22509s | off that I think you're right if they |
22511s | had had the flagship Vindicator there's |
22513s | a few times where I saw the vigil Fleet |
22514s | issue get within about 20 to 15 of The |
22517s | Vindicator |
22518s | would have been able to grab it with |
22520s | those 90 webs because they didn't it was |
22522s | safe to just be an amazing pilot and not |
22524s | have to worry about any of the uh maybe |
22526s | slightly more toxic mechanics of you |
22527s | online |
22528s | Jen why don't we see more occurs it's |
22531s | very unusual ship in the last tournament |
22533s | um yeah we've only ever really seen them |
22535s | used heavily when they've been |
22536s | discounted in points uh they are |
22538s | relatively effective they have a lot of |
22541s | uh things that we normally do quite |
22542s | value quite heavily in the alliance |
22544s | tournament obviously they have a web |
22545s | range bonus they have a neutralizer |
22547s | bonus the problem is really just where |
22549s | they sit at in terms of points they are |
22551s | four points so that's the same cost as |
22553s | an assault frigate which can do much the |
22556s | same sort of role of tackling something |
22558s | or holding something down but we're in a |
22561s | more durable shell and with |
22564s | um and in a way that's easier to |
22566s | actually use you know it doesn't take as |
22568s | much skill to fly a Jaguar hit approach |
22570s | F1 scram web and then slam on that ADC a |
22574s | second you get shot flying a crew or |
22576s | normally requires a lot of skill and it |
22577s | requires a very careful setup around it |
22580s | you know you need your Logistics to |
22582s | really be on the ball to have you know |
22584s | three four small reps so that you can |
22585s | keep your tiny little buffer topped up |
22588s | whilst you're going in and using those |
22590s | Maneuvers uh it's something that we'll |
22593s | probably see used a little more as we |
22595s | get to this end game especially if this |
22596s | tuskers comp kind of catches on uh you |
22598s | know we do have a day before the final |
22600s | uh weekend uh sorry the final day of |
22602s | matches and I'm sure these teams will be |
22605s | screaming throughout the night trying to |
22606s | figure out how their opponent's comps |
22608s | work and uh trying to find ways to |
22610s | defeat them yeah speaking of that |
22613s | um we uh started today with 18 teams uh |
22616s | competing to win Alliance tournament 18. |
22619s | right now we are down to five just five |
22621s | teams remaining |
22623s | um tomorrow we will see our top four go |
22625s | up against each other to see who can be |
22627s | the grand Champions and those top four |
22630s | will be Volta Odin's call the tuscress |
22633s | court and the winner of our upcoming |
22634s | match lock Ring enjoyers versus truth |
22636s | honor light so this again is an |
22638s | elimination match we are in the |
22639s | elimination bracket the winner of this |
22640s | will go forward to live one more day |
22644s | um and try and compete to get into that |
22645s | Grand Final lock range enjoy is here |
22647s | Banning out the Osprey Navy issue the |
22649s | EOS and the Osprey whereas truth on a |
22651s | light Banning out the Nighthawk the |
22653s | executor Navy issue and the scalpel |
22655s | black power what do you make of this |
22657s | I think that uh the especially on the |
22659s | true thunder light side we've seen |
22660s | Locker engine doors win a lot with this |
22663s | executive setup that they've been doing |
22665s | uh now they can't do it and I think that |
22666s | executive navies are actually a ship |
22668s | that there isn't really |
22670s | an equivalency for which you'll see a |
22672s | lot in these is that you know like if |
22674s | you ban the Osprey Navy out people can |
22676s | bring like a caracal Navy if you ban uh |
22679s | if you ban a no set you could bring a |
22680s | guardian I don't personally think that |
22682s | there is an equivalent of the executive |
22684s | Navy so truth honor light is saying hey |
22686s | we don't want to deal with that three |
22688s | times executor Navy ship which is kind |
22690s | of pretty cool and interesting and |
22692s | jintan what do you make of the scalpel |
22693s | ban yeah that's a that's a really |
22695s | curious one I don't know uh if I'm gonna |
22698s | be perfectly honest we haven't seen a |
22700s | huge predilection of them in this |
22702s | tournament and when we have it's mostly |
22703s | been in Rush setups uh that said maybe |
22706s | they were just trying to make that a |
22707s | little weaker uh especially with luck |
22710s | range enjoyers Banning that out that's |
22711s | pretty much taking that off the table |
22713s | unless they want to run some sort of |
22715s | weird Scimitar based Rush which normally |
22717s | isn't going to work because you don't |
22718s | have the points then to dedicate into |
22720s | that top end DPS |
22722s | awesome and uh what what are you |
22724s | expecting in this match bar like to see |
22726s | these teams feel do you have you've |
22727s | experienced a bunch of matches with uh |
22728s | with both of them now |
22730s | um you know give me your give me your |
22731s | thoughts uh so normally if the executive |
22734s | Navy wasn't banned I would kind of |
22735s | expect Locker Engineers to sort of fall |
22737s | back and be like okay we've won with |
22739s | this several times and we lost last time |
22741s | we didn't use it let's go back to the |
22742s | tried and true um but it is banned so uh |
22745s | I do believe that these two are uh |
22748s | relatively interconnected in regards to |
22750s | being practice Partners |
22753s | um spoiler alert probably gonna get |
22754s | pinged like what the hell uh so when |
22758s | that happens you have absolutely no idea |
22761s | um we've talked about Band Theory and |
22763s | that a lot and honestly being practice |
22765s | Partners does not help you it makes it |
22767s | way way worse to go up against each |
22768s | other so |
22770s | I'm gonna say I have no idea we're going |
22772s | to find out what they do when they put |
22773s | it on grid and it's probably going to be |
22774s | weird |
22775s | yeah practice Partners going up against |
22776s | each other you have that situation where |
22778s | you know that team super well you know |
22780s | what they like to do you know what |
22780s | they're strong at and you've worked with |
22782s | them to develop that meta so you know do |
22785s | you just bring something you think that |
22787s | you personally as a team are like |
22788s | incredibly executing or do you try and |
22790s | encounter them gentan like what's the |
22792s | captain's thought process usually in |
22793s | these well actually Bay art Jay the |
22795s | producer of this stream was telling me a |
22797s | really interesting story about something |
22799s | he ran into when he was uh a part of |
22802s | when he was playing in the alliance |
22803s | tournament where they practiced a match |
22805s | up between their practice Partners you |
22807s | know 10 12 times they kind of knew the |
22809s | ins and outs of how everything worked |
22811s | kind of what they needed to do and |
22813s | they'd found that it was something that |
22814s | was very advantage to their opponent's |
22815s | favor and then when they saw the bands |
22817s | come in on the day they thought okay |
22819s | well we think we know what they're going |
22820s | to bring let's just put take away all |
22823s | the tackle modules on our tackle replace |
22824s | them with damps and we'll crush them and |
22827s | then they did that and their practice |
22828s | Partners were very salty about it so it |
22831s | will be interesting to see if any team |
22832s | sort of attempts something like that and |
22834s | uh what the outcome of that might be |
22836s | diplomatically which I think is always |
22838s | fun there's always drama Behind These |
22839s | matches that unfortunately we don't get |
22841s | to see very much on the desk yeah before |
22843s | we go to our last match of the day |
22845s | trying to take a moment to shout out the |
22847s | people down at the eve London watch |
22848s | party right now uh they are in the |
22851s | Oyster shed in London and they're |
22853s | watching us on on the big TV hello |
22855s | um I hope you guys having a great time |
22857s | it is uh 20 to 10 I'm sure you've been |
22859s | having a great time for many hours now |
22861s | um and then yeah I hope you continue to |
22862s | have a great time in this last match so |
22864s | we're going to go to the arena now for a |
22866s | lock range enjoyers versus truth honor |
22868s | light |
22873s | welcome back to the arena my name is |
22876s | firvana joined by the Basilisk and on |
22878s | the red side it is lock range enjoyers |
22880s | and what have they brought it is a flag |
22883s | Vindicator and a widow for the ultimate |
22886s | in Ardmore control and uh I have to ask |
22889s | ibaza what have |
22891s | two thunder light brought so truth AKA |
22894s | Justice League spearheaded by Dexter AKA |
22897s | it's the open man in that Flagship bogus |
22900s | they've brought a slightly strange wonky |
22902s | armor comp but I mean I say wonky I'm |
22904s | sure it's exceptionally gonna pull me |
22905s | exceptionally well here two rapid heavy |
22907s | battle two rapid heavy missile |
22909s | battleships here the Armageddon Navy and |
22911s | the bogus I remember they flew a comp |
22913s | early with ball guest |
22915s | um authoris and something else which I |
22916s | thought was pretty low in damage but |
22917s | they actually managed to make the picks |
22918s | they needed and make those critical sort |
22919s | of kills and get a win on points there |
22921s | so I think they're going to be similarly |
22922s | slow here it's going to be about finding |
22924s | the targets they can actually kill and |
22925s | we've got |
22926s | Oodles of control in the low end |
22928s | gentleman's agreement was made in local |
22930s | not to shoot any Flagship wrecks uh |
22933s | we'll see if that holds true |
22935s | the teams are underway one team wants to |
22938s | brawl the other team wants the kite and |
22940s | in the middle we have the a t or I |
22945s | should say it's it's it's actually just |
22946s | a bunch of opooks Dragoon Yachts that |
22949s | are cloaked up and uh observing what's |
22952s | going on and some Polaris frigates |
22955s | we've got a Confessor on one side of |
22958s | Amelia dusk space and uh sort of |
22960s | conversely on the other side the stipple |
22961s | of damasis Kadesh obviously two very |
22963s | well-known Pilots two very big names in |
22964s | The Alliance tournament scene and |
22966s | they're the sort of leading the charges |
22967s | or say leading the charging the team's |
22969s | really charging in here but they're the |
22970s | the front line at the moment for their |
22971s | team but they're just sort of no real |
22973s | damage going across this sort of control |
22974s | War at the moment |
22975s | yeah no real damage there are a bunch of |
22978s | uh jams going out |
22980s | and some tracking and missile disruption |
22982s | but otherwise not real damage no one's |
22985s | really done anything this is just a |
22988s | poking and product match this is just |
22989s | like the armor control matchups we've |
22991s | seen previously what is going on here |
22994s | yeah and I saw something in the in the |
22996s | even line disco the other day discussing |
22998s | some of the matches about how one of the |
23000s | I believe it was one of the Hydra |
23001s | members sorry truth on the light Justice |
23002s | League whatever saying oh you know these |
23004s | armor control comps they just sit around |
23005s | for seven minutes before the battle |
23006s | starts we'll go on then get on with it |
23009s | get on with it yes exactly uh we do see |
23012s | this Armageddon Navy issue of Nick |
23013s | burning in a little bit maybe trying to |
23015s | force an over extension uh Confessor of |
23018s | Amelia also doing the same burning |
23020s | towards uh looks like this spiffle at |
23022s | the moment or maybe the Sentinel from |
23024s | the side of lock range enjoyers remember |
23027s | one of these teams is going to get |
23028s | eliminated and they are the last two |
23030s | tournament winners uh for the game so |
23034s | really excited to see who actually comes |
23036s | out on top but now the Magus gets |
23038s | volleyed by truth on her light and |
23040s | that's the power of those two rapid |
23042s | heavy heavy missiles I can't say that |
23043s | anymore those two rapid heavy missile |
23045s | battleships here they can pick a Target |
23046s | and when there's a window where they're |
23047s | both unjammed of course the fat Cy shows |
23049s | us Jam attempts not successful jams and |
23051s | they were able to just absolutely frag |
23052s | that Magus right off the bat now we're |
23053s | looking at damages condition the |
23054s | stripper as well he's going into mid |
23056s | armor |
23057s | yeah the push forward and the pull back |
23059s | working out well for truth honor light |
23061s | and they only need one kill if they're |
23063s | in the kite setup the Damascus to dash |
23065s | though uh is now in uh defensive mode |
23068s | and has the extra armor resists and the |
23070s | uh Shield or not Shield resists uh the |
23073s | uh |
23075s | um |
23078s | I was trying to look for Sig radius |
23081s | there sorry about that it has been a |
23082s | long day The Sentinel ajao Yi also |
23085s | taking a bit of damage at the moment but |
23086s | uh not a whole lot left and just like |
23089s | that the teams are staring each other |
23090s | down once again |
23092s | yeah but as you said truth on a light |
23094s | scoring first blood in this match and I |
23096s | think you know we've seen Lockridge |
23097s | enjoys bring this comp a couple times |
23099s | earlier in the day with the window Widow |
23100s | and The Vindicator but I think every |
23102s | time they've brought it they've been in |
23104s | a position where the enemy has pushed |
23105s | into them and this is now a situation |
23107s | where they're behind on points they need |
23108s | to make something happen they've got |
23109s | this Vindicator they want to use it and |
23111s | obviously Truth All Out are not going to |
23113s | come into them so a lot range of noise |
23114s | need to be the ones pushing forward here |
23115s | and it's a totally different Dynamic for |
23117s | a comp whether you're sort of pulling |
23119s | back kiting away from opponent who's |
23121s | pushing into you or whether you need to |
23122s | be the ones going aggressive and at the |
23123s | moment the pressure is on lock range |
23124s | enjoys to be going aggressive |
23126s | and they need to find something that |
23129s | scary is playing forward at the moment |
23130s | uh doesn't really have a jackdaw on the |
23132s | enemy team but uh to uh deal with at the |
23136s | moment but he does have to deal with uh |
23138s | dual blackbirds we mentioned this Widow |
23140s | but also these dual blackbirds from the |
23142s | side of Truth honor light are going to |
23144s | be putting out bonus jams as well |
23146s | although not uh strength bonused uh just |
23149s | in terms of range shall ye in the |
23151s | Sentinel not taking a bit more damage |
23153s | but it looks like just drone blob on top |
23156s | of them yeah it is just a drone blob and |
23157s | as long as tin Baron obviously a very |
23159s | competent pilot in his own right is |
23160s | going to be able to just deal with that |
23162s | no problem at all but it's still just |
23163s | poking and prodding we see the Confessor |
23164s | of Striker Erica push forward here but |
23166s | immediately I believe gets scrammed by |
23167s | the flagship bar guest of Dexter and |
23169s | that's a very dangerous place for him to |
23170s | be there's no getting out of that |
23171s | situation he's going to get absolutely |
23172s | obliterated here by these missiles |
23174s | coming out from the battleships that is |
23176s | a very long scram range and Striker uh |
23179s | now still scrammed up now the Armageddon |
23182s | Navy issue also got some tackle on top |
23183s | of him I'm taking a look at the fancy UI |
23185s | right now he was scrammed actually by |
23187s | that Confessor but now he's broken free |
23189s | the spiffle of Damascus Kadesh now |
23191s | wanting to get himself with this |
23193s | argument getting Navy of Nick domard but |
23195s | we see the screen perhaps coming in this |
23197s | carries uh might have a scrim on him |
23199s | although I doubt it uh look at this |
23201s | Vindicator |
23203s | in the center of the screen here they |
23204s | were just on the left of the screen a |
23206s | second ago but now Vindicator from bogus |
23207s | these two battleships just sat right on |
23208s | top of each other I'm not sure who |
23210s | really wants to be in this position |
23211s | obviously if you're in a Vindicator you |
23212s | think great I'm right on top of the |
23213s | Bargas but Dexter has a history of |
23215s | surviving at very very low HP in these |
23216s | Flagship bogus and I think he got here |
23218s | of his own accord so maybe he knows |
23220s | something that grunt Kayla doesn't |
23222s | he's got the damage of the Dual rapid |
23224s | heavy competent at the moment The |
23225s | Vindicator staying in a place we saw the |
23228s | one Armageddon Navy maybe get tackled |
23230s | earlier on but now he's broken free so |
23232s | Nick domard doing just fine Xiao you in |
23234s | the Sentinel though is now the primary |
23236s | and has actual missile damage on top of |
23238s | him at the moment but the Reps keep on |
23240s | coming through from tin Baron and the |
23242s | guardian yeah and I have to question |
23244s | just how powerful that Sentinel is he |
23245s | must be very very powerful with only |
23247s | really two damage ships on the other |
23249s | side the boggiest and the Navy gedden if |
23251s | he has any guidance disrupted at all he |
23253s | can just totally obliterate their |
23254s | application here and now we see Dexter |
23256s | starting to go into armor here it's |
23257s | going to be up to Lucas Quan to keep him |
23258s | up but he may get damped he may get |
23260s | jammed obviously there's a lot of |
23261s | control on both sides it's hard for us |
23262s | to tell we've only got the fancy UI |
23264s | icons they tell us a lot but they don't |
23265s | tell us what's successful they don't |
23266s | tell us whether the universe is actually |
23267s | locking |
23268s | um you know it's it's this is going to |
23270s | be tricky here there's a lot of stuff |
23272s | taking damage here the sensors taking |
23273s | chunks the carries is taking damage |
23274s | Dexter still slowly going down here the |
23275s | lodgy's working their asses off here to |
23277s | keep everyone alive |
23278s | logite MVP for both these teams right |
23281s | now Dexter now in to 55 armor he has in |
23285s | our nearest on top of him but he still |
23286s | has to deal with the flag of Indy they |
23288s | do take down the Sentinel finally so |
23289s | that frees up uh the missiles from the |
23292s | Arvin getting Navy significantly as they |
23294s | move on to this carries of Zale he has |
23297s | been tanking quite a bit now he's got |
23299s | the full rep power of the Guardian |
23300s | behind him but he is slowly slowly |
23303s | breathing structure right now A Dexter's |
23305s | burning away here from this Vindicator |
23306s | so I think he must obviously with those |
23308s | newts that he's going to have on that |
23309s | Flagship August I think he managed to |
23311s | cap out of India and tally and stop his |
23313s | way but the web goes back on the ball |
23314s | gets just slowing down again but he's |
23315s | already caught reps up to philama here |
23317s | and in the meanwhile lock range enjoys |
23318s | are slowly bleeding ships they lost the |
23320s | Sentinel as you said the carries is |
23322s | starting to take her grow here as well |
23323s | and I wonder if this control from truth |
23324s | or like might be too much to bear at |
23325s | this point yeah these jams doing work |
23328s | from this Widow blue morphism uh trying |
23331s | to get the chance he can get but |
23333s | unfortunately he's up against two |
23334s | blackbirds and warp out and or run to or |
23336s | uh or on test OVA ovassi have been able |
23340s | to counter Jam this Widow and do the |
23344s | work that they need to do to keep the |
23345s | rest of these ships off of Truth honor |
23347s | light they are now up 16-0 they have |
23349s | three minutes left in the match and |
23350s | they're on to Damascus Kadesh in the |
23352s | Sipple now |
23353s | yeah and as you say those two ACM ships |
23355s | jamming each other but the the point |
23356s | investment of the Widow and the |
23358s | Blackbird let's say they're both |
23358s | successful against each other they can |
23360s | still lock each other but they can't |
23361s | lock anything else but the points |
23362s | investment 14 points for these two |
23364s | blackbirds from truth on a light 25 |
23366s | points for lock range enjoyers on that |
23368s | Widow so the rest of their comp is just |
23370s | going to be that much weaker those extra |
23371s | 10 points not going elsewhere and you |
23374s | know the Widow may be neutered here |
23375s | although we do see the ecmi can come off |
23376s | him but maybe now he's just being damped |
23378s | instead by the carries they feel they |
23379s | can keep it under control with that and |
23380s | the swipple was that the circle that pop |
23382s | know it was the Blackbird of jail does |
23384s | go down |
23385s | yeah both teams brought Blackbird once |
23387s | brought two the other brought one and |
23389s | unfortunately for lock range enjoyers |
23391s | this should be all she wrote for the |
23393s | match that blackbird's dead they're |
23394s | gonna move on to this Pawn effects now |
23396s | of Nora they've got plenty of damage on |
23397s | top of them maybe then Tim Baron in the |
23399s | guardian who is rapping quite |
23402s | effectively onto this Pawn effects uh |
23405s | the guardian versus the ineros it's an |
23407s | uh age old question which do you bring |
23409s | to the a t and it looks like the ineros |
23411s | is letting out this particular time as |
23414s | the DPS moves on to Tim Baron yeah so |
23417s | this was quite slow burn at the start |
23418s | but they did eventually kick it off but |
23419s | with just two minutes left you know I |
23421s | want to sort of talk about some of the |
23422s | some of the plays we saw in this match I |
23423s | want to call out Dexter specifically |
23425s | obviously being entrusted with piloting |
23428s | a multi-multi-billion flagship I can |
23430s | assure you that barges on truth on a |
23432s | light is not going to be a cheap ship |
23433s | being entrusted with that you need to |
23435s | know what you're doing and the fact that |
23437s | he burned into that Vindicator and said |
23438s | I'm not worried about his damage I know |
23440s | I can mute him out before he kills me |
23442s | and then was able to pull range again |
23444s | and actually catch reps it it |
23446s | demonstrates such an intricate and |
23448s | in-depth knowledge of the situation is |
23451s | it's got to be second nature even like a |
23453s | language to him and he speaks it so |
23454s | fluently and both these teams have been |
23457s | extremely potent over the course of |
23458s | today and the and last week |
23461s | um it's a shame that one of them has to |
23463s | go out but it is unfortunately going to |
23464s | be lock range enjoys I believe they will |
23466s | secure a top six finish with this loss |
23468s | and Truth on a light will lock in a top |
23470s | four position obviously aiming to |
23472s | continue all the way to the final |
23473s | tomorrow |
23474s | now they will be facing the tuskers Co |
23476s | in the first match of the day it is the |
23479s | only bo1 tomorrow the only best of one |
23481s | will be truth honor life versus the |
23483s | testers Co and then we will have two |
23485s | best of Threes in the upper bracket |
23487s | finals and the lower bracket finals |
23488s | followed by a b05 for the grand finals |
23493s | baz and I will be casting that |
23495s | particular match and I'm excited for it |
23497s | tomorrow anything else you want to say |
23499s | for these last 30 seconds of the match |
23500s | before we hand it back to the desk I'm |
23503s | just gonna give another shout out to |
23504s | Nick tomorrow I call him out every time |
23505s | casting the tournament this guy |
23506s | basically taught me the game uh I was in |
23508s | his in his Corporation back in like 2012 |
23510s | 2013. I got demoted to our training win |
23513s | which was kind of funny and then brought |
23514s | back up again and yeah this guy |
23516s | basically taught me everything I know so |
23517s | Props to Nick tomorrow I know he shows |
23518s | up to basically every match that Hydro |
23520s | truth on the light whatever you want to |
23521s | call them play and yeah a great |
23523s | performance from both teams is going to |
23524s | be in full-range enjoys and yeah with |
23525s | that we'll send it back to the studio |
23544s | [Music] |
23548s | thank you |
23555s | Sonos up |
23559s | foreign |
23601s | foreign |
23610s | there we have it just over a week ago we |
23613s | started with 32 teams here in Alliance |
23615s | tournament 18 and now we have our final |
23617s | four teams remaining uh Odin's call and |
23620s | we from Volta in the upper bracket still |
23623s | remaining they have guaranteed |
23624s | themselves at least third place and in |
23627s | the lower bracket we have tuskers and |
23628s | Truth honor light so incredible teams |
23631s | today has been some of the best matches |
23632s | in uh in a day I can remember just so |
23635s | many highlights so many like swinging it |
23637s | back and forward so many close calls we |
23639s | had a reverse tie-dye match for the |
23641s | first time in years we had we had Odin's |
23643s | bringing it back and getting rid of the |
23645s | Gin interview curse uh we had uh tuskers |
23648s | beating truth on a light down to the |
23649s | lower bracket and then going to face |
23650s | them again tomorrow it just it's such an |
23653s | exciting series of matches today |
23655s | um make sure you stick around for the |
23656s | raid we are going to go off and get |
23658s | ready for tomorrow and we will be back |
23660s | for the final four teams see who can be |
23663s | Alliance sermon 18 Champion see you then |
23668s | foreign |
23670s | [Music] |