over 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s hello ladies and gentlemen to the
5s winner's side of the bracket i am
7s moderator joined by brett thomas thomas
9s we have psychotic tendencies in an
12s armored drone set up versus rope cappell
14s in a shield one um these armageddons we
16s see are rapid heavy fit with utility
20s newts um a couple of arbitrators which i
22s don't think will be doing too much
23s tracking disruption in this match
25s deacons and spitefuls for tackle walk me
27s through rope here btt
30s rogue cappella have gone this
32s traditional kind of
33s um comp we've seen with the triple eos
36s but interestingly
38s they are going to be shield eos's with
40s shield gears and scalpels so these eos's
44s are going to have a lot of damage and
46s really quite slow drones which is going
48s to be okay because they are against
51s gideon's we see the match starting now
53s and rogue cappell are so yes rogue
56s cappell are kiting away and dropping
58s heavy drones whereas psychotic
60s tendencies has dropped centuries and is
63s firing into that gila
65s so the gila of um murray being primaried
69s um deciding to already pull range guy
71s skybreaker and garmer just kind of
73s jockeying for position meanwhile um that
75s swipel um taking a good amount of damage
77s that's going to be uh valkyries from
79s those gilas and vespas um
82s that swipel's got to
84s manage to try to string um some drones
87s out um unfortunately uh defanging helis
89s just does not work um those uh drones
92s are individually the hp of a i know a t3
95s destroyer this wipe is just getting
97s chewed through um if i'm psychotic
99s tendencies i feel
100s pretty bad about um having arbitrators
103s that is um a lot of points largely
106s wasted in this uh core um we see just a
109s cloud of wardens for tissue being uh
110s deployed but uh they're not really doing
113s anything with them
114s yeah they are scraping a garment very
117s lightly whereas the
120s valkyries that from sank road cappell
122s and all of those other drones are
124s pounding into deacons and breaking it
126s down they are like skimming a bit off
128s the shields they have broken this
129s garment now into armor and structure but
132s you've lost two sepals for a singular
134s gamma i don't think that's worth it yeah
137s no it's really not so that garmer uh
138s basically got nuded out by the bonus to
140s long-range heavy newts that the
142s armageddons do have and right now these
145s deacons are just getting chewed through
147s uh by these gila drones unfortunately
150s one prophecy um for lynx does not mean
153s that you have a lot of utility in those
155s links and the links aren't quite as good
157s as what you would get on either a
158s command destroyer or say a full command
161s ship and the deacon just drops um from
163s here on out row capel is just going to
165s chew through the next deacon and you
167s know chew through the core um
170s um
171s are i don't even think they're in rapid
173s heavy uh missile range and centuries
175s just are not going to apply damage at
177s that range um they're going to have to
179s swap to some other drone type um or
181s close to range and get newts on the rope
184s capel team
185s but they can't close range in eos it's
188s going 18 1900 meters per second these
191s shield nano eos are just so much faster
194s than the gettings i think the gideons
196s are maxing out at less than 1k
198s yeah i mean those were going to be
200s armageddons um and i don't think uh that
203s prophecy has much in the way of um
206s speed links i would think it's maybe
207s running um some armor
209s and that's largely it we see that tissue
212s is basically balling up on the center of
214s the arena um trying to maybe make a
216s micro jump drive play because frankly
218s that's the only way that they're going
220s to be able to close range and get on top
222s of anything um we just see like this
224s angry ball of berserkers and medium
226s drones just picking apart this
228s armageddon of hands boulder stat and uh
231s tissue now spooling up geddens but um
234s blood of gods is way out of position as
236s he's doing it and uh hans isn't in
239s position to do it neither is opus
241s contellatio i feel like blood is just
242s gonna feed um going way
245s into
246s basically the shadow realm nowhere near
249s any of the the root cappel uh
252s roster right now both of the getting
254s spooling up and
256s not really doing much um either
259s on yeah pops before his spool even goes
261s off
262s rogue cappell did a really good thing of
264s hovering at 70 so even though the
267s prophecy has jumped perfectly in line
269s and one of those ships managed to jump
271s forward he was still 30 kilometers 34
274s kilometers past the rest of the road
276s could help it wrote capel team and they
278s just carried on going and the prophecy
280s is now stuck away from the rest of his
282s team and the enemy team at the same time
285s yeah i mean given the bans that we see
287s from psychotic tendencies i can't help
289s that you know we see them banning out a
291s bunch of missile ships in the bargest
293s and the nighthawk they banned you know
295s slept here in abaddon it feels like they
297s didn't want to deal with any like super
298s brawly um you know armor comp or the
302s kind of the slept rush they didn't want
304s to deal with um you know long-range
306s missiles so they bring arbitrators to
308s try to force teams um to close against
310s them which is where armageddons are good
312s you need things out you hit them with
314s heaviest you're golden however road
316s doesn't care about that they can just
318s kite away happily send drones on to
321s people and that's what they've been
322s doing for the last five minutes um
324s tissue's wing condition about four
326s minutes ago was to get spikeless on top
328s of things kill scalpels and then work
330s through the core but i mean spitefuls
333s just don't survive against helidrones
335s they don't survive against eostrones
337s when all you have for
339s links is just a prophecy
341s yeah do you think a better situation
344s here for the armageddons instead of
345s bringing these rapid heavies which have
348s yet to fire by the looks of it to bring
350s crews just to maximize the amount of uh
353s range they have
355s um i mean crews armageddons um
359s not great um they're largely not bonus
362s and kind of the idea with the
364s armageddons is that you want to be
366s closer range that's why you have
368s um you know newts you want to do range
370s control rapid have a sort of work in
372s that area cruises um
374s haven't been particularly good this
376s tournament they just don't do enough
378s damage um speaking of things that are
379s doing a lot of damage opus conjulatio
382s former flagship uh captain for rope not
385s sorry for psychotic tendencies he's
386s about to be a former armageddon pilot as
388s wrote picks him off um wrote looking
391s like they're about to sweep this pretty
392s cleanly
394s yeah only losing a gamma that got muted
397s out here they are losing so much i
399s believe we've just seen an arbitrator
402s go down as well for boundary violation
404s he hit 186 and has not broken the record
407s yet it seems to be like psychonic
409s tendencies know this much is over and
411s are trying to
413s do whatever they can at this situation
415s yeah so we're getting confirmation that
416s was 186 i mean um
418s psychotic tendencies have been talking
420s um a lot of trash um this game right now
423s but it's looking like a funeral they've
425s absolutely been silenced by rook cappell
427s who is putting them you know six feet
429s under we can get the uh you know the
431s coffin dance right now is uh it looks
434s like psychotic tendencies is going to be
436s uh forced down into that lower bracket
438s uh to play uh against templus kalsif not
441s a position i would want to be in if i'm
443s tissue
445s yeah we actually did see one of the
447s armageddons nell and mjd so they can't
450s actually hit them when they have the
452s time he's landed 30 kilometers away from
455s aguila is neuting firing heavy missiles
457s and applying his drones but the killers
459s are now just running away as fast as
460s possible he's only going to be able to
462s fire fire for a couple of seconds and
464s then not going to be able to do much
465s else
466s yeah so the thing about the armageddons
468s is that they have um
470s damage bonuses um to their drones but
473s they're very very slow and we can see
475s that these prey tours are
477s not at all keeping pace with the gila he
479s lives doing 2.5 k um speed the drones
482s are you know being recalled because he's
484s out of control range uh we're seeing uh
486s good fights in local both teams being uh
489s pretty cordial about this um
491s you know a fair amount of actually bad
493s blood between tissue and uh real cappell
496s on the um
497s you know main server uh blood of gods
500s just being chased down uh by you know
502s just this cloud of angry drones just
505s being like the uh you know the goon bees
507s that are um
509s currently um
511s you know doing what they're doing best
514s and um it looks like blood of gods is
516s going to get um sent back to jitter 4-4
522s with the rest of his team to you know
523s resupply and you know reset against
526s tissue here um ro just uh
531s basically counter-comp them perfectly
534s knew what their win conditions were
535s picked apart the support of psychotic
537s tendencies and won this match very
540s cleanly um with 102 win we'll send it
544s back to the studio to break that one
546s down for us