almost 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Good day,

With the Stargate Trailblazers event starting today, we are putting an event-specific gameplay policy in place that all players participating are expected to follow. For discussion about the event itself, please check the main event thread. Thanks!


Players may not take actions that are intended to deny other players the ability to complete the empire mining expeditions sites unless those actions involve direct pvp combat.

Regular PVP where you attempt to engage and destroy other player’s ships is allowed whether that be in lowsec or nullsec, or through wardecs or suicide ganking in highsec. This policy is intended to prevent players using the special aspects of the empire mining expedition sites (including but not limited to the site population cap, limited timer, and friendly NPCs) to prevent other players from being able to complete the sites.

For example: entering a site to kill another player, bubbling the outside of the site in nullsec to catch players entering, camping any location where there is a reasonable expectation of PVP is all examples of allowed activities. Entering the sites and then flying far away from the entry point to prevent other players from being able to enter, systematically starting all the timers in a system without engaging with the content, and shooting the friendly orcas to prevent players from turning in the ore are all examples of disallowed activities.