almost 3 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | [Music] |
12s | |
14s | [Music] |
17s | tweet |
19s | [Music] |
27s | [Music] |
52s | tv |
55s | [Music] |
68s | [Music] |
72s | foreign |
75s | [Music] |
101s | so |
114s | [Music] |
139s | [Music] |
171s | wow |
174s | [Music] |
203s | we can do this man yeah all right |
205s | awesome go |
209s | hello fun fast |
211s | [Applause] |
217s | a little bit of a |
218s | setback there |
223s | apparently we're in a new place |
224s | yeah nobody get the memo yeah but uh how |
227s | are you guys doing are you okay |
234s | welcome |
235s | it's been a while since we've seen each |
237s | other |
238s | i think it's the first time we're seeing |
239s | people in 3d |
241s | amazing so many beautiful faces |
244s | i love it |
245s | but |
246s | welcome in iceland in the land of fire |
249s | and ice |
250s | and i hope you're having a fantastic |
252s | time on our little island in the middle |
254s | of the arctic ocean |
256s | and honestly it's just so cool seeing if |
259s | online players taking over the reykjavik |
261s | for an entire week it's glorious |
264s | but we're here in jita 44 station one of |
268s | the largest trading hubs in new eden a |
271s | bustling metropolis with |
274s | endless possibilities this is where |
277s | capsuleers come to seek for |
279s | opportunities trade goods and get |
282s | wealthy |
283s | and if you're lucky you can actually |
285s | have your risk doubled as well |
288s | i know a guy |
292s | i have to say that the station looks |
294s | absolutely gorgeous after the most |
296s | recent renovations |
298s | but this isn't the only thing that have |
300s | changed because |
301s | you guys have been especially busy in |
304s | the last four years |
307s | yeah you've uh you've built tons of |
309s | things you've destroyed even more things |
311s | you've gone to war |
314s | and yeah you've literally created eve |
316s | online's history |
319s | uh yeah this is this is uh some footage |
321s | from some of the biggest battles you |
322s | guys had |
323s | uh world war b obviously i see a lot of |
325s | people from the audience there's some |
326s | goons some pan fam some in it yeah |
329s | that's right |
330s | that's right nice |
333s | yeah well i mean we still we're still |
335s | not quite sure who won right so |
342s | what do you mean you're not sure who won |
344s | yeah you know you're not sure who won |
346s | the war |
348s | i'll tell you right now who won the war |
350s | i did |
353s | no |
354s | the imperium won the war you guys know |
357s | it yeah don't forget |
360s | now get out of here yeah yeah thank you |
362s | if you say so |
364s | thank you frank thanks greg for the |
366s | update |
367s | love the shorts |
370s | is isn't it the first time we see fonte |
372s | and frank in |
373s | yeah i mean |
374s | yeah yeah |
376s | i was always wondering what's below |
377s | there |
382s | uh but yeah we have a few more stories |
383s | to share about what you guys got up to |
384s | during the keynote but this would not be |
387s | complete if we didn't talk about the |
388s | return of alliance tournament 17 |
391s | uh |
392s | congrats to hydra reloaded for finally |
395s | throwing the monkey off their back and |
397s | finishing first after so many second |
399s | place finishes uh but we're just happy |
401s | the alliance warning is back uh and we |
403s | owe it all to you guys in the community |
405s | for keeping the competitive spirit alive |
407s | with things like the event alliance open |
410s | and the anger games in fact anger games |
412s | five is actually going on right now uh |
414s | this weekend so you can go and watch and |
416s | root for your favorite teams |
418s | and uh yeah just been incredible to have |
420s | the competitive spirit back yeah and you |
423s | guys also unlocked undocked quite a |
426s | bunch of times often together with us |
428s | venturing to different places |
431s | over the cluster |
433s | writing more chapters in the if online |
435s | story |
437s | you set new records of kills in a single |
439s | lowsec system you established totality |
442s | day |
443s | as a celebration of the culmination |
445s | point of the triglavian invasion in new |
448s | eden |
449s | however your stories not always end up |
452s | with a bloodbath sometimes |
455s | uh there are just pilots that need help |
458s | or people |
459s | who are finding themselves in crisis |
461s | situations |
463s | that just need a bit of support |
465s | and |
466s | time and time again you guys proved to |
469s | be the best the most generous |
472s | gaming online community out there and |
475s | since the inception of the plex for good |
477s | program the amount of contribution is |
480s | absolutely staggering and ccp helmet |
482s | will talk to you about it a little more |
485s | just in a few seconds |
487s | further |
489s | we found a way together to help |
491s | scientists in the middle of the pandemic |
494s | to better understand the immune |
497s | system's response to covet 19 producing |
500s | data that would not have otherwise |
502s | existed |
504s | you also paid tribute to those |
507s | capsuleers who are no longer with us |
509s | preserving |
511s | uh their |
512s | memory in the hearts and minds of your |
515s | corpmates |
516s | friends and family |
519s | uh and you also created incredible |
521s | accomplishments the furious fwst |
524s | involved thousands of players uh frank |
527s | was there i actually jammed brisk almost |
530s | the entire time so you can thank me |
531s | later |
533s | uh but yeah there is just uh an |
535s | incredible amount of uh record-breaking |
538s | going on in eve and it's it's amazing to |
540s | see that after almost 20 years you guys |
542s | can still break the record books |
545s | uh yeah |
548s | there are some other records you guys |
550s | broke too |
551s | uh i am also going to take credit for |
553s | this one because i jammed brisk so much |
555s | you decide to take some ships that can't |
557s | be jammed uh you guys went to m2 and |
560s | just said hey let's have a massive titan |
562s | brawl |
562s | and that's exactly what guys did and |
564s | destroyed a heck of a lot of them |
567s | it is the most costly battle in eve |
569s | online's glorious history so uh credit |
572s | to you guys i'm sure actually i know |
574s | several of you here have lost titans in |
576s | that fight |
577s | so uh |
578s | it's fine yeah there's |
581s | there's landfall beer here you can you |
582s | can drown your sorrows |
584s | uh but yes not every record uh has to be |
588s | pvp related uh in fact sigma signal |
590s | cartel showed us this a few times uh ksa |
594s | set the record for the first capsuleer |
596s | to completely circumnavigate eve online |
603s | but you know the the apple doesn't far |
606s | fall far fro fall from the tree uh |
609s | enrique arnolds as you can see here also |
612s | from signal cartel took a note from his |
614s | now ceo katya and circumnavigated uh all |
618s | of new eden every single system in just |
621s | 224 |
624s | days |
625s | also he did this without dying |
627s | which is absolutely nuts i can barely go |
629s | anywhere without dying so congrats to |
632s | enrique |
633s | for your guinness record uh world record |
636s | and if anyone thinks that they can top |
638s | that |
639s | you've got the 224 days to prove it |
648s | we've also welcomed a whole lot of new |
649s | pilot steve online in the last couple |
651s | years uh thanks to our korean |
653s | localization korean is now a supported |
655s | language uh so that is uh awesome |
658s | hopefully there are some korean |
659s | capsuleers here |
660s | uh and then we've also blossomed into |
663s | japan again with our official relaunch |
665s | into japan |
667s | i know if you're a fan of the alliance |
668s | hornet platinum sensitivity |
670s | credits this to their success so |
673s | already making a mark on new eden |
677s | uh and if that's not enough it's not |
678s | just languages it's other platforms as |
680s | well |
681s | our collaboration with apple brought the |
683s | native mac client to eve online uh |
685s | supporting the m2 architecture which is |
687s | very cool or the m1 architecture sorry |
690s | i'm thinking about m2 again i've got |
692s | titans on the mines |
694s | but absolutely fantastic work there |
697s | you'll hear a little bit more about that |
699s | a little bit later on |
701s | we all also expanded to the epic game |
703s | store so new people can find eve |
706s | uh more people to shoot always a better |
708s | thing |
708s | and of course eve anywhere which allows |
711s | you to uh |
712s | play eve on any browser and again you'll |
715s | be hearing a little bit more about that |
717s | a bit later on but i'm sure some of you |
719s | here will probably use that so you can |
721s | manage your skill cues while you're gone |
725s | uh and then who knows where we're |
728s | expanding to next actually i know but |
729s | you guys don't |
731s | well you will soon and it's awesome and |
733s | exciting |
735s | yeah and obviously together with you the |
737s | game has also been constantly evolving |
740s | in the last few years we saw an |
742s | abundance of |
744s | updates balance changes live events |
747s | technical improvements and a plethora of |
750s | new tools for you to play with |
753s | and it's always fascinating to see how |
756s | astute capsuleers |
758s | try to constantly adapt to the |
760s | ever-evolving world of if online |
763s | often achieving feasts that fits fists |
766s | maybe as well but fits that go way |
769s | beyond our wildest imaginations |
772s | and sometimes you just make testicles |
774s | with the fleet formation feature and |
776s | that's okay yeah |
780s | our relationship with the community is |
781s | actually something that we're really |
783s | really proud of uh hearing your feedback |
786s | uh kind of uh listening to you when |
788s | there's updates uh what you guys want to |
790s | see uh whether it's on the forums on |
793s | reddit on podcasts |
795s | um pretty much anywhere we we listen and |
798s | we're always happy to have this like |
800s | what i think is an incredibly special |
802s | relationship with you guys uh it's |
804s | unique to gaming i can't think of |
806s | another one that does it and frankly we |
808s | just wouldn't be here without you so |
810s | thank you for that |
817s | there are now more ways though to chat |
819s | with us uh people here in the audience |
821s | you probably know this we |
822s | opened our eve online discord server a |
824s | few months ago and invited you guys here |
826s | uh but anyone watching now we're |
828s | officially launching it so you can go to |
830s | eve online add the eve |
833s | discord server you can talk to us have |
835s | fun and especially if you're here at fan |
837s | fest you can coordinate events see what |
839s | other people are up to and just |
841s | run into random capsuleers it's a it's a |
844s | great way to organize |
845s | or even just share some great pictures |
848s | absolutely and |
849s | again at the end of the day it all boils |
851s | down to the fact that if online would |
855s | not have been such an amazing |
856s | life-changing experience if it wouldn't |
859s | be |
859s | uh for you and we're continually humbled |
863s | and inspired by the people in this |
865s | community |
866s | and you guys are what keeps us going it |
869s | is an utmost privilege to be a part of |
872s | this |
873s | phenomenon that seemingly transcends the |
876s | digital boundaries of new eden |
879s | and we want to thank you for that for |
881s | being here and for deciding to spend |
883s | your time with us today |
885s | and on that note i would like to invite |
888s | on stage the |
889s | ceo of ccp games hilmal peterson |
904s | thank you camille |
907s | well |
908s | it's been a while |
912s | so |
913s | little did we know when we were |
914s | celebrating the 15 years of eve online |
917s | that uh there would be a four year gap |
920s | um |
921s | from having fun fest and having this |
922s | wonderful experience that fanfest is |
925s | of course we did the |
927s | madness as usual |
929s | people staring at horses |
931s | ccp games games |
933s | cosplay |
934s | amazing times celebrating 15 years of |
936s | him online |
938s | and we did take it on the road so a lot |
941s | of us went around the world to meet uh |
944s | some of you and some of you on the |
946s | stream |
947s | um |
948s | but uh the fact that that little gap |
951s | year we were planning would turn into |
953s | four years of a gap |
955s | just wasn't something we were preparing |
956s | for |
958s | this process of sharing our passion for |
961s | eve online |
962s | so much a part of |
964s | how we do and make the game |
966s | i think it was not really fully |
968s | understood and appreciated for us how |
971s | kind of planted invaders |
973s | when we all had to go and cancel |
975s | everything |
977s | and do this for two years |
979s | um |
980s | i want to do a special thanks to |
981s | everyone at tcp |
983s | we of course |
985s | run the company without missing a beat |
987s | throughout the period |
989s | but |
990s | while everyone is very happy you see |
992s | this is kind of the first week of |
995s | running ccp on zoom and teams |
999s | it started to set in like |
1001s | after two years of doing it we're |
1003s | extremely happy to be back |
1005s | in the office in reykjavik and london |
1008s | unfortunately not in shanghai our people |
1010s | in shanghai are experiencing |
1013s | some of the worst lockdown i think we |
1014s | have ever seen |
1016s | and a big shout-out to them |
1018s | but here in ekkovic we're not only |
1020s | parking our new building in kroska |
1022s | we're also back with all of you here |
1026s | uh but not only did we have like corona |
1029s | to deal with we also have the volcano |
1031s | a lot of has gone on |
1033s | and obviously a volcano in iceland is |
1036s | more like a |
1037s | opportunity to party |
1042s | here we roll with the punches |
1044s | make the best of it |
1045s | and we did get a lot on like |
1049s | the guys went a little bit over this eve |
1050s | anywhere |
1054s | localization skinner's record but also a |
1057s | big project during lockdown was the |
1059s | release eve online in china again so we |
1062s | released a new version of serenity |
1065s | early in 2020 in the middle of lockdown |
1068s | and then we released two versions of |
1070s | evacos in collaboration with natis |
1072s | uh in august 2020 and august 2021 so |
1076s | there is a lot been done |
1078s | of course the mac version of human line |
1080s | which is a tip of a big iceberg of tech |
1083s | renovation underneath |
1085s | we went pretty deep to |
1087s | remake all of the graphics and |
1088s | infrastructure for eve to be able to |
1090s | make a mac merchant it enables us to do |
1093s | a lot more in the future |
1095s | we'll also experiment it by pushing the |
1096s | boundaries uh on what can be done with |
1098s | eip with collaborations and learned a |
1101s | lot from that epic store etc |
1105s | it's been quite a thing |
1107s | and it's great to be back here with all |
1108s | of you to kind of share our passion for |
1111s | eve |
1111s | uh in multiple languages now of course |
1113s | we have localized all around the world |
1116s | and we just wanna like deeply welcome |
1118s | you and thank you for the journey in |
1121s | this four years where we haven't really |
1122s | been able to meet |
1133s | and a lot happens in four years so here |
1136s | are some interesting statistics so 63 |
1139s | percent of ccp employees today have |
1142s | never been too farfest |
1147s | and what you would not think is that 57 |
1151s | of currently players that are playing |
1153s | game online today this week uh started |
1156s | after the last fantastic |
1159s | this is something that we tend to forget |
1161s | because a lot of us have been here a |
1163s | while |
1165s | and we think like it's uh kind of a lot |
1168s | the same people meeting again and again |
1169s | we have a bad rock of people that have |
1171s | been involved in even land for packets |
1173s | but even line is a little bit like a |
1174s | river there's a people coming in and out |
1177s | all the time and then kind of the better |
1179s | builds up over time so there's a lot of |
1182s | people that are not only working at tcp |
1184s | but in the player community that are |
1186s | never experienced fanfest |
1188s | so please take care when you see some of |
1191s | the our newer and csb employees that |
1194s | this would be their first fun fest there |
1196s | is like a special look i think we all |
1198s | know it by now you can kind of see |
1200s | people yeah that's your first one isn't |
1202s | it |
1204s | yeah i remember when it was my first one |
1207s | it was in 2004 |
1211s | uh speaking of that uh it's a bit of a |
1213s | of a taser vote to be back here in |
1215s | louisville |
1216s | so |
1217s | we did our last event here in 2011 and |
1220s | then we moved to harfpa we were actually |
1222s | the first event in harper in 2012. thank |
1224s | you iceland for building it it's pretty |
1226s | awesome |
1228s | and it is awesome but it is very much |
1230s | its own thing like heartbuys harpa kinda |
1232s | looks like a space station but it |
1234s | doesn't really look like an eve space |
1235s | station so |
1237s | we've been getting feedback throughout |
1238s | the years that people miss a bit when we |
1240s | were here and we could kind of more |
1242s | theme the event |
1243s | and it's a different experience here |
1245s | so now we're back in lotus hook |
1248s | trying out some new things we have this |
1250s | gigantic screen for example |
1252s | and i'm sure you're like me wondering |
1254s | how many multi-boxes we could fit on |
1255s | this |
1259s | we should run a test at some point |
1264s | yeah |
1266s | it would be a lot |
1267s | um |
1268s | and i'm kind of amazed that we can |
1270s | render cheat that as well on this |
1272s | gigantic screen |
1273s | again evidence to the tech investments |
1275s | we've been doing uh we have a lot of new |
1278s | stuff to play with which you will be |
1279s | seeing throughout the days |
1281s | but we're also here in a bit of a kind |
1284s | of a what's here we say alpha test for |
1286s | next year because next year eve turns 20 |
1289s | years old so now we're kind of uh |
1292s | working out the kings we're also out of |
1293s | practice a bit halting fan fest so as we |
1296s | go through the journey here please give |
1298s | us feedback on this |
1299s | please give us crazy ideas on what we |
1301s | can do here next year |
1303s | because then we're going to go berserk |
1305s | it's 20 years of him online start of the |
1307s | third decade so this is kind of the |
1309s | trial run hopefully |
1311s | there won't be another pandemic or |
1313s | something to screw the boots |
1315s | but here we are |
1317s | so if players were good uh the guys were |
1319s | mentioning this a bit amazing |
1322s | amazing results for the last pledge for |
1324s | good it's really amazing |
1326s | and we're now up to 1.2 million dollars |
1328s | that the email line community has |
1330s | contributed in helping |
1333s | disasters around the world whether they |
1335s | are natural ones who are made by people |
1337s | such as the war in ukraine terrible |
1339s | situation but you guys really have |
1341s | stepped up |
1342s | ever since we got the call out from the |
1344s | community during the tsunami in |
1346s | southeast asia and we kind of started we |
1348s | didn't have plex back then it was kind |
1349s | of electronic game type codes if you |
1351s | remember that |
1352s | it was kind of etcs for good |
1355s | and |
1357s | this is really amazing like |
1359s | you keep on inspiring us with |
1361s | your ability to come together and make a |
1363s | difference |
1364s | please give yourselves a great applause |
1367s | [Applause] |
1376s | so uh but we're here to talk all about |
1379s | if and uh |
1381s | eve |
1383s | uh started from humble beginnings here |
1385s | we see some releases when evenland came |
1388s | out |
1389s | in exactly 19 years |
1392s | from now |
1393s | it's actually even line's birthday right |
1395s | now right now |
1406s | our gamers turned 19 years old like |
1409s | science fiction |
1411s | and it's a very abstract concept like 19 |
1414s | years of a game what does it really mean |
1417s | i mean some of you here like me have |
1419s | been here all along and you've kind of |
1421s | seen it in its stages and it's kind of |
1422s | you lose the plot sometimes |
1424s | so i |
1426s | i got permission |
1427s | uh |
1428s | from eva to show this picture again |
1431s | um |
1433s | this is my child deva |
1435s | was born |
1436s | just after eve |
1439s | and |
1440s | i'm there playing him online |
1444s | i am mining park for uh thorax i lost |
1447s | you can |
1448s | you can check that fanfest keynote 2013. |
1451s | i tell the story when i lost my first |
1452s | page in the online |
1454s | i am their conflicted pseudo-fix eve or |
1458s | repay the spaceship i lost |
1460s | trying to do both and |
1462s | juggled my child at the same time |
1465s | and we did like during lotto we had a |
1467s | bit of fun with it and we reenacted the |
1469s | scenario |
1481s | thank you eva for signing the gtp |
1483s | hardware for this |
1486s | so this is what 19 years |
1489s | does to you |
1492s | it makes the screens slimmer |
1499s | and next month ccp will turn uh 25 years |
1503s | old |
1510s | we're entering some unicorn starters in |
1513s | the game industry of of surviving for |
1515s | this or this long |
1518s | ccp is sometimes called like the |
1520s | cockroach of the game industry |
1523s | nothing kills us |
1527s | and me myself actually celebrated 20 |
1529s | years of working at csp for a while it's |
1531s | actually now 22 years |
1534s | and since i make the rules i decided to |
1537s | get the 200 sort for 20 years |
1540s | actually joey north was ahead of me and |
1542s | he got a shotgun but uh |
1545s | this is more my thing people up north by |
1547s | the way they have to hunt their own food |
1549s | so it kind of makes sense and there are |
1550s | polar bears and more there |
1553s | uh but i wanted to give you kind of a |
1557s | bit of a high level update on kind of |
1558s | what we're up to |
1560s | here are some pictures from our sort of |
1562s | internal communication material about |
1564s | the |
1565s | strategy of ccp |
1567s | so |
1568s | we have been busy kind of since 2018 |
1572s | uh setting him online off for a third |
1574s | decade of success |
1576s | uh which obviously starts next year so |
1578s | there's been a lot of focus in in |
1580s | getting that done |
1582s | we continue to explore new worlds and uh |
1585s | strengthening the company |
1588s | um but i also wanted to discuss this a |
1590s | little bit like why are we still playing |
1592s | if like uh |
1594s | i've now dedicated half of my conscious |
1596s | life to that game |
1597s | why is that |
1599s | and of course it's the fleet fights and |
1600s | the graphics and and whatnot but we did |
1603s | a major study |
1604s | uh actually since life fun fest we got |
1607s | ccp ghost |
1609s | to go and investigate |
1611s | what is really the reason why people are |
1613s | playing |
1614s | and |
1615s | we kind of knew high level we know |
1617s | people join for the graphics they stay |
1619s | for the community but |
1620s | it's not a very actionable |
1623s | uh |
1624s | it's too high level so when you have a |
1625s | lot of new people it's a new need to |
1627s | educate and how you how you join the |
1629s | online dev team and what is the point of |
1631s | all this uh it's good to have deploy |
1634s | science into it |
1635s | we came away with this which we call the |
1637s | eve effect |
1638s | so uh the conclusion was kind of |
1642s | uh people play him online because of the |
1644s | friendships that they make inside the |
1646s | game so our community is actually made |
1649s | up of individual relationships often |
1652s | when you think of the community as a |
1654s | mass aggregate it becomes like a a |
1657s | singular thing but even online is held |
1659s | together by individual friendships |
1661s | that have formed and been tested over |
1663s | decades |
1664s | and people keep calling out that even |
1667s | line has also given them life skills |
1670s | uh where they have grown to be the best |
1672s | versions of themselves i've certainly |
1674s | followed uh the career of some eve |
1677s | players inside the game and outside of |
1678s | the game |
1680s | and it's one of my proudest kind of |
1683s | feelings about eve is to see how much |
1686s | people have grown |
1687s | and how much they attribute that to eve |
1690s | online people that have |
1692s | yeah it's |
1694s | people that have kind of grown in their |
1695s | careers |
1697s | many people say like they are the go-to |
1699s | person for conflict management |
1701s | um |
1704s | there's nothing about even line that |
1705s | prepares you for that |
1708s | and |
1709s | and recruitment strategies obviously |
1712s | excel of the washoe we have some news on |
1714s | that later on |
1716s | so it's really this this is why people |
1718s | play online for decades this is why we |
1720s | work on it it is the relationships it's |
1723s | the friendships we've made through this |
1725s | journey like 73 percent of the people we |
1728s | talked to and did service on said |
1731s | they've made new friends because of him |
1733s | online |
1734s | and |
1735s | having friends is very important i think |
1738s | we saw that during the pandemic where |
1740s | the fact that we had |
1742s | friendships and relationships to pull on |
1745s | um as you could almost say like if |
1747s | players when they saw we are now running |
1749s | the world from the basements |
1751s | we got this |
1754s | we've been preparing for this for uh 20 |
1756s | years |
1760s | and |
1760s | and then did you do |
1763s | but we're also dealing with this in the |
1765s | world today the loneliness epidemic and |
1768s | it has been studied |
1770s | that the biggest correlation for health |
1772s | and happiness in life |
1774s | is how many meaningful relationships you |
1776s | have |
1778s | it's a great predictor of that than the |
1780s | negative ones like smoking |
1784s | being overweight not moving etc having |
1787s | friends destroys everything of that you |
1790s | can |
1791s | it's really fulfilling in your life you |
1792s | could argue it is the purpose of life |
1794s | and the fact that we have all been here |
1796s | together forcing relationship for almost |
1799s | 20 years |
1800s | i think we all feel that and we we feel |
1802s | why we are part of this community for |
1805s | such a long time it is that tapestry |
1807s | that has built up around the game the |
1809s | average player has more friends than |
1812s | your average person in |
1813s | boarding reality |
1817s | and this has given us insights which we |
1819s | will be deploying more and more as we |
1821s | move forward |
1822s | we've made a bit of a theory around it |
1825s | or like ccp ghost has made it |
1828s | the formula of how you make a friend |
1830s | there's actually a formula for it |
1832s | it's shockingly invented by the cia i |
1835s | think something about like |
1838s | intelligence |
1840s | i mean obviously you guys know this like |
1842s | intelligence is gathered from |
1844s | making friends and enemies so proximity |
1847s | frequency duration and most importantly |
1850s | intensity |
1852s | this is where evil line shines |
1854s | whether it's pvp shakes or feeling that |
1856s | somebody has your back this is really |
1859s | the reason why this game keeps on going |
1863s | and the relationships are many form i |
1865s | used to have to marry people myself now |
1867s | the pop does it it's uh |
1871s | thank you pope |
1874s | [Applause] |
1882s | okay but why are we still investing in |
1884s | eve i've always and often been |
1887s | challenged by this uh we obviously have |
1889s | had boards of investors throughout the |
1891s | years where people are like challenging |
1894s | this notion we spent a lot of money on |
1897s | reinvesting in online and of course it |
1899s | feeds into the |
1901s | updates we're giving you |
1903s | a few weeks ago |
1904s | about raising the prices uh and i wanted |
1907s | to just talk a little bit about that |
1909s | here |
1910s | obviously we have not raised the prices |
1912s | since |
1912s | q1 2004. so it's been a while here's the |
1916s | newsletter from paklan |
1918s | and we are just looking at the world |
1920s | which is |
1922s | heading into |
1923s | pretty new territory |
1925s | so this is inflation data from the us |
1929s | iceland tends to be an early adopter of |
1932s | economic trends |
1934s | so we've been getting the preview of |
1937s | what's about to come for a while i'm |
1939s | sure if you look at the typical |
1940s | icelandic newspaper you might see in a |
1942s | stand here you will see seven percent |
1944s | inflation last month like it's been kind |
1946s | of crazy |
1948s | when you're buying ten dollar beers in |
1949s | iceland pretty sure you you get the |
1951s | point so uh it is just frankly more |
1954s | expensive to run evenline than it used |
1957s | to be |
1959s | and we have been growing the eve team |
1961s | considerably since uh 2018 |
1964s | so we've been building up two words |
1966s | being able to have 150 developers work |
1969s | on online which takes a lot of |
1971s | organization like the more people that |
1973s | are working on if the more complicated |
1975s | it tends to be to organize people you |
1977s | don't just add devs and magic happens |
1980s | it's uh |
1981s | like i said before 60 of ccp employees |
1984s | have never been to fanfest like now |
1986s | finally they get to experience what it's |
1988s | all about |
1989s | and we've been doing a lot of deep uh |
1992s | foundation investments so we've been uh |
1995s | 64-bit clients mac versions cytotex 12 |
1999s | new tooling for developers the |
2002s | environment of working on eve online has |
2004s | kind of degraded over the years and we |
2006s | have now been since 2018 doing a massive |
2009s | investment in foundations |
2011s | that were always pushed away into the |
2014s | future because there was never time to |
2016s | do the proper things that were needed to |
2020s | improve the working conditions for |
2022s | developers because now it's 2020. most |
2025s | of online was made in |
2026s | uh 20 years ago |
2028s | and we have been on this journey of |
2030s | changing the strategy we've changed the |
2032s | leadership we've improved our discipline |
2035s | interaction like technology game design |
2037s | art etc |
2039s | we've worked on our creative vision |
2040s | we've streamlined and aligned team to |
2042s | purposes operations a lot of investment |
2045s | in data to be informed by the facts |
2047s | rather than just intuition |
2050s | building the new player experience and |
2052s | we're kind of getting out of the depths |
2054s | now so as you see what we'll be showing |
2056s | in the keynote i hope you appreciate |
2058s | that |
2059s | there has been a lot of work underneath |
2061s | that enables what is about to come now |
2063s | into the third decade |
2066s | and it would have been great to have |
2067s | fanfest all the way along to give you an |
2069s | update on this but at least here we are |
2073s | okay uh but uh farm fest was not the |
2076s | first we actually had this uh fanfest in |
2078s | china recently so like i said one of the |
2080s | big elements we did in 2020 was the |
2083s | release in china |
2085s | uh through our strategic partnership |
2086s | inductees we have been kind of |
2089s | revitalizing even china |
2092s | and we're really now at uh at the point |
2093s | where we have a really vibrant version |
2096s | of serenity running over there |
2098s | and uh there have been some amazing |
2100s | things on the battlefront |
2103s | so |
2104s | if you know the serenity situation there |
2105s | have been a big huge dominant faction |
2107s | there called pipc |
2109s | they have actually split themselves into |
2112s | two alliances which are now fighting so |
2114s | we've been having some of the biggest |
2115s | fights in serenity in this year uh one |
2118s | even reaching 3 000 p concurrent users |
2121s | uh which is quite a bit by serenity |
2123s | standards they're not quite that sort of |
2126s | 8k like |
2127s | we are on the global server |
2129s | so we are having a pretty vibrant |
2133s | aspect on in china which is really good |
2136s | and we also made massive changes to how |
2138s | we organize development of each china |
2141s | so this is our tef team in shanghai |
2143s | before they got locked in their homes |
2145s | two months ago |
2146s | and they now entirely take care of |
2148s | serenity so part of our reorganization |
2151s | is that we've forked eve china |
2153s | completely so the developers here i will |
2155s | show on the graph of they're all solely |
2156s | dedicated to tq and serenity does their |
2159s | own thing and they're doing pretty wild |
2161s | things |
2162s | here's a roguelike |
2164s | feature that has been developed in |
2165s | shanghai |
2167s | which you can kind of |
2168s | well you can go and play it if you can |
2170s | read chinese but |
2172s | it's really pushing the boundaries in a |
2173s | different way |
2175s | and |
2177s | and this is now all accumulating in the |
2179s | fact that we have a lot going on in the |
2181s | online like we've even lined on tq |
2183s | inline or serendi we have ivaco's global |
2186s | with evokers china we have a new project |
2188s | in london where we're developing a first |
2191s | person tutor |
2192s | we have a project called m5 which is a |
2195s | mobile forex game and of course we keep |
2197s | our vr games going |
2199s | missing from the list are obviously dust |
2201s | because it's no longer running and spark |
2203s | which is not really in the evip but |
2205s | maybe we'll work on that |
2207s | so evac came out and it's been pretty |
2210s | amazing over uh |
2212s | 13 million people have played the |
2214s | vehicles |
2215s | uh |
2216s | it's quite a lot it's really added to |
2218s | this number of people that have |
2219s | experienced the vip |
2222s | and |
2223s | uh we're here kind of first kind of |
2226s | because we're here first together in a |
2227s | while talking about our new project |
2229s | which is a upcoming |
2232s | and now i have to read |
2234s | our peer department has really made sure |
2237s | i don't give too much away here |
2240s | so in london we are doing an upcoming |
2243s | online tactical first person shooter |
2248s | it is |
2249s | unannounced the project is unannounced |
2254s | and we recognize that hard sci-fi |
2256s | in the universe is something that needs |
2258s | to exist |
2259s | and we're committed to do like an |
2261s | innovative multiplayer atmospheric |
2264s | experience |
2266s | and we're really looking forward to talk |
2267s | more about that but that time is not now |
2272s | but |
2273s | but we have here ccp sween |
2277s | this is a great picture of him but it |
2279s | doesn't really show how tall he is he's |
2280s | taller than an eye and that's a good way |
2283s | to spot him so |
2285s | he is here to learn about community |
2287s | development from the best |
2289s | so mob him and see |
2291s | how far you get |
2296s | there might be a secret discord server |
2299s | somewhere i don't know i just don't know |
2301s | see how far you get |
2303s | m5 is uh |
2306s | is another game we're developing in |
2307s | shanghai |
2308s | it is a mobile game |
2310s | that is coming |
2312s | out at some point uh and we're kind of |
2314s | playtesting it internally i |
2317s | constantly lose in it because everyone |
2319s | bullies me |
2323s | but it's kind of a game about |
2325s | spaceships and multi-domination |
2327s | but in a bit of a different format so |
2329s | excited to share more about that with |
2331s | you |
2333s | then i wanted to talk a little bit about |
2334s | this |
2335s | this is a slide |
2337s | from fanfest 2017 |
2339s | where we talk about the role of new |
2341s | technology |
2342s | in evolving evoline |
2345s | so of course we did a lot of year |
2347s | investment from 2013 till 2017 |
2351s | that yielded some of the best vr games |
2352s | which are still going we are still on |
2354s | our vr vacation |
2356s | because the market is just not quite |
2358s | there yet but we are eager and waiting |
2361s | for it to really take off we really |
2362s | believe in that concept their install |
2365s | base just isn't there |
2367s | i talked about like understanding the |
2368s | human brain this kind of sturdy into the |
2370s | eve effect and all these things help us |
2373s | developing online better |
2375s | i talked about computers in the clouds |
2377s | you have now seen the announcement of |
2379s | quasar and all the work we've been doing |
2380s | that that has really helped us |
2382s | modernizing him online |
2384s | using machine learning ai etc we've been |
2387s | investing massively in we now have a |
2389s | team of 20 people in the data team that |
2391s | do nothing |
2393s | but understanding email line trends |
2395s | through |
2397s | these kind of tools |
2398s | and we also talked about blockchain in |
2400s | 2017 |
2402s | exactly |
2405s | this is from 2017. |
2408s | and of course we have made the statement |
2409s | it's not for tq |
2419s | uh we hear you loud and clear nobody |
2422s | needs this in their eve life right now |
2424s | and it's all good |
2429s | but we will have a small team that is |
2431s | going to explore this because a lot of |
2434s | what these web 3 kids are on about is |
2436s | about like governance autonomy living |
2439s | forever etc and we are curious about is |
2442s | there something here to learn |
2443s | that we can enhance our craft in the |
2446s | decades to come |
2447s | because to make e1 line go on forever |
2449s | you have to test out things and you have |
2451s | to adopt new things but as i said not |
2454s | for tq |
2456s | this is the plan even line forever and |
2459s | it's great to be back with you here to |
2461s | celebrate that |
2462s | thank you |
2475s | are we on hello everyone glad to be here |
2479s | i was getting makeup ah |
2481s | okay fair enough |
2483s | right |
2483s | all right check it out man is it me |
2486s | all right well hello everyone glad to be |
2488s | here in your presence |
2490s | uh it's fantastic to see you all and |
2493s | there are a lot of you here which we are |
2496s | going to talk a little bit about |
2498s | joining us today are over |
2501s | 120 alliances |
2503s | and uh that's a lot we're not going to |
2505s | name them all but we're going to talk |
2507s | about some of those the uh highest |
2508s | attendance here today we're just going |
2510s | to do a small list and uh you can uh |
2514s | make your presence known as much as you |
2515s | want but uh let's just start with the |
2516s | first one and uh i think it's number 11 |
2519s | it's a banter part we have 18 members |
2521s | from abandoned park |
2523s | where are you |
2524s | there you are |
2526s | sixth empire 19. |
2530s | there you go |
2532s | as we move the list we have test |
2533s | alliance 19. |
2539s | we're gonna talk about that we form |
2540s | mosta 20 |
2544s | next we have |
2546s | the minmatar roleplayers alexis matari |
2548s | where are you 21. there you are right on |
2552s | and pandemic legion 25 |
2558s | next is brave 28. |
2564s | they brought flags |
2565s | they did |
2567s | northern coalition 30. |
2570s | that's right |
2573s | the initiative 48. |
2579s | we're getting up there yeah two more |
2581s | who's next pandemic horde 53 |
2586s | and last |
2588s | but certainly not least |
2591s | one hundred and one |
2596s | are in their house to say the least |
2601s | it's great to see you |
2602s | you guys come from |
2604s | over 40 countries |
2607s | this year |
2608s | uh at fanfest at fun fest which is just |
2611s | incredible |
2612s | uh we have a person with us here this uh |
2616s | for this event who traveled over 16 and |
2618s | a half thousand kilometers |
2621s | and he comes from the |
2623s | southeastern coast of australia |
2626s | and let's give him |
2631s | i |
2634s | i recently had a lot more information |
2636s | like the city and stuff and then they |
2637s | were like no no they will figure out who |
2638s | he is right away so please don't do that |
2641s | so we cut it back but we are absolutely |
2643s | more than proud to welcome you all here |
2644s | today from all over the world uh it's |
2647s | great to see you guys absolutely and one |
2649s | of the reasons why fanfest is such an |
2651s | amazing experience is all of the |
2653s | presentations player talks uh contests |
2656s | roundtables and extra activities that we |
2658s | have planned for you |
2660s | you can see the schedule just behind me |
2662s | obviously it's easily accessible for you |
2664s | on the website |
2665s | uh and today just in a little bit |
2668s | we obviously are going to have the if |
2670s | online keynote it's something you |
2672s | absolutely do not want to miss |
2675s | we will be showcasing the keynote as |
2677s | well on the screen in singularity so if |
2680s | you guys want to use that room as well |
2682s | you're going to be more than welcome to |
2683s | grab a seat and make yourself |
2684s | comfortable |
2686s | there will be also a presentation from |
2688s | our |
2689s | space buddy scott manley happening later |
2691s | today and the art theme will showcase |
2694s | some marvelous things they have in store |
2697s | for if online |
2699s | other than that we do have the fanfest |
2702s | global finals happening for all the |
2704s | tournament enthusiasts out there |
2706s | is the culmination of our 2v2 invasion |
2709s | tournament series that we organized back |
2712s | in 2019 |
2713s | and now we finally managed to flew the |
2716s | winners from all of those locations to |
2718s | compete for a title of the fanfest |
2721s | global champions |
2723s | we also have a bunch of cool prizes that |
2725s | are sponsored by our friends from imd |
2728s | and hyperx and it's gonna be really cool |
2730s | to see who actually is going to take the |
2732s | trophy with them home |
2734s | and |
2735s | if you don't know this by now by the |
2737s | opening video we are weird so bring back |
2739s | this year we have ccp games games |
2743s | the second iteration it has no |
2745s | lubrication or spandex of any kind uh so |
2749s | if you were hoping for that i i'm very |
2751s | sorry guys uh but uh we have something |
2753s | else we're going to have some physical |
2755s | activities which are going to be |
2756s | hilarious and |
2758s | the players will uh display their vast |
2761s | knowledge of eve online as well in mixed |
2763s | group with the developers so we're going |
2765s | to be mixing them but for anyone who |
2767s | does not know this is a game show it's |
2769s | ridiculous you're going to love it it's |
2771s | going to be later today hosted by ccp |
2773s | quant and csb connect |
2775s | and |
2776s | the schedule for tomorrow just |
2778s | completely over it it is a really packed |
2781s | day of presentations around tables and |
2783s | we encourage you to |
2785s | take a look at the schedule so you can |
2787s | plan out your day |
2789s | the best way to do that of course is to |
2790s | use the sket app |
2793s | you can either download this for |
2795s | android or ios or access it on the |
2797s | website it's going to be |
2800s | efanfest |
2801s | or search for |
2804s | eve fun fest 2022 |
2807s | and for those of you who are watching at |
2809s | home |
2810s | csp is going to be streaming all the |
2812s | presentations that take place here in |
2814s | tranquility including ccp games games |
2817s | later today |
2818s | and then we will start again in |
2820s | singularity tomorrow at 10 am with a |
2822s | presentation from mike azaria |
2825s | and after all of those presentations and |
2828s | round tables will again meet here |
2831s | in tranquility |
2833s | for the global finals and i think that's |
2836s | we're done then right |
2837s | yeah i mean we're going to have a little |
2839s | bit of a close ceremony just to go over |
2842s | a couple of things but there wouldn't be |
2845s | a fan first without the party at the top |
2847s | of the world |
2848s | we're gonna have |
2850s | z trip and mind one |
2852s | producing some |
2854s | deep juicy bits for us that's right to |
2857s | really energize the crowd and you know |
2860s | the volcanic eruptions that we had are |
2862s | going to be nothing compared to the |
2863s | tremble that people in reykjavik are |
2866s | going to feel when we turn this party to |
2868s | 11. |
2869s | and the party will obviously take place |
2871s | over here in tranquility |
2873s | you can see the floor map floor plan |
2875s | over there which again also is |
2877s | accessible in all sorts of different |
2879s | places just so you can better orientate |
2881s | yourself |
2882s | there is just couple of things i wanted |
2884s | to bring your attention to when you |
2886s | enter the venue to your left hand side |
2889s | we do have the silent auction once again |
2892s | we're super happy to be working with our |
2894s | friends at ablegamers and |
2897s | proceeding all of the donations into |
2900s | their noble cause |
2901s | they are on the mission to creating |
2903s | opportunities that enable play in order |
2906s | to combat social isolation foster |
2908s | inclusive communities and improve the |
2910s | quality of life for people with |
2912s | disabilities |
2914s | you can be placing your |
2916s | beats throughout the weekend there is a |
2918s | lot of unique items that i think every |
2921s | nerd would like to add to their |
2922s | collection |
2923s | um the only thing you need to remember |
2925s | that the silent auction will end at 4 00 |
2929s | p.m tomorrow so if you're bidding for |
2932s | something and you really want that gold |
2934s | magnate or a lloyd's george |
2937s | watercolor you need to be there |
2938s | otherwise it's gonna go to the second |
2940s | person with the highest bid okay |
2943s | but that is not the only place uh you |
2945s | can take home memorabilia because the |
2947s | zeta four marketplace will be open right |
2950s | after the keynote and remains open |
2953s | throughout the day |
2954s | uh and for possible both of those things |
2957s | uh the the marketplace and the silent |
2960s | auction we have the thl interpersons |
2963s | on site if you need to ship anything |
2966s | home they are there to assist you |
2968s | and |
2970s | on the second floor uh of the station is |
2973s | where you will find uh a bunch of uh |
2979s | all right and this is where you'll find |
2981s | a bunch of round tables uh tomorrow |
2983s | throughout the event so make sure you |
2984s | check out the floor plan uh for the |
2987s | event as well |
2988s | and together okay what is that |
2991s | oh it's a red dot |
2993s | yes |
2994s | yes what is it what does it do so you |
2996s | know you have a new slide |
3000s | a new slide |
3002s | i think we could all see that there is a |
3004s | new slide so can we just turn that off |
3006s | please thank you that's great |
3009s | all right so together tomorrow we are |
3012s | going out |
3014s | uh to the pub crawl i think this is the |
3017s | 14th |
3018s | 14th iteration |
3020s | of the pub crawl |
3022s | and we are going to be taking over |
3025s | reykjavik city |
3027s | there is nothing they could do to stop |
3028s | us so if they get in our way we'll just |
3031s | you know scream at them and then they'll |
3033s | be scared and they'll run away |
3034s | it'll be great |
3036s | the registration for it starts uh today |
3039s | at 2 p.m in the registration area and |
3042s | it's until 4 00 pm so if you're going to |
3044s | that please |
3046s | go there |
3047s | if you're not going to the |
3049s | official pub crawl |
3051s | you can still scream at the locals and |
3053s | other tourists to make your presence |
3055s | known they will |
3056s | they'll run away that's great |
3058s | and |
3059s | each attendee will be getting |
3062s | beer together custom shop classes |
3064s | drinks |
3067s | and yeah and but anyway of course |
3070s | everyone's favorite drink |
3072s | and which type of beer i'm super glad |
3074s | you all asked |
3075s | there is an official beer for fun fest |
3078s | this year and that is the landfall beer |
3083s | it is traditionally brewed using water |
3086s | imported from the springs rising from |
3089s | the mountains near landfall city on |
3092s | kaltari prime they told me |
3095s | or so they tell me and the other one of |
3097s | course needs no introduction it is uh |
3099s | the quake drink |
3101s | uh in the heat |
3103s | of the moment |
3105s | uh how was that good that's great yeah |
3107s | that's great |
3108s | and for those of you who prefer who |
3111s | selected and favored to do a little bit |
3113s | more tasting of the local cuisine uh we |
3116s | do have the groumond pub crawl uh that |
3119s | will be kicking things off from harpa |
3123s | at |
3124s | 6 30 tonight so definitely be there on |
3127s | time |
3128s | uh to not be late on the mouth-watering |
3130s | journey that we will embark on uh all |
3134s | together i'm actually going ccp alpha's |
3136s | going and a bunch of other devs it's |
3138s | going to be great |
3139s | but that's not the only extra event that |
3141s | it's still available for you guys |
3143s | staying here we do have down the rabbit |
3146s | hole |
3147s | premiere of the first part of the |
3150s | documentary about if online uh this is |
3153s | taking place on sunday in b by bio |
3156s | paradise uh so if you would like to |
3158s | watch that uh the tickets are still |
3160s | available just go on eventbrite and grab |
3163s | one for yourself we actually have |
3166s | frederick knudsen together with his team |
3168s | here with us in iceland and they were |
3170s | kind enough to |
3172s | offer their time to |
3173s | conduct a q a |
3175s | as well after the show so if there would |
3177s | be any questions you want to ask them |
3179s | they will be more than welcome |
3181s | to give you information |
3184s | there is other thing we can i want to |
3185s | mention |
3186s | we have it easy in iceland |
3189s | when it comes down to covet 19 there are |
3191s | no restrictions |
3193s | but you know the the danger and the |
3195s | pandemic it's still around us uh so |
3197s | please do be mindful of everyone's |
3200s | personal space uh and make use of the |
3203s | hand sanitizer stations we put |
3205s | everywhere just wash your hands guys |
3207s | that's going to save everybody we do |
3209s | want to make sure that all of you can |
3211s | have a wonderful time and then travel |
3214s | back home safely without any delays |
3218s | and then all of you here |
3220s | have a small ticket that you received |
3222s | with your pass |
3224s | there will be an email sent to you later |
3226s | on this but this is for the fun fest |
3228s | 2022 digital items |
3230s | they are this |
3232s | glorious suit from the |
3234s | kimotro eskitan and |
3236s | as well as the kimotoro eskitan |
3240s | skins which you can see here there is |
3242s | also a very nice character portrait |
3245s | background which is available to |
3247s | everyone in evil line |
3249s | for a limited time |
3251s | to claim it so don't forget it or you |
3254s | will never get it |
3255s | and then for anyone watching at home of |
3257s | course we will have plenty of raffles |
3260s | over the weekend on the stream this is |
3263s | going to be skins as well as |
3265s | printed ships from integral labs |
3268s | and |
3269s | as always throughout the weekend you can |
3271s | spend your |
3272s | sweet sweet loyalty points |
3276s | on those gal net stream cast skins |
3278s | do you already have the entire |
3280s | collection |
3281s | no i i i lost all my points on |
3285s | fraternities through last 80s |
3290s | right i forgot about that okay but also |
3293s | none of this would have been possible |
3295s | without our fantastic partners so big |
3297s | shout out to intel hyperx amd worldline |
3301s | insulin stofa ghoul and ccp |
3304s | for hosting fan fest thank you very much |
3306s | for being with us |
3308s | but let's not drag this any longer the |
3311s | festivities are commencing the gate is |
3314s | green |
3315s | guys we hope you're going to have a |
3316s | fantastic time |
3318s | the keynote is going to be there in a |
3319s | very moment so |
3321s | you have time for a bathroom break but |
3323s | don't take too much |
3325s | it's going to be awesome thank you very |
3326s | much and we'll catch you later |