over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s okay uh first of all I'll say thanks for
3s coming out I was kind of nervous that'd
5s be nobody here for this talk so I'm
7s really really happy that other people
8s are interested in uh what I'm going to
10s talk about here today I was super
11s nervous uh coming here feeling like
14s there'd be nobody in the room so thanks
15s for coming okay uh how did I get here so
18s I was at Fan Fest last year
20s talk a little bit more about that later
21s and there was a presentation during the
24s main program About Eve analytics which
26s was talking about some of the things
28s that have happened in the game over its
30s history and uh they put this slide up at
32s the beginning and it turns out there
33s were five people here last year that had
36s characters created on the day that Eve
37s was launched back in May 2003. you're
40s one of them awesome
43s last year then yeah yeah so five
46s characters that were created on day one
47s uh and I saw my picture on there and I
50s was like wow it's kind of interesting I
51s felt like a minor celebrity uh and I
54s thought maybe I should come back uh and
56s try and pitch a talk about how the games
58s changed over that 20-year period uh and
61s just reflect a little bit on my my
62s experience as a kind of a long-term
64s player of Eve uh I should say that in my
67s real life jobs I've given like hundreds
69s and hundreds of talks over the years and
70s I'll I'll dox myself at the end so you
72s can like look me up uh but I'm weirdly
74s nervous about this one I've never ever
76s given a talk about a video game before
77s so it's my first time out but I've given
79s a lot of talks okay uh what am I going
81s to cover uh this story is sort of in
83s five chapters really six chapters maybe
85s so uh talk a little bit about my
88s formative uh few months in the game and
91s what I found we'll talk about a couple
93s of player organizations that were in was
96s in really early in Eve's like life cycle
98s one of which is actually quite well
99s known which is Shinra they actually did
101s some interesting stuff at the beginning
102s of the game and then this minor Co-op
104s that I'm sure nobody'll ever heard of
105s called DNA but my experiences playing
108s with those guys really had quite a big
110s impact on how I went on to play the game
112s for the rest of the time that I have
114s done uh then talk a little bit about
115s taking breaks and coming back to the
117s game after actually pretty long periods
119s of time and then uh you know I'm in
121s Shadow cartel and I've been in Shadow
123s cartel for quite a while there's a few
124s guys down here that I play with a lot uh
126s and I can't really do this talk without
128s talking a little bit about Lil SEC life
129s and kind of what it's like to operate in
132s a uh a corporation like that an alliance
134s like that which I think has a pretty
135s unique take on the game so we'll cover
137s that as well okay
139s now uh uh there are actually three major
142s actors in this story and I'll explain
143s why there are three major actors in this
145s story but these are the three characters
146s that you'll find me playing today and I
149s still play all of them really actively
150s and you'll find that a lot of players
152s that started really early in Eve's life
155s do have multiple main accounts and
157s there's a really obvious reason for that
159s which I'll get to so these are my you
161s know three personas they all do
162s different things and they're all created
164s for different reasons and we'll get on
165s and talk about them now so the first one
167s was active or Force this guy was created
169s on the day of launch at you can see on
172s the uh character info sheet 1721 so I
176s would imagine that I kind of got home
177s from work 6 21 in the UK where I live
179s got home from work very excited uh to
182s play this new game created this
184s character uh how did I choose that name
185s well Amar and uh you know the sort of
188s Latin Roman influence that is present in
191s a lot of them are character names I kind
192s of thought activore was a bit Latin
194s sounding and the fourth part uh you know
198s the story is about this guy who traded
200s his uh he traded his soul to the devil
203s for material gain right I thought that
205s was kind of you know interesting I guess
207s and that turned out to be pretty apt
209s later on when I you know became an evil
211s an evil space pirate uh so that was the
214s sort of that was the the starting of
215s that character and this is the
216s employment history then you can see I've
218s not been in in that many clubs
219s throughout my throughout my lifetime
221s so this was the first uh tag
224s trans-dimensional uh this Corp was
226s actually created before Eve was launched
228s this is a Corp that existed in beta uh
230s it was founded by a guy called Ragnar
232s and he was a pretty interesting guy he
234s was like super busy and I'm pretty sure
236s that he worked in the games industry he
238s was an American pretty sure that he
239s worked somehow in the video games
240s industry and unfortunately after the
242s game was launched uh the way that it
245s ended up being played you know in the
247s sandbox it didn't really align with this
249s guy's
250s expectations as to how it would be
252s played and he quickly quit out and went
254s to went to do something else now another
256s interesting thing about this Corporation
258s is
259s it's based a whole sort of philosophy
261s was based on the writings of this person
263s called Aaron Rand
265s yeah
266s yeah and that he gets a reaction right
268s he gets a reaction because it turns out
270s that this person is actually that their
272s ideas are really divisive it's the sort
274s of root of U.S libertarian politics and
277s people are like very binary on that
279s person they either love them or the on
281s the other side and uh this kind of
283s manifested itself this sort of set of
285s beliefs manifested it's in the itself in
288s the game in a really simple way nobody
290s would help each other like it's a player
292s organization where everybody's being
294s completely selfish so you know how do
296s you think that worked out
298s not so well not so well
301s yeah we got rich but uh you know there
303s wasn't a lot of uh you know agreeing on
305s shared goals and collaborating let's say
306s that didn't really happen over there
308s uh yeah so this guy quit out and then a
311s couple of other leaders were uh were in
313s place in that Court one guy I remember
315s quite vividly was in the US Military and
317s he kind of ran the Corp after the
319s original CEO left uh much like a
322s military operation and it was a lot more
323s teamy it was actually a lot better when
325s this guy he was called gunny p in game
326s when he took it over it was just a lot
328s better A lot more fun to hang around and
330s actually help people achieve some shared
332s goals you know
333s so this is a recreation of the first
336s sort of uh I'd say eight weeks of my
338s life in Eve yeah got in my little
341s Tormentor
343s orbiting a rock in Amar I think it says
347s yeah and grinding up uh uh grinding up
350s that currency to try and Advance my
352s character a little bit and I think the
354s big thing here is actually got a list on
356s my phone of stuff that wasn't in the
357s game at launch which I'll I think I'll
359s just quickly refer to because there's a
361s lot of stuff there so
362s only four ship classes okay uh frigates
366s Cruisers battleships and one industrial
368s per race so you had a very limited uh
371s toolkit to play with you've probably
372s heard about it the optimal mining ship
377s which one you know
378s the epoch yeah it's got eight turret
380s slops right so it would sit in our
381s epochs in lower SEC or in null and we
384s would mine uh in our apocs and it was
387s shortly after launch oh and Jet can
389s mining was the thing right so there was
391s no suspect flag at this point right so
392s jet can mining people would come along
395s and steal your valuable ore with
396s complete impunity and take it and you
398s could do nothing about it that was a
399s feature of the game at the beginning
401s uh and it was around this time you know
403s when I was doing this mining that I
405s realized I needed an alts and I created
407s this second character that you might
408s have seen frizon devois galente French
411s influence on the name that's why that
412s name got chosen later on I would train
415s that character into galante combat ships
417s because I wanted to you know fly a
418s megathron and use blasters to destroy
420s people so that all got trained on that
422s chair as well and still to this day he's
424s like perfect on everything in the
425s galante race that's essentially the
427s route that that shower went down other
429s things that were missing uh there were
432s no lodgy
433s no links
435s there were no implants apart from one
437s through four attribute enhancers no hard
439s wirings no ascendancies no amulets
442s nothing so you didn't have any of that
443s stuff uh
446s there were no rigs on ships either so
448s Riggs didn't we're not in the game there
450s was no exploration there were no
452s wormholes the only real forms of income
454s were belt routing or mining so it was
456s like super simple sandbox
458s uh and the skill queue it was like not
461s long so it was 24 hours if a skill ran
464s out and you couldn't get back to your
465s computer in 24 hours then you know that
467s was dead time where you weren't you
468s weren't accumulating skills uh there was
471s no Plex there was no Nez you wouldn't
474s store there were no skins there was no
476s multi-character training
478s there were no skill injectors and in
479s fact before you could actually train
480s meaningful skills you had to train
482s learning skills which would boost your
484s attributes so that you could actually
485s train something meaningful so you know
487s want to do something new in the game
488s it's like hurry up and wait
491s until that character eventually
493s accumulates enough skill points to do
495s that thing so it was kind of basic
496s really
500s the interface was much less look yeah
501s yeah but you know I came to this game
503s from something else called Earth and
505s Beyond which was a another multiplayer
507s space game
510s and God Eve looked beautiful compared to
512s that that was you know like I'd say last
515s last generation was kind of kind of
517s basic uh
519s what else ECM
522s was a completely incurable disease when
525s jammed you could do nothing any Fleet
527s with a large number of scorpions in it
528s was essentially a death ball that nobody
530s could fight
531s uh and then the other thing was uh
534s bookmarks and gate warping right you
536s couldn't walk to a gate at zero in fact
538s you couldn't walk to anything at zero
539s there was only one warping distance and
541s that was 15 kilometers
542s so you wanted to go to a new region or
544s to a new part of space you would send
546s someone in your Corp to go into that
548s region in a frigate make bookmarks 15
551s kilometers behind every Stargate in that
553s region so that you could then walk to
555s those bookmarks and drop onto that
556s Stargate and jump straight through it
557s and not get killed and this was like a
559s major industry for some players like
561s mapping regions of the game copying
564s thousands of bookmarks and selling them
566s to people that wanted to go to those
567s regions to fast travel through them that
569s was an actual thing that people used to
571s have to do which is kind of amazing uh
574s and then shortly after launch certainly
576s in the first year uh CCP introduced
579s these flippable stations in nullsack to
582s try to drive some conflict and you would
584s Siege them we would Siege these stations
586s which would call outposts we would Siege
587s them in top Ravens actually and blast
589s them and the last person that got the
591s hit on the structure to take it down to
593s zero would flip it and that Corporation
595s not Alliance would gain control over
597s docking rights for that station that was
599s essentially the null meta game
601s yeah no alliances that was the null meta
603s game at this time at this time in the
605s game it was flipping these outposts over
607s and over again and despite all of those
609s things uh you know it was still awesome
611s I still loved it so yeah
613s how do you like the first four weeks of
615s if you think the new player experience
617s has improved quite a lot since uh since
620s this point
625s yeah yeah
628s so uh after like you know that four to
631s six weeks of grinding of mining that
634s veldspar I eventually bought this Mighty
637s scorpion battleship
640s and I thought I'll take this out to our
642s Null Sec staging location in tip RG uh
648s and I very nearly quit the game as a
650s result of what you know happened okay
651s which was I got caught in a gate camp
653s like in a lot of you know political
655s Intrigue even at this stage I thought
657s the people that were killing me were
659s blue before I jumped into them and it
661s turned out that that Arrangement had
663s been dissolved just a few minutes before
665s my beautiful scorpion was also dissolved
668s uh and nothing was left of course and
670s for a long time you could find my tears
673s as a result of this incident online I
675s actually lost my in local
677s completely I went crazy with these guys
680s they they cut and pasted it and put it
682s on a forum and it was searchable for
683s years so you know my main lesson from
685s that is whatever you put on the internet
688s lives forever okay even if it's like
690s spaceships you know spaceships drama
693s shortly after that uh there was a new
695s CEO in uh in TTI in Target
697s transdimensional called Marque and uh he
700s was like a super cautious small gang
702s player we didn't really want to involve
703s the corporation as it was in large Fleet
706s fights which I actually really enjoyed
708s at the time these battleships slugfest
709s and uh I decided that I would leave and
712s kind of seek out more PVP and this is
714s where I got involved in Shinra uh and a
717s few other pvps from TTI went with me
721s over to Shinra as well including one guy
722s called Drax whose real knife name is
725s Matt he lives in Wales he's become a
726s friend of mine I've known him for a long
727s time uh and we went together over into
730s into Shinra really to try and you know
732s create a little bit of a PVP experience
734s for ourselves that was sort of next
735s stage in the game now Drax and I used to
738s play a lot together and one really
739s really Vivid incident I can still
741s remember now and we're going back like
742s 20 years here nearly in time we were in
745s a Duo roam in our ishtars which were new
747s to get new to the game at the time hacks
749s were completely new to the game I don't
750s know if you know when the iftar was
752s first released into the game game the
754s bonus was not actually drone damage the
756s bonus was more drones so if you had
758s hacked level five you would fly 15 heavy
761s drones with the oyster I mean God only
764s knows what the effect of that was on the
765s performance of the simulation node but
766s I'm thinking probably not good because
768s any large Fleet would have hundreds and
770s hundreds and hundreds of of drones and I
772s should say one feature of the game at
774s this time was you put 40 80 100 people
776s in a system and the simulation node
778s would usually crash at that point so
780s when you talk about large Fleet fights
782s in the early days of Eve you're talking
784s about 50 players really being involved
786s with them it's not like you see today
787s with hundreds even in cello cartel we
789s have fights with there'll be 500 to a
791s thousand ships on grid sometimes that
793s would have been completely impossible at
795s the beginning that would have been a
796s crash vest and you know nobody would
797s have been playing the game at that kind
798s of scale
800s anyway uh Drax and I roaming around I
803s think in Syndicate and remember there
804s were no adcs no assault damage controls
807s in the game here but these rep these
809s ships could still rep pretty well uh of
812s course with drone boats you're not using
814s cap to run the guns right so you can use
816s all that to run your wrappers and we
818s fought and killed a typhoon just the two
820s of us on a gate at zero and our drones
822s just chewed through it on the on this
824s gate he was blasting us with with torps
826s because there were no rapid Heavies then
827s uh
829s and we beat him and that was kind of my
830s first introduction in Eve to this kind
833s of asymmetric model that you've got
835s where small ships can beat large ones
837s and it's like rock paper scissors right
839s I really really enjoyed that and I still
840s now 20 years later vividly remember that
843s individual fight so how impactful it was
846s on me and my experience of the game
849s so uh the other thing that happened here
853s at the end of 2003 uh was the Caster
855s expansion right and the arrival of Tech
857s 2 bpos in the lottery yeah I don't know
860s if anyone knows the mechanic here you
862s would train research project management
863s you would grind standings with a
865s particular faction up to 5.0 and that
867s would unlock level 4 research agents for
869s you fly around the Galaxy talk to the
871s research agents get them started on a
874s research project and instead of
875s returning data cores like they do today
877s research data cores like they do today
878s they would return entries into an
881s invisible Lottery
882s and occasionally you'd get an email an
884s email
885s saying uh do you want a BPO
888s and I hit on the tracking disruptor 2
891s BPO during that Lottery but my friends
894s in the uh industrial Corp Drax and
897s someone else that we used to play with
898s in TTI called Ulan they'd set up a
900s little side business in Industry uh I
904s would say they were either very very
906s lucky or they had a lot of alts okay
909s because over the years we'll talk about
911s this a bit later they minted a lot of
914s Tech 2 bpos through that process and
916s that's made me space Rich thankfully you
919s know 20 years later I'll explain a
921s little bit about how that came about so
922s I was kind of dabbling around with this
924s Tech 2 production but what I was really
926s interested in was small gang PVP and
929s also you know these battleships look
930s best with uh with Shinra
932s despite my uh
934s my efforts in Tech 2 manufacturing only
937s been kind of limited
939s I did attract the attention of this guy
942s hi ho this is concerning your sales of
945s Tech 2 attacking tracking disruptors via
947s the Forum I noticed that you dropped the
949s price down to 1.65 per piece we're not
952s happy about this situation and I guess
953s you're not either we would like to stick
955s to 2 million per piece there was a Tech
958s 2 manufacturing cartel operating in the
961s game which I'd stumbled into with my
963s limited sales of the one module that I
965s managed to get a BPO for so found this
967s kind of interesting meta gaming and I
970s think you know with the arrival of
971s research and invention
973s all this stuff's been eliminated but it
975s was definitely uh you know people were
977s exerting a lot of control over markets
979s even back in 2005 when this when this
981s message was sent
984s okay so back to Shinra uh
986s you know this is early in the game
988s actually they were created we were
989s created in Shinra before there were
992s alliances as a construct so you couldn't
994s create an alliance he couldn't hold
995s solve you couldn't do any of that stuff
996s you could just team up with a few of the
998s co-ops with similar interests and try to
1000s exert control over an area of space and
1002s those areas of space they had to have
1004s NPC stations right because there were no
1006s outposts there were no pauses there were
1008s no structures
1010s there's nothing out there yeah so that's
1012s what we did we set up in curse we
1015s created something called curse alliance
1017s with our leader Chow Down who I've
1020s actually discovered is a friend of CCP
1022s arcade he knows him pretty well they're
1023s both from the UK and CP arcade was in
1026s general with me at the same time I
1028s didn't recognize this when I started on
1030s this journey to write this talk but he
1032s was there at the same time as me so we
1034s were out there in uh in curse we were
1037s fighting alliances then we're mostly
1039s connected to Regions so we were fighting
1041s fa or Fountain Alliance as they were
1043s called uh and we were flying with other
1046s Corps Shinra
1047s atok or Arcane Technologies UK and most
1050s of the people in that Corp were from
1051s Birmingham in the UK
1053s guy called Noob scripture great name
1054s love that name he was a fc that I
1057s remember flying with a lot and then this
1058s guy Chow Down and it was literally
1060s Battleship slopefest so our apocs
1063s against Fountain alliances megaphones on
1065s a gate typically 40 against 40 50
1068s against 50. by this time usually the
1070s simulation node would stay up and we
1071s could finish those fights but they were
1073s over quite quickly you know neurology no
1075s extended fight it was just kind of
1077s simple positioning and Blasting away
1079s each other and then uh something awful
1081s happened which was politics really don't
1085s like politics and games
1087s um maybe I'm playing the wrong game
1089s laughs
1090s so uh votf Vengeance of the Fallen black
1094s Omega security and a few of the corpse
1096s they splinted off from coast Alliance
1098s there was a lot of political infighting
1101s and I just like people yelling on
1103s TeamSpeak or ventrillo I think as it was
1104s back then I just checked out I wasn't
1106s interested in it so I quit it uh
1109s and in the background uh something
1111s really big was happening in Eve and
1113s people in the game were talking about
1114s this big news and that big news was this
1118s uh guiding hand Social Club
1121s destruction of a really really high
1123s value in-game Asset through what can
1125s only really be described as an act of
1127s Highly well planned and executed
1129s corporate espionage
1131s uh what happened is this guy
1135s here
1136s made friends with this guy here who had
1139s this really high value Asset over months
1142s and months and months and months
1143s established like a deep relationship of
1145s trust
1147s got him to take his one of a kind or two
1151s of a kind Imperial apoc
1153s out of the station dangerous location
1155s and then he walks him
1158s and it was such a big
1161s story that it actually got into the
1163s print so this is in PC Gamer in the UK
1165s several months later it actually got
1166s into print but it had been talked about
1168s in the community for quite a long time
1169s before that and it was covered by the
1171s mainstream media this is Spiegel you
1173s know it's like one of the biggest media
1175s outlets in Germany writing an article
1176s about the destruction of virtual Assets
1179s in a video game through an act of
1181s corporate Espionage it's kind of big you
1183s know this is probably a seminal moment
1185s in video gaming history really is so
1188s that happened and I was looking for a
1189s new Corp uh you know looking around in
1192s recruitment threads on the Eve online
1194s forums and I found this guy called ifney
1196s uh and are looking in its employment
1199s history and there it was guiding hands
1201s social club was in his employment
1202s history I thought this guy looks
1203s interesting I should probably try and
1205s join him like learn how to be a real
1207s space pirate instead of like a line
1209s member in a big ish null set corporation
1212s which is what Shinra would become at
1214s that point and I was sold on the idea
1215s before I saw this video and I was told
1217s not to put videos in this talk but this
1218s video really affected me when I saw it
1220s so
1221s hope you like it's only a few seconds
1224s [Music]
1236s [Applause]
1241s [Music]
1249s it goes on the highlight of that video
1251s by the way is a raven arriving on a gate
1255s without an insta jump bookmark because
1257s none of his friends had been 15K past
1259s the gate and made a bookmark turning on
1261s is my micro warp drive to burn to the
1263s gate and has anyone ever heard the term
1265s gank again
1267s well there was a gank again parked on
1269s the gate and I'm not joking the gank
1271s again evaporated The Raven before he
1273s could microwarp the 15K to the gate he
1275s had eight heat sinks in his lures
1278s and there were no stacking penalties at
1280s this point so your damage would just
1282s ramp exponentially as you stacked in
1283s more damage mods it was a great time as
1286s long as you weren't on the receiving end
1287s of that disco laser show because you
1289s were having a bad time if you got hit by
1290s it uh so that was an awesome period in
1293s my uh my history playing the game and it
1295s you know still air on my bio on my
1296s charts I still kept that piracy it's
1299s kind of a something that I found really
1300s interesting and this was like I would
1302s describe it as said it here it's like
1304s Elite small gang PVP there were like
1306s four guys Five Guys and I was one of
1308s them zipping around the edge of
1309s Syndicate uh laying waste to everything
1312s that we found or running away if the
1313s fight was too big it was kind of fun
1315s really really good unfortunately uh
1318s leadership went AFK and I did some
1320s research after running 93 days a guy
1323s called Nicolas who used to run it he
1324s quit uh and I will say how it's a little
1326s bit heartbroken it kind of paid to my
1328s dreams of being you know an elite small
1330s gang space pirate uh ruining people's
1332s days on the enter Syndicate I did join
1335s the establishment for a bit which was a
1337s follow-on Corp to it's a Shinra that had
1339s been created after Shinra disintegrated
1341s following a war with an organization
1343s called mu which I think a lot of people
1345s will know but I just couldn't really get
1347s into it so you know I took a break
1350s I got distracted by this thing
1353s I'm not sure a few people have been
1355s distracted by that
1356s so then I came back you know a few years
1358s later I came back to the game and uh
1362s it's kind of weird feeling when you log
1364s in after a few years I've been away and
1366s we've got this at the moment with
1367s someone that's just come back to the
1368s Corp uh it's D-Back right just came back
1371s and he's been away for a few years he's
1372s like trying to relearn all the systems
1374s uh you can walk to gates at zero I mean
1378s that's kind of revolutionary if you know
1379s more bookmarks but I'm still clearing up
1381s those bookmarks though on my characters
1383s now you know that goes a good 20 years
1386s later uh what else are the big changes
1389s you could join a fleet Now by clicking a
1392s link rather than having to have the
1394s fleet boss invite you that's actually a
1396s really big quality of life change and
1397s all of the embedded data that you can
1399s get by clicking hot links in chat I
1400s think is awesome like none of that stuff
1402s was there at the beginning yeah I think
1403s if you think you could click an item
1405s link when the game first came out that
1406s wasn't there
1407s the ingrain browser had been removed
1410s and also the in-game Jukebox if anyone
1413s remembers that you could like create and
1414s manage MP3 playlists natively within the
1417s game that was a feature that CCP somehow
1419s prioritized at the beginning of
1421s development uh I took a look around and
1424s uh some of my old core some of my
1426s characters were still in those
1427s industrial co-ops that they'd been in
1430s with Drax uh and Drax was still playing
1432s the game at this point Matt was still
1434s playing the game at this point uh we
1435s hung out for a while we were in an
1437s alliance when I came back with the old
1439s corpse called affirmative and actually
1441s went a couple of Realms with somebody
1443s called gregal who many of you should
1444s know is an organizer in the eve
1446s community and does great work so I was
1448s on comes with her a couple of times
1450s it was kind of casual PVP I did that for
1452s a while and then uh also set up Lars you
1455s know my Minotaur character that I talked
1457s about before I set him up in amamaki
1459s doing level four missions and ground
1461s quite a lot of risk out of level four
1462s missions I can say I'm a Mackie at this
1464s point it was not dangerous
1466s like it is today it was kind of a
1467s chilled out place with a lot of mission
1468s Runners try doing that now and uh
1471s boltrams boltrams guys will come down
1473s only like an iron Cannon and you won't
1475s exist anymore which is kind of funny The
1477s Establishment was completely gone uh
1480s some people I knew from Shinra were
1482s still playing Eve uh and I was like on
1484s the hunt for a new Corp and I found this
1486s thing called Beyond Divinity uh
1490s and when I looked at my application
1491s which actually I still have here so my
1494s application to join Beyond Divinity in
1495s Shadow cartel if you're young this is
1497s something called a forum
1499s you know this is what we used to have
1502s before we have Discord yeah this is what
1504s we used to have so and all these
1506s applications are still there right and
1507s there's some good stuff in them and
1508s reading this it just reconfirms
1510s everything that I found this quite late
1511s in the research process for this talk
1513s but it just reconfirms everything I
1515s thought about the game at the time is
1516s actually written down in here so it's
1518s well worth a read and I'm sure that
1520s these slides will get circulated I'll
1521s take a look at it it's kind of funny uh
1523s so I was like researching on Zed kill
1525s trying to find another Corp like DNA
1527s believe it or not and I found this group
1528s called body uh and the main thing I
1531s noticed about them is they'd have like
1532s blingy kill males well they're killed
1534s quite expensive Hardware with just three
1536s or four people and thought this looks
1537s kind of interesting
1538s and I applied to it and I got in and
1540s obviously you know joining a Corp I had
1542s to do my short trial and I actually
1544s found a kill mail from August 2014 when
1547s I was still in affirmative with another
1550s corpse called special circumstances
1551s which was one of the old courts that we
1553s had and but I was on a kill Mill with a
1555s bunch of Shadow cartel people and that's
1556s obviously the point at which I made this
1558s transition it's kind of hard piecing
1559s this stuff together it's a long time ago
1560s right so
1562s uh what else yeah well by the way during
1565s my application process I discovered a
1567s player called Angel uh it's actually a n
1570s g e one and I recommend you look this
1573s guy up on YouTube if you want to see
1574s really old
1575s poor quality but very very authentic
1578s videos of what Eve was like during its
1580s early history you find this guy's
1582s YouTube and he's got some great stuff
1583s he's got Chow Down another player called
1585s the embalmer another player called the
1587s Monk and I remember these guys
1589s unfortunately I'm not in any of these
1590s videos but the quality of them is so
1592s awful I just couldn't put them in this
1593s couldn't put them in this talk but it's
1595s worth a look so I met uh trouser deagle
1597s who is the CEO of body at this point wow
1600s bagger who's the alliance leader for SC
1602s Who's down here at the front uh and also
1604s this guy called Paquita
1606s anybody here heard of Paquita has
1609s anybody watch the shadow cartel YouTube
1611s video and heard yelling
1613s that's Poquito right it's kind of crazy
1615s and he's kind of agitated but he's
1616s actually a very good Fleet operator when
1619s he does in my opinion help us win a lot
1620s of fights so we'd probably lose if he
1622s wasn't there yelling at us to do better
1623s so it's kind of you know an interesting
1625s experience at this time uh actually
1627s applied to Shadow Qatar with my second
1629s character first which is frison frizz on
1631s devoir and most people in Shadow cartel
1633s know me as frizz on so you get this kind
1634s of weird thing with all these aliases
1636s floating around and I'd also say many
1638s characters have been hidden for upset
1640s reasons okay so I have a lot of other
1641s channels as well be on these with a lot
1643s of other stuff uh
1645s yeah
1646s so that was uh Shadow cartel it was
1650s ishtars by the way Ishtar is my favorite
1652s ship of all time and it was ishtars it
1655s was Navy apocs if you remember that comp
1657s and it was Proteus T3 fleets we were
1660s flying around in lussec uh and we were
1663s actually big at this point okay Shadow
1665s cartel was really big we were beating
1667s snuff we were fighting triumviron who we
1669s now kind of work with quite a lot but
1670s we're fighting them a lot we were
1671s fighting an alliance called overload
1673s everything do you remember those guys
1675s um and that was a lot of fun but we were
1677s killing everybody there's one fight that
1679s I found Now kill board festive January
1681s 2015 we killed three dreads four
1683s carriers and three mixers in a low set
1686s Royal and all we had was a bad ends and
1688s some lodgy
1689s we obliterate all of these super
1691s capitals with them it was great times uh
1694s and actually that bad and Hull had been
1695s added during the time I've been away you
1697s know the third Battleship Hall was added
1698s during that period as well
1700s so during that period I came to my first
1702s Fan Fest which was 2015. uh a few
1705s highlights first thing is if you didn't
1707s know they actually changed the date of
1708s that event to synchronize it with a 98
1711s solar eclipse
1713s and it was at the Harper so in the
1715s middle of the afternoon we all went
1716s outside
1719s this amazing thing happened I mean it
1722s needs explanation because they might not
1723s spot it in the photos believe it or not
1725s those photos are taken about five
1726s minutes apart
1727s you know there's no clouds on this one
1729s on this one the sky is completely full
1730s of clouds the sun got occluded by the
1733s moon the temperature dropped so fast
1734s that all of the ice crystals in the
1735s upper atmosphere froze instantly and
1737s just clouded the whole sky in about a
1739s minute and a half it was really
1740s something I've never seen anything like
1742s that in terms of the content
1743s few things first of all I met a guy
1745s called Michael Bravo Who's down here at
1747s the front uh Michael at the time was
1749s living in St Petersburg and a few years
1751s later he found me in Tel Aviv at a work
1752s event that I was at in Clemente High
1754s which was actually really really nice
1755s it's good to see you again really really
1757s good and then the other big thing at
1759s this event was uh
1761s virtual reality Eve Valkyrie
1764s putting on that headset shooting out of
1766s that launch tube and finding yourself in
1768s a fighter amongst the battle with a lot
1770s of super caps that was kind of awesome
1772s that was my first experience of VR I
1774s know it's completely blown away by it
1775s really really good I really enjoyed and
1778s I'm sorry that wasn't actually a
1779s successful project I thought it was
1780s really really great the other big thing
1782s that was announced in 2015 was uh
1787s structures up well structures and they
1789s were added to the game sometime in the
1791s next 18 months I think after 2016 yeah
1794s so you know I didn't actually appreciate
1796s how much this would change the way the
1798s game works I still consider it to be the
1800s greatest evolution in the history of the
1801s game the addition of upwell structures
1803s the three structure classes making
1805s nullsack livable even though I've never
1807s lived there making null Tech livable and
1809s also uh providing like a more strategic
1812s meta game actual objectives to fight
1814s over you can see how some of these big
1815s Wars work with people kind of creeping
1817s their front line forward by putting down
1819s structures and the Defenders trying to
1821s destroy them through the timer cycle I
1823s think it's really awesome and I think
1824s the way that the timers work on a fixed
1825s schedule is also great for a game that's
1827s truly International right we can play in
1829s our time zone the Russians can play in
1831s their time zone the Chinese people that
1833s we have quite a few of them actually in
1834s Shadow cartel they can play in their
1835s time zone defend their own structures
1837s and they've got their own metagame which
1838s is time zone appropriate for them which
1839s I think is really really an awesome
1841s feature
1842s uh so played quite intensively for a
1844s while and then I took a break and the
1846s reason I took a break really was my IRL
1848s job I was traveling all the time and uh
1851s you can play Eve on a laptop but not the
1852s way I play it okay with like
1854s multi-boxing and lots of vaults it just
1856s doesn't really work so sadly you've had
1858s to go for a while
1859s took a long break and then uh something
1862s happened right covert happened
1865s and lots and lots of people returned to
1866s the game that had been on long breaks
1868s and I was one of them that came back uh
1872s mainly because I just wasn't traveling
1874s anymore with my work and I was traveling
1875s so much uh before covered so uh this
1878s time I got off to a much better start
1880s okay last time around when I joined the
1883s first thing that happened was my bestowa
1885s got blown up in high SEC with 322
1888s million disks worth of Mario and
1890s Starship engineering data cores in it
1892s so the first time I returned actually
1894s you know some things had changed but one
1896s thing hadn't changed which is high SEC
1898s is a dangerous place I shouldn't go
1899s there
1900s this time around it was quite different
1902s the first action of no on my kill board
1904s here was God knows what possessed this
1907s person but he tried to gate and moros
1908s through Shadow cartel's home system and
1911s that didn't end very well for him
1912s unfortunately me and 25 other people
1914s ruined his day by destroying this on a
1917s gate in Adora and just after he jumped
1918s out of issue where we live
1920s uh I also though you know made my own
1923s mistakes the most amusing one was
1925s discovering how command destroyers or
1927s boosters worked which I didn't know were
1929s in the game I found myself 100
1930s kilometers off the undock thankfully it
1933s was only a vexer and uh the kwafskin I
1936s got in the 2015 Fan Fest was not damaged
1938s during the incident but I did lose the
1940s ship and I think that's one of the
1942s awesome things about coming back to the
1943s game you never know quite what's
1945s different and it's actually quite hard
1946s to get a kind of readout of everything
1948s that's changed and this kind of
1950s Discovery period that you had you have
1952s when you when you start playing again I
1954s consider it a really really interesting
1955s and really really fun the constant
1957s evolution is just awesome
1959s uh this time around uh I did check
1962s before I came back and after my
1963s experience with the establishment which
1965s had just disappeared while I was AFK uh
1967s and offline for a few years I sent a
1970s note to them to welbeger saying you know
1972s what's going on is SC still active
1974s and he said they'd been completely
1976s dormant so there'd be almost nobody in
1978s Shadow cartel for quite a few years and
1979s they'd been largely inactive uh but by
1982s the time I returned in October 20
1985s the Poco emperor empire was in full
1988s swing you know we were fighting a lot we
1991s weren't dominant anymore uh
1994s but we were still active in fact more
1995s active than we'd been for a few years
1996s while I've been away uh and thankfully
1999s the guy that runs by the trouser uh
2001s trouser deagle he's terrible at purging
2004s inactives so all of my characters were
2006s actually exactly where I left them this
2007s time around with no need to do anything
2009s like administrative to get back into the
2011s corpse which which I think is great uh
2013s some things had changed so my favorite
2015s Ishtar was no longer favored you know we
2018s just weren't using them anymore
2019s uh uh t3s T3 Cruisers they were the new
2024s hotness and also this thing called the
2026s Shacks which like made me
2029s Wonder
2030s what are the shacks and actually who are
2032s triglyvians because all that had
2034s happened while I was offline
2037s snuffed out had become completely
2039s dominant in the period that I'd been
2040s away and our home system remains
2043s underneath their Capital umbrella so
2045s Shadow cartel is more of a gorilla
2048s operation now we don't really feel very
2051s expensive Hardware because the chances
2054s of it staying intact are pretty low so
2056s if there's any sniffed out people in
2058s here you're doing a good job of keeping
2059s us suppressed I would say
2061s uh the other massive change of course
2064s was upwell structures were now in the
2066s game and as I said earlier I think this
2068s is one of the biggest things that's ever
2069s happened to Eve those posses they'd been
2072s reduced to parking lots for supers
2074s really you know where you park your
2076s Titan or your super caps and uh
2078s sometimes they're used in Wormhole space
2080s for staging but really it's all about
2082s structures now uh the features that
2084s offer are just so much better uh and we
2087s use them a lot I use them a lot as well
2088s okay and this is one of the reasons that
2090s I use them so much
2092s when I was sort of dabbling around with
2094s Tech 2 manufacturing back in my early
2096s period in the game I wasn't actually
2098s paying much attention to what was
2100s happening in the industrial Corp
2103s I knew that they were getting these
2105s blueprints uh
2108s but I was too busy wanting to Blossom up
2109s so I didn't really do much with them uh
2112s and I was getting my money from those L4
2114s missions
2115s uh but when I came back I really started
2117s looking into this I still had characters
2119s left in these alt Corps and with the
2121s structure changes it meant
2123s you know deploying process is incredibly
2126s complicated and time consuming where I
2127s was laying down an ethanol that you can
2130s do reactions in to start the tech 2
2132s manufacturing chain is actually much
2134s much simpler and also much more
2135s defensible so I got into that in a big
2138s way
2139s uh they didn't sell the second Warrior
2142s Two BPO by the way they kept that one
2144s along with 25 others including a hugging
2147s Mastodon
2148s uh some ammo prints there's all kinds of
2151s stuff in there it's locked in the corpse
2153s I can't remove it I can't scam them and
2155s steal them and I can't have them blown
2156s up because it's all the blueprint
2157s copying's all done in the safety of a
2159s high-tech high-tech MPC station but
2161s they're all there so uh yeah that's
2163s basically how I
2165s pay for my uh blingy ship habit
2170s the other guy by the way Yulan who
2171s mentioned briefly who was in that
2173s industrial Corp he's actually the
2175s richest person that I know in Eve like
2177s no well in Eve I look into his hangar
2179s and he's got trillions and trillions and
2180s trillions in assets sitting in there I
2182s have about three quarters of a trillion
2183s total assets but he completely dwarfs me
2186s in terms of his level of wealth he's
2187s like a super whale because over this
2189s 10-year period 20-year period when he's
2192s been playing he's been cranking
2193s industrial operations on a massive scale
2195s that's the only way that you could
2196s explain the level of wealth that he has
2200s uh teaching manufacturing operation I
2202s just said it pays for the stuff that I
2204s want uh also sometimes I can pay back to
2207s the alliance as well so there was an
2208s incident uh in March this year that you
2212s can see at the bottom uh involving uh
2215s Varga Fleet
2217s 50 snuff carriers and almost as many
2220s facts and they came in on top of us when
2222s we were in Bastion Siege to fighting a
2225s smaller group and we got wrecked okay
2226s and I got my two Vargas which I borrowed
2228s off the alliance were kind of evaporated
2230s quite quickly uh
2232s so you know sometimes I can pay back and
2234s do my own SRP as well which is kind of I
2236s think helpful a lot of shiny toys some
2239s stuff that I use a lot Black Ops is
2241s quite a thing in our corporate
2243s Corporation in Alliance really like that
2244s some stuff that's kind of saved in the
2246s back pocket for when we need it uh and
2248s some stuff that I'm still working on
2250s accumulating more wealth to uh to
2252s acquire
2254s okay Fan Fest last year came here last
2256s year as I said at the beginning of the
2257s talk uh and I came with my partner now
2259s my fiance Sally she really likes Iceland
2262s so it's not hard to get her to come out
2264s here uh and you can see she was like
2266s skeptical when I made her put on a
2268s adventure last year
2270s but then she discovered there was
2271s cosplay involved in Eve which she loves
2273s she's actually here in the middle so we
2274s can make a blessing bless you yeah
2278s this by the way I should give credit
2280s this guy is called uh
2282s arachnos blood feather I don't know if
2285s he's here this year but he made that
2286s trig survival shoot suit and was wearing
2288s here wearing it here last year I think
2290s it's awesome really really good yeah as
2292s for snuff well I did also meet a few
2294s snuffed out people here last year I met
2296s phantomite who's on the CSM ballot for
2299s this year he's left actually and is now
2300s running a big chunk of galante faction
2303s Warfare fun he's actually a really nice
2305s guy even when he was in snuff he was a
2306s really nice guy we also met somebody
2308s called Alicia Severus uh who we were
2311s with at the party last year and she is a
2313s real interesting person first of all
2314s she's got a massive snuffed out tattoo
2316s on her arm which I think is awesome but
2318s secondly she was one of the people
2319s responsible for destroying my Vagas and
2322s when I tried to convo her to say stop
2324s shooting my Vargo we met last year at
2325s Fan Fest just totally ignored my in-game
2328s message request so if you see her here I
2331s want to talk to her about that
2333s okay
2335s yeah she cost me four billion asks
2343s so you know when I started making this
2345s talk I actually thought that it would be
2347s mostly about systems like things that
2350s have changed in the game I thought it
2351s would be mostly about systems and
2353s actually it didn't really turn out that
2355s way it turned out to be more about the
2357s different people I've played with you
2360s know which I think is kind of
2361s interesting because I always like looked
2363s at the greatest ship his friendship and
2364s I was kind of you know a bit skeptical
2366s about it uh
2368s but I really enjoy some of the people
2370s I've met playing the game and I think
2372s that's actually really important
2373s something that we should probably focus
2374s on a bit more there's so many people in
2376s Shadow cartel uh that I've had an
2378s awesome time with some of these people
2380s by the way I disagree with vehemently
2382s about many aspects of real life but we
2384s come together when we play this fun game
2386s together and it is a lot of fun okay and
2389s I would say that SC is kind of an
2392s interesting org and it's interesting for
2393s a couple of reasons right we're thought
2396s of as you know low SEC pirate scum
2400s probably
2401s uh what we actually do is we run this
2404s Poco Empire so we earn large numbers of
2406s player own Customs officers and we'll
2408s fight you for them basically we'll fight
2410s you for them wherever they are and we'll
2412s also buy them from you so if you've got
2413s a poker that you don't want just come
2415s and see this guy here in the gray in the
2417s gray top okay and we'll try and
2419s negotiate on it we'll buy them we've got
2420s thousands and we want to collect we want
2422s to collect more we love them they don't
2423s actually make that much revenue but they
2424s sure as hell make a lot of content
2426s that's what we're here for right
2429s uh other characteristic of Shadow cartel
2432s despite that kind of you know low SEC
2433s pirate scum thing is uh we're actually
2436s quite honorable
2437s we know we don't switch sides in fights
2439s we're quite careful about managing our
2441s standings and we always adhere to our
2443s blue list so I would say that is
2445s something that actually makes our
2446s alliance kind of it feels a bit
2449s different when you're inside it it's not
2450s actually like backstabbing scamming
2453s cheating which is you know an aspect of
2455s the game which is present it's not
2457s really like that it's kind of different
2458s and I actually really enjoy I really
2460s enjoy playing playing with this group of
2461s guys
2463s okay uh so what can I say look has
2465s played a big part in my journey okay I
2468s don't think that I would have been able
2469s to make as many bad decisions in the
2471s game if it wasn't for my look or rather
2473s my former Court mates look with the t2
2476s BPO it's certainly gifted a lot of
2478s people a lot of very shiny kill males
2480s over the years uh having said that also
2483s do a lot of Pi and I would say just
2485s watching that previous presentation with
2487s the spreadsheets my only Adventure in
2490s spreadsheets for Eve has been a tool
2491s that I made to calculate pi chain
2493s profitability so you know I do subscribe
2496s to spreadsheets in space despite my real
2499s desire to spend most of my time blowing
2501s stuff up
2509s the other thing I'd say which I think
2510s has been a big factor we were talking
2512s about this last night actually uh I've
2514s never been in a leadership role I've
2515s been in a leadership role in other games
2517s but I've never been in a leadership role
2518s in Eve I actually think that that's
2520s contributed to its longevity I think if
2522s I was doing what I do at work which is
2523s like managing people uh I don't think it
2526s would be fun I like the fact that it's
2527s like simple line member I can be relied
2529s on to press F1
2531s or uh rep something that needs repping
2534s even if I'm running three or three logic
2535s characters I can still like do that
2537s quite proficiently Dan kindly told me
2539s last night that he trusted me to run
2540s multiple logic logic characters also
2542s told me it doesn't actually trust
2543s everybody else in the alliance to do
2545s that which I thought was kind of funny
2546s uh so I can do that stuff kind of well
2548s but I don't subscribe to leadership
2550s roles uh
2553s I don't subscribe to leadership roles in
2555s this game and I don't think I ever will
2556s for me it's like be a line member have
2558s fun you know do my own thing uh that's
2561s it I think that's why I enjoyed it so
2562s much I got kind of emotional when I
2563s wrote this back in May uh it actually
2566s got kind of emotional presenting a bit
2567s of it today as well which is kind of
2569s weird so I uh I hope you liked it
2572s [Applause]
2586s questions I'll take feedback as well
2589s foreign
2593s before my time but yeah I think so
2595s yeah
2602s so my question
2608s it's the Anaconda mines I still have
2610s some of those
2612s in my hangar but I've never seen them
2614s used even in those early days I've never
2616s seen them used
2621s really okay interesting
2624s so you were in high circum the mine was
2626s in that's a good feature they should
2628s bring that back
2629s [Laughter]
2633s okay anybody else do you
2639s would I take the t2 bpos if I could I
2641s wouldn't because I Matt the guy that I
2643s mentioned who kind of orchestrated all
2645s that I do know him when I was on
2646s Facebook and I deleted my account a long
2648s time ago but when I was on Facebook we
2650s used to like talk uh so no I definitely
2653s wouldn't even
2654s honor right I actually consider it quite
2656s important I don't think I don't think
2657s I'd steal them no
2659s even if it meant I'd be able to get in
2660s PC game you know as the newest biggest
2663s double Crosser in Eve I probably still
2664s wouldn't do it
2666s I don't think it was addressed uh what
2669s brought you to pick Evan Ryan in the
2671s first place yeah well I was playing as I
2673s said another MMO space MMO called Earth
2676s and Beyond
2678s uh which I understand is actually
2680s available through some sort of emulation
2682s system now so if you want to look at
2683s Earth and Beyond somebody's taking the
2686s IP which you know is abandoned long
2688s abandoned it actually shut down I think
2690s in 2005.
2692s four and I think it was killed mostly by
2694s people migrating to it frankly I think
2696s that's a thing that sort of put the
2697s final nail in the coffin for that I was
2699s playing that uh you know I guess I'm
2701s interested in sci-fi uh there was
2704s another part in this talk that I took
2705s out you know uh which I'll just talk
2707s about really quickly
2710s uh uh it's kind of weird to talk about
2712s this
2713s I'm kind of a detail-orientated person
2717s the more complicated something is
2720s the more I'll get into it okay to an
2722s unhealthy extent sometimes you know I
2725s mean I've definitely got ASD
2727s characteristics autistic Spectrum
2728s Disorder characteristics because
2730s that's such a strong indicator of that
2732s and I think the thing that got me with
2734s uh with Eve is just and it's you know
2737s over time even more layers have been put
2739s on right it's systems on top of systems
2741s on top of systems I just find it
2743s fascinating really
2750s foreign
2752s are there any aspects of your experience
2753s in Eve that have colored the rest of
2756s your life
2758s I mean I've I was in leadership roles in
2761s my work way before I got into it and
2764s maybe the biggest
2765s thing is you know appreciating
2768s how
2770s in order to be successful everybody
2772s needs to pull their weight right if
2773s you've got people in a team that are
2776s actively working against the objective
2778s or aren't competent enough to advance
2780s the goal then that's every bit as
2784s present in this game is is in real life
2786s so I guess that's a factor and I guess
2788s the other one is like internationalism
2790s you know it's I mean how many countries
2792s are represented in this room I have no
2793s idea does anybody from the Americas here
2796s Middle East or Israel
2799s further away than that Asia
2801s so you know we've got people in our
2803s Co-op from China quite a few of them a
2805s lot of people from the US I really like
2806s that kind of international aspect of it
2808s as well I think it's good to get to
2810s understand people that have got
2811s differing viewpoints differing cultures
2813s different political viewpoints I think
2814s it's really an interesting part of the
2816s game as well but that could be said for
2817s any MMO right with a strong Community
2819s like this I guess the other thing that's
2820s good about the game is I'm older right I
2823s started playing when I was 29 and uh I'm
2825s 50 in a few weeks uh there's some people
2828s in my alliance
2830s that were seven when I started there's
2832s one person in my alliance he was minus
2835s five so I'm not even sure if his parents
2836s had got together when I started playing
2838s this game uh so you've got that as well
2841s it's like you know a bit of instant
2842s generational stuff as well I think in
2843s playlist
2849s yeah that's it yeah yeah yeah I think
2852s it's great and I hope it goes on a lot
2854s more maybe I'll come back in 10 years
2856s and you know talk about years 20 to 30
2858s that'd be a fun talk to do
2868s is there any event that during that
2871s happened during your uh breaks that you
2874s really feel that uh that you wish you
2877s could have taken part in I wish I'd I
2879s mean I've you know heard mixed reviews
2880s on the triglavian storyline and you know
2883s a lot of people are critical of its
2884s perceived abandonment
2886s uh I didn't see that and would like to
2888s have seen it when I got back there's a
2889s system close to our home system called
2891s ignabana which was a high SEC border
2893s system it's gone now and it's in trick
2894s space and uh we got the pokers before it
2897s flipped by the way so we kept we kept
2899s them even though it's in tricks both uh
2901s so I guess I would have liked to have
2903s seen that you know I would like to have
2904s seen more of that event
2907s yeah what are some other events that
2909s I've missed I guess could be a question
2912s no I don't think so
2915s yeah but I mean
2918s that was a that was an attempt by a few
2921s Null Sec alliances to destroy everything
2924s yeah in juta right yeah I'd like to have
2925s seen that yeah I don't go there very
2927s often because like all my Charizard neg
2929s sex dates you know I've got other
2931s characters that go there but they're not
2932s these main characters
2934s that's all the time we have okay thanks
2937s everybody
2937s [Applause]