over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

20s welcome back to the pulse in the
22s basement of GTA 44 since the pulse bar
24s needed a little bit of renovating after
25s FanFest but this is still your source of
27s news from EV
28s online with the gates to the mysterious
31s zazac system opened up at FanFest 2023
33s the new Awakening zazac event has begun
37s capsuleers have been asked to Aid the
38s deathless in bringing zazac Jovian Mega
41s station the fulcrum back up to full
43s strength collect the materials he needs
45s from standard and Drifter Wormhole sites
47s then exchange them in zazac for pirate
49s LP tokens you can then be the first to
52s get your hands on the new mechabal and
53s Mamba destroyers by trading those LP
55s tokens in at existing Angel cartel and
58s gista LP stores until the 14th of
61s November for the regular Wormhole sites
63s you'll need to scan down cosmic
65s signatures and systems identifying both
67s wormholes in known space and then
68s sleeper Relic and data sites within
70s Wormhole systems with the Forgotten and
73s unsecured site name prefix respectively
76s A Relic analyzer and or a data analyzer
78s should also be fitted to your ship for
80s the hacking of containers at those sites
82s which is where you'll get element
83s containment vessels from Relic sites and
86s element Control Data from data sites be
88s prepared for combat though as these data
90s and Relic sites do contain hostile
92s sleeper
93s NPCs you will also need to obtain
96s elements from the five Drifter Hive
97s Wormhole systems known space entrances
100s to these systems are designated
102s unidentified Wormhole and any system
104s containing a j Observatory has a chance
106s of spawning one of these wormholes they
109s are visible on the default overview in
111s systems where connections currently
112s exist once you've obtain the elements
115s from the bosses in videt redout Sentinel
118s baracon and conflux systems they can be
120s combined using the blueprint that also
122s drops at the combat sites in those
124s Drifter systems to produce a coalesced
126s element The Drifter Wormhole sites are
129s highly dangerous and should be
130s approached with other capsuleers versus
132s going
134s solo once a coales element element
137s containment vessel and element Control
139s Data have been obtained all three items
141s will need to be deposited at the fulcrum
143s in zazac for a single pirate LP token
146s which can then be redeemed at existing
148s Angel and gista LP stores
151s speaking of FanFest 2023 reveals the new
154s Evon line expansion Havoc was also
156s announced coming on the 14th of November
159s Havoc will give you the chance to align
161s with the angel cartel or gas through
163s pirate insurgencies to Aid the deathless
165s in spreading corruption throughout
167s Empire War zones from the newly
169s discovered zazac system Havoc also
172s introduces brand new Angel cartel and
174s gista ships including the long awaited
176s Aerial Class Angel cartel Titan as well
179s as enhancements to Corporation projects
181s such as automatic payouts recognition
183s for loggy pilots and new project types
186s plus updates to air opportunities and
188s more also announced at FanFest Eve
191s Vanguard the FPS module for Eve online
193s will be coming as part of the Havoc
195s expansion starting on PC Eve Vanguard
198s will be connected to Eve online from day
200s one you'll be able to impact Eve
203s directly through Frontline corruption
204s fueling the war machine of new Eden when
206s it comes online in December as part of
208s the first strike event check the link in
211s the description to sign up for a chance
213s to try e Vanguard out the Crimson
216s Harvest event Returns on the 5th of
217s October and this year runs until
219s November the 6th capsuleers will be
222s placed in the middle of the bloody
223s conflict between the blood Raiders and
225s the Order of tetron combat and hacking
227s sites can be found throughout HEC lowc
230s nulc and Wormhole space more challenging
233s sites promising even greater rewards can
235s be found in deric low security space and
237s blood Raider core systems in delve and
239s those those harder sights can lead to an
241s escalation path during the event PVP
244s kills will drop loot at around 90% And
247s daily login rewards will include
248s boosters new death glow Remnant skins
251s everm marks a generous amount of skill
253s points and More in addition the in-game
256s seasonal challenges will reward you with
257s 18 more new death glow Remnant skins for
261s a limited time you can get 50% off Omega
263s and MCT bundles in the eve store take
266s advantage from the 5th to the 10th of
268s October and remember the Omega
270s capsuleers will get better daily login
271s rewards during the Crimson Harvest csm1
274s 18 results were also announced at
276s FanFest 2023 thank you to all candidates
279s who ran and all who voted this was the
282s second highest turnout ever for CSM
284s voting and csm1 18 is notable for the
286s selection of kosal idon and Stitch
288s kanand as CSM members by CCP as their
291s expertise in game ensures the CSM
294s represents a diverse variety of
296s interests in Eve the alliance tournament
298s will return for its 20th run running in
300s 2024 full details of the tournament and
303s prizes will be revealed in due course
305s and congratulations to fraternity who
307s were crowned champions of Alliance
309s tournament 19 thank you to all who
312s attended the record-breaking Eve FanFest
315s 2023 celebrating 20 years of Eve with
317s you has been incredible and we look
319s forward to seeing you all again at Eve
321s FanFest 2025 which will be returning to
323s Haka tickets are on sale
326s now that's all for this episode of the
328s pulse thank you for joining us remember
329s to check the description below for more
331s information on the stories that we've
332s covered and hit subscribe and the bell
334s icon to stay notified of any new videos
336s that we
338s post this is what you get with rapid
340s assembly
341s tape see you next
351s time