almost 6 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

18s good morning New Eden I just have bright
22s lights I can't really see you all so oh
24s good to know
28s I'm dunk tinkle with brave newbies and
31s who do you fly with all right that was
35s pathetic that was pathetic let's let's
37s try that again
38s hi I'm dunk tinkle with brave newbies
41s who do you fly with there there you go
46s that's some pride all right now people
48s out in twitch chat I see you somewhere
50s out there twitch chat people
51s I'm dunk tinkle with brave newbies who
54s do you fly with and that's your cue to
56s type into twitch chat like who you fly
58s with so when I play this back later I
61s want to see just a scroll of things
63s meaning through alright my talk is how
66s to lead without being the CEO so really
70s why am I giving this talk what's it all
73s about and the truth is that when things
76s fail and go wrong and Eve it's rarely a
78s single battle it's rarely a single
80s betrayal it is almost always a failure
83s of morale a failure of people to come
86s and log into the game it's really easy
88s when stuff's going sideways and you sit
90s down at your computer at night and you
92s go don't want to log in and deal with
94s all that crap or do I want to go play
96s overwatch or something like that
98s and so what I'm going to talk about is
100s how you maintain morale there's only
102s usually one CEO and that person is
104s usually busy doing a lot of other stuff
106s so how can you is the average line
107s member help now the stuff I'm going to
111s talk about is not brand new stuff it
112s shouldn't be super remarkable its
114s standard kind of management tools and
116s techniques that people have been using
117s for thousands of years here's a famous
120s FC talking about it probably about 2000
122s years ago now some people may say that
126s you know this isn't really important as
129s important as how many supers and Titans
130s and all that that you have but I'll
132s point out a few examples
134s you can look at a couple years ago in
136s the big war the goons Imperium were
138s basically kicked out of the north and
141s that was a terrible defeat for them but
144s the Mitanni was able to maintain their
146s morale rally them around a cause and now
149s two years later they are the most
151s powerful goon hammer that he promised
153s that would get formed in the game and
155s that's a triumph of morale
157s it's a tramp of focus and ethos and
159s effort
160s same thing with triumvirate triumvirate
161s got kicked out of their space they
164s didn't lose faith they kept their morale
165s up and then they rallied back and kicked
167s out what was the unkillable drf or
169s whatever the official name is so this
171s stuff really matters in the game so what
176s I'm gonna talk about as much as I love
177s spreadsheets has nothing to do with
179s spreadsheets it has to do with these
181s soft skills these skills that don't
182s always come easy to people people who
185s work with computers a lot work in tech
186s are very comfortable with rules and
188s exactitude and all that kind of stuff
190s but when you're dealing with people it's
192s different you have to be emotional you
194s have to tap into those skills as well so
198s you may ask Who am I I've been playing
200s for about 10 years now I played in high
202s sec I was at the court there for a while
204s until the husband-wife leaders of it got
207s divorced which wrecked the Corp and then
210s I did a faction warfare Hale type his
212s half and then I joined brave newbies
215s about five days after it formed and I've
217s been them ever since I'm not the CEO of
219s rave newbies although I get confused
221s with that from time to time that's a
223s video of my carrier getting doomsday by
225s Black Legion and fountain and then in
230s it's a great video it's like Black
233s Legion he calls a bluff and there's my
235s carrier getting doomsday with captioning
237s in real life shockingly I'm a technology
240s executive I work with what we call
243s creative executives which was basically
245s the real-world equivalent of FCS you
247s know those people that ask for things I
249s want it right now I want the way I want
251s it and they're mad all the time so you
253s deal with those kind of people and then
254s I manage quote tech people which a lot
257s of Eve players fall into that category
259s of they like very specific things they
261s want to do and other things that are
263s very similar to what Eve has to do and
265s again at work
267s not the CEO that would be very nice so
271s before I get really rolling a few things
273s about this your mileage is gonna vary
275s with what I talk about here it doesn't
278s work for every corporate culture some
281s groups are so focused have a singular
282s ethos that they don't really care about
284s this kind of stuff and that's fine it
285s works for them everything I say you have
287s to adjust for the way your world works
290s your personal style matters I as you can
293s tell probably a little more extroverted
295s than the average person you've seen some
297s of my videos and stuff like that so my
299s style is a little more over the top if
301s you're not as extroverted a little more
303s introverted you're gonna have a
304s different style don't try to be
306s something you're not
307s because authenticity and the way you
308s talk to people is absolutely critical if
311s people think you're faking something or
313s saying something's not true it doesn't
315s matter what you're saying it's how you
316s say things that matter to people and
319s then you have to know that there are
321s some people you cannot reach there are
324s people who just for whatever reason
326s aren't gonna respond to these techniques
328s they can be dealing with something in
330s there in the real life that's just too
332s hard they can just have bad personality
334s and or they're just not a good fit for
336s what your group is of all about so don't
340s be afraid like if you do your best and
342s then they still leave or they're still
343s getting mad and still get banned or
344s whatever it is don't take it personally
347s so I like to do a tldr on this so if
350s you're not liking what I'm talking about
352s you can leave immediately so what I'm
354s gonna talk about is really three simple
356s things that you can do to make sure that
358s people that you can keep the morale up
360s you listen to people you find out
363s actually what's going on you act you do
365s things to help the people in the group
368s feel better about the group and then you
370s lead which is basically providing a good
372s example leading by examples most
374s powerful thing leaders do you know no
377s one wants to see that do what I say not
379s what I do
380s that's a real demoralize er for a lot of
382s people so let's talk about listening
386s I'll call it lurking here and basically
389s you need to hear what is going on in
391s your group if you are talking if you're
394s rambling if you're disconnected you're
397s not gonna know what people are actually
398s talking about so I prefer to lurk I mean
401s all the time I'm usually doing something
403s disconnected from what they're talking
404s about make an industry or something like
406s that but when people start to complain
408s about something hey my SRP didn't come
410s through or what's with this new doctrine
413s I'm hearing it what they're actually
414s saying and the key thing to listening is
418s shutting up there's a lot of people and
421s Eve who like to talk an awful lot in
423s calm
425s and make their opinion very widely known
427s and that's okay for some people but if
429s you want to understand what people are
431s concerned about you need to shut up and
434s listen and resist the urge to chime in
437s every thirty seconds with your opinion
439s on it because that'll change what
441s they're talking about
444s another thing about listening is it's
447s not just being quiet all the time I'm
449s gonna grab some drink here what's called
455s active listening is a key tool you can
457s use when somebody has a problem you want
460s to talk to them you want to hear what
462s they have to say know what they're
464s saying and then be able to ask a
466s question for clarity to show them you're
467s paying attention to what they said and
470s then very importantly you can reflect
472s back what they just said to you right I
475s understand that you're very upset that
477s we don't run an armored battleship
478s doctrine yep those look very cool but
481s we're a shield alliance I understand
483s what you're talking about
484s now you don't have to fix their problem
486s you don't have to make it better you
488s don't have to offer a solution if to
490s tell them how to fit their ship all
491s people mainly want to do is be heard a
494s lot of times all people want to do is
497s vent and if you can listen to someone
499s vent and not like take it personally if
502s you can let people have their say they
505s just want to get it off their chest
506s right why did you let my Rourke wall die
508s you know those kind of things happen and
511s they just want to get it off and for a
512s lot of people they don't even want it
514s fixed they don't even want the problem
515s repaired all they want is a chance to
518s say their feelings to let that out and
521s when you're sitting by yourself in a
522s room playing a computer game and you're
524s frustrated there's no one to yell at in
526s your room with you so if you can be that
528s person that lets some vent it's gonna
529s let them get back in the flow of the
530s game that much easier
534s another time I recommend you stop
537s shutting up and start talking is to
538s squash drama drama leads to low morale
541s drama leads to all kinds of problems in
543s the game and so there's a lot of ways to
546s do this if you think the only way to
548s squash drama is to chime up and beat the
551s person down verbally or type a lot and
553s call or type a lot in your discord or
555s slag that's not the case often times you
558s want drama to go away just like that
560s whole you know the movie squirrel you
562s want people to be distracted so there's
564s a lot of ways to do that
565s some people use humor some people use
568s dragons someone to another place and
569s comms and saying hey I really want to
571s hear more about why you're upset that we
573s aren't you know running armored supers
575s instead of shield supers or whatever
577s their concern is take them out of it or
579s I think you understand why you think
582s this is all a scam to make the
584s leadership have more plaques but let's
586s hear what you have to say you want to
587s squash drama before it spins up because
589s if you haven't noticed he was a game
592s with a lot of tin foil in it and people
594s love it go look at our eve today he's
596s like the freakin tinfoil central alright
602s the next thing to talk about is acting
604s what can you do and a lot of this is
606s really the basic stuff these are doing
608s small favors for people that know that
611s you give a crap about them lighting a
614s sign o for someone makes a huge
616s difference to them for a lot of people
617s these capital ships are a huge
619s investment of their time and resources
621s they want to be careful with it they
623s want somebody who like takes time out of
625s their thing to light a sino forum or
627s provide boosts on a mining operation
629s you're not gonna make a whole bunch of
631s extra money because you're the boosting
632s ship but those people will and if you're
634s that new player in a venture and your
636s output just got increased by 20% because
639s someone showed up in a porpoise you're
641s gonna remember that you're gonna
642s remember that that part 'add flying logy
647s helps the market is a huge thing if
649s there are modules on the market people
651s are happy when they can't get what they
652s need they're unhappy so you know this
656s assumes you have some money you have a
657s little resource you have some experience
659s but if you can supply markets even or
661s put fitted ships on contracts those
663s things are huge morale boosters to
665s people because they feel that somebody
667s somebody put some energy in and they can
669s participate in that another thing I want
673s to talk about is acting privately and to
677s talk about that I'll talk about social
680s signaling so most people here on the
682s Facebook's the Twitter's the instagrams
684s all that kind of stuff and you see a lot
686s of this where someone professes how
687s outraged they are or how supportive they
689s are and you realize they're they're
692s putting that up there because they
693s believe that but they're also putting
694s that up there so they show other people
696s their virtue how they feel about a topic
698s and that happens in these human
700s relations as well when you someone loses
703s ship and you very publicly and
705s dramatically say I the beneficial person
708s very publicly will give you your
710s replacement hurricane people are
712s appreciative of that they do they do
713s appreciate that you gave them a
716s hurricane but they also realize because
718s we're humans and we know the way humans
720s work that part of that is you showing
722s off how magnanimous and generous you are
723s to other people and people go okay I get
727s that appreciate it but they know that
729s part of the reason is you want to show
731s off that you were a generous person if
733s you do these things privately instead of
735s very publicly the person knows innately
738s that you were doing that specifically
741s and solely for that one person's benefit
743s you're not doing it to beget publicly
745s known to get recognition or any of those
747s things and it sends a much more personal
750s signal to that person that you care
752s about that individual does that make
755s sense at all and so again it's a subtle
758s thing and it kind of goes against the
760s kind of current paradigm of make
762s everything public and put everything out
764s on social media and make it in your
765s columns and dis cords of all the things
767s you've done but if your intent really
769s truly is to keep morale up and create
772s those individual bonds between people in
775s the group doing things privately matters
778s a tremendous amount more than doing
780s things publicly and it seems
782s counterintuitive but that's really how
784s you form those permanent bonds going
786s forward and then the other thing I'll
792s talk about is praise praise is very rare
794s commodity in Eve most of the things
797s people talk about or failures or they're
799s making fun of something or their memeing
800s on
801s and that's all good that's part of our
803s culture but if you want to motivate
805s people and get people to adhere to your
807s ethos to adhere to your group hearing
810s the words publicly said about how good
812s somebody did it something you hear a lot
814s of this at the end of a fleet thanks
816s epsy thanks 'fc thanks I've seen thanks
818s epsy but there's a lot of people that
819s went into making those fleets happen the
821s person who let the sino or the scout who
823s went gate to gate and got blown up two
826s jumps before the actual fight happened
828s it didn't get to participate in the
829s fight but if they weren't scouting you
831s wouldn't have the fight there's a lot of
833s things people do that deserve praise and
835s the more you can single someone out and
838s say hey so-and-so did a great job with
840s that it makes them feel fantastic
842s everyone likes to see their name in
844s lights everyone wants to hear that
846s they're the hero of the story and so
848s when you can praise someone it makes a
850s big difference and then again I'll come
854s back to squashing drama if you're gonna
855s do these things if you're gonna talk you
858s have to speak clearly and with
860s authenticity you can't spin people you
864s can try but you're not going to get the
866s same effect because humans are the best
868s detectors of on the planet and
870s if you're getting spun you know you're
873s getting spun and it kind of like why are
874s they spinning this so it's okay to say
877s no we didn't win the fight we didn't hit
879s the objective we didn't win the is score
882s we lost this fight but we had fun better
885s luck next time
886s no one wants to be bullshitted on these
888s kind of things so if you're gonna try
889s and squash drama you have to come from a
891s place of authenticity and truthfulness
893s otherwise people will see through it in
895s a second and they'll start to wonder why
897s why is my leadership lying to me and
900s when that thing gets infected in
902s people's heads it's very hard to get
905s that out let's talk about leading for a
908s little bit the first thing you can do
911s and it doesn't come naturally to a lot
913s of youth players is avoiding negativity
914s it is very easy to poke holes in
917s everything again check our eve if you
920s want to keep morale up and lead you have
924s to offer solutions you have to be
925s positive you have to have an outlook
927s that isn't unrealistic but it's
929s something that is like we'll make the
930s best of this or you have to find a way
932s to avoid being debbie
934s downer and it doesn't come easy because
938s we're a cynical group that play Eve
939s we're in this grim dark universe but
942s again if you want morale up if you want
944s people to believe in your group if you
945s want people to log in and do things you
949s have to keep them thinking positive
951s about not just your group but the game
954s now every group has their own ethos and
956s by that I mean they're their raison
958s d'être if you're in a wing span it's
960s about to Peter delivery right if you're
965s in one of the high second Kuragin groups
967s it's all about that maximizing that it's
969s per hour if you are in null sac and it's
972s solve warfare that you're after and
974s you're a capital gameplay person it's
976s all about when do I get that chance to
977s drop so you have to lead by example so
981s if you're a group that's all about
983s delivering torpedoes in null in the
985s wormholes to people then you better be
988s out there delivering some torpedoes
989s no one wants someone to who sits on the
992s sidelines and doesn't participate
994s doesn't know what the group is about
995s acting and doing things in the in the
998s game all of the things I've talked about
1002s here as the people from brave can attest
1004s I think I have broken every single one
1007s of the things that I've talked about
1008s here there are some epic dunk grants on
1012s probably SoundCloud here of me getting
1014s extremely heated and screaming at people
1016s where I'm getting told to chill out and
1020s I'm not happy that I've done that but
1022s I'm a real person and I've done it and
1023s you're gonna get angry in this game
1025s you're gonna get angry at things if you
1028s as someone who has a position of kind of
1031s respect or authority in a group you get
1033s angry and you start getting negative and
1035s you start slamming people getting your
1038s respect level and all that back up and
1041s getting the group feeling back up after
1043s you've done that is a much harder slope
1044s it's ten times harder to build respect
1046s than it is to destroy it so it's
1049s difficult but it'll destroy your
1050s reputation in one fleet there's a lot of
1052s lot of lot of fleet commanders are known
1054s for their anger and singular fleets it
1056s gets sniped out of context and again
1058s posted to Reddit and then that's the
1061s paradigm people think about them so be
1063s careful with your anger for me when I
1066s get really angry I set the
1068s phones down I go walk outside walk
1070s around the block and I don't come in
1072s until I hear ten different bird calls
1074s outside and that takes me a little bit
1076s of time but why the time I get back I'm
1078s not thinking about Eve anymore I'm
1080s thinking about why do those birds sound
1081s so much alike so let's talk about making
1087s things they talk about content in this
1090s game and content creators in this game
1091s and basically it's not just about fights
1095s it's events
1096s it's the secret santa stuff and one time
1099s of the year it can be Thunder domes at
1103s the Sun you can make propaganda I like
1106s to make swag as you some how you know
1108s and that makes a difference to people
1110s people want to log in and have something
1112s going on it could be a trivia contest in
1114s your slacker discord making anything
1116s that keep people engaged it doesn't
1118s always have to be I'm gonna FC a fight
1121s let's talk about propaganda mascots and
1125s memes are some of the most powerful
1127s things in our community right now when
1130s you see these icons you instantly know
1134s who they are you know what they stand
1136s for you know their players you know the
1139s fights they've been in you have it you
1141s have a feeling about those things and
1143s that's a powerful thing if your group
1146s doesn't have something that you can
1147s rally around as an icon you're missing
1150s out because as we know in the real world
1152s and in eve flags symbols these are some
1155s of the most powerful things in human
1157s society to keep people motivated and
1159s feel that they have allegiance to if you
1163s go to these like there's the PL flag
1165s right there you go to board fort there's
1167s literally gigantic dinosaurs walking
1169s around there's the Horde flag over there
1171s these are powerful things in even if
1174s your group doesn't have one or doesn't
1176s have a way to identify themselves you're
1179s not helping yourself but it's a
1181s two-edged sword mascots and memes can
1186s work both ways they can inspire you see
1189s the one on the right that's a very
1190s inspiring thing that was made probably
1192s two years ago the people in Braves still
1195s talk about that image because it was so
1197s powerful to our group the one on the far
1200s left
1201s definitely they can take your means your
1204s images your mascots and turn the
1206s narrative against your group it can make
1209s the narrative of the attacker feel
1211s fantastic look what we're doing we're
1213s knocking open a goddamn pinata and if
1216s you're in the pinata groove that sucks
1218s to see that stuff and all it takes is
1220s every day like five people decide I'm
1222s not gonna log in on one side or a I'm
1224s gonna log in another side because I
1226s don't like getting made fun of this
1228s stuff is powerful stuff and if you're
1230s not paying attention you're not
1232s protecting your group so again if you
1236s you don't want to get too drawn into
1238s this stuff because it can go really
1239s sideways on you but if you're not paying
1241s some attention to this and understanding
1243s the power of mascots means narratives
1246s again you're not doing your group of
1248s service so I'm gonna wrap up here this
1253s is my recap so again this stuff again is
1255s not rocket science even though max is
1257s here somewhere this stuff is standard
1260s kind of management stuff but putting it
1262s into the eve context listening to what's
1265s going on in your group knowing what the
1267s issues are knowing what has to be
1268s addressed that you can whisper in the
1270s ear of the CEO like you need to make a
1272s goddamn state of the Alliance statement
1274s right so and then do things do things to
1283s help people again you don't want to just
1284s sit and be that paper tiger that's just
1286s typing endlessly and saying how other
1289s people should do stuff when people see
1291s you doing the work they know well if
1293s that person could do the work I can
1294s carry some of the load too and then
1297s leading by example is probably the most
1298s powerful thing if you can't reinforce
1301s the ethos of your group by walking the
1304s walk you're not helping again so I don't
1309s know where I'm on time I hope that
1311s didn't go too fast this is how you get a
1313s hold of me if you have questions and I
1315s don't know if anybody in the group now
1316s has questions I don't know where we are
1317s in time it just has five minutes
1324s no questions go ahead
1332s no it's materal the question is is am i
1340s running for CSM and so if you aren't
1350s aware I made a video to make this very
1351s clear that I was not running for CSM I
1354s apparently have failed in that video to
1356s make it clear my position any other
1365s questions
1369s well I that would be hilarious but that
1374s would be up to CCP this is trying to
1379s probably lights in my face I feel like
1381s I'm being interrogated Selene what can
1383s you the lowest time in E well that's a
1392s tie so that the question was what's the
1394s lowest and highest time in Eve the
1396s lowest time in Eve was probably two
1399s moments one was the night of the
1402s infamous coup I went to bed and didn't
1407s know any of this drama was happening it
1409s happened in the middle of night I woke
1410s up it's like 5:30 in the morning because
1412s I'm an old man I wake up at the crack of
1414s dawn and everything's a flame right SLAC
1418s forums Skype is exploded the group has
1422s been cooed there's a new alliance leader
1424s I'm being asked by both sides to
1427s represent them inside with them some
1429s people are offering me I'm gonna be CEO
1431s of brave to settle everything down and I
1434s got to go to work in two hours and so I
1438s did at the time I didn't follow my rules
1440s here and I just said I'm gonna close the
1443s computer and I'm gonna go to work and
1446s I'm gonna listen and see what happens
1448s during the day the other bad time was
1450s when we got kicked out a fountain and
1452s had Capitals there and we had lost Jay v
1455s tach I think is the system that's
1457s the bottleneck system in fountain and me
1461s and Q who was the IT director at the
1463s time we had to jump our capitals out to
1466s not stations but to basically blind Sai
1468s nose and deep safes and waiting for
1471s hours so the system was absolutely clear
1473s and setting everything up with a
1474s self-destruct timer so there was five
1476s seconds to sign oullette before the
1478s thing went away landing and destroying
1480s the rack and cloaking up man my
1483s sphincter had never been tighter than
1485s that and I said I said this isn't fun
1488s man we got to do something else than
1489s this so that was a bad moment the best
1492s moment is very easy just happened
1495s recently some of you may have been there
1496s the Battle of you LAX happened and after
1501s literally five years of fighting PL and
1504s I love the pl guys they know that I got
1508s to sit in a Titan and doomsday and kill
1511s a PL tighten and then camp them in for
1515s almost a week now now I'm sure this is
1522s probably going to be snipped and put
1524s into PL form and they're gonna say well
1526s we now got to go on dunk but to be
1529s honest to have the revenge and a lot of
1532s groups have times a time where they've
1534s lost a lot come back and gone revenge
1536s against the people that they feel have
1537s wronged them that is a sweet sweet
1540s feeling so hope that answers your
1543s question all right any other questions
1548s again I it says I have five minutes but
1551s I don't know about that are there any
1553s questions in twitch the twitch people's
1557s always have something to say yeah all
1564s right well then I think I'll wrap it up
1565s thank you all I'm gonna go have a drink
1567s now
1568s [Applause]