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12s | foreign |
29s | welcome back to Alliance tournament 18 I |
32s | am CP overload and we are finally here |
35s | in the grand final days we started with |
37s | 32 teams only four remain that is we |
40s | form Volta and Odin's call in the upper |
42s | bracket and Truth honor light and the |
44s | tuskers in our lower bracket there is so |
47s | many exciting matches that is four |
48s | incredible teams that we are going to |
50s | see compete to see who can be the grand |
52s | Champions this year I'm joined on the |
54s | desk once again by Blackboard pirate and |
56s | the Basilisk basilisk how are you today |
58s | I'm good thank you last yesterday's |
60s | matches were incredible I loved that uh |
62s | that final set of matches of course I |
63s | had the technical difficulties in one of |
64s | them |
65s | let's not talk about that |
67s | um but yeah just overall the day was |
68s | brilliant any highlight matches for you |
70s | I mean that Odin's core match with the |
72s | four crews battleships was just |
74s | incredible it was the edge of my seat |
76s | the whole time watching I really had no |
77s | idea who was going to come out on top it |
79s | was just brilliant and also I mean the |
80s | reverse tie-dye as well in uh that was |
82s | as well another Odin's match they've had |
83s | a really fun tournament so far some |
86s | might say fun some might say stressful |
88s | audience call in fact uh actually came |
90s | through the uh feeder rounds and have |
93s | played a huge amount of matches already |
95s | they got up to the final they got |
96s | knocked into the Redemption Arc uh |
98s | playing I think uh 11 matches already in |
101s | uh Alliance tournament 18 if you include |
103s | the feeders because they're in the upper |
105s | bracket there is the potential that they |
107s | can play another 11 today um in fact now |
109s | they've played 14 matches so the |
111s | potential for them to play 25 matches in |
113s | Alliance tournament 18 which is |
115s | absolutely absurd I don't think any any |
118s | single team will have played that many |
119s | matches in a single Alliance tournament |
121s | and not even of course uh Hydro reloaded |
123s | who got knocked down to the losers |
124s | bracket in 315 and then did the losers |
126s | bracket run all the way to the final and |
128s | then lost |
130s | um bar any highlight matches for you |
131s | yesterday uh yes I liked the truth honor |
134s | light versus tusker's match because we |
135s | saw some kind of really weird stuff I do |
138s | believe that we made comments of is that |
140s | an armor Nighthawk and an armor Claymore |
142s | which uh are not normal ships that you |
144s | usually see but apparently they are |
145s | nowadays so that's totally cool uh I |
148s | also I did like the reverse tie-dye it's |
150s | the first time we've seen that in so |
152s | long |
152s | um so it was cool because we always talk |
154s | about like okay we need to be ready to |
155s | explain it just in case it happens it |
157s | never does it happened it explained it |
159s | super awesome so yeah I'm looking |
162s | forward to seeing it and I'm kind of |
163s | like really hoping for Odin's to win now |
165s | just because of how much work they've |
167s | had to put in and how much work they |
169s | might have to continue to put in today |
170s | yeah our first match of the day um which |
172s | will be coming up in just over five |
174s | minutes will be an elimination match a |
176s | best of one elimination match between |
178s | truth only and the tuskers call now |
180s | truth on a light came in they won |
181s | against ahil now they won against the |
183s | Rival then they lost to the tuskers co |
185s | they then went on a winning spree in the |
187s | lower bracket versus Dark Side Templars |
189s | khalsif and lock range enjoyers now |
191s | ending up here the tuskers co won |
193s | against the uh try team Polaris and |
195s | mercenary Alliance truth honor light uh |
198s | then lost to Odin's call in a very |
199s | exciting match and then one in the lower |
202s | bracket the Platinum sensitivity so this |
204s | is our final remaining best of one match |
206s | in Alliance tournament 18. this is an |
208s | elimination match the team that loses |
210s | will go home uh they are fourth place |
212s | which is uh which is nice you know it's |
214s | better than this place or any other |
215s | place down to 32 but it is not a winning |
218s | position and because this is the best of |
220s | one I expect these teams to bring the |
223s | best I mean truth I've already dropped |
224s | one to the tuskers tuskers have already |
226s | got a win upon truth on the light so |
228s | it's going to be super exciting let's |
230s | take a look at the bands for it and see |
231s | what we're gonna going to see in this |
233s | match |
235s | so truth on a light Banning out the |
237s | Osprey the hyena and the stormbringer |
239s | the tuskers cult Banning out the Loki |
241s | the jackdaw and the EOS Baza your |
244s | thoughts on this uh those tuskers bands |
246s | look to be their yield favorite as usual |
248s | they seem to love those three bands Loki |
250s | Jack dot EOS they come out pretty much |
251s | every time they play truth on the light |
253s | on the other hand they seem to sort of |
255s | roll the dice for their bands on every |
257s | match they seem to ban something totally |
259s | different I will I think the hyena is a |
261s | particularly good band I think the power |
263s | of that ship is is really important both |
264s | in whether you're flying kite against |
266s | rush or Rush against kite the value that |
268s | ship adds in sort of either scenario is |
270s | really important and the stormbringer of |
273s | course very good including drones Bart |
274s | uh do you think that this maybe says the |
276s | truth on a light want to make sure |
278s | there's a red Bots are going to be safe |
280s | in this match you know I I do I think |
282s | that um there's been a lot of there's |
284s | been a couple Stormbreaker bands over |
285s | this tournament that generally I would |
287s | say |
288s | I don't know why they chose to ban that |
289s | that's kind of strange but with this |
291s | specific team they don't ban stuff for |
293s | no reason and so that like kind of in |
295s | that same boat I looked at that I'm like |
296s | ah they're planning on bringing a lot of |
298s | rep drones or maybe like a lot of light |
300s | drones because we've actually seen that |
302s | before too where you basically have |
304s | every single ship in your team able to |
306s | field light drones and you put a you |
308s | know 50 cloud of hobgoblins onto some |
310s | like little ship and split DPS and it's |
313s | unrepable so those are kind of both |
314s | sides like when truth under light band |
316s | stuff they usually have a very good |
318s | reason for it |
319s | um I think that's kind of why we're |
321s | seeing the Stormbreaker pop out here |
323s | now basilisk um if you're a team Electro |
325s | thunder light and you have already lost |
327s | in this Alliance tournament to the |
329s | tuskers what do you think is going |
330s | through their heads right now |
332s | oh I mean it's very hard to say isn't it |
334s | um of course they still have their |
335s | Flagship bogus that's always an option |
336s | for them |
337s | um they're obviously they're not going |
339s | to have wanted to have been knocked down |
340s | in the lower bracket so early in the |
341s | tournament and they've had to make as |
342s | you said a pretty good run through |
345s | um so will they choose to sort of commit |
349s | everything bring the flag bogus put on |
350s | the line and then potentially lose it I |
352s | mean they might still win the match but |
353s | then not have it on the line for the |
354s | finals or will they bring something |
355s | wacky that we haven't seen before I mean |
357s | we saw them bring all sorts of stuff |
358s | yesterday two rapid heavy battleships |
360s | you know so I couldn't possibly guess |
362s | what truth on the light is going to |
364s | Magic up out from their back pocket |
365s | today yeah I mean like you say both of |
367s | these teams actually have their |
368s | flagships remaining both of them |
369s | bringing bar guests and I assure both of |
371s | them are incredibly expensive for our |
374s | guests and making maximum use of things |
376s | like officer launchers and officer tank |
378s | mods just whatever they can to get the |
380s | last little bit of a fraction of a |
382s | percent better than their opponents of |
385s | course some things like officer mods uh |
386s | they absorb heat better you were telling |
388s | me this this morning over breakfast The |
389s | Bachelors can you just elaborate on that |
390s | yeah so sdl launches particular all the |
393s | officer launches you get better they |
394s | they take less heat damage per cycle |
396s | which means you can actually heat them |
397s | for longer so I think with our testing |
398s | on our Flagship that we did with kaika's |
400s | launchers we could heat for 2021 Cycles |
403s | on every launcher and get them to like |
404s | 1995 here and not burn out whereas if |
406s | you've got estimls obviously I haven't |
408s | got a pair of decimal so I don't know |
409s | how strong it is but I imagine you could |
410s | probably heat for maybe you know 25 26 |
412s | Cycles if I had to guess which is a huge |
415s | Advantage because as long as you don't |
416s | burn them out entirely you can then stop |
418s | and rep them back up with paste and then |
420s | go again and then with a team like Hydra |
421s | that's got such sort of controlled |
422s | Target calling where they pick a Target |
425s | and pop it that's really valuable |
427s | awesome now let's do some quick |
428s | predictions and then go to the match so |
430s | black bear pirate who are you going for |
431s | oh I'm gonna have to say uh I think I'm |
433s | gonna have to go with tuskers because if |
435s | they won once why can't they win again |
437s | and uh basilisk I'm going to go the |
440s | truth on the light because I mean like |
441s | Hydra last year I think every time you |
442s | chop off a head they grow three more so |
445s | I I'm gonna put my uh twitch Channel |
447s | points behind the tuskers but it's time |
448s | to go through and find out as we go with |
450s | our first match of the day the tuskers |
452s | versus truth on a light |
458s | and welcome back to the arena we have a |
460s | very interesting I hope we have |
462s | basically the uh the Shadows awkward |
464s | that have returned and we've got a quad |
465s | battle cruiser comp against a redeemer |
467s | Vindicator curse comp this is going to |
469s | be honestly a lot of control from truth |
472s | on a lot and a lot of damage from |
473s | tuskers what do you think about this one |
474s | Zoo well I'm absolutely loving the |
476s | Firepower the truth honors brought here |
478s | a redeemer a Vindicator your absolutely |
480s | favorite chip and two bombers there |
482s | sporting the Torpedoes they also have |
483s | that lovely um t3d core of this football |
485s | and the confession that's going to be |
487s | able to provide that screening an extra |
489s | DPS where needed not to be |
490s | underestimated the ridiculous amount of |
492s | DPS something like a slipper can push |
493s | out so truth honor going hard on the |
495s | damage side here |
497s | yeah unfortunately their bombers will |
499s | not be particularly useful against these |
501s | battle Cruisers they should potentially |
502s | get killed but it's going to be honestly |
504s | curious to see what this curse can |
506s | provide this team they are very high |
508s | skill uh skill cap ship |
510s | they either do very well or very poorly |
512s | and there is no in between |
514s | and this is an elimination match and |
516s | both teams do still have their flagships |
518s | available but neither team has decided |
519s | to bring it links are being fired off |
521s | right now maybe a bit pre-empathy will |
523s | see but I still feel bombers are going |
525s | to have a lovely time chunking into |
526s | these battle Cruisers obviously it's |
528s | going to be you know get those |
528s | transverse or up Dodgers turrets but the |
531s | bombers will probably have the advantage |
532s | of sporting some more e-war in their |
534s | mids we're gonna have to see what they |
535s | brought is it gonna be dams guidance |
536s | disruptors or tracking disruptors |
539s | oh yeah it's going to be a lot of uh |
541s | utility meds being uh abused and applied |
543s | to the opponent but honestly The |
544s | Vindicator and the redeemers have a lot |
546s | of work to try and grab hold of these uh |
548s | I think they're pretty sure things are |
549s | cutting battle Cruisers to chasing him |
550s | down |
552s | uh I just think it should be a pretty |
554s | easy job still I mean the lasers on a |
556s | redeemer pretty good weapon Choice |
557s | overall Scorch is fantastic beams are |
559s | fantastic I doubt it's uh beams that |
562s | he's writing but Scorch is always |
563s | amazing and with Vindicator is going to |
564s | probably have a bit more of a harder job |
565s | so we'll see but the lovely thing about |
567s | having a curse in your team like this |
569s | with the curse getting Advantage a |
570s | curses pretty much has |
572s | um a battleships range of heavy newts if |
574s | it's just sporting medium so if it can |
575s | just reach out and you know just zap |
577s | these battle Cruisers just you know |
578s | touch them with these medium notes every |
580s | now and then just pop them out of that |
582s | mwd Cycles every now and then it's going |
584s | to be easy catching for that Vinnie |
587s | unfortunately have a quick selector |
588s | technical difficulty for some of the |
590s | parts at the moment so they're currently |
591s | working on that but I can't wait to see |
594s | how this is actually going to start off |
595s | it's going to be very interesting what |
596s | that curse can provide to the team we |
599s | keep banging them out because everyone's |
600s | kind of scared of them but what we're |
602s | seeing it takes a really good part to |
603s | really use them well but we are in the |
604s | final day where all the good parts |
605s | starts showing up |
607s | yeah so while the refs are sorting these |
608s | things out |
609s | um also just wondering about the matter |
611s | here that we have on tusker side so |
612s | normally you see the matter |
614s | um your typical classic and histories of |
616s | 80s and stuff just being a brick tank |
618s | ship uh focusing more on its resistances |
621s | bonuses and forsaking its high slots for |
623s | Newt so it would be a ship that would |
625s | run in there and be heavy tackle and |
626s | just like you know it's not going to die |
628s | and then she's going to harass something |
629s | but we've seen this field tusker is |
631s | actually opting for guns on the matter |
633s | here I believe those are dual beams on |
635s | it most likely meanwhile the vexer the |
637s | other Cruiser what doesn't have not as |
639s | tanky as a matter that doesn't have any |
641s | boss or anything obviously it's a drone |
643s | boat but in that one we'll probably be |
644s | seeing it uh being more of a newding |
646s | ship as well |
647s | exactly I expect to be a full nuke |
649s | Vector which is going to be potentially |
650s | brutal to whatever ship it grabs but I |
652s | think the curse might have a beat in |
654s | that department we'll see how that one |
655s | definitely plays out and both teams also |
657s | went uh heavy on to their lodging and |
659s | bringing on euros's so they're both |
661s | teams decide they really want that to |
662s | take your Logistics Cruiser |
664s | on logistic Cruisers are fun to watch |
666s | you can just see the positioning skill |
668s | that comes in from these Pilots |
669s | especially with |
670s | um you know is what the top four teams |
672s | now on at so uh hopefully we're going to |
674s | see some skillful plays here and no |
675s | one's just feeding themselves into a |
676s | Vindicator and not watching where |
677s | they're flying so countdown looks like |
679s | it's finally starting with things being |
680s | sorted out |
682s | um any favorite ships you want to see do |
684s | some major players here Wingnut I I want |
686s | to see what this curse is going to do |
687s | yeah I think the curse and Redeemer are |
689s | going to be like the focal point of how |
690s | this match rolls The Vindicator is going |
692s | to do Vindicator things but it's going |
693s | to be the curse and the Redeemer that |
695s | really help it do what it wants to do |
697s | and of course watching these battle |
698s | Cruisers dance around it's going to be |
700s | interesting to watch as well |
702s | definitely so 30 seconds Let's uh see |
704s | what we're gonna kick off here |
707s | um yeah definitely going to see some |
708s | cardi action I think here from the |
709s | tusker side um these teams normally in |
711s | this High skill brackets also just more |
713s | uh you know prone to uh with the cutting |
715s | stuff more in their skill set as well |
717s | being uh small gang rumors on TQ as well |
720s | so it's right up their alley |
724s | and also I think tuskers have the secret |
726s | weapon they've got Jason Osborne in that |
727s | molar so I think it's Tusk as a game to |
730s | win right yeah yeah |
732s | oh yeah now Twitter is going to go crazy |
733s | with that Mansion now there |
736s | um so I really just wanted to see some |
738s | action happening here so countdowns |
741s | should be finishing soon quickly I'm |
743s | interested to see what drones we're |
744s | gonna do if we're going to be going for |
745s | a full uh rep Jones on both sides I'm |
747s | just gonna have to see how those teams |
748s | are microing them or the teams are still |
750s | going to be opting for this full damage |
751s | waves |
753s | I I personally am expecting rap drones |
755s | from the tuska side I could be very |
757s | wrong and putting them all into their |
758s | nearest but we're going to see as the |
759s | match is about to go right now |
762s | and let's see who is going first so we |
765s | got uh True Flight looks like they're |
767s | obviously charging they've got a video |
768s | on that side and particularly testers |
769s | falling back there we got some Warriors |
771s | coming out not a full Repton cycle yet |
773s | no one really wanted to commit drones |
774s | quite yet poking each other a long range |
776s | of damage first coming onto the |
778s | Confessor on true side |
780s | the damage coming back on the hard Navy |
782s | at the moment |
783s | tends to be one of the first picks and |
784s | the professor is thinking quite well in |
786s | the hard Navy well we'll see when he |
787s | finally gets to armor |
791s | right now so they're going for that well |
793s | it looks like tuskers is still on DPS |
795s | bought aside so um if this engagement |
797s | draws out it looks like uh truth honors |
799s | playing more of a control setup with |
800s | these battleships uh the logistics |
802s | Cruiser and the red pods to support that |
804s | solo Logistics Cruiser as well so we'll |
807s | see if uh tuskers maybe looks a play to |
808s | get rid of these armor Bots because |
810s | otherwise they're going to have a pretty |
811s | hard time |
812s | instead of putting some damage down into |
814s | The Vindicator now I suspect that's |
815s | going to be very very hard to break |
818s | but I guess you might as well shoot |
819s | something while you're moving into |
821s | position |
823s | unfortunately not too flexible on their |
825s | ammo types both the |
827s | um the galante and the amard ships uh |
830s | being locked into their respective |
832s | damage types not so flexible like |
833s | kaldari or Minotaur so if the reactive |
836s | kicks in then unfortunate uh if they're |
838s | going into the battleship like that so I |
841s | think they should be looking to just |
842s | make these plays on hopefully the |
844s | bombers in the t3ds but we do see them |
845s | trying for those t3ds probably just |
847s | looking more mistake but as time goes |
849s | longer we see these battleships like the |
850s | Redeemer and The Vindicator just slowly |
852s | cornering them against the side of the |
853s | arena and they don't have Ninja deep |
854s | begin to escape |
856s | yeah the golf is going to try and burn |
857s | around get behind them at the moment the |
859s | uh honestly the vending the Redeemer |
860s | kind of screening them away from the |
862s | support when they want to try and murder |
864s | so they're all burning around to the |
866s | side trying to get away from the uh the |
867s | ball of death that is of indicator |
870s | is that near us |
873s | how close is that |
875s | I should be pretty close so I was |
876s | worried about the battleship but |
878s | Daenerys came back in here |
880s | um there should probably be a long-range |
882s | grapple if anything right now but |
883s | nothing's just a regular word not a |
885s | grapple I think that's a regular web not |
886s | a grapple I'm pretty sure so that oneros |
888s | is now being webbed down I Believe by |
889s | The Vindicator potentially no there's no |
891s | web on that it might just be a UI issue |
893s | right now that on yours is cruising |
894s | around at 600 Ms he's having a time of |
896s | his life dodging all those shots but |
898s | looks like as we're saying that the |
899s | pressure's coming in we have the execute |
900s | Navy issue going in for the neros of |
902s | Lucas right now he's probably going to |
903s | get hard tackles and that's going to be |
904s | the first pressure that we're going to |
905s | see Happening Here onto truth honor and |
907s | this they trade lodges too early here |
909s | we'll see how this match goes now if |
912s | they can go for the lodgy trade here I |
913s | still think tussle will be in a good |
914s | spot they can pretty much keep away from |
916s | these uh battleships for a good time but |
918s | unfortunately they've lost their logic |
919s | already and they're still working on |
920s | Lucas Quan |
924s | so there goes the largely down for |
925s | tusker's side now indeed the venin the |
927s | battleships getting onto that getting |
929s | them down Lucas doing a good job of all |
930s | those red Parts on him keeping him live |
933s | um probably tanking a bit of the |
934s | transversal damage as well you know |
936s | doing a good job of just uh flying |
937s | sideways to the turrets like there but |
939s | huge rep uh pots and damage Parts Cloud |
942s | on there hopefully one of these |
943s | battleships no well you wouldn't want to |
944s | actually want to get in there and kill |
945s | your own lodgy Bots right now but as |
947s | we're saying this taskers will be losing |
948s | their battle Cruise of course slowly if |
950s | they not don't manage to kite away from |
951s | this windy |
952s | yeah this is starting to not look very |
954s | very good for tasks at all that on Euros |
956s | is still alive getting wrapped up by I |
958s | believe an absolute monstrous swarm of |
960s | rep drones as well as a swarm of DPS |
962s | drones as well the harboring it goes |
963s | down and they still haven't broken this |
964s | yet this is getting worse and worse for |
967s | tuskers and at the moment I'm starting |
968s | to have trouble seeing light at the end |
969s | of the tunnel for them |
971s | it's true well we do see Lucas uh |
973s | getting some uh pressure there for one |
975s | half armor he will most likely have an |
977s | axle rep so burning it through paste |
978s | right now but something quite |
979s | comfortable will also be having a |
981s | reactive going in his favor uh but these |
983s | battle cruisers on the tusker side |
985s | definitely getting chunked through right |
987s | now the curse will also just slowly be |
989s | shutting them down as well so while |
990s | they're more committing and committing |
991s | hard onto the sunderos it just gives |
993s | more position for um truth on a light to |
996s | just circle around them and close off |
997s | any Escape they have here |
999s | I'm also kind of surprised that the |
1000s | bombers are still out they must be |
1001s | playing very carefully but honestly the |
1004s | amount of rap drones on that are neros |
1005s | that I see at least a wave of Heavies a |
1008s | wave of mediums wave of two of lights |
1010s | that is so many rep drones that I know |
1011s | it's keeping it alive but the task is |
1013s | team at this point they're just kind of |
1014s | falling apart they've got nothing left |
1016s | sure they even had a full set of |
1018s | guidance disruptors from tuskers going |
1021s | on to the bombers of Truth Or No Light |
1022s | but even with that as aubergine Navy |
1024s | issue goes down we see uh Chief owner |
1026s | just pulled those bombers a bit closer |
1028s | um you know making it taking advantage |
1029s | of the paints and applications all that |
1031s | and just getting not real pressure on |
1032s | those bombers as well and just being |
1033s | able to complete the Pummel into these |
1035s | battle cruises we even saw a cycle to |
1037s | split damage you're easily able to let |
1039s | it always with bombers you know just |
1040s | apply pressure all over the show |
1042s | um but I think at this stage it's pretty |
1044s | much just rinse and clean up for truth |
1046s | as they're just chunking through this |
1047s | and at this point it shows why the curse |
1049s | also very strong as well let's say they |
1051s | managed to kill the oneros with what |
1052s | they have on grid that curse is now |
1055s | permanently stopping the bricks and |
1056s | firing at range it's ruining the Navy |
1057s | exec I'd say it's reading the Navy org |
1060s | but it doesn't really matter they don't |
1061s | really have the tools left at that point |
1063s | to do anything with a curse on grid and |
1064s | that's honestly what a curse can do with |
1066s | a good pilot just pretty much remove |
1068s | ships from Cape from being able to do |
1069s | anything |
1071s | absolutely it's a such a very |
1072s | scholarship why you see a bandage Recon |
1074s | Recons are expensive for a reason but |
1077s | newts and not only newts it's long range |
1080s | nudes it's powerful nudes then it has a |
1081s | drone bonus and then it has an ewar |
1083s | bonus 2 boot with being an armor ship it |
1085s | has all those mids as well |
1087s | um good job here as well a lot of people |
1089s | fall into the problem of hey if I have a |
1091s | drone bonus then we take DPS spots but |
1093s | they're taking advantage of the HP bonus |
1095s | that the Chris would also get to just |
1096s | have some chunky redbots to support the |
1098s | rest of the team here if you have any |
1100s | favorite word and now on Twitter |
1101s | chunking |
1103s | hahaha |
1105s | but yeah the smaller and Old Navy going |
1107s | down this is actually a full-on 100 to |
1109s | zero Clean Sweep for truth on a light |
1110s | here which is not obviously what I was |
1112s | expecting to see there I expect to see |
1113s | tuskers maybe a exact a toll upon the |
1116s | truth on a white team but just |
1118s | fortunately I think that on Earth's |
1120s | getting caught was just such a painful |
1121s | uh blow to their team |
1123s | yeah unfortunately I forgot we had two |
1125s | or nearest on the field so I was a bit |
1126s | confused when we calling out the web I'm |
1127s | like what are you talking about |
1128s | truthfulness light on Euros is going for |
1130s | Freedom that's like nope nope it was |
1132s | tuskers that have been caught out |
1134s | um a shame I would say for the last |
1136s | elimination uh well the proper |
1138s | elimination before we get to the best of |
1139s | uh later in the day |
1141s | um hoping to at least see someone bring |
1143s | their Flagship you know put it all in |
1144s | the line here in the bottom with both |
1145s | teams still having it available but |
1147s | we're just going to be seeing some |
1148s | battle Cruisers and cruisers going up in |
1150s | explosions |
1152s | yeah and with that truth I don't like |
1154s | companies get a commanding victory over |
1155s | tuskers and with that we'll go back to |
1157s | the studio and see what they think |
1162s | [Music] |
1188s | oh |
1190s | yeah |
1192s | [Music] |
1200s | [Music] |
1224s | foreign |
1226s | [Music] |
1241s | truth honor light they are taking the |
1243s | Victory and remaining in Alliance |
1245s | tournament 18 as the taskers call sadly |
1247s | depart with that 100 to zero defeat |
1250s | there uh by truth on the light very |
1252s | unfortunate for them they had a pretty |
1254s | good running to be fair this year |
1256s | um I don't think anyone can say they |
1257s | didn't improve from last year last year |
1260s | it wasn't the best of their showings of |
1261s | course they won in Alliance tournament |
1262s | 14 and they now take fourth place here |
1265s | in the last term 18 truth on the light |
1266s | go forward to face the loser of our next |
1268s | match which is the best of three so |
1270s | truth on Ally still fighting to remain |
1272s | in the tournament they are now at least |
1273s | third place |
1275s | um and we'll get a decent number of |
1277s | price ships from that now basilisk what |
1279s | happened there it looked like that a |
1281s | neros |
1281s | um like the tuskers team looked quite |
1283s | good uh you know bomber shooting into |
1285s | battle Cruisers and cruisers looked like |
1287s | they were going to be able to remove |
1287s | that relatively quickly but then anira |
1290s | seemed to maybe just get a little bit |
1291s | too close of indicator what happened |
1292s | yeah so I think um as we as we were |
1295s | chatting as the match was going on we |
1296s | were sort of expecting those bombers to |
1298s | evaporate very quickly but I think truth |
1299s | on like brought a significant number of |
1300s | tracking disruptions just applied them |
1302s | across the VCS and absolutely nuked |
1303s | their range and the bombers were very |
1305s | hard to hit and then we saw Nick dimar |
1306s | and the Redeemer and Dexter and The |
1307s | Vindicator just charged straight in and |
1310s | I'm not sure if it was Amelia and |
1312s | brainstorming the swipling Confessor who |
1314s | managed to get initial tackle but in any |
1315s | case Dexter and his Vindicator webs did |
1318s | manage to answer that mirror so once |
1319s | that happens Daenerys is basically dead |
1320s | in the water and from that point |
1322s | um it was just sort of you know |
1323s | whittling away at the Battle Cruisers |
1325s | from there and there wasn't really much |
1325s | recourse for tuskers to fight back yeah |
1328s | but we start at the start of the match |
1330s | um a couple of games disruptors |
1331s | immediately landed on those bombers but |
1333s | then no tracking disruptors seemed to |
1335s | appear across any of the other gun ships |
1336s | do you think that tuscaras maybe thought |
1339s | that uh Twitter link was gonna bring |
1340s | something completely different and they |
1341s | stacked up and guys interruptors here I |
1343s | do I think uh I think tuskers thought |
1345s | that truth on the light was going to |
1346s | bring that like bargist armor control |
1348s | setup that they brought uh |
1351s | and they were like prepared specifically |
1353s | against it um I didn't really get a |
1355s | chance to like zoom in in all the battle |
1356s | Cruisers but I bet you they were like |
1357s | you know we'll be able to check the uh Z |
1359s | kills afterwards and someone to be like |
1360s | no he's wrong why is he up on the desk |
1362s | but I bet you they were all like siboed |
1364s | up you know Max ECM and I think they |
1366s | were expecting to fight an ECM setup |
1368s | which what tuskers brought would be |
1370s | really good against it because you have |
1371s | a ton of DPS that's long range so if you |
1373s | get jammed you're like I'll just shoot |
1374s | the black Brit instead |
1376s | um interestingly I personally think that |
1377s | if tuskers had brought their setup that |
1380s | they had used to be truth on a light the |
1381s | first time they would have beat them the |
1383s | second time as well but uh I think that |
1385s | they might have sort of Mind Game |
1386s | themselves and like oh Kadesh Priestess |
1389s | is genius we'll figure out how to beat |
1390s | this we can't do it again so uh it was a |
1393s | good match and uh there was also this |
1394s | really awesome shot of like Dexter's |
1397s | Vindicator like power sliding through |
1399s | their team and then tackling onto the |
1401s | owneros that was like really awesome so |
1403s | uh shout out to the camera people I know |
1405s | a lot of people have been saying go the |
1407s | camera Works amazing but now I'm saying |
1408s | it officially so you can all say I'm |
1410s | wrong but it's me not them account work |
1413s | has indeed been amazing this year we |
1415s | have a couple of people doing that in |
1416s | the back we've got a white shot a |
1418s | close-up shot we have some people |
1419s | heading together cool little replays at |
1421s | the end of every match uh so many people |
1423s | um we'll see some of them a little bit |
1424s | later on today doing those camera shots |
1426s | I mean to be honest it's harder than |
1427s | flying the ship so I had a little goal |
1428s | in one of those little 3D mouses it's |
1430s | like you can move the camera and sort of |
1431s | change the angle at the same time and |
1432s | it's it's bloody difficult to be honest |
1434s | so it's yeah such subtle movement it's |
1435s | like it's like a little cylinder as you |
1437s | sort of you can move it forward |
1438s | backwards left right and up and down and |
1440s | twist it so you can kind of fly your |
1442s | ship through space |
1443s | um or the camera through space |
1445s | um but it's also very easy to lose |
1446s | control and just spin off into the void |
1448s | I tried it on the G to undock and just |
1451s | like crashed into everything it was an |
1452s | absolute nightmare so those guys like uh |
1455s | ccp's Alice is sitting there like very |
1457s | little tiny moves and I tried it this |
1459s | morning was just like flying out to |
1460s | control he was like slow down man |
1463s | uh okay so we're now coming up into uh |
1466s | the the matches that decide the top |
1468s | three of Alliance tournament 18 so now |
1470s | we're getting into the the real grind |
1473s | for these teams so our next match is a |
1474s | best of three so uh these teams Odin's |
1477s | call and we from Volta will play each |
1478s | other as many as three times of course |
1481s | if one team goes two then there's no |
1483s | point in playing the third match because |
1484s | they've lost so they're right |
1486s | um and we have rolling Conquest bands |
1489s | coming up as well so if a team wins on |
1491s | Match one in match two the regular bands |
1494s | still apply they also cannot bring any |
1496s | of the ships they brought in match one |
1498s | it only applies to the winners of the |
1500s | previous match so if there is uh we go |
1502s | to the third place or the third match |
1504s | and the best of three then only the team |
1506s | that won match two |
1508s | won't be able to bring those bands will |
1510s | apply the match one bands are un applied |
1512s | yep so there's only 10 Conquest bands at |
1514s | maximum at any point Thank You from the |
1516s | team that won the previous you said it |
1517s | much better than either nice it's |
1518s | incredibly complex Banning system uh |
1520s | honestly I don't know how the team |
1521s | captions deal with this like three bands |
1523s | is hard six bands makes my mind start to |
1526s | melt then potentially with the trickle |
1528s | bands we have nine |
1530s | and then potentially 19. yeah so |
1533s | it's not as bad as that one year where |
1535s | the conquest spans never went away yes |
1537s | and it was like 30 bands by the end and |
1539s | you're just like whatever I don't know |
1540s | what to do anymore yes I guess we can |
1543s | bring the power points we can kill any |
1544s | ships I heard so that's uh that is true |
1546s | that's true yes um he was in not in my |
1549s | Corp I actually told him I was like Asar |
1552s | like you cannot be in my court if you're |
1554s | going to be doing the solo ride your |
1555s | roaming and he was actually doing it |
1557s | with no scouts no links no nothing just |
1559s | like I'll just gate to gate so uh I mean |
1561s | shout out to Asar get good Chad yeah you |
1564s | did Giga Chad's in your fort clearly |
1565s | nope Linked UP yeah let's take a look at |
1568s | the bands for refund Volta versus Odin's |
1570s | called match one and see what these |
1571s | teams are at are vetoing so we Farm |
1573s | Volta Banning out the abaddin which is |
1575s | my favorite Ship by the way at the |
1577s | balgorn and the Scorpion Navy issue |
1578s | Odin's called Banning out the Nighthawk |
1581s | the hyena and the stormbringer |
1583s | Blackboard pirate another Stormbreaker |
1584s | band do you think they've just uh these |
1586s | bands are very similar actually to the |
1587s | truth on the light bands what's your |
1588s | what's your thoughts here |
1589s | it's really hard to say so I actually |
1591s | talked to uh Colonel Kurtz who's I'm |
1593s | pretty sure one of the uh people sort of |
1595s | in charge of Odin's or at least helping |
1597s | out with them this year and he used to |
1598s | be uh one of the co-captains in NC DOT |
1601s | back when ncdot was both in tournaments |
1602s | and relatively decent at them so I kind |
1605s | of like understand some of his thinking |
1607s | behind it and I think that we're like |
1608s | same situation where we've been seeing |
1611s | Volta |
1613s | do different stuff every time and a lot |
1614s | of times they just only one comp their |
1615s | way to the end I think that they're |
1617s | worried about something similar to like |
1618s | what we just saw like Mass rep drones |
1621s | um obviously I don't think stormbreakers |
1622s | are great against DPS drones but we |
1624s | haven't really seen DPS drones do good |
1625s | at all this time so yeah that's true we |
1628s | haven't seen very many DPS drone comps |
1629s | uh drone comps were super popular in |
1631s | some tournaments |
1632s | um oppressively so in some tournaments |
1635s | um and one of the advantages of drone |
1636s | conference is you could drop your drones |
1637s | and just fly away and uh that was it you |
1639s | were you're basically safe just go sit |
1641s | on an mjd peeking and someone shot even |
1643s | oh jump and then off you went and then |
1645s | you were safe again uh basilisk what do |
1648s | you think we might see in this match |
1649s | oh without the bands have gone so it's |
1652s | hard to judge |
1653s | um I think there was armor battleships |
1654s | gone wasn't there about an amalgon and |
1656s | we've seen them quite a lot um and they |
1658s | sort of contribute to control the kind |
1659s | of comps with you've got to be careful |
1660s | of the battle gun but um the |
1662s | stormbringer as you guys were saying |
1663s | it's a pretty versatile ban I think as |
1665s | truth on a light Bandit last match you |
1667s | maybe want to ban it to deal with swarms |
1668s | of rep drones but also I think it's |
1669s | quite a versatile [ __ ] because you can |
1671s | either fit armor and just stack what's |
1672s | he got six mids with ewall or you can |
1674s | fit at shield and it becomes actually |
1675s | quite a tanky heavy tackler |
1678s | awesome uh let's do some quick |
1679s | predictions and see what we think might |
1681s | happen in that match one obviously I'm |
1682s | going to support my boys Volta but who |
1684s | are you going to support I'm going to |
1685s | support your boys in Volta for match one |
1688s | damn it you're not supposed to say that |
1690s | um and do you think Odin's enjoy it all |
1692s | the way come on guys they've they've |
1694s | fought so hard to get here they've been |
1695s | through so many trials and tribulations |
1696s | with verse tie-dye and you know feeder |
1699s | tournaments and Edge of the sea piloting |
1701s | you know so go on rodents I believe |
1702s | let's see if wardens can do it as we go |
1704s | to the arena for match one of those best |
1706s | of three between we from Volta and |
1707s | Odin's call |
1711s | foreign |
1713s | for the first of the best of Threes And |
1716s | we have what looks to be fly Killer |
1717s | versus again what looks to be a mimitar |
1719s | rush we've got rapid rapid lights rapid |
1721s | Heavies all covered up on these bugs |
1722s | Osprey navies authorises caracals and |
1725s | then we have a double slip near Rush |
1728s | with a scimitar so this is going to be |
1730s | honestly a bloodbath of DPS both teams |
1732s | have got a pretty girthy attack bar |
1735s | but I always have a bit more backup |
1736s | control with their Jack doors what do |
1738s | you think about this one Zoo |
1739s | oh yeah we've seen the full AC Loadout |
1741s | here on the minimum guitar side |
1742s | obviously also fly catcher mixed in |
1744s | there so not a full Minotaur rush and |
1746s | then just a full rapid side here on on |
1748s | Odin so we're gonna see if these clips |
1749s | can get through slipner it's gonna be |
1751s | interesting if they decide to go for a |
1753s | slip knot or the Scimitar first I feel |
1755s | like or if they're going to try and pick |
1756s | off the low end uh well that comes |
1758s | through but |
1760s | um oh I I wasn't owed inside I'd be |
1762s | loved to just like probably shred from |
1764s | the bottom up just get rid of all that |
1766s | support and all that cheap DPS the |
1768s | circle and the side fleets I'd love to |
1770s | just see that pop right away |
1772s | gonna be a game of pick a Target kill |
1774s | tug for um for Odin's call and voltage |
1776s | need to try and get in there and grab |
1777s | something big and juicy and kill it fast |
1779s | as the match is now underway |
1782s | so obviously um we have volte here with |
1784s | the advantage of having a T2 large here |
1786s | the Scimitar versus the Osprey T1 uh uh |
1790s | cardario one on the Odin side so we'll |
1792s | see how this Stacks up obviously they |
1794s | have to sacrifice make sacrifices |
1795s | somewhere bringing two Bargas right now |
1797s | but no flagships are on grid for this |
1799s | match as well as we do have them |
1801s | underway Minotaur Rush particularly |
1802s | rushing in getting into the bar guest of |
1804s | yokan right away |
1805s | looks like uh the rapid Heavies wrapper |
1808s | lights going for that Scimitar first I |
1809s | think they might switch off and go for |
1810s | the uh side Fleet instead which yep they |
1812s | are definitely about to hit him with a |
1814s | lot of damage safely and sniper fleet's |
1816s | a great DPS but the tank is not the best |
1818s | of things as you can see that's a fleet |
1820s | of a staffly commander getting deleted |
1822s | in seconds by this uh rapid light comp |
1824s | absolutely vanished to see if they have |
1826s | enough clip to start popping into the |
1827s | rest of the stuff or maybe if the |
1829s | Scimitar gets to run into range I'll get |
1830s | it of note there's no tracking guidance |
1832s | disruptors uh only one that looks like |
1834s | on the bar guest of yokan there but full |
1836s | tracking disruptors going onto the |
1838s | filter side of things likely coming in |
1839s | from these Jack doors and the storks so |
1842s | a good car to play to the mentor rush |
1844s | you would say but then again Rush gets |
1845s | right in your face and doesn't really |
1846s | care that much |
1848s | and that bug is very much held down but |
1850s | even if they lose it at the moment |
1851s | they're not doing too particularly bad |
1852s | they're going for all these uh pretty |
1854s | squishy uh T1 Cruisers and honestly the |
1857s | the sapper fleet's more of a you know |
1859s | bigger frigate anyway so that should be |
1861s | a pretty easy kill actually they're |
1862s | going for the Scimitar next just going |
1863s | to delete Planet Six you are not allowed |
1865s | to do your amazing uh lodgy Wizardry |
1867s | here you are being removed sir |
1870s | absolutely fantastic play there's just |
1871s | finishing the clip probably just keeping |
1873s | eyes on the semi he wasn't maybe in a |
1875s | good best position to start to finish |
1876s | him off but you know maybe just drift |
1878s | into range lost a bit of focus and just |
1879s | pecked off right there |
1880s | um but the broadcast of yo can still get |
1882s | into low armor they're likely going to |
1883s | lose this but the Osprey are doing a |
1884s | fantastic job of toast here keeping him |
1886s | up but looks like the broadsword on tick |
1889s | tock on Volta side is creeping up to |
1890s | that Osprey he's probably gonna grab it |
1892s | now and they're going to be following |
1893s | into him he's definitely going to go for |
1895s | my I wonder if he's gonna get in range |
1896s | he's got a 20 kilometer scram range so |
1897s | see if you can get in there the uh well |
1899s | I guess does go down yeah |
1902s | oh he got caught honestly it's a T1 |
1905s | Osprey so probably it's the worst of |
1907s | losses they can trade for a bunch more |
1909s | DPS ships and potentially even tackle |
1911s | ships they should come out comfortably |
1913s | ahead in this should be so now they're |
1915s | going to have a challenge of here like |
1917s | what do they want to finish off one bar |
1918s | gets down they're probably on reload now |
1920s | a bit of a slack so um luckily if the |
1922s | Scimitar down they don't need to |
1923s | coordinate their reloads that well it's |
1924s | only at the slifter maybe you want to |
1925s | coordinate to read those to burst |
1927s | through that Excel ASB but there is a |
1929s | lot of stuff literally once they come |
1931s | and free those they can just start |
1932s | pumping into things as the Osprey goes |
1934s | down no one really carrying reps at this |
1935s | stage now it's just gonna be who can |
1937s | kill the most stuff in a short amount of |
1938s | time as Odin's will be looking to kite |
1940s | away from this Minotaur AC Rush |
1943s | exactly that and the two simples the uh |
1945s | Broad Sword and this type of Fleet and I |
1947s | guess even the flight catcher are going |
1948s | to be the core for this comp now for uh |
1949s | the Volta they need to grab things for |
1951s | the Scimitar sorry the submissions can |
1952s | kill it |
1953s | so we can see already uh audience |
1955s | already know that and going okay kill |
1957s | simple first probably kill the second |
1958s | swivel or even the stab of Fleet just |
1960s | remove as much tackle as possible to |
1961s | make it near impossible to catch us |
1963s | I mean they're fantastic ships to get |
1965s | rid of I mean as football a t3d it can |
1967s | do I think upwards of 600 DPS if you |
1969s | feel right it obviously has tackles and |
1971s | all the modes you can do fantastic |
1972s | things we've seen the Stagger Fleet |
1974s | issues the side Fleet issues also just |
1976s | being ridiculous points values um so |
1978s | great choices to get rid of the field |
1980s | obviously the longer you leave them they |
1981s | have the thread not only the damage but |
1983s | the tackle like you said just giving the |
1984s | potential here for urgents to keep |
1985s | running away and take advantage of this |
1987s | long range that they have |
1989s | it looks like they're putting damage |
1991s | down to a character and an offspring |
1992s | maybe a bit of split DPS there but |
1993s | honestly they're not particularly tanky |
1995s | ships anyway so both could be |
1996s | potentially either pretty easily killed |
1998s | seeing the broadsword now being the |
2000s | primary |
2001s | so normally what you would have seen at |
2003s | this point with Odin's maybe losing |
2005s | their Osprey teams we normally have gone |
2006s | into a starburst fashion of just you |
2008s | know spread around make sure like cool |
2009s | you know the grab our caracal the |
2011s | caramel caracal which goes down now |
2013s | let's make sure there's not something |
2014s | next to it but Odin's actually kind of |
2016s | staying in formation here uh going |
2017s | around so I'm not sure this is to the |
2019s | advantage or to the detriment right now |
2021s | but it does mean that every time Volta |
2023s | kills something there is a follow-up |
2024s | Target right next to them to keep that |
2026s | momentum going so Odin's doing a good |
2028s | job of putting some pickles but they're |
2030s | going to have two tanky sectors left so |
2032s | also not as well that they're going for |
2034s | the Odin's called Jack doors they've |
2036s | been providing tracking the shops on |
2037s | these slept news for quite some time |
2039s | I think I think they're tracking |
2040s | something at least they should be coming |
2042s | from there we see the tracking |
2043s | instructor slowly falling off the last |
2044s | jackdawg going down there the stork |
2046s | maybe might have some but I think that's |
2048s | going to be the last word is seen at the |
2049s | proper Eagle support platforms here |
2051s | playing flags are coming from the stork |
2052s | but we're I mean it was the second |
2055s | already in half Shield let's see how |
2056s | good he manages his xlbsd charges but |
2058s | it's still got a chunky bar guys to get |
2060s | through namely he's nowhere again and an |
2062s | author so it's can like the out kite |
2063s | them |
2065s | um we'll see what they managed to catch |
2067s | that's gonna be the question can they |
2069s | catch anything now that slip near is uh |
2070s | is surviving at the moment I suspect you |
2072s | may go down |
2074s | there is a there is a you know there is |
2076s | a potential route for victory here but |
2077s | it is not an easy one by any stretching |
2079s | imagination they have to try and tackle |
2080s | a tackle three different kiting cruises |
2083s | I mean we could be seen a Reload |
2085s | Happening Here Right Now if this step |
2086s | now is kind of stabilizing unfortunately |
2088s | I don't think a Reload is fast enough on |
2091s | the Excel busy side I think it takes |
2092s | about one minute versus a 40 second |
2094s | reload on rapid so even if these Rapids |
2097s | go on cooldown it's not enough time to |
2099s | read out there as you see probably the |
2100s | reload finishing here the setner going |
2102s | now into low armor although it looks |
2103s | like they're damaging that fly catcher |
2105s | first huh why is any guard debt not |
2108s | moving at all |
2109s | like at all just no movement |
2112s | uh nothing in chat so who knows but uh |
2115s | easy pickings whose links are still |
2117s | firing maybe it's a disconnect or maybe |
2119s | it just burnt out his mlod and felt |
2121s | control space is the way to go |
2124s | um |
2126s | disconnect yeah maybe could be just |
2128s | accepting her Fate To be honest |
2131s | it could be I mean it's a full |
2132s | likelihood some people might have worked |
2134s | out the modules of the stage I mean it |
2135s | was a high Pursuit Chase filter training |
2137s | look what they can grab luckily Volta |
2139s | will not be out from this match this is |
2141s | the best of three |
2142s | um but that will be mean that whatever |
2144s | Odin has filled there will be uh banned |
2146s | in the next match for them so they will |
2147s | be unable to take this winning comp of |
2150s | the bar gas and the full rapid light to |
2152s | Rapid Heavies into the next match so we |
2154s | might just see um Volta do a repetition |
2156s | of the rush or change things up we'll |
2158s | see but always exciting to see you know |
2161s | some execution uh happening here and |
2163s | just the movement that Odin's displayed |
2165s | was still quite well I think |
2167s | and also just kind of good to see look |
2169s | how tankier something can be on its own |
2171s | it has a you know limited life cycle but |
2173s | it's great DPS great speed good enough |
2176s | tank for a short period of time it's |
2177s | actually giving this Osprey Navy an |
2178s | absolute headache on his own |
2182s | yeah chasing down there going to mgdb |
2184s | I'm not sure if the Osprey is going to |
2185s | try and do anything funny here uh no |
2188s | he's just going to try and maneuver and |
2189s | see if he can dodge this hope everyone |
2190s | comes with reload to save his uh save |
2193s | him there but he's into armor trying to |
2195s | do a bit of transversal that's going to |
2197s | help against the ACs I think he's likely |
2199s | going to go down to a voltage going to |
2200s | score a bit more kills here not that it |
2202s | truly really matters I believe |
2206s | yeah I'm expecting this guy to die yeah |
2209s | it looks like he's finally going into |
2210s | armor that could be the rapid clip |
2212s | though that could also be the rapid clip |
2213s | right there I mean it would have been |
2215s | hilarious if the bar gas and author is |
2217s | all burnt out their guns and then just a |
2219s | snapner cleaning up house against these |
2221s | you know really crippled high-end ships |
2223s | but he's going into structure now and |
2225s | actually finally goes down so that we |
2227s | see Odin's taking the first victory in |
2229s | this best of three against fault we form |
2230s | Volta and of that we'll send her back to |
2232s | the studio |
2239s | [Music] |
2255s | thank you |
2259s | foreign |
2263s | [Music] |
2276s | [Music] |
2289s | thank you |
2303s | [Music] |
2318s | Odin's call there taking the first |
2319s | victory in this best of three versus we |
2322s | form Volta in the winners bracket final |
2324s | the overall winner of this match will go |
2326s | forward into the Grand Final against the |
2329s | loser of this match versus uh the truth |
2333s | on the light and whoever wins in that |
2334s | one will go forward as well that's the |
2335s | losers bracket final I'm joined on the |
2337s | desk by mystical Knight and CCP convict |
2340s | CCP convict how are you today hi friends |
2342s | I'm doing very very well I'm excited |
2343s | that the finals are finally upon us uh |
2345s | not only because I'm looking forward to |
2347s | having next weekend off but also because |
2349s | I really want to find out who's going to |
2350s | take this thing home oh me too and I |
2353s | hope it's Walter |
2354s | um so excuse me you're here in |
2356s | Nottingham with us doing this and you |
2357s | were working last week from Reykjavik |
2360s | yeah and you've been in charge of the |
2361s | twitch Channel Point predictions yes |
2363s | tell I've done this as well the most |
2365s | stressful job yes that anyone working on |
2367s | the alliance tournament can have because |
2368s | unbelievable when there's like a million |
2370s | and a half Channel points on every |
2372s | single one like and you have to like the |
2374s | 60 matches and all I have to do is press |
2377s | the wrong one once right and people will |
2381s | never forget that betrayal yeah like |
2382s | they'll never live it down my name will |
2384s | be mud so because as well it's like you |
2386s | watch A Match it's just happened you're |
2387s | like hey we find Volta audience call you |
2389s | watch it you see everyone winning and |
2391s | then it gets to the end and you have to |
2393s | click who wins yeah okay I collect |
2395s | Odin's call and then it says are you |
2397s | sure and suddenly like well actually oh |
2399s | geez no no I'm not sure no I have a |
2401s | mantra that I do so like I watched the |
2402s | end of the match and who whichever team |
2404s | has won I just start saying to myself |
2406s | like tuskers have one tuskers have one |
2409s | tuskers have one until I finish the |
2411s | process of physically clicking on it and |
2413s | the last weekend and during the trials I |
2415s | was just basically doing it from you |
2417s | know like the comfort of my bedroom so |
2418s | my eccentricities didn't sort of bother |
2420s | anyone but doing it here when I'm in a |
2422s | room with 10 other people every time I |
2423s | start doing that they're like this is |
2425s | crazy man you don't understand the |
2427s | pressure I could just say a conflict in |
2429s | the background every now and just like |
2430s | this team has won and then he'll look |
2433s | around in the chair while saying it just |
2434s | to look at other people's reactions to |
2436s | make sure he's saying the right team |
2438s | validation yeah it's scary scary man |
2440s | well a couple times last week I remember |
2441s | seeing in our production chat like a |
2443s | match is just finished and you would be |
2445s | messaging I was like hey did this this |
2446s | team just won right yeah because like |
2448s | you know I was also doing like you know |
2449s | the giveaways and the the quizzes and |
2451s | things like that and I'd be giving out |
2452s | skins and prizes and I'd miss the end of |
2454s | a match and then I'd be like oh my god |
2457s | oh [ __ ] who was that I and so I'd have |
2459s | to like Panic ask in this in the Discord |
2461s | quick just tell me who won that last |
2462s | match so I clicked the right button |
2463s | because now they want their points yeah |
2464s | so it is really really stressful I had a |
2468s | full head of hair when this started |
2469s | laughs |
2471s | awesome now you're also here to talk to |
2472s | us a little bit about Fan Fest so on |
2474s | Thursday this week uh CP announced the |
2476s | dates for Fan Fest next year the 20th |
2479s | anniversary Fan Fest tell me a little |
2480s | bit about that okay so Fan Fest if you |
2482s | read the announcement is uh taking place |
2484s | next year from the 21st to the 22nd of |
2486s | September it's back to a three-day event |
2488s | it was just a two-day event last year |
2490s | where we're kind of like knocking the |
2491s | rust off it'll once again be at the |
2494s | league of this whole uh Sports Arena |
2495s | however uh we've taken on board a lot of |
2498s | the feedback that we got from the |
2499s | players because it was also a return to |
2501s | that venue for the first time since I |
2502s | think 2011. so we've taken on a lot of |
2505s | the feedback that we got from people |
2506s | about how uh you know how they like like |
2509s | the venue uh we're basically doubling |
2511s | the amount of space that will be |
2513s | available to the attendees at the venue |
2515s | next year so there's going to be a lot |
2516s | more room just for relaxing uh and |
2519s | chilling out |
2520s | um and tickets are on sale now and |
2523s | they're going actually they're going |
2524s | really fast like really fast like the |
2526s | Giga early bird tickets have all sold |
2527s | out there are two of the super early |
2529s | bird tickets left so just two as in two |
2532s | literally two super early I looked just |
2534s | before I worked out here they might have |
2535s | even been sold by now |
2537s | um but so you get early birds were 159 |
2540s | the super early birds are 179 the next |
2543s | batch is gonna hit soon and they're like |
2545s | a |
2546s | 199.99 you'd think so you would think |
2548s | you know |
2549s | it wouldn't make sense I have a feeling |
2551s | it's in that ballpark so yeah grab your |
2553s | tickets you know uh get in early and uh |
2557s | secure those for you because they're |
2558s | only just going to like sort of like |
2559s | keep going up over time fomo was a great |
2562s | technique for selling tickets |
2563s | everyone does it if you've bought |
2565s | tickets to anything that's how it rolls |
2567s | so yeah get in early have no regrets uh |
2569s | about uh buying your tickets later I |
2571s | went to the 10-year anniversary Fan Fest |
2573s | in 2013 and it was awesome there were so |
2576s | many cool events and things like that |
2577s | yeah so I can't wait for this 20-year |
2579s | anniversary one I know right actually |
2580s | the 2013 Fan Fest was the very first Fan |
2582s | Fest I attended and I had uh such an |
2585s | awesome time there I just went to every |
2587s | Fan Fest for the next like five years in |
2590s | a row I think they still use that |
2591s | marketing photo of you with the panda |
2593s | glove thing when I saw that that blew my |
2595s | mind CCP Falcon chose that they were |
2597s | stupid I think it was for Fan Fest 2017. |
2599s | he just like was going through the |
2601s | photos from 2016 and he's like that one |
2603s | and so I just like opened the launcher |
2606s | one day and there's my stupid head uh as |
2608s | the thumbnail for the news article is |
2609s | hysterical I'm on I'm on one of the news |
2611s | articles for the pub crawl with there's |
2614s | a picture of me and CP |
2619s | to do that soon again yes yeah exactly |
2621s | that's right so the pub crawl by the way |
2624s | if you do go to The Fan Fest make sure |
2625s | you go on that because it's awesome I |
2626s | think the tickets are separate is that |
2627s | right there are separate that we |
2629s | separate tickets for the pub crawl for |
2630s | the Sisters of Eve and probably a few |
2632s | other events around it that will be sort |
2633s | of like releasing you know soon TM but |
2636s | if you go to eveonline.com FanFest |
2638s | there's a breakdown there of what |
2640s | tickets are available now it also has |
2641s | travel information uh information about |
2643s | deals with Iceland Air and so forth so |
2645s | that's a good place to start but the |
2647s | first place is to lock in the ticket and |
2648s | then you can do the add-ons later as |
2649s | they get released yeah the Harper which |
2651s | is the venue we should use a bunch uh is |
2653s | a really cool venue but what was used |
2655s | last year like the aesthetic inside was |
2658s | super cool it was made up to like a |
2660s | station inside and it was all dark and |
2662s | Moody it's kind of like like this uh is |
2664s | it going to be similar to that again it |
2666s | will be but I I think we maybe make it |
2668s | just a little a little less darker and a |
2670s | little less Moody keep the Sci-Fi sort |
2672s | of aesthetic and by just dial it up a |
2674s | bit make it uh maybe less like this and |
2676s | more like g244 or something like that |
2678s | you know |
2679s | um but but yeah that is one of the great |
2680s | things about the lay of the sort of |
2682s | venue is the fact that unlike Harper who |
2684s | are you know it's a beautiful gorgeous |
2686s | building but they're very particular |
2687s | about what you can do to the to the |
2689s | building to the space uh lay this off |
2692s | it's like hey can we cover this wall in |
2693s | a huge vinyl print out and can we like |
2695s | just knock that window out and put |
2697s | something else in there or can we do |
2698s | something weird with yellow it is |
2699s | they're like go for your life no problem |
2701s | so yeah we really got carte blanche to |
2703s | kind of like really shape the space and |
2705s | try and make it sort of exude as much |
2707s | Eve online as possible awesome and since |
2709s | you've been over here and joining us |
2711s | last week as well remotely what's been |
2712s | your favorite bits of Alliance |
2713s | tournament 18 thus far oh |
2715s | um |
2717s | okay so uh I think the first thing that |
2720s | comes to mind is I think last Sunday |
2721s | there was a match between uh hiddenly |
2723s | Village and arrival and it was the match |
2725s | where like there was the the hero |
2727s | ejector that was literally too angry to |
2729s | die |
2730s | um sort of like survived in five percent |
2732s | whole book got back up to four Shields |
2733s | did eventually [ __ ] it and then uh the |
2736s | immediate lodgy work on that match from |
2738s | howling wind is what stuck in my mind I |
2739s | liked it so much when I wrote last |
2741s | week's uh Community |
2742s | um beat blog uh I just sort of plucked |
2745s | that out and stuck it in the blog just |
2746s | for people to click on and go watch |
2747s | because it was fantastic most recently |
2749s | though I mean yesterday's matches were |
2752s | absolutely some of the best there were |
2753s | so many swinging matches so many which |
2755s | come down to three or four ships trying |
2757s | to see who's going to get those last two |
2758s | to three points just to get the leg over |
2760s | their opponent before the time runs out |
2762s | but probably that reverse tie down match |
2764s | between templates and was it templates |
2766s | and odins yes yesterday uh I can't |
2770s | remember the last time I watched the |
2771s | reverse tie-dye match in the alliance |
2773s | tournament and it always gets super hype |
2774s | especially considering it managed to get |
2775s | up to like 350 percent or something so |
2778s | to me that was pretty high I really |
2781s | really digged it awesome now mystical |
2783s | mate uh we just watched the first match |
2784s | in the best of three between Weaver and |
2786s | Volta and Odin's call uh where Odin's |
2788s | cult took the victory so they're now in |
2790s | a series Point essentially if they win |
2792s | this next match and they go forward to |
2794s | the winners bracket final |
2796s | um there is a set of Conquest spans now |
2797s | for this particular match coming up |
2799s | where the Odin's called team and |
2802s | Anderville to team can't bring any of |
2804s | the ships fielded by Odin's call now |
2806s | what happened to that last match uh |
2808s | break it down for me a little bit what |
2809s | went wrong with the Volta team what went |
2811s | well for Odin's call |
2812s | okay I'm just gonna reset my brain |
2814s | because I was thinking about all the fun |
2815s | fun things I'm going to do in Fan Fest |
2817s | next year but um no what happened last |
2820s | match was that the Volta team brought a |
2822s | member Tire Rush set up and they went up |
2823s | against a kiting bar guest Focus kind of |
2826s | core setup with a bunch of Navy Ospreys |
2828s | and stuff as well to support them uh it |
2831s | seems like the fleet size they're not |
2832s | known to be the tankiest ships in the |
2834s | game but they are one of the fastest so |
2836s | they rammed him really quickly to nail |
2838s | down some targets presumably |
2840s | um and died |
2841s | the Scimitar then proceeded to die uh |
2844s | because you know when you're going up |
2845s | against the bar guest setup with navy |
2846s | Ospreys they can project fairly far so |
2850s | it's kind of hard to be outside of their |
2852s | range but also in range of your own team |
2853s | to ensure that your team doesn't feed so |
2856s | uh I think it's more of a meta matchup |
2858s | where they've kind of fell apart which |
2861s | is where Walter fell short I think if it |
2863s | was down to execution if they were both |
2865s | in execution comps it would be a lot |
2867s | closer than it was |
2868s | um I don't know if we ever got |
2869s | confirmation on whether there was a |
2870s | flagship fielded I don't think there was |
2872s | but |
2873s | I don't know if you know I don't know |
2875s | right these details okay that's fine |
2877s | keep your secrets |
2879s | but yeah no I think it was just a case |
2882s | of uh Volta brought something that |
2884s | didn't necessarily perform well in that |
2885s | matchup and I don't think they can |
2886s | really hold it against themselves uh |
2888s | they just need to |
2889s | keep the right mindset and come into |
2891s | second match prepared awesome awesome |
2893s | now |
2894s | um no flagships I've just been told okay |
2897s | um so during the week between weekend |
2899s | one and weekend two a bunch of the |
2900s | alliance tournament crew were sat down |
2903s | here in antenna and then just basically |
2905s | set upon by very difficult questions and |
2908s | which has now been edited into basically |
2910s | make us look like fools so I think we're |
2912s | gonna watch the first of that right now |
2913s | we had |
2915s | hahaha |
2917s | [Music] |
2927s | Tom uh arunin last okay I'm gonna say |
2932s | Tama I'm going with Tama because it is |
2935s | the greatest system of all time |
2937s | [Music] |
2938s | Tama I'll go with |
2941s | Tama |
2946s | oh solitude |
2948s | I'm gonna say Solitude uh let's go with |
2952s | Solitude then I like that place |
2954s | um |
2955s | Solitude |
2957s | um Plus |
2959s | [Music] |
2962s | so it'll be five plus five plus five |
2965s | plus nine which is 24 24. I'm |
2970s | visualizing a triangle back right now |
2972s | and I'm gonna go with 24. 27. |
2979s | 27. thank you |
2981s | 27 |
2982s | [Music] |
2993s | I'll say Teresa |
2997s | I think it's the first one Horrible's |
3000s | accio |
3009s | from Heiser and to not saying thank you |
3014s | okay |
3015s | [Music] |
3023s | I don't know it's like is it an Inn's |
3025s | mother or something I've got no idea uh |
3028s | catch |
3030s | uh I believe it's antennas |
3034s | [Music] |
3036s | why are you gonna pick some difficult |
3038s | questions that is MNC |
3044s | MNC |
3048s | foreign |
3057s | there's a lot of stuff in new Eden yeah |
3060s | yeah Eva's hard yeah I thought like they |
3062s | were like oh we're gonna make some cool |
3064s | questions about stuff and I thought it |
3065s | was gonna be like nice simple questions |
3066s | like which system is the most popular |
3068s | trade Hub yeah oh what is The Only Name |
3070s | system in Syndicate yeah easy questions |
3073s | I think that actually came up at later |
3075s | on in there because I can't remember I |
3077s | think that was the question to see if |
3078s | they were awake oh right I think any |
3079s | points for the point like uh it's the |
3081s | old bait switcher right that's the easy |
3083s | one up front and then they slap you with |
3084s | the hearts yeah and they got harder they |
3086s | got a lot harder these were the easy |
3088s | questions so uh there's a couple more of |
3090s | those videos which we'll play a little |
3091s | bit later on uh now let's look forward |
3093s | to our next match between we from Volta |
3094s | and Odin's call so as mentioned there is |
3096s | a series of bands and Conquest bands so |
3098s | let's have a look at some of these bands |
3100s | for this upcoming match |
3103s | so these are the regular bands these are |
3105s | bands that still apply just like normal |
3107s | um and the conquest bands are on top of |
3108s | this so we from Walter Banning out the |
3110s | abaddin the balgorn and the Scorpion |
3112s | Navy issue Odin's called Banning out the |
3114s | Nighthawk the hyena and the jackdaw Mr |
3116s | Gourmet any thoughts on this I like the |
3118s | hyena injector bands we've seen we've |
3120s | been seeing more jackdaw bands as the |
3121s | tournament has progressed simply because |
3123s | I think the armor Jackal variant that |
3125s | we've been seeing is extremely strong |
3127s | being able to fit a lot of missile |
3129s | guidance disruptors and tracking |
3130s | disruptors in its mid slots uh the hyena |
3132s | I think obviously makes sense against a |
3134s | we form vaulted team I think you haven't |
3136s | really seen a waveform vaulted team |
3137s | performing an at if they haven't flown |
3139s | or fielded a hyena I remember in my time |
3142s | on the Wii from Volta team but hyena was |
3145s | basically the linchpin ship in a lot of |
3146s | comps that we had times may have changed |
3148s | but therons and Annie are still the lead |
3150s | Theory Crafters so I'm sure that's still |
3152s | the same general concept that they're |
3154s | going to have with a lot of their setups |
3156s | um and yeah I mean the Nighthawk I think |
3158s | is just something that we we see a lot |
3159s | in strong setups |
3161s | um some armor Nighthawks from the old |
3163s | tuskers team which is a fairly new take |
3165s | on it but otherwise just an extremely |
3167s | strong ship overall |
3169s | awesome let's take a look at the |
3170s | conquest bands now and see how they |
3172s | might affect it so these are the Rolling |
3174s | Conquest bands so in this match in |
3175s | addition to the bands we just saw it can |
3178s | also both teams cannot bring a bar guest |
3180s | a jackdaw a caracal a arthrus a catechol |
3183s | Navy issue a stork and Osprey and in |
3186s | Osprey Navy issue now didn't one of the |
3189s | teams ban the jackdaw yes Odin's because |
3191s | Odin's can't feel it no okay uh because |
3195s | my understanding is a conquest spans |
3197s | only the team that one with them cannot |
3199s | fall uh from this so you are correct |
3201s | there right good point uh good point |
3203s | website this is why we get to you on the |
3204s | desk yeah make us look good yes and uh |
3207s | see if you're coming you support that |
3208s | out well done thank you I remember the |
3210s | thing did I do good so Misty how do you |
3214s | think these Conquest bands are going to |
3215s | affect the uh the audience team here I |
3218s | think it's when when you get to these |
3221s | the stage in the tournament where you |
3222s | have to think about the conquest bands |
3224s | and how it impacts what you can bring in |
3225s | future what you're going to see is a lot |
3227s | of duplicate ships which is also fairly |
3229s | difficult in this format because we do |
3232s | add on a point to each of the duplicates |
3233s | that you bring So eventually they all |
3235s | cost a lot more than they usually do in |
3237s | general so it reduces what you can |
3239s | actually bring in your setup because |
3240s | everything's more expensive but the |
3243s | benefit of bringing duplicate ships is |
3244s | that you are essentially banned out of |
3246s | fewer ships if you do win which leaves |
3248s | open a lot more in the way of uh |
3251s | potential Theory crafting setups that |
3253s | you've got on hand for these for these |
3256s | instances so |
3257s | um I don't think it will necessarily |
3258s | hurt odens too much they've played the |
3260s | most matches I think of any team in this |
3262s | tournament I think they've got other |
3264s | comments up there sleeve that they can |
3265s | bring I do really like this here how the |
3267s | conquest bands work with the points |
3270s | inflation as you pointed out uh |
3271s | previously Conquest bands were just a |
3273s | thing they just existed so you would see |
3274s | teams bringing uh as few ships in a |
3276s | compass possible to avoid getting lots |
3279s | of shots banned out but of course you |
3280s | can still do that at it's just going to |
3282s | cost you more points so now there's a |
3283s | trade-off whether you're going to do |
3284s | that or not now I want to take a quick |
3286s | look at the the path that these teams |
3288s | have gone through to get to where they |
3289s | are now so Odin's call uh I mean let's |
3292s | not even discuss the uh what happened in |
3293s | the feeders because it was absolutely |
3294s | brutal for them but they went through |
3296s | paper numbers nanofiber tokens Templars |
3299s | calcif and the tuskers call to reach |
3302s | this point here um going up against we |
3304s | form Volta uh I do believe they won |
3306s | against |
3308s | um uh Temple's calcif on that graphic |
3310s | you're seeing on the screen right now |
3312s | um Volta on the other hand went through |
3313s | root Capel pandemic horrored Platinum |
3316s | sensitivity and lock range enjoyers |
3319s | there we go we can see that there and |
3321s | the last matches in fact Volta drops in |
3323s | Alliance tournament uh history it was |
3325s | last year in the Grand Final versus |
3327s | Hydra reloaded so they haven't actually |
3329s | lost a match since then despite only |
3331s | playing four which is what you do when |
3332s | you uh when you just win you play less |
3333s | matches yeah but you don't get that many |
3335s | skins if you just win all your matches |
3337s | so it doesn't really count it's fine is |
3340s | it worth it yes is it worth it yes 100 |
3342s | is it worth it for you but you don't |
3344s | have to play the matches yeah especially |
3345s | yeah and what about the people who have |
3347s | to sit there and do potentially 11 |
3348s | matches today |
3350s | free kill meals it's fine it's all good |
3352s | I had nothing to worry about I'm looking |
3354s | forward for some expensive cow meals |
3356s | hopefully later on today because I do |
3358s | believe all these teams still have their |
3359s | flagships and I'm pretty sure all these |
3362s | teams are uh deep pocket enjoyers so |
3364s | they're gonna have lots of isk to Splash |
3366s | on these especially teams like truth on |
3368s | a light uh this is the team that was |
3370s | Hydra reloaded last year so they won |
3371s | they took home a whole bunch of ships |
3374s | um I think somewhere in the region of |
3376s | maybe four to five trillion is worth of |
3378s | prize ships last year so they're gonna |
3380s | have some nice big coffers to be able to |
3383s | you know fit up these flagships let's go |
3385s | Mike what did what goes through team's |
3386s | Minds trying to fit up flagships what's |
3388s | their what's the concept well I guess it |
3391s | depends which year we're talking last |
3392s | year when you had access to Abyssal |
3394s | modules it was a lot easier because |
3396s | essentially you just threw isk at it and |
3398s | then you got the max role that you could |
3399s | and you slept it on your Flagship it's |
3401s | fine this year when we go back to the |
3403s | old rules of only having certain types |
3405s | of modules like officer modules and also |
3407s | some Dead Space modules fitting becomes |
3409s | quite an issue because certain officer |
3411s | modules were meant to be fit on bigger |
3413s | ships so officer scrams got changed into |
3415s | heavy scrams which have a 4K power grid |
3419s | requirement when you're fitting them to |
3421s | your ship so if you're flying a bar |
3422s | guest you have to hit you know 4K power |
3425s | grid on your scram you don't have that |
3427s | much power grid left really to fit all |
3429s | your other modules so that's one of the |
3431s | issues that you have to take into |
3432s | account but also sourcing these modules |
3434s | is extremely difficult especially in an |
3436s | at season because the price goes up |
3438s | exponentially based on how good you are |
3441s | as a team and how far into the |
3442s | tournament you currently are if you're |
3444s | still trying to Source modules so it's |
3446s | very much like a mad scramble to try and |
3448s | find people that have the modules in the |
3449s | first place and then kind of having to |
3451s | settle for the next best if you can't |
3453s | actually find the good stuff so it does |
3456s | benefit some teams where you've had |
3458s | people that have played for 10 15 years |
3459s | and maybe they've just acquired modules |
3461s | over that time |
3462s | but there's nothing to stop you know |
3464s | other teams from also finding good |
3466s | modules or just killing the enemy |
3467s | Flagship and then taking their modules |
3469s | yeah we saw uh the vaulted team kill the |
3471s | flagship uh Vindicator of platinum |
3473s | sensitivity it was about 140 |
3475s | billion-esque uh some of the expensive |
3477s | stuff dropped if that was perhaps better |
3479s | than any stuff on the Vault of Flagship |
3480s | they would be able to upgrade their |
3481s | Flagship essentially at no cost or at |
3483s | least sell it for profit uh now I |
3485s | believe we are ready to go to the arena |
3486s | for the second match |
3489s | of we form Volta versus Odin's call so |
3491s | this is going to be a super important |
3493s | match for Odin's call if they win this |
3495s | they secure themselves that spot in the |
3498s | the Grand Final it's also equally as |
3500s | important for Volta they're not going to |
3502s | be eliminated at this point if they lose |
3503s | this match they will just drop down to |
3505s | the lower bracket final against truth on |
3507s | or light so they still have plenty of |
3509s | time to come back and make their way |
3510s | back into the final where they would |
3512s | face Odin's call in that circumstance |
3514s | um but we can go to the arena now and |
3516s | see how it goes for both of these teams |
3517s | we form Volta versus Odin's call |
3525s | and welcome to the arena and uh first |
3527s | thing I want to say is um how the turns |
3529s | have tabled because we've got a slap |
3531s | near order Cannon Rush chasing after a |
3533s | missile comp what do you think of this |
3534s | one Zoo well I think it's going to be |
3536s | interesting definitely you say the turns |
3537s | of tables now but what's interesting |
3539s | here is Volta has actually brought their |
3541s | Flagship bar guest here so they're not |
3543s | doing a double bar I guess thank God for |
3545s | single Bargas but it is a flagship is |
3547s | they're going for two Drake Navy issues |
3548s | for uh spilling a heavy missiles so |
3551s | they'll be going for long range |
3552s | application here and we're just going to |
3555s | be checking a quick look at the Ospreys |
3556s | Navy issue so those will be rapid lights |
3558s | so definitely a long range carry setup |
3560s | for Volta as well so we'll see if they |
3561s | can do the same execution but they're |
3563s | probably going to be loving shooting |
3564s | into this free Logie |
3566s | yeah I suspect the uh |
3568s | frequency is not going to be enjoying |
3570s | their life but it's going to be a |
3571s | question of what this letters can even |
3572s | catch if they can catch anything this is |
3573s | again you pretty much the exact same |
3575s | match we've had before but kind of in |
3576s | reverse |
3577s | but the problem that the set team is |
3579s | going to be facing here on Odin's core |
3580s | is it depends how these three lights are |
3582s | fit if if they go full rush in you know |
3584s | if the freak Lodge is pure a b they |
3585s | might lag behind and not be able to keep |
3587s | range but as the match kicks off here |
3588s | now we do see these uh fregalogy getting |
3590s | some quite velocity so that will not |
3592s | actually be an issue of being able to |
3593s | apply reps onto the rushcore |
3598s | just keeping an ounce of the moment but |
3600s | yeah um of course the rush does what |
3602s | rushers do simple's being the first |
3603s | primary they're pretty good tackle |
3604s | shipper next right along the side is |
3606s | actually the hurricane Fleet keeping |
3607s | Pace with this football |
3612s | gets a first Blood uh down there for so |
3615s | first flight to Volta with the swivel |
3616s | down on Odin's side right now they're |
3617s | going for the Vagabond Vagabond rather |
3619s | interesting choice but it should also |
3620s | have a shield bonus but unfortunately |
3622s | doesn't really have the buffer but if |
3623s | the missile shots aren't really synced |
3625s | up it can really take advantage of the |
3626s | combination of the Reps and its own the |
3628s | charges if that needs to be so hold on |
3630s | to 80 seed as well vagabonds using ADC |
3633s | to try and buy some more time try and |
3634s | eat through this uh rapid clip but I |
3636s | think he's about to get deleted your |
3638s | popcorn and we've seen Odin's also put |
3640s | in a large EC Cloud here well I'd say |
3642s | about three waves of Lights there of ECS |
3645s | on this Osprey uh but the Karen goes |
3647s | down on the Odin side so first lodgy |
3648s | blood in the water here let's see if the |
3650s | scalp will anything can keep them up I |
3651s | don't think there's any reports who |
3652s | support him so the rush side is probably |
3654s | getting struckier obviously the flag |
3655s | bark is in heavy uh damage here right |
3658s | now so not sure if he's going to survive |
3659s | this but with Odin's losing their Logic |
3662s | support it could be turned around again |
3664s | the way this is starting to look it |
3665s | looks like a potentially vulture has |
3666s | sacrificed their flag bug and |
3668s | intentionally or not to potentially win |
3670s | this match because they've still got |
3671s | their entire card in comp all around |
3673s | they've killed off a bunch of ships from |
3675s | uh Odin's core here that could be like |
3678s | um that could give them the advantage |
3679s | they need but it is going to be an |
3680s | expensive advantage |
3682s | expensive indeed other thing I'm not |
3684s | liking to see is the split damage that's |
3685s | been happening we've seen a couple of |
3687s | ollies going to like slap now a couple |
3688s | of others going to the scalpel but they |
3690s | decided to actually go for the HFI so |
3691s | finish it off but you know if they just |
3693s | put those volleys where they were meant |
3694s | to be right off the bat you know that uh |
3696s | H5 might already be dead right now just |
3698s | getting that last chunk of uh it's hell |
3700s | just absolutely Stripped Away so it will |
3702s | be going now but I don't think it's |
3703s | enough from Spar gas yeah as the bar |
3704s | goes down flag bugged I'm pretty sure |
3706s | there's flag yeah yes it is I double |
3709s | check that just to be sure yep that is a |
3711s | flag bug us down from Volta |
3713s | but luckily this old and cool uh what's |
3716s | good um |
3717s | something called comp has been pretty |
3718s | much stripped of a lot of its ships so |
3720s | it should be reasonably easy pickings |
3722s | for Volta now but that is still an |
3723s | expensive price I'm surprised the |
3726s | scalpel on the Odin side is still alive |
3728s | you might think something like the |
3729s | caracal would just come free though |
3730s | during the character Navy issue just ah |
3732s | there we go looks like someone is |
3733s | finally decided to finish this into that |
3735s | scalpel and it's finally down so they're |
3737s | probably gonna finish the fly catcher |
3738s | then go for the broadsword and then just |
3740s | some chunky step news left uh with the |
3741s | self-charge but actually they're just |
3743s | going to go right for the slapner not go |
3744s | for anything else right now |
3746s | yep going for something I've got a drake |
3747s | maybe held down so you're probably gonna |
3748s | start beating on that actually no |
3750s | something is leaving |
3751s | fair fair |
3753s | man that's something actually going done |
3754s | fast we actually saw um what Volta when |
3756s | they had the stepping on the other side |
3758s | obviously you know maybe about their |
3759s | ships on grid but it seems like the |
3760s | vault is that there's held up a bit |
3762s | longer so um and we see some charges |
3764s | going in so maybe Colonel Kurt is just |
3766s | not being fully awake on those XL ASB |
3768s | charges normally that's a module on |
3770s | especially something on a slap narrow |
3771s | even on something like you know Scimitar |
3773s | or just in general that you'll be trying |
3775s | to manually fire you generally want to |
3777s | order a repeat offs and you want to try |
3779s | and time your charges not to over boost |
3781s | um but if you're not paying attention |
3782s | you can get heavy armor and hope lead |
3784s | and might not even be able to use all |
3786s | your charges in time |
3788s | yeah good fights and locals matches |
3790s | definitely over I'm wondering who's |
3791s | going to get the uh the shiny loot from |
3793s | the Bargas |
3795s | well who knows maybe uh |
3798s | yeah yeah |
3799s | I'll be fine I mean do you think that |
3802s | it's worthwhile sacrificing the bar I |
3803s | guess do you think a flagborg actually |
3805s | pushed it over the edge here or would |
3806s | they just have comfortably mopped up |
3808s | here as well |
3809s | it was definitely a hardcore to see if |
3810s | the bug man should get away it would |
3812s | have been a very powerful uh force on |
3813s | this on this grid but because it got |
3815s | caught it's kind of hard to see if it |
3817s | gained potentially anything |
3819s | maybe got own school's attention they |
3821s | were able to they were pretty much like |
3822s | laser focused on the flag it it is |
3825s | honestly a hard like call to make there |
3827s | in the situation it was in there if if |
3829s | Owens were going to go for the bug |
3830s | anyway then it was not worth it but if |
3833s | because they went for it because it was |
3835s | a flag bug it was probably 100 worth it |
3838s | for the win |
3838s | very true unfortunately the other side |
3841s | to take care of the Minotaur rush I feel |
3842s | is like it doesn't have much mid slots |
3844s | in the term of e-wars so if you come |
3846s | against something tidy even if it's no |
3847s | or anything there for me don't have much |
3849s | control to you know [ __ ] enemy team |
3852s | if they're keeping that range so you |
3853s | know something like missile kite we saw |
3855s | in the match before we've seen in this |
3856s | match missile kite just beats um |
3859s | remember to rash hopefully both teams |
3860s | are going to do a bit of a better job of |
3862s | bands in the next match so we can just |
3864s | get a last shake up for what's going to |
3865s | be the finals for this series as they're |
3868s | just pummly into the broadsword to bring |
3869s | it into this one |
3872s | Yep looks like uh well well done from |
3874s | Volta here it may be an expensive cost |
3876s | but it did get them what they wanted |
3878s | they've got there when they've got to |
3879s | the uh the final round the best of three |
3880s | here |
3882s | and they've got one last chance to uh |
3883s | make it to the finals so what confirming |
3886s | matches are pay to win you pay full flag |
3887s | you win the match |
3889s | oh oh yeah be careful what you said |
3891s | there man |
3893s | uh but loving to just see what Volta did |
3896s | here just showing that they can also |
3898s | actually execute this taking the victory |
3900s | over owner's call bringing the match |
3902s | score up to 1-1 for both the next match |
3904s | in the series will see a final close to |
3906s | this to the Victor overall and of that |
3908s | we're going to be sending it back to the |
3909s | studio |
3914s | [Music] |
3931s | thank you |
3935s | guys stop being casual they're really |
3937s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
3940s | take the fleet warp everybody warp off |
3942s | this is a really really bad execution |
3944s | I'm very disappointed |
3949s | another great hall back from Omar damn |
3952s | I'm thirsty |
3971s | Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP |
3974s | collectively so that's why that Alliance |
3976s | logo is in the game of course you could |
3978s | change your alliance by leaving but that |
3979s | would be kind of a jerk move that kind |
3982s | of oh you don't like it now it's Lego |
3984s | sucks I'm gonna go join |
3986s | foreign |
4002s | welcome back to the desk we from Volta |
4005s | there taking the series to 1-1 against |
4007s | Odin's calls we will go to the third |
4009s | match in this best of three but |
4010s | unfortunately for the Volta team they |
4012s | have lost their Flagship bar guys |
4014s | piloted there by Annie gardett he flew |
4016s | the flagship Bargas last year as well in |
4017s | the grand finals versus Hydra to great |
4020s | effect really used almost pulling out a |
4023s | win in a really critical match in the |
4025s | Grand Final unfortunately of course they |
4026s | lost the ground Fountain to hydro |
4027s | reloaded and but now going forward |
4029s | should they make it into the Grand Final |
4030s | by winning the next match they will not |
4032s | have it so we will we will of course |
4034s | look to see what happens there I've just |
4036s | received the the kill mail on Zed kill |
4038s | for that Flagship Burgers managar debt |
4040s | uh lots of red big sad for him uh 82 |
4044s | billion isk on the on Zed kill some very |
4047s | expensive stuff there I see a 38 |
4049s | billionisk damage control uh that is uh |
4052s | many many isks now one of the things |
4055s | that we sometimes talk about is you hear |
4058s | this in Eve as well it's the concept of |
4059s | head shotting especially these best of |
4061s | matches people then talk about head |
4063s | trotting flagships mystical mate talk to |
4065s | me about that sure I mean there's a few |
4068s | places we could start I guess the one of |
4070s | the strengths of the flagship itself is |
4072s | the fact that if a ship is banned so |
4074s | let's say you ban the ball guest I'm |
4076s | still able to bring my Flagship bar |
4077s | guest despite that ban so it allows you |
4079s | to banivate a little bit |
4081s | um the other strength of a flagship is |
4082s | that typically you can just splash the |
4084s | cash on it so it's super expensive but |
4086s | it's also super strong because you're |
4087s | getting the best launchers the best |
4089s | tackle modules so you can tackle further |
4091s | you can shoot faster you can hit harder |
4093s | which is great if you're trying to win |
4094s | matches by killing the other guy in this |
4097s | case head shotting is great for Odin's |
4100s | cool because they're already one up in |
4101s | the series and by headshotting the Volta |
4103s | bar guest it means that they can't bring |
4104s | that ball guest ever again in the |
4106s | tournament |
4107s | so if they do make it through |
4109s | um to the finals by beating odins in the |
4111s | next match |
4112s | there's still a bar guest Flagship down |
4115s | um every other team remaining in the |
4116s | tournament so far has their Flagship |
4117s | still available so it does put them all |
4119s | two of them all too I know all two every |
4122s | other technically correct yes it sounds |
4124s | better when I say everyone else apart |
4127s | from Volta as a flagship |
4129s | um so both teams still have their |
4130s | Flagship available they may still very |
4132s | well die in the losers bracket matches |
4134s | if odins does end up dropping down but |
4137s | it does mean that if Volta drops down |
4139s | they're in a much harder position |
4139s | against the truth on a light team |
4141s | because they don't have that tool to |
4143s | lean on so yeah it's just a case of |
4145s | whether |
4146s | losing 100 billionesque is worth |
4149s | potentially advancing to the finals |
4151s | where you stand to gain a couple |
4152s | trillionesque probably for most people I |
4155s | think they'd happily make that trade |
4158s | um but yeah it's uh it's a game of like |
4160s | inches right so the bar guest is a |
4163s | fairly big inch |
4165s | of all the inches it's the biggest it is |
4167s | the biggest dungeon um no the best |
4170s | situation at this point for Volta uh |
4172s | really would be for them to defeat |
4175s | Odin's call in the next match winning |
4177s | the series and securing themselves a |
4178s | place in the Grand Final probably |
4180s | without killing Odin's Flagship so that |
4182s | Odin's then drops down to the lower |
4184s | bracket final against truth on or light |
4186s | and then we still have Flagship versus |
4187s | Flagship and then they would hope to see |
4190s | one or both of those flagships die and |
4192s | then we'd have a flagship list Grand |
4194s | Final it depends on which team you think |
4197s | is actually stronger if you think Odin's |
4199s | is the strongest team |
4201s | and you can kill the flagship and drop |
4203s | them down to losers bracket then you can |
4204s | still probably also feel feel fairly |
4206s | confident that they'll win against truth |
4208s | on the light and then you know that they |
4209s | don't have that Flagship for the finals |
4211s | if you think truth on a light is a |
4212s | stronger team then you want to leave |
4213s | odins with all of the tools available |
4215s | and yeah send them off the losers |
4218s | bracket with that Flagship so that they |
4219s | can kill each other in that match |
4221s | instead so it depends uh also Volta |
4224s | doesn't have the best history with |
4225s | trying to kill slash let flagships that |
4228s | live so maybe maybe we don't make that |
4231s | choice you know instead of uh |
4233s | yeah I I don't want to go into to some |
4237s | of the previous matches where |
4238s | flagships have got away from Volta |
4240s | before yeah I did believe the famous uh |
4242s | kill the battleground don't let him |
4243s | boundary quote from Starfleet Commander |
4245s | I came back to haunt him later on in |
4247s | that Flagship was then used yes it |
4249s | didn't die yes uh yeah it wasn't great |
4251s | yeah the flag I think it was the tuskers |
4253s | flagship it was trying to boundary to |
4255s | deny loot to the Volta team so that they |
4257s | could upgrade their own Flagship uh |
4259s | Starfleet the FC time made the call kill |
4261s | that Flagship don't let him boundary and |
4263s | then the uh they stopped him from |
4264s | rendering but they were unable to kill |
4266s | him yeah uh how we stopped him from |
4268s | badgering was that we bumped him to face |
4269s | back into the arena and then he ended up |
4272s | living |
4273s | so uh yeah there are certain things that |
4276s | you can you can do to hurt yourself |
4278s | later on uh I think just killing the |
4279s | flagship is probably the best move to be |
4281s | honest yeah this is where you get into |
4282s | the like outside of a single match meta |
4285s | because it's no longer best of ones so |
4287s | this stuff now is things to think about |
4289s | not only is the same things to think |
4290s | about before you go into a match you're |
4292s | starting to have to make decisions for |
4293s | the next match during a match so if |
4296s | you're in they for example match one of |
4297s | this best of three and uh Volta from |
4299s | themselves in a losing position |
4302s | um they were probably aware of that |
4303s | losing a position with time left they're |
4306s | going to stop thinking about the match |
4307s | that we're they're currently in and |
4309s | start thinking about the next match how |
4311s | intense is that mystical Knight it's |
4313s | it's not a great feeling when you need |
4315s | to think okay we've definitely lost this |
4316s | match what are we going to do next but |
4318s | it does make sense to just basically |
4320s | disregard everything that's happened so |
4321s | far and just focus on the next set of |
4323s | matches because the turnaround is so |
4324s | quick that you don't really have time to |
4327s | go back to your staging system start |
4329s | filling up the other ships that you may |
4330s | need if you don't already have those |
4331s | ready you may need to replace certain |
4333s | ships because you have Conquest bands |
4335s | also in the mix now so there's a lot of |
4337s | thought that needs to go into what |
4339s | you're flying over the full range of |
4341s | sets that you may be playing |
4344s | um |
4344s | and over that we have a spreadsheet |
4346s | we're just like hundreds of variations |
4348s | of different setups that we could |
4349s | possibly bring for these circumstances |
4351s | where it makes it a little bit easier to |
4353s | decide what you're going to do but if |
4355s | your opponent throws something at you |
4357s | that you've never seen before you then |
4358s | also need to go through all of your |
4359s | setups and go okay what might be able to |
4361s | beat that if we see something like that |
4364s | again which is just a lot of stress but |
4367s | these teams should be used to it because |
4368s | they are all uh findless teams I think I |
4372s | believe so and the thing as well about |
4374s | these matches is because there are best |
4376s | of and because Odin's for example if |
4378s | they drop this next match they would go |
4380s | into another best of three if they came |
4381s | through that be the best of five each |
4384s | individual match like anyone who's |
4385s | played an alliance tournament match even |
4386s | if you're like a newer player and it's |
4387s | your first match and you do a tournament |
4389s | you maybe go own two those two matches |
4391s | are super intense and all the run-up to |
4393s | it like the discussing the bands picking |
4395s | the bands seeing what bands are coming |
4396s | in from your opponents deciding comps |
4399s | getting everybody ready making sure no |
4400s | one's accidentally got any boosters |
4401s | still in their redeem queue making sure |
4403s | no one's getting illegal implants all in |
4405s | the right fit on the right ships |
4406s | sometimes you see confusion with people |
4408s | getting into the wrong ships and just |
4410s | utter chaos then having to do that for |
4412s | Odin's potentially 25 times to get to |
4415s | the the end of this uh this tournament |
4417s | is just it's such a work yeah we're |
4419s | talking about when we're talking about |
4421s | Odin's core previously uh you're sort of |
4423s | going through there like the bigger |
4424s | teams that they had to knock over to get |
4425s | through this tournament and you kind of |
4426s | alluded to the trials tournament that |
4428s | happened but |
4429s | um Odin's gained entry to the alliance |
4431s | tournament 18 finals buyer the the |
4433s | trials that we held and not only that |
4435s | they were the Redemption entry winners |
4437s | if I remember correctly for the |
4438s | nephintar tribe which means they had the |
4440s | longest I think the longest path |
4442s | possible through the trials and if I |
4444s | think if they lose this next match |
4445s | they'll go down to the losers bracket |
4447s | and if they win that they'll come back |
4448s | up to the finals right so they'll have |
4450s | also had the longest conceivable par |
4452s | through this and I was just saying too |
4453s | off camera during that match I mean we'd |
4455s | have to you know someone have to do |
4456s | numbers get Vitor on this |
4458s | um but uh I mean it's not impossible |
4460s | that maybe Odin's call by the end of |
4462s | this tournament will have had the |
4463s | longest campaign you know to the pointy |
4466s | end of an wise tournament |
4468s | in the history Alliance tournaments I |
4469s | don't know I think I think it's 25 |
4471s | matches yeah |
4472s | um it theoretically could have been more |
4475s | if they got knocked down to the lower |
4476s | bracket on on weekend one earlier yeah |
4478s | in the first match and then came the |
4480s | other way through it could have been |
4481s | something like 29 |
4482s | um not the 25 isn't it no no like that's |
4486s | still a fair few number of matches uh to |
4488s | do and of course people maybe in |
4489s | different time zones things like that of |
4491s | course people like Platinum sensitivity |
4492s | a lot of their members uh from over in |
4494s | Japan having to get up and play God |
4496s | knows what time in the morning |
4497s | Australian teams uh you've suffered |
4499s | through some of this in the in previous |
4501s | times yeah I've never played an alliance |
4502s | tournament myself but if you're calling |
4503s | you read an open I I did participate in |
4505s | that and it was like two three in the |
4507s | morning for me when we were getting |
4508s | started and um uh you know just sort of |
4512s | being trying to quiet whisper into the |
4513s | microphone while I'm getting ready to do |
4515s | this fight so that I don't wake up |
4516s | housemates and those kinds of things |
4517s | yeah it was a bit of a struggle uh we |
4519s | weren't I wasn't necessarily at my best |
4520s | that day but at least I had that as an |
4521s | excuse for the result and I'm just going |
4524s | to say you know think about Wingnut one |
4525s | of the commentators for this for this |
4527s | Alliance tournament in Australia yeah |
4529s | dealing with the latency that that |
4531s | brings but also having to wake up and |
4533s | then cast a series of matches in a row |
4535s | uh yeah I mean any Australians and also |
4538s | some of my Japanese friends as well who |
4540s | are playing in or producing the at are |
4542s | definitely going to bed about seven or |
4544s | eight in the morning yeah yeah and he's |
4546s | there every single time you turn on a |
4548s | some sort of Eve Sport and he's usually |
4551s | there with sunglasses yeah microphone |
4553s | it's very dedicated that that young man |
4556s | is uh now I believe we have some some |
4558s | content from CC Aurora um do you want to |
4561s | introduce that yeah yeah so um uh as you |
4564s | know the uprising expansion came out on |
4565s | 8th of November it's been fantastic so |
4567s | far it had a whole bunch of new content |
4569s | for pretty much touches on every sort of |
4571s | corner of new Eden uh whether it's ship |
4572s | rebalancing quality of life changes |
4574s | frigate holes for Wormhole people but |
4576s | also some of the bigger ticket things so |
4577s | obviously like the hangers the emblems |
4579s | which matter a lot and the new um uh |
4582s | frontline's content which is like |
4584s | absolutely revitalized faction Warfare |
4586s | uh CCP fuzzy said on our Eternal slack |
4588s | the other day |
4589s | um I I think it was the Saturday after |
4591s | Uprising come out or it may have been |
4593s | the subsequent Saturday escapes me right |
4595s | now but he was uh he was saying that it |
4597s | that had overtaken the previous record |
4600s | for the most killingest day in faction |
4603s | Warfare in the history of new Eden and |
4605s | the the previous record was from 2014 or |
4607s | something like that and we we would |
4609s | Define faction Warfare as like both the |
4611s | combatant both the the aggressor and the |
4613s | the victim were members of militias in |
4615s | that fight so there are obviously some |
4617s | bigger days in low Sac you know like |
4619s | Rick's javix's fragrant free frols and |
4621s | so forth which would Eclipse that but |
4622s | it's it's the expansion has led to |
4624s | record-setting amounts of combat and |
4626s | just this week in our um |
4628s | in our hotel room |
4630s | um ccpb sorry a little sort of like nerd |
4633s | Chateau ccpb has been glued to his |
4635s | laptop he's been doing battlefields all |
4637s | by himself uh we went on a roam together |
4639s | with a couple of renowned F uh FC's uh |
4642s | earlier in the week too |
4644s | um |
4645s | uh CCP Swift Pro Gamer pvping in a |
4648s | laptop on his lap using the trackpad no |
4650s | mouse couldn't believe it but he was |
4652s | just like he's getting dunks left right |
4653s | and Center it was amazing to see but yes |
4655s | anyway so uh we prepared a bunch of |
4658s | videos including this one we're about to |
4659s | show you from CCP Aurora where she's |
4660s | talking about some of the new content |
4662s | that came in the uprising expansion for |
4664s | Frontline specifically yeah let's go to |
4667s | that now |
4674s | coming in Uprising we have a number of |
4676s | updates to faction Warfare including new |
4678s | complexes for people to take part in new |
4681s | systems that impact the war zone and new |
4683s | ways to play around those systems as |
4685s | well |
4685s | by adding additional objectives Beyond |
4687s | just your regular complexes we're seeing |
4690s | a shake up to the complexes that we're |
4692s | adding to faction Warfare with new |
4694s | restrictions a large new number of |
4696s | complexes and a whole lot more variety |
4698s | for you to play with the faction Warfare |
4701s | system that you've become accustomed to |
4702s | is still there it's forming the |
4705s | foundation of the uprising expansion but |
4707s | we're adding new layers on top of it to |
4708s | round out the gameplay in addition to |
4710s | the complexes that you're used to in |
4712s | faction Warfare while there are more of |
4714s | them there are also additional |
4715s | objectives that you'll see in space such |
4717s | as Supply Depots there that are owned by |
4720s | the owners of the system or Supply |
4723s | caches by the attackers Rendezvous |
4726s | points where you can assault enemy |
4727s | fleets and more all of these things will |
4730s | factor into what is called the Advantage |
4732s | system the Advantage system simulates |
4734s | exactly which faction that is fighting |
4736s | over a system has an advantage how well |
4739s | are they doing in the war effort is |
4741s | there propaganda up to par in terms of |
4743s | turning the citizens of that system over |
4745s | to their side or are their fleets well |
4748s | supplied or are they being attacked at |
4751s | mid-transport all of these things are |
4753s | factored into the advantage score the |
4755s | better your faction does the higher |
4757s | their score the more victory points |
4758s | you'll earn when completing complex |
4760s | which means the faster you can capture |
4762s | systems with Uprising we're creating a |
4764s | healthy foundation for the faction |
4766s | Warfare ecosystem which will continue to |
4767s | build on going into the future in the |
4770s | future there will be more objectives as |
4771s | well as additional ways for people who |
4774s | are not actively in a militia today to |
4776s | join without having to leave their |
4778s | corporation or Alliance the faction |
4780s | Warframe system has long been beloved by |
4782s | many players and it's a very important |
4783s | part of the Eve online ecosystem and |
4786s | it's about time that we return to it |
4788s | give it a new facelift and begin to |
4790s | expand on the foundation that is already |
4793s | there |
4801s | there are CCP Aurora telling us a little |
4804s | bit about Uprising and the front lines |
4805s | and fraction Warfare expansions it's |
4807s | super cool |
4808s | um I've had a bit of a roam around it I |
4811s | played a bit on Singularity before it |
4813s | came out in the in the war games just to |
4814s | kind of have a look at it and I thought |
4816s | it was it was pretty cool I was very |
4817s | happy with it uh and then it obviously |
4819s | it's come out in the middle of this yeah |
4821s | we've gone in a little room uh here we |
4823s | had two detectors all out |
4825s | um and uh he gave us Tristan's he was |
4827s | like here it's a nice nice cheap ships |
4828s | uh and then I refit mine for faction |
4831s | modules and Dead Space modules and uh |
4833s | some Abyssal modules and then I tagged |
4836s | the Catalyst and it died and then I |
4837s | checked some of those modules I think |
4839s | one of them was a relatively well ruled |
4841s | uh Abyssal |
4844s | um Republic Fleet warp Scrambler I think |
4846s | wow so that's uh and then be scripted |
4848s | yeah and then he died yeah that's right |
4851s | I remember now I remember it's like |
4853s | asking where that module go to it's like |
4855s | I got popped yeah so he tried to Jet |
4857s | this in the loot so it wouldn't appear |
4859s | oatmeal and then I made him stop so I |
4861s | could take a photo of him just sing the |
4862s | loot yeah and then he got killed then he |
4863s | got killed yeah did you um did you |
4865s | actually check his uh kill mail to find |
4867s | out if that dropped imagine for someone |
4869s | else or did Luke very say no to that |
4870s | honestly I didn't even joke probably I'm |
4872s | not gonna go back probably better off |
4873s | not knowing yeah exactly don't relieve |
4875s | that moment but that was a really fun |
4876s | run yeah in the scrimmage room it was |
4877s | about I think about 10 of us or |
4878s | something like that or or roaming around |
4880s | and goofing around together |
4882s | um uh I've been sort of tempted towards |
4885s | the galante side of the the war zone |
4887s | that's the that's the correct side of |
4888s | the war zone despite my my heart being a |
4890s | a devout caldari um calderia like |
4893s | they're kind of hulking a little bit and |
4895s | that was in right now and I'm I kind of |
4897s | feel you know I have to gravitate |
4899s | towards the underdog as well so I've |
4900s | signed up with the galante on another |
4902s | character apologies to my current CEO |
4905s | which is a Kell Mill Corporation uh I'll |
4907s | be back soon TM I'm just you know gonna |
4909s | help those other guys and you know the |
4912s | Navy Morris I've just I've just been |
4913s | told my expensive uh what programmer did |
4916s | not drop oh oh okay well yeah thanks for |
4919s | the best yeah thanks production team |
4920s | yeah yeah oh no one gets to enjoy it now |
4923s | yeah and I just I just had to Swift |
4925s | laugh through the door and you said |
4926s | thanks production team yeah he's loving |
4928s | it yeah exactly we'll see them a little |
4929s | bit later yeah uh now speaking of uh us |
4932s | looking a little bit like Phil's we have |
4934s | another video of these quizzes that we |
4935s | were forced to do at uh gunpoint so |
4938s | let's have a look at that now |
4943s | all right |
4945s | foreign |
4952s | [Music] |
4953s | I'll give you three facts about the ship |
4958s | um I'll pause between each fact as the |
4961s | fact you answer on determines your point |
4963s | score for this question |
4966s | [Music] |
4973s | is it a momidon rattlesnake |
4978s | um must be the Dominic's Navy |
4984s | [Music] |
4986s | that's a lot of different ships though |
4989s | uh Ishtar |
4992s | Dominic's Navy issue uh Dominic's Navy |
4996s | issue |
4999s | is it a vexer |
5000s | mega throw Navy issue |
5004s | Hyperion sin |
5010s | sin |
5015s | is it a shuttle |
5018s | moros |
5019s | uh the velitor hakate tyrannis |
5025s | [Music] |
5030s | um it's a catalyst catalyst |
5033s | [Music] |
5037s | I have no clue Paris |
5041s | [Music] |
5042s | this one has me stumped I can't even |
5045s | think of the ship like exact Navy maybe |
5048s | well that does that doesn't make sense |
5049s | now |
5050s | I'm gonna kick myself |
5052s | [Music] |
5057s | is that a Punisher |
5058s | Urban Street uh Zealot over a Navy issue |
5064s | retribution |
5065s | [Music] |
5067s | uh arbitrator for Revelation |
5070s | again |
5072s | Omen uh auger Navy issue |
5077s | of Navy |
5079s | [Music] |
5085s | any hybrid Target damage rainbows uh is |
5087s | it a Naga |
5089s | uh ferox |
5091s | [Music] |
5092s | Talos eagle |
5096s | [Music] |
5098s | start with fairox |
5100s | [Music] |
5102s | uh does a ferrox have five gun hard |
5104s | points |
5105s | MOA uh Naga |
5109s | Daimos vulture |
5114s | foreign |
5117s | [Music] |
5128s | it's really hard when there's like a |
5131s | billion ships in Eve online and they're |
5134s | like this one has guns yeah and you're |
5136s | like oh of course the the gunship yep |
5139s | although I've got I mean I they're like |
5141s | uh an Omarion gumboat and I'm watching |
5144s | myself on the replay now actually |
5145s | hearing myself give the answers first |
5147s | time I'm like arbitrator a missile boat |
5150s | uh medium hybrids uh Naga you know like |
5153s | no that's large but then I felt better |
5154s | when you said Naga as well to answer |
5156s | that one so I'm in good company but yeah |
5158s | there's so many ships and then they're |
5160s | like yeah you know just you know think |
5162s | of all the other ones and then you get |
5164s | like so focused on one thing you're like |
5166s | yeah and they go no it's wrong you know |
5168s | uh an oman's like a zealot yeah and like |
5171s | uh galante's ship with no drain bait I |
5174s | said galante shuttle that is correct |
5176s | that is correct that is correct that is |
5178s | correct although yep well there you go I |
5179s | think we should give him an extra point |
5180s | thank you let's take a quick look at uh |
5182s | the band for this upcoming match |
5185s | okay so Volta Banning out the jackdaw |
5187s | the Nighthawk the abaddin Odin's called |
5189s | bringing Banning out the Stormbreaker |
5190s | hyena Nighthawk and we have trickle |
5192s | bands Volta Banning bar guest and Odin's |
5194s | cult Banning Harvey Navy now also uh we |
5197s | have um The Conquest bands in this which |
5199s | we'll get to Mr come out your thoughts |
5201s | on this quickly uh pretty standard bands |
5203s | coming out from Odin's in regards to the |
5205s | hyena and the Nighthawk the stormbringer |
5207s | we've seen come up a few times in armor |
5209s | comps they're very good at clearing |
5210s | drones and they also benefit from having |
5212s | many mids that you can use for tracking |
5215s | disruptors and guidance disruptors but |
5217s | also for remote sensor boosters as well |
5218s | to support your team and not just make |
5220s | the other team's life hell |
5222s | um it's interesting to see that Volta |
5224s | have now I think continued with the |
5226s | jackdaw ban I think it may have been |
5227s | Odin's initially |
5229s | I can't remember that was the last match |
5232s | um chat no ban I think is a great one |
5234s | barges ban also makes sense now that |
5236s | Walter cannot field one at least a |
5238s | flagship so yeah don't want to see any |
5240s | of those in the next match let's take a |
5241s | quick look at the conquest bands here |
5245s | so the conquest bands for this match for |
5247s | the Volta team are the bar guest the |
5249s | vigil the Drake Navy issue the catacle |
5251s | the stork the Osprey and the Osprey Navy |
5254s | issue |
5255s | um Misty what do you think this might do |
5257s | to this team I mean it's it's fairly |
5260s | interesting that essentially it's just |
5262s | uh the same list of bands that perhaps |
5264s | we would have seen for Odin's there are |
5265s | some slight variations in what we're |
5267s | seeing because they didn't bring the |
5268s | exact same comp but both bogus comps |
5271s | essentially won their matches |
5273s | um I think it's interesting just to note |
5275s | the rolling part of the conquest bands |
5277s | rolling being that if you win a match |
5279s | the next match you can't bring those |
5280s | ships but then the match afterwards they |
5283s | are enabled for you again so to win your |
5285s | first match is actually beneficial as it |
5287s | does mean that you can go back to your |
5288s | stronger comp in the in the last match |
5290s | of that set |
5291s | um whereas Walter find themselves in a |
5293s | situation where the really strong setup |
5294s | that they just brought isn't something |
5296s | that they could field if they wanted to |
5297s | so yeah and of course they're banning |
5300s | out the bar guest because they can no |
5301s | longer field it ordens I believe have a |
5303s | flagship Burger still remaining so if we |
5305s | do see a broadcast on the field it will |
5307s | be a flagship from Odin's call so that |
5309s | comp is still available for them it |
5310s | won't be the jewel bar guest that we saw |
5312s | because they can only bring that one |
5313s | Flagship but uh they can still of course |
5315s | field that flag now I think we are |
5317s | pretty much ready to go to the arena |
5319s | um so let's do one word predictions |
5321s | mystical Knight |
5324s | Volta |
5325s | please be convict |
5327s | Odin |
5328s | and I'm gonna go Volta as well let's go |
5330s | to the arena and find out this best of |
5332s | three final between V Farm Volta and |
5334s | Odin's call |
5340s | and welcome to the arena and there is |
5341s | indeed a flag bargast here the only |
5343s | buggers that would be allowed in this |
5345s | Arena and these both these comps are |
5346s | honestly something entitled out of left |
5348s | field for me we have a shack of Indie |
5349s | double Blackbird comp versus a buggers |
5351s | double Claymore plus a lot of evil |
5354s | frigate comp Kitsune carries Morris |
5356s | Griffin they've brought the entire kit |
5358s | Kaboodle worth of ewall in this com this |
5360s | is this is something ridiculous Azu |
5362s | it's gonna be a ridiculous matchup The |
5364s | Shack comfortably flip uh fitting into |
5366s | this format of armor control of all the |
5368s | e-war but we've seen I think more of the |
5369s | ewall here on the Odin's side |
5371s | um |
5372s | there on the Volta side so we'll see if |
5374s | that can get up and just screen off um |
5377s | somebody shifts but again Odin's play in |
5379s | a long range setup |
5380s | um it's going to be really interesting |
5382s | you know double Blackbird is a lovely |
5383s | combination because the Blackbirds can |
5385s | obviously cover for each other but if |
5387s | one goes down you know hey uh the chain |
5389s | kind of stops but then again they're |
5390s | going to have this amazing Guardian reps |
5392s | keeping them up |
5393s | then they've got like those two |
5395s | blackbirds now going against a Griffin |
5396s | and katsuna and then it carries a mole |
5398s | who could also make it even harder for |
5399s | them so this is just |
5402s | everyone's playing for control here both |
5404s | teams have very strong control bar |
5406s | there's going to be a lot of honestly |
5407s | just you know random dice rolls uh damp |
5410s | control just |
5412s | like yeah this is going to be an |
5414s | incredibly crazy match I want to see who |
5415s | gets the upper hand and hopefully |
5416s | maintains it |
5418s | so something we're not really going to |
5420s | be able to see with any uis or anything |
5421s | like that but I would just love to know |
5423s | if the pilots here on Odin's side so |
5425s | Martin and Athol there in the Morrison |
5427s | carries um the combination of doing dams |
5430s | and ECM can be quite powerful if you |
5432s | actually take advantage of the scan |
5434s | resolution script so sure you jam a |
5436s | blackbird or you jam the guardian uh you |
5438s | know down for the cycle comes out of |
5440s | cycle maybe miss the next cycle but it |
5442s | can lock up the targets again but if you |
5444s | follow up that jam cycle for scan resnap |
5446s | sure you missed the next Jam cycle but |
5449s | it's going to take 20 years to lock up |
5450s | the targets again and by the time you |
5452s | get around to finally locking a Target |
5453s | because of those dabs boom RNG hits you |
5456s | and you just jammed again |
5458s | yeah it can also be pretty painful at |
5460s | least and take you um a battleship can |
5462s | still technically be Perma jammed by ECM |
5464s | sometimes if done correctly which is |
5466s | honestly quite painful we have 30 |
5468s | seconds until the match starts and uh |
5470s | yeah this I honestly this is going to be |
5473s | a very interesting I want to see how |
5474s | this one starts off because there's a |
5475s | lot of opportunities here for both teams |
5477s | we've got able to Shack Vindicated core |
5478s | which is obviously a very thick option |
5480s | this is Bargas twin Claymore which is |
5482s | just yeah totally different ideas but |
5485s | both teams have thought thought that |
5487s | control is required yeah we're going to |
5489s | be seeing the match kicking off here now |
5490s | so |
5491s | um as a bit concerned for Volta they |
5493s | don't really have anything like the |
5494s | jackdaws or something you know long |
5496s | range easy missile application or |
5498s | something like that that can just get |
5499s | rid of all these little frigates right |
5500s | now because obviously those frigates are |
5502s | going to be the thing that are putting |
5503s | the most harassment on them right now so |
5504s | match underway we see Odin's backing off |
5506s | keeping that drainage Advantage without |
5508s | a pushing obviously with The Vindicator |
5509s | and The Shack on their side they're |
5510s | going to be looking to close this range |
5512s | again and just push them against the |
5513s | arena so Odin's not exactly lining up |
5515s | for any mgds plays just going on pure |
5517s | piloting and maneuvering around right |
5519s | now |
5519s | I'm just watching these control bars |
5521s | already building up because let me see |
5522s | him against The Vindicator ECM gets a |
5525s | molar we got it's easy going against the |
5526s | Claymore and if you're spraying carries |
5528s | the posing side it's |
5529s | going to be a lot going across both |
5531s | sides you see uh Dance Now on a |
5533s | blackbird |
5534s | and DPS now going into the Magus |
5536s | potentially trying to remove uh links |
5538s | early as well as a potential tackle ship |
5540s | so while teams aren't allowed T2 jams or |
5543s | t2e War they can still have uh you know |
5545s | meta and stuff but the same as tracking |
5546s | disruptors and guide disruptors teams do |
5548s | still have to make a choice of what jams |
5549s | they can do in opting for you know |
5550s | racial bonus but you know really bad off |
5553s | jams or just multi-spec but then having |
5554s | worse range but we see this Vindicator |
5556s | here up there and going in with a modern |
5557s | MGD behind there on the back line going |
5560s | he's going for that Osprey on Odin side |
5561s | now |
5563s | yep it'll either be an incredibly great |
5564s | call or a way to throw away your ship |
5567s | and wrap up sandwiching him between the |
5568s | vindia and the mother hopefully that |
5569s | Vinnie can grab him as the Osprey is |
5571s | looking to rush behind him he might |
5572s | actually just dodge this vendi right now |
5573s | actually |
5577s | just keep making an eye on things at the |
5579s | moment it's like you broke free so well |
5581s | played there on toe Sprite looks like |
5582s | they may be able to break past that |
5584s | still good play on a Volta side to |
5586s | setting up a nice sandwich combination |
5588s | there um still a pressure being applied |
5589s | and Volta the long range uh Bean |
5591s | favorite here of Odin so they're able to |
5593s | apply pressure but obviously this double |
5594s | Blackbird comp with a guardian |
5596s | supporting it as well it's just going to |
5598s | be a huge hindrance to actually breaking |
5599s | through anything the sky breaker of |
5600s | outdoor taking some damage there so much |
5603s | going for I believe a tackle on the |
5605s | Osprey there so the Osprey is now at |
5608s | least for now being held in I think he |
5609s | might have just gotten away |
5611s | yeah okay I think he's back free Again |
5613s | release for the moment |
5618s | has been held down as well by the bug |
5621s | bug is currently screaming that more |
5622s | away keeping them off of his osprey |
5624s | Odin's doing a fantastic job with just |
5626s | evading this right now he's also just |
5628s | getting kind of screened here great a |
5630s | lot of people might not actually put a |
5632s | scrum or something on the bar I guess |
5633s | just you know opting for I don't know |
5634s | something else in there but we're seeing |
5635s | great use of the just all the bonuses on |
5637s | these ships right now another dipping |
5638s | into low armor even for his resistance |
5640s | bonuses Guardian not able to keep it up |
5642s | probably some evil there as the matter |
5643s | goes down a lot of the attack are |
5645s | falling here for vulture side so they |
5646s | might just accept these uh skinny ships |
5648s | especially if the sky breaker going down |
5650s | as well Vindicator is going to have a |
5651s | hard time grabbing anything if his light |
5653s | supports all deleted |
5654s | exactly that all I've got on the left |
5656s | now is basically a sky breaker Confessor |
5657s | and potentially the pontifex and that's |
5658s | their entire tackle Wing I've known he |
5662s | is setting up for an MJB pay right now |
5664s | getting on top of a beacon so if we just |
5665s | keep eyes on him and see where he's |
5666s | going to end up maybe he's able to |
5668s | actually make a sick play and just get |
5669s | right on top of what he needs to do |
5672s | yeah they have to I hope and pray the |
5675s | Confessor and skybreaker and get some |
5676s | good tackles off their uh blackbirds are |
5678s | still being in absolute pain but they |
5679s | are starting to be shot at |
5681s | and starting to get push into armor |
5683s | hopefully the planet six does not lose |
5684s | lock because that will be a pretty quick |
5686s | depth for these blackbirds |
5688s | while every kill feels explosive when |
5690s | you get into the e-war stalemate here so |
5692s | even though it's just been a Magus |
5694s | oh there we go it's lining up where is |
5696s | he going to looks like he's going for uh |
5698s | well we'll see what he actually ends up |
5699s | grabbing because unfortunately Odin's |
5701s | still going to be quite mobile here |
5703s | um he's |
5704s | kind of close to the the burgers but I |
5706s | think he's just out of range we'll see |
5710s | well I might be able to grow up |
5711s | unfortunately the Bargas will have the |
5712s | advantage in the scrams the scram comes |
5714s | out uh will the webs have actually cut |
5716s | him down in time it doesn't seem like it |
5722s | that like that was a big ball play but |
5724s | unfortunately just clean it just out of |
5726s | range of the uh of the bug |
5729s | uh well I'm interested to see again what |
5731s | happened with the dams there you know it |
5732s | could have just been a case of if |
5734s | scanner's damps were on The Vindicator |
5736s | um he would not have enough time to lock |
5738s | anything once he got on top of it on the |
5740s | after jumping you know so sure you jump |
5742s | right next to the things but as the |
5744s | Blackbird finally goes down you know it |
5745s | doesn't help if you're on top of things |
5746s | if you take 30 seconds to lock them so |
5748s | finally that uh ECM core or Volta is |
5751s | crumbling here with the first Blackboard |
5752s | going down |
5753s | crumbling stuff in the right way at this |
5755s | point this comp is going to start |
5756s | falling apart second Blackbird Goes Pop |
5757s | they've lost most of their ewall support |
5759s | they've lost most of their tackle |
5760s | they've got two heavy battleships that |
5761s | can't really do things on their own |
5762s | anymore this at this moment it is |
5765s | starting to look incredibly bad for |
5767s | Volta and I don't think they can pull |
5768s | this back |
5769s | so good job my own is cool here uh |
5771s | putting their bar guests on the line |
5772s | their Flagship our guest at that and |
5774s | still having an absolutely dominating |
5777s | presence living to win for the moment |
5779s | that's not over boundaries could still |
5780s | happen The Vindicator and the shack |
5782s | combination could still reach on top of |
5783s | something a Volta does still have their |
5785s | Guardian as well with some light tackles |
5787s | so they could still make some plays here |
5788s | they are not out of the picture just yet |
5790s | but obviously underscore hasn't lost a |
5791s | single thing especially these uh ewar |
5794s | frigates the the T1 and T2 to variants |
5796s | of the ECM and Dam ships just doing a |
5799s | devastating job against faulty here |
5801s | right now |
5803s | it's kind of interesting they brought a |
5804s | a lot of e-war to support their card in |
5806s | common it's done amazingly well whereas |
5808s | uh Volta did bring some good tackle |
5810s | options as well as e-war but weren't |
5811s | able to really make them uh well survive |
5814s | against these uh Osprey navies and |
5816s | character navies and we sit there on The |
5817s | Vindicator again like he's getting onto |
5819s | an MGD beak again uh but I think owners |
5822s | score is going to be more aware of this |
5823s | right now so we'll see if you actually |
5824s | have managed to grab anything but again |
5826s | I feel either the combination of range |
5828s | sensor and ECM is still just a real |
5830s | harassment uh for trying to get the jump |
5832s | on someone because you can't really just |
5834s | get in there instantly lock something |
5835s | and then apply those windy webs the bar |
5837s | gas scram is doing an amazing job so |
5839s | kudos to yokan just be playing the |
5841s | screener for his team as well here |
5843s | yeah that's what a flag bar can do for |
5845s | you it is a powerful combination it's |
5847s | not the tankiest thing in the world but |
5848s | the mobility in Cape and self-defense |
5850s | capability it has but if you and your |
5853s | team is obviously only second to maybe |
5855s | the bowel gone if anything oh |
5857s | unfortunately Theron kind of misjudges |
5859s | range mjd Akins can only be activated |
5861s | within five kilometers seems he |
5863s | underestimated but going for lineup so |
5865s | it has to Pedal back and waste some |
5866s | precious time here getting back into the |
5868s | range and then lining himself up again |
5870s | to do that MGD play that being said |
5873s | um looks like uh Odin has circled around |
5875s | and even if we were to go to an MGD |
5877s | player you'd likely be overshooting |
5878s | anything of value right now |
5880s | exactly that they're all uh almost |
5882s | perfectly placed to be uh makers of |
5884s | indicators jump almost with us he's now |
5886s | boosting over to I believe potentially |
5888s | the Claymore of the Palatine the |
5890s | Paradigm sorry might actually get right |
5892s | on top of that see if you can lock it in |
5893s | time if this goes through here |
5895s | or potentially Colonel Kurtz uh he's |
5897s | pretty close to Paradigm he might be in |
5899s | web range |
5900s | something there Colonel has is coming to |
5903s | a Full Stop he's realized he's running |
5904s | right into a Vindicator let's see if |
5907s | they're on gonna catch anything here |
5908s | right now |
5909s | this will not be a 100 potentially |
5913s | hopefully you can follow through here uh |
5914s | we do still have the Osprey live on the |
5916s | Odin side as well no no no never mind he |
5919s | got away |
5921s | no he got the web but apparently |
5924s | Paradigm range before he slowed down too |
5925s | badly |
5927s | well again you know with your uh |
5928s | application being limited here in the |
5930s | sense of like blasters and then even of |
5932s | the shack you know hey uh the ketson and |
5934s | the Griffin can just actually conserve |
5936s | their jams and pre-heat their ECM cycles |
5939s | and then all that happens the claimer |
5941s | screams hey vindi has me tackled oecm |
5943s | goes at Divinity someone's gonna get |
5945s | lucky and then you know you're just |
5946s | ready to actually use these jams uh |
5949s | reactively instead of uh you know |
5951s | proactively you know defense I also |
5953s | wonder if I didn't see but maybe that |
5954s | Split Second both the Moors and the |
5956s | carries both dumped all of their damps |
5957s | Into The Vindicator made them break lock |
5959s | for that Split Second and then went back |
5960s | to damping what they were damping |
5962s | true and thereon again he's going |
5965s | crawling back to an mjd so he's just |
5968s | he's just loving jumping around this |
5970s | Arena right now unfortunately not able |
5971s | to sink his teeth into anything yokan |
5973s | just uh in the absolute MVP or I feel |
5976s | just how he's been screening office |
5978s | Odin's teams whenever they've actually |
5979s | had an opportunity the matter at the |
5981s | beginning |
5982s | um The Vindicator when he made that |
5983s | first mjd play absolutely fantastic play |
5986s | um I'm just wondering obviously if he's |
5987s | got you know if officer thing is even |
5989s | allowed there but obviously if the bonus |
5991s | is from the bar guest good range and |
5992s | links |
5994s | yeah this uh as an Australia I have to |
5996s | say there's indicators currently playing |
5997s | the kangaroo Play Bouncing Around The |
5999s | Arena like a lunatic but you just can't |
6002s | really do anything with it it's it's it |
6004s | really um oh where's he going now hold |
6006s | on he's MJ digging again which way are |
6008s | we going |
6010s | I think he's going to another uh he's |
6013s | not going towards anyone it seems so I |
6015s | don't know maybe he's going to try for |
6017s | record most njds in a single match uh |
6020s | we'll see if he can maybe break that |
6021s | record but Odin's sitting here |
6023s | comfortably right now just an amazing |
6025s | job from these ewar Pilots I must say |
6027s | you know you don't really get those |
6028s | flashy things those flashy kill males |
6030s | you know people don't really see always |
6032s | what you're doing on the um UI stream |
6035s | here or anything but you know when it |
6037s | comes down to it they still need to know |
6038s | where to put those modules at the right |
6039s | place cycling between things and you |
6042s | know they still need to Pilot these |
6043s | ships as well because they're glass |
6045s | cannons in the terms of e-wars though as |
6047s | the Guardians |
6049s | Guardian six actually went down |
6050s | surprisingly late into this match it |
6052s | wasn't particularly uh entirely |
6053s | ineffective but so much evil on him that |
6055s | he's a he would have been a lot of work |
6058s | being with rep and basically anything |
6059s | and with the Vindicator running around |
6060s | he definitely can't rep that |
6062s | there's good fights and local as well |
6064s | both teams know this is basically over |
6066s | Owen's cool with basically what's |
6067s | looking to be a 100 oh actually no it |
6069s | won't be 100 they can't kill a little |
6070s | Vindicator all the shack fast enough so |
6073s | true that 30 seconds almost done here ha |
6076s | well Vindicator I know it's your |
6078s | favorite ship here uh Wingnut but it's |
6079s | just a shame to see it didn't die yeah |
6082s | but it felt like it was hamstrung and |
6084s | they were just laughing at it I was |
6086s | trying to fly around the arena and catch |
6087s | something so unfortunately no kills for |
6089s | that Wendy |
6091s | uh the life of a blaster ship five |
6093s | seconds in that match is now over uh |
6096s | massive respect to Owen's call very well |
6098s | flown very well controlled and with that |
6100s | we'll go back to the studio and see what |
6101s | they think on this |
6105s | [Music] |
6126s | [Music] |
6133s | thank you |
6142s | [Applause] |
6146s | [Music] |
6149s | [Applause] |
6151s | [Music] |
6152s | [Applause] |
6157s | connected Channel switched well it would |
6160s | have been fun easy fight right but guess |
6162s | what dude I'm not seeing it people can't |
6164s | get together |
6170s | enemies your temps are completely damned |
6173s | out Crush I'm dumped out I'm dumped out |
6175s | you don't like Champions boys |
6184s | I'm jammed |
6186s | there you are Odin's call taking that |
6188s | practice match uh right there for |
6190s | against Volta we're now ready to go to |
6192s | the real match between we form Volta and |
6194s | Odin's call |
6197s | oh that was the real match well that is |
6198s | unfortunate uh Volta they're dropping |
6200s | the series and going now down into the |
6202s | lower bracket final well they will will |
6204s | face truth honor light Bolta of course |
6206s | lost their Flagship in the second match |
6208s | up there uh and truth and like do have |
6210s | theirs remaining so that will be a spicy |
6212s | matchup for them it's gonna be another |
6213s | best of three uh so the Volta team can't |
6216s | relax right now whereas Odin's call can |
6217s | they're not going to have that 25 match |
6219s | run they have a couple of like maybe |
6221s | like an hour and a half or so to relax |
6223s | chill out you know get a coffee whatever |
6225s | they want to do and uh just you know |
6227s | prepare for the grand finals so Odin's |
6229s | Corner secured themselves at least |
6231s | second place uh they should be |
6233s | absolutely Giga proud of that that's an |
6235s | incredible achievement already uh and |
6237s | I'm I can't wait to see the final |
6238s | they're going to do super well I'm sure |
6239s | now uh CP convict before we go to the |
6242s | break you've been managing the quiz and |
6243s | stuff like that yeah just tell me a |
6245s | little bit about that oh well you know |
6246s | we just we we've used the quiz kid app |
6248s | extension on Twitch a couple of times in |
6250s | the past for for special occasions |
6252s | capsuleo Day Celebrations and so forth |
6254s | the alliance tournament has you know a |
6256s | couple of Fairly chunky breaks uh |
6258s | throughout the weekends you know half an |
6260s | hour here and there and you know we want |
6261s | to keep people uh interested and having |
6263s | fun and engaged and find cool uh ways to |
6265s | give away prizes and so forth so we just |
6267s | drag them out for this and this weekend |
6269s | we've been focusing mostly on like 80 |
6271s | flavored quizzes uh and last weekend too |
6273s | I should say however I was completely |
6275s | out of ideas so we're going to have |
6276s | another quiz during this break but it's |
6278s | just going to be completely trash sorry |
6280s | about that I'll try and have a better |
6282s | one for you for the next break and |
6284s | during the break as well we'll also be |
6285s | activating some of our special rewards |
6287s | for channel points there'll be two 50 |
6289s | Euro or 50 US dollar Eve store vouchers |
6292s | based on the Winner's preference for 50 |
6294s | 000 Channel points and then during the |
6296s | second break we'll have one last Eve |
6298s | ship model that you can claim for a |
6299s | hundred thousand points but they'll just |
6301s | be fastest finger first will get them |
6303s | unfortunately it's the fairest way we |
6305s | can think of sort of like |
6306s | um |
6307s | uh releasing these to the community so |
6309s | um so there'll be two quizzes today and |
6311s | a couple rewards during the breaks which |
6312s | will start soon so since we're off air |
6314s | I've got a into the back room and start |
6315s | meshing buttons again what have you got |
6317s | through to the back room I gotta run |
6319s | gotta run excellent thank you well we're |
6321s | gonna go for that break right now uh the |
6323s | next match will be the best of three |
6324s | lower bracket final between uh we form |
6326s | Volta and Truth on the light so we need |
6328s | to give them a little bit of time to |
6329s | prepare for that match up |
6331s | um we'll be back in about 30 minutes so |
6333s | we'll see you then |
6336s | welcome back to Alliance tournament 18 I |
6339s | am CCP overload and I'm joined on the |
6341s | desk by CCP zealous and Jin tan CCB |
6344s | sales how are you today pretty good |
6346s | grand scheme of things tournaments going |
6348s | swimmingly so you know pretty good yeah |
6350s | you've been in the back most of the time |
6352s | as the you know the headwrap the guy |
6353s | running everything uh doing all the |
6355s | clicking moving people around talking |
6356s | with captains and just basically the |
6359s | brains behind the actual tournament |
6360s | operation how's that been for you we've |
6362s | managed to pry you through here right |
6364s | now uh we've got this one opportunity |
6366s | we've just come back from a break uh the |
6368s | next match is being set up by some of |
6370s | your deputies as we've managed to pry |
6372s | you through here so we can talk to you |
6373s | so tell me about how it's been for you |
6375s | uh it's actually changed a little bit |
6376s | this year so uh legendary uh referee uh |
6380s | Amy muffmuff has also taken over this |
6382s | year my previous roles of uh head |
6383s | referee so I'm actually a little bit |
6385s | more involved in the like General |
6387s | organization of the tournament like the |
6388s | like I called myself the tournament |
6390s | director this year uh so the arrangement |
6392s | of uh the general rules how things are |
6394s | running uh is is pretty much how I've uh |
6396s | ended up kind of organizing things this |
6398s | year uh we have a fantastic team of |
6401s | referees back in uh Reykjavik and as |
6403s | well as a couple were actually doing it |
6405s | from home as well which has been super |
6406s | cool |
6407s | um but yeah we have a referee team this |
6409s | year I think of roughly about eight |
6412s | people I think it was across the whole |
6413s | thing so it's been uh really good I |
6416s | think people don't realize just how |
6417s | intensive the sort of ref reading is in |
6420s | an alliance tournament match like take |
6422s | us through all the steps so normally in |
6424s | a regular match you would have uh about |
6427s | an hour before the match would happen a |
6430s | referee would normally Convoy you you |
6431s | would normally get a set of bands from |
6433s | each team the bands are normally then |
6436s | exchanged they're in the conversation |
6438s | with the referees we used to have a very |
6440s | oppressive tool where you would |
6442s | basically have to like a countdown timer |
6444s | would hit you you'd have 60 seconds to |
6447s | scroll through a list of ships and pick |
6449s | your ships we got rid of that we went |
6451s | back to the old human interaction so you |
6454s | speak to a referee you exchange your |
6456s | bands if there's a trickle ban so that's |
6458s | uh if uh both sides pick the same ship |
6460s | you get a trickle ban so then we |
6462s | normally give them an extra two minutes |
6463s | uh just to pick a new triple ban uh then |
6466s | once those are exchanged we let |
6468s | everybody get into their ships so |
6469s | normally the the teams will then start |
6471s | organizing who's flying what uh |
6473s | sometimes you get an extra person kind |
6474s | of join the fleet who then distributes |
6477s | all the ships so uh the the referees can |
6479s | actually see who's in the fleet uh and |
6481s | then we can start our checks to make |
6483s | sure no one's bringing anything they |
6484s | shouldn't according to the rules uh |
6486s | because it's quite a big set of rules uh |
6489s | that they all have to go through and |
6490s | observe so they then have a check |
6492s | process where they look at all the |
6494s | what's involved in each ship uh we then |
6496s | have a look and see if there's any |
6497s | flagships coming along if there's |
6498s | flagships then we'll obviously ask the |
6500s | teams are you intending to bring this is |
6501s | this intentional |
6503s | um and then |
6504s | it's just a case of time to get ready uh |
6507s | they then moved into the tournament |
6508s | system |
6509s | they're held into position for about a |
6511s | minute or so where they have the |
6513s | opportunity to check over any mods |
6514s | they've got on their ship to make sure |
6515s | everything's as it should be at which |
6518s | point they're then |
6519s | after that minutes elapsed they're then |
6522s | uh told to walk to the arena between 0 |
6523s | and 50 kilometers again as per the rules |
6525s | and then that's normally when you switch |
6527s | over to the arena and you see everybody |
6529s | just holding position uh then what we've |
6532s | turned into a little bit of a game with |
6533s | the referees is uh we try and aim to be |
6536s | offset by 30 seconds because the match |
6538s | countdown is 30 seconds so when there's |
6541s | about 30 seconds left on the timer we'll |
6542s | hit the button a countdown will go in |
6544s | local and then the game begins awesome |
6547s | and that's as you've described it a very |
6549s | intensive process and having a lot of |
6551s | people to sort of rely on to make that |
6553s | happen especially when you consider |
6555s | these things let's protect process takes |
6556s | about an hour and we have matches |
6558s | running every 20 minutes which means a |
6560s | lot of these things are overlapping each |
6561s | other and interlacing and it can be |
6563s | quite confusing and if one match starts |
6566s | to run late for example in an interview |
6567s | with the timings of the other ones it |
6569s | can cause absolute chaos not only for |
6571s | the teams uh but for the referees uh for |
6574s | the the schedule itself and of course us |
6576s | here on the desk trying to figure out |
6577s | when we can hand over this year we we've |
6580s | had pretty much every single thing start |
6581s | exactly on schedule it's incredible I |
6583s | said to you last weekend we finished the |
6585s | Sunday I don't remember ever an alliance |
6588s | tournament weekend where every single |
6589s | match started on time and today I think |
6591s | we had one match that start about 30 |
6592s | seconds late because a player couldn't |
6595s | load something yet I think which is an |
6596s | incredible achievement from all the |
6598s | referees to actually make that happen |
6599s | it's just like it's never happened as |
6602s | far as I can tell that we've ever been |
6603s | this one time after a lot of extensive |
6605s | testing I build up a spreadsheet that |
6607s | basically uh I've called the cheat sheet |
6609s | which is essentially it's like a |
6611s | play-by-play from hour to like the |
6614s | minute the match happens and it has like |
6616s | text prompts throughout the whole entire |
6617s | process where it's just a case of uh you |
6620s | speak to them you say this thing at this |
6621s | particular time but there's also like a |
6623s | little bit of buffer built into it so |
6625s | that if anything plays up or if we get |
6626s | any issues you know it shouldn't delay |
6628s | the the schedule at all but yes you are |
6630s | right it is very rigorous in its uh in |
6633s | its kind of laying out |
6635s | yeah so last year we saw the price ships |
6638s | for the alliance Tournament being the |
6639s | Raju and the laylaps and they were um |
6642s | new prize ships and it was announced |
6644s | that uh CCP was going to essentially |
6646s | like go back to Alliance tournament |
6647s | seven where Prime ships first came in |
6649s | and and re-released them going forward |
6651s | to guarantee prize ships every year |
6653s | because the development effort is quite |
6654s | significant but then CP decided uh to |
6657s | reimagine the frackie in the mimir from |
6659s | uh Alliance tournament seven and we have |
6660s | two new ships can you talk to us about |
6662s | them yeah so we have a little bit of |
6664s | information with regards to the the new |
6666s | two new ships uh we should have some |
6667s | stats up on the screen momentarily uh |
6669s | the uh Gary I I keep trying so hard to |
6673s | not call it the Jerry uh and the best I |
6677s | believe is the correct way to uh |
6678s | pronounce those two ships uh we did have |
6681s | a prize blog not too long ago that |
6683s | announced these uh ships and their stats |
6684s | in it uh subsequently since then we have |
6687s | actually upgraded some of the bonuses |
6689s | that you see today |
6691s | um we've essentially increased the |
6694s | damage on the the um the bachelor we've |
6698s | got rid of the actual overall damage uh |
6701s | bonus on the mimitar cruiser and we've |
6703s | actually increased it the uh to a rate |
6705s | of fire bonus so essentially it went |
6706s | from roughly about eight turrets to |
6708s | about 10 turrets now overall um uh sorry |
6711s | missile launchers |
6713s | um in its actual design so it's looking |
6715s | pretty pretty a lot better than what it |
6717s | was on the prize block now so uh I I |
6719s | reached out for a couple of the stats uh |
6721s | with regards to the the base feed and |
6723s | the the fitting room uh and I was told |
6725s | fast I almost put sonic initially as the |
6728s | base speed uh and then the fitting room |
6730s | I was told Lots so |
6732s | as you see today it is lots and lots uh |
6735s | hopefully we'll have those stats uh and |
6737s | we'll have a few images hopefully after |
6739s | the tournament as well all nicely firmed |
6741s | up and be able to share it in the not |
6742s | too distant future yeah I've I've |
6744s | managed to see some of the uh the |
6746s | pre-production work on them and they |
6747s | look pretty cool so I can't wait to see |
6749s | them now Alliance tournament price ships |
6751s | not only are they hashtag POG and there |
6754s | are more things in the alliance |
6755s | tournament that you can win you can win |
6757s | skins and as mystical might uh huffing |
6759s | the copium somewhere in this building is |
6761s | so Keen in saying it's all about the |
6763s | Skins now these are the new skins uh |
6765s | talk me through some of these so yeah we |
6767s | have uh 280 of the pro ships to hand out |
6769s | but the Skins |
6771s | um yeah we have uh these being awarded |
6774s | as well it's normally uh 10 skins per |
6776s | win that the team achieves in each match |
6778s | so uh it's actually across a selection |
6780s | of uh seven ships |
6782s | um which I can't think of off the top of |
6784s | my head but we have uh it's a selection |
6786s | of the fleet issue ships uh plus we've |
6789s | done a wolf and I believe it was a uh |
6792s | life was the other ship or is it same as |
6794s | sorry a semitar was the last one so |
6796s | because I wanted to get a little bit of |
6798s | love for our logic Bros so they actually |
6799s | have a a nice tournament skin this year |
6801s | uh but yeah the art team has done |
6804s | fantastic work in producing uh these |
6806s | great skins uh red and nice orange feel |
6809s | they have their nice kind of Minotaur |
6811s | Rusty feel to them which I think looks |
6813s | absolutely fantastic |
6815s | yeah I think the uh the art team as |
6817s | usual uh absolutely smashing it |
6819s | um and there's some more skins and we'll |
6821s | hopefully get some pictures of them |
6821s | released uh at some point maybe in a Dev |
6823s | vlogger on Twitter but they look amazing |
6825s | uh they look just phenomenal and they |
6827s | are lines from a prize skins |
6829s | um are just a nice little bonus so |
6830s | whenever you win any match in the |
6832s | alliance tournament you get some skins |
6833s | so even if you go one and two then you |
6836s | don't want any prior ships obviously but |
6838s | you do get some skins which you can |
6840s | either divvy up between your your team |
6841s | members or of course sell and they are |
6844s | limited skins they're not reproduced so |
6846s | those skins can end up you know fetching |
6848s | a fear a fair few many isks on the open |
6851s | market some of them |
6853s | um have been |
6854s | so I'm not going to spoil it there's |
6856s | some moments we'll see them later |
6858s | um so I want someone to talk to you |
6859s | about the trials so the trials was a |
6861s | super interesting thing that happened |
6862s | this year instead of uh the normal |
6863s | theater tournaments |
6865s | um you guys lent into the uh the lore of |
6868s | the mimitar Republic response to this |
6869s | tournament |
6871s | um and you created the the trials |
6872s | tournament so talk to me about the |
6873s | thought process there and how that |
6874s | worked out yeah so the trials tournament |
6875s | uh was a way of essentially as you say |
6880s | feeding uh players into the main |
6882s | tournament when we have like a huge |
6884s | number of players that end up joining it |
6887s | was a problem last year that we ended up |
6888s | having such an excessive amount of |
6890s | interest that we needed to kind of |
6892s | figure out a way to deal with the extra |
6893s | teams this year and I figured that the |
6896s | well the feeders the trials was going to |
6897s | be the better way to deal with that uh |
6899s | so what I ended up actually doing was uh |
6902s | creating a process where you have seven |
6904s | imitar tribes so seven teams were going |
6906s | to be the ones that ended up uh being |
6908s | pushed through as sponsors uh for this |
6911s | year's Alliance tournament uh we had a |
6914s | bit of a fun time with the the |
6916s | mathematics that was involved in it just |
6917s | because of the the number of teams that |
6919s | did end up joining but it was it worked |
6921s | out that six teams would essentially be |
6924s | playing uh being pushed through by six |
6926s | of the tribes where they'd be playing at |
6928s | least twice but they would essentially |
6931s | be like eliminating themselves through |
6933s | smaller brackets and groups kind of like |
6935s | what you see with the group stages for |
6937s | like the World Cup kind of thing but |
6939s | then the seventh nefertar tribe was |
6941s | going to be doing a Redemption Arc so |
6943s | anyone that finished in their finals |
6946s | match for each Minotaur sponsor if they |
6950s | failed their match they were going to be |
6951s | put through into a separate group where |
6953s | they'd basically play through the whole |
6954s | thing again with all the other finals |
6957s | losers to determine who the seventh were |
6959s | and we have |
6961s | seen the power of Odin's call being the |
6965s | ones that actually went through the |
6967s | whole nephin Tarak all the way through |
6969s | the trials tournament and obviously you |
6971s | know they've pushed their way all the |
6973s | way through the alliance tournament this |
6974s | year so it's been amazing to see it has |
6976s | it's been really super cool I really |
6977s | enjoyed the format this year I thought |
6979s | it was super interesting now um we have |
6981s | only a few minutes to go before the |
6983s | start of the first match in the alliance |
6985s | tournament 18 losers bracket Grand Final |
6988s | uh the winner of which we'll go for into |
6990s | the actual Grand Final uh against Odin's |
6993s | call let's take a look at the bands for |
6994s | this upcoming match |
6997s | so we form Volta Banning out the |
6999s | Nighthawk the Blackbird and the abaddin |
7001s | truth honor light Banning out the Osprey |
7003s | the hyena and the stormbringer jintan |
7005s | your thoughts on this uh yeah here we |
7007s | see that both teams have really kind of |
7009s | stuck with their Perma ban |
7011s | um uh Volta have banned out the abaddin |
7013s | which they have banned in every single |
7015s | match they have flown in so far in this |
7016s | tournament and Truth on the light uh |
7019s | have been typically they've they've |
7020s | swapped around a lot depending on their |
7021s | opponents but that stormbringer has been |
7023s | a key component of their band strategy |
7025s | I'm not sure entirely why |
7027s | um but I think they might have seen |
7028s | something in their uh uh in their scrims |
7031s | that really scared them about it |
7032s | probably the large amount of mids that |
7034s | it can bring and its ability to deal |
7035s | with drones it is such a powerful |
7037s | utility ship uh in this format uh that |
7041s | said you know we do see some a bit of |
7043s | variation between them we haven't seen |
7044s | the Deacon band here we haven't seen the |
7046s | Scorpion Navy Band |
7048s | um it is always a struggle to see what's |
7051s | open though and I'm surprised to see no |
7053s | bands from Volta being leveraged at some |
7055s | of the comps that we just saw truth on a |
7057s | light Brink no Vindicator ban obviously |
7059s | truth on the light do not have a |
7060s | Vindicator Flagship so they can't work |
7062s | their way around the ban and no bar gas |
7065s | Bali they're from tooth on a light which |
7067s | would have allowed them to bring a bar |
7068s | guest using their own Flagship whilst of |
7070s | alter obviously cannot bring one as it |
7072s | was destroyed just a few moments ago |
7074s | that it was indeed now |
7077s | um how important do you think that's |
7078s | going to be because as you say volta's |
7080s | Flagship destroyed in the last match |
7082s | truth on the light do have theirs |
7083s | available and we may indeed even see it |
7085s | fielded in this match who knows uh how |
7087s | do you think this is going to affect the |
7088s | meta here |
7090s | um it's always hard to say it depends on |
7091s | what comps these guys are prepared and |
7093s | more importantly what ones they feel |
7095s | really comfortable especially in this |
7096s | first game what I think we're going to |
7097s | see is we're going to see both teams |
7099s | bring what they think is their best comp |
7101s | something that they think they can smash |
7102s | the other person with or just out |
7103s | execute with and that way even if they |
7106s | lose they still have the option of |
7107s | bringing it in the next game and then |
7109s | whatever was you know whatever got |
7110s | brought that they feel like counted it |
7112s | isn't going to be available for them in |
7114s | the next game due to the conquest plans |
7115s | and that basically takes it all the way |
7117s | back to a best of one in the third game |
7119s | so jinton uh predictions what do you |
7121s | think here we from Volta or truth on the |
7123s | light I think I've got to go for truth |
7125s | on a light in the first game here you |
7127s | know truth on the light have not been |
7128s | played out quite as much as uh Volta as |
7131s | Volta have they've just come off the |
7132s | backs of losing a best of three uh they |
7135s | only had to win a best of one to get to |
7136s | this point uh my money's on Dex and his |
7138s | boys and CC's Alice |
7141s | ah I think I'm gonna go for truth on a |
7144s | light as well I am a big starfight |
7146s | Commander fan I will admit |
7148s | but I think truth on the light might |
7150s | have it okay well I of course will be |
7152s | backing we form Volta in this one so |
7154s | let's go to the arena and find out for |
7156s | this first match in this best of three |
7157s | between truth honor light and we form |
7159s | Volta |
7165s | hello I am moderator joined by my |
7167s | colleague Alex card for this lower |
7170s | bracket match to determine third in |
7173s | second place but this will be your best |
7175s | out of three and Truth on the light has |
7177s | elected to bring their Flagship bar gas |
7179s | piloted by a Dexter axio supported by a |
7183s | pair of Rooks for ECM and a pair of |
7186s | magus pontifex for links a celestis for |
7188s | damps what is Wolf abroad |
7192s | Volta has a very interesting Navy based |
7195s | setup a Navy Harbinger Navy brutix Fleet |
7197s | Kane Harbinger auger two Navy augers and |
7200s | navy executor with an arbitrator |
7202s | Confessor for support kind of a |
7204s | variation of the Octodad but |
7206s | uh modified to match this tournament |
7209s | format I think it's fascinating it's |
7211s | tanky it's going to be very hard for the |
7214s | Rooks of Truth honor light to lock down |
7216s | this many damage dealers and even if |
7218s | they do they might be able to just blast |
7220s | through their tanks what do you think |
7222s | moderator what are the win conditions |
7223s | for these teams |
7224s | yeah I think that truth on her light AKA |
7227s | Hydra is going to do their very level |
7229s | best to |
7231s | um you know use the |
7234s | strong jams that these Rooks have to |
7236s | really lock things down already we see |
7238s | that Amelia duck space is going in to |
7239s | try to intercept and already volt is |
7242s | just burning across the field trying to |
7244s | get on top of uh anything |
7247s | that can jam and they're getting onto |
7250s | the back line trying to get on top of |
7251s | these Rooks and once they do that |
7253s | they're going to try to go for the |
7254s | guardian and then the bar guest |
7256s | we're seeing a combination of damage and |
7258s | maintenance Bots from waveform Volta but |
7261s | they're putting the bulk of their |
7262s | aggression onto warpout's Rook he is |
7264s | holding for now the guardian doing a |
7266s | great job keeping those ships up |
7268s | obviously the guardian one of the most |
7270s | powerful armor repair ships you could |
7271s | bring in the tournament without dropping |
7273s | a lot of points on his arm |
7275s | uh it is beginning to take some fire |
7276s | itself now they may have decided they'd |
7278s | give up on Breaking the Rooks tanks and |
7280s | they want to pressure his tank directly |
7281s | meanwhile Planet 6's auger is getting |
7283s | some return aggression from Volta |
7288s | uh just because he's probably going to |
7290s | be damped down that heavily by niff |
7292s | hiking's uh celestis so uh they may go |
7295s | for a Logitech right here and that makes |
7297s | a lot of sense to me |
7298s | um trading a guardian for an Auger is |
7300s | going to be a great trade if you're |
7302s | Volta |
7304s | the Hawker is microwave driving around |
7305s | he's actually outrunning his own |
7307s | maintenance spots |
7309s | they're struggling to keep up with him |
7311s | uh I guess he's he's calculating that |
7313s | his speed will help minimize more |
7315s | meanwhile tick toxic Confessor dipping |
7317s | down into half armor this Logistics |
7319s | pilot does not have an easy job he's got |
7321s | to keep himself alive under withering |
7323s | fire but he can't neglect his team tick |
7325s | toxic [ __ ] dangerously close into |
7327s | structure bleeding it now |
7330s | yeah unfortunately one of the problems |
7332s | for volt is that they don't want to be |
7334s | this close to everything but between all |
7336s | the jams that they're getting hit by uh |
7338s | we could see that there's gmfx onto five |
7340s | ships and everything else is either |
7341s | being damped or essentially disrupted in |
7345s | some way and that's only going to get |
7346s | worse once tick tock goes down they can |
7348s | swap off that mid-slaught e-war to some |
7351s | other ship on the Volta core I think |
7353s | that if Volta doesn't get some kill soon |
7355s | it doesn't look like they're getting |
7357s | anything they're just going to slowly |
7358s | get ground down |
7360s | speaking of getting ground down Planet |
7362s | six's armor plates are withering under |
7364s | the fire and he is about to hit |
7367s | structure and go bye-bye very quickly |
7370s | uh meanwhile General hungry he's |
7372s | starting to take the bulk of damage now |
7374s | at this point he's getting into about |
7376s | half armor the damage for the Rooks has |
7379s | cooled down they may have missed some |
7380s | critical Jam Cycles enabling uh we firm |
7383s | Volta to get their DPS coordinated onto |
7385s | the right target |
7387s | this might wind up being a logic trade |
7389s | but honestly truth honored light very |
7391s | soon they'll have another set of jam |
7392s | cycles that could disrupt this plan |
7394s | Planet Six does not have that option |
7397s | yeah so they on the hydro side had moved |
7400s | drones from uh warpouts Rook to General |
7402s | Hungary so now all of the lodgy drones |
7405s | are on top of General Hungary supporting |
7407s | him very very well and unfortunately for |
7410s | Planet Six he has really nothing |
7412s | supporting |
7413s | um him there are some logic drones that |
7415s | are trying but nowhere near as effective |
7416s | as the ones on the hydro side and it |
7420s | looks like uh Dexter axio if we zoom in |
7422s | on top of him is not having |
7426s | is currently I believe on reload at the |
7429s | moment so as soon as he comes off of |
7431s | that he should have no trouble applying |
7434s | meaningful damage and the auger does go |
7437s | down so uh now volt this core is free to |
7440s | get picked apart here |
7442s | and picked apart they willed aggression |
7444s | switching over to Melinda in the |
7445s | harbinger the not Navy ship on this team |
7449s | uh much lighter in the tank compared to |
7451s | these faction ships but still kicking |
7453s | out a lot of damage that's a smart call |
7455s | from truth honor light meanwhile they're |
7457s | not able to answer effectively here uh |
7460s | the guardian is no longer pressured the |
7462s | Rooks are taking occasional chip damage |
7464s | but they're really struggling to put |
7466s | coordinated fire onto these ships the |
7469s | advantage of the Guardian it's much |
7470s | tankier than the auger so it can take a |
7473s | bit of a pounding and it's receiving |
7475s | quite a bit of aggression but as you |
7476s | mentioned those rep drones much more |
7479s | effective with the tech 2 resists they |
7481s | can put armor in and it doesn't go out |
7483s | nearly as easily V4 volts are really |
7486s | struggling here and they're about to |
7487s | lose a major source of damage with this |
7490s | Harbinger yeah and they're about to lose |
7492s | their all the remaining Logistics on the |
7493s | Volta side you might say well what |
7495s | Logistics well they just had a cloud of |
7497s | rep drones on top of Melinda eye and the |
7499s | Bargas of Dexter axio had the presence |
7501s | of mind to get on top of his commit zero |
7502s | and just smart Bombs all of the Volta |
7505s | remaining repair drones between that and |
7508s | Amelia duck space having held down the |
7511s | hurricane Fleet issue of control freak |
7512s | uh basically all the way in Narnia Volta |
7515s | is so strong out that they're having |
7516s | difficulty really applying anything |
7518s | except damage to the guardian |
7522s | oh this is brutal the guardian is taking |
7524s | a pretty substantial chunk of fire he's |
7526s | now dipping into one-third armor they're |
7529s | gradually making progress on him but |
7531s | it's got to be so frustrating for them |
7533s | every time it looks like they're making |
7534s | progress they're getting one of their |
7535s | ships jammed out and that Guardian is |
7538s | pulling armor hit points back meanwhile |
7540s | control freaks just gradually getting |
7542s | ground down by Amelia dust space |
7544s | uh it looks like the primary for truth |
7547s | honor light they're vacillating between |
7548s | the hurricane Fleet issue of control |
7550s | freak and eye boxes executor Navy issue |
7553s | a recently buffed ship |
7555s | uh hurricane Fleet issue has great |
7556s | tracking you think it would be more of a |
7558s | threat to the low end here but it hasn't |
7560s | really been able to apply any pressure |
7561s | to the frigates and cruisers on this |
7563s | team yeah again that's Amelia Ducks face |
7566s | excuse me not duck face um taking |
7569s | um you know screen duties very seriously |
7571s | and holding that hurricane completely |
7574s | out of range to anything else and just |
7576s | giving General Hungary uh more sustained |
7578s | as he honorably solo pvps uh the |
7581s | hurricane Fleet issue in the back line |
7582s | while the rest of the volt |
7584s | damage is being uh trying to concentrate |
7588s | on General hungry but the |
7589s | extraordinating AV issue being scrammed |
7591s | and held down by the bar guest and |
7593s | Magnus of tiger |
7596s | oh now we're starting to see a little |
7597s | bit more progress being made in control |
7599s | fleek's Kane that is a mimitar ship it |
7601s | does not have much Hull he's already |
7603s | lost half of it he's losing more the |
7605s | extra Navy meanwhile about to dip into |
7607s | structure a bit more uh say it is a |
7610s | galenti ship but it's taking more |
7612s | aggression from truth honor light and |
7614s | they're breaking through him rather |
7615s | rapidly both these ships will die at |
7617s | about the same time and there they go |
7618s | along with any hope of Reform Volta to |
7621s | win this match there is just no way that |
7623s | these five remaining ships are going to |
7625s | be able to coordinate enough fire with |
7627s | the ECM power of two Rooks bearing down |
7630s | on them scrambling with sensors taunting |
7632s | them to shoot these ships which have |
7634s | proven time and time again that their |
7636s | tanks can handle it the guardian is |
7638s | still taking some fire but there's just |
7640s | not much progress going to be able to be |
7642s | made here |
7643s | yeah and even if they work to kill the |
7645s | guardian volt this thought would be okay |
7647s | well we're not going to win the match so |
7648s | we're going to kill Dexter exio but um |
7650s | they're not even going to kill the |
7652s | guardian of General Hungary uh truth |
7654s | honor light just did an excellent job of |
7656s | pulling these uh ships apart and making |
7658s | sure that uh they couldn't get a lot of |
7661s | you know focused fire from Volta onto |
7663s | any one of these Rooks and then the |
7665s | guardian |
7666s | um really difficult match for Volta to |
7669s | play they wanted to |
7671s | you know get all of their damage on |
7673s | concentrate on one target that's really |
7675s | what this kind of Octodad setup requires |
7679s | but between the disruption from the |
7681s | celestis and the the Rooks uh it just |
7685s | didn't come together |
7688s | now the truth on our light with having |
7689s | two ECM ships like that it prevents the |
7692s | other team from being able to focus on |
7694s | one when they get jammed out they're |
7695s | essentially covering for each other and |
7698s | splitting up the amount of aggression |
7699s | that can effectively be applied it does |
7702s | mean the guardian has to balance reps |
7703s | between both of them but it's easier |
7705s | because the amount of incoming damage to |
7707s | either Target is not that substantial so |
7710s | we see Starfleet Commander's auger Navy |
7711s | dipping and about half armor and |
7714s | dropping steadily meanwhile General |
7716s | hungry slowly but surely recovering the |
7718s | armor that he's lost over the course of |
7720s | this match |
7721s | this is a total route from truth honor |
7723s | light their control bar has been |
7725s | absolutely hulk-like since the start of |
7727s | the match literally off the charts here |
7729s | uh just absolute ECM girth we're seeing |
7732s | here in this match as the auger Navy |
7735s | goes down soon to be followed by covert |
7737s | one's auger Navy |
7739s | yeah and I mean that means that Volta |
7741s | and Truth Or No Light were going to see |
7742s | them again in uh the second match of |
7746s | this uh best out of three but critically |
7749s | again uh Volta lost their Flagship bar |
7752s | guest flown by Annie gar debt in their |
7755s | Series against Odin's call in the upper |
7757s | bracket whereas Dexter axio still has |
7759s | his and is flying it right now and |
7762s | they're free to bring it once again into |
7764s | the second match but we'll see how the |
7766s | conquest bands affect things going into |
7768s | this next Set uh Volta is going to have |
7770s | relatively short amount of time to |
7773s | adjust and try to correct things against |
7775s | this very very powerful Hydro Core |
7780s | yeah and this is a a concept that Hydra |
7784s | slash truth honor light can repeat even |
7786s | if the Rook gets banned out there are |
7788s | alternative ships they can use in those |
7790s | positions and still have basically the |
7791s | same concept here the combination of |
7794s | strong ECM and the celestis it's very |
7798s | difficult to manage when you have a team |
7799s | at the skill level of Truth on her light |
7801s | and now we're looking down at the final |
7803s | ship in the match crazy vanya's |
7805s | arbitrator |
7807s | he is kind of off on his own he's not |
7809s | near one of the micro jump beacons so he |
7811s | will not be shooting for the Edge of |
7813s | Glory he will get run down by the tackle |
7815s | on Truth honor light and brought to heal |
7817s | shortly |
7818s | but will they do it before the countdown |
7820s | uh well 13 seconds left in the match |
7823s | here add honestly uh Volta and losing to |
7828s | ECM core's name a more iconic Duo as |
7831s | Hydra wins 94 to nil as we send it back |
7835s | to the desk to break that one down |
7840s | [Music] |
7854s | thank you |
7881s | [Music] |
7883s | foreign |
7905s | [Music] |
7920s | forever |
7923s | [Music] |
7937s | truth on our light they're flying that |
7939s | Flagship bar gets to great effect taking |
7941s | the W over we form Volta in this first |
7944s | match in the lower bracket best of three |
7946s | finals uh the winner of which will go |
7948s | through to face Odin's call in the Grand |
7950s | Final a pretty hard-fought match uh we |
7953s | saw planet six AKA reload doing an |
7956s | amazing job to stay alive in Agra for |
7959s | such a long period of time meanwhile uh |
7961s | the Vault team you could see them trying |
7962s | to take their General hungry in that |
7964s | Guardian but the power of the ECM coming |
7966s | from those Rooks just continuously when |
7968s | it looked like they were going to get |
7969s | and they got almost into Hull and then |
7972s | the damage dropped off the scram dropped |
7973s | off the web dropped off as the uh the |
7976s | ECM took hold now Jin tan uh two Rooks |
7979s | is kind of uh unusual um why not maybe |
7982s | say like a rook in a falcon |
7984s | um so the reason for that is the fact |
7985s | that the Rook gets um bonuses to heavy |
7988s | missiles so it can actually project a |
7990s | reasonable amount of damage across the |
7991s | arena whereas the Falcon is stuck with a |
7994s | relatively small bonus and no optimal |
7996s | bonus I believe on its |
7999s | um uh normally you'd fit it with rail |
8001s | guns I would not advise fitting a falcon |
8003s | with Blasters for any of you aspiring |
8004s | PVP is out there |
8007s | um and because of that you know using |
8008s | the Rook means that those 30 points you |
8011s | invest in those two uh those two |
8014s | electronic electronic warfare ships |
8016s | aren't going to be as detrimental to |
8019s | your overall DPS output you saw even |
8021s | with you know the two Rooks there kind |
8024s | of putting a little bit of help onto |
8025s | things and the power of that Flagship |
8028s | bar guest it was still a pretty slow go |
8030s | you know that auguran nearly held on uh |
8033s | right at the end kiting right to the |
8035s | other end of the Arena a cloud of rep |
8037s | drones following him you know there's |
8039s | every chance that you know Planet sex |
8041s | could have survived if um things had |
8043s | just gone a little bit a little bit |
8045s | better for him if a couple of damage |
8046s | rolls hadn't gone quite uh truth on the |
8049s | lights away that said uh the money is |
8051s | definitely in truth on a light's favor |
8053s | here their Flagship is incredibly |
8055s | expensive we've seen that they have |
8057s | Esther males rapid heavy metals that |
8060s | which are you know you're looking at 120 |
8062s | 20 bill or more for the guns alone on |
8065s | that ship and uh now part of me really |
8067s | hopes it dies because I want to see just |
8068s | how blingy it really is yeah I mean |
8071s | everyone wants to see expensive |
8072s | expensive kill meals I am e expensive |
8075s | killer enjoy it for sure now CCP Castro |
8078s | um the why would you pick an auger over |
8081s | a guardian like a guardian is a tattoo |
8082s | resist it reps more what's the benefit |
8084s | of taking yogurt in the main benefit of |
8087s | the orgrah in the context of the |
8088s | alliance tournament is the fact that it |
8090s | uses a lot less points than the guardian |
8092s | word I believe you save something like |
8093s | seven or eight points that means you can |
8095s | reinvest those points into other ships |
8097s | like for example Vault were able to |
8099s | bring like a lot of battle cruises there |
8100s | if they brought a guardian they would |
8102s | have to downgrade a lot of the those |
8104s | into just regular battle Cruisers or |
8105s | into like Navy Cruisers instead which |
8107s | would greatly reduce their DPS and |
8109s | projection |
8110s | and gentan um what kind of possession do |
8113s | you think Volta in now because not only |
8115s | have they dropped that first match and |
8117s | they haven't been able to take out that |
8118s | Flagship so that can be brought again |
8120s | next match despite the the bands because |
8121s | it is a flagship it is a band Dodger |
8124s | um Volta can't do what Odin's did and |
8126s | just try and headshot the flagship now |
8128s | in the second one and sacrifice the |
8129s | match because then he would go all two |
8131s | down and bear to the tournament not a |
8133s | good position no this is a really rough |
8135s | position for Volta they're gonna need to |
8137s | make something make something really |
8139s | special happen here they've got to go |
8141s | pull out their Ace and Ace in their |
8143s | sleeve bring out the best possible |
8144s | composition they have and you know truth |
8147s | on the light get the luxury of having |
8149s | that rubber game they can bring |
8151s | something that's a little gambly they |
8152s | can bring something as a little risky uh |
8154s | you know they have every opportunity to |
8156s | say bring the max threat version that's |
8158s | kind of their version of the composition |
8160s | we just saw uh Volta bring but wait the |
8163s | Blackbirds that they like to use instead |
8165s | of the arbitrator you know really |
8166s | heavily towards one uh races jams and |
8169s | that will enable them to just if they |
8171s | guess right completely wipe the win away |
8173s | from Volta that's something that we |
8175s | didn't talk about when we previously |
8176s | explained ECM is that you have this kind |
8178s | of guessing game before you actually get |
8180s | into a match where you can try and |
8181s | weight your bands and then you know pick |
8184s | the right color effectively and match |
8187s | match up your jams correctly to what you |
8188s | think your opponents are going to bring |
8189s | and if you do that correctly you can |
8192s | cross jam between two different ships |
8194s | make sure that they can't concentrate |
8195s | their DPS and burn something down and |
8198s | just generally make your opponent's life |
8200s | absolutely miserable |
8202s | indeed you can |
8204s | now |
8205s | um we are in a incredibly wonderful |
8207s | station the new Interiors uh the new |
8210s | upwell hangers and they look absolutely |
8211s | incredible this one's actually filled |
8213s | with a line instrument price ships I'm |
8215s | not sure if you can see them on stream |
8216s | but we have a there's a vangle down |
8217s | there I see a laylapse uh there's |
8219s | definitely a gold magnate down there uh |
8221s | looks like maybe an imp as well a whole |
8223s | bunch of really nice ships it's super |
8224s | cool to be able to see all those ships |
8225s | in your Hangar uh let's check in with |
8227s | CCB Benson for a little bit more detail |
8229s | about that |
8235s | we decided to visually after the Apple |
8238s | hangers |
8239s | because it's a place that players spend |
8242s | a lot of time in it's also an |
8244s | environment for us to try out new things |
8246s | because they're kind of content in this |
8248s | Hangar environment so we used it to push |
8251s | a lot of new tech stuff that is giving |
8255s | us a lot of possibilities in the future |
8259s | the main part also that we wanted to |
8261s | emphasize is the scale of the game so |
8264s | within the hangers there is this main |
8266s | horse and in that one for the first time |
8270s | now we have multiple |
8271s | placements for ships which gives players |
8275s | a sense of scale between the ships also |
8278s | to be able to you know see what ships |
8282s | they have in their hunger inventory |
8283s | before I would have been like why would |
8286s | I want to talk in a hanger you know now |
8288s | I'm like why would I ever want to leave |
8289s | the hanger it's it's amazing it's a it's |
8292s | way more visceral way more like |
8295s | interesting as you just you're able to |
8297s | like swap between ships and it'll fly |
8299s | through the hangar get the boosters |
8302s | going off and then actually taking off |
8305s | if you uh and there's actually a couple |
8308s | different like ways uh or like West for |
8312s | you to play with your ship kind of uh so |
8314s | you can hit cancel and if you hit cancel |
8315s | in the first second then the shift will |
8318s | go |
8319s | and then all the lights and all the |
8320s | stuff is going on and I think it's kind |
8322s | of taking off but if you hit cancel and |
8323s | go back down like oh |
8325s | if you cancel just like two seconds in |
8328s | uh then it'll actually take off and |
8330s | it'll do a little fly around the hangar |
8332s | which is really really sweet so you |
8334s | actually get to fly around in hangers |
8336s | a little bit and if you do cancel after |
8341s | the third second then well you're not |
8343s | canceling you're you're taking you made |
8345s | the decision you know you lost a chance |
8346s | you're going out |
8356s | there we are the new hangers in the |
8358s | world expansion for Eve uh incredible |
8360s | work they look awesome uh I know I've |
8364s | spent a bunch of time just looking at my |
8365s | ships and my hangers now c2b Kestrel |
8369s | um some other new things that came in |
8370s | Uprising is the all the Navy ships the |
8372s | new Navy ships talk to me about those |
8373s | yeah so in Uprising uh we released 16 |
8376s | new Navy ships so full Navy exploration |
8378s | frigates for Navy battle cruisers for |
8380s | Navy destroyers and four Navy |
8381s | dreadnoughts we also uh updated I |
8385s | believe five of the existing Navy uh |
8387s | ships the Armageddon Navy issue the |
8389s | Dominic's Navy issued a typhoon Fleet |
8391s | issue the extra Aviation the character |
8392s | Navy issue on top of that there was also |
8394s | a balanced pass on heavier saw cruises |
8397s | and then we also got through about six |
8400s | or seven extra ships on top of that like |
8401s | the ishka the crow the bellicose the |
8403s | rifter that just needed a little more |
8405s | help |
8406s | so yeah there's there's been a lot added |
8408s | here like if you if you count the |
8410s | existing ships that got rebalanced we've |
8411s | touched something like 35 ships that's |
8414s | awesome and uh of those do you have a |
8416s | favorite uh something you really like |
8417s | flying there uh personally I really love |
8419s | the extra Navy issue I think it's really |
8420s | cool it's really cool that a ton of |
8422s | teams have been flying into the uh |
8423s | Alliance tournament I've been watching |
8425s | like the eve metrics that we have for it |
8427s | and before it was the the least shoes |
8429s | Navy Cruiser in the game it was like 200 |
8432s | jumps like every day or so with those |
8434s | ships and now it's like gone up by like |
8436s | 10 times so pretty happy that people are |
8439s | flying their ship now yeah it's always |
8440s | been a chef I've quite enjoyed actually |
8442s | but it's nice to see you getting that |
8443s | bounce pass |
8445s | um one of the things that's maybe worth |
8446s | mentioning actually is uh whenever the |
8448s | alliance tournament is announced the |
8450s | rules come out at a certain point and |
8451s | all the ships are uh pointed to a |
8453s | certain value depending on their |
8455s | strengths and |
8457s | um the teams start practicing and coming |
8458s | up with comps and things when there's an |
8460s | announcement that there isn't going to |
8461s | be a change uh that's going to drop just |
8463s | before the alliance tournament captains |
8465s | everywhere start tearing their hair out |
8466s | because now they have to consider all |
8468s | the New Balance changes and balance |
8469s | implications that have luckily CCP |
8471s | zealous uh was a generous girl in this |
8474s | instance and actually banned out the new |
8476s | Navy battle cruisers for example he |
8477s | didn't force teams to figure out how to |
8480s | use them or even get them because they |
8481s | were so new that they're not the easiest |
8483s | things to get a hold of and I'm sure |
8485s | that would have been a hecking pressure |
8487s | for all those teams uh now we do have |
8490s | another one of these uh Quiz videos uh |
8492s | to show you and you can look at us |
8494s | failing yet again to answer questions |
8499s | [Music] |
8503s | thank you |
8509s | uh I'll say hurricane hurricane Fleet |
8512s | issue uh cyclone |
8517s | oh God okay uh cyclone |
8521s | I don't want to say cyclone |
8526s | [Music] |
8529s | hyena hyena |
8533s | hyena |
8534s | [Music] |
8535s | Athena |
8536s | [Music] |
8540s | I'm going to say shoot |
8542s | Broad Sword broadsword |
8545s | [Music] |
8548s | I'm gonna still go with Munich on it not |
8551s | 100 on that one |
8554s | [Music] |
8560s | cycling |
8561s | rupture |
8563s | uh safely touch you |
8567s | I'm gonna go with safely issue but |
8569s | that's definitely a trick question |
8571s | uh rupture uh |
8575s | Scythe leadership |
8580s | I'll say the probe |
8583s | pretty true |
8585s | probe probe |
8588s | I'm going with some breacher on that one |
8589s | [Music] |
8602s | these uh these interview questions were |
8605s | it was super fun to do uh it was set up |
8607s | by uh some of the the students here at |
8609s | the confetti Institute uh who are been |
8612s | helping us with production in the back |
8614s | um you know doing a lot of the rigging |
8615s | the lights the sound the camera and |
8617s | everything a fantastic job and during |
8618s | the week they set up all the filming |
8620s | um they you know recorded it uh discrete |
8622s | air one of our event staff read out the |
8624s | questions uh BR Jr sat in the background |
8627s | and giggled um very unhelpfully and |
8629s | whenever we got things wrong which was |
8630s | regular |
8632s | um and then it's been edited together by |
8633s | another one of the the staff and |
8634s | students here at the confetti Institute |
8636s | so fantastic job from everyone involved |
8638s | uh you made us all look like complete |
8640s | [ __ ] good job now um we have about six |
8643s | minutes to go until the second match in |
8645s | this best of three in the uh the lower |
8647s | bracket final so this is now essentially |
8649s | an elimination match for Volta |
8651s | um if they lose they are out of the |
8653s | whole tournament they would take uh |
8654s | third place I believe at this point |
8656s | um and uh truth on the light would go |
8658s | forward into the Grand Final if Volta |
8661s | can pull this one out then there's one |
8662s | more match where it goes down to just at |
8664s | that point it's the best of one but |
8665s | there are Conquest bands in place so |
8667s | let's take a look at the bands for this |
8668s | upcoming match |
8671s | we from Volta Banning out the EOS the |
8674s | Blackbird and the kitsuni truth on a |
8676s | light Banning out the Osprey the hyena |
8677s | and the stormbringer now interestingly |
8679s | the Rooks uh from 2008 will be of course |
8682s | Conquest bands that takes a lot of ECM |
8685s | Powers there gentan what are your |
8686s | thoughts yeah this is a really |
8688s | interesting set of bands here uh first |
8690s | of all we see that Volta have not banned |
8691s | the abandon that is something they've |
8692s | banned for every single match they've |
8694s | flown so far in this tournament so it |
8696s | looks like they are committing really |
8697s | hard to whatever strategy they have and |
8699s | either they don't think the abandon can |
8701s | beat it or they don't think truth on a |
8702s | light is going to bring it meanwhile |
8704s | truth on the light they are showing |
8705s | absolutely nothing as they have all day |
8707s | this is the same set of bands that they |
8709s | have dropped the third time in a row uh |
8712s | they just don't want to see the Osprey |
8713s | probably a band towards that ham Rush |
8716s | setup that we've seen be so frequently |
8718s | in the tournament the hyena as well just |
8720s | a great control ship can go into both |
8721s | armor and shield and the Stormbreaker it |
8723s | has so many mids and the ability to |
8725s | destroy rep drones you know probably |
8727s | something that they don't want to deal |
8729s | with with that dual Battleship control |
8730s | setup we saw earlier which you know |
8733s | repair drones are such a crucial part of |
8735s | making that thing tick yeah let's have a |
8737s | look at the conquest bands now and see |
8739s | how a true thunder light will be |
8740s | impacted to go into this next match so |
8741s | not only do they have the previous bands |
8743s | um the Confessor the vexer the bar guest |
8746s | the pontifex the guardian The Sentinel |
8748s | the celestis the rook and the Magus are |
8751s | all banned so a bunch of ships that they |
8754s | can no longer fly CP Kestrel any any |
8756s | thoughts on what we might see here from |
8757s | truth on the light I think for the most |
8759s | part they're pretty much forced into |
8761s | just doing some kind of Shield rush or |
8763s | should cutting comp they did ban out the |
8765s | hyena which probably hurts the The |
8769s | Shield cutting compound a little bit but |
8771s | they still have you know the Osprey Navy |
8773s | issue the character Navy issue The |
8774s | Nighthawks the Loki uh the Scimitar |
8777s | those kind of ships they're all |
8778s | available they can still bring their |
8779s | Flagship barges which could also work |
8781s | pretty well in there so I'd expect |
8783s | something like that from from the light |
8786s | now Jin tan one of the cool things about |
8788s | this particular lower bracket final best |
8791s | of three is it's essentially a repeat of |
8793s | what happened last year in Alliance |
8795s | tournament uh 17 where we saw we found |
8797s | Volta win and got into the Grand Final |
8801s | um uh actually so they'd be uh vidra to |
8803s | go into the Grand Final I think do you |
8805s | remember what happened |
8807s | I'm pretty sure yeah they beat they beat |
8809s | vidra in the winners bracket I believe |
8812s | but then they lost to |
8813s | uh Hydra and then they lost the Hydra |
8816s | again right I think so at the end of the |
8818s | day Hydra won last year against Volta in |
8819s | the final so this is kind of like a |
8821s | little rematch of that gentan your |
8823s | thoughts on this upcoming matchup yeah I |
8825s | think it's going to be really |
8826s | interesting I think Volta are going to |
8827s | take a game here |
8829s | um you know they've got so much to play |
8830s | with they're really committing to a |
8832s | strategy and Truth on a light you know |
8834s | they haven't really shown anything it |
8836s | feels like they're just taking this as a |
8837s | rubber game that said I think this is |
8839s | going to come down a lot too you know |
8841s | what they've heard in the Grapevine |
8842s | honestly sometimes once you get this |
8844s | deep in a tournament this deep in the |
8845s | series it's a question of you know what |
8847s | you're hearing from people who are |
8848s | friends of friends of people on the team |
8850s | you know what do you know about that |
8852s | what they think is strong what do you |
8854s | know that they've developed that maybe |
8855s | you might you know have have developed a |
8857s | counter or scrimmed with yourself and |
8859s | also what have you kind of observed |
8861s | we've got now 10 plus games for most of |
8864s | these teams that you can go back and |
8865s | watch you can look for pilots who you |
8867s | don't think are positioning very well or |
8869s | that you don't think are managing their |
8870s | traversal very well although I will say |
8872s | pilot to this level generally not not |
8874s | making very many mistakes we haven't |
8875s | really seen any major piloting errors so |
8878s | far today but still you can pick on |
8880s | people you can force you know two three |
8882s | ships at something someone at once try |
8884s | and pressure them into mistake and then |
8886s | snowball off the back of that because |
8887s | these matches at this point just become |
8890s | such a test of |
8892s | keeping everything executing correctly |
8895s | yeah and that pressure of course will |
8897s | have been building and building |
8897s | especially for a team in the situation |
8899s | that volta's in right now and they've |
8901s | also just lost the the last match here |
8903s | against truth on the light and they come |
8904s | off a uh O2 defeat to Odin's call in the |
8908s | upper bracket final just before that so |
8909s | they have essentially lost three matches |
8911s | in a row which uh you know they're |
8913s | obviously still in it at this point but |
8914s | the the emotional toll of of losing a |
8918s | couple of matches it Steph definitely |
8919s | supposed to get to you you know you've |
8921s | both flown in them CCP Castle you flew |
8922s | with um Hydra previous points and camel |
8925s | Empire you know what it's like when |
8926s | you're in situations where you know |
8928s | you've really really trying and you |
8929s | still lose a match and it's how hard is |
8931s | it to just not be tilted and go into the |
8933s | next match it's like fresh it can be |
8935s | super hard especially I know from being |
8937s | on the Hydra team in 8015 where we lost |
8940s | the first match against Tempest calcif |
8941s | and the realities of us uh realizing |
8945s | that not only would we have to win like |
8947s | 10 best of ones just to get into like |
8950s | the prize position but we'd have to play |
8952s | like free game almost every single day |
8954s | so it was it was really really rough but |
8957s | luckily we kept our cool we actually |
8958s | ended up getting second place that year |
8960s | so and jintan like you've been in sort |
8963s | of leadership positions in some teams |
8965s | like how do you motivate your players |
8967s | and to sort of to keep you know steady |
8969s | and you know get ready for the next |
8971s | match |
8972s | uh honestly a lot of time you know the |
8973s | people who are part of your team they're |
8974s | gonna be naturally motivated it's all |
8976s | about keeping their emotions in check |
8978s | you know at the end of a match you need |
8980s | to be able to reset people properly you |
8982s | need to be able to calm them down be |
8983s | like okay let's stop talking about why |
8985s | we lost that last match unless it's |
8987s | something that's going to be really |
8988s | relevant to what we're doing here's what |
8990s | we're going to do for the next one |
8991s | here's how we're going to win the next |
8992s | game here's the my analysis of what we |
8994s | think they're going to bring here you |
8996s | know it's all about moving on quickly |
8998s | keeping everyone focused and keeping |
9000s | everything keeping that kind of |
9001s | conversation positive you know if you |
9003s | see people start to rage out or you see |
9005s | people stopping their ships at the end |
9007s | of matches that's normally a sign that |
9009s | things aren't going great and you know |
9011s | we have seen a little bit of that from |
9012s | Volta uh hopefully they can channel that |
9014s | in a positive direction though yeah |
9016s | sometimes you see teams either trying to |
9018s | prolong a match so they've got longer to |
9021s | discuss it |
9022s | um make the other team still work to to |
9024s | clear them off or sometimes alternative |
9026s | to that they're trying to end it super |
9027s | quickly so they can go back in and uh |
9029s | you know think about what they're doing |
9031s | in fact in the last match we saw uh |
9033s | theronth actually a master self-destruct |
9035s | his ship in the arena before he was |
9037s | killed uh I think in an effort to you |
9039s | know say hey we've lost this match I |
9040s | would like to just go focus on the next |
9042s | one now |
9043s | um CTP Castro if you're the Walter |
9045s | Captain say what you what are you doing |
9046s | to you know talk to you guys at this |
9048s | point yeah I think you just need to like |
9050s | cut like jinton said just calm everyone |
9052s | down reset everyone and just think about |
9053s | how you're going to win the next match I |
9055s | think the next match has won the voltage |
9057s | hopefully should be able to win just |
9059s | because of the conquest spans |
9060s | uh you know that Hydra is probably going |
9062s | to be forced into doing either something |
9063s | really weird with armor or into like a |
9066s | shield Rush setup so let's just fly |
9068s | something that we're really comfortable |
9069s | against uh The Shield Rush team get a |
9072s | win and then once we're once we have |
9073s | that win we've got the high of that win |
9075s | and then we can just come in confident |
9077s | to the third and final game |
9078s | yeah so um the teams are warping to the |
9080s | arena right now |
9081s | um you can see this is where the |
9083s | pressure starts to get not only for the |
9084s | teams I have to submit get everyone into |
9086s | ships and things like that but also for |
9087s | the ref crew it's quite a lot to do |
9090s | these matches one after the other uh the |
9092s | pilots though are going to be sitting |
9094s | ready to go uh so gentan let's uh let's |
9096s | get quick predictions |
9098s | I'm going to predict that Volta will |
9099s | take this one and CCP Kestrel I think |
9102s | Volta will win this one yeah oh boy I |
9105s | also I'm going to predict Volta I'm not |
9106s | sure if that's wise but let's go to the |
9108s | arena and find out in this uh next up |
9110s | best of three between we from Volta and |
9112s | Truth on a light |
9118s | and we're back with the second match of |
9121s | Volta and Truth honor light Volta |
9123s | bringing their own barcast now double |
9125s | Drake Navy semi stork triple jackdawg |
9129s | with a vigil skybreaker for support and |
9132s | they are looking to kite at long range |
9133s | with these ships moderator what do we |
9135s | have on Truth honor Light Side |
9137s | oh yeah we have a bit of a variant of |
9140s | um what we are calling like uh you know |
9143s | 2022 Octodad where we have two command |
9146s | ships the hurricane Fleet issue and |
9148s | Oracle auger two exact name these and an |
9151s | auger Navy issue supported by uh hakate |
9154s | uh which will either be some sort of |
9156s | tackle or rail variant and a Mauler for |
9158s | tackle as well uh we're already getting |
9161s | started here uh and already the Scimitar |
9164s | getting absolutely pounded of a while |
9165s | load using two three four |
9169s | uh of his ASB now five charges as the uh |
9173s | Hakata gets traded so they're going to |
9175s | look to pressure the the Scimitar |
9177s | um who's used six |
9180s | of his charges now seven so he's only |
9182s | got two left in the tank uh meanwhile uh |
9185s | Lucas Quan is being uh primaried heavily |
9187s | in the counterpart so uh Planet Six is |
9189s | now out of ASB reps in his scimitar |
9192s | and waveform Volta looking to at least |
9194s | trade their logic here they switched |
9196s | over to the auger almost immediately |
9198s | after the hecatee went down as they saw |
9200s | their Scimitar taking fire these ships |
9202s | will get down at the same time leveling |
9203s | the playing field that's a really good |
9205s | reaction call from waveform Volta they |
9207s | are now one ship up in this trade but |
9209s | unfortunately for them truth honor light |
9210s | has an insane amount of projection and |
9213s | they're killing covert one's jacked off |
9214s | those jackdaws will likely have e war in |
9216s | the mids to help cut the damage down |
9218s | even further starfully commanders soon |
9220s | to follow these jackdaws cannot keep up |
9223s | yeah no these jackets are probably too |
9225s | close for comfort uh for the Volta side |
9227s | uh because those were all the um e-war |
9230s | mids along with maybe the stork and the |
9232s | sky breaker and once those go down |
9235s | um I mean those are 200 250 damage ships |
9237s | uh the Oracle of Amelia duck space uh |
9240s | does go down for that but |
9243s | um honest to God truth on her light |
9244s | looks like they're in the driver's seat |
9246s | right now |
9247s | um as diggy is getting down pretty low |
9250s | yeah if your truth on your light you're |
9251s | really happy with that trade the Oracle |
9253s | was a gigantic source of their |
9255s | long-range damage projection but they |
9257s | did what they needed it to do is the |
9259s | stork drops they cut down a tremendous |
9261s | amount of the electronic warfare from |
9263s | the Wii form Volta team they have |
9264s | practically no tracking disruption left |
9266s | which means the rest of the truth honor |
9269s | light team is going to be projecting Out |
9270s | full damage full range full tracking and |
9273s | they're gonna shred this bar guest as |
9275s | the executor Navy of Casper 24 will |
9278s | likely die in response |
9280s | yeah the executive Navy is just chasing |
9282s | after the bar guest realizing that he's |
9284s | gonna die no matter what they're going |
9286s | to push all the damage they can onto the |
9288s | spargas not wanting to get into a |
9289s | situation where the truth honor Light |
9292s | Side wouldn't have enough to break |
9293s | whatever active tank any guard got has |
9295s | again this is a Tech Two Bar guest as |
9298s | Andy gargett lost his Flagship earlier |
9300s | so he's only going to have those type 2 |
9301s | tank and it's not keeping up but Kadesh |
9304s | Priestess is going down for it |
9306s | it's a great trade as you mentioned the |
9308s | the local tank of the barcast will be |
9311s | stronger the fewer ships truth honor |
9313s | light has so taking it out early is 100 |
9316s | the right call they're gonna love this |
9318s | trade of an execure Navy for the bar |
9320s | guest and now there's just two Drake |
9322s | navies for damage the vigil skybreaker |
9324s | they're contributing some utility the |
9327s | sky breaker going down for his troubles |
9328s | the vigil will be painting but it's not |
9330s | going to do a ton the two Drake navies |
9332s | are really carrying the bulk of the |
9334s | damage from we form Volta here and |
9335s | unfortunately their attack bar is |
9338s | minuscule compared to truth honor lights |
9340s | they have now the advantage in defense |
9342s | and attack and there is no applied |
9344s | control left from waveform Volta truth |
9346s | honor light in the driver's seat for |
9348s | this match as they look to clean up |
9350s | yeah both sides already saying good |
9352s | fights Casper 24 long time Hydra uh |
9355s | pilot saying good good fight which this |
9357s | was finals |
9359s | um Starfleet Commander saying good game |
9361s | this was volta's last Alliance |
9363s | tournament uh we'll see if he actually |
9366s | um holds to that and Volta doesn't |
9368s | participate in future Alliance |
9370s | tournaments but uh so far it looks like |
9372s | unless Hydra somehow catastrophically |
9375s | runs out of the Arena uh like Volta will |
9378s | go out uh two nil much like this |
9380s | ecuadoric tar match uh in the World Cup |
9384s | yeah total opposite of the match that we |
9387s | saw earlier which was more about careful |
9389s | control from truth honor light for this |
9391s | one they went full aggression basically |
9393s | copying we formed both the setup from |
9396s | the previous match and saying hey we'll |
9398s | show you how to run it the right way |
9399s | here |
9403s | um yeah |
9404s | I I can't help but feel like again a |
9406s | Hydra has definitely practiced Conquest |
9410s | bands against their uh practice partner |
9412s | lock range enjoyers who has been limited |
9416s | earlier they've been |
9419s | um you know preparing for again the |
9422s | first place run really uh again for |
9424s | truth honor if they don't get first |
9425s | place in the tournament they consider it |
9426s | something of a failure |
9429s | um a little bit of trash talk in local |
9431s | uh with missing skill issue uh two two |
9435s | nil is going to be the the set here as |
9438s | control freak is the last meaningful |
9439s | damage ship we're leaving only the vigil |
9441s | of uh crazy Vanya and uh Hydra will be |
9445s | going up against |
9447s | um Odin's call down uh 1-0 in a best out |
9450s | of five so |
9452s | um |
9453s | hydra's still having their Flagship and |
9456s | that'll be interesting to see |
9458s | the video right now is just uh he's |
9460s | running to live here he's extremely fast |
9462s | he's getting painted by at least three |
9465s | ships so they are going to apply some |
9467s | damage to him but it will be a bit slow |
9468s | I think he's definitely going to go down |
9470s | before the end here at the The Last |
9473s | Stand of we form Volta potentially ever |
9475s | in the alliance tournament if local is |
9477s | to be believed I think that would be a |
9479s | tragedy but this is a good tournament |
9482s | performance to hang their hat on they've |
9484s | come very far had some very impressive |
9486s | matches unfortunately truth honor light |
9488s | just a little too much for them in this |
9490s | instance as crazy Vanya beelines |
9493s | potentially for the edge here |
9495s | yeah crazy Vania just trying to burn |
9497s | around not get wanting to get hit by |
9499s | that long range uh projection and let's |
9502s | see I mean uh Hydra for |
9505s | um their history has had a bit of |
9507s | difficulty |
9509s | um you know in these best out of five |
9511s | they call it kind of curse of getting |
9513s | second place repeatedly uh I don't think |
9515s | though they've ever lost against |
9518s | um Odin's call in any you know best out |
9521s | of Series so it will be interesting to |
9524s | see if that curse still applies |
9526s | um people again saying good luck in next |
9528s | match and looking forward to the finals |
9530s | here |
9532s | oh it's gonna be an epic finals indeed |
9537s | this visual is uh really stringing out |
9539s | our broadcast here he is doing his best |
9542s | to stay alive here he's actually |
9544s | recovering some Shields as I believe |
9547s | truth on a light is taking the |
9548s | opportunity to loot |
9550s | they're just kinda |
9552s | hanging out they are attempting to |
9554s | Shadow him but the vigil just so much |
9556s | faster and they finally got tracking on |
9558s | how the vigil goes down we'll throw it |
9560s | back to the desk to prep for our main |
9561s | event for the evening signing out for |
9563s | Alexa of card and moderator |
9567s | [Music] |
9584s | thank you |
9587s | I remember |
9593s | what |
9596s | apart |
9597s | [Music] |
9605s | [Music] |
9631s | [Music] |
9637s | did it |
9646s | we form Volta exiting Alliance |
9649s | tournament 18 in third place as they |
9651s | drop that match to truth honor light and |
9654s | we're going to go to a break until the |
9656s | Grand Final let the teams have a chance |
9657s | to prepare I just wanted to say for me |
9659s | uh the Volta team was nice enough to let |
9661s | me be part of the team for the last |
9662s | couple of years and I've really enjoyed |
9664s | practicing with them it's a super cool |
9666s | bunch of dudes uh Annie and Starfleet |
9669s | and reload to be in this the main 3D |
9670s | Crafters this year of course crazy video |
9672s | as well |
9673s | um everyone's been super supportive in |
9675s | practices people doing like uh like |
9677s | spotting each other over a Discord and |
9679s | like sort of giving tips and things it's |
9681s | been really constructive and it's been |
9682s | uh just awesome to be part of and I'm |
9685s | always a little bit sad that I can't |
9686s | actually fly with them in the arena |
9687s | because I'm here instead but uh yeah |
9690s | they secure third place and that is them |
9691s | done for the day so Theron doesn't have |
9693s | to grind any more matches he'll be |
9695s | pleased with that |
9696s | um yup well done guys uh like I said |
9698s | we're gonna go to this break now uh |
9700s | we're gonna put the last bit of the quiz |
9701s | that we recorded for you guys and then I |
9703s | will see you in about 40 five minutes |
9717s | [Music] |
9720s | man these are all going to be shots in |
9722s | the dock Hydra |
9726s | Hydro Reloaded |
9727s | [Music] |
9729s | Hydra |
9731s | I'll go for Northern Coalition Dot |
9734s | Northern coalition |
9736s | hyper |
9742s | I'll say 21. |
9744s | 19. |
9747s | 23. |
9749s | [Music] |
9751s | 19. |
9754s | I think it was 21. they felt like it was |
9757s | something silly like 19 or something |
9760s | I'm just gonna go with that 19. |
9767s | hand related |
9769s | 100 loaded |
9770s | unreloaded |
9773s | extra stop |
9776s | I want to say pandemic Legion because I |
9778s | have no idea |
9781s | PL |
9782s | [Music] |
9787s | okay so Frankie U2 malice |
9791s | [Music] |
9792s | [Applause] |
9794s | Trekkie |
9796s | uh moving on to the next one would be |
9798s | the utu |
9800s | we'll go to the Imp |
9802s | fiends cambion |
9806s | uh |
9808s | uh whip tail the frackie the Raiju |
9812s | the whip tail the Imp |
9816s | the |
9818s | um KDs |
9820s | the |
9822s | um utu |
9824s | the frackie |
9827s | did I say that right here already okay |
9828s | undo that |
9830s | um the virtuoso |
9833s | the cambium so you've got the Imp |
9836s | you have |
9838s | um |
9839s | the utu the frackie |
9843s | um oh no this is harder it is harder |
9846s | than you think it is the malice which is |
9847s | the amount one |
9849s | um |
9851s | we got the frackie |
9853s | the |
9856s | Katie's |
9858s | virtuoso |
9861s | uh cambian |
9864s | we have |
9867s | the |
9871s | it's going to say succubus that's the T1 |
9873s | version I'm trying to remember what the |
9874s | t two one is it's like I know all the |
9877s | Cruisers and like and then you go into |
9878s | frigates and you're like oh God these |
9880s | ships don't actually do anything so you |
9882s | two Frankie whiptail |
9885s | um |
9887s | uh Katie's |
9890s | um |
9893s | uh |
9895s | the Raiju that's six cambium |
9903s | uh |
9904s | [Music] |
9912s | all right so Hydro reloaded finally won |
9915s | last year uh Vigor real loaded won the |
9918s | year before |
9920s | uh |
9922s | fighter reloaded one the year before |
9924s | again |
9925s | uh before that was |
9929s | feel like pandemically I feel like |
9931s | that's a solid guess even though I know |
9933s | it's wrong uh and tuskers |
9938s | um I'm gonna do this properly um so last |
9941s | tournament 17 was uh Hydro reloaded 16 |
9944s | was vidra |
9945s | 15 was vidra |
9947s | 14 was the tusker's call |
9951s | um 13. |
9952s | [Music] |
9954s | would have been |
9956s | I want to say pandemic region |
9960s | Hydra Reloaded |
9962s | provider Reloaded |
9964s | vidra Reloaded |
9968s | oh and then it gets a little more |
9970s | difficult |
9973s | um |
9974s | it was it was someone someone like you |
9976s | wouldn't expect in there it |
9981s | tuskers |
9983s | pandemic Legion |
9985s | last year was Hydra the year before was |
9988s | Hydra |
9989s | the year before was |
9991s | also vydra |
9993s | then I believe it was tuskers |
9998s | and then before tuskers |
10003s | since I was 13 right |
10008s | yeah that's that's not the one the the |
10011s | specific one where there could be a |
10013s | technicality in that one uh |
10016s | it wasn't pandemic Legion |
10019s | camel Empire that's what I'll say for |
10022s | the final one |
10023s | Hydra in some Carnation I believe it was |
10027s | Hydro reloaded that time |
10029s | um |
10033s | I want to say my intra |
10036s | I mean I I got no no clue |
10043s | malice |
10049s | cambian cremos |
10052s | whiptail |
10054s | imp |
10056s | cat Cades say I still don't know how to |
10058s | say the blade raider one |
10060s | um |
10061s | Hydra |
10063s | virtuoso |
10066s | uh uh Raju yes |
10078s | welcome back to Alliance tournament 18 I |
10080s | am CCP overload once again joined by |
10083s | ccpb and black pirate |
10085s | how are you I'm doing so fantastic my |
10089s | head is finally warm with this fantastic |
10090s | even T limited edition merchandise so I |
10093s | figured I had to rep it because we seem |
10094s | to be losing so many members to CCP very |
10097s | strange yeah we uh we apologize for the |
10100s | short delay coming back to the stream uh |
10102s | Blackberry pirate was indeed struggling |
10103s | to dress himself independently and we |
10106s | had to get him some assistance ccbb |
10108s | how's that today been for you all these |
10109s | amazing matches it's been fantastic it's |
10111s | been super fun these nail biter matches |
10114s | I wasn't sure how uh the the team that |
10116s | I'm totally not biased for uh how he was |
10119s | gonna pull this through and but they did |
10121s | they're in the finals and I'm very |
10123s | excited to see how this goes yeah so we |
10126s | are actually minutes away uh |
10128s | approximately six to be specific from |
10130s | the grand finals of Alliance tournament |
10132s | uh 18 so we started just over a week ago |
10135s | with 32 teams and if we go back to the |
10137s | feeders it was like a billion and now we |
10139s | are down to just two teams remaining we |
10142s | have truth honor light who fought their |
10144s | way back up through the lose users |
10146s | bracket to reach the grand finals and |
10148s | they're going up against Odin's call who |
10149s | have yet to drop a match and have come |
10151s | through from the feeders going into the |
10152s | Redemption Arc there Odin's call beating |
10155s | paper numbers nanofiber tokens templates |
10157s | calcif the tuskers call and we form |
10159s | Volta in the best of three winners |
10161s | bracket final uh truth on a light going |
10164s | up against ahil na a rival dropping to |
10167s | the tuskers co winning against Darkseid |
10169s | winning against templar's khalsov |
10171s | winning against lock range enjoyers |
10172s | winning against the tuskers call and |
10174s | then finally winning against we form |
10175s | Volta in the best of three so truth on |
10177s | the light certainly has to have played |
10178s | more matches in the main tournament |
10181s | um but Odin's car have played a bunch |
10183s | more when you include the um uh the |
10186s | feeders so these are two teams that have |
10189s | played an incredible amount of matches |
10190s | and that doesn't even include the |
10191s | experience in some of these teams for |
10193s | some of these these players let us take |
10195s | a look at the bands for the upcoming |
10198s | match |
10200s | so truth honor light choosing to ban out |
10202s | the Osprey the Ishtar and the stratios |
10204s | so a bit of a change of their bands here |
10205s | from what we've seen uh recently Odin's |
10207s | called batting out the point effects the |
10209s | omegas and the Nighthawk Blackboard |
10210s | pirate what's your thoughts here you |
10212s | know we've seen truth honor light |
10213s | continuously ban out these drone setups |
10215s | this entire tournament we have not seen |
10217s | drone setups do well at all this entire |
10219s | tournament so like they have to have |
10222s | some logic behind it that says drones |
10224s | beat them I think it might be because |
10225s | truth honor light's been favoring these |
10227s | like insane control setups with ECM so |
10230s | much and drones are obviously you can |
10232s | jam individual drones out but it is much |
10234s | much more difficult to do than just |
10236s | jamming a DPS uh ship Odin's called |
10238s | Banning the pawnifex Magus makes sense |
10240s | they're key ships you have to have them |
10242s | for an armor control setup and the |
10244s | Nighthawk is just a pretty good band in |
10247s | general it prevents uh several different |
10248s | things or very good ships kaidi ramming |
10251s | in just generally good |
10254s | awesome and ccpb |
10257s | um you said you've flown a bit uh |
10258s | practicing with truth on the light how |
10260s | has it been for you being being part of |
10262s | that team at this point |
10263s | I mean getting to practice Rhythm was uh |
10266s | very like I've never taken part in any |
10269s | 80 or any competition uh before and then |
10271s | going straight into training with a team |
10273s | like Hydra was |
10274s | intense uh it was eye-opening to see how |
10277s | just incredibly talented they are in the |
10280s | theory crafting department just 400 |
10283s | versions of the same comp with just tiny |
10285s | tweaks and just the the conversations |
10287s | late into the nights of how to tweak it |
10289s | better how to make it better and then |
10290s | the practices were just phenomenal there |
10292s | was the really fun |
10294s | um they were really just effective they |
10296s | they were careful with their time as |
10298s | well they've worked really hard to get |
10300s | where they are they have indeed uh let's |
10302s | see if we can take a look at the Pilot's |
10304s | history from truth honor light |
10306s | um they have a bunch of super |
10307s | experienced Pilots uh previously flying |
10309s | of course with Hydra reloaded |
10312s | um here we see the top Casper 24 uh |
10314s | flown in at 66 rounds of Alliance |
10317s | tournament combat uh and wins 73 of them |
10321s | which is a pretty good rate Nick dolmar |
10323s | of course been a captain of some of |
10325s | these teams himself |
10326s | um an incredibly serious pilot I |
10327s | remember he flew to great effect in the |
10330s | Caldera Corporation Cup in fact at Fan |
10332s | Fest in I believe 2018. Kadesh uh well |
10335s | known as the maintainer of pifer and one |
10336s | of the best studio Crafters uh in the |
10338s | game comes up with some absolutely |
10340s | ludicrous compositions Lucas Quan used |
10342s | to be in pandemic Legion as their |
10344s | Logistics pilot never flies with Hydra |
10345s | probably one of the best Logistics |
10347s | pilots in the game uh blue melon as well |
10349s | very very well known uh former PL and |
10351s | has been around for quite some time |
10353s | Dexter the captain at the minute I got a |
10355s | direct invite by virtue of uh winning |
10357s | Alliance tournament last year with Hydra |
10359s | Reloaded and then we have a couple more |
10361s | pilots sort of rounding out that you |
10363s | know we shouldn't just uh gloss over but |
10364s | uh warp out from scale yourself back in |
10367s | the day and general Hungary I believe he |
10368s | used to fly for the tuskers I think at |
10371s | one point uh but definitely one of the |
10372s | best Logistics pilots in the game so I |
10375s | really absolutely stacked roster now |
10377s | they're going up against Odin's call |
10378s | let's see if we can have a look at their |
10380s | roster |
10382s | so a bunch of experience not as much in |
10385s | terms of just raw numbers but Colonel |
10387s | Kurtz of course he used to be uh |
10389s | basically the captain of the NC DOT team |
10391s | uh Blackberry pirate I believe uh and |
10393s | then the Paradigm we see him regularly |
10395s | um flying Logistics ships and doing just |
10397s | super well we've seen him uh in I |
10399s | believe the feeder is pulling off some |
10400s | incredible moves Melinda won uh used to |
10403s | be the captain of evil this year he was |
10405s | with before in Volta |
10406s | um and then of course we saw you can do |
10408s | some absolutely incredible work this |
10409s | year with his Flagship barges so two |
10412s | really really fantastic rosters let's do |
10414s | some quick predictions so uh black |
10416s | pirate what do you think for this first |
10418s | match in the best of five you know I'm |
10421s | I'm hoping for Odin's call because it |
10423s | has been a Cinderella story and I would |
10425s | think it would be amazing if they ended |
10426s | up in first place for this |
10428s | awesome and ccpb I'm gonna remain biased |
10432s | and hope they just go 3-0 |
10434s | um of course getting nail biters of them |
10436s | going back and forth and getting five |
10437s | matches would be incredible too but I |
10439s | hope they just bring it home awesome so |
10442s | just to uh let you guys know what's |
10443s | happening there this is the Grand Final |
10445s | this is the best of five so at least we |
10448s | will see three matches if a team goes |
10450s | win-win-win that's the end they win they |
10452s | win everything and they go home with uh |
10454s | the maximum number of prize ships of |
10456s | course uh the rolling uh bands are still |
10458s | in effect so whoever wins this first |
10460s | match uh those those ships will all be |
10462s | banned and it is just one ruling at the |
10465s | time |
10467s | um Blackberry pirate do you think that's |
10468s | gonna have a big effect going from best |
10469s | of three to best of five |
10470s | uh I I think it could it does um just |
10474s | because of the way we're doing bands |
10475s | this year I think that it's maybe not |
10477s | quite as effective as it has been in the |
10479s | past I brought up earlier there's the |
10480s | one year that we had 30 bands at the end |
10482s | of it and it's just like |
10483s | kind of ridiculous but uh I think that |
10487s | this is what really shows you if teams |
10488s | have like thought and planned for this |
10491s | day because at the end of the day best |
10493s | of three |
10494s | kind of tough but Vesta 5 is insane like |
10496s | you get to see so much of all the |
10498s | different stuff so uh we'll see I think |
10501s | uh like I said it's gonna prove who's |
10502s | actually prepared |
10503s | yeah and both of these teams do have |
10505s | flagships remaining as well so they are |
10508s | both still Flagship enjoyers they can |
10509s | choose to field them they are both bar |
10511s | guests and I we don't really know how |
10513s | expensive the odins call uh bargast is |
10516s | at this point I do believe that um |
10518s | jintan had said that uh the uh truth on |
10521s | a light one was fit with full smiles and |
10523s | it's it's top rack about 120 |
10525s | billionaires in just launchers alone uh |
10528s | which is uh incredible incredible energy |
10531s | um but we're ready to go to the arena |
10533s | for this first match in the Grand Final |
10535s | of Alliance tournament 18 between truth |
10537s | honor light and Odin's call |
10543s | Hello everybody welcome back to the |
10545s | arena I am the Basilisk joined by fear |
10547s | Viner for this match well these five |
10549s | matches to finish off the tournament |
10551s | from 32 teams down to just these two |
10554s | truth on a light on the red side Odin's |
10557s | call on the blue site true dot truth on |
10558s | a light obviously absolute perennial |
10560s | tournament Heavy Hitters and Odin's cool |
10562s | fear |
10564s | well they've been making progress over |
10566s | and over and over over the last few |
10569s | years creeping up in the ranks and this |
10571s | year they made it to the Grand Finance |
10572s | for the first time they are on the blue |
10574s | side and they have brought their four |
10576s | Battleship Cruz pseudo Tinker comp that |
10579s | won them against uh I believe it was |
10582s | tuskers uh in a match yesterday so I'm |
10586s | excited to see how that fares up against |
10588s | truth honor light |
10589s | yeah truth I like bringing this slightly |
10591s | strange comp that I think we saw a |
10592s | variant of yesterday yes this time |
10594s | they've brought a drowger in it which I |
10595s | think is a ship we haven't actually seen |
10596s | at all up to this point in the |
10598s | tournament 10 points for that command |
10599s | Destroyer but obviously with the Magus |
10601s | and the pontifex band if they wanted to |
10603s | bring an armor command Destroyer that |
10604s | was sort of the only option left here |
10605s | for truth on right so they've opted to |
10607s | Splash out those points it may have sort |
10609s | of hampered their support Wing a little |
10610s | bit as they've only got the celestis and |
10611s | Sentinel as sort of dedicated e-war |
10613s | ships but Link's going out the match is |
10614s | underway let's see how this goes |
10616s | well they also brought two blackbirds as |
10618s | well and we've seen the power of ECM in |
10621s | the last couple of days this weekend |
10623s | we've seen uh ECM being used to some |
10625s | great advantage and especially in that |
10627s | lower bracket finals where we saw the |
10628s | double Rook setup work out very well now |
10631s | for the side of Odin's call they're |
10634s | going to start on these blackbirds first |
10635s | now these are armor blackbirds so they |
10637s | won't have a lot of ehp but they also |
10640s | have a fairly small Sig radius which is |
10642s | good against these Cruise setups |
10644s | yeah and as we saw in Odin's coming up |
10646s | against tuskers I think this is the same |
10648s | sort of comp for them where they've just |
10649s | splashed out onto these four Cruise |
10650s | battleships they're just going to Tinker |
10651s | up and try and |
10653s | um you know Whittle through the cruise |
10654s | missiles and I feel like |
10656s | oh my goodness the burst just gets |
10657s | absolutely annihilated there for Odin's |
10659s | call |
10660s | was it battery violation it was a |
10662s | boundary violation oh my goodness that |
10664s | is not a good way to start the grand |
10665s | finals Jesus |
10668s | and this is where we got to talk about |
10669s | nerves Hydra they were here last year |
10672s | they won 80 last year odins this is |
10675s | their first time making it all the way |
10677s | to the finals of at and they gotta think |
10679s | or we have to think they have to be |
10681s | nervous here it's not just another day |
10683s | in the week it is the furthest they've |
10685s | ever gone in a tournament and they want |
10686s | to show that they are here to stay as uh |
10690s | Hydra once again just another day in the |
10693s | office and they've gotten the first |
10694s | blood in this match yeah and as I was |
10696s | going to say before erdvoy daughter did |
10698s | that a little bit of trolling there by |
10699s | flying out of the Arena I feel like |
10700s | these Tinker comps suffer when they come |
10702s | up against overwhelming amounts of DPS |
10703s | like we saw in the tuskers match which |
10705s | they actually still managed to pull out |
10706s | the win but only ever so slightly |
10709s | um you know the Tinker quickly falls |
10710s | apart when they lose these battleships |
10711s | to overwhelming DPS but Hydra throughout |
10713s | the day have not been bringing |
10715s | overwhelming DPS for the most popular |
10716s | they seem to have been favoring this |
10717s | control Focus setups and they've done so |
10719s | again here it's only really going to be |
10721s | the bargest the drones from the EOS and |
10723s | the drawer ramping up in terms of damage |
10725s | here I don't know if that's going to be |
10726s | enough to break the Tinker tank so they |
10727s | may have to just go through the support |
10729s | Wing I don't know how long this match is |
10730s | going to stall out for |
10732s | probably a relatively long amount of |
10734s | time this is not a flag bar guest as has |
10737s | been said in local this is just a |
10739s | regular burger so only gonna get the |
10741s | regular amount of DPS you will get from |
10744s | those rapid heavy missiles you do have |
10745s | some damage from this EOS as well but as |
10747s | you mentioned huge amounts of utility |
10749s | not a lot of DPS and the drauger a ship |
10751s | that defines the meta for the anger |
10753s | games being picked up here for the side |
10756s | of Truth honor light has a lot of DPS |
10759s | but importantly its links are bonus to |
10762s | Skirmish and info the only ship in the |
10765s | game that has that particular bonus |
10767s | towards its links it doesn't have bonus |
10769s | armor links which means even though they |
10770s | brought them it's not going to be as |
10772s | good as if they had a pawn effects or |
10773s | Magus getting those links but it's still |
10776s | a pretty interesting choice if they |
10777s | can't because they don't really need the |
10778s | armor links with already having the EOS |
10779s | and the Skirmish links are super |
10781s | valuable you can get the scram range on |
10782s | the Bogus the info Link's obviously |
10784s | super valuable for all your evil wings |
10785s | so it's actually a really strong pickup |
10787s | for the rest of their comp here but we |
10788s | now see drones going onto the vigil of |
10789s | Hoda daenery they want to try and take |
10791s | some of this application off the field |
10792s | provide by those Target painters |
10794s | yeah bonus painter is really important |
10796s | to have on a cruise missile comp and the |
10798s | vigil is just the one chip that hasn't |
10799s | remembered vigil fleet has a web bonus |
10801s | not a paint bonus Hodor now in to armor |
10804s | now under structure he is soon to be |
10805s | taken off the field and he is off the |
10807s | field now and early leads for truth |
10810s | honor light they can just continue to |
10811s | grind this match down because Odin's |
10814s | call cannot apply to anyone on the side |
10816s | of Truth on our light other than this |
10817s | bar guest who they are now going for |
10819s | yeah and that's got a real feel really |
10821s | really terrible for void daughter here |
10823s | as soon as he lands in the Grand Final |
10824s | within a minute boundaries and Casper |
10826s | still showing his uh sense of humor in |
10828s | this situation typing in local quickly |
10830s | afterwards hey that's my job |
10834s | Turtle carts in the Golem hasn't really |
10835s | gotten any rep Cycles off yet he's gonna |
10837s | probably try to keep the Reps around |
10839s | that natural 33 regen point there we go |
10841s | getting some reps in they've got damage |
10843s | now on a Dexter shio in this bar guest |
10845s | but he's still got his laundry frigates |
10847s | up on sorry not logic fragrance his own |
10849s | Nero's up on top of him and these cruise |
10851s | missiles even though they're gonna apply |
10852s | perfectly to the bar guest don't do that |
10854s | much overall DPS so while this guy has |
10856s | Ansel charges in his AAR it's going to |
10859s | be tough to break through them |
10860s | yeah I mean it's going to be a slow |
10862s | match it's going to be very difficult |
10863s | for them to hold anything on the Odin |
10865s | side now that both of their lodgy |
10867s | frigates are down but I don't think even |
10869s | with these four Cruise battleships we |
10871s | know that bar guest on truth on light is |
10872s | going to be absolutely pinned to the max |
10874s | um I just I don't think there's going to |
10877s | be enough DPS from these four |
10878s | battleships to break through the local |
10879s | rapper on the Vargas and the onero |
10881s | strips I feel like it might be a better |
10882s | option for them to actually put those |
10883s | cruise missiles onto the nearest it may |
10885s | take some time to get through him but we |
10886s | know this is going to be a slow drawn |
10888s | out affair they may actually be able to |
10890s | whittle through that aniros over the |
10891s | course of the map match but they are |
10893s | whittling through this visual Fleet |
10894s | issue right now remember no paint bonus |
10896s | just a web bonus but web's still |
10898s | important when you have a cruise missile |
10899s | set up like this and he's now in the |
10901s | structure soon to fall making a dive |
10903s | towards the back side maybe gonna try to |
10904s | get some sort of tackle no drive by webs |
10907s | for him though he gets taken down and |
10909s | Truth honor light in a dominant position |
10910s | in this match so far |
10913s | yeah at this point I feel like it's |
10914s | looking pretty dire for Odin's cool just |
10916s | losing those lodgy frigates completely |
10917s | negates any ability to keep up the |
10918s | support when obviously the battleships |
10920s | can sort of sustain themselves with |
10921s | Tinker but um you know the vigil the |
10923s | fleet vigil all this sort of stuff needs |
10925s | those logic freaks to serve that purpose |
10926s | and keep them alive and without them |
10928s | obviously they're just going to slowly |
10929s | get whittled away here by the missiles |
10930s | from the Bargas so I'm at this point |
10932s | even though it's only seven to zero and |
10934s | there's always you know as we saw in |
10935s | these high stakes situations there's |
10937s | always the opportunity for a boundary |
10938s | there's always a potential that Casper |
10939s | 24 could just eat himself out of the |
10941s | Arena but at this point I'm feel pretty |
10943s | confident in calling this first match |
10944s | for truth on a light |
10946s | yeah this stork going down soon as well |
10948s | the active Shield links very important |
10950s | to have for this Golem for Colonel Kurtz |
10952s | and just in general for the pseudo |
10954s | tanker setup he is now bleeding armor |
10956s | but he's got some Shield regen coming |
10958s | back up and he's got the uh remote cap |
10960s | transfers to make sure his AR still runs |
10962s | they are onto kadash presets now but |
10964s | once again I mean he's got Skirmish |
10966s | links on him he's going to be a very |
10968s | tiny signature radius already |
10969s | considering he's a demand uh command |
10971s | destroyer and you only have cruises |
10973s | which are not applying especially |
10975s | without any paints on the field |
10977s | yes and also they've got these jams |
10979s | which we haven't really considered so |
10980s | too much so far but these jams obviously |
10982s | going to be spread across the Ravens uh |
10985s | the Navy scorpion Etc just spread across |
10986s | the whole comp really at this point and |
10988s | I had a look actually at some of those |
10989s | Odin Shield Battleship fits from earlier |
10991s | and they had no sort of sensor boosters |
10993s | no real |
10994s | um you know e-war mitigation I remember |
10996s | they were just full tank I don't think |
10997s | they had a prop I think it was just a |
10998s | bunch of Shield extenders a bunch of |
11000s | hardeners and an xlasb so potentially |
11003s | very vulnerable to the ewall coming out |
11005s | here |
11006s | yeah Colonel carts continues to tank up |
11008s | he wrapped all the way back up the fall |
11009s | and I was gonna uh bait tank a little |
11011s | bit more with his ancillary Shield |
11013s | booster but still no damage applied for |
11017s | the sodium was call Squad and this |
11018s | pseudotinker setup something we saw in |
11020s | the grand finals and worked for Hydra |
11022s | last year but you're taking someone |
11026s | else's comp and facing it right back |
11028s | towards their face and those Cruise |
11029s | setups once again they have issues |
11032s | applying to these small signature radius |
11033s | armor ships that are Cruiser sizing |
11036s | below and we're seeing that right now |
11037s | where Odin's call can't turn truth on |
11040s | our lights old comp against them Odin's |
11043s | call Four battleships I have noticed are |
11044s | actually just Gathering up on the micro |
11046s | jump beacon in the middle of the Arena |
11047s | here and I'll be honest with you I have |
11049s | no idea what they're planning to do with |
11050s | that their Cruise battleships it doesn't |
11052s | really matter where they are |
11054s | um so I I don't know what their what |
11055s | their plan is here it could be something |
11057s | totally wacky but I don't know if |
11059s | they're even gonna activate or if they |
11060s | just want to be in the middle and ensure |
11061s | they can hit everything but I guess |
11062s | we'll find out in the next minute or so |
11063s | as these battleships slowly make their |
11064s | way forward as I said no prop mods so |
11066s | it's a very casual affair for the Golem |
11068s | and the Raven here at the back and the |
11070s | guidance disrupter from this Sentinel as |
11072s | well does anything need to be Ranger |
11074s | started to remember these are cruise |
11075s | ships uh it's probably more effective to |
11077s | actually get the application disruption |
11080s | up on him as the stork finally goes down |
11082s | it's going to be a clean victory for |
11083s | True Thunder lights but it's not going |
11085s | to be 100 points to zero it's going to |
11087s | be once this goes down probably 15 |
11089s | points to zero very low score match but |
11092s | they really just can't break this Golem |
11093s | right now they are now finally on a |
11095s | Dexter Geo he is finally breaking a |
11097s | little bit but he has the nearest reps |
11099s | and an AAR to keep him topped up we'll |
11101s | see if they can actually take him down |
11102s | but there's some split damage on Kadesh |
11104s | priestess as well |
11105s | yeah when they lose this stalk their |
11107s | stock does go down it's 15 points I do |
11109s | wonder if they would be able to kill |
11111s | something if they maybe had been killing |
11113s | the owneros from the start of the match |
11115s | if they just said okay we're gonna you |
11116s | know both these comps they're going to |
11118s | have difficulty killing our Battleship |
11119s | Wing can we just Whittle down the |
11121s | scenarios of the course and that's the |
11122s | problem is of course truth on the light |
11124s | is going to have a swarm of red bots in |
11125s | every single ship in that comp so I |
11127s | don't really know still what they can |
11129s | kill they are still trying on the Bargas |
11130s | but Dexter's holding no problem |
11132s | um and at this point the drowger |
11133s | wouldn't be enough points to win the |
11134s | match anyway |
11136s | um so it would have to be the aniros the |
11138s | EOS and the bogus and I really feel that |
11140s | they did they haven't really tried the |
11142s | one thing that could potentially have |
11144s | have turned this fight which is just |
11145s | whittling down the ineros again I don't |
11147s | know if the Redbox would have been |
11148s | enough to hold but they could at least |
11150s | have tried it now kernel cards finally |
11152s | and a low armor he's run out of cap |
11154s | pretty much he's run out of Ansel and he |
11157s | will end up falling here nope actually |
11159s | he's got the rep back up so he will |
11161s | survive ever so slightly with a little |
11163s | bit of armor and a little bit of |
11165s | structure still only 45 seconds left in |
11167s | the match the match is pretty much over |
11169s | here I don't think they're gonna kill |
11170s | anything |
11171s | maybe this black bird but he's got a |
11173s | Nero straps and once again his sake is |
11175s | absolutely tiny compared to the |
11176s | explosion radius of these cruise |
11178s | missiles yeah so that's going forward |
11180s | with just 30 seconds left in the match |
11181s | that's consider the bands here because |
11182s | truth on the light taking this first |
11184s | match their whole comp is going to be |
11185s | Conquest band they cannot bring |
11187s | blackbirds anymore they cannot bring the |
11188s | drowger anymore so if Odin's decides to |
11190s | bring to ban pontifex Magus again then |
11192s | trixon light will be [ __ ] out of luck |
11194s | for for um command Destroyer choices |
11196s | they they can still bring the flag bar |
11198s | against |
11199s | um but there's a lot of e-warships and |
11201s | there's truth on the light side that |
11201s | they may want to bring again Celeste |
11203s | descends and all this other stuff and |
11204s | they won't be able to so I mean we'll |
11205s | just have to have to see how this goes |
11207s | throughout the series but this is going |
11208s | to be the first game going to truth on |
11210s | the light |
11211s | and with that we're going to send it |
11213s | back to the desk to break that down 15-0 |
11215s | I think the lowest scoring match of this |
11217s | at |
11218s | but when we return more truth on our |
11221s | light and more in this call |
11226s | [Music] |
11247s | [Music] |
11253s | thank you |
11263s | [Applause] |
11267s | [Music] |
11270s | [Applause] |
11272s | [Music] |
11273s | [Applause] |
11278s | connected Channel switched well it would |
11281s | have been a fun easy fight right but |
11283s | guess what dude I'm not if seeing it |
11284s | people can't get together |
11291s | enemies your temps are completely damned |
11293s | out Crush I'm dumped out I'm dumped out |
11296s | you don't like cheers |
11305s | I'm jammed |
11307s | truth on our light go up 1-0 in this |
11310s | best of five grand Final in what critics |
11312s | are calling a match now Blackberry |
11314s | pirate we saw at the start of that match |
11316s | uh what looked to be a bit of an error |
11318s | by one of the players on the Odin's call |
11319s | team what happened there yeah we did uh |
11322s | the vigil of ERD void daughter decided |
11325s | to instead of staying in the arena to |
11329s | leave the arena which gets you |
11330s | explodified |
11332s | um we're kind of talking about it when |
11333s | it first happened there's a moment of |
11335s | like oh they might have just lost the |
11337s | match just because Owen's call was not |
11339s | able to apply any damage and then you |
11340s | lost a vigil which is more damage |
11342s | application uh and I was actually |
11343s | sitting there like Hydra could |
11345s | potentially sorry tree thunder light |
11347s | pretty slip |
11349s | um could potentially just do nothing for |
11352s | the next 10 minutes or nine-ish minutes |
11354s | and the match ends with one point to |
11357s | zero which would uh have been I think as |
11360s | you said uh Hydra and boring matches |
11363s | name a better combination yeah I did say |
11365s | that yeah so when you get to the finals |
11367s | I mean to be fair if you are wanting to |
11370s | win you don't care about how exciting it |
11372s | is for everybody else like as far as |
11374s | you're concerned one zero Victory is |
11376s | just as good a victory as 100 to zero |
11378s | the only difference would be if you |
11380s | managed to take down someone's Flagship |
11381s | uh that would of course change the game |
11383s | a little bit but they didn't and they |
11385s | haven't as of yet so |
11387s | um we also saw uh CCP what looked like a |
11391s | bit of a sort of core Tinker comp coming |
11392s | from The Woodlands call there they were |
11393s | titled up we've been discussing that |
11395s | right at the start uh when we saw the |
11396s | four battleships I was like oh that's |
11398s | going to be rough and we were discussing |
11400s | that if this is a flag Vargas there's no |
11401s | way you can Ram a flag bargained into |
11403s | four different battleships and we |
11405s | learned there wasn't one but then they |
11406s | started pulling back and then as you |
11408s | discussed that maybe they'll just sit |
11410s | back delete one thing at the last minute |
11411s | we saw the uh the boundary violation and |
11414s | we just kind of stood here |
11416s | well we uh just quick shout out to Annie |
11419s | gardett and Volta uh last year in the |
11420s | grand finals he did exactly that he |
11422s | rammed the flag Vargas into a tinker |
11424s | comp uh to pull them apart and they |
11426s | almost managed to pull off a w in that |
11428s | match but in this case it wasn't to be |
11430s | and uh of course this is the best of |
11431s | five so Odin's called now in the back |
11433s | foot and we'll see if they can come and |
11435s | take it to uh the you know third or |
11437s | fourth fifth match now uh we're |
11439s | obviously here in Nottingham at the |
11440s | event Studios and there's a whole bunch |
11442s | of people who think that's possible one |
11443s | of the most important is our production |
11446s | director of event uh Mr bayart J now we |
11448s | wanted him to come on the desk and chat |
11450s | with us but uh he's very shy he doesn't |
11452s | want to so I actually had some of our |
11454s | production techs help me to rig up a |
11455s | camera |
11456s | which I have got here now this camera |
11459s | should be on so you should be able to |
11460s | see me |
11461s | there we are and I can actually go |
11463s | wandering around the studio you guys can |
11466s | see what I see so I don't have any |
11467s | speakers so black pirate will be |
11469s | narrating so let me take my headset off |
11471s | hey I will say I'm glad we chose to wear |
11473s | pants today after that one but uh yes I |
11477s | I did also warn him that I will be doing |
11478s | the narrating in any way I choose so uh |
11481s | he's going to begin and hopefully not |
11483s | trip with that very expensive camera in |
11485s | all these cables this is what our room |
11486s | looks like we have the giant video |
11488s | screen we got the video screen |
11489s | controller there I've been trying to get |
11491s | them to post things the entire time and |
11492s | they have not apparently for legal |
11494s | reasons uh this is a fantastic person |
11497s | who's been taking pictures of all of |
11499s | this for us so all those really nice |
11500s | high definition pictures going up on |
11502s | Twitter we have students producing |
11504s | things he's waving he's like they're |
11506s | like oh God that is Mr Bay art J right |
11509s | there yes he is not happy about it yes |
11513s | we uh we kind of tricked him on this uh |
11516s | we were trying to be like oh yeah it'd |
11517s | be fun to show the show the camera |
11518s | around uh our amazing amazing sound |
11521s | director who's been making us all sound |
11522s | relatively competent or at least not too |
11525s | obnoxious I hope uh we got Nash cadaver |
11528s | matching hats with me we have disc |
11530s | reader we have CC zealous watching us |
11533s | giving us metal signs it's quite amazing |
11535s | we're going to actually see how far we |
11538s | can get this uh this chord because we |
11541s | have so much more in the back area but |
11543s | look at all those monitors and expensive |
11545s | stuff oh yes trying to help us not trip |
11548s | on anything hopefully we can pull that |
11549s | off |
11551s | oh yes chords |
11554s | yes ah yes biohazard he's been doing |
11557s | most of the amazing camera work that |
11558s | we've been seeing hopefully I don't uh |
11560s | give anyone's job wrong and then |
11562s | someone's like oh you insulted me you |
11564s | made it horrible |
11565s | um |
11567s | yep replay tools all that good stuff a |
11571s | really nice production this year |
11571s | actually at least you guys have been |
11572s | saying so so |
11574s | I want to get to Twitch chat we'll be |
11576s | sorry sorry let me see twitch |
11580s | yes Discord top secret Discord you can't |
11582s | see that's Kinsey by the way of Volta |
11584s | Fame and now we're going to the actual |
11587s | action room maybe if we have enough |
11589s | chord space |
11590s | so that's the secret office you guys |
11592s | can't see in it you can't reach it oh no |
11595s | they'll never find out what's in there |
11597s | yeah sorry guys eight Titans yes also |
11600s | the codes to uh turn off there's Baza |
11603s | yes so that is where we've been doing |
11604s | the broadcast from uh up there is the |
11607s | scrim room that's Amy muff muff uh we |
11608s | can't stand there it's basically set up |
11610s | like a perfect little uh like a gamer |
11613s | scrim house and yeah a lot of fun yeah |
11616s | we did a we did a Rome led by ccpb uh we |
11619s | were told it would take an hour it took |
11620s | us an hour to get ready I'm sure all you |
11622s | players understand what that's like |
11624s | and uh yep |
11626s | disc in his fantastic uh he's actually |
11629s | gonna be the next James Bond by the way |
11630s | Jason was wondering why he's wearing |
11632s | that |
11634s | and I believe he's coming back this way |
11636s | so I need to really quickly give myself |
11638s | all of the isk on the CCP never mind I'm |
11641s | gonna go back over here |
11649s | that's a good shot that is a great shot |
11652s | there we go and that is behind the |
11654s | scenes of Alliance tournament 18. uh |
11657s | hope you hope you'll enjoyed I hope it |
11658s | was useful |
11660s | um I tried to go all the way to the |
11661s | Basilisk yeah and I ran out of cable |
11663s | that I just heard a bunch of people |
11665s | sharing stop stop just run out and |
11668s | luckily he was able to pop out and say |
11669s | hello and of course we we couldn't even |
11671s | get close to the uh the room the |
11672s | referees are all setting up in uh we saw |
11674s | Amy Muffler stick his head out the door |
11676s | excuse me Swift is hiding up there as |
11677s | well um and then all the cast and crew |
11679s | aren't currently you know here are in |
11682s | there uh probably playing Eve which is |
11684s | probably playing you which is kind of |
11685s | fun hopefully that opened the eyes to |
11686s | some of the people watching the the |
11688s | production quality that we've had this |
11689s | year it's been incredibly fun yeah it |
11692s | has been so good there's been so many |
11693s | people that made this possible obviously |
11695s | you just saw a whole bunch of them |
11696s | um but what you don't really see is all |
11698s | the work behind the scenes to make even |
11699s | the little things happen and look good |
11701s | like the little stuff at the bottom of |
11703s | the screen right here oh thanks guys |
11705s | um is is a couple of people sort of |
11708s | making sure all the data in spreadsheets |
11710s | is up to date making sure it's all all |
11712s | correct is what's important and then |
11714s | putting it into the tools biohazard of |
11716s | course doing a the mixing of the the |
11717s | different naive scenes we have the |
11719s | vision mixer as you saw doing the actual |
11721s | camera cutting um I just and the instant |
11723s | replay like things are exploding we're |
11725s | seeing the casters talk about them |
11727s | exploding and then boom it goes to |
11728s | replay reel and it's it's incredible |
11730s | yeah it's been super good yeah uh so |
11733s | yeah I mean we hope here that you guys |
11735s | have uh have enjoyed uh this production |
11737s | uh I honestly don't have to say thank |
11739s | you to all the people who make it |
11740s | possible |
11741s | um but yeah you know so if you can uh |
11743s | give good good words and chat to the |
11745s | production crew I'm sure they don't |
11746s | appreciate it now we have more matches |
11749s | now coming up for this best of five |
11751s | grand final between truth honor light |
11753s | and Odin's call so let's take a look at |
11755s | the band for match two |
11758s | okay so truth on a light Banning out the |
11760s | Osprey the stormbringer the curse and |
11763s | Odin's call bang out the Nighthawk the |
11764s | guardian and the stormbringer the twin |
11767s | stormbringer bands of course give us the |
11768s | nearest and the slat near as trickle |
11770s | bands black pirate what do you see here |
11772s | other than me |
11774s | might no longer see you which is sad but |
11776s | I can just turn and look at you but uh |
11778s | yes the storm Runner ban is actually |
11780s | very very smart on so both sides here um |
11783s | we've seen it a couple more times uh |
11785s | when truth honor light does a |
11786s | Stormbreaker ban they seem to really |
11788s | like to bring these like control based |
11791s | setups with rip drones and I think we |
11792s | actually saw it versus Volta where |
11794s | there's a guardian that just would not |
11796s | die |
11797s | period and that was all repton's uh the |
11800s | commentators got it solid Odin's call |
11802s | Banning it makes me think that they're |
11803s | going to do something similar and we |
11804s | have seen Owens call doing uh focusing |
11807s | very hard on these like powerful Le |
11809s | Shack core uh curse setups especially |
11811s | earlier on in the tournament so they |
11813s | might be signaling that they're planning |
11814s | that |
11815s | um you know other than that oniros and |
11817s | guardian band at the same time I don't |
11819s | think either team necessarily was |
11820s | prepared for that but uh it is what it |
11824s | is now so we'll probably be seeing some |
11825s | Logistics frigates and uh yeah the |
11828s | Osprey is something truth on her life's |
11829s | been Banning every single time I don't |
11831s | know why |
11832s | they just like to ban it I'm sure I'm |
11834s | sure someone could tell us if they if |
11835s | they chose |
11839s | all right then uh instead why don't you |
11841s | tell us about the uh the stormbringer so |
11843s | we see it being banned quite regularly |
11845s | um what tell us about the weapon systems |
11847s | of these Eden column ships and why it |
11848s | might be so popular to ban it's a very |
11850s | different weapon system to traditional |
11852s | guns this is a weapon system that |
11856s | um it's spirals or it shoots and then |
11858s | shoots 10 other targets next to the |
11860s | thing that you're shooting so it becomes |
11862s | incredibly efficient at killing drones |
11865s | if you're shooting a uh a ship that has |
11867s | a bunch of drones around it like rep |
11869s | drones it'll automatically start kind of |
11871s | killing those off almost as if you had a |
11873s | smart bum on top of it so it's kind of |
11874s | like a projected smart bomb shooting all |
11877s | the targets around it so it becomes |
11879s | really quick and good at deleting these |
11881s | drone comps and the the battleship for |
11883s | that the the Thunder shells why don't we |
11884s | see that bit more often than tournament |
11886s | comms blackback pirate uh it's not |
11889s | really necessary so it um the |
11891s | stormbringer does enough damage to |
11893s | pretty much wipe out any rep drones that |
11894s | you need uh even the heavy ones go down |
11896s | pretty fast to it I think it's about two |
11898s | to three volleys depending on you know |
11900s | wrecking shots Etc uh so they the storm |
11903s | Runner shoots really fast like it the |
11906s | cycle time on those weapons is quite |
11907s | short uh you don't really need the |
11909s | battleship version for it it would |
11910s | actually be Overkill and also the |
11912s | battleship gun has like really really |
11915s | high signature radius required to apply |
11917s | so it actually isn't good at killing the |
11920s | tiny little drones on it so with that |
11922s | and the fact that it's a ton of points |
11924s | and it's not really that good at |
11925s | actually killing a single ship we don't |
11927s | really see it that much awesome and this |
11930s | is of course the second match in our |
11931s | best of five grand final so there are |
11933s | Conquest bands now in place from after |
11935s | the the first match so uh truth on the |
11938s | lights cannot feel the Confessor |
11940s | celestis the vexer the bar guest the |
11943s | oniros the drogger the EOS The Sentinel |
11945s | and the black bird so they can bring |
11947s | their Flagship bar guests as a band |
11949s | Dodge is still alive |
11952s | um they cannot bring any of these ships |
11953s | Blackberry pirate what do you think we |
11955s | might see here from from truth on the |
11956s | light you know I I hate to say it |
11958s | because it's like really talking up |
11960s | truth honor light too much and it's not |
11961s | like they need that much people have |
11963s | been talking about how awesome they are |
11964s | for years but this doesn't really affect |
11967s | them that much something that I was kind |
11969s | of was memeing about it in the uh the |
11971s | room you guys didn't get to see over |
11972s | there and I was like every single ship |
11975s | is the same it doesn't matter like which |
11978s | Hall gets banned they're all |
11979s | interchangeable and we're specifically |
11981s | talking about sipples and Scythe Fleet |
11982s | issues where they're actually the same |
11984s | ship just one as two more points in this |
11987s | case it's like okay well |
11989s | so we've banned out a celestis but we |
11991s | still have malices and Carries you know |
11993s | we banned out the guardian uh |
11997s | Odin's band The Guardian the nearest is |
11999s | banned for truth on her light |
12001s | but they still have augers which isn't |
12003s | the same but it kind of is you just get |
12005s | more points to play with so uh not to |
12007s | talk them up too much I don't think it |
12008s | actually affects them that much and they |
12010s | could still literally bring what they |
12011s | just brought and just slot a couple |
12012s | ships around |
12013s | CCB over the years um we've seen the |
12016s | format the alliance tournament change |
12017s | from uh back in the last tournament one |
12019s | it was five ships one of each size |
12021s | frigate Destroyer Cruiser battle cruiser |
12023s | Battleship and I believe CCP zealous |
12026s | informed me that the grand prize was |
12027s | socks at the time which is pretty cool |
12030s | Eve socks that was the prize that sucks |
12032s | dude yep oh boy |
12035s | um and then uh the was LP Governor's |
12038s | prizes for many years and we had a |
12040s | couple of things like uh you know some |
12041s | crazy battleships and stuff and then the |
12043s | actual price ships themself came out in |
12044s | the last tournament seven at that point |
12046s | we had things like uh the twin bands it |
12048s | was a b b a and then in the last couple |
12050s | of years we've started to expand the |
12051s | Banning system simply because the number |
12053s | of ships uh now available to these teams |
12056s | that weren't available back into |
12057s | alliance tournament you know five they |
12059s | didn't have loads and loads of these new |
12061s | ships what do you think about |
12063s | um the the current system of banning |
12066s | well I'm kind of new to the whole |
12067s | Alliance tournament team as I've said a |
12069s | few times I think the system that we |
12071s | currently have is pretty smart given the |
12073s | type of |
12074s | you know the amount of ships we have |
12076s | Bart does make a point that you can |
12077s | interchange some of these but it does |
12079s | change the dynamic if you suddenly have |
12081s | your black Birch banned out and you want |
12083s | to take a Rooks instead that's a lot |
12085s | more extra points which then have to |
12087s | give back on something else instead I |
12089s | think the way it's set up with these |
12091s | cascading bands as well makes it very |
12092s | interesting for these uh these final |
12094s | matches I think I think it's a pretty |
12096s | cool format as it is awesome now these |
12099s | teams of course will be uh looking to |
12101s | show their Alliance Pride uh truth on a |
12103s | light would love to slap their logo on |
12104s | their ships and fly around in space and |
12105s | they can now do that let's go to a quick |
12107s | video from CCP racks about heraldry |
12111s | thank you |
12115s | players identity in new Eden is |
12118s | important to them what they want to do |
12119s | is they want to showcase off who they |
12121s | belong to a corporation or Alliance and |
12124s | being able to kind of go proudly into a |
12126s | fight with other players the first thing |
12128s | that we are releasing are emblems |
12131s | emblems allow them to put their |
12134s | corporation on allowance logos on shape |
12136s | and kind of fly-inflate information into |
12138s | these battles |
12139s | down the line kind of what we are hoping |
12141s | to achieve with heraldry is that we want |
12143s | to enable players to do more uh to kind |
12147s | of sculpt their identity within new Eden |
12149s | in a better way at release players will |
12152s | be able to acquire emblems for around |
12155s | 100 ships and then over time we will |
12158s | gradually be seeding more shape holes |
12160s | into the game |
12169s | they are helldres pretty cool logos on |
12171s | chips people have been asking for it for |
12173s | years and it's finally here CCB talk to |
12175s | me a little bit about it and for those |
12177s | who don't know we can now have our |
12179s | alliance uh or Corp logo and Alliance |
12181s | logo on our ships it's not on every |
12184s | single ship yet |
12185s | um but you can start working in the |
12187s | evermarks by giving in ships every day |
12189s | through the Irish missions and start |
12191s | earning these points which you can |
12192s | unlock then ships and and spots for them |
12196s | I should say I've been unlocking a bunch |
12198s | of these uh every day even though I'm a |
12200s | laptop gamer up here at the hotel I've |
12202s | been logging in every day making sure I |
12203s | start stacking up these uh evermarks to |
12205s | unlock this awesome and uh Bart have you |
12208s | managed to be a skin or logo on ship |
12210s | enjoy yet I tried but uh a conversation |
12214s | I had with CCP Swift turns out that not |
12216s | a single ship that I fly is already in |
12218s | the system yet so uh can we get some of |
12220s | those other ones I'm sure we're gonna |
12222s | get them in there for sure but no I have |
12224s | been doing it as well it's pretty easy |
12226s | um just kind of an interesting way to |
12227s | just see parts of the space that you |
12229s | haven't actually and get ships to places |
12231s | that you're not usually used to so yeah |
12232s | I'm looking forward to getting some |
12233s | pretty cool skins on mine as well um I |
12236s | can't go around to doing it yet because |
12237s | I've been busy with this uh let's do our |
12239s | quick predictions |
12241s | um and what we think might happen in |
12242s | this second all the best of five match |
12244s | black part pirate you went for uh truth |
12247s | on light in the first match no I'm |
12250s | trying to rewrite history |
12253s | what do you think in this match uh I'm |
12255s | feeling Odin's for realsies this time |
12257s | they've got it actually for realsies |
12259s | yeah or like I'm just saying that |
12261s | because I don't want to Caster's curse |
12262s | truth on a light okay you know what |
12263s | truth on her light I'll cast your skirts |
12265s | them instead yes and ccpb what do you |
12268s | think I'm sticking with what I've been |
12269s | saying the whole time they're gonna win |
12270s | this truth on a light it's going to |
12271s | bring it 100 I always super enjoy when |
12275s | we go to |
12276s | um the like the film matches uh because |
12278s | we get to see all the different |
12280s | techniques and all different uh cool |
12281s | things be brought different comps like |
12284s | teams getting further and further into |
12285s | those uh their back pocket of all these |
12287s | different comps it's a little bit |
12288s | different this year in the sense that as |
12290s | you mentioned Bart is not every Conquest |
12292s | band applying is only the last match |
12295s | um so it should be surprising to see how |
12297s | the teams react to that I'm going to put |
12299s | my my twitch Channel points behind |
12300s | Odin's call in fact I'm going to check |
12302s | how you guys are in twitchland are |
12304s | feeling on this let's have a look oh wow |
12306s | that's a lot of Channel points oh so at |
12308s | the moment over 2.1 million Channel |
12312s | points on truth on light and nearly a |
12315s | million in Odin's call I think that |
12316s | might be the most points I've seen in |
12319s | one of these bills that sounds like way |
12321s | more than we've been seeing recently so |
12322s | yeah I mean currently it's 32 percent |
12325s | 68 to truth on the light so I think you |
12327s | only want to do out there a little bit |
12330s | more uh on truth on the light please uh |
12333s | I'm told that the teams are indeed |
12334s | landing on grid now so we can shoot over |
12337s | to the arena for this second of beta |
12340s | five match between truth honor light and |
12342s | Odin's call |
12349s | welcome back to the arena everybody |
12351s | truth on a lie Odin's call match 2 of |
12353s | this best of five |
12354s | um ships are still as I said Just |
12356s | landing on grid so haven't had a huge |
12357s | amount of time to really assess these |
12359s | comps um for the time being uh it looks |
12361s | like truth on light bringing a bunch of |
12363s | gun loads that they brought earlier in |
12364s | fact exactly identical to the comp they |
12366s | brought earlier I believe against |
12366s | Voltron in the lower bracket and what |
12368s | about Odin's call |
12370s | well um Carl they have decided to bring |
12372s | armor control this time double Tempest |
12375s | Fleet issue on a battlegorn so armor |
12377s | control versus pseudo Octodad and we saw |
12381s | this pseudo Octodad pick apart an armor |
12383s | control setup earlier today and I'm not |
12387s | liking Odin's uh Outlook already just |
12390s | looking at these comps on grid yeah I |
12392s | think the survival duration of the |
12394s | celestis and the central are going to be |
12396s | key here in terms of trying to mitigate |
12397s | damage from these battleships but Odin's |
12399s | call we saw them fly this comp I think |
12401s | we might have flown it a couple times |
12402s | right at the start of the tournament |
12403s | maybe once or twice but notably they |
12405s | flew a lot in the feeders in which they |
12407s | flew 10 I believe 10 matches culminating |
12410s | in that final series against laser Hawks |
12411s | this comp with the battle gun on two |
12413s | Fleet Tempest is their bread and butter |
12415s | they know this comp inside and out if |
12417s | they are going to be truth on alarm |
12418s | light on execution with anything this |
12420s | may just be the comp with which they can |
12421s | do it |
12422s | yeah but the fighting an upheld battle |
12424s | they got close range battleships with a |
12426s | long-range web in the battleborn |
12427s | importantly no Skirmish links for him |
12430s | and the Sentinel just gets immediately |
12432s | deleted by these medium long-range guns |
12435s | from truth on our light you can take a |
12436s | look at the attack bar it is much larger |
12438s | than what Odin's call is bringing with |
12440s | these two battleships and with this |
12441s | battleborn it's like a look at the |
12443s | Battle Gorn now to see if this is a gun |
12444s | battle or if it's full newts and it |
12446s | appears to be a gun belt so at least I |
12448s | have some damage on it but they've |
12449s | already lost one ship and that's really |
12451s | all truth Hunter Knight leads to start |
12453s | snowballing this match |
12455s | yeah maybe another slow one obviously |
12457s | there's battleships on Odin's call not |
12459s | the fastest ships are pushing in there |
12460s | and yeah I said that Sentinel his jury |
12461s | his lifespan was going to be an |
12462s | important factor all it turns out truth |
12464s | on the light thought exactly the same |
12465s | thing and decided to just immediately |
12466s | obliterate him from the field I thought |
12468s | they actually killed him before the |
12469s | match even started that's obviously not |
12471s | possible you're not allowed to move or |
12472s | lock or do anything until the time it |
12474s | takes down but they just absolutely |
12475s | obliterated him before he probably got |
12477s | to lock or do much of anything |
12479s | yeah now they're focusing their DPS on a |
12481s | colonel Kurtz in this Tempest Fleet |
12483s | issue he is burning towards the center |
12484s | of the Arena maybe trying to get onto |
12486s | this Oracle of Amelia who is a little |
12487s | bit far forward but we see actually |
12489s | truth on our light starting to burn in |
12491s | towards the center of the Arena they |
12493s | might be looking for some sort of play |
12495s | off this micro jump Beacon or something |
12496s | of that nature or actually to stop the |
12498s | MGD play from happening from Odin's call |
12501s | they're stopping their ships just short |
12502s | of that mjd Beacon and kennel Cuts is |
12504s | going to go down here because he's lodgy |
12505s | frigates they're not quite close enough |
12506s | to be optimal reps they've still got all |
12507s | the red bots on the failure of toastbrot |
12509s | and Colonel Kurtz desperately needs them |
12510s | going against 10 armor going into Hull |
12512s | and he's trying to burn away here to get |
12514s | into range of the deacon get into range |
12515s | of the Thalia I think they are picking |
12516s | up but it's going to be too little too |
12517s | late he is just about going to go down |
12519s | here 20 structure can they kill the |
12521s | Oracle in time no Colonel Curtis goes |
12523s | down the Oracle stays alive and |
12525s | importantly even though it's a fairly |
12527s | squishy ship they just don't have the |
12528s | application for this it's devolved into |
12530s | an all-out brawl this is not what we |
12531s | expect from the pseudo Octodad setup but |
12533s | they decided we're just gonna get close |
12535s | range ammo and out brawl these Tempest |
12537s | Fleet issues and the balcorn look at our |
12539s | attack bar it's absolutely massive and |
12541s | they're on to the Paradigm Now using the |
12543s | high damage Anno they still haven't |
12544s | killed Amelia in this Oracle he keeps on |
12546s | tanking because they're not able to |
12547s | apply to him right now yeah they jumped |
12550s | in and this is what makes Hydra so scary |
12551s | is they act as one unit they're like a |
12553s | school of fish they swim forward they |
12555s | swarm back and |
12557s | um Dexter in the Absolution seems to be |
12559s | stuck in the middle of Odin's comp but |
12560s | critically the two battleships the |
12561s | Battleground attempt asleep that can |
12563s | actually apply damage to him aren't over |
12565s | there either so he is effectively sort |
12567s | of isolated with the Odin support when |
12568s | he's probably a pretty good place for |
12569s | him to be he can just pew at this Thalia |
12571s | whatever he wants reduce the list is |
12572s | anything that's within range and this |
12573s | Oracle of Amelia not a ship that you see |
12575s | tanking readily but he is tanking |
12577s | Amelia's got some sort of Dev hacks here |
12579s | keeping this Oracle alive with the power |
12581s | of anger |
12582s | I have the power of anger maybe the |
12584s | power of anger games even though they |
12585s | didn't participate in it either way this |
12587s | Oracle stays alive they kill the other |
12589s | Tempest Fleet issue and now they're on |
12591s | to Odin's calls low end they're gonna |
12592s | take out this Confessor and then |
12594s | Nathalia then maybe the Deacon uh Hodor |
12596s | goes down they've got damage onto the |
12598s | saw you have tosprout right now but it |
12600s | looks like instead they're gonna primary |
12601s | the Battleground just take all of the |
12603s | high end off the field Odin's collabs no |
12605s | more damage left they have on bonus guns |
12607s | on a battle Gore and a couple of newts |
12609s | and that is pretty much it this game is |
12612s | over really quickly for truth honor |
12614s | light |
12615s | yeah it's really hard for Odin's cool |
12617s | hair to face this opponent as we know |
12618s | Hydra we saw that turn from them they |
12621s | were kiting back at the start of the |
12622s | match trying to pull some range and then |
12623s | immediately just synchronized motion |
12626s | they all immediately turn around and |
12627s | swarm onto kernel Kurtz he reacts well |
12629s | he tries to get away he tries to catch |
12631s | reps from the Thalia and the decompet |
12632s | every second matters when you're in a |
12634s | finals matchup against the best team in |
12637s | the tournament which which truth on like |
12639s | clearly seemed to be here they're just |
12640s | so coordinated in their actions they've |
12643s | got such purpose when they cut every |
12645s | command of their ship has such intent |
12646s | behind it |
12648s | yeah and returning Champions right they |
12650s | bring this pseudo Octodad setup that we |
12652s | saw starting yesterday and now bringing |
12654s | it this time around they've got the |
12656s | e-war mids as well on top of this setup |
12658s | but more importantly they have the |
12659s | ability to just go in and brawl if they |
12662s | so decide to do so and we saw that today |
12665s | they out brawled a triple Battleship |
12668s | setup |
12669s | in a comp that has no battleships |
12673s | and the other thing is as I was saying |
12675s | earlier offcast I believe about truth on |
12678s | the light is they're so versatile in |
12679s | their comps I think they mentioned it on |
12680s | the desk as well and this kind of comp |
12681s | you can switch out so many things there |
12683s | are so many medium gunboats in the game |
12685s | even with a starting Absolution |
12687s | hurricane Fleet Oracle exec Navy or navy |
12689s | all band next game they can bring you |
12691s | know brutix navies they can bring |
12692s | harbingers they can bring Harbinger |
12693s | navies they can bring all these |
12694s | different gunboats so they could affect |
12696s | I mean this black ball pirate cell on |
12697s | the desk you know a nearest Guardian |
12698s | band they brought on execro there's so |
12700s | many comps so many ships in this comp |
12702s | where they can just switch out for not |
12703s | an exact equivalent but a fairly fairly |
12705s | roughly equivalent that sort of does the |
12707s | same sort of role and fly with the same |
12709s | level of execution that they've |
12711s | displayed here and potentially get the |
12712s | same result or of course they could |
12713s | totally switch it up they've still got |
12715s | that Flagship bar guest available indeed |
12716s | both teams have and now Odin's call are |
12718s | going to be down 2-0 in this series they |
12720s | may feel some pressure to field that |
12721s | Flagship Bargas or will they will they |
12723s | decide actually you know we can play |
12725s | sort of a psychological game by keeping |
12726s | it not filming it but it is now just the |
12728s | celestis left of Martin Conrad |
12731s | absolute destruction from truth honor |
12734s | light and that decisiveness in that |
12737s | coordination is something we see out of |
12739s | championship teams they've gone up 2-0 |
12742s | in the series they have one more game to |
12744s | go and they can bring the same comp they |
12746s | brought game number one if they decide |
12748s | to do so Odin's call back to the drawing |
12750s | board they need to decide what they want |
12752s | to bring against truth on our lights |
12754s | best |
12757s | yeah so it is going to be a hundred to |
12758s | zero unfortunately freudian's cool they |
12761s | brought their their um you know their |
12763s | bread and butter comp but now are they |
12765s | all out of ideas are they gonna have to |
12766s | bring out something really wacky but |
12767s | back to the studio from a small analysis |
12771s | [Music] |
12788s | thank you |
12796s | sino's up |
12817s | Pump It Up it up a little more get the |
12820s | party going on the Dance Floor |
12841s | foreign |
12853s | truth on our light there with the second |
12855s | Vector in this best of five that now |
12856s | puts them just one match away from |
12860s | securing themselves as the champions of |
12863s | Alliance tournament 18 uh or it's called |
12865s | they're unfortunately unable to pull out |
12867s | a w losing all of their ships and |
12869s | killing essentially nothing and not an |
12872s | optimal strategy at all uh we certainly |
12874s | hope to see them come back and push this |
12876s | on uh Beyond three matches CC Swift how |
12879s | have the matches today been for you uh |
12882s | they've been great I think the the |
12883s | matches last weekend were |
12885s | um at least on the final actually no the |
12887s | matches yesterday best ever uh they were |
12889s | the most exciting matches everyone was |
12892s | going back and forth uh we were sitting |
12894s | in some of the rooms and all the |
12895s | commentators like oh this guy's gonna |
12897s | win oh no the other guys |
12898s | and we had no idea what was going to |
12899s | happen it was extremely exciting uh what |
12902s | you're seeing now I think are teams that |
12904s | are incredibly well practiced uh there |
12906s | are mind games going on Mind Games going |
12908s | on Mind Games going uh in the background |
12910s | there which we're not exactly privy to I |
12913s | mean maybe Misty is a little bit but he |
12914s | kind of knows a little bit more Suzy B |
12916s | obviously knows a little bit more uh but |
12919s | yeah uh it's just a lot of I think |
12922s | you're you're seeing the hundreds of |
12924s | hours that these guys have put in paying |
12926s | off right now in the the finals on the |
12927s | semi-finals yep now mystical might what |
12930s | could Odin's have done definitely in |
12932s | that match there do you think to maybe |
12934s | at least push it harder towards Hydra I |
12936s | think it's it's a fairly tricky thing to |
12938s | to narrow down because again I feel like |
12940s | it's a meta matchup issue and not |
12942s | necessarily a skill issue because we've |
12944s | seen Odin's obviously claw their way |
12945s | through the feeders win a slot in the |
12948s | mainland Alliance tournament and then |
12949s | progress all the way to the finals so |
12951s | it's not a lack of skill it's just a |
12953s | case of the matchups that Odin's have |
12955s | found themselves in haven't necessarily |
12956s | been ideal for the setups that they're |
12957s | bringing to those matches |
12959s | um I think that Odin's have stronger |
12961s | setups than what they've shown so far |
12962s | perhaps they're just saving them for a |
12964s | more exciting finals where they claw |
12966s | their way back from two nil down uh |
12968s | hopefully not |
12969s | personally but you know I think that |
12971s | would be a very exciting story to tell |
12973s | for this at so |
12976s | um I guess yeah just try and keep the |
12977s | heads up try and keep their mental clear |
12979s | um try not to let these two last losses |
12981s | get to them because obviously they've |
12982s | done really well so far and see whether |
12984s | they can bring it back in the next match |
12985s | yeah no CCP Swift one of the things you |
12988s | said just before we came back on on air |
12990s | here was that Hydra sorry truth on the |
12993s | light have got really good at swapping |
12995s | ships in and out of comps talk to me |
12997s | about what you meant by that yeah so I |
12999s | think Blackboard pirate was talking |
13000s | about it a little bit where he was kind |
13001s | of sounding a little bit crazy who's |
13002s | like oh ships are the same guys |
13005s | um they're not all the same but from |
13006s | what he was saying is or he was trying |
13008s | to to convey is a lot of these ships |
13010s | play a very similar role they just have |
13012s | slightly different points so what truth |
13015s | on a light has kind of mastered here is |
13017s | they can plug and play any ship when it |
13019s | gets banned they can just replace it |
13020s | with something else uh I think they were |
13023s | if we're being critical of one of the |
13025s | best teams to ever play in the alliance |
13026s | tournament they were pretty bad at this |
13028s | in the last two Alliance tournaments |
13030s | this is where vigra reloaded had a |
13032s | little bit of advantage over them but I |
13034s | think they've really worked on that this |
13036s | year and now they're just Masters at it |
13039s | right you ban anything they'll just |
13040s | throw a jogger in there like no one's |
13043s | flown a drug or what are you doing uh |
13046s | band the logic auger it's fine uh band |
13048s | Blackbird take something else it's just |
13050s | been masterful to watch like these guys |
13052s | can put anything in there and they know |
13055s | how that ship is going to fly and they |
13057s | know how to fly that comp somehow like |
13059s | they've just become uh cyborg humans |
13062s | well sometimes when we see uh teams |
13065s | especially newer teams uh come into the |
13067s | tournament and they don't have maybe the |
13069s | the most in-depth understanding of of |
13070s | the meta as it's going to develop and we |
13073s | see them copy comps from the previous |
13075s | year and then as the tournament goes on |
13077s | people figure out what the current meta |
13078s | is then they start adjusting mystical |
13080s | might when you are building comps and |
13082s | things like what is the process from |
13084s | going like Hey we're a new alliance |
13086s | tournament the rules are out you know |
13088s | where do you start |
13089s | oh I mean there's so many different |
13091s | things to take into account I don't want |
13092s | to make it sound like an impossible job |
13094s | for newer teams right because like you |
13095s | said newer teams coming into the |
13097s | tournament they can look at what's |
13098s | worked in the past try and replicate |
13100s | that in the current tournament and then |
13101s | they can actually make it fairly foreign |
13102s | I know Rusty hyenas is one of the groups |
13105s | that we shouted out for taking some of |
13106s | those Concepts that we saw in previous |
13108s | tournaments and then replicating that in |
13109s | the feeders and making it into the |
13111s | actual tournament itself |
13112s | um so it can be done |
13114s | um I think |
13115s | there's a lot that needs to go on it |
13117s | needs to be a question of well what are |
13119s | you trying to achieve with your setup |
13120s | right you need to understand what that |
13121s | setup is meant to do before trying to |
13124s | put that set up together so that you can |
13125s | make sure everything fits together |
13126s | properly instead of having you know a |
13128s | celestis and then two broadling ships |
13131s | um because the celestis isn't going to |
13132s | provide you with that much like damage |
13134s | cover because you're going to be in lock |
13135s | range the entire time anyway right |
13137s | there's little things that you need to |
13138s | think about how does this synergize |
13141s | um does this make sense to put these two |
13142s | ships together what is the effect that |
13144s | it's going to have in the actual match |
13146s | against the ships that we're going we're |
13148s | expecting to come up against because you |
13149s | can never really know what you're going |
13150s | up against until it lands on grid one of |
13152s | the stressful things about the alliance |
13154s | tournament the other thing is |
13156s | when teams are copying setups sometimes |
13158s | we see the same ships as another team |
13160s | has brought but the fittings may be |
13162s | different if the team that They're |
13164s | copying hasn't actually lost their ships |
13165s | before that's another thing to take into |
13167s | account right you may understand |
13169s | generally what the comp is meant to do |
13171s | but you really need to think about it |
13173s | and test it and practice it not just |
13174s | copy it on the day and then decide to |
13176s | bring it because you still need to |
13177s | understand what it's meant to be |
13179s | achieving which is just something that |
13181s | teams can keep in mind if they're |
13182s | practicing and they're trying out some |
13183s | of this old Tech that we've seen uh |
13186s | there there's no reason why they can't |
13187s | make it decently fall into a tournament |
13189s | and potentially win some fried ships |
13191s | yeah the price ships now available for |
13193s | the top 16 teams in Alliance tournament |
13196s | 17 and 18 which is uh as you would say |
13199s | C2 Swift poggers yeah that is very Park |
13202s | yeah yeah and uh how what do you think |
13204s | of the price ships this year you were |
13205s | telling me during the break actually |
13207s | quite good uh yeah so we did a little |
13209s | bit of theory crafting uh to see like |
13211s | what exactly should these ships do and |
13214s | ccbb uh Suzuki Paragon CBB convict and |
13217s | since we zealous and myself came up with |
13220s | like some really great ideas they were |
13222s | actually horrible ideas but they seemed |
13225s | great to us because they were really |
13227s | funny at least they seemed great to me |
13228s | because they were really funny but we |
13231s | settled on uh with the web drone bonus |
13234s | and the web zone strength |
13236s | um probably makes them a much better |
13238s | ship over 10 effective launchers on the |
13241s | best luck I know some people thought it |
13243s | might be the worst love but no it's the |
13245s | best it's really good uh you get a vindi |
13247s | Webb at like 40 kilometers who's gonna |
13250s | be mad about that |
13252s | I think it really landed in the great |
13254s | spot and I'm excited to see these ships |
13256s | kill people on TQ but I'm more excited |
13258s | to see these ships explode yeah and I |
13261s | actually went on and I looked up the |
13262s | name so it's it's called Gary and I was |
13265s | like where else does this name come from |
13266s | and it turns out the frackie or frecky |
13269s | uh comes from it's one of Odin's dogs I |
13271s | believe and Gary is the other one is |
13273s | that correct uh they're they're like |
13275s | brothers or cousins or something yeah |
13277s | who knows how this whole mythology works |
13279s | yeah |
13280s | no CBB knows exactly how we could |
13282s | actually probably ask him uh but yeah |
13285s | but he's not here yeah he's left he's |
13287s | flown away he's gone yeah he's gone with |
13290s | the frickian oh no no the whatever hey |
13293s | Gary I think it's still still named |
13294s | after Jerry Harwell that's my uh that's |
13296s | my theory we did have a pretty intense |
13298s | Spice Girls debate |
13300s | uh at the office and um excuse me Aurora |
13304s | also mentioned that the uh ship also |
13307s | sounds like an old polish woman so uh in |
13310s | her head that's that's what that ship is |
13311s | there you go yeah uh now I want to come |
13314s | back to Mystical might |
13316s | um so we talked a little bit about how |
13317s | you start building a comp but once |
13319s | you've got that comp and you've got a |
13321s | team set up how do you actually go about |
13323s | testing it and practicing with it to |
13324s | actually learn about what it does |
13326s | so again there's a few different ways |
13329s | that you can go about this I know some |
13331s | teams have favored open practices in a |
13333s | way so there used to be some open |
13335s | practices that went on where |
13337s | um scrims would be organized by somebody |
13339s | and then teams could turn up on the day |
13340s | and they'd get matched up against teams |
13342s | that they've never played before in |
13343s | comps that they've not discussed and |
13345s | it's just literally like it would be in |
13347s | the alliance tournament you go in you |
13349s | fight you die you win |
13351s | you figure out what the weaknesses of |
13352s | your compound what the strengths of the |
13353s | compar and then you go back and work on |
13355s | it other teams especially some of the |
13358s | high performing teams that we've seen |
13359s | like truth on the light we form Volta |
13362s | presumably Odin's call um lock Ranger |
13364s | enjoyers |
13365s | um tuskers I'm sure will probably have |
13368s | practice partners |
13370s | who they will scrim with |
13373s | a few times a week for months |
13376s | in advance of the actual tournament |
13377s | happening to figure out okay what are |
13379s | the different options that we have what |
13381s | are the strengths and weaknesses of the |
13382s | team that we're playing against which is |
13383s | something that factors in when you end |
13385s | up going against your practice Partners |
13387s | um and yeah it's just about whittling |
13389s | away at different ideas the spanner in |
13391s | the works comes in when CCP releases a |
13393s | patch a week or so in advance of the |
13395s | tournament and then everyone's |
13397s | scrambling to figure out |
13398s | what ships are actually good sometimes |
13401s | they get tricked Navy getting enjoyers |
13403s | um Navy Dominics enjoys |
13405s | um and sometimes yeah it's fairly good |
13407s | like the Navy executor which we've seen |
13409s | uh field in and then banned a bunch just |
13411s | because it's really performing well same |
13413s | with the Navy Osprey I think Navy |
13414s | caracals as well yeah they've been |
13416s | performing really well in this |
13417s | tournament so yeah I mean there's |
13419s | a few things that you can get done in |
13421s | the few months leading up to tournament |
13423s | there's some things that you need to |
13424s | kind of adapt to on the fly as things |
13426s | happen as comps are shown uh but yeah |
13428s | yeah just find yourself a practice |
13430s | partner but try not to get yourself |
13432s | trapped into an echo chamber so don't do |
13434s | internals solely internals do you find |
13437s | other people that you can fly against |
13438s | yeah it's a really important thing to |
13440s | mention |
13441s | um another thing that's really tricky |
13443s | when you do internal testing only |
13445s | is some of the practices can get a |
13447s | little bit intense |
13448s | uh and you're spending hundreds of hours |
13450s | with these people and uh sometimes you |
13453s | know those tensions can flare a little |
13454s | bit uh I'm sorry Mr Rife if you're |
13457s | watching |
13458s | um you're a good man |
13460s | awesome now uh Messi you mentioned some |
13463s | of these new ships in fact I do believe |
13464s | we have a short video we can uh we can |
13466s | throw up about those right now |
13473s | you've already seen eight new ships |
13475s | released last month and with Uprising |
13477s | expansion we're expanding the selection |
13479s | of navy ships even further with a new |
13482s | set of Navy destroyers for each faction |
13484s | as well as navy dreadnoughts we chose |
13487s | these ships because they'll fill some |
13488s | gaps in the existing Navy lineup as well |
13490s | as creating new and diverse engagements |
13492s | in the faction Warfare ecosystem with |
13494s | the dreadnoughts we wanted to give |
13496s | players something that was really |
13497s | aspirational a large goal to work |
13499s | towards something really special and |
13501s | something that will help to mix up the |
13503s | capital ecosystem elsewhere in the game |
13505s | we want to find new and unique uses for |
13507s | these ships in the Eve online ecosystem |
13509s | that isn't just going to step on the |
13511s | toes of other existing vessels each |
13514s | faction has their own like kind of like |
13517s | mini guidelines regarding that the |
13519s | Phoenix is uh for example like a ship |
13522s | that uh needed to be updated the base |
13525s | Phoenix itself is getting all the uh new |
13528s | textures and model pieces that the Navy |
13532s | one has minus some details that we just |
13535s | uniquely made for the for the Navy |
13537s | version for every animation or if I |
13540s | stayed the ship can go in we've added |
13542s | more animations incorporating uh VFX so |
13546s | like if something is moving there's a |
13549s | really good chance that some VFX are |
13551s | involved the end and uh highlighting |
13554s | that I can't wait to see these ships get |
13556s | into your hands see what you do with |
13557s | them and look at the deaths on ziko |
13569s | whereas CCP Aurora and CSV bunny virus |
13571s | there with some information about the |
13572s | new ships to be swift you turned to me |
13574s | in the middle of that and said I've got |
13575s | a good one for this |
13577s | uh so these ships you cannot find the |
13579s | alliance tournament they were the Navy |
13581s | dreads that we showcased uh incredibly |
13583s | cool ships you need to be an Omega pilot |
13585s | to Pilot those new ships and it just so |
13588s | happens until November 22nd in the new |
13590s | Eden store uh you can get seven days |
13593s | free Omega |
13594s | a great plug yeah I did it Well Done |
13598s | we've actually been into that all |
13599s | weekend and we just kept forgetting yeah |
13600s | I know I kept forgetting too and then it |
13603s | seems to be Castrol said it in chat and |
13604s | I was like oh he's better at this than |
13606s | me yeah it's like so many things but |
13608s | yeah uh mystical might as an Omega |
13610s | enjoyer how would you go on about |
13612s | getting this seven day free uh so what |
13615s | you do I believe this is the way is to |
13618s | log in to Eve online perhaps as an alpha |
13620s | account crazy I know and then to open up |
13623s | the new Eden store and it should just be |
13625s | little 7 Day Omega zero Plex cost you |
13628s | just redeem that to your account and |
13630s | Away you go I don't know if you need to |
13632s | re-log to make sure that it fully takes |
13633s | effect but I don't think so I think |
13635s | we've got past the stage of needing to |
13637s | re-log for things now yeah we're really |
13639s | good at the at that stuff yeah yeah |
13642s | speaking of other things that we're good |
13644s | at narrative is a new Focus these days |
13647s | and we have a short video on that |
13650s | foreign |
13655s | design is something that we started |
13657s | earlier this year we well we have done |
13660s | it sometime in the past in some shapes |
13662s | or form but we sort of wanted to |
13664s | escalate it so like in the past in the |
13666s | lead up to for example Abyssal debt |
13668s | space we had a story going on and kind |
13672s | of mystery and things for players to |
13675s | discover etc etc and we sort of wanted |
13678s | to apply that to basically as much as we |
13682s | can when we're creating new features for |
13685s | you online this summer we have had |
13687s | things happening around athenon where |
13689s | kaltarian galactir are extracting it out |
13692s | we have things happening in Turner where |
13696s | the Amar started having just other |
13699s | transmuters and and the minister trying |
13701s | to stop them we have Tech races between |
13704s | the empires and we want these player |
13707s | activities and events really sort of |
13709s | control how the features are rosed out |
13712s | then in whatsoever and then that players |
13714s | actually do affect the storyline and |
13717s | their history of of new Eden for example |
13720s | with the uh with the gate Construction |
13722s | in athenon both the kaltari wanted to |
13724s | get into atanan and the galante and it |
13727s | was totally up to the players to |
13729s | determine when or if their empire |
13732s | managed to construct the gate into atan |
13734s | and we are quite willing if players do |
13737s | not manage to actually |
13739s | construct the gate you know meet the |
13741s | requirements for the Empire to actually |
13743s | construct the game into into ultimate |
13744s | they will never get the gate into atana |
13747s | it's always totally and completely in in |
13749s | player hands |
13750s | what we are really trying is to co-write |
13753s | the story of new eaten with players and |
13756s | player input and make player input |
13758s | meaningful to that story have them |
13761s | actually affect the politics of new it |
13763s | and and the world of newly |
13772s | there you are hearing a little bit about |
13773s | the narrative arcs currently in the game |
13776s | from the uprising expansion Turner was |
13779s | pretty cool |
13780s | um I don't know if you guys noticed but |
13781s | the star blew up |
13782s | um space Gandalf uh is no longer a thing |
13786s | he is now dead send-off standoff that's |
13788s | he's that's actually not his name he's |
13790s | got a real name it seems to be Loki who |
13792s | you just heard from uh has this |
13794s | incredible backstory with him about him |
13796s | with the CB delegate zero |
13798s | um he's dead though |
13805s | they were too stubborn to evacuate they |
13807s | were like guys we got this we've got the |
13810s | powers to prevent this whole thing from |
13812s | exploding turns out the whole thing |
13815s | exploded anyway and they didn't stop it |
13817s | hmm that's a big sad yeah uh speaking of |
13821s | big sad uh let's go to the look at the |
13822s | bands and see what truth on the light |
13824s | and Odin's call are going to choose not |
13826s | to see this time |
13829s | so truth or like Banning out the Osprey |
13832s | the Stormbreaker hyena Odin's call |
13834s | Banning out the Nighthawk the guardian |
13835s | the pontifex the trickle bands I'm |
13837s | assuming uh this is uh there are no |
13840s | trickle bands uh at all this is indeed a |
13842s | mistake this is a nice ship you can look |
13844s | at you can enjoy it but please do ignore |
13846s | it mystical might what do you see here I |
13849s | do like the nun bands it's a non bands |
13851s | are pretty good I don't ban a lot of |
13852s | ships every match that's true most trips |
13854s | are unbanned in each match um in fact |
13856s | let's list them yeah absolutely not I |
13860s | mean it's interesting to see the |
13861s | guardian pontifex band coming in |
13863s | pontifex driving people more towards the |
13864s | Magus I can't quite remember if |
13869s | these are the conquest bands so of |
13871s | course not so the Magus was not fielded |
13873s | so it's not banned so the magoose is |
13876s | loose the goose is loose yeah so the |
13877s | conquest bands here uh for truth when I |
13879s | like the Oracle the hurricane flea |
13881s | tissue the executor Navy issue which of |
13883s | course has just been buffed is now super |
13884s | popular the Absolution the Hecate the |
13887s | augura Navy issue the executor the |
13890s | non-navy issue one the histarity and the |
13892s | Muller so CP Swift what do you think we |
13895s | might see coming up in this match from |
13896s | trotonal light |
13899s | of ships I have no idea what we're gonna |
13901s | see uh but I think we're gonna see a |
13903s | heck of a lot of swagger uh the way |
13905s | truth honor light went through the Volta |
13906s | team I think they're just surging right |
13908s | now uh I don't think there's anything |
13910s | that can stop them uh even those |
13913s | Conquest bands I think they're just |
13914s | gonna as bar was mentioning plug some |
13916s | new ships in there do some space math |
13918s | and get a good team out of it somehow |
13921s | um mystical might your thoughts uh so in |
13923s | any other year I would actually kind of |
13925s | know what the theory was but with the |
13927s | patch happening not long before we |
13929s | actually traveled over uh to put on the |
13931s | production I actually have no idea what |
13932s | the theory looks like at the end of it |
13934s | so some of the comps that I've seen I've |
13936s | kind of panicked over a little bit |
13938s | um so yeah I have no idea what we're |
13939s | gonna see this time |
13940s | so this is |
13942s | um as mentioned this is a best of Five |
13944s | series that we're in we're currently two |
13945s | matches deep into it |
13947s | um truth wanna like have the opportunity |
13948s | now to seal this up and become the |
13951s | alliance from 18 Grand Champions Odin's |
13954s | call massive shout out to them they have |
13956s | uh done just incredible work to get here |
13958s | to this point they performed incredibly |
13961s | like they didn't drop a single match |
13962s | until they reached this Grand Final |
13965s | against uh truth on a light which you |
13967s | know one of the most experienced teams |
13969s | uh in the entire Alliance tournament |
13970s | like just in history like all the |
13972s | players that are in that team now and |
13974s | Odin's call I mean there's a bunch of |
13975s | really experienced players there like |
13976s | Colonel Kirch from NC DOT uh he's |
13978s | previously not managed to get past |
13980s | fourth place so well done to him getting |
13982s | second place at least potentially first |
13984s | place I think I'm winning three in a row |
13985s | uh which you know it's a tough order of |
13988s | CCP Swift do you think Odin's maybe can |
13989s | pull that off |
13990s | um it has been done before uh winning |
13992s | three in a row in a best of five grand |
13994s | final |
13995s | um I don't know it's just so hard uh I |
13998s | was talking to Susie B |
14001s | and I think Misty or maybe it was |
14002s | Blackboard pirate |
14004s | um generally speaking the team that goes |
14007s | into the elimination bracket has the |
14009s | better run in the grand finals they just |
14011s | have like uh more |
14013s | um more Swagger we can call it but |
14015s | they've got more matches played they're |
14016s | kind of like going full speed and they |
14019s | know exactly like what their next uh |
14022s | Team or next opponent is going to be |
14023s | like they know what their like wingman's |
14025s | gonna do they're just in a really great |
14026s | Rhythm and it's hard to break that |
14029s | Odin's call they had an amazing route to |
14031s | get here but they've had to kind of sit |
14033s | all day and watch what was unfolding |
14035s | ahead of them and when you sit there and |
14037s | watch you're like ah what are these guys |
14039s | going to do to us you might overthink |
14040s | some things you just kind of get out of |
14042s | your groove a little bit |
14044s | um so it is possible for Owens called to |
14046s | do it they are talented enough they've |
14048s | got the theory Crafters they've got the |
14049s | pilots they've got the skill but I think |
14051s | that one little thing that truth or |
14054s | light has is just that little bit more |
14056s | uh steam in the uh pocket that's where I |
14060s | keep my steam as well yeah pocket I want |
14062s | to quickly go to Twitch chat and just |
14064s | have a look and see what the twitch |
14065s | Channel points are at right now so |
14068s | um |
14069s | 1.16 million twitch Channel points uh |
14072s | currently an Odin's call uh to |
14075s | 3.24 million on truth on the light so |
14078s | over nearly four and a half million |
14080s | Channel points right now uh with the |
14081s | majority of them 75 of them going |
14083s | towards truth on the light so you guys |
14085s | out there uh putting your channel points |
14087s | behind truth on a light uh mystical |
14089s | Knight |
14090s | what are your thoughts predictions truth |
14092s | on a light |
14094s | that is that is the prediction that's |
14096s | easy to be Swift I'm gonna spam this |
14098s | ball for Owen's call uh I just want to |
14100s | see more matches uh and I know Odin can |
14102s | Owens can do it so uh yeah let's let's |
14105s | spam this ball for one's call okay I've |
14107s | just been informed that there is narrow |
14108s | delay uh we were we were on schedule |
14111s | last time I wasn't far but now there is |
14113s | delay uh in local so uh CP Swift you're |
14115s | over here not to come how's it been for |
14117s | you uh it's weird it's like foggy and |
14120s | then when it's not foggy it's like rainy |
14121s | there was one day it was sunny |
14123s | uh I was talking to uh cgp arcade about |
14126s | this because he's he's from the UK I was |
14128s | like what's with this weather he's like |
14129s | a home sweet home I sent him a picture |
14131s | every day and he just smiled |
14133s | and uh how is it compared to the weather |
14135s | over in Reykjavik it's hey technically |
14139s | warmer yeah it is warmer uh it's there's |
14142s | more sun there's less dark |
14145s | um I know I like Reykjavik weather it's |
14147s | fun yeah you'll be experiencing it soon |
14149s | that's true uh I'm currently looking to |
14151s | be right there in February |
14153s | um obviously no PCP overload uh I've |
14155s | been working in Reykjavik |
14157s | um yeah look forward to that and do you |
14158s | know who else is going to be in |
14159s | Reykjavik soon Fan Fest oh good good |
14162s | tell us about Fan Fest yeah uh Fan Fest |
14165s | we released the dates for Fan Fest I |
14167s | believe it's the last week of September |
14168s | uh excuse me conduct was talking about |
14170s | it earlier today or yesterday |
14173s | I don't remember he did a much better |
14175s | job than I'm about to uh We've expanded |
14178s | like the the area that we've had a |
14179s | little bit uh actually quite a bit I |
14181s | think we've more than doubled the size |
14183s | uh leading up to the 20th anniversary |
14186s | um there's already been a lot of |
14188s | planning already done for it the art |
14190s | that you saw there's like cool little |
14191s | teasers in there uh some breadcrumbs |
14194s | there's like a real Eve constellation in |
14195s | the background if you can guess what it |
14197s | is you do win a prize |
14200s | I didn't want to commit to that one |
14203s | too late you win a prize directly from |
14206s | me it might be not be a good prize but |
14209s | you'll win a prize if you can guess the |
14211s | the systems in the background awesome uh |
14214s | well I believe the teams are landing on |
14215s | grid so we can uh pretty much get ready |
14217s | to go to this match and again just to |
14219s | remind you this is the match point |
14221s | Championship point for truth or not if |
14223s | they if they can win this they can pull |
14224s | this off then they go home as winners if |
14226s | Odin's call can pull a match off of them |
14228s | then they extend this and potentially |
14230s | give themselves an opportunity to come |
14232s | back let's go through that and find out |
14233s | if this match between truth on the light |
14235s | and Odin's call |
14241s | welcome back Theory and everybody for |
14243s | game three of this Grand Final and |
14244s | potentially the last game if truth on |
14246s | the light are able to take Clean Sweep |
14248s | 3-0 and what are these comps looking |
14249s | like fear vinyl what have they got |
14252s | well on the audience call side the brunt |
14254s | Shields kind with dual bar guests and |
14257s | flag burgers for truth on our light and |
14260s | armor control which we saw them play |
14261s | this comp earlier today yeah and I think |
14264s | these bogus as you say it's a flag bogus |
14265s | for truth on the line I think it's not a |
14267s | flag Bargas for Odin's Colonel Kurtz and |
14269s | yokan just flying regular Bargas so if |
14271s | they lose here they'll be out of the |
14272s | tournament but the flag bogus will |
14274s | indeed still be alive which is you know |
14276s | sort of a minor |
14277s | um minor status minor point to have you |
14281s | know I mean aside from coming second |
14282s | place in the alliance tournament and |
14283s | scoring Oodles of ships |
14286s | Odin's called for the first time uh in |
14289s | this finals has the larger attack bar on |
14292s | their side but they have a much smaller |
14294s | control bar and a bit of a smaller |
14295s | defense bar as well and we saw truth on |
14297s | our light being able to use these low |
14299s | damage comps to some effect earlier |
14301s | today versus Volta the match is now |
14302s | underway and burning in actually is this |
14306s | Confessor of Amelia dust based towards |
14307s | the center of the Arena as Odin's call |
14309s | begins to start to kite out with their |
14311s | HML ships yeah true something like as |
14313s | you said bring in this kind of comp |
14315s | multiple times they keep bringing these |
14317s | black birds I was thinking at the start |
14318s | of the day if they're obviously starting |
14319s | off against um tuskers in the lower |
14322s | bracket and then going through vulture |
14323s | as well they keep bringing these |
14324s | blackbirds they can't keep getting away |
14325s | with it but it seems they can they can |
14327s | just keep bringing this ECM and no team |
14328s | seems to have really found an answer to |
14330s | this double Blackbird combo the truth on |
14331s | the light seems to field here they they |
14333s | combine these double blackbirds |
14336s | um using their powerful execution as a |
14338s | team with sort of lower DPS comps than |
14339s | you might expect this is a comp we saw |
14341s | the other day just the Bargas the EOS |
14342s | and the authors really providing the |
14343s | majority of their damage but with those |
14345s | jams they know if they can get the jam |
14346s | on the Scythe they can probably have |
14348s | enough time to take out you know a Navy |
14349s | caracal or a jackdaw one of the smaller |
14351s | ships on the on the Odin School side |
14353s | yeah and blackbirds I mean they've got a |
14355s | jam strength bonus but it's not a |
14357s | massive one uh but they still aren't |
14360s | gonna be somewhat effective against the |
14361s | Scythe because he does have T1 uh sensor |
14364s | strength so now it's going into kadash |
14367s | presets right now with these hmls being |
14369s | used by owner's call but it doesn't look |
14371s | like uh they have decided to use the |
14373s | rapid heavy Clips on them yet |
14376s | yeah but I mean I don't see why they |
14378s | wouldn't they need to start shooting |
14379s | something because at some point as you |
14380s | say this Scythe Tech One sensor strength |
14382s | it is going to get jammed at some point |
14383s | that is basically an eventuality this |
14385s | Scythe will be jammed at some point |
14387s | during this match and when that happens |
14389s | truth on the light are going to pounce |
14391s | and they are going to kill something so |
14392s | Odin's cool need to make something |
14394s | happen while that's life isn't jammed |
14396s | because this this truth on a light |
14397s | compost I said it's not huge damage it |
14399s | can probably hold Odin's core can |
14401s | probably hold reasonably well while this |
14403s | Scythe is is unjammed the jam is the key |
14406s | aspect of the truth on light comp once |
14407s | that jam lands that's when they can make |
14409s | progress and this Jack door of ethyl now |
14411s | is going into armor |
14415s | going in looking for the tackle and |
14417s | that's the commit from Odin's call he's |
14419s | now going to try to burn away as these |
14421s | bar guests from Odin's get close to him |
14424s | he's gonna be able to Scranton kite them |
14425s | away it's a beautiful bait perhaps the |
14427s | stork from Odin's now coming in right on |
14429s | top of him he's gonna be able to land |
14431s | the scram but he will not be long for |
14433s | the world if uh truth on her light have |
14435s | anything to say about it they take out |
14437s | the jackdaw and now they're on those |
14438s | caracal Navy as well this flag bargist |
14441s | is scrammed he is currently uh tackled |
14444s | but it's not gonna be for long because |
14446s | they're immediately onto the stork and |
14447s | he's not in range of the Scythe reps |
14449s | yeah now that yeah the stalk goes down |
14451s | as well and Dex is completely holding |
14453s | here onto the wraps and again I hate to |
14455s | call it so early just 16 points to zero |
14457s | but it's looking pretty disastrous here |
14459s | for Odin's call already he's just barely |
14461s | three minutes into the match and Hydra |
14463s | have already managed to execute their |
14465s | comp to Perfection and wipe out a |
14466s | significant portion without really |
14467s | giving anything away and that's the |
14469s | thing that well I mean the thing there's |
14471s | so many things that are impressive about |
14472s | this Hydra team but one of the things is |
14473s | they don't give you anything for free |
14475s | none of these Pilots you know Screw Up |
14477s | and and are in the wrong place at the |
14479s | wrong time doing the wrong thing every |
14481s | pilot is on the ball they're all |
14483s | coordinated they all know where they |
14484s | need to be what they need to be doing |
14486s | and they're not going to give you any |
14487s | any free points you need to earn them |
14489s | and it's so so difficult |
14490s | yeah no one's call too quick to pounce |
14493s | on the bait from Dexter shio beautifully |
14494s | baited using the I would assume off of |
14497s | the scram range on that Bargas to great |
14499s | effect they're gonna lose Hodor in this |
14501s | Osprey Navy issue as well the caracal |
14504s | Navy issue of Martin might be the next |
14505s | Target he has a little bit damage onto |
14507s | his shield but uh Hodor out of xlasp |
14509s | charges he goes down and no one has died |
14512s | from truth under light once again |
14514s | yeah it's still just the power of the |
14516s | Nero strips from General Hungary |
14517s | obviously a pilot on the ball and all |
14519s | the rep Bots that they've got from |
14520s | example the EOS the bar guest they just |
14522s | don't have the damage to really break |
14523s | through anything and this is going to be |
14525s | the end of Odin's call unfortunately |
14527s | going 3-0 well getting three zero sorry |
14530s | buy truth on a light in the final just |
14531s | as Volta did last year but let's just |
14533s | take a couple minutes as I'm assuming |
14535s | they're not they're not gonna they're |
14537s | not gonna stage a comeback here with the |
14538s | jams getting more and more oppressive on |
14539s | the settings of course like let's just |
14540s | take a minute to appreciate the progress |
14542s | that Odin's call have made over the last |
14544s | couple of years and obviously to get |
14546s | this far in this tournament in |
14548s | particular I mean a lot of teams we see |
14549s | sometimes they come through the |
14550s | tournament we see a bunch of teams in |
14552s | the past third and fourth places are not |
14553s | going to name any names but they get |
14555s | particularly easy runs you know they get |
14556s | a lucky bracket draw Odin's on the other |
14558s | hand they went through the feeders they |
14559s | clawed their way through they faced |
14561s | paper numbers who finished filing highly |
14562s | in the AG they they fought nanofiber |
14564s | tokens they fought templates they beat |
14566s | tuskers they beat Volta they have not |
14569s | had an easy run so to finish second |
14571s | place here although it's going to be |
14572s | heartbreaking at the moment for this |
14573s | Odin's team it's a really really |
14575s | admirable achievement |
14576s | yeah and it's their best ever at finish |
14578s | I'm excited to see what comes with them |
14580s | next uh we will have another anger games |
14582s | sometime I've been told although that is |
14585s | not completely confirmed yet by the |
14587s | organizers of that but I know yinton is |
14589s | perhaps running a tournament off his own |
14591s | he might say something about that uh so |
14593s | we will have more tournaments on the |
14594s | alliance tournament coming up at the |
14596s | beginning of next year I'll be excited |
14598s | for those as well I know a lot of these |
14600s | top at teams don't necessarily show up |
14603s | for that uh truth honor light AKA Hydro |
14605s | didn't field a team for it uh for anger |
14607s | games neither do tuskers right but it |
14610s | should be fun to watch nonetheless |
14613s | yeah and we see GFS coming out in locals |
14615s | now obviously both these teams they know |
14616s | us on grid they know that it's written |
14619s | at this point the bar guests are going |
14620s | to go down the Scythe I believe of toast |
14622s | brought boundaries they know it's over |
14624s | um and yeah congratulations I've said |
14626s | I've said congratulations to audience |
14627s | call for finishing second of course |
14628s | extra congratulations to Hydra for |
14630s | finishing first it's just been a |
14632s | wonderful performance from them |
14633s | throughout the tournament |
14635s | um I'm surprised a little bit that at |
14638s | the meta really I mean we saw all sorts |
14640s | of different stuff from them and they |
14641s | excused it wonderfully but we never |
14642s | really saw |
14644s | they kept coming back to these same sort |
14646s | of they had a bunch of varied ideas but |
14648s | they kept coming back to them it seems |
14649s | like maybe they've still got something |
14651s | in store that we won't actually get to |
14652s | see because Hydra when pushed up against |
14654s | the wall you know with their backs |
14656s | against the wall they often bring out |
14657s | something that's totally different |
14658s | something that I remember a final |
14660s | against Vidor I think it was in 80 16 a |
14664s | couple years ago they brought up |
14665s | something totally wacky with like a |
14666s | bunch of drekov Acts and Legions or |
14667s | whatever it was nothing like anything |
14669s | we'd seen all tournament they lost with |
14670s | it but unfortunately on this occasion I |
14672s | think we're just not going to get to see |
14673s | what truth online still has left in the |
14675s | tank |
14677s | no we won't and the rules are going to |
14679s | change next year I fully expect scripted |
14681s | D War to be back down in the dumpster |
14682s | where it belongs uh might not even see |
14685s | the t2 versions of those e-war modules |
14687s | just for extra spite we will see I'm not |
14690s | sure who's after mimitar of the rotation |
14692s | I feel like it's either caldari or Amar |
14694s | but I could be wrong because I was not |
14696s | around for the original Empire ATS I |
14699s | think it's actually the one you didn't |
14701s | name I think it's actually glensco it's |
14702s | just because the YouTube addressed here |
14704s | I think they're older than the than the |
14706s | I don't know about the tournaments |
14707s | themselves but I think I remember the |
14709s | utu and adrestia are older than the |
14710s | cambian and the whatever but anyway |
14712s | that's going to be it from us truth on |
14714s | light taking this Clean Sweep in the |
14716s | finals three zero congratulations to |
14717s | them congratulations again to Odin's |
14719s | call very admirable performance coming |
14720s | second I've been the Basilisk he's been |
14722s | for Viner thank you very much for |
14723s | watching and we'll see you whenever we |
14725s | see you in the next tournament |
14729s | [Music] |
14745s | thank you |
14750s | [Music] |
14766s | [Applause] |
14770s | [Music] |
14774s | [Applause] |
14777s | no no no no no no no no no no no |
14781s | connected Channel switched |
14784s | well it would have been a easy fight |
14785s | right but guess what dude I'm not if |
14787s | seeing it people can't get they're fit |
14790s | together |
14794s | gosh our enemies your temps are |
14796s | completely damned out Crush I'm damped |
14798s | out I'm dumped out you don't like Travis |
14800s | boys |
14802s | yeah everything down I've not been able |
14804s | to look |
14808s | I'm jammed |
14810s | and there we have it truth honor light |
14812s | are the grand champions of Alliance |
14814s | tournament 18 in a three-nail victory |
14817s | over Odin's call it was hard for Odin's |
14820s | called it a fantastic job uh to get this |
14823s | far in the tournament but unfortunately |
14824s | for them truth honor light we're just |
14826s | too powerful they're power level which |
14828s | is that little bit higher uh I mean from |
14830s | all of us here in the studio uh thank |
14833s | you so much for watching it's been an |
14834s | absolute pleasure to bring this |
14835s | tournament to you we hope you enjoyed it |
14837s | and uh we look forward to seeing you |
14839s | next year for livestream18 I'm gonna |
14840s | open this beer which has been a prop for |
14842s | all the tournament thus far and I'm |
14844s | gonna drink it and say cheers to you |
14845s | guys and yeah see you next time |
14848s | okay |
14849s | [Applause] |
14853s | [Music] |
14888s | foreign |
14891s | [Music] |
14922s | foreign |
14927s | [Music] |
14958s | foreign |
14964s | [Music] |
14990s | foreign |
14998s | [Music] |