almost 6 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s on the 6th of May 2019 the Eve community
3s celebrates a massive milestone Eve
6s online 16th birthday new Eden's story
9s now has more than a decade and a half of
11s battles betrayals a political drama
14s itched into an ongoing narrative that
16s continues to evolve as pilots from
18s across the globe shape the Eve universe
20s to celebrate this milestone we are proud
23s to announce a special anniversary event
25s from the 2nd to the 20th of May all
28s pilots will be able to claim a variety
30s of valuable rewards some collectible and
32s others more practical rewards include a
35s unique permabanned skin a controversial
37s silver monocle nostalgic trinkets that
40s chart some of the most significant
41s events on capsuleer history and the end
44s reward is a whopping 1 million skill
46s points that pilots can spend however
48s they see fit
49s many of these rewards will be unique and
51s exclusive never to be made available
53s again once this anniversary is passed
55s and this means they'll probably be in
57s high demand regardless of your standing
60s experience or play style all will prove
63s useful to any pilot new or old simply
66s log into EVE Online between the 2nd and
68s the 20th of May and you'll successfully
71s claim the birthday reward for that day
73s pilots playing for free will receive
75s valuable rewards and those who are Omega
78s will receive even more by staking your
80s claim you'll join hundreds of thousands
83s of others in celebrating Eve's continued
85s coming of age what stories are waiting
87s to be told in the next 16 years of EVE
89s Online log in celebrate the 16th
92s anniversary of Eve and be part of
94s shaping new Eden's next 16 years
96s [Applause]
97s [Music]