about 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

Filing a ticket is the best way. We the ComDevs are also on Twitter and various Discords as well as being here on the forums, though we may miss some things on here just due to the overall chatter.

The Ouija board will only get you in contact with CCP Valdimar, and that’s something nobody wants -_-

about 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

I had no idea about this. Could you file a ticket on it?

I kid I kid.

I’ll point this to the devs though, thanks for pointing it out to me.

about 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

Red card! No linux bashing!

about 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

Ok I’ll take the card back. I’m weak when it comes to emojis.

But let’s treat our penguins as the wonderful tribe they are :orange_heart: :penguin: :orange_heart:

about 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

I see what you did there

about 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

They never grow old,
they always stay new,
those three little words;
Please and thank you

ernest1000×562 77.9 KB

about 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

One thing here; I read the post and by dev I just automatically assumed you meant someone from community management / development. I blame it on lack of coffee.
If you’re referring to gameplay devs and software devs those that can be directly poked are most often on Twitter, else it’s poking us the community devs and ISDs to relay your message.