5 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s hello everyone and welcome to the stream
6s I'm ccbb and I'm joined by two fantastic
9s senior game designers first of all CCP
11s Nikon welcome hello and we also have CCP
14s nomat welcome hello this is the first
18s out of two segments we're going to do
20s for the Revenant expansion which is
21s coming on the 12th of November we
24s showing this actually this is a
25s pre-recorded segment we decided to do
27s and show in the at break today should be
30s Sunday when you're seeing this uh the
32s thing that we're going to talk about is
34s the uh Stronger goals and project uh
38s that came out we had a Blog come out
40s earlier this week we also had a video
42s with both of you featuring in it and
44s we're also going to talk about the
45s updates coming to Skinner and we're
47s going to dive into the the exact uh
49s parts of that we have expanded feature
52s parameters is one of them I know that's
54s one of your favorites is that correct
56s yeah expanded project
58s parameters yeah it is definitely my my
61s favorite because it allows
64s creating much more complex projects or
68s manifesting much more complex
70s Corporation goals and showing them to to
73s the members and allowing them to
74s contribute Perfect When dive it in just
76s a second but we also have project
79s deadlines something that's been
80s requested to be able to actually put an
83s end to a project and not to run it
85s indefinitely we also have participation
88s limit so uh explain to us what that is
92s so participation limit allows the
95s project Creator to set uh a limit on how
100s much an individual can contribute to a
103s project so for example a project is to
107s bring 10 Carles but the limit is two
111s Carles per member so each member in the
114s Corp can bring only up to two Carles and
117s those will be counted as contributions
120s this allows essentially to spread out
122s the participation among more more
124s members allowing more members to
126s participate in the projects so if in
129s your C you have someone who just does a
133s lot uh in the corporation and brings all
136s the stuff usually person like that would
139s just block other people from
140s contributing so it's to basically stop
142s someone from just hogging all of the uh
144s the core projects and just doing them
146s all before the rest can actually start
148s digging at it as well correct yeah
150s that's correct of course for some
152s projects it is beneficial to have people
154s like that because you you just want the
155s project itself to be completed and and
158s that's the goal but in other instances
160s you want actually engagement from your
162s members and you want that engagement to
164s be across all members so in that case
167s that particular feature is very useful
169s also if you want to incentivize them
171s with something really valuable maybe you
173s don't want one person taking all the
175s rewards it makes a lot of sense and then
177s we also have ship insurance which which
180s is an improvement on the existing
181s feature which we called ship loss which
184s came with equino is that correct that is
186s correct so ship loss was just following
191s the pattern or the framework of core
194s projects that we established so far so
196s it was pretty Limited in functionality
198s as in it required the corporation to
202s create multiple projects one per each
205s ship type that the corporation would
207s want to compensate for and just assign
210s uh fixed isk value um as a reward for
215s contributing in quotes to that
218s project um this time
221s around uh we are releasing ship
223s insurance which is a dynamic
226s contribution method what it
228s means is that every time I lose a ship
233s for example and I'm a member of a Corp
236s that has this project running then that
239s project valuates the kill mail that I
242s received or particularly the the value
245s of the loss which includes the ship and
248s the cargo and the fitting so the value
250s of the loss in es becomes my quote
254s contribution to the project so this is
255s the
257s amount that I will get compensated for
260s so this is automatic in this case and
262s allows one project to handle multiple
265s types of ships and multiple types of
267s feedings like multiple variations of the
270s ships in the doctrine because each loss
273s is evaluated individually and
276s automatically at the same time it allows
279s the project Creator to set up the ratio
283s at which the loss is uh covered so for
287s example I can set it to 100% so the
289s compensation will be exactly the amount
292s displayed on the Kil mail as the value
294s of the loss but I can set it also to 50%
296s or
297s 150% if I want to pay less or more per
301s loss depending of on what the fitting
304s might be or what my intentions are
306s essentially so project deadlines uh the
310s name um itself should be
314s self-explanatory but also it sounds
316s quite dystopian right like we're
319s bringing like corporate deadlines into
321s Eve um so what it does is essentially
324s enables you the project Creator to to
328s create an end date for a project that
330s which it will just automatically expire
333s as simple as that before you had to
337s manually tend to to your project to
339s cancel the ones that you don't want to
341s be running anymore before they got
343s completed in this case you can set the
346s end date in advance so for example if we
349s go with deliver item project we want
352s some item delivered that that be rifter
355s as per
356s usual uh we can select the
358s destination and then the number of items
360s to be delivered okay so this is like my
363s test server is not the
365s fastest
367s um we want like 28 rifters and we can
370s set end
372s date um we have few presets that are
376s just handy so I want this project to be
378s running for one month for example and
381s this uh is adjusted to that date I can
384s change it further I can set like
387s specific day of the month or even an
389s hour in the day it will confirm the
392s actual duration here so 30 days 23 hours
395s 57
396s minutes if I this seems really really
400s useful so since uh aquinox my
402s interaction with Corp goals like this
405s has been um magmatic gas and that's
408s something that I know the person who was
409s tending to to getting Outsourcing the
412s the you know getting of a bunch of
414s magmatic gas he had to tend to it every
416s day every week because the prices were
418s fluctuating so much with something like
420s this you could say I will pay this for
422s magmatic gas for 4 days yeah and then
426s I'll re-evaluate see if the market has
428s changed if I'm underpaying overpaying
431s this seems really really useful yeah
433s exactly and then the project expires and
435s you can easily just right uh just clone
438s it from from this menu right after it
440s expires you can find it in history and
443s just clone the project again and it will
445s have the same preset for days which you
448s can change but you don't have to if you
450s want to do this every 4 days for
452s example it sounds very useful um looking
456s at the uh participation limit I saw
459s there was a ticker there above the end
461s date one is that the one where you you
463s select how often you can contribute to
465s it uh it's not necessarily how often but
468s it is how much one Corp member can
472s provide to this particular project so if
475s we have if the whole project needs 28
478s rifters for example
481s and I limit this to five rifters per
484s member so each individual can bring only
486s up to five for the total amount of up to
489s 28 then it tells me I need at least six
493s at least six members in my Corp to be
496s contributing to this project fully for
498s the project to be completed like if
500s there's less people than that
501s contributing then the project can never
503s be completed because of this limit so
505s this is useful to know like I can know
509s how many people in my Corp can actually
511s um provide some input to this project so
514s this is how I can set this uh limit for
518s it to be
520s realistic that's really cool um ship
524s insurance I know it kind of ties into uh
526s the expanded feature as well but let's
529s talk about ship insurance and how that
530s works so we cannot show ship insurance
534s yet it's still in production okay so
537s it's not ready for all uh yeah
540s yeah um but how would it
545s concept so as described before it every
549s time someone loses a ship in the in the
551s corporation it just takes the kill mail
553s is value of the ship and assigns that as
557s a compensation so it's fully automated
560s and covers all types of ships of course
564s uh with the limitations of which ships
567s you have added but maybe let's talk
569s about expanded project parameters and
571s how that can play
575s with cheap insurance in the future so
578s expanded project parameters
581s is like
583s today let
584s me take this project for
587s example so today you can only specify
591s one value per each parameter in a
593s project so for example this project
594s destroy capsulier ship which is
596s essentially just kill another capsulier
599s uh um today you can input here only one
603s name be that name of a capsulier or a
606s corporation or an alliance or a faction
609s if you are targeting uh FW
612s militia but after November you will be
614s able to include multiple names so for
617s example
619s um I want to Target like minm Republic
622s militia and galente militia at the same
625s time um and I can also Target a
628s particular Corp right like this one I
632s can Target a particular
634s character so I can add up to 10 values
637s per like in this field and those are the
642s relationship between the values is or as
646s in it can be the target can be from
648s minmal Republic or galent Federation or
651s from this Corp or this particular
652s character so this is very powerful way
655s to to set up projects that that are
657s quite complex and I can do that not on
659s in this field capsuleers or
661s organizations but I can do this in for
663s ship types so for example which ship
665s types we want to Target of course we
668s don't like rifters so we target
671s these but I can also Target groups of
676s ships like all
680s battleships so it's it's essentially
682s taking what was one um value per
685s parameter for these these goals and
687s expanding it to just multi parameters
691s per multi per parameter much much more
694s complex goals than you could do uh with
697s the feature before exactly and the same
699s goes for
701s locations to does work with with every
704s project that currently exists no we
707s adding this functionality the expanded
709s project parameters functionality
711s specifically to for existing
714s contribution
715s methods which is destroy capsu ships uh
719s that damage capsule here earn loyalty
722s points and mine
724s materials so these four contribution
726s methods will get this treatment on the
729s release day
731s and over time we'll be adding it to all
733s contribution
735s methods awesome so you could have it
737s like earn this LP or this LP or this LP
740s and then of course you could be taxing
741s that as the as the Corp
743s owner precisely yes uh just last thing
747s about the locations uh this field now
750s will support not only solar systems but
752s also
753s constellations and
755s regions so that's new and that should be
759s very useful for some project
761s types interesting you could be gank all
764s haulers
766s in this region in HEC type of thing yeah
769s and then here's your free Catalyst
773s back nice wink yes wink wink indeed yeah
778s um those are the four different features
780s that are coming this is really taking
782s what uh I mean core projects I know you
785s you added more things or you guys added
787s more things to them in the aquanex
789s expansion which was being built on the
790s the Havoc editions before that this is
794s now now becoming a more and more robust
797s version of Corp calls every time um how
800s much how much further do you think we're
802s going to build this
804s feature uh yes that's the answer
810s like you can still see there are limits
813s to it and we want to expand it because
815s our
816s aim is for organizations to use it
820s to to keep their members engaged um
826s essentially like we have some uh login
830s rewards for example incentivizing
832s players to log in to take their reward
834s and hopefully stay in the game for
836s longer and engage with it this this has
840s similar aim as in every time I log in
844s there's stuff for me to do as a Corp
847s member there's a mission there's
848s something that you know that the group
850s you're in needs doing and and this is
853s how they want to pay you to do it and it
855s doesn't take a person to tell you you
857s can just log in and see it on a list yes
860s like I open the Corp window and I can
862s see all the things that I could
864s contribute to so so now there's a reason
868s for me to to do stuff for the Corp and
870s get paid for it but also to feel
872s valuable for the organization right
875s because the the managers can see who
879s contributes to projects and to what
880s extent and they may offer some extras
883s for it of course this is not uh part of
886s the the system yet they they will do it
888s on on their own but in the future why
890s not why why we shouldn't allow like
893s corporations to give automatically
895s medals for example for participation or
897s some extra rewards so we have a lot of
900s things on our list uh wish list when it
904s comes to this feature and how we want to
906s expand it but of course reality uh will
909s dictate what we'll do next I think it's
912s awesome what you built with it so far
913s and I mean expanding the ship plus into
916s ship insurance this is like you said
918s going to include the the fit of the ship
920s even the the modules in the cargo and
923s you can decide to pay higher for
925s logistic ships that are being lost than
927s Mainline DPS ships so you could be
929s paying like 150 and and
932s incentivizing that you're paying them
934s 150% of the the lodgy ship's worth
936s because you need more logy pilots it's
939s things like that right yeah yeah of
941s course if you put it too high then um
944s you may make it so that it's just
947s unreasonable to fly loogi rather than
949s just lose them in the first minute and
952s then fly another one right because just
955s making money be careful yeah but it does
958s it with a a trust group it opens up like
961s the automating of
963s srping you know you could have have
965s highly you know doctrin ships with
968s things in cargo that they need refits or
970s you know other things and this would
972s cover all of that in certain
975s scenarios yeah and most importantly it's
979s just enough to have one project and it
981s will proportionately cover the losses to
984s what the loss amount was right rather
986s than having to create multiple projects
990s one per each ship type so this this is
993s pretty powerful it is it's a little
996s scary too as an FC if if everyone starts
998s looting the grid and then dying you're
999s like oh
1000s no everyone you see real time how the
1004s cor wallet shrinks
1007s yeah I think this is fantastic uh I
1010s think this has really gotten to a point
1012s where I I know people have been using
1013s this a bunch in the last year I know
1015s they started using it more after aquinox
1018s and the kind kind of feed back we were
1019s getting from players it seems to be
1021s building on those things they were
1022s asking for multiple parameters uh they
1025s were asking for a timed Corp goal so
1027s they wouldn't have to manually do all
1029s the work of turning them off and making
1031s new ones like that this is becoming a
1033s really cool feature yes like all all the
1037s additions that we are making um we're
1040s getting them mostly from player feedback
1042s but at the same time it just matches
1045s what we wanted to do anyway so it it's
1047s just beautiful to to provide the
1048s features that we wanted to to do but
1051s also that we hear from from the players
1053s from you uh of what you want so all the
1057s expanded project parameters or like the
1059s limit per contributor specifically this
1061s was asked by CSM but also I saw it on
1064s Reddit similar with end date like you
1068s want this stuff there you go it's
1072s fantastic um thank you very much I'm
1074s going to hop over to CP neon now we're
1076s going to look at the updates coming to
1078s the uh the skinner but if you see
1080s anything feel free to chime in as well
1082s Mr NAD thank so CCP neon let's actually
1085s talk about Skinner now and let's talk
1088s about where that's going uh with the the
1091s update that's coming yeah so first of
1094s all we have targeted listings which is
1097s at the very top of my list here yeah
1099s it's the probably the most requested
1101s feature is that correct uh here it might
1103s be easier for me to just show you as
1105s well absolutely if I go into my
1107s collection I have a skin
1110s that uh I can
1112s sell by the way but yeah thank you uh in
1115s the availability um you can choose to
1118s make it public which is available for
1121s everyone and then it just goes on the on
1123s the paragan Hub correct like it like it
1125s has been since Equinox exactly exactly
1128s um and then you could also select it
1131s just for your corporation so anyone in
1134s your corporation can then buy it and
1136s it's locked to only your corporation so
1138s no one else can see it um you can also
1141s do the same with uh your alliance uh
1144s through the my alliance um option and
1148s same thing locked only to your alliance
1151s and anyone in your alliance can purchase
1152s it at that point or you can put in
1155s specific and you can type in anything
1158s that you want um
1161s so like and if it searches
1167s oh lady name there we go yeah lady name
1169s so I could sell it directly to that
1171s person and no one else would be able to
1173s buy it at that point um so it's very
1177s cool very uh powerful in that sense so
1181s corporations will be able to distribute
1183s skins so everyone can fly the same
1185s colors uh if you're making skins as a as
1189s a new job um for your character you can
1192s sell them directly to someone if you've
1195s worked out a deal with them um and you
1197s can list it for any price that you want
1200s um one of the the big things though is
1203s if you're selling for your corporation
1206s uh to your corporation or to your
1207s alliance and you're a brand
1209s manager um if you have the brand manager
1212s role uh when you sell it uh you won't
1215s get dinged with any uh Hub vendor fees
1218s or Hub listing fees um so you're able to
1222s to put certain people in charge of being
1223s the brand manager of the the Corp yes
1227s and those can then make skins just like
1229s we've been doing since aquinox yep and
1231s then they can list those skins only to
1234s their Corp and charge them there's no
1238s Market fees nothing like that if they
1240s want to sell it for for for zero is
1242s hypothetically yep they they could do
1245s that uh so they can just like they can
1247s sell it for free if they want there's no
1250s fees no no uh taxes or anything like
1254s that um the way that uh that kind of
1258s works the way that we had to even it out
1260s is there will be a small evermark charge
1263s now and that is based on the tear of the
1266s skin that's being sold for those who
1268s don't remember the tears uh the the more
1270s complex a skin gets the higher in tier
1273s it goes so if it only like a couple of
1274s colors then it would be a lower tiar
1276s like you can see the number above there
1278s yeah and I remember when we were playing
1280s around with this Tool uh before June it
1283s did it you know it wasn't too hard to
1285s make a super cool looking skin at tier
1287s three four five we didn't have to go all
1290s the way to the max to make them look
1291s cool and honestly most of the skins that
1293s I've made have just been couple of
1295s googly eyes and you know something like
1297s that you could easily distribute to your
1299s entire group if you wanted to oh for
1301s sure so uh I have a couple listings here
1305s um when you're selling to your
1306s corporation or Alliance uh when you go
1309s into the Paragon Hub you'll see a couple
1311s new sections there's uh a section just
1313s for Corporation skins and a section just
1316s for Alliance skins and then also a
1318s section for skins that are targeted
1320s directly at you um when it's from a
1324s brand manager it will have a different
1326s color background in the card here uh and
1329s when you hover over it it will tell you
1331s how many ever marks you're going to be
1333s charged uh when you purchase that skin
1336s uh whereas if it's just from anyone else
1338s uh it won't have that um so that's one
1341s way you can tell if it's a branded skin
1344s is what we're calling it um or not will
1347s it always cost Ever marks on top if
1349s you're if you're selling it to your Corp
1351s if you're charging for it yes um so that
1355s uh that's to help counteract the the
1356s zero taxes and zero fees yeah um but
1361s yeah like like I said uh brand managers
1363s can sell it for zero so uh they can make
1368s it extremely easy for everyone um the
1371s way that the ever marks are balanced is
1374s we looked at uh how many ever marks you
1377s can claim a day from doing par
1379s missions uh and then looked at what the
1382s most popular tier skin is and we kind of
1385s uh equalized it that way and then the
1388s lowest amount of error marks that you
1389s can make a day or for like a tier one
1392s skin and the absolute maximum you can
1394s make a day is for tier 20 and then it
1396s just kind of distributed it uh in
1399s between that so yeah the tier list has
1401s actually gone up to 20 now and I would
1403s assume that's because we're adding
1405s another functionality which is second
1408s pattern SL
1409s yeah so the the secondary pattern slot
1412s is something that uh we've played around
1414s with a lot um here in the studio uh we
1418s also have 45 new patterns coming out
1421s which is a huge amount so uh they'll be
1424s all over in loot tables um throughout
1426s new Eden as well so you can get those um
1430s but yeah so you can put in one pattern
1432s and then you can select a second pattern
1435s they can each have uh a different Nano
1438s coating on there uh you can move them
1441s around
1442s separately uh you can blend them
1444s together with a bunch of different blend
1446s modes um yeah we've just been we've been
1450s playing with this non-stop in the in the
1453s team and everyone just has a blast with
1456s it you also explained it really well in
1457s the video that came out on Friday you
1458s can like subract them from each other
1460s you can Nest them in each other so you
1462s could have like a pattern within a
1464s pattern all kinds of really cool things
1466s with it yeah you can mask them um
1469s it's it's really it's kind of tough to
1473s explain but once you actually get in
1475s there and start playing around with it
1478s uh the names of them really make sense
1481s um yeah we also added uh another cool
1485s little feature uh which is
1487s randomize um see yeah where you can
1492s randomize go dude your skin and uh it's
1495s just a really good starting point for
1498s for creating your own skin and uh yeah
1501s will it fill out every slot when you
1502s randomize it'll fill both patterns and
1504s all colors yeah so it will fill out
1507s everything um and randomize the position
1510s of the patterns all that and uh it does
1513s take into account whether or not you
1515s have the the tick box to show only owned
1518s so if you randomize with stuff that only
1520s you own it will only use those or if you
1523s want to see what is possible uh just
1526s tick that off and it will show
1527s absolutely everything
1529s that's really cool this is
1531s great for someone like me who has zero
1534s artistic skills just a random button is
1537s like just random yeah it I think it's
1541s like you said a really good way to to
1542s have a starting point as well for a skin
1544s if you're completely creatively blocked
1547s and you're like I need to make something
1548s cool but I don't know where to start
1550s it's too much choice in some way you can
1553s hit that random button till you see
1554s something you really like and then maybe
1556s change that line to Gold that thing to
1557s White and make it
1559s kind of tweak it from from that that
1562s first step yeah yeah exactly um and then
1565s to uh to help out everyone uh for the
1568s first two weeks of the expansion we're
1571s actually lowering down the sequencing
1573s time um so everyone can get new skins
1576s quicker as well um so I believe we're
1580s taking 50% off of the time that it takes
1582s to normally sequence the skin for the
1584s first two weeks of the expansion so
1588s trying trying to play around with with
1589s some things make it a bit easier to
1591s people uh to get into the Skinner and
1594s play around and get new skins in the
1595s game I think uh besides adding a a
1599s second pattern the the biggest ticket
1601s thing here is the direct listing and
1603s being able to yeah send your alt or
1606s friend or you know a Corp mate or
1608s someone like just this hey I made this
1611s for you and it costes zero or here I'm
1614s you know my entire cor I want them all
1616s to be using this this skin and this is
1618s finally going to actually enable it
1620s where they you know it could be done in
1622s a in a proper manner yeah yeah it's a
1625s it's huge it's one of the most requested
1628s features that we've had ever since
1630s Skinner came out so I have this vision
1632s of a future uh cinematic shot of some
1636s big big big battle with like, 1500 2,000
1639s people and you can clearly see like oh
1642s there go the goons and there are the
1644s brave guys and you can just like without
1647s any overview you can just tell exactly
1649s who's where I think oh yeah like
1652s genuinely I think the the updates coming
1654s to to Revenant with you know Skinner are
1657s going to get us closer to that reality
1659s yeah yeah hopefully I mean it would be
1661s awesome just see huge Fleet fights with
1664s everyone like just in matching skins he
1666s can really easily tell who's who's who
1669s and yeah I think it'll be a lot of fun
1672s and like you said a marks I think a lot
1674s of people have a bunch of that saved up
1676s anyway so I think we might get there
1679s quicker than than expected actually but
1681s you still have note I just want to make
1684s one note uh there's another feature that
1687s we announced in the blog uh a couple
1690s days ago that will be coming after the
1692s expansion which will allow completing
1695s daily goals with everm marks so don't
1698s spend all of them on SK don't spend them
1701s all you have to you have to budg it
1703s between our two features for sure yeah
1706s ever marks went from being something
1708s where people like why do I have this to
1709s like stons this is the best thing I need
1711s more um but honestly this is both of
1714s these things the the improvements to
1716s goals that are coming and the
1717s improvements here to Skinner the tool of
1719s course is fantastic and making skins is
1721s super it's it's fun and it's like super
1725s unique what you can actually make now
1727s the actual way of of getting them to the
1729s people you want is far more real than it
1733s was before this is fantastic yeah and
1735s and something that we want to continue
1737s um improving upon uh adding new features
1740s in all that fun stuff so uh hopefully
1744s hopefully we can keep doing that 100% I
1748s think uh since we are doing this is a
1750s pre-recorded segment and uh the alliance
1752s tournament needs to go on I think this
1754s is going to cut our time basically short
1756s but we managed to cover most of what we
1758s wanted to do you think we missed
1759s anything from either one of
1761s you think we got everything on on the
1765s Skinner side of
1767s things yeah I think we got everything at
1770s least from the things that are
1771s officially announced so far yeah um yeah
1774s we covered that we also had a a Blog go
1777s out uh last week or this week uh and we
1781s had a video with both of you uh but but
1784s I wanted to dive into this this is
1785s something that we've started doing for
1786s for all the expansions and it's nice to
1788s see you guys play around with the Tes as
1790s well um but thank you both for your time
1794s and believe the next thing is up is uh
1797s is match thir 30 in the alliance
1799s tournament uh good luck to whoever's
1802s competing and we'll see you guys one
1804s week from now uh next Sunday I'm going
1807s to be interviewing CCB trash Panda and
1809s we're going to go over the mercenary dce
1811s the new deathless ships and the all new
1814s damage overtime weapon system that's
1816s coming we'll see you then bye-bye