over 1 year
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | the angel cartel and gista Pirates have |
7s | launched Insurgent offensives across |
9s | multiple Empire war zone systems taking |
12s | advantage of their vulnerability after |
14s | years of Relentless conflict these |
16s | calculated strikes originate from the |
18s | deathless circle controlled system of |
20s | zarak where a pirate ship Caster is |
22s | deploying raiding ships across the vast |
24s | distances to the Insurgency zones 2 days |
27s | before the primary assault pirate |
29s | forward operating bases were jumped into |
32s | each militia war zone one above flan 4 |
35s | and another in orbit of renaro 5 setting |
39s | the stage for the impending |
40s | insurgencies believed to be the product |
43s | of deathless circle technology the fobs |
45s | apparently utilize powerful Transport |
47s | Systems that enable them to jump into |
49s | the targeted systems functioning as |
51s | beacons for Angel cartel anista ships |
54s | using the zarak ship Caster they enable |
57s | the Pirates to strike over vast |
59s | distances while providing extensive |
61s | logistical support the available |
63s | information strongly suggests that these |
65s | pirate fobs originate from concealed |
67s | locations in zarak some speculate the |
70s | fobs may even be launched from within |
72s | the expansive interior of the fulam |
74s | station itself the pirate insurgencies |
76s | are rapidly spreading from the initial |
78s | fob systems of flowin and renaro as more |
80s | and more pirate forces arrive in the war |
83s | zones in a significant development the |
86s | Pirates have directly enlisted |
87s | independent capsuleers into their ranks |
90s | the formidable Firepower and extensive |
92s | resources that capsuleers can bring to |
94s | their cause will allow the Pirates to |
96s | strike into the Empire War zones at an |
98s | unprecedented scale large numbers of ore |
101s | corporate outposts have been repeatedly |
104s | attacked and a significant number have |
106s | been overrun by the pirate Raiders |
108s | multiple ore mining operations have also |
111s | been ambushed with heavy losses and |
113s | ransoming reported as the Relentless |
115s | pirate attacks seize valuable cargo in |
118s | order to protect their assets from from |
120s | the increase in Pirate attacks or has |
122s | reached out to M's Legion and extended |
125s | the coverage of their existing |
126s | protection contracts M's Legion has |
129s | deployed additional forces at locations |
132s | scattered around the contested systems |
134s | in an attempt to regain the initiative |
136s | and repel the Pirates capsulier militias |
139s | are organizing their defenses against |
141s | the pirate threat and preparing to purge |
143s | the criminal taint from their Empire's |
145s | space despite militia's fighting back |
148s | the pirate enlistment of C Capers seem |
151s | set to further widen the Divide between |
153s | capsuleers and the general population of |
155s | New Eden commentators in the big four |
158s | Empires claim that capsuleers are losing |
161s | touch with their Humanity as they pursue |
163s | selfish goals with total disregard for |
166s | any lives lost or destruction caused |
169s | there were great celebrations at the |
171s | Evermore corporate offices on urfa 5 |
173s | yesterday evening as Evermore President |
176s | Alexander ducas announced that Concord |
179s | secure Commerce Commission will be |
181s | exempting ever marks from the corporate |
182s | script trading ban in the coming days |
185s | the restrictions came into effect only 2 |
187s | days ago and concord's Swift u-turn on |
190s | everm marks is a clear sign of the |
192s | considerable influence ducas is capable |
194s | of bringing to bear on Interstellar |
196s | policy |
197s | makers this is Alton hovery reporting |
200s | for the |
209s | scope |
216s | [Music] |
221s | I |