almost 5 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s after a noticeable reduction of drifter
8s attacks on null sex structures earlier
10s this week
11s it appears that another wave of attacks
13s is forming adding to the confusion
16s Conchords SCC division has announced
19s that new Eden's fluid router FTL
22s communications network is under enormous
24s pressure due to the combined impact of
27s the Tri glaive Ian and drifter invasions
30s resupply of the vital quantum entangled
33s for helium super fluid used in the
35s network is increasingly under threat to
38s ensure sustainable operation of the FTL
41s comms network and guard against the risk
43s of strategic communications being
45s compromised the SCC will be enforcing
48s reduced bandwidth across its null SEC
51s routers with drifter strikes continuing
54s for over a week this assault represents
57s the first major offensive by the
59s Drifters since their attack on the Amarr
61s Empire four years ago hitting dozens of
65s systems during the first wave of attacks
67s the Drifters roamed between jumpgates
69s asteroid belts and structures attacking
73s anyone and anything they encountered
75s their fleets were often striking
77s multiple targets simultaneously in each
80s system after a brief pause in the
83s assault the drifters seemed now to be
85s initiating another wave of attacks not
88s only are they attacking structures but
90s they also seem to show more focused
93s towards hunting down and destroying
94s individual pilots it should be noted
97s that drifters if given the opportunity
99s will always mercilessly pod capsuleers
103s taking both Concord and capsuleers
106s completely by surprise the attacks have
109s created considerable concern and
111s confusion among the null SEC power
113s blocks once the predicted local
116s communications blackout is imposed
118s capsuleer warlords will have to deal
121s with a developing situation with
123s out intelligence gathered from automated
125s registration on local solar system
127s channels the SCC has additionally stated
131s that if the scale of the attacks
133s continues then their fluid routers are
135s not expected to support full services in
138s null SEC beyond another week or so in
141s light of this it seems clear that the
143s null SEC blackout will take place very
146s soon this is Lina Ambre reporting for
149s the scope
151s [Music]
165s you
almost 5 years ago - - Direct link

Lina Ambre reports as the SCC announces that its Fluid Router network is under threat and that Capsuleers should prepare for an inevitable communication blackout across Nullsec. The Drifters also seem to have ramped up their attacks, targeting more than just structures, adding to growing concern among Nullsec power blocs.