over 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s a mordu legion task force sent to
5s reinforce corporate security troops on
7s the besieged planet of he 3 was ambushed
10s by gista Pirates last night the task
12s force included heavily modified moru
14s bowheads that are reported to have been
16s outfitted to support Legion war clone
19s unit operations the ships carried war
21s clone blanks cloning bays and material
23s for ground Warfare the advanced Legion
26s equipment is speculated to be of high
28s value for the rumored deathless research
29s and development of efforts into cloning
32s taken by surprise and overwhelmed by
34s Superior gista forces the task force
36s escorts were quickly wiped out leaving
39s the Freighters defenseless while the
41s majority of the Legion fleet was
43s destroyed in high orbit of the planet a
45s handful of boohead freighter rushed
47s towards the planet in a desperate
49s attempt to deploy the mordu troops to
51s the surface before their destruction
54s only one ship managed to reach low orbit
56s but heavily damaged and under limited
58s control the bowad crashed down on a
61s remote part of the planet the crash site
63s is likely to become a priority Target
65s for pirate forces reports are
67s circulating that the deathless circle is
69s deploying units of experimental clone
71s troops designated as Vanguard to the
74s planet with the decision to send lightly
76s defended Freighters into a pirate
78s Insurgency Zone highlighting how
80s overstretched M's Legion and upwell are
83s the surviving Legion troops on the
85s surface of H 3 are preparing for the
87s first strike by the deathless and his
89s Vanguard
90s troops this is Alton Hy reporting for
94s the
114s scope