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Logged in after downtime, a bunch of accounts all docked in station, minimised clients.
CPU usage is 10-15% per client instead of around 1.5% per client
Work-around - initiate a session change on each client (change ship for instance) and minimise. CPU drops back down to 1.5% per client.
/edit - fix doesn't persist. Back to 10-15% CPU after 10 mins
/edit2 - doesn't need a session change, do anything in the client and minimise reduces cpu but only for 10 mins
/edit3 - I'm using more cpu minimised than fullscreen lol

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about 4 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Hi! Thank you all, who sent bug reports about this issue! We hope that we tracked down the problem (something quite unexpected) and we are aiming for a fix for the next client patch.