about 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s foreign
21s welcome back to the pulse kicking off
23s the New Year from the heart of g244 your
25s source of news from Eve online
27s Lunar New Year's celebrations are taking
29s place in New Eden until the 31st of
31s January
32s all capsules can enjoy daily login
34s rewards such as skill points boosters
37s and more with Omega Pilots also able to
39s claim Serenity ship skins Empire
41s specific headquarter structures have
43s very recently appeared in certain
45s factional Warfare systems the caldari
48s state and Amar Empire have begun
49s construction of these structures in the
51s onomon and mehtor systems respectively
53s increasing their presence in those
55s regions keep your eyes out for build-up
57s of Empire forces elsewhere in the near
59s future Eve is now available in
61s simplified Chinese on the Tranquility
63s live server this caters to the
65s chinese-speaking community and honors
67s their invaluable contributions to new
69s Eden's history
71s a new audio Blog has been published that
73s highlights several new developments into
75s Eve's soundscape with a view to making
77s it more immersive convincing and richly
79s detailed the design and composition
81s principles behind many of those new
82s sound effects and music features of
84s Uprising are included in the blog
86s furthermore the music of Uprising is now
89s available on Spotify and other streaming
91s platforms as a new album
96s the iconic rifter frigate has undergone
98s a significant visual update
100s this beloved model has been rebuilt
102s complete with updated textures warp
105s animation High polygon count and new and
107s improved visual effects for added impact
110s and a more immersive experience its Tech
112s 2 variants the jaguar and wolf also got
115s a new facelift csm17 members will be in
118s Iceland for their annual in-person
119s Summit AT CCP from the 30th of January
122s to the 3rd of February during the week
124s they will be meeting with various Eve
126s leadership and development teams to
128s discuss the future of Eve and to share
130s their valuable insights and feedback a
132s full summary of events will be posted on
134s the Eve online forums after the summit
137s if there's something you'd like them to
138s bring up be sure to message them or
141s reach out on the Gita Park speakers
142s section of the forums the eve London
145s player Meetup will be happening on the
146s 11th of February
148s the venue is the oyster shed same as
150s last year and the event runs from 1100
152s to 2300 UTC be sure to reserve your spot
156s now
157s to celebrate the Lunar New Year there
159s are exclusive offers in the eve store
160s and in-game new Eden store in the eve
163s store the red Stargazer pack offers
165s Omega Plex a skill extractor four
167s stunning red Stargazer skins for faction
170s battleships and more the red Stargazer
173s skins will display specific visual
174s effects whenever a PVP kill is made by
177s that ship and they are affected by
179s subsequent kills and ship speed 2 the
181s first in Eve the lunar Festival pack
183s also contains Omega and Plex plus skill
186s points Imperium dragon skin and apparel
188s and more in the new Eden store the
191s Dragon Phoenix skins have returned at 30
193s off and can be bought individually or in
195s a bundle as seen in the last episode of
198s the pulse new capsules are now
200s introduced to the basics of ship
201s personalization and Plex the glittering
204s dream aspirant enforcer and semiotic
207s Sports skins available through that
208s guidance are now available for all
210s players to purchase in the new Eden
212s store for one Plex
214s these cannot be sold transferred or
216s traded and can only be bought once per
218s account
219s that's all for this episode of the pulse
221s thanks again for joining us check the
222s description below for more information
224s on the stories that we've covered then
225s hit subscribe and the bell icon to stay
227s notified when we post new content see
230s you next time