about 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
21s welcome to the pulse once again from the
23s heart of GTA 44 for your source of news
25s from E online the recent update to EV
28s online's Havoc expansion brought the
29s ambition model ifier to Pirate
31s insurgencies announced on stage at
33s FanFest 2023 the ambition modifier
36s adjusts the number of system wins needed
38s in an Insurgency for the side that
40s regularly triumphs required system wins
43s for subsequent victories will increase
45s meaning that more will be needed to keep
47s the winning streak going the level of
50s ambition in the Insurgency is now also
52s visually represented on the pirate
54s forward operating base as is the level
56s of corruption Stargates as well as
59s certain stations and Hangers in
60s Insurgency zones will also have more
62s immediately visual representations of
65s corruption and suppression such as
66s banners and billboards or patrols
69s increasing the immersion in affected
71s systems speaking of immersion newly
74s arrived Angel and gista NPCs will
76s respect capsule's alignment with them
78s and will not shoot them unless provoked
81s immediately outside of zazac in gtac 0
84s q86 Turner and htac pa29 roaming NPCs
89s have been replaced by new Angel NPCs
91s that won't fire on fellow angels and new
93s gista NPCs that will not open fire on
96s fellow gas but they will shoot each
98s other Beyond those systems they will
100s fire on anyone and everyone additionally
103s capsuleers now have improved oversight
105s when it comes to the status of systems
107s as a filter can be applied to the new
109s and classic star Maps displaying
111s corruption and suppression in Insurgency
113s systems Eve vanguard's January play test
116s is now live with Founders access
118s allowing Omega Players to go boots on
120s the ground in this latest event ending
122s January 29th server support is now
124s available in two more regions allowing
126s for more war clones on the ground fixes
129s for bugs that were uncovered in the
130s December event and through player
132s feedback have been introduced and as
134s before corruption generated contributes
137s directly to insurgencies and Eve online
140s dates for the February event will be
142s announced on the 29th of Jan and rewards
144s such as Plex and AR combined Arisen
146s skins for achievements in this play test
148s can be claimed a little after the the
150s event is over you can also use the
152s 14-day Omega offer that's live now to
155s upgrade and jump into the eve Vanguard
157s January play test straight away the
160s recently published Eve online director's
161s letter looks ahead at an exciting year
164s in new Eden with two major expansions
166s in-game events developments for Eve
168s Vanguard and more the future of War
171s stronger organizations and the power of
173s identity are on the agenda the sixth
176s iteration of the anger games a
178s community-run PVP tournament kicks off
180s off on the 13th of April and signups are
182s open now the rules have been updated for
185s this year and there will be prizes
187s awarded for each match one check out the
189s anger games Discord server for more info
191s as it is announced the kickstarter
194s campaign for the eve War for new Eden
196s board game is now live from now until
199s the 21st of February you'll have the
201s chance to support the campaign and
203s secure a special copy of this epic new
205s board game which has been created in
207s cooperation with Titan Forge four brand
209s new starter packs have been added to the
211s Eve store ideal for both new and
213s experienced capsu the bronze and silver
216s starter packs feature Omega skill points
219s cerebral accelerators and ship skins the
221s gold pack also contains Plex and the
224s Platinum pack goes even further with MCT
226s and skill extractors on top two that's
229s all for this episode of the pulse thank
231s you for joining us remember to check the
232s description below for more information
234s on the stories that we've covered and
236s hit subscribe and the bell icon to stay
238s notified of any new videos that we post
240s see you next
241s [Music]
250s time
about 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 1 year ago - EVE Online - Direct link
Welcome to the first Pulse episode of 2024, back in the heart of Jita 4-4 for your source of news from EVE Online!

This episode contains details on the following:

00:00 - Intro
00:21 - EVE Online: Havoc update
01:54 - EVE Vanguard First Strike January playtest
02:39 - Directors’ Letter 02:55 - Anger Games 6
03:13 - EVE: War for New Eden Kickstarter
03:28 - New Starter Packs
03:48 - Outro

Many thanks to Captain Benzie for EVE: War for New Eden review footage!