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Transcript (by Youtube)

12s [Music]
16s let's get started this is gonna be ships
20s and modules louder
22s oh not you laughs okay I wasn't asking
27s for applause I was saying I'm just gonna
29s be ships and modules all right
36s I'm CCP rise here's what we're gonna do
39s a pretty standard schedule for the
41s shipping module talk I'm gonna go over
42s some of the stuff that we've done in the
44s last year not everything but a lot of it
46s and then talk about some stuff that's
48s coming up in the short term that you
50s guys haven't heard about yet and then
51s from there and move on to some of the
53s stuff we're thinking about looking a
55s little longer term so let's just jump
57s right in one of the first things in the
60s last bit like since Las Vegas was
62s actually the cell frigate balance pass
65s this was a super fun one to do it was
68s one of the last classes that really had
70s kind of low activity and no clear
72s purpose and so it was easy to go in and
74s just kind of make it better and pull the
77s usage up quite a bit so we increase
79s space speed we increase capacitor we
81s added the assault damage control and we
84s gave specific buffs and reworks to these
86s three ships especially but all of them
88s got little tweaks you can see here look
92s at the activity change for assault
94s frigates it's really good this is a you
98s know stack for all of it so it's going
100s up by between double and triple
102s depending on the week you check in the
103s last year that looks really healthy and
105s by the way I'm going to show a bunch of
106s graphs that use this metric which is
109s kind of a combined activity metric it's
113s looking at jumps losses people with the
115s ship active how many times the ship's
118s changed into active so it's just sort of
119s a broad look at activity it's obviously
121s got issues if you're trying to compare
123s across classes but it's really good
125s especially just looking within a class
127s at how each ship compares and how it's
129s changing over time so get used to that
131s with assault frigates you can
133s see it a bit in this graph but it's a
134s lot easier to see if you unstack it that
137s the retribution stands out a lot it's no
140s surprise there and it's actually you
142s know we're okay with having a you know
145s one ship in the class that's kind of
147s setting a standard for the rest and
148s standing out quite a bit it was probably
150s a little too much so where it starts to
152s trail there you know we went in and
154s lowered the speed a little bit and you
155s can see from there it's dropping back
156s down towards the rest of the group
158s another interesting thing with the salt
160s frigates that from the distance you guys
162s are at might be a little hard to see is
164s that the Jaguars actually crept up to
166s being but it's fighting for the second
168s most popular that group fighting for a
170s second is wolf enyo and Jaguar caldari
174s definitely kind of in in back as far as
177s this group goes but yeah it's looking
180s good basically we're really happy with
181s how this went and that's true for the
185s assault damage control in general as
186s well this was something we were excited
189s to try it helped carve out more of a
190s role for hacks I have some more pictures
192s of that later but giving you know more
196s support to the role as a fleet ship with
197s a good response to alpha was something
199s we've talked about doing in a few
201s different ways over the last few years
202s and this was ended up being a really
204s healthy way to do it yeah so that worked
206s out really well around the same time we
209s did a battleship quality-of-life pass we
211s gave extra cargo and lock range to
213s pretty much all battleships this didn't
216s affect battleship activity at all usage
219s or efficiency which isn't surprising but
221s it means they feel nicer to use for all
223s the folks that we're already doing it
224s and that's just fine next around the
228s same time we put mg DS on two or three
230s battle cruisers unsurprisingly not a
233s massive effect on activity in fact you
234s can't find when the changes on this
236s graph this is the entire last year again
238s just that combined activity metric
240s they're just bouncing around and this is
242s actually one of the other groups that's
244s still sitting super low for overall
247s usage and will probably revisit them
248s sometime soon and try to get them back
250s into the meta somehow along with that we
256s did a set of nerfs to some pretty
259s dominant ships in the meta this is the
262s Auris the red arrow here
264s when the change came in and you can see
266s that usage actually didn't change
267s massively went down maybe 20 or 30
270s percent but of course that's just
274s because the ship's still good doesn't
275s mean this you know isn't having a really
277s positive effect now when you run into
278s them they're not as oppressive they're
279s not as fast
280s not as tanky so that's that's great and
282s actually for most of these changes it
284s looks pretty similar this is the ferox
286s again you can see a drop when we made
287s the change but it's not massive and
291s obviously ferox is really still a really
294s prominent in the fleet Mehta we were
296s actually just having another
297s conversation with the CSM at the summit
299s about whether or not they're still too
300s strong
301s and we need to try and look for more
302s room for some other battle cruiser
304s doctrines just because ferox is are so
306s efficient and projects so well so that's
308s something we may revisit as well around
313s the same time we hit macario's this
316s one's especially interesting because it
317s was a pretty big change the the doctrine
321s fits that everyone's was using kind of
323s went out the window we shifted some
324s slots around and some bonuses and
327s despite that activity for the ship it's
329s it's down but it's still very healthy
331s Macario still one of the most popular
333s battleships in the game despite
336s definitely having huge Anuj effect on
339s its role in fleet meta now onto some
344s buffs this is the mutant activity
351s it was not a very popular ship I wanted
355s to put like a happy picture of ello on
356s this but I've seen enough elo this trip
360s though I guess so that's fine but this
363s you know
363s muna jumped way up it's it's now real
366s popular in this this is true for a bunch
368s of hacks they didn't all make the same
370s jump meanings did but the just the ADC
372s was enough to bring a lot of them out of
374s just total non usage into having some
376s application somewhere so that's really
378s cool another picture of what the moon is
381s doing relative to some of those other
383s hacks this is PvP damage for all hacks
385s you can see in the green and blue at the
387s bottom is where a zealot and immune and
388s were where there's the big jumps you see
391s them spiked up obviously zealot not as
394s much even though it's picking up still
395s in the middle there and by now Moonen is
397s by far the most damaging and you know
400s most active hack there is with the rest
402s of them settling and about even the
403s Cerberus and the Ishtar there in red and
405s orange this looks fine the immunes again
409s starting to stand out more than might be
411s ideal versus the rest of the hack so
413s that might be something we have to take
414s a look at soon but also it's great that
418s it's there and we know people like
421s flying it so not begging for changes
424s anytime super soon we also made buffs
429s the cyclone and Drake Navy issue
430s here's both of their PvP damage they
433s both picked up some activity for sure
434s especially the Drake Navy issue that's
439s good they're actually really powerful
442s buffs but despite that if you compare
444s them still to a popular another popular
446s combat battle cruiser like the hurricane
447s they're still pretty low down there so
450s there's still a lot of room to do stuff
451s there if we want to bring them up so
456s last year we introduced the monitor this
459s has gone well we knew this was a super
461s niche thing that just was for FCS and
464s probably only certain FCS but for those
466s folks it's been a super useful tool and
469s we've only had positive feedback
470s basically since it's been out sore we're
473s really happy with how that's gone we
476s introduced also the Praxis I don't know
478s if you guys can make out these fits but
479s I was just crawling through losses on
481s the practice and it's really fun there's
483s everything imaginable people are flying
486s on this and it's really popular all over
488s space its usage is actually almost
491s perfectly evenly split between highsec
494s lowsec wormholes and null SEC which is
497s pretty crazy most of the losses seem to
499s be in low SEC there's a lot of PvP in it
501s there and you can see people are just
502s doing all kinds of things with it you
504s have you know autocannon armor Fitz and
507s torpedo shield Fitz and smart bombs and
510s rapid heavies and it's pretty cool you
513s know it fits the theme of the ship
514s really well so this worked out great you
519s can see here some of its activity how
522s that looks compared to some other
523s standard kind of middle-of-the-road
524s battleships like a Dominic's in the
526s typhoon it's wedged right in between
527s there so getting plenty of use even
530s compared to you know long standing
531s normal tech 1 ships and we introduced
542s some try Glavine ships just a couple
544s highlights from those we have around
545s 20,000 characters that have the skills
547s in their heads for the tribe avian ships
548s which is a pretty good number
550s we'd be happy if it was a little bit
552s higher I think but it's solid the last
554s Shack is turning into a monster and it's
557s really performing super well very happy
560s with that the dam of ik & ved Mac on the
562s other hand probably need to do some
565s stuff still talk about them individually
566s here the dam of ik we just made a buff
570s too we switched it slots around a little
571s bit to hopefully make it more useful and
573s you can see that it is getting more use
575s since then but the use is still super
577s low it still doesn't feel like it has a
579s clear enough roll so we are gonna keep
581s looking at that it's a tough one to find
583s space for originally we were kind of
585s hoping that the remote wrap and utility
587s would give it a spot in lowsec but that
588s didn't really work out and so we have to
592s keep kind of poking around there the Ben
594s Mac on the other hand is actually
595s performing really well when it's used
598s but for both the ved Mac and the demo
600s Vic the price just doesn't feel right
601s there they're pretty inefficient the
604s cost is super high for both the weapon
605s and the ship in the skills so there's
607s kind of a lot of barrier to using them
609s but once you get in it it's fine and so
612s what we're talking about doing here is
614s looking at ways to make them
616s I'm gonna tell you one of the strategies
618s we're gonna use for that in a few
619s minutes but yeah the the less hack this
624s is a look at some of the most popular
625s PvP ships in the game you have the let's
627s check in red the mutant is in blue the
631s ferox is in orange and the Hurricanes in
633s green and you can see when the leash Act
635s shows up in June it just from there
638s starts rocketing up and now it's past
639s most of those other ships it's now right
641s neck and neck with communion which is
643s wild considering how many fewer pilots
645s are actually using it it's just an
647s animal and the fleets that it's in its
649s you know you're seeing more and more
650s videos of people killing caps in it
653s small roaming ganks of you know six to
655s fifteen are doing really cool stuff with
658s this ship and that's what we were hoping
659s for with all of them to begin with so
661s it's really good and we just need to
662s take the strengths that it's working
663s with and try and figure out how to get
665s them to the rest of the line
667s it's possible this ship ends up you know
669s once once more people have their hands
671s on it and especially if we lower prices
673s because any price learn we do for the
675s ved Mac will probably also affect the
677s last shack we may need to tone down some
678s of the power on this if it gets out of
680s control but for now we're super happy
681s with it and let's talk a bit about
689s what's coming up so first of all we told
693s you guys we have these new ships coming
694s which we're really pumped about I'm
696s gonna give you a little more specifics
697s on them so if you miss the keynote this
700s is the key Kimora it's the track Libyan
703s destroyer the idea here is to go for a
706s long range skirmish ii destroyer more
710s you know tower ii cormorant ii long
712s range this is the slot layout in bonus
715s we're looking at two three four so let's
717s focus on the Tri Glavine utility and the
719s highs because it's gonna be far away and
720s not be able to use it more focus on
722s keeping up speed and getting range out
724s of tracking computers and then it's
727s gonna have a lot of optimal range bonus
728s table the bonus the range is definitely
731s the thing that is going to be the kind
732s of tipping point for this ship if we set
735s the range a little too low it's probably
736s gonna feel too vulnerable and get killed
738s really easily by opponents and might not
741s be that strong if we set the range too
742s high it could just be oppressive because
745s it can put out so much damage once it's
746s charged up from long range so we're
748s gonna definitely be
750s looking at a feedback stage with you
751s guys and you don't have to make
753s adjustments once we see it actually
754s played but the potential here is really
756s cool and we're hoping these numbers are
759s close at least this one it's kind of the
764s the big one in the room
766s the Drecker back is the battlecruiser
768s for the try gravy ins and this is what
772s we're looking at for slots and bonuses
773s four four seven four percent armor
778s resistance and then it picks up command
780s bursts optimal range from being a battle
782s cruiser and then a bigger of course
784s bigger damage bonus than the cruiser
786s so this ship can do a lot of stuff
789s whether you're bringing it as links for
791s your skirmish gang you're making it into
794s just a really powerful brawler in lowsec
796s you have a lot of options I think this
799s one's gonna be like a little mini left
800s shack and should be really really fun
803s definitely the the one I would buy first
809s next the logy these are actually not
815s even far enough along for me to want to
816s put numbers on the screen for you guys
818s we're still tuning them but we're
823s looking at basically these are gonna be
825s a tech one support cruiser think of an
828s executor and a tactic counterpart like a
831s known eros like we said the the rep
834s amounts going to ramp up that's going to
836s be a bonus through the ship that applies
837s to remote reps that are fit rather than
839s a new remote rep module which means
842s these guys are going to emphasize try
844s Glavine utility quite a bit less but
846s check Vivian's already have really great
847s bonuses to remote rep range cap use firm
850s reps and all of that will pass on to the
852s Logies so they'll be super strong and
855s the tactical use for them is going to be
857s a lot different than normal og was
859s talking with guys yesterday about having
861s a dedicated set of try giving logy for
865s keeping up targets you know you're gonna
866s want to keep wrapping like an FC or your
868s links and then having normal lodging for
870s stuff that needs to switch targets
871s quickly that sounds really cool I think
873s there's a lot of other things you can do
875s any any static camp or you can charge up
877s the reps before the fight starts they're
878s going to be really powerful lots of
880s really good options yeah so super fun
884s and also one thing you hear you're only
885s seeing I actually have both slides for
887s the ships but this is actually the tech
888s to variation the zarm Zod is armed as
892s the tech one the art for the tech one
894s isn't actually completely finished yet
896s so they wouldn't let me put it on a
897s slide but it will look different all
902s right
903s one thing I actually had his reveal in
906s the keynote and skipped on accident is
907s that we are introducing new muta
909s plasmids for both the PvP space in the
912s co-op space including muta plasmids for
914s disintegrators one of the reasons we
918s didn't introduce me to plasmids to begin
920s with for turrets and weapons is that you
921s have a whole bunch of them once using
923s Mito plasma on and they have different
924s attributes so you can't stack them which
926s is really annoying and also they would
928s have you know different optimal ranges
929s and different rates of fire so it'd be
931s pretty obnoxious to manage but
932s disintegrators don't have that problem
934s you just have one module so there's no
936s reason at all we can't let you use muta
938s plasmids on them and change things like
940s the damage multiplier the range the rate
943s of fire all of that stuff so there'll be
947s those and speaking of damage we're also
951s going to be adding muta plasmids for
953s damage mods
967s just anxiety when we when we introduced
977s muta plasmids to begin with you guys and
981s us were both unsure of how kind of broad
985s the impact would be and how it would
986s feel kind of in the balanced ecosystem
988s once they were there so we deliberately
990s avoided stuff that scaled in any way
992s damage especially tanking stats like
996s resists some you know anything that
999s scales really hard and could have like a
1001s really dramatic effect if now we feel a
1004s lot more comfortable the effects so far
1006s from you know plasmons I wanted to get
1007s some more stats for you guys but we're
1009s pretty happy with what we've seen so far
1010s it doesn't seem like it's caused any
1012s major problems and it's it's definitely
1016s you know been something that's rewarding
1018s for small groups that are willing to
1020s invest a lot of time in theory crafting
1022s money and getting them and not so much
1025s of a problem for big fleets or for the
1027s meta as a whole and so that makes us
1029s feel more comfortable to just keep
1030s adding stuff and this is the next
1032s obvious thing it's obviously going to be
1033s one of the most valuable things to get
1035s and so that should be a lot of fun
1040s another change
1041s like I said we're looking a lot at cost
1044s for the Chekhovian ships there's going
1047s to be even more pressure on that cost
1048s with the new ships coming it's going to
1050s be a lot more demand for the resources
1052s to build them and so we needed a way to
1054s increase the output for the materials
1059s and we could have just done that through
1061s the normal loot table but the art guys
1063s actually were able to huh there we go
1069s make these really amazing treyvion
1072s drilling platforms No
1076s so these things are now going to be
1078s scattered throughout a missile dead
1079s space when you're going through normal
1080s runs the asteroids and and other
1084s geological features in there are going
1086s to have these platforms on them which
1087s can also be destroyed and looted it's
1089s going to be a tough call because anytime
1091s you take to destroy and loot them
1092s there's going to be time against you on
1094s the timer in abyssal dead space so you
1096s need to figure out if you have enough
1097s time to grab them but if you do you'll
1099s collect extra resources that puts more
1101s of them in the game and drives down some
1102s of the cost so pretty happy with this
1107s should be pretty good for for prices
1111s across the board we'll have to balance
1112s this as we see how much demand there is
1114s for the new ships it could be that you
1116s know we need to keep turning up drop
1117s rates but we'll stay you know close and
1119s tune with that next up we have this guy
1130s if you can hear my voice being sort of
1133s scratchy it's because of yelling back
1135s and forth with someone about this last
1136s night at TopGolf so we've been
1140s definitely talking about it a lot so the
1142s idea here and if you didn't catch it we
1144s made just now like in the patch two
1147s weeks ago or a week ago we made a huge
1150s change to the ECM mechanic that makes it
1152s so that you can target anything that's
1154s jammed you so if you get jams you can't
1156s target anything else but you can target
1158s the ship to jam view and the idea here
1160s is we really wanted to move away from
1162s the really frustrating feeling of not
1164s being able to do anything when you're
1165s jams the tough thing about this and
1169s something that's always made it hard to
1170s work on is that because it's been so
1172s frustrating over time it's been balanced
1175s to not actually be that powerful ECM has
1178s not been in a super powerful place for
1180s quite a while because it feels so bad to
1182s be jammed that we didn't want it to be a
1184s really prominent mechanic so the tough
1186s thing about making it even easier to
1188s counter is that it lowers the power
1190s level even further when it already
1191s wasn't all that great
1192s so obviously ECM pilots are not feeling
1195s good about the strength of this module
1198s right now and that's fine because what
1201s we're hoping to do is now that we have a
1203s baseline that's not as frustrating which
1204s we need to sort of test and confirm and
1206s make sure that's true but if it doesn't
1209s feel is frustrating to fly we can start
1211s buffing ECM back up so it plays a larger
1213s role in the game and we're gonna take a
1214s first step towards that now this winter
1217s with this set of changes which is pretty
1220s simple but a good first step 10% ECM
1222s strength for all jammers 20% optimal
1225s range for all jammers a sig reduction
1227s for ECM ships so that they can withstand
1229s a little more damage when they're being
1232s countered and fitting increases for some
1234s of the ECM bonus ships that have a hard
1235s time building more rounded fits we need
1238s to work out details on on some of those
1241s fitting increases still but you can
1243s expect this for sure in winter and this
1247s is like I said just a first step we need
1249s to stay kind of close to this and follow
1252s up really iteratively till we get to a
1254s place where it feels like it's in a good
1256s spot one of the other big considerations
1258s we know a big topic with you guys is the
1260s ECM s where one of our ECM was one of
1263s the only
1264s kind of valid counters to fighters and
1267s we went ahead and made the mechanic work
1270s the same for fighters as it works for
1272s players right now but we don't
1273s necessarily have to stick to that
1274s because obviously we're not worried
1276s about the experience for the fighters so
1280s that's definitely something else we need
1281s to look at and figure out you know see
1283s if people find another way to deal with
1285s that where it doesn't feel like we need
1286s to go back and make kind of an arbitrary
1288s exception for fighters or if actually
1290s that was really the best answer and we
1291s do need to put that back in so that's
1293s something else we're looking at and then
1299s we have these troublemakers
1313s so I don't know how many of you are
1317s following closely on the forums and you
1319s know everywhere else that we're talking
1321s about shift balance but we made a
1322s proposal maybe a month ago for an update
1324s on FAQs after getting just overwhelmed
1327s with a you know extreme feedback about
1331s how oppressive they're feeling and how
1332s we really needed to do something right
1334s away that proposal didn't go all that
1336s well the main issues with the proposal
1341s we originally made which I won't put the
1342s whole thing up here but basically it was
1343s super harsh it was you know something
1345s like 50% reduction in rep output 30%
1349s reduction in local rep and then also it
1351s wasn't dealing with all the problems and
1353s this is something that's been really
1353s hard when it comes to fax balance and
1356s capital balance as a whole is that the
1359s problems are super complicated you're
1360s talking about many different
1361s environments and applications for a lot
1363s of the ships and it's easy to you know
1365s try to deal with one part of it and then
1367s have negative effects or miss miss any
1369s effect on other parts of it fact
1371s specifically they have a really
1372s different role in wormholes and small
1374s scale fights than they do in large null
1376s SEC fights and so you know understanding
1379s that and approaching both equally is
1380s something that obviously didn't come
1382s through in the first proposal and we
1383s want to try and work towards even though
1385s it's definitely gonna be difficult so as
1388s we understand and what we're working
1390s from right now this is sort of a really
1392s high-level description of the issues
1393s that we're trying to solve the remote
1395s remote rep output is just very high
1398s which means you have an obligation to
1399s shoot the fax you don't have any chance
1402s to do something else until all the facts
1403s are gone on top of that then when you do
1407s shoot them they're too tanky but that's
1408s kind of split into two different roles
1410s you have active self sufficient facts
1413s that are showing up in wormhole fights
1414s or in other small-scale fights there's a
1416s bunch of reasons kind of associated with
1419s that and then you have really strong
1420s kind of throwaway passive facts in large
1423s null SEC fights as well and those are
1425s two kind of different things and on top
1428s of all of that something that's coming
1429s up more and more from you guys than I
1431s I'm not gonna actually put forward any
1434s changes for this right now but the the
1436s cost of capitals and how insurance works
1438s for capitals I think is something we
1440s need to start talking about
1442s obviously it feels very affordable to
1447s throw away facts and other capitals and
1450s so that might be something we need to
1452s visit and look at but it's not something
1454s we want to specifically change four
1457s facts on their own so that's going to be
1459s left out but this is what we're talking
1460s about now four facts for this winter
1464s reducing the remote rep output by about
1467s 20% through the duration on the modules
1469s themselves like on the remote Rapp
1471s modules reduce the power of capital
1474s whole Energizer's pretty significantly
1476s from almost immunity to only ninety five
1479s percent resistance bonus and then reduce
1480s the duration from 22 seconds to 16
1482s seconds limit capital ancillary shield
1485s boosters to one per ship mix and then
1499s remove remove the capacitor bonuses on
1503s the holes themselves for facts so the
1506s the cap injection power bonus and the
1508s cap pool bonuses so that hopefully
1510s there's more options to counter play
1512s with bal Goren's another cap warfare
1514s this is something we will have a forum
1517s thread for early this week and go
1518s through the discussion again like we
1520s showed last time if this again needs
1522s more time before we go forward that's an
1524s option but we want to keep pushing on
1526s this and find a way to get to a better
1527s balance for facts and then a couple
1533s other one other small updates I realized
1538s this slide is so T Z we said at fan fest
1541s that we were looking at Navy battleships
1543s next which is true we went in and took a
1545s look there and there's a lot of ships
1547s that aren't getting much use at all and
1548s there's a huge opportunity for us to
1551s improve them a lot but there's actually
1554s so many of them and it goes kind of all
1556s up and down the board for Navy ships
1557s there's a lot of Navy cruisers that
1558s aren't getting much use the Navy battle
1560s cruisers are kind of often overpriced
1562s and not super you know the the hurricane
1564s maybe is one exception but it feels like
1567s there's an opportunity here to do a
1568s broader we rework maybe do something
1570s that involves standings or some other
1574s mechanic that
1575s makes Navy ships really stand out on
1576s their own is something more special so
1578s we're gonna take a little more time here
1579s before we come back with the full rework
1581s rather than just doing some small buffs
1583s to the least popular ships but it's
1584s still something we're looking at for
1586s sure and then to finish up I just want
1592s to talk about kind of where we're headed
1595s we've done pretty good keeping up with
1597s faster-paced balance changes that was
1599s something we said that we really wanted
1601s to do I think it we we started saying
1603s that a lot last vegas and then set it
1605s again at fan fest that's been going
1607s pretty well we haven't managed to hit
1610s every release with like a good chunk of
1612s balance changes but pretty close and we
1614s want to try and keep increasing that
1615s pace if possible at the same time our
1618s balanced team has undergone some changes
1619s and we've done have quite the same
1622s bandwidth basically CCP larrikin isn't
1625s working on it anymore which is a bit of
1627s a bummer but we're hiring folks that we
1630s hope to be able to keep up that pace
1632s like we have been we really like being
1635s able to hit balance really regularly and
1636s we have a lot to do we still have module
1638s to your side to finish up we still have
1640s a lot of ships we want to change and
1641s we're gonna keep adding stuff of course
1643s as well another big area that we want to
1646s work on in the next few months and it's
1649s something I brought up in the keynote is
1650s improving our metrics and how we look at
1653s balance in the game we are starting to
1657s do some really cool things with how we
1658s look at what people are actually using
1660s and making more educated kind of data
1664s sets for how we decide what to work on
1665s and what we decide to change and I
1667s really want us to be expanding that to
1670s look at entire environments you know we
1672s just made a change for instance to
1674s interceptor nullification it's a really
1678s controversial like lot of different
1681s opinions about it and the effect of it
1682s and what makes the game more healthy and
1684s no stack in terms of nullification and I
1686s don't think we have anywhere near
1687s sophisticated enough way to measure
1689s whether or not that's true nullification
1692s removing it from combat interceptors
1694s obviously the combat interceptor
1695s activity tanked like claw uses down you
1698s know 80 percent or something of course
1699s but is that is that good and how can we
1703s prove it because like reddit isn't a
1705s perfect mechanism for understanding if
1707s that's true
1708s I know the CSM isn't a perfect mechanism
1712s for understanding if that's true we have
1713s a lot of places we can check and we can
1716s we can look at overall activity and some
1718s really broad ways but I think we really
1720s need to drill down and get some good
1721s clear pictures of what you know healthy
1725s capital balance looks like or half
1727s healthy interceptor balance or you know
1729s just healthy Knoll SEC broadly we don't
1731s have strong enough data-driven ways of
1735s saying that and I want to work towards
1736s that a lot and that's something we're
1737s starting to do and you could see in some
1739s of that abyss analysis stuff and then
1742s speaking of capitals obviously we have
1744s some facts changes here I know now it's
1746s probably triggering because of the the
1748s Jumpgate changes today but capital
1749s balance it needs a lot of attention
1751s that's gonna be a huge focus we feel a
1754s little behind the ball in terms of
1756s understanding it well enough to make
1758s really good changes it's very complex
1760s but it's easy to see that you know
1764s titans and super caps in general are
1766s feeling really oppressive there's not
1768s strong enough roles for sub caps and
1770s there's a bunch of other issues as well
1772s and so we really need to dig into that
1774s it might slow down some of the other sub
1776s cap work it's pretty easy for us to keep
1777s a really high pace on the sub cap work
1779s because it's more familiar but we're
1781s gonna be definitely investing heavily in
1782s trying to figure out the cap situation
1784s as much as possible and on top of that
1787s of course we'll keep adding new stuff
1790s we're really excited to be adding
1792s precursor to the first tech to non
1795s empire ship to be adding more than three
1799s ships to a new faction and we have a
1802s long way to go there we want to keep
1803s fleshing out what there is in the
1805s precursor lineup we have ideas for new
1807s mechanics more tech to ships all kinds
1810s of stuff so we're going to be doing that
1811s as well so hopefully I'll have to look
1813s forward to thanks a lot we're gonna have
1815s a roundtable tomorrow afternoon I hope
1818s by then all of you are too tired from
1819s partying to really you know but yeah
1823s there is tomorrow afternoon three
1825s o'clock so I look forward to seeing you
1827s guys there Thanks
1835s Ziya
1837s [Music]