12 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Eve University a well-known organization
3s that trains and supports many new
4s capsuleers celebrated its 20th
6s anniversary on the 15th of March
8s celebrations included a sightseeing tour
11s fir side chat with criba the 24th Eve
13s University tethon and a pirate Fleet
16s with Rick javix speaking of
18s anniversaries March also represents 5
20s years since capsula katasi completed her
23s record-breaking feat a highly respected
25s and well-known member of signal cartel
28s ktia managed to visit every single star
30s syst syst in new Eden and Wormhole space
32s without losing her ship this feat was
34s commemorated with a statue of ktia in
36s the ccio system where her journey
39s originally started