11 months ago - EVE Online - Direct link

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3s details of various upwell Consortium
6s projects have been slowly surfacing over
8s the past few weeks and today the scope
11s received this footage from an
12s undisclosed Source it shows some sort of
16s industrial or transport ship under
18s construction in an unknown outer ring
20s excavations facility the ship seems to
22s be considerably smaller than the Orca
25s class industrial command ships also
27s manufactured by or but its overall
29s layout is undenied ibly similar the
32s exact role and specification of this new
34s class of ship is still unknown earlier
37s this week capsuleers recovered a number
40s of partially corrupted Cris ships
41s following the tracking and interception
43s of secretive deep space transactions
46s between or and chemel Tech both key
48s players in the upwell
50s Consortium after defragmenting these
52s corrupted chis chips capsuleers have
54s managed to reconstruct another
56s potentially crucial upwell document
58s there is much speculation as to whether
60s the Hologram in the document is part of
62s a structure a ship module or something
66s else construction activities by upwell
69s are escalating rapidly in low orbit over
72s the planet avakin 6 with substantial
75s assistance from capsuleers and Gathering
76s drone related materials the pace of
79s construction has intensified the purpose
81s of these materials remains undisclosed
84s however previous Cris chips secured by
87s capsuleers include a tractor beam
89s schematic both posting an impressive
91s range of 300 km aligning with the
94s requested drone materials pressure is
96s mounting on up well to disclose the full
98s scope of this ambitious project which
101s appears to Encompass orbital structures
103s Advanced ship Technologies and some sort
106s of mass cloning or Rejuvenation
108s facilities upwell has indicated that
110s they will release a comprehensive
112s statement in the coming days that will
114s shed light on these developments rest
116s assured the scope will continue to
119s Monitor and Report on these and other
121s significant events unfolding across new
124s Eden this is Alton hovery reporting for
127s the scope
131s [Music]