5 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | welcome back ladies and gentlemen to |
6s | Alliance tournament 20 I am CCP overload |
9s | I am joined once again by mystical might |
10s | and blackbart pirate and we're here on |
12s | day two of four of our internet |
15s | explosions of spaceships and I am |
17s | looking forward to seeing many more of |
18s | them go pop hopefully some more |
20s | expensive ones we all love to see |
21s | expensive kill Mills um we lost three |
23s | teams yesterday we did salutations and |
25s | goodbye but we lost them they all went |
27s | out there was elimination matches the |
28s | last three matches of the day uh some |
31s | great teams went out tempas cive was |
32s | probably a bit of an upset no one |
34s | expected them to go 0 and two and out I |
36s | don't think um but we are going to be |
37s | starting today with more elimination |
39s | matches these matches that you're going |
41s | to see the losers go home like that's |
43s | said for them the winners stay in they |
45s | begin the skin run the skin run Strat |
47s | which is what fraternity are are |
49s | definitely going for this this time |
50s | around last year's defending Champions |
52s | they are joining uh these other teams in |
54s | this low bracket Mr Kai any highlights |
56s | from yesterday you really wanted to talk |
57s | about uh my team is still in so that is |
60s | fantastic I love that uh I think we had |
63s | the 1- nil match as well with white |
65s | squall that was I think the most |
67s | exciting match that we had yesterday not |
69s | you know because we saw lots of |
71s | explosions but because we didn't see any |
73s | explosions that was fantastic yeah that |
75s | was actually a very interesting match um |
77s | because not only was it I think the |
79s | first one nil victory in Alliance tman |
81s | history um white squall have advanced |
84s | through the winners bracket they're now |
85s | definitely top 24 H they haven't killed |
87s | a single ship nor have they lost the |
89s | single ship they literally done nothing |
91s | uh they're going for the peaceful run I |
93s | think just trying to be full pacifist |
95s | get all the way through kill nothing |
97s | kill no one be lose nothing just get |
100s | through in technicalities bar any other |
102s | any other good moments from yesterday um |
104s | you know obviously the one was great |
105s | because it was kind of think it was |
107s | historical um honestly all the matches |
109s | yesterday were really good there's a |
110s | couple uh there's a couple sort of teams |
111s | that we were uh kind of questioning I |
114s | think on some of the various streams we |
115s | were like oh I don't know if this is |
116s | going to be good and like everyone's |
117s | showing up it's been fantastic uh I did |
120s | really like the second fraternity match |
122s | mostly because I was sitting there |
123s | watching him just being like come on |
126s | come on guys I never doubted yeah uh I |
129s | don't know about that one but uh yeah no |
131s | it was just good stuff um fantastic |
132s | matches I mean day one was great yep and |
134s | we saw a lot of uh different ships being |
136s | used yesterday and I believe we have a |
137s | couple of Graphics uh which we can throw |
139s | up which kind of show us which of the |
141s | ships were more popular than the others |
143s | um so looking at our most commonly |
145s | brought ships in Alli tournament 20 so |
147s | far on day one I can see the highest one |
151s | was the ponx pontif effect obviously |
152s | super uh super useful ship brings links |
155s | uh obviously in your command Destroyer I |
157s | did hear a rumor that someone has bought |
158s | all the pones ineta which is kind of |
160s | hilarious um so you know good job fa |
162s | that was uh and then of course it's the |
163s | Deacon and then number three armag get |
166s | Navy issue very popular ship yesterday |
168s | Mr your thoughts on this |
171s | losers losers well I mean we could check |
173s | the win loss as well in fact and we can |
175s | see that it has W more often than it's |
177s | lost the Armageddon Navy isue wins when |
179s | fielded for 42 times and has lost 39 |
181s | times does it really count if you're |
183s | flying omagad Navy issues into |
184s | Armageddon Navy issues |
187s | yes of course it can just yeah well okay |
190s | fine they survive a bit less though but |
192s | I mean I can see the usage in |
193s | tournaments obviously has spiked very |
195s | recently uh with the the Buffs a couple |
197s | years ago before that it was uh I mean |
199s | let's be honest it was hot garbage no |
200s | one used it shout out to whatever Chads |
202s | in Alliance tournament 7 brought them |
205s | though uh they're basically the only |
206s | people that have brought them in the |
207s | last 15 years until Alliance tournament |
209s | uh eight rate basically were some some |
212s | gamers in Alliance tournament 7 don't |
214s | know what was happening back then in |
215s | ancient history but that's pretty cool |
217s | um so yeah I'm expecting to see more |
218s | Armageddon Navy issues perhaps less |
220s | pontif effectes because there's not |
221s | available unless you've already bought |
223s | yours which you should do Market PVP is |
225s | just part of EV on line uh so if you're |
227s | not buying up your stuff before your |
229s | matches that's the skill issue yeah well |
232s | somebody what two billion isk someone |
233s | had to pay for aonix allegedly like yeah |
236s | well I mean welcome to Eve welcome to |
239s | Eve I mean our first match of the day |
241s | let's talk a quickly about that um I |
244s | will just pull it up on the schedule uh |
246s | so it is going to be no need loose face |
249s | versus of essence so again elimination |
251s | match Mr D what do you think about this |
252s | match I think it's going to be quite |
254s | exciting um I think that teams have had |
258s | the first day to kind of settle in um |
260s | they've had a bit of experience in the |
261s | arena now so there's probably hopefully |
263s | going to be less nerves when they're |
264s | hitting grid and trying to make their |
265s | decisions so hopefully that comes |
268s | through in the decision making that |
269s | we're going to be seeing on the grid |
271s | from these two teams but you know |
272s | someone has to go home um so they're |
274s | going to be fighting for their |
275s | tournament lives yeah and let's go to |
277s | the arena and see which of these teams |
279s | is going home which of them is |
280s | continuing their run through Alliance |
281s | tournament 20 let's go watch that |
285s | now name is Ali Aris here with Wingnut |
288s | cross and Welcome to our first match of |
290s | the day we have no need loose face |
292s | versus of essence of essence showing up |
295s | here with the quote unquote pseudo |
296s | Tinker comp they have three battleships |
298s | those battleships are going to stick |
299s | next to each other give each other cap |
302s | so they can rep a whole bunch and tank |
305s | this opposing side Wingnut what have no |
307s | need loose face brought well they're |
308s | going to need to tank that much because |
310s | no new face went we are bringing the |
311s | flag they've gone for Triple B as well |
313s | all Cruisers and a lot of even bomber |
316s | damage backing it up as well so this is |
317s | going to be a lot of damage coming at |
319s | them and also the ability to move so |
321s | there's an old strategy with stinker |
323s | bump and they've got the ships to do it |
325s | yeah and one of the things that's going |
326s | to be tough with this is the pseudo |
328s | Tinker it relies on having these three |
330s | battleships alive ready and all foced up |
334s | next to each other you lose one and all |
336s | of a sudden that starts to get really |
338s | rough for that team and even another one |
340s | as well is that the Nighthawk it's not |
342s | as as important but also if you lose the |
344s | links that the sutin loses a lot of tank |
346s | as well so it's also a rather important |
348s | ship every other ship |
350s | exposable yep and though one of the |
352s | advantages of this is you can shoot |
354s | these uh three battleships the scorp |
356s | navies and the Golem can shoot really |
358s | far so they are able to reach black dog |
361s | in the tyon fleet issue across the arena |
363s | even before we've seen any damage coming |
365s | from the no need team onto of essence |
368s | someone has dropped a cargo container |
369s | already here's the thing this team this |
371s | is the one thing this year is different |
372s | to for sutina there is two SS which |
374s | could be loaded with cap boosters for |
377s | the pseudo Tinker I already see a cargo |
379s | contain so maybe yeah two cargo |
380s | containers they're already dropping |
381s | boosters I think it's not just two |
383s | squalls it's two squalls in a badger we |
386s | have the combat Badger back in the |
387s | alliance tournament and uh they're going |
390s | straight on for the logy of of essence |
392s | one burst down one bantom left to go uh |
395s | but the damage is coming back onto black |
397s | dog and the typhoon Fleet issue the of |
400s | essence team just trying to get |
401s | everything that they can get before they |
404s | lose too many of their critical ships |
406s | indeed indeed it's going to be very |
407s | curious to see if they can get through |
408s | this Fleet typhoon it's going to be |
409s | constant pressure Cruisers do not care |
412s | but um once they get past that that |
414s | means they can win but at the moment the |
415s | fleet tyon tanking very well and the |
416s | Cruisers struggle to hit basically |
418s | anything else you're kind of stuck |
420s | shooting battleships yep and the big |
422s | thing with this is uh you normally when |
425s | teams lose their Logistics that's a |
427s | really big problem for them you lose |
428s | your lodgy all of a sudden all you have |
430s | left is your buffer thing is several the |
433s | ship yeah yeah they've got beefy local |
435s | tanks they've got cap boosters for days |
438s | and cap transfers I think as well just |
439s | to make it a little extra and really |
441s | just nail in the wholeo aspect yeah we |
444s | can see that the uh scorp navies they're |
446s | all bundled up together if you look in |
448s | close you'll be able to see those little |
449s | gold old icons going back and forth |
451s | that's the cap transfer and it's not |
453s | just the scorp navies all these ships |
456s | are huddled up next to each other and |
458s | transferring cap which is going to be |
459s | very important against the NES from the |
460s | armagedon Navy issues and the typhoon |
462s | Fleet issue oh exactly we and look |
465s | they're tanking exactly they're holding |
466s | at the moment now the old strategy for |
468s | beating sutin is to bump bump bump bump |
470s | keep pushing them away and they don't |
472s | really have any real way to stop them |
473s | from bumping at the same time they're |
476s | not doing it we're not seeing no need |
479s | lose fa get in here these battleships |
481s | they're just able to sit cluster enjoy |
484s | life and uh black dog is going into low |
487s | armor and the thing is he can't run |
489s | every in the arena he can be shot they |
491s | have to they have to change the game up |
492s | or they're just going to lose it's this |
493s | is going to be the First time seen Su |
494s | Tinker actually function really well |
496s | because usually it does tend to slowly |
497s | break I can't remember the last time he |
499s | actually show up one I think it has but |
501s | it's been a while we saw this a couple |
503s | of times we saw at least once in the |
504s | feeders and it didn't do well there but |
507s | here of essence just coming out showing |
509s | that you even though it's not a popular |
511s | comp you got to have that in the back of |
513s | your head you got to have that you got |
514s | to be able to respect it the Golem |
515s | pressure look at the Golem pressure now |
517s | they starting to pressure this is triple |
518s | rapid heavy so it can hurt but that |
520s | thing that Golem should be like really |
522s | well fit for just max tank he's kind of |
525s | holding but I think he's going into |
526s | armor now yeah yeah yeah he's going into |
527s | armor dipping down this is a this is |
529s | rough but black dog that's a big source |
531s | of pressure off of the Aries that might |
534s | be so poorly timed for no need loose |
535s | face that might be so poorly timed they |
537s | still going to get the Golem I things so |
538s | the Golems now repping that boosting |
540s | that might have just been it that might |
542s | just been it like they were that that |
543s | close even with quote unquote not |
545s | playing correctly by bumping them away |
547s | they were that close to getting it and |
549s | then lost the ship that's that is so |
550s | brutal yeah yeah you got to call the |
553s | think they just called The Switch they |
554s | said all in let's heat the Golem heat |
556s | heat heat heat heat just Leroy this yeah |
558s | you know it doesn't matter so one ship |
560s | down it's not over yet they had to have |
563s | a flag they can still definitely use |
565s | that as pressure and again they can |
566s | still just bump a ship yeah and we can |
568s | see these NES have been going onto these |
569s | Shield chips constantly so even though |
571s | they're able to cap transfer between |
573s | each other even though they have those |
575s | boosters from those carg containers |
577s | those squalls able to provide so much |
579s | sustain at some point the NES are just |
582s | going to really hurt in in this |
584s | situation I'm kind of surprised know Le |
586s | face hasn't tried to to dunk squs cuz |
588s | they are definitely providing more cap |
589s | boosters so just go shoot turn over |
591s | shoot it get rid of the capacitors even |
593s | blow the wreck got Go the whole way make |
596s | sure cuz that's going to be the one |
597s | strength that Essence has is that they |
599s | don't normally can cap out a su Tinker |
600s | generally to some point they can't do it |
602s | here there's no stopping it until those |
604s | squs are gone yeah and these squalls |
606s | they're not nothing in the DPS area we |
609s | usually haven't seen a lot of you know |
610s | big damage from industrial Squall newer |
612s | ship it was the garlic of the feeders |
615s | and uh that garlic is definitely spicing |
617s | up this comp although this Golem simus |
619s | going into deep armor yeah oh I I'm |
624s | watching that that's I wonder if his his |
625s | X has be might have run out and he's not |
627s | got the capacity or maybe the truly |
629s | cursed moment did not turn off order |
630s | reload in the XB oh that's the worst |
632s | although it's still boosting boosting a |
635s | little bit back and forth and this is |
636s | this is a critical moment if they can |
638s | get through if they can get through they |
640s | have a chance of winning if they don't |
641s | it's over and they they're rapidly going |
643s | through their clip come on come on come |
645s | on you can maybe get this come on you're |
646s | this close I mean honestly whoever wins |
648s | this is an amazing match to open up the |
650s | day this is sud Tinker versus a flag |
653s | sign me up I'm happy with this yeah and |
656s | this is both teams are here they're |
659s | doing quite well just watching these HP |
662s | bars back and forth back and forth the |
663s | Golem finally able to boost up there's |
665s | reload there's reload that's the the |
667s | battleships have now into are into |
669s | reload now they're not shooting anymore |
670s | okay so it's going to be about 40 |
672s | seconds before we see that damage go |
673s | back on the Golem Golem currently |
675s | turning everything off right click |
677s | repair your heat look at the school it's |
679s | in the bloody pseudo Tinker B I know |
682s | they're all they're all transferring to |
684s | each other this isn't this isn't just |
685s | the battleship it's the whole call scho |
688s | Justice it's the H C well we we're got 3 |
692s | minutes left them to potentially try and |
693s | pull this back but at the moment it's |
694s | looking like avence has got this yeah |
696s | although yeah there hold on hold on I |
699s | should not have said I I should not have |
701s | said anything here comes the damage |
702s | again does the Golem actually have the |
704s | rep capability now that's a good |
706s | question again those NES are just taking |
709s | it out of the Scorpion they're taking it |
711s | out of the Nighthawk uh he's getting |
714s | real low that some of those shots could |
716s | go go do through Shield H damage I think |
719s | just lost some |
720s | actually oh come on come on come on hold |
723s | on hold on hold on Buddy let to TI live |
726s | we got to know and you oh no there he |
729s | goes goem down okay okay but they have |
732s | they have pushed this other Navy genon |
734s | almost into Hull they can get through |
736s | him they're still in the game yep we've |
739s | just got to be able this is a really |
741s | tight race here and it looks like they |
742s | finally heard you Wing that they just |
743s | took out a Squall hard switch one Squall |
746s | down is the next one next to fall see |
750s | meanwhile that Armageddon Navy is you |
752s | holding on and the no need lose face |
754s | team they still have their logistic ship |
756s | they still have a deacon and athalia |
758s | that are able to get oh no the schools |
760s | have been massacred what have they done |
762s | to my |
763s | boy it's tragic and those that |
766s | Armageddon Navy issue seems to be |
768s | stabilizing that ofalia they're able to |
770s | get their reps on they're able to do |
771s | what they need H they aren't being |
773s | pressured by any sort of ewar NES |
776s | nothing like that I think yeah this |
778s | again this way P2 ly freets do very well |
781s | the longer the match goes long as they |
782s | stay alive they can really just provide |
783s | that little bit of extra rep they're not |
785s | they can't tank full comps but when a |
787s | comp is half dead they have enough |
790s | exactly exactly and with the Armageddon |
791s | Navy issue here that ship is likely |
794s | Fielding a local rep Y and so once that |
798s | pressure gets off he gets to listen to |
800s | the logistics chips oh no the battle |
802s | Badger they've they've just been |
804s | massacring all the poor Guys these guys |
806s | are just trying to haul they're not |
807s | fighting here they're just hauling |
808s | through jve space mate we we just picked |
810s | them up on the way but they're all gone |
812s | and now it's just the two Navy scorpions |
814s | Nighthawk and a sky Breer who's probably |
816s | spending the entire game shooting every |
818s | drone he can find indeed we can see the |
820s | and speaking of drones these uh the |
822s | Drone bays and the scorp navies and the |
825s | Golem dropped centuries so we've got |
827s | some centuries active here aing in the |
830s | DPS and with the light and down is is |
834s | really really tough foressence to pull |
836s | back I think this is this is |
837s | Unfortunately they went out a break |
838s | through because they consistently |
840s | pressuring nothing's changed they can't |
842s | really win at this point like they'll |
843s | probably survive a good amount of time |
845s | but it it's shown that they don't have |
847s | enough teeth they can't get through |
849s | exactly and this they could try |
852s | switching to this low end here I mean |
854s | with Cruisers that is some wishful |
856s | thinking I like look maybe in a blue |
858s | moon with a following wind they can |
859s | maybe tap a frig with a cruise but they |
862s | not getting through they're chance was |
863s | to try and kill the battleships they |
864s | tried they got one fortunately they were |
867s | like this close to getting the second |
868s | one they missed out by that much so |
871s | we've got just under a minute left in |
873s | this match they do have Target painters |
876s | left you can load Precision you can get |
878s | your target painters on try and pick up |
880s | a couple more points Chad flame trying |
882s | to tank it out you say that they are tar |
884s | they are T targeting the megas they are |
886s | trying for it oh but the logy frigs |
888s | they're just repping it back up I think |
889s | if they if they were going to do |
890s | anything it would have had to been |
891s | switch to the logi frig try to get that |
894s | extra rep off the table in order to be |
897s | able to actually just chew through the |
898s | buffer but too little too late and |
901s | honestly as you say it's quite hard to |
904s | hit those teu frigs with their very good |
906s | s i' I've made some fits you need a lot |
908s | of help to apply to FRS Al I'm also this |
911s | is one of the times you have not seen |
912s | anyone bump the uh the cedo Tinker |
914s | that's happened every other time |
915s | basically they didn't even try they |
917s | didn't even bother they initially didn't |
919s | see they were going to go through then I |
920s | guess they might have reloaded to the |
921s | right missiles maybe even loaded Rage or |
922s | something just went all in with it |
924s | exactly and with that match is over good |
927s | fights to both of essence thank you for |
929s | that lovely comp and we will send it |
931s | back to the desk where we'll hear |
932s | everything more |
934s | there all Ence uh bringing a classic |
938s | comp a pseudo Tinker comp that we saw |
939s | win Alliance tournament 17 um we all |
942s | know how to defeated now it's it's been |
944s | fairly well solved uh no need lose face |
948s | basically won that despite their best |
949s | efforts they attempted not to win it but |
951s | they they managed to get through and |
952s | pull out the dub Bart Bartholomew yes |
956s | tell me about what a sudo Tinker is |
959s | and how do you be how do you beat it all |
961s | right so of essence brought so we're |
963s | calling audo Tinker uh history lesson |
966s | not super important on that part |
968s | basically what they do is the |
969s | battleships are cap transferring each |
970s | other and they are all using ancillary |
972s | Shield boosters without the charges of |
974s | them uh an ancillary Shield booster |
976s | boosts a lot of Shield without the |
979s | charge hello oh oh thank you excellent |
984s | anyways uh C Tinker um an Shield |
986s | boosters without the charge still boost |
988s | the same amount they just use a ton of |
989s | cap |
990s | everybody's cap transferring each other |
991s | and that's how they keep themselves |
993s | Staying Alive um however they have to be |
996s | very very close together and if you |
998s | notice there's a lot of really really |
999s | good camera shots of the essence team |
1001s | just like sort of doing this little |
1004s | dance around each other and at any point |
1006s | in time you could just fly a battleship |
1008s | in and bump them apart because those cap |
1010s | transfers have like a seven or eight |
1011s | kilometer range and you've uh you've |
1013s | solved your problem however um they |
1016s | didn't do that they still won by just |
1019s | bashing their head into the Golem for |
1021s | you know 8 minutes straight and |
1022s | eventually the Golem broke probably |
1024s | because you know it's a flagship armagan |
1025s | Navy issue they did a lot of damage and |
1028s | you know unfortunately for a Essence |
1030s | that's it they're gone |
1032s | uh I don't think it was a particularly |
1035s | uh well fought match um on either team |
1038s | I'm just I'm to be honest I feel like |
1040s | well I feel like the pseudo Tinker |
1041s | should do more damage right you're you |
1043s | have three cruise missile battleships |
1044s | that are some of the highest paper DPS |
1046s | ships in the game and for some reason |
1049s | they were like not applying at all it I |
1052s | don't know it was we were talking about |
1053s | a lot we were like huh this is not going |
1055s | the way that it should the team that won |
1059s | won by not doing what they were supposed |
1061s | to do but it didn't matter and here we |
1063s | are yep now Misty do you think um of |
1066s | Ence could have won that anyway like it |
1069s | felt like as Bart says they probably |
1070s | should have won um but yet they didn't |
1073s | as we have just witnessed um what could |
1075s | they have done differently like is there |
1077s | anything they could have really done I |
1078s | feel like this going to be an age-old |
1080s | classic answer but shooting the enemy |
1082s | team at the beginning would have been a |
1084s | fantastic First Step there was a period |
1086s | of time and you know keeping in mind |
1089s | that the pseudo Tinker has cruise |
1090s | missiles so they can reach effectively |
1092s | every corner of the Arena right the fact |
1095s | that they weren't shooting the typon |
1097s | fleet issue at the very beginning they |
1099s | were kind of like eh I'm going to wait |
1101s | for it to get super close um and then |
1103s | they continued to wait and we were kind |
1105s | of like hm where is their damage what's |
1108s | happening it took them a while for the |
1109s | attack bar to actually go up uh once it |
1112s | did we saw that they were slowly |
1113s | grinding their way through but if they' |
1115s | started shooting earlier it gives them |
1116s | more time to break through that ehp and |
1118s | break through the Reps um and they |
1120s | probably would have had their Golem |
1122s | probably be a little bit more um you |
1124s | know it would have more armor left it |
1126s | would have more structure left when the |
1127s | typon fleet went down which makes it |
1129s | easier for it to try and tank through |
1131s | the clips of the Navy gedon um which we |
1133s | saw happen quite a few times right like |
1134s | the the Golem would dip slowly slowly |
1138s | slowly and then uh the Navy gons would |
1141s | have to go and |
1142s | reload now if you bring a redeemer what |
1144s | would happen if they were redeemers wow |
1147s | let me tell you um yeah you know bring a |
1150s | redeemer instead of these Navy gons man |
1152s | come on come on um but yeah the bump |
1154s | bumping as well is very important |
1157s | there's a lot of NES coming out from the |
1159s | Navy genon Team if they couple that with |
1162s | the fact that you can break up the cap |
1164s | transfers like Bart was saying it makes |
1166s | it very hard for the Golem team to |
1168s | continue transferring and tanking |
1170s | because they're running off of capacitor |
1172s | right once you run out of charges you |
1173s | don't go to reload you just carry on |
1175s | boosting off of your Camp um the key to |
1178s | that would have been killing the squalls |
1180s | I believe at the very beginning um to |
1182s | ensure that you're not getting scrammed |
1184s | when you're burning in right cuz usually |
1185s | you're going to have some tackle on the |
1186s | lower end to make sure that you can't |
1188s | get bumped out of position but they're |
1190s | going to tank a lot less as well cuz |
1191s | you've got no remote reps coming out so |
1194s | um of essence had the chance to win |
1197s | because you know the other team just |
1199s | wasn't playing it effectively but uh |
1202s | they also played it effectively there |
1204s | you are well we are in the the lore |
1206s | bracket uh so you know I guess what do |
1208s | you expect uh all right let's look at |
1210s | our next match in this low bracket it's |
1211s | going to be unspoken Alliance versus |
1213s | plug-and play and we have the bands |
1214s | available so we can take a look at that |
1216s | unspoken Alliance are Banning out the |
1218s | abadin the mollus the arthurus and the |
1221s | ashimmu interesting ban there H and plug |
1223s | andplay Banning out the Loki the |
1224s | Armageddon the EOS and the Nighthawk |
1227s | Bart what do you think of these bands |
1228s | here uh I so the ashm band is silly um |
1232s | but I do like the rest of them like uh |
1234s | we I think we saw plug- and play |
1235s | actually use kind of this uh interesting |
1237s | laser with a fleet typhoon set up |
1240s | yesterday so I can understand you know |
1241s | abadin are very scary they do a lot of |
1244s | damage um mlles again we've seen them |
1247s | use it h orthus is a bit weird I don't |
1249s | think uh I think they're just kind of |
1251s | trying to hedge their bets um I do like |
1253s | the plug-and playay bands very very |
1254s | strong though uh you know lokis are |
1256s | fantastic if if you ban a Loki and a |
1258s | Nighthawk and somebody tries to ham rush |
1260s | you still you're probably gonna win |
1261s | because they brought a bad comp right um |
1263s | Armageddon again you know we've seen |
1265s | some very very good Armageddon drone |
1267s | setups that did a lot better than we |
1270s | expected uh I like I said I like the |
1272s | bands EOS bands plug- and plays bands |
1274s | great Mak sense perfect unspoken are a |
1276s | little like uh I think they're targeted |
1278s | to plug-in play plug-in play is kind of |
1280s | just like we're Banning stuff we don't |
1281s | want to fight so y research done we are |
1283s | in the lower bracket so I'm expecting to |
1285s | start seeing a lot of flagships being |
1286s | thrown around uh this morning B |
1289s | basically because um yep and as I say |
1291s | that it comes up on my screen to tell me |
1293s | that there is a flagship Armageddon Navy |
1295s | issue coming from plug and play in this |
1296s | in this next match so yeah I mean if if |
1298s | you're going to go out and you want to |
1300s | at least get some wins and get some |
1301s | skins uh this is the time to you know |
1303s | bring bring those flagships M how many |
1306s | of these flagships are we going to see |
1307s | die do you think today oh a lot yeah oh |
1309s | yeah um thankfully um teams are going to |
1313s | be encouraged to bring their Flagship |
1315s | because you want the chance to win some |
1316s | of these new prize ships that are coming |
1318s | out uh for the first time in ever I |
1320s | think so 20 years since we had the last |
1323s | Battleship prizes given out um but more |
1325s | importantly like the battleships instead |
1326s | of just being like fancy are actually op |
1329s | so um there's an there's reason for |
1332s | people to be throwing down isk right cuz |
1333s | you even if you lose your Flagship but |
1335s | you get through the match um you will be |
1338s | able to recoup your losses if you manage |
1339s | to get some of these PR ships so yeah um |
1341s | yeah we're going to see a lot of |
1342s | flagships die and remember 90% drop rate |
1345s | event going on right now so make sure to |
1347s | actually kill the flagship on the enemy |
1349s | team please yeah and obviously it's up |
1351s | to you but you if you lose your Flagship |
1352s | and you sell some chips alive you can |
1354s | shoot the wreck you know if you want to |
1356s | be those guys uh and deprive your your |
1359s | opponents of getting the load you can do |
1360s | that that's totally optional um all |
1362s | right I think we have we can go to the |
1364s | arena now for this match in Alliance |
1366s | tournament |
1369s | 20 welcome back to the arena guys I'm of |
1371s | course Wing joined by Ali and we have |
1373s | another Flagship on the arena but it's |
1374s | coming up against a wall of DPS get us |
1377s | through Ally what we got so on the on |
1380s | the blue side we have a big or sorry on |
1383s | the red side my apologies we have a big |
1385s | rush uh this is a double alligator |
1387s | double slep Rush with a gila and a |
1390s | crucifier for a little bit of bonus uh a |
1394s | little bit of bonus eward there and this |
1396s | Rush is running without the Nighthawk or |
1399s | the Loki cuz those got banned by them I |
1401s | think by them yeah Wing not what do we |
1402s | have on the other side we have Plug and |
1404s | Play playing very similar comp to what |
1405s | they lost in last time but they've gone |
1407s | you know no we're done losing we're |
1409s | going all in they've brought a flagon |
1411s | Navy with us of course to going with |
1412s | their Paladin and Dema and they've |
1414s | brought double control ship they' got |
1416s | crucifier and Sentinel which honestly is |
1418s | going to really blunt this Rush yeah |
1421s | we've got mixed weapon systems here the |
1422s | alligators are have missiles for their |
1425s | damage these slep have tracking or have |
1429s | guns sorry which are disrupted by |
1431s | tracking disruptors so whatever that |
1434s | Sentinel and crucifier showed up with in |
1436s | their mids those are going to be |
1438s | effective here |
1439s | it's really going to be a rough spot for |
1442s | The Rush yep we'll see where the |
1443s | projection starts going first what's |
1445s | getting hit okay they're shooting a |
1446s | crucified begin with okay fair enough |
1449s | honestly applying to it better than |
1450s | expected but no it's going to tank DEA |
1452s | being hit first are they rushing they're |
1455s | not really rushing in are they they yeah |
1456s | yeah I was uh confident I was quite |
1459s | confident about this but maybe a little |
1461s | bit too confident are autoc Cannon sleps |
1464s | but they're they're not doing the usual |
1465s | lering in they're just like we're going |
1467s | to go around and be cheeky we're going |
1469s | to pick our our slot I mean maybe this |
1470s | is a uh Flagship assassination attempt |
1473s | aiming for ier XX unspoken Alliance they |
1476s | were here yesterday and they brought |
1478s | their flag and lost their flag so maybe |
1481s | they're just trying to trade it back and |
1483s | with that though the damage is all going |
1485s | on this Sentinel honestly yeah get rid |
1487s | of the the ew War let their rush really |
1489s | Rush they're going for the megas too |
1491s | trying to blunt this comp they're doing |
1492s | very well hitting these smaller ships |
1493s | and constantly pressing and one does go |
1495s | down wow they've already started doing |
1497s | pretty well honestly I didn't I did like |
1499s | this comp when I first saw it because of |
1500s | the mixed guns but that's a good start |
1503s | yeah honestly being able to and this is |
1505s | one of the things that really separates |
1507s | the good teams from the the less good |
1509s | teams when you show up and it's a little |
1511s | bit of an awkward matchup for you so |
1512s | Rush obviously usually rushes in what's |
1515s | the problem when you rush in well this |
1517s | big armor control team is going to |
1519s | separate you apart if you maybe hang |
1523s | back a little bit don't all run in right |
1525s | at the start wait for your opportunity |
1528s | then maybe maybe you have an opportunity |
1529s | to make something happen clear out a |
1531s | sentinel get someone who's a little bit |
1533s | out of position and that's what happened |
1534s | here that said they are now all in on |
1537s | dant in the Redeemer and so far there's |
1540s | no real damage being traded back onto |
1543s | this Rush there something hit the left |
1544s | and a I'm kind of curious can you do me |
1545s | a favor and check the alligator is that |
1546s | hams or Heavies cuz this could be a kidi |
1550s | comp |
1550s | instead like I I but I see slip the |
1553s | order can I'm assuming it's a rush but |
1554s | they can't project yeah no this is a |
1556s | this does appear to be a uh a ham okay |
1559s | is good fair enough I was making sure |
1561s | like feel like I'm in like you know La |
1562s | La Land but they are doing quite well |
1564s | look at the demer actually they are |
1565s | pounding this guy down this is going |
1567s | better than it has any right to be yeah |
1570s | this is a bit of a surprising one the |
1571s | demer just I mean honestly you get so |
1573s | many of these Ships coming in and you've |
1575s | got selectable damage types so you can |
1577s | move away from those reactive armor |
1579s | hardeners the alligators yeah maybe they |
1580s | can't apply with their hams across the |
1582s | whole Arena but they can definitely |
1583s | apply with their drones oh yeah |
1585s | disgusting things those are but the de |
1587s | is about to go into hell this Rush is |
1589s | doing rush things and it's so far it's |
1592s | looking very good as a sleer on their |
1594s | side still at about half Shields I |
1596s | haven't count the xcl speed Cycles I'm |
1597s | not sure how many he's gone through but |
1599s | he's definitely gone through a few yeah |
1601s | yeah and this crucifier is actually |
1602s | doing a ton of work and redeemer's down |
1605s | those tracking disruptors from the |
1606s | crucifier were being applied to the |
1608s | Paladin and the Redeemer presumably |
1609s | they're going to go to the Paladin and |
1610s | the armagan Navy issue here and those |
1613s | tracking disruptors that's part of why |
1616s | the unspoken Alliance has been keeping |
1618s | their range unspoken wants to be able to |
1620s | stay enough split up from the |
1623s | battleships in a sense they're flying a |
1625s | control comp versus the battleship rush |
1628s | tactically so this is really well flown |
1631s | I also just notice I'm so used to |
1632s | getting navies being missiles I stopped |
1633s | looking I should have looked it's a gun |
1636s | getting Navy of course yeah yeah and |
1637s | this is what this is what mti's been |
1639s | wanting to see all week or well all |
1641s | tournament uh feels like a week feels |
1644s | like it's been that long right yeah yeah |
1645s | yeah but he's been saying you know oh |
1647s | you can take a you can take an armag |
1648s | Navy issue you can take a redeemer well |
1651s | Plug and Play they've shown up with an |
1652s | Armageddon Navy issue they've shown up |
1653s | with Redeemer they've shown up with the |
1654s | Paladin and these ships are just getting |
1658s | destroyed by The Rush from the other |
1659s | side getting deleted yep one of the Lo |
1661s | ships is now going the inquis is |
1662s | probably going to follow rather quickly |
1664s | they are picking apart this comp this is |
1666s | a rush you know we expected Russians to |
1667s | do well we were honestly kind of almost |
1669s | discounting him a little bit yesterday |
1671s | because a lot of control showed up but |
1673s | Rush still does very well against |
1675s | battleships if you can get them all in |
1677s | and they managed to avoid the usual pits |
1679s | at the start and still get in and stop |
1680s | punching yeah just really well piloted |
1682s | from unspoken here knowing what they |
1684s | want to do in the matchup and we've seen |
1686s | the logistics for plug andplay fall that |
1689s | Paladin's in low armor there's no reps |
1692s | to keep that Paladin alive meanwhile |
1694s | they've only traded onto a single |
1696s | slepnir yep and that s paid for like |
1700s | took his life and wait took as much time |
1701s | as he could with it he made them pay him |
1703s | blood and this is I mean this is again |
1705s | what you want to the position you want |
1707s | to be in in a rush rush you're often |
1708s | trading DPS trying to get that out and |
1711s | one of the things that again really |
1712s | separates the good teams from the you |
1714s | the good Rush execution from the so so |
1716s | is knowing when not to rush and unspoken |
1720s | they know when not to rush and they |
1721s | they've gone you know what we lost our |
1723s | flag yesterday I guess will take |
1725s | yours cuz yeah they're going onto the |
1728s | flag now they've got more than enough |
1730s | Rush left to kill it this is going to be |
1732s | a flag down to a team without a flag and |
1735s | but usually like we've seen teams be |
1737s | almost spiteful and kill a flag when |
1738s | they're about to leave a tournament |
1739s | these guys going to be going to kill the |
1741s | flag and win the match exactly exactly |
1743s | although wa that they have they don't |
1745s | have a flag of their own so we've talked |
1747s | about people like upgrading your flag so |
1749s | you kill the enemy flag you loot it |
1751s | hopefully it has some purple modules |
1753s | that you don't have and then you just |
1754s | make your flag better and better and |
1756s | better and in this case they're going to |
1757s | kill the flag and it's not going to make |
1759s | their flag better it's just going to |
1761s | make their team payout better yeah but |
1763s | you know if you discount the flag loss |
1764s | they just pay off their tournament costs |
1766s | exactly exactly and even for for a non-f |
1772s | flag comp you invest quite a bit of isk |
1774s | into your oh yeah tournament comps two |
1777s | alligators two slipers that's not |
1779s | significant amount of money indeed and |
1780s | this is happening on the live server |
1782s | tranquility and there goes that Flagship |
1785s | goodbye boom they've got the squalls |
1788s | right up on that wreck let's see if we |
1790s | can get that uh that wck looted the |
1793s | Squall is going to look the this is why |
1796s | you bring squalls to the match you need |
1798s | the Industrials so you can fit all the |
1800s | modules right just like open up your |
1803s | purse sticking the bread sticks in you |
1805s | know it's the oh my God it's like the |
1808s | guy that comes into your sight when |
1809s | you're finished just grabs all the |
1813s | stu oh the greed the squir there's |
1816s | nothing left to really stop him now this |
1817s | this match is entirely over well played |
1819s | on spoken again I will eat my words I |
1822s | did not expect this to go well in the |
1824s | slightest and they managed to make it |
1825s | work congratulations yeah we've got the |
1828s | uh last crucifier remaining 106 km 108 |
1833s | km from the steam he's headed for a |
1834s | beacon try for if we get a new Edge of |
1838s | Glory record from NC |
1841s | 177e in the crucifier this is going to |
1844s | be a excellent uh way out yep to Val |
1850s | spooling |
1851s | loading he's not gonna break the record |
1853s | nope not at all only 170 well thank you |
1856s | very much to Plug and Play it was a very |
1859s | good match we're gonna go on break and |
1860s | back to the Sho and see what they think |
1861s | about |
1863s | it they have been unplugged from |
1865s | Alliance tournament uh 20 they are going |
1867s | home they lost an expensive Flagship as |
1869s | well in that match uh the comp coming |
1872s | from the other side from unspoken |
1872s | Alliance was an interesting one it first |
1874s | we thought it looked like the classic |
1875s | Florida man comp then we were like oh no |
1877s | maybe it's fly killer is this Florida |
1879s | killer but then we noticed that those |
1881s | were um AC s nears Mr might your |
1884s | thoughts on that comp from unspoken I |
1886s | mean we were discussing it yesterday |
1888s | when we were looking at things like |
1889s | Nighthawk bands um I mentioned that the |
1891s | alligator is a suitable replacement is |
1893s | not as good um I would say as the |
1896s | Nighthawk but we saw that it can be |
1898s | flown very effectively um we saw that |
1901s | the unspoken team is it unspoken |
1904s | unspoken okay perfect you're not |
1906s | supposed to say the name though ah it's |
1908s | unspoken I've broken the rule um managed |
1911s | to even though they were ham and AC fit |
1914s | right um they kept their range at the |
1916s | very beginning they used the alligator |
1918s | and the Gil drones to try and weaken and |
1921s | soften up the lower end um of the plug |
1923s | andplay team they killed the Sentinel at |
1925s | the very beginning to remove some of the |
1927s | tracking disruptors which was a very |
1928s | effective play and also importantly it |
1930s | removes some of the small NES because |
1931s | small noes can be very effective they |
1933s | cycle quickly they actually n a fair |
1935s | amount um and it would have been tricky |
1938s | for them to keep their hardeners on if |
1940s | that Sentinel was still alive right um |
1942s | with the heavier NES that come out from |
1944s | the battleships it's much easier to try |
1945s | and time your your invol Cycles so that |
1947s | you still have your resist |
1949s | but with a sentinel still on grid you |
1950s | would never be able to turn your resist |
1952s | mods on um and that would effectively |
1955s | mean that your ships are a lot squish |
1956s | yet um however that is irrelevant if you |
1961s | just shoot a slepnir instead of the |
1962s | alligators with laser ships at the very |
1964s | beginning um and then you spend the |
1966s | entire match just trying to kill one |
1967s | ship so Target selection Target |
1970s | selection yeah it's a underrated skill |
1973s | in Alliance tournament you know you warp |
1974s | in uh the referee says okay warping is |
1976s | unlocked you head warp he locks it again |
1979s | you land you get your first look at what |
1980s | the enemy is bringing uh and then the |
1982s | spaghetti just starts flying everywhere |
1984s | at that point and you have to try and |
1985s | like keep yourself composed uh and call |
1987s | the right targets and also make sure |
1989s | that you don't start like flipping |
1990s | around and like you stick with something |
1992s | but you also know when to change like |
1994s | it's a really it is an underrated skill |
1997s | um you can take a really good comp with |
1999s | good Pilots but if you just call the |
2000s | wrong targets then it will still lose uh |
2003s | Bart I mean I wouldn't say it was a |
2005s | really good |
2006s | comp I was saying Theory you could do um |
2010s | I do think so one of the things that the |
2012s | uh the unspoken Alliance team had is |
2015s | they did bring a crucifier in a shield |
2017s | Rush which is weird because like usually |
2019s | I dislike it when people do that CU |
2020s | you're wasting a ship slot but the |
2022s | Nighthawk alligator or the not Nighthawk |
2025s | the alligator hea sner setup had so much |
2027s | DPS didn't matter um I think I'm going |
2030s | to I'm going to give them the benefit of |
2031s | the doubt here the reason why they shot |
2033s | the sleer is because I I think the |
2035s | crucifier was like all tracking |
2037s | disruptors I think they kind of got red |
2039s | there and um I don't think they could |
2041s | shoot anything else so I think what |
2043s | happened is they literally were like ah |
2046s | well I guess this is yeah and then you |
2049s | know with the |
2050s | sner that's actually a ship that's |
2052s | usually a good idea to just stay on it |
2053s | because eventually the ASB charges run |
2055s | out you know after like say nine or so |
2056s | cycles and then you're like oh oh now it |
2058s | dies that one lived forever though like |
2060s | big big shout out to the heat management |
2062s | and the logy pilots from unspoken um |
2064s | yeah they did bring guns on an Eman Navy |
2067s | yeah yeah yeah yeah we can talk about |
2068s | the AR Navy issue like speaking of Cu |
2070s | it's a flagship people that didn't |
2072s | didn't continue to stay alive uh the |
2074s | flagship armag Navy issue so um Zed |
2077s | Kell's valuing it at 75 B billion isk |
2079s | which is a lot um we see thanks to the |
2082s | 90% lot drop uh we see that the Goan |
2084s | modified status web far has indeed |
2086s | dropped it's a 22 Bill web super useful |
2088s | if you have a flagship Bal Gorn and that |
2090s | dropped in front of you slap that thing |
2092s | right on that's going to be amazing um |
2094s | and also we see a very fancy damage |
2096s | control so uh it's quite Poss unspoken |
2098s | have just got a nice little upgrade to |
2100s | their |
2100s | flagships what do you think of this |
2102s | Flagship M I know you love getting |
2103s | navies so much well I was going to say |
2105s | uh it says 202 bill but it's more like |
2107s | air quotes because during at season |
2110s | these kind of modules Skyrocket um I |
2112s | would probably advise if they aren't |
2113s | going to use it themselves don't sell it |
2116s | until you're out of the tournament or |
2117s | else you may come up against it later on |
2119s | and be like ah damn um but you know for |
2122s | these teams if they do end up going out |
2125s | they've still made Bank basically just |
2127s | killing this one flag it means that |
2128s | they've got a super strong web that they |
2130s | can sell um and it's always exciting to |
2132s | see these flagships hit the grid I I |
2134s | think that I probably would have gone |
2137s | for some officer guns maybe if if you're |
2139s | going to Splash the cash if you're going |
2140s | to have a really expensive damage |
2141s | control unit and like one of the the |
2144s | better webs in the game probably just |
2146s | spash the extra cash for stronger guns |
2148s | as well um but yeah I mean it's it's |
2150s | nice to see a decent Flagship fit uh wow |
2156s | better could do better yeah I mean tech |
2158s | one rigs what's this where is my Tobias |
2160s | web where is my strategio Grappler yes |
2163s | yes yes I want those you want those yes |
2165s | you you providing them if anyone wants |
2168s | to buy a |
2169s | gra all right uh so our next match which |
2171s | is coming up in uh just about five |
2173s | minutes or so is going to be slow |
2174s | children at play versus only fleets and |
2176s | I believe we can hear from the |
2178s | spokesperson for slow children at |
2187s | Play ja of all trades alliance with a |
2189s | focus in nulc in cloud ring but you'll |
2192s | see us all over the place like high SEC |
2194s | War HQ Bashan against some pirate groups |
2197s | uh lowack faction Warfare and even some |
2199s | spooky Wormhole Shenanigans this is our |
2202s | first time in the alliance tournament |
2203s | and we look forward to making this an |
2205s | every year thing for slow as we hone and |
2207s | improve on our abilities our current |
2209s | Alliance tournament team is being led by |
2211s | Aragon who has former experience in |
2213s | Alliance tournament as well as some |
2215s | awesome members in slow with varying |
2216s | degrees of experience from vet |
2218s | to new players we're looking forward to |
2221s | facing off against our friends and |
2222s | snuffed out as it will not only be a |
2224s | challenge but also a great way to prove |
2227s | and improve on our abilities we hope |
2229s | others and Eve cheer on our little team |
2231s | of underdogs as our Eve story has always |
2233s | been that of the underdog with a strong |
2235s | focus on hidden up and helping those |
2237s | being bullied and a strong Outreach to |
2239s | new players we may be slow but we will |
2242s | always catch you in the end so to the |
2244s | other Alliance tournament teams watch |
2247s | out |
2249s | thank you from uh slow children at play |
2251s | it's always nice to hear from some of |
2253s | the the teams especially maybe ones that |
2254s | haven't competed L tourament before and |
2256s | a slow TR and this is their first time |
2258s | um I'm hoping to see uh I I like when |
2260s | Underdog teams do well we all do it's |
2262s | just much more fun no one likes it when |
2264s | you know the same people are just |
2266s | continuously winning all the time it's |
2267s | nice like last year we had fraternity |
2268s | come in and win for the first time uh |
2270s | you know don't think anyone had that in |
2272s | their prediction at the start of the |
2273s | tournament except Mr biased might over |
2276s | there um but yeah that was that was |
2278s | great we always love to see that so |
2279s | let's have a look at the band for this |
2281s | upcoming match slow children at play |
2282s | versus only fleets so slow children |
2284s | Banning out the pontifex and the Magus |
2286s | so both armor command destroyers have |
2289s | been removed so pretty solid bands uh |
2291s | cycl F issue and the Loki then we have |
2293s | only fleets Banning out the arbitrator |
2295s | armagedon Navy isue EOS and the zarm |
2298s | BART what do you think about these bands |
2300s | you know for for a group that it says |
2301s | that you know it's their first time |
2302s | doing an alliance tournament I mean the |
2304s | Pontius mag ponteix Magus ban hard uh |
2308s | that's really really smart like that is |
2311s | if you get rid of those it makes it so |
2313s | hard to fly most armor setups um this |
2315s | basically it means you have to bring in |
2317s | EOS which is a lot of points and once |
2319s | you do that you're kind of sort of |
2320s | locking yourself into certain specific |
2322s | setups so I really like so when that |
2323s | plays bands you know they've definitely |
2325s | done their research they understand Band |
2326s | Theory uh to a degree um which is pretty |
2329s | cool uh I do really like that and again |
2331s | they kind of took some of the shield |
2332s | Rush setups though as we just saw a |
2334s | alligator heess leer Shield Rush clearly |
2336s | you could bring an alligator heess Le if |
2338s | you wanted to so I don't know if that |
2339s | really says anything um and you know |
2341s | same thing uh only Fleet spans really |
2344s | really good too uh zarm zarm as that one |
2347s | this one I'll ask chat how to pronounce |
2348s | Zar Maad zarm Maad Zar mazad I think we |
2352s | can go with nice I like that you need to |
2354s | really annunciate the second syllable |
2355s | zarm Azad zarm Azad yes so you know |
2359s | they've basically banned armor out right |
2360s | you can't bring the ponix you can't |
2362s | bring the Magus you can't bring the EOS |
2364s | so the only armor setup you can maybe |
2366s | bring would be sort of a links set up |
2368s | like medium gun spam um links are very |
2371s | important in the alliance tournament I |
2373s | think sometimes people don't understand |
2374s | just like how broken they are in a small |
2376s | setting like this uh and then yeah you |
2379s | know arbitrators they've been disgusting |
2381s | it's kind of been The Unsung ship of uh |
2383s | yesterday I feel like cuz we saw so many |
2384s | matches where an arbitrator just |
2386s | destroyed the ability for the other team |
2388s | to play so you know yeah they're both on |
2390s | the lower bracket but like they're |
2391s | they're being very smart and if you're |
2393s | doing ban smart it means you're probably |
2394s | picking comp smart maybe possibly we'll |
2396s | find out y I mean I also like the fact |
2398s | that uh only fleets responded to the pon |
2401s | effect Magus ban with that EOS ban like |
2404s | CH both sides are sort of you know |
2406s | fairly switched on in terms of Band |
2407s | Theory and like picking the right thing |
2408s | to to get rid of um the the armade being |
2411s | taken out as well means that obviously |
2413s | Teo thetic Cruisers are available but |
2415s | why would you bother bringing them now |
2416s | when all the links like you say have |
2417s | been taken out Misty is this one of the |
2420s | situations where if you have a strong |
2421s | armor comp you still want to bring it |
2424s | are you going to try and force it or are |
2425s | you going to try and just swap into |
2426s | Shield or something it's it's always the |
2429s | case you can have some variations of a |
2431s | strong comp but at a certain point you |
2433s | kind of just have to let it go and |
2434s | accept Okay we can't run this comp |
2437s | because to do so just because you're |
2438s | comfortable with it doesn't mean that |
2439s | it's good in the matchup um there are |
2443s | other things you can do yeah you can |
2444s | just bring BC spam um the zarm probably |
2447s | wouldn't factor that well into a BC spam |
2449s | anyway um typically you're going to have |
2452s | um various ships like some some ships |
2454s | cutting in getting tackle stuff like |
2455s | that getting shot every now and then so |
2456s | you want to swap your reps around |
2458s | um but yeah I I think at this point I |
2461s | was actually going to mention I think |
2462s | the CFI and Loki bands aren't so much |
2464s | for ham rush but I think it's more to |
2467s | try and remove some strong kiting ships |
2469s | um I think cycl Fleet issue does a |
2471s | better job with heavy missiles kiting |
2472s | around the edge of the Arena um then it |
2474s | does with hams as they are still fairly |
2477s | squishy compared to other battle |
2479s | Cruisers um but they are very fast and |
2481s | have decent range so I I I think slow |
2483s | Chan is just trying to remove any |
2484s | potential kite and force an armor comp |
2487s | or um a a ham Rush from the only fleet's |
2491s | side yeah I think having um that zarm in |
2493s | there as well from uh the only Fleet |
2495s | side kind of removes the Widow comp as |
2498s | well it's like a two for one ban because |
2500s | uh obviously Widow kind of a tauny boy |
2502s | um you really want to be able to spool |
2503s | on him um with your with your rep so by |
2506s | removing that arm you kind of hamstring |
2509s | uh the the widow or you you know just |
2511s | don't bring it at all I see as well that |
2513s | uh slow are bringing their Flagship |
2515s | Vindicator uh I'm sure there's a very |
2517s | happy Australian somewhere in the |
2518s | building right I think I might have |
2519s | heard him I think I might have heard I |
2521s | think I heard it um Wingnut does love |
2524s | his his vindicators so dearly uh so |
2527s | let's make him happy and send it to the |
2528s | desk so he can talk all about |
2532s | it hello and welcome back to the desk |
2536s | hello and welcome or hello welcome back |
2538s | to the arena I know where I am good |
2540s | morning good afternoon and good evening |
2542s | everyone we are here to watch a vicious |
2545s | Rush attempt to assassinate my colleague |
2548s | Wing nut's favorite ship wi at the skin |
2550s | look at the skin it's so beautiful it's |
2553s | glorious but it's going to die this is a |
2555s | lot of rush they need to do what |
2557s | Vindicator should never do run indeed |
2560s | and we've seen this before with rush we |
2563s | need that ericon needs everyone on their |
2566s | team to Pile in screen them off string |
2569s | them out try and prevent these ships |
2571s | from getting on top of them it's going |
2572s | to be a little bit easier than it |
2574s | usually is you know why this Rush does |
2576s | not have an onyx it does does not have a |
2578s | Loki there is no extra bonus long |
2582s | distance way to slow things down so here |
2585s | we have the rush streaming over and we |
2588s | can immediately see that like half their |
2589s | team is wept yep and Bam one's gone they |
2592s | just killed some on the small in there |
2594s | yeah that's a nurgle so one of those |
2596s | nice tackle screening ships out of the |
2598s | way Vindicator is webbed uh here we go |
2601s | Shield sheld going all righty boys this |
2605s | is a tank tank moment this Vindicator is |
2607s | going to get the gaming of their life |
2609s | moment get that cap injector running |
2611s | overheat the the rep hope you brought a |
2614s | good one y and damage coming in on stsh |
2617s | meanwhile trying to trade off as much of |
2619s | that damage as we can splitting between |
2621s | The Vindicator and the dger right now |
2623s | actually yeah trying and kill more stuff |
2624s | they got to kill stash fast and |
2625s | immediately switch where I think blades |
2627s | is the next one they can go for he's |
2629s | never mind he's not actually that close |
2630s | they need to switch something else |
2631s | something near by The Vindicator can |
2632s | shoot maybe the Drake Navy they need to |
2634s | just keep it going keep going keep going |
2636s | the vind tanking very good right now and |
2638s | the draga is holding to have they maybe |
2641s | managed it or am I jumping too soon here |
2644s | it's tough to say it's a little bit |
2645s | close to call blades scar going down in |
2647s | the ospry naue I will note that aerican |
2651s | and the Nighthawk is down uh and you can |
2653s | see that these 90% webs are being |
2655s | switched between American and Melinda |
2657s | back and forth back and forth no no no |
2659s | no that's not allowed not allowed to do |
2661s | that no he's got a cool skin he's got |
2663s | the cool skin protection he's got the |
2664s | cool skin but he's got two Nighthawks |
2666s | and a caracle both sitting at zero right |
2669s | on top of them piling the missiles in |
2672s | please this is a flagship assassination |
2675s | attempt and I hope that with this all of |
2677s | Aron's teammates are going out trying to |
2681s | spread out prevent themselves from |
2682s | getting tackled because they might lose |
2684s | their Vindicator but they can still win |
2686s | this match might it's not looking like |
2688s | my it's looking really bad they've |
2689s | killed a lot of DPS ships but there's |
2692s | still too many please Deacon Thalia save |
2695s | him save the boy he reps indeed now |
2699s | damage coming on of the Carle Navy they |
2700s | might be trying to do something a little |
2702s | bit smart here The Nighthawks no there |
2704s | it goes my |
2707s | condolences he's doing so well they're |
2710s | still going to win there's going to get |
2711s | Vengeance hopefully no one blows up |
2714s | the indeed indeed so the estarte of |
2717s | Phoenix is still in this blob with The |
2719s | Nighthawks with the Drake Navy issue but |
2721s | the rest of the team has spread out the |
2722s | Stratos are some 30 37 km away the ders |
2726s | in a little bit close trying to keep |
2728s | tackle on that Drake Navy issue and we |
2730s | can see some tackle on the only fleet's |
2732s | Logistics that scalpel pair uh trying to |
2735s | prevent them from being able to maneuver |
2737s | around the arena so these Nighthawks |
2740s | they're pretty much in one place |
2741s | everyone sort of piled on this uh the |
2744s | sarte and this might still go in the in |
2748s | favor of the slow team so no Flagship |
2751s | but maybe they get to continue in the at |
2754s | maybe some more skins for them we got to |
2756s | do it for the vindy boy we have we have |
2757s | to honor him at the moment they are |
2759s | doing quite well the AAR is absolutely |
2762s | tanking that man it look seems even |
2763s | thicker than The Vindicator hery but |
2766s | they are getting the drag Navy which is |
2767s | the last of the squishy ships they can |
2769s | shoot then after that it's going through |
2771s | the disgusting amount of HP that is a |
2773s | Nighthawk indeed and Wingnut there's one |
2775s | more reason to leave The Nighthawks for |
2777s | last and that is because galente Tech 2 |
2779s | resists would love to be shot by your |
2781s | kinetic bonus Nighthawks so the DPS |
2784s | Nighthawks they do quite a lot of damage |
2786s | oh there's the switch clear that out |
2789s | fair enough but probably going to get |
2791s | traded for the Drake Navy issue and then |
2793s | again just these two Nighthawks |
2794s | remaining the Night Hawks are free |
2796s | they're able to or were free they were |
2798s | able to move out a little bit uh Melinda |
2801s | is out aa's tackled uh presumably by |
2804s | that aarte which is still right upos |
2807s | which is all right up in that orinal |
2809s | Stratos the Stratos I don't know which |
2810s | one that is but right he just burned |
2813s | straight past the Nighthawk got grabbed |
2815s | that they were these St been playing |
2816s | smart carding the whole time he's now |
2818s | been caught and that is a free kill he's |
2820s | just handed these Nighthawks boom |
2823s | disrespecting the vindy you got to do it |
2826s | right please but he's he's going to die |
2828s | but what's next what can this stard kill |
2831s | is he going to go for a Nighthawk he's |
2832s | going to go playing chasy with the big |
2833s | the small ships I feel like at this |
2835s | point the slow team really needs to take |
2837s | out this Logistics they've lost some |
2839s | damage I mean obviously The Vindicator |
2840s | was a huge DPS loss on their side with |
2844s | presumably the loss of the Stratos is |
2846s | not dead yet maybe tanking maybe there's |
2848s | a reactive look at the Vigilant okay I |
2850s | was about to say the vigilant's probably |
2851s | the best ship to go murdering a LOD fr |
2853s | the Vigilant is out back behind the Lodi |
2856s | frig away from the N Hawk he might be |
2859s | able to go in there grab the web on it |
2861s | it's not going to be a fancy web but |
2862s | it's still a Vigilant web it's not |
2863s | exactly a weak thing yeah and we can see |
2865s | some damage going on to KO zad in the oh |
2868s | there he goes he got the web he got the |
2869s | web and what watch this thing just get |
2871s | deler there we go Vigilant there |
2873s | beautiful serpenta superiority indeed |
2877s | getting those 90% webs the Vigilant has |
2879s | been an absolutely key ship in these |
2882s | more medium gun spam type comps this is |
2885s | you the big version of the medium gun |
2887s | span perhaps where we have the uh The |
2889s | Vindicator in here as well medium gun |
2891s | yeah yeah yeah extra medium gun and this |
2894s | Stratos is tanking nicely just like I |
2897s | wear medium shirts definitely yeah not |
2899s | not not large medium but Stratus I'm |
2902s | mostly surprised is doing so well but |
2903s | the damage has now been flipped to a |
2904s | deacon and I mean two nigh hooks with a |
2907s | vigil trying to shoot a deacon they're |
2908s | actually applying better than I'd expect |
2910s | them to the Vigilant is providing paints |
2912s | there is no webs I think there's no webs |
2915s | okay we're good yeah we've got the it's |
2917s | a little every time you see me look |
2918s | around I'm just trying to make sure I |
2920s | don't say anything silly about uh ewar |
2921s | effects and indeed no webs on the Deacon |
2923s | Deacon comfortably coasting along |
2925s | probably a 1n deacon so it's got a low |
2928s | Sig as well just based more maneuverable |
2931s | with an tenna men which is always a it's |
2933s | always fun to drive the bus indeed uh |
2936s | it's a it's a thrilling experience y |
2939s | going uh anyone who's flyting over |
2941s | propers know the feeling you got to |
2942s | think like 10 seconds ahead of where |
2943s | you're going but these dickons they can |
2944s | just play it smart or Deon Thalia and |
2947s | they are slowly chewing through a knaw |
2948s | they will kill one which means I think |
2951s | at that point it will be GG they will |
2954s | have it fully secure because these |
2955s | Nighthawks basically can't do that much |
2957s | this is why you bring a Loki or an onyx |
2960s | or a Hena with your Nighthawks indeed |
2964s | that Nighthawk not able to reach across |
2966s | the arena and and and get things in the |
2968s | only Target in the neighborhood of that |
2970s | Nighthawk is the estarte which is |
2972s | absolutely not something they want to |
2974s | shoot they just like come at me |
2976s | bro but yeah n hooks do require a little |
2978s | bit of application help it's why the |
2980s | Loki is preferred to the Onyx because it |
2981s | gives you the webs but it lets them keep |
2983s | blooming their stick with Michael War |
2984s | Drive so it's like a free shooting one |
2987s | down one left indeed Gideon zandar in |
2989s | the vigil providing those Target panners |
2991s | a little bit of extra uh points and |
2993s | Gideon zenar in the vigil is actually |
2995s | streaming away from the rest of the this |
2997s | could be another Beacon jump attempt |
3000s | let's just uh take a quick look uh oh no |
3003s | there's a turn no he went way too fast |
3005s | he missed it oh yeah yeah yeah I see |
3007s | it's the you got to these beacons they |
3009s | have a range of 5 km and so if you're |
3013s | just going too fast when you approach |
3014s | the beacon yeah can't remember if it |
3017s | actually happened but I'm swearing I |
3018s | remember a guy that was over propped who |
3019s | tried to go to the beacon did not stop |
3021s | beforehand and just kept burning past |
3024s | the beacon and |
3025s | boundary is that my that happened please |
3028s | someone remembers let me know cuz I |
3030s | remember that being funny There Goes |
3031s | Melinda and that means there's one |
3032s | visual left who is just uh flying around |
3034s | having fun good fights and local and it |
3035s | was a very good fight the assassination |
3037s | attempt it worked it worked they did |
3039s | lose and they did very they did quite |
3041s | well for what they did but they they |
3043s | killed a vindy therefore they can never |
3044s | be forgiven indeed well fortunately for |
3047s | you uh only fleets this is an |
3048s | elimination match for them uh they will |
3051s | be going on to the uh audience bracket |
3055s | uh or the beer and nachos bracket as I |
3057s | uh called it when I was playing a lot of |
3058s | Magic Gathering uh slow children at play |
3061s | meanwhile we'll see more of them in the |
3062s | tournament they can keep going on their |
3064s | skin run through the losers bracket |
3066s | trying to get some more prizes Gideon |
3068s | zendar here still trying to get that |
3073s | thing get that uh that jump let's just |
3075s | see is it is it spooling no no Gideon |
3079s | hanging out at the very edge of the |
3081s | boundary I love looking at like the |
3082s | local chat right obviously you kind see |
3084s | they're all going go go go go you can do |
3086s | it |
3088s | believe for something completely |
3090s | different uh as we've mentioned we are |
3092s | here on site in rikic Iceland uh |
3095s | beautiful place very exciting to be here |
3096s | at the CCP headquarters one of the most |
3099s | exciting things though is this means we |
3100s | get to see the Northern Lights and with |
3103s | that there goes gy and zenar lights out |
3105s | for them we're going to send this back |
3107s | to a break and then back to the desk |
3110s | children at play taking their first |
3112s | victory in Alliance tournament 20 they |
3114s | do progress on the Deep skin run they |
3116s | did lose their FL ship Vindicator um I |
3119s | was watching it here in this room and I |
3120s | heard sad Australian noises emanating |
3122s | from somewhere else in the building uh |
3124s | as that Vindicator went down uh we took |
3126s | a took a quick look at that Flagship |
3128s | Vindicator lost mail um and it's uh it's |
3131s | modest uh some would say but I mean |
3133s | considering uh slow said this was their |
3135s | first time doing the Lance tournament um |
3137s | I think it's a relatively well fit one |
3139s | it's you know did its job this is one of |
3141s | those examples where if it was a little |
3143s | bit more expensive it might have |
3144s | actually survived um just a bit more |
3146s | tank uh cuz it was so close um when they |
3149s | were were shedding damage from the only |
3151s | Fleet side uh they were just about on |
3153s | the verge I think of a little bit more |
3155s | you know bling on this thing it does |
3156s | survive so you know but like like we |
3158s | said 90% Loot drop so they'll be able to |
3161s | have picked up their own uh wreck and |
3163s | get most of that money back but uh |
3166s | obviously they can't Dodge more bands |
3167s | now with with The Vindicator so it's a |
3168s | bit of a shame for them but |
3170s | congratulations on your first win and |
3171s | you get skins so more definitely more |
3173s | than the value of that Vindicator uh so |
3175s | I'm joined on the desk by a new face |
3177s | fear Fe Vina how about you today uh I'm |
3179s | doing well excited to uh be on the desk |
3181s | for the first time for at yeah we're |
3184s | excited to have you here we've been |
3185s | enjoying your commentary in the in the |
3186s | dungeon um usually it's just I think |
3188s | it's still got Australians in it I can't |
3190s | tell if they've been allowed back out I |
3192s | think we've let them out yeah I saw him |
3193s | Wonder past that means there's a Rog |
3195s | Australian in this building there I |
3197s | don't know where he is I don't know |
3198s | where to look so I have to kind to track |
3200s | him down um but yeah let's talk about |
3202s | that match uh fear you wanted to talk |
3203s | about some things in particular so one |
3206s | thing that I noticed um was Loki was |
3208s | banned and then they still bring this |
3209s | Shield Rush um typically when you see |
3212s | Shield Rush it's brought with a Loki |
3214s | because you want the long range webs and |
3215s | you want the ham damage and the |
3217s | tankiness that the Loki brings you in |
3218s | that comp but really it is the longrange |
3220s | webs if you're chasing after something |
3222s | especially the smaller ships these |
3224s | battle Cruisers down that were |
3225s | starbursting after The Vindicator uh was |
3227s | tackled in a shield rush you need to be |
3230s | able to grab them from a distance |
3232s | because uh especially Nighthawks you're |
3233s | not going to be faster than a lot of |
3234s | these ships so you see uh typically Loki |
3237s | Loki got banned you have a couple their |
3240s | options in that in a shield Rush uh |
3242s | we've seen onyx's this tournament um |
3244s | back in the alliance open some teams |
3246s | used uh frat actually used uh |
3250s | broadswords um but we had uh various |
3253s | different options and instead they |
3254s | brought a shield Rush with no tackle and |
3256s | as we saw that time and I think Miss is |
3257s | going to talk about uh that doesn't |
3259s | really work if you're up against a comp |
3261s | that's going to be able to kite you |
3262s | outside of the one ship yeah and Misty |
3265s | let's talk about that you also want to |
3266s | talk about about like Target priority |
3268s | and like when do you should watch ships |
3270s | especially against a a rush comp like |
3271s | that yeah I I think the decision to go |
3274s | all in on The Vindicator at the very |
3275s | beginning wasn't necessarily the wrong |
3277s | decision at the time um it was basically |
3280s | a lot of the damage on that slow |
3283s | children that played team was focused in |
3284s | The Vindicator uh but there was also the |
3287s | estar there's a Vigilant which is |
3289s | incredibly squishy and still does a |
3291s | decent amount of damage um you had the |
3293s | Stratos as well it wasn't so much the |
3296s | target priority for DPS it's the fact |
3298s | that all of the tackle was centered on |
3300s | basically one one or two individuals |
3302s | which allowed the rest of the team to |
3303s | burn away um once the vindicate once The |
3306s | Vindicator goes down you've traded about |
3308s | half your team's worth of damage for |
3310s | that one ship but the next thing that |
3312s | you then have to contend with is the |
3313s | fact that the other ships that you want |
3315s | to go chasing down have all burned away |
3317s | from you there's a lot of travel time |
3319s | involved which means that you're not |
3320s | doing any damage while you're still |
3322s | receiving damage um so yeah I I think |
3324s | slow played it very well um trying to |
3326s | pull the some of their ships back I know |
3328s | that a Stratos was out of position which |
3330s | is why we wanted to talk about it um got |
3332s | tackled by The Nighthawks but somehow |
3334s | managed to survive which makes me think |
3336s | that someone may have been a little |
3337s | overzealous with their heat um don't |
3340s | want to call any Nighthawks out but I am |
3344s | I am calling you both out um I think you |
3346s | both may be burned your missiles at the |
3348s | very end there I'm not quite sure um so |
3351s | do let us know but the other thing I |
3353s | wanted to say real quick just to get a |
3355s | little dig in um only fleets I think is |
3359s | the epitome of very experienced small |
3361s | gangers on |
3363s | TQ not doing so well in the alliance |
3365s | tournament right and we talk about |
3367s | transferable skills and how much how |
3369s | different it is to be playing in a 10 |
3371s | V10 environment versus on TQ on TQ you |
3374s | have a lot of other things that you can |
3375s | kind of add in you got you know your |
3377s | implant sets you've got you can you can |
3379s | pimp your ships um and you can also kind |
3381s | of choose your engagements um in the |
3383s | 1010 environment just because people are |
3386s | very experien and very good small |
3387s | gangers doesn't always mean that they're |
3389s | going to be a good team together or make |
3391s | the right choices when they need to be |
3393s | made right um and it's about keeping |
3396s | that morale up keeping that positive |
3398s | mental attitude attitude up sorry um |
3401s | when things start to go wrong and not |
3403s | just kind of choking and not doing |
3405s | anything towards the end um it's |
3407s | something that they perhaps need to keep |
3409s | in mind I think they should probably try |
3411s | another run next year mhm um but yeah |
3414s | yeah I think this yeah really epitomizes |
3416s | what's gang looks like in in the |
3418s | alliance Melinda is one of the pilots on |
3420s | the only food side very experienced |
3421s | pilot done a lot of things lot of good |
3423s | threee crafting uh super valuable to |
3425s | have in your team he has done a sort of |
3427s | reverse Alliance tournament career |
3429s | progress doing worse every year now uh |
3432s | from uh when they I think it went second |
3434s | when they were still with Odin's call I |
3435s | think that was before he left Odin's um |
3438s | yeah just slowly getting worse which is |
3440s | uh bizarre cuz he is actually very |
3442s | talented pilot uh all right so our next |
3445s | match is going to be between two small |
3447s | relatively unknown alliances uh one of |
3449s | them I think they're called let me check |
3450s | is goon goon swarm Federation I believe |
3453s | is what they go by and the other one is |
3454s | pandemic horde so um I don't know much |
3457s | about these guys but I think we have a |
3459s | video from yeah goonswarm we can have a |
3461s | video from them to see what they think |
3463s | about |
3467s | [Music] |
3473s | themselves ladies and gentlemen I am |
3475s | bris gral the spokesman for the Goon |
3477s | swarm federation's Alliance tournament |
3480s | team now is the time for all the small |
3482s | gangers in the audience to mute their |
3484s | audio and start chirping at me in the |
3486s | chat like their toddlers when Paw Patrol |
3488s | comes on great now that we got that out |
3491s | of the way as you can see our team is a |
3493s | little bit distracted right now because |
3497s | we're |
3498s | moving now I wasn't expecting the fact |
3501s | that we would be moving the last time we |
3503s | did one of these videos so we said we |
3505s | lived in Del well we don't don't live in |
3506s | Del anymore at least not going to |
3508s | relatively soon we're going to be living |
3510s | in tenus and impass and ensia and all |
3514s | those places in the |
3515s | Southeast now I want to say I hope that |
3518s | in the move all of the important things |
3521s | like my scotch and like all of the |
3524s | Abyssal and other mods that we're going |
3526s | to be using in the tournament don't get |
3527s | caught in a jump frighter on the 49 T 8 |
3531s | that would suck anyway we did well in |
3534s | the feeders we're looking forward to |
3535s | some good fights in the finals assuming |
3537s | that Dirk wakes up on time to actually |
3540s | fly with the |
3541s | team finally I'd like to say good luck |
3543s | to everybody competing except horde and |
3546s | we look forward to seeing you all at the |
3554s | tournament there you are good swarm |
3556s | Federation uh and uh I can't tell if |
3559s | that was brisk and Frank in the same |
3561s | room at the same time I've never seen |
3562s | that before which is interesting uh so |
3564s | you know who knows maybe we can debunk |
3565s | some uh some some fake videos I'm not |
3567s | convinced that is entirely real all |
3569s | right we have only a couple minutes |
3570s | before this match and this one should be |
3571s | an interesting one let's just take a |
3572s | look at the bands so good swarm |
3574s | Federation uh they are Banning out the |
3577s | Loki the abadon the curse the Armageddon |
3579s | Navy issue and the onos meanwhile |
3582s | pandemic hord also Banning out the |
3584s | Armageddon uh the abadin the prophecy |
3586s | Navy issue the EOS and the Deacon uh |
3588s | fear what do you think about these bands |
3589s | here so uh to me it screams first of all |
3593s | you take out the Loki we don't want to |
3595s | get rushed that's the key sh for a lot |
3596s | of rushes as we were discussing but they |
3598s | also don't want to deal with some of |
3599s | these armor projection setups and some |
3601s | of the new pressure that the armag Navy |
3602s | issue and the abadon can bring uh and |
3605s | the curse no tracking disruption |
3607s | honestly it's kind of a hodg podge of |
3609s | like we don't want to face generally |
3612s | strong armor ships um Banning the curse |
3615s | specifically is a little bit weird to me |
3617s | because typically when you see bands |
3618s | targeted towards uh tracking disruption |
3621s | you ban multiple of those ships and not |
3623s | just the curse so maybe goons have some |
3625s | particular read on what pandemic hord |
3627s | can bring but uh either than that goons |
3630s | kind of just generally armor bands and |
3632s | they don't want to get rushed yep and |
3634s | speaking of russes uh hord are bringing |
3636s | their Flagship Vindicator in this match |
3638s | so um unless it's some really bizarre |
3640s | kiting rail Vindicator uh which if |
3643s | that's the case you should feel bad um |
3645s | this probably will be some sort of like |
3646s | Rush armor control comp it'll be up to |
3648s | gwor Federation to to cter that see if |
3650s | they can come out with W um usually |
3653s | goror Federation plenty of L's in the |
3655s | alliance tournament so I'm kind of |
3656s | rooting for them here to hope that they |
3657s | get a a nice solid dub for a change uh I |
3660s | don't know if darkk has woken up have |
3662s | not had the confirmation for that but we |
3663s | will find out so let's hand over to the |
3665s | uh the commentators for this exciting |
3670s | match hello I am moderator joined by |
3673s | Brett Bart pirate here for another |
3676s | exciting match between pandemic horde |
3678s | and the goonswarm Federation two Titans |
3682s | of NC block Warfare now 10 V10 instead |
3685s | of 1 V 1000 so pandemic hord has elected |
3689s | to bring their Flagship Vindicator |
3692s | piloted by villy and they're going to be |
3694s | in a bit of an armor control rush and |
3697s | walk me through the Goon comp so uh goon |
3699s | storm Federation has decided to uh kind |
3702s | of do something that they're not known |
3703s | for and they are going to be trying to |
3705s | Elite PVP a little bit here with a heavy |
3707s | missile and Rapid light setup uh you |
3710s | know cord around a scimitar and they |
3713s | have some kiting Gators which is a |
3715s | little bit strange but we will see how |
3716s | it is you know goons have always done |
3718s | their own thing and the match has |
3720s | started and right off the bat we are |
3722s | seeing goons realize that they should |
3723s | probably not get close to a Vindicator |
3725s | and are heading the other direction yeah |
3727s | that's understandable usually in these |
3728s | missile kitec you'll see people run away |
3731s | immediately or they'll go towards a |
3732s | beacon right so villy again in the last |
3735s | match uh they dealt with a shield kite |
3737s | comp against um evasive maneuvering and |
3740s | unfortunately they lost to that so right |
3741s | now what we're seeing is uh no initial |
3744s | Target paint on the nurgle uh pandemic |
3747s | horde it makes a lot of sense to me if |
3749s | you're in this kind of goon comp you |
3750s | know you're not going to be able to kill |
3752s | any of the battleships you'd really have |
3753s | to work through the low end and then |
3755s | maybe the guardian absolutely and it |
3757s | does look like that uh goons are |
3759s | currently trying to take a nurgle down |
3761s | but very very difficult chip to take |
3762s | down um it is successfully cting the |
3764s | drones off and actually the nurgle is |
3765s | ramming in right now going for a tackle |
3768s | and it looks like that we have a |
3769s | alligator tackled and Fleet Cyclone |
3771s | tackled which is not how you want your |
3772s | kiding setup to be starting off at so uh |
3775s | little bit of danger here battleships |
3776s | are moving into position very very |
3777s | quickly here if goons cannot clear this |
3779s | tackle they are about to start losing |
3780s | ships very fast you know I might have |
3782s | missed it is it possible that villy hit |
3783s | a micro jump drive play or did they just |
3785s | approach on this Ken comp because we see |
3787s | everything going on at 110 kilometers |
3790s | off of the very center of the Arena the |
3792s | snurgle is getting pounded but Ranchi is |
3794s | continuing to run through all of his ASB |
3796s | charges and he doesn't have much left no |
3798s | he doesn't and uh they did not do an mjd |
3800s | play they just got rammed and uh |
3802s | everybody knows that ramming is the |
3803s | ultimate way to play this game uh Ranchi |
3805s | already dropping very very quickly now |
3806s | in range of those two battleships and |
3808s | fortunately for goons they forgot that |
3810s | when you're playing kite you need to |
3811s | actually kite because they are now down |
3812s | one ship which is not where you want to |
3814s | be that being said uh goons are taking |
3816s | the crucifier out which is probably |
3817s | playing absolute Havoc with their |
3819s | ability to do damage yeah understandable |
3822s | so the crucifier and the arbitrator |
3823s | right we've been talking about how these |
3825s | ships can do a lot to mitigate against a |
3827s | kite comp whether that be missiles |
3829s | whether or not that be guns right and |
3832s | goons might have been in a bit of a |
3833s | situation where they're like oh um we |
3835s | can't actually project any damage we |
3836s | have to get close and realizing that the |
3839s | crucifier maybe they weren't able to |
3841s | kill it they're now swapping onto bartac |
3842s | Francis of that guardian and meanwhile |
3845s | Lord Jackson is getting rather low a lot |
3847s | of spread damage across this comp it |
3849s | it's kind of what you'd expect you know |
3851s | what gets tackled is what you're going |
3852s | to be shooting at Lord Jackson does have |
3854s | a Vindicator that is of the flagship |
3857s | variety hitting him right now uh the |
3859s | guardian does appear to have gotten out |
3860s | of range and that was mitigating the |
3862s | damage a little bit though it is very |
3863s | difficult to actually outrange things |
3865s | but uh some how I'm not actually sure |
3867s | how but it appears they have stopped |
3869s | doing DPS to Lord Jackson because uh |
3872s | apparently the super tackled Vindicator |
3873s | Webb alligator is able to tank and I |
3875s | think that this Guardian is actually |
3877s | going to go down and it does before Lord |
3878s | Jackson so the game kind of just got |
3880s | opened up again yeah that's a little bit |
3882s | um different so uh it looked like that |
3885s | the G the alligator and other things oh |
3886s | the mol has boundary violated to 144 |
3889s | kmet um not sure quite what happened |
3892s | with that yeah I I mean I got sometimes |
3896s | you know sometimes you're just too busy |
3897s | watching the match instead of watching |
3899s | where your ship is going but uh again |
3901s | this alligator it is probably going to |
3903s | go down but it lived way longer than it |
3905s | had any right to amazing Lodie pilot on |
3907s | that end and uh I don't know if pic |
3910s | decides to continue to boundary violate |
3911s | their ships they might actually have |
3912s | some trouble here the Confessor goes |
3914s | down and goons are actually doing really |
3915s | good Target calling they are wiping out |
3916s | anything that can actually tackle them |
3918s | and if you noticed nothing of goons |
3920s | swarm is tackled now with the exception |
3922s | I say that and then the Scimitar gets |
3923s | grabbed but the nurgle also goes down so |
3926s | uh the citar is no longer tackled once |
3928s | again um very very good play on goons |
3930s | they kind of choked a little bit in the |
3931s | beginning there but now they're just |
3932s | completely wiping the lowend out and |
3933s | this might turn into one of those |
3934s | matches where goon is just going to kite |
3936s | around for the rest of the match they |
3938s | don't actually need to kill that much |
3939s | more Pam mord as this crucifier goes |
3942s | down the matches tied 69 and 69 which |
3944s | are absolutely the best numbers to be |
3946s | tied at yeah I mean I also have to agree |
3948s | that's pretty nice so what we're seeing |
3950s | now is that the Scimitar actually has |
3951s | been held down of the kite comp and that |
3953s | looks like a Grappler and a heavy web so |
3956s | something that people don't always think |
3957s | about is that The Vindicator it doesn't |
3959s | have a bonus to its web range but you |
3961s | know if you have a top tier officer web |
3963s | and you heat it you can hit in the |
3964s | mid-30s and that's a 90% web and when a |
3966s | simitar is going six meters a second I'm |
3969s | thinking you got caught by a Vindicator |
3970s | yeah it is uh it did get explod defied |
3972s | we saw it lose half of its shield in a |
3974s | single volley which is about what you |
3976s | would expect there and also now we have |
3978s | a Jacka that is uh tied down so you know |
3981s | I feel like goons were doing a good job |
3982s | kiing and then they started not doing a |
3984s | good job kiing uh Jack dies very very |
3986s | quickly this maggus is getting hit quite |
3988s | hard as well as Pawn effects it's kind |
3990s | of just a little bit crazy they're sort |
3992s | of just spreading damage and hitting |
3993s | everything they can um I this is still |
3996s | very very close but I think it's a a bit |
3998s | of an uphill battle now for goons you |
4000s | know they were tied up for a bit now |
4001s | they're having some trouble should take |
4003s | this ponix down here in just a second |
4004s | and as those link drop things do become |
4006s | a lot harder to kite also you know |
4008s | they've been slowly damaging this |
4010s | Redeemer down U I don't know goons are |
4012s | just kind of they're really stressing |
4013s | them out in a lot of ways everyone's |
4015s | taking tons of damage here yeah so this |
4017s | Vindicator right now is being um |
4019s | scrammed by what appears to be uh the |
4022s | Merlin of all things the hero uh |
4024s | dropping that so goonswarm I think |
4026s | they're making the right call they're |
4027s | going for the low end realizing that |
4029s | punching through the Redeemer um when |
4031s | you still have the links is going to be |
4032s | difficult but now uh pandemic horde um |
4035s | you know they're punching through the |
4036s | low end and with 4 minutes and um about |
4039s | 30 seconds realizing that okay if we |
4042s | break through the Redeemer we kill the |
4043s | arbitrator we can just stay away get |
4046s | away from The Vindicator we don't have |
4047s | to kill it we can just out point and win |
4050s | yeah and it definitely does help that uh |
4051s | it took uh villy quite a while to |
4054s | remember that he does in fact have 90% |
4056s | webs which he then applied to the person |
4057s | tackle him and blew him up uh one thing |
4059s | when you screen a Vindicator they will |
4060s | vindicate you back uh does look like |
4062s | while the Merlin is down and villy is |
4064s | free the Redeemer is also dropping |
4066s | because there's still so much damage and |
4068s | so now uh somehow as as we would kind of |
4071s | expect we have a very messy match where |
4073s | you know goons have four ships left |
4074s | pandemic cord has two but one of them is |
4076s | still that Flagship Vindicator which is |
4078s | very very powerful yeah so just doing |
4080s | kind of the quick math here um goor |
4082s | Federation is up 14 points here so villy |
4085s | um really what he's going to have to do |
4086s | is he's going to have to um probably try |
4089s | to maybe play for a micro jump drive |
4090s | beak and get on top of something uh |
4092s | because he will have the officer um |
4095s | micro warp drive which will speed you up |
4096s | a little bit but you're not going to be |
4097s | as fast as an orthis right or a gator so |
4100s | you're going to have to try to maybe get |
4101s | to a center Beacon or use that officer |
4103s | web or Grappler somehow to slow |
4105s | something down uh and we see Grant here |
4107s | doing a really good job in jackdaw he's |
4109s | just gone off in propulsion mode or to |
4112s | um longrange targeting mode rather he's |
4114s | just pumping damage safely getting |
4115s | chased down by some light drones yeah |
4117s | and uh so Vilas actually looks like that |
4120s | he's chasing after the gator of uh Durk |
4122s | satel who I believe is the captain or |
4125s | the co- captain of the Goon Storm Team |
4126s | uh they're very very close but I don't |
4129s | think there was like this brief moment I |
4131s | swear he was probably like sitting there |
4132s | mashing the button trying to get it to |
4133s | activate cuz I think he was almost in |
4135s | range for split second there but uh uh V |
4137s | has realized that he is not catching the |
4139s | gator and is now turning around and kind |
4142s | of just looking at like he's okay where |
4144s | what do I get what do I get and you know |
4145s | goons are kind of playing this perfectly |
4147s | uh Grant's jackob probably is going to |
4150s | go down here though so he is oh he's |
4152s | doing the perfect thing so he was |
4153s | getting chased by a cloud of drones and |
4155s | he was get a micro jump drive but the |
4157s | drones killed him before and if he |
4158s | wasn't in defensive mode uh you know |
4160s | shooting in targeting mode he would have |
4162s | had less HP critically though that you |
4165s | know was good to get the points on the |
4167s | board but it's not enough so pandemic |
4169s | horde is probably going to lose their |
4171s | arbitrator in the next couple minutes |
4172s | meaning that they'll be down a total of |
4174s | 16 points so Bell Coast won't be enough |
4176s | you have to catch an orthis have to |
4178s | catch a gator if you're Vil in the next |
4179s | two minutes and orthis is are not known |
4182s | for getting caught no um I I don't think |
4187s | villy is going to have to either do some |
4188s | amazing piloting you know as they uh |
4189s | arbitrator now goes down or they're |
4192s | going or pandemic cord is going to have |
4193s | to massively um not V goons from are |
4196s | going to have to massively mess up here |
4197s | and you know goons doing a really good |
4200s | job here uh basically we have a |
4201s | Vindicator just kind of flailing around |
4203s | helplessly in the middle of the Arena |
4205s | trying to chase something down uh slowly |
4207s | going down there's you know there's |
4208s | actually a lot of damage still on field |
4210s | that flag vindy could still die I I mean |
4214s | I look at its defense bar and yes it's |
4215s | got some of the uh drones that are on |
4217s | top of it uh but if I'm goonswarm |
4220s | Federation what I'm going to do now is |
4222s | I'm trying to put all of my ships on an |
4224s | mjd Beacon get away from that Vindicator |
4227s | and as soon as it tries to get close to |
4228s | me I'm going to try to jump um again |
4232s | this oruro is getting rather close I |
4233s | hope he's not entirely kind of capped |
4235s | out you should be able to outrun uh we |
4238s | see the orthus is going around 7 800 |
4240s | kmers a second faster yeah I I don't |
4242s | think the I don't think the Vindicator |
4243s | catches it I think actually uh villy and |
4246s | it's it might be too late because they |
4248s | only have a minute left but villy needs |
4249s | to get onto an njd Beacon and instead of |
4251s | we're seeing the the classic battles |
4254s | shery where there you know helplessly |
4256s | chasing ships that are much much faster |
4258s | than them oh no villy you know what |
4259s | looking at the trajectory he's going I |
4261s | think he approaching yeah and what you |
4263s | need to do in this kind of situation is |
4265s | you need to anticipate where you think |
4267s | the ship is going to be and try to chase |
4269s | but villy I don't know if his prop has |
4271s | been burnt out cuz he's not going |
4272s | anywhere now you know this could be |
4274s | hands could be off the keyboard right |
4276s | now um but yeah the the prop has been |
4279s | cut I don't know if he burnt it I don't |
4280s | know if he just decided to turn it off |
4282s | uh I don't know if he has given up hope |
4284s | I could kind of understand it with |
4285s | seconds left in the match but uh yeah |
4287s | and you know yeah I was going to say |
4290s | he's kind of dropping low but then he |
4291s | just repped up big big magical Flagship |
4293s | reps um crazy match that's that's about |
4296s | what we expected something wild yeah I |
4298s | expected something absolutely messy and |
4300s | we got a very very messy match but |
4302s | goonswarm Federation uh proving that at |
4304s | least um on Tranquility uh they are the |
4307s | Better Block when it comes to um maybe |
4310s | not Bob blob warfare that's to be |
4312s | determined but better in the 10v 10 |
4314s | Arena than pandemic cord that's fair we |
4317s | already knew that though let's be real |
4319s | um I don't know if we did but we do now |
4322s | and we'll send it to a break and to the |
4323s | death to break that one |
4325s | down SW Federation they get it they get |
4328s | a w they win they they beat pandemic |
4330s | horde knocking pandemic horde out of |
4333s | Alliance tournament 20 hord uh do at |
4335s | least keep their Flagship Vindicator uh |
4338s | I assume that it would be relatively |
4340s | pricey uh coming from uh a man of such |
4343s | resources as villy uh almost certainly |
4345s | it would be a very spicy meatball um |
4348s | fear talk to me about that match what |
4350s | happened what happened what did hord do |
4351s | wrong so what hord did was they saw the |
4354s | abadin was banned by goons and they |
4356s | replaced the abadin in their comp from |
4358s | yesterday with a redeemer and then what |
4360s | goons did was say horde is not going to |
4363s | bring a different comp than yesterday |
4365s | and they lost H Mite yesterday so we're |
4366s | going to bring H Mite and horde and so |
4369s | what we saw was a repeat of yesterday |
4371s | with worse execution than what evasive |
4373s | maneuvering did but still a repeat of |
4375s | yesterday exploring the exact same |
4377s | weaknesses that Hort had in the comp and |
4380s | in the actual gameplay yesterday coming |
4383s | out with the w yeah and yeah goods are |
4385s | on the uh the low bracket tear now |
4388s | straight to the Grand finals let's go |
4390s | I'm all about that now uh mystical kns |
4392s | your thoughts on that match uh I just |
4394s | wish Nani flew as well as he drank I met |
4396s | him in Vegas he he convinced me that |
4399s | they were going to deliberately go into |
4400s | the losers bracket for the skin run um |
4402s | and then I just watched the man boundary |
4404s | so um |
4406s | buddy come on what what is that we're |
4409s | going to need to work on this for next |
4410s | year um but yeah no um it it was sad um |
4415s | to see at the very end I think villy may |
4416s | have burned his prop mod um started |
4418s | crawling around at like 155 meters a |
4420s | second there routs um and then the |
4422s | orthus also seemed to slow down almost |
4425s | immediately afterwards uh but sadly just |
4427s | due to the distances involved vly wasn't |
4430s | able to capitalize unsure if the author |
4432s | us burn their prop mod out um but if |
4434s | they did then had really still had his |
4437s | prop mod I think hord would have won |
4438s | that match so it's it it came down to |
4440s | fine margins um and like f said I think |
4443s | the execution was a bit shaky from goons |
4446s | um they brought a kite comp and then |
4447s | proceeded to not kite at the very |
4448s | beginning um got tackled a bunch um |
4451s | which made it a lot closer than it |
4452s | really should have been yeah there was a |
4454s | lot of ships that shouldn't be getting |
4455s | uh Vindicator webbed that were getting |
4456s | Vindicator webbed in that match I was |
4459s | watching the citar uh as the The |
4461s | Vindicator just it closed in on it and |
4463s | it speed dropped all the way down to I |
4464s | think it was six MS before it died once |
4466s | you get into the range of a Vindicator |
4469s | um there's very little chance you're |
4470s | getting out of it it's it's a pretty |
4472s | pretty bad spot to be uh in general but |
4474s | you know like we say uh Goods take the |
4476s | win uh we'll see them again uh that's it |
4479s | for hord they can go back to spinning |
4481s | isar in in Havens I guess uh I guess |
4483s | that's what they do I don't know we |
4484s | haven't heard from them for a while um |
4486s | but yeah so uh I think we can move on to |
4488s | the next match which I think is also |
4491s | going to be an interesting one it's |
4491s | actually going to be snuffed out versus |
4492s | Ronin reloaded and I'm told that we can |
4495s | can hear from snuff out directly as we |
4497s | have one of their spokespeople on the |
4499s | line let's hear them |
4501s | there hello I am Wally Mars and I the |
4503s | spokesperson for snuff out who are |
4505s | competing in the alliance tournament |
4507s | snuff out is a lowc PVP Alliance based |
4509s | out of Black Rise we've competed in the |
4511s | Lions tournament for a total of six |
4513s | times we have some teams in the Lions |
4515s | tournament that we are very excited to |
4516s | fly against namely gench and impact we |
4518s | are close friends with our snuff out |
4520s | team if snuff out doesn't make it to the |
4522s | finals I anticipate either genin impact |
4524s | or C of coming out on top both teams |
4527s | have a collection of Pilots that are far |
4528s | above the skill level of the others if |
4531s | you see us in a match for the at I would |
4532s | bet Channel points on us because of our |
4534s | team's ability to adapt we've come out |
4536s | on top in Anger games and at matches in |
4539s | the past with the odd stacked against us |
4541s | whether it be a counter comp or a team |
4542s | that historically does very well we |
4544s | won't quit our team captain is n Michael |
4547s | he has a lot of experience in both the |
4548s | anger games and the at and expects the |
4550s | best from our Pilots I hope you enjoy |
4552s | watching our team compete as much as I |
4554s | will |
4556s | [Music] |
4558s | and there we have it so that is snuffed |
4559s | out uh letting us know what they do in E |
4562s | online except sit in on Gates uh with |
4564s | expensive ships and just kind of farm |
4566s | kill Mills they like to do that as well |
4568s | uh all right so let's take a look at the |
4570s | the bands I don't sure if we have the |
4571s | bands available yet actually no we don't |
4573s | so we'll come back to those in a little |
4574s | bit mytical M uh talk to me about uh |
4576s | snuff we talked about them a bit |
4578s | yesterday they can be a very sort of |
4580s | like when it works it works and when it |
4582s | doesn't it really doesn't team they they |
4584s | showed a lot of potential in the feeders |
4585s | they executed really well brought some |
4587s | smart comps and other times they've |
4589s | brought just kind of garbage and done |
4590s | really poorly so it's kind of which |
4592s | version of snuf we're going to get they |
4594s | did lose yesterday um was it they just |
4597s | got beaten or are they not a good team |
4600s | this year Well R me did they bring |
4602s | flists yesterday they brought flumist ah |
4604s | um terrible terrible choices um I'm not |
4607s | a fan of the Tempest Fleet issue so um I |
4611s | do think that with a bit more the |
4613s | crafting they had so many options |
4615s | available to them that I think that |
4617s | bringing the Tempest Fleet wasn't the |
4619s | ideal Choice um but I do think that they |
4623s | are able to execute fairly well um we've |
4625s | seen them do really well with some of |
4627s | the shield kite setups um or at least |
4629s | like medium gun span but with a shield |
4631s | fit using their range Advantage um to |
4634s | win out matches in the feeders so I |
4636s | think that they should kind of just |
4637s | Resort back to some of the things that |
4639s | they're comfortable with um maybe just |
4641s | drop the fists pick anything else Dees |
4645s | no no not again four demoses please hey |
4649s | medium gun spam it will it will work it |
4652s | will work Shield demoses please oh God |
4655s | uh please do not listen to what he says |
4656s | all right let's take a look at the band |
4657s | snuff Dart versus Ronin reloaded so |
4660s | snuff D Banning out the EOS the arthurus |
4662s | the Loki and the armagedon Navy issue |
4665s | meanwhile Ronin are Banning out the onus |
4667s | the abadon the kerries and the mullus |
4670s | fear what do you think about these bands |
4671s | here so uh snuffed out once again |
4674s | Banning that Loki don't want to get |
4675s | rushed um meanwhile they ban out orthis |
4678s | which is just generally strong for |
4679s | missile kite and then EOS is uh very |
4682s | common for armor uh links and then get |
4685s | Navy issues just get Navy issue um |
4687s | meanwhile Roden reloaded uh again it's |
4689s | just kind of General armor bands you ban |
4692s | the carries um you ban them all so they |
4694s | don't want to get damped but things like |
4696s | the celestus are still up on the table |
4698s | if they want to do that um but they also |
4699s | ban the aneros so they don't want to |
4701s | face any sort of T2 armor logy and don't |
4703s | want to be uh dealing with s medium gun |
4706s | spam comp yeah and we can see a nice |
4707s | little sneak preview here of the new |
4709s | carries model um it's gaining some some |
4712s | girth um yeah Mr any any further |
4714s | thoughts on going to say that carries |
4716s | was looking mighty like a turkey I don't |
4718s | know it's uh not not the carries I'm |
4720s | used to but I'm looking forward to some |
4722s | changes it's the new model yeah it looks |
4724s | good um no I I think it should be an |
4726s | interesting match I'm hoping that um |
4729s | snuff have made some revisions to their |
4730s | comps um because I do think that they |
4733s | have the ability to make a fairly decent |
4734s | run |
4735s | um it it will just come down to whether |
4737s | they actually bring a good setup really |
4741s | for me okay uh so I mean we haven't done |
4743s | it yet today because we've been too busy |
4744s | yapping on about other stuff but let's |
4746s | do some predictions fear what's your |
4747s | prediction in this match snuffed out or |
4748s | ruin reloaded I'm going to go with |
4750s | snuffed out here uh run and reloaded a |
4753s | relatively new team to the alliance |
4754s | tournament uh snuffed out has some |
4756s | veteran members and have actually added |
4758s | some members of uh XL teams on their |
4760s | roster so uh despite their performance |
4763s | yesterday I think they probably have The |
4765s | Experience Advantage here and should be |
4767s | able to win this one out yeah I think I |
4769s | agree with you uh they yeah you pointed |
4771s | out uh some very experienced members |
4772s | from PL have joined the snuff team uh so |
4775s | hopefully we get to see a solid snuff |
4777s | performance here Mr Gite do you agree or |
4779s | do you think roren could take this I'm |
4782s | going to predict that whichever team |
4783s | wins is the one that I'm going to pick |
4785s | and uh I'm going to wait until after the |
4786s | match to tell you which team I'm |
4788s | supporting okay I have no idea you've |
4790s | locked it in your head right you would |
4791s | you wouldn't possibly change that it |
4793s | yeah yeah for sure definitely yeah okay |
4795s | okay good to know that we can trust you |
4796s | like that uh I see twitch chat you guys |
4798s | are also predicting uh with your channel |
4799s | points uh you should definitely gamble |
4801s | all of them uh snar is the favorites |
4803s | though 1.2 million to 800,000 so it's |
4805s | not a heavy favorite but it's still a |
4806s | favorite so let's head over to the arena |
4808s | and see who's going to win between |
4810s | snuffed out and Ronin |
4813s | reloaded welcome back to the alliance |
4815s | tournament where we have snuffed out |
4817s | versus Ronin reloaded where uh as the |
4819s | commentators predicted it seems that we |
4821s | have the other snuffed out this time as |
4822s | they have decided to bring a shield |
4825s | medium gun setup that is very |
4826s | reminiscent of what they stomped in the |
4828s | feeders that made us all think oh this |
4830s | is snuffed out's good this is going to |
4831s | be great and here they are again and |
4833s | they're going to be going up against |
4834s | Ronin reloaded who brought something |
4836s | that moderator was kind of H about yeah |
4839s | so Ronin reloaded has seen that oh hey |
4842s | so genon Navy is banned we're just going |
4844s | to bring the regular genon but crucially |
4846s | that these are going to be uh no Hardo |
4848s | so what that means is no rapid uh heavy |
4850s | no cruise missile so they're all going |
4852s | to be NES on top so they have two two |
4855s | giant curses supported by aarm and |
4857s | double arbitrator that if those have |
4858s | tracking disruption and we'll see here |
4860s | in a minute uh could play Havoc with |
4862s | snuff if I'm snuff I probably need to |
4863s | get um you know a lot of damage very |
4866s | early get on top of uh you know these |
4868s | Ronin support ships and there's a lot of |
4870s | tracking disruption going on there there |
4872s | is a lot of tracking disruption um they |
4874s | almost snuff almost sniped the ponix |
4876s | right off the bat so that was actually |
4877s | uh that could have been the game right |
4879s | there if you lose links that fast it is |
4881s | absolutely horrible a little bit of |
4882s | damage spread going out snuff is |
4883s | extremely tracking disrupted right right |
4885s | now um at least uh five or six tracking |
4887s | disruptors potentially more I think that |
4890s | Ronin maybe read them a little bit here |
4892s | but that being said the trick with |
4894s | tracking disruptors is you can do the |
4895s | greatest strategy of all time and even |
4897s | online the video game which is ram in |
4899s | and press F1 on a single Target so if |
4901s | snuff decides to brawl out the nice |
4903s | thing about the Ronin reloaded team for |
4905s | snuff is that they don't actually have |
4907s | that much damage yeah so the Ronin |
4909s | reloaded team is actually giving Chase |
4910s | with these gons they're trying to close |
4912s | meanwhile the snuffed out team is |
4914s | approaching one of these mjd beacons at |
4916s | the very bottom of the map we see some |
4918s | chip damage with drones being assigned |
4920s | across the board uh snuff trying to |
4922s | maybe harass a little bit in the |
4923s | backline with some of that but neither |
4925s | side really committing all that much so |
4927s | snuffed out their attack bar being |
4928s | rather low again that's going to be a |
4930s | lot of this tracking disruption really |
4932s | just not been committed and Ronan |
4933s | reloaded again double Armageddon double |
4936s | arbitrator Magus ponx and two vexor not |
4940s | a lot of damage uh but a lot of control |
4942s | and they are applying these NES to the |
4944s | citar to the Navy far trying to just |
4946s | really Whittle down the capacitor I mean |
4948s | the longer you go against these medium |
4950s | Battleship holes with heavy NES the |
4951s | worse but meanwhile look at the snap to |
4954s | the Magus yeah they they did almost take |
4955s | it down it does appear to have been even |
4957s | catching reps um one of the things about |
4959s | this is that uh though again Navy Fox is |
4962s | tackled by foror not a great thing but |
4965s | that isn't actually that bad because we |
4967s | have citar reps which are fantastic |
4969s | versus a very very low amount of damage |
4971s | um it does look like sn's kind of just |
4972s | trying to do a little bit of positioning |
4973s | fight here uh they are going to |
4976s | basically they've kind of balled up |
4978s | around the Navy far they've like okay |
4980s | well you know what you tackle them |
4981s | they're spreading out snuff is actually |
4983s | kind of rushing a little bit around I |
4985s | think they might be about to go for the |
4986s | back line here so enough what actually |
4988s | they've done here we can see that the |
4990s | damage is going on to Razer they've |
4991s | swapped to antimatter they're going to |
4992s | close and try to just punch through uh |
4995s | that Armageddon before the um zad of bed |
4997s | de boss can get a full spool and with |
4999s | this much damage off these Shield chips |
5001s | I think they might just be able to do it |
5002s | meanwhile throwing some drones onto |
5005s | harass the Confessor uh really force a |
5007s | split rep situation which is very good |
5009s | against his arm it is and the thing is |
5011s | is too is that uh you know they're |
5012s | switching they might break the arm again |
5014s | I feel like it's going to be one of |
5015s | those ones will the rep spool up enough |
5016s | in time for them to actually do it uh |
5018s | but even if they don't they're in |
5019s | perfect position to snap to the other |
5021s | one so we're going to see what happens |
5022s | this is very very tight it looks like |
5023s | it's about to start bleeding structure |
5025s | here but again as these reps slowly |
5028s | spool up there's a chance that we might |
5029s | see it go completely other direction and |
5030s | then snuff is going to have to Target |
5031s | call uh that being said for laoren is |
5033s | starting to break the NES and the Drone |
5035s | damage uh starting to make it very very |
5037s | difficult to tank it but the structure |
5039s | is beginning to bleed of Razor Razor's |
5042s | Armageddon so I really what snuff is |
5044s | doing here what they've done is they |
5045s | spread out a lot of damage between Kira |
5047s | and on that pontif effect and the Magus |
5049s | and maybe realizing okay maybe we don't |
5051s | break Razer here but we're going to |
5052s | break a ponx we're going to break a |
5053s | Magus you're not going to be able to |
5054s | spool um you know to save some of these |
5056s | smaller ships and if you break the links |
5059s | you know eventually you can come back |
5060s | and say hey now we're going to kill your |
5062s | gon they can do that but it does look |
5064s | like the genon is is actually catching |
5065s | the the power of those spooling reps and |
5067s | hopefully I think snuff might have left |
5069s | it a little bit late here to do a Target |
5070s | SWOT because like if you're not breaking |
5072s | it through those reps you are never |
5074s | going to break it it does look like they |
5075s | are swapping over to the Magus and the |
5076s | Magus is very very low and the Magus |
5078s | goes down and that is absolutely massive |
5080s | here uh those are the Skirmish links |
5082s | those potentially are some armor links |
5084s | that is really huge uh that being said |
5085s | you know forn is starting to finally |
5087s | bleed into armor but we're really seeing |
5089s | the anemic DPS of these drone comps uh |
5091s | it does look like we did just lose a uh |
5094s | a breaker um just kind of out of nowhere |
5097s | just got slapped by drones happens and |
5098s | we are about to also lose this FX Navy |
5101s | issue yeah so I mean yeah they're going |
5103s | to kill a fedu Navy issue and we do see |
5105s | damage onto the Scimitar but it's taken |
5107s | them four minutes to kill a single |
5109s | Battleship our battle cruiser rather |
5111s | meanwhile snuffed um really needs to |
5114s | figure out like what they're going to do |
5115s | with a lot of their damage um they're |
5117s | going after looks like midnight at |
5119s | Advent in the Confessor and maybe now |
5121s | trying to go onto the Armageddon we see |
5123s | more damage um realizing that hey maybe |
5126s | with the spool having dropped off the |
5127s | genon to try to save um that you know |
5130s | Magus earlier that the spool might not |
5132s | be fully there but uh snuff Scimitar is |
5135s | rather rather low at the moment and |
5136s | dipping down into uh armor that said we |
5139s | do see an ASB two vexor though in the |
5141s | backline are just chilling on top of the |
5143s | simitar uh Fury and slave Matt doing a |
5146s | really really good job they're just |
5147s | completely isolating and neutralizing |
5149s | the Scimitar yeah it's uh it's it's not |
5151s | in a great spot and this is kind of a |
5152s | big deal the citar is very very far away |
5154s | the INF fessor does finally drop here um |
5157s | which they've been kind of like you said |
5158s | but I the thing about this is is right |
5160s | you have a you have a tackled Scimitar |
5162s | it's too far away from anything like I |
5165s | don't know what the damage from like it |
5167s | seems like Ronin is kind of spreading |
5169s | their DPS here where I think at any |
5171s | point in time like they can just send |
5172s | drones and kill the citar because |
5174s | they're slowly feeding some of these |
5175s | ships like both their link ships are |
5177s | down now um that me said you know SAR is |
5180s | starting to drop but every time those |
5181s | those big ASB charges are going to keep |
5182s | it up for probably at least another |
5183s | minute or two and uh I've been watching |
5185s | the snuffed out chips they really have |
5187s | never stopped shooting the gon like even |
5189s | when they stop shooting the genon they |
5190s | just kind of switch back and like okay |
5191s | maybe we should shoot the genon again |
5192s | that does look like they're doing some |
5193s | damage to the zarm though critically the |
5195s | zarm is taking a lot of damage from |
5197s | medium range guns and this Sky Breer of |
5199s | the quartermaster is approaching in |
5201s | rather much remic okay so the sky Breer |
5203s | does get scram web on top of the zarm we |
5205s | see a cloud of drones hitting that zarm |
5208s | if they punch through the zarm here I |
5209s | mean it's snuff you know their simitar |
5211s | is getting low dto is about to die but I |
5214s | mean justtin points if you kill a zarm |
5216s | and you can eventually punch through Aon |
5218s | you're going to be in a pretty good spot |
5219s | yeah no I I agree and I think they |
5221s | should get this zarm uh it's very |
5223s | tackled and just the drones alone will |
5224s | probably get it um but again snuff is |
5226s | kind of they're being weird here right |
5229s | if like if you look at the position a |
5230s | lot of their ships are very spread out |
5231s | when I think that they're un tackled |
5232s | they're spread out and they have an |
5233s | opportunity to really push in there |
5234s | because the only thing that's actually |
5236s | kind of tackled is a fantasm with a |
5238s | Grappler uh snuff can basically be free |
5241s | like their citar tackled off in the |
5242s | middle of nowhere snuff can like pull |
5245s | everybody off and go blow up the zarm |
5246s | right now and they're not doing that and |
5248s | I don't know why well some of the |
5250s | trouble they might be having is that um |
5252s | their fantasm has been grappled down |
5254s | that fantasm has been doing actually a |
5256s | pretty good job uh previously of holding |
5258s | down um the Armageddon of um excuse me |
5262s | looks like uh poy uh po at Fila in the |
5266s | kind of the back line but that's kind of |
5267s | given up at this point snuff is trying |
5269s | to get damage onto the zarm and maybe |
5272s | trying to get onto the arbitrator here |
5274s | as well well but um it's kind of anic |
5277s | damage it it is they're starting to get |
5279s | in there and you do have to remember you |
5280s | know there are two arbitrators that are |
5281s | probably tracking disrupting them into |
5283s | utter Oblivion now that some of the |
5285s | ships have gotten a lot closer like we |
5286s | have fantasms that are basically on top |
5288s | of his arm at this point uh they're |
5289s | being able to kill it uh looks like this |
5291s | MOA is actually dropping very very |
5292s | quickly moa's weirdly not that tanky in |
5295s | the alliance tournament so uh Ronin has |
5297s | realized that maybe they should actually |
5298s | start killing things the Moa drops and |
5300s | it looks like the simitar is finally out |
5301s | of ASB charges at about the time we |
5303s | would expect it but they are probably |
5304s | going to go do Lodi trade here uh that |
5306s | zarm is getting very very low incredibly |
5308s | tanky Lodi [ __ ] but it's not going to |
5310s | survive all that long the question is |
5312s | does snuff still have enough DPS left to |
5314s | do anything off this yeah so just kind |
5315s | of looking at the point calculations so |
5317s | snuff really has to kill the armarm and |
5319s | then they have to kill an Armageddon but |
5321s | they have to do it in the span of two |
5323s | minutes and what I'm looking at is a lot |
5325s | of Republic Fleet Warriors that are on |
5327s | top of his arm and meanwhile the fantasm |
5329s | of agodon is getting rather low they |
5331s | can't lose a fantasm at this point and |
5333s | you know kill his arm and a get in it's |
5335s | not going to be enough points no uh it's |
5337s | not and you know I think one of the |
5338s | things too that's really really just |
5340s | hurting them right now like those |
5341s | tracking disruptors are insane and I |
5343s | think that as we're seeing the zarm |
5345s | actually start to claw back here a |
5346s | little bit um I think that what happened |
5348s | is now that so many ships on the snuffs |
5350s | team are dead you know there's only |
5352s | three real turret ship okay sorry two |
5354s | real turret ships as the fantasm drops |
5356s | and uh they're able to focus so many of |
5358s | those arbitrator track IND disruptors on |
5359s | it that they can't even hit aarm even |
5361s | though they're basically on top of it |
5363s | yeah I mean look how fast this |
5364s | arbitrators dying though I feel like if |
5366s | snuff had really instead of gone like |
5367s | all in for the zarm and realized that |
5369s | yeah we've got this zarm kind of tackled |
5371s | in Narnia we can commit to the |
5373s | arbitrator the's probably not even range |
5375s | to rep it and we can really break the uh |
5378s | arbitrator um snuff members now giving a |
5381s | GF in local unfortunately this will be |
5383s | the end of the road for snuff out yeah |
5386s | no it it was it was a pretty messy uh |
5388s | pretty messy win I would say on ronin's |
5390s | team but you know at the end of the day |
5391s | they still have their entire core um it |
5394s | maybe took a little longer than it |
5395s | needed to but snuff is starting to lose |
5397s | their last few ships here uh you know |
5399s | the vulture standing strong and draging |
5401s | disrupted into Oblivion arbitrators I |
5403s | mean that's kind of The Unsung ship |
5405s | almost like they've been doing so much |
5406s | work this entire tournament yeah I mean |
5408s | we kind of have talked about how some |
5410s | teams have committed you know 30 points |
5412s | of arbitrators like fraternity did and |
5414s | it was completely ineffectual but there |
5416s | are other times where not only are they |
5418s | just good they just outright carry the |
5421s | match for you and this is one of those |
5422s | cases where they just shut down so many |
5425s | points and Ronan did a good enough job |
5426s | with the vexor a good enough job with |
5428s | the Confessor of really screening things |
5430s | out and dragging it out long enough |
5432s | where snuffed out maybe didn't even have |
5434s | the damage um or capacitor really to |
5437s | even activate their guns I mean you have |
5438s | to think with two gons you know battle |
5441s | cruiser um you know capacitor is not |
5443s | that good at the end of the day no and |
5445s | they are sh battle Cruisers as well so |
5447s | generally you know you do have to make |
5448s | an actual conscious decision of do I |
5450s | want to be able to deal with NES or do I |
5452s | want to be able to deal with taking |
5454s | damage and uh at the end of the day I'm |
5455s | not sure if snuff was completely nuded |
5457s | out or if they just didn't have the |
5459s | ability to attack anything but Ronin |
5461s | reloaded does win 164 points to 34 uh |
5464s | kicking snuffed out of the tournament |
5465s | and back to loc where they belong and we |
5467s | will send this back to the |
5470s | desk snuffed out being snuffed out uh |
5473s | once again from Alliance tournament 20 |
5475s | they they can go home they can go back |
5476s | to LC and uh start dropping faxes on |
5478s | things all the time with all their |
5479s | Marshals again plenty of time for that |
5481s | now um mystical M what happened in that |
5484s | match there cuz it really I mean I know |
5486s | I just kind of Meed a little bit on |
5487s | snuff but just to be clear they went |
5489s | down fighting like it was a pretty solid |
5491s | performance um in the situation that |
5493s | they were in uh they did not just get |
5495s | wiped they actually did you know gave it |
5497s | a really good run and it could have gone |
5499s | either way at one point but break it |
5500s | down a little bit more for me yeah okay |
5502s | so true to my word I was actually um |
5506s | betting on snuff winning here um I |
5509s | thought that they actually did have a |
5510s | chance when they ended up bringing the |
5511s | exact comp that I was suggesting that |
5513s | they just go back to um it did have a |
5514s | real chance at winning the genon |
5517s | actually piloted really well um flying |
5519s | away from the medium gun spam um while |
5523s | ensuring that the Navy foxes were nuded |
5525s | out so it makes it very hard to chase |
5527s | when you can't turn your prop mod on um |
5529s | every single cycle you know you can get |
5530s | a burst in here or there but eventually |
5532s | you're going to have to slow down um |
5534s | being able to pull away while also being |
5535s | zarm wed meant that the genon caught in |
5538s | about like 90 95% structure um did trade |
5541s | a Magus for it but it meant that the |
5544s | snuff team had burn through a bunch of |
5546s | cat boosters were wildly out of position |
5548s | unable to really capitalize on anything |
5550s | and the tracking disruptors from the |
5551s | arbitrators meant that they weren't able |
5553s | to reach out and kill like the Magus and |
5554s | the pon effect at the very beginning um |
5556s | so the gons had links the entire time |
5559s | which is a huge increase to the |
5561s | effective hit points and the repping |
5562s | power that the team can put out so I'd |
5565s | say and I think fear is going to want to |
5568s | expand on this a little bit but uh the |
5570s | arbitrators were definitely um one of |
5573s | the key parts of the the comp against |
5575s | snuff um but I also think that snuff |
5577s | should have just kind of brought in um |
5579s | they did a good job pulling away and |
5580s | trying to draw the team out in the line |
5583s | um but I think they should have turned |
5584s | sooner um and committed more especially |
5587s | the sky Breakers to keep the armag |
5588s | getting tackled and I think it's the |
5590s | lack of tackle that really clinched the |
5592s | loss for snuff here um if they'd been |
5594s | able to pin down the Armageddon at the |
5596s | very beginning and finish it off I think |
5598s | they would have won yeah honestly I |
5600s | think I agree with you um we saw some |
5601s | really good individual piloting uh that |
5603s | scimitar survived for way longer than he |
5606s | had any right to survive on uh so you |
5608s | know excellent job I'm pretty sure he |
5609s | managed to get at least one reload maybe |
5610s | even two reloads of e ASB in there which |
5613s | is which is you know good heat |
5615s | management good good good skills H fear |
5617s | these arbitrators uh like Misty said |
5619s | they're probably quite an important part |
5621s | of that comp tell me about them so uh |
5624s | one thing that uh we saw there when the |
5627s | match started and I commented about this |
5629s | when we were watching the match from |
5630s | here on the desk is that uh the |
5632s | arbitrators go out and Ty Ally when you |
5635s | have two arbitrators in a team comp |
5636s | you're going to make a split of uh |
5638s | tracking disruption and missile guidance |
5640s | disruption that is not what we saw we |
5642s | saw uh five tracking disruptors go out |
5645s | all over the SN out team which means |
5647s | that uh run and reloaded had the read |
5649s | that uh SN out was probably going to do |
5651s | some form of medium gun spam against |
5653s | them and uh with those trackon |
5654s | disruptors Grant new as Misty said they |
5656s | wanted to brawl in eventually and make |
5658s | that commitment as a result of these |
5660s | arbitrators being there but it does make |
5662s | it more difficult to have the exact r |
5664s | range control that you want as a medium |
5665s | gun spam when you have uh five maybe six |
5668s | tracking disruptors on the enemy team |
5670s | and all of your ships uh have guns yep |
5674s | so uh that was the last of our losers |
5676s | bracket uh matches for now we're going |
5678s | to go back into the winners bracket |
5680s | winners only uh for the next while and I |
5682s | have something uh to show you guys um |
5685s | it's quite heavy so give me a second let |
5686s | me see if I can I can actually get this |
5688s | thing up onto there there we are there |
5691s | we are so this is what your competing |
5694s | for ladies and gentlemen uh ignore the |
5697s | actual plaque on the back as a laser tag |
5700s | uh trophy uh but this is actually this |
5701s | is a liance tournament 20 the trophy |
5704s | this is it it's solid gold it's really |
5707s | heavy oh look at that look at that |
5708s | camera angle where's the |
5711s | focus there it is uh yeah so this is uh |
5714s | I know it made it look like it was light |
5716s | there but that is just my pure strength |
5718s | it is in fact extremely heavy solid |
5720s | solid gold uh this is like black gold so |
5723s | let's pick but this is what we're |
5724s | competing for and our next match in the |
5726s | winners bracket between Exodus until |
5729s | doomsday till doomsday you're familiar |
5731s | with Misty because they knock your team |
5732s | into the lower bracket so they're |
5734s | already in doing in a great position |
5736s | exus are a very experienced team we know |
5738s | that and in fact we can hear from Exodus |
5741s | right now so let's go to their |
5742s | spokesperson |
5744s | video pass me some more of those sweet |
5746s | leaves and uh what was your name |
5749s | again Marcus Jason dude right on from |
5754s | exodons right or Exodus you guys live in |
5759s | Fuller dude we're just a group of small |
5761s | gangers that live in low SEC lot of gas |
5763s | huffing and Tess bong action going on in |
5765s | 413 out there man busy times drop by |
5768s | sometime cool ma'am and there in the uh |
5772s | G attorney this year |
5774s | huh yeah buddy this is our 11th |
5777s | tournament over 100 years experience in |
5779s | the team well I'm still not betting my |
5783s | twitch points on you |
5785s | I saw a few of your past at commercials |
5787s | and you guys are |
5789s | weird thanks bro we were CCP rise's |
5793s | preferred tournament Alliance a bunch of |
5795s | hosers Bud with a couple Americans and |
5797s | an Australian guy named Mr |
5799s | Falcon and what did you mean when you |
5802s | said The thunderchild Meta guy chill |
5805s | open Channel we're hoping the other |
5806s | teams haven't figured out this year's |
5808s | meta yet cool sorry bro my guy we've got |
5812s | the number two Eve online player Quebec |
5814s | Wasa QC as our captain this year ZX and |
5817s | night blade one of our previous captains |
5819s | he's backing him up he taught me |
5820s | everything there was to know about baby |
5822s | medal and viton he's our alliance leader |
5824s | man he bankrolls the dudes makes sure |
5826s | they've got some fresh mods guys's a |
5828s | straight up Gangster been a new blood on |
5830s | the team this year too well right on man |
5833s | and good luck this year but I'm g roll |
5835s | out to bwf thanks for not warping your |
5838s | scepter then for sure dude I was waiting |
5841s | for you to decloak your Loki blaz it |
5845s | there you are that is Exodus uh and this |
5848s | is again as we say what you're all |
5850s | competing for uh some expenses have been |
5852s | spared in the production of this |
5854s | tournament uh but not this one this is |
5856s | as I mentioned gold did the gista still |
5859s | that they probably did they probably did |
5862s | still that that's what they would do |
5864s | yeah yeah um all right let's look at the |
5865s | bands for till Doomsday versus Exodus |
5867s | this is uh going to be an interesting |
5868s | set of bands we have a mollus and a |
5870s | curse from till doomsday as well as the |
5871s | Deacon and the Widow so uh Widow through |
5874s | uh removed Exodus Banning out the Loki |
5877s | the crucifier the the Zade and the Unos |
5880s | uh mytical might what are your quick |
5881s | thoughts on these bands here yeah I |
5883s | think it's quite interesting to see the |
5885s | Z anos ban in the second phase from |
5887s | Exodus uh the crucify and the curse kind |
5891s | of makes sense um the curse is a spooky |
5894s | ship in the sense that not only does it |
5897s | bring track and disruptors but it also |
5898s | has the medium nudes which is why we |
5901s | often see the curse band but we also see |
5903s | like pilgrim left open uh cuz it's a |
5905s | weaker version of The Curse typically |
5907s | it's going to be armor fit instead of |
5908s | Shield fit so there's more restrictions |
5910s | on when you can bring a pilgrim for it |
5911s | to be truly effective um but yeah I I I |
5915s | think these are pretty I'm sad to see |
5917s | the Widow ban I I want to see more |
5919s | widows in the tournament I think widows |
5920s | are fairly cool we've seen them used |
5922s | effectively once or twice um I'd like to |
5924s | see more widows please more widows all |
5927s | right you heard the man widows please |
5929s | all right so we're going to go ahead |
5930s | into the arena for this match between |
5932s | till doomsday and Exodus Exodus are |
5933s | bringing a flagship armagan Navy issue |
5935s | so they are committing and they're going |
5937s | to try and take a a win and make |
5939s | themselves into top 16 whoever wins this |
5941s | match guarantees some prize ships |
5943s | including a prize Battleship this is |
5945s | where the prizes start to become |
5947s | legitimate like you win this you have |
5949s | one prize ship so let's head into the |
5950s | arena and see if they can do |
5954s | that hello I am moderator joined by my |
5957s | good colleague Brett Bart pirate and |
5961s | black Bart pirate even not Brett Thomas |
5963s | Thomas we have a Kings Slayer |
5965s | composition so three rapid heavy |
5967s | battleships and the flagship AI of |
5970s | sabotage going up against a drone comp |
5973s | interestingly Exodus has a pair of |
5976s | bombers maybe not going to do a ton |
5978s | against a drone comp uh it it could it'd |
5981s | be really cool if it does um we will |
5982s | find out uh exodus yes they are bringing |
5985s | a king killer uh they brought their |
5986s | Flagship um we're kind of seeing an old |
5988s | school drone comp here with some uh |
5989s | eos's and uh the uh |
5992s | often talked [ __ ] about Stratos but uh |
5994s | the match has started both teams are at |
5996s | the maximum range of the warpin so I |
5998s | think they were a little bit scared of |
5999s | engaging too much here uh probably |
6002s | favors The Exodus team a bit here |
6003s | because they have the ability to you |
6006s | know basically shoot from wherever what |
6008s | they want massive cloud of drones out |
6009s | already so many heavy drones and some |
6011s | light drones and some medium drones |
6013s | rushing straight at Exodus not sure what |
6015s | they're about to hit yet but it does |
6016s | look like they're probably I would |
6018s | expect to go for the bombers right uh |
6020s | yeah I would think so you would want to |
6022s | do that and it looks like that that or |
6023s | The Inquisitor we see some drone damage |
6025s | that looks like it's heading towards um |
6027s | The Inquisitor uh kind of on the |
6029s | backline of Von here meanwhile battle |
6031s | has been joined the typhoon Fleet issues |
6033s | and the Armageddon Navy issue are just |
6034s | duking it out in the very center of the |
6036s | arena with the EOS and I like that if |
6039s | I'm Exodus even if you guidance disrupt |
6041s | me right and they have been guidance |
6042s | disrupted heavily if you're on an EOS at |
6044s | zero it's not really going to matter too |
6046s | much if your guidance disrupted no and |
6048s | we're we're seeing that the EOS which is |
6049s | generally considered to be probably one |
6051s | of the tankiest ships in the alliance |
6053s | tournament is actually dropping quite |
6054s | low but once again we are seeing these |
6056s | triglavian reppy boys and uh if you know |
6059s | especially against rapid heavy missile |
6061s | launchers very very powerful because |
6063s | they will have to stop shooting at some |
6065s | point when they have to reload for you |
6066s | know 30 seconds or so but uh that being |
6068s | said the Hound actually gets blown up |
6070s | byound God the hound and the hyena this |
6072s | was jabate so the hyena was chasing |
6074s | after um this Inquisitor and they both |
6077s | bound read however if I lose an |
6079s | Inquisitor for a hyena I'm happy with |
6082s | that that hyena is going to be doing a |
6083s | good job at keeping away uh The Exodus |
6086s | core but both teams that should know |
6088s | better inting key ships however speaking |
6090s | of inting that EOS is getting rather |
6092s | rather low uh meanwhile the Magus does |
6094s | drop as well for the side of Exodus yeah |
6098s | that's that's really bad like inting an |
6100s | Inquisitor because you were trying to |
6101s | kite uh basically means the second |
6103s | Inquisitor is going to die at some point |
6104s | because now half of your reps are gone |
6106s | they can't rep each other uh we thought |
6107s | the EOS was going to die but it actually |
6109s | did exactly what we had thought was |
6110s | going to happen or what I predicted and |
6113s | the battleships have clipped and now the |
6114s | EOS is going to get ripped all the way |
6115s | back up to full and you know this is |
6117s | rough like this is the the problem with |
6119s | the setup that Exodus brought is that if |
6121s | this specific situation happens and you |
6123s | have wasted so much time now you're just |
6125s | getting picked apart you know we have |
6127s | lost the Hound we've lost the Magus |
6129s | we've lost the Inquisitor uh they're |
6131s | slowly losing ships here until doomsday |
6133s | is very very ahead like you said one |
6134s | hyena for an Inquisitor who cares so one |
6137s | thing I really don't like here with |
6138s | what's going on with Exodus is okay it |
6140s | looks like they've reloaded um or |
6142s | starting to reload I would like to see |
6144s | some split um neutralization between the |
6147s | two eos's and the Riva so the Riva will |
6149s | have its cap being pressured which will |
6151s | matter a lot on this upcoming reload |
6153s | meanwhile I would like to also see the |
6155s | EOS right just grind them out over time |
6158s | on the capacitor right you have a core |
6160s | of Fleet typhoons and navy Armageddon |
6163s | really if you're on top of these ships |
6165s | at zero um you're about to lose your Pon |
6167s | effects you're about to lose your links |
6168s | you're about to lose a lot of tankiness |
6170s | but just try to make sure that the eos's |
6172s | just don't have any resist mods no |
6174s | that's a very good idea but you know |
6176s | what is not a good idea is after you |
6178s | fail to kill an EOS that is being repped |
6180s | by a triglavian reppy boy you then |
6182s | attempt to do it again while the reps |
6184s | are still spooled up uh it does look |
6186s | like Exodus realized that was a bad idea |
6187s | and have hard swap to the prophecy which |
6189s | they should be able to kill and I think |
6190s | that they actually might have uh either |
6193s | the I think the Riva was not able to rep |
6195s | it I don't think the Riva reped it at |
6196s | all yeah I was just looking at kind of |
6198s | the bar here the rep is on the EOS not |
6200s | the prophecy at all maybe a complete |
6201s | misplay or the Redal was completely out |
6203s | of capacitor but that prophecy does |
6206s | break uh meanwhile Mo in the purifier is |
6209s | going to drop so really the only ships |
6211s | left for exus are going to be their |
6212s | heavy Point core but I mean if that Riva |
6216s | is still capped out if that EOS is |
6217s | capped out um exus could be in an okay |
6221s | position um zarel meanwhile though is |
6223s | taking a lot of damage from the Drone |
6225s | Cloud yeah so uh really interestingly um |
6228s | the Ashu of wasak QC almost got tackle |
6231s | on the Riva which would have been really |
6232s | bad it does have web on it but it has |
6234s | been screened by a stro so we're seeing |
6236s | some uh some counterplay with the |
6237s | Cruisers in the back that is uh maybe a |
6239s | little bit hard to see compared to the |
6242s | you know crazy action going on right |
6243s | here um the Riva is very very very far |
6246s | away right now and it is uh still in rep |
6249s | range barely but like yeah I I think |
6252s | they're in trouble here this typhoon |
6253s | Fleet issue is entering kind of middle |
6255s | to lowish armor right here nothing is |
6257s | happening to this EOS they're trying to |
6258s | kill it again which you know I mean |
6260s | maybe what definition Insanity try three |
6262s | times and yeah and mean meanwhile I mean |
6265s | again the RAS had the Reps on top of |
6267s | this e entire time ex isn't about to |
6269s | break it zal night blade however is |
6272s | about to break maybe try for a Stratos |
6274s | try for an arbit trator try for |
6276s | literally anything else but I don't know |
6278s | if Exodus can even project because their |
6280s | Fleet typhoons their Navy Armageddon are |
6282s | completely held down at this point and |
6284s | their TD they probably can't shoot more |
6286s | than 15 km at most no they they got I |
6289s | mean they got countered a little bit |
6290s | here like you know arbitrator again hey |
6293s | would you look look at that the |
6293s | arbitrators are doing really really good |
6295s | um there's a couple moments I think |
6296s | Exodus had here they are going to lose |
6298s | this Fleet typhoon now that being |
6300s | said you know one of the fleet typhoons |
6302s | isn't tackled and it looks like uh looks |
6304s | like the fleet typhoon of Aaron is |
6306s | actually burning away right now trying |
6307s | to grab something else to get and kill |
6309s | here and I say that and gets tackled |
6311s | again um but you know they're they're |
6313s | trying to do stuff tackled by a m nav is |
6314s | sh I do think you're right like you're |
6316s | up against a you know triangle boy reppy |
6319s | ship spread your DPS some right like do |
6321s | something here uh get your drones out I |
6322s | don't know really what they're doing |
6324s | besides feeding right now yeah I mean |
6326s | right now till doomsday on their oiva |
6328s | they're just kind of spreading things |
6329s | out meanwhile I mean the issue that |
6331s | Exodus has right now is that their |
6332s | typhoon fleo shoe is kind of out in |
6335s | Narnia relative to the Armageddon Navy |
6337s | issue so they can't really support each |
6340s | other and concentrate damage on anything |
6342s | meanwhile uh the Riva is just happy to |
6345s | kind of split reps across the board yes |
6347s | it is finally getting um some n pressure |
6351s | um it looks like from you know the um |
6354s | one of the battleships at long long |
6356s | range so deep in follow this Riva though |
6359s | is playing basically perfectly staying |
6361s | at the very very edge of optimal uh you |
6363s | know it doesn't matter in a Riva if |
6365s | you're at 2 kilm or you know if you're |
6367s | at the very edge um you still do the |
6369s | same amount and Aon eega is about to |
6371s | drop yeah and you know I do a really |
6373s | huge shout out the Riva the arbitrators |
6375s | and honestly the estrados uh as you know |
6377s | much as people don't like to kind of say |
6379s | mean things about it uh fantastic |
6381s | screening and just avoiding and not |
6382s | getting tackled and killed because while |
6384s | they are track and disrupted into |
6385s | Oblivion they still would do quite a bit |
6387s | of damage and it does look the typhoon |
6389s | Fleet issue is slowly starting to drop |
6390s | here uh breaking into structure really |
6393s | does show that some of these drone |
6395s | setups don't really do all that much |
6396s | damage but at the end of the day it |
6398s | doesn't matter because if you are able |
6399s | to prevent yourself from going down uh |
6401s | you're going to do fine and the EOS you |
6403s | know actually kind of got wrecked a |
6404s | little bit you know this those Flagship |
6407s | rapid Heavies we were just looking at |
6408s | them they do a lot of damage but again |
6411s | like you're not going to kill it you've |
6413s | tried what four times now yeah so |
6415s | interestingly enough um I would have |
6418s | thought that till doomsday might have |
6419s | tried to kill the uh Navy gon at this |
6421s | point maybe not the fleet typhoon |
6422s | because they've already won the match |
6424s | and maybe there's an opportunity because |
6426s | you're playing against Exodus right that |
6428s | you can upgrade some of the loot you |
6430s | know exus is not poor they will have you |
6433s | know a good web good launchers right |
6435s | good micro warp drive probably a very |
6438s | good damage control as well but I don't |
6440s | know ifin the next 2 minutes and 30 |
6442s | seconds they'll be able to kill that |
6443s | Navy |
6444s | Armageddon um Exodus though |
6447s | interestingly enough they brought a |
6448s | purifier and a Hound which is what they |
6450s | did last match I feel like till doomsday |
6454s | kind of counter comped them and exodus |
6455s | was maybe showing a little bit too much |
6457s | by bringing the same setup twice in a |
6459s | row yeah you you got to be really |
6461s | careful about that like every single |
6462s | match is public obviously you guys are |
6464s | watching it right now at home or |
6465s | wherever it is you are you can see what |
6466s | the teams are bringing and you can look |
6467s | at and be like huh oh they they they |
6469s | brought this well you know clearly there |
6471s | was a lot of guidance disruptors here I |
6473s | don't know if they Allen it that's |
6474s | generally a little bit dangerous but um |
6476s | Exodus got you know pretty much neutered |
6478s | here like they killed the hyena because |
6480s | it killed itself dying to The Inquisitor |
6483s | which was perfect like great they got |
6485s | the prophecy I think that might have |
6486s | been a little bit of a piloting error on |
6487s | the riva's fault but you know other than |
6489s | that I mean you know here we are now you |
6491s | said that they might not have enough |
6493s | time but it actually does look like they |
6495s | are kind of eating through this Navy |
6497s | genon um I bet you that it is having |
6499s | some uh I don't know maybe he gave up |
6501s | maybe he burned something or maybe they |
6503s | and did a you know doing a little bit of |
6505s | a par Strat he put all of his low slots |
6507s | as a damage modules to try and do |
6509s | something but I think they might |
6510s | actually be losing their genon here no I |
6512s | think they are I mean people kind of say |
6514s | that um you know the eos's don't do a |
6516s | ton of damage but really I mean look at |
6518s | the attack bar that till doomsday has |
6519s | it's not nothing right like we see that |
6521s | there is an active um rep uh amount in |
6524s | the defense bar in purple and that's |
6525s | going to be those X Type um you know |
6527s | reps that are going to be doing an |
6529s | excellent job at keeping sabotage up |
6530s | right he's been doing his you know level |
6533s | but this isimu of Wasa is just |
6535s | eventually going to fall and uh to the |
6539s | DS they shouldn't kill they're going to |
6540s | kill both of them don't kill the isimu |
6542s | stop on the isimu so you can loot the |
6544s | Navy genon because if you blow up too |
6546s | late cuz now they're going to kill the |
6547s | flagship they're not going to be able to |
6548s | loot it because as soon as that Navy |
6550s | genon dies that's it well In fairness |
6553s | the EOS are on top of this Navy genon at |
6555s | zero they're going to loot it um the |
6556s | desk is probably going to be able to |
6558s | give us in some insight into how shiny |
6560s | of a kill mail that is because I'm |
6562s | expecting you know top tier metal |
6565s | officer launchers and you know defensive |
6567s | offensive mods very well played by till |
6569s | doomsday counter compt and again who |
6572s | thought that these Frenchies would go |
6574s | you know 20 in the winner |
6577s | side yeah back to the |
6580s | desk getting knocked down into the lore |
6583s | bracket now and losing their Flagship uh |
6585s | we'll check out that K when it comes |
6587s | through uh a bit of an upset there uh I |
6589s | think everyone uh well twitch chat you |
6591s | guys all seem to mostly predict EX would |
6593s | win I thought Exodus would win they're a |
6595s | very experienced team kind of a bit of a |
6596s | surprise to see them go out but till |
6598s | doomsday have turned up and shown that |
6600s | they are to be taken seriously they come |
6602s | in first match of Alliance tournament 20 |
6605s | they take on the defending Champions and |
6607s | they knock them into the lower bracket |
6608s | then they go up against Exodus one of |
6610s | the most experienced teams uh in the |
6612s | tournament ever and they win sending |
6614s | them into the lower bracket and taking |
6615s | out their Flagship as well so till dims |
6617s | day are making a really good showing so |
6619s | far and they are the first prize ship |
6621s | enjoyers uh of alliance at 20 they have |
6624s | now confirmed some prize ships which is |
6626s | awesome they get a battleship they get |
6627s | two FRS and two Cruisers uh incredible |
6630s | what an amazing return so far for them |
6632s | I'm joined by CCB Aurora and Ali arz how |
6634s | are you guys doing today CCB Aurora I'm |
6636s | doing good thanks for having me back |
6638s | again yeah tell me about that match like |
6641s | that was an exciting match to watch how |
6642s | was it for you yeah it was it was quite |
6645s | interesting the uh I I think that the uh |
6648s | Exodus team was expecting a comp that |
6651s | wasn't brought so so uh they had uh two |
6654s | bombers which would have been really |
6656s | good if the other side had brought some |
6657s | sort of Battleship core um but what they |
6659s | saw instead were two eos's a lot of |
6662s | drones and a lot of control um those uh |
6665s | their low end was picked off really fast |
6667s | and they just weren't able to hold it |
6669s | through the end of the match um it was |
6672s | uh I think they basically lost in comp |
6674s | selection I think I agree with that as |
6676s | well now Ally um it has been mentioned |
6678s | once or twice uh this particular ship |
6680s | but let's talk a bit about the |
6681s | arbitrator it's again rearing its head |
6684s | and showing why it can be so devastating |
6686s | in the right hands what happened there |
6687s | with that so in this case the till the |
6691s | till doomsday team brought two |
6692s | arbitrators and this time they split |
6694s | their disruptor matchups they had enough |
6696s | missile guidance disruptors to really |
6698s | impact the missiles of the Kings Slayer |
6700s | and impacting those missiles is going to |
6702s | mean that those rapid heavy ships they |
6704s | can't reach as far as they normally |
6705s | would we saw the Riva was never targeted |
6709s | by the till doomsday Corp if there |
6711s | weren't for the arbitrators there that |
6712s | log you probably would have been dead |
6714s | yeah and I agree I just had a look at |
6716s | the uh the kill mail for this Armageddon |
6718s | Navy issue of Exodus and I believe it's |
6720s | our most expensive one thus far in the |
6722s | tournament uh over a 100 bill on uh on |
6725s | Zed killboard uh full rack of sml's |
6728s | Rapid Heavies in the highs um and uh |
6731s | they dropped of course 90% Loot drop |
6733s | event going on right now which is |
6734s | excellent if you if you have to kill a |
6736s | flagship so I'm hoping tills Doom today |
6737s | managed to scoop that all up uh but yeah |
6740s | those launchers alone are about 67 |
6744s | billion you then have a pretty good web |
6746s | 22 billion there and a pretty decent |
6749s | damage control so that is a hecking |
6752s | pricey Flagship cpar it is I want to |
6755s | point out one thing though uh they went |
6757s | up against the Drone comp and they have |
6758s | no smart bombs on this ship so if they |
6760s | had had smart bombs it would have been |
6762s | potentially a really clutch pick they |
6763s | would have been able to clear some of |
6764s | those drone swarms they might not have |
6766s | lost their Flagship at the end of the |
6767s | day um if they had been able to get on |
6769s | top of the enemy Fleet they could have |
6771s | cleared rep Bots from from other ships |
6774s | uh the the choice of neutralizers in |
6776s | that Flagship is a very particular one |
6778s | uh that very much says to me they |
6780s | weren't expecting Mr drone camp and yeah |
6782s | yeah so again uh want to call it out you |
6784s | know well done till doomsday that was a |
6786s | a solid win against a very experienced |
6788s | team um with you know really good uh |
6791s | access to some hecking expensive modules |
6793s | for their ship so well done we'll see |
6795s | them uh I think next weekend now uh they |
6797s | can rest for the week uh when they're |
6799s | not scrimming of course they should be |
6800s | practicing straight to the gulag um and |
6803s | yeah so let's move on to our next |
6804s | winners bracket match it's going to be |
6806s | platinum sensitivity versus we form |
6808s | Volta and we can hear from Platinum |
6810s | sensitivity spokesman about what they do |
6812s | on |
6814s | Tranquility hello my name is l stone |
6817s | spokesperson of pum sensitivity we are |
6820s | living in nor exstatic F Hall Bing |
6823s | around new to have good fights the usual |
6827s | end up against those but we have |
6830s | one and honestly at this point we don't |
6833s | remember how many times we've competed |
6835s | in Alliance tournament our loot dates |
6838s | back to lovely 10 years |
6841s | ago back then he was more tied but |
6844s | nowadays it's just a bunch of old |
6847s | friends and now Captain is |
6850s | kentus who also has 10 years of |
6853s | experience in small scale |
6855s | pvps oh he used to be a beast but I |
6858s | think he's kind of used up now let's see |
6860s | if Mark bles and new face |
6863s | can call him and lastly we would like to |
6866s | extend this message to express our |
6869s | gratitudes for all the players around |
6872s | the universe especially teams that have |
6874s | fought practice matches and tournament |
6877s | matches with us and that's it that is |
6881s | platinum sensitivity telling us a little |
6883s | bit about their Alliance so this matchup |
6885s | is going to be an exciting one again you |
6887s | win this you get ships uh we're in the |
6889s | winners bracket this is like if you get |
6891s | through this you can go into next week |
6892s | you comfortable that you're at least top |
6894s | 16 and try and make a a Deep Run further |
6896s | into the tournament get more of those |
6897s | exciting ships let's look at the bands |
6900s | for this matchup so Platinum sensitivity |
6901s | Banning out the mollus the crucifier the |
6904s | Sentinel the Loki and the Jack doll |
6906s | meanwhile we form Volta choosing to ban |
6907s | out the arbitrator the crucifier The |
6909s | Sentinel the Loki and the curs so all of |
6911s | this sort of guidance destruction |
6912s | tracking disruption that's been so |
6914s | effective in the last couple of matches |
6916s | a lot of it has been banned now Ali yeah |
6918s | so again we've been seeing it all |
6920s | weekend whenever it's unbanned it shows |
6922s | up on field this guidance disruption |
6925s | tracking disruption it really impairs |
6926s | your ability to bring one of those gun |
6928s | spam comps it impairs your ability to |
6930s | bring maybe a king Slayer we've seen a |
6931s | lot of that it's just really effective |
6933s | at disrupting what other teams want to |
6936s | do and so by banning all of this with |
6938s | the exception of the pilgrim Pilgrim |
6939s | still open uh Volta is opening |
6942s | themselves up to be able maybe they're |
6943s | going to bring a medium gun span maybe |
6945s | they're going to bring a king Slayer |
6946s | maybe this will let them bring their |
6947s | bargus Flagship if nobody will be able |
6949s | to cut that down meanwhile Platinum |
6951s | sensitivity |
6953s | a little bit more of a mixed bag of |
6954s | bands and we'll see what that ends up |
6957s | coming for them yeah and TP Roar is |
6959s | anything you see in these bands uh yeah |
6962s | I mean the when you leave this stuff |
6964s | unbanned uh it really limits the field |
6966s | of what are the potential applicable |
6969s | comps um very much as uh AR was saying |
6973s | um that's that's part of the reason that |
6975s | we saw that drone comp in the last match |
6977s | because those drones aren't so affected |
6980s | by by all of this sort of ewar they just |
6981s | kind of get on the target it doesn't |
6983s | matter if you've been tracking disrupted |
6984s | or guidance disrupted it's it's very |
6986s | much a hedge against all of that control |
6989s | um by Banning it out it means that uh |
6991s | all of those control uh comps are off |
6993s | the table and so there's a lot more that |
6995s | they can bring um we could see medium |
6997s | guns gun spam that seems very open at |
6999s | this point it seems like a very good |
7000s | choice for both teams I wouldn't be |
7002s | surprised if we saw a medium gun span |
7004s | match up on both sides um or one side |
7007s | could bring a rush versus medium gun |
7009s | span on the other side uh I think this |
7011s | will be a little bit more of a bloody |
7012s | match given these bands yeah and I was |
7015s | just having a quick look in the in the |
7016s | in the history books uh this match up |
7018s | has happened before we have seen |
7019s | Platinum sensitivity versus we form |
7021s | Volta in an alliance tournament uh |
7023s | winners bracket before uh last year |
7025s | Alliance tournament 19 um where uh |
7028s | Platinum sensitivity took the win so |
7030s | this is a kind of like Revenge comeback |
7032s | tour potentially for Volta or you know |
7034s | maybe they get knocked down twice like |
7036s | it can be sort of this is one the |
7038s | moments where you start to like you know |
7040s | double guess yourself because you've |
7041s | done this before against the same team |
7043s | and you lost and it's like okay well do |
7045s | we just kind of execute what we think we |
7047s | can do well or do we try and play into |
7048s | the fact that we've played them once or |
7049s | twice before there are of course |
7051s | flagships available for both teams I |
7053s | don't know if anyone's bringing one yet |
7054s | I have not heard any confirmation either |
7055s | way um but either either way I think |
7058s | this is going to be an exciting match |
7059s | these are two very experienced teams uh |
7061s | with great individual pilots on both |
7063s | sides uh the logistics pilots from the |
7065s | Volta side uh last time we saw planet 6 |
7067s | and outet nopro in logistics frigs |
7070s | they're very experienced Pilots doing |
7071s | that over Plum sensitivity you have Mark |
7074s | Bridges he's been running uh with teams |
7075s | for a long time again super experienced |
7077s | so this is going to be a good one I |
7080s | think so let's head over to the arena |
7081s | now for platinum sensitivity versus we |
7083s | form |
7085s | Volta |
7087s | oh hey welcome to the arena already |
7090s | we're still warping in at the moment so |
7091s | we're not quite ready but uh just |
7093s | keeping an eye out is that a flag bar |
7096s | guest I I see a barest there is a barest |
7099s | on grid your we have to see we have to |
7102s | see in local if it getss announc in |
7104s | local it is that's the flag I can see |
7107s | the sweat already building on the SL he |
7109s | like oh no here we go so obviously pla |
7111s | sensitivity versus ref from volter vter |
7113s | bringing their Flagship argust with a |
7116s | lovely psych Fleet issues on their side |
7118s | as well a bit of kiting going on I think |
7119s | on them for them I love the triple |
7121s | Squall triple Squall so a lot of King |
7124s | but what of P you brought P you have |
7126s | brought by looks of it medium gums spam |
7129s | yeah I am perfectly fine with that |
7130s | they've gone for triple mher around like |
7132s | the double merer Omen versions we've |
7134s | seen this is Triple M so they've gone |
7135s | for the thickest T1 Cruis they can get |
7137s | their hands on so would you think well |
7138s | rter oh wait there's is n man there see |
7140s | there's one in the bottom the volter |
7142s | need to probably get rid of the lowend |
7143s | and stuff or they could just try and |
7144s | burst through maybe a battle cruiser one |
7146s | of the two faction battle Cruisers but I |
7148s | think more likely we might see maybe the |
7150s | omen or the deacons it depends what gets |
7152s | into the range first right but my first |
7153s | Target would be the original Omen yeah |
7155s | Omen first from there you got to vary a |
7157s | bit and the good thing is teams like |
7158s | Volta they can adapt really quickly they |
7160s | know what to do and as we see t on the |
7162s | omen immediately vter burning away this |
7165s | is going to be literally a chasing game |
7166s | for platin stivity they're going to have |
7168s | to get in close get the damage on |
7169s | quickly because volter do have a bit |
7171s | advantage on the Range first Target is |
7172s | the omen Omen should go down plent |
7175s | damage yeah I mean do you think the pl |
7177s | City need to go for they're going for a |
7179s | school right now do you think they |
7180s | should probably go for anything bigger |
7181s | or do you think school's a good call |
7183s | school's an okay cool it's kind of like |
7185s | the omen of their comp yeah if you can |
7187s | get your hands on it the hyena but |
7188s | they've got gone hyena vigil you've gone |
7190s | double on the paint and web strength p |
7193s | as the scho does go down the M taking a |
7195s | lot of damage and your Omen as well so |
7196s | maybe the switching targets going for |
7198s | the MERS now M into low low armor now a |
7201s | second score down for vter they need to |
7203s | get some some points on the board at |
7204s | this point I think the omen pulled out a |
7206s | rid of range whereas now they're going |
7207s | for the mo mo is going to die pretty |
7208s | quick yeah very mes are pretty tanky but |
7211s | you know this is a lot of damage coming |
7212s | in this cop is attempting to kite for |
7214s | its life no one's tackled so which is |
7215s | perfect yeah I think Volta need to just |
7217s | get some stuff down they need to go for |
7219s | the a second score goes down for Supreme |
7221s | leau they need to be careful now cuz |
7222s | they're going to third score that's |
7224s | third score down the third score sorry |
7225s | they're going to get close to the |
7226s | boundary now and this is kind of the |
7227s | problems of of the kiting comp so if you |
7229s | go to Coastal boundaries you're risking |
7232s | getting you know pushed up against the |
7234s | wall oh yeah I would not want to be the |
7235s | pilot in a flag bargus attempting to |
7237s | avoid the boundry I know and right now |
7240s | it is not looking too good for vter I'm |
7242s | starting to sweat a bit here guys I mean |
7244s | right H's tackled now that's they one of |
7246s | their best application ships about to |
7248s | die they're going for a deacon try to |
7249s | maybe kill off the lodgy before |
7250s | everything goes poor hyena down Hing it |
7253s | down it's starting to fall apart it's |
7255s | not looking too good for for the volter |
7256s | guys vigil is only application left the |
7259s | Deacon is now taking a lot of damage |
7260s | going into L armor they if they get the |
7262s | Deacon off it's still it can still |
7265s | happen it can definitely and honestly |
7266s | even if they don't their ships going to |
7268s | be very very very hard to catch and all |
7270s | these battle Cruisers they're pretty |
7271s | fast but a barus with an extendo scram |
7273s | could hopefully keep going click click |
7275s | click click click and constantly slow |
7276s | them down could definitely try and keep |
7277s | things away but the Deacon is still |
7279s | alive he's trying trying their best to |
7281s | kill him I think he's a heavy missile |
7283s | cycling F you think uh yeah I mean right |
7285s | now the the priority for Volta is to get |
7287s | this get a deacon down and get the Reps |
7289s | off but Planet Six RI in the simar |
7291s | taking a lot of damage he's not long for |
7294s | this and now they now they're trying to |
7295s | just go for the battle Cruisers uh which |
7297s | I think probably is a good call just |
7299s | trying you know big Sig easy to get |
7301s | through kill something they gone for the |
7303s | Navy har probably the least tank of them |
7305s | pretty good damage tracking bonus is |
7307s | pretty nice get rid of it hopefully |
7308s | maybe also I think these MERS I going |
7310s | double check these are be MERS right I'm |
7312s | not crazy yeah I mean yes they are you |
7315s | see the damage right now on the har Navy |
7316s | issue I mean I just go to think like if |
7318s | they did that at the beginning would it |
7320s | matter yeah exactly they the damage they |
7321s | wasted on the de that was in the in the |
7323s | half Navy but then again they probably |
7324s | thought they can break the it's one of |
7326s | those you think this is going to work oh |
7328s | crap it doesn't work react and these |
7329s | guys did react quick enough they didn't |
7331s | me take like a minute to go oh [ __ ] I |
7332s | mean platin 7 C performing really well |
7335s | here and just defanging basically |
7336s | volta's kiting comp um still they're |
7339s | still trying to go for the har Navy |
7340s | issue but he should stabilize the 2D on |
7342s | him I mean and now s eating out is |
7345s | taking a bit of damage this is such a |
7346s | hard game for vter to come back from I |
7349s | there is a flag bar on grid we have to |
7351s | you know it's it's probably a very |
7352s | expensive the simitar is only being hit |
7354s | by drones now they're now switching to |
7356s | the S Fleet so some pl6 built got away |
7358s | maybe he can get a Reload off even by |
7360s | being pressured by drones maybe I mean I |
7362s | don't know that's a pretty risky play |
7363s | with a ship chasing he's got a omen that |
7366s | the they tried to kill is hunting him |
7367s | down it's a it's a risky play but it's |
7369s | the only thing he's got he's going into |
7370s | structure I think yeah yeah yep M now |
7373s | being shot as well they the damage is |
7374s | starting to spread cycl Fleet gets |
7377s | boundaried he gets bound boundar yeah |
7380s | look sticky oh |
7383s | dear guys come on uh this poor man this |
7386s | poor man like it looks like th th and |
7390s | Annie just left Annie the captain in the |
7391s | varus I mean at this point I think it's |
7394s | time to it's time to just not die yeah y |
7398s | okay Annie It's Time To Play Beacon |
7399s | bounce just keep running he should be |
7401s | able to as as the L is coming into the |
7405s | commentating Studio the game's not |
7407s | finished yet no no no put it on put it |
7409s | on give it to him there we go put the L |
7412s | on I have to can I how do I do that I'll |
7414s | just do that do yeah wait is that |
7417s | working not really but it's still very |
7419s | amusing there we go I'll just hold it |
7420s | yeah it's very amusing he's got to hold |
7422s | he's got to hold the L is is is still |
7426s | he's about to go down but I believe in |
7427s | Annie Annie guard it can take it to the |
7430s | end come on my friend I think we need to |
7431s | take you somewhere for |
7434s | delusions and he's now on his own I |
7436s | think I mean he can probably stay alive |
7438s | potentially if he plays the game of |
7440s | bouncing beacons and then hey if they're |
7442s | about to kill him aim that mjd the other |
7444s | direction and be like you're not getting |
7445s | my stuff a The Omen trying to go for him |
7447s | as well of course he is yeah the omen |
7449s | that was that probably would have wished |
7451s | was dead at the start of the match |
7452s | honestly we've been kind of no I would |
7454s | say [ __ ] but we've been hitting |
7456s | volter on this match but Platinum played |
7458s | really well yeah I mean honestly like I |
7459s | we we kind of giving volter a bit of bit |
7461s | of trash for this but Plum did it very |
7462s | well the omen pulled away the ships kept |
7465s | each other alive they got the whole the |
7466s | whole Rush is still alive I'm sorry |
7468s | Annie's about to go down he's going to |
7470s | go down do you know what it's going it's |
7472s | it should be a good lost mail I think so |
7474s | yeah we going to say that right you |
7475s | going to say it's a good lost mail it's |
7476s | going to be good it's not going to hurt |
7478s | the killboard it's going to be a good |
7479s | one I mean well played I think panon |
7482s | doing really well ex biggest respect of |
7484s | platinum well done flag bar down and |
7487s | with that we're going to get back to the |
7488s | studio and I'm going to deal with star |
7490s | lead here |
7492s | you're all good |
7496s | buddy they're knocking we for Volta down |
7499s | into the low bracket and also taking out |
7501s | the flagship fielded by Annie gardette |
7503s | the flag bar guest uh the L is now being |
7506s | handed to to me on the desk I think |
7508s | someone forgot that uh I'm not in Volta |
7510s | anymore but I will leave it here uh |
7512s | because I do stand Volta there there are |
7513s | some some good Pilots um what went wrong |
7516s | CB aora for VTA in that match uh what |
7519s | went wrong was mostly the comp selection |
7521s | so the |
7522s | uh they banned out all of the control um |
7525s | leaving open that medium guns bam comp |
7527s | that we've seen a lot of uh so far over |
7529s | this weekend that Medium gun spam comp |
7531s | is strong it has incredibly good range |
7534s | um and uh they brought a kutting comp |
7537s | which isn't going to outrange the medium |
7540s | gun spam comp um so I'm not quite sure |
7543s | what they were hoping would happen in |
7545s | that matchup uh perhaps they were really |
7547s | hoping that uh Platinum sensitivity were |
7549s | going to bring something else uh but |
7551s | what they fac was not a good counter or |
7554s | not a good setup for uh what they |
7557s | actually brought yeah and I think we did |
7559s | see some some good experience piloting |
7561s | obviously from both sides but sometimes |
7563s | when you come up in a match like that |
7564s | you saw uh volter realized what their |
7566s | win condition was so usually we talk |
7567s | about when you come in okay this thing |
7569s | needs to happen for us to win the match |
7571s | and they recognized pretty quickly um |
7573s | that their win condition was to kill the |
7574s | deacons and they had the hyena and they |
7576s | had the vigil and the deacons at one |
7578s | point got split up a little bit they |
7580s | were about 30 or 40 kmers away from each |
7581s | other and VTA doen they just committed |
7584s | suicide in that hyena to try and like |
7586s | lock it down and just try and kill it |
7588s | before uh his body could get into range |
7590s | it didn't work unfortunately for them uh |
7592s | but those sort of like decisions uh are |
7594s | what kind of separates the the top tier |
7596s | teams from the lower tier teams like |
7598s | being able to sort of recognize and then |
7600s | execute on something sometimes it |
7602s | doesn't work uh Ally what else could |
7603s | they have done differently did you think |
7605s | so I mean as CCP R said it was really |
7608s | there was really a draft problem here uh |
7611s | one of the things that Volta did one of |
7614s | the things that Platinum sensitivity did |
7615s | really well piloting wise you talk about |
7617s | C CCB overload you talk about the way |
7619s | that people recognize what has to happen |
7621s | in a match they did a really good job of |
7623s | as soon as somebody got shot they ran |
7625s | away like yes if your merer runs away if |
7628s | your Omen runs away that that is ship |
7631s | isn't doing damage anymore and your |
7635s | overall DPS is lowered for a little bit |
7637s | but your total DPS is larger for more of |
7639s | the match because the ship is still |
7641s | there to come back back later so really |
7644s | good job on that in terms of other |
7645s | things vola could have |
7646s | done mostly just you trying to get those |
7650s | fast Target Swifts honestly this is two |
7652s | really experienced teams Volta needed |
7655s | Platinum sensitivity to make a mistake |
7657s | and platinum sensitivity was too good to |
7658s | do that yeah and uh I just looked at the |
7661s | Kil Mill for the flagship barest uh it's |
7663s | uh definitely the most expensive one |
7665s | we've seen so far Zed kill's listing at |
7667s | uh around 167 billion uh of your finest |
7670s | internet spaceship isk um Again full |
7673s | rack of esls in the high most of it |
7675s | dropped even though 90% Loot drop is in |
7677s | place a bunch of expensive stuff didn't |
7678s | actually drop this time so lot fairy |
7680s | firmly said maybe this time um so CU two |
7683s | of those launchers uh did not drop and |
7685s | those two launchers alone are 26 billion |
7687s | like these are expensive launchers uh |
7689s | but then everything in the mids dropped |
7691s | including a Tobias scram uh and a nice |
7693s | sml's large Shield booster um and then |
7697s | back down into the low slots we get some |
7699s | some more expensive stuff with sml's |
7701s | modified ballistic Control Systems all |
7702s | of which dropped all three that's 40 |
7705s | billion and of course a very fancy uh |
7707s | damage control so uh these prices are |
7709s | sort of like estimates because there's |
7711s | not a huge amount of these things in |
7713s | existence and they don't really get |
7714s | traded very much on on like the open |
7716s | market they kind of go through like |
7717s | Private Sales so this could be anywhere |
7719s | from about 167 to maybe even 300 billion |
7723s | isk CCB Aurora flagships we talked about |
7726s | a little bit about them yesterday but |
7727s | you what would you pick as your Flagship |
7729s | if you were had to Captain a team H that |
7732s | that is a tricky one I would probably do |
7734s | as volted did here and pick the bar |
7735s | guest um it is a very flexible ship you |
7738s | can kind of slot it into a bunch of |
7740s | different comps and have it work really |
7741s | well um you can you can Shield fit it |
7744s | you can armor fit it technically um |
7747s | there's a lot that you can do with it it |
7749s | puts out insane amount of damage it has |
7751s | uh decent speed for a for a battleship |
7754s | um it is just a very solid pick all |
7757s | around that gives you a lot of |
7758s | flexibility um one of the things that |
7760s | you can see with a lot of uh |
7762s | Flagship uh flag Flagship choices is |
7765s | that they can kind of lock you into a |
7766s | very specific uh Team comp which other |
7769s | people can plan against which the Bargas |
7771s | helps to avoid so particularly if if you |
7774s | were to say instead that you uh picked a |
7776s | leack for example um especially with all |
7780s | of the the control that we're seeing |
7782s | right now um we saw a a flag leack |
7784s | yesterday struggle under those scenarios |
7787s | because they knew they could bring it |
7789s | and they they brought exactly what would |
7791s | counter it and it's a lot harder to do |
7792s | that to a ship that's just generally |
7794s | good yeah uh I mean I I think I agree I |
7797s | like the barest um I like the |
7798s | flexibility um I'm I'm pretty sure a |
7801s | team like Volta is either going to have |
7802s | two of them one armor and one um Shield |
7805s | or they just refit depending on some of |
7806s | these expensive modules might be moved |
7807s | around between the two of them um but |
7810s | that's all it's still a lot of money |
7811s | into into flagships and of course Vol |
7813s | not out they will be back uh in the |
7815s | lower bracket but not having uh their |
7817s | Flagship um going forward from weekend |
7820s | one is going to be a bit of a P they can |
7822s | no longer Dodge the bands uh they don't |
7824s | have that flexibility of the extra |
7826s | strength of all of these uh these like |
7828s | really fancy modules um that's going to |
7830s | hurt them later um sometimes you know |
7833s | I'm pretty sure obviously they would |
7835s | prefer to if they're going to lose not |
7836s | lose the flagship but there was no way |
7837s | with 5 minutes left that Annie was going |
7839s | to be able to kite around with the |
7841s | amount of platinum sensitivity still on |
7843s | the field uh Ally any thoughts on uh |
7845s | more on this match so it was really it |
7847s | was a really good match it was really |
7848s | interesting to see those two teams see |
7851s | two teams playing again really really |
7853s | well uh one of the things that we saw is |
7857s | you both good execution good lodgy |
7859s | piloting and yeah just one of the |
7862s | interesting things with these kinds of |
7864s | matches is whenever you're going into |
7866s | the arena you have to know what level to |
7869s | be on and so we talked about Volta |
7871s | losing in draft one of the things that |
7873s | might have happened here is a little bit |
7875s | of I know that you know that I know that |
7878s | gun spam is open so it's possible that |
7881s | they said ah yes well we banned like we |
7884s | were going to bring Gun spam so now |
7885s | nobody's going to bring Gun spam and we |
7887s | can just kite them out and yeah maybe |
7889s | they got a little bit leveled there so |
7890s | kudos to platinum sensitivity for |
7891s | finding finding the right lane Yep this |
7894s | is going to uh I'm sure tilt a bunch of |
7896s | the the the Vol members because this is |
7897s | the second year in a row that they've |
7898s | been knocked down uh by Platinum |
7900s | sensitivity so congratulations to |
7902s | platinum sensitivity before we move on |
7903s | though I want to take a quick look at uh |
7905s | Annie gardet he was the pilot in the |
7907s | barast there H he's a very experienced |
7910s | Alliance tournament pilot you can see |
7911s | how many matches he's played in over the |
7913s | years it goes way back I'm pretty sure |
7915s | he was part of yeah you see their verge |
7917s | of collapse when they won Alliance |
7919s | tournament 10 or 11 um he flies the bar |
7922s | guest a lot and usually the flagship bar |
7923s | guest uh we've seen it in the grand |
7925s | finals in Alliance tournament 17 and he |
7927s | flew the flagship barast against Hydra |
7929s | reloaded uh Hydra took that particular |
7932s | uh Alliance tournament and Volta were |
7934s | second uh but yeah Annie gardette uh |
7936s | extremely experienced pilot one of the |
7938s | best in the business for sure especially |
7940s | in those flagship bar guests all right |
7943s | uh let's move on to our next match now |
7946s | which is another great one like these |
7948s | matches are now just bangers for the |
7949s | next little while by the way because now |
7951s | we have truth on the light versus white |
7952s | squall now white squall have as I said |
7956s | earlier on they're doing this like |
7957s | pacifist run I think right now because |
7959s | they have killed nothing literally |
7961s | killed nothing so far in the alliance |
7962s | tournament but yet here they are uh in |
7964s | the upper bracket with a win thanks to a |
7966s | 1- nil win the other day uh the bands |
7969s | are up on the screen let's take a quick |
7970s | look at them so it's Jack dot C |
7971s | Armageddon and Armageddon Navy issue |
7973s | from truth on all light and then white |
7975s | squall choosing to ban out the EOS the |
7977s | Blackbird the Loki and the crucifier so |
7981s | these are two again very experienced |
7982s | teams uh going up against each other I'm |
7984s | pretty sure the truth on the light and |
7985s | white squall are practice Partners as |
7986s | well so this is these are the matches |
7988s | where you start to get really cookie |
7990s | setups because you're going up against |
7992s | the people that you know best |
7994s | essentially in in these matches in this |
7996s | particular tournament as well so you |
7997s | know what they think is good they know |
7999s | what you think is good and then you get |
8000s | into this like death spiral of trying to |
8002s | outthink yourself CP what do you think |
8004s | about these bands here uh yeah so when |
8007s | we talk about teams that are this good |
8009s | uh you actually have to think a lot more |
8010s | about what the |
8013s | banss when when you're trying to make a |
8015s | ban against a good team you're not |
8016s | saying what do I not want to play |
8017s | against which is what most people think |
8019s | a ban is what you're actually saying is |
8021s | what do I want them to think I don't |
8022s | want to play against and the better the |
8024s | teams are and the closer they are as |
8025s | practice Partners the more that 40 CH |
8027s | chess just kind of spirals I think we |
8029s | know from past Alliance tournaments that |
8032s | trying to figure out what truth on our |
8033s | light is going to bring based on their |
8034s | bands is a fruitless effort they're |
8036s | actually really good at OB skating uh |
8039s | and and kind of like hiding their |
8040s | intention by giving fairly generic bands |
8042s | and I think that's kind of what we see |
8043s | here um they ban out the armag the armag |
8046s | Navy issue just kind of solid uh armor |
8050s | uh like King Slayer comp type |
8051s | battleships with with decent control and |
8053s | decent damage um the curse is just kind |
8055s | of a good allaround ban the the jack do |
8058s | vaguely signals like maybe we want fly |
8061s | something Kae don't pick us off um but |
8064s | it's hard to say um I I I would caution |
8067s | anyone from reading too much into THL |
8070s | bands at any point in time and I think |
8072s | truth and like are one of those teams |
8073s | that are likely to not bring the best |
8077s | stuff on weekend one if they can avoid |
8079s | it because we've seen this time and time |
8080s | again happened to the last tournament 17 |
8082s | happened to the last tournament 18 they |
8084s | turned up in the second weekend and |
8086s | brought something completely different |
8087s | that up until that point nobody had |
8089s | really the crafted against and suddenly |
8091s | The Meta just shifted and now there's no |
8093s | time to react so whether it becoming the |
8096s | the sort of strange sto Tinker the won |
8097s | Alliance tournament 17 or things like |
8099s | bringing fantasms with medium gun spam |
8101s | that kind of just all appeared all of a |
8102s | sudden so it would be interesting to |
8104s | find out if white squall versus on the |
8107s | light is going to be some sort of |
8110s | indication of where this is going or |
8112s | whether they think people are going to |
8113s | think that and they're going to bring |
8113s | something kind of a bit more crazy in |
8115s | the other direction like this is the |
8117s | Mind Games this is this is when we start |
8119s | to like cook and come up with just |
8120s | nonsense and then this is when you end |
8122s | up with like those meme matches where |
8124s | somebody brings a melstrom and tries to |
8127s | convince everyone it's good it's not um |
8130s | I honestly don't know who to predict in |
8131s | this one I know truth on a light have |
8133s | the pedigree I mean let me just check |
8134s | twitch chat to see what you guys think I |
8136s | know what you're going to think but I'm |
8137s | going to check it anyway yep so truth on |
8138s | the light you guys are predicting nearly |
8140s | 4 million Channel points they have an |
8142s | opportunity right now to get so many |
8144s | Channel points if they just lose this |
8146s | match it would be great like it depends |
8148s | what you value more Alliance tournament |
8150s | prize ships or Channel points Channel |
8152s | points anyway Channel points 100% one of |
8154s | the things that I notice about those |
8156s | bands is that the armor gun spam is |
8157s | still open so if these if this is a hide |
8160s | your hide your good comps it's just |
8162s | going to be gun spam we're just going |
8163s | straight back to the feeders you got |
8164s | your gun spam you've got most of the |
8166s | rush options still available let's let's |
8169s | just see some uh good old classic Eve |
8171s | you have the potential for counters here |
8172s | too uh there's a lot of uh those |
8175s | tracking disruption ships that are also |
8176s | still open so this is where the Mind |
8178s | Games come in like we've left that open |
8179s | are we going to bring that That's a |
8180s | classic maybe we'll bring uh maybe we'll |
8183s | bring the counter to that maybe maybe |
8184s | we'll bring a rush who knows it would be |
8187s | kind of funny if both teams brought |
8188s | essentially ineffective counters of each |
8190s | other's comp and we got another like |
8192s | one- nil Victory like I would be |
8194s | extremely pleased if a team managed to |
8196s | get into top 16 and win prize ships |
8198s | achieving literally nothing else than |
8200s | just arriving there like no kills just |
8202s | sort of coasted in that would be it is |
8204s | theoretically possible to win the |
8206s | alliance tournament while killing |
8207s | nothing I guess technically make it |
8210s | happen make it Happ Happ guys that's |
8212s | that's has to happen all right uh let's |
8214s | just go to the arena this is going to be |
8215s | a fantastic match truth honor light |
8217s | versus uh white |
8222s | squall welcome back to the arena we have |
8224s | truth on a light versus white score and |
8227s | on on on the grid right now we've got |
8228s | some interesting comps all m i I saw the |
8231s | Hyperion I was like oh hello damage comp |
8235s | that comp is very interesting like the |
8237s | Hyperion is the one thing I'm looking at |
8239s | going okay I know two night bring in two |
8242s | abandons and a Hyperion as they call |
8244s | with two sentinals so a lot of tracking |
8245s | disruption paired with some logy freaks |
8248s | as well and what have white school got |
8249s | white school have brought the Redeemer |
8251s | temper setup but they've got a pilgrim |
8253s | as their backup control chip and they're |
8255s | nearest for that to the best RS possible |
8257s | and they also brought a very eclectic |
8260s | but pretty effective small wing yeah and |
8262s | also yeah so both teams have different |
8264s | types of logistics don't they they've |
8265s | got so TL have the sort of close range |
8268s | T1 uh T2 sorry uh logi frigs andly whol |
8271s | have the anos for that bit more of a |
8272s | projecting logy so do you think that |
8275s | gives them a bit of an edge it's going |
8276s | to be like a game of what are they going |
8278s | to do against these AB the abon can |
8279s | apply there's not much to stop them |
8281s | applying like they can shoot at range |
8282s | there's not really any tracktion to stop |
8284s | them yeah so the abdons will be shooting |
8286s | I'm look at that look at that there been |
8288s | tties on both sides my apology I think I |
8289s | missed a there some t on both sides |
8290s | there Pilgrim right yeah duh my brain |
8293s | entirely forgot Pilgrim does that I'm |
8294s | used to just nuding me pilgrims |
8296s | definitely the the core for the uh ew |
8298s | War for white SCH lots of some Bots I'm |
8301s | guessing we're going to see a lot of |
8302s | bots here oh yeah oh yeah Bots are going |
8304s | to come out it's one of the best things |
8305s | about the Hyperion the Drone Bay is |
8306s | thick the other B Drone Bays aren't bad |
8308s | as well so control freak taking a bit of |
8310s | damage right now and the SLE for Tom but |
8312s | I think we're going to start to see when |
8314s | things start getting locked down we're |
8315s | going to start to see the damage coming |
8316s | I think Redeemer should be the primary |
8319s | for and I'm just looking DEA should be |
8322s | tackled yet demer is hard tack here we |
8323s | go hper with blast at zero oh my this is |
8327s | my favorite place to be I mean if you're |
8329s | squir and you're looking at this comp |
8331s | you kind of thinking every Battleship |
8332s | here is really tanky I'm probably |
8334s | looking at going oh God o f oh God o f |
8336s | uh I mean probably the right call to go |
8339s | for the Hyperion I think just based on |
8341s | you can try and get some NES on him he's |
8343s | he's going to have a big local tank as |
8345s | well you can break through a Hyperion |
8347s | you cannot break through an abidon where |
8348s | they resist getting better and better |
8350s | because of the reactives at least in my |
8352s | opinion abidon you can maybe grind |
8354s | through but the Hyperion you can maybe |
8355s | once he runs out of rep reps push and |
8357s | break it's going to be a tough I think |
8358s | it's for school it's going to be a bit |
8360s | tough oh yeah they do have a lot of |
8362s | small wing they got spple Confessor they |
8364s | should be able to go around and start |
8365s | murdering the backline yeah and also |
8366s | they've got um a little p purifier as |
8369s | well just a bit bit of extra DPS people |
8371s | always forget about I think oh we've |
8373s | seen a few bombers this this year which |
8375s | have been very good because bombers used |
8376s | to be one of the things you saw almost |
8377s | every comat like King Slayer stars and |
8379s | stuff just deleting big ships we've seen |
8381s | them a bit here and they not been as |
8383s | picked as expected nor killed as much as |
8384s | expected the Redeemer though taking a |
8387s | lot of damage from THL I mean and |
8390s | there's not much return damage going on |
8392s | the hyp media dark space is not really |
8394s | taking any damage right now I also want |
8395s | to give a respect to the Hye looks like |
8397s | he's control spaced or kind of they've |
8400s | actually stopped moving thankfully good |
8403s | there's there's just a big melee going |
8404s | on right now as which is so many B Parts |
8407s | keep blood like orbiting or burning away |
8410s | it's the hardest thing to get a player |
8411s | who's probably been flying frots their |
8412s | entire life to sit still I think we're |
8414s | going to have first Blood going to THL |
8417s | as a r oh look at the Smart bomb as well |
8418s | I S just saw a smart bomb there we go |
8419s | smart bombing off the rep drones for the |
8421s | Dema this triple comp this is beautiful |
8423s | but the Dema goes down but the Dema goes |
8425s | down exactly the purifier is about to go |
8427s | down as well I think that's a good move |
8429s | from THL just get that free kill get |
8431s | that damage cuz it is one of those ships |
8433s | that can Linger on the game and still |
8435s | has |
8437s | arounds the like I could do something |
8439s | the the reps are are landing fast but I |
8442s | just don't think I think the the |
8443s | advantage right now is for THL they just |
8445s | have a stronger call oh wow I'm just |
8446s | looking the pond I believe has got the |
8449s | uh Pilgrim tackled yeah Pont went out |
8451s | and tackled the pilgrim and look at the |
8452s | battleships running in for it respect |
8454s | who's the Ponty Parts name hold on I |
8456s | need to find him hold on TIG no was it |
8458s | TIG Tiger Tiger well done mate that's |
8460s | beautiful he tackled right at the time |
8462s | the ship died I mean he is a I mean the |
8464s | THL team has a lot of season Pence a lot |
8467s | of parts they go I'm a tackle ship I |
8468s | tackle things like no you need to tackle |
8469s | at the right time he tackled the moment |
8471s | it was time to move to a new Target so |
8473s | he didn't basically give attention to |
8474s | himself he was quiet sneaky tackle and |
8477s | here we go they are all coming for the |
8478s | kill I also think white school if |
8480s | they're going to have a chance to take |
8481s | this down they got to get the uh the tu2 |
8484s | log FRS down I think this is such an |
8486s | uphill battle for wh score they still |
8488s | have the rest their team like contact |
8491s | together right now but obviously the |
8492s | pilgrim will be the next Target which I |
8494s | think is a good call get the TDS off but |
8496s | I don't think there's any real immediate |
8498s | danger to like any of the B they have to |
8500s | murder the small land like white scool |
8502s | has the tools they've got super |
8503s | Confessor they got a sky Breer to start |
8504s | deleting drones they need to start |
8505s | killing the load as quickly as they can |
8507s | because in a bwl against B ships they |
8509s | will not win they and so in these sort |
8511s | of matches if you if right now it's 3 to |
8514s | one batt oh oh I just no something uh |
8516s | The Tempest fleet has decided to hug the |
8519s | Hyperion you should be the other side of |
8521s | the Arena sir you have projection you |
8523s | don't need to be within zero why did you |
8525s | go towards it most most likely the |
8529s | Hyperion probably Amia dce man probably |
8531s | just is on top of him scramming him |
8533s | which he is and probably was his |
8534s | probably his Target call for the start |
8536s | and as soon as as soon as um the |
8539s | Redeemer died he probably just went |
8540s | straight to him so I mean he's going to |
8541s | try and go for the kill I get he's |
8543s | probably loaded hail you need to control |
8544s | space Tempest bro I guess he's trying to |
8546s | go for the kill here but my man you |
8548s | could have been like 40K away shooting |
8549s | him you didn't need to be at zero my boy |
8551s | I think um I mean right now the damage |
8553s | is going across the board on score I |
8555s | think THL are kind of splitting their |
8557s | damage to try and confuse maybe the unus |
8558s | or something the pilgrim is in low armor |
8561s | right now I mean am Mia Darkman is |
8562s | taking a lot of armor damage but he's I |
8564s | mean he's not in any trouble I don't |
8566s | think like he's got a local tank he's |
8567s | got the still the Reps from the Lodi |
8569s | frigs the purifi taking a bit of damage |
8571s | I think we're going to I think what THL |
8573s | need to do get the pilgrim down that |
8575s | basically frees up their guns the aband |
8576s | can then apply also quick mention as |
8578s | well the logy frigs for truth on a l I |
8580s | just seen where they are they are close |
8582s | to the Hyperion but they are away from |
8584s | the Tempest Fleet and other Target they |
8585s | are at the perfect spot rep your friend |
8587s | and not get caught I mean logi fre pting |
8590s | is actually really hard it's I honestly |
8592s | I'm glad I don't try to do it because |
8593s | it's like you have to know the entire |
8594s | grid and know your own range it's such a |
8597s | it's like a dance right it's an art you |
8598s | got to get just right and you need to |
8600s | know your partner because in the logy |
8602s | figs usually you're off burner which |
8605s | means you basically you can go really |
8607s | fast in One Direction but turning can be |
8608s | a bit of a nightmare Tempest Fleet stop |
8610s | moving control space just control space |
8612s | stop trying to move control space and |
8614s | just shoot him please I just saw him |
8615s | move in like semi bump the Hyperion |
8617s | again and it's I'm not going to lie it's |
8619s | mildly triggering purifier is about to |
8621s | go down getting bit reps the is doing a |
8623s | fantastic job for wh score I mean we |
8625s | can't write them off that quickly right |
8627s | now they paid good money for the onos |
8628s | and the pilgrim and they've done pretty |
8630s | well with those Parts I just feel |
8631s | they're kind of lacking the to really |
8633s | start getting some damage however I was |
8636s | kind of joking on The Temper Fleet the |
8638s | Hyperion starting to tick down he's |
8640s | taking a bit of damage and also the th |
8641s | has taking damage the Deacon's got a bit |
8643s | of damage the purifier is about to go |
8645s | down but he's not he's he's he's the |
8646s | sliver of structure he does go down soit |
8649s | a lot of damage going off the grid for |
8651s | school um they are they're very cheap |
8653s | and they have about 500 I say 500 DPS |
8655s | using torps I think oh yeah oh yeah and |
8656s | that's that basically Bou up killers |
8658s | look at the abon just flying and just |
8660s | Ram the temper Fleet he's probably going |
8662s | to ruin his tracking for a little while |
8663s | that was beautiful he just came just |
8665s | bumped him it's probably actually going |
8666s | to help temper Fleet he'll get him off |
8668s | of zero on the and the and the Hyperion |
8670s | I think THL probably switching to The |
8671s | Tempest just because I think maybe the |
8673s | pressure on the Hyperion he may be |
8675s | feeling it he might be running out a |
8677s | pace or something and they just like get |
8678s | it down he's right next to him anyway |
8679s | you can just start shooting him yeah I |
8681s | just one moments where I I'm kind of |
8682s | silly what they've got two Sentinels |
8685s | yeah there's M there's a reason why the |
8686s | temper Fleet is at zero yeah yeah he |
8688s | he's trying to get as close as he can |
8690s | and also like he's going to get locked |
8691s | down Anyway by the Hyperion so it |
8693s | doesn't really matter what H yeah that |
8695s | now that I remember that like yeah fair |
8696s | enough he's probably getting to zero to |
8697s | try and get hailed actually app yeah I |
8700s | mean whoops my bad there's a lot of |
8702s | damage going across the field on THL |
8703s | right now I think wh SC just trying to I |
8706s | mean the deacons the Deacon and the |
8707s | Thalia need to sort of Bounce Around The |
8709s | Grid to try and keep things up and the |
8711s | Sentinels are probably pretty far away |
8713s | from them right now uh which they are I |
8715s | think I think cess PR being pressured by |
8717s | something what is he being shot by is |
8718s | that bunch of Warriors yeah bunch of |
8720s | worries on him right now but he has come |
8722s | back to his his logy frigs I'm honestly |
8724s | amazed like these Sentinels should be |
8725s | free pickings for like two tactical |
8727s | destroyers and a bunch of drones and |
8728s | they're still chilling on grid the vles |
8731s | are looks to be locked down in the |
8732s | center Thalia taking a lot of damage as |
8734s | well I mean this is a real dance we've |
8736s | only seen like two ships die but it's |
8738s | very close everything is so low in armor |
8740s | especially on THL I mean the Magus the H |
8742s | period is getting so low my man I'm |
8744s | getting scared magas y Magus getting |
8745s | pounded down the magas is going to go |
8747s | down which is huge links going off the |
8749s | grid for for SC they still have the |
8752s | Ponty links as well but Amilia dark in |
8753s | the Hyperion is getting low but that |
8755s | being said the Tempest Fe issue I think |
8757s | is going to go down soon I think even if |
8759s | the Hyperion goes down now there's got |
8761s | two abdons that are basically sitting |
8762s | perfectly at zero with no movement just |
8765s | deleting him so I think even the |
8766s | Hyperion goes down which would be a true |
8768s | shame to lose a Hyperion I mean they're |
8770s | still going to get the fact of the |
8771s | matter is like the fact that the Tempest |
8774s | Fue is still holding on after all this |
8776s | time and managing to well they they |
8778s | haven't really haven't killed anything |
8780s | yet |
8781s | if come a bit close if we we've got to a |
8783s | low structure on a low armor and a lot |
8785s | of things but I mean the the the Lodi |
8787s | figs Lucas Quan and Tin are doing a |
8789s | fantastic job keeping everybody up as |
8791s | well Hillary in the near I think the |
8793s | both the logi parts on both sides doing |
8795s | a good job obviously Hillary's got a bit |
8796s | of a harder job because there's a lot |
8798s | more damage coming out from uh the THL |
8801s | team and probably there's a lot of |
8802s | pressure right now on the 10 exactly |
8804s | that I'm also wondering I think the onos |
8807s | might be getting like turbo nuded out by |
8810s | the Sentinels |
8811s | uh potentially one of them I believe is |
8813s | on top of him yes is he on top yeah I |
8815s | think there we go yep one is definitely |
8817s | ning that has been suffering cap issues |
8820s | he been suffering a lot of damage so |
8822s | honestly big respect to Hillary for the |
8823s | good logi work here you've managed to |
8825s | keep this team up together when honestly |
8827s | I I didn't think it would last this long |
8828s | yeah I mean we're going to see now snor |
8830s | going into low structure about to go |
8831s | down hit the The Last Hope of the school |
8834s | team and there's only 41 seconds on the |
8836s | clock THL not losing anything game a |
8839s | clean sweep it's very before two ships |
8841s | go down in a second they're well two |
8842s | ships go down I think that is it now for |
8844s | score I mean fantastically well played |
8846s | by THL and also I think the survives and |
8849s | the Hyperion survives Amelia survives in |
8851s | the Hyperion and also I don't think |
8854s | they've I think THL got um 200 to zero |
8856s | in well in the last match so I don't |
8858s | think they've lost the ship yet I |
8860s | believe the only thing they've spent in |
8861s | these tournaments is ammo that's that's |
8863s | it just just I know we see some people |
8867s | saying that someone someone DCd or |
8869s | something local but that's that's just |
8872s | part of the the experience it's |
8874s | tournaments man things happen things |
8875s | happen and it can't control them there's |
8877s | the Tim of there thank you so much truth |
8879s | on a light well played I love the |
8880s | Hyperion and with that we'll take a |
8882s | break and go back to the |
8884s | studio on a light taking the victory |
8887s | over white squall um but most |
8889s | importantly the white squall pacifist |
8891s | run is still alive uh unfortunately for |
8893s | them they didn't actually manage to kill |
8894s | a ship in that that uh that matchup |
8896s | right there um but boy did they make it |
8899s | difficult for a truth on a light |
8901s | I shout out the Lodie pilot on white |
8903s | squall yesterday um he basically put the |
8906s | team on his back and carried them into |
8907s | that one-nil Victory by keeping |
8909s | everybody alive today he made it really |
8912s | really hard for truth on the light to to |
8914s | break some of them like that purifier |
8915s | lived for ages like way longer than he |
8917s | had any right to do so and honestly at |
8919s | one point that Hyperion was like pretty |
8921s | close to breaking it was just if the if |
8923s | the purifier was still alive then |
8925s | perhaps perhaps that would have happened |
8927s | uh but Ali let's talk about the Sentinel |
8929s | it's a it's a ship in these type of |
8932s | matchups getting uh flashbacks from |
8934s | every single time I've been an alliance |
8936s | tournament match and in this situation |
8938s | like that onos and hearing the capacitor |
8940s | is empty the capacitor cap the capacitor |
8942s | is empty so the Sentinel has small NES |
8946s | and a a Nos and it Cycles very very |
8949s | quickly so once that Sentinel drains a |
8951s | ship's capacitor it can just leave the |
8953s | NOS on you turn a n on occasionally and |
8956s | it makes it very very hard to take get |
8958s | Advantage from your cat boosters so even |
8960s | though you can boost through uh against |
8963s | large NES usually you can boost activate |
8965s | your modules have like 5 Seconds of time |
8967s | to do anything against a sentinel really |
8969s | there's not any time yeah and um you |
8973s | mentioned it briefly but I just want to |
8974s | hit on is a lot of people with uh things |
8976s | like Sentinel uh with nozes and nutes |
8978s | they will just slap everything on the |
8979s | Target that they are they are nting and |
8981s | nosing obviously the NOS lets them keep |
8983s | their own capacitor up but if you pay |
8985s | attention and see that you're getting |
8986s | nothing back from the energy uh nose you |
8989s | can just turn off the NES because you |
8991s | know that it is dead in cap and you |
8993s | don't have to waste your own cap running |
8994s | an extra n as well so we did see a |
8996s | couple of times um the N went off the |
8998s | Unos and then a little while later it |
9000s | came back on again cuz this is like sort |
9002s | of high level piloting where every |
9003s | little bit of capacitor counts so you're |
9005s | going to be turning it off managing it |
9007s | CP Aurora do you think um there was a |
9009s | path to victory for white s in that |
9010s | particular matchup I think they were |
9013s | they they had a rough match up just |
9015s | based on the the ships that hit the |
9016s | field so uh white squall had brought a |
9018s | lot of uh ships that could be used for |
9020s | screening on their low end um kind of |
9023s | anticipating a very positional game with |
9025s | truth honor light which is a smart move |
9028s | given uh your opponent um but truth |
9030s | honor light uh didn't quite go that way |
9033s | they weren't they weren't going for for |
9035s | things that were very range dependent uh |
9037s | they mostly they they brought three |
9039s | super thick battleships um anybody who |
9042s | has played the game is is roughly |
9043s | familiar that the the badens and the |
9045s | Hyperion they just have a ton of tank um |
9049s | and so they're really just kind of |
9051s | bricks and the way that you defend them |
9052s | instead of screening and positional |
9054s | Gameplay at least for truth honor light |
9056s | lights comp was to just flood them with |
9059s | control um so during that match you saw |
9061s | basically the control bar for almost |
9063s | every ship on the other side was just |
9064s | utterly full uh it was very much a dance |
9067s | of uh trying to get things on and off um |
9072s | uh what they really needed to do was try |
9073s | and get at some of those smaller support |
9076s | ships on the truth honor Light Side they |
9077s | weren't able to do that yeah uh but |
9080s | again just wanted to shout out that |
9082s | that's a that a tough matchup uh for any |
9084s | team uh truth on a light uh multiple |
9086s | lines Tournament winning uh Team |
9088s | basically made up of uh Champions |
9090s | essentially just some of the best |
9091s | individual pilots in the game Amelia is |
9094s | also one of the current CSM members um |
9097s | CSM elections are open right now by the |
9099s | way go and vote uh it's super good um |
9102s | and then you have a people like control |
9103s | freak he used to be in the Volta team uh |
9105s | there was plenty of people from Hydra |
9106s | reloaded there a couple of PL guys in |
9108s | there tons of M |
9110s | uh over the years from this team so one |
9112s | of the most individually experienced |
9114s | teams and of course cadesh he is one of |
9117s | the best three Crafters the D L's |
9118s | probably ever seen and the maintainer of |
9120s | pipa so I like that too thank you very |
9122s | much we like pipa here um but yeah that |
9124s | was an awesome one let's look at our |
9125s | next matchups this one is going to be |
9127s | paper numbers versus root Capel and |
9129s | before we get to the bands before we get |
9131s | to the bands no one pushed the button |
9132s | yet I believe we have a spokesperson |
9133s | video for RO Capel so let's uh see what |
9136s | Ro Capel have to say about |
9138s | themselves hey there space friends my |
9140s | name my name is R Hino and I'm a member |
9142s | of root Capel rot was formed in 2008 as |
9145s | a PVP focused Alliance and we've been |
9147s | all over the Galaxy looking for fights |
9149s | from Syndicate to Providence to Aquarius |
9152s | to Great wildlands to Tribute to pan and |
9155s | now back to great wildlands we go where |
9158s | the small gang action is and where there |
9159s | isn't any we make more rot first |
9162s | competed in Alliance tournament 7 but |
9164s | our founding members were part of the |
9165s | star fraction team that Beat Band of |
9167s | Brothers with the 10 thorax charge in |
9169s | at4 |
9170s | since then we've been in it most every |
9172s | year winning some spectacular matches |
9174s | and losing some Heartbreakers it's not |
9176s | easy balancing tournament practice with |
9178s | PVP on Tranquility but our team is |
9180s | dedicated and we make it work you should |
9183s | cheer for whoever brings you Joy this |
9185s | tournament aside from my own team I |
9187s | always cheer for templus they've won it |
9189s | all before they're always fun to watch |
9191s | and they're just a good bunch of dudes |
9193s | but if you do choose to cheer for Road |
9195s | Capel make sure to spam those mados up |
9200s | there you are that is root Capel I see |
9202s | plenty of madmazel being spammed in chat |
9205s | uh I always appreciate a good madelle |
9207s | spamming all right let's look at the |
9208s | bands for paper numbers versus root |
9210s | Capel and these are interesting ones The |
9211s | Sentinel the one we just talked about uh |
9213s | they're like yep GTFO don't want to face |
9216s | that just get that right out curse |
9217s | crucifier arbitrator as well and then uh |
9220s | Ro Capel Banning out the night talk the |
9222s | Loki so getting rid of that ham Rush the |
9224s | arth and of course the zlade uh what do |
9226s | you make of this so paper numbers are |
9228s | doing some bands that we've seen a lot |
9230s | through this tournament this is the I |
9232s | want to fly ships and not deal with that |
9235s | pesky very effective control comp we've |
9237s | seen arbitrators we've talked about |
9238s | Sentinels none of those get them out of |
9240s | there meanwhile the Rog Capel bands are |
9243s | shutting out a lot of the most effective |
9244s | Shield comps so no rush the orthis is |
9247s | often a key ship in the missile kite and |
9249s | the Zade in case you plan to bring armor |
9252s | control anyway think again get a worst |
9254s | lodgy ship yep and CCP any any comments |
9257s | on these bands here uh like we said in |
9260s | previous matches when you ban out all of |
9262s | this uh uh these control ships like the |
9264s | Sentinel the curse the crucifier the |
9266s | arbitrator it is uh opening up the |
9268s | number of comps that that we can field |
9271s | um I think most notably is the medium |
9273s | gum spam that we've sent so much of this |
9275s | uh this weekend it's very likely we |
9277s | could see uh additional implementations |
9279s | of that in this match um those haven't |
9281s | been hit so much uh there is still a lot |
9284s | open uh that could be interesting uh |
9287s | given these bands uh it was just very |
9289s | specifically |
9290s | that particular uh those particular |
9293s | control comps are very limiting and so |
9295s | this gives the teams a little bit more T |
9297s | more room to kind of like out maneuver |
9299s | and outthink each other in the comp |
9301s | selection I think one thing I think that |
9304s | is worth also adding on is that uh both |
9307s | teams have their flagships available |
9309s | we've seen some Flagship assassination |
9310s | squads so far wrote Capel they've banned |
9313s | the flagship assassination Squad oh |
9315s | that's rud that's very rid of them but I |
9318s | mean with this uh with this arm M BAND |
9321s | um the we've seen another team bring a |
9322s | Riva into that um what are your quick |
9325s | thoughts on on that bringing Riva |
9327s | instead both those ships have very |
9329s | strong repping abilities based on that |
9332s | scaling rep it's just like the |
9334s | triglavian damage you spool the rep up |
9336s | to Max and then it deals it reps |
9339s | fantastic amount at Fantastic ranges the |
9341s | zarm is much better even than the onos |
9343s | or other T2 armor logi ships the Riva |
9346s | it's a little bit less survivable but |
9348s | honestly it's still more survivable than |
9350s | its T1 equivalent so it's better than |
9353s | the augur it's much better than the exe |
9355s | which we barely ever see on the grid so |
9357s | it if there is a comp that could take |
9360s | the Zade it might take the Riva instead |
9363s | awesome well let's find out so let's |
9365s | head over to the arena for paper numbers |
9367s | versus root |
9370s | Capel good day there mates welcome to |
9372s | the arena I'm of course Winer and we've |
9373s | got a beautiful match of one of my |
9375s | favorite teams versus R Capel who's also |
9377s | kind of one of my favorite teams what |
9378s | are you looking at here uh safy all |
9379s | right now R Capel armagan EOS two |
9382s | pilgrims Vex Navy Shon effect with nuron |
9384s | two loif figs I mean is there a flag on |
9387s | grid there is a flag on grid and it's |
9389s | flown by quite literally my favorite |
9391s | pilot in the AR T Ryerson however I |
9393s | believe he had some issues and the flag |
9395s | got put to |
9397s | zero which is good it could be good or |
9400s | bad I would say that except if you look |
9402s | what's the closest ship next to him it's |
9403s | a nural I mean yeah this is about to be |
9408s | a very very painful day it's always a |
9411s | number rule never to go zero anyway CU |
9412s | you don't know what you're going to be |
9413s | up against so you know being at range is |
9415s | good so the Dagan might have to burn |
9417s | away and try and get away he's going to |
9419s | burn the nles might go in and Tackle him |
9422s | but I do like the paper numbers team I |
9424s | think the the armagan on the a road team |
9426s | and the |
9427s | EOS good comes the tackle Here Comes The |
9430s | Tackle and nle going straight in I mean |
9432s | drones out we've got plenty of hornets |
9434s | we got Valkyries we' got acolytes we got |
9436s | peras out so the looks like the oh wait |
9438s | hold on did he not get did he get away |
9441s | with that okay no he's been webbed he's |
9442s | been SC fair enough I think they just |
9444s | Ned nle out for a cycle there so he is |
9446s | tackled the flag is tackled straight |
9448s | away the flag is tackled straight away |
9449s | which I think I don't think could be the |
9451s | good choice here Khan in the Vex Navy |
9453s | she will be paper numers primary which I |
9454s | think is a good primary T1 faction |
9457s | Cruiser however it does get that very |
9459s | very sexy rep bonus so it's it's one of |
9461s | the tankiest T1 Cruiser to try and kill |
9464s | I also well he's not tackled right now |
9466s | um he should be able to oh he is tackled |
9468s | sorry he's got a web and he's got TP on |
9470s | so he's definitely yeah he'll definitely |
9471s | go down I think that's a really good |
9473s | call get him off the grid and I think |
9475s | maybe they should try and go for the |
9476s | pilgrims I think wait hold that's KH |
9478s | wasn't K Pas in the r flag last match |
9480s | they were in um which is very funny CU |
9482s | so he's currently being targeted by a |
9483s | flag so it's like one of those beautiful |
9485s | turnarounds but and as I said they came |
9487s | off the armag again Navy not a good |
9489s | choice for that I think he's going if |
9490s | he's fit correctly he's going to have a |
9491s | l of tank so I think go for the deacons |
9495s | and much better get the Reps down first |
9497s | um KH goes down the Vex naav she first |
9499s | Bob to pap num I think paper numbers |
9501s | really capitalizing this right now cuz |
9502s | their Deacon does go down so time will |
9504s | run out for them exactly yeah and man |
9506s | going up against double Pilgrim that is |
9508s | pain look at the amount of guidance |
9509s | disruptors they they went heavy on the |
9511s | guidance disruptors on this comp so they |
9513s | are just absolutely suffering right now |
9515s | there's a lot of control on F A lot of |
9516s | evil going on a lot of webs and I think |
9519s | they're going for the Deacon again which |
9520s | I think is a good move for finish it off |
9521s | finish get rid of the Reps and just |
9523s | focus on they probably battleships |
9525s | afterwards yes I would suspect they |
9527s | would definitely go for a TFI there |
9529s | however there is a certain little uh |
9531s | purifier that might want to be deleted |
9533s | first I think yeah get the damage off |
9534s | the G but they could put they could put |
9536s | a couple Jones on him and he don't |
9537s | forget the score and the sore we mustn't |
9539s | forget the sore who arm a s who is |
9541s | actually pting really well and is really |
9543s | far away from the fight right now yeah |
9544s | exactly that he's just free missiles but |
9545s | the damage right now from papers is not |
9547s | really Landing anywhere they are going |
9549s | for the vexa they are trying to break |
9551s | through him which to be fair T1 tank is |
9553s | kind of hopeful to kill him off but he's |
9555s | too I think he's just a bit too far away |
9556s | he's only got a TP on him and I don't |
9558s | think he'll die I think he's too far |
9559s | away simply because of the guidance |
9560s | disruptor that is ruining all of these |
9562s | triple batt battleships at the moment |
9563s | yeah I think that the pilgrims are |
9565s | really doing a number the Deacon goes |
9566s | down so that is a rep's gone for paper |
9568s | numbers this is not good it's not |
9570s | looking too good for Ron in there I'm my |
9572s | go nav sh my boys my boys I I don't know |
9575s | want to know what that flag is how shiny |
9577s | it is but they're looking poor at the |
9578s | moment purify about to go down as well |
9581s | and the Ponte in a bit of armor purify a |
9584s | good call get the damage damage off |
9586s | which is it's free it's easy to kill Get |
9588s | It Off the Grid get some points on but |
9590s | numbers guys you need to lock down |
9591s | something and go for it but the pilgrims |
9593s | are doing their work aren't they oh yeah |
9594s | I don't they can lock down anything |
9596s | they're like being double webbed down by |
9597s | something I'm trying to figure out |
9598s | exactly which Target is webbing though |
9600s | well right now Rotan looks to be the |
9601s | primary oh no the Deacon's about to go |
9603s | down well paper number is now going to |
9604s | go for the Deacon um from Ro which is I |
9608s | mean if they can get him down that is a |
9609s | huge win he is grappled he is tpd he is |
9612s | now normal webbed as well he's starting |
9613s | to pull away he's trying to get range |
9615s | the other guys come in for the Reps as |
9616s | well and he's down saved they kill him |
9619s | anyway well done |
9620s | a huge win from paper numbers get theia |
9622s | down they still have three Bs left a lot |
9625s | of HP a lot of damage and a lot of |
9627s | utility in those top end ships and I |
9628s | think R have now realized this and |
9630s | thought we need to get the battleships |
9631s | down y yep and I just noticed as well |
9633s | that at the moment the Armageddon Navy |
9635s | is slightly free to do what he wants and |
9637s | he doesn't get um strong NES but he does |
9639s | get the extra range which is kind of |
9640s | useful they are beating down the aalia |
9642s | now as well I really think paper numers |
9645s | getting the Thalia down here and I think |
9646s | they should just go for the gon |
9648s | immediately after this don't time on |
9650s | anything else try I mean there are |
9651s | pilgrims on grid but I think if they get |
9653s | the armag again down I think they're |
9655s | safe I'll probably say vexa first then |
9657s | armagedon but yes I do agree kill it |
9659s | kill it kill right now Pap numbers are |
9661s | in a lead I don't know that's such a |
9663s | hard I thought that's hly a hard call I |
9665s | kind of get what you're saying but like |
9666s | the more the match goes on the more |
9668s | ships die the more those pilgrims become |
9670s | utterly ruinous I mean but they got |
9672s | three battles ships on grid yeah they're |
9673s | completely tackled and you know they're |
9675s | not going anywhere but they have a lot |
9677s | more HP than than the uh Road team the |
9680s | vas is about to go down as well the reps |
9681s | are all gone for both teams I do favor |
9683s | papers here they just need to start |
9685s | really applying their damage as best as |
9687s | they can with the pilgrims they're never |
9688s | going to get the pilgrims they're too |
9689s | far away leave them alone they are too |
9691s | far away there's no point in going for |
9692s | them they got to make it work I think |
9694s | you got to go for the get I wouldn't |
9695s | even go for the EOS that's also a very |
9696s | annoyingly tanky ship sometimes I think |
9698s | get the vexa down and now go for |
9699s | whatever's next to you and just try and |
9701s | get him down the gedon is in well |
9703s | everything's really close to EOS re in |
9704s | the center another option maybe cheekily |
9707s | try and volley off the nurgle who was |
9708s | right next to the Ty which means he's |
9710s | perfectly in grapple range so maybe try |
9713s | and quickly kill but I think go big |
9714s | people numers need to focus now on on on |
9717s | on a and it looks like they're going for |
9719s | the ears which I think is a good call |
9720s | trying to get him down he is yeah he's |
9722s | the closest to all the battleships which |
9723s | is I wonder how many missiles they got |
9725s | left in this clip before they reload I |
9727s | think they are rapid Heavies I didn't |
9728s | actually check I mean even even yeah how |
9731s | Miss they got left before they clip out |
9732s | can they kill them in time even even so |
9734s | I think they will uh even if they even |
9736s | if they don't finish the clip I think |
9737s | they've got plenty of time I mean look |
9739s | how slow J and the Typhon F she's dying |
9742s | yeah he he's repping up himself with |
9744s | what I believe is an Anil and when that |
9745s | runs out he'll still have some rep he's |
9748s | got a lot of drone mean look at the |
9748s | Drone ball on him I'm not he's not going |
9750s | to be entirely left alone but when again |
9753s | it starts to get really bad really quick |
9755s | you think you're good all a sudden the |
9756s | an runs out you're like oh no he's still |
9757s | got a lot of drones in him he's a lot |
9759s | lot of um hornets and Vespers on him |
9761s | right now but if he they trade him for |
9763s | an EOS that's massive that's a really |
9765s | good trade I agree if they could trade |
9767s | him for the EOS entirely that's honestly |
9769s | an absolute win they can now just focus |
9770s | down the again that's the last real |
9771s | damage on the comp and also look at the |
9773s | nle just got deleted I don't what killed |
9774s | it the just died I think it was a couple |
9776s | of drones that got him or something yeah |
9777s | actually hold on let me just check yeah |
9779s | that was a bunch of drones I believe |
9780s | well done EOS goes down honestly hell |
9783s | yeah to paper numbers I was worried but |
9785s | you were right I mean they are so back |
9788s | they are so back this is like your the |
9790s | first match you had we're done we're |
9792s | done we're done oh we're back and this |
9794s | is the one of the real pros of having |
9796s | like a three Battleship top heavy core |
9797s | because then you can still sacrifice |
9800s | your logic figs and you trade well and |
9802s | at the end like a game like this you're |
9804s | you're on top you have more HP more |
9806s | damage and you can just last out Outlast |
9808s | the other team look I mean J is now in |
9810s | structure he should be able to |
9812s | potentially rep up I think the get might |
9813s | be able to get him down but look how |
9815s | fast the again is going down now I don't |
9816s | know if he be a to wrap up at the very |
9817s | least he will take so long to die now I |
9819s | think he may not even die at all no he's |
9822s | he's going to take a long time to get |
9823s | there I think he's going to survive for |
9824s | the rest of it and also to note there is |
9826s | a flag uh armagan Navy issue which yeah |
9829s | which is which is basically say like a |
9831s | armag nav and a half or potentially two |
9833s | so it's like you know they have like |
9835s | three and a half BHS basically extra |
9837s | half on the ship and yeah exactly |
9838s | essentially in terms of tank and and |
9840s | damage and things I think actually yeah |
9842s | they with the with the situation as it |
9844s | is they've got it well done I honestly |
9845s | was really worried that the pilgrims |
9847s | looked very scary I know I mean at the |
9849s | beginning you saw there like Pap is kind |
9851s | of faltering a bit not really too sure |
9853s | what to do but they just got through |
9854s | those as soon as the two lodic frigs |
9856s | from rope went down they thought we've |
9858s | got this now the main the barrier that |
9860s | was the only barrier because the |
9862s | pilgrims can just track and disrupt or |
9864s | GD everything Y and then just sit back |
9866s | and make waiting game but it managed to |
9868s | get through the deacons and I like |
9871s | watching the small end constantly Dying |
9872s | by the way like another Mish just about |
9873s | to go down they killed a uh I think it |
9875s | was the the PO Ponty a little bit |
9877s | earlier than that they are just |
9878s | murdering the small end but the big end |
9880s | just died so it's like well you killed a |
9882s | few small ships but you did kind of lose |
9884s | the last big damage you got get him |
9885s | going down but Rach still trying to kill |
9887s | some stuff which I really I really rate |
9889s | it teams don't just give up and they |
9891s | just keep keep fighting till the end two |
9894s | pilgrims left and a Ponte for RO Capel I |
9896s | mean fantastic win for paper numbers I'm |
9898s | so happy for my boy paper numbers like |
9900s | said again rifles is one of my favorite |
9902s | Parts he didn't do the usual rifon thing |
9904s | mjd absolutely everywhere well he got |
9907s | put at zero yeah he got put at zero and |
9909s | got tackled so yeah which kind of worked |
9911s | out cuz they went for him at the |
9913s | beginning and then we're like oh no was |
9915s | it for debate I don't know I know |
9919s | probably not it's in the rules that if |
9921s | you know if you miss your War |
9923s | window to zero um but I mean he played |
9927s | it well I mean he did burn back to get |
9929s | back to his team and I think I think he |
9931s | his team moved forward as well to kind |
9933s | of like match and get together I wonder |
9935s | if that was I'm that wonder if that was |
9936s | 4D chess they like oh no I've been put |
9939s | to zero now you guys will shoot me I |
9941s | think I think rot though they should |
9943s | have just gone past him and ignored him |
9944s | don't even bother shooting him there's |
9946s | such a hard thing to say though cuz |
9948s | again the main part of this compo is |
9949s | three you kind have to deal with them at |
9950s | some point it's one of those like you're |
9953s | kind of damned if you do gam if you |
9954s | don't you got to find the right way |
9955s | through the path but hey brao well done |
9958s | for both teams I mean looking at |
9960s | iscandar in the last Pilgrim about to go |
9962s | down you're happy for your boys aren't |
9964s | you yes yes there we go mate thank you |
9967s | very much paper numbers thank you much R |
9969s | Capel and with that we'll take a break |
9970s | and then go back to the |
9973s | studio paper numbers uh taking the |
9976s | Victory and moving One Step deeper into |
9979s | the upper bracket they will go forward |
9981s | to face truth honor light in their next |
9983s | matchup that will be next Saturday uh |
9986s | our other |
9987s | uh moving forward into the upper bracket |
9990s | teams are till doomsday who will play |
9991s | Platinum sensitivity uh we have a couple |
9993s | more uh upper bracket matches to go |
9995s | through today to get the whole top eight |
9998s | uh sorted for next time um and our next |
10001s | match which we'll get in a little bit |
10002s | will be one of those as well so uh fear |
10005s | welcome back fear and bart fart or maybe |
10008s | Bart and fear beer that's probably |
10009s | better let's go with beer yeah I think |
10011s | we'll go with the second one second |
10012s | one's better yeah definitely a better |
10013s | one um what do you think about that |
10015s | match fear uh you know there's one of |
10019s | these things right you ban out every |
10021s | single trackon dis ship except one right |
10024s | you leave the pilgrim up other team |
10026s | brings a pilgrim what happens um so |
10028s | typically we've seen teams ban the uh |
10031s | track and disruption when they've wanted |
10032s | to take something like a medium gun spam |
10034s | this time around it's a very generic set |
10036s | of bands as well they decide to go with |
10039s | uh rapid Heavies and with their Flagship |
10041s | um so when the pilgrims come in they |
10043s | have three guidance disruptors and those |
10045s | guidance disruptors go on top of the |
10046s | rapid heavy ships and that works out |
10048s | perfectly fine for them however uh those |
10051s | rapid heavy ships only have one guidance |
10052s | disruptor on each of them it's not like |
10054s | it's cheesed or anything like that so |
10055s | you have everything split out and you're |
10057s | able to actually apply two things as we |
10060s | saw the the rabbit Heavies plus a couple |
10062s | paints from a Squall and another source |
10065s | uh we're able to take down these Lodi um |
10067s | despite the fact that they're high Fe |
10068s | missiles up against uh after burning uh |
10070s | logy frots and uh from there they just |
10073s | kind of were able to snowball and work |
10075s | around these guidance disruption in a |
10077s | more effective way than we've seen a lot |
10078s | of other teams deal with the same type |
10081s | of ships yeah and B any any other |
10084s | hard-hitting analysis of that particular |
10086s | match up there yeah it's I don't know I |
10088s | mean it's it's a king Slayer setup they |
10090s | apply very very well there's they did |
10092s | not bring enough guidance disruptors I |
10093s | think also the the positioning was just |
10096s | not there um at the end of the day like |
10099s | why are your deacons close enough to get |
10100s | blown like why are your why are your |
10101s | logistic ships ever close enough to a |
10104s | guidance disrupted Battleship to take |
10106s | damage from it right um you know it is |
10108s | what it is there there was a chance I |
10110s | actually uh when the match first started |
10111s | I looked in I was like ah okay well you |
10113s | know I had to really quickly run off and |
10115s | you know get get some M&M's as one does |
10117s | and I uh was like ah I see well I I know |
10120s | who wins this one I came back and you're |
10122s | like oh they logi traded and then it |
10123s | went horribly wrong so um you know it is |
10125s | what it is I think there was maybe a |
10126s | little bit of positioning error there |
10128s | that did not happen to happen but it did |
10131s | uh not talking about you know the |
10132s | battleship that was mysteriously in the |
10134s | middle of the Arena but you know that |
10136s | was not uh I guess that kind of was a |
10138s | positioning error yes that was a that |
10140s | was a skill error uh essentially so if |
10142s | you've never played in an alliance |
10143s | tournament before um the way it works is |
10146s | you sit in a station wherever you want |
10147s | to be GAA is pretty common uh you sit |
10150s | there you get your your your boys |
10151s | together in in the fleet and when the |
10154s | match is about to start the uh referees |
10156s | basically teleport the whole team uh |
10158s | into different beac you can't see the |
10160s | other team you can't descan them they |
10161s | way out of range uh and you're like in a |
10163s | really nice line all the ships are kind |
10164s | of one by one by one it's very aesthetic |
10166s | it's way you take the screenshots um |
10169s | this when this happens you are locked |
10170s | like you can't do anything you can't |
10172s | move um and then the warping is unlocked |
10175s | everyone their warps to the arena it's |
10176s | locked again so the idea being that you |
10178s | can't like send someone really fast and |
10180s | then wait to see what's coming in on |
10182s | desan and then tell the rest of your |
10183s | your buddies to warp in after you you |
10185s | need to be in warp before that is |
10187s | possible if you don't then you get |
10189s | teleported to zero for basically |
10192s | breaking the rules now in that last |
10194s | match uh the flagship Armageddon Navy |
10196s | issue uh he forgot to warp he just |
10199s | forgot uh he went through his checklist |
10201s | he was like drones check ammo check |
10204s | preheated everything check right I am |
10206s | ready and at that point he realized the |
10208s | rest of his team was gone um so he was |
10210s | teleported to zero uh so bit of a |
10212s | positioning eror they luckily managed to |
10213s | recover it he managed to pull back uh |
10215s | and they obviously took the took the dub |
10217s | you know I think it kind of might have |
10218s | worked out for them actually yeah I want |
10220s | Bart on this one like I think it's it's |
10222s | one of those it's it's a happy accident |
10224s | you know there's there's you know no |
10225s | mistakes just just happy little |
10226s | accidents like getting teleported at |
10228s | zero and the other team not having a |
10230s | comp like cuz imagine if you get |
10232s | teleported at zero and they have a |
10233s | shield Rush you're like oo my flagships |
10236s | dead oh that's bad but in this case it |
10238s | actually was kind of like oh there's a |
10239s | little bait ship there they now have to |
10241s | play around the fact that they're |
10242s | already closer than they would be |
10243s | expected those they worked out you know |
10245s | Ron's a very good pilot he's done the at |
10247s | a lot him getting teleport to zero it's |
10250s | like he's like yeah well yeah you know |
10253s | what we could work with this well the |
10254s | other thing right is that they're |
10256s | against disruption setup so your |
10257s | teleport to zero your gance disruption |
10259s | is actually less effective because |
10261s | you're going to be closer to the enemy |
10263s | team than uh What uh you initially |
10267s | thought with the guidance disruption so |
10269s | uh as you mentioned happy little |
10271s | accident yep all right let's move on to |
10272s | our next match this is another uh upper |
10274s | bracket one uh and the last one before |
10276s | the break so the tuskers co versus Rage |
10278s | Quit cancel and before we talk about the |
10280s | bands uh let's have the tusker |
10282s | spokesperson tell us a little bit about |
10284s | their |
10287s | AllianceOne um I'm Cur lion I am the |
10291s | spokesperson of the alliance of the |
10293s | tuskers for this year um we live |
10296s | predominantly in wormholes uh but we do |
10299s | not discriminate we PVP uh mainly Nano |
10302s | gang and solo PVP all over New Eden |
10306s | factional Warfare NC you're going to |
10308s | find us everywhere um we love nanog |
10311s | ganking versus uh much larger numbers |
10315s | than us so if you see five dudes King 50 |
10318s | dudes that's probably us um how many |
10321s | times we've competed I think it must be |
10323s | over 15 with various levels of success |
10326s | all over them even winning ones um yes |
10330s | there are some teams that are definitely |
10332s | in our eyesight like um fraternity for |
10335s | example definitely ear in our eyes sites |
10338s | uh Hydra always with all their teams um |
10343s | why should people cheer for our team |
10344s | well we're always polite and we play by |
10347s | the rules and we love a non-toxic |
10351s | environment so you know if you believe |
10354s | in our tenants and our cor core values |
10356s | of being modest and being polite |
10360s | definitely cheer for us um you we're |
10363s | always a safe bet for for your points |
10366s | like we win most of the matches so there |
10369s | you go uh my message to the other teams |
10372s | go have fun um if you're a new team or |
10374s | if you're an old team that's all that |
10376s | matters go have fun um the captain of |
10379s | our team is our esteemed miror Chief and |
10383s | um I do have a message for the alliance |
10385s | members go out there do you think you're |
10388s | the best you know it and wax is sex |
10392s | thank you very much and let's hope we |
10393s | all have a good tournament |
10396s | bye-bye awesome that is the T Co a very |
10400s | experienced team uh they've been around |
10401s | in Tranquility for a very long time they |
10402s | won Alliance tournament 14 they came |
10404s | second last year so a lot of experienced |
10407s | people uh in in over years in that |
10410s | Alliance let's take a quick look at the |
10411s | bands for this upcoming match between |
10412s | the tuskers co and rage quit cancel sub |
10414s | uh the tuskers Banning out the zarm |
10417s | maard uh this time uh the Scimitar the |
10420s | crucifier and the pilgrim I think the |
10422s | zard is a variation of the armade um I |
10425s | think it's like the faction version uh |
10426s | and then R Council sub Banning out the |
10428s | EOS the aarti the onos and the mher uh |
10432s | Bart what do you think about these bands |
10433s | here yeah this is a rage quit cancel sub |
10435s | is targeting exactly what tuskers |
10437s | brought in their last match and they I |
10439s | think they looked at it and they're like |
10441s | oh we can't beat that because the |
10442s | tuskers flagship we're going to have to |
10444s | assume I mean they are rich they made a |
10446s | lot of money last uh tournament so I |
10448s | think rage kit cancel basically was like |
10450s | oh no we have no way of beating that so |
10453s | they're banning out that comp is it's I |
10455s | would say it's pretty banned out except |
10457s | that at the end of the day you know when |
10458s | you have Mira Chief's massively wrinkly |
10461s | brain on the desk uh you know he's doing |
10464s | the planning he's probably like you |
10466s | think you can stop me no so we'll we'll |
10468s | see what happens on that one um tuskar |
10470s | bands are just kind of like you know we |
10472s | don't want to be track and disrupted we |
10473s | want SARS we don't want uh was it the |
10475s | zarm zarm maard zard the faction Zade |
10479s | the faction zlade so it happens all |
10482s | right well let's head over to the arena |
10484s | for this match between the tuskers co |
10486s | and rage quit cancel sub |
10490s | welcome back to the arena we have |
10492s | tuskers versus Rage Quit cancel sub and |
10495s | yes on your screen you are seeing a |
10497s | guardian with Fleet Cyclones and |
10500s | Cyclones welcome to the Mad mind of Mir |
10503s | what's going on interesting what of Rage |
10504s | Quit got right now I'm looking just |
10506s | double check I believe this is a full |
10507s | mimar rush but I'm also just making sure |
10508s | I'm not crazy and there like artillery |
10510s | but no those are old cannons this is a |
10511s | mimar rush with broadswords and and and |
10516s | and rage quit cancel sub brought went at |
10518s | zero completely |
10519s | Z they're going to completely rush in |
10521s | and try and get Tusk Tusk is going have |
10523s | to kite away I actually do like kite |
10525s | away in a guardian that's that that does |
10527s | not sound like a fun experience I |
10529s | actually do like the tuska setup I think |
10531s | it's really interesting I mean they've |
10532s | got the hugin which is going to be and |
10534s | the Bell Co as well so the huging being |
10536s | a key part of the Tusk team VOD has got |
10539s | a job on his hand in this game they're |
10541s | going to be able to apply really easily |
10542s | I think they're definitely going to go |
10543s | for the the ruptures maybe first they're |
10545s | probably the the easiest yeah ruptures |
10547s | are the free kill the Rapture the rapor |
10549s | will probably charge in right at the |
10550s | start which means it' be an instant kill |
10551s | but that'll be rupture you've got the |
10553s | Raptor the mo and the rupture and |
10554s | they're going to be the first ones out |
10555s | we go match starts let's see what the |
10556s | Raptor does no no the Raptor went the |
10558s | other way well done my man well done but |
10560s | as expected though the rest of the call |
10562s | going in webbed across the board from V |
10564s | really good screening but some will get |
10566s | through I here's the webs look at the |
10567s | webs immedately the uh hugan being a |
10569s | real pain double broads being both |
10570s | webbed as well as the rupture so this |
10572s | team is going to struggle to get in s |
10574s | webbed as well they are really |
10575s | stretching out those webs tusco is |
10577s | priming the moment of that of loud I |
10579s | think good call he's still coming out of |
10581s | front I think what they done they've |
10582s | they've webbed everything else and let |
10584s | the mo come towards him which is a |
10586s | fantastic really good pting from VD |
10589s | exactly and the mo is about to die |
10590s | that's honestly very well done the |
10592s | Raptor I just noticed is being shot did |
10593s | he try and sneak in yeah the Raptor |
10595s | turned around and tried to rush in and |
10596s | he's yeah yeah exactly mate like I I |
10599s | know I know what you were trying to do |
10601s | it was never going to work it's |
10603s | difficult for the Raptor as soon as he |
10604s | comes back in they're going to switch |
10605s | into yeah exactly you're going to be |
10607s | targetting you need to wait and like |
10608s | wait your turn but yeah Bo gets deleted |
10609s | as well has this comp grab |
10612s | something no is the answer right now tus |
10616s | is in a fantastic job of just kiting |
10618s | away VD really good in the hugging |
10620s | keeping everything back right now |
10621s | they're in a really good position right |
10622s | now Raptor's down M's down so two on the |
10625s | scal now and pained I suspect they about |
10627s | to try and delete the scal we'll see if |
10628s | that actually happens I see damage |
10629s | coming on to rupture right now I think |
10631s | they can just burst through the T1 |
10632s | rupture quite easily but the scal now |
10634s | you're right next to him is looks to be |
10636s | the primary right now it makes the life |
10638s | so much EAS if the logic goes you can |
10639s | just take your time yeah pretty much I |
10641s | think if they get the scalo down I think |
10643s | that's pretty much over for the rage |
10645s | quit team but V taking a bit damage M |
10648s | car's taking a bit of damage as well but |
10650s | probably just a little bit of you know |
10652s | in optimal uh in fall off sorry for |
10654s | maybe even drones actually I'm looking I |
10655s | think that might be some drones up there |
10656s | yeah there's a bunch of acolytes up |
10657s | there so it looks like some drone damage |
10659s | coming in Tusk is here this is a master |
10661s | class and controlling your opponent team |
10663s | this is a rush comp and they have it so |
10665s | gimped that they can't even really shoot |
10667s | like they' got the the hugan that is |
10669s | just reaching out and webbing everything |
10670s | and the mes are damping them while |
10672s | they're there they can't even fire |
10673s | barrage it's I mean the the the M the |
10675s | two MERS combined combined with the |
10677s | carries as well and the hugan loads of |
10679s | damps loads of webs most these probably |
10681s | the sness can't even shoot can't even |
10683s | use Barrage at all the rupture about to |
10685s | go down I mean the the oppression the |
10687s | oppressive nature of the tusker setup is |
10689s | immense and it must be really |
10691s | frustrating a car's did get caught it |
10693s | will not be a clean sweep unless the |
10695s | carries get saved which to be fair the |
10697s | Guardians got nothing else to do with |
10698s | this time |
10699s | no I think the the carries would |
10700s | definitely die but I mean the scalers |
10702s | are still holding on as I say that NEX |
10704s | him just goes down you just cursed the |
10708s | poor man he's like I'm doing great look |
10709s | at me dead but and immediately dies I |
10712s | mean with him going down I mean the |
10713s | chances of Rage crit getting anything I |
10715s | think have basically gone out of there |
10716s | they're basically zero unless that hugan |
10718s | manages to boundary or maybe DC this |
10721s | team is perfectly controlled from now |
10724s | until doomsday now can they do anything |
10726s | they can maybe try and pull back go for |
10727s | mjd play or do something else but |
10729s | chasing will be a zero sum game for |
10732s | there's just going to be no no chance of |
10733s | Victory second scal goes down carrye |
10735s | does die he was the only thing that was |
10736s | tackled but right now they're not |
10738s | looking too good I think VOD is going to |
10741s | be the less ships on grid he's look at |
10742s | it literally us webbing every single |
10745s | ship so I mean with the armor comp right |
10747s | now with VOD and hugging armor he's |
10750s | going to have a bunch of web he's got a |
10751s | full set of mids so he's probably got a |
10753s | decent probably two or three webs I |
10755s | would assume in his mid slots and |
10756s | probably a marich driver something as |
10759s | well and so he can definitely lock down |
10760s | a bunch of a bunch of targets quite |
10762s | easily I mean I'm wondering what's in |
10763s | the mids of The Fleets now I wonder if |
10764s | they may got a cheeky xlp or if it's |
10766s | full like um like missile guid and stuff |
10768s | like that probably probably on something |
10771s | along those lines I'm expecting is that |
10772s | but this is the thing this is a tuska |
10773s | team with mirror in it I expect the |
10775s | weird stuff to come out but this looks |
10777s | like a very just full-on competent kcom |
10779s | yeah you want to probably maximize your |
10780s | your damage as much as possible and |
10782s | increase your range cuz you're going to |
10783s | be fighting um you know you want to be |
10784s | projecting as far away as possible um |
10786s | the brur goes down as well I mean s uh H |
10790s | Fleet sorry of um Lucius is about to go |
10792s | down as well that makes things worse too |
10794s | cuz with another ship dead the webs now |
10795s | go to the next ship and this is the one |
10797s | it's a it's a cast list that happens oh |
10799s | yeah same with the damps and like as |
10800s | soon as one ship goes down you start |
10802s | switching damps around and they get more |
10803s | oppressive the more it's like it gets |
10805s | worse and worse and worse it's like the |
10807s | old ECM Thing Once one one ship dies the |
10809s | ECM it just gets worse but yeah I'm |
10811s | willing a bit Missy as some in the |
10812s | background probably like going this is |
10814s | how you do it this is how you fly this |
10815s | thing I mean a really creative comp from |
10817s | tuskers the first we've seen of this I |
10819s | think this at uh the concept's been |
10821s | around I think for other ATS but in this |
10823s | one really well piloted as well the |
10825s | carries did get caught yeah it it sorry |
10828s | P it doesn't it doesn't really matter |
10831s | though I mean the Lynch pin of this is |
10833s | the huging yeah exactly and ALS like I |
10835s | say this probably the first kiting |
10837s | Guardian I've |
10838s | seen maybe ever in my time with combined |
10841s | with a kiting comp yeah exactly a kiteen |
10844s | guard like actual kiteen Guardian not |
10846s | Guardian staying away it's literally a |
10847s | kite Guardian that's trying to run away |
10849s | it's something very weird and unique and |
10851s | honestly biggest respect for tusas for |
10852s | just again making a weird but but unique |
10855s | but good comp I think this is a really |
10856s | strong comp as well I mean it could it |
10858s | could have a bit of problems with some |
10859s | other comps Oh yeah double arbitrator |
10861s | would really be a real painful day but |
10862s | you got the damps as well this a very e |
10864s | heavy um Lucen broads just gets |
10867s | annihilated Off the Grid Lucien and H |
10869s | Fleet is she still holding on really far |
10871s | away everybody he left the post code |
10874s | he's 105 km from from the I don't think |
10877s | he particular going anywhere |
10878s | particularly as well he's just kind of |
10879s | running he's not even going for the |
10881s | boundary he's he's going around the edge |
10882s | going towards the beacon maybe he's |
10885s | going around the edge right now there |
10886s | switching to Lily in s good fights and |
10888s | local the H fleu does die he did get |
10890s | shot that that that range hold on a |
10892s | minute that is a lot of range I mean |
10895s | they've definitely got um uh some |
10897s | guidance in the mid just to amplify the |
10900s | range um so they can reproject out like |
10903s | that almost feels like Cruise range from |
10904s | that distance that looked about like 80 |
10906s | to 100K but I'm probably exaggerating |
10908s | that's insane I think that's some good |
10910s | banter in local right now I came here to |
10912s | rage crit cancel sub |
10915s | accomplish love it a good fight it's |
10917s | good it's all good bantering exctly yeah |
10919s | and it was a very good fight from both |
10920s | team like the rage quit they did kind of |
10922s | just get get fully controlled I don't |
10924s | know how much most teams could really |
10926s | react to this I think a lot of teams |
10927s | would kind of get stuck this is the |
10928s | whole thing you get stuck chasing the |
10929s | kaers right I think Rage Quit up against |
10932s | war on this one this comp was kind of |
10934s | designed to beat this really you're |
10936s | going to bring a rush are you well |
10937s | perfect we've got the exact tools |
10938s | required got webs and damps you're going |
10940s | to shoot anything plus a little purifier |
10941s | again as well don't forget the purifier |
10943s | on tuska's team glassie in the purifier |
10945s | are we going to come back to the old |
10946s | days where there was a bommer sprinkled |
10948s | in every comp yeah definitely I mean |
10949s | obviously MVP goes to vodly a stressful |
10952s | role for him to keep everything away but |
10955s | overall a fantastic pting from tuskers |
10957s | he's now webbing his own team he's he's |
10960s | webbing his own team in he's so happy |
10962s | he's so good he's getting confused now |
10965s | he's in the zone so much he just I need |
10966s | web ships that are moving maybe he's |
10969s | maybe he's multiboxing the guy he's |
10970s | lucky for his friends he's probably just |
10972s | you know a debug uh still holding on and |
10976s | VOD now axing his |
10978s | ins and then um yeah that's I just love |
10982s | watching like a little bit of |
10983s | shenanigans what about your friends |
10986s | what's the sedid doing is he uh he's |
10988s | dying to has a lot of drones by the way |
10990s | they never went for a single rep drone |
10991s | by looks of it at least not many they |
10992s | went almost full DPS drones and the slep |
10995s | N going into into structure uh f |
10998s | fantastic play by tuskers and I think |
11000s | we're going to go straight back to the |
11001s | desk I believe |
11005s | yes tuskers Co there taking the victory |
11009s | uh in that exciting matchup a classic |
11011s | match uh mimar rush we don't see that |
11013s | very often uh unfortunately it did not |
11015s | rush hard enough in this particular |
11016s | instance and H they dropped down into |
11018s | the lower bracket we're going to go on a |
11021s | short break uh for about half an hour or |
11023s | so um and in the meantime we have an |
11025s | awesome INF Focus video uh with ccpb CCP |
11029s | noad and CCP nickon we'll leave you with |
11031s | that and we'll see you in about 30 |
11037s | minutes hello everyone and welcome to |
11039s | the stream I'm ccbb and I'm joined by |
11041s | two fantastic senior game designers |
11043s | first of all CCP Nikon welcome hello and |
11047s | we also have CCP Nomad welcome hello |
11050s | this is the first out of two segments |
11052s | we're going to do for the Revenant |
11054s | expansion which is coming on the 12th of |
11056s | November we showing this actually this |
11058s | is a pre-recorded segment we decided to |
11060s | do and show in the at break today should |
11063s | be Sunday when you're seeing this uh the |
11066s | thing that we're going to talk about is |
11068s | the uh Stronger goals and projects uh |
11071s | that came out we had a Blog come out |
11073s | earlier this week we also had a video |
11075s | with both of you featuring in it and |
11077s | we're also going to talk about the |
11078s | updates coming to Skinner and we're |
11080s | going to dive into the the exact uh |
11082s | parts of that we have expanded feature |
11085s | parameters is one of them I know that's |
11087s | one of your is that correct yeah |
11090s | expanded project |
11091s | parameters yeah it is definitely my my |
11095s | favorite because it allows |
11098s | creating much more complex projects or |
11101s | manifesting much more complex |
11103s | Corporation goals and showing them to to |
11106s | the members and allowing them to |
11108s | contribute perfect we'll dive it in just |
11110s | a second but we also have project |
11112s | deadlines something that's been |
11114s | requested to be able to actually put an |
11116s | end to a project and not to RN it |
11119s | indefinitely we also have participation |
11121s | limit so uh explain to us what that is |
11126s | so participation limit allows the |
11128s | project Creator to set uh a limit on how |
11133s | much an individual can contribute to a |
11136s | project so for example a project is to |
11140s | bring 10 Carles but the limit is two |
11144s | Carles per member so each member in the |
11147s | Corp can can bring only up to two Carles |
11150s | and those will be counted as |
11152s | contributions this allows essentially to |
11155s | spread out the participation among more |
11157s | more members allowing more members to |
11159s | participate in the projects so if in |
11162s | your Corp you have someone who just does |
11166s | a lot uh in the corporation and brings |
11169s | all the stuff usually person like that |
11172s | would just block other people from |
11173s | contributing so it's to basically stop |
11176s | someone from just hogging all of the uh |
11178s | the core projects and just doing them |
11180s | all before the rest can actually start |
11181s | digging at it as well correct yeah |
11184s | that's correct of course for some |
11185s | projects it is beneficial to have people |
11187s | like that because you you just want the |
11189s | project itself to be completed and and |
11191s | that's the goal but in other instances |
11193s | you want actually engagement from your |
11196s | members and you want that engagement to |
11197s | be across all members so in that case |
11200s | that particular feature is very useful |
11203s | also if you want to incentivize them |
11204s | with something really valuable maybe you |
11206s | don't want one person taking all the |
11208s | rewards makes a lot of sense and then we |
11211s | also have ship insurance which is an |
11213s | improvement on the existing feature |
11215s | which we called ship loss which came |
11217s | with Equinox is that correct that is |
11220s | correct so ship loss was just following |
11224s | the pattern or the framework of cor |
11227s | projects that we established so far so |
11229s | it was pretty Limited in functionality |
11232s | as in it required the corporation to |
11235s | create multiple projects one per each |
11238s | ship type that the corporation would |
11240s | want to compensate for and just assign |
11244s | uh fixed isk value um as a reward for |
11249s | contributing in quotes to that |
11251s | project um this time |
11254s | around uh we are releasing ship |
11256s | insurance which is a dynamic |
11260s | contribution method what it |
11261s | means is that every time I lose a ship |
11267s | for example and I'm a member of a Corp |
11270s | that has this project running then that |
11272s | project evaluates the kill mail that I |
11275s | received or particularly the the value |
11279s | of the loss which includes the ship and |
11281s | the cargo and the fitting so the value |
11283s | of the loss in es becomes my quote |
11287s | contribution to the project so this is |
11289s | the |
11290s | amount that I will get compensated for |
11293s | so this is automatic in this case and |
11295s | allows one project to handle multiple |
11298s | types of ships and multiple types of |
11300s | feedings like multiple variations of the |
11303s | ships in the doctrine because each loss |
11306s | is evaluated individually and |
11309s | automatically at the same time it allows |
11312s | the project Creator to set up the ratio |
11316s | at which the loss is uh covered so for |
11320s | example I can set it to 100% so the |
11323s | compensation will be exactly the amount |
11325s | displayed on the Kil mail as the value |
11327s | of the loss but I can set it also to 50% |
11330s | or |
11331s | 150% if I want to pay less or more per |
11334s | loss depending of on what the fitting |
11337s | might be or what my intentions are |
11340s | essentially so project deadlines uh the |
11343s | name um itself should be |
11348s | self-explanatory but also it sounds |
11350s | quite dystopian right like we're |
11352s | bringing like corporate deadlines into |
11354s | Eve um so what it does is essentially |
11358s | enables you the project Creator to to |
11361s | create an end date for a project at |
11363s | which it will just automatically expire |
11366s | as simple as that before you had to |
11370s | manually tend to to your project to |
11373s | cancel the ones that you don't want to |
11374s | be running anymore before they got |
11376s | completed in this case you can set the |
11380s | end date in advance so for example if we |
11383s | go with deliver item project we want |
11385s | some item delivered let that rifter as |
11388s | per usual uh we can select the |
11392s | destination and the number of items to |
11394s | be delivered okay so this is like my |
11396s | test server is not the |
11398s | fastest |
11400s | um we want like 28 rifters at we can set |
11404s | and |
11405s | date um we have few presets that are |
11409s | just handy so I want this project to be |
11412s | running for one month for example and |
11414s | this uh is adjusted to that date I can |
11418s | change it further I can set like |
11420s | specific day of the month or even an |
11422s | hour in the day it will confirm the |
11425s | actual duration here so 30 days 23 hours |
11428s | 57 |
11430s | minutes if I this seems really really |
11433s | useful so since uh aquinox my |
11436s | interaction with Corp goals like this |
11438s | has been um magmatic gas and that's |
11441s | something that I know the person who was |
11443s | tending to to getting Outsourcing the |
11446s | the you know getting of a bunch of |
11447s | magmatic gas you had to tend to it every |
11449s | day every week because the prices were |
11452s | fluctuating so much with something like |
11454s | this you could say I will pay this for |
11456s | magmatic gas for 4 days yeah and then |
11459s | I'll re-evaluate see if the market has |
11461s | changed if I'm underpaying overpaying it |
11464s | seems really really useful yeah exactly |
11467s | and then the project expires and you can |
11469s | easily just write uh just clone it from |
11472s | from this menu right after it expires |
11474s | you can find it in history and just |
11476s | clone the project again and it will have |
11479s | the same preset for days which you can |
11482s | change but you don't have to if you want |
11483s | to do this every 4 days for |
11485s | example it sounds very useful um looking |
11490s | at the uh participation limit I saw that |
11492s | was a ticker there above the end dat one |
11495s | is that the one where you you select how |
11497s | often you can contribute to it uh it's |
11500s | not necessarily how often but it is how |
11502s | much one Corp member can provide to this |
11506s | particular project so if we have if the |
11510s | whole project needs 28 rifters for |
11513s | example and I limit this to five rifters |
11517s | per member so each individual can bring |
11519s | only up to five for the total amount of |
11522s | up to 28 then it tells me I need at |
11525s | least six at least six members in my |
11528s | Corp to be contributing to this project |
11530s | fully for the project to be completed |
11533s | like if there's less people than that |
11535s | contributing then the project can never |
11537s | be completed because of this limit so |
11539s | this is useful to know like I can know |
11542s | how many people in my cor can actually |
11545s | um provide some input to this project so |
11547s | this is how I can set this uh limit for |
11551s | it to be realistic right that's really |
11555s | cool um ship insurance I know it kind of |
11559s | ties into uh the expanded feature as |
11561s | well but let's talk about ship insurance |
11563s | and how that works so we cannot show |
11566s | ship insurance yet it's still in |
11568s | production okay so it's not ready for |
11572s | all |
11573s | yeah um but how would |
11578s | con so as described before it every time |
11582s | someone loses a ship in the in the |
11584s | corporation it just takes the kill mail |
11587s | is value of the ship and assigns that as |
11590s | a compensation so it's fully automated |
11593s | and covers all types of ships of course |
11597s | uh |
11598s | with the limitations of which ships you |
11600s | have added but maybe let's talk about |
11603s | expanded project parameters and how that |
11606s | can play |
11608s | with cheap insurance in the future so |
11611s | expanded project parameters |
11614s | is like |
11616s | today let |
11618s | me take this project for |
11620s | example so today you can only specify |
11624s | one value per each parameter in a |
11626s | project so for example this project |
11628s | destroy capsulier ship which is |
11630s | essentially just kill another capsulier |
11633s | um today you can input here only one |
11637s | name be that name of a capsulier or a |
11639s | corporation or an alliance or a faction |
11642s | if you are targeting uh FW |
11645s | militia but after November you will be |
11648s | able to include multiple names so for |
11650s | example |
11652s | um I want to Target like minm Republic |
11656s | militia and galente militia at the same |
11658s | time um and I can also Target a |
11662s | particular Corp right like this one I |
11665s | can Target a particular |
11667s | character so I can add up to 10 values |
11670s | per like in this field and those are the |
11675s | relationship between the values is |
11678s | or as in it can be the target can be |
11682s | from minmal Republic or gal Federation |
11684s | or from this Corp or this particular |
11686s | character so this is very powerful way |
11688s | to to set up projects that that are |
11690s | quite complex and I can do that not only |
11693s | in this field capsuleers or |
11694s | organizations but I can do this in for |
11696s | ship types so for example which ship |
11698s | types we want to Target of course we |
11701s | don't like rifters so we target |
11704s | these but I can also Target groups of |
11709s | ships like all |
11713s | battleships so it's it's essentially |
11715s | taking what was one |
11717s | um value per parameter for these these |
11720s | goals and expanding it to just multi- |
11723s | parameters per multivalue per parameter |
11727s | much much more complex goals than you |
11729s | could do uh with the feature before |
11732s | exactly and the same goes for |
11735s | locations does work with with every |
11737s | project that currently exists no we are |
11740s | adding this functionality the expanded |
11743s | project parameters functionality |
11744s | specifically to four existing |
11747s | contribution |
11748s | methods which is destroy capsu ships uh |
11752s | damage capsuleer earn loyalty points and |
11756s | mine |
11757s | materials so these four contribution |
11760s | methods will get this treatment on the |
11762s | release day |
11764s | and over time we'll be adding it to all |
11767s | contribution |
11768s | methods awesome so you could have it |
11770s | like earn this LP or this LP or this LP |
11773s | and then of course you could be taxing |
11775s | that as the as the Corp owner |
11777s | precisely yes uh just last thing about |
11780s | the locations uh this field now will |
11783s | support not only solar systems but also |
11787s | constellations and regions so that's new |
11791s | and that should be very useful for some |
11793s | project |
11794s | types interesting you could be gank all |
11798s | haulers |
11799s | in this region in HEC type of thing yeah |
11803s | and then here's your free Catalyst back |
11807s | nice wink yes wink wink indeed y um |
11812s | those are the four different features |
11813s | that are coming this is really taking |
11816s | what uh I mean core projects I know you |
11819s | you added more things or you guys added |
11820s | more things to them in the aquanex |
11822s | expansion which was being built on the |
11824s | the Havoc editions before that this is |
11827s | now now becoming a more and more robust |
11830s | version of Corp go every time um how |
11834s | much how much further do you think we're |
11835s | going to build this feature |
11839s | uh yes that's the |
11843s | answer like you can still see there are |
11845s | limits to it and we want to expand it |
11848s | because our |
11849s | aim is for organizations to use it |
11854s | to to keep their members engaged um |
11860s | essentially like we have some uh login |
11863s | rewards for example incentivizing |
11865s | players to login to to take their reward |
11868s | and hopefully stay in the game for |
11870s | longer and engage with it this has |
11873s | similar aim as in every time I log in |
11878s | there's stuff for me to do as a Corp |
11880s | member there's a mission there's |
11882s | something that you know that the group |
11884s | you're in needs doing and and this is |
11886s | how they want to pay you to do it and it |
11888s | doesn't take a person to tell you you |
11890s | can just log in and see it on a list yes |
11893s | like I open the Corp window and I can |
11896s | see all the things that I could |
11897s | contribute to so so now there's a reason |
11901s | for me to to do stuff for the Corp and |
11904s | get paid for it but also to feel |
11906s | valuable for the organization right |
11908s | because the the managers can see who |
11912s | contributes to projects and to what |
11914s | extent and they may offer some extras |
11916s | for it of course this is not uh part of |
11919s | the the system yet they they will do it |
11921s | on on their own but in the future why |
11923s | not why why we shouldn't allow like |
11926s | corporations to give automatically |
11928s | medals for example for participation or |
11930s | some extra rewards so we have a lot of |
11933s | things on our list uh wish list when it |
11937s | comes to this feature and how we want to |
11939s | expand it but of course reality uh will |
11942s | dictate what we'll do next I think it's |
11945s | awesome what you built with it so far |
11947s | and I mean expanding the ship loss into |
11949s | ship insurance this is like you said |
11951s | going to include the the fit of the ship |
11954s | even the the modules in the cargo and |
11956s | you can decide to pay higher for |
11959s | logistic ships that are being lost than |
11961s | Mainline DPS ships so you could be |
11963s | paying like 150 and and |
11965s | incentivizing that you're paying them |
11967s | 150% of the the lodgy ship's worth |
11969s | because you need more lodgy pilots it's |
11972s | things like that right yeah yeah of |
11974s | course if you put it too high then um |
11977s | you may make it so that it's just |
11980s | unreasonable to fly loogi rather than |
11983s | just lose them in the first minute and |
11986s | then fly another one right because just |
11988s | making money be careful yeah but it does |
11991s | it with a a trusting group it opens up |
11994s | like the automating of |
11996s | srping you know you could have have |
11999s | highly you know Doctrine ships with |
12001s | things in cargo that they need refits or |
12003s | you know other things and this would |
12006s | cover all of that in certain |
12008s | scenarios Y and most importantly it's |
12012s | just enough to have one project and it |
12014s | will proportionately cover the loss to |
12017s | what the loss amount was right rather |
12020s | than having to create multiple projects |
12023s | one per each ship type so this this is |
12027s | pretty powerful it is it's a little |
12029s | scary too as an FC if if everyone starts |
12031s | looting the grid and then dying you're |
12033s | like oh |
12034s | no everyone you see real time how the |
12037s | Corp wallet shrinks yeah |
12040s | yeah I think this is fantastic uh I I |
12043s | think this has really gotten to a point |
12045s | where I I know people have been using |
12047s | this a bunch in the last year I know |
12049s | they started using it more after aquinox |
12051s | and the kind of feedback we were getting |
12053s | from players it seems to be building on |
12055s | those things they were asking for |
12056s | multiple parameters uh they were asking |
12058s | for a timed Corp goal so they wouldn't |
12060s | have to manually do all the work of |
12063s | turning them off and making new ones |
12065s | like that this is becoming a really cool |
12067s | feature yes like all all the additions |
12071s | that we are making um we're getting them |
12074s | mostly from player feedback but at the |
12076s | same time time it just matches what we |
12078s | wanted to do anyway so it it's just |
12080s | beautiful to to provide the features |
12082s | that we wanted to to do but also that we |
12085s | hear from from the players from you uh |
12087s | of what you want so all the expanded |
12091s | project parameters or like the limit per |
12093s | contributor specifically this was asked |
12095s | by CSM but also I saw it on Reddit |
12098s | similar with end date like you want this |
12102s | stuff there you go it's |
12105s | fantastic uh thank you very much I'm |
12108s | going to hop over to CP Nikon now we're |
12109s | going to look at the updates coming to |
12111s | the uh the Skinner but if you see |
12113s | anything feel free to chime in as |
12116s | well thank you so CCP neon let's |
12119s | actually talk about Skinner now and |
12121s | let's talk about where that's going uh |
12123s | with the the update that's coming yeah |
12126s | so first of all we have targeted |
12129s | listings which is at the very top of my |
12131s | list here yeah it's the probably the |
12133s | most requested feature is that correct |
12136s | uh Here Am my might be easier for me to |
12137s | just show you as well absolutely if I go |
12140s | into my collection I have a skin here |
12143s | that uh I can sell that by the way but |
12147s | yeah thank you uh in the availability um |
12150s | you can choose to make it public which |
12153s | is available for everyone and then it |
12155s | just goes on the on the Paragon Hub |
12157s | correct like it like it has been since |
12159s | Equinox exactly exactly um and then you |
12163s | could also select it just for your |
12165s | corporation so anyone in your |
12167s | corporation can then buy it and it's |
12169s | locked to only your corporation so no |
12172s | one else can see it um you can also do |
12175s | the same with uh your alliance uh |
12178s | through the my alliance um option and |
12182s | same thing locked only to your alliance |
12184s | and anyone in your alliance can purchase |
12186s | it at that point or you can put in |
12189s | specific and you can type in anything |
12191s | that you want um |
12195s | so like and if it searches |
12200s | oh lady name there we go yeah lady name |
12203s | so I could sell it directly to that |
12205s | person and no one else would be able to |
12207s | buy it at that point um so it's very |
12210s | cool very uh powerful in that sense so |
12214s | corporations will be able to distribute |
12217s | skins so everyone can fly the same |
12219s | colors uh if you're making skins as a as |
12222s | a new job um for your character you can |
12225s | sell them directly to someone if you've |
12228s | worked out a deal with them um and you |
12230s | can list it for any price that you want |
12234s | um one of the the big things though is |
12236s | if you're selling for your corporation |
12239s | uh to your corporation or to your |
12241s | alliance and you're a brand |
12243s | manager um if you have the brand manager |
12245s | role uh when you sell it uh you won't |
12248s | get dinged with any uh Hub vendor fees |
12251s | or Hub listing fees um so you're able to |
12255s | to put certain people in charge of being |
12257s | the brand manager of the the Corp yes |
12260s | and those can then make skins just like |
12262s | we've been doing since aquinox Y and |
12265s | then they can list those skins only to |
12267s | their Corp and charge them there's no |
12271s | Market fees nothing like that if they |
12273s | want to sell it for for for zero isk |
12276s | hypothetically yep they they could do |
12278s | that uh so they can just like they can |
12280s | sell it for free if they want there's no |
12283s | fees no no uh taxes or any anything like |
12287s | that um the way that uh that kind of |
12292s | works the way that we had to even it out |
12294s | is there will be a small evermark charge |
12297s | now and that is based on the tiar of the |
12299s | skin that's being sold for those who |
12301s | don't remember the tears uh the the more |
12304s | complex a skin gets the higher in tier |
12306s | it goes so if it only like a couple of |
12308s | colors then it would be a lower tier |
12310s | like you can see the number above there |
12312s | yeah and I remember when we were playing |
12313s | around with this Tool uh before June it |
12316s | did it you know it wasn't too hard to |
12318s | make a super cool looking skin at tier 3 |
12321s | four five we didn't have to go all the |
12323s | way to the max to make them look cool |
12325s | and honestly most of the skins that I've |
12327s | made have just been couple of googly |
12328s | eyes and you know something like that |
12331s | you could easily distribute to your |
12332s | entire group if you wanted to oh for |
12334s | sure so uh I have a couple listings here |
12338s | um when you're selling to your |
12339s | corporation or Alliance uh when you go |
12342s | into the Paragon Hub you'll see a couple |
12344s | new sections there's uh a SE just for |
12347s | Corporation skins and a section just for |
12349s | Alliance skins and then also a section |
12352s | for skins that are targeted directly at |
12354s | you um when it's from a brand manager |
12358s | you'll have a different colored |
12360s | background in the card here uh and when |
12363s | you hover over it it will tell you how |
12364s | many ever marks you're going to be |
12366s | charged uh when you purchase that skin |
12369s | uh whereas if it's just from anyone else |
12372s | uh it won't have that um so that's one |
12375s | way you can tell if it's branded skin is |
12378s | what we're calling it um or not will it |
12380s | always cost Ever marks on top if you're |
12382s | if you're selling it to your Corp yes |
12384s | you're charging for it yes um so that uh |
12388s | that's to help counteract the the zero |
12390s | taxes and zero fees yeah um but yeah |
12394s | like like I said uh brand managers can |
12396s | sell it for zero so uh they can make it |
12401s | extremely easy for everyone um the way |
12405s | that the ever marks are balanced bed is |
12407s | we looked at uh how many ever marks you |
12410s | can claim a day from doing Paragon |
12413s | missions uh and then looked at what the |
12415s | most popular tier skin is and we kind of |
12419s | uh equalized it that way and then the |
12421s | lowest amount of error marks that you |
12423s | can make a day or for like a tier one |
12425s | skin and the absolute maximum you can |
12427s | make a day is for tier 20 and then it |
12430s | just kind of distributed uh in between |
12432s | that so yeah the T list has actually |
12435s | gone up to 20 now and I would assume |
12437s | that's because we're adding another |
12439s | functionality which is second pattern |
12442s | slot yeah so the the secondary pattern |
12445s | slot is something that uh we've played |
12447s | around with a lot um here in the studio |
12451s | uh we also have 45 new patterns coming |
12454s | out which is a huge amount so uh they'll |
12457s | be all over in loot tables um throughout |
12460s | new Eden as well so you can get those um |
12463s | but yeah so you can put in one pattern |
12466s | and then you can select a second pattern |
12468s | they can each have uh a different Nano |
12471s | cating on there uh you can move them |
12474s | around |
12475s | separately uh you can blend them |
12477s | together with a bunch of different blend |
12479s | modes um yeah we've just been we've been |
12483s | playing with this non-stop in the in the |
12486s | team and everyone just has a blast with |
12489s | it you also explained it really well in |
12490s | the video that came out on Friday you |
12492s | can like subract them from each other |
12494s | you can Nest them in each other so you |
12495s | could have like a pattern within a |
12497s | pattern all kinds of really cool things |
12499s | with it yeah you can mask them um it's |
12503s | it's really it's kind of tough to |
12506s | explain but once you actually get in |
12509s | there and start playing around with it |
12511s | uh the names of them really make sense |
12514s | um yeah we also added uh another cool |
12518s | little feature uh which is |
12521s | randomize um see yeah where you can |
12525s | randomize |
12526s | your skin and uh it's just a really good |
12530s | starting point for for creating your own |
12532s | skin and uh yeah will it fill out every |
12535s | slot when you randomize it'll fill both |
12537s | patterns and all colors yeah so it will |
12540s | fill out everything um and randomize the |
12543s | position of the patterns all that and uh |
12546s | it does take into account whether or not |
12548s | you have the the tick box to show only |
12551s | owned so if you randomize with stuff |
12553s | that only you own it will only use those |
12556s | or if you want to see what is possible |
12559s | uh just tick that off and it will show |
12561s | absolutely everything that's really cool |
12563s | this is |
12565s | great for someone like me who has zero |
12567s | artistic skills just a random button is |
12570s | like just random yeah oh I think it's |
12574s | like you said a really good way to to |
12576s | have a starting point as well for a skin |
12577s | if you're completely creatively blocked |
12580s | and you're like I need to make something |
12581s | cool but I don't know where to start |
12583s | it's too much choice in some way you can |
12586s | hit that random button until you see |
12587s | something you really like and then maybe |
12589s | change that line to Gold that thing to |
12591s | White and make it kind of tweak it from |
12594s | from that that first step yeah yeah |
12597s | exactly um and then to uh to help out |
12600s | everyone uh for the first two weeks of |
12603s | the expansion we're actually lowering |
12605s | down the sequencing time um so everyone |
12608s | can get new skins quicker as well um so |
12612s | I believe we're taking 50% off of the |
12615s | time that it takes to normally sequence |
12617s | the skin for the first two weeks of the |
12619s | expansion so trying trying to play |
12622s | around with with some things make it a |
12623s | bit easier to people uh to get into the |
12626s | Skinner and play around and get new |
12628s | skins in the game I think uh besides |
12631s | adding a a second pattern the the |
12633s | biggest ticket thing here is the direct |
12636s | listing and being able to yeah send your |
12639s | alt or friend or you know a Corp mate or |
12642s | someone like just this hey I made this |
12644s | for you and it costs zero or here I'm |
12647s | you know my entire cor I want them all |
12649s | to be using this this skin and this is |
12652s | finally going to actually enable it |
12654s | where they you know it could be done in |
12655s | a in a proper manner yeah yeah it's a |
12659s | it's huge it's one of the most requested |
12662s | features that we've had ever since |
12663s | Skinner came out so I have this vision |
12666s | of a future cinematic shot of some big |
12669s | big big battle with like, 1500 2,000 |
12672s | people and you can clearly see like oh |
12675s | there go the goo |
12676s | and there are the brave guys and you can |
12679s | just like without any overview you can |
12681s | just tell exactly who's where I think |
12684s | yeah like genuinely I think the the |
12686s | updates coming to to Revenant with you |
12689s | know Skinner are GNA get us closer to |
12691s | that reality yeah yeah hopefully I mean |
12694s | it would be awesome just see huge Fleet |
12696s | fights with everyone like just in |
12698s | matching skins he can really easily tell |
12701s | who's who's who and yeah I think it'll |
12704s | be a lot of fun and like you said a |
12707s | marks I think a lot of people have a |
12708s | bunch of that saved up anyway so I think |
12711s | we might get there quicker than than |
12713s | expected actually but you still have to |
12715s | on note I just want to make one note uh |
12719s | there's another feature that we |
12721s | announced in the block uh a couple days |
12724s | ago that will be coming after the |
12726s | expansion which will allow completing |
12728s | daily goals with e marks so don't spend |
12732s | all of them on SK don't spend them all |
12735s | yeah you have to you have to budget |
12737s | between our two features for sure ever |
12740s | marks went from being something where |
12741s | people like why do I have this to like |
12742s | stons this is the best thing I need more |
12745s | yeah um but honestly this is both of |
12748s | these things the the improvements to |
12749s | goals that are coming and the |
12751s | improvements here to Skinner the tool of |
12753s | course is fantastic and making skins is |
12755s | super it's it's fun and it's like super |
12759s | unique what you can actually make now |
12761s | the actual way of of getting them to the |
12763s | people you want is far more real than it |
12766s | was before this is fantastic yeah and |
12769s | and something that we want to continue |
12771s | um improving upon adding new features in |
12774s | all that fun stuff so uh hopefully |
12777s | hopefully we can keep doing |
12779s | that 100% I think uh since we are doing |
12783s | this a pre-recorded segment and uh the |
12785s | alliance tournament needs to go on I |
12787s | think this is going to cut our time |
12789s | basically short but we managed to cover |
12791s | most of what we wanted to do you think |
12792s | we missed anything from either one of |
12794s | you think we got everything on on the |
12798s | Skinner side of |
12800s | things yeah I think we got everything at |
12803s | least from the things that are |
12804s | officially announced so far yeah um yeah |
12808s | we covered that we also had a a Blog go |
12811s | out last week or this week uh and we had |
12815s | a video with both of you uh but but I |
12817s | wanted to dive into this this is |
12818s | something that we've started doing for |
12820s | for all the expansions and it's nice to |
12821s | see you guys play around with the Tes as |
12824s | well um but thank you both for your |
12827s | time believe the next thing is up is uh |
12831s | is match 30 in the alliance tournament |
12834s | uh good luck to whoever is competing and |
12836s | we'll see you guys one week from now uh |
12839s | next Sunday I'm going to be interviewing |
12841s | CCB trash Panda and we're going to go |
12843s | over the mercenary dance the new |
12845s | deathless ships and the all new damage |
12848s | overtime weapon system that's coming |
12850s | we'll see you then bye-bye |
12858s | welcome back to Alliance tournament 20 I |
12860s | am still and will continue to be CB |
12862s | overload joined once again by what chat |
12864s | has decided his fart um uh we are super |
12867s | excited to have you back we have more |
12869s | matches to go today bunch more uh in the |
12871s | winners bracket before we head down to |
12872s | the eliminate elimination matches once |
12875s | again and see some more teams go home |
12877s | this next match let's take a quick look |
12878s | at the band it's going to be between |
12880s | deteriorated and postp Clarity so |
12883s | deteriorated choosing to Banner the onos |
12885s | the black bird the pontif effect and the |
12887s | Mago meanwhile postp pod Clarity Bing |
12890s | out the Loki the Armageddon the abadin |
12892s | and the Nighthawk Bart what do you think |
12893s | about these band yeah I'm I'm a big fan |
12896s | you know loky Nighthawk band excellent |
12898s | you know it gets rid of the very |
12899s | powerful [ __ ] thrush uh |
12903s | I Blackbird I don't have we seen a |
12905s | blackbird yet this I don't think we've |
12907s | seen one I don't think we've seen but |
12908s | we've seen it banned we've seen it |
12909s | banned two or three times we haven't |
12911s | seen one yet nobody's really flown uh |
12913s | obviously we saw the Widow ECM setup but |
12915s | no one's really one out yet and I I |
12917s | would love to see them I personally love |
12918s | Blackbird matches and I love talking |
12919s | about Blackbird matches I know people I |
12922s | I feel like twitch chat dislikes |
12924s | Blackbeard matches and also just likees |
12926s | talking about Blackbeard matches but uh |
12927s | I'd love to see one I won't happen here |
12929s | strange band maybe they know something |
12931s | that we don't and they're like oh these |
12932s | guys are ECM players but yeah uh blackb |
12934s | band's interesting it feels kind of |
12936s | wasted with the current meta but maybe |
12937s | again they could know something we don't |
12939s | yeah I mean this this says to me that um |
12942s | maybe like in their practice they found |
12944s | something that they really don't like |
12945s | with the Blackbird |
12946s | uh I mean most people who get jammed uh |
12948s | don't particularly enjoy the experience |
12950s | it's exceptionally frustrating in a |
12952s | tournament situation I mean uh what is |
12955s | the uh previous gista uh Flagship or uh |
12959s | at ship says uh some Pilots complain |
12962s | that ECM is unfair Jam those ones first |
12966s | and shoot them last exactly that's |
12967s | exactly what you need to do all right so |
12969s | both teams are fing their Flagship |
12970s | Armageddon Navy issues in this match so |
12972s | let's head over to the arena for |
12973s | deteriorated versus postp pod clarity |
12978s | hello I am moderator joined by the |
12981s | wonderful CCP Aurora for this next match |
12983s | of deteriorated in postp pod Clarity |
12986s | both teams electing to bring their |
12987s | Flagship Navy Armageddon so deteriorated |
12990s | going with a bit of a uh heavy uh |
12993s | missile comp in the Rapids and postp pod |
12995s | Clarity electing for a combination of |
12997s | control with the arbitrators and then a |
12999s | bit of a drone comp yes um the they have |
13002s | quite these are quite varied ships and |
13004s | they're not quite the same uh strong uh |
13007s | like triple of of some ship that we were |
13009s | seeing before we're seeing uh and with |
13012s | the m to start we've got links going out |
13016s | um sorry go ahead yeah so we're seeing |
13020s | that both sides again are going for the |
13022s | rapid heavy uh missile and the |
13024s | arbitrators are already doing what they |
13026s | do best and they are tracking disrupting |
13027s | the Navy Armageddon wanting to make sure |
13029s | that that incoming damage uh is |
13031s | mitigated significantly meanwhile the |
13033s | purifier or rather the mest woods damp |
13036s | ing one of the arbitrators trying to |
13037s | mitigate that but right now uh we see |
13039s | that the PRS of the zarm that are going |
13041s | on to the Confessor uh that's been |
13043s | something that's been pretty typical |
13045s | we've seen that um the arms are wanting |
13047s | to pre-lock kind of these weaker ships |
13049s | on the support side just not trying to |
13051s | get one tapped by you know those rapid |
13053s | Heavies from a fleet typhoon or navy |
13054s | gedon yep it looks like deteriorated |
13056s | might be trying to pull those uh uh reps |
13059s | off of the Confessor maybe to try and |
13061s | open up that Target by primarying the |
13062s | Navy Armageddon uh so that zarm might |
13064s | need to move over and start SP on him if |
13066s | they don't decide to change uh targets |
13068s | but this is a fairly slow match off the |
13070s | start here we have those arbitrators |
13071s | applying uh guns disruption to the heavy |
13074s | battleships on the deteriorated side |
13076s | both sides just trying to find a good |
13078s | position here to open up see if they can |
13080s | find something weak and poke it down so |
13082s | speaking of positioning right now we see |
13084s | that deteriorated has gathered on one of |
13085s | the micro jump drive beacons meanwhile |
13087s | postp pod Clarity is full in Chase with |
13089s | the Confessor of Vex being in the lead |
13092s | meanwhile supported by uh the EOS and |
13095s | the vexer so just zooming on these uh |
13098s | you know red battleships in a minute |
13100s | we're going to see they're starting to |
13102s | align themselves looking to position off |
13104s | that micro jump drive Beacon and in a |
13106s | moment here I think they're going to go |
13107s | for the spool try to pick off something |
13109s | in the backline meanwhile the vexer is |
13111s | very much trying to close Chase making |
13114s | you know the most of an opportunity to |
13115s | try to scram anything and right now we |
13117s | are seeing a full micro jump drive |
13118s | Activation so in the backline we're |
13120s | going to see jumps in a second and the |
13122s | vexer not quite getting anything just |
13124s | yet yeah they've just jumped over the |
13127s | other the other team so this is actually |
13129s | a really quite nice positioning the uh |
13131s | postp Clarity team was trying to push up |
13133s | that uh that screen in order to kind of |
13135s | control the positioning fight H however |
13137s | they've just maneuvered off to the side |
13139s | only that mollus and Nathalia are left |
13141s | behind however leaving one of their |
13143s | their logistic ships uh on the other |
13146s | side might be a bit of a crippling play |
13148s | it looks like he's about to get tackled |
13149s | by that V yeah so this tholly of parot |
13152s | unfortunately made a pretty significant |
13153s | misplay and they were not in position to |
13155s | take the jump drive so we already see |
13157s | NES webs par is going to get snapped and |
13159s | what this does is it's going to force |
13160s | deteriorated to really heavy to commit |
13162s | they are on another micro jump drive |
13164s | Beacon and they're going to have to go |
13165s | after his arm or something because once |
13166s | you lose athalia it means your deacons |
13169s | you know shortly to follow the Thalia |
13170s | does drop deteriorated is now on the |
13172s | clock they must commit onto something or |
13174s | they're just going to lose in a Tre |
13176s | without any sort of lodgy support yep |
13178s | first blood is that Thalia goes down um |
13181s | we can see the the mollus has managed to |
13183s | successfully run away trying to regroup |
13185s | with a for another micro jump drive |
13187s | Beacon play here and speaking of micro |
13189s | jump drive Beacon plays the zarm zad has |
13191s | been uh looking like it's about to get |
13193s | caught by this bifrost it is heavy |
13195s | webbed the Armageddon Navy issue of Zak |
13198s | is now right in position to deal with um |
13202s | that uh capture that the bifrost has |
13204s | been able to make the zarm that is |
13205s | taking a significant amount of damage |
13207s | the entirety of deteriorated has |
13209s | committed onto the zarm and if they're |
13211s | able to get it yeah you lost your Thalia |
13213s | but trading a zarm for athalia I'll make |
13214s | that every single day absolutely that |
13217s | was an excellent uh we we've saw we saw |
13219s | them use these uh micro jump drive plays |
13221s | in their first match uh they're using |
13223s | them to great effect again this is |
13225s | another double micro jump drive play to |
13227s | get on the backline of that enemy team |
13229s | uh playing around their their support |
13231s | and their ability to uh outpos you uh so |
13234s | it's excellent so if they can get that |
13235s | zaras down which they have uh they uh |
13239s | that is now an incredible trade compared |
13241s | to losing that Thalia so now the |
13242s | arbitrator has dropped that means that a |
13244s | lot of the tracking disruption that's |
13245s | harassing this Navy genon uh this Fleet |
13248s | typhoon in the practice as well some of |
13250s | that's going to be off the grid right |
13251s | and we also see uh webs on top of the |
13253s | Confessor right this confessors doing uh |
13255s | their level best to harass we see a lot |
13256s | of damage actually on the Deacon as a |
13259s | result and once this arbitrator drops |
13260s | the Confessor drops that's really the |
13262s | support lynchpin right um you know you |
13264s | don't want to necessarily have to send |
13265s | your Navy Armageddon and EOS if your |
13267s | postp pod Clarity on top of things but |
13270s | yes you did Kill the Thalia Deacon but |
13272s | you're losing too much here with the |
13274s | double arbitrator and the Confessor soon |
13275s | to follow yeah they they have lost their |
13278s | their last uh logistic support ship um |
13280s | and they are a little bit slow taking |
13282s | down that Confessor so he manages it |
13284s | looks like he's managing to hold he's |
13285s | got some uh remote repair bots on him at |
13287s | the moment um but it is uh probably not |
13291s | going to last too much longer as he goes |
13292s | into armor o the hyena down as well both |
13295s | both teams are or the deteriorated team |
13297s | is losing a lot of its uh low-end for |
13299s | positioning control uh which might allow |
13301s | postp pod Clarity to kind of pull back |
13303s | and reposition once again yeah the the |
13305s | hyena of Trent had been caught out by uh |
13307s | DEA in the Vengeance and I mean it was a |
13310s | really good capture by the Vengeance |
13311s | it's very difficult usually to get on |
13313s | top of the hyena but uh the Vengeance |
13315s | these vexor are now trying to make plays |
13316s | to deal with the bifrost the droger |
13318s | right really getting rid of these |
13319s | command links and making it easier for |
13321s | the Navy Armageddon of Zak and |
13323s | Lamborghini in the Eos punch through but |
13324s | speaking of punching through you're |
13326s | dealing with Flagship rapid heavy |
13328s | missile launchers and NES that are just |
13330s | destroying the EOS and now that the EOS |
13332s | doesn't have his arm it's getting |
13333s | destroyed Lamborghini Off the Grid and |
13336s | deteriorated is absolutely demolishing |
13338s | postp pod Clarity at this point yep all |
13340s | they have left is that Navy Armageddon |
13342s | to try and deal some damage but they |
13343s | don't have those arbitrators to shut |
13345s | down the the battleship core that |
13346s | deteriorated has brought that prais Navy |
13349s | Armageddon and Fleet typhoon are all |
13351s | just open to just give an absolute |
13353s | beating to the postp Pod Clarity team |
13355s | and this is going to snowball from here |
13358s | I really do like the call of the dger |
13360s | from postp pod Clarity trying to get rid |
13361s | of the remaining links that would be on |
13363s | the side of deteriorated uh but so far I |
13366s | mean the dger has had to get counter |
13369s | grappled the vexer does drop and then |
13371s | it's going to be a Navy Armageddon of |
13374s | Zak uh against the entirety of the world |
13377s | and in the main remaining four minutes |
13379s | about that we've got uh the Gap in |
13381s | points really uh Aurora is just too much |
13383s | it's going to be nigh impossible uh for |
13386s | z now that you know he's grappled he's |
13388s | Ned he's painted it's going to be taking |
13389s | full damage um unfortunately not any way |
13393s | for postp pod Clarity to come back at |
13395s | this point no uh that Navy Armageddon |
13397s | does look like he's trying to live he's |
13398s | trying to pull a little bit of range uh |
13401s | but he is he is facing fairly outw |
13403s | overwhelming numbers um they also in |
13406s | addition to that Battleship core also |
13408s | note that they have a purifier he's |
13409s | slowly getting mitted down by some |
13411s | drones at this point but that's another |
13412s | like 800 DPS going onto that Battleship |
13415s | fully applying at this point yeah we see |
13417s | that Dria has been able to get on top of |
13419s | the perier basically at zero our |
13421s | cameraman and uh doing a great shot of |
13424s | there um so really good credit to the |
13427s | support core right the Vengeance of the |
13429s | Confessor and the dger did what they |
13431s | needed to um you know in any normal |
13434s | match to really commit so some maturity |
13436s | and depth there but unfortunately you |
13438s | know without the EOS without the zarm |
13440s | kind of getting picked apart getting |
13441s | jumped on you know you needed your top |
13444s | end to perform as well as your kind of |
13445s | your low end the fleet typhoon getting |
13447s | rather low uh I mean that's going to be |
13449s | the flagship uh you know officer rapid |
13452s | missiles is punching through the typhoon |
13454s | now that he no longer has links but I |
13456s | mean zck down into low armor even if the |
13458s | fleet typhoon drops I think it's going |
13460s | to be the end of the world for this Navy |
13461s | Armageddon the Navy Armageddon is now |
13463s | going into Hull that Fleet typhoon it |
13466s | was looking very close but he's |
13467s | repairing Shields now they're coming |
13468s | back fairly steadily I think he will |
13470s | live to the end of this match uh and the |
13472s | Navy Armageddon is about to fall as he |
13475s | goes into lwh Hall yeah the Navy |
13476s | Armageddon we could see the attack bar |
13478s | completely fall off he was on a rapid |
13480s | reload anyway just like you were saying |
13482s | and now that he's gone it's just the |
13484s | Vengeance who has been grappled um in |
13486s | local we're about to see some good |
13488s | fights and I mean really well played by |
13490s | deteriorated I mean earlier on in the |
13492s | tournament yesterday we saw them bring |
13494s | out a very unique and um I would say |
13497s | rather impressive uh Widow composition |
13500s | and really just handing it to post pod |
13502s | Clarity yep absolutely this is |
13504s | incredibly well played uh |
13505s | congratulations to deteriorated on your |
13508s | uh perfect 200 win for eliminating the |
13510s | other team and we'll take it back to the |
13512s | desk Clarity there are going to be |
13515s | having a Moment of clarity as they've |
13517s | just uh lost that match they dropped |
13519s | down into the the lower bracket now so |
13521s | they are down but not out that was not |
13522s | elimination match they just no longer |
13524s | are in the upper brackets which is where |
13526s | the winners live um and because they are |
13528s | not winners anymore they must be removed |
13532s | uh however great matchup for |
13533s | deteriorated uh they came in they played |
13535s | strong um they they they do be loving |
13538s | those micro jump drives uh Ali talk to |
13540s | me about the the micro jump drives plays |
13542s | that we have seen from this team so |
13543s | deteriorated in that match the |
13546s | jumped away from the oncoming post pod |
13549s | Clarity team and one of the things you |
13551s | might have noticed is they jumped away |
13552s | from the team but their Thalia was |
13554s | unfortunately left behind and the likely |
13556s | reason for that is when you're making |
13557s | one of those micro jump plays you really |
13559s | have to commit to the jump before |
13562s | everyone is 100% on the beacon and ready |
13565s | you have to have your first people |
13566s | activate the beacon and start spooling |
13568s | because if you don't commit you will |
13570s | wait too long and you will get caught |
13572s | the supplies if you're running away the |
13573s | supplies if you're jumping in really you |
13576s | have to go on time so they committed |
13578s | nine players made it the Thalia probably |
13580s | clicked a couple seconds one tick too |
13582s | late and uh sadly sacrificed his life |
13585s | however another micro jump on top of the |
13587s | zarm as sealed the deal taking away that |
13589s | very important logistic ship yeah I mean |
13592s | we were watching it here in the studio |
13594s | and we saw all the little icons go like |
13596s | Tink Tink Tink across and then one |
13598s | little Talia we're like oh no oh no look |
13600s | at him he's by himself and he the morus |
13604s | as well the morus failed to jump but |
13606s | decided to just burn straight across the |
13608s | arena I was like nope I don't want to be |
13609s | here wait a minute I'm fast I don't need |
13611s | that stupid micro jump unit uh if you've |
13614s | never seen it by the way the arena has |
13615s | uh nine micro jump drive units in it |
13617s | there's uh eight in a cube and then one |
13619s | in the center um so you can if you're |
13622s | Pro Gamers you can like Ping around the |
13623s | cube uh cuz they're 100 colets away from |
13625s | each other and if you're like a semi-pro |
13627s | gamer you can ping off into uh nowhere |
13630s | and die uh so don't don't do that but uh |
13632s | there's also one in the center which is |
13633s | super useful sometimes we see people |
13634s | just go hang out there um and if no one |
13637s | has a scram on you leave we saw a |
13640s | redeemer survive in like 5% armor |
13642s | yesterday I believe um because they just |
13646s | sat on the center Beacon and jumped away |
13648s | and then his friend tried to do the same |
13649s | thing and got tackled so you know yeah |
13652s | it works once and the timing on on these |
13654s | micro jump plays can be uh really really |
13657s | difficult to get right because you're |
13658s | like dying at a certain rate and you're |
13660s | like this will take me 8 seconds from I |
13662s | hit this button until I am propelled |
13665s | into to a new location um you're dying |
13668s | at a certain rate and then you kind of |
13669s | forget that there's a massive Sig Bloom |
13672s | like you're like ah I can easily tank |
13674s | this for at least 10 seconds that's 2 |
13676s | seconds of spare time and you click the |
13678s | button and all of a sudden uh you start |
13680s | absolutely eating [ __ ] because uh your |
13683s | uh Sig just gets bloomed suddenly the |
13685s | things that were kind of hitting you now |
13687s | are very very much definitely hitting |
13689s | you so you have to remember that when |
13690s | you when you going for these mjd plays |
13692s | but we do see some like fantastic use of |
13694s | mjd drives uh we see uh like the varer |
13697s | the other day from arrival was kind of |
13700s | pinging around a little bit um and |
13701s | speaking of that uh Mr M the new |
13704s | alliance tournament Cruiser yes well uh |
13708s | well I wanted to buy one cheap but I |
13709s | guess I can also mention that the |
13711s | cruiser along with being a force Recon |
13713s | that gets you know Advanced tackle range |
13715s | bonuses uh depending on how low your sex |
13717s | status is also can fit an mjd uh so it |
13721s | seems like it's going to be a bit wacky |
13723s | and cool yeah I'm looking forward to |
13725s | seeing uh some of those when they go out |
13727s | and of course I'm mentioning that |
13728s | because the teams that are playing now |
13730s | every time they win they're getting more |
13732s | and more and more of these ships like by |
13734s | getting top 16 uh you get ships like |
13737s | just straight up you don't have to get |
13738s | to like top three top four anymore you |
13739s | can go top 16 and you get some ships |
13741s | including Alliance tournament priz |
13743s | Battleship which is uh # poggers uh all |
13747s | right our next match uh is going to be a |
13750s | uh good one I think it's barcode versus |
13753s | evasive maneuvering let us take a quick |
13755s | look at the bands for this particular |
13758s | match so barcode um |
13761s | or are banning at the Armageddon Navy |
13763s | issue the Armageddon the crucifier and |
13766s | the Sentinel evasive maneuvering Banning |
13769s | out the Talia and the Deacon the megas |
13771s | and the pontif effects these seem like |
13773s | pretty standard bands to me Mr git what |
13775s | do you think yeah I mean we're seeing |
13777s | the removal of the magas pontif effects |
13778s | again so it's pushing people towards um |
13781s | armor battle Cruisers if they want to |
13782s | bring a BC core you can also uh bring |
13785s | the joger we did see that earlier today |
13787s | um when the maggot and P effects were |
13789s | banned out it's a strong ship it still |
13792s | fulfills the same role it gives you |
13793s | links but it's a little bit more pricey |
13796s | um so it's harder to fit into your |
13798s | standing comp uh we also saw the ability |
13801s | of crucifier and Sentinel band as well |
13803s | um less annoying sometimes than the |
13805s | arbitrator the arbitrators at least are |
13807s | fairly slow so if your team is mobile |
13809s | you can kind of jump in get on top of |
13811s | them like we saw in the previous match |
13812s | where they were able to mjd in catch the |
13814s | Z kill it and then move on to the |
13815s | arbitrators if they jumped in on a |
13818s | crucifier or Sentinel the chances are |
13820s | that that Sentinel or crucifier would be |
13822s | 50 km away from where they were jumping |
13824s | by the time that they land because |
13825s | they're so mobile they're so quick um so |
13827s | by just Banning them out you don't have |
13828s | to deal with the hard to hit hard to |
13830s | track hard to reach um tracking |
13833s | disruptors yeah I think in that last |
13835s | match actually we we saw like you |
13836s | mentioned some joggers um the Magus and |
13839s | the pon effect were both banned out uh |
13840s | so it's quite likely that that practice |
13842s | was subbed in for another armagedon Navy |
13844s | issue to reduce its points so they could |
13846s | bring the dger as said to still bring |
13848s | that armor h i I always forget about the |
13851s | the dger it's a great ship it does a lot |
13852s | of DPS and uh sometimes you're in an |
13855s | Allied tournament match right and you |
13857s | warp p and there's some small ships and |
13859s | you're in your jogger and you can just |
13860s | be a dger gamer you can just like fly |
13861s | around just you know spool on things and |
13864s | they just go poof and disappear uh it's |
13866s | exceptionally fun and the other team |
13868s | remembers you're there and then you get |
13870s | drug or gamed so that is exactly what |
13872s | happened in one of the matches we just |
13873s | saw a scalpel fly across the screen and |
13875s | then a drer flew across the screen as |
13877s | well and then uh eventually they were |
13879s | like we're going to kill this dger now |
13881s | because it's just flying around but yeah |
13882s | it's uh it's a fun time to be either a |
13884s | drugger or an urle just going to do your |
13886s | own thing yeah okay so um I think we |
13888s | have a a short spokesperson video for |
13891s | invasive maneuvering uh for this one so |
13893s | we can head over to them and hear about |
13896s | their |
13898s | Alliance I'm rer kinan and I'm the |
13900s | spokesperson for evasive maneuvering |
13903s | we're a multinational team of Russian |
13905s | speaking players from Russia Ukraine |
13908s | Canada Israel Poland and Serbia we |
13911s | primarily operate out a wormhole space |
13914s | where we look for small gang fights |
13915s | mostly flying kidi ships but once in a |
13918s | blue moon we can press the siege button |
13919s | at zero this is evasive maneuvering |
13922s | first time in the alliance tournament |
13924s | however many of us have been tournament |
13926s | endures for many years playing on behalf |
13928s | of dark side in the Glory Days and for |
13931s | the past few years as well our team |
13933s | captain is fafy waffy |
13935s | for many years he has been trying to win |
13937s | the alliance tournament this year is the |
13939s | one we can feel it we'd like to wish the |
13943s | best of luck to Odin's call and Boundary |
13945s | exerts May the best team win in our |
13947s | feeder group the match we're looking |
13950s | forward to the most is when we get to |
13952s | play against a rival hopefully in the |
13954s | finals finally to any of our alliance |
13957s | members who are watching the tournament |
13959s | watch carefully your turn on grid is |
13963s | next here we are and that was evasive |
13966s | maneuvering telling us a little bit |
13967s | about themselves on Tranquility now we |
13969s | have about 2 minutes until this match |
13970s | kicks off but during that video Al you |
13972s | pointed something interesting about the |
13973s | bands yeah so both teams banned almost |
13976s | completely different ships than they |
13978s | banned in their previous matches barcode |
13980s | previously flew against goons they've |
13982s | played a very safe comp that Medium gun |
13984s | spam Banning out all the tracking |
13986s | disruption this time they left a couple |
13987s | more of their ships open evasive |
13989s | maneuvering likewise safe comp they |
13991s | played a competent kite did a very good |
13993s | job of evading things and their bands |
13995s | were completely different than their |
13997s | bands in this match what does that mean |
13999s | well likely it means that both teams are |
14001s | going to be bringing different setups |
14002s | than they brought before notably both of |
14004s | these teams are very skilled teams both |
14006s | of them have gone very far in Alliance |
14007s | tournaments before and likely we might |
14010s | actually see some good comps out of both |
14012s | of them I would hope so uh it would be |
14014s | very very bold questionable choice to |
14016s | bring a bad comp um although J I say |
14018s | that lot of teams do it anyway yeah true |
14021s | just very yeah yeah very true very true |
14023s | well unsafe yeah bringing Navy gons and |
14026s | fls hey none of that all right let's |
14030s | head over to the arena for this match |
14031s | between barcode and evasive |
14039s | maneuvering and we currently have uh |
14041s | barcode versus evasive maneuvering |
14043s | currently Landing in the arena uh |
14045s | preparing for their next match uh do you |
14048s | want to tell me what you see yeah so |
14050s | evasive maneuvering has chosen to bring |
14052s | medium gun spam and barcode has also |
14054s | chosen to bring median gun gun spam so |
14057s | the only real difference between uh |
14059s | these compositions is that barcode has |
14060s | interestingly chosen to bring the Riva |
14063s | and evasive maneuvering has chosen to |
14065s | bring uh an augur the reason You' go |
14067s | with some of these um you know Tech 1 |
14070s | Logistics as opposed to bit of the tech |
14072s | 2 is that you know in a medium gun spam |
14075s | comp you expect them to die very quickly |
14076s | you're just kind of um really also |
14078s | wanting to upoint your backline and |
14081s | evasive maneuvering and barcode both |
14083s | really warping at very safe uh ranges of |
14086s | 30 to 50 km we're going to see a lot of |
14088s | kind of prepositioning here then battle |
14090s | being joined but unfortunately the |
14092s | mullus here um may not do a ton uh |
14096s | except for maybe possibly damps onto the |
14098s | augur but actually getting damps onto |
14100s | the bruix and they started actually this |
14102s | could be huge it looks like both sides |
14104s | are going to go for a logi trade evasive |
14106s | maneuvering having their augur being |
14107s | primed immediately getting down very low |
14109s | they a diva being primed uh but not |
14112s | taking a ton of damage I'm actually very |
14114s | very happy for my team here because I |
14116s | was about to possibly be worried about |
14118s | holding an l and killing the augurer |
14120s | before the Riva is going to be a very |
14122s | very good situation for barcode and it |
14124s | looks like that Riva is holding out just |
14126s | a little bit longer I take that back |
14128s | this looks like it might be an even |
14129s | trade as both ships are going into hole |
14131s | and that Riva goes down uh that was |
14133s | quite a fast kill augur follows quickly |
14135s | behind it uh neither side has lodgy at |
14138s | this point now it's just going to be uh |
14140s | effectively a DPS race as they both try |
14142s | to take out uh ke ships on the other |
14144s | side side trying to figure out what's |
14146s | softest what's within range and uh |
14148s | overheat their guns without burning them |
14150s | out so right now we've seen that the |
14152s | barcode side has they've gone for the |
14153s | aity of Pandy and they're also getting |
14155s | some damage on the Muller uh looks like |
14158s | however Pand is just having the drones |
14160s | um aside to it for damage and uh barcode |
14163s | has kind of given up on that as a main |
14164s | primary they're really trying to commit |
14166s | to uh the merer and really we're going |
14169s | to see a lot of that you know going back |
14170s | and forth as you get primed uh the way |
14172s | that you survive in these comps is you |
14174s | just run away you overheat faster than |
14176s | the opponent so part of the reason that |
14178s | evasive maneuvering would go for a Navy |
14179s | bruix is that a Navy BRS does a lot of |
14181s | damage but also as the Galen Tech Two |
14183s | hole it doesn't run away very quickly |
14185s | one thing to note here however is that |
14187s | the uh Barco team has brought a mollus |
14189s | which is applying some uh additional |
14191s | power so every time one of these ships |
14192s | runs away it pulls into the backline |
14194s | kind of like we saw the estarte do it |
14196s | actually had to stop shooting as it was |
14198s | damped down lost range it wasn't able to |
14200s | apply giving uh barcode just a little |
14202s | bit of extra time to apply some of that |
14204s | damage in between and without the aard |
14206s | uh on the evasive maneuvering side does |
14208s | go down yeah and critically I mean I'm |
14210s | trading in Navy aard sorry a Navy Brooks |
14212s | for an AAR I mean I'm going to make that |
14213s | trade every single day of the week if |
14215s | I'm barcode I'm very happy to be in that |
14217s | position barcode now choosing to uh |
14219s | primary the Navy brucks of Rico Russ and |
14222s | this molus actually doing absolute work |
14225s | we can see that these damps are actually |
14226s | having a significant effect actually |
14228s | really forcing evasive maneuvering to |
14230s | hard commit right and that's going to |
14232s | make it very difficult barod does lose a |
14235s | mer here but when you have to hard |
14236s | commit right onto these um barcode ships |
14239s | and then barcode just runs away and |
14241s | you're being forced to kind of swap |
14242s | targets it's a very good situation but |
14244s | that said I mean we're still on a nice |
14246s | Edge uh barcode is having their uh |
14248s | Vigilant of Sid the Kid get primaried he |
14250s | is webbed down and so far the merer is |
14253s | not taking a ton of damage the Navy |
14255s | harbinger of Sky killer Russ is the |
14257s | primary you we see an absolute cloud of |
14259s | angry drones following as the aard runs |
14262s | him uh down and the nav harer from Huey |
14265s | and Ellis and it looks like that Navy |
14267s | Harbinger is about to be traded for the |
14269s | Vigilant that barode just lost however |
14271s | at this point we still have the aardi |
14273s | Navy prophecy and navy Harbinger that is |
14275s | three battleships or battle Cruisers I'm |
14277s | sorry compared to the one Absolution on |
14280s | the uh evasive maneuvering side um uh |
14283s | ships are taking damage all over the |
14285s | place we've got a mer and Omen uh uh The |
14287s | Omen has just gone down it looks like |
14289s | the mer is soon to follow the mer of |
14291s | beam Adon is about to follow after that |
14294s | uh Absolut blood bath uh I think barod |
14296s | just needs to get down these last couple |
14298s | uh DPS ships and they have a lot of HP |
14300s | on their side now looks like it's in |
14302s | their favor yeah so I mean looking right |
14304s | now at the attack and defense bars right |
14307s | both teams have amount the same rough |
14309s | amount of kind of buffer remaining and |
14311s | barcode is applying just as much if not |
14313s | slightly less HP but critically though |
14316s | fafy waffy is the only remaining link |
14318s | ship right barcode still has an a start |
14320s | Navy prophecy Navy Harbinger and really |
14323s | what that means if you're bar code is |
14324s | that you know your links are going to |
14326s | continue to allow you to go faster tank |
14328s | Carter and now this last um Omen does |
14331s | fall off for Sam Punisher Tai low has |
14334s | been able to kind of get away uh Huey |
14337s | Conte now being webbed down it looks by |
14340s | um The Omen right of the uh side of uh |
14345s | pillin 2000 so pillin might trade |
14347s | himself out for naving Harbinger I'm |
14349s | pretty happy to make that trade if I'm |
14350s | evasive maneuvering but I mean look at |
14352s | the defense bar for evasive it's |
14353s | shrinking fast than uh barcodes and I'm |
14357s | very happy to be a barcode uh member |
14359s | evasive maneuvering an absolutely |
14361s | monsterous team we were kind of afraid |
14363s | of them and I know the boys are pumped |
14364s | right now as Omen of pillin goes down |
14367s | that's one more remaining ship the M are |
14369s | getting low as well Alice will go down |
14372s | but I mean a start Navy prophecy against |
14374s | a baller Absolution bar code's got this |
14376s | well in hand yep and we're now seeing |
14378s | that Absolution start to enter half AR |
14380s | uh half armor continuing to go down it |
14382s | looks like that mollus which has been so |
14384s | critical this match is dealing with uh |
14386s | he had two drones on him which have now |
14388s | fallen off so the ship that had those on |
14389s | him uh is is gone so it looks like that |
14392s | mollus might live in below half hole so |
14395s | congratulations to Striker for being |
14398s | absolute clut ship uh in this in this |
14400s | match so I mean CCP Aurora used to be a |
14404s | member of you know Brave newbies right |
14406s | and you know you have a lot of new |
14408s | players that get into the game and they |
14409s | are flying things like the molus right |
14412s | and sometimes you think of oh well I'm |
14413s | just a new person right I'm two weeks |
14415s | into the game what kind of impact can I |
14417s | really have and the answer is if you're |
14419s | Striker erer you just carried that match |
14422s | on your back forcing evasive maneuvering |
14424s | to have to get into uncomfortable you |
14426s | know situations that they couldn't |
14427s | really navigate and barcode just being |
14429s | able to not be damped uh was able to |
14432s | kind of outmaneuver out position and |
14434s | they have made evasive maneuvering |
14437s | maneuver right into the little |
14439s | racket excellent pun they have H seeing |
14442s | new players being able to fly their |
14443s | ships has always been one of the the |
14445s | highlights I think of my Eve experience |
14447s | uh you you can have a two- week new |
14449s | person who managed to get a clutch Jam |
14451s | in the middle of a fight totally |
14452s | changing the outcome uh and when they're |
14455s | in the hands of skilled Pilots like we |
14457s | see on these teams it's just even even |
14459s | scarier monster yeah well I'm very |
14462s | excited that barcode has managed to win |
14463s | this absolute Knife Fight uh we'll send |
14466s | it back to the desk after this short |
14467s | break to really break down what goes on |
14469s | in very high level mirror matches like |
14471s | this I'm sure they'll have a lot to say |
14475s | barode continuing their run in the upper |
14477s | bracket last year they managed to cruise |
14478s | into a solid third place I think in |
14481s | Lions tournament so an extremely |
14483s | competent team and uh putting that on |
14485s | display there uh Vasa maneuvering there |
14488s | a new name in in the tournament but they |
14490s | are a very experienced team they're made |
14492s | up of a lot of uh experienced members |
14494s | from teams like dark side VI raled uh so |
14497s | that was that was always going to be a |
14498s | hard match up for anybody U and I think |
14500s | we saw a lot of good piloting on both |
14502s | sides but mystical might kind of bre |
14504s | down for me a little bit what happened |
14505s | in that match there to to lead to the |
14507s | victory for barode yeah so I turned |
14509s | around to grab a chair and both the Lodi |
14510s | died um and then from there um it really |
14514s | just came down to Target selection so I |
14516s | believe the evasive maneuvering team I |
14518s | saw at one point that they began to |
14520s | shoot a vigil while the barcode team |
14524s | just went directly for anal and the m at |
14526s | the same time now the damage split |
14528s | wasn't ideal because it gave aive |
14530s | maneuvering time to change their target |
14531s | priority they swapped to a Navy bruck |
14533s | that then proceeded to die very quickly |
14536s | but um yeah I I think that bco just had |
14540s | a better idea about what they wanted to |
14541s | be shooting and what they needed to get |
14542s | rid of to make sure that they could win |
14544s | the match the vigil really isn't going |
14547s | to do much you know you leave that vigil |
14548s | alive like bco did till the very end |
14551s | changes nothing about the match because |
14552s | you're just trading ships um so I think |
14555s | if AAS maneuvering had you know decided |
14558s | to shoot the Navy bruixes or the Navy |
14560s | hinger first they may have had a chance |
14563s | to win uh since they did have the two |
14565s | MERS and the two Omens but I don't think |
14568s | that they effectively utiliz their comp |
14570s | really I think the damage splits from |
14572s | both teams um are not what we expect |
14574s | from from these teams we expect these |
14576s | teams to play really high um based on |
14579s | their previous performances and who they |
14580s | are um and it's kind of a shame to see |
14583s | that the damage PL is happening it may |
14584s | be down to position a little bit but I |
14586s | would suggest that they move around get |
14588s | into range of the targets they need to |
14589s | be shooting um but yeah I mean we we see |
14593s | how Target priority can payoff in a |
14594s | match especially in a mirror yep and Ali |
14597s | any any comments from you yeah so I |
14599s | mentioned before the break that I was |
14600s | hoping to see quote unquote good comps |
14602s | of course those were good comps uh but |
14604s | they were also comps we've seen before |
14606s | we've seen a lot of those gun spam |
14609s | mirrors throughout the feeders we've |
14611s | also seen some Rush other stuff and it's |
14613s | a very familiar comp at this point both |
14616s | teams had very good setups uh the slight |
14619s | decrease in DPS on barcode what with the |
14621s | molus feeds into what Misty was just |
14623s | saying barcode technically was a little |
14625s | bit behind in that in a guns spam mirror |
14629s | much like in a rush mirror the point is |
14630s | to just kill the other ships faster than |
14632s | the other team kills yours hence the |
14634s | lodgy trade you kill their lodgy then |
14636s | you kill all the rest of your ships they |
14638s | kill your lodgy they kill the rest of |
14639s | your ships and whoever has the most ship |
14641s | standing at the end wins the game uh EV |
14644s | on line very easy yeah I mean that's it |
14647s | like simply reduce the enemy's H to zero |
14650s | prior to yours being reduced to zero and |
14652s | then you win priz ships true just win |
14654s | just just win just win just win just |
14655s | don't be bad no skill issues um I |
14658s | thought that was a fun match I always |
14659s | like merror matchups specifically um |
14661s | because there's a lot of times where we |
14663s | see games that are decided in the draft |
14666s | and that's one amazing way to you know |
14669s | flex your knowledge Etc and it's it's |
14671s | fantastic sometimes you see uh just two |
14673s | comps that are very different and it's |
14675s | an execution match but mirror matchups |
14677s | are I find them quite interesting |
14679s | because the two things have the same |
14680s | strengths and weaknesses and you have to |
14682s | maximize your strengths while minimizing |
14685s | your weaknesses and your opponent are |
14686s | try to do the same so it does change the |
14688s | way you play against a mirror matchup |
14690s | and of course this being e on line like |
14692s | a ship is not just a ship it's can be |
14694s | fit thousands of different ways so |
14696s | although something could look like a |
14697s | mirror match up it can actually be |
14698s | little tiny differences here and there |
14700s | or sometimes even big differences like |
14702s | completely different weapon selection |
14703s | that can change the whole way a mirror |
14705s | matchup uh can can play out Mr you've |
14708s | been in a couple of teams what happens |
14710s | when you you land on grid and you're |
14712s | you're Des scanning as you're Waring in |
14713s | and you see the same ships what happens |
14716s | uh it depends on how much you've |
14717s | practiced um sometimes you'll be |
14719s | punching in the air sometimes you'll be |
14722s | celebrating you be like yes this is |
14723s | great we know how to play this um it |
14726s | reminds me of Alliance opens I believe |
14728s | where we were doing basically mirror |
14731s | matchups it was ham rush it was like |
14733s | Nighthawks low Keys sometimes tangus |
14735s | depending on what was banned but one |
14737s | team bringing the exact same setup would |
14740s | fit an extra hardener or something that |
14743s | would really skew it so that you You' be |
14744s | shooting kinetic into a super high |
14746s | kinetic resist and it means that even |
14748s | though you have the same ships because |
14749s | you haven't accounted for um potential |
14752s | like counterfeiting because they know |
14754s | your play style you will lose even if |
14757s | technically you have an extra DPS ship |
14759s | on grid just because it reduces the |
14762s | effectiveness of your comp so much so |
14764s | it's always interesting um and yeah it |
14767s | it that comes down to the theory |
14768s | crafting at the end of the day yeah and |
14770s | I think um like Theory crafting and and |
14772s | the meta and the knowledge become such |
14774s | an important part of some of these |
14775s | tournaments like the people who are |
14777s | playing matches later they will be |
14779s | watching closely the matches of their |
14781s | their future opponents they will be |
14783s | looking back through uh what they've |
14785s | brought before they'll be looking at |
14786s | individual Pilots they'll be trying to |
14788s | like see if they can you know get a |
14789s | little bit of extra knowledge and |
14790s | sometimes you see this in the ban stage |
14792s | when there's like a specific ban it's |
14794s | not normally what that team might choose |
14795s | to ban but they know that the team that |
14797s | they're playing against like favors a |
14798s | particular ship and they decide to |
14800s | Target it and this extra kind of |
14801s | knowledge and uh like the way you do all |
14804s | this kind of really separates the team |
14806s | some teams and it's fine come in just do |
14809s | the best they can do in their own little |
14810s | bubble and this is a great way to get |
14812s | started in the tournament um and then |
14813s | when you get to like a certain stage you |
14814s | have to start really like researching |
14816s | and and and playing it all out uh but I |
14818s | think what they aren't accounting for is |
14822s | the power of colors themselves so uh it |
14825s | seems to be there's a bit of a of a |
14828s | strength of being red or blue in the |
14831s | arena uh when it's it's random um but |
14835s | I'm looking at this graph here red |
14837s | versus blue wins on day two so far and |
14842s | red is dominant you want to be red you |
14845s | do not want to be blue mystical might |
14848s | what what does this mean for the mattera |
14849s | it's a funny shade of blue |
14852s | um yeah it's just pick red get red if |
14856s | you don't get red then don't don't walk |
14857s | in you know just refuse I guess um I |
14860s | think it it often happens on these |
14863s | weekends where a bunch of good teams |
14866s | will end up on the same side of the |
14867s | sheet and you're like okay this team's |
14869s | red um and then we get stats like this |
14872s | um the colors don't mean anything um is |
14875s | what we want you to think exactly do the |
14878s | colors mean something who knows I know |
14880s | who knows CP arcade knows uh so you |
14883s | should slide into his DMS uh on on |
14885s | Discord um he says he'll tell the first |
14888s | 50 people to do the secret to red and |
14890s | blue uh all right so our next match in a |
14893s | little bit uh is one that I've been |
14894s | looking forward to actually for most of |
14895s | the day uh it is Odin's call versus |
14898s | arrival so solid teams um we have the |
14901s | flag varer which is the meme and I'm so |
14904s | happy for it and Odin's call are kind of |
14906s | like are they the good Odin's call this |
14908s | year or are they not and we're still |
14910s | kind of I think they are the good one so |
14911s | far they've been the good one but we'll |
14913s | see if that continues so let's take a |
14914s | look at the bands for this upcoming |
14916s | match so we have the EOS the zarm |
14918s | wrestle the orthis and the scalpel for |
14920s | Odin's call and a Ral Banning of the |
14922s | arbitrator curse Pilgrim and crucifier |
14925s | Ali what do you make of these particular |
14927s | bands so the arrival bands are a band |
14930s | set that we've seen a lot take the four |
14933s | tracking disruption ships that you like |
14935s | the least and ban those this is the |
14936s | arbitrator curse Pilgrim crucifier |
14939s | sometimes we've seen the Sentinel filled |
14941s | in instead of the pilgrim of course the |
14943s | Sentinel also has some additional |
14944s | utilities so maybe they want to reserve |
14946s | that one for themselves meanwhile Odin's |
14948s | call scalpel one of the best Shield |
14950s | lodgy frigs uh and they've got that |
14953s | zaras there preventing some different |
14956s | armor control setups from zaras has both |
14959s | very good armor control ships and the |
14961s | orthis preventing uh you know some of |
14963s | the stronger Shield kite setups so again |
14966s | these bands it's also interesting the |
14967s | bands come in the first ones come in and |
14970s | then the teams get a chance to think |
14971s | about those and put in the second so |
14973s | sometimes it's interesting when you have |
14976s | uh bands that are very different on both |
14978s | sides to think about what was this team |
14979s | reacting to so we have a bunch of armor |
14981s | removed okay if there's if we can't a |
14984s | good armor setup let's maybe Nerf The |
14987s | Shield setups as well so we can put |
14989s | ourselves in a slot for Success yeah I |
14991s | find the the scalpel an interesting ban |
14993s | it just seems to sort of come in on the |
14995s | end it's like hello I'm I'm the scalpel |
14998s | and oh I forgot about you uh but yet |
15001s | it's been banned here which I find super |
15002s | interesting meanwhile arrival um the |
15005s | keep people with the flag vargar are |
15007s | Banning every form of tracking |
15008s | disruption they can get their hands on |
15010s | uh mystical M do you |
15012s | think maybe that they're telegraphing |
15014s | they're going to bring their flag varer |
15016s | well if you wanted to bring a flag varer |
15018s | and it shoots out to about 8 km then |
15021s | tracking disruptors would kind of suck |
15024s | but I think with the flag Vara you're |
15025s | going to want to be on top of whatever |
15027s | you're shooting anyway so I don't think |
15028s | it really matters that much from the |
15030s | Vaga sense but they usually pair the |
15032s | Vaga with guns spam which it would have |
15036s | an impact on so removing the track and |
15039s | disruptors May mean that they want to |
15040s | bring their guns B with the Vaga uh but |
15042s | it also might mean that they want to |
15044s | uh bring you know Shield Rush they've |
15045s | done that before as well with squalls um |
15049s | and I would say people may not consider |
15051s | but squalls don't necessarily have great |
15054s | cap and you're not going to be using |
15055s | your mids for cap boosters usually and |
15057s | you do want your hardeners to remain on |
15059s | leaving the Sentinel in maybe takes away |
15061s | from that idea a little bit but um yeah |
15063s | removing NES that are long range is |
15066s | generally a good |
15067s | thing what's your opinion on |
15070s | fler mine I love I love the fer I love |
15073s | in particular the fact that the fer gets |
15075s | to fit the local micro jump drive the |
15079s | vargar the Marauders in general have |
15081s | this fantastic micro jump drive bonus we |
15083s | saw a lot of this in the Anor game 6 |
15085s | tournament where these vargar would have |
15087s | this local micro jump drive and they |
15088s | just ping around the arena there was |
15091s | nowhere that was safe from the vargar |
15093s | there was very little way short of |
15095s | having a scram and actually getting on |
15096s | top of it to prevent that vargar from |
15099s | just zipping off wherever they want it |
15101s | to be so wonderful ship very excited uh |
15105s | cheering for them although I have many |
15107s | friends on Odin's call so it's a |
15110s | heartbreak moment yeah I'm just looking |
15112s | to see um what you lovely people out in |
15115s | in twitch land uh think on this one so |
15117s | Odin's call are the favorites here uh by |
15120s | uh not insignificant margins but 1.7 |
15122s | million Channel points to to 1 million |
15125s | uh uh for arrival and I mean twitch chat |
15129s | you you are |
15131s | knowledgeable you are wise |
15134s | um and you often wrong uh and I think |
15137s | this me in my opinion this may be one of |
15139s | the cases that they are wrong I think |
15140s | this one is on arrival they they're the |
15143s | most off the- wall I think so far in |
15145s | this tournament in terms of where |
15146s | they're going with their like sort of |
15147s | top end meta with this the fer um Misty |
15151s | any any sort of further thoughts on that |
15153s | I think it's hard to call Odin has done |
15155s | well with armor comps into Shield rush |
15156s | or Shield cutting setups before arriv |
15159s | Ral likes to fly a shield so I'm I'm |
15162s | seeing a a match up here that isn't in |
15164s | arriv ral's favor but I also think that |
15166s | arrival might be the more competent |
15167s | pilot um so I'm going to go with arrival |
15171s | for this one I likewise it's uh it's a |
15175s | little tough uh I see that both teams |
15177s | are Fielding flagships yep according to |
15179s | the screen in front of me so that's very |
15180s | ex time baby fler versus Arma Navy |
15183s | that's a good point which team is red oh |
15186s | um I actually don't know I think it's |
15188s | going to be Odin all right Odin okay |
15190s | Odin it is damn we might be in trouble |
15192s | now all right let's head over to the |
15194s | arena and find out who's going to win is |
15195s | it red is it blue we don't |
15198s | know hello I am moderator once again |
15201s | joined by CCP Aurora and we have not one |
15204s | but we have two flagships so we see uh |
15207s | Hy babes deciding to go with a rival |
15209s | arriv rival the only team to bring a |
15211s | flag varer and a very similar if not |
15213s | almost identical composition uh just |
15215s | with some actually very minor variations |
15217s | to what they brought last time and |
15219s | Odin's call bringing their flag Navy |
15222s | Armageddon and Fleet typhoons a bit of a |
15224s | change up we've seen mostly Navy |
15226s | Armageddon but uh you start to run into |
15228s | some um you know duplicate Point issues |
15231s | yeah um the seeing these two flagships |
15234s | is really exciting this uh this varer is |
15236s | the only flag varer in the entire |
15237s | tournament the only team who signed up |
15239s | to bring these we've seen a lot of Navy |
15240s | AR Armageddon it's a little bit less |
15243s | interesting in some ways but it's still |
15244s | fun to see them die uh so as uh as the |
15248s | match gets started here both of the |
15250s | teams are kind of uh rotating around a |
15252s | little bit trying to get into position |
15254s | we can see uh the uh the vargar team |
15257s | pulling off here um uh one team pulling |
15260s | up one team pulling down uh arrivals |
15262s | kind of poking at Odin's call low and |
15264s | they've got a Target painter on The |
15266s | Inquisitor of AAL inura hoping to try |
15268s | and score an easy quick kill and we can |
15271s | see that Odin's call has responded with |
15273s | uh tracking disruption on the VAR vargar |
15275s | and navy farx which are uh the tracking |
15278s | disruption is definitely what that varer |
15279s | does not want to see no so uh the vargar |
15281s | has uh very good bonuses to optimal |
15284s | range um notably again in the alliance |
15286s | tournament Bastion module is not allowed |
15289s | um because it would be absolutely broken |
15291s | we had a tournament wear that was |
15292s | allowed about 10 years ago and nothing |
15294s | died and it was awful so uh we've |
15296s | changed the rules that's not allowed |
15297s | however what is allowed is for uh The |
15300s | Blue Team of arrival to just chill on |
15302s | this micro jump drive Beacon and try to |
15304s | make a bit of a positional play I like |
15306s | um kind of the options you get with that |
15308s | um then they've actually they've jumped |
15310s | into the backline um some things are |
15312s | maybe not jumping at the same range as |
15314s | we would expect but uh really we're |
15316s | seeing a rival try to get some picks |
15317s | onto the low end and if they can get on |
15319s | top of the Sentinel that'll be |
15321s | incredibly impactful and they do they |
15323s | get webs and paints onto that once that |
15324s | Sentinal dies it's going to be TVs off |
15326s | of the varer off of the Navy foox yep |
15329s | with that Sentinel going down that is |
15330s | huge because it's opening up that vargar |
15332s | Navy farx to truly wreak the H Havoc |
15334s | that they were brought for um the Odin |
15337s | call team does not have very many ships |
15338s | which have bonuses to those tracking |
15340s | disruptors we no longer see tracking |
15341s | disruptors on that arrival team so those |
15344s | uh varer and farx instantly Unchained |
15347s | and we can see them making full use of |
15349s | that as they punch that uh Fleet typhoon |
15351s | of Colonel CTS into low Shield okay so |
15353s | the jack do does get sacrificed but in |
15355s | exchange they get The Inquisitor once |
15357s | The Inquisitor dies um the purifier is |
15359s | probably going to be very likely the |
15361s | next primary right purifiers have |
15363s | exactly basically zero HP but what they |
15365s | do is a ton of torpedo damage and if |
15367s | you're a varer if you're a Navy foox you |
15369s | don't want to get hit by Torpedoes |
15371s | however this Navy foox is getting |
15373s | absolutely deleted by rapid Heavies and |
15377s | as I may have forecasted the purifier |
15379s | got deleted so now a rival is choosing |
15381s | to go through the low end right kill the |
15383s | Magus then the pon effects then once the |
15386s | links fall off then you can try to |
15387s | choose to chew through the uh the |
15389s | typhoon and the Navy armag get in here |
15391s | yep uh that Navy FX going into low hall |
15393s | now that will be a fairly big hit to |
15395s | that arrival team uh if it goes down as |
15398s | it is a decent portion of their damage |
15400s | however they have a fleet varer which is |
15402s | going to be able to push out quite a lot |
15404s | of damage not quite the same amount as |
15406s | those uh typhoons and Armageddon however |
15410s | um but it looks like the Odin call team |
15411s | is now on rapid reload their attack bar |
15413s | has fallen off there's no damage going |
15415s | out uh the uh arrival team gets a chance |
15418s | to breathe here for a few moments trying |
15420s | to pick off a couple extra ships on the |
15422s | low end uh leaving almost only those uh |
15425s | those battleships um with their with |
15427s | their inquisitors gone those Fleet |
15428s | typhoons do not have a chance to rep up |
15431s | um in in this uh downtime which rival |
15433s | doesn't really have you can see damage |
15435s | is just pounding away at that uh Fleet |
15437s | typhoon of the parodian um as he starts |
15440s | to dip into armor yeah so the varer I |
15443s | mean earlier had just one tapped this |
15445s | ponteix right I mean has excellent |
15447s | projection stats on top of it and these |
15448s | fantasms of Duru and Furious uh dentu is |
15451s | going to go down but what they're doing |
15453s | right now is really getting a good |
15455s | amount of screen on this Fleet typhoon |
15457s | and the hyena is actually pretty |
15459s | critical here because um what you really |
15461s | need right to hit a Fant f is you need a |
15464s | web in a paint because with that 10mn um |
15466s | afterburner that a lot of these fantasms |
15468s | will have if you're able to just kind of |
15470s | afterburn even rapid Heavies have |
15472s | difficulty hitting you so this hyena is |
15474s | getting absolute money right now um you |
15476s | know webbing down um these chips that |
15478s | are being able to um get that support |
15481s | and application right now the hen is |
15483s | getting nuded it is getting chased down |
15485s | by a handful of light drones and |
15488s | eventually the hyena will probably fall |
15489s | but the varer has gotten um webbed the |
15493s | Bell getting one tapped Again by those |
15495s | rapid Heavies and arrival here yes you |
15498s | have a flag varer yes it is very good at |
15500s | tanking I mean look at that purple right |
15502s | that active rep bar but Odin's call |
15504s | their uh attack bar is absolutely |
15506s | massive right it's going to chew through |
15508s | the stormbringer then the stor once the |
15510s | links are off uh then they're going to |
15512s | try to go for the varer I mean both of |
15514s | these teams very much understand their |
15516s | win conditions but Odin's call is just |
15517s | executing on their slightly better yeah |
15520s | um the uh rival needs to get some of |
15524s | those uh uh battleships down on the |
15526s | Odin's call side they they keep uh |
15529s | touching on that uh that Fleet typhoon |
15532s | of the paradine um but we haven't seen |
15534s | damage go onto him for about a minute at |
15536s | this point as he's pulled quite far into |
15538s | the backline he's out of uh uh premium |
15541s | optimal at this point so I think the uh |
15544s | that varer is trying to figure out who |
15546s | is who is his optimal Target as he um is |
15549s | pulling out there is uh a single drone |
15552s | on him uh which is is not going to do a |
15553s | whole lot to that uh Battleship um we we |
15556s | see the hyena is webbed and nuded uh |
15559s | Odin call however have a very commanding |
15561s | point lead so uh even if uh if they can |
15564s | keep those three battleships alive we |
15566s | now see webs going on to the varer if |
15567s | they can put all three of those |
15569s | battleships on that VAR they might be |
15570s | able to take down that Flagship which |
15572s | would completely secure the match |
15573s | because the Rival would has no other |
15575s | ships to deal DPS so what the hyena was |
15577s | doing here is he did a bit of a drive by |
15579s | um scram to try to slow down the varer |
15581s | right and the hyet realized that what |
15583s | he's going to be doing is sacrificing |
15584s | himself um in order to do this but it's |
15587s | worth it right the hyena now has been |
15589s | able to kind of get away uh the varer |
15592s | did get some heavy NES and it's throwing |
15594s | um Imperial Navy acolytes onto this |
15596s | hyena the hyena is not really moving |
15598s | right it's you know going uh 300 km a |
15601s | second it's pretty much completely |
15602s | captur but this varer right has to kill |
15604s | the hyena and what Odin call is doing is |
15607s | they're recognizing uh we don't want to |
15609s | get anywhere near an autoc Canon Vargo |
15611s | right they're just going to try to put |
15612s | their ships I would imagine as far as |
15614s | possible away because they're ahead on |
15616s | points they don't need to try to commit |
15618s | to anything they just need to get away |
15620s | to the best of their ability and right |
15623s | what they're doing is painting the |
15624s | Scimitar they're nuding the Scimitar I |
15627s | really like that call because again when |
15629s | they kill it it's 32 more points off the |
15632s | grid and a varer it's going to have to |
15634s | kill you know a fleet typhoon and you |
15637s | know one of these other battleships and |
15639s | with three minutes and 20 seconds left I |
15641s | don't think Hy babes has time he might |
15644s | not however that varer is still fairly |
15645s | well supported um with that cimar to |
15647s | give him reps it's it's effectively |
15650s | pointless to try and shoot that varer so |
15651s | they need to deal with him first uh |
15653s | being webbed and nuded is a good start |
15655s | they've also got had Target paints on |
15657s | the stor they've been poking at him but |
15659s | really haven't quite managed to scratch |
15660s | the surface uh if they could take that |
15662s | stor down it would help to remove a |
15663s | decent chunk of the defens defensibility |
15666s | of that Barger hopefully to like make |
15668s | take advantage oh that's pretty big as |
15670s | the hyena goes down so critically what |
15671s | the hyena was doing is it was Absolut |
15673s | chasing down the Scimitar right and |
15674s | that's why we saw the web and some of |
15676s | the paint but now the Scimitar is doing |
15678s | its absolutely level best we can see you |
15680s | know it it's going rather quickly he's |
15682s | heating his prop mod trying to just get |
15684s | away from the you know 60 70 km range |
15686s | right now we see howling wind looks like |
15689s | they might have gotten off an ASB reload |
15690s | because he's you know ASB trying to um |
15693s | you know push through things so right |
15694s | now as it stands um arriv Ral if they |
15698s | kill any one of the fleet of the fleet |
15702s | typhoons they will be in the lead but if |
15703s | they kill the Navy Armageddon they will |
15705s | be tied and then we would go to sudden |
15707s | death so with Colonel CTS getting rather |
15710s | low um this varer is going to want to |
15712s | chase something down because again |
15714s | killing Colonel Curts is a match win at |
15716s | this point it looks like the citar has |
15717s | broken range that citar is is a bit |
15720s | faster than those battleships he's |
15721s | pulled away and he is currently living |
15724s | uh we've got a n still on him uh coming |
15726s | from uh the Armageddon Navy issue um |
15730s | which is uh probably bonus and long |
15732s | range so he's not going to to be doing a |
15733s | lot of repping but Colonel kurs is now |
15735s | in Hull uh this varer is going to put |
15737s | out a whole bunch of hurt he's been |
15738s | chasing the battleships that are chasing |
15740s | that citar they've been almost baited |
15743s | into this position okay so what's going |
15744s | on right now is that the vargar looks |
15746s | like he's loaded um absolute barrage |
15748s | right and the varer is getting nuded out |
15750s | by the fleet typhoon but Colonel Curts |
15752s | is also getting counter nuded and |
15754s | there's just this tiny little cloud of |
15756s | drones chasing after this Fleet typhoon |
15759s | and now it looks like we have driveby |
15761s | tackle from one of the other Fleet and |
15763s | an absolutely clutch play so what this |
15765s | is going to do it's going to hold down |
15766s | Hy babes with this Colonel Kurt should |
15768s | be able to Break range and that means |
15770s | that the varer are going to have to hard |
15772s | commit and switch because if Colonel |
15774s | Curts is this low oh my God these drones |
15777s | there's three tiny drones on top of it |
15778s | colonel Curts does not have any active |
15780s | tank and there's a minute left if these |
15782s | drones are still in range um Colonel |
15784s | kurts could go down and that would be a |
15786s | match win but Hy bab's getting rather |
15788s | low here yeah Colonel Curt's now 108 km |
15791s | at out heading towards the edge of the |
15793s | Arena he's uh probably about 70 km away |
15796s | from this uh varer at this point the |
15797s | vargar is going to start going to fall |
15799s | off he's going to have trouble hitting |
15800s | the varo goes down the Rival is going to |
15802s | be out with that the um Colonel Kurt has |
15806s | managed to survive in 6% structure had |
15809s | that not been the case and he had not |
15811s | been able to continue to pump damage |
15812s | onto the varer that arrival varer would |
15815s | have survived Odin's call showing an |
15817s | absolute master class in a absolutely |
15820s | nail-biting performance I can hear the |
15823s | analysts outside on the disc absolutely |
15825s | screaming and they're absolutely right |
15827s | to this right here is the kind of |
15831s | defining match play that you would |
15833s | expect out of a grand finals match this |
15835s | is easily one of the most exciting and |
15836s | enjoyable matches that I've been able to |
15839s | commentate it's been an absolute |
15840s | privilege and pleasure to work alongside |
15842s | you Aurora and with that I think we're |
15845s | going to have to send it to a break and |
15846s | then the analysis to to pull this one |
15848s | apart we still have a oh no we are at |
15850s | time so |
15853s | match of the day so far what an absolute |
15857s | clutch save by Odin's call holy hell |
15860s | that was awesome so right at the end |
15863s | like if you didn't catch it that was |
15865s | some incredible piloting and decision |
15867s | making by Odin's call H you saw there |
15870s | was two of those Fleet typhoons left and |
15872s | the the flag varer was going to have to |
15874s | pick one and go for it he's decided to |
15876s | go for Colonel CTS he was killing |
15879s | Colonel CTS and then if if what happened |
15882s | happened a little bit too early in the |
15883s | match then it would probably wouldn't |
15884s | have worked but uh the Paradigm comes |
15886s | barreling in in his because most of the |
15889s | damage has now been put onto um the |
15890s | other one there's not enough time left |
15891s | in the match to swap back over to the |
15893s | Paradigm so he comes flying in to just |
15895s | bang punch into that uh that varer and |
15899s | let Colonel CTS pull as much range as |
15901s | possible uh saving him so absolute hero |
15904s | move from the Paradigm 6% structure I'm |
15906s | told um and uh it looks like yep a spicy |
15910s | Flagship vargar hzy babe uh it's list on |
15914s | zad kill 76 billion isk um and it looks |
15918s | like yeah lots of uh modified gyro stabs |
15921s | some some Spacey damage controls but |
15923s | yeah wow mystical M that was incredible |
15927s | yeah I think that was a really exciting |
15928s | match to watch um I thought we were |
15930s | going to end the streak of red teams |
15931s | winning but you know unfortunately not |
15934s | um there were questions that I had |
15935s | around the arrival team um and the |
15938s | decision making of howling wind in the |
15940s | simitar um I mentioned you know wasn't |
15943s | quite sure why the simitar had decided |
15944s | to not burn back in and try and get reps |
15946s | on the Vaga um we saw reps land for a |
15949s | little bit and we thought that the Vaga |
15950s | might hold um just as Hy was entering |
15953s | structure and then the Reps dropped off |
15956s | again now Ali was right when it when um |
15961s | they said that the simitar was forced |
15963s | away from the varaga because the three |
15965s | battleships sorry were chasing um and |
15969s | there was a lot of n pressure over that |
15970s | time period as well where the simitar |
15972s | would have to be managing cap burning |
15973s | through cap boosters probably |
15975s | overheating my drive quite a bit to get |
15976s | away but I don't think that really |
15978s | impacts the high slots that much you |
15980s | know once the simitar was out of range |
15983s | it had the ability to burn around and |
15985s | come back in especially when they |
15986s | switched attention to the Vaga because |
15988s | the worst thing that could have possibly |
15989s | happened is that they stopped shooting |
15991s | the varaga and they switched back to the |
15992s | simitar which I think would have been a |
15994s | worthwhile trade and a way to run down |
15996s | the clock a little bit more and give |
15997s | that Vaga some room to move around um |
16000s | and try to finish off the uh called Cuts |
16003s | yeah I think the one of the things |
16004s | that's challenging about the Scimitar |
16006s | and in particular the capacitor on the |
16007s | simitar is the Scimitar doesn't have a |
16009s | lot of cap many at fits are trying to |
16012s | get as much rep out of their highs as |
16014s | they can and in order to do that you fit |
16016s | the biggest reppers that you can the |
16017s | most cap hungry reppers that you can |
16020s | many scimitars can't actually be flown |
16023s | microw warp drive all your highs |
16025s | especially not all your high overheated |
16027s | when you're overheating your Shield reps |
16029s | they're cycling faster you're sucking |
16031s | through cap more often so if the |
16034s | Scimitar pilot was dry and like chewing |
16038s | cap boosters to get out of the heavy n |
16039s | range coasts a little bit too far turns |
16043s | around and then all of a sudden you have |
16045s | to chew cap boosters just to mwd plus |
16049s | run your highs you're not running all |
16050s | your highs you get maybe three of them |
16051s | heated it's kind of a rough time yeah I |
16054s | see um in twitch chat Hing wind saying |
16057s | he ran out of Camp boosters H so what a |
16060s | way to lose 75 billion Hing why didn't |
16063s | you just bring more of them true like |
16065s | what is this it's a skill issue that's |
16066s | what this is I'm not defaming you good |
16069s | sir I'm flaming you good there's a big |
16072s | difference uh yeah I mean if you had |
16074s | simply brought more then you know |
16076s | Flagship varer the fler dream is dead |
16079s | that's the that's the the main takeaway |
16080s | from here I will say um to arrival uh I |
16084s | like that they did something different |
16085s | uh like it's so easy for a lot of teams |
16087s | to just go yes the Bal Gorn or The |
16091s | Vindicator or the armag Navy I should |
16092s | this is why all most of the teams this |
16094s | is the best variety of flagships we've |
16095s | had for a while in this tournament uh |
16097s | I'm super excited about it like the B is |
16098s | back uh we still have a couple of the |
16100s | Shacks kicking around for a couple of |
16102s | people who think we're still in the |
16103s | liance tournament 16 um we have a couple |
16105s | of indicators for Australians um we have |
16108s | uh the armag Navy isue of course being |
16110s | super popular and then we have some bar |
16111s | guests for the pro Gamers but then the |
16113s | varo came along and I was like question |
16116s | mark question mark and honestly I was |
16118s | impressed I think it went quite well so |
16120s | good job arrival for entertaining us and |
16122s | bringing |
16123s | something interesting and fun to the L |
16125s | because that was awesome all right our |
16127s | next match this is going to be a good |
16128s | one this is going to be Exodus versus |
16131s | Ronin reloaded let's take a quick look |
16133s | at the band for this one Exodus Banning |
16136s | out okay here we go I need to lean in |
16137s | for this one Banning out the Loki and |
16139s | the zarman and there's an emoji for |
16141s | cheese here uh so I'm not sure if it's |
16144s | silence cheese or if I pronounce the |
16145s | cheese but this is zarman cheese uh also |
16148s | the Armageddon the anos the abadin for R |
16151s | reloaded uh the armagedon Navy isue the |
16153s | cimer and the Jack doll Ally have a look |
16156s | at these bands what do you think so |
16158s | Exodus uh Ron reloaded previously has |
16160s | flown one of those nice drone control |
16162s | setups with the zarman cheese as the |
16165s | seasoning on the top very important |
16167s | element so baning that out means either |
16169s | they don't get to bring that or they're |
16171s | forced to bring the Riva one of the |
16172s | things I noticed with all of these banss |
16174s | is we haven't banned any of those |
16176s | disruption ships so it's likely that |
16179s | control is going to be the name of the |
16180s | game yeah I I think think that's a a |
16183s | high likelihood I mean exus are |
16185s | extremely experienced team uh with some |
16187s | extremely experienced pilots in it as |
16188s | well uh this is a if I'm not mistaken |
16192s | this is in fact a elimination match as |
16194s | well that's right yes yes these are |
16196s | elimination matches so uh teams if they |
16199s | lose this they are gone from the |
16200s | alliance tournament uh the last match we |
16202s | just saw was the last one in the winners |
16203s | bracket we have now joined the losers |
16205s | we're back with the losers um so we get |
16208s | to find out who is the most losingest in |
16210s | this particular matchup Mr Gite any pred |
16212s | of what we might see in this |
16215s | match yes let's think about it for great |
16219s | thank you're welcome um no I'm thinking |
16221s | probably going to be like guns spam |
16222s | again guns spam seems like a fairly safe |
16224s | bet especially for teams where um they |
16227s | can focus more on execution um if we |
16230s | were to see you know a guns spam um |
16233s | mirror match I'd expect that Exodus |
16235s | would be able to kind of edge out over |
16237s | Ronan um just due to their past |
16240s | experience but also um just yeah like |
16243s | execution in general uh but you know you |
16246s | mentioned there's no tracking disruptors |
16248s | it seems like a safe bet you could also |
16249s | go Shield kite you could do Shield gun |
16252s | spam you could do triple |
16254s | Battleship just not with the Armageddon |
16256s | Navy issue which is fantastic yep um I |
16258s | think the flagships are uh I think the |
16261s | Texas L their Flagship can't remember I |
16263s | feel like I've seen so many matches and |
16265s | then so many have been so good that I'm |
16266s | struggling to start to like tease them |
16268s | apart in my brain now they lost the |
16270s | flagships um sabotage was flying the |
16272s | Flagship and it had two Missour webs yes |
16274s | that's right we talked about that |
16275s | yesterday excellent okay so no Flagship |
16278s | um for exus uh means that they are |
16281s | potentially going to be in the back fot |
16282s | with TS of bands they don't have that to |
16284s | to pull out and to to band Dodge of |
16285s | course the additional power that having |
16287s | a flag ship will give you uh this could |
16290s | be useful for run and reloaded uh they |
16292s | know this now uh so we might see like |
16294s | you mentioned some of this gun spam um |
16297s | there is a lot of e War still available |
16299s | lots of eir so this honestly these bands |
16302s | I feel like there just so much that they |
16304s | didn't ban um this time that I really |
16306s | don't know where this is going to go but |
16307s | we can head to the arena and find out so |
16309s | let's just do that Exodus versus Ron and |
16310s | reloaded now on Alliance tournament |
16316s | 20 welcome back to the arena my name is |
16318s | Fe Vina joined by the lovely Starfleet |
16321s | Commander once again and we are ready to |
16323s | go Exodus on the red side run and |
16325s | reloaded on the blue side and exodus |
16327s | have brought a drone comp but unlike all |
16330s | the rest of the Drone comps we've seen |
16331s | today and yesterday not even a drone |
16333s | control comp it is just drones just |
16335s | loads of drones they just thought how |
16337s | many drones can we get in a comp let's |
16338s | just get them in and R loaded with the |
16340s | rush right now SL and CLS and BR at zero |
16343s | so literally going to they're going to |
16345s | bum it in aren't they yeah they warp at |
16348s | zero and Rush is always a bit of |
16349s | something that is looked down upon uh |
16352s | but also in Rush typically you all have |
16354s | the same gun systems uh this time around |
16356s | you have slers and broadswords yeah but |
16357s | you also have a claymore onx and squalls |
16359s | so it's a mix of uh it ham and auto |
16363s | cannons some of those faster ships like |
16365s | the broadsword might be able to get |
16367s | something on top of the sexus squad but |
16369s | their drones they can just kite away |
16371s | pretty much infinitely so we'll see how |
16373s | this gets done Exodus has to out execute |
16375s | here if they want to win this oh |
16376s | definitely but the Claymore did war at |
16378s | 50 so I think he's heav missile I think |
16381s | he's going to step back with with the |
16382s | schools at the moment but obviously as |
16384s | expected the sers and on it's going in |
16386s | those hick scrams will be doing |
16387s | everything right now they're going to |
16388s | try and lock some stuff down the Brads |
16390s | are webbed at the moment uh so hopefully |
16393s | they can get free the Hena is the Lynch |
16394s | pin right now of ex's um comp curate is |
16397s | dropped warden's dropped and bounc has |
16399s | dropped some damage going down on the |
16401s | burst but hopefully he get if he's |
16403s | webbed and tpd they'll get him down yeah |
16405s | and uh those hamb boats actually all |
16408s | worked at 50 but I did check they are |
16410s | hand so they're running in uh Grant |
16412s | Claymore has a range bonus to those |
16414s | heavy assault missiles so it makes |
16415s | things a bit easier uh if you want to |
16417s | war them behind the SL there as we see |
16419s | Wasa QC and the hyena dropping very |
16421s | rapidly into AR |
16422s | that paint very important for drone |
16424s | comps in order to get application for |
16426s | any of your drones was QC though |
16429s | currently holding under the Deon Thia |
16430s | reps R realizing and notifying that R QC |
16434s | is the most important ship on their team |
16436s | he is the lynchman of their entire setup |
16438s | if they lose him that is their |
16439s | application gone and their also |
16441s | defensive web's completely gone so he |
16443s | needs to be so so careful Razer in the |
16445s | slep now the primary for the eos's um I |
16448s | mean he should I think he should go down |
16451s | here they've only got the burst and the |
16453s | and the Bantam for reps do you think he |
16454s | can break it uh well once he's out of XL |
16457s | ASB charges uh definitely uh razor Razer |
16461s | uh pretty low in Shields already I |
16463s | haven't been counting the XPS yet so I |
16465s | haven't seen if it's nine uh quite yet |
16468s | but we see a massive clown of drones on |
16470s | top of them uh lots of various ones and |
16472s | also uh these were centuries from the |
16474s | EOS so centuries in center of the Arena |
16476s | uh the slep N does not do what you need |
16479s | to do against centries which is burn in |
16481s | and get as close as you can and since |
16483s | there's no real tackle oh the Deacon |
16485s | hold up gun down the Deacon down for for |
16488s | the burst for the burst trading and that |
16490s | that burst completely evaporated I mean |
16493s | exus need to work quickly here yet get |
16495s | the bantom down and start working |
16496s | through that DPS Vex Navy V Navy isue |
16499s | your sniper is in low armor right now so |
16501s | the rush team opting to go straight for |
16502s | the D DPS ignore the other thallia and |
16505s | go straight for the damage ships yeah uh |
16507s | scrammed by one of those broadswords and |
16509s | the other broadsword has scrammed the |
16510s | Ishtar of viton so that will be the next |
16513s | Target from this Rush setup Razer Razer |
16515s | now into half armor uh but this vexor |
16517s | Navy issue of sniper Bros 15 will be the |
16520s | trade for it in low structure right now |
16522s | still the hyena alive most of the DPS |
16524s | still alive for Exodus we see uh Ronin |
16527s | reloaded still has the higher attack bar |
16529s | but the control bar for Exodus is much |
16531s | much greater uh that said the other |
16533s | broadsword found the other Vex Navy |
16535s | issue so they're going to move on to |
16536s | this isar and then to the other vexter |
16538s | Navy uh very good job by these hick |
16540s | Pilots of going and getting continual |
16542s | tackle in a chain so that the rush can |
16544s | keep on rushing the slip is now the |
16546s | primary I think exist are doing the |
16548s | right cool here just get rid of the top |
16549s | end ships while they have the DPS to do |
16551s | it because if they waste time they could |
16553s | kill like the Onyx and and BR maybe to |
16555s | get the tackle off but I think if they |
16556s | get the slip near off I think it might |
16558s | be better in the long run but they still |
16559s | need to get through the broad swords and |
16561s | they can lock them down but they got |
16562s | they have the Hena still and athalia so |
16565s | the one Thia can really come into play |
16567s | later on yeah I mean xlb on the SL there |
16570s | uh no other form of logi for him so as |
16574s | soon as they get him into armor and he |
16576s | no longer has any xlb charges they will |
16578s | kill him uh we see this vexor Navy issue |
16581s | going down the stalia uh staying alive |
16583s | and kind of living to win right now uh |
16586s | has not been really tackled by anything |
16587s | they've got this hick scram they've got |
16589s | this web on the vexter Navy issue now |
16591s | poed has actually been webbed uh by the |
16594s | hyena so should now go down to the Drone |
16597s | blob as the vni Falls I mean the S |
16599s | they're going to trade up with a slip |
16600s | net I mean everything else on the exus |
16602s | team isn't tackled right now they're |
16604s | completely free which is exactly where |
16605s | they want to be they still have a Thia |
16607s | why a QC in the high is still up so I I |
16609s | still think Exodus can take this away |
16612s | yeah Exodus currently 80 to 71 uh now |
16615s | they have to go for either the |
16616s | broadswords or the Claymore or the Onyx |
16619s | uh the Onyx I believe is actually the |
16621s | most tanky of those uh by some |
16624s | significant margin cuz the Claymore |
16626s | doesn't have the rep bonus that the |
16628s | tech1 variant does uh whereas the Onyx |
16630s | just has a massive resist bonus being a |
16632s | Tech 2 galari Hall uh that said uh |
16635s | really no damage has come out from when |
16637s | reloaded onto this exus squad nothing's |
16639s | tackled down we see some paints onto |
16640s | this hyena a little bit of drone damage |
16642s | at the moment but if the stalia can get |
16644s | some back on the hyena it's going to be |
16647s | a for them and wasak QC uh trying to get |
16651s | away from the Drone damage as we blocks |
16653s | is the primary uh from these eos's and |
16655s | nishar Waki burning burning towards the |
16658s | thall to try and get reps I mean this is |
16660s | a dance for wazaki and aalia Mr Falcon |
16663s | has no external reps so he's very easy |
16665s | to kill but he's it's so important to |
16667s | keep wazer up as the broads is in half |
16669s | armor a half Shield sorry but I think I |
16672s | think if if exus play this correctly |
16673s | they could get the they could get keep |
16675s | the lead ahead right now I think so I'm |
16677s | actually a bit interested as to why uh |
16681s | these are buffer broadswords uh |
16683s | typically when you think of a broadword |
16685s | you typically think of it as an EXL ASB |
16687s | ship or at least I do uh when I use a |
16690s | Broad Sword I typically active rep so uh |
16693s | it's a bit interesting that it's full |
16695s | buffer especially because you had T1 |
16696s | frig lodgy and you had these uh self-re |
16699s | SN on your team um does mean that it's a |
16703s | lot of buffer and it's a lot for these |
16704s | drones to chew through so it probably |
16706s | was the right call uh this particular |
16708s | time but uh still a bit interesting and |
16711s | fitting they might go into that on the |
16713s | desk I mean the FIA is holding on into |
16715s | low armor the the the ishar now of Aaron |
16718s | about to go into structure he does go |
16720s | down I the points that on Ronin reloaded |
16722s | getting some points now ahead on points |
16724s | I believe um so I think that exus really |
16729s | needs to get the Bal down to get some |
16730s | points back on the board the th about to |
16732s | go down sabotage now primary I mean I |
16734s | think Ron reload are just going to power |
16736s | through yeah they have this broadsword |
16737s | and the Onyx tackled one of the eos's |
16739s | sabotage has been caught up with and |
16741s | this is the the thing I think right run |
16744s | and reloaded they're like okay uh you |
16746s | don't want to see rush because you |
16748s | banned the ly we're going to rush you |
16750s | anyway and uh we teaming two Hicks this |
16753s | time we're going to bring three so |
16755s | you're not getting away you're not |
16757s | getting away and of course the |
16758s | broadsword is uh the fastest of the |
16760s | Hicks um we blocks now into low |
16763s | structure and these are actually |
16765s | incredibly tanky versus the throne |
16767s | damage uh because uh galente uh ships if |
16772s | they have glent drones out which uh I'm |
16774s | looking to see these |
16776s | are actually a mix of drones there's a |
16779s | mix of Dres right now curators uh Warden |
16782s | um so they're doing not the best damage |
16787s | type into te mimar resists typically you |
16790s | want to be doing kinetic um but this |
16792s | time around the broadsword uh you're |
16794s | kind of hitting into teu mimar uh Happy |
16798s | places yeah I mean with wak QC |
16800s | dangerously though now armor he's got |
16802s | drones in him with no th on grid he's |
16803s | definitely going to go down in the |
16804s | second here he is pointed as well |
16806s | sabotage going down his slow armor I |
16808s | think R have got this I mean what a |
16811s | grueling match for both sides to be |
16813s | honest yeah it's it's been very |
16816s | difficult for Exodus after that initial |
16818s | start uh run and reloaded as I mentioned |
16820s | right they did a very good job with |
16822s | their Hicks um and coordinating them and |
16824s | always having a Target tackled for The |
16826s | Rush to come in and DPS down this EOS |
16830s | Falls run and re loading are going to |
16831s | end up taking this match and uh this is |
16834s | not a type of comp that we really have |
16837s | seen a whole lot of mixed AC and ham |
16840s | Rush what do you make of it I think the |
16842s | the well the Hicks are the key part of |
16844s | this hit and also let's not forget |
16845s | there's two schools secretly doing |
16847s | damage at the back as well so there a |
16849s | lot of little extra damage being applied |
16851s | at range as well so I I do I mean I |
16854s | think that it would lose to other Rush |
16856s | setups obviously I think that they kind |
16858s | of read the bands really well like you |
16859s | said I think they just thought hey |
16861s | they're going to do something we're |
16862s | going to lock you down cuz the Ishtar |
16863s | the Drone comps want to spread out |
16865s | completely yeah like to try and mitigate |
16868s | their damage they they don't need to be |
16869s | next to each other anymore once the |
16870s | drones are dropped they can move away |
16872s | yeah and uh on top of that right you |
16874s | need to uh as you mentioned do that you |
16877s | can Starburst you can try to string out |
16879s | a rush um but the thing is unlike your |
16882s | traditional what we've seen in this |
16883s | tournament with one nigh Hawk two lokis |
16885s | or some teams have brought two Hicks |
16887s | when you have three tackle ships right |
16890s | that adds a little bit to um the |
16893s | equation right you have uh another |
16895s | tackle ship you can have a backup tackle |
16897s | ship in case one of them dies uh you can |
16899s | continue to string people out and when |
16901s | you have these things that are Starburst |
16902s | if you have one of your ships tackled |
16904s | that's expected at the start of the |
16905s | match but the second that uh you have |
16908s | one tackled and then two different ships |
16910s | can chase in two different directions |
16912s | right then that becomes much more |
16915s | difficult for you to deal with spread |
16916s | out you waste time that's the whole |
16918s | point when it comes to if you're in a |
16919s | drone comp you know with these es and |
16921s | stuff you want to waste as much time for |
16923s | The Rush team to go from one ship to the |
16924s | other and while you just Whitted it all |
16926s | the way down I unfortunately I think |
16928s | this is the end of the road for Exodus |
16930s | which I'm kind of actually but Ron |
16933s | reloaded PR enjoyers I mean r reloaded I |
16937s | mean I thought ex is going to have this |
16938s | one actually and if re South waza and |
16941s | and the guys to be knocked out the |
16942s | tournament but congratulations to R |
16944s | Reloaded The morus is The Last Ship left |
16946s | on the grid he is burning around he's |
16948s | just look at him look at him go he's |
16951s | he's ways away from the rest of the team |
16952s | Edge of Glory yeah get to the might not |
16955s | get prize ships but you can try to be a |
16957s | Z's record come on I think he could he |
16959s | could position himself to a m you know a |
16962s | driving start and just jump out the |
16963s | arena be really good I mean Ral loaded |
16966s | not a team I had I mean they're in the |
16967s | losers but they they're powering through |
16969s | against a team that has a massive |
16970s | tournament pedigree yeah and uh R |
16973s | reloaded um these teams are or these uh |
16976s | Pilots have a bit of tournament |
16977s | experience under the beds uh bed the |
16979s | boss has uh been a captain of a couple |
16982s | of tournament teams before so looks good |
16984s | for them getting those prize ships |
16986s | you're guaranteed at least one of the |
16988s | Battleship Two Cruisers two frigs uh and |
16990s | that is a significant Payday for you uh |
16994s | and the rest of your team depending on |
16996s | how you distribute that we're going to |
16997s | send it to a quick break and then |
16998s | afterwards the desk will break that game |
17000s | down and bring us into the next match we |
17002s | will be right back after |
17004s | this that Exodus sadly departs aliance |
17007s | tournament 20 uh they they dropped the |
17010s | ball a little bit there but I mean that |
17013s | was an exciting match to watch they went |
17015s | back and forward we saw some excellent |
17017s | displays of individual piloting uh by uh |
17020s | pilots on both sides of that match there |
17022s | we had uh Wasa QC in that hyena just |
17025s | like doing a great job webbing |
17027s | everything down keeping a lot of ships |
17028s | controlled with his one uh and using |
17031s | that team used afterburners to great |
17032s | effect obviously uh they were up against |
17035s | Hicks which have a bonus scram but if |
17036s | you have afterburners that scram |
17038s | essentially does very little it does |
17040s | stop you micro jump driving away it's |
17041s | pretty much the only thing really left |
17042s | to do but um having those uh |
17045s | afterburners to just kind of keep moving |
17047s | around we saw the survivability of those |
17049s | ships the hyena really did not die for a |
17051s | very long long time uh Bart welcome back |
17053s | to the desk oh thank you how was that |
17054s | match for you uh it was pretty good um a |
17057s | little weird seeing uh you know this |
17059s | whole at has been as seeing these kind |
17060s | of old comps like it's like ah we saw |
17063s | Balor and battle Cruisers we've seen you |
17065s | know like a like we saw you Mirch and |
17067s | the tuskers bring back the same thing |
17068s | they brought for like four years and |
17069s | beat people with it again and now we |
17072s | finally we saw an Ishtar vexer Navy |
17074s | issue heavy drone comp and it was like |
17076s | yeah we haven't seen that for a couple |
17078s | years and I mean I don't like there's a |
17080s | reason for it it's not that good uh I |
17083s | don't think that's necessarily why they |
17084s | lost per se was cuz they brought ishar |
17086s | heavy drone comp I think that just in |
17088s | general we've seen for a while that a uh |
17092s | heavy drone setups have a lot of trouble |
17095s | versus rushes because the whole point of |
17097s | that setup is to basically put their |
17099s | drones on something kill it and then |
17100s | kind of Starburst and spread away the |
17102s | problem is is that if every ship on the |
17103s | enemy team is able to solo your ship |
17105s | which is kind of how the rushes work |
17107s | that that's what you know that's what |
17109s | happens you keep trying to spread out |
17110s | and be like okay well send guy tack tack |
17112s | you here tack you here and then it was |
17113s | gun down so it was okay I mean it was a |
17115s | good match there was really good |
17117s | piloting like everyone piloted really |
17119s | well I think the Exodus comp was |
17122s | actually terrible yeah I mean Exodus um |
17125s | we say this all the time and it it |
17126s | continues to be true um that they have |
17128s | some really amazingly skilled individual |
17130s | Pilots but they have sometimes stumbled |
17131s | a little bit on the uh the comp |
17133s | selection uh the the sort of the more |
17135s | meta thing they do really enjoy more |
17138s | vintage styles of comps I I tend to |
17140s | notice each here uh if there's a team |
17143s | that's likely to bring something that |
17144s | was popular x amount of years ago uh |
17147s | they they would be one to do it and they |
17148s | will do it well like let's be clear |
17150s | they'll probably do it quite well as |
17151s | well as it can be done whether or not |
17153s | it's the right comp for the situation of |
17154s | course it remains to be to be seen Mr |
17158s | any thoughts I was just going to add |
17159s | that I think if they'd been going into |
17162s | anything but the three Hicks they may |
17164s | have actually done better um the |
17168s | scripted point on a hick reaches out to |
17170s | about 37.5 with |
17172s | T2 and it stops you from being able to |
17174s | micro drump drive so if they'd gone up |
17176s | against anything else um they wouldn't |
17179s | have had that issue the oses that were |
17180s | on the beacon would have been able to |
17181s | jump away uh much sooner um and they may |
17184s | have had a chance at drawing out the |
17185s | match and actually winning um so I think |
17187s | even though we don't often see Hicks uh |
17190s | you know people favor usually um Navy |
17194s | caracal Navy ospre bunch of battle |
17196s | Cruisers Etc with their hand rushes um |
17199s | in this particular case they do serve |
17201s | actual purpose that most other ships in |
17203s | the tornament can't fulfill yeah all |
17205s | right so um we are still in the |
17207s | elimination bracket and we have another |
17208s | match coming up in about 5 minutes and |
17210s | this is going to be an exciting one this |
17212s | is we form Volta versus good swarm |
17214s | Federation uh so uh someone has managed |
17217s | to convince Annie to come down from the |
17218s | Eiffel Tower he's back at his desk ready |
17220s | to game again uh so will they of course |
17222s | be able to defeat gorm Federation uh |
17225s | that remains to be seen uh let's hear |
17228s | from we form VTA spokesperson though |
17230s | about what they do on |
17232s | Tranquility hello there my name is |
17234s | reload AKA Planet 6 and I represent the |
17239s | team we form Volta Volta is currently |
17242s | living in Thea to do active PVP in NC |
17247s | via |
17248s | wormholes Balter itself has competed in |
17252s | the tournament about 10 or so |
17256s | times or a few times also in community |
17260s | game tournaments as well uh the last |
17263s | time we won the tournament was Alliance |
17265s | tournament 10 that was under a different |
17268s | name of verge of collapse and that is |
17271s | actually the only time voltr won was was |
17274s | the first time we |
17282s | competed and that was uh we for VTA uh |
17286s | what they do in Tranquility uh thank you |
17288s | for that all right let's take a quick |
17290s | look at the B for this upcoming match H |
17293s | so we form VTA Banning out the Sentinel |
17295s | the curse the Loki and the Kieran so not |
17297s | the scalpel this time it's the Kieran um |
17299s | and gwor Federation Banning out the |
17302s | armagedon the Loki and the |
17306s | onos uh Misty or oh together I guess you |
17309s | could be |
17312s | bisty not quite as good as the |
17314s | other when one word can do yes I could |
17317s | remind |
17318s | you yes there are some examples where |
17320s | this is not work and two words are by |
17323s | far the superior option but I like bti |
17326s | so Misty of bti Fame uh tell me about |
17328s | these bands uh let me I'm trying to see |
17332s | them a little bit I'm going to step |
17333s | across you a little bit buddy oh there |
17335s | we go we're back back we're back we're |
17337s | gaming now okay um so Sentinel curse |
17340s | pretty typical banss I think they're |
17342s | banning The Sentinel curse not because |
17343s | they're necessarily worried about the um |
17346s | tracking disruptors alone but also the |
17348s | pairing of strong NES that come out of |
17351s | both chips the Loki typical ban and as |
17354s | we can see with the formatting because |
17356s | both teams banned it towards the end of |
17358s | their their ban phase there are no |
17360s | duplicates right for the second round of |
17361s | bans um so wasted ban kind ofish um the |
17366s | Kieran is an interesting one I value the |
17368s | Kieran more than I do the Scout Bell I |
17370s | think that the additional tank that you |
17371s | get from a Kieran is actually more |
17373s | useful in a match than the reduced |
17376s | signature that the scapel has um so it |
17380s | it it just seems kind of like semi- |
17382s | typical bands we've seen most of these |
17384s | bands over the course of the last two |
17385s | days the Kieran is really the only thing |
17387s | that stands out here yeah so it looks |
17389s | like um I'm just looking at twitch uh |
17391s | just now so you guys are predicting as |
17392s | well uh we form Volta um have 3.5 |
17395s | million Channel points to 1 million |
17396s | Channel points so people are heavily |
17398s | favoring Volta here I'm wondering how |
17400s | much of those points that are on goons |
17401s | are members of we form Volta so that if |
17403s | they lose they can go well least I got |
17405s | my channel points I mean yeah that's |
17408s | they're going to need some like massive |
17410s | massive amounts of if they lose here |
17412s | like I think uh starf Commander is in |
17414s | this building if he's somewhere if they |
17417s | lose to gwor Federation right now I mean |
17419s | VTA is a a self-proclaimed uh great |
17422s | Alliance tournament team yeah um like in |
17426s | theory based on our educated opinions |
17429s | they should win this comfortably but you |
17431s | know you never know could be opposite |
17433s | day could be what color are they oh |
17436s | that's a good point uh who knows what |
17437s | color they are yeah they're a color |
17440s | they're one of the two possib |
17441s | and they the winning color or the losing |
17443s | color yes yes all right well let's go to |
17445s | the re and find out so we form VTA |
17447s | versus G Federation here on Alliance |
17449s | tournament |
17451s | 20 welcome back to the arena where we |
17454s | have we from vter and goons SW |
17457s | Federation on your on your screen we |
17459s | from VTA got Dominic Armageddon with a |
17461s | zag and two arbitrators what have goons |
17463s | SW brought they prob medium gun spam |
17466s | pretty much an exact clone of a medium |
17468s | gun spam we saw earlier today with uh |
17471s | full Navy uh BCS uh with a meran with |
17476s | Meridan uh not the exact same thing but |
17480s | uh the the full Navy BC uh Vigilant uh |
17483s | kind of way interestingly enough also |
17484s | went for an exac um typically with |
17487s | medium gum span you see a Tech 2 logic |
17490s | Cruiser yeah so uh it's going to be a |
17492s | little bit more difficult for them to |
17494s | work around the captain buffer if Volta |
17496s | decide to go for uh a logy trade um I'm |
17499s | checking right now to see if these |
17501s | Dominic and gon are full n or if they've |
17503s | got guns and missile launchers on them I |
17506s | mean I think VTA they need to just it's |
17509s | going to be a bit of a tough one Planet |
17511s | Six in the in the zza is going have a |
17512s | bit of a time for him cu the damage |
17514s | switching will be quite quick he's going |
17515s | have be really on his toes at this point |
17518s | um as a match under the way goons swor |
17520s | with one point so vter well |
17523s | gowor are ahead at the beginning with |
17525s | the one point uh drones Dro down no Pro |
17528s | taking the damage right now Zer looks to |
17530s | be the target for the VTA team um he's |
17532s | going to go really low probably a really |
17533s | good call T1 logy get it down quick yeah |
17536s | and dual Arby from VTA spreading out |
17539s | their three tracking computers across |
17540s | the high end of goon swarm Federation I |
17542s | did check the Armageddon and the dami |
17544s | are both full n so this is fully drones |
17548s | as far as DPS is concerned from me for |
17550s | multi you see the attack bar is a bit |
17552s | smaller it should increase as more |
17554s | drones get dropped uh but at the same |
17556s | time this hyena getting primary by goons |
17558s | for Federation that's the exact right |
17559s | thing and it's gone the Down K kov one |
17563s | down from we from vter and a very |
17565s | important ship off the grid the |
17566s | application is going to be rela luster |
17568s | now the executor is holding on still got |
17570s | TP on him right now Zeb in the vexa now |
17573s | the primary I think volter need to |
17575s | switch targets right now ah this exac |
17578s | has local reps and they've got a drone |
17580s | blob on top of them uh we see a lot of |
17585s | uh bouncers |
17587s | infiltrators uh from and a couple light |
17590s | armor mainten spot from Volta meanwhile |
17592s | it's full DPS drones from uh goon storm |
17595s | Federation they don't have any rep Bots |
17596s | with this exac but the exac is holding |
17598s | on significantly longer than really any |
17600s | tech1 logic Cruiser should have this |
17602s | Navy Harbinger currently tackled Lord |
17605s | Jackson webbed uh padrick in the exac |
17609s | Staying Alive meanwhile goon storm |
17611s | hasn't really uh been able to get on top |
17613s | of anything uh quite yet they got the |
17615s | sexor tackled down but he was able to |
17616s | get the full spool of his arm rep so |
17618s | even though goons have first Blood right |
17619s | now they're struggling to kill anything |
17621s | from VTA at the present yeah right now |
17623s | this gon a th FX in Theon is going to be |
17626s | nting out the bruix Navy issue and the |
17627s | har Navy issue and the prophecy as well |
17629s | so those guns are going to go off the |
17631s | longer this goes on for the worse it is |
17633s | for the battle cruiser I can tell you |
17634s | I've been in that situation you know the |
17636s | cap pressure will be immense feat for |
17637s | them as the harbinger Navy issue isn't a |
17639s | half armor his harders are definitely |
17640s | off at this point so so what I will say |
17642s | even though the nav radon is a little |
17643s | bit of a weird chip it's bit strange |
17645s | it's it's it's very strange for medium |
17647s | gun spam to have a harb Navy um but the |
17650s | rest of the |
17651s | pretty much make sense uh I will say |
17653s | goorm Federation actually did something |
17657s | um did a good thing at the start of the |
17659s | match which was take out the hyena um |
17662s | that is how you're supposed to play |
17663s | medium guns spam so they did execute on |
17666s | gun spam at the start of the match but |
17668s | they're having trouble right now because |
17670s | at the moment they're kind of in an |
17671s | allout brawl and they're under the |
17674s | threat of these NES from the full noot |
17675s | Dy and the full noot genon and these |
17677s | tracking disruptors as well and they |
17679s | just haven't been able to kill anything |
17681s | this Navy harbringer of Lord Jackson |
17682s | into low uh structure right now and even |
17685s | though this Vex is webbed they've got |
17686s | nothing else T tackled they pulled the |
17688s | web on the vexer the Z hasn't even had |
17690s | to rep anything in a while no I think |
17692s | Planet 6 should be okay I think he |
17693s | should be sitting quite pretty the the |
17695s | truck and disruption is probably doing |
17696s | huge and now with that Harbinger down |
17698s | that tracking disruption is going to get |
17699s | even more Amplified for the Brut Navy sh |
17701s | I don't think he's going to be hitting |
17702s | much at all this this tournament and |
17704s | also the NES are definitely going to be |
17706s | more stacked as well yeah and Planet Six |
17709s | in that zarm uh boating around right now |
17712s | not sure if that's uh AB or mwd fit |
17715s | quite yet uh but got webbed uh zarm has |
17719s | still a very tanky uh ship with its |
17721s | local reps very difficult to kill if you |
17724s | don't get on top of it at zero with |
17725s | these medium guns uh at the moment this |
17728s | Vigilant also in trouble I assume it's |
17730s | the Vigilant that's got that zarm webbed |
17732s | uh and the Vigilant going down in a low |
17735s | armor already the Vigilant is being |
17736s | tackled by Annie right now he's right |
17738s | next he's right next to the planet six Z |
17741s | you going after the zarm if you don't |
17742s | have Z the zag is actually chilling he |
17745s | is tpd in web right now but it's it's |
17747s | only webbed by the amen yeah um they |
17750s | need to go after the Vigilant goes down |
17752s | they need to kill the omen immediately |
17754s | they they absolutely do cuz Planet Six |
17756s | is in pretty low armor I just I |
17759s | understand getting the initial tackle |
17760s | but I feel like the Vigilant should be |
17762s | the one who's trying to get that tackle |
17763s | on the zarm ass because of the 90% webs |
17765s | they would have killed the zast already |
17767s | and would have had a much better trade |
17769s | uh this time around they are going to |
17771s | lose Planet Six in his arm so the points |
17773s | are going to favor goons swarm ever so |
17775s | slightly it's actually two points for |
17777s | Volta my mental math was not mathing but |
17780s | uh still uh goonswarm they really really |
17784s | got to get on zero on top of people to |
17786s | actually do anything at the moment and |
17788s | they've only got tax on this vexer |
17789s | they're going to go for the vexer now |
17791s | but remember the the battleships are |
17792s | still going to be applying new pressure |
17794s | across all the ships here so I really |
17796s | think in the long run I think goons |
17798s | going to have a problem applying their |
17799s | DPS only be coming from the Navy |
17801s | Prophecy in the M the bruck he's going |
17804s | to be Ned the whole time and his links |
17805s | are going to go off but the OM Navy she |
17807s | does go down Ze Zea is about to go down |
17809s | in the vexa I still think volter are |
17811s | still in the lead here I think they |
17814s | definitely are and you know part of the |
17816s | execution Bart keeps saying with me and |
17819s | gum span sometimes you just got to go in |
17821s | Vol VTA does this and then goorm tries |
17824s | going in but they go for the logi after |
17827s | the hyena do you think VTA potentially |
17830s | should have turned maybe on one of these |
17832s | BHS I think I think that V losing H that |
17837s | early on was a big was a big problem for |
17840s | vter um are you talking about should |
17843s | goons have gone for one of the I I think |
17845s | so yeah yeah they should have gone for |
17847s | the battleships now and tried to get |
17848s | them down because the mulus is about to |
17850s | go down the omen reload mulus goes down |
17852s | the ens are going into structure and |
17853s | supreme lead M from the last match |
17855s | earlier today held on really long for a |
17857s | long time so I think if he can just hold |
17858s | on for a long time wasting much damage |
17860s | as possible Omen goes down I really |
17862s | think the NES are really having a mass |
17864s | basically I think the brut's Navy sh is |
17866s | not doing anything anymore yeah I mean |
17868s | we look at the attack bar goor |
17869s | Federation started with a larger attack |
17871s | bar this time around even the red part's |
17872s | a bit larger they're applying a bit more |
17874s | damage at the moment the great part |
17876s | Volta is now firmly in the lead just |
17877s | purely with drones we see uh another |
17880s | ship deleted and uh it's this merer this |
17884s | Navy bruck this name this prophecy all |
17887s | just having a very rough time of getting |
17889s | on top of any Target that is not tackled |
17892s | I think you're right they should have |
17893s | gone for these battleships I mean the |
17895s | the two arbitrators icon and no proo |
17897s | they doing immense job just getting |
17899s | removing the I mean b yeah the bruix is |
17900s | Ted out and they're just focusing the |
17902s | NES on the m and the prophecy Navy issue |
17904s | exra going to structure and with that I |
17905s | think that it secures volage victory |
17909s | yeah uh you can breathe a little bit |
17911s | easier now happy about you can breathe a |
17913s | little bit easier now W Prime PR ship |
17915s | and I'm being I'm being impartial |
17917s | obviously this is how it is but as a bit |
17919s | as a part of me it's like okay guys we |
17922s | keep it together we got this I mean |
17925s | there would have been I think some |
17928s | questions I would no C would have come |
17931s | in here with another L and I would have |
17933s | got in my forehead |
17935s | R and stey about to go down though in |
17937s | the Magus but the bruix Navy issue in |
17939s | half armor he'll be really easy to kill |
17941s | his harders are definitely off but I |
17943s | think th and and Annie in the |
17944s | battleships could definitely clean up |
17946s | the rest of the of the of the um goons |
17948s | swor team so so we already talking about |
17950s | what go form could have done differently |
17951s | in this match uh potentially to to make |
17954s | the best out of the situation talk a |
17956s | little about what VTA has done to |
17958s | capitalize on goor here I actually think |
17960s | that gor's first choice of Target was |
17963s | perfect yes it was get rid of the Hena |
17964s | and I was a bit like that's terrible |
17966s | that's the worst thing can happen on on |
17968s | your on volter team because K one and |
17970s | Hina he's a Lynch pin of the application |
17973s | and the webbing and also screening as |
17974s | well if they need to I think if goons |
17976s | swam I mean it's a bit of a problem |
17978s | really because you look at the comp and |
17980s | you think lots of NES lots of TDS the |
17982s | longer the game goes on the worse it's |
17983s | going to be for us so you have to either |
17985s | get the arbitrators down just like like |
17987s | literally as you said just rush in and |
17989s | just kill stuff as as fast as possible I |
17992s | think because they have the the more DPS |
17995s | uh goom in terms of like immediate |
17996s | damage so I think if they probably just |
17998s | have to gamble and go in yeah uh and we |
18002s | from VTA I mean taking advantage of uh |
18004s | some less practiced uh goons swor |
18007s | members obviously uh goons swor is |
18009s | rather a large Alliance but the German |
18010s | team has a lot of turnover yeah I mean |
18012s | goon's still taking down a bunch of |
18013s | ships I mean we can't we can't deny that |
18015s | that it's they' they managed to get the |
18016s | Z Down The Omen basically the MVP for |
18019s | gonor getting the web on the zamad I |
18022s | think the Vigilant got hard hard tackled |
18024s | quite early on so I think he got Annie |
18026s | went straight for him but Annie still |
18027s | taking still a lot of damage on grid and |
18029s | the Navy Prof Navy putting Annie into a |
18032s | bit of armor but obviously he's got a |
18033s | local tank but I think um volter doing a |
18036s | good job like not getting you know when |
18038s | you lose ships in the match you kind of |
18040s | get bit worried so I think keeping it |
18042s | you know calm and and trying to find a |
18044s | break in the in the go set yeah uh just |
18047s | well played by Volta obviously and gwor |
18050s | this is their best showing in the at in |
18053s | a very long time they get a win versus |
18056s | pandemic qu and uh that of course gives |
18058s | them bragging rights on TQ uh they |
18062s | unfortunately bragging rights hey hey |
18064s | heyy hey you know the the side that was |
18068s | on the B2 side of the B2 War took out uh |
18072s | pandemic hord so you know we're totally |
18074s | okay with that right right you and may |
18076s | we're okay with that I think so yeah |
18078s | although my voter just took out goons |
18080s | from the tournament as well I mean I |
18082s | mean yeah they're no longer blue it's |
18083s | fine good but either way you know goons |
18087s | making their best showing in a long time |
18089s | in the tournament uh well played to them |
18091s | Unfortunately they will not be PRI |
18092s | shipping joers unfortunately for you uh |
18095s | Volta will of course be prior ship |
18097s | enjoyers we'll see them later on in the |
18099s | lower bracket them quite a while to chew |
18101s | through the rest of the go for comp 10 |
18103s | seconds left hopefully they can get this |
18105s | Navy prophecy down so the desk has a |
18107s | little bit more time uh to analyze that |
18110s | we're going to send it to a quick break |
18111s | when we return the desk will break that |
18113s | match down and bring us into the next |
18116s | match we form VTA continues the skin run |
18120s | um I I didn't catch the match um and |
18122s | Starfleet Commander told me that it was |
18124s | a cam composed collected easy Victory |
18127s | straight from uh from we VTA uh Mr Kite |
18131s | how did you enjoy that match I thought |
18133s | it was uh an excellent match um sadly |
18135s | didn't go the way that I would have |
18137s | wanted it to go you know I would have |
18138s | loved to have seen the uh the bees take |
18141s | out another team um I do actually think |
18143s | that |
18144s | goons had the win in the bag um at one |
18148s | point I think they fumbled the bag a |
18150s | little bit um just too much to hold on |
18153s | to you know no one was there on the grid |
18155s | telling them what to do so they were all |
18156s | confused bumbling about once the an died |
18159s | they were in trouble yes exactly just |
18160s | bumbling around the grid um I think that |
18163s | they should have all in on the Dominic |
18165s | and then the Armageddon I think by |
18167s | removing those two ships you basically |
18169s | remove most of the damage coming out of |
18171s | the other team um vter would have had a |
18173s | couple vexas a couple of arbitrators |
18175s | left which isn't really going to be able |
18177s | to burn through the rest of your comp um |
18179s | so if goons had played it properly I |
18181s | think that we would see them advancing |
18183s | in the tournament yeah I mean honestly |
18185s | um I've seen good play in a bunch of |
18188s | matches over the years like although |
18190s | they haven't historically done overly |
18192s | well they have played and a bunch of |
18193s | them they have some experienced people |
18195s | and some good theat crafters and they |
18197s | they flew great there um like shout out |
18199s | to the entire goor Federation team uh |
18202s | Volta is a tough tough uh team to beat |
18205s | um and they really give them a run for |
18207s | their money um I'm absolutely certain |
18210s | that uh the Volta guys would have been |
18212s | in full squeaky bum mode in that match |
18213s | because like they really got pushed |
18216s | against the wall by gwor there staffle |
18218s | was nervous Ling at one point I I I was |
18220s | crouched down in front of the TV to |
18221s | check it out and he was just staring and |
18223s | just laughing to himself a little bit it |
18225s | was good yeah so yeah excellent but |
18227s | unfortunately that was an elimination |
18228s | match so gsor Federation as is tradition |
18231s | is now eliminated from Alliance |
18233s | tournament 20 uh we thank you for your |
18235s | your participation um Volta continues |
18238s | they get some skins now so they can |
18239s | start to offset some of that uh that bar |
18241s | guest loss from earlier on uh they're |
18243s | going to need a few more wins to to |
18245s | Really offset it uh but you know down |
18248s | but not out okay so we still have have a |
18250s | couple more elimination matches to go |
18251s | today U and this next one should be |
18253s | interesting it's white squall versus |
18255s | slow children at play so let's take a |
18258s | look at the bands for this white squall |
18260s | choosing to Banner the EOS the |
18261s | Armageddon the Blackbird and the curse |
18264s | and this is think the third time we've |
18265s | seen a blackbird band but I don't think |
18266s | we've actually seen it fielded yet um |
18268s | and the Soul at play Banning out the |
18270s | pontif effect Omas the slip far uh |
18273s | excellent job by the way uh on that one |
18276s | and the Loki um mystical M your thoughts |
18279s | on these bands whoever came up with the |
18282s | bands excellent work uh production team |
18285s | does that mean the slep near is |
18287s | available yes I think so yeah I think |
18289s | that is exactly how it goes they could |
18290s | run gush if they wanted to they could |
18292s | which is gun rush so what happens if you |
18294s | have a slep far and then you approach it |
18297s | does it become a slep |
18300s | near and what if the ban then cuz if you |
18302s | ban the S far and you really far away |
18306s | from the S near and it becomes a SL far |
18307s | does it just get deleted like how does |
18308s | this work would you rather fight one |
18310s | full size slep or 10 slep far size s are |
18314s | they f with artillery or autoc cannons H |
18317s | they're slep far is probably probably |
18320s | artillery yeah probably the S then yeah |
18323s | okay I was going to say to actually |
18326s | comment on the band uh the Blackbird ban |
18329s | is a fairly interesting one I think I |
18331s | don't think we've really seen much ECM |
18333s | in the tournament at all uh people |
18335s | favoring the more reliable um ew War |
18338s | setups using track and disruptors |
18340s | presence disruptors and damps because |
18342s | they will apply all of the time instead |
18343s | of kind of being a dice roll um some |
18346s | people get really unlucky in dice rolls |
18347s | I would know uh other people get really |
18350s | lucky in dice rolls my opponents would |
18351s | know U as we found out in previous |
18354s | previous tournaments I think that it's |
18357s | interesting to see white scull Banning |
18359s | the Blackbird here maybe it's something |
18360s | that they've found has been really |
18362s | effective against some of their comps in |
18363s | practice uh it might be because they are |
18365s | going to stack most of their damage into |
18367s | a few select ships and they don't want |
18370s | them to be um both screened off and then |
18373s | jammed out so they can't actually do |
18374s | anything to to clear that tackle um |
18377s | that's the only real reason I could see |
18378s | them Banning the black bird yeah I think |
18381s | both these teams unless I'm mistaken |
18382s | here have their flagships available as |
18384s | well um white squa went up against truth |
18386s | on a light earlier on uh and and lost in |
18388s | a another pretty like intense match like |
18391s | we've had a couple of these like team a |
18393s | should win against Team B type matches |
18396s | uh VTA goons is another example um and |
18398s | the team that was sort of I guess |
18400s | expected to lose did lose but really |
18402s | made it difficult for the expected |
18404s | winners now you could say is this just |
18407s | like a a general increase in quality in |
18409s | the tournament and I think generally I |
18410s | think it probably is uh because uh we |
18412s | continuously see more like better teams |
18415s | getting better and better and better |
18416s | especially with the new feeders format |
18419s | uh previously you could like Buy in and |
18421s | now you can't do that so teams have had |
18422s | to like work their way through into uh |
18425s | into the tournament by at least having |
18427s | some level of basic competency it's like |
18429s | a like a little check to make sure that |
18431s | you're not completely bad at the game |
18433s | you're sort of at least mediocre at |
18436s | best yeah yeah they get filtered now |
18438s | honestly like there's a lot of uh lot of |
18440s | ancient old decrepit horrible uh maybe |
18445s | Legions of them teams that just don't |
18447s | make it anymore and there's a reason for |
18449s | it you know it's the feeders are amazing |
18451s | the games we've had since we started |
18453s | doing these like rough feeders that I |
18454s | mean we I read the eve tournament |
18457s | General chat the amount of apologies oh |
18461s | yeah no it's great it's great hope you |
18462s | recover H yeah I don't know we'll see |
18465s | but the the amount of crying in that |
18468s | chat about the feeders for years every |
18471s | year someone's like oh it's not fair |
18473s | this this format was terrible for me and |
18474s | it's like well you know you could have |
18477s | just won like at the end of the day you |
18480s | know how it's the same way how do you |
18481s | win the at well you beat the other teams |
18482s | how you get through the feeders but |
18483s | people be like well you know this |
18485s | specific format that we did was super |
18487s | toxic to my specific team because of |
18489s | this and you're just like come on bro |
18490s | like I feel like the way to annoy |
18493s | tournament enjoying even online players |
18495s | the most is to Simply have a tournament |
18497s | yeah the existence of a tournament um is |
18499s | just Riles them up into such rage uh |
18502s | that you know this is where we end up so |
18504s | you're welcome guys but if you don't |
18506s | have a tournament then oh yeah Shing of |
18510s | tournament yeah was my favorite was when |
18511s | they're like they complain when they're |
18513s | like oh well this one it was too close |
18514s | to the summer uh how will I go outside |
18517s | and you're like do you really though |
18520s | well you know I I don't think it I don't |
18523s | know about that one guys yeah you know |
18527s | so toxic I mean yeah but that's what |
18529s | we're here for uh let's do predictions |
18531s | white squall welcome back to the the |
18533s | bisty show white squall versus slow |
18535s | children at play um I'm asking both of |
18538s | the besties um what we'll start with the |
18541s | isty part of bti uh which which are you |
18543s | going to predict here which SC SL J to |
18544s | play slow I guess that just makes you |
18548s | just B |
18551s | yeah |
18553s | um he got all the letter yeah I yeah uh |
18557s | no I'm GNA I'm going to predict uh you |
18559s | predicted slow yeah really yeah but you |
18562s | don't pay attention no surprised I |
18565s | thought he was I thought he was going to |
18566s | go the other way |
18568s | no slow slow well I mean most of my |
18571s | letters said slow so I'm guess I'm going |
18572s | with slow as well I'm going to see what |
18574s | twitch chat uh in their Infinite Wisdom |
18576s | which team is |
18577s | red keep forgetting about that uh twitch |
18580s | chat believes in white squall and you |
18582s | know what guys are always right I'm |
18583s | going to go for white squall as well so |
18585s | let's just throw this one straight to |
18586s | the arena and find out who will win |
18587s | between these two |
18590s | teams welcome back to the arena my name |
18592s | is Fier joined by the ever lovely star |
18595s | fleet commander and we are getting ready |
18597s | to go on the red side we have white |
18598s | skull who have brought Shield medium gun |
18600s | spam what if Slow Children Play SL |
18602s | children have gone for a shield but with |
18604s | missiles a big bargus and three offices |
18607s | and an ospre Cary stalk by us I like |
18610s | well this going be interesting because |
18611s | you got one team that has got the |
18613s | projection quickly a quick well both |
18615s | teams are projecting but one is |
18617s | immediate basically in terms of damage |
18619s | so I'm going to be really interesting as |
18620s | we always see with medium rail spam |
18623s | white SC have you know they got to make |
18625s | their target quickly at the beginning |
18627s | yeah and uh just double cheing these |
18630s | weapon systems right now uh that is uh |
18634s | looks to be rapid lights on these |
18637s | orthoses and not hmls so would mean you |
18640s | know your your |
18642s | typical uh setup with these which means |
18645s | High burst from both the orres and the |
18647s | barest but still has that long reload |
18649s | time that's said the orthis since |
18651s | they're using frot sized weapons are |
18653s | going to apply perfectly to the low end |
18654s | of white skull unfortunately for them |
18656s | the only frigs for wh Squall are the |
18658s | burst and the bantom yeah I think I |
18659s | think wh s are probably going to try and |
18661s | go for maybe one they could go for the |
18663s | ospray immediately which is what they're |
18665s | going to do TP on him right now look at |
18666s | those damps I think that's a good the |
18668s | damps come out immediately as well I |
18670s | think the ospre is the right core and I |
18671s | think they definitely need to just go |
18673s | straight in yeah these uh triple damps |
18675s | on all three Navy foxes and correctly |
18677s | identifying really what the threat is |
18679s | and going for the fleet hurricane who uh |
18681s | can't really uh do a whole lot in terms |
18685s | of uh getting away from slow play at the |
18688s | moment is the fastest of the BCS that |
18690s | are brought but right off the match uh |
18692s | Bargas have insane amount of range with |
18694s | rapid Heavies especially if you're not |
18696s | uh getting any sort of uh control on |
18699s | them and as I said say that the jackar |
18700s | Falls jackar dies for slow Bantam into |
18702s | armor but recovering back next to the |
18704s | burst Mo Freeman did survive cuz he did |
18707s | just burn away out of the the range of |
18708s | the of the rapid lights Jack doll now |
18711s | being shot as well I mean I think wh |
18713s | School wh school just going to be trying |
18715s | to clear as much off as possible you can |
18716s | see on your screen that that the the |
18718s | rest of the battle Cruisers continued on |
18720s | in whilst moar went away Shield Navy |
18723s | though get mean I'm not surprised the |
18725s | the Osprey completely just evaporates as |
18727s | well so a huge win for um wh school to |
18730s | get the L down yeah so even though these |
18732s | damps had been put out by slow play wh |
18735s | score made the correct call here they |
18737s | just burned in because slow children at |
18738s | play out project white squall in every |
18740s | single part of this map so just load |
18741s | short range ammo you're going to be |
18743s | getting in and very fast and uh they B |
18747s | away with the fleet hurricane now it's |
18748s | getting reps this MOA getting some |
18750s | damage right now but they're right on |
18751s | top of this barest who is melting quite |
18754s | rapidly completely just wailing on him |
18756s | right now and that is the right call |
18758s | they've got rid of the ospr just go for |
18760s | the battleship and get rid of him right |
18761s | now yeah exactly and um kind of to this |
18765s | thing right so this is the second time |
18766s | today that we've seen Bargas Shields |
18771s | K that is true I we don't talk about the |
18773s | other one though we don't talk about any |
18774s | flag Bargas that's that's not true okay |
18778s | okay so so so uh I'm jumping the gun a |
18780s | little bit here because uh white squall |
18782s | are snowballing this and they're getting |
18784s | a lot of damage in very quickly on these |
18786s | targets they killed the Jack dolls |
18788s | that's yeah uh one of the things that |
18790s | can kill their Lodi uh don't really care |
18792s | about the orthoses Cu uh ospre goes down |
18795s | and they go for the barest so uh white |
18797s | squall making quick work of slow play |
18800s | who just could not out kite the what |
18803s | turned into Shield rush and and also Mo |
18806s | Freeman doing a really fantastic job of |
18807s | just wasting time when you have Clips um |
18810s | in in your rapid lights like he burnt |
18812s | away to just mitigate as much Dage as |
18814s | possible and wasting that that damage |
18816s | because if he doesn't do that he would |
18818s | have died immediately and then would |
18819s | have been a completely different game |
18821s | game first off goes down I mean I think |
18823s | white school just played this really |
18824s | well the restling pushed in while mo mo |
18826s | Freeman went back uh to go back to the |
18828s | logifix to get the Reps but I'm just |
18830s | trying to think could have slow children |
18832s | played differently maybe gone for maybe |
18835s | just went for and immediately switch or |
18837s | you could you could fake battle cruiser |
18838s | to go back and then put all your DPS on |
18840s | one of the FES maybe well so I think |
18843s | part of the thing here right is you pick |
18845s | orthoses they're going to be rapid light |
18846s | fit more often than not can fit hmls to |
18850s | them more often they're going to be R |
18851s | light fit rabid lights are really good |
18853s | at killing things that are destroyer and |
18854s | fr sized uh they run into the same |
18857s | problems as rapid Heavies when they |
18859s | start killing things that are Cruiser or |
18861s | battle cruiser size because they are the |
18864s | weapon system of the thing down and |
18866s | therefore uh the drawback is that long |
18868s | reload time and so what we saw here was |
18870s | they were almost able to take down that |
18872s | Fleet hurricane he burns away gets to |
18874s | the brist and bantom now they're going |
18876s | to this Navy exac and they can barely |
18878s | break them but after that they just |
18880s | don't have a whole lot left in the tank |
18882s | and the barest ends up uh falling |
18884s | because white squall did what they |
18885s | needed to do right you lose out long |
18887s | range rush in with the comp Bart will be |
18889s | very happy that they chose to do that |
18893s | you should in this scenario you should |
18895s | just go in there's no point in being |
18897s | like defensive or anything get your |
18899s | damage in really quickly B Force going |
18901s | to go down and your at the same time and |
18903s | congratulations to white school and |
18904s | we're going to go to a little break and |
18905s | then back to the |
18907s | desk the comfortable Victory continuing |
18910s | their run in the lower bracket of |
18912s | Alliance tournament 20 I'm CCP Overlord |
18914s | welcome back to the bti show guys talk |
18916s | to me about that |
18919s | match isty yes I'll take isty first oh |
18921s | okay hello uh yeah it was uh I thought |
18925s | slow had it slow should have had it when |
18928s | well okay fine fine B sorry B seems to |
18933s | believe that the slow team wasn't built |
18936s | in a way they were built different but |
18939s | in theong way yes basically buil built a |
18941s | horribly malformed and evil and needed |
18943s | to be put down I thought the far guest |
18945s | and arthes would be able to kite just |
18947s | long enough to be able to lower the |
18949s | damage on the other team uh and |
18952s | unfortunately that was not the case um |
18955s | yeah they just fell apart immediately |
18957s | slow actually did a very good job of |
18959s | swapping targets so the hurricane Fleet |
18961s | issue burned away the Navy exac was |
18963s | burning in so they correctly swapped to |
18964s | the Navy XX really quickly to get rid of |
18966s | some additional DPS on the grid um it |
18969s | immediately fell apart because it's a |
18970s | shield tanked Navy |
18971s | exe but unfortunately in that time frame |
18975s | they also traded both track doors and |
18977s | Osprey and then began to lose their core |
18980s | so uh it it was just well piloted |
18983s | um like Shield Rush basically or like |
18986s | Shield gun spam kite is |
18989s | Rush nice Snappy name is there it is a |
18991s | less Snappy name but it's an accurate |
18993s | description so and what what do you |
18996s | think yeah I I mean so first off the |
18998s | only reason I said slow in the first |
19001s | place because I had to contractually as |
19003s | team bisty um but uh second yeah I mean |
19007s | there's a reason why we don't see rapid |
19010s | light based Shield kite setups anymore |
19013s | and a lot of that is because that uh you |
19016s | know previously back in the day when you |
19017s | could take a jackdaw with its you know |
19019s | plethora of mids slots and put a bunch |
19021s | of tracking disruptors in it you could |
19023s | fly that setup and have all of your |
19024s | ships with their abundance of mids slots |
19026s | have tracking disruptors and make it so |
19027s | that the other team couldn't snipe you |
19029s | from the same range you're shooting them |
19031s | uh you can't do that anymore um due to a |
19033s | lot of tiar by certain Alliance teams |
19036s | and also us just being like yeah maybe |
19038s | this is kind of silly |
19040s | um but there's a reason why we don't see |
19042s | it and is because all you have to do to |
19043s | counter it is bring guns that hit as far |
19045s | as their missiles hit you because at the |
19047s | end of the day like you know a Navy Fox |
19050s | is pretty tanky and orthus is not when |
19053s | you're in the alliance tournament and |
19055s | your entire |
19056s | um game plan is to stay away from from |
19059s | the enemy it's a lot harder than on TQ |
19062s | where you know you can have uh you know |
19064s | your snake pods and your 12 billion isk |
19067s | nightmares with Abyssal out everything |
19068s | and just go in a straight line and be |
19070s | like aha chase us and we'll shoot you |
19072s | they have a big sphere they have to play |
19073s | in so they can't really kite as well if |
19076s | the opponent like you can't get far |
19077s | enough away from them not to hit you and |
19079s | we saw it there is like the amount of |
19081s | damage that slow put out was good white |
19086s | squall did more they applied more and |
19088s | they just blew them up yeah that is a |
19090s | really good tactic for uh Alliance |
19092s | tournament is apply more damage than |
19094s | than your enemies uh especially if you |
19096s | do it faster yes doesn't really matter |
19097s | if you do it in like 25 minutes because |
19099s | ain't no one got time for that so we're |
19101s | going to have to do it much quicker um |
19103s | so I want to talk a little bit about the |
19105s | prize ships for this year um I just |
19108s | assume someone else in the building has |
19110s | made a graphic for this so I'm just |
19111s | going to start talking as if there's |
19112s | going to be a graphic and one might come |
19113s | up uh but this is the first time in a |
19116s | long time that we have Alliance |
19118s | tournament PRI |
19120s | battleships which I think is pretty cool |
19122s | um so obviously this tournament is |
19123s | sponsored by gista it was hijacked off |
19126s | of Concord so we have our three hulls uh |
19128s | one based on top of the pacifer one on |
19131s | top of the uh the monitor Hull and then |
19133s | one on top of the uh Black Ops |
19135s | Battleship whose name I figured Marshall |
19137s | Marshall that's the one good old |
19139s | Marshall um and this is like I say the |
19141s | first time in almost 20 years Bart 20 |
19144s | years Alliance T battleships yeah that's |
19147s | crazy this is wild yeah it's um |
19149s | I don't um I I know stats exist for them |
19153s | I don't think we've talked about it yet |
19154s | are they a public um there's fully |
19156s | public yeah I think they're on Reddit |
19158s | yeah okay cool I I was going to say you |
19160s | know it's one of those things where like |
19161s | you start kind of being like okay is |
19162s | this something we're allowed to talk |
19163s | about or not or what is yeah well |
19165s | they're broken they're insane yeah and |
19168s | uh also they're going to be very very |
19170s | very very very very expensive so uh I |
19172s | loved when the Marshall came out um I |
19174s | was a big black ops enjoyer uh Marshalls |
19177s | are cool this is going to be like like I |
19180s | I'm just I'm so excited to watch |
19182s | somebody take this get baited by procure |
19185s | that they're blops on because they |
19186s | having fun and then lose like a 500 |
19188s | billion isk Battleship |
19190s | just it's going to be like probably like |
19192s | a day after that the contracts go out |
19194s | too somebody all right let's go yeah yes |
19197s | contracts but no they're they're they're |
19198s | incredible ships um it's really cool I |
19201s | love that it's a Black Ops so I think |
19203s | we're going to see people using them in |
19206s | probably a lot more because it's harder |
19208s | for you to like you you can people be |
19210s | trying to fish them people will be |
19211s | dropping supers on them they'll be being |
19213s | dropped on supers it's you know ratting |
19215s | carriers it's going to be crazy BL the |
19217s | Black Ops is super fun you never done it |
19218s | an Eve online GO train it this is going |
19221s | to be great and the ship is like broken |
19223s | yeah it's so much damage I feel like |
19224s | Black Ops is one of those parts of the |
19225s | game where it's like an hour and a half |
19229s | of nothing waiting and then like 10 |
19233s | seconds of exciting chaos and afterward |
19235s | you're like that was a great use of my |
19236s | time I had a great time and I would do |
19238s | it again yeah no I mean people do it and |
19239s | they'll just be like what'd you do like |
19242s | oh I I killed the procure but I had |
19245s | super like have so much fun doing like |
19247s | me and 20 of my best friends took |
19249s | billions and billions of es worth of |
19251s | ships spent more than the enemy ships |
19253s | that died in fuel alone yep but we had |
19256s | fun and that's what matters and the |
19257s | amount of like effort that you had to do |
19258s | to make it happen too you know |
19260s | somebody's just sitting there like I'm |
19261s | having fun with my game and you're like |
19262s | we've been hunting him for 3 hours it's |
19264s | like he's just been in the same spot |
19266s | you're like but you don't know what we |
19267s | had to do to get here so I've |
19269s | experienced that myself when you're like |
19270s | sitting on one side of a wormhole |
19272s | connection with the scarr leg he's like |
19274s | not yet guys wait and then like an hour |
19276s | later you're like he's almost there he's |
19278s | like okay and then another hour passes |
19279s | she |
19280s | like anything and then like he doed up |
19283s | okay yeah at least we got a you know |
19285s | what it's the best best uh best ship is |
19287s | friendship you got to hang out with your |
19288s | friends so that is true but the ships |
19291s | are called the side Winder which is the |
19292s | frot the Cobra which is the cruiser and |
19294s | the python which is the battleship and |
19296s | there are hundreds of these ships been |
19297s | giving out they've been going to be |
19299s | given out in this tournament all the way |
19301s | down to uh the top anyone in top 16 |
19304s | right this is something we introduced in |
19305s | Alliance tournament 17 uh it was no |
19307s | longer just top three four teams that |
19309s | got ships um and it was no longer just |
19311s | 50 of each total it is like just |
19314s | hundreds hundred 100s in fact it says |
19316s | here |
19317s | 385 ships will be given out and the |
19320s | winning team will get 40 side winders 40 |
19321s | cobras and 20 pythons and this scales |
19324s | down uh in quite a quite a fair way down |
19326s | to top 16 uh so you get get two side |
19329s | renders two cobras and a python so |
19331s | anyone who makes top 16 in Alliance |
19333s | tournament 20 is going to go home with |
19334s | at least one Alliance tournament |
19336s | Battleship for their team um it if you |
19339s | want to steal that and take it for |
19340s | yourself Mr Alliance executiv you're |
19342s | more than welcome to that's how we game |
19344s | here um but I also think that the ah |
19346s | here we go we have some cool graphics |
19348s | now so check this out someone went |
19350s | absolutely ham with a paintbrush on |
19353s | these ships so that is The Sidewinder |
19354s | it's a cover Ops frig uh so it can do |
19356s | all the normal cover Ops frig stuff also |
19359s | having a bunch of gista bonuses and |
19362s | let's be fair it looks pretty godamn |
19364s | cool as well um the uh Cobra I'm |
19368s | actually really looking forward to that |
19369s | one I think it's going to be super |
19371s | exciting it has um extra bonuses uh to |
19375s | uh be able to fit the micro jump drive |
19377s | so this is a cruiser with a micro jump |
19378s | drive and because it is a Recon you can |
19381s | lock out super far away so there is |
19384s | absolute maximum meane potential with |
19386s | this thing you can just lock someone up |
19387s | from 115 km away micro jump on top of |
19390s | them shoot some stuff jump away again |
19392s | it's going to be some some absolute Giga |
19395s | gaming going on with these things and |
19397s | then of course there is the the |
19399s | battleship the python itself um I just |
19402s | think it looks phenomenal and I think |
19404s | like you say it's going to be a bunch of |
19406s | people sitting in these fancy Black Ops |
19407s | ships getting ready to just drop on all |
19409s | their friends and I just love the I just |
19413s | love the look of them I think they look |
19414s | fantastic yeah it's like a uh it's like |
19417s | a big shark that's covering graffi |
19419s | yeah but like in a good way I feel like |
19421s | Concord are watching this and just |
19423s | getting more and more annoyed what have |
19425s | you done what have you done to our ships |
19427s | yeah they were like we're going to host |
19429s | our own Alliance tournament we're |
19430s | Concord and then it got just yed out |
19432s | from underneath them um uh by the G's |
19435s | Pirates so uh super exciting all right |
19438s | let's look forward to our next match |
19439s | which is again another elimination match |
19441s | this one is going to be between root |
19443s | Capel and unspoken Alliance so let's |
19445s | take a quick look at the bans for this |
19447s | so rot Capel Banning the mollus the Loki |
19450s | the Nighthawk and Zar she blows uh |
19453s | excellent good job eight out of 10 |
19455s | unspoken Alliance spanning out the EOS |
19457s | the orthus the Deacon and the BRK Navy |
19460s | issue Bisal might what do you think |
19463s | about this which one of |
19466s | us I don't know about that one right |
19469s | there um I would |
19472s | say Okay so the Loki and the Nighthawk |
19475s | band seem to be trying to get rid of |
19477s | some of the ham Rush that we used to um |
19480s | I think that the BRX Navy issue ban is |
19484s | probably the more interesting one of all |
19485s | the ones listed mainly because it's |
19487s | taking away one of the core ships that |
19489s | we often see in the armor rail um spam |
19492s | comps and the brick Navy issue is |
19494s | actually a really good point efficient |
19496s | ship for what it does which is a |
19498s | buttload of damage out to range um I do |
19501s | think it's kind of strange to see an |
19502s | author ban I think the auth ban is |
19504s | probably the only one on there that I |
19505s | would count as kind of like out of place |
19507s | considering the fact that the author |
19509s | hasn't really been incredibly strong in |
19511s | any comp that we've seen we saw we've |
19513s | seen it in the last match and it kind of |
19516s | fell apart CU It's Paper yeah they fed |
19518s | yeah so it's it feels like a bit of a |
19520s | waste of ban but there may be some |
19522s | practice that went on in the background |
19524s | that gave away some of the idea about |
19525s | like maybe it's meta that was developed |
19527s | internally between the two teams and |
19529s | they know that Rell has a strong comp |
19532s | that utilizes the orthus and it's hard |
19534s | to replace it so they want to get rid of |
19536s | that comp that's as I'm reaching right |
19539s | I'm guessing but why else would you ban |
19541s | the orthus yeah I feel I feel like we |
19544s | have seen maybe an orthus ban or two |
19546s | before but it's always been in the |
19547s | second phase of banning as opposed to |
19549s | the first phase I think you're mostly |
19551s | right on this when you say uh like it's |
19552s | a strange bat uh B any any other |
19554s | thoughts on these bands here no I mean |
19556s | not not on these specific bands but on |
19558s | just bands in general is that I think um |
19560s | you know uh isty definitely got on a |
19565s | really good point there is that we when |
19567s | we're seeing teams ban ship they're not |
19569s | necessarily because they're good ships |
19570s | they're because they're ones that they |
19572s | think they will have trouble with which |
19574s | generally is due to their practice and |
19576s | people usually very rarely nowadays |
19578s | people do internal practices cuz like |
19581s | you know if you can if you can afford to |
19582s | get enough people to do it it's great |
19584s | but you'll always have a B team and an a |
19586s | team so you still want to go out and see |
19588s | what other teams are doing and so I |
19589s | think that you know he's completely |
19590s | correct unspoken whoever they were |
19593s | practicing with they were getting just |
19594s | shellacked by orthis and they're just |
19596s | kind of like H yeah we don't know how to |
19597s | counter this |
19599s | does that mean rot knows how to use them |
19601s | no does that mean this is a good way to |
19603s | do it probably not honestly I think that |
19605s | you should not be banning things that |
19606s | like you shouldn't be looking at an |
19607s | individual ship and saying this is hard |
19610s | for us to beat you should be trying to |
19612s | ban them into picking something that you |
19614s | can beat personal opinion but hey I mean |
19617s | what do I know right I just I just come |
19619s | up here I don't even you're just a a |
19621s | yapper yeah I'm a yapper I am one who |
19623s | yaps so yes uh I also find the bricks |
19625s | Navy an interesting ban I think it's |
19629s | if you're trying to get rid of like |
19630s | medium gun spam with battle Cruisers I |
19632s | think there's more effective ships to |
19633s | ban uh Misty what would you ban instead |
19636s | of a brck Navy for example I think if |
19639s | you're trying to get rid of the medium |
19640s | gun spam I don't know br's Navy seems |
19643s | like a decent ban to me um you might |
19645s | want to go for uh Navy Harbinger perhaps |
19649s | um those are really the the two main |
19651s | bands the estar is kind of easily |
19652s | replaceable with an Absolution at that |
19654s | same level and point cost uh but the |
19656s | Navy brucks Navy harbinger don't really |
19659s | have other counterparts that you can |
19660s | bring you can bring like a Navy prophecy |
19661s | but it's not quite the same it does have |
19663s | an optimal range bonus I believe um so |
19665s | it makes it decent but it's also I think |
19667s | a fair bit slower than the Navy bruix |
19669s | and the Navy Harbinger um alternatively |
19672s | you have the Navy or the fleet hurricane |
19674s | not the same at all I I would not |
19676s | suggest bringing artilleries in your um |
19680s | gun rushes because um it it's just it |
19683s | does not have the same effect y um I |
19685s | mean let's do a couple of predictions |
19686s | now Rock Capel uh We've long said |
19688s | they're kind of a defender of the upper |
19689s | bracket uh some might even say |
19691s | aggressively mid-tier um are they still |
19694s | aggressively mid- tier we're in the |
19695s | elimination bracket here Bart yeah I I |
19697s | feel like honestly they're playing |
19699s | pretty dang well um like I said the team |
19702s | everybody's gotten way better so they |
19703s | used to be if you can beat them good and |
19706s | if you can't beat them it's like oh |
19707s | that's expected but now like I I feel |
19708s | like rach's been doing very well I agree |
19711s | personally so I I'm going to predict for |
19712s | them okay because also you know I mean |
19714s | come on Twitch chat oh yeah what does |
19716s | twitch chat say I almost forgot to check |
19718s | with the ultimate source of Truth in all |
19720s | that is right in the world uh they say |
19722s | Ro Capel as well all right all right so |
19724s | and root are bringing their flag |
19725s | Armageddon Navy issue uh so this should |
19728s | be interesting all right let's hand it |
19729s | over to the arena and see who wins this |
19731s | match in Alliance tournament |
19735s | 20 hello I am moderator joined by Oli |
19738s | Aris for what should be a very very |
19739s | exciting match so unspoken they have |
19742s | brought what we're going to call the |
19743s | Florida man rush so alligator sleer |
19746s | coming from the depths and the swamps |
19748s | and they're to try to take a bite out of |
19750s | rapel especially that Flagship Navy |
19752s | Armageddon flown by KH yeah and rapel |
19755s | they have a control comp uh featuring |
19759s | that Flagship Armageddon Navy the double |
19761s | arbitrator for the tracking disrupture |
19763s | and disruption and guidance disruption |
19765s | normally I would say Okay mixed weapon |
19768s | systems tracking disruptors guidance |
19770s | disruptors not a great shot however |
19772s | guidance disrupting an alligator or a |
19774s | gila isn't the best place these tracking |
19777s | disrupting the sers they're a see who |
19779s | cares they wanted to get at zero anyway |
19781s | and most likely unspoken is going to be |
19783s | going top down meanwhile rot Capel |
19786s | they've got to find a way to get onto |
19787s | those bombers and stem the bleeding yeah |
19790s | so I mean if you have a hand in a |
19791s | purifier I'm thinking that's like 600 |
19793s | damage nearly free to be pumping onto |
19796s | that Navy Armageddon but there are two |
19798s | arbitrators and what they really want to |
19800s | do here is start you know applying those |
19802s | GDs but already we see that the |
19805s | Armageddon is being painted and I don't |
19807s | see any guidance disruption I see one |
19809s | now on the alligator another on the |
19810s | alligator uh that will be some of the |
19812s | heavy um assault missile damage |
19814s | mitigated but the alligators aren't even |
19816s | in range to ply just yet yeah and arm |
19819s | alligators they also have their drones |
19821s | their drones are important too and |
19822s | before the match mod you were talking |
19824s | about the ishar and the role that this |
19825s | ishar might play in taking out those |
19828s | bombers unspoken Alliance recognizing |
19830s | that are also shooting the isher yeah I |
19833s | mean the ishar though so far hasn't |
19835s | really you know committed to anything |
19838s | and speaking of committing we're seeing |
19839s | a lot of heavy drones being committed |
19841s | onto this hila of orange 0401 and so far |
19845s | the heila is making I think the correct |
19847s | call and kind of um pulling away and so |
19851s | far with these heavy drones uh being |
19853s | deployed by rot they're not going to |
19854s | really be able to punch into these |
19856s | bursts or to at maybe the purifier we |
19859s | see the purifier taking some chip damage |
19861s | here getting nuded out but I mean the |
19863s | ishar getting scrammed it seems like the |
19865s | ishar is kind of committing onto the |
19866s | backline you were mentioning that the |
19868s | the isher it can do a lot but it can't |
19870s | int and speaking of inting it is getting |
19872s | really low |
19873s | here that's right mod this purifier it |
19876s | is a shield purifier this is a shield |
19878s | comp and we're seeing unspoken play this |
19879s | comp very similarly to how they played |
19881s | it earlier today they're not hard |
19884s | committing they're not going in when |
19885s | they don't need to they're staying a |
19887s | little bit back they're circling around |
19888s | they're looking for their opportunity |
19890s | and purifier is saved meanwhile damage |
19893s | still going onto that armag again yeah |
19895s | and I mean critically the isher it seems |
19896s | like they were able to pop their ADC and |
19898s | then they were able to Pivot back |
19899s | towards the um you know those logi |
19902s | support in the Thalia here and I mean |
19905s | critically the Deacon being ban means |
19906s | that you had to bring double Thalia |
19908s | meanwhile this Armageddon has been |
19909s | continuing to take a pounding speaking |
19911s | of taking a pounding Rima amabell has |
19914s | been hard swapped onto what looks like |
19916s | the drones here it's not even webbed or |
19917s | anything it's just getting absolutely |
19919s | demolished by these bonus medium drones |
19922s | those bone those medium drones can |
19924s | really really put out a a punishment and |
19927s | Rema really struggling to stay alive |
19929s | quite far away from Stu Stu is off 33 km |
19932s | away from Rema your when your Lodie |
19934s | buddy is that far away they're repping |
19936s | and fall off the Lodi fets really need |
19937s | to stick together and here they've |
19939s | gotten separated recognizing that |
19941s | unspoken took apart it looks like that |
19943s | purifier might be the trade but I think |
19945s | this is still favoring unspoken Alliance |
19947s | right now oh yeah really heavily I mean |
19949s | yes you'll probably kill the purifier at |
19951s | this point but I mean look at the HP |
19952s | right now of kilit kabanov even down |
19955s | into looks like a third of its remaining |
19957s | armor and purifier now somehow |
19959s | stabilizing regening a little bit of its |
19962s | Shield I mean roaches wanted to try to |
19964s | punch through the alligators but it's |
19965s | just not being able to do so I mean |
19967s | looking at the attack Bar Road is not |
19968s | applying it well unspoken Alliance the |
19971s | purifier does finally go down but it's |
19973s | gotten so much value absolutely and |
19976s | these alligators they have very big |
19979s | tanks like they have the gista or the |
19981s | gist's bonus where you get a bonus to |
19983s | your Shield resist so you don't need to |
19985s | fit as many mods |
19987s | but it's it's uh yeah Armageddon down |
19990s | yeah I mean now that the armageddon's |
19992s | down that's a lot of NES off the board |
19993s | that we see now just fall off and again |
19996s | these medium um you know Shield battle |
19998s | Cruisers the one thing that they're |
19999s | incredibly uh vulnerable to is nuding |
20001s | speaking of things that people are |
20002s | nuding uh vulnerable to uh Stu is |
20006s | invulnerable to uh drones as his buddy |
20008s | is no longer alive he's been taking an |
20010s | absolute pounding the ishar has been |
20012s | doing his level best to try to get into |
20013s | the backline and get some tackle onto |
20015s | unpredictable but Nathalia is now down |
20018s | and |
20019s | unspoken for the first time ever I don't |
20021s | believe they've ever won prize ships but |
20023s | winning here means that they will make |
20024s | top 16 and they'll get those prize ships |
20026s | with it yeah meanwhile rot Capel doing |
20030s | fairly well this team but they might not |
20031s | make that top 16 cutoff it's not over |
20034s | yet though Navy Armageddon it's a |
20036s | flagship we saw comp Paso piloting this |
20039s | yesterday clutching it out in a very |
20041s | close matchup it could happen again that |
20044s | Navy Armageddon I'm sure tons of purple |
20046s | but also taking quite a bit of damage |
20049s | this alligator going down is going to |
20051s | take off a lot of the pressure but Khan |
20052s | doesn't have any logy in order to |
20055s | increase his bonus reps and this is the |
20057s | other problem being in a drone comp it |
20059s | means that your drones are doing damage |
20060s | it means critically you do not have rep |
20062s | Bots to support you so once the Bas are |
20064s | gone it's your local tank and looking at |
20066s | the local tank right in that purple bar |
20068s | it's pretty substantial right but I mean |
20071s | again you have two sers an alligator and |
20073s | a heala sitting on you at zero there's |
20075s | basically nothing in the game that can |
20077s | survive that um you know for a good |
20079s | amount of time and if Khan drops it's |
20081s | going to be 44 more points towards |
20083s | unspoken that's as many points as R |
20084s | capel's been able to make in five |
20086s | minutes play definitely if Khan drops |
20089s | here also that's a whole bunch of the |
20092s | potential attack bar for rogel gone Khan |
20094s | has good launchers good drones all right |
20097s | taking out the Hound that's a really big |
20099s | bonus those hounds uh this comp we're |
20102s | talking about it before the match |
20103s | appears to be a battleship assassination |
20105s | comp and Khan completely assassinated |
20108s | yeah Khan has gone down and that will be |
20109s | R capel's Flagship eliminated unspoken |
20112s | Alliance interestingly enough they had a |
20114s | BAL Gorn at declared as a flagship |
20116s | earlier but it's dead too so both teams |
20118s | here flagless uh so R Capel here down a |
20122s | total of 54 points so the prophecy now |
20125s | the primary that one makes a lot of |
20127s | sense to me right you've got it tackled |
20129s | you're able to you know freely commit uh |
20131s | drones on top of it and Chase down other |
20133s | ships that's one of the key features of |
20135s | these drone comps is once you hold it |
20137s | down you can just throw your drones you |
20139s | can try to you know scatter and get on |
20141s | top of other things and I mean Ro they |
20144s | just don't have enough damage to break |
20145s | through a sleer which will have a bonus |
20147s | to anery Shield boosting an alligator or |
20149s | a heila yeah your guidance disrupting it |
20151s | but they just get on top of you at zero |
20153s | and it's going to be over for you we've |
20155s | seen also unspoken leaving these |
20157s | arbitrators for last even though the |
20159s | arbitrator is a very good ship we've |
20160s | seen a lot of them in this tournament |
20161s | we've seen them really disrupt things |
20163s | and the arbitrator is able to activate |
20165s | its modules is able to interfere with |
20167s | its Target |
20168s | it's really not enough the alligator and |
20170s | the hila both of those like you |
20171s | mentioned bonus medium drones a lot of |
20174s | their power is completely invulnerable |
20176s | to that disruption and that power is |
20178s | being applied to this vexer Navy issue |
20181s | in ishar so where it kind of feels like |
20183s | things really went wrong for R Capel is |
20186s | that if you're running this sort of a |
20188s | composition right and you know that |
20190s | unspoken has done this kind of Rush |
20192s | before you have to think okay what |
20195s | happens if our Apex flag comp runs into |
20198s | to the setup that they ran in the |
20199s | literal last match that they played and |
20202s | if you don't have an answer for how do |
20204s | we kill the logi frigs right how do we |
20206s | kill the two bombers that they know they |
20207s | brought the last time well okay you're |
20210s | running into you know four battle |
20212s | Cruisers worth of damage and two bombers |
20214s | you know that's you know nearly 4,000 |
20218s | upwards damage nothing is going to |
20219s | survive through that and if you don't |
20221s | have an answer for you know we send a uh |
20224s | ship like a sple Confessor into the |
20226s | backline to really break the burst break |
20229s | the Hound you're just going to lose the |
20231s | DPS race and that's exactly what |
20232s | happened here I think one of the |
20233s | advantages that unspoken had with this |
20235s | comp is the first time we saw this comp |
20237s | it was this morning so rot Capel they've |
20240s | probably already warmed up they've |
20242s | already played today so they didn't have |
20246s | a chance they had to once they knew that |
20249s | they lost their previous match they knew |
20250s | they were going to be in this |
20251s | elimination match all they had was |
20254s | spreadsheets pytha and Theory crafting |
20256s | they probably didn't have enough time to |
20258s | actually undock test it in a scrim maybe |
20262s | you run this best out of three maybe |
20264s | it's going to go different the second or |
20266s | third time but this first time it went |
20268s | exactly the way unspoken Alliance |
20270s | planned yeah and I mean unspoken |
20271s | Alliance did beat Plug and Play earlier |
20273s | with this comp like we were saying in |
20275s | order to get here but if you wrote and I |
20279s | I don't want to be too critical because |
20280s | they had a decent run of things they had |
20282s | a decent comp but the ability to really |
20284s | adjust on the Fly and identify what did |
20287s | my opponents bring earlier today in the |
20289s | last you know 2 3 hours is really what |
20291s | separates the teams that you know go out |
20294s | here in 24th Place like wrote and |
20296s | Unspoken Who with this win makes top 16 |
20299s | and what that means is they get the |
20301s | prize ships right unspoken could go no |
20304s | further than this and they're already in |
20305s | the money right unspoken they brought |
20307s | what we were kind of jokingly calling a |
20309s | poverty born right where they didn't |
20311s | have any officer mods well now you've |
20313s | won two of the frig you've won two of |
20315s | the cruiser I don't recall if they've |
20317s | won any of the |
20319s | won a BH so right there you add all of |
20321s | that up that's over a trillion easily |
20323s | between all those ships so they're no |
20325s | longer poverty and with that money they |
20327s | can you know come back into the next |
20329s | Alliance tournament and be like hey |
20330s | listen this time we had you know a 5 |
20334s | billion isk Flagship next time we can |
20337s | bring a 50 you know billion isk Flagship |
20339s | and use that to really fuel a run |
20341s | because again you get these skins that |
20343s | were excellently made by uh T Amber |
20346s | right you know known as C Prime Pony |
20348s | Club member of the community and these |
20350s | skins I mean I don't know if we've shown |
20353s | them yet on the desk but they're |
20354s | absolutely gorgeous I'm sure they're |
20355s | going to be selling well and every win |
20357s | you get here is going to be another 10 |
20359s | of those for your team and those packs |
20361s | are going to be worth a ton of money |
20363s | definitely and the Skins are beautiful |
20365s | we have seen them and the ships are |
20368s | beautiful and a ton of fun to fly and |
20370s | with that we'll send it back to the desk |
20372s | to break down this |
20373s | match Capel more like lost Capel as they |
20377s | exit Alliance tournament 20 um in a a |
20381s | pretty well executed uh version of what |
20383s | we call the Florida man style comp um |
20385s | mystical might you wanted to talk a |
20387s | little bit about the band choice in this |
20390s | match yeah so we've seen unspoken bring |
20392s | this comp before um they flew it really |
20394s | well the first time as well um taking |
20396s | their time to burn in instead of rushing |
20398s | headlong um and using their drones to |
20400s | soften up the lower end of the the enemy |
20402s | team we've seen them effectively do the |
20404s | same thing again they put their drones |
20406s | on the um logi fets to clear them away |
20409s | before they fully committed to the |
20410s | battleships which meant that it was a |
20412s | lot easier for them to to eventually |
20415s | break through right um what I was |
20417s | questioning is okay we saw a Nighthawk |
20421s | ban we saw a Loki ban I was curious why |
20424s | they wouldn't ban the Nighthawk and the |
20426s | alligator as there's no real |
20429s | Replacements within that category you |
20431s | could bring a claimer if you wanted to |
20433s | but it doesn't really do the same thing |
20435s | that the Nighthawk or the alligator does |
20437s | um it's a little bit less damage it's a |
20440s | little bit more tank um but it's it it |
20443s | it doesn't quite kick as hard so I think |
20445s | if they were worried about hams and and |
20448s | the ham Rush variant that unspoken have |
20450s | been flying they should have banned the |
20451s | alligator and the Nighthawk yeah and |
20454s | welcome to the desk how are you today |
20456s | I'm doing all right it's been a bit very |
20458s | good day so far a lot of good matches |
20460s | there has been a lot of good matches uh |
20461s | there was uh a flx Vindicator oh mate |
20464s | why was I not there for that one I I saw |
20466s | I'm like please please please please |
20468s | please but it died yeah yeah it that |
20471s | seems to be the me measure of it every |
20473s | time I see a flag V like it's amazing it |
20475s | dies we got I got one yesterday that won |
20477s | and it was the greatest moment and I've |
20479s | been regretting it ever since I'm |
20481s | beginning to think Wing that cross I'm |
20483s | beginning to think that the flagship |
20485s | Vindicator is not the solution hey hey |
20489s | hey hey look the flagship Vindicator |
20491s | arrived to the wrong party okay we came |
20493s | to the Balor race and all of a sudden |
20494s | there's a Vindicator like I've got great |
20496s | webs and the balor's looking at it |
20497s | that's that's adorable you can web at 20 |
20500s | I can web at 50 The Vindicator standing |
20502s | in the corner going they don't know how |
20504s | hard I can web while everyone else is |
20506s | Dancing with B at 70 km that's basically |
20510s | how it's like a like kid versus a guy |
20511s | who's got really long arms just like |
20513s | holding him right there like come on |
20514s | come on poor Vindicator but speaking of |
20517s | flagships by the way H there was a |
20519s | flagship in that last match fielded by |
20520s | RH Capel um and it is uh it's a very |
20523s | dead Flagship now and uh you can |
20526s | sometimes tell like how a team feels |
20528s | about the the run like what not NE |
20531s | taking it seriously but like if they're |
20533s | ready to commit to it they're going to |
20534s | put up some you know some real do into |
20536s | some of these things and you can see |
20538s | here uh on this one that uh Ro Capel you |
20541s | know put some put some effort into this |
20542s | it's almost 100 billion isk in this |
20544s | Armageddon Navy issue um most of that is |
20547s | in the SML launchers uh of course 90% |
20550s | drop most of them dropped uh well 80% of |
20553s | them dropped it's close enough um |
20554s | there's some decent uh mods in the mid |
20557s | slots and then in the low slots again uh |
20559s | it's pretty all right we have a nice |
20561s | fancy damage control so a pretty solid |
20564s | Flagship all around from Ro Capel um |
20567s | Misty like we tal we've talked a lot |
20568s | about flagships we've talked a lot about |
20570s | a lot of different things um for me it's |
20574s | still the bar guest I think even seeing |
20576s | how things are going I feel like the bar |
20579s | guest is still the number one choice I |
20581s | would pick I think it's just the |
20582s | flexibility although we've seen so far |
20586s | two flag bargs and they're both dead |
20588s | I I think that's |
20589s | unrelated what do you think I think |
20591s | that's what a volter member would say |
20593s | yeah there we member would say you're an |
20595s | next member correct I was also going to |
20598s | say the b is kind of cool I agree so |
20601s | it's thing we're I I do like the um |
20604s | flexibility I do like the flexibility of |
20606s | the bar guest and the fact that you can |
20607s | bring it in armor or Shield comps I |
20609s | would probably favor it more in armor |
20611s | comps because it gives you more mids for |
20614s | things like scrams so you have better |
20616s | control over the Hostile team um but I |
20620s | mean the Balor is also a natural one to |
20622s | swing for despite the fact that it has |
20624s | an immense Point cost in this tournament |
20626s | compared to it's one cheaper than the |
20627s | bar guest yes it is cheaper than the bar |
20629s | guest the men's Point cost it is cheaper |
20632s | yeah but it's more expensive than the G |
20634s | Navy issue or my favorite the Redeemer |
20638s | so um I would have probably suggested if |
20640s | people were going to go for bar guest |
20642s | you could also probably swing a born but |
20645s | it is less flexible um but does give you |
20647s | one point back which is probably not |
20649s | going to be that much use yeah well um |
20652s | we |
20653s | have um uh another match coming up um |
20657s | which I think we should talk about so |
20658s | let's look at the bands for Rage Quit |
20659s | cancel sub versus no need loose face so |
20662s | this time we have the arm geddon and the |
20664s | armagedon Navy isue the arbitrator and |
20667s | the Sentinel uh no need to lose face |
20669s | Banning out the Widow the uh zarm bwe Z |
20674s | babwe oh I see I see I see I see see |
20677s | what's going on here uh the the zarm |
20679s | babwe uh the anos and the crucifier uh |
20683s | Wing what do you think about these bands |
20685s | uh the get get Navy is becoming a very |
20686s | common one Al especially with the track |
20688s | disruption backing it up cuz the track |
20690s | disruption is very potent but the NES is |
20691s | also absolute pain in the butt and gons |
20693s | just kind of fit every armor comp you |
20695s | can make the Widow and and the Z I feel |
20697s | like you could ban one and get the same |
20699s | result just want to shout out the guy in |
20701s | twitch chat who suggested zarillo |
20704s | um that's a good one that's a good one |
20707s | good job |
20708s | name stop typing everyone Rous radar |
20710s | well done well done we like that one um |
20713s | do you know if you type exclamation mark |
20715s | and then some version of the name zad |
20717s | you might win a prize so you should all |
20720s | do that the correct thought might be Z |
20722s | if it's the right one I'm not going to |
20723s | tell you which one to do it but if you |
20724s | find the right one you can go ahead and |
20725s | try and get that um predictions though |
20728s | so we should talk about this so band |
20730s | coming back to you uh we're going we |
20731s | talked a little bit about some bands the |
20733s | Widow one is an interesting one because |
20735s | we've only seen one window fielded and |
20736s | it was fed with a arm exactly and |
20739s | they've banned both I feel like you can |
20740s | just get one ban and just do it ban the |
20743s | armarm and then the wids kind of semi |
20745s | out anyway not really like not entirely |
20747s | that's not entirely correct but it's but |
20749s | the zarm really makes it that much |
20751s | better they go let it |
20754s | begin is good the Z definitely I think |
20757s | like really synergize what the Widow |
20758s | wants to do but you could just ban the |
20760s | Widow and just remove the problem |
20761s | entirely yep yeah I mean I don't know I |
20765s | I think if you're afraid of ECA like a |
20768s | really strong ECM setup then you want to |
20769s | remove the Widow I don't think removing |
20771s | the Z stops you from being able to bring |
20773s | a widow because the Z initially I think |
20775s | reps less than let say a guardian would |
20777s | it's just a case of um The Guardian is |
20780s | also able to split reps right the has |
20783s | some unique features which is the more |
20785s | it reps the more it reps that's how it |
20788s | works wow I know incredible evil line |
20792s | mechanic this is why we bring Misty |
20794s | right this is this the big this is what |
20796s | we this is what I'm here for |
20798s | um The Guardian initially will do more |
20800s | reps but it doesn't have quite the same |
20802s | range so you will have to be closer the |
20803s | arm can about 72 km away and still get |
20805s | the full effect of its reps so there is |
20808s | benefit to bringing the guardian over |
20809s | the zarm in some cases I don't think |
20811s | removing the zarm stops you from |
20813s | bringing widow or other ECM setups and |
20815s | in fact I think that the guardian in |
20817s | some cases May in fact be stronger |
20818s | because it allows you to then send your |
20820s | tackle out and you can still keep them |
20822s | alive when the Widow misses its Champs |
20824s | which it will every now and then so what |
20826s | you're saying is just just ban the Widow |
20828s | and the problem will be solve solve |
20829s | itself now let me tell you about a comp |
20832s | that I came up with in my Hydra days |
20834s | called banana split it was multiple |
20837s | scorpions and black birds and you just |
20838s | fly around the arena and jam Jam |
20841s | everything off of your friends you know |
20842s | it's fine it will work for sure I we saw |
20845s | that like a test try of that a year or |
20846s | two ago people brought like Cru |
20848s | scorpions and bounc from Beacon to |
20849s | Beacon trying to be a real pain in the |
20850s | ass it it will win I think it was |
20853s | definitely annoying I'm not sure if it |
20854s | won someone bring it you will win |
20857s | I don't think that's |
20859s | true I think you are lying Mr he said it |
20863s | it must be true I would fly it I don't |
20865s | believe you we should do a |
20868s | Rome okay let's do that yes we can do |
20870s | that that sounds fun um okay so we have |
20872s | about 2 minutes until this next match so |
20874s | let's maybe let's do some predictions uh |
20876s | obviously uh twitch chat um Bing of |
20878s | Truth etc etc you guys um are putting it |
20881s | oh it's almost 50/50 Rage Quit cancel |
20883s | sub a little bit ahead in the polls |
20885s | right now um I honestly I'm not sure |
20888s | which one to go for in this either uh |
20890s | wingland what do you think I think I |
20892s | want to go for Rage Quit because if they |
20893s | win they win and if they lose well |
20895s | they're going to rage quit anyway so |
20897s | they win anyway there's no losing for |
20899s | them there true grass touching will |
20901s | become available again for them Mr glate |
20904s | what about you I'm going to go for no |
20905s | need I believe uh I remember liking that |
20909s | comp more than I did the rage quit comp |
20912s | and I think it's because Rage Quit |
20913s | fielded Navy gons I mean Navy gon are |
20915s | great so I'm definitely going to go for |
20916s | them then so can't bring it this time |
20918s | they're banned oh damn it all right |
20920s | let's go to the arena uh for this match |
20922s | here in Alliance tournament |
20924s | 20 H hello everyone hello everyone and |
20928s | welcome back to the arena we are here |
20930s | for Rage Quit cancel sub versus no need |
20932s | loose face no need lose face they fought |
20935s | a tinker previous round they have looked |
20937s | at it and they have said great I'll take |
20939s | it this is a pseudo Tinker with three |
20942s | Golems or two Golems a Navy Raven and |
20945s | interestingly a bomber for high DPS yes |
20947s | mod what have Rage Quit brought so Rage |
20949s | Quit cancels up has brought one of the |
20950s | comps that is actually very very good at |
20952s | breaking Tinkers and they have brought a |
20954s | combination of minmatar and calar ships |
20957s | that do not just a little bit but a lot |
20959s | of heavy assault missile damage look at |
20960s | that attack bar from Rich quit cancel |
20962s | sub so what are tankers how do they work |
20966s | well you have a bunch of energy uh |
20968s | transferring ships and they all kind of |
20971s | um give each other capacitor and they |
20974s | try to basically self-re right um or |
20977s | maybe this isn't a tanker maybe it's |
20979s | just honest to God three battleships |
20980s | because the Squall and the stor are uh |
20982s | trying to screen but look at all of |
20984s | these uh ships basically grouping up |
20987s | they're going to Target paint and web |
20989s | the stor that stor is probably going to |
20990s | last all of about 2 seconds meanwhile |
20992s | the Osprey is painted I do like that |
20995s | call you do try to in you know either a |
20998s | tinker or a pseudo Tinker you're going |
21000s | to try to kill the Lodi and then kind of |
21002s | usually work your way um down up right |
21004s | so you kill the Osprey then you kill the |
21006s | soll and then you deal with like the |
21008s | fleet Cyclone or a Loki um however great |
21011s | canel sub also kill the stor kill the |
21013s | lyns then they kill a Squall then |
21015s | they're going to work their way with um |
21017s | you know webs through a Kieran and a |
21019s | scalpel so I'm liking the call so far |
21021s | yeah moderator I will say uh we called |
21023s | this a pseudo Tinker because it has all |
21025s | the ships for a pseudo Tinker but if you |
21027s | zoom in and you look at the battleships |
21028s | they are not currently tinkering I do |
21030s | not see cap transfers going between |
21032s | these three battleships which means that |
21034s | all three of these battleships are |
21035s | simply relying on their own |
21037s | relying on large cargo Bays large things |
21040s | and possibly extra cat boosters stored |
21043s | in that Squall that gives them a little |
21045s | bit more Mobility but they are |
21047s | definitely still going to have to fight |
21050s | off this Onslaught from Rage cancel sub |
21053s | osprey's a good start Fleet Cyclone's a |
21055s | good start but that Navy Raven issue is |
21056s | dipping into very low Shield yeah so |
21059s | judging by what we see from the attack |
21062s | bar and from the missiles right these |
21063s | are not Torpedoes ironically Torpedoes |
21066s | would be perfect against this um but |
21068s | often they're usually not brought |
21069s | because they're pretty onedimensional |
21070s | right these look like um what appear to |
21072s | be cruise missiles um however and what |
21076s | we see now is that the fleet Cyclone is |
21078s | down the Navy Raven's going to drop but |
21079s | if they can really punch through the |
21081s | Nighthawk that will be pretty impactful |
21083s | however for the economy I don't like it |
21086s | kill the squals they are basically at |
21089s | the end of the day haulers they don't |
21090s | have a ton of tank Nighthawk yes it does |
21093s | like 1400 damage but you're a Golem |
21095s | right you have really good kinetic |
21097s | resists um Nighthawk does not do awesome |
21100s | damage against you get rid of these |
21101s | squalls I agree get rid of the squalls |
21103s | but they're really uh punching through |
21106s | stuff Golem in very low very low |
21111s | structure just starting to boost I am |
21113s | seeing maybe some cap transfer effects |
21115s | going on here so maybe it was just like |
21116s | a slow cap chain kind of situation |
21119s | meanwhile mod I think they heard you |
21121s | target paint on the Squall damage on the |
21122s | Squall is it too little too late so |
21125s | looking at the defense bar and the |
21126s | attack bar from from no need to lose |
21127s | face yes absolutely so like we were |
21129s | saying right you look at the attack bar |
21131s | from R quit cancel sub they have already |
21133s | lost 88 points of value and look at how |
21136s | massive it is right yeah they kill the |
21138s | skull but look at how long it took so |
21140s | the thing about a lot of these comps is |
21142s | that basically Evon line as we all know |
21146s | courtesy of the Microsoft partnership is |
21148s | a spreadsheet game it is officially |
21150s | certified an Excel spreadsheet game so |
21153s | what this means is that sometimes you |
21155s | figure out okay how long does it take |
21157s | for us to do 7,000 damage okay we have |
21160s | 7,000 damage you have this many HP you |
21163s | divide these two you know I think you |
21165s | you know come up with a bit of a |
21167s | division there and then you get your |
21168s | output okay so in nerd numbers yeah you |
21171s | basically did the Excel Division and |
21174s | speaking of excelling Rage Quit cancel |
21176s | sub is excelling at breaking apart this |
21178s | composition right we've been here for |
21180s | like three minutes nearly four minutes |
21183s | and no need lukace has nothing left I |
21185s | blinked and the match was over |
21187s | absolutely bifrost is uh going down |
21190s | Manor last to hang on uh got some drones |
21194s | and soon to be the rest of the team |
21196s | chasing out to that manacor to catch |
21199s | them and end the match for us the uh |
21202s | good fights have already gone out in |
21203s | local uh teams say that match was a lot |
21206s | of fun indeed it was a lot of fun and it |
21207s | was over very very quickly thanks to as |
21210s | you said that big damage yeah so I mean |
21214s | no need to lose face what could have |
21215s | they done differently |
21217s | um not a whole lot but generally the |
21220s | problem that you run into when you have |
21222s | these golems and navy Raven you know |
21224s | what I would talk about better things to |
21225s | do but the match is already over so |
21227s | we'll send it to the break and let the |
21229s | analyst do the job of analyzing the |
21231s | match and talking about competitions how |
21233s | do they |
21235s | work welcome back to Alliance tournament |
21238s | 20 uh mystical M wng lros they join me |
21241s | on the desk once again um we don't see |
21244s | Tinkers very often anymore in Alliance |
21245s | tournament um this is the second kind of |
21248s | pseudo Tinker now in Lance room in 20 |
21250s | there was a time when every single match |
21252s | was basically just Tinkers versus |
21253s | Tinkers uh it got a little bit |
21255s | oppressive uh so now with the you can't |
21258s | fit Logistics modules to your Tech three |
21260s | Cruisers the the true Tinker God Rest |
21263s | his soul is long Dead uh but we have |
21265s | these pseudo Tinkers now you pointed out |
21269s | very very correctly that there was |
21270s | something kind of maybe missing from |
21271s | this particular sudo Tinker tell me |
21272s | about that yeah normally stiners bring a |
21274s | very tanky Command Ship generally the |
21275s | Nighthawk to sit there and provide the |
21277s | links while also actually surviving this |
21279s | team went yeah we don't really need |
21281s | those we'll just bring two command |
21282s | destroyers they'll survive and they're |
21283s | gone it was I was curious why it wasn't |
21287s | banned as far as I'm aware oh well they |
21290s | got a reason I don't know it Mr why |
21292s | would you why would you bring command |
21293s | destroyers in a tinker set because |
21295s | normally you try and just consolidate as |
21297s | many points as possible into a few ships |
21300s | that just hug each other and the rest of |
21302s | it are disposable uh but your links are |
21305s | very not disposable especially in a |
21306s | tinker when you really rely on just the |
21308s | every little bit of extra tank possible |
21311s | why would you do this I think theth |
21313s | would describe it as a very economically |
21317s | ineffective strategy right it's it's |
21319s | it's poor budget management I think um |
21322s | they went for two Golems I think |
21324s | typically with these Tinker setups we |
21326s | see one um because they're very |
21328s | expensive ships um I don't think it's |
21331s | necessarily terrible to bring the store |
21333s | and by Frost it is not ideal by any |
21335s | means um in fact it probably is terrible |
21338s | uh but what's even worse is then taking |
21340s | the stalker by Frost and trying to use |
21341s | them to screen the Russian comp um |
21345s | knowing that you basically have no logic |
21346s | to keep them alive and knowing that they |
21348s | are your links uh you want to keep your |
21350s | links alive for as long as possible so I |
21353s | would have suggested burning away with |
21354s | the stalk and bu Frost and maybe flying |
21356s | by every now and then to give the |
21358s | command links where they could um to |
21360s | ensure that the Golems um and I believe |
21364s | the Navy Raven had the ehp increase pie |
21366s | es from their Shield links um yeah just |
21371s | just bring bring a battle cruiser next |
21373s | time I guess well unfortunately there |
21375s | isn't a next time uh that was an |
21376s | elimination match so uh they are gone |
21378s | from Alliance tournament 20 um if |
21380s | there's another Alliance tournament |
21382s | sometime in the future who knows uh then |
21384s | uh you could bring it then perhaps but |
21386s | we will definitely find out I wonder |
21388s | what the the the red blue is up to by |
21392s | the way um if someone if someone in the |
21394s | back could check the red and the blue uh |
21396s | that would be nice cuz I'm interested I |
21398s | forgot to check it myself um |
21401s | so we don't see Marauders very often um |
21405s | although I feel like this year we're |
21407s | starting to see them kind of have a |
21408s | Resurgence uh in use in tournaments uh |
21411s | we just saw two Golems we obviously had |
21413s | a flagship vargar um we've seen a few |
21415s | paladins kind of cutting around mystical |
21417s | mate one of the best things about a |
21419s | Marauder is you have a little module mhm |
21422s | it's known as the basting module M um |
21424s | you click the basan module ah and then |
21427s | everyone around you ceases to be able to |
21430s | kill you and they all then die why why |
21433s | why can't we just simply Bastion in the |
21436s | alliance tournament I think the the |
21438s | descriptor changes depending on who you |
21441s | ask if if you ask a wonderful nuluk |
21444s | member in their staging system whopping |
21446s | to a gate to shoot some small gangers |
21448s | they're going to say this is a wonderful |
21449s | button if you ask the small ganger there |
21451s | may be a lot of bleeps about the modu |
21455s | and yeah so um it it it's up for debate |
21459s | but in the alliance tournament we used |
21461s | to have Bastion modules on Marauders in |
21464s | one the alliance tournaments essentially |
21466s | it would come down to one more order on |
21468s | one team one more order on the other |
21470s | team both of them Bastion just kind of |
21472s | sitting there throwing missiles or |
21474s | shooting beams um and then we would hit |
21476s | reverse dday and the system the same |
21479s | thing but faster the speed up and speed |
21481s | up and speed up and it became a case of |
21482s | like you're basically just tapping your |
21484s | keyboard constantly trying to do module |
21485s | management running your cap booster make |
21487s | sure you don't over rep make sure you're |
21488s | not burning things out um it became a |
21491s | very intense experience for two people |
21494s | and a very boring one for everyone else |
21496s | yes um which is basically the reason why |
21499s | we don't have these bastia modules |
21501s | anymore in the tournament um you need to |
21503s | rely on your own skill you need to |
21505s | actually like position around the arena |
21508s | um they're still strong without the |
21509s | Bastion module just due to their bonuses |
21512s | and the fact that they are Tech Two |
21514s | battleships but |
21516s | you don't just have a I shall win button |
21519s | yeah I mean I remember that was a liance |
21521s | tournament 13 um was the The Marauder |
21524s | heavy tournament and yeah I still |
21527s | remember there was so many matches where |
21529s | it just would be 18 people um were doing |
21532s | whatever they wanted to do and then two |
21534s | people in Bastion punching each other in |
21536s | the face uh for most likely 15 minutes |
21539s | um and not the most exciting thing Lions |
21541s | did this basically just back and forward |
21542s | it's like oh it repped oh it red y um |
21546s | but there was one moment that I remember |
21547s | from L stre 13 it was the only possible |
21550s | basan versus Bastian Marauder uh |
21552s | exciting moment that I could possibly |
21553s | remember uh there was a Golem with range |
21556s | sitting far away from a paladin both of |
21560s | them of course are in Bastin both of |
21561s | them are shooting each other the uh |
21564s | Paladin was slowly dying and he couldn't |
21567s | kill the uh the Golem because it was you |
21569s | know you know full full full tank full |
21571s | cap he comes out of Bastion immediately |
21574s | starts dying much quicker because he's |
21575s | no longer in Bastion but Lins up mjd's |
21579s | lands in like 25% Hull immediately rebas |
21582s | starts repping again and then puts all |
21584s | these NES on the Golem shuts down the |
21586s | Golem's tank and kills it and I was like |
21588s | well done that was excellent now we |
21590s | shall remove the basan module because he |
21593s | shouldn't have had to do that we have |
21594s | now peaked yeah we had the one moment of |
21597s | actual good play yes and that's all we |
21598s | needed took us a tour to get there true |
21600s | yep so yeah so if if you're first time |
21602s | uh watching last stre and you see some |
21604s | of these Marauders I've seen a few |
21605s | questions in chat ask like if they can |
21607s | feel the basan module that is why they |
21609s | cannot it is not fun for the rest of us |
21612s | all right we have one more match uh of |
21616s | the day but before I see we have our red |
21618s | versus blue wins have been updated uh |
21621s | let's see if we can throw that up right |
21622s | now and look at that wow red is still |
21625s | dominant um and the blue specifically |
21629s | blue not green wins it looks like |
21631s | there's been a few more since I I |
21632s | remember the blue section of the graph |
21635s | which is represented here in green um it |
21638s | being smaller proportionately I do |
21640s | believe it was smaller yeah I I believe |
21642s | it went from this to this for those of |
21646s | you who are looking at the charts and |
21648s | not the cameras Mr Gite was gesturing |
21650s | like a pie there you go yeah that was it |
21653s | there you are that was the increase it |
21654s | was like one or two matches we don't |
21656s | need graphs anymore we have graphs at |
21658s | home we us theph yes we have graphs at |
21660s | home um yes the uh the blue side CL it |
21664s | back a little bit yeah we we we can all |
21667s | hope and dream little bit little bit way |
21668s | to go next weekend is their weekend know |
21671s | it's scheduled for the blue teams next |
21673s | weekend exactly that's the script oh did |
21677s | I leave the script up I meant to say |
21679s | that oh we have some more we have some |
21681s | more let we have some more graphs I'm |
21683s | I'm I'm graph wealthy now uh let's throw |
21685s | this one up this is the most commonly |
21687s | brought ships in Alliance tournament 20 |
21689s | so the P effects obviously it's super |
21692s | super valuable um pretty much every |
21695s | armor control comp is is bringing them |
21697s | uh the Deacon is the numbers are |
21698s | slightly inflated because they tend to |
21700s | be brought in pairs but due to points |
21701s | inflation that's not always reliable so |
21703s | it's still super popular you can see |
21705s | here the Armageddon Navy has lost a spot |
21707s | uh it was I think it may be tied but it |
21709s | was you know Undisputed third place the |
21712s | Magus is now moved up there as well and |
21714s | of course the arbitrator we talked about |
21715s | it a bunch today it's a a super powerful |
21717s | ship and it's very cheap pointwise very |
21719s | cheap it doesn't have to be anywhere |
21721s | near anybody to do its job effectively |
21723s | it can just fly off into the AR end of |
21726s | the arena and just kind of like throw |
21729s | tracking disruption across it the the |
21731s | most important thing we saw there was |
21732s | the number of squalls brought yeah um I |
21734s | think you'll be hard pressed to find |
21736s | somebody that doesn't agree with the |
21738s | statement more Squall equals more good |
21740s | yes um that is that has been how most of |
21743s | these teams got into the feeders in the |
21744s | first place yes all s all the time and I |
21746s | think that these teams should be |
21748s | reestablishing and getting to grips with |
21750s | their Squall routs I mean the team won |
21752s | the last match three squs yep more squs |
21755s | see there you go there I think the |
21757s | point's proven the point is definitely |
21758s | proven I I think that's undisputable uh |
21761s | so let us uh get more squalls uh okay so |
21764s | I'm looking for there's so many charts |
21766s | now here we go is this our bands no we |
21768s | don't have our bands yet uh so our last |
21770s | match of the day uh is going to be postp |
21773s | Clarity versus genin impact Alliance uh |
21777s | so |
21778s | genin again to remind you we're in the |
21780s | elimination bracket right now genin are |
21783s | here having never lost a ship |
21787s | all right now you may be think thinking |
21789s | hey just be Overlord how could they |
21791s | possibly have lost a match without |
21793s | losing any ships oh I know I know I know |
21796s | Mr Wingnut tell me what how did that |
21797s | happen they did not bring 200 points and |
21800s | the opposing team brought 200 points and |
21803s | neither team killed anything for 10 |
21805s | minutes and it was possibly one of the |
21808s | best matches I've ever |
21809s | commentated it was a really good match |
21811s | and that team by the way still in the |
21813s | tournament and didn't kill anything for |
21816s | the next match as well look I'm not I'm |
21818s | not angry all right I'm just |
21821s | disappointed like 200 points just bring |
21823s | you 200 points come on all right hey we |
21826s | have the bands now okay let us uh take a |
21828s | look at the bands between postp pod |
21829s | Clarity and genjin impact Alliance so |
21832s | post paused Clarity Banning of the |
21834s | Armageddon the Armageddon Navy issu is |
21836s | now becoming a standard The Sentinel and |
21838s | the arbitrator uh meanwhile genion |
21840s | impact Alliance Banning out the the slep |
21842s | near not the slep far that's unbanned uh |
21844s | the zarm Bony the e and the ly um |
21848s | Wingnut you yeah what do you think about |
21850s | these bands here those top bands seem a |
21852s | little familiar feel like we've seen |
21853s | this exact set of bands the previous |
21856s | match I wonder if they just decide to |
21859s | copy the other guys you know just copy |
21860s | their homework and go home with |
21862s | it yeah I mean I think that's probably |
21864s | probably a safe assumption as well Mr |
21866s | might anything you interesting you see |
21867s | here I mean armag Navy is just so |
21869s | powerful I'm trying to remember exactly |
21872s | which team brought what but I think |
21873s | postp Clarity was the one that brought |
21875s | to aares and then gun spam I think or |
21878s | maybe it was the other way around one of |
21879s | them brought two aart days and gun spam |
21881s | one of them brought I think it was |
21883s | double Navy Garden or something at some |
21886s | point um so I'm just expecting to see |
21889s | some more gun spam shrim as just gun |
21893s | spam just gun spam gun spam gun spam gun |
21896s | spam all right um and here we go a uh |
21899s | another chart uh I see these guys are on |
21902s | point with charts I I do love me some |
21905s | charts this is a our chart of the most |
21907s | often destroyed ships in Alliance |
21908s | tournament XX day one we need to work on |
21912s | conciseness of naming I think but you |
21914s | know okay Deacon Pon effects uh |
21917s | destroyed often cuz the ponts is you're |
21920s | going to take them out because them your |
21921s | links then the the the megus the molus |
21923s | and then the armag Navy issue there he |
21925s | is again lots of armag Navy issues so |
21926s | lots of them die um yeah and look an |
21929s | ashim I didn't realize how many people |
21930s | were bringing ashim to be honest like a |
21932s | handful of them yeah there have been |
21933s | quite a few yeah I haven't quite noticed |
21934s | there's that many ashim mytic there not |
21936s | the common ship it's because when you |
21938s | look it's probably a wck that dies first |
21940s | in most matches aim it's it's a fairly |
21944s | cheap ship that you can bring for |
21946s | middling range webs um so people slot it |
21950s | into their setups where they had the |
21951s | room um so yeah I mean that's that's |
21955s | ultimately why you see it die a lot |
21956s | because it's burning in it's screening |
21959s | um it's getting shot and they dies the |
21963s | teams generally |
21966s | sometimes win sometimes |
21967s | lose wow we are so good at our jobs |
21971s | sometimes I can't remember whether most |
21974s | teams that bring ashamu lose I don't |
21975s | think that's the case I feel like you |
21977s | have to have a certain level of |
21978s | self-confidence to bring an ashamu in |
21979s | the first |
21981s | place or cluelessness or cluelessness |
21984s | yes that is also either one works yes |
21987s | you can tell ladies and gentlemen in |
21989s | twitch land you can tell we're getting |
21990s | towards the end of the |
21992s | stream because it has been a long day it |
21994s | has been a day full of explosion |
21996s | full of explosions some amazing matches |
21999s | some absolute classic alltime matches uh |
22003s | we had volter losing uh a very expensive |
22006s | Flagship to um Platinum sensitivity we |
22009s | had uh like goons coming and Performing |
22012s | really well uh but unfortunately still |
22014s | getting knocked out we had a couple of |
22015s | nail biters of course let's not forget |
22017s | uh that incredible one with Odin's call |
22019s | versus arrival definitely one of the |
22021s | best matches so far of the tournament |
22023s | incredible plays by some Pilots there |
22025s | the Paradigm coming in and just saving |
22027s | Colonel CTS in just such a small amount |
22030s | of structure incredible amounts of |
22032s | matches this uh this weekend and |
22033s | there'll be even more next weekend uh |
22035s | there will be a whole bunch more and |
22036s | we'll also have the grand finals uh and |
22040s | and that will be us but we have to get |
22042s | there first so we have one more match |
22044s | for you tonight uh genjin Impact versus |
22046s | postp pod Clarity and I see here on my |
22048s | screen that uh genin are bringing their |
22051s | Flagship Armageddon Navy issue are they |
22053s | going to kill something hopefully so I |
22055s | think that's what they want to do uh and |
22057s | hopefully they brought 200 points see if |
22059s | we come to the arena and I see a number |
22060s | that's not zero I'm going to be again |
22064s | very disappointed in you okay so all |
22066s | right let's head over to the arena now |
22067s | and see how disappointed I shall |
22070s | be hello I moderator joined by alars for |
22073s | the final but not least of all match |
22076s | tonight genin impact have their Navy |
22079s | Armageddon piloted by sailor as we had |
22081s | from the analyst desk and they're going |
22083s | to be running a rapid um on that |
22086s | supported by a pair of abadin of |
22088s | celestus that may not do all too much |
22090s | against a medium all-in gun setup from |
22093s | postp pod Clarity look at those attack |
22095s | bars I mean abatons are bricks they do a |
22097s | ton of damage but medium beams and |
22100s | medium rail guns also known for doing a |
22102s | lot of damage yeah the crucifier and |
22104s | genin impact Alliance is going to have |
22106s | to be working overtime hopefully they |
22108s | pack tracking disruptors uh if so though |
22111s | might be able to start blunting the |
22112s | damage from that postp pod Clarity side |
22115s | uh as you said say celestus maybe not |
22117s | going to have the greatest time however |
22119s | uh with the split weapon systems that |
22120s | tracking or the guidance disruptor from |
22122s | the crucifier actually able to do |
22124s | something onto this Navy Armageddon so I |
22126s | really like the call from these Lodi |
22128s | frigs to PR up their crucifier because |
22130s | if I'm these aartis or the Navy bruck |
22132s | and I want to try to get a cheap cheeky |
22134s | pick in the first 30 seconds it's going |
22136s | to be the cruy right so we see crucially |
22138s | that the celestus that I said might not |
22140s | do a ton is damping the crucifier that |
22143s | means that the crucifier of post pod |
22144s | would have to commit in very close as I |
22147s | say that the damp falls off so um what |
22149s | that means really is if you're damped uh |
22151s | in your F your chain breaker on the side |
22153s | of post pod you'd really have to get |
22154s | closer than you'd like interestingly |
22157s | enough this Navy Armageddon is getting |
22159s | nosed and what that's telling me is that |
22161s | one of these ships is nsing his friendly |
22164s | uh buddy for capacitor maybe a little |
22166s | bit premature for that though yeah it |
22168s | badens they are big slow laser brick |
22170s | boats I believe this is very this is |
22172s | certainly very similar to if not |
22174s | identical to the the comp that genin |
22176s | impact played in their exciting match |
22178s | versus white squall uh it's not known |
22181s | for its speed we can see that the badens |
22184s | are I hate to cut you off here Ali but |
22186s | we see there's a micro jump drive play |
22188s | coming from the side of postp pod |
22189s | Clarity they're looking to it looks like |
22191s | jump to yet another uh Beacon and from |
22194s | there if they're able to organize |
22196s | they're in a perfect range to try to get |
22197s | onto the backline but so far gench |
22200s | impact is recognizing this and they're |
22201s | trying to close the gap making it so |
22203s | that snow kidf fox or any other ship |
22205s | can't be an easy pick you know what mod |
22208s | looking at the score line not only does |
22210s | this look very similar to the comp that |
22211s | they brought against white squall it has |
22213s | the same fatal flaw it's 199 points |
22217s | postp pod Clarity they watch that match |
22219s | too if you're in a tournament you watch |
22221s | the footage of all of your opponents |
22222s | post pod maybe they're going to they're |
22225s | staying grouped up on that Beacon they |
22227s | might be setting up to jump again should |
22229s | any of these slow ships get anywhere |
22231s | nearby what that means hopefully gench |
22234s | and impact learns from that last |
22236s | one and they make a decisive play here |
22239s | so critically you're absolutely right |
22241s | postp Clarity could try to run out the |
22243s | clock and they would win genin impact |
22246s | one of the issues they have is looking |
22248s | at the ships that they've got they don't |
22250s | really have anything that says I'm going |
22252s | to go out and Tackle yes they have a |
22254s | pontif effect and omegas that can do it |
22256s | but you really don't want to because |
22258s | those are your only two link ships on |
22260s | the entire grid and we've seen Time |
22262s | After Time what happens when you lose |
22263s | your links in a comp like this not only |
22266s | that but with frig Lodie it's really |
22268s | hard to send one ship in deep to grab |
22271s | tackle for the other team to catch up if |
22273s | you if that maggus goes in that pontif |
22275s | effect maybe that vigil Fleet issue if |
22277s | one of them were to go in their Lodie |
22278s | buddies would have to choose between |
22281s | trying to rep them and opening |
22283s | themselves up to the medium guns their |
22285s | tracking is well known for being quite |
22287s | strong or just letting that ship die so |
22291s | interestingly enough the Deacon of |
22292s | yanna's aate had a bit of a misplay on |
22295s | the beacon and just now uh he is |
22297s | overheating his little heart out uh |
22300s | absolutely doing its level best to try |
22302s | to get back to his mates and he is |
22303s | getting long range nuded out and |
22306s | actually he might even be 5 MN and just |
22309s | now he's getting active reps but there |
22310s | is a cloud of small rep or small damage |
22313s | drones getting on top of yanos Yana's |
22315s | now getting notice the damps on that |
22317s | Thalia so yanos is getting attack |
22320s | getting Ned and Thia got damped off like |
22323s | you just said oh my God Yan's this |
22324s | Thalia he might be targeting range and |
22327s | scan res damp so if they split those the |
22329s | Thalia might have no targeting range and |
22331s | no lock time and guess what the Deacon |
22333s | goes down so genjin this is I think |
22335s | their one of their first um they they're |
22339s | no longer in the situation where the |
22340s | clock can run out postp pod Clarity with |
22342s | losing that they now have to hard commit |
22344s | to something yeah genin is now in the in |
22347s | the spot where if they just run the |
22348s | clock out they'll be good and post pod |
22350s | recognizing that is maybe starting to |
22353s | come in but all of these battleships are |
22355s | getting on top of postcard tackling the |
22356s | brck spreading those NES uh so sailor |
22360s | has used what is almost obviously an |
22362s | officer um scram and an officer web to |
22365s | hold down a lord servant in the Navy |
22367s | brck so crucially that means with the |
22369s | scram you can't commit to the micro jump |
22371s | drive Beacon it won't activate when |
22373s | you're scrammed and look at how much of |
22374s | a pounding he's taken the thol is going |
22376s | down to a cloud of uh damage drones and |
22380s | the Navy bruix is been the primary from |
22382s | this flag comp yeah with the lot with |
22385s | the deacon down Nathalia has no more |
22387s | reps to no more incoming reps save for |
22389s | whatever Lodi drones are available on |
22391s | their team and those loggy drones it's |
22394s | not enough to keep the Thalia up and |
22395s | with the Thalia down this Navy bruck is |
22397s | also going to fall so postp pod Clarity |
22400s | they had an option like you were saying |
22401s | where it looked like what they wanted to |
22403s | do was to try to literally just run the |
22405s | clock out but the problem is it requires |
22407s | all 10 of your players to not make any |
22410s | you know uh mistakes or to double click |
22412s | in space and uh misalign yourself going |
22414s | from Beacon to Beacon and they had their |
22416s | most critical ship one of the Lodi frigs |
22419s | do that and it's been kind of downhill |
22421s | that post pod's been disjointed and |
22423s | unable to find their footing sense yeah |
22425s | one of the things that we've talked |
22426s | about a lot is the different Flagship |
22427s | choices one of the advantages that the |
22429s | Armageddon Navy issue brings here is the |
22431s | Armageddon Navy issue unlike the Bal |
22432s | Gorn another popular choice the |
22434s | Armageddon Navy issue has n range so |
22437s | that Deacon n it was being applied from |
22440s | many more kilometers than that Deacon |
22442s | might have been expecting yeah and now |
22444s | postp pod what they're trying to do is |
22445s | they're trying to get webs on the pontif |
22447s | effects that's going to be the Vigilant |
22448s | and I understand yeah you got to kill |
22450s | the links to try to punch through the |
22451s | deacons but you just traded your |
22453s | Vigilant maybe you get the pontif effect |
22455s | but man it's really not worth it at this |
22457s | point and now the St the Absolution is |
22460s | being held down the MERS are being held |
22462s | down genjin is playing pretty damn well |
22466s | definitely and postp pod they did their |
22468s | best they were going around that Beacon |
22469s | that was a very good strategy for them |
22471s | to try as you say unfortunately that |
22473s | Deacon just a little bit not quite in |
22475s | the right place that Navy Armageddon |
22477s | able to catch up able to open open it up |
22480s | with that kill and with the Lodie down |
22482s | post pod has no additional sustain |
22485s | beyond their buffer and these medium |
22488s | gunships they're quite good ships but |
22490s | they don't have that much buffer and |
22492s | that's absolutely true I will say that |
22494s | nine of the players you know did their |
22496s | very best but again this is a game where |
22498s | it really only takes one of your players |
22500s | to be um something kind of a of a weak |
22503s | link or for a misplay and for things to |
22505s | kind of spiral out and we were saying |
22507s | earlier on maybe the celestus won't do |
22509s | that much but it turns out that the |
22510s | celestus was the MVP because what they |
22513s | did it looked like is they applied you |
22514s | know two targeting rage damps and two |
22517s | scan uh res damps so that means you have |
22519s | no targeting range and it then takes you |
22521s | forever to lock anything he overshot his |
22524s | buddy couldn't get lock and then it was |
22526s | all she wrote indeed as we're watching |
22529s | these uh ships clean up uh genin impact |
22531s | Alliance looks to be continuing in the |
22533s | alliance tournament still having never |
22535s | lost ship so congratulations to them uh |
22538s | it's unlikely that this Fleet vigil or |
22540s | any of these other ships is going to |
22541s | fall uh this is the last match of the |
22543s | day we'll be wrapping this up and then |
22545s | coming back next week with more matches |
22547s | in the top 16 yeah critically what this |
22550s | means for genin impact is that most of |
22552s | these people are from the infinity |
22554s | Avenger Corp in snuffed out so what this |
22557s | means is that genin impact their first |
22559s | ever time in the alliance tournament |
22561s | will make top 16 will get at the very |
22564s | least two of those frigs to the Cruisers |
22566s | and a battleship and they've done better |
22568s | than the actual EU and US time zone |
22571s | snuffed out that's been trying to get |
22572s | here for the last 5 years and then |
22574s | you've got till doomsday which has |
22576s | snuffed out French members so really who |
22578s | is like the snuffed out MVP at this |
22581s | point it's a it's a tough question and |
22583s | this is the great thing about the |
22584s | alliance tournament is you can get these |
22586s | uh is it's all based on alliances in TQ |
22588s | so not only do we have these rivalries |
22593s | between the teams but you also have a |
22595s | little bit of uh rivalries between the |
22596s | alliances we've already seen the goons |
22598s | swarm versus pandemic horde Battle of |
22600s | the large null blocks uh here the |
22602s | question who is the real snuffed out so |
22606s | the real snuffed out May stand up but um |
22610s | I hate to admit it but the weeps have |
22612s | won uh that means we can get the IAS in |
22616s | chat um so Kev Hammer goes down the |
22619s | asard is The Last Ship remaining genin |
22624s | impact I want to credit them for really |
22626s | seizing on the initiative they knew what |
22628s | they had to do they knew what their |
22629s | wicon was they immediately identified |
22632s | and the differentiation between these |
22634s | teams that really make it to top 16 make |
22636s | it to top 12 is not just knowing what to |
22638s | do but making that snap call quickly |
22641s | identifying and seizing on the moment |
22643s | and you know that's what you have to do |
22645s | if you really want to make it deep yeah |
22647s | I really I also want to credit postp pod |
22649s | Clarity on a very good run postp pod |
22651s | they came in through feeders they've |
22653s | made it this far anyone who's gotten |
22655s | here they've done a good job so great |
22658s | job to both of you have a good evening |
22661s | and we'll send it back to the desk to |
22663s | wrap this |
22665s | up and there you have it genin impact |
22667s | Alliance they take the W CP you're |
22670s | unclocked |
22671s | again what the [ __ ] uh they take the W |
22674s | um in this one and we have just checked |
22678s | they are officially one and two sorry |
22680s | two in one two wins yeah one loss |
22682s | haven't lost a single ship the entire |
22683s | tournament so far they a single ship |
22685s | while losing a match because they they |
22687s | left off a point they then didn't lose |
22689s | any ships in the last two matches so |
22691s | this is the most economical Alli |
22693s | tournament run think I've ever seen like |
22695s | the only expenses thus far have been |
22697s | ammunition which I say as well if it |
22699s | wasn't for yanisa they were this far |
22701s | away from doing it again going 199 and |
22704s | 200 and losing one point from the start |
22706s | so they did not learn the lesson why |
22710s | both both teams messed up in that match |
22712s | genin not learning their lesson and |
22714s | Yanni you ruined a great meme you've |
22717s | ruined it I would start looking for a |
22719s | new |
22721s | call all right that was the last match |
22724s | of today uh we are back next week of |
22726s | course uh for the continuation of |
22727s | Alliance tournament 20 uh of course |
22729s | thank you to all the the staff members |
22731s | that are behind the scenes that make |
22732s | this happen there's just so many people |
22734s | uh here to make this this go on thank |
22736s | you of course to all the pilots who have |
22738s | been flying today we we appreciate your |
22740s | sacrifices and of course thank you to |
22742s | you in twitch uh for for being here and |
22744s | enjoying this show with is I am CCB |
22746s | overload I will be CCB overlo again next |
22748s | week so make sure you tune in I am |
22750s | pretty sure but I can't be 100% sure |
22752s | make sure you tune in next week same |
22754s | time same place twitch. television CCP |
22757s | we'll see you then |