9 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | the key vision statements for e on line |
6s | is that we want to create the ultimate |
8s | science fiction |
10s | experience the Sol stce event will start |
12s | on June 20th and run for 11 days to July |
15s | 1st and plays will be able to deploy |
17s | 24/7 we're actually building on a lot of |
20s | the great work that happened in play |
22s | tests from December and up till now but |
24s | there's a lot that has changed |
33s | it's a brand new map it's a completely |
35s | new biome it's new wreckage new hazards |
38s | and looks like a beautiful archipelago |
40s | that's been completely corrupted by |
42s | wreckage that's crashed into the nearby |
46s | ocean there's plenty of new content |
49s | being added to the experience we will be |
51s | expanding on the industry work that we |
54s | did in March and we will also be adding |
56s | new objectives for you to do to add |
58s | suppression or corruption your activity |
61s | really matters in the grander scheme of |
66s | things when you first deploy your weapon |
69s | will be pretty thin and you'll need to |
71s | go and find chipsets in the environment |
73s | that you can either get through looting |
74s | or completing activities and |
77s | events it's got the three no activities |
79s | which are the secured Savage sites The |
81s | Mining rights and then these Escape pods |
83s | which are strewn all over the landscape |
85s | that you can go and hack open with your |
86s | mining |
87s | laser the secured starage site is a lock |
90s | down secured Depot which the enemies |
92s | found some stuff and they've put it |
93s | under a shield and it's up to you to |
95s | sort of break in and take the stuff for |
96s | yourself and you can use your mining |
98s | laser to hack these panels to then gain |
100s | access to the internals this is where |
103s | you're getting cool chipsets which goes |
104s | to support the Adaptive weaponry and |
106s | make your weapon unique to |
108s | you the more dangerous the activity is |
110s | the greater the chipset rewards will be |
112s | once you collect the chipsets you'll |
114s | either have to bank and extract to be |
116s | able to keep them or on certain events |
119s | they'll automatically be sent directly |
120s | to your hanger before you next deploy |
123s | you'll have the option to go and |
124s | customize your weapon with those |
125s | chipsets that you have we've got this |
128s | idea of the open contract which is the |
130s | Mining rights event this is an event |
132s | that gets called out to the entire |
133s | session so everyone gets told about this |
135s | event you go along you show up and you |
137s | contest that site this big drill comes |
140s | in from space people are coming in and |
141s | trying to take it from you and then |
142s | you're defending it we introduce these |
145s | new gadgets the motion scanner which |
147s | pings enemies around you you can see |
149s | what direction threats are coming from |
150s | from and then you've got proximity lines |
152s | which you can place to defend those |
154s | areas in those directions and that came |
155s | from feedback from players saying that I |
157s | wanted more tools to help make their |
159s | sessions more interesting each of the |
161s | weapon modes have an array of slots so |
164s | you support one scope and then five |
166s | other generic chipset slots and you can |
168s | customize those however you like in |
170s | whatever combination you have two of |
172s | these different modes and those will |
174s | Define the two weapon types that you |
176s | have that you can switch between on the |
177s | Fly you're going to be feeling a lot of |
179s | weapon s you're going to feel feel the |
180s | weapon kind of pushing against you a |
181s | little bit this makes the weapon feel |
183s | much more alive make it feel a lot more |
185s | visceral in your |
186s | hands so after this hold this event |
189s | we're actually going to lay low just |
190s | gather all this incredible feedback |
192s | we've gotten there is a reason why we |
195s | are kind of focusing on the Eve |
197s | Community First make sure that like |
199s | things go in the right places and we can |
201s | really allow ourselves some time to |
202s | prioritize and make sure that the next |
204s | steps are even stronger we have a free |
207s | Omega in the nest store right now and |
209s | you can claim it until midnight June |
211s | 20th we're also going to be creating a |
214s | Founders program where we'll allow a bit |
216s | more access to the developers opening up |
219s | dedicated discords and getting people |
221s | into focused play tests on topics that |
224s | are maybe more focused and more detailed |
226s | than the ones that we've been seeing |
228s | till this point so stay tuned and look |
230s | forward to seeing you in space |