almost 6 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everybody this is variance to
2s ensure joined by so Tony again for the
4s second match between a violent clap
6s pause and Russian weeps claw art work a
8s Russian web squad sorry looks it came in
13s with two coloring ad hoc bills and the
15s site flea and an Austrian ad again so
17s very similar match just a frigate being
19s swapped out this time yeah it seems both
22s teams are confident with their Cruiser
24s picks it looks like actually I think
26s violent crab cause actually bringing the
28s same setup that they pulled again oh and
32s right as they start moving there's a big
33s difference in the way they pilot violent
36s crab claws are immediately pulling the
37s range whereas Russian sweep squad is
39s just burning in trying to get that
42s tackle going on yeah hook bill of the
45s mercenary they're just charging right in
47s although he is eating quite a bit of
49s drone dps as he approaches this team it
52s looks like he is gonna be able to get
53s get a tackle on to that hookers and
55s their money started turning around so
57s that's really starting to hurt him a
65s little bit too much for him to be as
67s aggressive yeah it has actually applied
71s a whole lot more damage she took it
72s about 20% shield at the start and now
74s it's just like over the last a little
76s bit of time it's only heard I'm a little
78s bit more well though saying that looks
79s like the Navy Osprey is actually called
81s that safely issue with a with a web on
84s him yeah it's already right on top
87s that's gonna be much more decisive this
90s time and that means no more kiting
91s around and getting the site fleet to
92s recharge and that's probably gonna be
94s the end of the site fleet very quickly
95s here he's already taking chunks of
97s armour yeah and then except the hook
100s bill has also committed onto him as well
102s so he isn't getting away from this Navy
104s Osprey with that scrap on the hook bill
106s on him he is a pretty low armor now is
108s nothing so he's still breaking even
110s while he's boosting offense in Arusha
112s booster which is gonna run out pretty
114s soon yeah this is turning into much more
116s of a straightforward brawl and at this
118s point that Osprey Navy is buffer is just
120s gonna last longer
123s yeah maybe Osprey is doing pretty well
127s here in blast the range in harm range
129s that's the last boost from the CIBC and
132s he's down so that's just gonna be the
134s single called re Navy hook bill between
136s a Osprey Navy and an another color II
138s neighborhood though I don't believe he's
140s got much of an opportunity here yeah
142s he's already taking chunks of shield
144s damage he's trying to pull away it looks
146s like but she don't think there's much he
148s can do fast enough yeah and this surco
151s isn't long for this world he's locked
152s down and his cruiser buddy's dead and
154s there he goes it's a pretty quick match
156s with a victory to Russian weep squad so
159s as she goes to show a completely similar
161s team setup but a completely different
163s outcome yeah that puts Russia we've
167s scored and crabs both won all each and
171s we'll see you in the next game to decide
172s who goes to the finals