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0s [Laughter]
5s I haven't started yet you guys are
22s clapping a little prematurely I think
25s well hello everybody I'm exude kuzey and
29s today I'm going to be giving a
30s presentation on wormhole space
33s specifically I'm going to be talking
35s about trends and things going on in
37s wormhole space since last fanfest if
40s you've never seen one of my
41s presentations I give an annual wormhole
44s recap talking about what's been going on
46s since the last time you guys listen to
48s me ramble about wormhole space so for
52s today though if you're if you've watched
54s those before I'm focusing on the latter
56s half that is I don't have time to do a
59s full month by month walkthrough that you
61s might be accustomed to I'll be doing
63s that in the future on talking in
65s stations but for today we're gonna be
67s looking at some data we're gonna be
69s talking about some trends if you're very
71s familiar with wormhole space already
73s today might teach you some things it
76s might be like oh I knew that already if
78s you're not that familiar with wormhole
80s space I'm hoping that some of this will
81s be interesting and you might learn
83s something and it will debunk a couple
86s myths and talk about try Glavine ships
89s and whatnot since that's this year's
90s theme so real quick what we're gonna run
94s through I'm gonna tell you very briefly
95s about Who I am so you're like who's this
98s dude and the weird cape rambling at me
99s we're gonna talk about ships dying risk
102s dying in wormhole space I'm gonna cover
104s the different wormhole classes and how
106s pvp is looking a bit different across
108s some of them and both the kills the Esk
110s and some of the ships that are gonna use
112s I'm going to talk about capital ships
114s because everybody likes to hear about
115s capital ships dying good news there's a
117s lot of them dying in wormholes and
119s finally we're gonna talk about some ship
122s trends especially about try Glavine's
124s again on how the wormhole brawling kind
127s of our fight meta has been evolving over
129s the last 15 16 months and then I'm going
132s to end on a recap of kind of just a
134s brief snapshot of what it looks like
136s today so
138s if you don't know who I am my name is
140s Uzi I'm the CEO of the dark space
142s initiative which if you haven't heard of
144s that corp you might have heard of scary
146s wormhole people and seen the cracking
148s around so that's the group I roll with
151s I've been in wormhole space for over 10
154s years now it's actually the only thing
157s I've really done primarily wormhole
158s space so I'd like to think I'm qualified
161s to talk to you about it and while I've
163s been there I've done pretty much
165s everything there is we've I've been
167s ganked ganked capital ships brawling
170s facts pilot FC small gang been evicted
173s done evictions I've dabbled in a bit of
176s all of it not saying I'm good at any of
177s it but I've done all of it so where I
182s get the data from that we're gonna be
183s talking about today though because
185s people are always like whoa where do you
187s get your data
187s 1.the all this data is public if you
190s didn't know the monthly economic report
192s the CCP publishes every month actually
194s has an excel sheet in it that has every
197s single person ship that died that month
200s unless you died the rats in which CCP
202s laughs at you but it's not in the
204s spreadsheet so that being said I do have
208s data on drifter losses so if you're
211s dying to the drifter specifically it is
214s in fact in the kill dump but otherwise
216s all the data I've got here is based off
219s of losses so it's not necessarily always
222s completely you know right on with what's
225s actually getting use but I think it's a
227s fairly safe assumption that if ships are
229s being used more and more of that ship is
231s probably dying so some of the x-values
235s that will touch on might be a bit
237s different than Zee kill CCP his numbers
239s have gotten a lot better over the years
241s I give this slide is practically like
243s cut and paste off of my presentation
245s every year but that gap has closed and
249s there's actually a typo on this slide we
252s had to send these in at the beginning of
253s this week and Mae's monthly economic
256s report dropped on Tuesday so all of my
258s charts are updated to go all the way to
261s last month up to May but I clearly
264s didn't fix that one so so one of the my
268s favorite things that I love debunking
269s and talking to people about is the
271s wormhole space
273s despite what you might hear despite what
275s but people might be crying about on
277s reddit things are blowing up in wormhole
279s space and in fact things are blowing up
281s more and wormhole space now then for the
283s most part they ever were you know we
285s have our spin months we have our slow
287s months but you know I've got a nice
290s little trend line going on here there
292s are more things dying across the place
294s than than usual March 2019 set an
299s all-time record for the amount of ships
301s dying in wormhole space now that number
304s might be small to other parts of space
306s but there's a you know there's more
309s people out there killing stuff so I love
311s sharing that news that if you're like oh
313s I'm bored in whatever part of space I'm
315s in I'm in right now I think you should
316s seriously consider giving wormhole space
318s a shot it's not dead depending if you
321s know where to look and if you think oh I
323s can't do that you can probably do
325s something else if you're not a cat pilot
327s plenty of corpse don't use caps if
329s you're only a cat pilot there are corpse
331s that use those although probably not as
332s much as you might like then and there's
334s plenty of corpse out there that are not
336s super ISKCON intensity you know for you
341s to go out there and fly so I'd always
344s recommend that people do that so right
346s here is the same chart that I kind of
349s just showed with last year added in
351s something that I think was really
353s interesting to note 2017 summer had a
357s very pronounced summer slump that you
360s can kind of see on the left side like
362s you can just see multiple months it was
364s low the 2018 summer was not as not quite
369s as low and not quite as pronounced we
371s had some stuff and like I noted March
373s 2019 highest amount of kills ever
376s destroyed in a wormhole to date I don't
378s have all 10 years up here to show I
381s don't actually have some of the earliest
383s years data really but I can say with
386s confidence that in the last five years
388s all of these most of this slide is just
390s continuously going up so it's a there's
394s a lot more stuff going on there so
396s you're like okay great so wingspans
399s killing lots and lots of herons on the
401s highsec wormhole great story so let's
404s talk about the
406s so there's a lot of ships dying cool
409s there's also a lot of us being blown up
412s and what I wanted to kind of really just
414s highlight for everybody here though is
416s this year has seen some of the most
418s consistently dangerous months on record
421s on average four point one five trillion
424s esque is dying every month in wormhole
426s space and that's like I mentioned
428s previously that's before counting all
430s the people just flat out dying the
432s sleepers there's lots of those too The
436s Drifter numbers are on here but normal
439s sleepers are not and neither all the
440s ventures dying in ordinary primitive
442s reservoirs so you know if you don't get
446s that joke there's a gas site that has
448s five century turrets in it lots of
451s people make the mistake of warping in
453s the centuries lock really fast and
456s you're dead so you know either I don't
459s have such data but I think it'd be
461s hilarious to get an idea of which sites
463s people die in the most because I bet you
465s that gas sites like number one for gas
469s so you know this loosely follows the
472s kill chart that we kind of looked at and
474s talked about as you can see it's fairly
477s consistent the summer was a little slow
480s but it's not as easy to tell here and
482s one of the things that's kind of
483s noticeable in wormhole spaces ever since
485s we've added low-power structures to the
489s game structures blow up more and wear
491s structures are blowing up there's people
493s ships blowing up because in wormhole
495s space we don't have asset safety so if
497s you're also asking XO are what you know
500s are your numbers including that guy who
502s blows up 400 shuttles when he blows up
505s the Astros yes yes that is included here
507s it's not easy at all to prune those out
510s of the data set so not necessarily every
514s ship that's dying actually had a pilot
516s in it not every risk that's showing up
519s here in the chart had a pilot in it but
521s those are all they're still tons of
524s stuff blowing up though so and just like
526s I did last time this is multiple years
530s we just saw the right side of this chart
532s on the left you can see 2017 summer it
536s was a very distinct slump
539s I think that boils down to a mixture of
541s we've got more people coming in so it
543s doesn't get as quiet and during the
545s summer when it does get quiet and people
547s stop fueling their Astra houses they
549s come back a couple weeks later and it's
551s gone and so is all their stuff so you
554s know that's going on um in comparison to
556s the last time I got up and gave this
558s presentation
559s the average is being destroyed per month
562s and wormhole space has gone up by almost
565s a trillion we went from three point four
567s to four point one five so that's a lot
571s of esque if you're unfamiliar with
573s wormhole disk it's your average ship
576s value is generally a bit higher than it
579s is in null SEC it's not uncommon for
581s almost all fights and wormhole space the
584s top a billion unless it's just two
586s people shooting each other
587s wingspan killing herons so you know it's
592s it's out there but there's lots of stuff
595s like if you will only take one thing
597s away from my presentation what I want
599s you to take away is wormhole space has
602s lots of things blowing up and if you
604s like blowing things up maybe you should
606s come blow things up in wormhole space so
609s if you're unfamiliar with wormhole space
612s there are six primary wormhole classes
615s there is class thirteen I don't have it
618s on here
619s there is not a wormhole so it's not
620s going to be on here on the left we have
624s we have a proportion of of all the ships
627s that died in a wormhole which class did
629s they die in and on the right we have all
632s the ships that died in a wormhole and
634s how much they cost where did all the
635s Explo up couples and this is where you
638s know if you're familiar with wormhole
640s space this chart might not be super
643s surprising to you you know we've got c5
648s and c6 space are the two things that I
651s think are noteworthy here and that
652s they're the two classes that went from
654s whatever chunk of the kills to a much
657s larger chunk of the Esk c2 space is
660s actually the most busy as far as traffic
662s goes that's primarily because all c2s
665s are always connected to two other
667s systems one of which is k space high sec
670s low Seconal sex the others and
672s their wormhole clasp they have the
674s highest traffic of all of wormhole space
676s and thus they have the most ships
680s blowing up those ships are not the most
682s expensive shifts because herons aren't
684s that expensive
686s i'ma prepare the the herons gonna keep
689s showing up because it's actually the
690s number one ship that dies in wormhole
692s space after pods
694s it's the Heron followed by the venture
696s followed by a bunch all your other tech
698s one forgets that are dying when new
700s players like here's my wormhole tutorial
703s says it'll be a fun time and they jump
704s in and the saber blows them up so you
707s know that's how it goes but herons rep
710s at the table so you're high class
714s wormhole space c5 space is generally
716s thought of as being the busiest and most
718s full of PvP that's not necessarily true
721s as we can see from the left there's tons
724s of stuff dying everywhere else if you're
727s looking for PvP C 1 and C 6 are probably
730s not the best place but you're not gonna
732s go wrong in 2 3 4 or 5 they are all busy
737s they're all having stuff blow up if you
739s want the really juicy stuff you probably
741s want to go to c5 space but that's also
743s because c5 and c6 space if you're
745s unfamiliar with wormholes those are the
747s two classes that permit capitals to move
750s between them so these are the classes
752s that have carriers dying while they're
753s rolling holes dreads are farming in them
756s use you know frequently and when when
758s big corpse go and clash that's where
760s you're having those big fights that
762s frequently can top 30 billion desk
765s speaking of capital ships everybody
768s likes to hear the capital ships are
770s blowing up and so I can bring you the
772s good news this is true and wormhole
773s space there are more capital ships
776s blowing up than pretty much ever before
778s I don't have a big multi-year chart here
781s for this one for you but what I thought
783s some people might find interesting is
785s the second half of that chart has seen
788s very stark increase in capital kills a
791s lot more people are out there using them
794s a lot more people don't know what
796s they're doing and are losing them
797s dreadknots make up the lion's share of
800s all this stuff and they're out there
801s dying left and right and you know
804s carriers are
805s usually because they're rolling holes
807s I'm not gonna focus and mentally on the
810s mechanics of how to roll wormholes I
812s don't think that would be the most
813s interesting topic to tell a couple
815s hundred people how to do but you know if
817s that's something you're like XO give me
819s a lesson on rolling wormholes I can
821s teach you later I'm very good at it so
824s and one of the things I did think was
827s also just interesting to note is war
829s koala usage and by usage I mean dying is
832s pretty consistent across the year I
836s don't get into the who's dying in war
839s clause but I can tell you having dug
841s into it a little bit people that want to
843s be using work walls and wormholes will
845s continue no matter how many times you
847s blow their hora so you know that you've
850s got your small month here
852s they lose their work well if they're in
855s anything besides the five or six they
857s have to build a new one so for a couple
859s of weeks they're not mining and then
860s they get it again and then they go
862s mining and then it blows up so you've
863s got that cycle of dead work walls and
865s building them to replace and then dying
867s again so it's pretty consistent but
871s Dredd youth and facts use are primarily
873s suggestive of farming dreads are used a
875s lot in farming and c5 and c6 is and
878s faxes are primarily used for PvP so
881s where we see fax usage going up
883s you've got more fights where people are
885s crushing into each other and in most
888s cases one of their faxes dies
891s moving on to some smaller ships and
894s hopefully this charts easy to read I
895s spend a lot a lot of time playing with
897s the colors to make these read readable
899s but you know the theme this year is try
901s Glavine stuff so in case you were
904s unfamiliar with wormhole space general
907s PvP meta for host base fights usually a
910s close-range right on the wormhole and so
912s that combined with slaves making armor
916s almost always a better choice than
918s shield outside of systems that give
920s specific bonuses to tanking and fit
922s types you see short-range
925s armor ships is the general problem and I
927s say general you've got you know plenty
929s of people that are like oh I use any O's
931s or you know this or that but these are
934s the big these are the five big ships
935s that you see so what we have here is a
938s year long
939s friend of Loki's and legions with shacks
942s damn Nations and rec of X now at the
945s beginning we only see three lines
947s because the try Glavine ships hadn't
949s been introduced yet
950s once the lost shacks introduced you know
953s the frigate and the crews are not
955s generally used much in wormhole space I
957s did actually take some time to look at
959s zarm x' they have no significant major
962s increases that would be interesting
964s enough to really show and talk about
965s well the shacks start to show up a
967s little bit people are like wow this
969s thing is really cool and it can do a ton
970s of damage if I sit here for a long time
974s but they didn't really pick up that
977s widespread adoption
978s what did once it was introduced as you
981s can see on the far right you have that
983s very sharply angle line if the colors
987s are a little hard to see that's the
988s Drecker BEC now the dreck of ik is kind
991s of just rolling right on through
993s everything because within that
994s mediumship class the Drac of ik is
997s significantly better than almost every
999s other choice there are pros and cons for
1002s sure but I think the chart speaks for
1004s itself and how quick these things shot
1007s up to the top and what you'll notice is
1009s in most of the months where the dreck of
1011s ik and the shack pickup all the other
1013s ships go down so what I think will be
1016s something that'll be interesting and
1017s I'll be watching and I'm sure I'll
1019s sharing it again at some point in the
1021s future is I suspect that we're going to
1023s see those keep going up a bit and the
1025s other ships will go down as try Glavin
1027s ships continue to dominate the wormhole
1029s space meta worth noting also as far off
1032s to the right the last shack sees a
1034s significant bump over the last two ish
1037s months a lot of your larger corpse have
1039s kind of finally gotten there love shack
1040s fleets put together and then they lose
1042s them then they put another one together
1044s as everyone's kind of feeling out and
1046s right now we're at we're seeing right
1048s now wormhole space figuring out what the
1051s new meta is there are corporations that
1053s know what they're doing there are
1054s corporations that don't generally one of
1057s those corpse does better than the other
1059s one and you're seeing a lot more of the
1062s shacks getting used as a mainline DPS
1065s ship out there and when the fleet's of
1066s the shacks run into each other the
1068s generally gets pretty high so the last
1073s thing I'm going to kind of run through
1075s and again if there's one thing you take
1077s away from my presentation on wormholes
1080s is there are a lot of people and
1082s wormholes more than you might expect and
1084s there's a lot more stuff blowing up I
1086s did not get into events and the who's
1090s and what corpse died here and what
1092s corpse showed up here that I do of
1093s frequently in my other presentations
1095s because we didn't have time but I did
1097s think it would be silly you're not
1098s mentioned since my last presentation
1100s wormhole space has set itself its new
1102s record for the largest combat ever seen
1105s if you're unfamiliar with it in December
1109s the initiative and some other groups
1111s along with them staged an eviction of
1114s hard knocks as keep stars in the
1115s wormhole known as rage and that set a
1118s significant bar pushing the top of well
1121s over 2,000 pilots were involved in a
1124s system I'm told it's the first time CCP
1128s ever actually put enough effort into
1130s reinforcing a wormhole node it's been
1132s asked for in the past and they're just
1133s like yeah there's like ten of you you
1135s don't need a better node but you know
1137s then initiative was like where there are
1139s two and they're like aw that's a lot of
1141s people then we'll do it so the the node
1143s was reinforced for rage previous to rage
1146s the largest combat ever seen in war most
1148s space was the Battle of Hydra which was
1151s March of 2018 when pause party was
1153s evicted from their wormhole which saw
1155s over 800 pilots so we went from 800
1157s being the peak to well over 2,000 so I
1161s don't think we're gonna see that trend
1163s keep going cuz 5,000 people in a
1166s wormhole is going to be both a lot of
1168s work to get them all there and is
1169s probably going to melt so I don't think
1173s we'll see that to keep trending but
1174s we'll keep an eye on it so what I've got
1179s here I'm not going to read each of these
1181s lines but what I do every year when I do
1183s this presentation is I look at how many
1186s corporations are killing stuff and
1187s wormholes which is I think generally a
1189s decent indicator of overall activity
1192s along with how many they're killing and
1195s what I would focus in on is a couple of
1197s the lines towards the bottom are your
1199s corpse that have much higher kill counts
1201s these are corporate
1203s that are there living a wormhole space
1205s been around for a bit and they're also
1208s out there just you know killing lots of
1210s people you don't accidentally kill over
1213s a thousand ships usually so you know
1217s what we saw is we had 84 corpse last
1220s time they killed over a thousand now we
1222s have 94
1223s we went from a lot of the middle tier
1225s kinds that I have the like was this now
1227s it's this most of those went up many of
1230s the ones that didn't is primarily
1232s because those corpse moved down or like
1234s down my chart but up and killed so that
1236s we see people heading up there's more
1238s corpse out there fighting each other
1242s pvp spreads out a bit some people have
1245s generally found themselves on the
1247s misconception that there's only a couple
1248s big PvP corpse there's a lot of PvP
1251s corpse the amount of PvP made up by the
1256s top eighteen I don't know why I use
1259s eighteen the last two years I just
1260s picked that number and now it would be
1262s silly to not keep going the top 18
1265s wormhole corpse based on the number of
1267s ships they killed excluding the drifter
1269s because he's actually the number one
1271s killer and wormhole space wormhole
1273s urza's can't stop feeding ships to to
1276s the drifters made up 20 percent last
1281s year of all kills was just these 18
1283s corpse it dropped to 19 not significant
1286s movement but I'd say largely a positive
1288s direction is other corpse join that
1291s group and this I thought might be
1293s interesting to people that aren't
1295s wormhole ER is especially of all the
1298s iske dying in EVE one out of every 10
1302s esque died in a wormhole
1303s so the N that number has a is trending
1307s upwards last year it was about nine
1310s point six and now it's ten point nine
1312s ten point nine of all is destroyed in
1315s may died and wormhole space I don't know
1319s what percentage of the playerbase lives
1321s in a wormhole but I suspect wormhole
1323s space as far as it goes are punching
1325s above their weight maybe not surprising
1327s because most of wormhole space is
1329s thought of being really rich for some
1332s reason when I tell people I need them to
1333s go buy ships they tell me they're poor
1335s but
1336s you know like what largely we're all
1339s thought of being very rich or maybe it's
1341s because they spent all of it on their
1343s monocles I'm not sure but you know
1346s wormhole space has a positive trend and
1349s we're ten percent of all the people the
1351s Esk and eve is dying in wormholes which
1353s i think is just a really cool statistic
1355s so that's another one all you know the
1358s list of things I said you had to
1359s remember it actually it's like three now
1361s so remember that one so that's it for my
1366s chat
1366s I really hope everybody found some of
1369s this interesting and had fun but uh we
1372s talked about you know stuff dying is
1374s dying covered the wormhole classes and
1377s the trends of the brawl which is
1379s something that I'll be touching on again
1380s in the future if you missed the first
1383s part of my usual presentation where I do
1385s the month by month walkthrough in the
1387s near future that I'll be getting done on
1388s talking stations because I just couldn't
1390s cram it into this half-hour so thank you
1393s everybody and enjoy the rest of the
1395s ignores
1396s [Applause]
1397s [Music]
1398s [Laughter]
1401s you