over 1 year
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EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | hello everyone and welcome back to |
4s | Alliance tournament 19. I am CCP |
6s | overload and we are here for day three |
8s | of four of these finals of this |
11s | tournament there is a lot of explosions |
12s | have already happened there's plenty |
14s | more explosions still to come and I for |
16s | one am super excited that we are back |
18s | I'm joined once again by Blackboard |
19s | pirate and moderator here on the desk |
22s | and we have an absolute Banger of a |
24s | match ready to get us going uh in just a |
26s | few minutes it's gonna be reform Volta |
28s | versus pandemic horde but let's talk |
30s | about the flagships a number of teams |
31s | have already lost their flagships uh |
33s | over the last week or so uh some very |
35s | expensive ones of course truth on a |
37s | light |
38s | what happened well it died uh horribly |
41s | it got DPS down it was quite uh sad for |
43s | them I heard that it was uh around 180 |
46s | to 190 billion from what people were |
48s | saying who know more about officer |
50s | modules than I do I believe that uh we |
53s | lost maybe the most flagships in a |
56s | single day at least that I can ever |
57s | remember it was an absolute Flagship |
59s | Master we had five die in a row which |
61s | was crazy it was so much fun to watch uh |
63s | we're probably gonna see a lot more die |
65s | today but truth on the light doesn't |
67s | have one and they will be in the lower |
68s | bracket at some point it's going to be |
70s | exacting there's a number of teams from |
72s | last year and who are in the top four |
73s | are all in the lower bracket uh Volta |
75s | and Truth on a light last year's winners |
77s | are in the lower bracket in fact only |
79s | three of the top four from last year |
81s | could even make it to the top four again |
82s | so we're definitely getting a new team |
84s | in the top four which is exciting I |
86s | would love to see a whole new top four I |
87s | think that'd be amazing and there's |
89s | still plenty of opportunity for that to |
91s | happen let's look at our bands for our |
92s | first match of the day we form Volta |
94s | versus pandemic horde |
97s | okay so the Volta team Banning out the |
100s | curse the arbitrator The Sentinel and |
101s | the crucifier all of the uh the track |
104s | and disruption getting removed minus the |
105s | pilgrim uh pandemic horde going through |
107s | the window arbitrator at Loki and Osprey |
110s | and then trickle band EOS and it looks |
111s | like Cyclone free test shoot but for |
113s | some reason the picture has not loaded |
114s | uh moderator what do you think of these |
116s | bands yeah so once again we're seeing |
119s | that a lot of these teams that are |
120s | getting into you know day two and now |
122s | day three are saying I just hate |
123s | tracking disruption I don't want to deal |
125s | with it and they're banning out |
127s | basically all the ships that can do that |
129s | minus of course the pilgrim pandemic |
131s | Court also choosing to ban out the Widow |
133s | uh very powerful kind of um ECM ship I |
137s | haven't seen a lot of it used in the |
138s | tournament so far maybe a little bit |
140s | later today and tomorrow Loki Osprey uh |
144s | trying to hit at some of the shield |
147s | um kind of kite ore with the Loki also |
149s | in the ham Rush very linchpin ship there |
152s | EOS getting banned out is going to be |
154s | pretty common it's one of the better |
156s | command ships this year year very |
158s | powerful and does incredible amounts of |
160s | damage with the links it also brings to |
162s | support the team Cyclone Fleet issue we |
164s | don't quite have the image here but that |
166s | one makes |
167s | um a little bit less sense to me it can |
170s | be used as kind of a missile kiting ship |
172s | not quite something you see in the |
174s | Russia's nearly as much yeah as you |
177s | mentioned about the weather Volta |
178s | actually brought the video in their |
179s | first match versus Darkseid on day one |
182s | of the tournament it was a pretty pretty |
183s | exciting and close match uh Volta over |
186s | the years a love-hate relationship with |
188s | ECM so this time they chose to love it |
191s | and it worked out for them but the |
192s | pandemic hordes saying ah not for us so |
194s | they have they have Bandit which is |
195s | probably a pretty solid targeted ban |
197s | especially for a team like Court they're |
199s | maybe not as experienced as a team like |
200s | Volta but I expect themselves to do very |
202s | reasonable any predictions unless we are |
205s | an elimination match do you think maybe |
206s | we'll see any flagships |
208s | I think you have to at this point |
211s | um if you feel it's appropriate for the |
213s | comp that you want to bring I mean Volta |
215s | at this point they need to make it in uh |
218s | and win this match if they want to get |
219s | any prize ship so you know money's on |
221s | the line go big or go home I think I |
224s | agree with that and we will find that |
225s | very very shortly if they are going to |
227s | go back or go home I mean one of these |
229s | teams will go home that is a given |
231s | because this is an elimination match we |
232s | are in the elimination bracket |
234s | um and I guess we can go to the arena |
236s | and find out with our casters Jin tan |
237s | and Mizer |
243s | hello everyone and welcome to the first |
245s | match of day three this is uh Walter and |
248s | bread this is a pandemic horde in blue |
250s | and I miss and with me is the Gin tan |
252s | and it looks like it's going to be a Max |
254s | fat versus a Max fret on the gym time |
257s | can you tell me a little bit about about |
258s | the what's the difference between these |
260s | setups yeah you can see that the setups |
262s | here are different in the pandemic who |
264s | would have invested so much more in |
266s | their low end that carries on hyena |
267s | represents 10 points whilst the sky |
269s | breaker and the crew or of the Volta |
271s | team is only four points but Volta have |
274s | brought a t to Logistics they're going |
276s | to need to keep that Logistics alive |
277s | whilst pandemic horde goes for a |
279s | logistics trade early in this match how |
281s | do you think pandemic horde is going to |
282s | go about trying to kill their opponent's |
283s | Logistics here |
285s | it's going to be extremely hard for them |
287s | because of all the teammates invested in |
290s | an expensive but it's like too lodgy and |
291s | they have it flown by rylo the known for |
294s | the sequel uh guide so he's going to be |
296s | a hard one to catch and kill because you |
297s | know what he's doing and he's supported |
299s | by a lot of uh Angry uh battle Cruisers |
302s | and cruisers and the match has begun |
303s | I've always seen the Curious getting |
304s | blood out of the field like these |
306s | long-range guns can easily handle that |
309s | yeah but look at just how much DPS |
311s | pandemic horn is putting out as opposed |
312s | to Volta look how big that red bar is |
314s | for them they are just hammering into |
316s | Volta here they're going to trade out |
318s | one battle cruiser for both of their low |
319s | end ships that's going to potentially |
321s | give them the DPS Advantage going into |
323s | this mid game here now that the opening |
324s | shots have thinked is holding back yeah |
328s | so he's doing the right thing pulling |
329s | away so they cannot uh apply that well |
331s | and catching reps now from the guardian |
333s | in the meantime they're going the water |
335s | team going straight for the lodgy of the |
338s | Hoya Larry in that orchest this is a |
340s | tech bondage so it's going to be much |
341s | weaker than the take two ones always |
343s | seeing heavy amount of damage |
345s | yeah and I don't think pandemic horde's |
347s | going to be as worried about that augura |
349s | going down as um Volta will be once they |
351s | eventually switch their attention to the |
353s | logistics of that Guardian but Roxanne's |
355s | holding the First Choice here from |
356s | pandemic horde has not Fallen they |
358s | weren't able to leverage that usual |
360s | incredible application instant |
362s | application from Max threat to break |
363s | something instantly now they're just |
365s | spreading all across the low end DPS on |
367s | the exact Navy issue and also another |
368s | harbing a Navy issue of sticky and orc |
370s | of the auger is nearly going down here |
372s | miss |
373s | volunteer team has been extremely |
374s | offensive they're going all in trying to |
376s | headshot that all karate burning in not |
379s | having caring about the being a drained |
382s | or anything like that they're just going |
384s | right through the mess and executing |
386s | that auger |
387s | yeah there it goes and you can see the |
389s | ehp difference between these two teams |
391s | as well that blue bar for Volta almost |
393s | double that of what a pandemic horde has |
394s | left pandemic hold really needs to |
396s | utilize the DPS of that Talos really |
398s | Hammer into something and kill it |
400s | quickly if they can't do that this match |
401s | is almost certainly lost for them as the |
403s | British Navy bertok is heading towards |
405s | Hull here and that's going to be the |
407s | second big DPS ship lost for pandemic |
409s | horde I've seen that this is like |
411s | devolving into a big brawl like just a |
412s | lot of Crews or some battle Cruisers |
414s | spread all over the place is that the |
415s | rooftex Navy issue just got down so the |
418s | water team is like way ahead already in |
420s | the trading and really uncomfortable |
422s | position they're going to lose a Navy |
423s | issue but at the same time that |
425s | Absolution of chosen one is already like |
427s | going down really quickly yeah we see |
430s | some really interesting drone choices |
431s | actually here from Volta they have |
433s | dropped almost entirely a DPS medium |
435s | drones and these are doing so much work |
437s | in just adding to their application we |
441s | normally see armor rep drones which is |
443s | why sticky makaka with one flight and it |
445s | was just about surviving in half and |
446s | it's it's going to go down here surely |
448s | surely it is |
449s | there we go |
452s | Navy issue from the heart team is going |
455s | down so like is it hot team only having |
456s | four ships remaining like the volunteer |
459s | teams like having uh having five four |
462s | DPS ships plus the guardian plus their |
464s | support crickets on top of that so they |
467s | add in extreme comfortable position as |
469s | they're taking down that started like |
471s | it's made out of paper |
473s | yeah I think we're just entering the |
475s | wind down phase here now with only three |
477s | DPS ships left on the grid for pandemic |
479s | horde what what what was so dominant |
481s | about the Volta team here what was their |
483s | main kind of difference bring uh the |
485s | difference they brought |
487s | I feel like one of the main Adventures |
489s | of the uh Walter team was like uh set up |
491s | a uh bringing like a lot of take one |
494s | that faction a battle groups and groups |
497s | are giving a lot of Point far off a lot |
500s | of value for the points that are having |
501s | a high amount of DPS and also a really |
503s | good Target calling they they knew how |
506s | to like Leverage the advantage they had |
507s | as they were like gaining like a bad |
510s | snowballing right from the beginning and |
511s | they just right now just clean up the |
513s | field |
515s | yeah the way that they just snapped |
517s | those electronic attack forgets Off the |
519s | Grid almost instantly as soon as the |
521s | game started that was so so brutal |
523s | whatever game plan pandemic horde had in |
525s | mind they weren't able to implement it |
527s | here and because of that we'll send them |
529s | back to the studio whilst uh we break |
531s | down this match |
548s | [Music] |
551s | [Applause] |
571s | kill the rats |
575s | relax |
577s | I'm gonna die dude I was yeah I was |
579s | yellow to these it's dead |
583s | they were white a second ago and then |
585s | they just got all angry dude |
590s | [Music] |
617s | oh my God |
618s | [Music] |
621s | pandemic horror dropping to we form |
623s | Volta there much like the x-47 keep star |
625s | in a match that maybe shouldn't have |
627s | been a little bit closer than it |
628s | actually was uh two similar-ish comps |
631s | slightly different executions slightly |
632s | different chorus both are going more for |
634s | command ships |
635s | um black pirate what happened there |
637s | because you were saying that you know |
639s | like I just said uh this match could |
640s | have been closer if Ford played it |
641s | differently yeah so if you looked at the |
643s | uh the attack bars the team comps and |
645s | setups horde actually had |
647s | probably higher DPS and more potential |
649s | to do damage there and they actually |
651s | started off that Harbinger almost died |
653s | but what happened was the harbinger |
655s | pilot was like oh I'm being shot what if |
657s | I get out of range and cord kind of just |
659s | stayed there and I think that one of the |
661s | things people forget about these Max |
662s | threat uh setups is because they do have |
665s | such long range is they're used to being |
666s | kind of stationary with it and being |
667s | like Oh I can pick this ship off from |
670s | anywhere on the grid well that's not |
672s | actually the case the harbinger pulled |
673s | uh far away ryloid was able to wrap them |
675s | back up and if Ford had maybe pushed in |
677s | there I think that this could have gone |
679s | maybe not necessarily differently but I |
682s | think that it would have been a lot |
682s | closer to the match and we also saw a |
685s | very different |
687s | sort of philosophy on how to do the |
688s | target calling Volta correctly took out |
690s | the carries in the hyena right off the |
692s | bat both of them are very very powerful |
694s | support ships I do think Penny McCord |
696s | actually chose the right target a |
698s | regular plain old Harbinger is actually |
701s | pretty weak but again they didn't chase |
703s | after it like they didn't commit they |
704s | were like oh no but if we get too close |
706s | they'll shoot us while they're shooting |
707s | you anyways just just go for it you know |
709s | Ram in there Ramin press F1 that's |
711s | that's how good Pilots play right yeah |
713s | we saw um in one of the zoomed out shots |
715s | we could see the harbinger and pulled |
717s | right back right next to Planet sex in |
720s | the guardian uh the entire Volta team |
722s | and then the whole team were really far |
723s | away and it did feel like um once that |
726s | Harbinger had backed up appropriately |
728s | and The Horde team kept shooting it for |
730s | a very long time we were looking it was |
731s | like a minute 20 seconds or so they were |
733s | still shooting that Harbinger whereas I |
735s | feel like they could have swapped |
736s | earlier on to I think it was limit for |
738s | an executive Navy next moderator |
740s | um in those situations where a ship's |
742s | not breaking when do you cut your losses |
744s | in swap well when you can see that a |
746s | ship is clearly that far out of the |
749s | range you say okay look that guy's |
751s | basically in Narnia we're loaded |
753s | mid-range ammo because we're trying to |
755s | hit you know at that target range we |
757s | want to have the right ammo loaded for |
759s | the job just swap to a Navy exact your |
761s | pick literally anything else because |
762s | that guy is so far back that you |
764s | probably don't have the right ammo |
765s | loaded he's so far back that even if you |
768s | do you're burning so much time it's just |
770s | not economical and this is starting to |
773s | be kind of a theme that we're getting |
775s | into these matches is that Max threat |
777s | this year is kind of the default setup |
779s | where the better teams traditionally |
782s | will bring these setups where they don't |
784s | have to show their you know 5D chess |
787s | game they'll just say we bring this |
789s | we're better than you we can out pilot |
791s | you know mechanically and we're just |
794s | gonna do that until we Face an opponent |
796s | that we actually respect sorry pandemic |
798s | cord but voltage just didn't respect you |
800s | that match and they demonstrated why |
803s | they didn't need to there Bart what do |
805s | you think about the difference in the |
806s | low end between these two teams we saw |
807s | horde bringing the carries in the hyena |
809s | normally Volta massive fans behind they |
811s | use it quite regularly but this time |
813s | they brought a sky breaker and a uh crew |
816s | a bit of a different Choice what do you |
817s | think about that it is a different |
819s | Choice uh honestly like we were kind of |
821s | talking about it I don't really see why |
823s | you bring a career over something like a |
825s | Confessor which is just you know more |
827s | tanky and confessors actually do a |
828s | massive amount of damage in the at |
831s | um obviously Volta won with it so who am |
833s | I to say anything about this crews are |
835s | pretty cool like they do have a longer |
836s | range uh web if somebody's trying to run |
839s | away the crew is actually very difficult |
841s | to escape from and once it's kind of |
843s | latched on you're not going to nude it |
845s | off because they have functionally |
846s | infinite cap but they're not that tanky |
849s | I do think it's cool that we saw it for |
851s | pandemic horde bringing you know you |
854s | invested eight points or ten points into |
856s | a carries and a hyena and they just died |
858s | instantly because at the end of the day |
860s | you're not going to keep those ships up |
861s | versus this uh medium gun spam and so I |
864s | was kind of looking at it like you know |
866s | that plus the command ships you invested |
868s | a ton of points into your high end and |
870s | then you also invested a lot of points |
871s | into your loan and I'm wondering if |
872s | maybe they would have been served better |
874s | you know bringing something like a |
875s | celestis which we've seen work really |
877s | really well obviously they couldn't |
878s | bring any of the cheaper tracking |
881s | disrupting ships as Volta band almost |
883s | all of them I learned uh but they could |
886s | have brought a pilgrim and pilgrims are |
888s | fantastic so |
890s | I don't know maybe it's just the |
891s | difference like |
892s | the max threat setup is very very |
894s | powerful it is very strong it is kind of |
897s | becoming as moderator said this like |
898s | this is the a tier you always have to be |
901s | prepared about it and voltage was just |
903s | better executed and they played better |
904s | and they maybe out comp them a little |
906s | bit |
907s | um I think command ships are just maybe |
908s | too expensive and those electronic |
910s | attack rates are just too easy to kill |
911s | yeah the Estates as well is not a very |
913s | common Peck we don't see them very often |
915s | they're one of those ships where if you |
916s | put it in PIFA the numbers are very nice |
918s | very very chunky numbers of DPS and |
921s | things like that I'm pretty sure if you |
923s | fit in astarty with polarized weapons if |
925s | you're a Madman you can get like over 2 |
927s | 000 DPS which is kind of ridiculous of |
930s | course it will die immediately and |
931s | everyone will laugh at you for doing it |
933s | but you can make the numbers in pi for |
935s | extremely large moderator is there a |
937s | better choice there instead of that |
939s | starting yeah so my personal take on |
943s | this and I think we're seeing some of |
944s | the better teams kind of execute on this |
945s | is you say hey maybe the most expensive |
948s | ship we bring is going to be our lodgy |
950s | everything else we're going to bring |
951s | harb harp Navy Navy and then we're going |
955s | to fill around maybe like an oracle |
958s | italos we're gonna get Navy execs in |
960s | there maybe if we bring too many navy |
961s | exactly we bring a Navy auger and then |
964s | you get like seven or eight ships that |
966s | all have medium guns that all do |
968s | maybe not exactly the same amount of |
971s | Health but they all kind of |
972s | fundamentally play the same way with |
974s | medium guns and it's very easy to dodge |
978s | bands with them it's like okay you ban |
980s | out one or two of my battle Cruisers |
982s | okay I just bring something else and |
985s | because of this year's rules you can |
986s | only ban so many battle Cruisers you |
988s | just can't ban out Max threat you need |
990s | to be equipped to deal with it and if |
992s | you're not ready for it you're going to |
993s | get eliminated yeah now speaking of |
996s | eliminated we saw a couple of teams go |
998s | out last week uh I think there was 14 |
1000s | teams eliminated of 32 and they're still |
1003s | 18 to go out I say that we just lost |
1005s | pandemic chords so there are 15 teams |
1007s | eliminated and 16 to go but some of the |
1009s | teams um have flagships remaining some |
1011s | of them do not we can see them now on |
1013s | the screen so good choice good |
1014s | smattering of flagships the bar guests |
1016s | still the number one choice here but we |
1018s | see a couple of indicators a couple of |
1021s | Armageddon Navy issues and the lone flag |
1023s | Redeemer of arrival uh pandemic horde |
1026s | I'm sure they had a flagship It's been a |
1028s | eliminated doesn't count ordinance and |
1031s | Truth on a light they sadly lost their |
1033s | flagships last week Tritonal light lost |
1035s | it against barcode while also being |
1037s | dropped down into the elimination |
1038s | bracket in a bit of a surprising upset |
1040s | and a very good match as well with |
1042s | meanwhile Odin's call they managed to |
1044s | win their match but did trade their uh |
1047s | Flagship bar guest to do so I believe |
1049s | between just those two ships it's maybe |
1050s | nearly half a trillion-esque they were |
1052s | very expensive at the olden's coal match |
1054s | if you watch it you could see the the |
1056s | opponent team realized pretty quickly |
1058s | they couldn't win the match and then |
1060s | they just decided to go for the the |
1062s | flagship headshot and they just switched |
1063s | straight onto it and uh Melinda flying |
1066s | that bar against was just so close to |
1068s | tanking I am told later they released a |
1070s | video he did burn out his |
1072s | um capacitor booster right towards the |
1074s | end so he didn't have the cap to keep uh |
1076s | firing his shield booster and that was |
1078s | what I called his untimely demise so we |
1081s | might see some more flagships going down |
1082s | today I'm certain we'll see some more |
1083s | flagships going down today |
1085s | um all of the of the team still in the |
1087s | top bracket I believe most of them still |
1088s | have their there are flagships only uh |
1091s | Odin's call lost theirs and obviously |
1093s | truth on the light uh lost theirs but |
1094s | they're an elimination bracket |
1097s | um also by the way twitch drops they |
1099s | actually are working today I'm told uh |
1101s | so we tried twitch drops yesterday on |
1102s | ccp's live to feed drum uh which was |
1104s | great fun I recommend uh checking out |
1106s | the Vault on that one we went out in a |
1107s | bunch of galenti ships uh roamed around |
1109s | shots and people we fought even a couple |
1111s | of times they illegally primered me |
1113s | twice um so I have revoked their Charter |
1115s | they're now just Eve College |
1117s | um and it was a fantastic room but we |
1119s | tried our twitch drops and unfortunately |
1121s | something wasn't working but CCP convict |
1123s | was working really hard with some of the |
1124s | team back in Iceland and we have it up |
1126s | and running now so you can just head |
1128s | over to eveonline.com forward slash |
1130s | twitch link your Twitch account to your |
1133s | Eve online account and then if you watch |
1134s | for an hour you get some fancy clothes |
1136s | and if you watch for another two more |
1138s | hours you get the uh the gal net gnosis |
1140s | skin which is brand new and unique to |
1142s | this particular campaign so pretty cool |
1144s | all you have to do is just watch us on |
1146s | Twitch so make sure you uh you link it |
1147s | up and you'll see the little progression |
1148s | bar start to go uh so excellent job for |
1151s | everyone getting that up and running uh |
1152s | we're super excited I think it's going |
1154s | to be pretty cool see what we can do |
1155s | with switch drops and future on the |
1157s | Channel all right five more minutes |
1159s | until our next match up so let's start |
1160s | taking a look at the bands it's gonna be |
1162s | platinum sensitivity versus laser Hawks |
1165s | so Platinum sensitivity here a crowd |
1168s | favorite amongst some of the studio crew |
1170s | Banning out the EOS the curse the |
1172s | abaddin the bar guest laser Hawks going |
1174s | for the Widow a badon slept near and |
1176s | Blackbird and then we have some trickle |
1178s | bands uh which is the Loki and the |
1180s | celestes a quick rundown on trickle |
1182s | bands as you see both these teams have |
1183s | banned abandons which means they are |
1185s | duplicates because there's one duplicate |
1187s | each team is offered an additional one |
1189s | ban if there was two duplicates that'd |
1190s | be two in this case it's the Loki and |
1192s | celestes and these bands are done blind |
1194s | so the teams don't know what the other |
1196s | teams are Banning when they submit uh |
1197s | Blackboard part what do you think of |
1199s | these bands here a double a badon ban |
1201s | question mark yeah that is a bit of a |
1203s | question mark |
1203s | um Platinum sensitivity is actually used |
1205s | a bad ends historically uh like even |
1208s | last year they did a fantastic job with |
1209s | it so they're very well known for kind |
1211s | of bringing out these laser Rush |
1213s | abandoned setups it's not been as |
1215s | prevalent this year and I think that's |
1216s | just because we have this new archetype |
1219s | of this Max threat but clearly both |
1221s | teams don't want to see it um the laser |
1223s | Rush is still very powerful uh it's kind |
1227s | of um sort of getting into that I'd |
1230s | Almost Say |
1231s | uh all in setup at this point though |
1233s | because you are risking quite a bit uh I |
1235s | don't know about this Widow man |
1237s | um I know we've seen a widow and it did |
1238s | work but that was a different team so is |
1241s | what it is but you know Blackbird always |
1243s | a great band celestis pretty good band |
1245s | curse is probably one of the most banned |
1247s | ships I'm sure we'll uh look at that |
1249s | later so I'm really appreciate it I do |
1251s | think that Platinum sensitivity Banning |
1252s | the Bargas might be them trying to bait |
1254s | out a flagship here I'm not sure if |
1256s | laser Hawks has a Vargas flag but we're |
1259s | about to find out I can see he's |
1260s | checking he's checking they do so I |
1262s | think that um Platinum sensitivity is |
1264s | basically saying hey we want you to |
1266s | bring their bargist and |
1268s | they might try and go for a cheese |
1270s | headshot on it which would be kind of |
1271s | cool yeah you'll have to see it I mean |
1272s | wormholers of course uh absolutely |
1274s | rolling in the Esky so I expect laser |
1277s | Hawks to put a decent amount of effort |
1278s | into a Bargas especially it is one that |
1280s | does scale relatively well uh with a |
1282s | little bit of you know the old Miller so |
1285s | moderates or any any other thought on |
1286s | those bands here |
1288s | yeah no I mean we've seen like Bart was |
1290s | saying some of the Bargas bands being |
1292s | like hey I triple double Giga doggy dare |
1295s | you to bring your Flagship bar guest I |
1297s | believe Barco did that against truth |
1299s | honor light they ended up bringing uh |
1301s | their flag bar guest and I mean they ate |
1304s | for it so you have to be you know |
1306s | careful and think you know do they just |
1308s | not want to see it because they don't |
1309s | want to see like a double bar comp and |
1311s | that's been used traditionally or are |
1314s | they you know |
1316s | trying to bait us into doing this you |
1317s | have to just not overthink things look |
1320s | at the bands that you have see like what |
1322s | comps do we have that work against this |
1324s | and just play from there don't get it |
1326s | over into your head |
1328s | yeah I'm just looking at the schedule uh |
1330s | so we have a couple more matches uh in |
1332s | the elimination bracket after this but |
1334s | then later on today we will jump back up |
1336s | to the winners bracket and the teams in |
1338s | the winners bracket this year so far uh |
1340s | barcode dracaris uh the tuskers versus |
1343s | White Flag Odin's Converse fraternity |
1345s | and arrival versus hidden Leaf Village |
1347s | Ninja Assassin Squad Esports |
1351s | um and then that's the elimination |
1352s | bracket we can see right there now so a |
1354s | bunch of teams uh that we didn't expect |
1355s | to hit the elimination bracket at this |
1357s | point Dark Side versus truth on a light |
1359s | is going to be a giga exciting match uh |
1361s | 10 plus calsuff down there as well uh |
1363s | boundary experts I think we expected to |
1365s | see them up in the upper bracket uh we |
1366s | formed Volta uh last year top three |
1368s | before top two getting knocked down some |
1371s | unexpectedly as well uh by arrival so |
1374s | I'm really looking forward an arrival |
1375s | bringing that Flagship Redeemer as well |
1377s | which uh uh either they've got a seven |
1379s | brain or something is off there because |
1381s | we I don't think we see very many |
1382s | Flagship redeemers so I'm kind of kind |
1385s | of Lucky hoping that one dies at some |
1386s | point so we can take a take a look at |
1388s | that's it so any any of these matches |
1389s | you're particularly looking forward to |
1390s | Bart uh I I really do want to see the |
1392s | flagship Redeemer myself |
1394s | um because I think somebody picked it |
1395s | last year and they never brought it uh |
1397s | and it's such a weird one so I really |
1399s | want to see that |
1400s | um obviously always want to see truth on |
1402s | our light do stuff because they pull out |
1403s | weird stuff and uh I was sort of got a |
1407s | comment from one of them that if they |
1408s | want to win they this is true for most |
1411s | of the lower bracket teams they have to |
1412s | play five matches and win all five |
1414s | matches today which is |
1421s | of course every time you win a match you |
1424s | get 10 skins of the the really cool |
1426s | galensis against we'll show you them |
1427s | later uh because we're about to go to a |
1429s | match just now but they are awesome they |
1431s | are super cool |
1432s | um and I'm I actually like them I'm |
1434s | definitely going to be purchasing uh one |
1436s | or two myself uh but it's time let's |
1438s | head over to the arena for platinum |
1440s | sensitivity versus laser Hawks with our |
1441s | casters |
1443s | go |
1448s | get out of there Max welcome to the |
1449s | arena I'm Winger joined by Mr AK Alexia |
1452s | Carr don't we have a flag pancake has |
1454s | arrived and a lot of DPS with it what |
1457s | are we looking at Mr Alexian |
1459s | laser Hawks has elected to bring their |
1462s | flag barcast in a rapid Rush comp with |
1464s | an typhoon Fleet issue rabbit heavy |
1466s | orthos double caracal Navy Osprey Navy |
1469s | an excellent roaming ship a pair of |
1472s | commands and a vigil Fleet issue for the |
1476s | webs |
1477s | that is a lot of missiles they're going |
1480s | to be trying to ripping through this |
1480s | comp as fast as they can but the |
1481s | opposing team is thinking the same thing |
1483s | they have a metric ass ton of DPS |
1485s | themselves and honestly no backup |
1488s | control to it just full damage Rush as |
1490s | the match underway |
1495s | across each other very shortly but |
1497s | actually you're seeing laser Hawks elect |
1500s | to disperse Platinum sensitivity |
1503s | charging straight at them and Laser |
1505s | Hawks scattering to the wind while they |
1506s | start laying down some DPS on the extra |
1509s | Navy of niac |
1511s | now of course going immediately for that |
1512s | last break gone already so fast I don't |
1515s | even know how long that was that was |
1516s | what 20 seconds in the ospreads already |
1518s | gone and now they're going through easy |
1520s | DPS authors is the perfect pick it is |
1522s | not particularly tanky it puts out a lot |
1524s | of damage |
1525s | difficult ship to catch but they had no |
1527s | trouble applying their damage here in |
1529s | the meantime they do trade a Navy Exeter |
1530s | 4 but that's an excellent trade for |
1532s | platinum sensitivity which has taken an |
1534s | early driver seat here their Tech Two |
1536s | Logistics are nearest still alive and |
1538s | buying them time is the extra Navy of |
1540s | AAA third is tanking somewhat can't say |
1543s | the same for the caracal Navy issue on |
1545s | laser oxide not at all they can they've |
1548s | taken down two more ships now and it's |
1549s | left this is it maybe he's now tanking |
1552s | they have to focus this on minerals or |
1553s | some way distract them because if they |
1556s | don't Mr nearest is going to hold this |
1557s | entire team up because they can't even |
1558s | kill an exact Navy that's that's brutal |
1560s | they're going for a brutics Navy bruh |
1562s | they're just a tanky what are you doing |
1564s | the executor maybe one of the weaker |
1566s | tanks and the Britax Navy and perhaps |
1569s | not a lot of resists but a ton of hit |
1571s | points there and it's tanking fairly |
1573s | well it's still in half armor |
1574s | they are applying damage to it but it's |
1576s | going a lot slower than they'd like in |
1578s | the meantime the typhoon Fleet issue on |
1580s | laser Hawks is taking a pounding it is |
1583s | not able to tank it's out of shields |
1585s | it's out of armor it will soon be out of |
1587s | structure and that is a massive massive |
1589s | chunk of DPS from laser Hawks that is |
1591s | about to hit the dirt if it goes down |
1594s | they are not going to be able to break |
1595s | anything maybe the Oracle to try to find |
1598s | a way back into this match but it's |
1599s | going to be a struggle |
1601s | and honestly I think uh Maureen rostia |
1604s | in the in the flag uh pancake is now |
1607s | sweating absolute bullets he's like okay |
1610s | well we've lost the match let's try to |
1611s | lose this but I think they're still |
1613s | trying for it but they're going okay |
1615s | then actually I just noticed there's |
1616s | still a Hound on grid that's been |
1617s | pounding their Battleship for a while |
1618s | I'm surprised it's not dead |
1620s | they finally noticed it and they've |
1622s | primaried it but even the Hound is |
1624s | tanking now |
1625s | it's just like hey we've got a rapid |
1627s | light comp what if we ignore the |
1629s | Confessor the purifier and the Hound |
1630s | there's two bombers wait a minute hold |
1632s | on did I miss that second one I'd had it |
1634s | hidden they had two Bobbers on grid with |
1636s | a rapid light comp and neither died okay |
1639s | yeah that that's an impressive |
1641s | impressive piloting I guess for the |
1644s | bombers to evade that damage uh the |
1646s | Osprey Navy issue has stabilized itself |
1649s | a rare pullback from the laser Hawks |
1651s | team is now they're looking and poking |
1652s | and prodding and trying to find some |
1654s | hole in the armor for platinum |
1655s | sensitivity |
1657s | yeah I'm surprised the character Navy |
1659s | was actually shot after the typhoon |
1660s | plate but assuming it says more of a |
1661s | positioning thing but uh I'm not I guess |
1663s | these bombers must have been like |
1664s | cloaked or something because uh yeah no |
1666s | one saw them apparently and shot them |
1667s | with the rapid light comp so this is |
1670s | just gonna be an absolute polypod now |
1671s | the Oracle is even tanking it doesn't |
1673s | look like it's Uber tank it looks like |
1674s | the Armor's going down a reasonable |
1675s | speed it's just unfortunately the |
1677s | nearest |
1679s | pose I can't say that I'm sorry |
1682s | that aniris is doing some really really |
1684s | good work today he kept an executive |
1686s | Navy alive under a lot of DPS |
1688s | yeah the logistics pilot piloting on |
1690s | both teams was really the deciding |
1691s | factor here Platinum sensitivity |
1694s | is our focused on taking in the Osprey |
1697s | he went down in the opening seconds of |
1699s | the match and they've just not been able |
1700s | to recover ever since in the meantime |
1702s | the Platinum sensitivity of neroes is |
1705s | doing incredible work to keep his team |
1707s | alive against what initially was an |
1709s | incredible onslaught of damage but that |
1711s | Navy Exeter not the tankiest ship on |
1714s | their team he stayed alive thanks to |
1716s | that our nearest being really on the |
1717s | ball and pulling him back from Deep |
1719s | armor speaking of which the bar guest is |
1721s | now a deep armor this flag barcast is |
1723s | not going to last the six minutes |
1725s | remaining in this match oh he's in |
1727s | structure |
1728s | this is gonna be hopefully incredibly |
1730s | expensive if it's a full T2 forfeit I |
1733s | swear to God laser hooks you got all the |
1735s | money in the world from those wormholes |
1736s | of yours if your battleship is not made |
1737s | of purple I'm just going to be sad |
1740s | probably is blue lid in the cargo we'll |
1742s | find out soon as it does go down so the |
1744s | desk will be able to take a look at that |
1746s | fit in the meantime six vinataries vigil |
1749s | Fleet issue is next up it is also in |
1752s | deep armor kiting to win though it's got |
1755s | a string of drones behind it which have |
1757s | now been reassigned to the bifrost which |
1759s | is not tanking nearly as well and the |
1761s | bifrost is down for laser Hawks their |
1763s | visual Fleet issue The Last Man Standing |
1766s | Tampa looks like missile Rush loses to |
1769s | the gun Rush |
1770s | and uh vigil Fleet is still going to be |
1772s | alive for a bit longer but uh honestly |
1774s | very variable platform activity laser |
1776s | Hawks I feel like there's just uh I'm |
1779s | not sure if they even particularly |
1780s | fumbled too badly just kind of couldn't |
1781s | break through |
1782s | there we go yes the vigil Fleet issue |
1784s | has boundaries he has gone beyond the |
1786s | edge of glory and we'll send this match |
1788s | back to the desk for analysis |
1806s | [Music] |
1809s | [Applause] |
1816s | are you ready yeah see somebody's house |
1819s | on the way what do you think it would |
1821s | feel like if a ship worked through your |
1824s | house I might have some weird effect |
1826s | like imagine |
1827s | sneezing like they get explosive |
1829s | diarrhea or something like that |
1831s | I like the sneezing more |
1834s | if he's out of your ass |
1838s | guys |
1841s | you started with the all right you know |
1845s | what jump this never happened let's move |
1847s | on |
1848s | here's our secondary Target this is me |
1850s | broadcasted if I jump in now then we can |
1854s | [Applause] |
1856s | I want bubbles all over this bit guys |
1879s | Mark resurrect Us in shambles as the |
1882s | wormholers get rolled out of Alliance |
1883s | tournament 19 and with that we do have |
1886s | our top 16 uh so the remaining teams |
1889s | Inland Street 19 have all secured top 16 |
1891s | which means they have all secured price |
1893s | ships which is awesome uh the new side |
1895s | belly and the shipash which is the |
1898s | frigate are pretty cool I think they're |
1900s | going to be hashtag poggers and I'm very |
1902s | much looking forward to them now uh Bart |
1903s | talk to me about that last match uh that |
1906s | we actually saw I would say the triple |
1908s | threat comp if or Max threat if pandemic |
1910s | cord had flown like Platinum sensitivity |
1912s | there they might have beat Volta because |
1914s | we saw a Navy executor just Ram straight |
1917s | in at full speed and I was sitting there |
1919s | watching it was like oh he should |
1920s | probably turn around no he's going |
1922s | faster towards the middle but um yeah he |
1925s | had these kind of spray paints he's like |
1927s | here I go straight to Valhalla yeah they |
1929s | did a great job uh I think you know |
1931s | personal opinion the setup that laser |
1934s | Hawks flew is a dead setup and should |
1936s | not be flown specifically because we saw |
1938s | how hard it just got rolled buy Max |
1940s | threat which at this point that is a |
1942s | base comp like if your comp can't beat |
1944s | that your comp is bad like we are now in |
1947s | the second weekend you've had four or |
1949s | five days to kind of re-theory craft and |
1950s | look at what happened in the first one |
1952s | and say |
1953s | okay we maybe need to rework some stuff |
1955s | laser Hawk should have been like oh |
1957s | everybody's flying this |
1959s | let's practice it against that oh we fed |
1962s | maybe we should get rid of it um they |
1964s | lost a flagship too I haven't seen it |
1966s | yet it's uh I'm sure I'll get told when |
1968s | it's uh ready to be looked at |
1970s | um and we can see how expensive it was |
1971s | moderator one of the other ships that |
1973s | laser Hawks brought there uh the fleet |
1975s | typhoon you not a fan |
1977s | in this comp in particular no so Fleet |
1980s | typhoons used to be a very very powerful |
1982s | ship in what was the default setup in |
1985s | like 2013 but the problem now is that |
1988s | for the amount of points you have to |
1990s | spend on them in at 19 a decade later |
1994s | current meta they're just not that good |
1997s | and especially in a shield comp like |
1999s | Bart was saying you have five mids one |
2002s | of them have to be like a microwarp |
2004s | drive which means you can maybe put like |
2005s | an ancillary Shield booster and maybe |
2007s | some resist mods but bottom line they're |
2011s | not that tanky they don't do that that |
2013s | much damage yes you get two utility |
2015s | newts but we saw against Max threat just |
2017s | how quickly it absolutely melted so |
2021s | you can't put that many points into a |
2023s | key ship and just have it do basically |
2025s | nothing for you yeah so little hawks |
2028s | there sadly eliminated from the |
2029s | tournament they do as their Flagship as |
2030s | well uh they don't secure that top 16 |
2032s | spot uh whereas Platinum sensitivity do |
2034s | as I mentioned uh everyone remaining the |
2037s | tournament is in the money at this point |
2039s | uh they've won skins by winning matches |
2041s | and they will win at least a couple of |
2043s | prize ships of course some people will |
2044s | win more some people will become first |
2045s | in the tournament and they'll win the |
2047s | most of all |
2048s | um which is very nice and uh very very |
2050s | those things are are pricey |
2053s | um now we're here at the event studios |
2056s | in Nottingham uh we had our uh weekend |
2059s | one last weekend and of course there is |
2061s | five full days between weekend one and |
2063s | weekend to five days to be excited five |
2065s | days to wait for for more explosions so |
2068s | we had to find something to fill it with |
2070s | um and our answer was to eat some food |
2073s | Let's uh go check out bar eating |
2076s | case I look stupid but I already look |
2078s | stupid because I've been doing Eve |
2079s | online Esports for several years so here |
2082s | I am a blackbird pirate I don't actually |
2084s | play with anyone right now I am probably |
2087s | one of the greatest youth Pilots of all |
2088s | time because I don't play the game |
2095s | I think it was like right at or after |
2098s | the battle of asakai so like you got all |
2100s | those new dudes coming in and one of my |
2102s | friends who had been playing for like a |
2104s | couple weeks after that had done the |
2106s | classic New Growth thing of spending all |
2109s | my money in a rogue that I rushed for in |
2111s | three weeks and at the time you know |
2112s | there's no skill injectors so he gets |
2115s | tackled in like 11 level three Mission |
2116s | and he gets on uh probably Ventrilo at |
2120s | the time this is like 2012 or something |
2121s | and it's like I need all of you to make |
2123s | a free trial account and come break me |
2125s | out of tackle obviously that didn't |
2127s | happen I continue to play the game and |
2129s | everyone else was like all right cool |
2130s | that was fine and the rest is history |
2133s | I would put this sauce on any taco |
2136s | ever like this is fantastic so whatever |
2138s | the sauce is like I'm gonna put that on |
2141s | the chicken later when we use it |
2143s | well when they get red though I get |
2145s | scared red is far more dangerous |
2148s | this one looks intimidating |
2151s | yeah okay that's one of those ones |
2154s | yeah no definitely this I mean it's a |
2157s | super unique experience like I never |
2158s | thought that |
2159s | I would be able to travel to play video |
2162s | games so here we are oh it's even more |
2166s | red and angrier |
2168s | all right |
2170s | I'm scared |
2173s | I want to take another bite but I think |
2175s | that's going to be a mistake so I'm |
2176s | going to just wait because now my lips |
2178s | are starting to burn really badly just |
2179s | from touching it |
2181s | let me go with satonia yeah |
2184s | I think he was kind of saying that he |
2186s | was scared of it so that's generally a |
2188s | sign if you're worried about something |
2189s | beforehand it's like maybe you know that |
2191s | it's gonna be bad but I can I can feel |
2193s | tears starting and I'm like I really |
2195s | want to hit them but I know that's a |
2196s | terrible idea so we're gonna not yeah |
2200s | um second bite that's too hot |
2201s | yeah second bite hell no I practice with |
2205s | the teams I watch Team skirmishes I pay |
2207s | attention to this stuff I'm literally |
2209s | crying right now |
2211s | it keeps me it keeps me qualified to |
2213s | some degree I also still have no idea |
2215s | what I'm talking about so it doesn't |
2216s | really matter that much |
2217s | [Music] |
2220s | it's coming down there we go |
2222s | I'm not getting more of this this is hot |
2225s | as |
2229s | [Music] |
2234s | whoo |
2240s | there you have bar eating some chicken |
2242s | uh it looked like it was a little bit of |
2244s | a struggle towards the end there but how |
2245s | was that that was pretty bad |
2247s | um yeah it |
2249s | I I was literally crying and it was |
2253s | horrible uh don't ever do that they're |
2254s | like the second sauce was amazing I |
2256s | think we all agreed it was just like |
2257s | Perfection where you actually are all |
2259s | getting it for at home but no it was fun |
2261s | though I had fun uh it doesn't look like |
2263s | I had fun at the end but afterwards you |
2265s | know you'd drink a couple beers and you |
2267s | have some good times and everybody else |
2268s | is like yeah that was rough I think all |
2270s | of us did it yes uh we all we all |
2272s | suffered through uh this um we we |
2275s | haven't got a name for this segment uh |
2276s | so feel free to just drop a name in a in |
2278s | twitch chat uh you guys are a Bastion of |
2281s | fair and balanced ideas I'm sure you'll |
2283s | come up with something |
2285s | um because obviously we just blatantly |
2287s | stole that from hot ones uh so we can't |
2289s | call it that |
2290s | um mod I'm looking forward to yours I |
2291s | did it as well I think that pretty much |
2293s | as uh Bart says the whole crew did it uh |
2295s | seems to be swift though stone cold just |
2298s | looks like he's just having having a |
2300s | nice casual meal like he comes out like |
2301s | yeah that was nice what the heck man uh |
2305s | someone suggested they're hot drops |
2306s | that's a great name hot drops okay |
2309s | it's Canon episode one of hot drops has |
2312s | now been broadcast featuring Blackboard |
2314s | Pirates we'll see more of those injury |
2316s | course over this weekend uh another |
2318s | suggestion overheated which is a quite a |
2321s | good one uh oh god I've already made a |
2323s | Canon though and there's so many |
2325s | potentially good ones uh so I'll make it |
2327s | on Canon and we'll see if there's any |
2328s | better ones so watch this space uh all |
2331s | right so six months until our next match |
2332s | this one's going to be a spicy one |
2333s | Speaking of spicy things uh truth on a |
2335s | light versus Dark Side uh truth on the |
2338s | light of course last year's defending |
2339s | Champions uh Darkseid has a number of |
2342s | people from the old video older team |
2344s | which is a two-time winning Alliance |
2346s | tournament team so the number of |
2348s | Alliance tournament wins on field in |
2350s | this next match is is ginormous there's |
2352s | so many people have played in other |
2354s | finals or uh just one thing I write I |
2357s | believe these two teams essentially have |
2359s | played each other in two finals uh so |
2361s | this is an extremely uh interesting |
2364s | match to watch moderator what do you |
2366s | think about this |
2367s | honest to God this feels like the final |
2369s | like the grand finals of a tournament |
2370s | and it's crazy that one of these teams |
2373s | is going to go out in 16th Place one of |
2375s | them is going to be like hey you're done |
2376s | it's over and the other I feel like is |
2378s | going to go very very deep and could |
2380s | even win it all |
2381s | um anyone sleeping on Dark Side kind of |
2384s | a mix of um the old uh core of fafi |
2387s | waffy who's been around and been very |
2388s | good at tournaments for the last 10 plus |
2390s | years is making a mistake Hydra knows |
2393s | this they respect him they've flown |
2395s | against some of these people as their |
2397s | practice partner |
2399s | um I got the opportunity to speak to a |
2401s | couple of the members over the week they |
2402s | felt like they had misplayed their |
2404s | previous match where they dropped a |
2405s | barcode they were scrimming very very |
2407s | hard every day this week and they feel |
2409s | like they're good and ready to go into |
2412s | an absolutely hell Gauntlet of five plus |
2415s | matches just to make it to tomorrow |
2417s | yeah just uh notice that the flagship |
2420s | bar guest of laser Hawks has been posted |
2422s | on Z Kell now uh a medium space of |
2425s | approximately 15 billion of your finest |
2429s | Interstellar credits uh most of it uh in |
2432s | a 11 billion uh officer damage control |
2435s | so a little bit of pimp not too much no |
2438s | we don't see the the absolutely |
2439s | ridiculous sdml launchers of teams like |
2442s | uh odins and Truth on the lights uh |
2444s | those things those launchers are |
2445s | something like 17 billion each and you |
2447s | need to get six obviously it's not that |
2449s | many of them cutting around in the |
2450s | market as well so they're hard to get |
2452s | and it's a heck of an investment in both |
2454s | time and money uh let's take a look at |
2456s | the bands for this upcoming match truth |
2457s | on a light versus Darkseid and see what |
2459s | kind of uh things we can expect not to |
2462s | see so truth on a light going for the |
2464s | Magus the pontifex the oniros and the |
2466s | Blackbird uh dark side going for the |
2469s | hyena the abaddin the barges and the |
2472s | slept near Blackboard pirate your |
2474s | thoughts especially the the magazine |
2476s | pontifex band here so Medics and potfix |
2478s | is actually a very very good band they |
2481s | are pretty much required to bring if |
2483s | you're not bringing this Max threat |
2484s | setup which I've noticed nothing's |
2486s | actually banned out for that so |
2489s | um something to think about seeing as a |
2491s | truth on our light did in fact lose to |
2493s | that in their last match a dark side |
2495s | meaning of bargast out obviously they |
2497s | know the tree founder lights Flagship is |
2498s | dead I think everybody who's been |
2500s | watching this is like ah haha those guys |
2502s | got God but yeah this is actually the |
2504s | first time I've seen truth on her light |
2505s | kind of do normal bands because they've |
2508s | been doing some weird stuff I think we |
2509s | saw them band a regular executor in one |
2512s | match which is like pretty hey |
2514s | like why why would you do that but |
2516s | honestly these bands aren't really that |
2518s | crazy I feel like truth or light is one |
2520s | of those teams uh mod that's going to |
2522s | have so much experience and so much |
2524s | confidence in their ability that they |
2527s | are willing to maybe drop drop the ball |
2530s | so to speak on the band meta to avoid |
2532s | telegraphing more things like take a |
2534s | more risky ban approach to hide their |
2537s | their true intention Dark Side those |
2539s | feels like a team that they can't really |
2540s | afford to do that especially without |
2541s | their Flagship what do you think well I |
2544s | feel like the flagship bar guest is a |
2546s | very targeted band against any sort of |
2547s | res compet Hydra has because Darkseid |
2550s | still has their bariest Flagship which |
2552s | of course is not affected by that ban |
2554s | but Darkseid also choosing to ban out |
2557s | the hyena I believe is basically saying |
2560s | this is a very skill pilot intensive |
2563s | ship we know that if there's a team in |
2565s | the world that's probably the best |
2566s | player at that it's going to be on Hydra |
2568s | and |
2570s | the ban I believe of I want to say slept |
2574s | near also makes um a bit of a dual |
2577s | offense uh threat to me that can be used |
2579s | in either a rush comp but it can also be |
2581s | used in sort of a long-range kite comp |
2583s | something that truth honor light has |
2585s | brought in both kind of setups so these |
2588s | teams are just opting for very very safe |
2590s | I would say almost default not giving |
2592s | too much away bands yeah like you say |
2594s | there's still a lot of available bar |
2596s | including variations of the max threat |
2599s | medium gun spam potentially we could see |
2601s | something like that the nearest being |
2603s | banned out certainly makes it |
2604s | interesting and Times of are they going |
2605s | to go for a guardian or are they going |
2607s | to go you know downgrade to frigates OR |
2609s | tech one logic any any thoughts uh I |
2611s | don't think they'll do Tech One logic uh |
2613s | of the frigate variety I don't think |
2614s | they'll do it no one's that mad I mean |
2616s | people have done it so yeah but they're |
2617s | probably about to see it yeah |
2619s | um but yeah no I don't I don't think you |
2620s | uh I don't think you use frigate Logie |
2622s | really it's really been just performing |
2624s | extremely poorly this entire tournament |
2626s | so I think that it you can either see |
2629s | something Shield based which would be |
2630s | interesting or we could see them you |
2632s | know show with like an auger and Max |
2634s | threat but I think this has the |
2636s | potential of being two Max threats going |
2638s | up against each other and then seeing |
2639s | who's able to out execute awesome well |
2642s | it's time to head to the arena and find |
2643s | out truth on a light versus dark side |
2645s | with your casters jintan and mizir |
2652s | hello everyone and welcome to the arena |
2654s | I am Yin tan joined by mizir and we are |
2656s | about to watch truth on a light go up |
2658s | against uh dark side and we can see here |
2661s | that Darkseid have brought a really |
2663s | interesting composition and I believe |
2665s | that those are uh have a heavy assault |
2668s | missiles actually fit to those normally |
2670s | Shield kite ships that we see here from |
2673s | Darkseid what truth on the light brought |
2675s | to the grid here miss |
2679s | alongside with the ears |
2682s | issue arbitrator two logic figures a |
2685s | certain little blacks and borders and |
2687s | those skeletons don't have any guns it |
2688s | looks like they're going all in with |
2689s | neutralizers and drones as they seem to |
2692s | be a heavy drone heavy set up with some |
2694s | good amount of control and the match has |
2695s | begun and already seeing the blue team |
2697s | of a dark side burning right away |
2700s | yep so this is going to be a really |
2701s | interesting control versus kite matchup |
2704s | uh both teams are going to be equipped |
2706s | here to play the long game uh the red |
2708s | team here from truth on the light they |
2709s | need to position those Armageddon and |
2711s | Armageddon Navy issues in such a way |
2712s | that they can pincer in on these Shield |
2714s | ships turn off their mwds and start to |
2717s | whittle them down once they break a |
2719s | couple of those top end ships there's no |
2720s | longer going to be the DPS from this |
2722s | kiting setup to kill them but the |
2724s | hardpoint hard part is going to be |
2725s | getting there in the first place |
2731s | getting ready for making a micro drum |
2734s | type play and forcing her the true |
2736s | father-light team to go in and like |
2738s | Bunch up together so they don't like get |
2741s | a good job on them |
2743s | yeah it's interesting to see that we |
2745s | aren't that there's not really a huge |
2746s | amount of actual tackle here from the |
2748s | truth on a light team I think the only |
2750s | ships that are likely to have any sort |
2751s | of scrams on them at the moment on Navy |
2754s | the EOS and maybe the vexer so |
2759s | sipping across the field this year all |
2762s | jumping and then now everyone is like |
2764s | turning around scrambling in to get to |
2766s | each other but these long-range new |
2767s | flashers of the get-ons they have found |
2769s | a Target and already starting to nude |
2771s | out and say going for that character |
2772s | Navy issue |
2774s | yeah we're just gonna have to see him |
2775s | wait and see what some scrams go down |
2777s | here where they're putting DPS on the |
2778s | arbitrator just trying to increase their |
2780s | DPS uh take that little bit of control |
2782s | off the field so they can apply that |
2783s | damage properly uh heavy missiles not |
2785s | really known for their ability to apply |
2787s | without the benefit of bonus paints that |
2789s | are similar which Dark Side have not |
2791s | actually brought to this occasion just |
2792s | relying on what they have on their Jack |
2794s | door uh now switching over to the Thalia |
2797s | whilst the caracal Navy of ricorice is |
2799s | going down very very quickly here visit |
2801s | this doesn't look like a maneuver that's |
2803s | worked out very well for Darkseid |
2806s | now if you'd like a true funnel Light |
2807s | Team they've responded correctly to this |
2809s | like they grouped up and then it slowly |
2811s | moved in together so even when they got |
2813s | the jump like all these heavy |
2815s | battleships are like in range to |
2816s | actually do something at the same time |
2818s | this drones they they're not reliant on |
2820s | where the ships are so they can easily |
2821s | send them towards them so don't like if |
2823s | they had like a Vindicator that was |
2825s | stuck in the other end they had to burn |
2826s | back they can just send the drones and |
2828s | kill stuff |
2831s | yeah one interesting fact though about |
2832s | this matchup is that dark side doesn't |
2834s | actually need any capacitor to fire all |
2836s | their weapons missiles obviously a |
2837s | capacitorless |
2841s | the dark side team is actually getting a |
2843s | pretty good trade if you can get him for |
2844s | the cost of their |
2846s | um clerical Navy issue at the same time |
2848s | the Dark Yet |
2850s | taking a bit of damage as well but seems |
2853s | to be holding so far |
2855s | yeah he's only got a scram on him as |
2857s | well so he should be able to start |
2859s | moving away from where he's trapped in |
2861s | this engagement as it looks like he's |
2862s | been de-prioritizing there we go that's |
2864s | the that's the murmurd on down for truth |
2865s | on a light this is now swinging back in |
2867s | dark side's uh backside darkseid's favor |
2871s | um |
2872s | one down they're going to be struggle to |
2874s | even like stay alive against these uh |
2876s | drone Onslaught yeah but they might be |
2879s | able to trade out the Thalia or |
2880s | potentially even the vexer and the vexer |
2881s | is doing great work here and holding |
2883s | down their smaller end ships if they can |
2884s | take that off of the grid uh Dark Side |
2886s | might be able to regain some of the |
2888s | control of the positioning of this match |
2889s | and start to move their Nighthawk |
2891s | low-key cycling Fleet issue out to the |
2893s | outskirts of this fight and that's going |
2894s | to give them so much the Kirin down now |
2896s | though that's going to take their legit |
2898s | longevity down this is still necklace is |
2901s | holding it that far yeah as they're |
2903s | taking down the jackdaw on the black |
2906s | side team as well in the vexer is going |
2909s | down but I think I disappointed the true |
2911s | father light team is like crawling out |
2913s | in an advantage they they have killed |
2916s | after lucky and they can just finish off |
2918s | these remaining ships and they can't run |
2919s | from these long range neutralizers |
2922s | yeah it looks like darkseid's now trying |
2923s | to trade back onto this arbitrator and |
2925s | they are making progress but it that |
2926s | look at how fast that Cerberus is |
2928s | dropping now from olosha probably all of |
2930s | those hardness turned off by the long |
2932s | the long-term impacts of these |
2933s | Armageddon newts and just falling |
2936s | falling falling I don't think we've even |
2937s | seen the ADC get hit might not have |
2939s | capacity for that |
2942s | they might not be able to turn off their |
2945s | guns but they can turn off their |
2946s | hardness you can turn off their micro |
2947s | warp drives they can make it extremely |
2949s | hard for these ships to actually |
2950s | maneuver on the field and we've seen |
2952s | them getting picked apart with the |
2954s | drones warm and not really being able to |
2955s | do much to mitigate the damage than not |
2957s | having any repair left on the field |
2961s | yeah this is just some devastating |
2963s | control here from truth on a light now |
2964s | that there's only a few DPS ships left |
2966s | on the grid that Sentinel that |
2968s | arbitrator just turning off the missile |
2971s | launchers that remain on the grid from |
2972s | Dark Side you can see how little that |
2974s | they are actually applying now the red |
2976s | bars of Truth on a light might be might |
2978s | be significantly smaller but it is |
2980s | applying so much better Fern scored here |
2983s | now the cycle and Fleet issue and that's |
2984s | the last little strand of Hope being cut |
2986s | for dark side but up until now they've |
2988s | had all of their top end DPS ships Left |
2990s | Alive and now it is no longer the case |
2995s | everything |
2996s | and |
2998s | the dark side team is like having a |
3000s | high-end ships remaining but they're |
3002s | slowly getting kicked off one by one the |
3004s | gay they have lost the momentum they |
3006s | don't really have the DPS anymore to |
3007s | break through any of this as they're |
3009s | just trying to apply to that up here |
3011s | trying to apply to the file here but the |
3013s | disrupting a weapon disruption is like |
3015s | just stacking up on the remaining ships |
3016s | making it hard to apply to these small |
3018s | ships |
3019s | yeah what do you think Darkseid were |
3021s | going there with that initial jumping |
3023s | maneuver do you think they were hoping |
3024s | that uh truth on the light would get |
3026s | baited into positioning their |
3027s | armageddon's too aggressively |
3029s | well I think against the heavy |
3032s | interesting battleships they want to get |
3033s | behind them because these kids were like |
3035s | a brick in the front you can't really |
3037s | run into them without getting uh screwed |
3040s | over but at the same time it's like |
3042s | extremely risky when you were to pull |
3044s | off and the long range neutralizers on |
3045s | these chips it's gonna make it even |
3047s | harder |
3049s | so so it's uh there are they get a |
3051s | really tricky position and they did a |
3054s | risky play but then the Ender didn't |
3056s | play a player for them at the |
3059s | yeah they really deserve credit for |
3061s | trying and uh |
3063s | executing it well but at this point it's |
3066s | just too hard to |
3068s | uh yeah I guess I got two good team food |
3070s | to have a good odds on that medieval |
3073s | yeah absolutely and as we've you know |
3076s | talked about on the desk these two teams |
3077s | are teams with a lot of history Pandy |
3079s | one of the pilots that we saw on grid |
3081s | here from Darkseid is obviously one of |
3084s | the ex-captains of vydra who was a long |
3086s | time scrim partner for Hydra reloaded uh |
3089s | during the earlier years of the |
3090s | competitive scene and you know these |
3093s | teams have probably seen each other's |
3094s | tricks hundreds and hundreds of times |
3096s | over the years it's unsurprising the |
3098s | truth on a light really knew how to uh |
3100s | take that little out of the box maneuver |
3102s | and dismantle it in the way that they |
3104s | did here today it's now just a matter of |
3106s | time as Darkseid gets picked away three |
3108s | minutes left here on the clock uh I |
3111s | don't think that dark side is going to |
3112s | make it all the way there but you know |
3114s | you've got to give them a huge round of |
3116s | applause they have played magnificently |
3118s | this year but the brackets have just |
3119s | been so so tough |
3124s | team did a really good play with the |
3126s | betting like they took out the uh like |
3129s | the um pontifax and the majors I'm like |
3132s | this is weakening the traditional |
3133s | Battleship heavy comps uh making it hard |
3136s | to feel these comes that would otherwise |
3138s | actually be strong against this comp so |
3140s | definitely good play in the dressing as |
3142s | well as fatty wrapping the audience is |
3144s | going down so it's only Panda remaining |
3145s | in the night or it's just a matter of |
3147s | time before he's going to get finished |
3149s | off because he's already pinned down |
3150s | already nearly then there's not much you |
3152s | can do |
3153s | yeah do you think this is really the end |
3155s | game comp here from truth on a light are |
3157s | they showing their hands uh early |
3158s | potentially and is that something that |
3160s | could have an impact on them in the |
3161s | future |
3164s | teams were just like from one day to |
3166s | another if people haven't seen this come |
3168s | before they they're not going to have |
3170s | much time to actually |
3172s | practice uh much against it there but I |
3175s | think they're going to have like some |
3178s | better outcomes in the sleeve ready for |
3181s | use on the taxes so this is a strong |
3184s | opponent but it's like it's going to be |
3186s | like the strongest opponent they're |
3187s | going to face and uh |
3189s | they definitely have some more tricks in |
3191s | the sleeve as Panda goes down and uh |
3194s | let's see if the guys in the studio will |
3196s | agree with our assessment |
3215s | [Music] |
3219s | [Applause] |
3239s | foreign |
3243s | [Music] |
3277s | thank you |
3279s | [Music] |
3286s | casing you you are one of two people |
3289s | that couldn't listen and couldn't check |
3291s | bookmarks and find your own way out the |
3294s | route the entire route was literally |
3296s | bookmarked out to losac I bookmarked the |
3299s | 10 minutes in advance |
3302s | truth honor and light turning out the |
3305s | lights for Dark Side uh in that very |
3307s | exciting match that was a nail biter for |
3310s | sure it's one of those ones where you |
3311s | look at the final score line it looks |
3312s | like a bit of a clap but it definitely |
3314s | was not that one I I'm sure uh both |
3317s | teams were very uh animated on their |
3320s | comms uh throughout it it was you saw |
3323s | some excellent play from both teams |
3325s | there the arena is laid out such that |
3327s | there's a bunch of MGD units around the |
3329s | arena and we saw a dark side at the |
3332s | start of their match immediately start |
3333s | to pull back and they went to sit in |
3336s | that Arena they got roughly in range to |
3338s | jump on top of uh truth on the light and |
3341s | they did the coordinated full team jump |
3343s | right into the back line and tried to |
3345s | catch some stuff that's quite quite |
3346s | difficult to do right because if someone |
3348s | happens to click on the slightly wrong |
3349s | direction uh or you know just it gets |
3352s | bumped or something like that you can |
3353s | end up all over the place they did it |
3355s | all pretty much at the same time they |
3357s | almost caught some stuff in the back |
3358s | line but then uh black pirate we saw |
3361s | some excellent screening by Twitter |
3363s | online I believe you said that if that's |
3366s | almost any other team that dark side |
3368s | facing that match up Darkseid probably |
3369s | wins yeah I think uh I think this was |
3372s | one of those cases where uh they |
3374s | unironically got skill gapped like |
3376s | unfortunately for Darkseid the MGD play |
3378s | was insanely good it was actually |
3380s | perfect it's like the perfect response |
3382s | to what was on grid there |
3384s | um I honestly think the dark side team |
3386s | probably hard counters what truth on the |
3389s | light brought if it wasn't piloted by |
3391s | truth under light but the the trick of |
3392s | The Shield Rush is if you spread out and |
3395s | then screen everything |
3397s | they take enough time to get to you that |
3399s | they can't take you down and the screen |
3401s | on true thunder light was insane like |
3403s | almost every single ship was tackled by |
3405s | some other ship and then once that was |
3408s | done they got it they got a Navy Merm |
3410s | down they kind of sacrificed to Navy |
3412s | Merm but the amount of energy |
3414s | neutralizers because we saw that the |
3415s | Armageddon and the Navy getting were a |
3417s | full rack of heavy newts and so we |
3419s | basically just saw truth on her light |
3420s | bring a new drone comp which is kind of |
3423s | weird but it worked |
3425s | um you know |
3427s | uh but because all of the ships were |
3430s | neuted out once they got those first |
3431s | targets down they couldn't activate |
3433s | their micro warp drives and the thing is |
3435s | is that when you're doing a shield Rush |
3436s | generally you're not fitting cap cat |
3439s | boosters and things like that on your |
3440s | ship so any new pressure can make you |
3442s | dead in the water heavy assault this is |
3444s | a very short range they just got spread |
3446s | out and then slowly whittled down by |
3447s | drones yeah it was you could see towards |
3449s | the end there um when the last couple of |
3451s | ships on the dark side team were going |
3453s | down how much that sustained new |
3455s | pressure just really uh screwed them up |
3457s | I mean two Newton bonus battleships uh |
3461s | just giving it the old sucks the whole |
3463s | way through uh sacrificing DPS for |
3466s | control the amount of control on the |
3468s | truth on the light side they're just |
3469s | phenomenal and of course newts are one |
3471s | of those things that um get more |
3473s | powerful the longer the match goes |
3475s | tracking disruption is the same |
3477s | basically the whole time same with e-war |
3479s | which is on or off but uh engine |
3480s | utilization you have a limited pool of |
3483s | uh basically Space Magic which allows |
3485s | your ship to run and that thing gets |
3486s | slowly whittled down and once you're dry |
3489s | it can tick the uh the neutralization |
3491s | neutralizer and put onto another ship |
3493s | and leave one on top of you uh here so |
3495s | you can see this graphic actually |
3496s | showing uh just running down that |
3497s | capacitor meaning that those teams |
3499s | aren't able to run things like any uh |
3501s | Shield tank which of course tends to be |
3503s | very capacitor heavy and obviously |
3504s | depends on the weapon system that you're |
3506s | using as well |
3507s | um if you've got if you've been new to |
3509s | drying you don't have a fast enough |
3511s | cycling capacitor booster you're going |
3512s | to be probably turning your hardeners on |
3514s | and off throughout the match so again |
3516s | like I say it's one of those things that |
3517s | just kind of continuously makes it |
3519s | harder and harder and harder moderators |
3522s | then it will counter to this kind of |
3523s | setup by truth on the light |
3526s | well I mean like Blackberry was saying |
3529s | um almost to a degree |
3530s | um what Vitara had or I'm sorry not |
3533s | video excuse me dark side |
3534s | wrong year |
3536s | um |
3537s | essentially does hard counter it |
3539s | um the problem that truth on or late |
3542s | you know had for them is that when they |
3545s | saw the micro drive drum Drive coming in |
3547s | they said oh crap and then they |
3548s | immediately micro heated their warp |
3550s | drives to gain range and what this did |
3553s | is they will able able to spark |
3555s | Starburst and kind of spread out and |
3558s | individually call and pick apart all |
3562s | these dark side ships spread them out |
3564s | and prevent them from actually applying |
3567s | damage to like more than one or two dark |
3570s | side ship to a truth on their light ship |
3572s | that was what we saw from the arbitrator |
3574s | that guidance disruption if they were |
3576s | able to freely just apply all their |
3578s | damage onto one ship or they had caught |
3580s | the arbitrator this would have been good |
3582s | game just end of story truth honor light |
3584s | in the eliminated but instead they |
3588s | spread out perfectly and were able to |
3590s | just sustain |
3592s | um that capacitor pressure shut down the |
3594s | hardeners shut down dark side's ability |
3597s | to do much broke through the logic and |
3599s | then just ground out a victory over time |
3601s | and |
3602s | really it just felt like we saw a finals |
3604s | match in the lower bracket yeah truth on |
3607s | a light will go forward in the |
3608s | elimination bracket and later face the |
3610s | loser of uh Odin's Culver's fraternity |
3612s | so um they had to be accessed together |
3614s | another then dark side so they're having |
3617s | a pretty rough run through the lower |
3618s | bracket uh of course uh you know last |
3620s | year's Champions multiple winners |
3622s | they've got the chops to do it uh some |
3624s | new pilots have joined from other |
3625s | successful teams we saw Bap uh formerly |
3627s | of NC DOT there uh flying a battleship |
3630s | did great effect so plenty of of solid |
3633s | pilots in their roster all right let's |
3635s | look at our next match which is going to |
3636s | be uh till Doomsday versus template |
3638s | calcif |
3639s | and see about these bands |
3642s | maybe I would like bands hello fans yes |
3645s | here we go uh okay whoa look at all them |
3647s | trickle bands okay so tell dimsd Banning |
3650s | out the guardian the Blackbird the curse |
3652s | and the Sentinel uh templates cast of |
3654s | banning out Guardian aniros Blackbird |
3656s | and curse so three duplicates gives us |
3659s | three trickle bands uh and then uh tell |
3661s | them they're going for the Agra the |
3663s | executive Navy issue and the British |
3665s | Navy issue where his Temple is going for |
3666s | the crucifier the ogre as well and the |
3668s | night talk uh Blackberry Park your |
3670s | thoughts on these bands we have a double |
3672s | trickle band double trickleback auger |
3673s | has been banned twice which does not |
3675s | mean they get a trickle of a trickle ban |
3676s | uh these are really really powerful |
3679s | bands I think um basically every viable |
3683s | cruiser-sized armor Logistics ship is |
3686s | gone that has been kind of the key of |
3688s | this Max threat setup uh almost all of |
3690s | the ability to actually tracking disrupt |
3693s | is gone as well and then the blackbird's |
3695s | gone so we I think we're actually gonna |
3697s | see something weird here like I think |
3698s | we're gonna see something new I hope I |
3700s | hope I hope I hope that nobody brings |
3702s | triple battleship armor Battleship it's |
3703s | terrible stop Flying that it's like one |
3705s | of the most losingest setups here but |
3707s | other than that like this this is great |
3710s | I think we have an opportunity to see |
3711s | something completely different and |
3712s | completely new uh temples calcif |
3715s | sometimes they'll pull out some wild and |
3716s | crazy stuff we've seen it before in the |
3718s | past until Doom stage has been fantastic |
3720s | I think this is their first sort of year |
3722s | as a congregated team so yeah this this |
3725s | should be good we should not see Max |
3726s | threat but we might see a shield |
3727s | variation of it awesome I want to see if |
3729s | we can take a quick look at the templas |
3731s | team summary as well uh that our team |
3733s | that's been around for quite some time |
3735s | uh the pretty tight roster of Pilots as |
3738s | well this is till doomsday uh the other |
3740s | team so we'll go to temples in just a |
3741s | moment there we are so 10 plus 41 people |
3744s | have flown with them over the time Last |
3746s | Spartan uh one of their |
3748s | um their most continuous members and if |
3751s | you look at the matches the teams that |
3753s | they have beaten teams they have lost to |
3754s | it's a pretty decent run they tend to |
3756s | have I mean they lost out to Odin's call |
3759s | in Atlanta stream 18 who went to the the |
3760s | grand finals and they also lost to truth |
3762s | on a light this year who won last year |
3764s | and Boundary experts who are I think a |
3766s | top nine team something like that from |
3768s | last year uh so a pretty pretty solid uh |
3771s | performance I mean they beat teams like |
3772s | Darkseid uh which you know that's the as |
3775s | a good team to beat so this is not a |
3777s | team that you can easily ignore I'm also |
3779s | been told doomsday are bringing their |
3781s | Flagship Armageddon Navy issue for this |
3783s | match so we'll have to see if templates |
3785s | uh can get around that Blackboard |
3787s | Pirates actually no moderator any |
3789s | thoughts going on in this match well it |
3791s | feels like we were saying earlier that |
3792s | you can't actually ban out Max threat uh |
3795s | with every rule of course there is an |
3797s | exception like bbp was saying when you |
3799s | have this many armor ships that are |
3800s | banned out and we also see brutix Navy |
3803s | issues getting banned out as well you're |
3805s | kind of saying okay maybe we have a you |
3808s | know some sort of a rush comp we have a |
3810s | control comp or we have any sort of like |
3812s | an HML kite comp |
3814s | you're basically seeing a lot of those |
3816s | options become somewhat viable just |
3818s | because Max thread is no longer on the |
3821s | board so I think we're going to see |
3823s | something rather unique that we probably |
3825s | won't see throughout the rest of the day |
3827s | possibly until we get to trickle bands |
3829s | in the grand finals |
3831s | yeah we can talk about that a little bit |
3832s | later on but it is time to head to the |
3834s | arena foretell zoomsday versus templates |
3836s | calcif with your casters we're gonna |
3838s | cross an Alec |
3843s | hello and welcome to this thrilling |
3845s | match between till doomsday and temples |
3847s | calcif one of the most band-heavy |
3849s | matches of the tournament so far templas |
3851s | khalsif has brought an Armageddon a |
3853s | zarmazat a very rare pick for the |
3855s | tournament mermaidon Navy regular |
3857s | mervidon stradius arbitrator arbitrator |
3860s | Magus vexer Navy going with a very drone |
3862s | heavy comp with some Newt and control |
3864s | here |
3865s | wing nut was still doomsday have for us |
3867s | I'm looking at the flag I'm gonna get |
3869s | native till doomsday and I spy three |
3872s | little missiles they have brought torp |
3875s | getting Navy |
3876s | baby yes I'm set let's see if the |
3879s | typhoon fleet's feeling the same way is |
3880s | he feeling frisky too that is also |
3883s | Torpedoes so we have potential torque |
3885s | Rush here with twin ham dams to go with |
3887s | it so this is going to be gonna be crazy |
3890s | I love that uh trying to ban out uh |
3894s | Banner all the armor lodging like no no |
3896s | there's still more left we've got the |
3896s | diamonds and Redeemer left we can keep |
3898s | going |
3899s | imagine |
3901s | what a match this is gonna be as we |
3904s | start to see both teams starting some |
3906s | early positioning now with drones being |
3908s | sent out from the temples calcif team |
3911s | streaking toward the back line until |
3913s | doomsday looking to go after their |
3916s | Logistics frigates targeting the Navitas |
3918s | first it's a very weak tank and it's |
3920s | taking some heavy armor damage |
3923s | hidden maybe isn't moving his hand he's |
3927s | he's torpedo why isn't he moving |
3930s | yeah |
3932s | perhaps not realized the matches started |
3935s | now he's picking up speed |
3937s | unfortunately we're just picking up |
3939s | speed on their Navitas he's about to |
3940s | drop here very very low armor the Drone |
3943s | cloud surrounding him is massive and he |
3944s | goes down |
3946s | yep and already they're on a timer now |
3949s | but they're going for a vixen Navy first |
3951s | it's honestly outside of the tournament |
3953s | very tanky ship inside a tournament that |
3955s | self-rep bonus only buys you so long |
3958s | yeah he's also the most convenient |
3960s | Target for him he's the closest not |
3962s | necessarily the most valuable and he is |
3964s | getting rep from that zarm his arm is a |
3967s | triglavian logistic ship it's an |
3969s | upgraded version of the rodiva which you |
3971s | may have seen so the longer they focus |
3972s | on one target the better it's going to |
3974s | be at protecting it meanwhile the Magus |
3976s | have obviously hidden for till doomsday |
3978s | is dropping into |
3980s | pretty heavy armor damage here he |
3982s | started to pick it back up now as it |
3984s | seems like the Drone cloud is relocating |
3986s | to a new Target |
3988s | I said they've only got drones in this |
3989s | company but basically nothing else so if |
3991s | the opposing team starts removing these |
3993s | drones they could really start limiting |
3994s | this capability to do anything except |
3996s | tank because that enzyme will probably |
3997s | take him to the end of the world but if |
4000s | they lose a DPS there's nothing really |
4001s | they can do but Newt targets out |
4003s | to fix her vaccinating both being |
4004s | targeted everyone hates the vexer hull |
4006s | today |
4007s | it's a great Target Choice it's a lot of |
4010s | damage a lot of utility not necessarily |
4012s | known for its big tank the vexer Navy |
4014s | now is he's gotten on top of he's being |
4016s | applied to he's well tackled down uh |
4019s | unfortunately the zarm is still putting |
4021s | in work here buying his team time |
4023s | in the meantime the vexer on the title |
4025s | doomsday side not faring nearly as well |
4027s | with no Logistics on his team to bring |
4030s | his armor back into very low armor |
4036s | is right next to the vni hard switch now |
4039s | the vaccinating is not going to go down |
4041s | with his arm protecting it hard switch |
4043s | right now to this this shredders that |
4045s | was right next to you |
4046s | because it's not going to work like this |
4048s | point he's going to tank harder hard you |
4049s | can't break through his Iron Man reps |
4050s | now you have to switch |
4054s | his arm |
4056s | the Tillerson vexer does go down they're |
4058s | pivoting to this arm that's a really |
4060s | great call |
4061s | uh he has been tackled by the tech three |
4063s | destroyers Destiny Noah's fipple putting |
4066s | in work unfortunately the Drone cloud is |
4068s | now caught up to him |
4072s | the joys of being Against drones Little |
4074s | Texas are wrecking shot and you're gone |
4076s | but yeah unfortunately I think they kind |
4078s | of over committed to the V night when |
4080s | they were the Stratos was right next to |
4081s | him and the stradius if the Vienna is |
4083s | not really known for being tanky the |
4084s | stratus is definitely not an over being |
4086s | tanky and it was right next to your |
4088s | entire com |
4089s | so yeah I think uh fortunately they |
4091s | might have thrown it there they're |
4092s | trying their best his arm is still being |
4094s | pressured |
4095s | yeah the getting Navy is sitting right |
4097s | on top of his arm uh putting a newt and |
4100s | all sorts of damage into it |
4101s | unfortunately it's a cruiser so the |
4103s | Torpedoes that we got so hyped about at |
4105s | the start not going to apply well to |
4107s | this arm it's not the best Target choice |
4109s | for the get-in but it's what they have |
4111s | to do to bring themselves back into this |
4112s | match uh they're about to pay for it |
4115s | with their last remaining armor logic |
4116s | this Inquisitor going down no partner to |
4118s | help keep him up and he's dropped |
4120s | meanwhile Curtis Baron and his arm is |
4122s | pulling range he's got his prop mod it's |
4125s | still on he's doing what he can the |
4127s | Armageddon Navy is pinned down so he's |
4129s | just pulling further and further away |
4131s | from Peril here although he is tackled |
4133s | by a damnation and a Mauler |
4137s | yeah I get the feeling of his arm is |
4139s | going to just live to win the entire way |
4140s | through everyone knows like this arm has |
4143s | to die for this company I'd do anything |
4144s | and unfortunately they're not going to |
4146s | be able to do it he's just gonna stay |
4148s | alive as long as humanly possible unless |
4150s | a lucky news cycle turns off his reps at |
4151s | a pivotal moment he's just gonna survive |
4154s | yeah he's a very tanky ship in his own |
4157s | right |
4157s | um it's a Tech Two triglavian chip so it |
4160s | has the tech two resist it has |
4161s | everything you would expect from a |
4163s | logistics Cruiser a Tech Two Logistics |
4164s | Cruiser just as a slightly different |
4166s | mechanic for how those reps are applied |
4168s | that said they might have turned off a |
4171s | hardener because the zarm has suddenly |
4173s | taking a spike in damage it's now |
4175s | actually in parallel at one third armor |
4177s | meanwhile the uh typhoon Fleet issue is |
4180s | the target for Temple's calcif that is |
4182s | going down at a two-thirds armor but |
4184s | Falling much more slowly than the zarm |
4186s | which is an alarming set of |
4187s | circumstances if your temple Scouts |
4190s | and look at all these rep drones on the |
4192s | zombie now too I see a lot of mediums |
4193s | there two Flats of mediums yep two or |
4195s | three Flats mediums on the Zone trying |
4196s | to buy more time I'm actually kind of |
4199s | curious but they're doing that because |
4200s | this is a drone damage comp having some |
4203s | of your drones devoted to rep instead |
4205s | it's a definitely an interesting call |
4207s | I'm not personally a fan of it but hey |
4208s | it's it's buying them time but this arm |
4211s | does go down |
4212s | yeah I'm not sure about that one they're |
4215s | giving up a lot of damage to try to buy |
4217s | themselves time there and that time |
4218s | could have been used killing targets |
4220s | faster which is really what they need to |
4222s | do now that that zarm is down they have |
4224s | a ticking clock their damage output is |
4227s | not necessarily as high as still |
4229s | doomsday they've got to close out this |
4231s | typhoon Fleet issue before the match |
4232s | gets away from them well now that these |
4235s | arm is dead this drawing cop needs the |
4237s | starburst just go in every direction |
4239s | you're versing a Top Again Navy you |
4241s | don't need to be at zero you can be 50 |
4242s | kilometers away in any direction just |
4244s | Starburst away and let your drones do |
4246s | the talking for you |
4248s | I think that may have heard you as now |
4249s | the majority of the temples calcif team |
4251s | is streaking to the other side of the |
4253s | Arena as fast as humanly possible going |
4255s | every which way as long as it's not |
4257s | toward another it's still doomsday ship |
4259s | they're not worried about tackling |
4260s | anything at this point uh they do need |
4263s | to get a kill but it looks like they |
4265s | will probably kill the typhoon Fleet |
4267s | issue unfortunately last Spartan's |
4268s | Armageddon is the target he cannot |
4271s | Starburst around he is well tackled by |
4273s | till doomsday and once he goes down |
4275s | there's a huge chunk of points and |
4277s | offensive power from calcif that's all |
4280s | their newts a quick note as well uh the |
4283s | memadon of Devin penkin he's sitting on |
4285s | mjd Beacon right now I believe that um |
4287s | the Navy of killer is going to be doing |
4289s | basically the same thing the good thing |
4291s | about these drone comps is they don't |
4292s | care how far away they are they can |
4293s | Bounce from Beacon to Beacon to Beacon |
4296s | doing damage the entire time and yeah |
4298s | typhoon Fleet goes down and these ships |
4299s | even if they tried to catch them they're |
4301s | just mjd away |
4304s | yep fabulous positioning from temples |
4307s | calcif uh the get was just unfortunate |
4309s | he was too mired in the till doomsday |
4311s | team too well tackled to escape but |
4313s | they're not going to be able to |
4314s | replicate that toward any other Temple's |
4317s | Castle ship nearly as easily meanwhile |
4319s | they are starting to get more and more |
4321s | of their armor hit points chipped away |
4323s | as Bradford cleared Mauler starts to go |
4326s | down they're looking and searching and |
4328s | probing around for whatever templates |
4330s | cast of ships they can get their hands |
4331s | on but it's easier said than done as |
4334s | they are absolutely everywhere uh pretty |
4336s | much dispersed onto three to four |
4338s | different micro jump beacons or some of |
4341s | them are just like floating around in |
4342s | the middle of the Arena |
4343s | stowish in the Magus went up to his |
4346s | friend Last Spartan and the Armageddon |
4347s | dropped cat boosters for him while the |
4349s | armagedy Armageddon sorry he's going for |
4350s | the njd beacon that is like a perfect |
4352s | bit of coordination to get it right when |
4353s | he has to slow down anyway |
4355s | so the Armageddon of Spartan will now be |
4357s | freshly loaded up with cat boosters he's |
4359s | now an MCD being ready to leave as well |
4361s | that is so perfectly flown and played |
4363s | from both team members there well done |
4365s | and perhaps the Spartan for being able |
4367s | to escape the the level of peril that he |
4369s | was in he's now actually relatively safe |
4372s | sitting on that micro jump Beacon the |
4374s | micro jump beacons do not have cooldowns |
4376s | so you can activate one and then another |
4378s | one and then another one and then |
4379s | another one you so you can eventually |
4381s | ping-pong yourself throughout the arena |
4383s | which is actually a really fantastic |
4385s | strategy for a drone comp exactly that |
4388s | we sold that comp that uh strategy like |
4390s | two or three years ago I believe in the |
4391s | younger games where a drawing comes will |
4393s | just Bounce from Beacon to Beacon being |
4394s | an absolute nightmare the interesting |
4396s | part was that reversing drone comes |
4397s | while doing it |
4398s | so it's you know it's good to see this |
4400s | kind of idea returning and they just |
4403s | can't yeah they've got so little damage |
4404s | having trouble killing them all but I |
4405s | think they've kind of got it at this |
4406s | point that your opposing team can't |
4407s | really do anything to them the model is |
4410s | trying to make the most of his remainder |
4411s | of his life here as he is streaking |
4413s | toward one of the mervidons remember |
4414s | that Navy issue of killer 542 who is |
4417s | unfortunately not near a micro jump |
4419s | Beacon but he is also much speedier than |
4422s | you might expect a mervidon to be and |
4424s | they're having trouble catching up to |
4426s | him |
4427s | to be fair we are comparing a moment on |
4429s | speed to a mall of speed not for anyone |
4432s | known for Speed themselves |
4434s | Eve brick racing oh my my favorite |
4437s | pastime brick racing well more goes down |
4440s | and at that point like what Kim is ham |
4442s | like hams and Torpedoes what do they can |
4445s | actually do in hand dams |
4449s | but it has to get on top of something to |
4452s | realize that Terror and that is the |
4455s | problem for them unfortunately these |
4456s | damnations are not likely faster than |
4458s | anything except the getting |
4461s | if we considered the mola no and the |
4463s | amendment Navy as uh brick racing the |
4466s | damnation is just like entire house |
4468s | racing it's not just one brick it's |
4470s | multiples |
4471s | I just it's so damn thick and slow 30 |
4473s | seconds left they're calling good fights |
4475s | and local well played by uh templates |
4478s | and lost button and his boys well done |
4480s | with a drone com |
4491s | everything |
4506s | [Music] |
4509s | [Applause] |
4522s | [Music] |
4535s | thank you |
4545s | [Music] |
4562s | foreign |
4568s | [Music] |
4591s | people that couldn't listen and couldn't |
4594s | check bookmarks and find your own way |
4596s | out the route the entire route was |
4598s | literally bookmarked out to low sick I |
4600s | bookmarked it 10 minutes in advance |
4604s | templates calcif there at knocking till |
4607s | doomsday out of the tournament uh but |
4609s | they do retain their Flagship the |
4610s | flagship uh Navy Armageddon managed to |
4613s | survive uh right to the end that was |
4615s | actually quite a tight match it uh it |
4617s | looked like uh temples had it very much |
4619s | in control against a torpedo Rush which |
4622s | is kind of unusual in the last |
4623s | tournament it's very much a sort of uh |
4625s | hey we're going to headshot your |
4626s | Flagship type comp |
4628s | um uh but then when the they killed that |
4630s | uh zarm's ad the point suddenly swung |
4632s | one over to uh to till doomsday but |
4635s | unfortunately they couldn't really |
4636s | capitalize on it uh measure one of our |
4638s | remote casters pointed out that the |
4639s | templas uh Armageddon managed to MGD out |
4642s | of the hands of Tel domesday probably |
4644s | one of the reasons that they were able |
4645s | to cling on and win the match there |
4647s | losing those arms out especially against |
4649s | the high DPS torpedo Rush not great now |
4652s | speaking of logistic ships I'm joined by |
4655s | a man who role plays as a Tech Two Leo |
4657s | stick ship it is the basilis basil how |
4658s | are you today I'm good thank you and for |
4659s | the first time my team has actually made |
4661s | it to the second weekend so we're all |
4663s | very proud of you thank you thank you |
4664s | very that's how we can go even further |
4666s | than a lowly top 12. well you're in the |
4668s | uh the top eight I think at the minute |
4670s | uh because you're still in the winners |
4671s | bracket unfathomably somehow yeah uh |
4674s | Voltron not with the team this year that |
4676s | might be something to do with it quite |
4677s | possibly yeah I think that's there's |
4678s | correlation there for sure yeah and |
4680s | bonus you haven't immediately feared |
4682s | your Flagship this year as well yeah and |
4684s | it's more expensive than last year so |
4686s | maybe there's like correlation between |
4687s | because obviously we see true I mean |
4688s | theirs was really expensive and it died |
4690s | pretty quick though so that's okay |
4691s | confounding so it was more expensive no |
4694s | no no no no no it's not more expensive |
4696s | than theirs but I mean it's more |
4696s | expensive than last year's and it's |
4698s | lived longer than last year so uh we |
4700s | have a flagship graph I wonder if we |
4701s | could throw it back off quickly and just |
4702s | take a quick look at the teams that are |
4703s | eliminated and the remaining Flagship so |
4705s | as you can see here A bunch of teams |
4707s | have been eliminated this morning Owens |
4709s | and Truth all are like the only |
4710s | remaining teams without their flagships |
4712s | uh hidden Leaf Village Ninja Assassin |
4714s | Squad Esports or as they prefer to be |
4715s | known Hill of Nancy |
4718s | um still retaining theirs as well so it |
4719s | should be super interesting uh to see |
4722s | some of these explode today |
4724s | um however matches so far basilisk yeah |
4726s | it's been very good I mean that one as |
4727s | you say we were talking briefly during |
4728s | the matches it was very close and I |
4730s | think about six minutes in until |
4731s | doomsway were probably calling to stop |
4733s | the count because they were one point |
4734s | ahead just that one point from killing |
4736s | that zamas but that comp they brought is |
4738s | very all in with the torps and the ham |
4739s | rush and I think it's like a a |
4742s | battleship or even a flagship sort of |
4743s | meat grinder where it lands on grid and |
4745s | you just Ram into it with the torps and |
4746s | they saw disarm as and thought this kind |
4748s | of puts a spanner in the works because |
4749s | suddenly they're all in DPS Rush unless |
4752s | you killed his arm as it's going to |
4753s | spool up and it's going to take a lot |
4754s | longer to actually do what you're trying |
4755s | to do so yeah we saw the Templars team |
4758s | um they had drones and they were slowly |
4760s | losing their drones uh towards the end |
4761s | of that match until doomsday with a |
4763s | bunch of smart bombs on their |
4764s | battleships were able to just keep smart |
4765s | bombing them off and the damage was just |
4767s | trickling down and down and down and of |
4769s | course without those armies we were like |
4771s | hey I mean if tell them to catch |
4772s | something valuable here this could could |
4774s | be the end of it for for tempest Misty |
4776s | any thoughts yeah that was the the |
4778s | problem though was that by the time they |
4780s | had managed to kill the Tsar mad because |
4782s | they didn't have that much in the way of |
4784s | application with the torpedo battleships |
4786s | they don't exactly do well against small |
4788s | Logistics Cruisers so they can mitigate |
4790s | a lot of damage so by the time design |
4792s | went down they didn't really have much |
4793s | that could go out and try and pin down |
4795s | any of the ships on the Templar side we |
4797s | saw I think they had a molar left from |
4799s | their lower wing which was I think like |
4801s | half armor by the time that the Zone |
4803s | went down doesn't really leave them with |
4804s | much opportunity to go out and try and |
4806s | pin anything in place for them to apply |
4807s | all of their damage to and we saw that |
4809s | templates were very very good at running |
4812s | away |
4813s | great job excellent job a skill that I'm |
4816s | sure is uh puts a great effect in the |
4818s | war zone |
4819s | um uh most faction work for players to |
4821s | run away now uh let us look forward at |
4823s | our next matchup which is going to be |
4825s | boundary experts versus no vacancies and |
4827s | check out the bands for this one uh so |
4829s | boundary experts Banning out executive |
4830s | Navy issue the arbitrator at the |
4832s | o'neiros and the guardian uh Novak going |
4835s | for Kerry's malice Scimitar and celestis |
4838s | uh Baza as a member of a top eight team |
4841s | currently still in the live stream at |
4842s | 19. what do you think of these bands I |
4844s | think this is the Novak special they |
4845s | seem to do this every time that carries |
4847s | them all as the celestis that just seems |
4848s | to be their go-to for whatever reason I |
4850s | don't I don't know why I don't have the |
4851s | inside information on their team but |
4852s | they just hate damps for some reason |
4854s | they really don't want to see damps |
4856s | um boundary experts going for something |
4857s | a little bit more maybe standard I think |
4859s | the exact Navy issue is insanely |
4860s | powerful I think |
4862s | um Source I made it up but if you feel |
4865s | more exact Navy issues than the opponent |
4867s | you're probably gonna win |
4868s | um I think it's in that sort of |
4870s | situation where the ship is so insanely |
4871s | powerful that if you don't ban it you |
4872s | probably should user and Boundary |
4874s | experts just removing it and I think |
4876s | that's totally valid option as well yeah |
4878s | it's also a point reduced this year |
4881s | um the galante Federation sponsors of |
4883s | Alliance tournament 19 so a number of |
4885s | gallantia navy ships reduced in the |
4887s | number of points that they cost meaning |
4889s | that obviously it's it's more effective |
4891s | to to bring them uh you do stock ahead |
4893s | with Point inflation if you bring |
4894s | multiple of a particular ship then each |
4897s | one costs uh well we it makes each one |
4899s | cost one more so if a ship is four |
4901s | points for example and you bring two of |
4903s | them each one costs five points if you |
4904s | bring three each one costs six and so on |
4906s | and so forth uh we've seen very few |
4908s | teams bring three of anything at this |
4911s | point I think we saw three arbitrators |
4912s | uh it's probably the only one which uh |
4914s | was I'm not entirely sure if it was a |
4916s | five head move or a smooth brain move |
4918s | but it was interesting to be sure |
4920s | mystical might any thoughts I think it |
4923s | was templist that brought the three |
4924s | arbitrators wasn't it did they win that |
4925s | match I did well that's not here so well |
4927s | I mean they could have won in the upper |
4929s | bracket and then fallen down I don't |
4931s | know true but uh yeah okay yeah I think |
4933s | it's usually best if you're diversifying |
4935s | the ships that you have on your team |
4936s | because it allows you to get more out of |
4938s | your points you only have a select |
4939s | amount you start with 100 and each ship |
4941s | has a point cost as you can see on the |
4943s | the side of the screen during the |
4944s | matches so diversifying means that even |
4947s | if you lose one arbitrator and you've |
4949s | only got two you're actually losing less |
4950s | points and giving less points over to |
4951s | the enemy team if you bring three |
4953s | arbitrators each loss that you take in |
4955s | those arbitrators that aren't especially |
4956s | tanky ships actually means more in over |
4959s | the course of the match so I'm being |
4961s | told as well uh both teams choosing to |
4964s | bring Flagship bar guests so uh boundary |
4966s | experts and uh no vacancies bringing |
4968s | those flag barks uh both teams should |
4971s | have relativity Pockets brand new |
4973s | experts had a pretty decent run last |
4974s | year so they would have got a number of |
4975s | uh the Bessler and the Getty uh price |
4978s | ships uh Novak they're a wormhole group |
4980s | uh they've probably got plenty of money |
4981s | they can afford to do it |
4983s | um unless they've got no balls but we |
4985s | will certainly find that out uh soon |
4986s | enough I'm sure at least one of these |
4988s | will die uh Mr come out uh thoughts on |
4991s | what we might see both teams bringing |
4993s | bar guests |
4994s | the thing with ball gas Flagship is that |
4996s | it's fairly flexible so it can actually |
4997s | be Shield or armor fit or whole tank if |
5000s | you really wanted to so I'm expecting to |
5003s | see maybe like a missile kite comp |
5004s | versus an armored control comp with a |
5007s | bar guest maybe hopefully we see |
5008s | something like that |
5010s | awesome I mean uh Baza any any further |
5012s | thoughts yeah I think an armor bar guest |
5014s | comp could work I think we might see an |
5015s | armor kingslayer similar to what we've |
5017s | flown in a couple matches I think Novak |
5018s | have been one of the other teams that |
5019s | quite like that setup as well so I think |
5021s | there's a reasonable chance they bring |
5022s | something like that but yeah bogus quite |
5024s | likely for sure yeah Vargas are one of |
5026s | those very flexible flagships where you |
5027s | can fit them armor you can fit them |
5029s | Shield they've got that long range scram |
5031s | so it can be really good for kiting or |
5032s | you can fit them with like in your face |
5034s | Torpedoes if you've uh if you're a bit |
5035s | of a chat and just Barrel in and do a |
5037s | ton of DPS of course we'd normally see |
5039s | them with those uh those smls rapid |
5040s | Heavies for the the rich teams but it is |
5043s | time to head over to the arena for |
5045s | boundary experts versus no vacancies |
5047s | with our casters jintan and Missouri |
5053s | Hello everybody welcome back to the |
5055s | arena I miss on with me is Sergeant |
5057s | China this is uh an boundary expert in |
5060s | red this is um no big in the blue and |
5063s | the Barbra Express is broadlegged |
5066s | Kingston with double bikers and La cases |
5068s | okra Mages |
5071s | and Sentinel and true and crucified so |
5075s | they got like a a mix of a little bit |
5076s | everything but what does the Novak team |
5078s | have Novak have brought moderator's |
5081s | least favorite composition here in the |
5083s | triple Battleship uh um all in |
5086s | composition all of three of those |
5088s | battleships from the Novak team have |
5089s | rhmls so they're going to be trying to |
5091s | apply a ton of DPS right at the start of |
5093s | this match and they've only got a little |
5094s | bit of tackle to try and hold down no |
5096s | vacancies for that they're going to need |
5098s | to take out some of this control here uh |
5101s | from boundary experts immediately at the |
5103s | start of this match or else they are |
5104s | going to struggle after that first |
5106s | reload yeah it looks like the boundary |
5108s | person like went with the controllers |
5110s | immediately no transverse or just |
5113s | getting popped immediately I think he |
5115s | could quit by the other hyenas this is |
5117s | like one of the key things about the |
5118s | kingslayer since I'm having hyena to pin |
5120s | down targets when you are rapid heavy |
5122s | missile ships just tear stuff apart and |
5125s | Rain Row in the confess but they are |
5129s | stabilizing a bit so maybe they cannot |
5132s | last long enough to survive this |
5135s | yeah but look at that though all the |
5136s | battleships here from the no vacancies |
5138s | team they are screaming across the arena |
5139s | have already crossed the halfway mark |
5141s | and are now pinning boundary experts up |
5143s | against this wall boundary experts want |
5144s | to be kiting this out want to be |
5146s | utilizing the range control that is |
5147s | provided by this crucifier Sentinel and |
5149s | the keysis uh and their second I'm |
5151s | saying the majors just go and get his |
5152s | head shot like a quick swap by the |
5154s | Beloved team at that here so boundary |
5156s | Express team at the paid off those |
5158s | boosts are still going to be applied for |
5159s | another 60 seconds or so though so but |
5161s | uh no vacancies still have a chance to |
5163s | utilize all of those Skirmish boosts and |
5165s | then gain the positional Advantage here |
5167s | but the pontifex goes down as well |
5168s | boundary experts with great Target |
5170s | calling here trying to take off the |
5172s | stuff that's going to uh allow boundary |
5174s | experts to potentially survive into the |
5175s | later parts of this match |
5177s | um meanwhile there's not trading |
5179s | anything back yeah so the battery |
5180s | experts team they did favor more control |
5183s | for what I got the first glance looks |
5185s | like King Celeste is a big still having |
5187s | these double Baggers to murder stuff but |
5190s | having all this extra support like the |
5192s | kisses is stamping down the executive |
5194s | making that life extremely difficult at |
5197s | the same time having all that weapon |
5198s | disrupting to make this hard for the |
5200s | blue team to actually apply to anything |
5203s | yeah you can just look at that on the |
5205s | boundary expert side still nothing |
5206s | tackled apart from this crew or the |
5208s | finally getting snagged there but and I |
5210s | think that's just the outer edge of a |
5211s | grapple there's no real control being |
5213s | laid down here by no vacancies and you |
5215s | can see the impact that's having even as |
5217s | both teams go into reload here we've got |
5219s | a moment where both teams get to breathe |
5221s | get to try and move their small ships |
5222s | into position before that DPS Onslaught |
5225s | begins again |
5229s | excellent job with that kind of control |
5232s | and using it |
5239s | the controller having to just make it |
5242s | difficult for The Blue Team to actually |
5244s | counter any place they're doing |
5247s | oh 404 Logistics not found it's going to |
5250s | be a massacre echoing here forwards now |
5252s | for no vacancies they no longer have |
5254s | anything left to keep their low end |
5257s | alive and those battleships they might |
5258s | have a lot of plates to tank but with |
5261s | nothing to hold down the uh the faster |
5264s | ships here from boundary expert it's |
5266s | just going to be a massacre |
5276s | they're doing a really good job cycling |
5278s | the times of different types like |
5280s | initially are they secure to like kill |
5282s | off something but also cycling between |
5283s | the battleships to make it harder for |
5285s | them to coordinate the rapid heavy |
5288s | strikes so it's a really good play for |
5291s | the lakeishas pilot on the ship that's |
5292s | usually not seen that often in the |
5294s | tournament settings |
5295s | yeah it's worth noting that that's uh |
5297s | that person's more commonly known as |
5299s | Chewie and is actually the captain for |
5301s | the boundary experts team uh taking over |
5303s | for Radicals who ran this team uh last |
5306s | year and you know he's been doing an |
5308s | amazing job at bringing this team back |
5310s | together obviously they lost a lot of |
5312s | pilots who moved on to plug and play |
5314s | with radicals he took the remaining of |
5316s | the remaining parts of the corps brought |
5317s | into his own pilots and he has been |
5319s | doing absolutely fantastically this year |
5321s | it looks like he might be taking a |
5323s | second win for the tournament here as |
5325s | Fury goes into very very low armor here |
5328s | and there's no way of him getting it rep |
5330s | back up |
5332s | yeah this ride is hard for the Novak |
5334s | team to really do an effect like your |
5337s | control is piling out on top of the |
5339s | remaining ships these battleships cannot |
5340s | apply well they cannot lock a lot of |
5342s | things on these triggers so like last |
5344s | year irrelevant like |
5346s | because without your intensive thing |
5348s | which I apply it doesn't matter what |
5349s | they're going to tackle and even if they |
5352s | don't have any webifiers they |
5354s | or even if they do have rapid fires it's |
5356s | not going to be enough to kill any of |
5357s | the small stuff there |
5359s | yeah you've got to give a credit load to |
5361s | no vacancies they haven't given up just |
5362s | yet they're forming a little bit of a |
5364s | triangle of death as it were with their |
5366s | battleships trying to cover as much |
5368s | space as possible make it difficult for |
5370s | boundary experts to maneuver hoping that |
5372s | someone might slidle in unexpectedly |
5374s | into their news or into that bar guest |
5376s | scram but and that bag is going down I |
5380s | believe it is the flagship going down so |
5382s | it could be some really expensive stuff |
5383s | like now people should go and get the |
5385s | loot and then get the if out as Jay |
5388s | Johnson and crew is taking a air amount |
5389s | of damage he might be the the guy being |
5392s | the looter guy but he's thriving |
5396s | yeah you can see boundary experts we |
5398s | we're now finally seeing the start of |
5400s | the active part of their rep bar and |
5402s | that gives us an idea of just how much |
5404s | they've got left to uh |
5406s | got left to grind through that's still |
5407s | looking like a couple of hundred |
5409s | thousand ehp but it almost certainly is |
5411s | going to be done now before the end of |
5413s | the match so boundary experts on Route |
5416s | here to another 100 zero match victory |
5422s | of the band race 13 for the identifying |
5425s | the hyena as a key ship and then |
5428s | eliminated right from the beginning |
5429s | that's really what gave them that big |
5431s | advantage in this match up and it's a |
5434s | really good call and I believe they're |
5436s | guys in studio can say a lot more about |
5437s | that when we get to them but as now |
5440s | we're just seeing the boundaries but |
5442s | being the cleaning experts as the |
5445s | cleaning up this field |
5447s | and there we go we actually see that |
5449s | this is not the most expensive uh bar |
5451s | guest that we've seen go down so far |
5453s | just faction uh launches here and a |
5456s | faction damage control rather than the |
5458s | really really blingy purple fits that |
5460s | we've seen in previous teams |
5465s | but uh still you know I don't think it |
5467s | would have made much difference even if |
5468s | they had an officer fit bar guest it |
5470s | likely wasn't going to make the uh |
5471s | wasn't going to enable them to catch |
5473s | this boundary experts team because as |
5475s | you said it was just executed so so well |
5478s | razor here finally going into Hull and |
5481s | then it will just be a matter of seeing |
5482s | how long vlanislav can hold or whether |
5485s | he wants to make a uh a run for the |
5486s | boundary |
5488s | yeah there's ideas they're like |
5491s | uh like you're just looking at letters |
5494s | 20K off the center so I don't think |
5497s | they're going to be allowed for the |
5498s | boundary as already getting swarmed by |
5501s | these tag little Freaks and uh |
5504s | doing the cleanup uh job with the Rainy |
5507s | ships like you're having drones and |
5508s | stuff all over the arena but uh |
5511s | yeah boundary Age first showing the they |
5514s | really want to get these shiny ships and |
5517s | they're well-deserved Victory uh |
5519s | definitely |
5521s | one of the cooler settings I've seen |
5523s | this year and I've locked away they |
5524s | executed it and they |
5527s | uh yeah I should probably not sim |
5529s | keep simping for that but for them |
5531s | because I'll just end up dressing them |
5532s | but at the same time really good job |
5536s | yeah you got to say that it was a really |
5538s | interesting composition here and it |
5540s | seems like something we might see a lot |
5542s | more or very very high skill ceiling |
5544s | control comp here being brought by Band |
5546s | tracks but it just shows how much Faith |
5548s | they have in themselves in a match like |
5550s | this that has the potential to see them |
5551s | eliminated from the tournament that they |
5553s | would bring something that requires it's |
5555s | not just so much coordination to be able |
5557s | to be executed properly and Sven blot as |
5560s | well and that Orca are doing a great job |
5562s | to survive versus three rapid heavy |
5564s | missile ships normally we see those |
5566s | things just obliterate every single you |
5570s | know T1 Cruiser that's left on grid but |
5571s | in this case uh they were able to |
5574s | protect it effectively what do you think |
5575s | enabled them to do that Miss |
5577s | well it's what's the control like having |
5580s | uh the kisses for attempts and having |
5582s | all these weapons eruption on the |
5583s | Sentinel and the crucifier really made |
5587s | it hard to apply anything at the same |
5588s | time that hyena Had Each Other beginning |
5590s | and uh with that uh maybe if you're |
5592s | going down and we'll send it back to the |
5594s | studio so they can say some so it's |
5598s | clever words |
5614s | [Music] |
5617s | [Applause] |
5623s | [Music] |
5638s | [Music] |
5639s | [Applause] |
5640s | [Music] |
5643s | [Applause] |
5647s | [Music] |
5653s | guys stop being casual they're really |
5656s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
5658s | warp off warp off take the fleet warp |
5660s | everybody warp off this is a really |
5662s | really bad execution I'm very |
5663s | disappointed |
5668s | rain are you in the armor Vagabond or |
5670s | something no um I've got Excel ISP |
5676s | and polarized guns |
5677s | [Laughter] |
5685s | boundary experts continuing their runs |
5687s | with the lower bracket at the expense of |
5689s | no vacancies there as we see five |
5691s | battleships go up against each other uh |
5693s | the Novak side bringing three boundary |
5695s | experts going for two uh and some |
5697s | excellent piloting uh on on both sides |
5699s | really to be honest it's actually a |
5700s | pretty reasonable match uh we saw the |
5702s | hyenas super useful ship especially with |
5704s | these uh rapid heavy bar guests uh brand |
5707s | new experts pilot Chad hammercock flying |
5710s | has to excellent effect uh Mr might talk |
5712s | to you about a hyena yeah so at the |
5714s | beginning beginning of the match sorry |
5716s | we saw that boundary experts deleted the |
5719s | no vacancies hyena to make sure that |
5721s | they would have difficulty applying |
5722s | their damage to the banjo experts team |
5724s | the importance of the hyena is that it |
5727s | has decently long range webs for a |
5729s | frigate so it's able to burn in and slow |
5731s | down some of these smaller ships that |
5733s | things like heavy missiles might have |
5734s | difficulty applying to |
5736s | um when they're slowed down enough if |
5738s | you have the darker painters as well |
5739s | that the the hyena has a bonus for it |
5742s | means that the heavy missiles are |
5743s | actually going to be doing quite a lot |
5744s | of damage to things like the magazines |
5746s | that we saw which allows you to |
5748s | effectively delete the lower end of a |
5750s | comp removing all of their support ships |
5751s | and when you've invested so many points |
5753s | into a three Battleship setup it means |
5755s | that you don't really have links on |
5757s | anything bigger than a command Destroyer |
5759s | so after about two minutes into the |
5761s | match once those are dead you are losing |
5763s | a fair amount of effective hit points |
5766s | and repability yeah it's one of those |
5768s | things like once the um those ships go |
5770s | down the links will stay up for however |
5772s | long until they run out which is maximum |
5774s | of 60 seconds if it's just cycled prior |
5777s | to dying and then you see that Tech off |
5779s | is the ehp effective Health points or |
5782s | headpoints or Hull points of the the |
5784s | comp just starts to drop off all right |
5787s | it's a time to Hot Drop into another |
5789s | burner Mission uh which is code for |
5791s | watch people eat chicken at this time I |
5793s | believe it's me so let's see if we can |
5795s | go to that now |
5799s | may I consume |
5802s | this is number one |
5806s | you ever get the feeling you've made a |
5808s | mistake |
5811s | um |
5812s | I think I read a bunch of stuff on maybe |
5814s | pz gamer or something that many years |
5816s | ago I think it was about the guiding |
5818s | hand Social Club Heist many people heard |
5820s | that one I was like hey this game sounds |
5822s | cool I can scam people |
5824s | um so I started playing that was around |
5826s | about |
5827s | 2009 or so |
5829s | that one that's not so bad the first one |
5831s | was worse |
5833s | I've been still being involved with the |
5834s | alliance tournament is pretty good so I |
5836s | got to help uh with the rule set and I |
5838s | mean he's been jealous work on them for |
5840s | a bit |
5841s | um I have to help just be part of the |
5842s | back end of the tournament I can feel |
5844s | the heat rising in this corner of my |
5846s | mouth specifically right now |
5848s | um and yeah that's probably like I'm |
5851s | really proud about the alliance |
5852s | tournament and the fact that the |
5853s | viewership is going to appear on here |
5855s | this one's getting space here that's uh |
5858s | she's coming boys who |
5861s | o |
5863s | they'll have some uh that we're not |
5865s | Guinness ready why is this one's not |
5867s | coming I thought it was over it's not |
5869s | over |
5870s | but it's here again I think it just |
5873s | burped a little bit and it came back |
5877s | I want to know where I went wrong in my |
5879s | life this is where I am |
5880s | [Music] |
5882s | um at the moment just staying alive is |
5885s | is a high priority for |
5888s | for me personally as an individual |
5891s | um |
5892s | and yeah I've forgotten the question |
5894s | what was it what am I working on |
5896s | [Music] |
5898s | um I think some of this was my idea and |
5901s | I'm regretting that clearly I need to |
5904s | rethink my priorities in life oh |
5910s | [Music] |
5912s | now I know how I drew daughter like felt |
5915s | when they left their flagship |
5916s | Jesus |
5918s | [Music] |
5922s | this Alliance tournament some people |
5924s | produce results what exactly do you |
5926s | produce |
5929s | the lines of German and results that's |
5931s | what you get when your rsc's be overload |
5935s | the finest results |
5936s | [Music] |
5938s | the various results that you even can |
5940s | possibly contain |
5941s | [Music] |
5949s | s is on fire |
5952s | how did ccp's web not to be phased I |
5955s | already was unfazed |
5956s | foreign |
5961s | eating uh that was uh quite spicy |
5965s | um I don't think I was emotionally |
5966s | prepared for what to transpired uh in |
5969s | that particular Studio I mean you you |
5970s | walked into next door and you're like am |
5972s | I headed yes and I was on next I was |
5974s | like oh oh no yes it was uh I mean the |
5978s | last couple just were like right up |
5980s | there |
5981s | um and it just nothing helped uh it just |
5985s | kept getting worse |
5987s | um and then yeah I definitely felt light |
5988s | headed towards the end I felt like I'd |
5990s | consumed some boosters |
5991s | um because it was I walked in like |
5993s | properly slightly spaced out just from |
5996s | the sheer spice it was something uh so |
5999s | hopefully it's fun at least |
6000s | um it was definitely definitely fun to |
6002s | watch afterwards uh less so at the time |
6005s | all right let's look at our next matchup |
6007s | which is going to be we from Volta |
6008s | versus platinum sensitivity another |
6010s | elimination match two very experienced |
6012s | teams here this one should be very spicy |
6014s | as well uh Volta Banning out curse |
6016s | arbitrageous Sentinel crucifier |
6018s | crucially leaving that Pilgrim on band |
6020s | uh Platinum sensitivity going for the |
6022s | bar guest a badon EOS and the Loki the |
6025s | Basilisk uh what do you what do you |
6027s | think of these bands the Platinum bands |
6029s | are I mean they're fairly sort of |
6031s | standard I suppose you know those four |
6032s | ships they're pretty common bands but |
6033s | the Volta a Gambit on the Banning the |
6036s | TDs is far more interesting as we saw |
6037s | earlier in the tournament I think it was |
6038s | frat or frat against I can't remember |
6041s | who but frat called their Bluff and |
6043s | brought the two pilgrims I wonder if |
6045s | Platt will be tempted to do the same or |
6046s | if uh Volta is actually just throwing |
6048s | the bait out there and seeing what |
6050s | happens |
6050s | I must say what were your thoughts here |
6052s | I mean we saw um the the pilgrim be used |
6054s | by one or two teams last week not the |
6056s | most common ship quite expensive points |
6058s | wise but it does get those bonus uh |
6060s | tracking and guidance disruption I think |
6062s | it's it's the same points as the curse I |
6064s | might be wrong with that probably I |
6066s | think so yeah uh I think it's it's |
6068s | fairly interesting to see a team just |
6069s | decide to try and ban out all of the |
6070s | dragon disruptors that they can because |
6072s | it does kind of suggest that they want |
6074s | to bring something that is going to be |
6076s | either heavily application dependent |
6078s | when it's missile based or that they're |
6080s | looking to just bring Gun spam and they |
6082s | want to make sure that they're applying |
6083s | as much as they can across the arena |
6085s | towards like the smaller end of the |
6086s | lower end |
6087s | um at the right right at the beginning |
6089s | of the match so that they can clear |
6090s | things like logic forgets and the |
6092s | commanders things like that |
6094s | um but also like as I said it could just |
6096s | be pain and it could just be a case of |
6097s | hey we've banned all of this but we've |
6099s | left the pilgrim open it's a fairly |
6101s | expensive ship to bring so why don't you |
6103s | bring it and then they can completely |
6104s | ignore it because they're ready to deal |
6106s | with tracking disrupters |
6108s | both these teams have Flagship Vargas |
6110s | available we don't know yet if either |
6111s | are choosing to field them |
6113s | um Platinum Sensitivity I can't quite |
6114s | recall off top of my head how they did |
6116s | last year but they've been had pretty |
6117s | solid runs Misty do you remember the |
6118s | indestructible Mark Bridges always does |
6120s | well thank you very much uh disc and I |
6123s | have a fan club so uh wherever they end |
6125s | will be the the best place for them I |
6127s | suppose pretty destructible last week |
6129s | when I thought absolutely not don't know |
6130s | what you're talking about |
6132s | um that never happened speaking of being |
6134s | destructible uh the Basilisk uh I |
6137s | believe you lasted 12 seconds on one of |
6138s | your matches I usually last a lot longer |
6140s | but you know |
6141s | so it was like a record for shortest |
6143s | time lasted in in an arena of course |
6145s | specifically it's specifically just end |
6148s | game yeah I was like a bit too spicy |
6151s | there for for it was not enough chicken |
6152s | wings for this one |
6154s | so predictions mystical Knights what do |
6156s | you think we might see then uh like I |
6157s | said both have Flagger Burgers available |
6158s | uh the bands are saying hey no track and |
6161s | disruption no guidance disruption |
6162s | thoughts I'm getting the feeling that |
6165s | we're gonna see similar to the match |
6168s | that we've just watched maybe two armor |
6170s | control setups looking to remove some of |
6171s | the lower end especially with the guns |
6173s | disruptions being removed |
6176s | um or |
6178s | as I said last time we might see some |
6180s | Nano |
6182s | actually well I guess a band right yes |
6185s | yes okay and we don't know if they're |
6186s | bringing the flagships yet not yet okay |
6188s | no one has told me otherwise uh yeah |
6190s | okay I'm assuming just gun gun spam gun |
6193s | spam changing my prediction okay I'm |
6194s | Platinum sensitivity is going to win |
6196s | okay yeah uh let's see if we can just |
6198s | have a quick look at the lower bracket |
6200s | uh uh see if we can have a have a check |
6203s | on that it might come up uh |
6205s | here we go okay so this is our living |
6208s | that's the upper bracket uh uh someone |
6210s | scroll down oh no never mind we'll come |
6213s | back to that uh well let's just these |
6214s | teams are in the elimination bracket |
6216s | that was I was willing to point at that |
6217s | and pointed out but uh we have no need |
6219s | we can use our words we are word Smiths |
6221s | on the internet uh quickly ads that |
6224s | these teams did also play earlier today |
6226s | so there is a quick turnaround on this |
6228s | so there's extra pressure for these |
6229s | teams actually turning up on grid |
6231s | exactly we're at the very top of losers |
6232s | round three here so that you can see the |
6234s | number of matches these teams are gonna |
6235s | have to go through to keep in the |
6236s | tournament plenty of skins of course uh |
6238s | but there's a lot of uh pressure a lot |
6240s | of time a lot of energy for these teams |
6242s | all right it's time to head over to the |
6244s | for this exciting match between we from |
6245s | Volta and platinum sensitivity with the |
6247s | casters wing nut and Alec |
6252s | g'day mates welcome to the arena I'm |
6254s | joined by Mr AK Alex CF card and I think |
6257s | both teams have decided that battleships |
6259s | are gone and battle Cruisers and DPS are |
6261s | the new way to go because both teams |
6263s | have brought basically the the pseudo |
6265s | dead slash uh Max threat full-on Rush |
6267s | comps but some people a bit more tanky |
6270s | than others what are you looking at okay |
6272s | yeah the Platinum sensitivity team here |
6274s | uh they have made some interesting |
6276s | choices with their low end bring a |
6278s | double stealth bomber Attack 3 Destroyer |
6281s | versus volta's crew or a sky breaker I |
6285s | think as this match progresses provided |
6287s | they put those Torpedoes on the battle |
6289s | Cruisers of the Volta team Platinum |
6291s | sensitivity is going to be very happy |
6293s | with their choice this is going to be a |
6295s | straight brawl there's no tackling |
6296s | involved as these ships will just |
6298s | absolutely Slug It Out and here we go |
6301s | nope I think those bombers getting |
6303s | removed pretty damn quickly hard being |
6305s | the first Target again and yeah it's |
6307s | definitely going to be an absolute race |
6308s | here my only question point is if they |
6310s | leave the nearest and guardian alone at |
6312s | what point do these teams start tanking |
6314s | because there is so much damage already |
6317s | Obama's gone exactly now he's being |
6318s | primary The Hub is almost dead the |
6320s | harbor is probably one of the weakest |
6322s | out of this here dead armor battle |
6323s | Cruisers and yeah he's gone |
6326s | yeah they're going for the weak links |
6327s | here at some point the DPS reduction is |
6330s | going to hit a critical mass at which |
6332s | point the logistics from either team is |
6334s | going to be able to pull back enough hit |
6335s | points to give them the edge in the race |
6337s | it's hard to say where that Tipping |
6339s | Point is going to be for each team if |
6341s | they're taking slightly different |
6342s | approaches to this uh Volta going after |
6345s | the low end of platinum sensitivity |
6347s | Platinum sensitivity attempting to |
6349s | headshot a bit here taking out the |
6351s | Britax Navy we'll see which strategy |
6353s | pays off for them |
6354s | I think at the moment Platinum system is |
6356s | probably ahead in terms of what they've |
6358s | destroyed but that being said uh no |
6360s | vulture is not at us by any stretch the |
6362s | British Navy goes down volts is going |
6363s | for the uneering snatch they're going |
6364s | you know what we're done with this this |
6365s | game is not playing well first let's go |
6366s | for the trade and get really lodgy now |
6368s | I'm not doing nothing against that cool |
6370s | I like the idea yeah the alarm Bells |
6372s | have to be ringing for Volta here they |
6374s | saw how quickly that Britax and hard |
6375s | went down they're like we need to take |
6377s | out that o'neirus soon or we might not |
6379s | be able to take it out at all in the |
6381s | meantime the extra Navy issue is |
6383s | dropping far faster it's likely it will |
6385s | go down but they'll probably wind up |
6387s | trading the scenarios and I gotta think |
6389s | volta's happy with that one |
6394s | maybe goes down near us will very |
6396s | quickly follow the questions I mean now |
6398s | does plant incentivity copy and go after |
6400s | the guardian are they focus on what |
6402s | they're doing do they keep on their |
6403s | current game plan |
6404s | it looks like they're keeping on the |
6406s | current game plan going after the hard |
6407s | Navy of sticky mikaka and it is uh |
6411s | proving to be a very successful choice |
6413s | is that Harvest not tanking at all |
6417s | so I'm kind of curious right we've seen |
6419s | these oracles be more and more tank |
6421s | people like bike tanking them I honestly |
6423s | would love to see if this one's been the |
6425s | exact opposite it's been back to full |
6426s | DPS again well maybe this starter is |
6428s | actually doing that instead because they |
6429s | have so much DPS I'm wondering if |
6431s | there's some cheeky shittery going on |
6432s | here exactly starting in the Absolution |
6434s | are both absolute DPS trucks a lot of |
6437s | people discount the app so but it is a |
6439s | prime ship it used to be a line Fleet |
6441s | ship back in the day and it's showing |
6443s | its worth here taking the extra Navy |
6445s | down into half they're actually starting |
6447s | to split their damage a little bit |
6449s | between the Prof Navy and the extra Navy |
6451s | I don't know if that's a range issue or |
6453s | not but this extra Navy is going to go |
6455s | down probably before the Oracle which |
6458s | considering the amount of damage that |
6460s | it's putting out is a little bit |
6461s | surprising the DPS noticeably slowing |
6464s | from we form Volta and it's only going |
6465s | to get worse is that extra Navy goes |
6467s | down and they're going to start |
6469s | struggling here |
6470s | now they're going for Planet Six in the |
6472s | guardian I'm honestly surprised they're |
6473s | bothering because they've been killing |
6474s | so many ships it's like he's almost not |
6475s | even there unfortunately but look how |
6477s | quickly he dies too just this amount of |
6480s | damage is just insane just destroying |
6482s | the entire confidence seconds |
6483s | possibility about to lose their Oracle |
6485s | but I think at this point it doesn't |
6487s | matter there's the article with they've |
6488s | already won |
6489s | a tremendous damage output from Platinum |
6492s | sensitivity that Guardian not thinking |
6494s | nearly as long as Volta hope not taking |
6496s | nearly as long as the aniros on the |
6498s | Platinum sensitivity side and they're |
6500s | now in the driver's seat here it is |
6502s | still you know ostensibly to varied high |
6505s | damage ships versus other high damage |
6507s | ships but you can see even the AUG Navy |
6510s | of white orchid which is arguably one of |
6512s | the tankier Cruisers on that team it's |
6514s | going down so so fast |
6517s | yeah I also got to give my respects to |
6518s | the logic Parts on both these teams |
6520s | because honestly this is probably the |
6522s | hardest comes to actually fly as larger |
6523s | because you have to be so quick on that |
6525s | rep especially in an armor comp you have |
6527s | to wait the full cycle for your |
6528s | absolutely even land |
6529s | and these damage is so quick they could |
6531s | rip through most of the ship before you |
6532s | can get the first cycle if anyone |
6533s | obviously heat and be in our position |
6534s | it's just it is a there's a quite hard |
6537s | job to try and keep a comp alive under |
6539s | this amount of damage so honestly I'm |
6541s | not surprised that uh honestly either |
6543s | side wasn't able to really save a ship |
6545s | or two |
6546s | now the damage I put here is absolutely |
6548s | terrifying I believe that is I don't |
6551s | know sorry I was gonna say is that a |
6553s | blaster version of the star day but it |
6555s | is rails and there it goes that's the |
6558s | Navy prophecy down just the crew were |
6560s | alive from tick toxic |
6562s | yeah so no we're very well played by |
6565s | Folgers they tried their best they did |
6567s | not get trans there's just unfortunately |
6568s | the race did not go their way well and |
6571s | with Tick Tock about to go down my |
6572s | biggest respect to go to platinum this |
6574s | is a very well flown rush and with that |
6577s | we'll go back to Stu and see what they |
6578s | think |
6594s | [Music] |
6597s | [Applause] |
6602s | do we ever use boosters and doctrines |
6604s | checklisters |
6609s | oh yes |
6618s | goons like you say there's such a huge |
6619s | group in the game that they can easily |
6621s | just do their own internal practices if |
6622s | they wanted to they can easily get 20 |
6624s | Pilots I'm sure |
6634s | [Music] |
6637s | foreign |
6648s | [Music] |
6655s | [Music] |
6666s | sensitivity kicking out last year's |
6668s | third place team we form Volta in a bit |
6671s | of an upset and a very exciting match uh |
6674s | moderator I've been told I put a hundred |
6676s | thousand of his channel points on on |
6678s | Volta there uh sorry mod those have all |
6681s | gone poof you no longer have access to |
6683s | those |
6684s | um basilisk talk to me about that match |
6686s | uh we saw two similar comps just a bit |
6689s | of a different in difference in Target |
6690s | calling in terms of what each team went |
6692s | for yeah I think Volta started off by |
6693s | going for I think they killed the Hound |
6695s | to start with which I think that's a |
6696s | reasonable choice I think you clear 600 |
6698s | DPS off the field if it's in range and |
6700s | it's there go for it but I think the |
6702s | xsec Navy's after that might be a little |
6703s | bit |
6704s | of a questionable choice because they're |
6706s | just so fast if you don't have them |
6707s | properly fully tackled they can just |
6709s | heat mwd very very quickly get up to |
6710s | speed and get out tracking out range and |
6712s | it's you know if you're shooting at |
6714s | something that's out of range and you |
6715s | have to reload or you're doing less |
6716s | damage and meanwhile they're just |
6717s | pumping through your Navy brutics your |
6718s | Harbinger all this sort of stuff in the |
6720s | harbinger itself in particular I think |
6721s | it's only got like 50 000 dhp it's |
6724s | really not very tanky for a battle |
6725s | cruiser at all |
6726s | um so I quite like I think I prefer |
6728s | platinum's Target choice and I think |
6729s | they sort of reap the rewards of it |
6731s | mystery we don't see bombers in the |
6733s | alliance tournament very often anymore I |
6734s | mean why would you why would you take a |
6736s | stealth bomber in the first place so the |
6738s | stealth bomber like you mentioned isn't |
6740s | really something that we see too much |
6741s | anymore we did used to see it quite a |
6743s | bit in previous tournaments where |
6744s | oftentimes you'd like to bring this high |
6747s | damage frigate because it allows you to |
6749s | fit both a racket torpedo launchers |
6751s | which do incredible damage against |
6753s | battle Cruisers and up with proper |
6755s | Target painter support but also you can |
6758s | fit a bomb launcher Which is vastly less |
6761s | used in the tournament than the |
6763s | Torpedoes but with the bomb launcher you |
6766s | can launch you know whichever flavor of |
6768s | damage bomb that you want to and it |
6769s | allows you to clear drones really |
6770s | quickly especially if they're burning |
6772s | towards you because they all have their |
6773s | own little micro warp drives which will |
6775s | blend their signature the Torpedoes you |
6778s | can fit three of them and essentially |
6781s | yeah they're just doing Battleship worth |
6782s | of damage in frigate form and if you |
6784s | aren't clearing them and you're bringing |
6786s | battle cruiser setups like we saw it |
6788s | means that eventually you are going to |
6789s | lose the DPS race I think it is |
6792s | important to perhaps clear both of the |
6794s | bombers |
6795s | um clearing the Hound is the correct |
6796s | Choice clearing the purifier next would |
6798s | have been the next best choice and then |
6799s | maybe the Navy XX to ensure that you're |
6801s | not just falling behind |
6803s | um but I mean maybe volts were relying |
6806s | on the fact that the guardian does more |
6807s | reps than the ineros to keep them in the |
6809s | DPS race a little bit longer foreign |
6811s | under a new captain long time Captain |
6814s | um starfight Commander took a step back |
6816s | this time we had steggy who was running |
6818s | the team and he I believe he ran it in |
6821s | the captain's cup as well so a pretty |
6822s | solid run for a first time able to do |
6824s | get top 16 so they will get some price |
6826s | ships which is nice but that team has |
6828s | got a lot of experience I believe we've |
6829s | got a chart which will show some of the |
6831s | most experienced pilots in the history |
6833s | of Alliance tournament maybe we can we |
6835s | can get that up on the screen |
6837s | okay so check this out most experienced |
6839s | pilots in the live stream so this is uh |
6840s | matches flown in is red and matches one |
6842s | uh in blue and you can see up the top uh |
6845s | people like Casper 24 from Hydra for a |
6847s | long time and pandemic Legion prior to |
6849s | that I believe uh Pandey from from vidra |
6851s | and dark side so we started on today and |
6853s | then uh we see two pilots here Anna |
6855s | gardett and uh theronth valarax uh both |
6858s | members of the Volta team for a very |
6860s | long time uh therath not flying this |
6862s | year Annie is and I mean he's flown in |
6865s | the third most matches in Alliance |
6867s | tournament so a lot of experience on |
6869s | that team |
6870s | and uh yeah I just you know I think it's |
6873s | a pretty decent to run don't last win |
6875s | percent he wins so much if you've seen |
6876s | Nick Demar on grid and you land on grid |
6878s | you're in trouble yeah I met Nick Delmar |
6880s | uh at Fan Fest uh during the calderia |
6882s | corporation cup which was a tournament |
6883s | around their 3v3 and uh everyone was |
6886s | randomly put into teams of three and |
6888s | neck was in uh the winning team it was |
6890s | nick uh some other sort of like uh PVP |
6893s | guy and a miner who'd never shot anyone |
6896s | in his life and I remember watching Nick |
6898s | literally telling him like which buttons |
6899s | to push as the match is going so he's |
6901s | flying his ship and then be like do this |
6902s | do that all right it was he's a very |
6905s | skilled individual pilot his nickname |
6907s | Misty yeah I just wanted to add to that |
6909s | graph that we just saw |
6911s | um most of those Pilots look to be from |
6913s | either like Hydra camel |
6915s | um fire Hydra or Volta right like three |
6918s | very experienced teams I think some of |
6920s | the Vita members have already been |
6921s | knocked out at the tournament in one of |
6923s | the previous matches with Darkseid and |
6925s | we have Volta also just getting knocked |
6927s | out and we have the other players in the |
6929s | losers bracket so a very interesting |
6931s | tournament in a sense that a lot of the |
6933s | most experienced deity players are |
6935s | actually in Fairly Dire Straits at the |
6937s | moment whereas new and upcoming teams |
6939s | are actually doing fairly well yeah I |
6940s | think some of that is a |
6942s | um kind of comes from the rule set so we |
6945s | we like to do almost like a tech talk |
6947s | style |
6948s | um uh like rule progression where one |
6950s | year last science tournament is a bit of |
6952s | a bigger change of ruleset and then the |
6954s | year after it's a bit of a modification |
6956s | a bit of a sort of refinement of the |
6957s | previous years uh it means that the the |
6959s | wild DD crafting is not as important you |
6961s | can get down to more execution base we |
6963s | do change a little bit obviously this |
6964s | year we we made the rule that you can't |
6966s | bring Ebor on anything other than bonus |
6968s | towels so you can't put damps on just |
6970s | any ship you can't put guidance |
6971s | disruptors or anything other than ships |
6973s | that have those Hull bonuses uh bringing |
6976s | them in line with a number of other |
6977s | things like we've had that for ECM for a |
6978s | while I believe |
6980s | um basil you're obviously one of the the |
6982s | working one of the top teams at the |
6984s | minute uh I have to say it because |
6985s | you're technically still in the winners |
6986s | bracket |
6987s | um what's the rules I've been like to |
6989s | sort of 3D craft this year |
6991s | um I think the change speaking obviously |
6993s | personally just for my team I can't |
6995s | obviously comment on the internals of |
6996s | other teams I think the change that we |
6997s | made was sort of looking at what was |
6999s | good last year and being able to then |
7000s | focus in on a couple of comps that we |
7002s | wanted to practice rather than just |
7003s | being like whoa we've no idea what's |
7005s | good from the start you know obviously |
7006s | some teams have better scrimming and |
7009s | better you know Theory crafting so they |
7010s | can sort of without any evidence get an |
7013s | idea of what's good I think having that |
7014s | previous year of Fairly similar sort of |
7016s | meta maybe a couple changes you were |
7018s | saying makes it a lot easier to get an |
7019s | initial grasp but then you can sort of |
7020s | hone in on what you actually want to |
7022s | focus on and Misty as a regular light |
7025s | member of fraternity and uh you know |
7028s | your main Alliance uh what's it been |
7030s | like from the fraternity side uh I would |
7032s | have absolutely no idea because I'm on |
7034s | no teams this year interesting bigger |
7036s | Alliance does have a team my alliance |
7038s | does have a team and they have done very |
7039s | well with some fairly unique Theory |
7041s | crafting setups being one of the two |
7044s | teams to bring pilgrims and still be in |
7045s | the tournament of course they protograms |
7047s | as well I remember that |
7049s | um so what do you think just personally |
7050s | then about the rules this year I think |
7052s | it's fairly interesting I like the fact |
7053s | that we've expanded the number of bands |
7055s | that we have so you're actually seeing |
7057s | more ships removed from potential play |
7059s | which opens up the theory crafting a |
7061s | little bit I also like the fact that |
7063s | we've reduced the points on the draw |
7064s | ground in the noggle I think those are |
7066s | two fun ships to fly in the tournament |
7068s | but I don't think they they were worth |
7071s | the points that they were priced at |
7072s | previously the noggle is a disgusting |
7074s | tackle frigate able to pin something |
7077s | down and then slowly over time spool up |
7080s | to do like 500 to 700 DPS which is great |
7083s | out of a frigate it is easy to interrupt |
7085s | that spool so it's not incredibly |
7087s | overpowered and I don't think enough |
7089s | teams really utilizing the nuggle at the |
7091s | moment so if anyone watching that is a |
7094s | free Theory crafting tip and you can |
7095s | send me an at ship or an at skin later |
7098s | that's fine |
7099s | interesting tactics we'll see if that |
7101s | pays off |
7103s | um one of the things that I really like |
7104s | about the real estate this year um is |
7106s | the change to the feeder rounds so |
7108s | previously uh we've had Direct invites |
7110s | for x amount of teams this year it was |
7112s | for the top four teams from last year |
7113s | got direct invites and then we've had a |
7116s | Plex buy-in like a blind auction where |
7118s | you submit x amount of Plex and in the |
7120s | top uh bidders get in for uh for not for |
7123s | free obviously but um no suffering they |
7125s | just get to pay their way in |
7127s | um and that money then goes into the |
7129s | prize pot |
7130s | um this year we got rid of that and we |
7132s | said yeah we don't want your stinking |
7133s | money uh you all have to go through the |
7136s | feeder rounds uh in in return we put the |
7139s | prize skins to the feeder rounds as well |
7140s | so teams that one in the feeders will |
7142s | get skins which is awesome but I think |
7144s | it's meant that the quality of the teams |
7146s | that made it through to the main |
7147s | tournament this year has been markedly |
7150s | better than some previous years we saw a |
7152s | lot of uh really excellent matches all |
7154s | throughout uh last weekend that the |
7156s | Sunday this day two phenomenal set of |
7159s | matches really enjoyed those and it |
7161s | meant that some of the teams that maybe |
7163s | had a lot of wealth on Tranquility but |
7165s | you know I've kind of struggled a little |
7167s | bit in recent years called pandemic |
7168s | Legion cough cough sorry Elise |
7170s | um weren't able to just buy their way |
7172s | straight into the tournament and then |
7173s | get O2 again uh they decided in the |
7175s | theaters which was much more convenient |
7176s | for us |
7177s | um what do you think about the future |
7179s | you went through the feeders yeah I |
7180s | completely agree I think the quality of |
7181s | teams as you were saying that's the main |
7183s | benefit for me I think the format in the |
7184s | feeders maybe could use a little a |
7186s | couple tweaks um for us we had a fairly |
7188s | easy match and then that was it so we |
7189s | spent a lot of time preparing and then |
7191s | it was over and we were like oh that was |
7192s | it |
7193s | um but in terms of as you were saying |
7195s | the the quality that of the teams that |
7196s | come into the alliance tournament proper |
7198s | is so much higher and yeah the first |
7200s | weekend matches as you were saying were |
7201s | just absolutely brilliant there was |
7202s | something it was as you said Flagship |
7204s | Armageddon on uh not not a ship |
7206s | Armageddon an actual Flagship Armageddon |
7209s | yeah it was on the Sunday there was |
7210s | something I mean two of the flagships |
7211s | were maybe half a trail together so I |
7213s | think the total value that disappeared |
7215s | was maybe like 700 750 billion isk and |
7218s | Flagship deaths uh on day two of the |
7219s | tournament which is uh pretty exciting |
7221s | you'll love to see that and and one of |
7223s | the teams that did Kill the most |
7225s | expensive Flagship the truth on a light |
7226s | Flagship is barcode and they're up next |
7228s | so let's take a look at the bands for |
7230s | barcode versus dracaris |
7233s | all right barcode going for the curse |
7236s | the pilgrim the infamous Pilgrim uh the |
7238s | arbitrator and the balgorn we were |
7240s | questioning balgar and bands a little |
7241s | bit last week um but they're back uh |
7244s | drakaris going for executive Navy issue |
7245s | Scimitar brutix Navy issue and then a |
7248s | very strange looking prophecy Navy issue |
7250s | I'm expecting to see if is uh I'm sure |
7253s | the picture is wrong and this is in fact |
7255s | a prophecy safety issue mystical knight |
7257s | uh what are your thoughts on these bands |
7259s | well barcode want to avoid the suck I |
7262s | think is what we can we can safely say |
7264s | they have removed three Newton ships and |
7267s | the arbitrator which I think is it's a |
7270s | fairly interesting strategy they are |
7271s | removing track and disruptors at the |
7273s | same time |
7277s | as well which is kind of garbage |
7284s | so we had the production crew running |
7286s | through like friendly |
7288s | like it was extremely urgent there's |
7290s | multiple of them run into the studio |
7291s | like we passed get better panicked look |
7294s | on on their face |
7296s | they must have been paid for that yeah |
7299s | it's coming from your team probably oh |
7300s | my God so make sure that gets uh |
7303s | screenshots and put straight into your |
7304s | team Discord |
7305s | um completely forgotten what the bands |
7307s | were uh I know there was a Loki's Life |
7309s | Property Navy issue uh any further |
7310s | thoughts |
7312s | yeah it was so we didn't really know |
7314s | what it was it might be a Loki it might |
7316s | it's like a Schrodinger's band yeah what |
7318s | do you think of the Simi band here I |
7320s | mean I think the semi I quite like the |
7321s | Simi band in general I think it's if you |
7323s | have a good Sydney pilot you come up |
7324s | against them and you're not in a comp |
7325s | that can really deal with it |
7327s | um you know it can be just a very |
7328s | scaring prospect it's just a very hard |
7329s | ship to deal with if left uncontrolled |
7331s | yeah barcode are bringing a flagship bar |
7333s | guest in this one uh it will be |
7335s | interesting to see if they manage to |
7336s | upgrade their Flagship after killing |
7338s | truth on a lights one Misty talk to me |
7340s | about flagships and upgrading them in |
7342s | this particular instance yeah so when we |
7344s | say upgrading it means that you've |
7346s | managed to take the scalp of someone |
7347s | else's Flagship and you are essentially |
7349s | just taking all their modules that |
7350s | you've managed to loot and putting them |
7352s | on your Flagship so it does better this |
7355s | isn't always possible sometimes you will |
7357s | win a match but or rather lose a match |
7359s | but killed the bat uh the flagship which |
7361s | we've seen happen once in this |
7363s | tournament I believe it was Odin's that |
7364s | lost their Flagship but won the match so |
7367s | um they'll manage to recoup their losses |
7369s | but they won't be able to field that |
7370s | Flagship again it is important to keep |
7373s | upgrading your Flagship over the course |
7374s | of the tournament because the stronger |
7376s | the flagship is the better you perform |
7377s | the matches and the higher your chances |
7379s | to win and you know you don't always get |
7381s | the opportunity to go up against a good |
7383s | team they feed and then you're like hey |
7385s | I've suddenly got like 100 billion of |
7387s | modules that I can now put on my |
7388s | Flagship and it does better sometimes it |
7391s | depends on piloting obviously isk is not |
7393s | a good way of overcoming skill |
7395s | differences but you can try |
7397s | you can definitely try and we'd love to |
7399s | see it when it dies I'm just looking at |
7401s | twitch right now the channel part |
7403s | betting for this one uh 2.9 Million |
7406s | Channel points on barcode uh 470 000 on |
7410s | drakaris so barcode clearly the |
7412s | favorites in this particular match don't |
7414s | forget you can gamble those Channel |
7416s | points um on these matches and redeem |
7418s | them for cool skins uh CP conflict |
7421s | reloaded it earlier on today so there's |
7422s | plenty of skins to give out and also |
7424s | there's twitch drops so make sure you've |
7426s | got your account connected up and then |
7428s | you can get you know free stuff and |
7429s | everyone loves free stuff free stuff is |
7431s | excellent I'm sure bark would love the |
7432s | free stuff they got from truth on a |
7433s | light last week we'll see if some of it |
7435s | made it onto their Flagship I feel like |
7437s | they paid for it they paid with it in |
7438s | ammo costs that's fine that I'm sure |
7440s | that's exactly the same thing all right |
7441s | let's head to the arena for uh barcode |
7443s | versus trocars with jintan and Missouri |
7449s | hello everyone and welcome to the Bernie |
7452s | NATO Arena I'm Yin tan joined by mazir |
7454s | and we're about to watch two teams that |
7456s | have had the most of track history of |
7458s | upsets both of these teams having |
7460s | overcome over 80 fan votes against them |
7463s | in previous matches uh to join us today |
7466s | with barcode going up against ricardis |
7467s | and jakaris have brought a really weird |
7470s | take on Max threat diving deep into the |
7473s | ship pool bringing a real Vigilant and |
7475s | an omen Navy issue to the field what |
7477s | have barcode brought for us today miss |
7479s | I'm back on the product I get armored |
7482s | control setup that's based upon the flag |
7484s | back is then maybe they have to take |
7487s | some of these uh true funnel lighter |
7489s | modules for their Baggers and paid the |
7490s | iron price for them and we'll see if |
7493s | they feed them or if not then we'll |
7495s | maybe see later but their match has |
7496s | begun and the |
7499s | uh teams are just chilling about a bit |
7501s | with the Confessor of wild things going |
7503s | in and then turning around so not much |
7505s | aggressive play right at the beginning |
7506s | but uh I will see you soon if someone is |
7510s | ready to make a move or if they're going |
7511s | to try and set up a |
7513s | yeah that's unfortunate there for |
7515s | barcode that's right for drakaris there |
7517s | you really hope in a Max threat setup |
7519s | like this that you'd be able to take |
7520s | down one of those frigates right at the |
7522s | start of the game but we're now half a |
7523s | minute in and they have not yet |
7525s | successfully killed anything and that is |
7527s | going to be really really difficult for |
7528s | them to come back from you need to take |
7530s | the momentum quickly against one of |
7532s | these control setups or it could just |
7533s | become absolutely suffocating as we see |
7535s | FG uh FJ 5000 here low into armor that |
7540s | over Navy issue isn't very survivable |
7541s | isn't this |
7543s | no but he's doing the right thing and |
7545s | he's burning far away and he might |
7546s | actually survive because of this the |
7548s | dracana's team did try and take out the |
7551s | wild things and the Confessor but uh |
7554s | looks like they got controlled like |
7555s | they're used to jams and the stuff |
7557s | making it hard for them to apply to |
7560s | anything |
7561s | oh it looks like FK 5000 might might |
7564s | maybe just about live all of his uh all |
7567s | of his colleagues here are just moving |
7569s | in starting to screen them away it |
7571s | doesn't look like any of the tackle is |
7572s | going to be able to get into the back |
7573s | line and hold him down and so he's gonna |
7574s | be able to get way out of range of this |
7577s | ball guest uh hmls really great piloting |
7580s | there from jakaris just to keep keep |
7582s | themselves in this match keep everything |
7584s | alive |
7585s | yeah but interesting you're not the |
7587s | cries team has like slowly crawling |
7589s | forward not really being that aggressive |
7592s | but looks like I say burning a way |
7594s | towards one of Michael Jordan Flight |
7595s | begins that it might be trying for that |
7597s | play but at this point they have wasted |
7599s | so much time in a contest usually played |
7601s | aggressive and I'm not really sure yeah |
7604s | like what they want to achieve oh here |
7606s | we go this is this is a change of |
7607s | Direction here from barcode they're |
7608s | going for the executor they're going to |
7610s | take out the sustain here from drakaris |
7612s | and put them on an even shorter clock |
7613s | than they already have Jakarta needs to |
7616s | make a move here to try and snatch the |
7617s | momentum away from uh barcode or they're |
7620s | going to just get slowly whittled away |
7622s | at range they are close to one of the |
7624s | mjd beacons as you said but they don't |
7626s | look like they're in position well sorry |
7627s | they don't look like they're maneuvering |
7628s | towards it looks like they're pulling |
7629s | back in towards the center of the Arena |
7631s | here they're going to try and utilize |
7632s | the carries and the more or less just to |
7634s | keep potentially trying to keep that |
7635s | exactly safe I'm not sure what the game |
7637s | plan is it Miss |
7639s | I'm not entirely sure either it looks |
7641s | like they're just being like pulled |
7643s | around the arena like a circus animal |
7645s | being pulled around like it's a |
7648s | they're not really doing anything |
7650s | proactive they they're just responding |
7652s | trying to respond to whatever the |
7653s | tobacco team is doing and they're not |
7655s | really having any place uh yet so they |
7659s | need to decide what they want to do |
7660s | because soon they're going to like lose |
7663s | something and then they are going to be |
7664s | extremely screwed |
7666s | yeah it does look like the execro has |
7668s | finally finally managed to outrange the |
7670s | bar guest just all of these different um |
7672s | turrets here now from barcode pinging |
7675s | around the side but these accurate is in |
7676s | so far so far arranged that they're not |
7678s | going to be able to support any of the |
7680s | current Mainline ships now if barcode |
7682s | can identify that and start putting some |
7684s | fire down onto them you can see though |
7686s | that they are still keeping range really |
7687s | effectively |
7688s | there's just so there's just a huge move |
7690s | between these two teams neither one |
7692s | wants to approach one another |
7697s | is extremely scared of going in I'm not |
7700s | sure if that's like a good move when you |
7702s | are like in the aggressive comp |
7705s | because |
7707s | team are really comfortable just sitting |
7710s | at range that don't need to get in any |
7711s | close they they are fine with the |
7713s | situation as it is and they're just |
7715s | making plays trying to snap a Kill |
7718s | yeah right now their front line is just |
7721s | slowly moving in though it looks like |
7723s | vordak here might become the potential |
7725s | primary yes it looks like vordak will be |
7727s | uh they're gonna start yeah here they go |
7729s | there we go we're finally going for a |
7730s | collision it looks like the Estates the |
7732s | vigilance they're all pulling in towards |
7733s | their back line it looks like they have |
7734s | root into the rook and the Blackbird in |
7736s | the back lines they're going to be able |
7737s | to get on top of them here and start |
7738s | doing what Max threat really wants to do |
7740s | the executor of fish DK is going to die |
7742s | for it but this shouldn't matter this is |
7743s | their one potential shot uh missed what |
7746s | do you think they should go on to after |
7747s | this Blackbird what's their best route |
7748s | here |
7750s | well then depends a lot on the |
7752s | positioning but if they can like kill |
7753s | off the Blackbird and The Rook right |
7755s | away then it should be really given a |
7758s | lot of freedom but now the Rook needs to |
7759s | get a far away from the Blackbird as |
7761s | possible so they can't follow up like |
7762s | that in the meantime that fish uh |
7764s | decaying exactly is going down but |
7766s | actually uh surviving a little bit |
7768s | longer than I expected so he's doing |
7771s | to do what he can do the best and like |
7773s | try and give his team as much time as |
7775s | possible yeah it just doesn't look like |
7778s | they were able to get any webs on him |
7779s | and because of that he's just slowly |
7781s | able to use his AV to mitigate a little |
7783s | bit no there we go |
7785s | far away manner it means the day the uh |
7789s | backup team can just swapped or |
7790s | something else and killed it like he |
7792s | can't get in in time that they secure |
7793s | like five minutes have passed already |
7795s | and nothing has died yet |
7797s | but we're going to see something die |
7799s | really soon yeah the Vigilant is in all |
7801s | is in Hull here that's the 90 webs |
7803s | that's so crucial here to them being |
7804s | able to utilize this push effectively |
7806s | the Blackbird of tougan is holding as |
7808s | well they're not applying enough DPS to |
7810s | break them whereas look at that |
7811s | barcode's actually out dpsing them in a |
7814s | control comp going |
7817s | but he might be able to catch reps |
7819s | really soon like you need to Quick swap |
7820s | from the lucky and said the kid might be |
7822s | on the ball right away yeah we're seeing |
7824s | cash wrap as well |
7826s | yeah that's really destroying |
7828s | desperately here trekaris is just |
7830s | swapping over and over between different |
7832s | targets hoping to catch that and near us |
7834s | sleeping but Sid the Kid he is on point |
7836s | just keeping his entire team topped up |
7838s | around the grid and that's so difficult |
7840s | in an armorship where your reps land at |
7842s | the end of the cycle and fg5 fj5000 |
7845s | there is finally going down the first |
7847s | primary for the barcode team dropping |
7849s | here now at six minutes |
7851s | so we already got the Vigilant and the |
7854s | fish DK in the ETC has recovered but now |
7856s | trying to burn in but they cost them |
7858s | like two ships that executive was far |
7860s | away and these cruises couldn't cap reps |
7863s | in time |
7865s | yeah this is just amazing amazing |
7867s | execution here from barcode they might |
7870s | lose to again but honestly I don't think |
7872s | they will at this point they should be |
7874s | able to stabilize now with all this |
7875s | control left on field |
7877s | um you know he is controlled down he's |
7878s | not gonna be able to get away but it |
7879s | doesn't matter with how much uh how much |
7882s | they should be able to damp and team |
7884s | as well like The Rook is really close |
7886s | and they he might not be able to jam off |
7888s | some of these tags and they're not |
7890s | trying to to kill him off you need him |
7892s | to pull some frames and oh my gosh I'm |
7894s | wrapped really quickly otherwise that |
7895s | can be a disaster for the backup team |
7902s | is still alive as well they're gonna try |
7904s | and trade down now and kill him uh but |
7906s | he should just be able to be free to run |
7908s | away as well |
7909s | right away because there's nothing to |
7912s | jam things off him |
7914s | okay this is a competitive match again |
7916s | this is a competitive match there's |
7917s | still every chance for both teams to win |
7919s | this here |
7920s | um barcode now identifying what's the |
7922s | biggest DPS versus ehp they're going for |
7923s | the Oracle and I think that's their |
7925s | route for victory now it's just clear |
7926s | off this DPS and out race drakaris here |
7929s | because jakaris have to find that in |
7931s | Eros that Nero specific kid he needs to |
7932s | focus on keeping himself alive for as |
7934s | long as possible if he can go if he can |
7936s | survive into the late game here that's |
7937s | going to be what will secure barcode the |
7939s | victory yeah one of the key things that |
7941s | forced The Rook of neuromance in was |
7944s | these damn freak is |
7947s | the backup team has known have now |
7949s | identified a big threat they get |
7952s | approaching and trying to get their keys |
7953s | pushed off us they're also finish off |
7955s | that the oracle |
7957s | uh two can dipped into structure but |
7959s | with that Oracle doubt it's going to be |
7960s | so hard to break through those neros |
7961s | reps with only the two um the two |
7964s | damping ships there able to potentially |
7965s | pull that aniros away or mitigate his |
7968s | reps Scott J in half armor here the more |
7971s | or less as well from movie so Chan Chen |
7973s | uh just getting obliterated by the Drone |
7976s | swarm that is following him it is |
7977s | absolutely humongous so many light |
7979s | drones just chasing him down |
7982s | yeah well at this point the backhoe team |
7984s | has cleared off enough DPS to be in a |
7986s | really comfortable position I think I |
7988s | get taking the match now but the durcast |
7990s | team definitely made it hard for them |
7992s | they made them have to really struggle |
7994s | for it like uh having control setup and |
7996s | the |
7997s | still being able to |
8000s | to make a play against this control |
8001s | setup there so even though the cast team |
8004s | had a really weak beginning they did |
8006s | actually managed to do really well so |
8008s | they do deserve credit for that that's |
8010s | the right now just getting picked apart |
8013s | yeah no web on that Blackbird no web on |
8015s | that and near Ross no web on anything |
8018s | barcode here now just completely free to |
8021s | pick away play with their food here as |
8023s | dracaris is slowly ground away at Tegan |
8026s | might be taking DPS but it would take a |
8029s | catastrophic error here from Sid the Kid |
8030s | to actually let him die |
8032s | yeah and I just write these instructions |
8034s | from the crucifier and since they are |
8036s | going to stack up on these remaining uh |
8038s | ships they're going to even highlight |
8039s | and actually apply anything at all |
8042s | as at this rate I don't see any mobile |
8044s | barcode ships dying on the field they |
8046s | did lose the Neuromancer who by the way |
8049s | is uh I believe is named after one of my |
8051s | favorite books like old school cyberpunk |
8053s | book but at this rate it's a sacrifice |
8056s | worth it as the barcode team is going to |
8058s | progress and uh |
8061s | foreign |
8062s | yeah despite everything that we were |
8064s | saying you know complaining a little bit |
8065s | about the jakaris |
8067s | um hesitance to engage they did pick the |
8069s | right targets they did identify those |
8071s | ECM ships as the things that would cause |
8074s | them the most problem and wait and wait |
8076s | and wait and try and find an opportunity |
8078s | to get on top of them and they came it |
8080s | within inches of it their Vigilant was |
8082s | on top of that backbird but they just |
8085s | weren't able to apply for the webs that |
8087s | they needed to to gain positional |
8088s | control over this match |
8090s | uh still this isn't over for jakaris we |
8093s | could see that we are going to see them |
8094s | later on I believe today |
8096s | yeah this is the winners brackets they |
8099s | are not out yet and they have shown that |
8102s | they have been a force to reckon with |
8103s | that the match has ended and let's send |
8106s | it back to the studio |
8122s | [Music] |
8126s | [Applause] |
8146s | kill the rats |
8153s | I was yellow to these it's dead |
8158s | they were white a second ago and then he |
8160s | just got all Angry |
8164s | [Music] |
8188s | [Music] |
8189s | thank you |
8191s | oh my God |
8196s | barcode knocking drakaris down into the |
8198s | lower bracket as they continue along in |
8201s | the upper bracket that was not an |
8202s | elimination match that was going back up |
8203s | to the winning bracket barcode currently |
8206s | undefeated uh in the alliance room and |
8208s | progressing even further we'll see them |
8210s | again later of course as they will go up |
8212s | in a little while against the winner of |
8214s | our next match which is the tuskers |
8216s | versus White Flag but we'll get to that |
8217s | in a little bit uh a super super |
8219s | exciting match uh we are joined on the |
8221s | desk by a new face uh this is a discrete |
8224s | error desk you're one of the people in |
8225s | the back that help us do a lot of the |
8227s | graphics on the screen and things like |
8228s | that and you're one of the directors of |
8229s | eventi how has it been working again uh |
8232s | with the alliance tournament team that's |
8233s | really good I mean one of the advantages |
8235s | we have of doing this now for a couple |
8237s | of years in the same venue same kind of |
8239s | talent same kind of skills we're |
8240s | developing processes we're developing |
8242s | workflows that make it easier bigger |
8245s | better every single time we do it yeah |
8247s | and exactly bigger and better thank you |
8249s | very much uh this video for that but you |
8251s | and our brj are uh sort of director and |
8254s | producer you guys you guys work here |
8257s | you're you're a lecturers right where |
8258s | are we so we're actually in uh well |
8262s | directly under confetti x uh in |
8265s | Nottingham it's uh Nottingham Trent |
8267s | University's Esports venue uh full |
8269s | facility with stages uh green rooms |
8273s | recording studios everything you might |
8275s | need to uh deliver an alliance |
8277s | tournament and deliver an item we do |
8279s | indeed thanks to you and a couple of |
8281s | other uh people some students who've |
8282s | been helping us out talk to me about |
8283s | them what are they doing yeah so |
8284s | actually roughly about half the crew |
8287s | that we've had across the weekend have |
8289s | been students we've had students from |
8290s | four different year groups we've had |
8292s | rows on sound we've had Lewis on |
8295s | Graphics the entire time we've had Ben |
8298s | and Henry doing replays we've had Finn |
8300s | Grace Tom and Rhys all doing the data |
8304s | we've even had a little bit of lighting |
8305s | done by students we've even had some of |
8307s | the observing done by students never |
8309s | picked up Eve set them in front of the |
8311s | space Mouse here we go it's been |
8313s | fantastic yeah I think the observing |
8315s | this year has been pretty on point all |
8317s | this all the observing computers so |
8319s | there they have a space Mouse which is a |
8320s | 3D mouse uh works really well with eBay |
8322s | let's just get those super smooth shots |
8324s | that you see like with the panning |
8326s | instead of the Frantic clicking and |
8327s | dragging and zooming which obviously |
8328s | would be kind of jarring but I mean what |
8331s | else are you doing as part of this |
8332s | production |
8333s | well I've been kind of filling gaps |
8335s | wherever necessary you may have caught |
8337s | my voice in the uh in the interview |
8339s | videos I set up all of the automations |
8341s | for the graphics spreadsheets I've been |
8344s | obviously teaching people how to use all |
8346s | of the various different uh parts around |
8347s | here and obviously helped build the uh |
8349s | the video wall yeah and some people |
8352s | direct movies other people uh direct |
8354s | companies as an event director what |
8356s | exactly do you direct uh I direct |
8358s | results the finest results in the |
8362s | alliance tournament that's what you get |
8364s | when you hire disputer how's your |
8367s | channel Point better than going as well |
8368s | uh well it wasn't great this morning I |
8372s | have kind of consistently lost |
8373s | throughout the betting but as a firm |
8376s | believer in the indestructible Mark |
8378s | Bridges as Platinum sensitivity's Number |
8381s | Two fan after mystical night uh it's all |
8384s | turned around for me uh mods hundred |
8386s | thousand points that were for Volta |
8388s | they're actually now my points uh I will |
8391s | be redeeming them for skins |
8393s | um thank you moderator thank you for |
8396s | your contributions did you bet for my |
8397s | Twitch account as well or did you forget |
8399s | about my Twitch account I think bbp was |
8402s | in charge that's possible you have no I |
8405s | have no points okay yeah I did I did |
8408s | frighten the basilis because I was |
8410s | walking back through he was just |
8411s | strolling through and I was like hey did |
8413s | you know the Basilisk Switch Account had |
8415s | 370 000 Channel points and he just went |
8417s | wide-eyed and ran away to to go check in |
8420s | fact I just clicked the green button for |
8421s | him so I actually got some extra points |
8422s | uh I'm such a nice guy all right we have |
8425s | four minutes until our next match and |
8427s | again our winners bracket match so let's |
8428s | look at the Vans for this one uh the |
8430s | tuskers versus white flag |
8433s | tusker is going for the Talia ban |
8436s | executive Navy issue the Blackbird and |
8438s | the Widow White Flag going for the drive |
8441s | and tested uh ban all Dragon disruption |
8444s | except the pilgrim with the Sentinel |
8445s | crucifier curse and arbitrator Mystikal |
8448s | might very different Banning strategies |
8450s | here what do you think yep so again we |
8452s | can see one team just say that they just |
8454s | dislike ECM so the Blackbird and the |
8456s | Widow ban fairly interesting one |
8457s | actually with the Widow I don't think |
8459s | we've really seen Widow brought in this |
8461s | Alliance tournament we may have seen I |
8463s | won from day one we saw it once it |
8465s | obviously did okay |
8467s | um I don't know if I would want to use a |
8469s | band here I don't know if these two are |
8471s | practice Partners in the background |
8472s | where the tuskers have a better idea |
8474s | about what white flag might bring when |
8476s | going up against some of the best teams |
8477s | in the tournament some of the things |
8478s | that they keep hitting up their sleeves |
8480s | because one thing that you need to keep |
8481s | in mind is that you're not always going |
8483s | to be bringing your best setups to every |
8484s | single match if you're going up against |
8486s | a team that you feel comfortable beating |
8487s | with perhaps one of your weaker setups |
8489s | you'll bring that instead so that you're |
8491s | not showing anything off to anybody that |
8493s | you may face later on who will then come |
8496s | up with any comps that you can use to |
8498s | counter I guess what they've seen and |
8500s | then we've seen the track and disruptor |
8502s | ban of course no respect for the pilgrim |
8504s | disgusting of course these are awareness |
8507s | bracket matches so you don't get |
8509s | eliminated for losing this so there's a |
8510s | bit of a sort of you know a bit of a |
8512s | buffer you're still Hull tanked so to |
8514s | speak uh and you can be ripped back up |
8515s | to get more skins uh Misty how much does |
8518s | that sort of play into picking what |
8520s | you're going to bring if you're still in |
8521s | the winners bracket I mean ideally |
8524s | every single win that you have with the |
8526s | windows bracket is a step closer to |
8527s | making trillions more isk right so |
8529s | you're not going to be like yeah screw |
8531s | it we don't really care about winning |
8532s | this particular match in some cases you |
8535s | do want to drop down to get some extra |
8536s | skins that is definitely a valid |
8537s | strategy |
8538s | um I don't think you're really going to |
8540s | hold back too much you're going to hold |
8541s | back |
8542s | like the super Niche secret things that |
8544s | you might want to use in the the finals |
8546s | for example where you have fewer ships |
8548s | available to you due to trickle bands |
8550s | um and like Conquest bands and all that |
8551s | kind of stuff if we still have that this |
8553s | year I think we do we do nice perfect I |
8555s | read the rules |
8557s | um |
8557s | I don't think it's going to factor in |
8559s | massively it does mean that they can |
8561s | feel a bit more comfortable bringing |
8562s | setups that they're not so sure about |
8565s | because it means that they're not losing |
8567s | the tournament if they do lose right |
8568s | they're not they're not out so it gives |
8570s | them a better breathing room but not not |
8572s | enough to actually |
8574s | say like air it we'll just do |
8576s | whatever yeah it looks like white flag |
8578s | bringing their Flagship bar gas in this |
8579s | one so a lot of respect for the tuskers |
8581s | last year uh they came forth got |
8583s | themselves direct invites this year uh |
8585s | they've been previous Alliance |
8586s | tournament winners uh beating pandemic |
8588s | Legion in Alliance tournament 14 uh in a |
8590s | very exciting uh Grand Final uh White |
8592s | Flag |
8593s | um a new face to the tournament uh as as |
8596s | white flag but some very experienced |
8598s | pilots in there I believe they're |
8599s | practice partners with truth on a light |
8601s | that's what team liked truth on Ally are |
8603s | not going to be practicing with just |
8604s | anyone so you can definitely infer some |
8606s | sort of uh quality of of the pilots |
8608s | there missed any any thoughts on that |
8610s | well truth or in the lower bracket so |
8612s | okay can we really trust them to know |
8614s | what is good this Alliance tournament I |
8617s | mean they did win pretty convincible not |
8619s | convincingly but it was a good win |
8620s | against dark side yeah |
8623s | um yeah I mean they know something |
8625s | clearly it is suggested when a team that |
8628s | does really well you know you want to |
8629s | look at the practice partners that |
8630s | Odin's have that Volta has that tuskers |
8633s | have |
8634s | that |
8636s | um to really understand okay what type |
8637s | of metal might they be going for because |
8639s | each practice partner will have a |
8640s | different setup in mind and that will |
8642s | affect the concert they come up with so |
8643s | it is suggestive that they'll probably |
8645s | do similar things awesome well it's time |
8647s | to head over to the arena to see the |
8649s | tuskers versus White Flag whether our |
8650s | casters bringing out an Alec |
8657s | Alexa Carter and Wingnut here with our |
8659s | Marquee match Oscars versus White Flag |
8662s | this one is going to be interesting |
8663s | tuscarus is bringing a Max Control |
8666s | slightly drone damage setup against what |
8670s | has to be I imagine their nightmare |
8672s | scenario wing nut what does white fly |
8674s | bringing to the table full shield caught |
8677s | baby in his old missile rapid last rapid |
8678s | Heavies they've gone all the way in |
8680s | interesting how all the control the um |
8682s | tracking disruptorships are all banned |
8684s | but then like nah bro we're bringing two |
8685s | pilgrims he can't stop us |
8687s | match right be underway in a moment and |
8689s | it's going to be interesting to see how |
8691s | this comp can react to again an |
8693s | incredible amount of control from these |
8694s | comps |
8695s | yeah both teams worked in at opposite |
8698s | ends of the Arena max range and white |
8701s | flag getting more range as they're |
8702s | burning away here neither team |
8705s | interested in pushing the issue too far |
8708s | both of them just kind of staring at |
8710s | each other across the area now we're |
8712s | starting to see tusker is charging in so |
8714s | to speak they've dropped some Sentry |
8716s | drones a flight of Republic Fleet |
8718s | bouncers but they're a bit too far out |
8720s | to do much |
8721s | well I just they're just putting them |
8723s | there for show I guess interesting to |
8724s | see is that this cop basically only has |
8726s | drone DPS you've got a murmur down |
8728s | you've got a vexer and a prophecy which |
8730s | I'm sure it can fit other things but |
8732s | let's be honest it's a prophecy so that |
8734s | damage is just gonna be on the drones |
8735s | from all these ships so it's gonna be |
8736s | curious to see what they can do with |
8737s | that do they have enough to actually |
8739s | break through anything even though it's |
8740s | only an osprey Osprey could still |
8742s | wrapped pretty well and it still gets a |
8743s | pretty nice xlasb boost as well |
8745s | White Flag not positioning themselves |
8747s | onto one of the micro jump beacons and |
8750s | they have lined up their shot they've |
8751s | activated it let's see where this micro |
8753s | jump takes them Leroy I think they're |
8756s | going for the guardian |
8758s | nope never mind not quite they're just |
8760s | right at the back line |
8762s | yeah right at the background they |
8763s | haven't really landed on top of anything |
8764s | in particular |
8766s | that all they've done is land in range |
8768s | of the bounces and the uh and the gut |
8771s | and the warden sorry |
8772s | fair enough |
8775s | and now we're starting to see some |
8777s | tackle being applied both bar casts |
8779s | swept down along with the Osprey and a |
8780s | Navy Osprey on the White Flag team their |
8783s | Osprey is the target tusker is going for |
8785s | the enemy lodgy means I'll uh White Flag |
8788s | going after the opposing Logic the |
8790s | guardian now deep deep armor it's |
8792s | pulling it back slightly the Osprey and |
8795s | the guardian might go down at around the |
8797s | same time here difficult to say which |
8800s | team is going to benefit more from this |
8804s | definitely gonna be interesting to see |
8805s | which way that goes from there the uh |
8807s | Guardian does go down first which leaves |
8809s | us a full control cup with no longevity |
8810s | because again their DPS is drones they |
8812s | can't really Stack Up on logic drones |
8813s | meanwhile Tim Baron and Osprey tanking |
8816s | okay all things considered also wrapping |
8818s | out two Osprey navies as well so |
8820s | apparently he's not even being shot by |
8821s | his entire team anymore |
8823s | now the Osprey has pulled around she's |
8825s | pulled extreme range he's still being |
8827s | chased by some drones but now they're |
8829s | sticking they're pulling off of him they |
8831s | have abandoned going after the Osprey |
8833s | the tuskers is going to lose their vexer |
8835s | here they're not going to be able to |
8836s | trade it for anything this Osprey Navy |
8838s | issue burning his ASB charges like his |
8840s | life depends on it which it does along |
8843s | with most of the rest of his team's |
8845s | hopes for winning here they need to |
8847s | outlast they're doing an excellent job |
8849s | cutting down the DPS now and now they're |
8851s | starting to go after some of that |
8852s | control with the Amicus Navy and mollus |
8854s | navy are the targets for tuskers images |
8857s | starting to go down here |
8859s | the problem basically being for this uh |
8861s | armor control Chromecast situation is |
8863s | they relied on their logic to basically |
8864s | buy them time and keep their comp you |
8866s | know they're basically just gonna blunt |
8867s | the damage with their logic gone they're |
8870s | kind of stuck and you can see they're |
8872s | still trying to break the Osprey Navy |
8873s | and once even when his x-rays be charged |
8875s | to run out the Osprey is actually a |
8876s | perfect position to wrap them now so |
8878s | that off-brain Navy will probably not |
8880s | die |
8884s | if anything uh it's quite small and |
8887s | getting smaller by the second as now |
8889s | this hugin is being taken into deep |
8891s | armor tanking remarkably well for a |
8894s | hugin but still getting absolutely |
8895s | battered by the missile barrages of |
8897s | white flag |
8899s | I've been trying to keep an eye on and |
8900s | I've been missing it unfortunately I |
8901s | believe I'm just going to double check |
8903s | this |
8904s | yeah so the jackdaw I believe is either |
8907s | shooting the hugin or shooting drawings |
8909s | I can't tell which one the heating does |
8911s | go down so if he's killing drones that's |
8913s | amazing that's all the DPS left in the |
8914s | supposing comp that's all they have |
8918s | the primary damage coming out of the |
8919s | prophecy in the mermanon now the |
8921s | pilgrims not just control they do have |
8923s | some damage but it's not tons and you |
8926s | can see the Osprey Navy he's still got a |
8927s | few charges left he's he's bumping it |
8929s | back uh he is getting some reps now as |
8932s | Baron has resumed being in range |
8935s | uh they're beginning to stabilize him |
8937s | which is a worrying sign for tuskers |
8939s | they're about to lose their images |
8941s | why would you say stabilize why did you |
8945s | tell them no I jinxed him why did you |
8947s | say that it goes down but mirror she |
8949s | follows up so unfortunately they do |
8951s | let's just lose your spray Navy but I |
8954s | think they're very comfortable at this |
8955s | point |
8957s | I've lost my ability to ever join |
8959s | tuskers in the future costing that |
8961s | Osprey Navy issue with my poor choice of |
8963s | words uh but they are going to take down |
8965s | this Amicus Navy or perhaps the Magus |
8967s | they're vacillating back and forth |
8968s | between which one they want here uh the |
8971s | mega is definitely a prime target slight |
8974s | damage it's it's links they're gonna |
8975s | trade him here for the osprey |
8978s | oh Baron no |
8981s | tin doing what Tim does best dying while |
8984s | winning and does it well one of the best |
8986s | he's wrapping up the Osprey maybe |
8987s | keeping him at full as he's slowly |
8988s | ticking down but it don't matter Tim |
8991s | bearing goes down as is tradition but uh |
8993s | fortunately the opposing team is also |
8994s | going down now they've traded that for |
8997s | essentially the entire low end on the |
8998s | tuskers team that's a fabulous trade for |
9001s | White Flag they're happy with it there |
9003s | goes one of the pilgrims and now just |
9005s | remaining a prophecy and a pilgrim |
9006s | there's no logic left on White Flag but |
9009s | that is a lot of ASB charges to go |
9011s | through and the pilgrim just gets out |
9014s | respect to tuska for boundary at the end |
9016s | there well played by white flag and |
9017s | we'll go back to studio and see what |
9019s | they think on that |
9029s | foreign |
9035s | [Music] |
9038s | [Applause] |
9063s | [Music] |
9069s | [Applause] |
9070s | [Music] |
9071s | [Applause] |
9074s | [Music] |
9086s | thank you |
9098s | foreign |
9106s | flag knocking the tuskers into the |
9108s | elimination bracket we will see both of |
9109s | those teams later on as of course |
9111s | neither of them are out but that does |
9113s | move White Flag a little bit further |
9115s | into the tournament which is great for |
9117s | them means more prize chips uh and |
9119s | obviously tuskers will be happy that |
9121s | they're definitely top 16 for sure I |
9122s | think even maybe top 12 I've actually |
9123s | have been this far in the winners |
9125s | bracket I'm not exactly sure my bridge |
9127s | is far too smooth to work these things |
9128s | out on the Fly I'm drawing on the desk |
9130s | once again by Blackbird pirate and I |
9133s | want to talk about something to be |
9134s | noticed in that comp the tuskers brought |
9136s | as soon as it landed on grid as soon as |
9137s | we saw it with the tournament UI we all |
9140s | looked at the very narrow attack bar and |
9144s | uh said question mark question mark now |
9146s | the tournament UI uh if you're not |
9148s | familiar with it is what you see on the |
9149s | screen now it explains what's happening |
9150s | in each of the teams and the important |
9152s | things are things like the defense the |
9153s | attack and the control bar control being |
9156s | things like energy neutralization scrams |
9158s | webs ECM and things like that the attack |
9160s | bar when it's red that means applied |
9162s | damage but uh like the portion of that |
9164s | is essentially how much potential damage |
9166s | they had and the tuskers team just |
9168s | seemed to be quite short uh on DPS bar |
9171s | what do you think about that yes the the |
9173s | tuskers team were like like I held my |
9175s | fingers up on the screen and it was like |
9176s | this |
9178s | is really small and then white flag was |
9180s | like this which is much larger and we |
9183s | kind of saw what happened there like so |
9184s | white flag MJ did their entire fleet |
9187s | which was a shield kiting setup |
9189s | on top of the tuskers and you would |
9191s | never normally do that like the whole |
9192s | purpose of you having fast ships is so |
9194s | you can fly around and not get shot at |
9195s | White Flag clearly was able to look at |
9198s | their setup and be like wait a second |
9199s | you brought two pilgrims into hugin |
9201s | which is like almost half your points |
9203s | there you have no real DPS ships we're |
9207s | just gonna all in you like you the and |
9209s | the whole thing is like the double |
9210s | Pilgrim's really powerful right like you |
9211s | can track and disrupt you can guide and |
9212s | disrupt the bugs into not doing damage |
9214s | but at the end of the day if the Bargas |
9216s | are like really close to you they're |
9218s | still going to apply fully so |
9220s | um tuskers has been flying kind of weird |
9222s | tracking disruptor based stuff for a |
9224s | couple years here I feel like they tried |
9226s | to force it in several times this |
9228s | tournament so far they finally ran up |
9230s | against a team that was good and they |
9232s | got smashed because honestly the tuskers |
9233s | comp was kind of silly like you can't |
9235s | bring a thousand DPS and drones that's |
9237s | not gonna work yeah just I don't know I |
9240s | felt kind of the same since I saw I was |
9241s | like where percoc where is the DPS |
9245s | um it just felt like even if they were |
9247s | able to kite around for 10 minutes they |
9249s | would have struggled really to kind of |
9250s | break something obviously it was very |
9252s | defensive comp very controlled based um |
9254s | and sometimes the best defense is in |
9256s | fact offense as if you see uh White Flag |
9258s | there |
9259s | um basically running over the tuskers I |
9262s | mean always like to see interesting |
9263s | comps for sure but maybe double Pilgrim |
9265s | puking isn't the one uh one thing we did |
9267s | notice mystical might lots of ECM icons |
9270s | on the tournament UI they are coming |
9272s | from the White Flag team onto the |
9273s | tuskers team but we saw no ECM ships how |
9276s | could that possibly be so funny enough |
9278s | uh in ccp's infinite wisdom there are |
9282s | things called ECM drones so if you hate |
9285s | ECM imagine having five little drones |
9287s | orbiting around you trying to apply UCM |
9289s | that is essentially what we saw in this |
9292s | match so the I think it was White Flag |
9295s | team put out a bunch of ECM drones put |
9297s | them on the tusker ships they don't |
9299s | apply jams in the same way so a targeted |
9302s | ECM Jam that you would fit to your ship |
9304s | will Jam somebody for about 20 seconds |
9306s | and they can lock you but they can't |
9308s | lock anybody else the ECM drones act |
9310s | more like |
9312s | bus Jammers in a way where they will Jam |
9315s | you for about five seconds when they get |
9317s | a successful cycle and then you can lock |
9319s | everything back up again so it's not as |
9321s | long duration wise but it's still |
9323s | annoying and it means that tuskers would |
9325s | have difficulty applying their eward to |
9327s | the Wi-Fi team because they'll have to |
9330s | deal with like relocking and being on |
9332s | relocking being unlocked and then it's |
9334s | it's a constant case of yeah just really |
9336s | annoying to deal with and they had |
9337s | nothing to do with it with yeah |
9340s | sometimes like that five seconds can |
9342s | just make all the difference especially |
9343s | if it lands on say Your Guardian like |
9345s | maybe you're just holding a ship just |
9348s | about alive and then a little Jam lands |
9350s | five seconds you still have to then |
9352s | v-lock that Target get those reps back |
9354s | on of course armor reps the the |
9355s | reference lands at the end of the cycle |
9357s | so you could essentially push out |
9359s | another like 10 15 seconds of no reps |
9361s | landing on a ship and that might be |
9363s | enough to just burst through it and |
9364s | break it |
9365s | um and you know like we say tusker is |
9367s | very defensive comp there they just |
9368s | didn't they have the DPS to kind of |
9369s | counter that uh but you pointed out that |
9371s | you know white flag with the normally |
9373s | accounting comp or just like hey guess |
9375s | we just we just brawl in here I mean |
9377s | tasker's had a hugin it's not a chef we |
9379s | see super common it's got those long |
9380s | range webs do you think they were just |
9382s | trying to like keep everything away and |
9384s | just try and win solely from a distance |
9385s | there I I don't really know |
9387s | um I |
9388s | kind of hate to see it but like I don't |
9390s | think that tusker's comp was they |
9392s | clearly thought it out tusker is not a |
9394s | team that doesn't think setups out but I |
9397s | do think that they uh maybe hadn't |
9399s | tested it very much or maybe like who |
9402s | knows I I also think that um just kind |
9404s | of looking at the control bars I don't I |
9405s | think the pilgrims were actually split |
9407s | track and disruptor and guidance |
9408s | disruptor obviously somebody can fact |
9410s | check me on this and go to Z kill |
9411s | because all these events happen on TQ |
9413s | and so it all pops up there and uh see |
9415s | what happened but I think that they |
9416s | might have been sort of set up to |
9418s | counter |
9419s | maybe something like a weird rush or Max |
9421s | tracks it was a rush that would have |
9423s | worked great because that you can like |
9424s | we saw the spot when they first jumped |
9425s | in and there was a triple web uh web |
9427s | spread like imagine rushing into that |
9429s | you can't rush into a hugin uh I just I |
9432s | don't know if they've been flying weird |
9433s | stuff and this time didn't work out it |
9435s | was a cool comp like I don't think we're |
9436s | ever gonna see that again |
9438s | ever but uh yeah I like I said and the |
9441s | other thing too is like white flag is a |
9443s | very experienced team and they're |
9445s | experienced enough to look into |
9446s | something like that and be like okay |
9448s | they've probably never seen it because |
9451s | nobody's flying that but they're like oh |
9454s | we know how to defeat this so that's |
9456s | kind of the the practice and the meta |
9458s | and being experienced where it like |
9459s | really gets you here yeah some of the |
9460s | pilots on that team uh have flown in a |
9462s | number of tournaments over the years we |
9463s | saw hoodie Mafia former member of the |
9465s | tuskers I believe it might not have been |
9467s | Captain but he definitely I run the cool |
9468s | Captain level uh he also flew in the mar |
9471s | championship and I believe got to the |
9472s | the finals uh before they dropped to the |
9474s | kellon's team or was he in kellen's team |
9476s | I can't quite recall but he definitely |
9477s | was on the in the finals so the |
9479s | experienced team experience Pilots for |
9480s | sure all right our next matchup is an |
9482s | interesting one another winners bracket |
9483s | match between Odin's Colin fraternity |
9485s | but before we talk about that uh let's |
9487s | go see what moderator has to say about |
9488s | this |
9490s | uh an alliance tournament on the Chinese |
9494s | sister server to Tranquility Serenity |
9496s | and there were 32 teams that competed in |
9500s | um that event as well |
9502s | um can you tell me a little bit more |
9504s | about what that was like |
9506s | um yeah I hear about my friends for |
9508s | serenity they hold the first 80s |
9511s | tournament in the serenity which is |
9514s | um |
9515s | um for many of the team it was a new |
9518s | experience but because for many of the |
9520s | Chinese teams in Serenity it didn't have |
9522s | any experience before for any kind of |
9524s | parliament so it was quite nervous and |
9527s | just I think there's many teams |
9529s | preparing a lot for it |
9531s | um yeah it was it was pretty enjoying to |
9533s | to watch the tournament in having this |
9536s | already so yeah so did that wasn't |
9539s | popular like did was there a lot of |
9541s | viewers or what was um the Chinese |
9544s | Community to that event I think there's |
9546s | there's a lot of real thousands of |
9549s | wheels on the Chinese broadcast website |
9552s | called bdbd |
9554s | um yeah people are gathering together to |
9556s | watch the economy online yes so Eve |
9559s | online tournaments not just something |
9561s | for tranquility ability to enjoy I know |
9563s | many many years ago there was an event |
9566s | called the world's collide between the |
9568s | winners of the Chinese tournament and |
9570s | the winners of the alliance tournament |
9571s | which was at the time camel Empire and |
9574s | they fought over uh which server would |
9576s | get access to the Opex luxury yacht |
9579s | um first if you haven't turned over that |
9581s | event yeah yeah |
9584s | I mean that's before I even played this |
9587s | game uh that's like a long time ago but |
9591s | yeah I remember I think I think camel |
9593s | ended up winning that in the very end |
9595s | but it was it was a good and fairly |
9597s | close series I think it was like 31 or |
9599s | three too they definitely uh the Chinese |
9600s | team was not |
9602s | um was not a pushover so it'd be |
9604s | interesting to see if in the future |
9606s | there might be more events like that in |
9607s | the Chinese tournament scene continues |
9609s | to grow so it's cool to see uh from the |
9612s | outside that there's interest in |
9614s | tournaments around the world yeah I hope |
9616s | there's like one days the the team in |
9620s | the Chinese server can have a chance to |
9621s | fight read the teams in the faculty and |
9624s | that would be much more fun yeah I think |
9627s | we'd all look forward to that yeah of |
9629s | course |
9631s | mod there speaking to fabiki Wifey from |
9634s | fraternity I always love to hear stuff |
9636s | about other tournaments of course this |
9638s | is the alliance tournament the the |
9639s | Premier League of tournaments uh or as |
9641s | American to say Premier League |
9643s | um and of course we have plenty of |
9644s | others we have the anger games uh sex I |
9646s | believe uh coming up uh more details |
9648s | announced in December uh from uh Dirk |
9651s | and soth we had uh jintan running the |
9653s | captain's cup not too long ago there's |
9655s | always uh great opportunities for for |
9657s | newer teams to to go through these sort |
9658s | of player run tournaments |
9660s | um and you know you still get cool |
9661s | prizes usually CCP will contribute skins |
9663s | and some things to to these as well |
9665s | which is which is awesome |
9667s | um and it means that those ones are |
9668s | going to be on |
9669s | um Thunderdome so you don't have to risk |
9671s | losing stuff you get maximum scale |
9673s | points so if you've never played the |
9674s | tournament before maybe worth checking |
9676s | it out I'm being told we have a graph |
9677s | available uh to look at probably some |
9679s | hard hitting deep analysis let's have a |
9681s | look at that and toss it up on the |
9683s | screen |
9684s | um |
9685s | oh another thing not ready for it graph |
9687s | available shortly has just come up uh on |
9689s | the screen can we look at the bands |
9690s | while we're waiting for the graph is |
9692s | that is that feasible production hello |
9693s | can we have that |
9696s | no we can't have that there are there |
9698s | are bands probably here we are okay |
9699s | bands for Odin's car versus fraternity |
9701s | curse and heroes abandoned hyena and |
9703s | pretend taking Bargas Osprey armgen Navy |
9705s | issue and arm getting uh Blackberry |
9707s | pirate what do you think uh well so owns |
9710s | call uh famously has lost their Bargas |
9712s | Flagship and fraternity clearly is very |
9715s | aware of that so there will be no |
9716s | bargists whatsoever from un's call One |
9718s | Way or Another uh we have seen the |
9720s | Armageddon Navy issue actually doing |
9721s | extremely well |
9723s | um I think especially compared to last |
9724s | year where people were kind of uh if you |
9726s | remember there was a game balance change |
9728s | like right as the tournament was hitting |
9730s | and so people were sort of figuring out |
9732s | how to use the Armageddon Navy it's |
9734s | actually been pretty fantastic with ship |
9735s | here I'm not really sure about this |
9737s | Osprey ban uh Ospreys are just not that |
9740s | great but you know hey it is what it is |
9743s | um love to see it Owens call bands I |
9744s | mean this is like this is becoming |
9746s | standard like the curse o'neiros uh |
9748s | hyenas are fantastic a badon can do some |
9751s | wild stuff with it but something tells |
9753s | me we're probably not going to see NMR |
9754s | laser Rush as all of the really bigamar |
9757s | battleships are gone unless somebody |
9758s | wants to uh be wild and roll out an |
9761s | apocalypse which dude nerds do it yeah |
9763s | please do it so fraught are bringing |
9766s | their Flagship Vindicator |
9768s | um which will be super exciting we'll |
9770s | see if that can get on top of some of |
9771s | the woodlands call as you mentioned uh |
9774s | they no longer have access to their |
9775s | Flagship it died in a tragic spaceship |
9777s | uh incident at the other day |
9779s | um and what was kind of funny actually |
9781s | is the augural Navy issue that managed |
9782s | to scoop some of those expensive SML |
9785s | launchers uh then got killed uh giving |
9786s | us the most expensive Agro Navy kelmail |
9789s | in history was like a 30 billionaugural |
9791s | Navy just because he had it in his cargo |
9793s | I do believe they dropped the game I |
9794s | don't know if they got re-scooped |
9796s | um I don't know I don't have the inside |
9797s | scoop on that uh but we'll certainly |
9799s | maybe someone will find that and let us |
9801s | know do we have that graph available |
9802s | that I was told about |
9804s | um I we don't have the graph okay so |
9807s | heart attack analysis from us here at |
9809s | the even T Studios mystical might |
9810s | imagine there's a graph on the screen |
9811s | what do you think about this excellent |
9813s | graph I think this is really the secret |
9816s | source that teams need to to make it to |
9818s | the finals and you know if they are |
9820s | unable to interpret what is on screen at |
9822s | this moment in time then really is that |
9824s | have a chance oh I see what it is |
9825s | actually it's the script for Alliance |
9827s | tournament 19 I did not expect uh that |
9829s | that was going to be the final result |
9832s | no no no no quick let's cut over to the |
9834s | match before anyone sees the script okay |
9836s | it's important to call the graphics |
9837s | fraternity it's gen 10 it's mizzier |
9839s | let's go |
9845s | hello everyone and welcome back to the |
9847s | arena this is Odin score in red versus |
9851s | Fraternity in blue and I miss and with |
9854s | me is the Gin tan so the audience |
9855s | quality is professional thing |
9857s | traditional it's like a Max fret set up |
9859s | with the an Absolution a guardian |
9861s | professional Navy here and projects Navy |
9864s | issue and other Navy issue and really |
9867s | saying a Navy issue that many time and |
9869s | it's going to say it one more time issue |
9871s | and a Confessor molar and skybreaker |
9873s | yeah meanwhile fraternity have brought |
9876s | here their classic heavy Battleship |
9878s | setup relying on those two blackbirds |
9880s | here for control uh hopefully they're |
9882s | gonna be able to use those to uh clear a |
9885s | path to get that Redeemer and that |
9886s | Vindicator right into the middle of |
9888s | these battle Cruisers if they are able |
9890s | to get within range those blasters those |
9892s | heavy pulses they are going to do so so |
9894s | much damage to these relatively fragile |
9897s | battle cruiser hulls that said the match |
9899s | has started let's see what the first |
9900s | targets are yeah it looks like you I'll |
9902s | just call the team like drop some |
9904s | bouncers and then started burning away |
9906s | so these battles are just doing a little |
9908s | bit on that major succeeding some Shield |
9910s | damage but uh |
9911s | not really much going on right now I |
9913s | said both teams trying to set up and the |
9915s | Plenty team has been known to be playing |
9918s | extremely defensive with their control |
9919s | setup so let's see if that's what |
9921s | they're going to do again even though |
9923s | they are burning him |
9924s | yeah this is a really interesting one |
9926s | and it shows the power of this Max |
9927s | threat slash pseudo dad setup Odin's |
9929s | cool recognizing that they do not want |
9932s | to be in close range and because of the |
9934s | versatility of those medium railgun |
9936s | platforms they're able to just pull up |
9938s | pull back and start picking away here at |
9940s | the fraternity control setup if they can |
9943s | kill off a Magus upon to fix and then |
9944s | wait for those boosts to drop it will |
9946s | make going in on it uh going in on that |
9948s | composition it's so so much easier here |
9950s | for the various battle Cruisers of the |
9954s | Odin School setup |
9955s | yeah it looks like the Odin's called a |
9957s | team like setting up on that Beacon |
9959s | trying to get ready for the micro drum |
9961s | Drive uh trick uh and looks like the |
9964s | returns team has responded by like |
9966s | clustering up but still putting that |
9968s | Vindicator in the front like being the |
9971s | slow Hammer that's forcing the audience |
9974s | called team to make a move soon |
9976s | yeah really interesting play here for |
9978s | from uh from for Odin's cool because |
9980s | they're actually trying to chip away at |
9982s | the guardian of the fraternity setup |
9984s | even though they have no control no |
9985s | ability to lock it in place it should |
9987s | just be able to walk back and completely |
9989s | get out of range of all that DPS that |
9991s | might just be them trying to keep him on |
9993s | his toes trying to set that mental Edge |
9995s | uh for later on in the match that said |
9997s | they are starting to get pincered here |
9998s | towards the edge of the Arena uh but |
10001s | they do they are close enough to an mjd |
10003s | Beacon that they are going to be able to |
10004s | make a move themselves there we go he's |
10006s | getting activated |
10012s | so let's see if they land any good loot |
10017s | there we go all in the back line okay so |
10019s | they were just they were using that |
10020s | initial pressure on the guardian to push |
10022s | him back so that these mjds would be |
10024s | able to catch him uh because he'd be |
10025s | moving in this direction now all of |
10028s | fraternity has to turn tail moving the |
10029s | opposite direction swap around our |
10031s | Odin's quite able to get a tackle or |
10033s | anything here this is like behind on his |
10036s | yeah |
10037s | in a bad position but they're doing the |
10039s | right thing and like getting out behind |
10041s | the heavy ships and they might actually |
10043s | be survived because of this have you |
10044s | seen the battleship turn around are they |
10046s | going to get on top of these Odeon ship |
10048s | right away so we're going to see |
10049s | Ragnarok soon |
10052s | yeah it was two minutes of setup and now |
10053s | we're about to see blows body blows get |
10056s | traded back between these two teams you |
10058s | can see uh blank in the executor Navy |
10060s | issue already taking chunks of damage |
10062s | there that Vindicator having webbed him |
10063s | down he's going to have a no transversal |
10065s | in a matter of seconds and it's gonna |
10066s | get ripped apart uh meanwhile it doesn't |
10069s | look like Odin's cool have been able to |
10071s | capture anything other than that |
10072s | Vindicator in the Confessor and then not |
10074s | applying significant DPS to either of |
10076s | them uh Odin School needs to identify |
10077s | and Tackle something quickly or they're |
10079s | going to get out traded here |
10081s | I mean imagine if you're going to catch |
10083s | a Vindicator of indicator is going to |
10084s | catch you because if you're in a |
10086s | scramming of indicator and changes are |
10088s | you're getting counter whipped and |
10089s | getting slammed and that's a blank |
10091s | anchor in the executive if you're soon |
10094s | going to depart for Valhalla it's it |
10097s | looks like they're going for the |
10098s | guardian if they're going for the trade |
10099s | on the guardian here they but it's going |
10101s | to be so difficult for them to actually |
10102s | make the kill here they don't have any |
10104s | ability to hold him down they've just |
10105s | got this brutex Navy issue of yokan |
10107s | trying to run into the back line and |
10109s | he's getting screened off by the carries |
10110s | of cyron uh this is this is actually |
10112s | brutal here for Odin's cool they aren't |
10114s | going to be able to capitalize off that |
10116s | great mjd play |
10120s | increasingly hard for them as these blue |
10123s | ships are going to get in position on |
10125s | that swarm of rep Jones already under |
10127s | the guardian wrapping them up nicely and |
10130s | the black birds catching reps and the |
10132s | consensus casting reps in the meantime |
10134s | while running in the organization is |
10136s | about to go down |
10138s | yeah and just look at how much control |
10140s | is getting spread over that Odin's cool |
10142s | team every single ship from them is |
10145s | tackled muted something in some capacity |
10148s | it is being stopped from doing what it |
10151s | wants to do by this fraternity setup and |
10152s | it just shows you a power of what |
10154s | they've brought copacy and might be in |
10156s | half armor but it doesn't matter even if |
10157s | he goes down at this point it's gonna be |
10159s | so difficult from Odin's call to |
10160s | actually concentrate their fire on any |
10162s | Target and kill it quickly I actually |
10165s | think it's quite interesting that the |
10166s | fraternity team has I'd be doing this |
10168s | kind of setup and this same strategy |
10170s | every single match and they still |
10172s | haven't figured out how to deal with |
10174s | this as Odin's goal and their Max fret |
10177s | seems like they have reduced the threat |
10180s | by these control ships on the fraternity |
10182s | team they actually returned to be able |
10184s | to control a Max thread setup and being |
10187s | a really comfortable |
10189s | yeah you can just see the power of the |
10191s | officer webs on this um Flagship |
10194s | Vindicator as well that Confessor |
10196s | normally moving at you know hundreds |
10198s | even thousands of meters a second |
10200s | sitting there at a steady calm 26 meters |
10203s | a second getting blasted away at by |
10205s | Battleship weapons and there we go |
10207s | finally dying |
10208s | just so so powerful |
10211s | I mean for bookie rifle was going to |
10213s | have like a field day just going around |
10214s | and murdering stuff as to the team is uh |
10217s | controlling the entire Battleship |
10220s | Battlefield from Attack this is getting |
10223s | into low armor so might actually drop |
10226s | off you need a bremeline and the other |
10228s | Blackbird to start pulling these off |
10230s | like drop the gems around so they're |
10232s | fighting them to shoot the other |
10233s | Blackboard yeah and that's the thing is |
10235s | that once these controls control comps |
10238s | get an advantage in numbers you are able |
10241s | to just concentrate down this evil onto |
10244s | a few very specific targets and just |
10246s | make their lives miserable the |
10248s | combination of damps and jams are just |
10251s | crippling if you're jammed and then you |
10253s | get scan res damped in the middle of it |
10255s | it's going to take 30 40 seconds for you |
10258s | to re-lock your Target and in that time |
10259s | you know your blackbirds can run another |
10261s | couple of jams on you and that in the |
10264s | meantime in general still talking we |
10266s | just saw it the processed Navy issue |
10268s | getting finished off and then more or |
10269s | less also about to drop at the same time |
10272s | the fraternity was extremely comfortable |
10274s | they still not lost anything and |
10276s | anything that's getting damaged is |
10278s | casting reps nicely copacion is doing a |
10280s | great job keeping stuff alive in a |
10284s | damage spread or the field and having |
10285s | this extremely aggressive comp that a |
10288s | lot of high damage stats that they have |
10290s | to rep against |
10292s | yeah and right now there is only one |
10294s | ship on the Odin's Court's team that is |
10297s | moving over 100 meters a second and that |
10299s | is the sky breaker |
10301s | that tells you all that you need to know |
10303s | that Odin's cooler Beyond controlled |
10305s | here uh toast brought finally getting |
10308s | caught and finally going down I I don't |
10311s | think that there is any possible way |
10313s | back into the match here from Odin |
10314s | school which is insane considering that |
10316s | they were the second place team last |
10318s | year |
10319s | yeah it doesn't vindicate on top of that |
10322s | Guardian so the guardian is not going to |
10324s | last forever long it's the last place |
10325s | you want your guardian to be right on |
10327s | top of the Vindicator and the Redeemer |
10329s | with news as well just to make it even |
10330s | more painful the guardian goes down and |
10333s | at this point there's not much uh orange |
10335s | coal can do |
10338s | yeah it's I mean you know you've got to |
10341s | say it is a great composition from |
10342s | Odin's call that is one of the standard |
10345s | iterations of Max threat but fraternity |
10348s | seem to have found a composition here |
10350s | that can effectively deal with the |
10352s | Octodad deal with the max threat and |
10354s | that is going to be a crucial piece of |
10356s | theory crafting for them going forwards |
10358s | one of the few teams that have been able |
10359s | to have now successfully go up against |
10361s | and beat this composition twice I don't |
10364s | think there's anyone else in this |
10365s | tournament so far he's been able to do |
10367s | that it kind of reminds me of many years |
10369s | ago a team 100 loaded I believe it went |
10373s | through all the way to the finals in 80 |
10375s | with the Parker comp perspect before the |
10378s | road above and they brought them every |
10381s | single match and like coaches are going |
10383s | to see the same I'm going to see you for |
10385s | book your wife going around in a |
10386s | Vindicator and every single match and |
10388s | people failing to stop them |
10390s | and it's just like still the business |
10392s | breakage there so well it's called it's |
10393s | not out but uh just really like what |
10397s | what am I going to see what do you think |
10400s | I I don't know I'm I'm loving this |
10402s | though I love the fraternity they found |
10404s | a very unique style and they are just |
10406s | executing on it so much better than any |
10408s | other team is we've seen a couple of |
10410s | other teams today so far try and bring |
10412s | out these double Battleship control |
10413s | setups I don't know if they stole the |
10415s | idea from uh fraternity or if we're just |
10418s | seeing their own parallel Theory |
10419s | crafting come out but all of them have |
10421s | lost whereas fraternity is about to take |
10423s | this at 100 zero Victory just brilliant |
10427s | brilliant stuff from them |
10429s | I do wonder if it's the same indicator |
10431s | that they have been flying the entire |
10433s | time because I wonder if they're |
10434s | starting to stack up a lot of kill marks |
10436s | on that ship AG kill marks on a single |
10439s | ship could be a pretty good uh |
10441s | it's right to have in your Hangar when |
10443s | they're done with this and the padding |
10445s | in the perfect navy shoes getting picked |
10446s | apart even though it's not a really high |
10448s | DPS on the fraternity team over all |
10452s | these battleships really hit a lot |
10455s | oh I can confirm that's an 11 kill mark |
10457s | Vindicator on the field here the |
10459s | flagship from Suzuki waifu |
10462s | uh they're probably all gotten from the |
10465s | at as you're talking about that's an |
10467s | incredible achievement normally you |
10468s | don't see eighty ships live for that |
10470s | long uh we've got Colonel Kurtz Now |
10473s | Incredible veteran pilot um amazing |
10475s | utility player nothing he can do to |
10478s | change the course of this match and not |
10480s | it didn't really have the opportunity |
10481s | throughout the entirety of it even when |
10483s | they got the jump into the backline cola |
10485s | Kurtz was one of the first people to get |
10486s | grabbed uh by I believe the Magus and |
10489s | just be locked into position no chance |
10491s | of running around |
10492s | we're still having one ship remaining |
10494s | the moment on maybe it's your middle in |
10496s | that one but the match is over so it's |
10498s | not a clean wipe but still enough to |
10500s | send fraternity further into a |
10502s | tournament day and they win US bracket |
10503s | so they're actually getting pretty deep |
10505s | now and with that let's head back to the |
10507s | studio |
10530s | [Music] |
10533s | [Applause] |
10539s | are you ready yeah see somebody's house |
10542s | on the way what do you think it would |
10545s | feel like if a ship worked through your |
10547s | house I might have some weird effect |
10549s | like imagine |
10551s | sneezing like they get explosive |
10553s | diarrhea or something like that |
10555s | I like the sneezing more |
10558s | if he's out of your ass |
10561s | guys |
10564s | you started |
10566s | with the all right you know what jump |
10569s | there's never happened let's move on |
10571s | here's our secondary Target this is me |
10573s | broadcasted they're jumping now then we |
10576s | can |
10577s | [Applause] |
10580s | I want bubbles all over this midnight |
10583s | and up now do it now |
10603s | fraternity dropping Odin's call into the |
10605s | elimination bracket in that bit of a |
10607s | surprising upset a lot of Channel points |
10609s | disappearing there 75 of you putting |
10611s | your channel points on Odin's call last |
10613s | year's second place team uh that means |
10615s | all of the top four teams from last year |
10617s | are now in the elimination bracket so a |
10620s | whole new set of teams in our upper |
10621s | bracket which is awesome you'll love to |
10623s | see it uh just looking at the bracket |
10625s | now we're going to see some interesting |
10626s | matches later in this upper bracket |
10628s | barcode versus White Flag |
10630s | um and fraternity versus the winner of |
10632s | the next match which will be either a |
10633s | rival or hidden Leaf Village Ninja |
10635s | Assassin Squad Esports so a whole new |
10638s | set of of teams up there in the top four |
10640s | which is phenomenal or not top four yet |
10642s | quite but it's getting close we're |
10645s | getting very close to the the top four |
10646s | now I want to talk about a couple of |
10648s | things in that last match we saw |
10649s | fraternity bringing that Flagship |
10651s | Vindicator which obviously super |
10653s | powerful ship does a lot of DPS a lot of |
10655s | webbing very good Weber it's a Webby boy |
10657s | but Bart why does one not simply screen |
10661s | the flagship Vindicator well they tried |
10663s | actually they did simply screen the |
10665s | flagship indicator and they did a uh |
10667s | they did a very good job screen in the |
10668s | flagship indicator the problem is |
10670s | is that when generally when you're |
10673s | screening stuff you hope that uh your |
10675s | screening ship gets close enough to |
10676s | maybe you know out track or something |
10677s | and you can't do that to a flagship |
10679s | Vindicator because 90 webs are very |
10680s | powerful on top of that they also do a |
10682s | mass amount of damage so generally when |
10685s | you try to screen a flagship indicator |
10687s | you're |
10688s | not a hundred percent but like pretty |
10690s | high chance of just sacrificing the |
10692s | screening ship just to slow it down uh |
10694s | especially when it is a flagship |
10695s | Vindicator that I'm sure has tons and |
10697s | tons of very very expensive modules on |
10699s | it uh at least I would hope so I'm a |
10701s | little sick of seeing these utter trash |
10703s | fit flagships where somebody's like oh I |
10705s | spent 15 billion who cares it's 180 190 |
10708s | come on like bring out the big numbers |
10709s | but uh yeah it's very hard to do they |
10712s | did a good job |
10713s | um just at the end of the day |
10715s | jams exist in Flagship indicators do a |
10717s | ton of damage yeah we also saw a |
10719s | powerful use of the double Blackbird |
10721s | setup from the fraternity team ECM of |
10724s | course um a completely fair and balanced |
10726s | mechanic |
10727s | um and maybe take us through what ECM |
10729s | does yeah yep so I'm to be an ECM |
10731s | enjoyer and what ECM does is when you |
10734s | lock up the enemy ship and you have an |
10736s | ECM module when you apply your ECM |
10738s | module there is a chance it is kind of |
10740s | RNG on whether you will apply your jam |
10743s | if successful it means that that chip |
10746s | that you are jamming can only lock you |
10748s | or other ships that have also |
10750s | successfully applied jams to it so |
10753s | typically the strategy that you want to |
10755s | be using here to counterjams is to bring |
10758s | sense boosters with eccm scripts to |
10760s | boost your sense of strength to make it |
10762s | harder to jam you and if you're using |
10764s | jams you want to be using you want to be |
10767s | coordinating your targets effectively so |
10769s | that you're not jamming the same Target |
10770s | which ensures that that ship can only |
10773s | lock one black burden not the other and |
10775s | you can swap depending on how close they |
10777s | are to you so that they're never really |
10779s | an optimal range to be doing their |
10780s | damage we saw that frat played that I |
10782s | think expertly I think that surprising a |
10786s | lot of people with the the efficiency |
10788s | with which they're flying they're set up |
10789s | at the moment yeah we're seeing a lot of |
10791s | teams Banning out the oniros and plenty |
10794s | of teams choosing to bring the guardian |
10795s | instead and we can look at a chart that |
10798s | will show us perhaps some of the the |
10799s | pecks and bands of that so here we go |
10800s | Tech to armor Logistics usage in |
10802s | Alliance tournament 19. so the guardian |
10805s | clearly uh expect a lot less the Nero |
10807s | seems to be very much uh banned if you |
10810s | don't expect to bring it yourself and I |
10811s | feel like even looking at the ratios |
10813s | here in terms of uh like one matches to |
10815s | uh played the owner is about 50 whereas |
10818s | the guardian uh is significantly lower |
10820s | maybe it looks like about 25 percent |
10822s | there uh Blackbird pirate tell me about |
10824s | the difference between the nearest and |
10825s | the guardian in a tournament so in a |
10827s | tournament uh the the big main two |
10829s | differences is that within a neros you |
10831s | generally can do a profit and fit a |
10833s | pretty decent self rep on it so that's |
10835s | why sometimes you'll see these neuroses |
10836s | like even if they're tackled they keep |
10838s | moving pretty fast uh |
10840s | they don't rep as much in fact the |
10842s | guardian can put out a very high amount |
10844s | of rep but you're not going to be it's |
10847s | you can fit it and I'm sure somebody can |
10849s | pipe a wizard this up but you're almost |
10850s | never gonna see a dual prep or dual prop |
10853s | self-repping oh neros that also is still |
10856s | putting out |
10858s | um anywhere close to the amount of reps |
10859s | that a guardian can uh that being said |
10861s | according to that graph on yours is do |
10863s | you win a lot more than Guardians do um |
10865s | I think we've seen that but the nearest |
10866s | has been like almost permanent like it |
10868s | is either banned or in the match for |
10870s | this tournament and so we're seeing a |
10872s | lot of Guardians and probably more |
10873s | gardens than we're usually used to |
10875s | seeing and they've been performing |
10876s | pretty well so maybe something about the |
10877s | meta shakeup is uh not necessarily |
10880s | changing that but making the weaknesses |
10881s | of a guardian not as apparent yeah I |
10883s | feel like it's one of those ships where |
10884s | you have to practice with guardians a |
10886s | lot because chances are like you say it |
10887s | is going to be banned out and you are |
10889s | going to have to bring the the less |
10890s | optimal but that is literally the |
10892s | whole point of banning ships out uh to |
10894s | weaken the opponent's comps and of |
10896s | course if you can be better with that |
10898s | weak comp then maybe you can win in the |
10900s | match which I believe is uh the the |
10903s | strategy uh for Success win the match |
10905s | yes win the match |
10907s | um all right we have |
10908s | um up next another of our winners |
10911s | bracket match arrival versus hidden Leaf |
10912s | Village Ninja Assassin Squad Esports |
10916s | uh arrival Banning out the executive |
10919s | Navy issue the augura the executor and |
10922s | the hyena hidden Leaf going for the |
10924s | Scimitar the Loki the Blackbird the |
10927s | executive Navy issue and we have a |
10928s | trickle ban um which is the Osprey and |
10930s | the Claymore mystical might your |
10932s | thoughts on these bands so the hidden |
10934s | Leaf bands look to be trying to remove |
10935s | some of the Russian long-range kites |
10937s | that we've seen so the exact Navy I |
10938s | think is an excellent one simply because |
10940s | it means that you're not going to be |
10942s | dealing with any of the low Point |
10943s | long-range railgun comps that we may be |
10946s | seeing it is kind of replaceable with |
10947s | the Vex Navy but it's not as good the |
10949s | Blackbird we've just seen play really |
10951s | really well so it's understandable that |
10953s | they want to remove ECM I think it's |
10955s | just trying to remove long range Rush at |
10958s | long range kite and also some rush and |
10959s | the rival team not learning from the |
10961s | mistakes of other teams not Banning out |
10963s | the battleships for uh Kami I believe |
10966s | who was on the hidden Leaf team that's |
10967s | all she knows how to fly |
10969s | um so ban battleships against hidden |
10970s | leaf and they will lose is all I have to |
10972s | say yeah Henley uh talk about that |
10974s | they're bringing their Flagship |
10975s | Armageddon Navy issue to this match uh |
10978s | the battles goes on either on one of our |
10979s | one of our commentators uh does fly for |
10981s | that team he's telling us that it is |
10982s | more expensive than last year so we'll |
10984s | be interested to see how it's fed Bart |
10985s | we were talking a little bit like Phil |
10987s | Newt versus guns what do you think we'll |
10988s | see from this team |
10990s | um I I feel like we're probably gonna |
10991s | see something you know maybe more |
10993s | standard I haven't seen them do anything |
10994s | particularly crazy uh but I do know that |
10997s | last night I talked to virion and he |
11000s | said that quote easy sixth place then we |
11004s | lose to tuskers |
11006s | so I'm pretty sure he's extremely |
11008s | confident in this but obviously you know |
11011s | who knows maybe I shouldn't have said |
11013s | that maybe I jinxed him maybe maybe |
11015s | we'll certainly find out in uh just a |
11016s | few moments uh mystical some quick |
11018s | predictions from you what do you think |
11020s | uh okay I'll go hit a leaf on this one I |
11023s | flame so now I have to support |
11025s | fair I'm gonna go for a rival they |
11027s | knocked uh Volta down into the |
11029s | elimination bracket they've been a team |
11030s | that just seems to be on the up and up |
11031s | over the last couple of years you know |
11034s | Core group is always the same they |
11035s | always do excellent write-ups after |
11036s | their tournament as well I highly |
11037s | recommend keeping an eye out for one of |
11039s | those I'm sure it'll appear on the Eve |
11040s | subreddit at some point let's head over |
11042s | to our match now uh with Wingnut and |
11044s | Alec and find out who will win |
11049s | g'day there mates welcome to the arena |
11050s | I'm we're not joined by rapid fire a |
11052s | cait also knows Alexis card and we have |
11053s | a rival versus hiddenly Village Ninja |
11055s | Assassin Squad Esports team and we have |
11057s | well it looks to be king Slayer versus I |
11060s | can't tell if that's HML or hands what |
11061s | do you think it is uh Alexey this is a |
11064s | ham missile Rush setup it's going to be |
11066s | hands versus rapid Heavies the debate |
11068s | played out in real time before the |
11070s | viewing audience here as links begin to |
11073s | pop and we get ready for this absolute |
11075s | Slaughter |
11076s | quick note as well is that uh for hidden |
11078s | leaf that Armageddon Navy is a flag so |
11081s | this isn't going to be a potentially |
11082s | very thick ship against the rushcon and |
11084s | also the character Navy in the back I'm |
11086s | just double checking to make sure |
11087s | they're also hand rush but yep they |
11089s | definitely are so no rapid lights which |
11090s | would have been nice because there's a |
11092s | there's actually three bombers on grid |
11094s | at the moment one of which is on their |
11095s | own team it's just surprising like |
11096s | bombers we saw were kind of falling off |
11098s | but they're coming back in US Dollars |
11099s | tournament yeah we've seen them quite a |
11101s | bit uh they're very efficient points for |
11103s | damage so if you're looking to just all |
11106s | out brawl and kill ships as fast as |
11108s | possible they're a great investment for |
11109s | teams see arrival now pulling backward |
11112s | toward one of the micro jump beacons and |
11115s | hidden Leaf is repositioning themselves |
11117s | it looks like they're just kind of |
11119s | chasing them in but they're keeping the |
11121s | bulk of their team together |
11123s | uh only the stealth bombers hanging out |
11126s | in the back line this could be a play to |
11127s | remove those bombers from the equation |
11130s | potentially that yet but I suspect they |
11132s | might want to try and kill these |
11133s | battleships but at the moment they're |
11135s | just playing it slow seeing the one at |
11137s | the back is a purifier and keeping an |
11138s | eye on this mjd play because uh it's |
11141s | unfortunately it is a blatantly |
11142s | telegraphed here but the question is |
11143s | what are they going to do with it |
11144s | because you could also fake the mjd |
11146s | plane just rush in from this angle so we |
11147s | have to watch and see what happens |
11150s | missiles are coming in |
11152s | yeah |
11154s | oh sorry the bug is rapid heavy |
11156s | is that a hound |
11158s | if it's the target you need it's the |
11161s | target you're gonna get uh the hand is |
11162s | an excellent here we go |
11167s | oh they've landed right on top of the |
11169s | bombers right on top of the bombers |
11173s | they're gonna get a purifier instantly |
11176s | yeah they're going for it I'm not going |
11178s | to pronounce that spommer and he is uh |
11181s | already into armor here |
11194s | they're going for the purify they're |
11196s | trying to remove damage but they've lost |
11197s | their longevity already at this point |
11199s | you kind of have to just send it right |
11201s | yeah that is a really terrible trade for |
11204s | a rival uh hidden Leaf especially with |
11206s | their Flagship their strongest available |
11208s | Jutsu on the field they're absolutely |
11210s | shredding the arrivals team and they |
11213s | have no way to bring any of these hit |
11214s | points back the Cyclone going down any |
11216s | minute now it's valiantly attempting to |
11219s | Shield boost through the fire but it's |
11220s | not going to make it |
11222s | he's trying his best xlsb Cycles on a |
11224s | cycling are pretty beefy he can hold on |
11226s | a few seconds but I think he's about to |
11227s | go |
11228s | oh no have they hit reload that's his |
11230s | one hope |
11231s | no I don't think they've reloaded yet |
11233s | they're still firing oh my God it's so |
11236s | close |
11238s | very good cool just rushes bugs down and |
11240s | I think he survived the cycle has |
11243s | actually survived that that is literally |
11245s | incredible he has survived with maybe 10 |
11248s | structure left and low enough Shields |
11250s | that that structure will continue to |
11252s | bleed but this broadcast is an even |
11254s | worse shape this would be a fantastic |
11256s | trade for arrival |
11258s | the missiles they fired off into the |
11261s | Hound might have cost them there but |
11262s | they did get the Cyclone they managed to |
11264s | get it but the few missiles they lost |
11265s | there might have been the uh potential |
11267s | changing factor of this match but they |
11269s | are still in a very good position but |
11271s | that is a still a very potent ham Rush |
11273s | right in front of them and it's still |
11274s | pretty thick |
11276s | you have a Rivals sort of spreading out |
11278s | their damage now it looks like they're |
11280s | going after the Thalia that is a |
11282s | questionable Target called Ham's not |
11284s | going to apply well to those frigates |
11286s | they are attempting to tackle it they've |
11288s | got a picture you've got a web they are |
11290s | applying some damage now but it's an |
11291s | uphill battle meanwhile their psycho and |
11293s | Fleet issue in deep Shield not Shield |
11295s | boosting nearly as well as his regular |
11297s | non-navy friend |
11299s | I'm wondering why because here's the |
11302s | thing if you kill the valley and even |
11303s | kill the Deacon You're Gonna Lose a |
11304s | cyclone fight for it that is more damage |
11306s | than you would have just lost by just |
11307s | ignoring them so they can lose a cyclone |
11309s | Feet Fleet and the Armageddon Navy and |
11311s | the type and flu are actually pulled |
11313s | away they've starbursted out a bit away |
11314s | from this Rush |
11318s | maybe they can't kill the Armageddon |
11320s | under the logistics reps of the enemy |
11323s | Logistics team now that they're losing |
11325s | so much of their DPS so they're trying |
11326s | to take the logistics out of the |
11327s | equation both a little lodgy for hidden |
11330s | Leaf is down now but where does arrival |
11332s | go from here they have to take these |
11334s | battleships out before they run out of |
11335s | them |
11337s | you have to go for the Thai fight next |
11338s | it has to be the next Target it's not |
11339s | going to be as a uber tank easy I'm |
11341s | gonna get a Navy it can't even self-peel |
11343s | itself it's basically an easy kill they |
11345s | have to rush us right now if they can |
11347s | get the typhoon Fleet down I think |
11349s | they've got this if the Titan Fleet |
11351s | lasts long enough they kill another ship |
11352s | it might go the other way but I honestly |
11355s | they got to get it now go go go go go |
11356s | because this is not looking uh this |
11358s | could potentially flip over on |
11360s | well we're about to see is the typhoon |
11362s | Leaf is indeed the primary it does |
11364s | appear that it is reloading yeah I don't |
11367s | see any missiles coming off of it right |
11369s | now they are mid reload |
11371s | once they open back up that is going to |
11373s | be scary uh the Hound now taking a real |
11376s | pounding here no Logistics to bring |
11378s | those hit points back so that Hound is |
11379s | gonna die it's just a matter of time |
11381s | they'll trade it for the Magus perhaps |
11384s | but like you said Wingnut they really |
11385s | need to focus on this Battleship and get |
11387s | laser focused on bringing it down it is |
11390s | one of the two remaining threats on the |
11392s | hidden Leaf team |
11393s | and here's the worry right if they leave |
11395s | that them to reload the typho and get |
11397s | Navy can delete the character Canadian |
11399s | seconds you already see look at that |
11400s | immediately characters being hit and |
11402s | he's already in Hull he was in Shield |
11404s | this is the worry that this this uh very |
11407s | uh rapid damage from these Visa |
11409s | battleships are very scary one down I |
11411s | bet you the character was probably next |
11414s | and if it goes down that's |
11417s | a chance to win guy I think |
11419s | now the typhoon he is dropping pretty |
11422s | rapidly here he's just past the half |
11424s | armor Mark there's still four damage |
11426s | dealers well five the Hound has managed |
11428s | to recover himself uh he's pulling back |
11430s | Shields ever so slowly micro jumped to |
11432s | the other side of the Arena as a cloud |
11434s | of hidden Leaf drones chases him yes I |
11437s | just saw that as well yeah Furious in |
11439s | the Hound couldn't be played by that we |
11441s | said toughly it's about to go down so |
11443s | they honestly should have killed the |
11444s | character Fleet in the Armageddon Navy |
11447s | he's buying his team time that's exactly |
11449s | what they need |
11451s | I I think he's only being shut up by |
11453s | drones I hope they're not trying to fire |
11455s | rapid Heavies at a Hound across the |
11457s | arena that's just I hope I hope but the |
11459s | type complete is down now and I think at |
11461s | this point it's a flag getting Navy |
11463s | versus the world sure he's got support |
11465s | but uh they can't really do much here |
11468s | now if you're a rival you're feeling |
11470s | really good about that trade excellent |
11472s | play from the Hound to buy them the time |
11474s | to bring that get or excuse me the |
11475s | typhoon down the geta now stands alone |
11478s | just a pontifex for support now this is |
11481s | a flag getting it's got a ton of money |
11482s | behind it it's going to be putting out a |
11484s | ton of damage and sending out a lot of |
11486s | control could potentially turn the |
11487s | hardeners off on these low capacitor |
11490s | kaldari ships but even if it does it has |
11493s | such an uphill battle to climb to get |
11495s | through the hit points of this Nighthawk |
11497s | Drake Navy issue both of which are |
11499s | extremely tanky ships the caracal the |
11502s | Osprey Navy it might have the what it |
11505s | needs to get through that but it's |
11506s | focusing on this Nighthawk once it |
11508s | brings it down it has a choice to make |
11510s | the Osprey Navy the caracal Navy it |
11512s | could go down but it still has a lot of |
11514s | work to go |
11515s | exactly it needs to kill enough damage |
11517s | that it could potentially hold on to the |
11518s | next reload because I'm willing to bet |
11519s | it's about around a missile Sim once |
11520s | it's done what goes down it's it's gonna |
11523s | be like it really is variance uh Stone |
11525s | shot trying to carry his entire team and |
11528s | hopefully he goes to the caracal next |
11529s | that would be my call but honestly he |
11530s | could pick anything the characters right |
11531s | next to him Brad it's right there come |
11532s | on you can't even say you can't see it |
11536s | has put the drones on the pontifex |
11538s | splitting their damage here trying to |
11540s | take the links completely out of the |
11542s | game here either anticipating a long two |
11544s | and a half minutes for this match |
11548s | I'm not entirely sure I agree with that |
11550s | but then again I'm not them as you see |
11553s | the rapid heavy is trying to kill his |
11554s | character seed look how quickly once his |
11555s | shield goes he's just gonna pop in |
11556s | seconds unless he runs out of missiles |
11560s | another volley coming in that's a good |
11561s | hit |
11562s | and these teams are so close on points |
11564s | it's really going to come down to the |
11566s | wire here |
11568s | flagship |
11573s | characters |
11575s | yep caracal down what do you go for next |
11577s | Osprey Navy or strike Navy what would be |
11579s | your call |
11581s | I think you've got to go for the Osprey |
11583s | Navy if it's a new Range that's a little |
11585s | hard to tell from this angle it's it's |
11588s | kiting away from the get and the gettin |
11590s | is trying to chase it down |
11592s | again may have very long range dudes on |
11595s | it and considering it's a flag get it if |
11596s | it can nute the Osprey then it could |
11598s | catch it but now we're seeing the Osprey |
11600s | kick the micro warp drive on and he's |
11601s | zooming to the other side of the Arena I |
11603s | like this call if they kill the Ponte |
11605s | they're ahead on points I think |
11607s | they can just run |
11610s | I think directions |
11613s | to try and kill the flag |
11619s | is a little undecided as to what it's |
11621s | doing but that Osprey has a clear game |
11623s | plan that is GTFO he is zooming around |
11626s | the arena trying to be everywhere except |
11628s | where that get a Navy is headed and he |
11630s | has all huge speed advantage over the |
11633s | gedden Yep they're all pulling range |
11635s | they're all star bursting around the |
11636s | arena I think at that point they're |
11639s | gonna take this this Rush against this |
11640s | kingslayer com the get Navy is firing |
11642s | just aggressively into the air just |
11644s | trying desperately to hit this Osprey |
11646s | Navy but I believe he's just too far |
11647s | away that's right I'm actually going to |
11649s | an mjd Beacon so even if he gets a few |
11650s | hits he will mjd away with less than a |
11653s | minute to go I think this is this has |
11654s | just been they've managed you to get |
11656s | what they need and run this is perfect |
11658s | as you say that that Osprey Navy is |
11661s | taking a real pounding here he's |
11662s | vulnerable while he's lining up his |
11664s | micro jump he's down oh no no oh my God |
11667s | instructions |
11671s | oh no they pulled it back at the last |
11673s | seconds |
11675s | no |
11677s | arrival the last second there honestly |
11679s | he might be working there's a Michael |
11681s | driving away the mjd bloomed his sick |
11683s | kept him right in front of the armaged |
11684s | Navy and killed him and the last second |
11686s | this flag of um |
11688s | Stone shot has pulled it back from the |
11691s | brink and won it for his team |
11693s | congratulations to hit and leave Village |
11694s | and interest assassin scored Esports |
11696s | that is brutal and with that when I go |
11698s | back to the studio and hear their |
11699s | shouting about it |
11700s | thank you |
11715s | [Music] |
11719s | thank you |
11742s | [Music] |
11758s | all right |
11765s | [Music] |
11786s | you you are one of two people that |
11789s | couldn't listen and couldn't check |
11791s | bookmarks and find your own way out the |
11793s | route the entire route was literally |
11795s | bookmarked out to Lasik I bookmarked it |
11798s | 10 minutes in advance |
11801s | an exciting match that went back and |
11803s | forward back and forward their arrival |
11805s | dropped down into the elimination |
11806s | bracket hidden Leaf continues all by was |
11809s | that a a close one uh we were told |
11811s | during that match uh CJ in the was it |
11814s | the fleet typhoon yeah he burned his |
11816s | guns out in the middle of the match you |
11818s | just saw the damage drop off arrival |
11820s | started to have it they Ed they just |
11822s | eeked ahead on points and then it was |
11824s | just a case of kite away and survive as |
11826s | long as possible very influential in the |
11828s | flagship trying to just catch anything |
11830s | to get those few remaining points and |
11832s | when that Navy Osprey turned to mjd when |
11836s | you activate those mjd because your sick |
11838s | blooms super hard and I just didn't get |
11840s | it in time I think maybe if he doesn't |
11843s | do the beacon maybe he survives I think |
11846s | just oh it was so close so close uh both |
11849s | teams probably at the edge of their |
11851s | seats for that one I imagine I'm hoping |
11853s | this recordings have come for that |
11854s | because both teams I'm sure uh will be |
11856s | seeing very exciting things |
11858s | um we are probably going to head off to |
11860s | a quick break we have a whole crew who |
11862s | need to get some food so we'll be back |
11865s | in about 30 minutes so stick around for |
11866s | more explosions then |
11880s | [Applause] |
11906s | [Music] |
11938s | thank you |
11941s | foreign |
11968s | [Music] |
12007s | [Music] |
12017s | thank you |
12020s | [Music] |
12023s | foreign |
12026s | [Music] |
12046s | [Music] |
12062s | [Music] |
12070s | [Music] |
12096s | [Music] |
12113s | thank you |
12115s | [Music] |
12128s | [Music] |
12149s | [Music] |
12157s | foreign |
12162s | [Music] |
12177s | [Music] |
12229s | foreign |
12297s | foreign |
12338s | [Applause] |
12340s | [Music] |
12366s | thank you |
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12500s | foreign |
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12572s | [Applause] |
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12597s | thank you |
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12717s | welcome back to Alliance tournament 19 I |
12720s | am CP overload joined in the desk by |
12722s | Blackboard power and moderator uh to |
12725s | talk about more spaceship explosions we |
12726s | have plenty more to go we have a bunch |
12728s | more matches today we are going to drop |
12730s | down into our elimination bracket and |
12732s | there is a bunch of spice in here I see |
12735s | the tuskers versus platinum Sensitivity |
12737s | I see Odin's call versus truth honor |
12740s | light I see a rival versus templates |
12742s | calcif all in our elimination bracket uh |
12745s | moderator did you expect to see these |
12747s | teams all sitting down there truthfully |
12748s | I don't think we expected to see many of |
12750s | these teams down there we thought that |
12752s | truth on our light would still be up |
12753s | there Dark Side would probably still be |
12755s | up there maybe even Volta I don't know |
12757s | maybe they've gotten worse because they |
12759s | don't have Ithaca anymore but at any |
12761s | rate we're gonna have teams that make it |
12763s | into the top four uh that have never |
12765s | been there before and you know entirely |
12769s | new winter semis and that's very |
12770s | exciting to see for the health of the |
12772s | game yeah you can see these teams here |
12774s | right now tuskers plot dracarus boundary |
12776s | arrival templates Odin's and Truth on a |
12778s | light the remaining teams currently in |
12781s | the Elimination Brackets so four of |
12782s | these teams will be going home |
12784s | imminently some more losers will join |
12787s | them uh the winners later on from our |
12789s | upper brackets uh there's still plenty |
12791s | of those to come as well so uh |
12792s | definitely definitely a tournament of |
12794s | upsets which I'm super excited about |
12796s | let's take a look at the bands for our |
12798s | upcoming match uh drakaris versus |
12799s | boundary experts boundary Experts of |
12801s | course came through the feeders had to |
12802s | play quite a lot of matches so they're |
12803s | probably the team this year with the |
12805s | most matches played adult technical beat |
12807s | Odin's call last year who made the |
12808s | finals um in terms of matches played |
12810s | because of the nature of last year's |
12812s | feeders but oh boy that was still a lot |
12814s | jakaris uh Banning out the bar gas the |
12816s | Scimitar the balgaard and the Blackbird |
12818s | boundary experts going Nighthawk curse |
12820s | arbitrator oniros Blackboard Pirates |
12822s | what are your thoughts here uh well |
12824s | since Misty's not here I will say it for |
12826s | him why are we Banning the balgorn uh |
12828s | the balgorn has not been a particularly |
12830s | great ship on this entire time but hey |
12832s | you know what I'm kind of starting to |
12834s | maybe see the light here because |
12835s | jacarsus played absolutely fantastic uh |
12838s | obviously I see why they Bland the band |
12840s | of the Blackbird they just got |
12841s | absolutely crushed by a blackbird ECM |
12844s | setup |
12845s | um other than that I think you know the |
12846s | Bargas is always a really good one to |
12847s | try and sort of bait these flagships out |
12849s | and scimitars uh haven't seen that bring |
12851s | being brought a lot Shield's kind of |
12853s | dead but it does actually ban out most |
12855s | of those Shield setups uh boundary |
12856s | expert we're seeing very standard bands |
12858s | here Nighthawk cursor neuros is like |
12860s | everybody's doing it arbitrator is kind |
12862s | of getting rid of that other tracking |
12863s | disruptor so uh I think we talked a |
12865s | little earlier about it but we saw some |
12868s | of this band strategy as them trying to |
12869s | not show too much and I think that's |
12871s | what boundary experts is doing right |
12872s | here that would be interesting for sure |
12875s | um and both teams choosing to bring |
12876s | their Flagship to cars but the flagship |
12878s | Vindicator boundary experts with a |
12880s | flagship bar gas uh mods what do you |
12882s | think about the difference between these |
12883s | two flagships here Bindi versus bar |
12885s | guest well we've seen that most teams |
12887s | this year have chosen to go with the bar |
12889s | guest just because of how much it scales |
12891s | off of the officer newts you can put on |
12894s | there the officer launchers you can put |
12895s | on there and of course the officer scram |
12897s | can't forget that you get a bonus scram |
12899s | to that whole type so that combined with |
12903s | the ballistics controls you can get the |
12904s | officer damage it just it gets so much |
12906s | better than a normal Tech 2 one that |
12908s | would be on a non-officer it's |
12910s | interesting to see though that both of |
12911s | the Chinese teams have opted to go with |
12914s | the Vindicator so maybe that's something |
12915s | they've seen internally or maybe that's |
12917s | just a Chinese meta |
12919s | he has a few teen perspective indicators |
12920s | this year I have to say I think more |
12922s | than more than normal I'm just looking |
12924s | through the list of uh remaining teams |
12926s | with flagships and I believe it is just |
12928s | not dark side other eliminated uh sorry |
12930s | guys |
12931s | um uh jakaris in fraternity the two |
12933s | remaining Vindicator enjoyers |
12935s | um many other bar guests arrival with |
12937s | their redeemer so still uh so plenty of |
12939s | different flagships that we could |
12941s | potentially see uh die in uh very |
12943s | expensive blazes of Glory I I hope to |
12946s | see plenty more of those uh but we can |
12948s | go to the arena uh for jakaris versus |
12951s | boundary experts with our casters Mark |
12953s | resurrectus and Chad |
12959s | welcome back ladies and gentlemen it's |
12962s | me Mark resurrectus here with the |
12963s | absolutely radiant Chad flame we have |
12967s | boundary experts versus drakaris |
12969s | boundary experts bringing a variation of |
12972s | bee War |
12973s | we have Bargas dual sorry Vargas Rook |
12977s | Falcon for uh ecm's Sentinel Sentinel |
12980s | and Carries Chad flame what are we |
12983s | seeing from the team from jakaris |
12985s | we're looking at your cars here bringing |
12987s | the rare Shield Vindicator that is also |
12989s | a flag Vindicator followed by double |
12991s | slip nerd double sights Fleet issue some |
12994s | T2 Frank lounges double spitball for |
12996s | tackle and a vigil Fleet |
12999s | yeah interesting setup here we have sort |
13001s | of two different mines we've got a a DPS |
13003s | light uh set up from the team from |
13006s | Battery experts with just the Bargas and |
13008s | maybe maybe a little bit of help from |
13010s | the Magus but not too much while this uh |
13012s | this Jakarta set up with a lot of tie |
13014s | and DPS that flag bendy and both those |
13016s | settings are gonna be putting out a lot |
13017s | of punishment you can see they're |
13018s | already starting to burn in uh as they |
13021s | look to try and counter this control |
13022s | comp from boundary experts |
13025s | yeah and as we see the weapon disruptors |
13027s | going off the boundary experts onto |
13029s | these slippers I think it's going to do |
13030s | a ton going in you know and brawling as |
13032s | webs are also landing on The Vindicator |
13034s | already but the Confessor going in for |
13036s | screen |
13037s | yeah you can see the uh looks like the |
13039s | early Target is going to be that |
13040s | Confessor Chad hammercock uh trying to |
13042s | peel off some of this tackle uh maybe |
13044s | get a you know trying to slap down maybe |
13047s | one of these uh ECM or frigates back |
13050s | well back slack 2 looking to take early |
13053s | aggression right now uh and see if he |
13055s | the if the guardian of spine block can |
13057s | keep him up the Sipple goes down from |
13060s | the team from jakaris very quickly as a |
13063s | little bit more of their DPS gets pulled |
13065s | off |
13066s | and it seems like boundary experts is |
13067s | doing a fair job trying to screen and |
13069s | split up the rush of the jakaris team |
13071s | but you know not much damage going out |
13073s | from Jakarta it's almost like they're |
13074s | split up and those jams are actually |
13076s | putting in work from the boundary |
13077s | experts team keeping that low end of |
13079s | screeners alive for a lot longer than |
13081s | you think they should under uh |
13082s | Vindicator webs yeah and you can see how |
13084s | much work the screeners are having to do |
13085s | if you look in the back end this team |
13087s | from boundary experts is so well split |
13089s | up the rook and Falcon off on their own |
13091s | The Sentinel off on both the Sentinels |
13092s | off on their own the the Bargas of |
13094s | Xander odile is sort of commanding space |
13096s | in the middle uh as they continue to put |
13098s | damage into this spiffle of cmff now |
13102s | dropping into armor looks like he will |
13105s | drop into Hull and he is gone again just |
13108s | little by little these this B War comp |
13109s | is going to be able to pick apart your |
13111s | team from the bottom up |
13113s | and no like you said they're getting rid |
13115s | of all these fast tackle ships allowing |
13117s | their screeners to go uncontested a |
13119s | little bit better as well as making it |
13122s | harder for their ships to get caught |
13123s | they do not want to get caught by this |
13124s | double Sumner Vindicator that is a lot |
13126s | of damage on that grid from the |
13128s | jakarta's team but you can't apply that |
13130s | damage if you don't get on top of |
13131s | something yeah you can see the Confessor |
13133s | right now is caught king mvf sorry myf |
13136s | rather in The Vindicator coming in to |
13138s | apply quite a bit of damage onto the |
13140s | Confessor that will definitely hurt the |
13142s | boundary experts ability to hold down |
13145s | other targets but again they have other |
13147s | they've got plenty of tackle on this on |
13148s | this squad and a lot of control |
13150s | Alexander chorgan I say that Alexander |
13153s | Torrington in the Magus now dipping into |
13155s | low armor it looks like he is going to |
13158s | catch reps |
13159s | but again they definitely need those um |
13163s | let me see here real quick |
13165s | yeah see it looks like he is going to be |
13167s | able to stay up |
13169s | and now the lodgies of the Chicago's |
13171s | team seems to be the Target also having |
13173s | some new pressure put on them and those |
13174s | jams I'm sure it's going to be the logic |
13177s | is going down with ease as long as the |
13178s | jam hits her in new hits and puts some |
13180s | pressure on them uh boundary experts are |
13182s | doing a really good job picking apart |
13184s | this low end of the jakarta's team |
13186s | yeah the Bargas of Xander adelius is is |
13188s | is where they're going to live or die in |
13190s | this comp right you need to be able to |
13191s | clip things because that's where all of |
13193s | your DPS is coming from so they're going |
13195s | to be they're going to try and put |
13196s | damage into the scalpel right now |
13198s | they're putting damage into the fleet |
13199s | Scythe I said that and it looks like it |
13202s | will drop into armor yes it will and we |
13205s | should see this one go down too as the |
13207s | spargas goes ahead and clips through it |
13208s | but at the same time you have to work |
13210s | quickly because again once this team |
13212s | from jakarts applies some of this damage |
13214s | it doesn't really matter what you've got |
13215s | unless you can screen it off e-word off |
13218s | you're going to be in a lot of trouble |
13220s | and you know usually most of these teams |
13222s | get split off from each other due to |
13224s | something holding uh ships down so |
13226s | jakarta's team actually isn't horribly |
13227s | grouped it just doesn't seem like |
13228s | they're able to put out the damage to |
13230s | clear off this Confessor tackle and |
13232s | maybe other ships tackling them just due |
13234s | to this Jam Power uh that these two T2 |
13238s | jamming ships uh that boundary experts |
13240s | has brought yeah there's a lot of jam |
13242s | strength coming from these Falcons where |
13243s | you usually see this with dual Blackbird |
13245s | uh but the Falcon and Rook will suffice |
13246s | just fine and just by looking at their |
13248s | attack bar on our stream you can see how |
13251s | much space there is between what's |
13253s | available and what they're using so much |
13255s | of their their potential is being wasted |
13257s | here because of those Falcons because of |
13259s | the the pressure being put on them by |
13261s | the Sentinels uh and and from this |
13263s | carries they just can't live up to what |
13265s | they're able to put out right now |
13267s | exactly and you know the amount of you |
13270s | know mentality to go in with that |
13272s | Confessor into Vindicator webs you know |
13274s | something that most people would not |
13275s | want to do going in there trusting your |
13278s | laundry trusting the gems trusting your |
13280s | Sentinel e-word to get on there as quick |
13282s | as possible trusting your own piloting |
13284s | to hold down that Vindicator something |
13286s | you never really want to go directly |
13287s | into and then just surviving so long |
13290s | while doing the job of holding that team |
13292s | at Bay individually Chad hammercock |
13294s | holding down the jakara's team and and |
13297s | just being the thorn in their side this |
13298s | entire match as he's shown most of the |
13300s | day today yeah and they're going to have |
13302s | a hard time I mean at this point I I I |
13304s | even though they still got most or |
13307s | almost all their high end left the team |
13308s | from their cars just is not able to deal |
13311s | with the long range back end uh of the |
13314s | boundary expert scene you can see the |
13315s | Falcon and Rook have gone untested this |
13316s | entire time the carries untested this |
13319s | entire time same with the Sentinels they |
13320s | just can't put that pressure on that |
13322s | they need to and and so they're they're |
13324s | just sitting next they're here in the |
13325s | middle they can't they can't block |
13326s | anything uh they can't get it close |
13328s | enough to apply their damage uh and all |
13330s | those all the while Xander audelies is |
13332s | just volleying then reloading vaulting |
13336s | and reloading and it's it's just |
13337s | methodical from the bottom up it's |
13339s | exactly how this b word setup is |
13340s | supposed to work |
13342s | exactly you know picking apart that low |
13344s | end |
13345s | um the only thing that actually has a |
13346s | chance to apply or potentially do any |
13348s | damage to counter that boundary expert's |
13350s | low end if they weren't able to kill |
13352s | anything before with their comp they're |
13354s | probably not going to be able to kill |
13355s | any boundary experts players now unless |
13356s | they get somehow lucky and don't get |
13359s | jammed but the more jakaris members go |
13361s | down the less they have to spread out |
13363s | that e-ore as well so it's heading even |
13365s | harder as the match progresses |
13367s | and as you get down to fewer and fewer |
13369s | ships on grid you can really get the |
13370s | opportunity to double up on your jams |
13373s | right with the with the rook and the |
13374s | Falcon and you can kind of have |
13375s | overlapping jams where uh you know you |
13379s | have to you can't just clear The Rook |
13380s | you have to clear both uh if you want to |
13383s | if you want to start to apply damage you |
13384s | can see that damage now going into the |
13386s | slip near and this is going to take a |
13388s | while I mean this left near both these |
13389s | slept nears and the the flag of India of |
13391s | course are going to be pretty well |
13392s | tanked and all the damage you've got is |
13394s | coming in from the Bargas but if you |
13396s | can't apply any damage it doesn't really |
13398s | matter you're still going to go out uh |
13399s | because there's just nothing you can do |
13401s | and this is something that's also really |
13403s | interesting you very rarely see the flag |
13406s | Vindicator come out in Shield form let |
13409s | alone of indicator and shield form to |
13410s | begin with uh you know you usually want |
13412s | to have those uh mids stock down with |
13415s | webs as we see actually the flag video |
13416s | getting turned on now we're going to see |
13418s | how the tank is tested it does not look |
13420s | like it is tanking very well no it's not |
13422s | and it really only has the one curing |
13424s | left and whatever you can see there's a |
13426s | small swarm of uh of rep drones around |
13428s | just desperately trying to keep it alive |
13430s | uh I said that but some of these some of |
13432s | these drones that around it looks like |
13433s | they are |
13435s | shooting it oh wait sorry I I missed the |
13438s | color on this one yes this is a cloud of |
13440s | angry drones around this they are not |
13441s | trying to help this Vindicator they're |
13443s | trying to kill this Vindicator uh so |
13445s | yeah he's in he's in tough shape |
13447s | and as I pointed out earlier you know |
13449s | Chad hammercock just holding down that |
13451s | vinegar it's not going anywhere you know |
13453s | the the boundary experts team is either |
13454s | going to be able to break that |
13456s | Vindicator or not break it it comes down |
13457s | to damage on grid not the ability for |
13460s | anyone to move away from the fight so |
13462s | yeah we'll see if they are able to kill |
13464s | it with the clips of this bar guest I'd |
13466s | assume they would be able to in the two |
13468s | minutes and 20 seconds that's left in |
13470s | this match yeah you can already seeing |
13471s | him now dropping into armor which means |
13473s | he is not long for this world even if |
13477s | they weren't able to get anything else |
13478s | just getting the flagship is a is a win |
13481s | obviously jakar is an Imperium Squad you |
13483s | would assume that they'd be able to uh |
13485s | you know put a little bit of the old |
13486s | Bill put a little bit of uh that the old |
13488s | drip on The Vindicator but we will see |
13490s | here shortly he does drop into structure |
13492s | and we will see this Vindicator go down |
13495s | maybe not in this clip but certainly on |
13496s | the next |
13498s | exactly maybe you might live A little |
13500s | bit longer but you're not going to live |
13501s | to see tomorrow uh especially seeing |
13504s | this as an elimination match as well as |
13505s | you are losing your flag Vindicator that |
13508s | is a tough hit for this jakarta's team |
13510s | but this is their first year so you got |
13512s | to give them some credit |
13513s | they've made it this far certainly and |
13516s | this is they have been one of those |
13517s | sleeper picks this year |
13519s | um you know these these CNA TZ time you |
13522s | know these these squads have come in the |
13524s | team from France that we just saw a |
13525s | little while ago have really put out uh |
13527s | very good comps uh you know some some |
13529s | really smart uh flying some really smart |
13531s | picks uh so they will go down in this |
13534s | match obviously uh you know with just |
13536s | the two slip news left but again B war |
13538s | is a tough guy especially when it's |
13539s | flown well a tough comp to to to deal |
13543s | with we did see truth on a light drop a |
13545s | match to the barcode team with this A |
13548s | variation of this comp |
13550s | um but again when it's played well this |
13551s | is exactly the way you want to see you |
13553s | pick up from the low end up and you put |
13555s | a lot of pressure on those those |
13556s | high-end ships to try and applies damage |
13558s | early as much as they can and if they |
13560s | aren't able to do that they're going to |
13562s | be in a load of hurt |
13563s | and Boundary experts a team that has |
13565s | shown that they've done really well with |
13566s | execution this year he's stepping it up |
13568s | uh especially their low end pilots and |
13571s | this match showed it they they executed |
13572s | exactly how they wanted to went in there |
13574s | picked apart the low end worked their |
13576s | way up and you know I think the question |
13578s | comes down to jakaris's cut more than |
13580s | anything else about if that was |
13582s | something that maybe needed a little bit |
13584s | more testing in the background uh like I |
13586s | said Shield Vindicator is a little bit |
13588s | weird to uh put on grid |
13590s | yeah definitely a little weird uh chat |
13592s | if I can be honest with you but again |
13594s | you know they they uh they've still |
13598s | played well to get here I obviously |
13600s | can't discredit their efforts so far |
13601s | with only a couple seconds remaining in |
13603s | this match we see good fights going up |
13604s | in local and that will be it |
13623s | [Music] |
13626s | [Applause] |
13632s | there's |
13643s | foreign |
13648s | [Music] |
13648s | [Applause] |
13650s | [Music] |
13653s | [Applause] |
13656s | [Music] |
13663s | guys stop being casual they're really |
13665s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
13668s | warp off take the fleet warp everybody |
13670s | warp off this is a really really bad |
13672s | execution I'm very disappointed |
13678s | rain are you in the armor Vagabond or |
13680s | something no um I've got axle ISP |
13685s | and polarized guns |
13688s | laughs |
13694s | boundary experts controlling their way |
13696s | to a victory there against Rick Harris |
13699s | who get their knock down into the |
13700s | elimination bracket |
13702s | um in an exciting match with two |
13704s | flagships one Flagship Vindicator uh did |
13706s | unfortunately perish uh just taking a |
13709s | quick peek at the kill Mill now |
13711s | um potentially someone accidentally |
13713s | brought their PVE Vindicator to uh to |
13715s | the tournament who knows uh but uh going |
13718s | for the The Tech 2 Blaster cannons and |
13720s | not even faction there uh questionable |
13722s | twice perhaps and of course a true |
13723s | Sanchez that's his webifier I mean not |
13725s | everyone has to throw an absolute |
13727s | buttload of uh iskis at your Flagship |
13730s | but I feel like even part maybe like the |
13732s | tech two blasters is it worth just |
13733s | spending a little bit to upgrade those |
13735s | do you think it is especially like |
13736s | you're trying to compete in the |
13737s | tournament you win this match |
13740s | the Skins you get alone pays for that |
13742s | ship like almost 10 times over these |
13744s | skins usually go for like on the opening |
13746s | from like two to three bill and I know |
13747s | some of them nowadays are worth like |
13749s | tens and twenties so yeah you spend the |
13751s | money especially like |
13754s | you made it to the second weekend so you |
13756s | had time to Source these modules so I |
13758s | mean you fit your ship like it dies |
13760s | it's fine don't worry about it they |
13762s | still get it they still get 80 ships so |
13764s | good job but uh I don't necessarily |
13767s | think this is one of those cases where |
13768s | if you had spent more money you might |
13771s | have one but there was a couple times |
13772s | when like the vindi did get unjammed or |
13774s | I'm like no maybe if it was doing like |
13776s | 10 to 15 more DPS they could have broken |
13778s | free so yeah well as we talked later on |
13781s | about |
13782s | um how hard it is to screen off of |
13783s | indicator because anything that can |
13784s | screen it just gets 90 webbed and then |
13787s | dies but one of the few things that can |
13789s | screen off a v indicator of course is a |
13791s | flagship Vargas with that scram Point uh |
13794s | and it was a shield Vindicator as well |
13796s | that whole setup was a little bit |
13798s | unusual almost like the old memitar Rush |
13801s | yeah unfortunately that's kind of what |
13803s | the Bargas can do it can fit either in |
13806s | Shield comp it can fit an armor comp and |
13807s | we saw throughout the match it was |
13809s | hitting solidly with scrams that looked |
13812s | like they were 30 to 40 kilometers away |
13813s | from that positioning and I tried being |
13815s | a blaster Vindicator hitting it anything |
13817s | that far away you're just not going to |
13819s | do damage even you know if you were a |
13821s | much more expensive fit |
13823s | um we're talking a little bit about this |
13825s | in between the match and I really just |
13827s | don't like a shield Vindicator this is |
13829s | what we were talking about with the |
13830s | shield |
13831s | um typhoon Fleet issue is that you have |
13834s | five mids to make it work on The |
13836s | Vindicator as well and when you run up |
13839s | against these setups that are going to |
13840s | jam you they're going to damp you you |
13843s | don't have anyone to remote sensor boost |
13845s | you because you're all in a shield ship |
13847s | you're going to get jammed you're not |
13849s | going to apply damage and then we saw |
13852s | them just get completely picked apart |
13854s | yeah it was kind of just surgical from |
13857s | boundary experts towards the end there |
13858s | bar I did want to ask though obviously |
13860s | the Blackbird was banned |
13862s | um and it looked like the car is like |
13863s | haha they can't bring ECM and they seem |
13865s | to forget about the existence of other |
13866s | ships that could fit ECM |
13868s | um but why not two of a rook and Falcon |
13870s | the Falcon feels like a strange pick it |
13872s | it's it is um I'm guessing so the |
13875s | boundaries expert setup definitely had |
13877s | that the Hallmarks of a setup that |
13881s | they've practiced and that they've |
13882s | practiced with bands which is I think |
13883s | one of the things you'll see with some |
13885s | of these other teams where it's like oh |
13886s | they banned my ship out let's just try |
13887s | and throw something together to work um |
13888s | the boundary experts definitely were |
13890s | prepared for the black grid band and |
13892s | they read the black grid band as hey |
13894s | these guys really don't want to fight |
13896s | ECM and uh Falcons and Rooks are |
13899s | relatively similar obviously a falcon is |
13901s | a little bit easier to kill but if you |
13902s | can ever get on top of it or Target it |
13904s | it doesn't really matter and Boundary |
13906s | experts did a fantastic job both of |
13908s | their screening and their application of |
13910s | ECM which you know sometimes you see |
13913s | that it's like oh ecm's RNG it's it's a |
13916s | mechanic we hate it it's so |
13917s | unfun in this specific case uh |
13920s | dracaris was 100 not prepared for it I'm |
13923s | they didn't have armor ships which means |
13925s | you can fit sibo's they didn't have |
13926s | remote scenes or boosters and I'm |
13929s | guessing you know I have not looked at |
13930s | the sleptner fits yet because some of |
13931s | those pop up like as we're getting ready |
13933s | to pop up here but I'm guessing they |
13934s | didn't have info Links at all either and |
13936s | so if you don't have some of these |
13938s | little things that can make the you know |
13940s | make that little RNG needle to tilt a |
13943s | little bit in your favor you're just |
13944s | gonna get rolled by it and I think that |
13945s | you know it's like you said they're like |
13946s | haha we banned the Blackbird they can't |
13948s | possibly ECM us now and you're like well |
13950s | there's like four more ships that can do |
13952s | that you know five if you bring a widow |
13955s | which somebody brought in one so I can't |
13956s | I can't talk too much crap about it this |
13958s | time |
13959s | um but you still have to be prepared |
13960s | because you're hitting this sort of this |
13962s | is day three |
13964s | the teams that make it to day three are |
13966s | generally pretty good you know this is |
13967s | kind of jakarta's first time making it |
13968s | down here they did a pretty good job for |
13970s | it but they definitely like as soon as |
13972s | they ran up against the team there's |
13973s | actually experience they just got |
13974s | slapped down like they kind of had a |
13975s | little bit of a I almost want to say a |
13977s | lucky run to get to this point yeah I |
13979s | mean great great experience for the team |
13982s | I hope we see them again next year but |
13983s | unfortunately uh no more from them this |
13985s | year like you say they did win ships |
13987s | which is awesome all the teams that we |
13988s | see now are in the the ship winning |
13990s | position uh so a phenomenal effort from |
13993s | them all right let's look at our next |
13994s | match which I'm excited for um it is |
13996s | going to be a good one it's gonna be the |
13998s | tuskers versus platinum sensitivity |
14000s | let's take a look at the Bands |
14002s | tusker is Banning it the guardian the |
14004s | nearest the zarmas and the hyena so uh |
14007s | All Tech to arm Logistics removed by the |
14009s | tuskers Platinum sensitivity going for |
14011s | the hugin the Rapier the abaddin and the |
14013s | curse interesting sets of bands |
14015s | moderator uh talk me through some of |
14017s | this |
14018s | yeah so this is starting to get um into |
14021s | those kind of Third Day fourth day kind |
14024s | of like five head 3D chess band so |
14027s | tufters used all of their Logistics |
14030s | bands you're only allowed three of any |
14031s | one type of ship class on the tech 2 |
14034s | Armor logic so they don't want to see |
14036s | some sort of super heavy uh armor core |
14038s | Platinum sensitivity band hugin and |
14041s | Rapier which is interesting because we |
14043s | saw that in the last match uh tuscars |
14045s | himself brought a hugin unsuccessfully |
14049s | albeit and they also banned a badon |
14052s | which is something they've been doing |
14054s | this entire time so they must have seen |
14057s | something at this point in uh their |
14059s | scrim setup to say hey we're week two in |
14061s | a bad and in some way I'm not sure what |
14064s | um the curse again people have been |
14067s | Banning curse all day every day and I |
14069s | think we're gonna see that ship be |
14070s | banned by one of the two teams in every |
14073s | matchup from here on out probably to the |
14076s | end of time and I think both these teams |
14078s | do have their Flagship still available |
14079s | let's see if we can take a look at the |
14081s | remaining teams from what we started |
14082s | this morning so a bunch of teams are |
14084s | eliminated uh some of them losing their |
14086s | flagships on their way out two teams |
14088s | still in with uh without flagships |
14090s | Odin's Colin truth on like who go up |
14091s | against each other in just a little bit |
14093s | but as you can see here Platinum |
14094s | sensitivity and the tuskers both with |
14097s | their flagships remaining one a bar |
14098s | guests and one an Armageddon Navy issue |
14101s | so we should uh I kind of expect this |
14105s | might be a flagship match for both of |
14107s | these teams these are two really good |
14108s | teams really experienced teams uh what |
14111s | do you think about I think that this is |
14113s | one of the ones to bring it out and |
14114s | something that's super interesting about |
14115s | the bands here is that by |
14118s | Platinum sensitivity targeting this |
14120s | really weird comp that tuskers actually |
14122s | just fed really hard with and got them |
14124s | to this point they have completely left |
14127s | open ECM and on top of that the big |
14130s | three armor Logistics ships which is the |
14133s | stuff that you kind of need to counter |
14134s | ecmr out so taskers is a team that is |
14137s | very very good they are very very |
14138s | capable of flying ECM they don't |
14140s | normally do it but I could see this |
14143s | being the one where they pull out this |
14144s | like this pocket ECM stuff that we've |
14146s | been seeing teams really really well |
14147s | with I'm being told no flagships being |
14150s | fielded in this match so let's head over |
14152s | to the arena with our casters the |
14153s | Basilisk and ferovina |
14159s | welcome back to the Bernie Nader Arena |
14161s | my name is fennec join our fear vinex |
14163s | excuse me wrong cast her name joined by |
14166s | the Basilisk and on the red side it is |
14169s | the tuskers co bringing sudodad with |
14172s | Deacon Thalia as their lodgy what do we |
14175s | have on the blue side my co-commentary |
14177s | friend yeah so on the blue side we have |
14180s | Platinum sensitivity bringing a fairly |
14182s | similar comp and as we saw in the bands |
14184s | as we noted by the guys on the desk all |
14185s | three Tech Two logic cruises the zama's |
14187s | Daenerys the guardian all banned by |
14189s | tuskers so both teams have had to make |
14191s | adaptations to their comps here Platinum |
14192s | bring in the road Diva which I think |
14193s | they may have done before uh tuskers |
14195s | bring in the Deacon and Thalia so again |
14197s | these are two fairly similar comps it's |
14199s | just going to come down therefore to |
14200s | execution it's going to be who can fly |
14202s | this match up better who can fly this |
14204s | competitor so let's see how it goes |
14205s | obviously both these teams are |
14206s | exceptionally skilled Pilots but we are |
14208s | at this stage very deep in the |
14210s | tournament this is high stakes |
14213s | incredibly high stakes when we see |
14215s | tuskers immediately going for the radiva |
14217s | piyoshi if they're able to take through |
14219s | a diva down it's not going to be able to |
14221s | use those spooled reps to its Advantage |
14223s | up against the strong DPS from both |
14225s | these sides we've got a lot of attack |
14227s | bar a lot of Defense bar they're Diva |
14229s | going down pretty quickly as the song oh |
14230s | yeah uh is going to go into armor but |
14233s | they swap into the exact Navy of viola |
14235s | muroman |
14238s | yeah from most most teams aren't really |
14240s | running any like range webs Heinz or |
14242s | anything I mean we saw hug and Rapier |
14244s | banned by Platinum sensitivity and most |
14245s | teams aren't really running like a hyena |
14246s | or anything so if you can fly into this |
14248s | gun spam matchup and you have body frigs |
14250s | if geology freaks are capable BLD does |
14252s | go down but if those logic freaks are |
14253s | capable they can they can out trans the |
14255s | guns and they'll survive but the RO Diva |
14257s | as we saw just got absolutely melted |
14258s | there sometimes teams shoot the Oracle |
14260s | they think let's shoot the Oracle the |
14261s | oracle's probably brick tanked it's bait |
14262s | tanked already but now we're seeing |
14263s | exact navies on both sides go down the |
14264s | central of Nyx is going to go down as |
14266s | well he's causing a Havoc with those TDS |
14267s | he goes down xack of Katarina's taking |
14269s | chunks as well Fally are in the Jaeger |
14271s | and Thalia he's going to go down now |
14273s | they look at the Oracle of nightcap |
14274s | there's trees on both sides here so much |
14276s | DPS going across the field |
14279s | yeah I mean it's just one ship after |
14281s | another boom boom boom boom boom but the |
14283s | stalia keeps staying alive uh for the |
14286s | side of the tuskers right now this |
14287s | Oracle of nightcap this is not a bait |
14289s | tank Oracle this was your typical uh |
14291s | paper High DPS Oracle and it is out |
14294s | they're going for the exact Navy of naio |
14296s | KC as well as this verdicts maybe is |
14299s | currently the primary from Platinum |
14300s | sensitivity but this is a very bloody |
14302s | match it's devolved into a brawl reminds |
14304s | us of Shield Rush V Shield Rush matchups |
14307s | from A.T prior as this predicts Navy is |
14309s | about to go down so is the toxic Navy |
14311s | and its two ship lead right now for the |
14314s | side of tuskers as they end up taking |
14315s | down that exact Navy the spirits Navy |
14317s | staying alive for quite a bit longer now |
14319s | yeah I think wex may go down here but |
14321s | Jaeger and Skyler are still hanging on |
14323s | there and I think the longer this goes |
14325s | the more favorable it gets for tuscas |
14326s | but the confession goes down but in the |
14328s | top end both these teams have the same |
14330s | ships they both have the Absolution they |
14331s | both have the Estates The Tech 2 resists |
14333s | of the absolute means that the Reps of |
14336s | the deacon of the valley will be so |
14337s | strong if they can't kill Jaeger then |
14339s | Oscars will have this in the bag and |
14341s | Jaeger is still holding the Skyler Hawk |
14342s | is keeping him alive they're not |
14343s | particularly close there's a huge swarm |
14345s | of drones after him but he's out running |
14346s | them Jaeger is living to win here and |
14348s | meanwhile heinkel in the brutex Navy on |
14349s | the other side is going to go down |
14351s | yeah but they do have enough damage to |
14353s | actually break the Reps on this |
14354s | Absolution of glossy vuk2 if they can |
14356s | take him down maybe uh they'll get a |
14359s | moral Victory I doubt they're gonna be |
14361s | able to win this with uh as few ships as |
14363s | they do they'll only have a starting an |
14365s | Absolution and an OG Navy versus all the |
14366s | DPS uh coming from cider tuskers I want |
14369s | to look at the smaller just to see is it |
14371s | a gun Mauler yes of course it is it's |
14373s | pseudo dad that's what we expect not the |
14376s | Absolution of Mark Bridges is going to |
14378s | be the target from the tuskers they have |
14380s | won this and are going to move on to the |
14382s | next round as Platinum sensitivity once |
14384s | again getting knocked down on day three |
14387s | and out of the tournament yeah but a |
14389s | really good performance and I mean to be |
14391s | honest these guys are going to be |
14392s | grateful that they can go to bed because |
14393s | I got some sort of Unholy hour in Japan |
14396s | right now |
14397s | they're gonna yeah they're gonna go to |
14398s | sleep but I just want to shout out the |
14400s | cruel here I think this is a ship that |
14401s | we haven't seen many teams field I mean |
14403s | we filled with it earlier in our match |
14405s | against arrival um when the hyena was |
14407s | banned in this match tuskers did a |
14409s | little bait maybe where they banned the |
14411s | hyena and said no we don't need range |
14412s | webs haha and then brought the crew but |
14414s | I think the tuskers have actually |
14415s | brought this a couple times before what |
14416s | do you think first I mean it seems it's |
14418s | object it's weaker than the hyena like |
14420s | it's tankier but it has less webs |
14422s | they're shorter range do you think it's |
14424s | an adequate replacement |
14426s | and it has also loves the shorter range |
14428s | it's also slower uh I think it works if |
14431s | you build your team around the fact that |
14433s | you've got a career right |
14435s | um so you know drop in placement less so |
14438s | but you do get a couple more points that |
14441s | you can use uh crewer is uh pirate |
14444s | faction forget so I think it's what it |
14447s | is bigger than a hyena yeah |
14451s | or a Punisher so you know I think yeah |
14455s | yeah in this sort of comp where you've |
14457s | got lots of DPS up at like 20 30 |
14458s | kilometers with nexx and absos and the |
14460s | starches yeah I think I think tuskers |
14462s | are showing it's actually a pretty valid |
14464s | Choice here but this this Navy overall |
14466s | of LTL Bazaar does finally go down that |
14468s | signals the end unfortunately of |
14470s | platinum sensitivities match and their |
14471s | tournament run tuskers Co will be moving |
14473s | on and we're going to send it back to |
14474s | the desk to break that one down |
14476s | thank you |
14491s | [Music] |
14494s | [Applause] |
14500s | do we ever use boosters and doctrines |
14502s | checklisters |
14506s | oh yes |
14514s | goons like you say there's such a huge |
14517s | group in the game that they can easily |
14518s | just do their own internal practices if |
14520s | they wanted to they can easily get 20 |
14521s | Pilots I'm sure |
14532s | [Music] |
14546s | [Music] |
14552s | [Music] |
14557s | thank you |
14563s | tuskers putting mystical might's theory |
14566s | of its Mark Bridges is indestructible to |
14568s | the test and finding he is in fact fully |
14570s | destructible as they win pretty |
14572s | convincingly in that uh still exciting |
14575s | match but it was a pretty handily |
14576s | dismantling by the tuskers moderator |
14579s | talk to me about what's going to happen |
14580s | there yeah so unfortunately the side of |
14584s | Mark Bridges and platinum they spent the |
14587s | first initial bit trying to shoot a |
14589s | Thalia and that is not the correct |
14593s | Target call what you're trying to do |
14594s | there is go after either hostile |
14598s | um you know Cruisers or you know a |
14600s | battle cruiser and when you end up going |
14603s | up against trying to track |
14606s | one of the ships in the game that has |
14607s | the smallest signature radius and you |
14609s | just do nothing you've wasted 20 seconds |
14612s | and this Max threat comp |
14614s | in a mirror is entirely going to be |
14616s | decided by who chooses the most |
14618s | effective targeting and that was taskers |
14620s | when they dive through Diva and then |
14622s | chewed through you know bottom up in |
14625s | terms of tank versus Raw DPS kind of the |
14628s | calculation that some of the |
14630s | commentators have been talking about |
14632s | throughout the entire weekend here has |
14635s | been very much on display and I mean |
14638s | unfortunately we also saw that the |
14639s | Sentinel |
14641s | um did not do any tracking disruptions |
14643s | so we have to assume it was a missile |
14644s | guidance disruption fit so that's kind |
14646s | of Five Points entirely wasted there |
14648s | so unfortunate for Market Bridges but |
14652s | Tosca is really just outplayed them and |
14654s | they are going to make it on to the next |
14656s | round |
14657s | yeah Tasker is another team that likes |
14660s | to bring these slightly Off the Wall |
14661s | comps and we saw uh them bringing a crew |
14664s | we saw a Walter bringing a couple of |
14665s | crewers later on today not the most |
14666s | common ship that we see uh we can see |
14668s | here the usage across the different |
14670s | tournaments uh lots of them dying |
14672s | clearly but the tuskers are one of the |
14673s | uh the teams that uses the most bringing |
14675s | them 11 times 96 wins 93 losses for that |
14678s | but look at that Spike back a few |
14680s | Alliance tournaments ago I believe that |
14682s | was the one uh sponsored by the blood |
14684s | Raiders uh so it likely was reduced in |
14686s | points but that is a a heck of a heck of |
14689s | a bar right there for them Blackboard |
14691s | Pirates why would you maybe bring a crew |
14694s | it's okay it's not super fantastic it |
14696s | does um it does feel that kind of Niche |
14698s | where it's like you know once you get |
14700s | occur on the target as a tackle ship |
14702s | you're never ever going to get rid of it |
14704s | unless you either jam it or destroy it |
14705s | uh just because you can't nute them out |
14707s | uh they're very good at actually |
14709s | catching stuff because their webs are |
14711s | pretty long range for frigate and |
14713s | they're not that hard to just uh not |
14716s | like that hard to tank pretty well um |
14717s | you usually will see them go a full uh |
14719s | full set of nasas and notes on the top |
14721s | so you're not going to be using them as |
14722s | like maybe a solo PVP forget as much but |
14724s | uh it's it's a pretty good ship it's |
14726s | kind of a what we want longer range webs |
14728s | but we also need tackle but we also want |
14730s | a little bit of Newt so why don't we |
14731s | just bring all of them it's not |
14732s | particularly good at any of them but |
14734s | it's okay at all of it awesome well as |
14737s | we say uh tuskers continue to uh they'll |
14740s | run through the tournament get |
14741s | themselves some more skins get |
14742s | themselves closer to more and more prize |
14744s | ships uh which I'm sure everyone we're |
14746s | very happy about I'm told that we can go |
14748s | check in with our beloved friend CP |
14751s | Swift and see how he was enjoying his |
14753s | dinner |
14754s | I'm super worried now I don't know why |
14758s | well this is really awkward |
14760s | um I am sees me Swift and I'm a |
14763s | community developer for eBay |
14765s | [Music] |
14772s | all right just back to back okay |
14776s | I don't have to go again right I'm so |
14778s | bad at rules |
14779s | [Music] |
14781s | all right so my Eve Journey began in |
14784s | 2004 |
14785s | and um I was actually in University and |
14789s | uh one of my friends was playing a game |
14791s | in the library and I was like oh this is |
14793s | cool |
14794s | and I started it and I immediately |
14798s | sucked at it and then three months later |
14801s | it was summer and I was like oh I'll try |
14803s | this game again and uh so I did and I |
14806s | was just as bad as I was before but I |
14808s | didn't want to let the game beat me all |
14810s | right fine I'm not gonna let this game |
14812s | beat me uh I've been kind of playing |
14814s | ever since |
14819s | Boop |
14823s | all right this looks a little bit more |
14825s | scary |
14827s | I'm sure it's fine though like it can't |
14828s | be so bad right |
14830s | I only heard a few tears from the other |
14832s | room |
14834s | [Music] |
14838s | all right that's a little bit more spicy |
14839s | still good though |
14841s | I'm really happy with how the CSM is |
14843s | actually currently I think as an |
14846s | institution some people were are like |
14848s | quick to criticize it but I think it's a |
14850s | really really healthy place now |
14851s | [Music] |
14852s | um both internally and externally |
14855s | and the spices building |
14857s | [Music] |
14864s | delicious |
14866s | all right I have lost count so I don't |
14868s | know which one this is |
14872s | right now we are working pretty much |
14874s | full focus on obviously the alliance |
14877s | torment and then for Fan Fest the 20th |
14880s | anniversary Fan Fest is going to be |
14882s | bananas as the kids say I'm pretty sure |
14884s | that all the kids are saying bananas now |
14886s | [Music] |
14894s | all right the last wing |
14897s | oh excited yeah see you bearing uncanny |
14902s | resemblance to one of Eve's most |
14904s | notorious players the uh feared |
14908s | commander of pandemic Legions five-time |
14911s | Alliance tournament winners and a man |
14913s | some know is Elise Randolph yeah could |
14916s | you explain why pandemic Legion couldn't |
14918s | even qualify for the Superstar well you |
14921s | know it's hard you go through rebuilding |
14923s | years uh you get like use a few you know |
14927s | key members some very handsome memories |
14929s | sometimes you know you can't really fill |
14932s | those slots all the time |
14933s | [Music] |
14934s | um |
14936s | um is always year after year more |
14939s | competitive than the last year so you |
14942s | have to always keep up with the meta you |
14943s | have to always keep up with the trading |
14945s | and you really need a very strong core |
14949s | of individuals to go through it |
14952s | um you know sometimes you've got to take |
14953s | a break you get the meta wrong |
14954s | especially in the feeders it's a very |
14957s | punishing and that's why we're seeing |
14959s | all the best matches uh match after |
14961s | match |
14962s | [Music] |
14964s | also |
14965s | you need like some good looking people |
14967s | on the team so it's |
14970s | foreign |
14977s | [Music] |
14983s | thank you |
14985s | [Music] |
14992s | I mean not a single reaction Stone Cold |
14994s | killer CCP Swift there just didn't seem |
14998s | to notice that he was eating those those |
15000s | wings were very spicy |
15002s | um they were they were extreme they made |
15004s | me cry yeah I don't usually do that cp5 |
15007s | the other day |
15008s | um in our uh where we're staying which |
15010s | is colloquially known as The Chateau de |
15011s | gamer |
15013s | um he made some spicy Ramen and he |
15016s | offered some around and I was like sure |
15017s | I'll try it forgetting that this man |
15020s | like has asbestos for a mouth I tried |
15022s | one bite and I think it was worse than |
15026s | the wings uh genuinely it was I had to |
15029s | go get milk and sit there feeling very |
15031s | sorry for myself with one bite of this |
15032s | Ramen and he was just |
15034s | like enjoying it and then uh conflict |
15037s | had a bit as well and then was also |
15039s | struggling but there's like oh but it's |
15040s | so delicious and went for it so |
15043s | I'm so I'm so respectful of these people |
15045s | but bloody hell that was uh that's quite |
15047s | something uh okay we have our next match |
15049s | which I want to get to earlier now |
15051s | because it's going to be super exciting |
15053s | it is Odin's call versus truth on a |
15055s | light this is a repeat of last year's |
15057s | Grand Final essentially both these teams |
15059s | played in the final truth on a light |
15060s | went three and oh uh Odin's call this is |
15063s | an opportunity in a best of one |
15064s | potentially to get their own back |
15066s | especially as neither team has a |
15068s | flagship so that means this is going to |
15070s | be really anyone's game uh anyone can |
15072s | bring something just a bit off the wall |
15074s | and pull out the all-important W Odin's |
15077s | called Banning out the curse the |
15078s | Scimitar the abaddin and the hyena uh |
15081s | truth or like going for the Bargas the |
15082s | Loki the curse and the prophecy Navy |
15084s | issue which I see as a as an image now |
15086s | which is fantastic |
15087s | um with the trickle bands from the |
15089s | curses we get the slept near and an |
15092s | osprey Blackbird pirate uh your thoughts |
15094s | on these bands oh so many of them uh so |
15097s | Vargas being ban means that's not |
15099s | happening we're not going to see this |
15100s | Vargas Eeyore setup that we've been |
15102s | seeing a couple teams brought uh which |
15104s | is pretty crazy because both teams have |
15106s | lost their flagships um curse bands |
15108s | we've talked about it like it's a good |
15110s | ship to ban it was it is going to be the |
15112s | most banned ship here uh it's a little |
15114s | weird though that we're seeing |
15117s | sort of this like both teams are kind of |
15119s | banning The Shield rush out here because |
15121s | if you don't have a low key you don't |
15122s | have a sleptner it's a lot harder to |
15123s | hamrush each other |
15125s | um you don't have a hyena it's a lot |
15126s | harder to sort of do that control there |
15127s | I don't really quite get the prophecy |
15131s | Navy Band I think this is another one of |
15133s | those like strange ones where truth on |
15135s | or light is doing truth honor light |
15137s | things where it's you know we've seen it |
15139s | a lot in this Max threat setup but it's |
15140s | definitely not the ship of the max |
15142s | threat setup that'd be you know |
15143s | executive issues um very very very |
15146s | interesting bands uh |
15149s | I don't think it really telegraphs all |
15150s | that much besides hey don't use a ham |
15152s | Rush |
15153s | yeah this um is a best of one |
15156s | elimination match for these two teams |
15157s | here |
15158s | um one thing I kind of wanted to head on |
15159s | is when it comes to like best of Threes |
15162s | best of fives the team like truth on the |
15164s | light they have so much experience |
15165s | getting to to finals in one way or |
15167s | another that you can see the difference |
15170s | when they come up against like Odin's |
15171s | call last year 3-0 uh Volta the year |
15174s | before as well three you know but in a |
15176s | best of one it could really can be blown |
15178s | all the way open if you go back to |
15179s | Alliance tournament 17 for example uh |
15182s | Volta and Truth on white came up against |
15184s | each other very close to the finals in a |
15186s | best of one Volta able to take the win |
15188s | there uh knocking down for tonight who |
15190s | then came back up through the loser |
15191s | bracket final into the Grand Final where |
15193s | it became a best of five and uh and they |
15195s | lost at that point uh so you know don't |
15198s | count Odin's color at all in fact I'm |
15200s | gonna check whether twitch Channel |
15200s | points are because I bet you this one's |
15202s | actually pretty close oh okay apparently |
15204s | I know nothing um it's uh truth on the |
15206s | light still very much the favorites uh |
15208s | 1.8 million to 660 000. I don't know |
15211s | it's called I mean could they he could |
15214s | you pull this out yeah oh yeah |
15216s | absolutely like this is it's it's like |
15218s | you said so |
15219s | um personal personal opinion because you |
15221s | know as as we can see yeah |
15224s | um truth on her light in my opinion is |
15226s | probably unbeatable in a best of three |
15229s | or a best of five as soon as you get |
15231s | into the best of one situation though |
15233s | anything can happen and uh we see teams |
15236s | like this both these teams have fought |
15237s | up against each other this was the Grand |
15239s | finals of last year |
15241s | um this is a grudge match by any |
15243s | definition of the word and they don't |
15245s | have flagships so they can't like bring |
15247s | their you know Apex Flagship setup but |
15249s | they can bring some really weird wacky |
15251s | wild stuff which is something I think |
15253s | that both of these teams are set are |
15255s | kind of able to do but truth honor light |
15257s | is like able to do it to the point of |
15259s | they out meta themselves so that's what |
15262s | I was just thinking I imagine a team |
15264s | like just on the lights when they come |
15265s | up a match like this they're probably |
15267s | gonna be more cool more cam were |
15268s | collected and just do what they know is |
15270s | correct versus another team who's going |
15272s | to be like oh this is gonna be really |
15274s | tough and then it's it's very easy |
15275s | moderator to get into that sort of like |
15277s | Theory crafting hell hole where you look |
15279s | at their bands and you go okay how do we |
15281s | counter what we think they're going to |
15282s | bring and then you end up bringing |
15283s | almost the completely wrong setup like |
15285s | what would you say it's a team like |
15286s | Golden's call here it's too late now |
15287s | obviously but what would you say |
15290s | find the setup you're most comfortable |
15291s | with because at this point in the game |
15293s | if you start |
15294s | triple guessing yourself second guessing |
15296s | yourself quadruple guessing yourself |
15298s | you're going to lose you have to play |
15301s | with what you're most comfortable with |
15302s | what you've been doing the best in |
15303s | scrims with uh because against a team |
15308s | like uh truth honor light like we were |
15310s | talking about their Theory crafting |
15312s | where they get to these best of Threes |
15314s | best of fives is where they shine if |
15316s | they get a clean winners bracket run |
15317s | they've been pretty much winning it |
15319s | every year but this is a chance where if |
15322s | you can get them in the lower bracket |
15324s | and really knock them off in the best of |
15326s | one that's ticket that's Odin's calls |
15328s | ticket to basically come back into it |
15330s | and that's how they've done it in the |
15332s | past when they were NC DOT in with some |
15334s | of the core that's how I think they're |
15336s | gonna have to do it right here and now |
15338s | if they want to make it to tomorrow |
15341s | and of course the winner of this one |
15342s | will still have to go up against the |
15344s | winner of arrival versus template calciv |
15346s | so there's still a long way to go for |
15347s | either of these teams to make it to the |
15349s | finals but first someone's got to win |
15351s | this match so let's head for truth on |
15353s | the light versus on this call with Mark |
15355s | message directors and Chad Flame |
15364s | welcome back friends it's me Mark |
15366s | resurrectus here at the berninator arena |
15369s | with the absolutely incandescent Chad |
15372s | flame for the match to end all matches |
15375s | The Grudge Match the rematch of last |
15378s | year's finals we have in red the team |
15381s | from my beloved Wormhole space Odin's |
15384s | call versus truth honor light in blue |
15387s | Odin's bringing a shield Rush with dual |
15390s | Nighthawk Cyclone Fleet Drake Navy Onyx |
15392s | Osprey Navy caracal Navy flight catcher |
15394s | burst and Bantam Chad flame what are we |
15397s | seeing for the team from truth honor |
15399s | light |
15399s | we are seeing a drone control setup with |
15403s | a newt getting followed by EOS zarmad |
15406s | double arbitrator for control with the |
15409s | nurm Navy vaccinating the Confessor |
15411s | Vengeance and vexer as the match kicks |
15414s | off |
15415s | you can see the team from truth on a |
15417s | light or rather the team from Odin's |
15418s | call quickly crossing the gap |
15420s | swarming the the Armageddon of Bap 1811 |
15423s | which is taking a lot of damage right |
15424s | now in from those hands but does it look |
15427s | like they're going to stop quite there I |
15428s | lied they are going to stop right there |
15430s | they're going immediately for the |
15431s | headshot on the the battleship of the |
15434s | team from truth honor light and putting |
15435s | a lot of damage into that Armageddon |
15438s | we're gonna see if they can get enough |
15439s | damage in there before that his arm |
15441s | starts pulling I'd assume they would |
15442s | that damage bar is absurd from the |
15444s | Odin's team my goodness gracious the |
15447s | power of the hand missile launcher |
15449s | incredible |
15452s | now you see the control bar of trick |
15453s | Dynamite is huge but it's not going to |
15455s | really matter if this Odin's team will |
15456s | get right on top of you and just shred |
15458s | through you it's almost like true that |
15460s | logic is not really even hardly able to |
15462s | do anything with the amount of damage |
15464s | Odin's able to produce in this match Bap |
15466s | 1811 dropping into low structure and the |
15469s | Armageddon goes down immediately truth |
15472s | on her light without a a without their |
15474s | getting they don't have I didn't |
15475s | actually catch to see whether it was I'm |
15477s | assuming it was a new again that's a lot |
15479s | of points off the board for the team |
15481s | from truth on life now that damage going |
15482s | on to both the EOS and the murm Navy |
15484s | while truth on light is looking for a |
15487s | Target they can't seem to find out where |
15488s | they want to to go for |
15490s | it looks like they're going for that low |
15491s | end uh the lodgy frigates so odins has |
15494s | brought which is I don't know how much |
15496s | of a difference it's going to make but |
15497s | the amount of damage that is on grid |
15499s | those Logics are just free pick apart |
15500s | kills obviously you gotta take those |
15502s | kind of kills but it doesn't seem like |
15503s | they're getting rid of the damage which |
15504s | is just seeming to chew through this |
15506s | truth on their late team oh absolutely |
15508s | the Merm Navy have brainstra now going |
15510s | down every time they kill one of these |
15512s | ships they're losing that much more |
15513s | damage from drones the caracal Navy 2 |
15516s | from the team from un's call also |
15518s | dropping but still there's still so much |
15520s | damage left both Nighthawks the Cyclone |
15522s | Fleet the Drake Navy the Onyx the O and |
15525s | I can put out so much damage they just |
15527s | need to pick another Target and they |
15528s | have it's the EOS of China Tech |
15531s | just get rid of as many of these drone |
15533s | boats as possible trying to limit the |
15534s | amount of damage on grids you know truth |
15536s | damage bar isn't actually that small uh |
15539s | for what it is but the more drone trips |
15541s | they take out the the more Odin's call |
15543s | is going to be able to survive without |
15544s | their logic being alive on grid anymore |
15545s | they still have the damage it looks like |
15547s | to chew it through anything they pick |
15549s | even through those spooling's arm as |
15551s | reps |
15552s | yeah you can see already the uh the the |
15555s | the team they've pulled off of that EOS |
15557s | a little bit looks like they're drawing |
15558s | for another Target and they are nith |
15560s | hinkin in the Confessor they they kept |
15562s | the one bait the bait Nighthawk of |
15564s | Colonel Kurtz or rather yes the the bait |
15567s | Nighthawk of Colonel Kurtz down on the |
15569s | EOS to hold him down while the rest of |
15570s | the team pulled back up towards the |
15572s | Confessor of night thinking and that |
15574s | confess is going to drop this arm can't |
15576s | keep both of them up at the same time |
15577s | but he is catching reps I lied he is |
15579s | catching reps he's gonna survive |
15582s | showing the defense mode power in that |
15584s | Confessor right there plus that his arm |
15585s | wraps but that also resets the spool of |
15588s | those arm rep which means they might be |
15589s | able to pick another Target and go all |
15591s | in on that before those arm UPS can |
15593s | spool you know they're just it looks |
15595s | like picking a target maybe switching |
15596s | off here and there to take advantage of |
15598s | the fact that this armas has a single |
15599s | weapon that is bonused and spools over |
15602s | time at the same time the team from |
15604s | Odin's call slowly getting picked apart |
15606s | you can see now an eight to six ship |
15608s | disparity they still have all of their |
15611s | high end but they just lost another fly |
15612s | catcher the vexer Navy of Nick domar in |
15617s | from truth honor light now the primary |
15618s | target you can see those hams battling |
15621s | against the the spooled Reps of the |
15624s | tsarmast but it looks like he is gonna |
15626s | push in the hole can they break him over |
15628s | here now before they have to switch off |
15630s | because of his arm spool well also |
15633s | they're shooting that EOS as well |
15634s | getting a little bit of Chip damage on |
15636s | that and you know both teams doing a |
15637s | really good job um executing what |
15639s | they're doing right now you know split |
15641s | damage can possibly pull the rep off to |
15643s | the EOS making it easier to do a hot |
15644s | switch onto a Target and screw with that |
15646s | his arms ability to screw um to spool on |
15649s | somebody but at the same time tripped |
15651s | under Lane is just taking down these ham |
15652s | ships you know and playing catch-up |
15654s | really well and that might make it so |
15657s | that they don't have the damage to ever |
15658s | break through this arm yeah they've got |
15661s | uh they're going back and forth the the |
15663s | they were on the Confessor of thinking |
15665s | there for a second as well they still |
15666s | have Colonel Kurtz pushing damage into |
15669s | the EOS of China Tech uh as they're now |
15672s | they're switching looks like they're |
15672s | switching back to Nick domar in the Vex |
15675s | Navy forcing General Hungary in the Tsar |
15679s | Mass to work absolutely at his maximum |
15681s | using every inch of his brain to try and |
15684s | keep his ships alive the vaccine Navy |
15686s | does go down they will trade it for the |
15688s | Osprey Navy from Odin's call that's a |
15691s | pretty good trade |
15692s | indeed it's a very good trade uh almost |
15695s | for both teams I think underlay getting |
15696s | the slight advantage in that but I will |
15698s | say like you said General hungry known |
15700s | for being one of the top tier lodgy |
15701s | Pilots uh in this tournament setup |
15703s | really showing using one of the harder |
15706s | lodging ships to use and doing it with |
15708s | top tier execution Odin's about to lose |
15711s | a fleet Cyclone as well and it does not |
15713s | seem like they're doing a very good job |
15714s | getting rid of that truth honor light |
15716s | damage quick enough anymore yeah and |
15718s | they've been trying to kill nithinkin in |
15719s | the confession there for like the last |
15721s | two minutes it's not gonna work they |
15723s | really need to swap off of something but |
15724s | it looks like the Confessor does have |
15726s | somebody tackled uh I'm looking here |
15731s | yeah he has the uh the Cyclone Fleet |
15733s | attack or rather than Nighthawk tackled |
15735s | so they have to they have to put in on |
15737s | the the Confessor to try and break the |
15739s | tackle at the same time they are going |
15740s | to lose the Cyclone Fleet issue which is |
15742s | just going to leave the Onyx in both |
15744s | Nighthawk I don't think it's enough DPS |
15745s | at the same time Colonel Kurtz quietly |
15748s | pushing through this this EOS from China |
15750s | Tech if you can push through the EOS |
15752s | there's quite a bit of DBS down from the |
15754s | team from truth honor light |
15756s | you know early in the match I was |
15758s | thinking looking at this you know it |
15759s | didn't seem like truth I might not have |
15761s | done the Bus drop screen they got right |
15762s | on top of that get in immediately but |
15764s | following that your Dynamite has split |
15766s | up a little bit that Odin's called team |
15768s | it seems you know the Nighthawk being |
15769s | down low but the rest of the guys are up |
15771s | top that is really allowing Liz's arm to |
15774s | do work and keep whoever he wants to |
15775s | keep alive alive and it just seems like |
15777s | Odin's damage has fallen off around |
15779s | halfway through that match yeah they |
15781s | they're having a hell of a time right |
15782s | now trying to find a single Target that |
15785s | they can get on top of the Vengeance of |
15786s | Kadesh Priestess now down on top of |
15788s | Colonel Kurtz uh and is going to try and |
15790s | pull him out of range he is now out of |
15793s | range of the EOS he can't apply damage |
15795s | to the ears anymore those hand missiles |
15797s | don't have the range to reach all the |
15799s | way over there and kill the ears if you |
15800s | can't kill the EOS they've just got too |
15802s | much DPS on the grid they're gonna push |
15804s | through this Onyx and then all that's |
15806s | gonna be left are The Nighthawks and |
15807s | they just don't have the damage |
15810s | it was a good effort by Owen's call here |
15811s | getting on top of the truth on her late |
15813s | team truth either way just managed to |
15815s | pull together some excellent execution |
15816s | by Logic as well as tackling almost |
15819s | splitting up that Odin's team a little |
15820s | bit you sacrificed that getting off to |
15822s | get using it as a big screener and then |
15824s | just slowly pulled back from what |
15826s | everyone expected to be uh and Odin's |
15829s | called Runaway but you know these teams |
15831s | both been very great execution teams and |
15833s | top-end teams you never know what you're |
15835s | going to get in one of these kinds of |
15836s | matches no you can't and these |
15837s | Nighthawks now are dead in the water |
15839s | they can sit back the team from truth or |
15841s | like can sit back as far as they want as |
15844s | long as they have The Nighthawks tackled |
15845s | The Nighthawks won't be able to apply to |
15847s | the lower end ships won't be able to |
15849s | apply to the Vengeance can't apply the |
15850s | Confessor without help they can't shoot |
15852s | the EOS they can't shoot this arm they |
15854s | are just sitting ducks as these drones |
15857s | chew through their Shield buffer and |
15860s | that will be it what a match these two |
15863s | teams very well played by uh by the team |
15866s | from truth on the light uh you know |
15868s | again against so much DPS on this grid |
15871s | we're able to just methodically push |
15872s | their way through and now they're at the |
15874s | the at the brink of pushing back maybe |
15877s | their best Challenger to the finals of |
15880s | this tournament |
15882s | and you know and this is crazy because |
15884s | this was you know played as a best of |
15885s | three last or best of five last year |
15886s | only going three matches but still this |
15888s | is this is a best of one situation |
15890s | anything can happen in these matches you |
15892s | know it's an upset no matter what to see |
15894s | either of these teams go home this early |
15896s | I don't think anyone's expecting to see |
15897s | this kind of matchup this early on in |
15899s | the tournament no not at all you can see |
15901s | good fights going up in local the team |
15903s | from Odin's call now throwing in the |
15905s | white flag they know what they've done |
15907s | this team from truth honor light set to |
15910s | be the odds on favorite for the entire |
15913s | rest of this tournament and what a |
15916s | performance they put on here today again |
15917s | against the their rematch team from last |
15921s | year's finals we will see them advance |
15923s | and it looks like they are going to be |
15925s | going up against the winner of either a |
15927s | rival or templas khalsif in the next |
15930s | round as we inch here closer towards the |
15933s | finals of this year's Alliance |
15935s | tournament one of The Nighthawks goes |
15937s | down all that's left is brave Colonel |
15939s | Kurtz who held down that EOS for such a |
15941s | long time he will be the final Target |
15945s | it was interesting you know that EOS was |
15947s | the maker break point in this match it |
15949s | felt like at one point they were going |
15950s | all in on it realized maybe this isn't |
15952s | the best Target and then swapped over to |
15954s | trying to get rid of the small end of |
15955s | True thunder light well they had damage |
15957s | on grid but you know they didn't apply |
15959s | overly well to that small end and this |
15961s | arm did a very good job of uh juggling |
15963s | that um trick rep you know hard thing to |
15967s | do you know in these high pressure |
15968s | situations especially with how much |
15969s | damage is on grid and you know true |
15971s | thunder light really showing that they |
15973s | are the execution team uh from last year |
15976s | in the last few years you know in this |
15978s | match yeah Chad you're absolutely right |
15980s | and like uh like our good friend black |
15982s | pirate said perhaps in a best of free |
15985s | scenario uh the team from truth on the |
15987s | light is maybe the most unbeatable team |
15989s | in the tournament perhaps in the game uh |
15992s | but they can also do it just fine in a |
15995s | best of one as well as Colonel Kurtz |
15997s | dips into armor and will be into |
16000s | structure shortly that will be it for |
16003s | this match Odin's call Will call it a |
16006s | season as we head back to the desk with |
16009s | CCP overload black Bart pirate and the |
16013s | ccpb |
16016s | foreign |
16031s | [Music] |
16034s | [Applause] |
16052s | owned by Ryan like this kill the rats |
16058s | relax |
16060s | I'm gonna die dude I was yeah I was |
16062s | yellow to these it's dead |
16066s | they were white a second ago and then |
16068s | they just got all Angry |
16073s | [Music] |
16091s | foreign |
16096s | [Music] |
16101s | [Music] |
16104s | 's call tragically exiting the |
16107s | tournament in a absolute nail biter that |
16109s | is one of those matches where again the |
16111s | scoreline says one thing but those who |
16113s | watch it saw something completely |
16114s | different I heard marks directors saying |
16117s | easily in the best of one but I don't |
16118s | think that was easy at all for a truth |
16120s | on the light it was just so close for so |
16123s | long uh we saw not very many guidance |
16125s | disruptors coming from that team I don't |
16126s | think they expected to face what they |
16128s | faced that first Battleship getting |
16130s | clapped pretty quickly and then Bart it |
16133s | looked like they chose to go for the EOS |
16134s | was that the moment yes that was a um |
16138s | you know I so |
16140s | I used to fly with some of the members |
16142s | on Odin's call uh Colonel Kurtz is a |
16144s | pretty good space friend of mine we've |
16146s | actually flown in several tournaments |
16147s | together in the past and so I don't want |
16149s | to be too mean but I think that and I |
16152s | recognize the screening on Hydra is |
16154s | absolutely insane the tracking disruptor |
16156s | is ridiculous I do think that going |
16157s | after the EOS there |
16159s | cost in the match because eos's are |
16163s | possibly the hardest to kill ship in the |
16166s | entire game in the tournament setting |
16168s | and we saw it like literally lived just |
16172s | long enough for those zarm reps to start |
16174s | doing what zarm reps do which is spool |
16176s | up until they rep a massive amount a |
16178s | massive props to General Hungary who |
16180s | continues to be the best logic pilot in |
16181s | the game sorry Tim Baron we know that |
16184s | you know this is an absolutely insane |
16186s | thing now hey look there is |
16189s | of General hungry so played a lot of |
16191s | matches the most important one 16 wins |
16194s | two losses 16 survive two dive so uh not |
16198s | a man who enjoys uh losing lot of man |
16200s | who enjoys being blown up he usually |
16202s | declines that and as you can see flies |
16203s | pretty much just exclusively logistic |
16205s | ships |
16206s | um you know some some positions in a |
16208s | team like your Logistics pilot are just |
16210s | so crucial it is like one of the hardest |
16213s | highest skill things in in Eve online in |
16216s | my opinion uh to do is an alliance |
16218s | tournament Logistics pilot and in terms |
16220s | of what you have to do with positioning |
16221s | being aware of what's Happening making |
16222s | sure you don't get tackled managing your |
16224s | own resources keeping your friends alive |
16226s | especially in a ship like Azar Mass |
16228s | which has that spilling rep that is just |
16231s | like if they're swapping targets you |
16233s | have to be really on the ball uh like |
16235s | you have to get on early like and we saw |
16237s | Odin's trying to catch him out by |
16238s | swapping between things like the |
16239s | Confessor the Vixen AV issue and a bunch |
16242s | of them all starting to hit Hull but |
16244s | General Hungary was like don't worry I |
16246s | got you and those reps Landing just in |
16249s | the absolute nick of time to save them |
16251s | I'm joining the desk as well by CCB CCP |
16254s | how are you hello I'm doing great how |
16255s | are you I'm very well thank you for |
16257s | asking you the first one actually about |
16258s | to ask all the rest of these guests just |
16259s | don't even don't ever ask around |
16262s | um so you've been here with us at last |
16264s | time you've been one of our camera |
16265s | operators yes I've been on the camera |
16267s | the 3D camera doing the kind of comment |
16269s | watching the fights themselves actually |
16271s | evolve and this has been the like most |
16273s | fun I've had at an 80 ever going to |
16276s | actually Zoom around the grid watch the |
16278s | action happen zoom out see where they're |
16280s | lunging and just try and keep an eye on |
16282s | on how it's evolving through the fight |
16284s | it's been super fun if any any sort of |
16286s | amazing moments that you remember |
16287s | jumping out that you I mean today alone |
16289s | we have had like lots of MGD plays where |
16291s | they've gone to an MGD Beacon I've |
16293s | zoomed around the back of it and just |
16295s | seen them all start spooling up and I'm |
16296s | like oh they're about to do it and then |
16297s | just see them all kind of teleport 100 |
16299s | kilometers has been like probably one of |
16301s | my favorite moments awesome and of |
16303s | course normally we see you on the Friday |
16305s | so |
16311s | we actually had one here in Nottingham a |
16313s | couple of nights ago uh well yesterday |
16315s | actually uh roamed around this is kind |
16318s | of thing that we do with the community |
16319s | team we roam around and just kind of |
16321s | blow off steam and have some fun blow up |
16323s | people roam around |
16325s | just PVP and have a blast at the end of |
16327s | the week yeah we went out in a bunch of |
16329s | galenti themed ships |
16331s | um it's probably uh probably show up |
16333s | there but don't we have the skin picture |
16334s | available of the victory skins because |
16336s | if we do that would be super awesome to |
16338s | throw up right now that's something |
16339s | completely planned we were gonna go |
16340s | through like wolves or something and |
16342s | then the guys were like hey can we do |
16343s | something with the skins and I looked |
16344s | over which ships actually had them uh |
16347s | just there was a cop just sitting there |
16348s | which yeah it's worked out really well |
16350s | yeah |
16351s | a couple of executive Navy issues we |
16353s | took uh we had some Nero's reps uh from |
16356s | uh I believe it was mystical might and |
16359s | she's been zealous who are logic Bros CC |
16363s | sales of course the superior algebra |
16364s | there and we had of course a couple of |
16366s | murm navies as well these skins just |
16369s | look phenomenal and all the teams that |
16370s | have won at least one match get 10 skins |
16372s | per win so it's pretty awesome uh I |
16375s | genuinely love these games I think they |
16376s | are some of the best looking skins I |
16378s | want to buy one whoever wins one please |
16380s | sell me one oh yeah yeah I'll be I'll be |
16382s | buying one for sure as well |
16384s | um so we have our next match come up in |
16385s | a few minutes it's going to be another |
16386s | exciting one I think arrival versus |
16389s | template calcif let's take a look at the |
16391s | Bands |
16392s | okay arrival going for the arbitrator |
16394s | Italia de la Shack and the crucifier |
16397s | templates Guardian onerous Blackbird |
16399s | executive Navy issue Blackboard Pirates |
16401s | we haven't really seen many of the shack |
16403s | bands and we haven't that's the uh that |
16405s | was kind of what I was thinking I was |
16406s | like hmm that's an interesting choice |
16408s | um Le Shack's obviously it's a very very |
16411s | good ship uh on TQ for certain Niche |
16414s | things and it's kind of in the same boat |
16415s | for the at where there's very specific |
16418s | setups where it's very good uh but they |
16420s | are extremely high points so it is uh it |
16422s | is a 25 Point ship it is the highest |
16424s | point of any ship that you can have |
16425s | besides you know like the balgorns and |
16427s | the widows and it uh it's kind of been |
16431s | solved I think I um there was a |
16433s | tournament a while ago where they were |
16434s | like drastically underpointed uh which |
16436s | is why that they are in the state that |
16438s | they are now where they were extremely |
16441s | dominant and there's this Vindicator |
16442s | balgorn Le Shack comp which you could |
16444s | still fly maybe but you'd use up like |
16447s | I think like 73 of your 100 points if |
16449s | you did it |
16450s | um but I in personal opinion is that I |
16452s | think the Le chat comp has been solved |
16454s | we kind of know how to deal with them at |
16455s | this point it's a little weird that a |
16457s | rival banned it out but uh you know |
16460s | maybe they're afraid of it I think |
16461s | arrival is kind of in the spot where |
16463s | they're farther than they think that |
16465s | they would have made it in this |
16466s | tournament at least you know maybe |
16468s | that's me saying that maybe they're like |
16469s | no we're fantastic we're going all the |
16471s | way but I feel like arrival is farther |
16472s | than they maybe were prepared for and |
16474s | now they're just like all right you know |
16475s | what we don't know how to Beatle Shack |
16477s | get rid of it we're not gonna deal with |
16478s | it yeah I was just checking to see if |
16480s | arrival came up against Odin's at any |
16482s | point but they haven't uh odins are a |
16484s | team that's kind of known for still |
16485s | using that the shack uh comp double the |
16488s | shack as well 52 points into two ships |
16490s | and they seem to have success with it |
16492s | they had success last year getting to |
16493s | the uh to the Grand finals uh using it |
16496s | way more than anybody else but I mean |
16498s | this is not a match against Odin's cause |
16500s | it's a match against templates and I |
16501s | don't recall them having much use of it |
16503s | templates about bringing a flagship bar |
16505s | guest in this particular matchup uh cpb |
16508s | any any thoughts going into this one |
16511s | um I mean I saw they were Banning the |
16512s | accent Navy which seems to be like a |
16514s | very popular thing to ban it's a very |
16516s | cheap ship and super good for what it |
16517s | does uh I think black bird was also |
16521s | banned there I mean it looks like they |
16523s | don't want the Blackbird uh just ECM |
16526s | AIDs that people have been having to |
16528s | deal with lately uh |
16530s | I think it's going to be a really |
16532s | interesting match I think so too I was |
16534s | just looking to see the bands but I |
16535s | can't find them um and probably don't |
16537s | plan to show them again anyway uh but |
16538s | you'll see them on the sides uh of of |
16540s | the UI don't worry we put them there for |
16542s | you guys just in case you like us forget |
16544s | them immediately after they've been |
16546s | removed from your direct eyesight which |
16547s | is exactly what happens to me sometimes |
16549s | I'm talking and they vanish and I'm like |
16551s | Ah that's it it's just all Fallen |
16552s | straight out the back of my head anyway |
16554s | time to go to the arena for arrival |
16556s | versus temples calcif with our casters |
16558s | basilisk and fear finder |
16565s | welcome everybody to the arena and we do |
16567s | indeed have Templars calcif in blue |
16569s | bringing what looks to be a shield |
16571s | kitecon fairly standard shield kite with |
16573s | a flag Bargas piloted by The Last |
16574s | Spartan uh fear why don't you talk us |
16577s | through arrival |
16582s | a little bit of a difference compared to |
16584s | normal but they have the auger that Tech |
16586s | One Cruiser laundry we'll see how well |
16589s | that goes up against the show kite set |
16591s | up with the shield bar guest uh Shield |
16593s | flag Bargas that does around 1500 DPS |
16596s | uh very strong ship hmls also on the |
16600s | caracal Navy issue but importantly and |
16602s | the Claymore but importantly they've |
16604s | still got rapid lights to do with the |
16605s | low end with this authoris and off-brain |
16607s | navy issue uh caracal and of course |
16609s | jacked up with regular lmls so it's |
16611s | going to be a tight match but these |
16613s | teams wanted to get range control at |
16615s | some variety we see immediate damage |
16617s | going around this caracal of three |
16618s | brands coming up from the arrival side |
16620s | yeah they need to get transversal up |
16622s | quickly um as you were mentioning the |
16624s | Talos I think the reason they choose |
16625s | that is just because I imagine it has |
16628s | fall better range with large rails |
16629s | compared to the Oracle and that's the |
16631s | main concern here I think arrival when |
16633s | they've played this gun before and they |
16634s | did it again this match they wolf |
16635s | everything in at 50 they want to start |
16636s | off at range and try to snipe something |
16637s | they did try and snipe the caracal |
16639s | they've taken a couple shots at the Jack |
16640s | door no real progress being made but on |
16643s | the other side Furious in the harbinger |
16644s | is going into half armor here |
16647s | yeah and this is kind of the advantage |
16649s | of a shield kite set up right not only |
16651s | do you do more DPS generally speaking |
16653s | even if it does come in bursts you're |
16655s | also just faster than the Armor medium |
16658s | gun span comps so uh and your damage |
16661s | doesn't fall off with range so there is |
16662s | a range when you're going to do more |
16664s | damage than them and you're going to be |
16666s | able to maintain that range control a |
16668s | whole lot easier we see the damage going |
16669s | into this heartbringer of uh Furious |
16671s | nakar he is going to be repped back up |
16674s | uh as more damage is now going to |
16676s | Jesse's swallow in the hard Navy uh |
16678s | meanwhile arrival they're going for the |
16680s | spargas The Last Spartan I would expect |
16682s | them to be very blingy reps on this as |
16686s | uh this is a team that has quite a bit |
16689s | of history in the at having won the |
16691s | alliance open of course they do have the |
16693s | is to spend on tank mods as well as |
16695s | everything else for the bar guys |
16696s | inspection officers Navy goes down they |
16700s | can't tank it I feel like templates in |
16703s | many aspects of this match has the upper |
16704s | hand here not just in getting that kill |
16706s | but I mean they've got range they've got |
16707s | down they've got the lodgy advantage I |
16709s | mean they've got an augural compared to |
16710s | a semi the orgas I would imagine going |
16712s | to struggle a lot more on cap and |
16713s | survivability I'm not really sure what a |
16716s | rival has in their favor here I mean |
16717s | they've got em damage for the damage |
16718s | profile but I mean they're up against a |
16720s | Claymore on a semi it's not great they |
16721s | can't really burn in there's a hyena on |
16723s | the other side I feel like templates |
16724s | just has this under complete control |
16725s | here |
16726s | so they do more damage upposts which is |
16729s | the advantage of the medium gun spam |
16730s | bubbles we also See This Bar guest of |
16732s | the Lost Spartan is playing for scream |
16734s | for the rest of his team as you do when |
16736s | you have an officer heavy scram uh when |
16738s | expected to be a Tobias or a gotan's uh |
16741s | as you do on a team as flush with cash |
16744s | as the temples calcif's team uh there's |
16748s | so much going on to this orthos of |
16750s | orianna komorisky but uh he was around |
16752s | the natural Shield region point and |
16754s | actually got a quick burst of reps |
16755s | coming in as the harping are Furious |
16758s | Tokar the next Target from temples |
16760s | calcif is going down it looks like |
16762s | templates are just going to run away |
16763s | with this one now yeah I'm not surprised |
16765s | they could apply that because I can see |
16766s | four Target painters coming from |
16768s | templates onto that harbing just so he |
16770s | tries to run but I mean when you've got |
16772s | all these ships in range pumping |
16773s | missiles into you including this flagged |
16774s | August the orgrow just can't keep you up |
16776s | and now it's looking like Jack Renekton |
16778s | the army of issue he's got a bit too |
16779s | close for comfort he is going to start |
16780s | taking massive damage here going through |
16782s | armor and they can it seems like they're |
16783s | just ignoring the over they know that if |
16785s | they've got the ball gets clip and they |
16786s | they judge the ehp if they target |
16788s | correctly they can just go straight |
16789s | through it they may lose the caracal of |
16790s | three brand he does get caught just in |
16792s | time by Curtis in the half-hull is he |
16794s | going to go down I'm not sure but it's |
16795s | not really going to make much difference |
16796s | here they are going to lose the omen |
16798s | Navy at the same time and it's going to |
16799s | be wrapped up for Templars surely |
16802s | I maybe speak a little bit too soon the |
16805s | auger does a lot of damage for Attack |
16806s | One Logistics Cruiser and you know you |
16810s | can get uh Good Hits and if you get into |
16812s | range we actually saw some good |
16813s | screening coming in from the hyena of |
16815s | stalants uh keeping the Absolution off |
16817s | of uh his back line and off of the |
16820s | Bargas he of course has that long range |
16822s | ground which we haven't seen been used |
16824s | yet but definitely |
16826s | definitely because |
16827s | it's not Bliss and I wouldn't expect |
16828s | them to put a faction scram on their |
16831s | flag bar gust more damage going on or on |
16833s | a uh comeritzki on this orthos he is |
16836s | down into uh armor and he's below that |
16839s | 30 natural Shield regen point so he |
16842s | should go down unless there are some |
16843s | miracle reps |
16846s | it's got this situation under control |
16849s | and this all thrus 10 armor 15 armor he |
16853s | saves him and on the other side the |
16854s | Vigilant is just toothless black tooth |
16856s | Tony Toothless in this situation he's |
16858s | running around trying to wear what he |
16859s | can he does finally catch the barges but |
16861s | he's probably gonna eat indeed he |
16863s | does eat and the Vigilant goes down |
16864s | I mean when you're playing a Vigilant |
16866s | into a hyena |
16867s | um you know it's so difficult to you've |
16869s | got such limited range you've got the 90 |
16870s | web but to get in range you have to put |
16872s | yourself in a position where the hyena |
16873s | is obviously just going to stick his |
16874s | webs on you I want to give a shout out |
16876s | to Stalin's he's been doing a great job |
16877s | just controlling this match making sure |
16878s | nothing gets too close for comfort and |
16880s | allowing Templars to just deconstruct |
16882s | this team from arrival |
16884s | yeah long range webs do very well into |
16886s | uh bonus percent loves without a range |
16889s | bonus especially when you're stuck with |
16891s | a T2 web on either of those ships no use |
16894s | for faction webs here uh damage going on |
16897s | this auger of howling wind he's going to |
16898s | go down and then it's just going to be |
16900s | one after another uh temples calcif |
16902s | running away with this match very |
16904s | quickly lost Spartan has been untouched |
16905s | there's no damage onto the semi of |
16907s | Curtis uh using the medium guns fan but |
16910s | he is not currently tackled he's holding |
16912s | around the natural Shield regen point |
16913s | and he's got an xlasb so he should be |
16915s | able to live quite easily as more damage |
16917s | goes on as Talus and that is a paper |
16919s | Talos |
16920s | and this is unfortunately going to be in |
16923s | the end of arrival they are going to be |
16924s | knocked out from this loss and templates |
16926s | however will go on to face truth on a |
16928s | light and to be honest with you I am |
16931s | grateful that virion managed to kill at |
16932s | all's pre-navy issue because it could be |
16934s | us in this position right now uh so |
16936s | shout out to virion for killing that was |
16938s | pretty earlier with the last miss all |
16939s | his clip great work I'd rather be in the |
16941s | upper bracket than down here because |
16942s | this is a very scary place to be we're |
16944s | going to have Templars truth on a light |
16946s | and tuskers against boundary experts in |
16948s | the lower bracket but I believe |
16950s | yeah no so those will occur next so I |
16953s | think it's going to be tuskers boundary |
16955s | experts coming up after this |
16957s | um there's no easy matches anymore at |
16959s | this stage in the tournament teams are |
16960s | fighting for I think it's top six in the |
16962s | lower bracket top three in the upper |
16963s | bracket |
16964s | um no easy matches no easy seedings no |
16967s | room for error |
16969s | no room for era at all I'd also like to |
16972s | if we can rewind the clock a little bit |
16974s | a couple years these are two teams that |
16976s | uh kind of made a name for themselves |
16978s | and the alliance open arrival at the |
16980s | time they were called Weekend Warriors |
16982s | uh ended up uh knocking Hydra down to |
16986s | the lower bracket early on in the |
16988s | tournament and what a lot of people saw |
16990s | is an upset especially because this |
16991s | weekend Warriors suggest there are a |
16993s | bunch of players that only really played |
16994s | on the weekends so uh they've been doing |
16997s | very well uh from then on swapping over |
17000s | to a rival as their Alliance name and |
17002s | tablets cows of course have one Alliance |
17004s | open yeah they've been consistently |
17005s | strong in 80s before uh but as the cow |
17009s | Mill role players of the at Community uh |
17013s | they haven't had uh as much success as |
17016s | they had in Alliance open and definitely |
17018s | getting into the top eight is something |
17020s | that they'll be very happy with this |
17022s | tournament that is I think better than |
17024s | they placed last year so uh very well |
17026s | done for them the song may be the last |
17028s | one to go down and after that we're |
17030s | going to send it back to the desk Baza |
17032s | any final thoughts yeah I actually |
17034s | noticed on the graphic earlier it wasn't |
17036s | something I was aware of at the time |
17037s | until until it popped up earlier the |
17039s | templates their two losses last year in |
17040s | last year's Alliance tournament were two |
17042s | odins and Hydra so you know on paper you |
17045s | could say it might have been the third |
17047s | best team they lost to the the two |
17048s | ultimate finalists so maybe maybe a |
17051s | downturn inform recently as the augural |
17052s | Navy does go down |
17054s | um but templates maybe having a |
17055s | Resurgence this year we're gonna send it |
17057s | back to the desk |
17073s | [Music] |
17076s | thank you |
17098s | foreign |
17101s | [Music] |
17107s | [Applause] |
17108s | [Music] |
17109s | [Applause] |
17112s | [Music] |
17136s | foreign |
17137s | [Music] |
17144s | leaving and heading home courtesy of |
17147s | temples calcif in quite a controlled |
17150s | Victory by the templar's team there they |
17152s | seem to have it pretty much in hand |
17153s | throughout that match uh that gives us |
17156s | now our top eight teams every team |
17158s | remaining in Alliance tournament 19 is |
17161s | now in the top eight so the number of |
17162s | prize ships going up we can see here all |
17164s | the teams that started this morning only |
17167s | boundary experts fraternity Hill vanzy |
17170s | uh barcode Templars calcif and up |
17172s | they're gone uh the Tasker is called |
17174s | Truth on the light and white flag are |
17176s | remaining of course truth on a light the |
17178s | only team without their Flagship uh |
17180s | Temple's Castle should be read and |
17182s | eliminated no no the long run arrival or |
17185s | red and eliminated oh God reading is so |
17188s | difficult well I hate reading I don't |
17190s | like to read I like to just just I don't |
17193s | know so everything is so hard that's how |
17195s | I get away with this so just I'm like |
17196s | let's make things up what I can read is |
17198s | the arrival brought a Talus and a |
17200s | Vigilant what do you think of that |
17202s | I think those are good choices to bring |
17204s | if you were maybe trying to do some |
17206s | goofy small gang comp on TQ um actually |
17208s | I do like the talus I should I should |
17210s | bring that back a bit we actually saw a |
17212s | game where uh a blaster Talus did a |
17215s | fantastic job it is a really cool ship |
17217s | they do have you know kind of the |
17218s | weaknesses that they're relatively uh |
17220s | easy to kill but they do a ton of damage |
17222s | vigilance are terrible |
17225s | you should not bring them in the at |
17226s | [Music] |
17227s | um |
17228s | I understand why they brought it was |
17230s | because they wanted to bring something |
17231s | that was like oh well they banned out |
17233s | some of the max threat ships vigilance |
17235s | have medium railguns and are a cruiser |
17237s | that's basically a extra Navy issue or |
17239s | not an executive Navy issue that's one |
17242s | uh but they just don't have it like they |
17244s | don't have the extra range their damage |
17246s | is actually not that good despite having |
17247s | a big damage bonus and 90 webs are |
17250s | awesome on a Vindicator because a |
17252s | Vindicator has a lot of HP and do that |
17255s | but on a vigilant |
17258s | a little bit too squishy do you don't |
17260s | like the Vigilant either then no and I |
17262s | also think that I mean Talos is also |
17264s | kind of a squishy ship but it's kind of |
17266s | weird like the the Oracle we see it |
17268s | every now and then and we're like is it |
17269s | gonna be like Bay tanked super tanky or |
17271s | is it going to be like this squishy just |
17273s | damaged monster and it's you never know |
17275s | like 100 yeah those are definitely ships |
17278s | like the classic meme |
17281s | um of putting the metallic in a |
17283s | polarized ogre Navy the gun store |
17285s | Federation once did uh of course |
17286s | everybody thought hey sometimes they're |
17288s | going to just big tank and because |
17289s | everyone's gonna shoot them first nope |
17290s | they they were seven head and that one |
17293s | and of course just fit polarized and he |
17295s | did a buttload of damage uh they still |
17297s | didn't do very on the tournament as is |
17298s | tradition for good swarm um all right |
17300s | that was uh templas we actually can go |
17302s | to moderator and see uh what their |
17305s | Captain had to say about things |
17307s | was calcif and |
17314s | typically we operate in low sec in the |
17318s | caldari galante faction Warfare space so |
17321s | the or the alliance executor for |
17323s | templates and your captain is the Last |
17326s | Spartan what's the dynamic between you |
17329s | and him like we've been friends for many |
17332s | years at this point we also have a third |
17335s | element to that in herorical we make a |
17339s | really good Trio to weed the alliance |
17341s | and manage the tournament team templates |
17343s | has been in the tournament scene for |
17345s | some time and you've grown from kind of |
17347s | this you know upstart uh kind of you |
17349s | know people were joking about being kind |
17351s | of a faction Warfare scrubs I remember |
17353s | you guys being around in the old even T |
17356s | days and now you've grown into one of |
17358s | the contenders what was that process |
17360s | like how did you grow from being kind of |
17362s | an upstart team to being one of the top |
17364s | contenders it was a lot of hours of |
17366s | practice on Singularity and Thunderdome |
17369s | we practiced against a lot of very good |
17372s | teams and we spent I want to say at |
17375s | least two years before we really started |
17377s | to rise just losing and losing on a |
17379s | weekly basis until we got better so |
17381s | having been around the block as many |
17384s | times as you guys have been were some of |
17386s | the rivalries that you have I'm not sure |
17388s | that we consider ourselves to have any |
17390s | specific Rivals we faced a lot of good |
17392s | teams and there's certainly a lot of |
17394s | history behind some of the matches that |
17396s | we go into like against Hydra or another |
17399s | one one of the ones that we like to |
17400s | consider is if we ever go up against |
17402s | galante or mimitar faction Warfare |
17404s | corporations we always get a little bit |
17405s | more of a narrative kick from that when |
17407s | we face those teams proving that you |
17409s | guys are in fact the best factional |
17411s | Warfare Alliance exactly with that what |
17414s | are some of the strengths that your team |
17416s | has we're a small team we usually only |
17420s | have a few Subs all season long so |
17423s | through rigorous hours of practice I'd |
17426s | say we're very good at getting on each |
17428s | other's wavelength by the time the |
17429s | tournament comes up and it's a very |
17432s | cohesive unit that flies burden makes |
17434s | the calls we follow everybody's feeding |
17437s | the correct amount of information to |
17439s | everybody else come game day it's a very |
17442s | smooth operating unit and of that roster |
17444s | who would you kind of point to with some |
17447s | of the star players or real Playmakers |
17449s | on the field Spartan of course being |
17451s | team captain we've got Curtis in Logie |
17454s | who is one of the finest logic Pilots |
17456s | I've seen we've also got Killa 542 who |
17460s | is usually larger ship sizes that have |
17463s | tendency to do some very good plays mid |
17465s | game last year you guys made top eight |
17467s | but you got knocked out against Hydra |
17470s | reloaded this year in the theaters you |
17472s | qualified by knocking out high-tec |
17475s | miners in the very first round fairly |
17476s | decisively looking kind of at your |
17478s | bracket where do you guys see yourself |
17480s | and what are your goals for this year's |
17483s | tournament uh the goals for this year |
17485s | definitely not to do any worse than the |
17486s | last year so top eight or better and |
17488s | that's kind of an expectation you have |
17490s | is you know where templates were more |
17492s | than good enough that's where we should |
17493s | be we want to be showing that we're one |
17495s | of the better teams and can earn those |
17497s | price ships exactly we know we can do it |
17499s | we've done it before we just got to |
17501s | prove that we can do it again what do |
17502s | you think are going to be some of the |
17503s | keys to your execution to earn that spot |
17506s | I think for this year it's going to be |
17509s | having a more varied compost I know one |
17513s | of the things that we got hung up on |
17514s | last year if you look at the tapes I |
17516s | think we ran the same setup for five out |
17519s | of our six matches or something and I do |
17521s | think that ended up hurting us but we've |
17523s | learned and we'll have some more stuff |
17525s | in store this time around oh it's been |
17527s | an absolute pleasure speaking to you and |
17529s | best of luck on grid yeah thanks so much |
17532s | Lego moderator talking to 10 plus calcif |
17535s | they secured their goal they said they |
17536s | wanted to do no worse than last year |
17537s | they got top-aid last year and we're |
17539s | already a top eight right now so they |
17541s | can they cannot do any worse which is uh |
17543s | great for them I really like hearing |
17546s | these interviews with the different |
17547s | teams is always good to get a little bit |
17549s | of Personality behind the teams learn a |
17551s | little bit about them especially the |
17552s | ones that maybe we don't hear from as |
17553s | much as others so thank you very much to |
17556s | moderator for doing those mystical money |
17557s | who helped him organize it and disc |
17560s | reader who you started on today has been |
17561s | doing all the editing to chop these down |
17563s | uh to a nice digestible size for us so |
17565s | good job everybody involved okay our |
17567s | next match boundary experts versus the |
17569s | tuskers let's take a look at the Bands |
17573s | boundary experts Banning out the Deacon |
17576s | the curse the heinea the burgers and the |
17578s | tuskers call going for the guardian the |
17580s | nearest zarmas and the hyena the trickle |
17582s | bands from the double hyena bands are |
17584s | giving us the Sentinel and the Blackbird |
17586s | Blackbird pirate your thoughts uh you |
17589s | know especially after a couple of |
17591s | matches ago I'm thinking the zarmsad ban |
17593s | is a really really good one uh tusker's |
17595s | banning all three uh technology armor |
17597s | Cruisers again uh I think they did this |
17599s | on their last match very very strong |
17601s | plan there it really does force you into |
17603s | very specific setups here um |
17606s | boundary expert spans Deacon is really |
17608s | strange I like I said we've seen a |
17610s | little bit of lodgy forgets being good |
17611s | but they're not particularly uh |
17614s | explosive this year as they happen in |
17615s | the past other than that I mean |
17617s | curse band yeah we can it's a curse band |
17620s | it's great a bargasban that makes sense |
17622s | they're probably trying to bait some |
17623s | flagships out and then uh Sentinel and |
17625s | Blackbird I mean again very powerful but |
17627s | we did see against boundary experts |
17630s | somebody banned a blackbird and they |
17631s | countered by bringing a rook and a |
17633s | falcon so I'm wondering if we're going |
17634s | to see that again here yeah the fact is |
17636s | the trickle band though makes me think |
17637s | that the testers are less concerned |
17638s | about ECM so that could be a bit of a |
17640s | debate let's see if we can have a look |
17642s | at the team profiles for these two teams |
17644s | and check out a little bit of their |
17645s | history so boundary experts 29 people |
17647s | have flown for them Avery Lewis being |
17649s | number one |
17650s | um and they've won eight matches lost |
17652s | five and if you look on the right you |
17654s | can see uh they lost against some pretty |
17655s | solid teams Odin's call |
17657s | um who were who obviously just got |
17659s | eliminated but last year's second place |
17661s | um Deepwater Hooligans last year and |
17663s | then we're going down to uh Odin's |
17665s | collar again in Alliance tournament 17 |
17667s | uh where they got pretty high up I |
17669s | believe let's switch over to the tuskers |
17672s | so tuskers more people have flown with |
17674s | them that makes sense they've been |
17675s | around for a very long time in the |
17676s | tournament seen the one Alliance |
17677s | tournament 14. electronicus was their |
17679s | longtime Logistics pilot I believe he's |
17681s | retired now as as a silly who is our |
17683s | captain but we see Skylar Hawk still on |
17685s | field uh so he's still flying around uh |
17687s | Deacon in the last match |
17689s | um and again look at the on the right |
17691s | the only teams they've lost to in recent |
17692s | years uh White Flag a solid team truth |
17695s | on the light last year's Champions |
17696s | Odin's call uh last year's second place |
17700s | and they beat teams uh like Platinum |
17702s | sensitivity like truth honor light they |
17704s | have wins against really really good |
17706s | teams so definitely not a team to |
17708s | counter at any point that the test |
17710s | scores were top four last year getting |
17712s | themselves a direct invite into this |
17714s | year's festivities I see boundary |
17716s | experts bringing a flagship Vargas and |
17718s | tusker is bringing their Flagship |
17720s | Armageddon both of these teams are gonna |
17722s | have Deep Pockets part I certainly hope |
17724s | so they won a lot of ET ships and skins |
17726s | last year and like why not sell some of |
17728s | those and invested in your ships but uh |
17729s | the cool thing is that there's an almost |
17731s | 100 chance that some Flagship here will |
17734s | die which is great because flagship's |
17736s | exploding is fantastic in fact more of |
17738s | them should do that I feel like today |
17739s | has not been uh as Flagship explodey as |
17742s | perhaps the last time we were doing this |
17744s | yeah I feel like a number of teams in |
17745s | the elimination matches have actually |
17747s | held back their flagships and not |
17748s | brought them so team is being eliminated |
17750s | with an intact Flagship which is uh |
17752s | cowardly yes indeed uh okay I think it's |
17755s | time to head over to the arena |
17756s | forbounder experts versus the tuskers |
17758s | with our casters Mark resurrectus and |
17759s | Chad Flame |
17764s | welcome back everybody once again it's |
17766s | me Mark resurrectus with the brilliant |
17769s | Chad flame here we have a fascinating |
17772s | setup we have tuskers versus boundary |
17775s | experts and the team from tuskers in |
17777s | blue the team from boundary experts in |
17780s | red tuskers has brought a drone comp |
17783s | that is a full nude or a full new uh |
17786s | Flagship get a Navy rather uh piloted by |
17788s | vlb Marone double EOS double arbitrator |
17791s | pontifex dual Thalia kurer and vexer |
17795s | Chad flame our teams from boundary |
17797s | experts what have we got |
17798s | we are looking at a armor uh missile |
17801s | kiting setup uh topped by a Bargas |
17804s | typhoon Fleet issue shooting for some |
17806s | webs uh orthos arger double command ship |
17810s | a carius mollus crucifier starting off |
17813s | this match links have popped and the |
17815s | time has begun yeah you see very quickly |
17818s | these uh these teams are gonna to get |
17820s | into the position you can see the team |
17821s | uh they're almost going uh you know |
17824s | spiraling away from each other uh you |
17826s | can see the T the EOS is quickly |
17828s | dropping all of their centuries before |
17830s | moving out away from the center of the |
17832s | match that being said you can see this |
17833s | this team from boundary experts starting |
17836s | to pull a little bit closer towards the |
17838s | center maybe looking to make a play on |
17840s | those ears but they are they have pulled |
17842s | back now so they're they're creating |
17843s | some space across the middle here |
17845s | and and tasker's over here dropping |
17847s | those drones and primary the auger which |
17849s | barely is holding at this point and it |
17852s | looks to be stabilized at what it is at |
17854s | which is not exactly what you'd like |
17856s | slowly going down actually bleeding but |
17858s | we have webs now on the flight get a |
17860s | Navy on the tusker side |
17863s | yeah |
17863s | that auger desperately needs to keep |
17866s | that speed up uh in order to out track |
17868s | those sentries who are going to be all |
17870s | right those centuries will be on him |
17871s | whenever they have the opportunity |
17872s | looking for an easy target uh attention |
17875s | not being pulled back towards Silo |
17876s | kashun in the crucifier but I say that |
17878s | svenblot in the auger is still taking a |
17881s | lot of damage right now he's pulled back |
17883s | as far as he can outside the arena he's |
17885s | 119 kilometers from the center |
17887s | absolutely boxed in over here and you |
17890s | can see all of his homies come over to |
17892s | try and maybe pull off lend some |
17895s | assistance but there's nothing they can |
17896s | do he's dipping now into structure and |
17899s | if they lose this logic which they just |
17901s | did they are going to be in a world of |
17903s | hurt because this tuscos team is |
17905s | untouched |
17907s | and that is a tough spot to be in you |
17909s | know now they're shooting the orthos not |
17910s | known for its armor tank at all that's |
17912s | not going to be around very long with |
17914s | that auger off grid and yet nothing has |
17916s | really been damaged on the top skirts |
17919s | team |
17919s | yeah you can see they're putting a |
17921s | little bit of damage into the crew but I |
17922s | don't know if that's the right choice |
17923s | here uh but again there's a lot of |
17925s | control the orthos does go down there's |
17928s | a lot of control uh on the side of |
17930s | tuskers both those arbitrators can make |
17932s | things really difficult uh for this team |
17935s | now poor Chad hammercock in the hugin |
17937s | absolutely getting smacked through his |
17939s | Shields by this drone damage and what |
17942s | drone damage it is Chad Flame |
17945s | yeah it seems like those yosses you know |
17947s | really dropping drones right away |
17949s | getting damage out automatically |
17951s | applying it doesn't really you know the |
17952s | crucifier and the malice are not in the |
17954s | carriers even are not even really able |
17956s | to do much drones having a mind of their |
17957s | own you don't need to actually be able |
17959s | to lock targets to use them you know you |
17961s | can drone money off to somebody they |
17963s | Auto across Chad hammercock goes down |
17965s | and let's see what they send their |
17966s | drones to next devastating devastating |
17969s | Chad hammercock does drop looks like |
17971s | they will be going on to the Magus of |
17973s | titanium perhaps trying to take out |
17975s | links I'm not sure if I saw him pop |
17976s | links earlier I assume he has links |
17978s | being a command Destroyer you can see a |
17981s | little bit of damage now going back onto |
17982s | the crew but again they haven't they've |
17984s | barely even broken through the shields |
17986s | of this armor comp from tuskers they've |
17988s | not they've they've been at a loss for |
17991s | targets they haven't they haven't |
17992s | applied too much damage anywhere |
17994s | and you know showing once again today |
17996s | that the double control of these |
17999s | arbitrators weapon disrupting especially |
18001s | not able to kill that controlling low |
18003s | end that's really making a difference in |
18005s | this match you know uh screening and |
18008s | getting those reps off with the sick of |
18010s | those two teach you lodgy frigates and |
18012s | the talia's it's making a huge |
18014s | difference having those arbitrators here |
18015s | as we see the typhoon Fleet now enter |
18018s | armor oh yeah Alexander turingen getting |
18021s | chunked call him Alexander chunkington |
18024s | that'll sound a lot better in my head |
18025s | than it did out loud but again taking a |
18027s | lot of damage right now you can see |
18029s | these swarm of blue drones all around |
18030s | him not even counting the sentries this |
18033s | this this comp from tuscas he's |
18035s | desperately trying to Smart bomb away uh |
18038s | but he is held down in place by near |
18039s | achieve in the Eos he's getting rid of |
18041s | drop into structure and that will do it |
18043s | for the typhoon Fleet who is in a world |
18047s | of hurt |
18049s | and they already have the follow-up |
18050s | Target pick they have scramming web on |
18052s | the flagship bar guest of boundary |
18054s | experts and they're about to go in on |
18058s | that making sure that they take out that |
18060s | Flagship and kill as much isk or get as |
18062s | much as from that loot as possible yeah |
18065s | and these ears is such an interesting |
18067s | use of the EOS because you effectively |
18069s | turn your biggest DPS ships into almost |
18072s | uh heavy tackle after a certain point |
18074s | because the EOS just has to sit here on |
18076s | top of them hold them in place now |
18077s | Xander odily's in the flag Bargas is |
18079s | going to try and nude him off and you |
18081s | can see I'm trying to do that right now |
18082s | but all he has to do is give him give |
18084s | time for his friends to come by you do |
18086s | see another one just dropped uh was that |
18089s | yes the pawn effects uh of mokisaki just |
18092s | dropped as well this team from boundary |
18094s | experts now on their back foot they've |
18097s | barely again they've not even scratched |
18099s | the armor of any of these ships from |
18101s | tuskers tuskers looking for a commanding |
18104s | 100-0 win in this match before they |
18108s | advance |
18109s | it's funny enough you say that they're |
18111s | actually going to be looking to win a |
18112s | hundred to one because they gave a point |
18114s | to the boundary experts team and that's |
18116s | the only point it looks like they're |
18116s | going to be able to actually collect |
18118s | from this match due to the outstanding |
18120s | control bar that tuscars has presented |
18122s | to them and put a massive Hill to climb |
18125s | for boundary experts and they just were |
18126s | not able to climb that as we see the |
18129s | flag Bargas dipping into low armor and |
18131s | not looking to hold grit very long |
18134s | we did just see uh the I think it was |
18138s | the uh what just somebody bound to read |
18141s | they got |
18143s | 227k away I think very impressive uh |
18146s | Xander odily's in the Bargas is going to |
18149s | drop that is Flagship down and this team |
18152s | from tuskers is smart which of course |
18154s | they are they will scoop that loot as |
18156s | much of it as they can before they kill |
18158s | off the final carries of bakla backslack |
18160s | chew uh and then this match will be over |
18164s | tuskers will advance to face the winner |
18167s | of temples calcif and Truth honor light |
18170s | and the sixth round of the losers |
18172s | bracket we send it back to the desk with |
18175s | CCP overload uh moderator or rather |
18178s | black part pirate and CCP B |
18184s | thank you |
18197s | [Music] |
18200s | [Applause] |
18206s | are you ready yeah see somebody's house |
18209s | on the way what do you think it would |
18212s | feel like if a ship worked through your |
18214s | house I might have some weird effect |
18216s | like imagine yeah sneezing like they get |
18219s | explosive diarrhea or something like |
18221s | that |
18222s | I like sneezing more |
18225s | if he's out of your ass |
18228s | guys |
18231s | you started with the all right you know |
18235s | what jump this never happened let's move |
18237s | on |
18238s | here's our secondary Target this is me |
18240s | broadcast it jumping now then we can |
18244s | [Applause] |
18247s | I want bubbles all over this big guys |
18250s | now do it now |
18270s | the tuskers they're bringing us a comp |
18272s | we don't normally see anymore these days |
18274s | uh the Sentry drone comp using it to |
18276s | great effect to knock boundary experts |
18278s | out they go out as top eight last year |
18280s | they made top 12. so a little bit of an |
18282s | improvement for them I'm sure they'll be |
18283s | happy with that they win more price |
18284s | ships than last year more skins than |
18285s | last year I'm sure as well uh but the |
18287s | tuskers continue to March onwards uh to |
18290s | try and get back to top four and maybe |
18291s | Beyond where they were last year uh |
18293s | Blackboard pirate Sentry drones question |
18296s | mark please explain Century Jones yeah |
18298s | um this is actually cool because |
18301s | you always see teams like Theory craft |
18303s | this idea well what if we bring a bunch |
18306s | of drone boats and then drop centuries |
18308s | kind of near the middle because then we |
18309s | can hit everybody in the entire Arena |
18311s | wouldn't that be a great idea and it'll |
18312s | be super fantastic and it always doesn't |
18314s | work except for this time and the thing |
18317s | is is that Sentry drones |
18319s | are pretty good they do a good amount of |
18320s | damage but they're not quite good enough |
18323s | to punch through Tech 2 lodgy especially |
18325s | of the armor variety uh so tuskers being |
18328s | smart very wrinkled brains intelligent |
18332s | people to steal your words |
18334s | um they banned all the tech 2 Armor |
18335s | logic and then it actually worked we saw |
18337s | that auger I think at some point was |
18339s | about 120 to 122 kilometers away from |
18342s | the center of the Arena as we talked |
18344s | about before if you go 125 you get |
18345s | explodified instantly very good piloting |
18348s | on their part to try and stay as far |
18349s | away as possible but the EOS is they |
18351s | have a very very high drone uh bonus |
18354s | range and they basically dropped |
18356s | bouncers that can in fact hit that far I |
18358s | believe the Armageddon Navy issue |
18360s | dropped wardens which are the super long |
18361s | range snipey caldari drones and they |
18363s | were just barely able to take down the |
18365s | auger and then once that's down you just |
18366s | kind of start mopping up and you |
18368s | couldn't get away from that all I think |
18370s | that maybe boundary experts could have |
18372s | done some like uh perhaps like Ram the |
18374s | Bargas into the middle and just say all |
18376s | right we know that we're in a flagship |
18377s | we're putting it in the danger zone but |
18379s | sometimes you got to do that |
18381s | um but yeah testers is doing really |
18383s | interesting and weird stuff this |
18384s | tournament but it seems to be working |
18385s | pretty well I mean they're now what top |
18387s | six I think I think that's like the |
18389s | official yeah yeah so task was bad |
18392s | um basically all three Tech Two |
18393s | Logistics Cruisers there and I'm pretty |
18395s | sure that if Bernie experts have all and |
18398s | if that matches exactly the same except |
18400s | Berger experts are in a guardian or a |
18401s | neros uh they win because there's no way |
18404s | the centuries are able to uh just chip |
18406s | away I mean the tech one doesn't have uh |
18408s | the same resists uh it doesn't have the |
18410s | same amount of ability to tank as well |
18412s | and we saw like as you say he was right |
18415s | close to the edge of the Arena just |
18416s | barely holding on we also saw CVB uh |
18419s | that as he was going so fast there was a |
18421s | cloud of red Bots that just couldn't |
18423s | quite keep up |
18424s | um it's just sort of a you know down if |
18426s | you do if you're down if you don't just |
18427s | slow down to let the Redbox catch up you |
18429s | get you get wrecked even harder what do |
18430s | you think was going through uh the |
18431s | team's mind there I mean it's rough once |
18433s | you've already pulled all that range |
18434s | you're still taking damage and you're at |
18436s | the boundary exit like you're at the |
18437s | edge and you're like I gotta do |
18439s | something I'm gonna keep turning here |
18440s | it's just it was rough I thought it was |
18442s | super interesting to see them bring the |
18444s | flag get Navy but Band 3 like Tech 2 |
18447s | Logistics and I was like what's the plan |
18449s | here and they show up to two deacons and |
18451s | I was like oh this is gonna be |
18452s | interesting it's a pretty cool comp yeah |
18454s | yeah it's very good uh let's see if we |
18455s | can take a look at the EOS as a ship uh |
18457s | it's we're seeing a lot more this year I |
18458s | feel than some previous years except uh |
18461s | of course the the infamous drone meta |
18464s | from at12 when uh you could bring pretty |
18467s | much as many of anything as you wanted |
18468s | and it turns out EOS was super popular |
18470s | and they would bring them drop all the |
18471s | drones everyone would push F and then 10 |
18473s | minutes later one of the teams would |
18475s | have pushed F harder and would have won |
18477s | I mean you could even see like the top |
18479s | teams are some of them are from you know |
18481s | proper throwback Nelly secunder uh you |
18484s | know long long dead Alliance at this |
18486s | point uh Hard Knock systems as well uh |
18488s | like to use it PL I mean it's PL and |
18492s | then rocker power and Ministry |
18493s | inappropriate footwork so teams back |
18495s | then using it and you see a little bit |
18496s | of a bump starting again so perhaps |
18499s | maybe the EOS will rise further through |
18501s | the rest of this tournament it does seem |
18503s | to be as you say bar one of the more |
18505s | hard to kill ships and now we've seen |
18507s | the Sentry drone come do you think we |
18508s | might see maybe some more like that uh I |
18512s | I don't think so I think that that's |
18513s | kind of a uh a tusker's you know magic |
18516s | secret sauce situation |
18518s | um you have to remember so we only have |
18519s | like some amount of matches left today |
18522s | and then the finals tomorrow so |
18524s | sometimes when you see like the major |
18525s | meta shake-ups it'll be between day one |
18527s | and day two which we are seeing a lot of |
18530s | interesting and different setups this |
18531s | time we're seeing a lot more of these |
18532s | e-war setups a lot more control setups |
18534s | uh a lot more sort of the |
18536s | harder to execute maybe if not |
18537s | necessarily higher tier setups right now |
18539s | the thing about the EOS 2 though is if |
18541s | you look at the actual statistics upon |
18542s | that screen that is no longer up there |
18544s | so I'm not going to try and get the |
18545s | exact number correctly uh we're seeing |
18547s | we've seen like 30 eoses |
18550s | in this tournament |
18551s | out of like we're on like match like 55 |
18554s | so it's actually it's not the huge giant |
18557s | bar because people aren't running triple |
18559s | EOS into triple EOS drone setups like |
18560s | they did in at 12 12. nailed it |
18565s | um but we are seeing a lot of eos's |
18567s | because it is probably the best armor |
18570s | command ship in the game it's insanely |
18572s | tanky as we saw with truth on or light |
18574s | uh it does a ton of damage it's super |
18576s | versatile and it gives really really |
18579s | good links and links are just insanely |
18581s | important |
18582s | um we've been seeing I think we've seen |
18584s | like one or two teams lose because they |
18586s | didn't bring info links uh eos's are |
18588s | just ridiculously good ships I think |
18589s | that uh it's one of the ones that you'll |
18591s | see some of the really high tier teams |
18593s | ban because they know that taking the |
18595s | EOS out actually can completely mess up |
18597s | people's setups |
18598s | yeah c-speed B one of the other things |
18600s | we saw in that match uh was obviously as |
18602s | Bart mentioned um the US has dropped uh |
18605s | parators at the start because they get |
18607s | the range bonus the Navy getting dropped |
18609s | the wardens because they're just long |
18610s | range uh it seemed later on that those |
18612s | were still on grid the team's abandoned |
18614s | those and dropped um heavy drones |
18616s | instead tell me about abandoning drones |
18617s | and why you might do that |
18619s | uh you can abandon your drones to |
18620s | instantly put out a new set and then |
18622s | have that set be the one that's actually |
18624s | doing the damage |
18625s | um sometimes your drones might be out of |
18627s | range and you don't have the time to |
18629s | burn back 20 kilometers pick them up and |
18631s | then put out a new set you're much |
18632s | better off just dropping a new set and |
18634s | abandoning it into the quickest way yeah |
18637s | the burner experts that also lost their |
18638s | Flagship uh Flagship bar I guess let's |
18641s | see if we can take a quick look at that |
18642s | kill Mill and have a have a quick peek |
18644s | so um looks like uh just about 14 |
18647s | billion so relatively respectable |
18649s | um some Vespers modified rapid heavy MSL |
18652s | launchers making up a large portion of |
18654s | that nearly nine bill in launchers which |
18656s | is uh quite something |
18658s | um and other than that |
18660s | um relatively straight sorry |
18662s | straightforward nothing too too wild uh |
18665s | Bart uh almost relatively |
18667s | straightforward if you take a look at |
18668s | the mid slots on that which again it |
18670s | just disappeared but we'll probably see |
18671s | it again I have it here you you I can |
18673s | see it well I it's it's all up here |
18675s | right yeah it's on Zed kill too it is uh |
18677s | there's actually two missile guidance |
18678s | computers on it |
18680s | which is super weird because normally |
18683s | what you're going to do when you're |
18684s | doing this kind of setup is you might |
18685s | bring like some webs you might bring |
18688s | especially the officer ah it's back |
18690s | excellent instead of so they only |
18693s | brought one faction scram one of the |
18695s | powers of the flag Vargas is you can |
18696s | actually get like insanely long range |
18698s | scrams on it so |
18700s | boundary experts thought |
18703s | that they were going to have a bunch of |
18705s | missile guidance disruption and they |
18708s | countered it and then didn't have to |
18710s | deal with it and got wrecked by sentries |
18711s | instead and this is where you get that |
18712s | weird meta where a certain team will say |
18715s | okay |
18716s | we think we know what their plan is |
18718s | we're going to counter it with our ship |
18719s | fits |
18720s | oh crap that's not what their plan is we |
18722s | just wasted two of our mid slots so you |
18724s | know perhaps I don't know if it would |
18725s | have mattered but maybe if they could |
18727s | have brought extra scrams or extra |
18729s | sibo's or who knows an extra remote sibo |
18732s | they maybe could have pushed in a little |
18733s | bit harder again also we see two newts |
18735s | instead of smart bomb what if that ship |
18737s | had a smartphone and just drove it in |
18738s | the middle of the century drones started |
18739s | blowing them all up we'll never know |
18741s | they're out but hey Flagship fitting you |
18744s | know the meta is getting crazy we're in |
18745s | that that final stretch already yeah we |
18747s | did notice uh during the match that |
18749s | there was only guidance disruption |
18750s | landing on the two arbitrators which is |
18752s | almost a waste and they also had a I |
18754s | think it was a crucifier on grid as well |
18756s | let me just double check yeah crucifier |
18757s | so all that potential guidance and |
18761s | tracking disruption with nowhere to go |
18763s | you can put it like weapon disruption |
18765s | onto sentries but there's way more |
18767s | sentries than you have uh crucifiers |
18769s | really in this case so it was always |
18770s | gonna be a losing battle but there you |
18772s | go that's it like we say uh they did |
18774s | better than last year so good job Team |
18776s | all right let's move on to our next |
18777s | match which is going to be truth on a |
18779s | light versus templas calcif and take a |
18781s | look at those bands truth when I like |
18783s | going for the Osprey the bar guest the |
18785s | Osprey Navy issue and the caracal Temple |
18788s | is going for the guardian the nearest |
18789s | the Blackbird and the sleddinger uh Bart |
18792s | your thoughts on this one uh truth on |
18794s | our light appears to drastically dislike |
18796s | the color blue |
18798s | um as they are Banning out uh pretty |
18800s | much everything that you need for any of |
18801s | the main kaldari ships uh we did just |
18803s | see temples use a kaldari missile kite |
18805s | to great effect I don't think they'll be |
18808s | using it this time |
18809s | um and if they do they're going to be |
18810s | trying to sort of shoehorn it in uh so |
18813s | that's pretty interesting temples cows |
18815s | have basically banned I would not not to |
18819s | say they are a generic team but that is |
18820s | like probably one of the most generic |
18821s | lines of bands we've seen uh curse is |
18824s | not banned for the first time of course |
18826s | it's not bad good point Blackboard part |
18829s | um cpb any any further thoughts on what |
18831s | we might see here I mean I see templates |
18834s | are Banning the Blackbird |
18835s | um probably don't want to run to that |
18836s | Blackbird Rook uh we're seeing the |
18839s | missile ships being banned from tooth |
18840s | under light but we're not seeing like a |
18841s | Nighthawk band so it's not like they're |
18843s | they're not saying hey we're worried |
18845s | about uh missile Rush Shield Rush |
18848s | it's going to be interesting to see what |
18849s | kind of comp they're going to bring |
18850s | against Amir I feel like the the top |
18852s | teams tend to do this thing where |
18853s | they'll ban like one or two power ships |
18856s | in particular comp you can still bring |
18858s | that comp but it'll be weakened in a way |
18860s | that they feel comfortable defeating |
18862s | whereas some other uh teams that maybe |
18864s | are less experienced they see a comp |
18866s | that they really want to face and they |
18867s | like Target band three or four ships |
18869s | from that particular comp so that that |
18872s | team just can't bring that at all but of |
18873s | course they could bring something else |
18874s | that's still at full power Bart what |
18876s | kind of what level does the strategy of |
18878s | bands start to become really important |
18880s | uh I mean |
18882s | kind of like day one |
18884s | is obviously important but you know once |
18886s | we get into this like some of these |
18888s | teams specialize in certain setups uh |
18890s | templates I've been saying for years and |
18892s | you know the interview we heard where |
18894s | they only had a couple comps templas has |
18895s | been kind of known for flying like one |
18898s | to two specific setups in the time uh |
18900s | one of them is The Shield rush and it |
18901s | did get fairly banned out obviously they |
18903s | can they're gonna you know in true |
18905s | commentary and Caster analysis function |
18907s | they're going to bring you serious and |
18908s | be like haha |
18909s | you're dumb you don't know what you're |
18911s | talking about but uh I think that truth |
18912s | on the light really did Target that |
18914s | um temples is known for being incredibly |
18917s | good at executing that specific setup as |
18918s | we saw versus arrival uh truth on our |
18921s | lights hard to ban against because they |
18922s | do weird stuff they are kind of the peak |
18924s | of the theory crafting meta in a lot of |
18926s | ways but as we've seen before being the |
18928s | peak of the theory crafting meta that |
18930s | doesn't actually mean you're going to |
18932s | win because you can outmet yourself out |
18934s | out Giga brain yourself and go from like |
18936s | a nine head to a one head and then you |
18939s | just lose and a best to one which hey |
18941s | we're still in best of ones yeah and we |
18942s | did see uh 2008 nearly dropped to Odin's |
18945s | calling a best of one just a little bit |
18947s | ago so you know these teams are playing |
18949s | match after match after match on a day |
18950s | like this they have to finish they have |
18952s | to think okay you know just throw out |
18953s | away you know learn wherever we have to |
18955s | from it let's move on to the next one |
18957s | immediately they're probably thinking |
18958s | about banned strategies looking at their |
18959s | next opponents and trying to work it out |
18961s | so this is it's a long day for these |
18962s | teams |
18963s | um but we can make it longer but see if |
18965s | they're seeing if they win so let's head |
18966s | over to the arena with our casters Baza |
18968s | and fear |
18973s | welcome back to the arena my name is |
18976s | sirvana joined by the Basilisk and on |
18978s | the red side it is truth honor light |
18981s | that have brought some sort of armor |
18983s | control thing I have never seen this |
18985s | archetype before but because it's truth |
18987s | on our light I'm gonna say it's good but |
18990s | it's got a widow taunt comp so it's a |
18991s | widow talk comp |
18993s | yeah it's pretty scary on the other side |
18995s | templates bringing something fairly |
18996s | similar to what they showed earlier in |
18997s | the tournament I believe last time that |
18998s | was the shack and a vindi this time it's |
19000s | still a shack and a bowel gone I will |
19002s | just check whether that Battleground has |
19003s | guns it does not so it's going to be a |
19006s | full new uh and no spell gone backed up |
19008s | with a couple three arbitrators they |
19010s | like those arbitrators clearly uh five |
19012s | medium drones pretty good you get a |
19013s | bunch of titties bunch of Genies |
19015s | um |
19016s | how this matchup goes I'll be honest I |
19019s | have no clue off the bat and I think |
19021s | um templates Landing here are going to |
19023s | have a very tough job and sort of |
19024s | quickly figuring out what the weakness |
19026s | of this Hydro comp is how do you break |
19027s | this down |
19029s | yeah I mean |
19031s | Hydra they've brought |
19033s | versus three arbitrators so as we see |
19035s | lots of guidance disruptors going out on |
19037s | the Widow under the damnation on |
19038s | purifier on the Hound uh don't actually |
19040s | see any track of the Cypress going up |
19041s | but that's because there aren't any |
19042s | gunboats uh from the truth honor light |
19045s | side there is some damage going on with |
19046s | carries right now meanwhile all the |
19048s | tracking the suffers from this curse |
19050s | going on a little Shack of The Last |
19051s | Spartan uh he can bring that gun range |
19053s | down very very very low and if he can't |
19055s | get right on top of the Widow he's not |
19058s | going to be able to kill it and this |
19059s | Widow very important and has the |
19061s | strongest jams in the game uh and does |
19063s | do a little bit of DPS which is not |
19067s | something we typically expect out of an |
19068s | e-warship uh but because it's a Black |
19070s | Ops it does have uh a bit more DPS than |
19073s | you'd expect from say the T1 counterpart |
19075s | in the Scorpion |
19077s | yeah they are actually going to kill off |
19078s | Stalin's in the hyena here there's loads |
19079s | of drones I think the Drone damage is |
19081s | what's causing these kills both on |
19083s | stainless and the Damage that's going on |
19084s | to myth but it's now been repaired up |
19085s | stay let's just get caught by his lodgy |
19087s | fruit buddies here and I think this is |
19088s | going to be a very long drawn out Affair |
19090s | or the last spot now taking large chunks |
19092s | of armor maybe they need to I think the |
19094s | last one's trying to swap them off these |
19096s | DPS bolts um but obviously any red Bots |
19098s | that are on a movie from the arbitrator |
19099s | Etc will get smobble when I see those |
19101s | get recalling and small spots and still |
19103s | small bones so he has forced those |
19104s | drones off loads of red um DPS but still |
19106s | on that hyena though |
19108s | so something I noticed about this Widow |
19110s | it is a cruise Widow uh if you take a |
19114s | look at the gun so it's doing some |
19115s | damage at range over towards uh the side |
19119s | of Temple's calcif meanwhile templates |
19121s | they are trying to kill this damnation |
19122s | right now uh warp out in the OR sorry |
19125s | brainstorm excuse me in the damnation |
19127s | we're about to the Widow uh but as I |
19129s | said a single curse can bring Le Shaq's |
19131s | gun range down to fraction |
19139s | so I think hydra's plan here is to just |
19142s | take these two brick battle cruises the |
19143s | EOS and the damnation and just park them |
19145s | up in the front line and just rely on |
19146s | tank with them as they did before I mean |
19148s | General hungry did epic work last time |
19149s | in that zombas and it looks like even |
19151s | though they've they're limited by the |
19153s | logif3 range on the failure and Deacon |
19155s | the comp they're up against basically |
19156s | only has the shack for DPS so the EOS |
19158s | and the damnation if they just sit in |
19160s | the front line and hold what they need |
19161s | to they'll hold for quite a long time |
19163s | and on the other side Curtis is taking |
19165s | chunks's damage spreading everywhere |
19166s | they did actually keep stalants alive he |
19168s | went into Hull a little bit they kept |
19169s | behind her alive the Deacon's taking a |
19170s | little bit of damage the lashac again is |
19172s | taking a little bit damage there's just |
19173s | quite a lot of damage spreading this is |
19174s | going to be a long drawn out fair but I |
19176s | wonder how how as this match goes on the |
19178s | newts and nurses and |
19180s | um you know just overall evil from the |
19182s | especially the two battleships on the |
19184s | Templar side the battle going on little |
19185s | Shaq newts and noses how will they |
19187s | affect this match will the damnation |
19189s | that he also lose hardness will the |
19190s | Widow lose jams will the frigates lose |
19192s | reps you know it's going to be |
19194s | attritional for sure |
19196s | Wars of attrition typically won by the |
19198s | team with a bigger control bar but as we |
19200s | see both teams have a massive one these |
19202s | arbitrator is doing quite a bit of work |
19204s | uh to this Widow to this damnation of |
19207s | course purifier and Hound which means |
19208s | that they're not actually able to kill |
19210s | the Slash and they're trying to go for |
19212s | the logic freaks once again but the |
19213s | Folly was able to uh survive last time |
19215s | but as I say that in Google |
19218s | so long splitting structure right now |
19223s | saying that's the Deacon has nothing to |
19225s | back him up the Little Shack has lost |
19226s | just half his reps the arbitrators if |
19228s | they're in the middle of anything |
19229s | they've lost half their reps it's going |
19231s | to be disastrous for templates I can |
19232s | expect to see this all fall apart now |
19233s | the hyena he was living on the absolute |
19235s | brink of of dying earlier he's going to |
19238s | go down |
19239s | um you know templates need to do |
19240s | something they're still only like |
19241s | halfway through this EOS The Shack has |
19243s | been spawning for four minutes and |
19245s | there's still only just past halfway on |
19247s | this EOS |
19249s | well I mean you say Houston's bowling |
19251s | for four minutes but if you take a look |
19252s | at uh the uh ship well he is trying to |
19257s | kill this EOS uh the EOS is actually uh |
19260s | getting away from him and we don't |
19261s | actually see the gun working on that LE |
19263s | Shack right now it is the curse |
19266s | absolutely wrecking the Little Shack |
19268s | while the shack is tackled and webbed |
19270s | and scrammed and can't actually get on |
19272s | top of his Target so as you mentioned a |
19275s | single curse absolutely Wrecks All The |
19277s | Shack if there's nothing to deal with |
19279s | the curse and since there are no damps |
19281s | uh from the side of uh Temple's cows if |
19285s | this curse just makes the Le Shack |
19286s | basically do nothing |
19288s | yeah I mean I wonder as we touched on |
19291s | earlier about the three arbitrary to |
19292s | Gambit is it really worth it I mean if |
19295s | you think about it they're six points |
19297s | each right so the second one is |
19298s | effectively eight points if they're |
19300s | Seven Points each at that point and the |
19301s | third one is ten points is a ten point |
19303s | arbitrator really worth it |
19314s | if you can have two of them if one of |
19316s | them is six and the second one five |
19319s | seven the second one's effectively eight |
19320s | right and the third one is effectively |
19321s | ten if you could have two for seven |
19323s | um yeah and you could instead have a six |
19325s | point celestis and bump your other stuff |
19327s | up you know maybe get a second Deacon |
19328s | instead of the valley I get that little |
19329s | bit extra ehp get a second you know |
19332s | whatever whatever I'm not gonna do the |
19334s | theory crafting now but |
19335s | there are other ships that they could |
19337s | have I'm just not short value of that |
19339s | third arbitrator beats The Damp you know |
19342s | the aspect of damps that lets you then |
19343s | win that evil control because as they're |
19345s | finding out you come up against a curse |
19346s | of Widow and it just becomes very very |
19348s | difficult |
19349s | well and and as I mentioned you know the |
19351s | curse basically nullifies the Le Shack |
19354s | but also the Widow basically nullifies |
19355s | the Little Shack the Widow jams and the |
19357s | the shot can't spawn them because he's |
19359s | cursed down to a handful of kilometers |
19361s | on his gun uh he's not going to kill |
19365s | anything and he's trying to kill the |
19366s | seaos right now |
19367s | the Last Spartan is way down in low |
19372s | armor |
19373s | yields four percent armor on the you |
19375s | know three percent armor is brainstorm |
19377s | gonna break here are these lodgy |
19378s | frigates gonna burn in and save him |
19380s | um it looks like they're still quite far |
19381s | away Deacon Casper and um Thalia of |
19384s | General Hungary so far away they all |
19385s | gonna let the EOS go down here brainstra |
19386s | half Hull are they gonna kill him are |
19388s | they gonna have enough damage to break |
19389s | through the little Shack afterwards |
19393s | because neither team has a whole lot of |
19396s | DPS Grant you a cruise Widow still does |
19398s | more than you'd expect uh concerning the |
19401s | fact that there's a block up so it does |
19402s | have quite a bit more actual DPS than |
19404s | his tech one counterpart uh but at the |
19406s | same time you know the armor was |
19408s | dropping very slowly for the last part |
19410s | and even though it only had one logic |
19411s | frigate to his name he might be able to |
19414s | recover a little bit but he is at 20 so |
19416s | as he continues to move in towards the |
19419s | truth honor light team we see this vexer |
19421s | of fairox 2070 uh not very sorry yeah |
19425s | FedEx 27 is the name of the pilot not |
19427s | the name of the ship sorry Baxter pharox |
19430s | 2070 uh playing screen for the Le shacks |
19432s | and now he has to chew through this |
19433s | Factor before he can do anything else |
19435s | yeah but I mean it's another couple |
19437s | hundred DPS off the field if he cares |
19438s | the drones it's a couple newts off the |
19440s | field and the last spot is still holding |
19442s | he killed that EOS 3 minutes 13 is the |
19444s | match two minutes 40 he's in a better |
19445s | position than he was a minute ago but |
19447s | the Deacon of three brand no reps from |
19449s | his logic body he's gonna go down but if |
19450s | he dies 10 plus is still ahead on points |
19452s | they'll have to |
19456s | HP he's repping as much as he can this |
19458s | Deacon just needs to heat as hard as he |
19459s | can get as much exp as possible nine |
19462s | percent armor on the shack he's still |
19464s | just on the edge here will truth unlike |
19466s | have enough damage to kill him |
19468s | foreign |
19473s | ERS keeping the Widow and the bombers |
19475s | from doing as much damage as they |
19477s | potentially could he's back up to 14 now |
19479s | nine percent armor again on the shack |
19482s | not spooling on ferrox excuse me is |
19484s | fully on ferroxy just got that back up |
19485s | but uh fairhooks 2070. uh the Widow and |
19489s | the curse doing a whole lot to keep him |
19491s | alive right now |
19493s | and this little Shack is untackled oh no |
19494s | he's whipped again he he broke free for |
19496s | a second There He Go to speed up again |
19497s | got webbed speed going up again he's |
19499s | bleeding into Hull here one minute 45 |
19501s | seconds left in this match can they kill |
19503s | this the shack is it even enough I mean |
19506s | is it enough |
19508s | it has to do is live to win |
19509s | nothing else dies this will be a very |
19511s | low scoring match but truth on her light |
19513s | would be knocked out of the a t and |
19514s | templates would move on uh in the |
19517s | tournament and into the top six |
19520s | uh I think I think Spartan he's still |
19522s | beating structured but he's on a 10 |
19524s | armor at the moment 47 structure he's |
19527s | still doing damage to this vexer we have |
19529s | a minute 17 left in the match last night |
19534s | they still have DPS spots out on the |
19536s | vexor if they had medium ripples that |
19538s | could be 15 medium Red Bulls from the |
19539s | arbitrators on the Little Shack but |
19541s | instead he's going into Hull 10 Hull 14 |
19543s | structure he is going to go down here |
19545s | with a minute remaining and Truth on the |
19547s | light it looks like are gonna squeak |
19548s | through by the skin of their teeth yet |
19550s | again goes down |
19554s | very close match from truth on our light |
19556s | still can be relatively low scoring as I |
19558s | don't think they can kill anything else |
19560s | with the Last Spartan Finally Falling |
19562s | that means truth on our light are going |
19565s | to make their way into the top six and |
19566s | temples cows have tied their record from |
19568s | last year in top eight unfortunately not |
19571s | going to match their Alliance open |
19573s | success this time around GFS have been |
19575s | thrown in local and Baza that was a very |
19578s | tense match but not a whole lot of blood |
19581s | yeah I feel like obviously both these |
19583s | teams are going to be on the edge of |
19584s | their seat but I feel like in the |
19585s | situation when it's a slow drawn out |
19587s | match you can maybe take a little bit of |
19588s | time maybe if you're someone who's died |
19590s | for example the Thalia you can do a |
19591s | little bit of mental maths here and say |
19592s | is it worth the DPS spots on the back so |
19595s | you kill it it's four points but if you |
19597s | lose the Le Shack you're already down |
19598s | what 13 points it doesn't make a |
19600s | difference the priority needs to be |
19601s | keeping that the shack alive and I think |
19603s | those 15 million Bots from the |
19604s | arbitrator if they had them sure the |
19606s | shack is smart bombing but it's going to |
19607s | take ages to smell them off DPS bolts |
19609s | and they might just launch more so I |
19611s | think in that scenario it may have been |
19612s | better to just stop the smart bombs and |
19614s | put the red bots on and just hope for |
19615s | the best because you're not gonna kill |
19618s | um you just need to keep your track |
19619s | alive right that needs to be your number |
19620s | one priority keep the shack Alive live |
19622s | to win but they couldn't do it |
19623s | unfortunately truth online are going to |
19625s | move on through the heroic lower bracket |
19627s | run templates unfortunately knocked out |
19628s | and we are going to send it back to the |
19630s | desk |
19646s | [Music] |
19649s | thank you |
19669s | foreign |
19673s | [Music] |
19710s | foreign |
19717s | you you are one of two people that |
19720s | couldn't listen and couldn't check |
19722s | bookmarks and find your own way out the |
19724s | route the entire route was literally |
19726s | bookmarked out to losac I bookmarked it |
19729s | 10 minutes in advance |
19733s | squeaking through by the skin of their |
19735s | teeth and another hard-fought victory |
19738s | for them templates really really making |
19741s | it uh like that was a game ladies and |
19744s | gentlemen that was a game uh massive |
19746s | massive props to the Deacon pilot on |
19748s | Templar side though uh three brand he |
19750s | was like hard carrying his team for like |
19752s | seven minutes there once the Talia went |
19754s | down it's normally super easy to just |
19756s | swap to that last remaining uh you know |
19758s | tattoo Logistics frigates or they're |
19760s | relatively mobile uh but he was getting |
19762s | like neutered he was getting drunk down |
19764s | into Hull he was flying in and out he |
19765s | was coming down to refuse the shack |
19767s | buddy he kept himself alive and he kept |
19769s | his team alive for a long period of time |
19772s | way longer than he had any right to do |
19774s | so that was phenomenal piloting there |
19776s | and it was like Battle of Shaq the jams |
19779s | from uh from the Widow and Truth or the |
19781s | light were just you could see they were |
19782s | causing a trouble obviously we've talked |
19785s | previously about going for an EOS first |
19787s | especially on a spooling ship which is |
19789s | so much DPS that it can just get broken |
19791s | by a jam then you have to to bring it |
19793s | back up again he also probably was |
19794s | tracking this up to write down so you |
19796s | have to be right on top of things |
19798s | Bart |
19799s | break it down for me yeah |
19803s | now I got you it's like awkward silence |
19806s | um yeah I think uh we saw a lot of |
19810s | really weird stuff in the background |
19811s | there but |
19813s | um the Le Shack was like super hard |
19816s | tackled and tracking disrupted into |
19818s | Oblivion like we saw why curses are |
19820s | oppressive at the end of the day like |
19821s | this was the curse wasn't banned the |
19822s | curse showed up |
19824s | um if you fit your curse with enough |
19827s | tracking disruptors and you hit an EOS |
19829s | with pure optimal range scripts you have |
19831s | to basically load up Maison and then |
19833s | you'll still maybe have like a 10 |
19834s | kilometer range so once once that list |
19836s | track was tackled It could only go for |
19838s | the EO so it wasn't a case of well let's |
19841s | go for the tankiest ship on field that's |
19843s | a great idea we got this I think that |
19844s | was all that it could uh shoot |
19847s | um that was insane Logistics piloting uh |
19850s | kind of on both ends but mostly on three |
19852s | brand uh absolutely wild uh it was so |
19856s | close and I think that something |
19858s | happened at the end there because the |
19859s | shack was holding in like |
19862s | five to twenty percent armor for like |
19864s | three minutes and we're sitting here |
19865s | like oh they're gonna lose they're gonna |
19866s | lose they're gonna lose and then I don't |
19868s | know if maybe |
19870s | um the things I can think of is maybe |
19871s | the the triple arbitrator which |
19874s | that's just wild we saw that again I'm |
19875s | wondering if either they ran out of heat |
19877s | and so the bombers and the Widow started |
19879s | applying more damage or perhaps the Le |
19882s | chakran out of heat and just that was it |
19884s | but that was like insanely close I mean |
19885s | that was a minute left and Truth under |
19887s | light would have been out and we'd be in |
19890s | a different story right now yeah it's |
19892s | just one of my favorite matches for sure |
19894s | ccbb what do you think I mean it was a |
19896s | whole nail biter all the way to up to |
19898s | like the last minute like we said we |
19900s | were all sitting here going wait a |
19901s | minute are they actually gonna lose this |
19903s | one and when three brands started |
19904s | pulling armor back again and it looked |
19907s | like a little Shack was just holding I |
19908s | was like it's over they're done it's |
19909s | amazing how exciting some little pixels |
19911s | in the bar doing this for eight minutes |
19914s | it can be just like oh it's turned red |
19916s | oh it's fine again oh it's red again and |
19918s | then when it starts you just start to |
19919s | believe you're like do it yeah |
19921s | oh excellent match templates that was |
19924s | very well played uh truth like we've |
19926s | said many times uh one of the best teams |
19928s | uh probably in the history of the |
19929s | tournament especially right now they are |
19931s | maximum power level |
19933s | um but they are I mean teams have been |
19935s | making them |
19937s | they haven't been making this look as |
19939s | easy as some of their other runs I think |
19941s | that there's a probably some extra gray |
19943s | hairs growing on some of their uh |
19944s | players Heads This Time Around yeah yeah |
19947s | of course uh one of the few teams left |
19949s | to to have an opportunity to knock truth |
19951s | on a light I will probably be truth on a |
19953s | light uh because it's only really |
19955s | missteps that's causing them to get in |
19957s | these situations that we've that they |
19958s | find themselves sometimes not that of |
19960s | course the other teams that play them |
19961s | aren't doing phenomenal like if I think |
19964s | if 2008 didn't play that as well as they |
19966s | did I think any other team loses that |
19967s | right there to templates like that was |
19970s | against phenomenal performance by by |
19972s | templates all right let's move back up |
19974s | to our winners bracket we have four |
19976s | teams left in the winners brackets our |
19977s | next two matches |
19979s | um are going to be in the winners |
19980s | bracket uh which is super exciting we |
19982s | have four more matches for the day once |
19983s | we're done with that we will have our |
19984s | top four teams for tomorrow our next |
19986s | match barcode versus White Flag let's |
19988s | take a look |
19991s | barcode Banning out curse Sentinel |
19993s | uniro's Guardian |
19995s | um and white flag Banning Out Burgers |
19997s | Sentinel crucifiers so lots of tracking |
20000s | disruption uh being declined in this |
20002s | particular match our trickle bands give |
20004s | us arbitrator the triple arbitrator is |
20006s | now a threat balgorn and Deacon Talia uh |
20009s | Bart your thoughts on these bands uh |
20011s | again Misty's not here to say it so why |
20013s | are you Banning the balgorn uh we |
20015s | actually did just see a balgorn lose so |
20016s | clearly they are not particularly great |
20018s | ships |
20019s | um all that being said you know Banning |
20020s | a bargain Stout this is kind of the |
20023s | we want you to bring your Flagship at |
20025s | this point I'm pretty sure barcode is |
20027s | rolling a flag bargist as many of these |
20030s | final teams are lots and lots of track |
20032s | and disruption band again this is pretty |
20035s | normal this stuff is incredibly powerful |
20037s | we saw exactly how powerful it was and |
20040s | honestly most of the last couple matches |
20041s | here today double Tech 2 logicy Armor |
20044s | Cruisers and double Tech 2 logi Armor |
20048s | frigates band from the trickle band so |
20050s | that's actually really wild we're going |
20052s | to have to either see that auger or |
20054s | please don't bring an Executor or we |
20056s | might see some really interesting |
20057s | zarmsad plays but this is really looking |
20059s | like a good Shield setup from at least |
20060s | one of the teams will be appearing on |
20062s | field yeah let's see if we can take a |
20064s | quick look at the team summaries for |
20065s | these two winners bracket teams |
20068s | um okay this is barcode so one of the |
20070s | cool things about barcode is they |
20072s | haven't played uh with us for a few |
20073s | years you see the last time before this |
20075s | tournament was the last tournament 16 |
20077s | they sort of went away did their own |
20078s | thing and then it came back they have |
20079s | one because they engines the beetroot on |
20081s | a light earlier on which is phenomenal |
20082s | and they just beat Charis they've been |
20084s | fairly successful only only two losses |
20086s | so I mean that's true they've literally |
20088s | never not been knocked out |
20090s | um apart from the last time they played |
20092s | uh which is awesome and some very |
20093s | experienced team members let's head over |
20095s | to uh the other team White Flag so white |
20097s | flag only 12 people have flown for them |
20099s | only three matches won but look at those |
20102s | veteran Pilots some people with a lot of |
20104s | experience under their belts hoodie |
20106s | Mafia lady Olivia also known as |
20108s | apathetic Brent |
20109s | um a striker at 10 Baron I mean between |
20111s | them this is a wealth of experience in |
20114s | the alliance tournament again this year |
20115s | they've not lost a single match they |
20117s | beat Brave they beat snuff and they beat |
20119s | the tuskers uh in a fairly hard-fought |
20121s | match there |
20122s | um I'm excited for this one I think this |
20124s | is actually could be one of one of the |
20126s | good ones what do you think uh cpb I |
20128s | think it's gonna be a phenomenal match |
20129s | uh White Flag these are extremely good |
20131s | Pilots I gotta I'm supposed to be you |
20135s | know neutral but I'm rooting for a white |
20137s | flag here okay nice and uh Bart who are |
20139s | you rooting for no I'm running for |
20141s | barcode I uh I have court members on |
20143s | for whoever twitch tells me to vote for |
20146s | let me check no you can't trust them so |
20148s | twitch have never been wrong uh twitch |
20150s | say it is going to be barcode 1.6 |
20152s | million to 1 million uh hello twitch I'm |
20154s | I'm looking at you right now |
20156s | um so I mean should we find out twitch |
20158s | is right let's head over to the arena |
20159s | our casters markers and Chad Flame |
20166s | welcome back everybody once again it's |
20168s | Mark resurrectus here with the |
20169s | resplendent Chad flame and we have a |
20173s | Backyard Brawl dad versus Dad we have a |
20177s | team from |
20178s | uh barcode I was gonna make the la la la |
20181s | la joke and I just did versus White Flag |
20184s | barcode in red my flag and blue barcode |
20187s | bringing EOS zarmas logi Phoenix Navy |
20190s | British Navy Oracle then OG exec Navy |
20194s | very popular vexer Navy Mueller Punisher |
20197s | and Chad flame what are we seeing for |
20198s | the team from |
20201s | White Flame or White Flag rather |
20203s | uh we are seeing the damage end of it |
20207s | being Absolution Prof Navy heart maybe |
20209s | brutix Navy double eni with some damps |
20213s | in the low with celesteus carry a |
20214s | smallest and an auger for lodgy it seems |
20217s | like a lot of those ships look very uh |
20218s | familiar to the ships across the grid |
20220s | but more drones on the bar fly um |
20222s | barcode team and a little more guns on |
20224s | the White Flag team as we see that auger |
20226s | being the primary and the Czar being the |
20227s | primary going from the logic trade |
20229s | immediately |
20230s | yeah this uh this this is the sort of |
20232s | the Max uh threat setup we've seen from |
20234s | a lot of groups recently the Dual exec |
20236s | Navy very strong right now the white |
20238s | flag has brought out uh White Flag |
20240s | tending to draw back a little bit |
20241s | towards that Beacon uh and we are seeing |
20243s | damage go back and forth still Redick in |
20245s | the exec Navy uh in the team from Barco |
20248s | taking a little bit of damage right now |
20250s | but not too bad uh as neither one of |
20252s | these teams wants to commit just yet |
20254s | I think uh barcode might be having a |
20256s | little bit of a hard time commenting |
20258s | with all those damps we see being |
20259s | applied across all of their ships as |
20261s | well yeah no kidding celeste's duel |
20264s | carries mollus that is a lot of |
20267s | punishment they are going to have to |
20269s | close range uh if they want to get |
20272s | anything done uh and and there's gonna |
20275s | put a lot of pressure on their their |
20276s | Tsar Mass pilot as well who's gonna have |
20278s | to get up close and personal if he wants |
20280s | to keep his team alive |
20282s | and as you were saying that it seems |
20283s | like they're trying to put punishment |
20285s | under that Punisher but the sermon is |
20287s | Comfortably wrapping him back up to full |
20289s | yeah now we see damage going on to PC |
20291s | white devil in the vexer Navy uh from |
20294s | the barcode team is going to perhaps |
20296s | catch maybe not it's dropping pretty |
20300s | quick and that that armor bar is not |
20301s | ticking up anytime soon at the same time |
20304s | Tim Baron in the Agra from White Flag |
20306s | taking on a little bit of damage right |
20307s | now if you can trade the vaccine Navy |
20309s | for their only logic it's a pretty good |
20310s | trade Chad Flame |
20312s | I would agree with that uh no White Flag |
20314s | decided to take all those damps off |
20316s | those damage ships and hot swap them |
20318s | onto this arm to break the spool of the |
20320s | Reps onto the vexer now that spool is |
20322s | starting to catch back up and that vexer |
20323s | is starting to live as white flag |
20324s | adjusts and swaps all those damps back |
20327s | onto damage ships trying to save their |
20328s | auger |
20329s | a little bit of split damage here coming |
20331s | out of the team from barcode as well you |
20332s | can see though putting a little bit |
20334s | under the exec Navy of a ram boy uh RAM |
20337s | Rambo Rambo Rambo uh as Tim Baron in the |
20341s | auger continues to dip down into low |
20344s | armor if they can pick off this OG |
20346s | that's gonna put them in a pretty strong |
20347s | position since they they will still have |
20349s | their bar any unusual weird plays here |
20352s | and Tim Baron in the auger now dipping |
20354s | into structure and he will go down |
20358s | and with that they also have their |
20360s | follow-up Target both those exact navies |
20362s | being tackled it looks like barcode is |
20363s | willing to go in and commit with all |
20365s | these stamps on grid they need to get in |
20366s | in close range to avoid the dips as they |
20368s | are doing currently really making those |
20370s | damps almost worthless for the White |
20372s | Flag team onto them really starting to |
20374s | Chomp through this exact Navy oh yeah |
20376s | they do be chunking though Chad flame |
20378s | you can see this has descended both of |
20380s | these kite comps have to send it into an |
20382s | absolute brawl here in the middle you |
20384s | have the zarmas the Harvey Navy the Vex |
20387s | Navy the exact Navy goes down from the |
20389s | team from White Flag as uh the Dr |
20393s | dumbass in the Tsar Mass doing his |
20395s | absolute goddamn best to stay alive as |
20398s | they swap now to Rambo in the exact Navy |
20400s | putting a lot of damage into him |
20403s | you know it's really shown a lot of |
20405s | teams uh tend to not want to run those |
20407s | fully logistic ships but the tank on |
20409s | this arm is really coming through today |
20411s | especially in this match he might end up |
20412s | going down but the amount of time he is |
20414s | wasting is costing the entire White Flag |
20416s | team their entire mid-end DPS yeah white |
20420s | flag has tunnel really hard now they did |
20422s | get this arm down that is good for them |
20423s | but they've been without their own |
20425s | lodging now for well over a minute |
20426s | hoodie Mafia gang gang in the Harvey |
20430s | Navy now going down uh will slip into |
20433s | structure or structure here shortly and |
20435s | when he does that's a big chunk of their |
20436s | DPS they're not going to have much left |
20438s | they've only got the ABS so the prophecy |
20440s | Navy and that brutix Navy against the |
20442s | the bulk remaining of this team from |
20445s | barcode |
20446s | you know they were not doing bad with |
20448s | you'd think those dams would be great oh |
20449s | kite away you know it would be a plan |
20451s | but every single ship is tackled in some |
20454s | capacity on that white flag team they're |
20456s | not going anywhere they're not able to |
20457s | utilize those stamps they're not able to |
20459s | kite like they wanted to they got those |
20460s | arm down but weren't able to execute |
20462s | what they wanted to on the barcode team |
20464s | because they did such a good job getting |
20466s | on top of them spreading tackle |
20467s | effectively and just damaging through |
20469s | all of their ships in a pace that is |
20472s | unmatched |
20473s | yeah absolutely the brutic stadium now |
20476s | goes down and you can see where their |
20478s | mindset was they landed on grid they saw |
20480s | the mollusk they saw the carries they |
20481s | saw the celestes and where a lesser team |
20484s | might have folded over and be like oh |
20486s | God the dams please help me they said no |
20488s | your damps absolutely not and they |
20490s | decided to turn their kite comp into a |
20493s | brawl comp |
20495s | incredible play and yes everything's |
20497s | hard tackled now even if Sid the Kid |
20499s | goes down in the British Navy issue they |
20501s | don't that team from whitelock has |
20503s | almost no DPS left |
20505s | you know and and with that being said uh |
20508s | it just seems that white flag wanted to |
20511s | execute something might have I don't |
20513s | know if it was getting a little cockier |
20514s | you know thinking that maybe we could |
20516s | get this kill here maybe tunnel vision's |
20518s | a little hard and barcode doing a great |
20520s | job adapting on the fly to their the |
20523s | piloting of both teams getting in their |
20525s | spreading tackle like I said efficiently |
20526s | and really punishing the barcode uh |
20529s | barcode punishing those damps being |
20531s | brought nah we don't want to deal with |
20533s | that you know your damps don't matter |
20534s | anymore and then they did a perfect job |
20536s | getting rid of the damps by getting on |
20538s | them they decided to live in a world |
20540s | with no dance Chad flame and behold that |
20543s | world appeared before them all of us |
20546s | left now is Lady labia in the Absolution |
20548s | and then these poor three useless damn |
20551s | ships who who are just sitting here |
20553s | wondering what where it all went wrong |
20555s | these damn comps have been so strong in |
20557s | the past and now they're sitting here |
20559s | looking at their hands as as their |
20561s | Kingdom collapses around them Chad flame |
20563s | this has been a very well done very well |
20566s | executed performance by the team from |
20569s | barcode |
20570s | 100 agree you know and and that's |
20573s | something that a lot of people don't |
20574s | really look at is uh opportunities |
20577s | really open up at a moment's notice and |
20580s | you have to make that call right then as |
20582s | an entire team you need to flip the |
20584s | switch right then and barcode did that |
20587s | perfectly and doing things like that |
20590s | make match matches go in your favor to |
20593s | decide matches and it shows very heavily |
20595s | here |
20597s | this burger team I'm gonna tell you |
20598s | about Chad Flynn this barcode team has |
20600s | just projected themselves into the |
20602s | semi-finals of this tournament like if |
20606s | there was every sleeper pick to be to be |
20608s | looking at I mean the team from frat |
20609s | very good the team from Jutsu very good |
20611s | but this this team from barcode is has |
20614s | played this to the T they've taken down |
20617s | the odds on favorite to win the whole |
20619s | thing they've now chugged through a |
20621s | strong Winner's bracket now knocking |
20623s | down White Flag who is no joke who is no |
20625s | joke and now they project themselves |
20628s | into the semifinals they will see either |
20631s | fraternity or |
20633s | hidden Leaf Village uh I'm not gonna say |
20637s | the whole thing because I can't see it |
20638s | on my other screen right now but the |
20639s | team from Jutsu uh and for an exciting |
20642s | semifinals match |
20644s | not 100 agree with that this year has |
20646s | been a year of what seems to be upsets |
20648s | and those Underdog sleeper picks really |
20650s | pushing through and and yet again here |
20652s | we see another one and as we see the GFS |
20655s | and local coming out as white flag waves |
20657s | the White Flag for the final time this |
20659s | Alliance tournament looks like the |
20661s | celestes might go for the edge of glory |
20663s | the Punisher coming out quickly from |
20665s | behind is going to get the uh brutal is |
20669s | gonna probably get a scram on him right |
20671s | there and that will be it we will uh be |
20674s | throwing it back now to the studio I |
20677s | think we have a new we do we have a new |
20679s | commentary pair we'll be back with CCP |
20681s | overload moderator and mystical might |
20696s | thank you |
20701s | [Music] |
20705s | [Applause] |
20711s | [Music] |
20725s | forever |
20726s | [Applause] |
20728s | [Music] |
20731s | [Applause] |
20734s | [Music] |
20741s | guys stop being casual they're really |
20743s | bad we should not lose anybody to this |
20746s | warp off take the fleet warp everybody |
20748s | warp off this is a really really bad |
20750s | execution I'm very disappointed |
20755s | rain are you in the armor Vagabond or |
20758s | something no um I've got axle ISP |
20763s | and polarized guns |
20765s | [Laughter] |
20772s | barcode finally the team to knock white |
20775s | flag down into the elimination bracket |
20777s | right at the end of the tournament |
20779s | almost uh and then in so doing barcode |
20781s | have secured themselves top three in |
20784s | Alliance tournament 19 uh so a fantastic |
20786s | run from them uh barcode uh still |
20789s | opportunity to be top six even if they |
20790s | just go out now uh they do have to face |
20793s | truth on a light uh in maybe like half |
20795s | an hour 40 minutes uh which is obviously |
20797s | something they probably would prefer not |
20798s | to be doing I'm sure they would rather |
20800s | go straight to top three but uh |
20801s | unfortunately for them barcode uh able |
20803s | to do so barcode the one that knocked |
20805s | truth on a light down as well uh White |
20807s | Flag is the practice partner of Truth or |
20809s | light so a very strong performance this |
20811s | year from barcode joined on the desk |
20813s | once again by Eminem moderator and |
20816s | mystical Knight mod how you doing |
20817s | doing great we're seeing that it turns |
20820s | out that barcode can in fact kill all |
20822s | the heads of the Hydra there you are and |
20825s | they did so in a quite good style |
20827s | mystical might we saw a dog versus a |
20829s | zombie tell me the difference of these |
20831s | two logistic ships yeah I think that |
20833s | match really hinged on the fact that one |
20835s | side had a T2 Logistics especially his |
20837s | arm and the other side had an auger |
20839s | which was a tech one Logistics ship the |
20841s | tech one Logistics ship not known for |
20842s | being the tankiest thing on the grid |
20844s | um as we saw they were able to kill the |
20846s | augura Fairly easily well the Zone was |
20849s | basically in like 90 armor I think the |
20852s | essential issue here is that the zombie |
20855s | is able to rip out like 72 kilometers |
20857s | with a rep that spools over time so the |
20859s | more it reps you the harder it reps |
20861s | which is great if you're on its team if |
20863s | you're not it means it's incredibly hard |
20865s | to kill things so what they should have |
20867s | done I think is burn in sooner get |
20869s | damage on the zom try and actually go |
20871s | for a more effective trade which would |
20873s | allow them then continue on with the DPS |
20874s | race they just didn't do that they |
20877s | decided to dance around the edge of the |
20878s | arena and that eventually resulted in |
20880s | them them losing the auger for nothing |
20882s | mods it looked as well that white flag |
20884s | really stacked up heavy on the damps uh |
20887s | bringing a Celestia carries and the |
20890s | malice so six five and three points |
20892s | respectively uh that's a lot of damps |
20894s | yeah it's 14 points worth of damps um |
20897s | unfortunately it didn't seem like at any |
20899s | point they were able to shut down this |
20901s | arm the idea is well let's stack like |
20903s | four or five newts on it you know make |
20905s | its targeting range be nothing but you |
20907s | know it seemed like his buddies had |
20909s | enough remote sensor boosters to just |
20910s | break that and if you can't punch |
20912s | through this armor basically neutralize |
20915s | it with kind of lock range unenjoyment |
20918s | uh you're going to have a hard time and |
20921s | unfortunately |
20922s | when they didn't all in this arm on the |
20925s | side of White Flag it just meant that |
20928s | you know as you have less and less chips |
20929s | it just means that those arms will |
20931s | becomes more and more effective in being |
20933s | one of those trigolavian ships so |
20935s | unfortunate for White Flag but they'll |
20937s | have a chance against their uh practice |
20939s | partners |
20940s | Mister do you think White Flag you spoke |
20942s | a little bit about it but what really |
20944s | would be do you think the optimal |
20945s | strategy in this instance I think they |
20947s | kind of psyched themselves out by |
20949s | bringing three damping ships and then |
20950s | thinking hey we have to use these dumps |
20952s | because we brought them when I think the |
20954s | most optimal move for them were just |
20955s | been to dive in and try and clear the |
20956s | zombie as quickly as possible they |
20959s | weren't really going to win a race of |
20962s | I mean yeah they weren't really going to |
20964s | win a DPS race with the zamon grid they |
20966s | did try it effectively at the very |
20967s | beginning to put some damage into the |
20969s | Navy exec and then they tried to switch |
20971s | that to The Punisher |
20973s | The Punisher almost died but they |
20974s | weren't applying well enough to actually |
20976s | burst through ships before the design |
20978s | could swap its wrap over so I think at |
20981s | that point you just dive in you try and |
20982s | clear the logistics and from there you |
20984s | can play around your damps minimizing |
20985s | the damage coming in and go for that DPS |
20987s | trade |
20988s | so mod |
20990s | um put yourself in barcodes uh feet |
20992s | right now you've just secured top three |
20995s | um you I think you can relax until |
20997s | tomorrow now I don't think they play a |
20999s | game today how do you think they're |
21000s | feeling |
21001s | well probably over the moon that was |
21003s | kind of the position I was in when I was |
21005s | uh team captain and I got you know top |
21008s | three in like my first or second ever |
21010s | run in the tournament |
21011s | um what you really at this point need is |
21013s | you're done for today you don't play any |
21015s | more games you just kind of do a quick |
21018s | wrap up |
21019s | um you know you get a good night's sleep |
21021s | and you come in refreshed uh and ready |
21024s | to go and that's kind of the advantage |
21026s | you have of being on the winners bracket |
21028s | is you get to have a lot less stress and |
21030s | tension knowing that hey we can prep for |
21033s | a best out of three now you don't have |
21035s | to worry about you know getting uh you |
21037s | know cheesed and kind of these best of |
21038s | ones where if you're truth on or white |
21040s | who's been going you know round round |
21042s | round round having to knock out all |
21044s | these teams you don't get a break you're |
21046s | having to either go into bands like 30 |
21048s | minutes you know after your match is |
21051s | done so you maybe have time to like |
21053s | maybe microwave some food and come back |
21055s | but you have to basically Go full steam |
21058s | ahead they've done it before let's see |
21060s | if they can do it again |
21061s | so our next match was just going to be |
21063s | in just about five minutes is another |
21064s | winners bracket match uh between |
21066s | fraternity and hidden Leaf Village Ninja |
21069s | Assassin Squad Esports |
21071s | um I'm told so the Basilisk who is here |
21073s | uh one of our casters uh he's a member |
21075s | of hidden Leaf uh one of the one of the |
21077s | high-ranking senior members |
21079s | um and I'm told we have we can go to the |
21081s | live shots earlier on live recording |
21083s | earlier on uh during the previous match |
21087s | [Music] |
21093s | come on |
21095s | please please please please please |
21095s | please please he's got a time there's |
21097s | only still stop and turn around |
21102s | come on come on please |
21110s | an excited young man there uh the |
21113s | vasilisk uh love supporting his team |
21115s | from the sidelines today as he's here in |
21117s | the studio with us uh it's it's I know |
21120s | the feeling when you're watching your |
21121s | team fly and it's like nail bitingly |
21123s | tight and you're like oh please please |
21125s | just do it and that was a really good |
21126s | match as well actually talking about |
21127s | matches of the day that was certainly |
21129s | one of them uh super exciting one uh |
21132s | let's take a quick look at the bands now |
21133s | and see uh if Baza can sit back and |
21135s | relax or if this is going to be another |
21136s | uh interesting one so frat Banning out |
21139s | the EOS someone finally recognizing uh |
21141s | that the US right now seems to be the |
21143s | major threat uh balgorn bargast and |
21145s | Osprey hidden Leaf going for the |
21147s | Blackbird the executive shoot the |
21149s | Sentinel and the unneros uh mystical |
21151s | might your thoughts I mean you know |
21154s | Frack can do no wrong so they want to |
21155s | ban the bow go and the balgorn is a good |
21157s | ban congratulations fantastic play uh |
21160s | the EOS I think we've seen perform quite |
21162s | well over the last few matches |
21164s | um it does seem to be the the one of the |
21167s | ships that teams are resorting to now |
21168s | that they are trying to dive through the |
21170s | losers bracket especially |
21173s | um so interesting to see that that then |
21174s | that band is there and you know the |
21177s | hidden Leaf bands I think are fairly |
21178s | standard these are all bands that we've |
21179s | seen time and time again for various |
21181s | reasons both track and disruptors ECM |
21183s | and just the Navy exec is a very Point |
21185s | efficient and Good Ship yeah so these |
21188s | teams just like the last uh match are |
21189s | fighting for |
21191s | um |
21192s | top three if you win this you get into |
21194s | the top three it's the worst you can |
21195s | possibly do that's uh pretty phenomenal |
21197s | in terms of number of price ships and of |
21199s | course uh Pride as well you're likely uh |
21201s | to to be very very pleased with that |
21203s | let's take a look at the teams |
21205s | themselves in terms of uh their their |
21206s | pedigree so fraternity |
21209s | um have large-ish Team actually 52 |
21211s | Pilots they've been around for a little |
21213s | bit time never really had the most |
21215s | success uh in in the tournaments uh 14 |
21217s | wins to eight losses |
21219s | um last time losing to the network uh |
21221s | before that it was a little triggered |
21223s | and barcode ironically uh who they might |
21225s | end up facing uh should it Go the right |
21227s | way for them |
21228s | um but look at this the bright side of |
21230s | death is a pretty decent team no |
21231s | vacancies whereas um it's significantly |
21234s | improved this year from previous years |
21236s | for sure and then Odin's call uh last |
21238s | year's second place team so uh not a bad |
21240s | showing at all from fraternity let's |
21243s | have a look at Hidden Leaf now |
21244s | so a smaller total roster |
21246s | um and uh no less experience really like |
21249s | a ballroom I don't think it's flying |
21251s | this year their second most experienced |
21252s | member uh six wins to four losses and |
21255s | again look at the the side on the the |
21258s | right uh only losing to uh some |
21260s | relatively okay teams like arrival uh |
21263s | was an assault team last year as well |
21264s | and this year they came back and they |
21265s | beat arrival so uh you know came back |
21268s | with a grudge this year beating root |
21270s | Capel Platinum sensitivity and arrival |
21272s | so pretty solid and it looks like hidden |
21274s | Leaf Village ninja are bringing that |
21276s | flag again Navy which again the basilic |
21278s | doesn't for me is expensive so uh |
21280s | moderator any predictions for what we |
21282s | might see here |
21283s | honestly my take on this is that |
21287s | um seeing that we had one excellent |
21291s | Flagship pilot I understand why they're |
21293s | bringing in again uh virion Stone chart |
21296s | after that you're at you're on Cloud9 |
21298s | you're feeling completely undefeatable |
21300s | but then again you know um fabuki waifu |
21303s | and this fraternity team we looked at |
21305s | the veterans from you know the previous |
21307s | teams of fraternity and it's almost |
21310s | entirely new people so it's basically a |
21312s | complete rebuild for both sides um I |
21315s | have been riding pretty high on hidden |
21318s | Leaf actually but I think fraternity has |
21320s | demonstrated why they've made it they've |
21322s | gone up again think against A Little Bit |
21324s | Stronger opposition and I think they'll |
21326s | take the W okay |
21329s | um I know where you're uh Your |
21331s | Allegiance lies with your your true home |
21334s | in an Eve online fraternity uh any any |
21337s | comments to the team for this match |
21339s | uh I don't speak binary so it's kind of |
21342s | hard for me to communicate with them |
21343s | over voice uh now I'm joking um I'm |
21346s | thinking that they're gonna do well |
21347s | fingers crossed they win |
21349s | um they didn't ban the battleships which |
21351s | is basically the only thing that hidden |
21353s | Leaf can feel so I'm interested to see |
21356s | how this goes well we'll go and find out |
21358s | right now with the Basilisk and for your |
21360s | Viner |
21366s | welcome everybody to the arena and I am |
21368s | indeed here the Basilisk joined by fear |
21370s | Viner and as Misty was saying it's all |
21372s | we know how to fly in fraternity have |
21374s | taken upon themselves to not ban it so |
21376s | we thought let's do it again fourth time |
21378s | running let's see how this goes double |
21379s | Fleet typhoon maybe Armageddon fairly |
21381s | standard King Slayer they got hyena and |
21383s | double purifier and uh Fair how about |
21385s | fraternity |
21386s | it's dead |
21388s | standard so something we've seen |
21390s | fraternity fly a couple times throughout |
21392s | the tournament uh they've been using the |
21393s | radiva I know other teams as we saw uh |
21396s | earlier today have liked the Tsar mazd |
21399s | instead of the radiva uh down putting |
21401s | some of the other ships for it but they |
21402s | also have a cruise fire uh on their team |
21405s | which might make it difficult for one of |
21407s | these uh rapid heavy battleships to |
21409s | actually apply damage but off the start |
21411s | of the match |
21412s | we'll see how the aside from him oh it's |
21415s | a triple it's a triple got into |
21417s | disrupter crucifier is it really it is |
21420s | oh my goodness that is big brain so |
21422s | these battleships are gonna have to Ram |
21423s | but I mean they haven't got they haven't |
21425s | got any GDs on the bombers so they're |
21426s | still gonna be significant damage and |
21427s | they are wrapped heavy so assuming |
21429s | they're on Range it's just gonna make |
21431s | the battleships have to Ram but they've |
21432s | they're painting on this has started |
21434s | they're neuting on their starting trying |
21434s | to move out it's Camp neutral is prop |
21437s | um on the other side shots going on to |
21438s | the hyena but they've got a max range |
21440s | warp in this was directly opposite warp |
21442s | into so these battle Cruisers are having |
21443s | to pull away from the battleships and |
21445s | trying to frag the frigates now looking |
21446s | at the Ponte of Carl I got a shout out |
21448s | Carl by the way besides an absolute Giga |
21450s | Chad he I think he started weekend one |
21453s | with very few twitch Channel points and |
21454s | since then he just puts his he just goes |
21456s | all in on every match true to form 250k |
21458s | on us this match this guy is not afraid |
21461s | to gamble his points |
21463s | no I'm not afraid at all we see the |
21465s | already got Navy issue actually piloting |
21467s | behind the double typhoon Fleet issues |
21468s | with this Confessor of kissimmir is |
21471s | getting pretty close |
21473s | cue the rapid heavy Flagship from |
21477s | Heavenly Village assassin Squad Esports |
21479s | I'm saying the whole thing because no |
21481s | one else no one else will say their name |
21484s | out loud the entire way through that was |
21486s | on a fly to the Folly of slime and six |
21488s | right now but he's able to tank up just |
21491s | fine as he has an A B Tech 2 logic |
21493s | effect but as I said that it's actually |
21495s | going down in half armor so it looks |
21497s | like friends my children they all |
21499s | transmission pretty but he's just |
21500s | changed Direction he's changed Direction |
21501s | so thankfully he's going to get his |
21503s | transversal out now |
21504s | um in the opposite direction to these |
21505s | BC's and they're not going to be able to |
21506s | track him when we do see corresponding |
21507s | his HP shoots back up and we're seeing |
21509s | webs on the app so grapple on the |
21511s | prophecy are these battleships gonna get |
21513s | in Ranger it's going to be on costies to |
21514s | catch something but costies himself |
21516s | looks like he's sort of stranded in the |
21517s | middle of nowhere here as prop is off |
21519s | I'm not really sure why has he burned it |
21521s | um no he's picking up speed again I'm |
21522s | not really sure what's happening here |
21524s | now but yeah Absolution is getting |
21526s | clipped here and I think the guidance |
21528s | disruption was on range and they just |
21529s | had to wait for these battleships to |
21530s | burn in but now they've got webs on the |
21532s | App Store and they've got in close |
21533s | um they're pumping straight through yoga |
21535s | in this absolutely |
21537s | yeah but it's got our Diva to help him |
21539s | out if he's able to get that spool |
21541s | before the clip ends then the |
21544s | absolutions gonna be able to survive and |
21545s | hiddenly Village are gonna have no DPS |
21547s | for the remainder of their reload |
21551s | no yogs are on down to about 30 armor |
21555s | remaining he's flying it back pretty |
21557s | quickly actually so the sword Diva might |
21559s | have been able to get the rest down |
21560s | shots Natalia goes |
21562s | but this is still going to be this |
21563s | bombers damage I don't know how much |
21565s | they've clipped I imagine these |
21566s | battleships waited until they were sure |
21567s | they were arranged to start clipping |
21568s | they are right on top of him he's going |
21570s | into Hull can they kill the abso the |
21572s | Deacon is tackled now with Neo they're |
21573s | gonna lose lodgy here but there's still |
21575s | going to be so much ehp in these three |
21576s | battleships not least the flagship |
21578s | armaged a Navy ovarian and he's going to |
21580s | be applying new pressure as well I think |
21581s | these Fleet typhoons are each going to |
21582s | have a couple news as well the Deacon |
21584s | goes down but the guns of you know these |
21586s | these battle Cruisers the Reps maybe are |
21588s | going to start turning off if this goes |
21589s | on too long so you know they need they |
21592s | need to quickly deal with the low end |
21593s | can they kill off the purifiers the |
21594s | hyena Etc |
21596s | well this Absolution of yogg-saron stays |
21599s | alive for the time being we see the |
21600s | nudes actually uh going out uh there |
21604s | should be four total heavy nudes some |
21605s | purifier drops as well as the hyena |
21608s | hidden Leaf they are falling apart of |
21610s | the seams right now to the pseudo.com |
21612s | they haven't killed the Absolution going |
21614s | for the all-in on the rapid heavy clips |
21616s | and if you can't kill one ship in a |
21618s | rapid heavy cycle up against for Diva |
21620s | reps it's going to be very difficult for |
21622s | you to kill anything else yeah I think |
21625s | oh they do kill the absolute but I think |
21626s | I think the main issue here is that the |
21628s | hyena burning the ab I think they could |
21630s | have had a better Target if they can get |
21631s | on the brutix Navy or the rodiva or |
21633s | whatever you know it might be an easier |
21634s | kill but the Absolution is probably the |
21636s | one thing on this grid apart from the |
21637s | prophecy maybe that you really don't |
21638s | want to be shooting because it's just |
21640s | gonna you know as you said you run the |
21641s | risk of not being able to clip it and |
21643s | then the rodiva spool then it wraps it |
21644s | back up and you've done basically |
21645s | nothing now they're losing links Magus |
21647s | going down Carl and the Ponte probably |
21648s | seen off the second purifier going down |
21650s | and it's just going to be the three |
21651s | battleships left here |
21654s | Heavenly Village Ninja Assassin Squad |
21656s | Esports they've made this flag comp work |
21658s | four matches or three matches in a row |
21660s | there are their fourth one if they lose |
21662s | the flagship armaged Navy issue going in |
21665s | a lower bracket they're gonna be up |
21666s | against Huskers who I believe also has a |
21669s | flag Armageddon Navy issue and that one |
21671s | is still alive uh so this could be very |
21675s | difficult uh for Heavenly Village they |
21677s | are guaranteed at least top six but |
21680s | they're really trying to get to the top |
21681s | three instead it will be fraternity |
21683s | making it to the top three after a year |
21685s | off the at uh the top team out of the |
21689s | Chinese time zone taking out or getting |
21692s | out ahead of dracarus and of course out |
21695s | ahead of similarly time zone Platinum |
21698s | sensitivity so they'll be very happy |
21700s | about that it is very late in the day |
21702s | for them and uh not having to play again |
21704s | today will be very welcome indeed yeah |
21708s | and at this point it's looking like it's |
21709s | all she wrote the relief is holding just |
21711s | fine and when this first Battleship of |
21712s | Kami goes down it's just going to be the |
21714s | two left and they're not going to have |
21715s | enough really to clip anything unless |
21717s | they manage to cap out this reliever and |
21718s | actually we see volleys going in through |
21719s | Diva maybe they've identified that as |
21721s | the Target that we need to kill here |
21722s | copacion quickly accelerates away mwd on |
21724s | sees the missiles coming he's going to |
21725s | try and burn out of range of course |
21726s | these GD is ever present the crucifier |
21729s | causing absolute had clear of dark bears |
21731s | and these three battleships are just |
21732s | going to have so little range and of |
21733s | course when this first one dies it's |
21735s | just going to be stacked double onto the |
21736s | other two |
21737s | um so you know this is a very difficult |
21739s | situation and I think this is going to |
21740s | be the end of the winners bracket run |
21741s | but down but not out knocked out into |
21744s | the lower bracket |
21746s | and this triple guidance Destructor |
21748s | crucifier reminds me of a of another uh |
21753s | interesting uh thing that actually |
21755s | happened to fraternity dot if you go |
21757s | back to the alliance open you'll |
21759s | remember fraternity dot got knocked down |
21761s | to the lower bracket and joined the |
21762s | alliance open we got a wild card rule |
21764s | where you could take one |
21767s | T lodgy Cruiser or two A.T frigates |
21772s | one match out of the tournament and they |
21776s | had the atana |
21778s | if we're up against Brave Collective who |
21780s | brought a full blue Jam Griffin jammed |
21784s | out the atana and brave won the match so |
21786s | this is kind of uh an UNO reverse card |
21789s | of that old Story coming back around |
21792s | getting some sort of cheese cheap Eeyore |
21795s | frigate in and dismantling the comp that |
21798s | they expected the other team to buy yeah |
21800s | I mean even in even in this tournament |
21802s | we saw earlier on frat was it I believe |
21804s | it was frat who brought the triple |
21806s | um the double Pilgrim sorry so I mean |
21808s | they're no strangers to bring out these |
21809s | cheese picks when they see someone bring |
21811s | Banning GDs I mean it did even to say |
21813s | you know we've brought this comp three |
21816s | times in a row gambling it I mean it's |
21818s | only a crucifier is the thing it's only |
21819s | three points obviously if they bring a |
21822s | bunch of TDS a bunch sorry if they bring |
21824s | three GDs and we bring a bunch of |
21825s | gunboats it goes wrong the crucifier |
21827s | does nothing but I mean it is three |
21829s | points and in this case they've read |
21830s | they've read our picks they've read our |
21831s | bands and they've played it very very |
21833s | well so Props to frat here and yeah they |
21834s | will move forward to a top three |
21836s | position and from this point I can see |
21837s | virion is just trying to kill DPS he's |
21839s | just trying to do damage control and |
21840s | keep this Flagship alive but with nearly |
21842s | three minutes left on the clock I don't |
21844s | think he's going to be able to I think |
21845s | he is going to go down and this will be |
21846s | as Ithaca was saying quite a spicy kill |
21848s | |
21850s | if I don't see if I don't see a very |
21854s | spicy uh like unit W sibo okay listen |
21857s | it's not it's not true you know it's not |
21860s | poverty it's pretty good |
21862s | wcbo and ours all right uh we we also |
21868s | had a gotan's web uh R.I.P I paid for |
21870s | that one with my own isk but uh variant |
21873s | Stone Shard into structure and with that |
21875s | we are going to send it to the break |
21878s | when we return the dusk is going to |
21880s | analyze that much and bring us into |
21882s | white flag versus truth honor light you |
21884s | won't want to miss it we'll be right |
21885s | back after this |
21887s | foreign |
21902s | [Music] |
21905s | [Applause] |
21925s | goons like you say there's such a huge |
21927s | group in the game that they can easily |
21929s | just do their own internal practices if |
21930s | they wanted to they can easily get 20 |
21932s | Pilots I'm sure |
21942s | [Music] |
21956s | [Music] |
21968s | thank you |
21973s | head and leaf down but not out they |
21976s | dropped to the loser's bracket and will |
21978s | play again today uh but they have lost |
21980s | their Flagship not great for them |
21981s | fraternity meanwhile continue their run |
21984s | in the upper bracket making their way |
21986s | into a top three position uh here's our |
21989s | remaining teams and remaining uh |
21990s | flagships fraternity barcode the tuskers |
21993s | and white flag all with their flagships |
21995s | a good mix of them here we've got the |
21997s | one Vindicator uh two bar guests and an |
22000s | Armageddon Navy issue the other two |
22002s | teams still in uh Hill Nancy and Truth |
22005s | on a light both without their flagships |
22007s | uh obviously truth on the light lost |
22009s | theirs uh last weekend and we just saw |
22011s | very soon started dying there I'm just |
22013s | waiting to see if we can get the kill me |
22015s | on that so we can have a look at it but |
22017s | that was another exciting match |
22019s | um I'm sure Baza wasn't wasn't so happy |
22020s | about that particular one he has been |
22022s | telling us that this is an expensive |
22023s | ship mod I believe you put the over |
22024s | under on somewhere like 40 bill so we'll |
22026s | find out soon |
22028s | um but I wanted to talk about a couple |
22029s | of things we saw in that match one of |
22030s | the things that you pointed out during |
22031s | it uh about guidance disruption just |
22033s | tell me about it because it was pretty |
22035s | cool yeah so imagine this you're a |
22038s | three-point ship and your guidance |
22041s | disruption carries the match because |
22043s | they correctly picked that they could |
22045s | have three guidance disruptions there |
22047s | were three battleships they cut down the |
22048s | range all of like 70 from like 70 80 |
22051s | kilometers down to like not not that |
22054s | much |
22055s | so we saw all these volleys from these |
22057s | battleships just go across the field and |
22059s | then just stop dead in the air because |
22062s | they got cut down then when those |
22064s | battleships did manage to close on top |
22066s | of the Absolution the crucifier was like |
22068s | hey uh maybe I'm doing nothing by doing |
22070s | this and then very quickly he swapped |
22072s | over to the pair of bombers that were |
22075s | you know actually kiting at range so |
22077s | just very good presence of mind and |
22079s | that's kind of the piloting skill and |
22081s | awareness that you need in order to earn |
22083s | a top three spot and fraternity have now |
22085s | have done it yeah exactly it's it's |
22088s | having the situational awareness of |
22090s | where everything is located on uh on the |
22093s | field you see that you're in range to do |
22095s | your weapon disruption but you also have |
22096s | to be aware of how far away that ship is |
22098s | from what it's trying to shoot and of |
22100s | course with guidance disruption if |
22101s | you're pulling the range back |
22103s | um then like you say once it gets in on |
22105s | top of that chip it's going to be almost |
22106s | useless leaving it on it so having that |
22109s | President having that situational |
22110s | awareness as a team to be say okay I'm |
22112s | taking off of those battleships now and |
22114s | I'm putting it onto the bombers you saw |
22115s | the DPS suddenly drop off as the bombers |
22117s | which were fine before they were |
22119s | shooting from a good range suddenly that |
22121s | damage just just cut off as they had to |
22123s | reposition and move in we also saw as |
22125s | some excellent uh piloting |
22127s | um by sarion um in the Navy order I |
22130s | believe who got into the backline got a |
22132s | web and Natalia talk to me about that |
22134s | yeah think yeah it is incredibly |
22137s | difficult to really explain the |
22139s | importance of webs when it comes to |
22142s | these gun comps we saw that the |
22144s | fraternity team tried to kill the Thalia |
22146s | early on but the Thalia was able to |
22148s | catch reps once it started picking up |
22149s | speed I think when they first started |
22151s | shooting it it was going about 400 |
22152s | meters a second it picked up to about |
22154s | 600 meters a second and suddenly the |
22156s | damage fell away the augura burning into |
22159s | the back line the Navy orbital sorry |
22160s | burning into the back line and getting |
22161s | at that web paired with a Target painter |
22164s | on the failure dropping the speed down |
22166s | to about 300 to 50 meters a second meant |
22169s | that the full fraternity team could |
22170s | apply their damage properly so they were |
22172s | able to power through the failure and |
22174s | then the Deacon because it was right |
22175s | next to the Thalia due to the |
22177s | limitations on frigate rep range and |
22180s | then they were able to snowball from |
22181s | there removing the purifiers really |
22184s | reallocating their GDs again uh with |
22186s | doctors there I believe in the crucifier |
22189s | um and then yeah just managing to |
22190s | snowball quite effectively uh we will |
22193s | see Henley Village uh once again in |
22195s | literally only 30 minutes uh for their |
22197s | next match where they go up against the |
22199s | tuskers call in an elimination uh we |
22202s | have not many teams left at this point |
22204s | so the only teams left there are six |
22206s | teams now uh are barcode and Fraternity |
22208s | in our winners bracket right now one of |
22210s | them will advance to the finals and we |
22212s | have hidden Leaf Village Ninja Assassin |
22214s | Squad Esports at the tuskers co white |
22216s | flag and Truth honor light so a kind of |
22219s | a different uh setup from last year the |
22221s | tuskers were in |
22222s | um just on the live course last year's |
22224s | Champion but the rest of those teams are |
22227s | pretty new to this area of the |
22228s | tournament so it's super exciting to see |
22229s | that |
22230s | um I believe we have the flagship of |
22232s | William Stone chart so let's see if we |
22233s | can throw that up and take a look at it |
22235s | and mod you said the over under was 40 |
22236s | Bell uh looks like zekel's listing it as |
22239s | uh 17 or 18.7 I should say |
22242s | um some some relatively nice uh |
22244s | launchers Thorns modified |
22247s | um looks like we have a uh officer |
22249s | sensor booster as well and an officer |
22252s | damage control uh 7.4 billion so uh |
22256s | pretty respectable what do you think |
22257s | yeah I mean |
22259s | it might have been difficult for them to |
22261s | Source a lot of these rapid heavy |
22262s | missile launchers one thing that has |
22265s | been a common occurrence is that if |
22267s | you're one of these at Team captains you |
22269s | actually like need to almost have |
22270s | contacts or someone that you know that |
22272s | like hunts officers because everyone and |
22275s | their mother wants this year to either |
22277s | have an Armageddon Flagship or a Bargas |
22278s | Flagship and every single one of these |
22281s | people is fitting them with rapid heavy |
22283s | so it might be the case that like you |
22285s | literally can't get the Tobias you can't |
22287s | get the estamo like rapid heavy |
22289s | launchers or the shaquills you know so |
22291s | sometimes |
22293s | either you don't have the ability or you |
22295s | don't have the money and you have to |
22297s | settle for something like a thons in |
22300s | this case but now that you're in you |
22303s | know top six and you're going to get all |
22305s | those price ships you're gonna have no |
22306s | trouble paying for a flagship next year |
22308s | yeah sometimes uh The Meta of uh |
22312s | stopping other people getting good |
22313s | modules for their flagships is a real |
22315s | thing we saw this back when the last |
22317s | term projects were allowed in uh in the |
22320s | matches you would see teams hoard them |
22322s | refuse to sell them to teams that |
22324s | potentially could be uh competitors to |
22327s | them I'm 100 sure there are some people |
22329s | out there sitting on top of more of |
22331s | these sml's launchers at 17 billion a |
22333s | pop then they really need simply to one |
22336s | prepare for any other tournaments and |
22338s | two to make sure other people don't get |
22340s | them uh it's a it's a fully legitimate |
22342s | tactic back in the day PL used to do |
22344s | things like buy entire stocks to certain |
22347s | implants out of the trade hubs like Jita |
22349s | and Amar in the Days running up to |
22351s | tournaments so that teams who maybe |
22353s | needed those plus three impacts just |
22355s | couldn't get them which is uh you know |
22357s | it's all fair it's all fair and Love and |
22358s | War all right |
22360s | speaking of uh teams let's have a look |
22362s | at our next ones which is White Flag |
22363s | versus truth honor light in an |
22365s | elimination match |
22367s | White Flag Banning Armageddon Navy issue |
22369s | Armageddon Gollum first of we've seen of |
22372s | those I believe and executive Navy issue |
22374s | truth on I like going for the crucifer |
22375s | at the arbitrator the pilgrim and the |
22377s | bar guest mystical might these are |
22379s | practice Partners what do you think of |
22380s | these bands very interesting that the |
22383s | curse of all them is unbanned at this |
22385s | point so typically we see crucify |
22388s | arbitrator curse bands not Pilgrim so |
22391s | interesting to see the flip around here |
22392s | the Golem I'm assuming is in line with |
22395s | like a pseudo tanker that Hydra likes to |
22398s | sometimes fly up truth on a light looks |
22399s | to sometimes fly |
22401s | um which they've probably practiced |
22402s | against and decided that it's too much |
22403s | hassle to have to deal with because you |
22406s | can bring a setup to counter it but the |
22407s | setup that counters it doesn't do well |
22409s | against other setups that they could |
22411s | also bring so it's too much of a dice |
22413s | roll to achieve mod yeah so it seems |
22417s | like Pilgrim almost was like a pick |
22419s | where uh they thought that white flag |
22421s | would ban the curse and that there would |
22423s | be a trickle as a result because there |
22425s | is no other reason necessarily you would |
22427s | want to go for the pilgrim because the |
22428s | curse is strictly speaking a better ship |
22431s | um Armageddon Armageddon Navy we've seen |
22433s | uh truth honor light bring in previous |
22436s | matches so something that they're afraid |
22438s | of probably from scrims yeah that's okay |
22440s | what I was thinking as well when I saw |
22442s | the fact that the curse wasn't there I |
22443s | wonder if they were getting like one |
22444s | step ahead of themselves |
22446s | um and as mentioned these are our |
22447s | practice Partners so they're likely to |
22449s | be thinking about the things that they |
22450s | actually like to use against each other |
22452s | truth on a light we can pull their |
22453s | summary up right here uh we can see the |
22456s | experience of a number of their pilots I |
22458s | mean Casper 72 runs I believe it's |
22460s | number one most matches flowing in any |
22462s | by anyone in the last term in history |
22463s | and not far behind Kadesh uh he is one |
22466s | of the main theater Crafters also the |
22468s | maintainer of pifer |
22470s | um which you know thank you very much |
22472s | Kadesh we love that too |
22473s | um it's very popular around the CCP |
22475s | office for sure and then we spoke about |
22477s | some of these other guys like Nick |
22478s | earlier on so hugely experienced team |
22481s | and just look at it on the right uh |
22483s | that's a lot of Dubs and the only L uh |
22486s | from barcode aileron in this tournament |
22488s | they've had to fight through Exodus dark |
22490s | side odons and Templars to get to where |
22493s | they are right now it has been a heck of |
22494s | a run for them uh Misty any any any |
22497s | comments here I was gonna say there's a |
22499s | lot of history I think and some of the |
22500s | teams that they've faced off against |
22502s | this year especially you know Templars |
22504s | having done really well against them in |
22505s | previous tournaments Odin's just being a |
22508s | really good team and making it to the to |
22509s | second place last year Dark Side having |
22511s | some of the old vidra guys on it who |
22513s | used to be their practice Partners |
22515s | um just also historically a fairly |
22517s | decent team although fairly new people |
22519s | this year so |
22521s | um it's definitely not been an easy |
22522s | Journey it's very very much been a case |
22525s | of sitting on the edge of the seat and |
22527s | praying somewhat that |
22530s | truth on a light somehow pull off a win |
22532s | because it's it's not been you know land |
22534s | on grid and it's a comp deaf you're just |
22535s | like oh okay this is over already it's |
22538s | uh stressful for me so if it's stressful |
22540s | for me and I'm not officially on the |
22542s | team then it must be incredibly |
22544s | stressful for people that have to turn |
22547s | around in like 40 minutes and and play |
22548s | again |
22549s | yeah |
22550s | um mods you've been in teams that have |
22551s | had to get to this stage of tournaments |
22553s | before what's it like when you have to |
22554s | just do match after match after match |
22557s | I mean it's incredibly stressful we talk |
22559s | it about it a little bit from the |
22561s | captain's point of view of you in the |
22563s | game and then like five minutes later |
22564s | you're getting convoed by a GM because |
22567s | these matches are literally rapid fire |
22569s | just to get them done in a reasonable |
22571s | amount of time but there's also a fair |
22573s | amount of you know just not dropping |
22575s | your spaghetti as a player making sure |
22577s | that um you're ready to go hop in the |
22580s | next ship uh that you need typically |
22582s | teams will have |
22583s | you know tens or hundreds of ships |
22586s | pre-staged with different fits uh and |
22589s | different variations ready to go |
22590s | specifically for this event because like |
22593s | you're saying PL used to buy out all the |
22595s | modules and there's still some meta |
22597s | gaming stuff going on if you don't have |
22598s | everything you need and you're ready to |
22600s | go |
22601s | um you're going to be tilted out of your |
22602s | mind and that is not where you want to |
22605s | be going into you know elimination match |
22607s | that determines whether or not you're in |
22609s | like lower bracket finals or you're out |
22611s | yeah we've got a minor delay for this |
22614s | match uh I see it's been pushed back |
22615s | just a few minutes uh three or four so |
22617s | we'll get to that uh as soon as we can |
22619s | uh what we can do right now is have a |
22620s | look again at the price ships that these |
22622s | teams are competing for at the new ships |
22624s | this year the uh shipash and the side |
22627s | belly the shipash uh the assault uh |
22630s | frigate uh with a pretty decent bonuses |
22632s | unless I value that nice chunky hack |
22635s | mystical might uh your thoughts on these |
22636s | ships here I believe they're called the |
22638s | chopash and the Sybil thank you very |
22640s | much yes we agreed on this this was this |
22642s | was law |
22643s | um yeah no as I mentioned previously I |
22646s | think it was last weekend I'm really |
22647s | happy to see the address there come back |
22650s | in the form of the sabil here |
22652s | um the trustee was always one of my |
22653s | favorite ships I think it's one of the |
22655s | first like e-videos that I actually |
22657s | watched when it came to PVP watching the |
22659s | address you burn around and like |
22660s | absolutely own people it was great so |
22663s | really hoping to get my hands on one of |
22664s | these at some point I have to swap it |
22666s | with another 80 ship that's absolutely |
22668s | fine there's a part |
22670s | um looks like it could be fairly |
22671s | interesting I know that there used to be |
22673s | someone called RTS over lunch that loved |
22675s | the YouTube flying around faction |
22677s | Warfare space Maybe other people |
22679s | following his footsteps and decide that |
22680s | they're gonna slam the shapas into some |
22682s | some fetch Warfare plexus yeah I always |
22684s | like seeing people flying these ships on |
22686s | Tranquility |
22688s | um they're they're just so expensive |
22689s | they're so rare uh that you know when |
22691s | everyone dies it gets obviously posted |
22693s | on Reddit and most of the comments are |
22695s | usually people being like yo well done |
22696s | for taking it out man like that's really |
22698s | good |
22699s | um some people have just terrible fed |
22700s | theirs over the years of course uh |
22702s | there's one in particular I can think of |
22703s | involving a poor boys |
22705s | um but amazing ships and one of the |
22707s | things I really like since Alliance |
22709s | tournament 17 uh We've expanded used to |
22712s | be like back in the old days it was just |
22713s | top three got ships |
22715s | um now if you're top 16 you get ships so |
22717s | it's a more even curve means that more |
22719s | teams have access to these there's more |
22720s | of them in general which means that |
22723s | there's more of a market especially some |
22724s | of the teams that maybe got a few top |
22726s | top Stacks in they're probably going to |
22728s | want to sell those to get the money out |
22730s | to their uh to their teammates uh and |
22732s | you know we could put some of the top |
22734s | teams have enough to give one or two out |
22735s | to individual Pilots which is awesome |
22738s | um but yeah I would love to see them and |
22739s | I hope to see more of these on |
22741s | Tranquility as soon as they're available |
22742s | I'm told we can head over to the arena |
22744s | now actually the match is now ready to |
22746s | go uh Mark resurrect us and Chad Flame |
22752s | welcome back folks to the penultimate |
22754s | match here at the Bernie Nader Arena |
22757s | it's me again of course Mark resurrect |
22759s | is with me of course is the effulgent |
22761s | Chad flame we have white flag versus |
22765s | truth honor light White Flag in red |
22767s | truth honor light in blue white flag |
22771s | deciding to bring a Max drone comp dual |
22774s | EOS dual Ishtar Gila Magus Vex Navy |
22777s | carries vigil and mollusk Chad flame |
22780s | what do we have from the odds on |
22782s | favorite of Truth on our light |
22784s | we are looking at a widow of course for |
22787s | that wonderful Jam Power followed by |
22789s | damnation EOS for links and drone damage |
22791s | and maybe some missiles as well with a |
22793s | curse Talia Deacon laji with a curious |
22795s | for some damps double bomber in a |
22798s | Confessor for tackle as we see the match |
22800s | begin |
22801s | now this is gonna be a really |
22802s | interesting one we were talked in the |
22803s | last match where we saw this truth honor |
22805s | light Widow that these jams can be |
22807s | pretty oppressive if they land uh but |
22810s | drones not easily jammed these these |
22812s | drones are |
22814s | and it's also not like white flag have a |
22816s | lodgy2 jam either |
22818s | that's true that is true they do not |
22820s | have a lodgy to jam uh they are this is |
22823s | a full I assume buffer probably uh or |
22827s | rather a uh a logic drone comp if |
22829s | anything at all you can see now damage |
22831s | going on to both warp out in the Widow |
22833s | and general hungry in the Thalia forcing |
22836s | the uh the Deacon value combo of Journal |
22838s | hungry and Casper 24. to make a decision |
22840s | warp out in the Widow now taking quite a |
22843s | bit of armor damage here Chad flame are |
22845s | we gonna see this Widow be pressured |
22847s | into uh having to pull back a little bit |
22849s | you can't pull away from drones though |
22850s | Chad can you |
22851s | I know you cannot and this Widow is |
22853s | definitely paying the price for us it |
22855s | almost seems like they expected |
22856s | something like this to be brought out |
22857s | and said we don't want to see that Widow |
22859s | let's just bring jams as we see the |
22861s | Widow actually attempting to probably |
22862s | Jam drones to get some damage off grid |
22865s | but it is not doing much as he is going |
22867s | into low armor |
22869s | at the same time lady labia in the Eos |
22871s | now picking up quite a bit of damage |
22872s | from this I mean again there's still |
22874s | let's let's not pretend there's a lot of |
22876s | DPS on this grid from the team from |
22878s | truth on the light now you can see now |
22880s | warpout starting to rep back up into mid |
22882s | armor at the same time lady lady is held |
22885s | down pretty hard from China Tech in the |
22886s | damnation and Nick hinken in the |
22888s | Confessor uh and is going to be putting |
22890s | into low armor here shortly all the |
22893s | while this war this Widow warbat is |
22895s | rubbing back up higher and higher into |
22896s | armor you think that at some point White |
22899s | Flag needs to pick a different Target |
22901s | yeah at this point they switch it off to |
22903s | that tally it looks like they're getting |
22904s | very good hits on General hunger he's |
22905s | telling you are they going to be able to |
22906s | take that out |
22907s | yes they did Natalia will go down you |
22910s | got to think now they're going to go |
22911s | over there after maybe cast for 24 yes |
22914s | Casper in the Deacon will be the next |
22916s | Target as the truth on the light team |
22918s | goes in on Alice heckerty hey Kate he |
22921s | Kate in the Dexter Navy uh but not so |
22924s | much DBS in them moving across the the |
22926s | grid from the White Flag team |
22928s | also note like I said you know most |
22929s | teams would go for a lodgy trade in this |
22931s | situation because Dynamite doesn't have |
22932s | allowed you to really shoot so uh |
22934s | they're just putting out as much damage |
22935s | as they can onto all the damage ships |
22937s | that white flag has fielded which is |
22939s | plentiful but it does seem like the |
22941s | White Flags uh defense bar is not very |
22943s | high or control bar compared to the |
22945s | truth on the light team either no it |
22947s | really isn't and you have to wonder |
22948s | whether that might be a bug if it's not |
22950s | calculating the damage that's coming out |
22952s | of these drones we now see the vector |
22955s | Navy going down from the team from White |
22957s | Flag if they can't start picking off |
22959s | some of these ships maybe something on |
22961s | the lower end from the truth on the |
22962s | light team they're going to be in a |
22963s | tough spot because every time one of |
22964s | these these drops they're losing that |
22966s | much more drone damage |
22969s | uh exactly you know you almost wonder if |
22971s | the drones are you know doing that bug |
22973s | in space where they don't do what you |
22975s | want them to do you know Jones always do |
22976s | have a mind of their own they do and uh |
22978s | it's showing maybe a little bit here but |
22980s | we see the Gila now being tackled down |
22982s | by the truth Diner Light Team Gill is |
22984s | not known for having much armor tank but |
22985s | it looks like he's actually Shield |
22986s | fitted this kill and just said we have |
22988s | no logic anyways I'm going for Max tank |
22990s | and Max DPS yeah he's gonna try and I |
22993s | mean it looks like he might be trying to |
22995s | make a play uh over here they all spread |
22999s | out all of these these different the |
23000s | these different uh drone ships spread |
23003s | out towards the different beacons maybe |
23005s | thinking that they might be able to get |
23006s | a micro jump off the yellow does go down |
23008s | but they couldn't get those micro jumps |
23010s | off because everything was tackled so |
23011s | hard this was the one China Tech and the |
23013s | and uh in the damnation and the thinking |
23016s | in the Confessor both holding him hard |
23017s | okay now as we see damage going back |
23019s | onto the Widow of warp out but you gotta |
23022s | think Chad flame if they weren't able to |
23023s | break it before they might they're |
23024s | probably gonna be able to break it now I |
23026s | mean they did lose Italia so there there |
23028s | is an off chance that they do break that |
23031s | Widow but you do wonder if there was |
23033s | maybe a better Target to go on to that |
23035s | Widow is jamming their drones so I would |
23037s | say that might be annoying and why we're |
23038s | not seeing you know full damage all the |
23040s | time is maybe they're leaving one or two |
23041s | drones left on the flight instead of |
23043s | killing them all and then maybe throwing |
23044s | some jams on them because jams do work |
23046s | on drones but they do Chad flame that |
23048s | they do even if the Widow goes down here |
23050s | they probably will trade for grunt keto |
23053s | in the Eos and if they manage to do that |
23055s | all they're going to be left with are |
23056s | the two-ish cars for the for the brunt |
23059s | of their DPS and I don't think it's |
23060s | going to be enough in fact if this EOS |
23062s | goes down that's quite a bit of DPS that |
23064s | they're going to lose when that happens |
23065s | they might be it might be enough for |
23068s | them to hold this Widow that's just |
23070s | barely tanking in very low armor |
23073s | yeah you know like like you said a lot |
23075s | of that damage is off grid now as we see |
23077s | these two ishtars attempting to rat |
23080s | their way through this Widow and it does |
23082s | not seem to be working no it's not you |
23084s | almost wonder if again at this point I |
23087s | think that the deed is done as it were |
23089s | maybe a little bit too early to call |
23090s | what we say that good fights being |
23092s | thrown out in local already uh granted |
23095s | those are oh yeah those are coming from |
23097s | the team from White Flag they think I |
23099s | think they know what is what the end is |
23101s | here you think maybe that the Widow |
23103s | might not have been the best option |
23104s | early on again because that Widow didn't |
23106s | have I mean the Widow I want to see if |
23108s | this is the same Cruise Widow they had |
23110s | earlier uh you think it probably is |
23114s | because they didn't really have I mean |
23115s | they had time to refit if they needed to |
23118s | um but either way the the Widow again |
23120s | for a Max drone comp the Widow is it |
23123s | doesn't have the same Effectiveness as |
23125s | if it were trying to pull off |
23127s | um you know DPS from Battle Cruisers |
23129s | right or DPS from other battleships if |
23131s | it's if it's drone damage maybe you |
23132s | think that you go for a different Target |
23133s | but then what what do you choose you go |
23135s | for the curse do you go for you know the |
23138s | something squishy like a you know the |
23139s | purifier of the Hound I don't know |
23142s | you know they're they're you know |
23144s | depends on what drones you have in your |
23145s | cargo hold but I'm sure like maybe if |
23148s | you dropped sentries off the game maybe |
23149s | went for an early headshot or Switched |
23151s | Off to some faster drones you probably |
23152s | could have cleared off that low end a |
23153s | little bit easier than you would expect |
23155s | with the double bomber and curious |
23157s | obviously those the Curious isn't going |
23159s | to really do much to curse isn't going |
23160s | to really do much against your team |
23161s | because uh you know drone cop your ships |
23164s | are not gonna get really pushed by those |
23165s | but you know collecting as many free |
23168s | kills as you can is pretty important you |
23170s | know maybe getting those logic frickets |
23171s | off grid so you can pick a DPS Target |
23173s | that does have some drones and take it |
23176s | out as quick as you can just try and |
23177s | lower the DPS on that shirt that are |
23179s | like comp because the e-word doesn't |
23180s | affect you very much here you're right |
23182s | and let's not say enough cannot be said |
23185s | about the work that was done by both |
23187s | Journal hungry and Casper 24 in the |
23189s | Deacon and the Thalia around the Thalia |
23191s | and the Deacon respectively working to |
23194s | keep warp out in the Widow alive Casper |
23196s | especially after his uh frequency buddy |
23198s | did go down was able to heroically keep |
23201s | the Widow on the field even even though |
23203s | the Widow dipped down to I think it was |
23204s | like 10 armor at one point uh before |
23207s | finally catching reps and at this point |
23209s | the truth on the light just cleans up |
23211s | White Flag uh unfortunately will go out |
23213s | here they've had a great run this season |
23216s | that's tough in these final matches with |
23218s | these with these quick turnaround times |
23220s | but they have played this very well Chad |
23222s | Flame |
23223s | I agree and like was set on the desk |
23225s | sorry the practice partners of each |
23227s | other so sometimes you get inside of |
23228s | your own head a little bit and are |
23230s | thinking you know well if this happens |
23232s | let me do this but if that then this |
23234s | they're expecting this it just becomes a |
23235s | massive amount of head games and I don't |
23237s | know if that necessarily showed here |
23238s | maybe for the White Flag team bringing a |
23241s | questionable no lodgy drone comp it does |
23244s | seem like they predicted a little bit |
23245s | well but it made it did not work out in |
23247s | their favor but uh with that being said |
23250s | it looks like a cleanup for truth honor |
23252s | light going to push themselves into the |
23255s | fourth place third place match starting |
23256s | the day tomorrow yeah it's gonna be an |
23259s | exciting match or exciting set of |
23261s | matches tomorrow me and Chad flame we'll |
23263s | be back tomorrow for the finals of the |
23266s | upper bracket until then we wish you a |
23269s | good evening we have one more match left |
23270s | we'll go back to the desk with Mod Misty |
23273s | and cecp overload |
23291s | [Music] |
23294s | thank you |
23301s | scram to help |
23304s | where are you guys something went angry |
23308s | dude they weren't angry before kill him |
23310s | which which one's grabbing it's on the |
23312s | clock it looks like I'm gonna get owned |
23314s | by rats not like this kill the rats |
23322s | I was yellow to these it's dead |
23326s | meaning they were white a second ago and |
23329s | then they just got all Angry |
23333s | [Music] |
23351s | thank you |
23357s | [Music] |
23360s | oh my God |
23362s | [Music] |
23365s | truth on a light finally knocking White |
23367s | Flag out of the tournament uh in a super |
23370s | interesting match uh I was standing |
23372s | there going hang on there's no logistic |
23374s | ships in this white flat comp uh Mr |
23376s | covet no Logistics ships question mark |
23379s | yeah maybe not the the most effective |
23381s | winning move that we've seen this |
23383s | tournament I I don't think we've seen a |
23385s | logilos comp so far in this at uh as I I |
23390s | did say you know when you mentioned it |
23392s | bringing a lodulous comp full of drones |
23395s | when you know what your practice partner |
23398s | is likely to bring to the real match |
23399s | because they think you'll struggle with |
23401s | it is a fairly decent idea I think it |
23404s | was just the fact that nif in the |
23406s | Confessor like acting like a little |
23408s | jumping spider around the arena |
23409s | following people with the mjd beacons |
23411s | through a spanner in the works without |
23413s | that and also without I think some of |
23415s | the piloting from the logistics frigates |
23417s | and the Widow it would have been a |
23420s | completely different game but they |
23421s | managed to minimize damage as much as |
23424s | possible until they'd cleared enough DPS |
23426s | ships that it just didn't matter anymore |
23427s | yeah we saw that I think it was at the |
23429s | Italia uh go down uh early from the |
23432s | Drone damage coming from from White Flag |
23434s | and then it looked like it was a bit |
23435s | touch and go on that Widow for a while |
23436s | he did start to bleed a little bit of a |
23438s | hull uh if that had gone down |
23440s | um and maybe that second uh Logistics |
23442s | frigate uh it would have been something |
23444s | completely different uh so a pretty |
23446s | solid run there's one again one of those |
23448s | matches the the scoreline doesn't really |
23450s | give away it's just how close it |
23452s | actually was when it sort of hangs in |
23454s | the balance where one team is just going |
23456s | to like pull it and once they do it just |
23457s | starts to sort of snowball so the points |
23459s | end up making it look like you know five |
23461s | to a hundred or whatever it was in that |
23463s | last match it looks like one team just |
23465s | got stomped but when you actually watch |
23466s | it back and you see like the piloting |
23469s | both teams like as you mentioned we saw |
23471s | the Drone team spread out into all the |
23473s | different Arena uh beacons in the arena |
23474s | there was ships jumping all over the |
23477s | place it was uh one of those matches |
23479s | where the pure camera operators |
23481s | frantically trying to steer the camera |
23482s | and catch some of these things and it's |
23485s | one of those matches that as a as an |
23487s | observer on on the stream when you're |
23488s | seeing like a mixed view it can |
23489s | sometimes be really hard to really |
23491s | appreciate how much piloting skill is we |
23493s | wanted both teams there you're running |
23495s | in this three-dimensional space you know |
23497s | it's hard to convey that sometimes on a |
23500s | 2d broadcast but you know there's some |
23503s | real proper you know seven eight nine |
23505s | brain moves going on both teams there uh |
23508s | so super excellent match super excellent |
23510s | match |
23511s | um and obviously at Widow I think we |
23513s | mentioned that when it came in uh not |
23514s | super often we see them we've seen a |
23516s | couple now in the last few matches from |
23518s | truth on a light |
23519s | against the Drone Compass almost one of |
23521s | the the worst things you can bring we |
23523s | did see no jams landing on the other |
23525s | side most likely they were jamming |
23527s | drones which is certainly extremely |
23528s | valid tactic but I'm sure that Widow |
23531s | must have been like oh this is a this is |
23533s | not ideal |
23535s | yeah we saw that being a little bit |
23537s | touch and go |
23538s | um with the Widow dropping really really |
23540s | low and this might be why you would |
23541s | bring a lot g-list comp is because one |
23544s | of the issues with these drone comps is |
23546s | that they sacrificed damage for having |
23549s | mobility and being able to be where |
23550s | literally wherever they want |
23552s | um they thought on the White Flag side |
23554s | that they could basically be on all the |
23556s | different beacons and we saw that the |
23558s | Widow you know was just chilling in you |
23560s | know ten percent five percent armor and |
23563s | that probably would have been a lot more |
23565s | healthy if um |
23566s | there was you know no neros or um |
23569s | something instead of you know another |
23571s | Ishtar to do that drone damage |
23573s | unfortunately though that is the last we |
23575s | will see of White Flag |
23578s | um again shout out to everyone that was |
23579s | kind of constantly paying off these |
23581s | beacons ever since we've added those |
23584s | jump beacons to the tournament Arena |
23586s | it's definitely added a lot of layers of |
23589s | depth and Nuance we've seen uh you know |
23591s | not just micro jump drive plays but |
23593s | these teams having to play around that |
23595s | and use that and that's something you |
23597s | have to do if you want to win at this |
23598s | level |
23599s | all right let's look at our next match |
23600s | which is gonna be our last match of the |
23602s | day but it's certainly not going to be |
23603s | an unexciting one hidden Leaf Village |
23605s | Ninja Assassin Squad Esports versus the |
23607s | tuskers call one of these teams with a |
23609s | flagship remaining the other without |
23610s | hidden Leaf Banning out the Blackbird |
23612s | the executive Navy the Scimitar and the |
23614s | bar gas whereas the task was going for |
23615s | Blackbird Widow Loki hyena and then we |
23619s | have uh the trekkel bands the Jesus from |
23621s | the tuskers and the Claymore from hidden |
23623s | Leaf uh mystical Knight your thoughts |
23624s | here it's interesting that they've |
23626s | banned out the lechisis |
23628s | um the reason behind it I'm assuming |
23630s | it's not just really related to damps |
23632s | but also about range control so the |
23635s | logistis is one of the combat Recons I |
23638s | believe that allows you to fit a scram |
23639s | and it has an extended range it scrams |
23641s | out to like 20 25 kilometers with the |
23643s | tech 2 maybe with links can't quite |
23645s | remember the exact details it might be a |
23647s | little bit further than that the Loki |
23649s | ban as well also makes me think a little |
23651s | pad with a hyena band that they're |
23652s | looking to remove as much range and |
23654s | speed control as possible so that they |
23655s | either have an easier time getting onto |
23657s | ships or staying away from them I can't |
23658s | quite tell which but from the looks of |
23661s | it I think they're looking to rush just |
23664s | because they've removed two ECM boats |
23666s | that would effectively split their |
23668s | damage if they're tackled away from it |
23670s | so I'm expecting a rush from tuscos and |
23673s | hidden Leaf Banning the standard |
23675s | basically yeah tuscaras actually have |
23677s | their Flagship Armageddon Navy issue |
23679s | available if they still choose I haven't |
23681s | heard anything about it being fielded |
23682s | and of course hidden Leaf just lost |
23684s | theirs in the previous match so they |
23685s | they're unable to field it even if they |
23687s | wanted to uh it's dead |
23690s | um I mean the claimer mod we don't see |
23692s | very many Claymore bands uh any any |
23694s | thoughts on that yeah so taskers have in |
23697s | this year and the last year use |
23698s | Claymores basically as part of a a |
23700s | missile kiting comp so that could be |
23702s | basically a targeted band saying hey |
23704s | um if we face like any sort of a heavy |
23706s | Shield kite we're going to be in trouble |
23708s | uh notably though all the bands that we |
23710s | see leave kind of a Max thread in which |
23713s | I'm very scared to deal with if I'm |
23715s | hidden Leaf because frankly the pilots |
23718s | on toskers yeah if you do a mirror of |
23721s | that are probably just going to take the |
23722s | W there not to Discount hidden Leaf but |
23725s | toskers has been playing some comps that |
23729s | probably shouldn't win but just by like |
23732s | pure piloting and mechanic skill they've |
23733s | been taking wins off of teams anyway all |
23736s | right well for the last time today let's |
23738s | head over to the arena for hidden Leaf |
23739s | Village Ninja Assassin Squad Esports |
23741s | versus the taskers co with our casters |
23743s | the Basilisk and firovina |
23749s | welcome back to the |
23752s | video joined by the basilus can on the |
23753s | red |
23754s | s hidden Leaf Village Ninja Assassin |
23756s | Squad Esports bringing a slightly |
23759s | different compliment they've previously |
23761s | done they've brought triple Battleship |
23762s | once again but this time uh dual Abbas |
23764s | and a non-flag Navy Garden meanwhile |
23767s | what do we see on the blue side tuska |
23769s | seemed to have bought quite a low DPS |
23771s | drone comp so double EOS but they've got |
23773s | a lot of control they've got hugin two |
23775s | arbitrators and a crucifier and of |
23777s | course it carries so I mean I think the |
23779s | plan for this hidden Leaf cop would be |
23781s | for the celestes to damp out any TDS and |
23783s | GDs crucify might want to get in close |
23785s | the arbitrators are going to stay at |
23786s | range but then of course there's that |
23787s | carries to deal with who probably is |
23788s | going to win the damn war against the |
23789s | celestes just by virtue of locking it |
23791s | quicker so I mean it's also mixed guns I |
23795s | believe it's lasers obviously on their |
23796s | balance but I think it's rapid heavy on |
23798s | the Armageddon Navy issue so if these |
23800s | arbitrators and crucify do go |
23801s | uncontrolled then the weapons from |
23803s | hidden Leaf are going to be very very |
23805s | poor |
23806s | foreign we are out to the start heavy |
23810s | control setups we see the controls bar |
23812s | very big from the tuskers that are |
23815s | immediately getting some of their |
23815s | control out some uh webs landing on this |
23818s | abedin and stabber Fleet issue and the |
23821s | other button and the mall are that's a |
23822s | lot of webs from this Hue gun uh we saw |
23825s | four webs being used the last time they |
23827s | had this and they lost that match but |
23828s | this time |
23829s | they are in a much stronger position I |
23832s | would have to imagine their attack bar |
23834s | is actually larger than the hiddenly |
23836s | village one after all the drones are out |
23838s | and settled |
23839s | yeah man Leaf one obviously hasn't |
23840s | actually been realized at all yet |
23842s | because we're seeing these TDS and |
23843s | Genies go out so these battleships web |
23845s | down with very little range I feel like |
23847s | this is going to be a very difficult |
23848s | matchup for them to win but if they can |
23850s | win it I mean top four more price ships |
23852s | for me that's what I'm saying let's go |
23855s | but Gene yeah I guess he's taking chunks |
23857s | here and he's he's just about getting |
23859s | caught here by the Thalia and Deacon |
23860s | from Sly and Neo so oh is he gonna go |
23863s | down there's a there's an absolute swarm |
23864s | of centuries but it remains to be seen |
23865s | when they are going to swap off these |
23867s | centuries when they stop tracking |
23868s | um but I mean this webs from the uh from |
23871s | the huguin are just overwhelming right |
23873s | now there's there's very limited tackle |
23874s | it's the mall of the stab of Fleet issue |
23876s | they're trying to push in and as long as |
23877s | those two are controlled |
23879s | um you know and the TVs are doing the |
23880s | rest |
23882s | yeah and that's the advantage of going |
23883s | for uh an armor hugin even though it's |
23886s | not the tankiest ship in the world you |
23888s | do get four webs uh and you can't fit a |
23891s | paint on it too but you lose a web off |
23893s | of it so uh still very nice uh play by |
23897s | tuskers to do that obviously didn't work |
23899s | out for them earlier but this time it is |
23901s | working out very well for them and uh |
23903s | they are killing this Deacon of Neo and |
23906s | he goes down |
23908s | I think this is |
23910s | yeah from the start it's just going to |
23911s | be a very difficult matchup for Henley |
23913s | Village to win here |
23915s | um which is is unfortunate but I mean |
23916s | this is speaking from as a member of the |
23918s | team this is our first time so deep into |
23921s | the tournament I mean the end of day |
23922s | three I think we're all very very happy |
23923s | to even be here at all so obviously all |
23925s | the other teams mad props to them having |
23928s | to ex you know having experienced it |
23929s | first and the 40 minutes that you get |
23931s | between matches makes it so so difficult |
23932s | to you know shake off the previous match |
23934s | and say you know we got a whole team |
23936s | this team that we're fighting has made |
23938s | played maybe you know five or six |
23939s | matches beforehand and you've got to try |
23941s | and do your best to research that what |
23943s | are they going to fly what kind of |
23944s | consoles they have what do they want to |
23945s | feel what kind of style do they like |
23946s | it's very very difficult to ask so you |
23948s | know extra props just to shout out all |
23951s | the teams that made it this far extra |
23952s | props to every team that plays matches |
23954s | after matches after matches I mean truth |
23956s | on the light have done it all day |
23957s | they've played four or five matches |
23958s | today and it's just the tenacity |
23959s | required to |
23960s | just go on for the next one getting a |
23962s | clear headspace and figure out what your |
23963s | team wants to do is remarkable |
23965s | yeah winner of this match is top |
23969s | excuse at Husker is going to repeat that |
23972s | but uh as well as truth honor light but |
23975s | we have two new teams in the top four |
23978s | this year both of whom are in the upper |
23981s | bracket those being barcode and |
23983s | fraternity Dot |
23985s | an upper bracket final of course going |
23987s | to be casted second match of the day as |
23989s | a bo3 first one is going to be the |
23993s | winner of this match which looks to be |
23994s | the tuskers versus truth honor light a |
23997s | match as old as times and |
23999s | consistently one of the more explosive |
24002s | matches is these are I think the two |
24004s | most creative Theory crafting teams in |
24007s | the entirety of uh Eve online |
24009s | tournaments my memory could be wrong but |
24011s | I believe that was also the third fourth |
24013s | place match last year as well so truth |
24014s | on the light just have this habit of |
24016s | coming through the lower bracket I |
24018s | believe last year got knocked down by |
24020s | um they were knocked down by tuskers oh |
24022s | they were knocked down by tuskers and |
24023s | then they met them again didn't they |
24024s | yeah |
24026s | then yes and actually that one was |
24029s | really interesting because it was |
24030s | another one those tuskers weirdness |
24031s | comps where they brought a mix of heavy |
24033s | assault missiles and uh hmls |
24041s | in terms of theory crafting they they |
24043s | are prone and I think this was one of |
24044s | the teams that we were most scared of |
24046s | facing is they're just prone to coming |
24047s | out with some wacky stuff you know |
24050s | yeah and as I said like this is the the |
24053s | pretty much very similar to the comp I |
24055s | used earlier today against white flag |
24057s | and lost with |
24058s | um but as we see like even if you have |
24060s | low damage if you have enough control uh |
24063s | and it's the right type of control you |
24065s | can nuke down a lot of these different |
24067s | comps especially these triple Battleship |
24068s | setups where there isn't a whole lot of |
24070s | low end uh the stool abandoned with the |
24072s | lasers and then you have to get Navy uh |
24075s | who you can just throw all your guidance |
24076s | disruptors on top of because of the |
24077s | mixed guns uh they're under the celestes |
24080s | now of uh show they're going to go down |
24083s | and test scores are going to win this |
24084s | 100 to zero a bit unfortunate for Jutsu |
24088s | but uh as GFS or not gf's or some uh |
24092s | there we are GFS or cotton local we |
24095s | could talk a little bit more about uh |
24097s | what day three generally means and kind |
24100s | of give a wrap up towards it uh day |
24102s | three is I I think the uh day in the at |
24105s | that typically separates the boys from |
24107s | the men or the girls from the woman or |
24110s | the uh I don't know what the general |
24112s | neutral version of that one is so I |
24114s | can't really say it but uh it is |
24116s | definitely I I think one of those times |
24119s | where you see a lot of teams kind of |
24121s | have to prove themselves up against uh |
24123s | teams that have a lot more history than |
24125s | them we saw that in the upper bracket |
24127s | today so I want to give huge props |
24129s | before we leave uh the arena two barcode |
24132s | and two fraternity for really stepping |
24134s | up and showing what they're made of |
24135s | today and of course uh props to hiddenly |
24138s | Village as well a team that has not made |
24140s | it this far previously uh and uh |
24143s | boundary experts as well very impressed |
24145s | with their runs uh from a team that |
24147s | historically is plays top 16 but not |
24150s | necessarily further than that in the |
24152s | tournament yeah there's been a lot of |
24154s | really exciting runs I think day two was |
24156s | the start of it really where we saw all |
24157s | these teams that you know you'd expect |
24159s | to be moving forward in the upper |
24161s | bracket we saw volts get knocked down we |
24162s | saw hydrogen them and it just set us up |
24164s | for this epic day three where the lower |
24166s | bracket is just an absolute bloodbath |
24168s | there's so many good teams everywhere |
24169s | you look and it's so and this this is on |
24171s | top of what we were discussing on the |
24172s | desk earlier where we were saying you |
24174s | know with the new feeder format there |
24176s | are so many good teams and then when all |
24178s | the best of those teams are getting |
24179s | knocked down into the lower bracket I |
24181s | mean it makes the lower bracket very |
24183s | scary but it also means it provides room |
24185s | in the upper bracket for some of these |
24186s | lesser teams lesser prestigious teams |
24189s | like barcode and maybe haven't got as |
24190s | far before to make one of these hero |
24192s | runs and I'm really looking forward to |
24194s | seeing those two |
24195s | um Duke out in the winners bracket final |
24197s | tomorrow because obviously the winner of |
24198s | that will go to the final |
24201s | um and who that will be against remains |
24203s | to be seen |
24204s | um but will be very very exciting way to |
24206s | wrap up this tournament for sure |
24209s | and uh yep also here's huge shots our |
24212s | production crew I know it's going to be |
24213s | said uh as well but just the students at |
24216s | the Confederate Institute who have been |
24217s | helping us out alongside the regular Eve |
24219s | NT Crews or refs and everyone else in |
24223s | between uh shout out disc uh shout out |
24226s | uh bay they've been running everything |
24228s | behind the scenes and they've been doing |
24230s | a very good job at it also thank you CCP |
24233s | zealous |
24234s | for putting on this tournament and uh |
24236s | bringing back the tournament tool and |
24238s | the at in general it's been uh very nice |
24240s | to work with you and uh tomorrow it's |
24242s | kind of the culmination of all that as |
24244s | we stay we're still waiting for these |
24246s | abandons to go down they are very tanky |
24248s | shifts yeah and CJ's CJ's just getting |
24250s | his practice in with these mjdb kids |
24252s | trying to jump from one field obviously |
24253s | there's not going to be mainstreams I |
24255s | think he might have screwed up a little |
24256s | bit on this one I think that one might |
24257s | take him out of the Arena |
24259s | um so it's just going to be epic left is |
24261s | it going to take him out I'm not quite |
24262s | sure on the angle here he goes 105 he's |
24265s | okay he's okay he lives lives on for |
24268s | another minute or so until he can get to |
24270s | that Beacon but it's quite a steep turn |
24272s | so I'm not sure how long it's gonna take |
24274s | you to get there it is quite a slow ship |
24276s | the about it |
24278s | um but yeah I mean also also just props |
24281s | to CCP for for supporting us I mean the |
24283s | like the 10 days Plex for 10 Omega the |
24286s | the whatever it was the free |
24289s | um Plex you know it's all it's all |
24291s | support for the tournament and it's all |
24292s | very very appreciated |
24294s | of course those skins uh if you do get |
24297s | your chance to sign some of those skins |
24299s | on the market it is one consumable that |
24301s | gives you all the skins on the pack uh |
24304s | Skins are not sold separately so make |
24306s | sure you're taking a look at those they |
24308s | are very good thank you to the CCP art |
24310s | team for that I'm sure you'll be very |
24311s | happy with the amount of skins that |
24313s | you've gotten uh for your team this year |
24316s | yeah yeah I mean to be honest with you |
24319s | once we got past that second match and |
24320s | we were like we're getting ships skins |
24322s | kind of left my mind a little bit there |
24323s | kind of on the back burner I'll hand |
24325s | those out to some people who uh you know |
24326s | are particularly helpful or you know to |
24328s | you because you asked for a couple |
24329s | [Laughter] |
24331s | but uh yeah I mean once once we got into |
24333s | ship territory it's like well I didn't |
24335s | really think we'd get this far but that |
24337s | is the final ship going down that's |
24338s | going to wrap up day three of the |
24339s | alliance tournament thank you everyone |
24340s | for watching we're going to send it back |
24342s | to the desk briefly for a quick send-off |
24344s | but that's all from us goodbye |
24356s | oh |
24361s | [Music] |
24364s | [Applause] |
24389s | [Music] |
24395s | [Applause] |
24397s | foreign |
24400s | [Music] |
24424s | [Music] |
24433s | into the top four and with that we have |
24436s | our top four teams in Alliance |
24439s | tournament 19. they'll play tomorrow to |
24441s | decide which order they go in we started |
24443s | today with all these teams you see on |
24445s | the field just four remain fraternity |
24447s | and uh barcode in that upper bracket |
24451s | they haven't lost a match yet both with |
24453s | their flagships Flagship indicator and |
24455s | the flagship bar gas the tuskers co and |
24457s | Truth on the light in the elimination |
24459s | bracket one team with a flagship one |
24462s | team without they will play tomorrow to |
24464s | decide who goes into top three |
24466s | fraternity and barcode will be playing a |
24469s | bunch as well all the all the best of |
24471s | three is investor five excitement still |
24473s | to come uh phenomenal day of matches day |
24476s | three is now complete day two is a |
24478s | banger day three almost as exciting uh |
24482s | as day two I I personally really enjoyed |
24484s | it that was a super interesting con from |
24486s | the tuskers with the double arbitrator |
24487s | there uh especially into those three |
24489s | battleships I'm sure lots of patents |
24491s | just felt that they couldn't do anything |
24493s | they were just sitting there impotent uh |
24496s | couldn't track anything couldn't shoot |
24497s | anything looked like they were trying to |
24498s | clear some drones uh but I mean that's |
24500s | if you find yourself in the position we |
24502s | were forced to clear Sentry drone |
24504s | dropped from eos's which can just put |
24505s | more flights out yeah you're already |
24508s | kind of on the back foot there so pretty |
24510s | dominant performance by the tuskers but |
24511s | well done to Henley for making it this |
24513s | far certainly a run to be proud of uh I |
24516s | believe that's top six I think they get |
24518s | uh so you know a phenomenal phenomenal |
24520s | job from them |
24521s | um I've been CSP overload uh continue to |
24523s | be CCP over there will be CCP overload |
24525s | tomorrow as well uh it's joined on the |
24526s | death by a whole host of people |
24528s | um and there's way more people in the |
24530s | studio uh all of our remote casters uh |
24532s | the refs back in Iceland a bunch of CC |
24534s | beers have been helping us out as well |
24536s | so massive thank you to everyone that |
24537s | makes this tournament possible |
24538s | especially the teams themselves all the |
24540s | teams who were eliminated today uh you |
24542s | know all seven uh we loved having you |
24545s | thank you for feeding your ships to uh |
24547s | to provide us entertainment it certainly |
24550s | was entertaining and I look forward to |
24552s | more of it tomorrow |
24553s | um and of course thank you to the |
24555s | viewers I hope you guys have enjoyed |
24556s | getting all your channel points uh |
24558s | dunked when you get it wrong uh getting |
24560s | those cool twitch drops and just I hope |
24562s | you I hope you really enjoyed it uh we |
24564s | love having you here as I mentioned |
24566s | please be overload because sign out |
24567s | until tomorrow we're back same time on |
24569s | the same channel 1500 Eve is our first |
24571s | match we'll see you then |