over 4 years ago - - Direct link

With the arrival of the Abyssal Proving Grounds in New Eden and an exciting quadrant full of conflict ahead of us we’re inviting capsuleers to vie for fame and glory by announcing Champions of the Abyss!

Over the course of Quadrant 3 there are nine Proving Grounds events planned. Each event will have its own unique filament which will work only during the period that event is running. Your victories for each event will be tracked on leaderboard and these leaderboards will be reset before the start of the next event. For more details check out the recent dev blog about the new Proving Filaments feature.

At the conclusion of the final event of Quadrant 3, the number of victories of the top 100 pilots from each of the Proving Grounds events will be added together, and the top 10 characters who have racked up the most wins across all events will be declared the Champions of the Abyss!