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I regret to inform the community that a loyal fan of all things Eve has passed. This community meant so much to my grandfather. He would sit for hours sometimes watching me play, had a love for the look of amarr ships, missiles, and drones doing their thing. He would sit for hours watching me run the most unconventional fits possible combining the three, doing the occasional pvp exploits, or just hauling stuff around. He passed yesterday at approximately 4:40pm central time. One of the last things we had talked about was if I was still playing "that spaceship game" as he liked to call it. This community meant so much to him as a way of forgetting that he was on the way out, and has been supportive so far as I try to put myself back together. I want to thank every one of you for at least making his last few years fun on occasion. We should all keep in mind, it's not just players, but our families that sometimes enjoy this game. I don't know that we always realize this, and it's sad in a way. Eve isn't just a game to many of us, it's a lifestyle.

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over 5 years ago - /u/CCP_Falcon - Direct link

<3 :( o7