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EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | it is time for the FanFest 2023 closing |
5s | ceremony please welcome onto the stage |
16s | me Jesus |
20s | Christ there's a lot of you like a lot |
24s | of |
29s | you but one should expect that from the |
32s | officially biggest FanFest |
38s | ever all right I just have to go over a |
40s | couple things first just um I'm used to |
44s | speaking in front of people not quite |
46s | this many people I'm more of like a nano |
48s | gang public speaker not so much a block |
51s | level public speaker so if I make a |
52s | mistake or stammer or forget where I'm |
54s | at just kind of like roll with it the |
57s | other thing too is I won't be engaging |
59s | in any of this crowd work sophistry that |
61s | you see in so many presentations you |
63s | know the the Callback thing you know |
65s | like are you ready yeah all that kind of |
67s | stuff all right is that all right with |
69s | you I I said is that all right with |
74s | you good cuz there'll be no cheap tricks |
76s | like that |
77s | tonight so doing the closing ceremony at |
80s | FanFest is a bit of sweet thing um it's |
83s | great to be up in front of all of you |
84s | and I've had a fantastic time with you |
85s | all for the last couple of days at least |
87s | as many of you as I could catch up with |
89s | if you've been able to stop me for 5 |
90s | seconds while been scrambling around the |
92s | venue um uh but before we all got here |
95s | from |
95s | FanFest many of us had been in Iceland |
98s | for a while already and we've gone on |
99s | various Adventures of our own so I want |
101s | to recap that just a little bit I know |
103s | many of you were at some of these events |
105s | some of you weren't but there's also |
106s | several thousand people watching on the |
108s | stream who didn't come at all and I |
110s | really want them to feel it you know |
111s | like like regret it so the first thing |
115s | for me that I went to was this FanFest |
119s | not uh not fan F shoot at L party now |
122s | this actually wasn't an official part of |
124s | the FanFest program but with FanFest |
125s | coming up and so many of you arriving my |
128s | friends on the community team we do a |
129s | weekly stream called LIF to feed where |
132s | we go out and we just get in spaceships |
133s | and roam around New Zealand and get New |
135s | Zealand new |
136s | Eden I've been spending too much time |
139s | talking to tamber okay so we roam around |
142s | new Eden and get blown up and we thought |
143s | wouldn't it be neat if we did that with |
145s | just like way more people so we went to |
148s | this cool place in Copa called AR gaming |
150s | we had 50 players and 10 devs we went on |
153s | three separate fleets ccpb LED one Kaki |
156s | from F in LED another one veran stone |
158s | Shard from Spectre Fleet another one it |
161s | was a wonderful day of explosions there |
162s | was also some beer and some pizza you |
164s | know don't judge it's just a thing that |
165s | you do at a l party and everyone went |
168s | home with a smile on their face except |
170s | for the guy in the gray jumper um but |
174s | it's okay he's a friend of mine we're |
176s | old Court mates from our days back in |
177s | Syndicate that's Epsilon sorry I |
179s | couldn't resist he's he's smiling on the |
181s | inside don't worry about |
183s | that uh some of you took the time to |
186s | check out your surroundings you went for |
188s | like walks around rubic and learned |
190s | about the history of the city which is a |
192s | great thing to do while you're here some |
193s | of you went out into the nature and you |
195s | went on the Golden Circle Tour and |
196s | checked out some of the beautiful |
198s | natural sites uh and in some cases the |
200s | nature came to you because the Discord |
203s | for the FanFest uh the official Eve |
205s | Discord was just packed with photos of |
206s | people looking at these like incredible |
209s | uh Northern Lights I could only fit |
212s | three but there was like probably close |
213s | to 50 or 60 PS on there so to get a |
216s | couple of nights of really clear weather |
218s | while there's really good Aurora going |
219s | on is absolutely fantastic so I hope if |
222s | it was the first time seeing nor the |
223s | lights you'll be be able to cherish that |
224s | and take it home with you damasus |
227s | damasus kades is trying to bring fit |
229s | Fleet back he took a bunch of people to |
230s | go bouldering and a lot of you also |
232s | turned up for the monument unveiling |
234s | which was great and then immediately |
236s | started clambering all over it with your |
237s | grubby hands to try and find where your |
239s | names were |
240s | now I was here in 2013 as a player when |
243s | they unveiled the first monument and the |
245s | only downside was like I don't even |
247s | think we used Discord in 2013 maybe it |
250s | was Carri a pigeon I can't remember it |
251s | was a while ago um Twitter social media |
255s | whatever it was it was blowing up with |
257s | all of my friends saying hey can you |
258s | just go take a photo of my name can you |
260s | take a photo not my name did anyone you |
263s | did that happen to any of you as well |
266s | yeah uh we had fun in the evenings as |
269s | well this is from the tweet Fleet Meetup |
270s | at Garin originally this event was well |
273s | I don't know if originally but |
274s | historically it had been run by a player |
276s | named General Stargazer who is now CCE |
278s | if he zealous and in his absence the uh |
281s | it had been picked up by draas who's |
282s | been looking up stand up this is |
289s | draas he used to call himself the Paris |
292s | Hilton of Eve because he was famous for |
294s | doing nothing uh you're going to have to |
296s | come up with a different name now |
297s | because you're doing stuff uh so so you |
300s | all had fun singing karaoke even some |
302s | CCP has got in onto it here we have CCP |
304s | duckling CCP tiger shark and CCP Emerald |
307s | I don't know what tune they're buing out |
308s | but I'm sure it was fantastic then on |
311s | Thursday things officially started here |
312s | at grosa some um some people of lower |
315s | moral fiber started turning up to |
317s | register and collect their tickets there |
319s | also some really cool presentations and |
321s | of course the uh traditional Charity |
323s | Dinner now I want you to take a minute |
325s | look at this picture see if anything |
327s | stands out to |
328s | you |
332s | I am captivated by expression on the |
335s | face of CCP blue screen in this picture |
339s | like this guy he's talking to has just |
341s | told him some real |
343s | like I'm like he's like dude do we call |
347s | them pets because we pet them or do we |
349s | pet them cuz they're called pets and |
351s | he's just |
353s | like was yeah never thought of that |
356s | before then while you're here in the |
358s | venue I hope you went and checked out |
359s | the the history wall it was we had so |
362s | much space and we still couldn't fit all |
364s | of the all the stories in that we wanted |
365s | so there was a lot of stuff missing uh |
367s | of course bolttech can't walk past the |
369s | word megathron without stopping for a |
371s | selfie and uh katas say was there too |
373s | and like took a little opportunity to |
375s | get a snap next to their um Guinness |
377s | World Record uh Story the eve board game |
381s | was also being tried out did did did you |
383s | get to try this out did you go look at |
385s | it I I don't until till FanFest I'd only |
389s | seen it on a screen like this big like |
391s | on a teams call and I'm like yeah I |
392s | guess that looks pretty neat and then I |
394s | walked into the um the area where |
396s | they're set up and I saw they had the |
398s | they baited me they had that like 200% |
400s | size version of it I was like uh and um |
404s | uh but it still looks super cool so go |
405s | to kickstarter.com look at for E online |
408s | find this type in your email address hit |
410s | notify because I've been talking to |
412s | these guys they they're already thinking |
413s | about what they could do with expansions |
415s | like one with pirate factions and one |
416s | with wormholes and all of that is |
418s | incumbent on this being successful and |
419s | and if you'd like to have one of these |
420s | on your game shelves then you should |
422s | definitely try and pick one up but the |
423s | first step is just letting us know how |
425s | much interest there is so my money yeah |
429s | I'm I'm sure the Pope the pope you must |
431s | be sitting on a gold |
433s | mine all right kickstarters canel it's |
436s | going to be uh funded by the |
442s | pope thank you your |
444s | Holiness restrictions May apply oh okay |
447s | okay no worries we have to pay him back |
449s | that's steing catch uh some of you took |
452s | the time to Brand yourself with Eve for |
454s | life which is s which is like a super |
457s | amazing commitment I haven't got one yet |
458s | cuz I haven't decided what I want to get |
461s | I want to get the Kari Navy logo I think |
463s | that would look cool but I think if |
464s | anyone saw it they would think is like |
466s | are you just some sort of try hard Air |
468s | Force guy or something I'm like no I'm a |
469s | nerd that's that's way cooler uh and |
472s | some people who weren't quite prepared |
474s | to go that far settle for just getting |
476s | their hair and makeup done I would have |
478s | done this myself but |
480s | you |
481s | know um and but it was a great FanFest |
484s | overall whether you were just like |
486s | catching up with your current space |
488s | friends and I want thank the the guy |
491s | from NC DOT who gave me that uh you know |
493s | that machined aluminium token with the |
495s | logo on it I was it was one of those |
496s | situations where I was like charging |
498s | from A to B and I he stopped me he's |
500s | like here I have this and I was like |
501s | thanks and it wasn't until like 5 |
502s | minutes later I looked at him I'm like |
503s | oh this is cool you know I like I I |
507s | feel really bad just for pseudo ghosting |
508s | him uh and even some old friends turned |
512s | up |
519s | uh never far from our hearts uh but |
523s | speaking of friends I want to invite |
525s | onstage now one of my legitimately |
527s | oldest space friends we've been flying |
529s | together for nearly 10 oh over 10 years |
532s | was when we first started going on |
533s | fleets together uh her name is Greg G |
536s | and she's the leader of the FanFest |
538s | volunteer Corp and I want to bring them |
539s | on stage as well just so they can get |
541s | the recognition they due for all the |
543s | awesome work they do to help make this |
545s | event run so come on out |
556s | here always good to be with you |
559s | fam come on |
565s | guys one of my best volunteer teams ever |
570s | give my big |
582s | ground all |
586s | righty it's been a fantastic weekend |
589s | hasn't |
590s | it full of history and |
594s | mystery and the volunteers have been |
597s | doing this 10 years now did you know |
600s | that I did not know yeah we started in E |
603s | Vegas 2013 how far at that's so that's |
606s | when you sort of started well that's |
607s | when I kind of fell into this started |
609s | your army yeah it just it just started |
611s | happening and now what were we were |
613s | going to talk about first again well did |
614s | you want to say a little bit more about |
615s | the volunteers first or should we talk |
617s | about some of the side work that you've |
619s | done at the at FanFest this year so |
620s | let's talk about what some of the |
621s | volunteers did this week and besides |
623s | checking everybody in we raised a lot of |
627s | money um we had |
630s | H folded a lot of shirts yes stuffed a |
633s | lot of bags stuffed a lot of bags |
636s | y um but mostly we welcomed you because |
640s | without you we wouldn't be here and we |
644s | want to say thank you to all of you and |
646s | give you all of you a huge round of |
648s | applause because without the players |
650s | there is no |
652s | Eve without the without Eve there's no |
656s | CCP there's no volunteers so thank you |
660s | all of you no Eve sear actually might |
662s | not be so bad yes so you guys um I can't |
667s | wait to see the total number because I |
668s | don't know the total number yet but |
670s | y'all blew us away with your generosity |
672s | in the Raffles in the um capsular Pilots |
676s | licenses which by the way uh if you |
679s | haven't picked yours up you better hit |
681s | me up really fast after |
683s | closing and The Wheel of Fortune thingy |
688s | the data thing mhm and should I just put |
692s | the number on the screen I think so this |
694s | is how much you raised I |
698s | was |
702s | wow $ |
705s | 4,710 66 yep |
709s | wow just wow so that'll be going to the |
713s | r uh Children's Hospital the Children's |
715s | Hospital you so much we blew away last |
718s | year that's way more than last year |
721s | you're way cooler than all the people |
722s | who showed up last year oh yeah oh |
726s | yeah so we oh |
732s | yeah we do have a little box where that |
734s | box go so there was a raffle running as |
736s | well yes this little box contains about |
740s | 4,000 raffle tickets uh which um wasn't |
744s | what we expected it to contain because I |
746s | was like yeah you know what we usually |
748s | go through about five 600 tickets it's a |
750s | big one you know let's let's let's bring |
752s | like, 1500 that should be enough and |
754s | y'all bought, 1500 raffle tickets in two |
757s | hours we ran out of raffle tickets we |
759s | had a you know several of the volunteers |
761s | save the day by printing some temporary |
763s | raffle tickets While others went to the |
764s | printers to get some more printed and |
766s | we're going to draw the winner here and |
768s | the winner must be present yeah so have |
770s | your ticket handy because now I know you |
773s | need to come down and show us the ticket |
774s | so we can verify yes now do we have a |
776s | picture of the history mystery creete |
778s | say again that history mystery crate |
781s | which was found oh yes sorry this is |
782s | what you're playing |
786s | for so yeah there's quite a bit there um |
790s | and there's a couple of things that are |
792s | not pictured which will be revealed here |
795s | soon soon but the scanners uh worked |
798s | really hard to find this it's uh been |
800s | floating in space for about 20 years |
802s | some of these are really old FanFest |
804s | t-shirts I can tell like some there's |
805s | some stuff here you just can't get your |
807s | hands on and I'm going to read the |
808s | scanners a little bit here while yall |
810s | are digging through your tickets to see |
812s | if you wi since I know some of you have |
813s | like a hundred tickets and it might take |
815s | a few a few seconds for |
818s | you hm oh somebody bought 150 tickets sh |
822s | so it's not hypernet relax yeah but |
826s | we'll we'll do a little pause if the |
828s | first number drawn isn't a winner anyway |
831s | Marin one of her this is her first time |
833s | volunteering this year she has the |
836s | holder the keeper of this and |
839s | Jana Jana Brill who has been a volunteer |
843s | for what eight years now is going to |
845s | draw it and ons Slaughter I mean ons |
849s | Slaughter Insidious why am I doing that |
851s | today sorry |
853s | Insidious is the one who's going to be |
854s | able to figure out whether it's a green |
856s | ticket or a red ticket because he's the |
858s | one who actually got us the tickets so |
862s | do the guys we get a drum roll drum roll |
866s | drum roll drum |
868s | roll |
870s | all |
871s | right I've got |
875s | one if you are the holder of a pink |
878s | ticket pink ticket number 1 |
882s | three five pink ticket |
888s | 135 |
890s | 1305 we'll give you a second to dig |
893s | through your piles of tickets now where |
895s | did those scan results go 135 pink |
898s | ticket I think it's me oh then you |
900s | better |
901s | check he's yeah I was going to there |
905s | some guy with 10050 tickets I'll be |
906s | there in a minute |
908s | just so be longone all right so you know |
911s | it includes things from 2003 and 2004 as |
915s | such as the original Eve CD key sets MH |
920s | you got another 10 seconds to find |
924s | 1305 e Vegas Whiskey Stones I apologize |
929s | what yes the guy next to that's okay and |
931s | we've |
932s | got um signed by the developers at e |
936s | Vegas 2014 Eve Universe book I mean |
940s | sorry that was the Empire Eve Book 2015 |
944s | how before redraw GG sorry you how long |
946s | do we have to wait before we we about to |
948s | go now oh oh you are oh I I thought you |
953s | going to ask a guy next to you all |
956s | righty guy with oh oh he got it match it |
960s | up there's |
963s | also an original danger game with board |
966s | is this our winner I have the ticket you |
970s | can take your pick you I it is the guy |
972s | with 150 ticket now because the |
975s | crate Co the crate is mimar manufactured |
978s | we weren't able to carry it up here on |
980s | stage so you'll come over to our area or |
983s | we'll help you with it after the show |
985s | and what is your |
987s | name oh I remember your card CPU |
990s | 93 |
992s | 939 |
994s | it's in the |
997s | initiative give him a round of applause |
1000s | all |
1005s | right one of the things not |
1009s | shown all right |
1012s | congratulations what are you guys doing |
1014s | with all those tickets down there you |
1015s | bought 150 oh we had to find what of |
1019s | course it was the guy who bought one of |
1021s | the things not pictured one of the |
1023s | things not pictured there is a tile from |
1027s | the memorial MH |
1030s | confirmed one tile it even has little |
1032s | bits of concrete on the back I don't |
1034s | know okay and um that is a particularly |
1037s | special thing that I thought you would |
1038s | appreciate that is in there signed |
1041s | lithograph of the monument and world of |
1045s | Darkness the day of Darkness card pack a |
1047s | few other things the scanners of course |
1049s | are never 100% good but we've also got a |
1053s | file Cy number one uh comic there are |
1057s | other opportunities to get those Pilots |
1058s | licenses and to raise a bit more money |
1060s | for charity we like to tell the folks |
1061s | About Eve charities.org Eve |
1064s | charities.org is for the viewers like |
1066s | you at home who have already contributed |
1069s | over |
1069s | $1800 even though they weren't able to |
1071s | be here so if you are watching the |
1073s | stream or you are here and want to order |
1075s | some additional capsu or Pilots like |
1078s | licenses for your Corp mates alts |
1082s | whatever just go to Eve charities.org |
1084s | it'll be available through Tuesday |
1088s | midnight um let's call it Pacific Time |
1091s | midnight and by making a donation that |
1094s | will I will then print and mail you a |
1096s | card within 10 days and that'll be |
1099s | available through like I said Tuesday |
1101s | 26th right and all that money will also |
1105s | be donated to the hospital to the |
1108s | Children's Hospital hpit so I want to |
1110s | thank CCP for supporting |
1113s | this this has been an amazing |
1117s | weekend and all of you guys |
1121s | just love you all all of you what's what |
1124s | else we were going to talk about I can't |
1125s | remember that that's about it you've got |
1127s | a you've earned yourselves a break you |
1129s | can go put your feet I'm about do for a |
1130s | break yeah and a so you all going to be |
1133s | at the party |
1136s | tonight I said I said I wouldn't do |
1139s | cheap tricks she's she she can get away |
1140s | with it um but yeah I think that's uh I |
1144s | think that's it and if you haven't |
1145s | picked up your capsule your pilot's |
1147s | license you need to get their ASAP |
1149s | because it's going to be shut down like |
1151s | really quick so that way you can get it |
1153s | and Sir the winner |
1155s | CPU um we'll um help you with carrying |
1158s | that out fortunately everything's |
1159s | already in bags but we can help you |
1161s | carry it out and make arrangements for |
1165s | it it's over there so okay thank you |
1167s | very much you're welcome my pleasure |
1169s | thank you again for another fabulous Eve |
1175s | FanFest take take it with you all right |
1178s | let's head on out all |
1179s | right after you my crew my wonderful |
1192s | team such a |
1196s | h it's okay |
1199s | ah all right and I want to apologize to |
1202s | you sir when you said you were color |
1203s | blind I thought that you'd meant that |
1206s | like you had looked at your tickets |
1208s | previously and misremembered the color |
1210s | it was a so I apologize for that |
1212s | so okay well congratulations the swag is |
1216s | yours I've only got one last thing to do |
1218s | and that is that just say thank you to |
1220s | our various partners for E FanFest this |
1222s | year um these aren't just people who |
1224s | swing into action necessarily for |
1225s | FanFest some of these are Tech Partners |
1227s | marketing Partners people who work with |
1229s | us all year round to uh make Eve a |
1231s | better product so thank you to them and |
1234s | that's pretty much all for me I am now |
1237s | going to hand this over to the VP of |
1239s | product for Eve online CCP |
1242s | Ora |
1245s | then |
1250s | then hello |
1253s | everyone what an amazing FanFest have |
1256s | you guys been having fun |
1259s | yeah the future is even bigger and |
1262s | brighter and I want to go over some of |
1265s | the highlights that we have been talking |
1266s | about during FanFest starting with the |
1270s | new system opening up and although |
1273s | capsul are already exploring don't worry |
1276s | you're not going to miss a thing it's |
1278s | all going to start late next week uh |
1280s | when things will really start heating up |
1282s | in the Sak |
1285s | system although some of you couldn't |
1288s | wait |
1297s | so there was at least one capsulier |
1300s | spotted logging into the system |
1302s | yesterday during the |
1307s | keynote this expansion will make your |
1310s | organization stronger with automatic |
1313s | payouts the new project project manager |
1316s | role and as you heard yesterday today |
1319s | getting the first steps to getting |
1320s | lotties on Kil |
1328s | mail Havoc is coming in November where |
1332s | you will be able to align with pirates |
1334s | to at in the mysterious death list the |
1337s | harbinger of |
1339s | havoc and of course Angel |
1347s | Titans |
1349s | and Eve Vanguard will be on PC it will |
1353s | be connected to Eve from day one and I |
1355s | can't wait to shoot you all in the face |
1358s | in the first strike event in |
1368s | December Eve Galaxy Conquest will be |
1371s | released uh on mobile a Forex strategy |
1374s | game sat in the eve |
1376s | universe and project Discovery has |
1379s | delivered a wealth of information to the |
1382s | GL Global scientific |
1384s | community and which thanks you all for |
1386s | your |
1388s | contribution |
1391s | wo and for the next iteration of the |
1394s | program we will be moving into cancer |
1398s | research |
1403s | yeah and then of course the 20th |
1407s | Alliance tournament has been |
1412s | confirmed it's going to be bigger than |
1414s | ever and we will be sharing more detail |
1416s | with you in the next coming |
1419s | months and we welcome the 18th CSM and |
1424s | we're looking forward to work closely |
1425s | with them in the next couple of months |
1428s | we also want to thank the previous CSM |
1431s | members for all their hard |
1434s | work so next year we will be beefing up |
1438s | our attendance at player organized |
1440s | events we have already talked out talked |
1443s | to the organizers of e Vegas Eve New |
1447s | Orleans Eve London Eve Singapore and we |
1450s | will have a present at Gamescom next |
1452s | year as |
1460s | well which leads us to e FanFest |
1465s | 25 so we will be back in haran |
1468s | 25 in |
1476s | May and tickets are on sale right |
1482s | now really looking forward to seeing all |
1485s | of you |
1486s | there with that please join me in |
1489s | welcoming CCP hmer to the |
1495s | states woo |
1503s | so uh this is what you guys look like |
1506s | from the |
1508s | sky uh I'm the tiny person there on |
1510s | stage so uh we're actually calculating |
1513s | this is500 square meters of |
1517s | eans so I think we can officially State |
1521s | this is the biggest FunFest ever it's a |
1524s | it's a c c is that's some Danish |
1529s | measurement |
1531s | unit yeah we have a complicated |
1533s | relationship with the with |
1536s | Denmark kind |
1539s | of we uh performed some Alliance |
1543s | Shenanigans when we exited the alliance |
1546s | while they were busy with all things |
1549s | um so um and here is a little bit uh I |
1553s | like this picture this is what happens |
1555s | behind the scenes uh and that's again a |
1558s | call out to all the people that have |
1560s | worked extremely hard some here in the |
1561s | audience some here in the back all |
1564s | around on the stream and around the |
1566s | world there's a lot of hard work that |
1568s | are going into this and again I want to |
1571s | take a moment to applaud everyone please |
1575s | give everyone pulling this |
1577s | on great |
1586s | Applause uh special thanks to the |
1589s | president uh for coming and uh allowing |
1594s | us to feel reasonable about our Eve |
1598s | addictions uh I don't think any skulls |
1600s | have been split due to Eve there is a |
1603s | big |
1604s | Improvement um leave the violence on |
1607s | screen is kind of the new catchphrase uh |
1610s | big improvement from times on it's uh |
1613s | maybe not what you know maybe people |
1616s | don't fully understand this but uh |
1619s | so following the speeds uh the president |
1622s | actually went to play football with CCP |
1625s | employees and this is not a joke and CCP |
1629s | ratti was really weighing his options |
1631s | should he go play football or just |
1633s | practice the keynote one more |
1636s | time I was not because of the president |
1639s | he just really wanted to play football |
1641s | this is the country we live |
1643s | in stay |
1645s | small smaller than you |
1649s | uh I learned so many things at FanFest I |
1652s | was just now watching ATI grown uh who |
1655s | is telling uh about a museum about |
1658s | empires of Eve in |
1661s | Madrid like think about that we're |
1664s | talking about its pyramids all the way |
1667s | down uh the history you have created he |
1671s | has written is now a museum exhibition |
1674s | in |
1675s | Madrid like well done |
1684s | and so many like great conversations and |
1686s | anecdotes have come out of this I've uh |
1689s | constantly reminded it about things in |
1691s | even line we need to |
1696s | fix the the lodes are slowly getting on |
1698s | those KS like you're seeing there's a |
1702s | path to it getting more and more |
1704s | relevant I think we'll have to dedicate |
1707s | an expansion to that |
1708s | eventually uh we'll get there in the |
1711s | third |
1713s | decade um also just like kind of little |
1717s | and small problems and Eve always great |
1719s | to hear um I've had detailed |
1722s | conversation with people about new |
1724s | playing bullying in new player bullying |
1726s | in heack and how we need to fix that |
1729s | I've got an essay about like how chos |
1731s | need to come to wormholes from the |
1733s | finish contingents it was a thick stack |
1736s | of design documentation |
1738s | that I gave to perker to |
1743s | read uh meeting Staples of |
1747s | FanFest space Pope is here in full force |
1750s | fully recovered congratulations space |
1752s | Pope being here with us yet |
1761s | again so it's been just overall a great |
1765s | event I'm so thankful to be here thanks |
1767s | all for coming thank you all for |
1769s | watching on the stream I was watching |
1771s | the twitch stream there were about |
1773s | 11,000 people watching the expansion |
1775s | detail earlier |
1777s | today people are really excited feedback |
1779s | so far has been yeah it's actually |
1785s | good it's uh it's High High |
1788s | Praise so um it's just been as much in |
1792s | time we're now not going to have this |
1794s | much longer we have parties to go |
1796s | to uh so I just want to end this on if |
1800s | we all cheer once more and we say Eve |
1820s | forever so let's try again |
1823s | so it's going to be 3 2 1 if forever |
1826s | okay three two one eat |
1838s | forever thank you and see you at the |
1840s | party see you |
1847s | tonight |