almost 3 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Applause]
8s hello fan fest
11s i'll give you a few seconds to sit down
16s who was at the pub cult tonight last
18s night
19s [Music]
21s special shout out to capital fusion
24s who i was hanging out with
25s see you
27s and steve veronica are you here
30s uh here's the two trunk
34s and
35s the abyss watchers are you here
38s no
40s i see you
43s all right let's get this started
46s so something i heard yesterday was
48s what's the living universe
50s and
51s it's basically everything that players
53s experience after the academy the academy
55s is a runway into the living universe so
58s and we're constantly improving that
60s but
60s at the same time we have to release
62s stuff into into them into the wild and
64s and
65s it might be easy to think about highsec
67s lowsec
68s uh nullsec it's not that simple you're
71s not a new player in hisec so
75s i'm going to
76s quickly go through this because i assume
79s people have seen the keynote
82s so if you're not
83s you'll have to watch that and then watch
85s me tomorrow
87s so heraldry is a way for both players
89s and corporations to display what they
91s want others to see
93s this is something we've talked about
95s promised seen concepts before and
98s we're all excited about it super excited
100s about it
101s and it opens up customization like uh
104s beyond belief
109s uh and a fundamental drive for that is
111s the fact that it has to be earned like
113s it can't be bought it's not plex it's
115s not risk you have to earn it
118s and it either takes time or teamwork for
121s collective goals
122s or you can't buy kill marks
124s that's for sure
126s and no shortcuts so
129s if you were you've earned it
132s and
133s quickly through this interbus credits
135s will be
136s generated through activity
138s can't be traded
140s you can just think of it as loyalty
142s points for now it's very similar
144s or frequent flyer miles it's a very
146s similar topic
148s but you'll
149s you'll earn it and you'll earn
151s enterprise credits for your corporation
152s if you belong to it at probably a
154s one-to-one ratio the game design is is
156s in its final stages but that's probably
158s the way it is
160s so every corporation will gain from
162s active members doing stuff building
164s everything together collective goals
169s the fitting window obviously something
171s we need to tackle to support all these
173s new cosmetics
174s but this is um
176s i think i want to try to keep the the
179s the way it is for now so it's
182s user friendly people know how it is we
184s don't want to create another user
186s experience
188s but earning them let's talk a little bit
190s about that
193s it starts by doing activities in-game
195s and we want more players playing doing
198s stuff in space and that's good for
199s everyone
201s these challenges could like earning
203s interbus could be doing literally
205s anything events challenges
208s finishing the career program that's
209s something that
211s they talked about yesterday seems to be
213s nomad
214s and uh to reward good students for
216s finishing their school and the
218s corporations that actually recruit them
220s while the court career program is going
222s on or afterwards
224s but
225s do activities
226s be omega that will just mean that you
228s get more
230s credits
232s if you join a corporation you'll
234s contribute to the organization
237s and then you buy your own stuff for your
238s own ships for your own interbus credits
242s and the corporation
244s gets credits by having members who do
246s stuff
250s if you retain them
252s recruit them train them and retain them
254s they'll continue generating credits for
256s you
257s for those
258s special cosmetics that you want
260s or heraldry
261s and if members convert to omega good for
263s them good for you
265s you spend your interface credits on
267s alliance logos for your structures or
269s things like that
271s and then
272s ultimately if you want to help them you
274s can always buy
275s plex or mega them for plex that they
277s earned together so this is the core loop
281s we also want to open up manual donations
284s to corporation not between characters
286s only up
288s we also know that some corporations or
290s alliances have multiple
292s corporations under umbrella but they
294s still want to contribute to the alliance
296s so that would be possible
298s i'm sorry
300s and then corporation tax and i'll talk
302s about that
304s but omega is the key
306s it simply multiplies the interface
308s credits as you get
311s and the first activity that will grant
313s enterprise credits is made for players
314s by players and i want to explain that
317s this is something i'm very passionate
318s about because it addresses the
320s fundamental problem and unique issue of
323s the online it is a game it is
327s with rewards
328s and being the most sophisticated
330s player-run economy that exists
332s we have three things to keep in mind
334s we need to give out items as rewards
337s it's simply what we need
339s we want to respect the work of plane
341s manufacturers
343s and we don't want to disrupt the economy
345s with unnecessary risk faucets
349s but we can't simply buy items from the
351s ccp player market because that would set
353s an artificial price
355s or floor
356s on the uh for the market
359s so the first iteration would be to
360s create npc donation missions where the
362s award is enterprise credit
364s now it's a choice for someone to either
366s manufacture the items or simply buy the
368s item from the market and donate them
370s either way the manufacturer is getting
372s paid for their work
373s uh there's no pay to win here because
375s the enterprise credits are are heraldry
377s and heraldry is cosmetic only so that's
380s never going to work
383s and new players really have to learn so
384s much
385s and what we're doing as veterans is
387s we're helping them we're supplying
389s convenience to them they don't have to
391s go through all of the learning before
392s they go into space
395s get blown up
396s repeat rinse and repeat
398s so we believe they will be more
399s motivated to stick around if they have
401s access to ships
403s and we're not spawning them for them so
405s you're helping them
407s while this has been uh when this has
410s been thoroughly tested um there's no
412s reason to not expand this to a much more
415s complete suite a fully integrated system
418s with all rewards even skill points from
420s the player market
422s and giving out more ships
424s to new players throughout the academy
428s i talked about stronger organizations
430s yesterday
432s and
433s i'm going to talk about organizational
435s income
438s if interbus credits aren't lp
440s and we can tax lp
443s that means we unlock
446s organizational income for corporations
449s because then we can tax a new or they
452s can tax this new activity
454s without relying on donations from those
456s players
460s that's a person that does accounting for
463s their alliance and corporation
468s so
470s the reason why it's so easy to do
472s bounties is because it's easy to tax
474s that's very clear
476s that also means that there's a
479s unnecessary friction or kind of i would
482s say pressure on corporation members to
485s do bounties
486s we don't want everyone to be doing
488s bounties and ratting for the corporation
491s if they could just do what they want to
493s do
494s and contribute automatically to the
496s corporation that is win-win for everyone
499s so we want organizations to have money
501s because they fuel the wards the fuel
504s destruction
505s and through srp and pay soft bills
508s so
510s that's good for the business good for
511s the game it's good for everyone
513s and there's another tax that we could
516s introduce
517s i'll say again ccp is not introducing
519s this is a organizational tax on their
522s members optional
524s so if you want to tax
526s also we could introduce vat tax so
530s basically try to set a tax on anything
533s that's sold on the market so the
535s corporation would simply take a tiny
537s percentage of all so whether you mine
540s and sell the mine the ore whether you
542s take the ore in the manufacturer and
544s sell it then or take the lp items and
546s sell them basically some part of that
549s wealth stream would be going to the
550s corporation
552s very easy
553s not that hard
555s and that's something that's just a tool
556s for for your directors out there
559s and really it's for the everyone in the
562s corporation
563s it's not
565s unfair because otherwise there's going
566s to get a bill every month to say like
568s you own x million because i think you're
570s looting something in in wormholes
575s this also helps with with that
577s management
579s so we want to strengthen public access
582s the data
583s currently we only have the mer which is
585s kind of
586s you have to upload the csvs you have to
588s do some
588s do some stuff you want to really want to
590s dig into it
592s and uh if you're not a web developer i
594s am not for example and i have a hard
596s time
597s understanding the api and i don't have
599s time for that
600s so what we're trying to do here is to
603s give a structured data warehouse to
606s players at their fingertips through
608s excel so you basically
610s open excel
612s get the eve plugin from the official
614s store and then you have access to the
617s same data as everyone else has
618s so very easy access
621s this will be fantastic for small and mid
622s corporation as well
627s then
628s one thing we want to keep our new
630s players
631s and i want to talk about high sec pvp
634s so
635s briefing
637s is
637s something that i'm concerned about so
640s we've recently spent considerable time
642s on and resources on studying uh high sec
646s and the results are very clear there are
648s two main patterns of gameplay so
650s briefing it's blowing up new players in
653s new playerships with nothing in them
656s the attacker gains nothing
659s and the victim has no means to respond
662s he doesn't expect to be killed
664s does not understand why he was killed
667s and from then on bootstrapping back to
669s into that ship will be hard and
670s difficult for them because they don't
672s really know what to do next
674s and the verdict for us is this doesn't
676s fit our cruel but fair pillar it's
679s simply cruel
680s there's nothing there
682s ganking
684s long veterans finishing
687s blink abyss gilas orca miners
691s marauders doing missions
693s this is a massive reward for players
695s for good kill
697s and the victim can choose the risk
699s there's plenty of ways to reduce it but
701s you can't eliminate it because that's
703s not
704s how eve works
705s and they know how to bootstrap back if
707s they lost something they they'll figure
709s it out
710s so the verdict on that is cruel but fair
713s and our efforts will almost exclusively
715s focused on reducing the griefing aspect
717s not the ganking aspect so
719s gankers you're safe
728s so the living universe today mining
730s volume is back to historical norms
732s lyricans showed us yesterday wealth
734s distribution integration is also more
736s diverse new players are doing gas mining
738s there's all kinds of things that weren't
740s there before pi is more valuable a lot
742s of things are more valuable routing
744s isn't
745s but that was also part of the design
747s it doesn't mean we're stopped in
749s improving routing but it's not the only
751s way to make money especially if we
753s introduce those organizational income
754s pillars
756s upcoming structure changes will make
758s conflict much better and we're seeing
759s that in a week from now like or
761s literally on
762s next deployment
764s the red knots are a critical part of the
766s puzzle
768s their logical first capital and
770s aspirational goal they allow punching up
773s and now at a much better rate to supers
775s and titans
776s they work at home defense and they work
778s at hunting they can do pve with crabs
781s and the new experimental capital routing
783s sites that we have been doing the white
785s anchorage was the first one in december
787s hoping to see more very soon
791s and the strategic commitment is this
794s and i want to explain the faction
795s warfare aspect of it
798s we're looking to create a more dynamic
799s living universe
801s vibrant metropolis is one of the pillars
804s faction warfare is a setting it does not
806s mean it's only faction warfare it means
808s that we want to introduce change through
810s factions and the empires in that area of
812s space
815s structures and sovereignty are still the
816s key elements of
818s going forward
819s and the arcs are simply a vehicle to
821s deliver content through story and player
824s activity
827s and we're looking at
829s something
831s they'll talk about it later
832s in a few minutes
835s content in this case ranges from new
837s ships sites and rewards of course we're
839s not stopping to do we're not do not
841s doing new shifts we're not
843s doing sites everything is coming but in
845s a narrative flavor and
848s sometimes mystery is is something that
850s people look forward to and we want to
852s keep it under wraps but obviously
854s there's content coming
857s and it's not just content for faction
858s warfare it seems it's going into it
861s spills into the living universe
863s and not just for lowsac and not just for
865s current fashion warfare players
869s and now here is ccpra to actually
874s shed a lot more light on that
876s she asked for two hours she only has
879s half
883s thank you
890s good morning everyone i'm happy to see
892s that most of you have woken up today uh
894s it was a struggle i will admit i was uh
897s i was a bit nervous yesterday thank you
898s for sticking with me
900s you guys are terrifying
903s all right so let's talk a little bit
905s more about faction warfare yesterday i
907s talked about it in brief i introduced a
909s dynamic frontline system and today what
911s i want to do is i want to dig in a
913s little bit more into exactly what that
915s means what we're looking at
916s so the slides will have
918s words today uh none of my slides had
921s words yesterday um which also means i
923s have no notes
924s so we'll be looking at this together um
926s as i said
928s faction warfare is our primary focus
930s that doesn't mean that content won't be
932s introduced to other areas of the game
934s but what it does mean is that faction
936s warfare is the vehicle through which it
938s might be introduced
939s for example there could be changes to
941s null sec
942s which would be introduced through a
944s faction warfare storyline but then spill
946s out into the rest of the universe
950s and it could touch all sorts of things
952s whether that's structures because we're
954s not done with them yet we still have a
955s lot of thoughts on structures
957s and they're super important
959s it could be territory control
961s how you control space whether it's
964s inside faction warfare whether it's
966s sovereignty
967s or maybe even new systems elsewhere
970s claiming a wormhole system claiming a
972s high sex system
974s and of course ship and fleet balance
975s i'll never be done with that i uh i
978s buffed the proteus recently
980s uh proteus is a great ship
982s [Applause]
986s speed subsystem maybe one day
990s and we'll be looking at all of the
992s content in various areas of the game
994s especially faction warfare because it
995s needs it the most
997s but this could be content in other
999s places as well so we're looking at
1001s updating faction warfare complexes
1003s even just little tweaks quality of life
1005s things that are really need to be done
1006s and i'll go into that a little bit more
1008s later
1008s new battlefield sites make it really
1010s feel like a war right now faction
1012s warfare feels like you're scavenging
1014s like it's a post-apocalyptic society
1017s and you're like
1019s there's like four others out here and
1020s they might hurt me
1022s but
1024s maybe maybe you'll run into them maybe
1025s you won't it doesn't feel like a war and
1027s we want to give you that war feeling
1029s and as i said
1031s it's just kind of a vehicle to introduce
1033s cool new changes overall
1036s so i want to talk a little bit about
1038s what i'm thinking when when i'm looking
1040s at faction warfare what sort of things
1041s do i have in mind
1043s top of the list is we want to make
1045s meaningful geography
1047s the geography and eve as some people
1049s have kind of noticed over the years the
1051s value of that has decreased so
1054s one system is not very different from
1056s the next system one null sex system that
1058s you own
1059s is very similar to any other null sex
1061s system and so it makes choosing space or
1063s fighting for a particular region that
1065s you care about
1066s a little too simple
1068s you you want each system to have a
1070s unique value a strategic meaning
1073s and so we're looking at that in fact
1075s warfare space as well
1078s and we want to we want people to be
1079s loyal to their factions
1081s right now in faction warfare there is a
1082s tier system
1084s that is
1086s it results in some rather unpleasant
1089s game play where large groups will just
1091s kind of rapidly switch back and forth
1093s and they wash board
1095s the faction warfare space back and forth
1097s and we don't want that we want you to
1099s commit to a faction we want you to have
1100s clear goals we want you to succeed
1105s and of course we need to give factual
1107s warfare space some love it really needs
1109s it it's been a long time
1110s uh i'll go into that a little bit more
1113s um that said this isn't a total rework
1116s the core of faction warfare is actually
1118s pretty cool the fact that there's so
1120s many faction warfare players here in
1121s this audience is a testament to that
1124s i mean you guys wouldn't still be there
1125s if there wasn't something
1127s involved that was really valuable and we
1129s don't want to discard that what we want
1131s to do is we want to augment it we want
1133s to add new things on top of it bring new
1135s people into the space and just make it
1137s more vibrant and more healthy
1140s and of course we want we want your
1142s choice to matter like this is the living
1144s universe team it's not the stagnant
1145s universe team
1146s uh that would be a really weird team
1148s name for us to have
1151s so when you when you achieve a victory
1153s it should actually mean something and
1154s there should be a clear victory once
1156s again it's not just an endless tug of
1157s war side to side across the battlefield
1160s but it's a clear objective a clear win a
1163s clear loss and a clear nice payout of
1166s rewards once you get through it
1170s and we want we want to bring new people
1171s into the into the uh battle battlefields
1175s we want players in space
1177s and we want them to have fun
1179s so as we're as we're looking at all of
1181s these things that we want to do we need
1182s to keep in mind also
1184s things that we need to consider
1187s risk reward effort balance a lot of
1189s people talk about risk reward but we
1191s look at it also in terms of the effort
1194s pillar which is often forgotten how much
1196s time did you spend setting up rolling
1199s holes getting everybody together picking
1201s your alliance just to run like a couple
1203s c5 sites before somebody got bored and
1204s left
1206s there's a reason that content is a
1208s little bit more valuable because there's
1209s a large effort component
1212s even if your holes are rolled and the
1213s risk is not that high
1215s i know because i do that and it's great
1217s money
1220s we want to design for player interaction
1222s and this is something that i'm really
1223s passionate about
1225s we want to bring people together so
1227s that's not just people in a system
1231s i also care about all of the places in
1233s the system
1235s that people could be
1237s so for example if you are in an lsx
1239s system and there are
1242s 32 anomalies 16 structures eight planets
1246s 64 moons
1247s the list can get really big and so even
1250s though you're in a system with 100
1251s people
1252s it can feel quiet you're not getting
1254s those spontaneous interactions that
1256s really drive eve
1258s and that's something that i think we
1259s should always keep in mind how can we
1261s bring people into close proximity
1264s so that they can have meaningful and
1266s interesting interactions with each other
1269s whether that's making friends or
1270s shooting
1274s and of course we want to consider
1275s different play styles
1277s uh as you all know it's really hard for
1279s us to get like
1280s very clear feedback like this is exactly
1282s what's wrong well i take that back we
1284s get a lot of feedback that's like this
1286s is exactly what's wrong with eve and
1288s then someone else always like no no no
1290s it's not
1292s and so we need to consider all of these
1294s different groups that play the game
1296s and how our changes might impact them
1299s so i had introduced an allegiance and
1301s loyalty system
1302s yesterday
1304s which is a way for us to kind of have a
1307s more binary declaration of allegiance
1310s right now in faction warfare that is a
1312s militia system if you join an alliance
1314s that's in a
1315s in a militia then you get entered into
1317s their militia but we want to we want to
1319s clean that up that's a really strange
1321s choice to have to make
1323s there's a lot of players elsewhere in
1324s the game that are part of alliances that
1326s would like to participate in faction
1328s warfare that cannot today
1331s i am
1332s i did ask for two hours that would have
1334s been much better
1339s yeah i'm i'm moving along all right so
1341s we want npc factions to set their own
1343s goals so for example capture this system
1345s so that we can do this thing
1349s and of course we want you to be rewarded
1350s for them i'll go into rewards a little
1352s bit more later but we're effectively
1354s looking at reworking the tier system and
1356s introducing something new in its place
1358s that has
1359s better aligned incentives with what
1360s players actually want to do
1371s all right so i had talked about dynamic
1373s front lines yesterday um there as i said
1375s there are 180 systems in fact warfare
1378s space
1379s and they're all about the same
1381s uh and so that's something that we want
1383s to take a look at we want to make
1384s geography more meaningful
1386s and this can be done in both dynamic and
1389s static ways like the mountain range is a
1392s mountain range it's a difficult thing to
1394s cross
1395s but
1396s as uh like an army invading it could
1399s technically seize control of that
1400s territory so that would be a dynamic
1402s versus the static mountain range and a
1404s little bit of both makes for really
1406s colorful space
1409s so the way that we're looking at these
1410s front line systems right now you can see
1412s like the red is controlled by one team
1415s and then the blue is controlled by
1416s another
1417s uh we're looking at a really simple
1419s definition at the moment which is just
1421s if a system borders another system
1424s then is declared a frontline system
1427s and then if a system borders a frontline
1430s but not an enemy system then it would be
1432s declared a command operation system
1435s command operations would kind of have
1436s its own tactical value
1438s that's exactly what that is yet is still
1440s being decided but in this case one of
1443s the things that we're thinking is
1445s what if what if you cut off a system
1448s from its support it no longer has a
1450s command operation system behind it to
1452s help feed those front lines
1454s that system might be easier to capture
1456s and so there could be new emergent
1457s gameplay created through the system
1460s special strategies like uh we're having
1462s trouble taking this but if we cut it off
1465s that would be really cool we can take
1467s that system
1470s so what were the front lines look today
1472s uh some of you will recognize datlan
1475s it is a well-known player tool
1478s i just did a really bad job in paint do
1480s forgive me
1482s but what you see here in red those are
1484s what would be the frontline systems if
1486s we just turned on this magically today
1489s that would be where you would find the
1490s action
1491s that's where you would find like the
1492s special news sites that we're looking to
1494s add to them and you know if you're
1496s entering faction warfare you want to
1498s push those systems because they'll be
1499s more effective and you'll get better
1501s rewards
1502s and then the green would be the command
1504s operations systems
1508s at the moment in the marmon mattar
1509s faction warfare zone instead of having
1512s i don't remember what the total is
1513s whatever those numbers add up to
1515s we would have 23 frontline systems
1518s 14 second line which is an old term that
1521s we were using before that would be 14
1524s command operation systems
1526s and 33 systems which are considered rear
1529s guard
1530s so those rear guard systems we're
1533s kind of looking at those as they're
1535s they're entrenched they're difficult to
1537s capture
1539s and you're going to take
1541s it's not very rewarding to do so it's
1543s going to be a long slog
1545s like that's that's not exactly where you
1546s want to put your tactical effort but i
1548s also don't want to entirely close the
1550s door
1551s so maybe it would be rewardless but you
1553s could attack a
1555s rearguard system
1557s in order to gain a future strategic
1558s advantage if you thought that that would
1561s be beneficial
1564s and then we were going to look to layer
1566s an objective system over the top of it
1569s so each faction would kind of declare
1571s like we need you to take this system
1574s if you take the system we'll achieve our
1576s goals
1578s and it'll
1579s add it'll add additional vibrance to
1582s this new frontline terrain of faction
1585s warfare space all of a sudden there are
1587s choke systems where there weren't
1589s previously
1595s and so this is the sort of just talking
1597s about the extra gameplay
1599s that we were thinking about adding to
1601s the faction warfare space so we want to
1603s bring more people in
1605s the existing faction warfare crowd is
1606s awesome
1607s but you guys need some more friends
1612s and so we want to we want to expand the
1614s gameplay variety in here as well so
1617s an objective might not be simply capture
1620s this system
1621s it could also be
1623s capture the system
1624s build the station and hold it while we
1627s accomplish something
1629s and then that could help us bring in
1631s new gameplay such as like war zone
1634s salvaging there could be logistics
1635s operations where you're having to like
1637s bring supplies to the front lines in
1639s order to support them
1640s it adds a whole lot of new vibrancy on
1643s top of the existing gameplay
1645s where you're still trying to fight and
1647s capture and control systems
1650s exactly what this will be
1652s still yet to be determined we're very
1654s much in the expiration phase at the
1655s moment uh so i've had a lot of
1658s conversations i'm about to get a whole
1660s lot more at that faction warfare
1661s roundtable i'm sure um but if you have
1664s ideas things that you think would work
1665s well things that you have concerns about
1667s now's the time to ask them so that i can
1669s make sure that those thoughts make it
1670s into our
1671s designs which will be happening
1673s next week
1676s and of course
1677s i said that faction warfare needs some
1679s love
1680s so there are a number of issues up all
1682s structures in faction warfare space
1684s are not great
1686s because
1687s the meaningful control of that territory
1689s was somewhat undermined by allowing
1691s enemy militias to simply still have
1694s perfectly fine tether and docking access
1697s in space that you control
1699s so that's absolutely something we want
1701s to take a look at
1703s we want to kind of look at complexes so
1706s the current complex design is
1708s rather simple like can we can we make it
1711s so that pirate ships can't enter novice
1713s complexes for example that would be
1715s really satisfying to those people who
1717s can't afford pirate ships
1719s like myself most of the time
1722s and can we can we kind of shift things
1724s so there's extra value for navy ships
1727s value for navy ships is a really big
1728s thing navy ships are really cool but
1730s sometimes they get overshadowed like how
1732s can we make those brighter
1736s apparently there's a mouse uh
1738s we also want to take a look at faction
1740s warfare missions faction warfare
1742s missions currently do not fit well into
1744s the ecosystem of faction warfare
1747s they're kind of a thing that non-faction
1749s warfare pilots do to extract money at
1751s the expense of reducing the value of the
1754s lp earned by people actually doing the
1756s fighting in the system control
1758s i'm not going to eliminate them entirely
1761s but just know that it's something that
1762s we're keeping an eye on in particular
1765s the tags are on my mind i want to make
1767s sure that you can earn your faction wifi
1769s rewards you can actually access the lp
1771s store without having to go grind for
1773s those tags in faction warfare missions
1775s if that's not exactly your thing
1778s and we want to take a look at uh
1781s the sites themselves so at the moment
1783s every site is the same in terms of like
1785s how valuable it is strategically like
1787s how much how many victory points did you
1788s earn whether you're running a novice in
1790s a t1 frigate or an open in a battleship
1795s so adding a little bit more value to
1797s those larger sites just makes sense it
1799s rewards people for putting those larger
1801s ships on field
1804s speaking of rewards we're looking at
1806s reworking them so we're
1809s when i say that we're looking to remove
1811s the tier system what i mean is we're
1813s kind of getting rid of it so it no
1815s longer will like the winning faction
1818s uh get rewards for just having more
1819s systems but instead they'll get rewards
1822s for completing objectives successfully
1825s so if you assist in completing an
1826s objective you'll be entered into a pool
1829s of communal rewards
1831s and then what's that
1833s sorry the microphone's there
1835s once that objective succeeds or fails
1837s you'll be paid out accordingly at the
1839s same time there's also we want to reward
1841s loyalty
1842s so win or lose if you're sticking with
1844s the same faction
1845s there's a track that you're working
1847s along
1849s where as you earn rewards you earn your
1851s loyalty you get cool stuff for it
1858s and taking a little bit of a turn um
1859s we're also looking at structures
1861s as we said we're not done instructors
1863s still need some love
1865s i think a lot of people will agree with
1866s the top point
1868s we want to ensure attacker commitment so
1871s at the moment someone can show up and
1872s just shoot your citadel
1874s and
1875s there's
1877s if they don't return you still have to
1879s form a defense fleet you don't know if
1880s they're coming back
1882s and that can be a really unsatisfying
1884s thing
1884s nobody likes made you form
1887s so
1888s imagine for an example where like in
1891s order to attack that structure the
1893s attacker has to come in and drop like a
1896s seed structure
1897s and that seeds truck sure powers up and
1899s it like breaks through the structure
1901s which then allows them to bash it but
1902s they can't remove it from the field and
1904s that thing is a little bit pricey
1907s if they don't show up again
1909s the defenders will simply destroy it
1912s take a valuable
1913s bit of loot out of it and they'll get
1915s paid for having to show up and defend
1917s their structure
1918s and the attackers will have lost
1920s whatever that was
1921s whatever system we put in place here we
1923s want to ensure that people are committed
1925s when they're actually a threat
1927s to the places that you live
1936s there's also some lessons that we
1937s learned from world war b
1939s two three
1941s never mind
1943s the casino roar or whatever you wanna
1944s call it um
1947s so there's
1949s at the moment if you if you go and
1950s you're fighting a nelson warfare
1952s and you attack a flex structure the
1954s defender just drops another one almost
1956s immediately and it makes it feel really
1958s pointless so we're looking at like can
1960s we add a tactical window if you take out
1962s their ansiblex gate or if you take out
1965s their cyanobeacon
1967s how can you open a window where you can
1970s where it takes time for them to put it
1971s back so that you can actually make use
1974s of that
1975s rather than just taking a small cash
1977s penalty for making them replace the flex
1978s structure
1981s we're also looking at uh capital ship
1983s re-tether time i know this one's a
1985s little spicy
1986s but at the moment there's a there's a
1988s difference between a sub-capital ship
1990s which has a 60-second tether time for
1992s the combat timer when it lands on the
1994s structure that 60-second timer is really
1997s a lot if we look at this in terms of a
2000s hp 2 second metric
2003s capital ships are totally in a different
2005s league
2006s and so we want to make sure that that
2008s balance is reasonable
2010s so
2011s fighting on an undock can still be a
2012s thing like you can still put your
2014s capitals on your undock and fight but
2015s once you untether there's actually
2017s meaningful risk similar to that sub cap
2020s risk that already exists
2024s in general improved gameplay and
2025s counterplay around antiblack skates
2027s they're a super useful nullsack tool but
2029s at the same time they're also really
2030s frustrating for anyone who wants to
2033s mess with you
2035s so the ability there's there's kind of
2037s two points here
2038s one is projection which is the thing
2040s that i'm not exactly taking a look at
2042s and the other is counter play
2044s if you see someone in a system and
2046s they're on an ansplex gate
2048s you don't really want to engage because
2050s they can instantly disappear at any time
2052s so
2053s you know that it's not going to be
2054s successful for you and so why would you
2056s take that risk
2059s and of course continue looking at passes
2061s so
2062s that could be uh possess currently have
2064s two uses one is like capital storage and
2067s one as day tripping into a wormhole with
2069s a
2070s a cheap easy rapid to set up structure
2072s so we're taking a look at that
2076s and there's other changes we want to
2077s make as well so as i said these might
2080s get introduced through faction warfare
2082s but there's a lot that can be done to
2085s make eve more fun more well-rounded
2089s whether that's new toys and tools for
2092s example
2093s a damage module that like applies a
2095s damage over time effect
2097s something brand new you can you can hit
2099s someone with it if you get close enough
2101s and run away and it continues to tick
2103s down
2104s who knows
2105s purely an example please don't get
2107s don't get too too taken with that
2110s and of course balance i want to pull up
2112s the weaker ships
2113s and i want to
2115s like the proteus i did recently
2117s and i want to reshape the dominant ones
2119s so
2120s looking at hacks for example i'm sure
2123s there's a lot of opinions on heavy
2124s assault cruisers i don't want to destroy
2126s them
2128s as much as some people would really love
2130s us to like nerf these things into the
2131s ground every ship should have its role
2135s and of course we're still looking at the
2136s tough issues i don't have answers for
2138s you today on what rattati talked about
2139s in terms of high set ganking but it is
2141s something on our radar
2144s quality of life updates uh who here
2146s would like to be able to instantly clone
2149s jump without a cooldown in an npc
2150s station
2152s [Applause]
2158s maybe
2162s [Music]
2163s i i can't take it away now yeah
2166s uh more readable maps the endgame map is
2168s great but there's a reason that i use
2170s dotland on a previous slide
2177s and of course we're looking at capital
2178s ships we want to ensure that the capital
2180s ecosystem is healthy every ship has its
2182s role for example
2184s dreadnoughts can maybe have a role in
2186s structure fights again
2188s and every ship has its counters so
2192s they're they're currently it's it's not
2194s terrible but there are things that could
2196s be improved um carriers are in a strange
2198s place right now where they're both
2199s overpowered
2200s and have no purpose which is a very
2203s strange place for any ship to be in
2206s and of course we're looking at navy
2207s ships it's faction warfare time
2209s so we want to make sure those navy ships
2211s are valuable we want to make sure that
2212s your lp rewards are worth it to you
2215s and so we're going to take a look at you
2216s know buffing the navy ships armageddon
2219s navy is terrible
2221s that one's on my list
2223s and even even more wild things can we
2226s add value to them in other ways such as
2228s adding fashion bonuses special bonuses
2231s within faction warfare space that would
2233s be of course well balanced
2235s uh for the game around them
2237s and with that i would like to
2239s hand it back over
2241s to actually nope snorri is not taking it
2244s ccp emerald
2246s who is our new brand manager
2255s hey everybody
2257s so great to see you all here after last
2260s night
2262s um hi everybody i'm ccp emerald um i'm
2266s new to fan fest it's already been such
2268s an inspiring week though i've really
2269s enjoyed getting to know you
2271s i've met some of you this week
2273s and i look forward to
2275s meeting more of you tonight especially
2277s with the party at the top of the world
2279s who's excited
2282s all right come on come on all right so
2285s uh now that you've seen some of the
2287s incredible plans coming from
2290s living universe i wanted to take a
2293s minute to walk you through how we're
2295s evolving from quadrants
2298s so but let's take a quick look back
2300s first uh for many years uh expansions
2304s were released in eve i'm sure you
2306s remember the days where you waited in
2308s anticipation for the next big expansion
2310s all so you could finally get all of your
2313s cool new space stores to play with
2315s um so
2317s a few years ago we decided it was time
2318s to evolve from expansion so that we
2320s could be a little bit more flexible with
2322s our releases
2324s keeping new eden alive and dynamic
2328s so eve evolved into quadrants and that
2330s was a two year era
2332s quadrants allowed us to be dynamic with
2334s our releases ensuring that there was
2336s always a steady stream of fresh new
2338s content and eve
2341s and within quadrants we told longer term
2344s stories as with the triglavian invasion
2346s trilogy
2349s and our goal is to keep the dexterity
2351s that we've had with quadrants but we
2352s want to build on that foundation
2356s telling even deeper and more immersive
2358s stories
2359s but more importantly setting the stage
2361s for you to play a part in shaping the
2364s future of new
2367s eden so
2369s we're planning to
2371s roll out something new
2373s and we're calling it arcs
2377s each arc tells a cohesive story in which
2380s you play an important role
2382s it'll feature a steady
2384s steady stream of narrative driven events
2386s and content
2388s that lead you to a climactic moment
2390s revealing a significant change in new
2392s eden
2394s just now aurora walked you through how
2396s this might play a part in factional
2397s warfare
2399s and in just a little bit ccp loki is
2401s going to talk about the narrative behind
2404s this
2407s but in addition to introducing narrative
2410s arcs to eve
2412s we're also going to be moving towards
2414s reintroducing
2416s expansions
2418s but they're going to look a little bit
2419s different than the expansions you're
2421s used to
2422s expansions will become the major content
2424s releases in eve
2426s they will contain
2427s big content moments in arcs new features
2431s significant tech evolutions art and
2433s audio enhancement and so much more and a
2436s lot of what you guys saw yesterday in in
2438s in the plans
2439s um but a key difference here and with
2442s this new era of expansions uh you're
2444s still going to be able to expect a
2446s steady stream of releases seasonal
2448s events challenges story progression
2450s moments and balance changes in between
2452s so it's not going to be
2454s nothing happening in between there's
2456s going to be plenty for you guys to do
2459s and this will keep new eden active and
2461s vibrant with regular seasonal events
2464s regular
2465s challenges and new story lines told
2467s through arcs
2469s but there's going to be something big to
2471s look forward to
2473s making this really the best of both
2474s worlds
2477s you can expect the first expansion
2479s moment to come
2481s in q4 2022
2483s and we're really excited to reveal more
2485s to you
2486s then
2489s and but now for the fun part
2492s i'm going to hand the mic over to ccp
2493s loki
2495s who's going to be doing a deeper dive on
2498s some of the narrative development plans
2499s for this and he's going to give you a
2501s peek at where we're headed with arcs
2503s but let's hope he doesn't get
2505s interrupted this time
2508s [Applause]
2513s good morning
2521s why are we here
2525s true
2527s falls under we want to be entertained
2531s when playing a game we want to be
2532s challenged and want to be immersed in
2534s that game
2536s and everyone here at ccp to do
2538s should be aimed
2539s to enforce those feelings including when
2542s including features into
2544s new eden
2546s when you play
2547s you should feel like you're stepping
2549s into this universe this place called new
2551s eden
2553s a living universe is something that
2555s evolves and changes over time and is
2558s constantly affected by events that take
2560s place inside it
2561s now many of new eat and most spectacular
2563s events were created by you the
2565s capsuleers
2567s over periods spanning almost 20 years
2569s now
2571s heist another 30 deeds have been
2573s committed
2575s null sex feuds and wars lasting decades
2578s have been fought
2579s and player empires have risen and faded
2581s away
2583s i find it fascinating that all these
2585s events become part of new ethan history
2589s and lore
2590s and with the passage of time they
2592s somehow become more mythical or
2595s legendary even
2599s books have even been written about it
2601s and many of you
2602s in here can actually say
2604s wait for it
2606s i was there
2609s i'm telling you
2611s i was there
2615s i was there when we filmed it
2619s the goal of narrative driven design is
2622s to create more moments for you in the
2624s future that you can say i was there
2628s the feeling of taking a part in a story
2629s unfolding on a grand scale
2632s that leaves a permanent mark on newton
2636s now
2638s here we can talk for example about
2640s poshman
2641s a password was an event where you could
2643s actually affect the outcome and it
2646s leaves like a very big permanent mark on
2648s new ethan it's not completely scripted
2650s it's up to you it was up to you how it
2653s panned out
2654s so you will be able to take an active
2656s part in determining the outcome of a lot
2659s of these events
2660s this is how new features will be
2662s introduced and this is how you get a
2665s sense of belonging to your function
2667s this will be providing a way for you to
2670s interact with the lore and co-create it
2673s with us
2675s now how are we going to going to do this
2679s in many ways we have done all kinds of
2681s these kinds of things before for example
2683s in the lead up to epistle ted space and
2685s the triclavian invasion
2687s and taking the lessons learned from
2689s these events and experiments we're going
2692s to do this on a much larger scale
2694s this is why we're holding back a lot of
2698s content during this keynote
2701s we want all the
2703s toys whether it's ships structures
2706s whatever it is
2707s to feed out throughout the ark into your
2710s hands
2713s because if i would tell you if we would
2715s tell you what is coming in the next
2717s months it would take away all element of
2719s mystery and discovery it would be like
2722s george lucas in 1980 saying yeah you
2724s liked star wars i'm going to make a new
2726s movie i'm going to call it the emperor's
2727s tracks back and at the end of it you're
2730s going to find out the darth vader is
2732s luke's father
2733s oh sorry sorry
2736s oh
2738s i'll just quit now sorry
2741s yeah
2742s but you can say you know one of the
2744s lessons we learned is that you each arc
2747s will have a very clear beginning climax
2750s and a conclusion
2753s to make this clear we can look at some
2755s previous and hypothetical examples
2759s and
2761s again i want to emphasize even though
2763s i'm using these as an example we are not
2765s going to do the same thing exactly again
2768s each arc will feel unique have its own
2770s storyline own twists and plots all
2773s its own custom events and all that
2775s shenanigans
2777s so each arc has its own story
2780s now in naruto design in the simplest
2783s form we are basically introducing a
2785s feature to narration
2788s i mean while this still beats patch
2790s notes
2791s it still lacks a very like fundamental
2793s element we want to lean more into and
2795s that's engagement with you
2801s so again to use previous examples
2806s in the beginning of each ask and i want
2808s to emphasize the first arc has already
2810s started there are clues out there so
2811s keep your eyes and ears open
2814s but each arc starts with you just
2816s thinking what the hell is going on
2819s over some period evens takes place and
2821s clues are dropped and you have to
2823s accomplish tasks
2824s and you are and
2827s again during this period which we are in
2829s now there is complete radio silence from
2832s us we're not telling you
2834s that we're going to have a super star
2836s destroyer in the empire strikes back
2839s there is complete selling you need to
2841s figure this out yourselves
2846s later on in the discovery phase
2849s and slowly as more objectives are
2850s achieved and more clues are revealed
2852s your theories will become will sort of
2855s become closer to reality what we're
2857s actually going to do
2859s and for those of you who are not
2861s engaging directly and participating in
2863s the events you will still get a feedback
2866s on what's going on
2867s eventually knew it the news or the scope
2870s might clear things up or not in this
2872s case you actually got a nobel prize
2874s winner to explain how traglovian
2877s well episode that space works
2879s but at that end of this period
2883s ccp will break its radio challenge we
2885s will discuss the feature we will have
2887s the usual conversation with you as we
2889s always do about
2891s you know
2892s it will come out on cc balance issues
2895s all those things it's basically the
2897s first phase which we are in now where
2899s the with where we have a mystery face
2901s where we're not telling you anything you
2903s need to figure this out
2906s the last stage is sort of raised to
2908s complete completion at this point in the
2911s arc it has become clear what is going on
2914s and what are your faction objectives in
2917s many cases it would be a race between
2919s the factions to get
2921s things done
2924s now here the goals will be extremely
2927s clear there is no mystery the empire
2929s will directly tell you what they want to
2931s do
2932s because it's an extremely important
2934s lesson from the past that when running
2936s these things for example i'm just going
2939s to say it out loud like in pashwen right
2941s from the beginning you should have known
2942s what's at stake when fighting for the
2944s systems
2945s and what would the end result would be
2947s we have picked up some we learned
2949s sometimes sometimes
2953s and during this phase things must start
2955s to appear in the game
2957s you might see like half built structure
2959s you might see the empires on the move
2961s and and and and try to get them to do
2963s your their pitting
2965s and
2967s it's now up to you to achieve your
2969s faction goals and for example acquire a
2972s new technology for your faction
2975s this will utilize the frontline system
2977s the allegiance system all the things we
2979s talked about the narrative is just tying
2981s the whole thing together and sort of
2984s just make it have a purpose
2988s so
2989s previously again
2991s we released
2993s these guys and they just came out
2996s now if we were doing this
2999s you would actually have to fight for the
3001s galata or the kaltari perhaps even two
3004s different things maybe fight against
3006s each other to acquire the technology
3008s first
3013s and as ccp or mentioned
3016s you will have to make a long-term
3017s decision when it comes to playing place
3020s pledging your allegiance without with a
3022s faction
3023s because we want this also to spill out
3026s of factional warfare so for example like
3029s earlier when we were talking about the
3030s ships
3032s you if you participate in the event
3034s itself you get extra rewards for doing
3037s that for your faction but the remainder
3039s all the other
3041s capsuleers who are in your faction they
3043s won't have the ship until
3046s the faction has completed the goal
3048s and we're going to play on a lot more
3050s things than just giving thanks out to
3052s you this might have like economy results
3054s where we're sort of experimenting with
3056s all kinds of effects that we'll have on
3057s the world we really want the empires to
3060s come alive
3062s and
3062s while we have like pretty cool
3064s backstories and lore the empires have
3066s always felt a bit stagnant in the game
3068s there we have fraction warfare which has
3070s been sort of is popular on its own we
3072s want to make it much bigger and we want
3074s it to spill out into the whole game
3077s you will feel like you belong to the
3079s empire when your empire does well you
3081s are doing well when your empire is doing
3083s badly you are doing badly up to a point
3086s [Laughter]
3090s and
3092s again
3093s we will
3095s see more visible to npcs will be more
3098s visible during events uh actually in the
3100s game right now you will see some of the
3103s things that are sort of starting to wind
3105s up we sort of started today this morning
3107s at downtime
3108s i can this is like the real world don't
3110s expect world war three we are ramping
3113s slowly up this is a journey not a you
3115s know this is a marathon not a sprint
3119s and we're going to use the npcs a lot to
3121s tell the story we're going to see them
3123s fight we're just going to do all kinds
3125s of shenanigans as usual
3128s just on a much bigger scale
3135s and onto the narrative as you have not
3138s noticed we have started to tell more
3140s character trim stories
3142s and show more of new eating in our
3144s videos
3145s over the past year the faction leaders
3147s have become more visible
3150s and the faction culture and traits will
3153s also continue to be more seen and felt
3155s throughout videos and other media we
3158s sort of want to
3159s i assume most of you know who sauria
3162s triclave is
3164s what's his name
3168s get a free peer letter
3170s we want to make these characters iconic
3173s we want them you know to
3176s be the identity of your faction
3179s and we'll continue to see more of ships
3182s and station interiors and surfaces and
3184s planet surfaces and so on
3186s now are those tanks gonna come into the
3188s game itself
3189s no probably not
3192s but these places are a part of the eve
3195s universe and showing them goes a long
3198s way in creating a living breathing
3200s universe this is world building this is
3202s immersion and you know hey
3205s it's uh you know a lot of it's just
3207s entertainment i you know
3209s i had some fun making this one
3213s fun fact
3214s when the guys come running out
3216s that's all me
3218s it's me in a mocap suit in my house
3221s running into the kitchen
3226s yeah
3228s i had my son as the director
3231s so you will continue to see more of
3233s these things and you know we are just we
3236s are sort of getting to a place where we
3237s can
3239s speed up the process and create a lot
3241s more of these and just we're getting
3242s better and better and better and you
3243s know sorry about the animation sometimes
3245s i'm getting that
3252s and uh
3255s again the first arc has started
3258s the clues are already out there
3261s so keep your eyes
3263s and ears open
3265s here we go
3272s capsuleers attending a session of the
3274s interstellar anti-smuggling encounter
3276s piracy conference at the geeta four tac
3278s four trade hub were surprised when a
3281s concord presentation on rising smuggler
3283s activity was apparently hijacked by the
3286s very same smugglers
3289s [Music]
3291s platitudes blandishments lies
3294s you of all people know that concord and
3296s the empires have no interest in common
3298s with you they have done nothing for you
3301s they shall do nothing for you
3304s how long will you listen to their empty
3306s words
3307s in recent days as is their pitiful habit
3311s concord has made use of you to advance
3314s their own agenda
3316s these free trade outposts you have so
3318s willingly cleared of my associates have
3320s been taken over by concord's worst
3323s lucero
3325s perhaps you don't believe me
3327s check for yourself
3328s i have broadcast the new signatures of
3331s those sites to all
3332s why should you not destroy the sorrow
3334s bully boys they have always sought to
3337s control you
3339s do their bidding no more
3340s open your eyes
3342s seize your destiny and
3345s if you would
3346s join me the deathless
3350s embarrassed by this intrusion concord
3353s officials have refused to comment on
3355s sorrow activity at occupied smuggler
3357s outposts other than to state that
3359s measures are simply being carried out to
3361s ensure the complete eradication of
3363s illegal smuggling activities
3365s any recent improvements in the strained
3367s diplomatic relationship between the
3369s galente federation and the khaldari
3370s state have been overshadowed by claims
3373s that a galente diplomat was involved in
3375s a massive spy ring operating within the
3378s khaldari state
3379s the khaldari state's chairman akima
3381s kasaraki delivered a fiery speech in a
3384s live broadcast from the kalduri chief
3386s executive panel yesterday the scheduled
3389s speech was reportedly originally aimed
3391s at promoting interstellar diplomacy due
3393s to the ongoing jita 4-tac 4 summit
3396s however with state corporations and
3398s citizens expressing outrage over the new
3400s allegations the delivered speech leaned
3403s heavily into patriotic rhetoric and
3405s evoked previous hostilities with the
3407s galente state
3410s we remain
3414s no matter the cost
3417s no direct response or comments have been
3419s made by the galente federation so far
3422s but federation navy and customs forces
3424s have been placed on heightened alert
3426s status
3427s this is alton hovery reporting for the
3430s scope
3440s [Music]
3452s at least three clues in that so
3455s go look at it screenshot it
3458s i just want to recap
3460s everything we talked about for the
3461s league universe we're looking at
3463s three pillars
3464s organizational income
3466s heraldry
3468s made for players by players
3471s cruel but fair we're looking at fair
3473s access of data through spreadsheets
3475s anti-cheat improvements
3476s high sac ganking and griefing
3479s and for metropolis we're looking at
3481s evolving meta and quality of life as csb
3484s aurora went through
3485s dawn of the dreadnoughts that's my
3487s sentence don't take her
3489s don't blame her hanger immersion
3491s i think it's incredibly important
3494s our emotional attachment is to our ships
3496s and that is very clear
3498s structures and sovereignty that is a key
3501s pillar for all of our attention to
3502s faction warfare looking at upward
3504s structures for example in faction
3505s warfare is a way to start
3507s tackling these problems specifically
3509s area by area security by security issue
3512s by issue
3513s high value front lines i don't think
3515s that came clear enough through is that
3519s if you have border states you have
3521s people on both sides
3523s the problem with high value sites
3526s content
3527s is when it happens
3529s way beyond sovereignty somewhere safe
3532s we have lost the risk part of the reward
3535s this creates a pinnacle conflict driver
3537s opportunity for us to put very valuable
3540s things on borders
3543s all building on factual warfare
3544s foundation without being only for
3546s faction warfare players
3548s looking at epic era and arcs coming this
3551s year
3552s multi-account benefits
3554s and omega boosting interbus credits to
3556s help with heraldry
3558s so
3559s this is us the living universe thank you
3561s for your attention and listening
3565s [Applause]