about 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

Oi oi everyone,
CCP Fleebix here. Some of you may know me from Twitch.tv/CCP where I’ve been streaming for the last few months, and others from Eve Vegas, Eve London and a few fanfests where I’ve been djing with and without Permaband.


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Here’s an awkward picture of me from Fanfest 2018.

I just wanted to drop in and say hi to everyone as I have now officially joined the CCP Community team as Community Developer <3
You can always contact me here, on twitter (@CCP_Fleebix) and I’m lurking on a bunch of the EVE Discords as well.
If you don’t see me there look for me at the first light of the 5th day. Or ping me on Twitter.

CCP Fleebix
Looking forward to the upcoming lively discussions and wacky shenanigans.

about 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

It’s a bit like a flammen werfer. It werfs flammen. So I have to say your first instinct is correct.

about 4 years ago - CCP_Fleebix - Direct link

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The flammenwerfer meme, is a classic meme. A fine meme.
To answer whether I’m Falcon or Guard, I’m just me, one part of the team with Convict, Dopamine, Aurora and the ISDs and GM’s.
And I’ll join discussions as much as I can :orange_heart: