over 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s welcome back to alliance tournament 17
7s grand finals with round two of hydro
9s reloaded versus we form volta and we got
11s ourselves a brawl with volta bringing
14s heavy assault missile launcher
15s nighthawks heavy assault missile
16s launcher loki's a bunch of little
18s sphibles and
20s i'm not sure how well that's going to
21s fare versus what hydra bought dazzle
23s what do you think yeah i'm not so sure
25s um i mean they've got the advantage of
27s the mimitar resists although of course
28s the nighthawks don't have that um
30s benefit but yeah they brought the triple
31s about and triple oracle at zero that we
33s saw in their um series against vydra um
37s not a couple however long ago it was you
38s know i've lost track of time an hour or
40s so ago whenever it was anyway the match
42s is getting underway and obviously these
43s are bad and oracles are just going to
44s try and charge in and close range as
45s much as they can supported by these
46s point effectors and mallards that's what
48s i would imagine is going to happen but
49s actually the abandons are staying close
51s i mean these are all ham night hawks and
53s ham loki's so maybe they feel they don't
54s need to burn and they don't want to ruin
56s their tracking whereas the loki needs to
57s close range a little bit ham nighthawks
58s only have sort of 20 kilometers range
59s maximum um starfleet commander in the
61s nighthawk already taking huge chunks
63s they've said well nighthawks have pretty
65s bad resists against lasers pretty much
66s the worst they can possibly be so
68s they're just melting through them and
69s softly come on it's going to go down
70s here
71s and he does he goes every time
73s they do trade it for an oracle and i
75s mean you can't really expect these
76s oracles to last all that long uh the
78s abaddons did not move whatsoever but you
80s know they just got pushed straight past
82s all of these webs made the oracle's not
83s able to kite and kerzen is down and
84s control freak's taking lots of damage
86s but you know we're seeing almost
87s one-to-one dps traits here uh at the end
89s of the day i think that these nighthawks
91s are probably gonna go down at the same
92s time as the oracles so will three loki's
94s and the sphipples beat the abaddons as
97s the third oracle goes down and control
98s three drops pretty much at the same time
101s uh i i think this is advantageous for
103s volta here i think they have the web
104s still from the loki's they can deal with
105s small stuff as they are starting to work
107s on the inquisitor of a prophecy
108s but i mean once they do that the
110s abandons they can sort of pin them down
112s and get under their guns and strippers
113s with you know no applications if it's
115s just the abaddons they've got no
116s application to
117s help hit these uh these swipples and
120s loki's so they can get up close and get
121s onto the guns but they are actually
123s working on the about enough dexter at
124s the same time as well here
126s yeah you know we're seeing those crazy
128s amounts of abaddon resists and hp uh and
131s he's actually dropping really really
132s fast here but volta is choosing to work
134s on the inquisitors as well i believe
136s they're just taking him out with drones
137s in small
138s small dps ships the burst of planet six
141s goes down this is kind of a bloodbath
143s here it looks like annie might actually
144s drop before dexter
146s yeah i actually like this comp from
147s volta i think the loki is maybe the
148s second most banned ship of the entire
150s tournament i think we've seen vargas
151s band as we all know pretty much every
153s game but the loki i think my humble
155s opinion is quite possibly one of the
157s strongest options in the entire
158s tournament and that's why it's been
159s banned so frequently we've seen so few
161s of them throughout the entirety of both
162s weekends and now volta bring in three
165s and the range control they provide it's
166s just a shame that they can't really you
167s know they don't really need to utilize
168s the range control here they're going up
170s against a comp that wants to brawl so a
171s comp that you know the advantage of the
173s loki's in this comp is that they have
174s those webs they let your nighthawks rush
176s in you can fit hand fit and you can
177s charge in and apply those webs and start
179s perhaps pumping but in this comp they
181s don't they don't need that web range
183s control because the events are just
184s going to sit there anyway
185s yeah i think they just kind of got
187s countered again here i mean these are
189s bands they just do so much dps like
192s talking like 1400 dps yes loki's do have
194s good native resist versus shield but it
196s doesn't really matter when you're taking
198s that much damage and tick tock is kind
199s of the last main dps obviously there
201s still is two spitfills but you know
203s somehow general hungary lives dexter
205s seems to live uh
207s this is wild like hydra's about to be up
208s 2-0 already yeah and volta here are
211s gonna have their backs against the wall
212s this is this is
214s this is an insurmountable task here i
216s mean almost insurmountable i hope i
218s don't want this to be a 3-0 um but this
220s is a real real challenge for vaulter
222s having having already put down hydra 2-1
224s earlier in the day to now be down 2-0
227s and they need to win three on the trot
229s to take the ch to take the tournament to
231s take the championship this is
232s unbelievable pressure
234s you know not only that i don't think
235s hydra's really shown anything like we
237s saw a weird minmitar rush that you know
240s earlier today maybe they're going to
242s bring that back but like so far it's
243s like okay they can't use abandons again
245s well
246s why would they need to like look at this
247s this is just disgusting amounts of dps
250s totally hard countered the nighthawks
252s you know hydra is looking ridiculously
254s strong right here we do have at least
255s one hopefully three more games but
258s three minutes 30 seconds back to the
259s studio