over 2 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | welcome back to the arena everyone for |
5s | match three and my word if any other |
8s | team was faced with that list of bands |
9s | they would struggle to put together some |
11s | kind of coherent team con but hydra have |
13s | done it you particularly astute amongst |
15s | you might recognize this as the same |
16s | thing they brought earlier but with |
17s | scorpion navy issues in place of golems |
20s | so this is going to be presumably a |
21s | triple scorpion navy issue tinker backed |
23s | up with the two kirins the mower the |
24s | raptor and two sky breakers bart what |
26s | about volta |
28s | well volta has brought something that |
29s | they've been |
30s | fantastic with piloting for this entire |
33s | tournament with their uh kind of |
35s | nighthawk kiting setup uh they do have a |
38s | big bargast here which is the flagship |
40s | but |
41s | i don't know they've they've lost to |
43s | this tinker before but maybe the |
45s | flagship will be the difference |
47s | yeah they've they've been sort of |
48s | apprehensive about feeling their |
49s | flagship so far i don't think we've seen |
51s | uh too many if at all flagship comps |
53s | from volta but they finally said this is |
55s | our backs against the wall this is our |
56s | final chance at taking down hydra at |
59s | least for one game of these five so they |
61s | have said this is the time to bring out |
63s | the flag bar guest |
65s | yeah and uh hydra is doing pretty much |
67s | the same tactic as last time going |
68s | straight onto planet sixes basilisk uh |
71s | we'll see it looks like it's taking a |
73s | lot of damage but you know there hasn't |
74s | been any boosting yet the moa on the |
77s | hydra loaded side is also being hit |
79s | quite hard but |
80s | as we've seen before nothing really |
82s | matters on the hydra team besides those |
84s | navy scorpions so we're gonna see what |
85s | happens here |
87s | yeah and they've taken down that mower |
88s | to start with which is a bit of an |
89s | unusual choice maybe he was sort of |
91s | remote um guidance computers that sort |
93s | of thing to buff the application of the |
95s | of the um the cruise missiles on the |
97s | scorpion navies but yeah he's gone down |
98s | pretty quickly in the |
100s | the |
100s | kieran the first kieran of general |
102s | hungary has flowed pretty quickly as |
103s | well so they're trying to headshot this |
104s | lodging planet six is still holding for |
105s | the time being he is cycling his asp i |
107s | believe so obviously he can't go on |
108s | forever but he's still holding for the |
109s | time being but these scorpion navy |
111s | issues cruise fit can just sort of hit |
113s | anywhere in the arena there's not really |
114s | a huge amount of |
116s | that you can do to mitigate them or try |
117s | and you know out maneuver them or out |
118s | position these cruise missiles are going |
120s | to hit you anyway so you have to just |
121s | sort of whittle through and get progress |
123s | done and outpace the damage that the |
125s | cruise missiles can do to you |
127s | yeah it's right it's really rough we saw |
129s | dark rye and the raptor rush in and web |
131s | down planet six just for a little bit |
133s | just to help with that application for a |
135s | tiny bit and i mean |
136s | any little bit helps here it's it's such |
138s | a slow burn and i think you know plant |
140s | six is gonna go down that ancillary is |
142s | down and again we're in the same spot |
144s | hydra entire core still up the navy |
146s | scorpions are up the nighthawks up |
148s | volta yeah they're only down one |
150s | basilisk but we have seen how absolutely |
153s | disgusting this tinker setup is and i |
156s | don't know if voltai really is prepared |
157s | to counter it yeah we saw this before |
159s | they've killed all of the the small end |
161s | of hydra but hydra happily sat here and |
164s | won with their three golems of nighthawk |
165s | before this tinker set up just cycling |
167s | the asp on the nighthawk they really |
168s | didn't care about losing these other six |
170s | ships in the comp and all the while as |
172s | you you shoot these ships and you try |
174s | and break something and you struggle so |
176s | hard but all the time the cruise muscles |
177s | are applying and you're going to lose |
178s | something this first nighthawk of |
179s | thronth is going to go down and i don't |
181s | know i mean if they can if they have |
182s | enough dps at this point to break they |
184s | might hope they need to do it quickly on |
186s | are they switching onto dexter maybe |
187s | they're going to try the scorpio navy |
188s | issue this time but if they lose enough |
190s | damage they just won't be able to break |
191s | him and the tinker will sustain forever |
193s | well you know voltas has realized that |
195s | there's only one possible solution to |
197s | this and they are ramming their flag |
199s | bargest straight into the ball trying to |
201s | break apart the sneaker amazing bump |
203s | knocks every single scorpio |
205s | and the nighthawk away from wow absolute |
207s | bowling ball absolute bowling ball by |
209s | annie gardic scatters the pins absolute |
212s | strike |
213s | yeah |
214s | that's huge i think i think they might |
216s | need to get one more but that does break |
217s | the cap chain and uh that's going to be |
219s | the difference another bump on decks dex |
221s | is getting pushed out of the |
224s | ability to remote cap transfer there's |
226s | only one going on him now and that is |
227s | going to mean that he will not be able |
228s | to sustain the reps however rapid heavy |
231s | missile launchers are probably on reload |
233s | right now and it might be too little too |
235s | late like i think they had to do this |
236s | from minute one and they just did not do |
238s | it yeah and this vargas is still keeping |
240s | dexter bumped off um so yeah he's he's |
242s | out of range and i don't think these |
244s | other scopes have props at all they are |
245s | no props scorpios um annie garlic now |
248s | bumping nick off in the other direction |
249s | as well so these scorpio navies are |
250s | definitely split up here and they have |
251s | no real way to get back towards each |
252s | other that's a huge bump |
255s | you know seven times speed the other |
256s | direction he's got 110 speed on his own |
258s | and then he bumps 700 meters going the |
259s | other way |
260s | ah this is this is fantastic battleship |
262s | piloting on any guard at spot but again |
265s | i don't know if it is too little too |
267s | late we will see uh you know voltas is |
269s | down to a bargast a nighthawk and three |
271s | jackdaws of dps dex is taking a ton of |
274s | dps here i'm guessing he's probably cat |
276s | dry most likely gonna go down here uh |
278s | that bump was massive but you know look |
279s | at like the damage is still being pumped |
281s | out by vader you can't stop it you can |
283s | only slow it down |
284s | yeah and even after they kill this |
286s | they're still gonna have the two |
286s | scorpion navy issues left they're not |
288s | even a third of the way down with this |
289s | tactic and they're all the time this |
291s | second nighthawk control freak now going |
293s | into low shield they've obviously not |
294s | got any dodgy left and he's being |
296s | whittled down pretty well not whittled |
297s | he's taking huge chunks as he goes into |
299s | hull |
300s | and they're only gonna have the three |
301s | jackdaws left in the bar guests for |
303s | damage and it's you know scorpion navy |
304s | issues and nighthawks these things are |
307s | behemoths in terms of tank |
309s | yeah and there's not a lot of neuting |
310s | power either to sort of stop it like |
312s | they still have a ton of ability to |
314s | self-rep even without the cap transfers |
315s | um not sure if they're ancillary fit or |
317s | not we'll find out after the match but |
319s | you know i'm not gonna lie maybe volta |
321s | needed to go with the uh the chad rocket |
323s | jacked off for the dps here instead of |
325s | these light missile ones i have no idea |
327s | they had to get something going but that |
328s | amazing bumps like |
330s | fantastic play really really smart i |
333s | don't know if this flag vargas is gonna |
335s | really be able to solo it uh hydra's |
336s | made the smart choice and is taking out |
338s | these jackdaws because they know they |
339s | can drop them really really quickly here |
341s | yeah and this is of course also a rapid |
343s | heavy missile barges which is not ideal |
345s | for killing these extremely tanky |
346s | battleships if it was a torque bar guest |
348s | maybe it'd be a little bit more better |
349s | for this specific situation but |
351s | as it looks right now i don't think |
353s | they're going to be able to do it i |
354s | don't think they're going to be able to |
355s | kill these two scorpion navy issues and |
356s | nighthawks it has been fantastic work by |
358s | annie garda he's done an absolutely |
360s | impeccable job of bumping these scorpion |
362s | navy issues but i just don't think it's |
363s | enough i think that inherent hull hp |
365s | just the sheer tankiness of these holes |
367s | is going to be too much for them to |
368s | handle |
370s | uh another fantastic bump on this part |
372s | just keeping keeping them apart as much |
373s | as possible i'm kind of wondering if |
376s | like |
377s | you know they might be able to bring it |
378s | down we still have four minutes left and |
380s | the flag bars does do insane amounts of |
382s | dps but uh i'm wondering if maybe |
384s | there's going to be a point here where |
386s | the correct move is just to save your |
388s | flag vargas uh |
390s | we'll see though this is this is the |
391s | final like if they lose this if volta |
393s | loses this they're done and hydra wins |
396s | how can he say that how can he say that |
397s | this is effectively a 1v3 now for any |
399s | guard at the vigil and the hyena doing |
401s | nothing i mean these are no pr scorpio |
402s | navy issues they don't care about webs |
404s | the paints are helping maybe a little |
405s | bit but it's heavy missiles against |
406s | battleships those two ships are |
407s | basically pointless it is two |
409s | battleships two scorpion navy issues and |
411s | a nighthawk effectively just against |
412s | this flag vargas and i don't think |
414s | that's a 1v3 he can win but as you say |
416s | how can he save the flagship if they're |
418s | cruz scorpion navies they can hit him |
419s | anywhere |
420s | well you know what's also super wild |
422s | about this if hydra takes down the vigil |
425s | the bargast will have to kill every |
427s | single ship on field because the |
429s | bargaist is 20 points and the navy |
431s | scorpions are 21 points this is just |
434s | like |
435s | totally wild here but yeah there's just |
436s | no damage coming out again he's bumping |
438s | but |
439s | i don't know i i think that maybe you |
441s | should try like trying mjd away from |
442s | missiles or something like save save |
445s | your multi bazillion-ish flagship here |
447s | yeah but he's he is |
450s | scramming the nighthawk i'm not i mean |
452s | it's just he's still sort of going on |
453s | the offensive here i don't know if this |
455s | is you know panic mode or sheer |
456s | desperation but at this point it's |
458s | looking really really dire for volta i |
460s | really don't think there's a way they |
461s | can win this and yeah the |
462s | self-preservation play is going to be to |
464s | save this bargain to do what you can get |
466s | out of harm's way and keep those modules |
468s | or else god forbid they will enter you |
470s | know go straight into hydra's war chest |
471s | for next time and make their own barges |
473s | even tankier |
475s | even stronger i mean oh i don't know i |
476s | mean the hydra the hydro ultimate |
479s | warship could almo already be the |
480s | optimum most |
482s | incredible powerful warship that's ever |
484s | been fielded in evil mine it may not |
486s | have the potential to get any stronger |
487s | it might be the strongest possible but |
490s | for volta you know you still want to |
491s | save your own |
492s | your own modules of course you do |
496s | yeah just just absolutely wild like i |
498s | you know just from seeing the tank here |
500s | i'm unless somebody horribly messes up |
503s | which it's pretty hard to boundary when |
504s | you don't have a prop mod uh i'm pretty |
506s | sure that there's absolutely no way of |
509s | volta pulling this off it does look like |
510s | annie has decided that the correct move |
513s | was to start running away and is either |
516s | burning towards the boundary or just |
517s | burning towards an mjd we will see in a |
519s | little bit uh it does look like they're |
521s | tanking pretty well i think that um you |
523s | know that flag vargas is still quite |
524s | strong and difficult to take down so |
527s | might survive uh yeah it sucks to say |
530s | that that's what we're caring about is |
531s | like will the flag vargas survive when |
532s | they lose the match but it is what it is |
535s | it might but he's going into low shields |
536s | now i'm not sure how long he can hold |
538s | this up to be honest he's going into |
539s | about 20 |
540s | and then it's going to be just the |
541s | visual left obviously it's going to be |
543s | the end of the line here for volta and |
544s | it's going to be a victory for hydra |
546s | reloaded for the past couple of years |
548s | always the bridesmaid never the bride |
550s | but they are finally going to have their |
551s | chance to walk down the aisle here and |
553s | claim first place in alliance tournament |
554s | 17. |
556s | oh man and you know it's it's it's rough |
559s | uh volta did beat them in the winter's |
562s | bracket finals but when it came down to |
564s | it and when it actually mattered volta |
566s | got three owed |
568s | make sure you hear that ithaca volta got |
570s | three owed |
572s | yeah i suspect this is going to be a |
574s | very upset ethica and a very smug misty |
576s | on the desk after this |
578s | because this is a show of absolute |
579s | dominance by hyder even with 15 ships |
581s | banned |
582s | 15 |
584s | you have any idea how difficult it is to |
585s | craft a comp when you've got that kind |
586s | of restriction on you and they managed |
588s | to do it they they pull it out they come |
589s | out with this comp and they they slap |
592s | volta |
593s | 3-0 comprehensively commandingly |
595s | decisively |
598s | yeah it does look like i don't know i |
600s | think annie might actually survive this |
602s | it's getting pretty pretty tight here uh |
604s | finally starting to bleed armor um |
607s | regardless of what happens because they |
609s | have no prop ships they will not be able |
611s | to collect the loot if annie does go |
612s | down but uh at least you know if annie |
615s | survives that's a bit of a consolation |
616s | prize at least won't be a massive |
618s | flagship loss as well as everything else |
620s | uh all the gfs and ggs are going out and |
622s | local as well as all sorts of other fun |
624s | and exciting things horrible dota quotes |
626s | just fantastic showing all around from |
628s | hydra |
629s | yeah not to be dude two down on vulture |
631s | of course that looks like they're going |
632s | to keep this flag blogger that's going |
633s | to live for another day and yeah second |
635s | place obviously a fantastic performance |
637s | for them as well um and yeah this is |
639s | this is all from us in the arena i've |
640s | been the basilisk he's been black bark |
642s | pirate thank you so much everyone for |
644s | watching the curse is |