over 4 years ago - Mike_Azariah - Direct link

This is the key thing for me. Remember way back when the character decisions you made had an effect upon what skills you started with and that in turn had a longer reaching effect on where you went.

The is so much . . . .promise . . . in this game. So many chances to be great that have been squandered along the way. And yes, I agree that the Lore meant something to me. I CHOSE to be Gallente for a reason, for lore. It has flavoured my blog for a long time.

You have no idea how much that fact ticks me off. I cannot force CCP to communicate and I and the rest of the CSM signed papers to keep us from saying too much at any given time but damn I wish that CCP said a bit more in the forums here.

I will readily admit to being the starry eyed optimist. I still talk to the devs and some of them still tend to answer. Not all the devs love us but then they were hired to develop a game and I doubt their training included dealing with the likes of us. We talk to all levels, from the coders and artists and bug hunters up to the guys who decide what will fly and what will die on the drawing board. At times? Yeah it gets frustrating trying to get a point across of convincing them that what they are doing is a bad idea cough drones cough Or asking for the umteenth time about red dot @Brisc_Rubal or fixing the NPE (me) or work on faction and lowsec (others on this years council).

And so here I am, collecting the feedback so when they asked what we thought I will have notes. For that I thank all of you.


over 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

Hey everyone o/

Wow this thread went places in a day.

It looks like this wasn’t something that was intended to go live at all - seems it was something in-development that accidentally slipped into the live build from what I’m hearing. I’ve flagged this to the teams internally that this went live and it’s being looked into now. Will update you on what comes out of that.


over 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

Would have engaged if we had any idea it was going live :sweat_smile:

But this seems more like it was something in development that wasn’t intended to go out.

over 4 years ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

My apologies - I read the original post and I thought it was said this was on SISI, not TQ.

I do not recall us being briefed or told that there would be major changes to character creation, although I know that we have had conversations about issues with character creation. Obviously, this is not something that most veterans would be dealing with on a daily basis, so it was not something on my radar.

Mike and I will ask what the deal is with this and we’ll ask for some kind of public statement, since I don’t recall seeing anything about it.

over 4 years ago - CCP_Aurora - Direct link

I have returned from my quest victorious with information!

My earlier statement was in error - while I was unaware of the change, this was because it wasn’t something that was intended for our usual communication channels (yet), but it was intended to go live.

This is part of an A/B test we’re conducting with the character creator. We didn’t announce it or publish anything in the patch notes since for this type of testing we run the risk of corrupted results if curious veteran players start rolling new characters just to check out the feature.

We routinely conduct A/B testing in this way and it usually goes unnoticed but this obviously touches on a particularly significant system and has caught everyone’s attention anyway.

The test started several days ago and will be running over the next few weeks. The things we learn during the test will inform future iteration on the character creator feature, so what you’re seeing right doesn’t fully reflect the finished product. The character creator is one of the key parts in improving the early experience for our new players, a key initiative which we have been focusing on - and talking about - for quite some time.

So for now the test will run it’s course and we’ll have more to say about the character creator after the holidays!