almost 6 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Laughter]
4s all right ladies general welcome back
6s our next guest for the keynotes this
10s morning is CCP mimicked my voice is
22s rubbish so I'm sorry but it's really
32s really awesome to be back this is it's
35s quite overwhelming to see so many
38s familiar faces that I have to admit that
40s I have missed more than I should have
42s but yes anyway we'll carry on with the
44s prison I get all teary-eyed this is of
47s course the third day of the Eve World
50s Tour invasion which kicked off in
53s wonderful Amsterdam just at the end of
55s March and we are watching the wrong feed
59s so please can I have my slide showing on
61s the screen because I got a nice pretty
63s picture thank you oh yes we kicked it
68s off at the end of March in Easter damn
71s which I suppose could probably be called
74s the youngest sibling of Eve down under
76s there they started in a bar meet in 2013
80s so a little bit younger than you down
82s under but it was a fantastic way to kick
86s off the tour because they broke their
88s attendance record with well over 400
90s members so I just wanted to give a shout
92s out to those guys because it was
93s fantastic that they were all there and
95s then of course in the beginning of May
98s just a couple of weeks ago was st.
100s Petersburg which was again the largest
103s Russian player gathering that we've ever
105s had
106s again well over 400 members and we for
110s the first time ever hosted the mature
112s the main content in Russian which meant
116s that we could we could really showcase
120s what what's the best part about our
122s russian-speaking community and there we
126s were lucky enough to get players from
128s not just Russia but the Ukraine and
130s Belarus and a whole bunch of other
131s countries and
132s in the region and there a large part of
134s our community as as I'm sure you guys
137s have have come across them and you know
139s in the wee night hours but so it was
142s fantastic to be able to speak with them
145s and be a part of that community and of
147s course I was there at st. Petersburg
149s that we announced the summer expansion
151s which is coming in just four days
154s [Music]
159s eve online invasion is going to see an
162s invasion on a scale never seen before
166s and there's a bunch of new PvE content
168s that's coming out with brand new
170s challenges and visuals and it's not just
173s new stuff that we that we bring you out
176s as as CCP helm I was speaking about
178s earlier we're also remembering our roots
182s and what basically look taking a look at
187s the tech that supports you online and
190s part of this is updating all the
193s gameplay systems which I'll talk about a
195s little bit later and the transition to
198s the 64-bit client and DirectX 12 and I
201s also just want to give a shout out to
203s all of you guys the community has been
207s quite amazing I need better adjectives I
212s suppose quite amazing in helping us with
215s the testing for Eve 64 and the
219s attendance for the math tests has been
221s phenomenal and it's been feedback like
224s that and all all the bug reports and all
226s the things that have come to light
228s through your interaction with us through
230s this collaboration that has meant that
231s you've been able to highlight some of
234s the issues that came up in the beginning
235s and work through them much faster than
238s we thought and so we're going to be
240s going into upton open beta on May the
243s 28th alongside the expansion and we had
246s originally thought that we were going to
248s need a substantial amount more time but
252s it's it's been through what you guys
255s have been putting into helping us figure
257s out what heed to get it to the standard
260s that that it should be that's really
262s helped us so kind of opposed to any of
264s you guys who've been
266s while actually all of you just because
267s you're part of the community but thank
269s you in particular to anybody who's ever
271s helped with any of the math tests or
273s filed a bug report or anything else so
275s thank you and like we said before it's
283s not just looking at the technical
286s infrastructure of Eve but also revisit
289s revisiting some of the more established
291s gameplay systems that make Eve what it
295s is and one of the big parts of the
297s summer expansion is going to be the
300s latest overhaul of the Warnock system
303s which is of course been around since
307s since the beginning of Eve pretty much
309s and it got it a few light changes back
312s in EVE Online Exodus which was in
316s November 2004 which is quite some time
320s ago
321s and this was when they introduced formal
324s alliances and so everybody needed
325s somewhere to fight against each other
327s and it was thrown only then in 2012 that
331s they good next few little bits of bits
334s of update where war reports were
336s introduced and a bit more detailed on to
338s kill males and being able to understand
341s a bit more about what had happened in
343s combat but there's obviously a lot was
346s needed still to happen so in December
350s last year we introduced the beginning of
351s these changes and as we were as CCP
356s Helmer was saying part of part of our
359s investigations and to what's happening
362s in the game and how you guys are all
364s interacting brought to light that there
367s was a lot of unfairness in the early the
372s earlier game that quite a few new
374s players encounter which is the war tech
375s system and highsec and so we were
377s looking at protecting new players to
381s some degree but also trying to reduce
382s griefing the way that Oconee was so in
386s December last year we introduced war
388s eligibility which meant that anybody who
390s wanted to be a part of a war had to have
393s a structure in space had to have a
395s little bit of skin in the game then in
399s March
399s introduced a few more updates this was
401s mainly again focused on new players and
404s trying to eliminate quick and easy ways
407s to gain the system and and prevent any
410s kind of abuse we were closing loopholes
412s that people use to try and get around
414s get around things and then in April we
418s introduced probably one of the most
421s frequently asked for features from the
424s community and that was the removal of
426s remote logistics and command bursts from
429s affecting high tech wars so so this is
435s now hidden behind green safety settings
438s so no more accidental Concord
441s intervention and then of course that
444s brings us to now to May and we're with
447s this latest update we're going to be
449s introducing a bunch of UI changes just
453s for increased clarity on what's actually
455s happening in the war like progress of
457s the war more discoverability about the
461s the rules of how things work its side
464s note that I don't know if I should say
466s but it's quite surprising how many rules
468s we discovered as we were going through
471s there like I don't know it did that
473s there's no documentation of what it did
476s before and so awesome that you guys were
479s able to play with this video before
480s anyway we're fixing all of that there's
484s also one of the things that we've done
486s is simplified the wall cast before you
489s had to determine how big the attacker
491s was the defender how many wars were
492s ongoing and all that taken all of that
494s out now all wars will allow all
496s aggressive or simply be a hundred
498s million ask per week simple as we're
501s making some changes to mutual wars as
503s well where it's now going to be an
506s invite acceptance system similar to Corp
509s recruitment and there's no cost
513s associated with that no war
515s eligibilities no need for structure in
517s space and either side can end the war
519s any time that they want and just going
522s back to aggressive war sorry the last
524s thing that we're doing or adding in one
526s of the main things is something that
529s we're calling war headquarters where any
532s organization
533s mas or any attacking attacking
536s organization needs to declare a high sex
539s structure to be the war headquarters and
542s if the structure is removed from space
544s for any reason say for example it's an
547s anchor door
548s I don't know spontaneously combusts then
550s the war ends so this way at least we're
554s hoping that the defending defending
557s hopes at least have a chance or at least
561s we increase their sense of agency that
564s they have something that they can go
566s against or at least get friends to help
568s them to help them fight but it's one of
572s the things that we believe sorry I
574s skipped ahead a bit but one of the
576s things we believe is that the stuff that
577s happens in the high SiC can really
580s affect what happens in the rest of New
581s Eden especially as we were talking about
584s newer players and this slide is up here
587s because I want to give a shout out to
590s CSM 13 which is the current council of
594s still a management they have been a
596s pretty big part in shaping the way that
599s the war deck system has gone and they've
601s been apart really early on a really
604s great sounding board for some of the
607s ideas that we didn't even bother
608s developing some pretty crazy stuff so
611s just wanna say thanks to them they've
614s they've been focused on on getting us a
619s more balanced vortex system and
622s definitely a risk versus reward focus
626s which has been fantastic so if you can
628s please a huge fan of opposed to CSM
631s [Applause]
635s and the CSM is really important when it
640s comes to looking at the more established
643s gameplay systems and they have insights
646s into or especially given the given the
651s feedback that you guys feed through them
654s inside senses like quality of life and
657s accessibility aspects of certain systems
659s which we can't always see because we
662s can't know all the ways that you use
664s different things and so you just wanted
667s to say that that's going to be time for
670s the new console to be voted in soon
673s voting will be between June the 10th and
676s June the 17th I have some slides of the
681s 44 candidates that are going to be
684s running but as you can hear I'm sorry
687s candidates but there'll be a dev blog
690s and all the names and everything and
691s they'll see speed dopamine will also go
693s through it in the closing terrible I'm
695s gonna save this for the voice for for
698s other things so yeah they are everybody
701s we've got seven incumbent candidates I
704s believe and then yeah total of 44 so I'm
708s gonna read the names sorry everybody but
710s yes okay that's them
713s voting as I said June the 10th between
715s the 17th and we'll announce the results
718s on June the 22nd which is the next leg
722s of the Eve world invasion world tour
726s which is Eve North in Toronto
734s okay back to Tuesday as I said there's
741s thanks that system for shaping the water
744s except which I know a lot of you guys
747s probably aren't well some of you are in
750s in the teaching corporations but a lot
753s of you don't necessarily interact with
755s with the watering system but as we were
758s talking about before we need to we need
761s to allow people to be in eve and grow
765s and find find what they what they want
769s to do what interests them what are they
771s going to develop and it's these trying
775s to rework the systems that currently
776s exist which hamper that which which
779s destroy all those dreams that we need to
782s rework and focus on and another thing
785s that can affect us is the agency which
789s in the conversations that we've had like
791s last night and a little bit today you
794s guys getting close to those elite
798s players with their mark the years of
800s tenure that you have getting close to
803s your seven average seven point one years
804s and so things like the agency aren't
807s maybe not the most obvious place for you
811s guys to find content when it comes to
814s you but there's there's a great deal to
820s do in in the game and it can often be
822s very overwhelming for new players to
824s find what they want to do what could
825s interest them how that best fits with
828s their gameplay style and so we're
830s spending time on working with agency
833s making things easier for people to find
836s dependent regardless of their skill or
838s knowledge level helping people find
841s content that appeals to them so
843s ultimately so that they under
846s find their passion and bump into you
849s guys somewhere out there in space and
851s eventually become part of your ranks we
853s want people to grow in their eave
856s careers and that means that in the
857s beginning we need to help them find what
859s it is that they're interested in so
862s we're going to be bringing back the
864s agent find out
865s and making career agents a lot more
868s prominent so that right in the very
871s early stages people can learn more and
874s be be guided a little bit better on what
878s they need and of course there's going to
879s be lists or agents who want more
882s advanced more advanced capsuleers to
886s take on tasks and in the higher skills
887s we're also going to be working on adding
890s a little bit more spatial I suppose
895s spatial awareness listing the types of
899s things that you might encounter that's
900s close by and what what could be there
902s what could be out there and this is not
904s going to be limited just to combat and
907s mining sites as we progress and as we
910s iterate into the future faction warfare
914s and abyssal content is also going to
916s start appearing so this is gonna all
919s happen in stages and you just this is
922s why we're spending time on this as we
923s were talking a little bit before about
926s making sure that people have a good
929s grounding or a good understanding of
930s what's out there what they could
932s experience and how they could develop us
934s as players and again this is a little
938s placeholder slide because I I'm just
944s gonna talk about going back to something
948s that CCP Hellman I said with how the
952s majority of elite players and Eve really
955s identify as helpers and it's it comes
958s off it comes up a lot in conversations
960s as well where these people are but I
963s really enjoy telling people this or I
965s hang out and the in the help channel or
968s can't you let me back into a rookie help
970s which comes up blood oh there's just a
972s bunch of you guys and you all help each
973s other while you're in your call and so
975s we I'm very proud to be working on the
980s team that helped put this in this next
983s feature and this is the help pointer
986s I'll just play it
991s [Music]
997s the one
999s and what they doing is creating links
1003s which the the one who's being held
1005s clicks on and then UI UI pointer will
1011s tell him different aspects so you no
1013s longer have to try and explain to
1015s somebody
1015s oh you know when you click on the three
1017s little lines above your portrait up on
1019s the left and then you go down and it's
1021s the third one on the bottom and then all
1023s that no no no no more of that you can
1026s just simply create the chatter create
1028s the links and sorry I forgot to mention
1047s that's going to be in the neocon and
1049s utilities so you just only the three
1051s little lines at the top and it's okay
1053s don't I'd swear you're the notepad and
1056s the calculator anyway so going back to
1062s what I mentioned before about as I and
1064s Ian you've on an evasion is we're
1069s introducing a bunch more brand-new sorry
1075s and new content and I'm dying so I'm
1080s gonna get C's Balearic and to talk about
1081s this but yes yeah
1084s brand new challenges brand new stuff
1086s [Applause]
1092s so coming in EVE Online invasion we are
1096s going to see the introduction of three
1098s brand new tech to Triglav Ian ships and
1106s these hulls were designed from the
1108s ground up to go on the offensive
1110s now the stats are finalized and all of
1112s their bonuses so we're going to take a
1113s look in a second but before we take a
1116s look I I just think we need to
1118s understand how important this moment is
1121s because we're establishing how you
1124s pronounce the names of these ships
1127s forever okay so like I cannot get this
1132s wrong all right so just just being me
1135s bear with me please
1136s so this is the first one and it's the
1139s Nergal it's a tattoo variant of the demo
1143s Vic and it's an extremely strong
1145s short-range brawler dangerous enough to
1148s even go up against largest ships once
1150s they ramp up the damage given its role
1153s bonuses it'll also be pretty decent at
1155s remote repair and this will make it
1157s great for abyssal fleet runs or if you
1159s know you just want to bring it along on
1160s a frigate and do sort of some sort of
1162s dual DPS repair role I know that never
1165s goes sideways next up is the dragger
1171s it's the tech tree version of the kim
1174s amaura this whole trade some of the
1177s kimmm ores are ranged for command bonus
1180s historico men destroy bonuses and it can
1183s use a marker jump field generator as
1184s well his damage output is is pretty high
1187s making it versatile versatile enough for
1190s a bunch of different compositions and
1191s it's the only command burst ship that is
1195s able to use both skirmish and
1197s information warfare command bonuses yeah
1200s that's right and finally there's the
1204s Iquitos are the tech to cruiser it's
1208s based originally on the ved Mac and
1211s probably the scariest of all three of
1214s these brand new ships it's you know we
1217s took the Vette Mac and we're like maybe
1218s we should make it even tougher
1220s so it has tech to bonuses and the
1223s ability to fit an assault damage control
1225s it has huge damage potential with the
1229s weapon ram up ramp up and plenty of room
1232s for utility high slots and the fitting
1234s room to actually be able to fit them as
1236s well so for those of you guys who are
1241s skilled into Triglav Ian's ships all
1243s these three ships will be available in
1245s just four days with even lion invasion
1248s and we're super excited to see what you
1250s do with them but what would be new ships
1253s with also without us also adding new you
1256s know plasmids as well so with the
1258s induction of the trigger avian heavy
1261s assault ship and soul frigate we're
1264s going to introduce some even line
1266s invasion we'll see the introduction of
1268s three brand new muta plasmid groups
1270s damage controls assault damage controls
1274s and ancillary shield and armor repair is
1279s the benefits of the trigger IV and arm
1282s race just keep coming to pilots brave
1285s enough to challenge them tips also
1300s rewards for its coming but basically
1302s what it comes down to is the two
1304s Clarion's are going on the offensive
1306s going to end up nobody knows it's going
1311s to be all new environments or new
1314s effects sorry
1317s rather than me try to stumble through
1321s telling me what's gonna happen
1322s we prepared a little bit something
1324s earlier I'm just gonna let the trailer
1327s do it for you so for the first time ever
1328s like we did the last I was here I'm
1331s gonna show the trainer I'm sorry I'm
1334s just skipping through all the trailers
1336s it looks awesome please go to CCP
1338s antiquarians talk where he's going to
1340s talk a little bit more about the art of
1342s Eve and what's going in but four days
1346s time we've got the invasion and
1353s heads up I'm activating the abyssal
1356s filament if you need to reload kinetic
1358s ammo weapons do it now
1361s kinetic mo what are you talking about we
1368s went over this super simple dozen ships
1370s we kill them all right guys stuff
1375s together
1390s this is weird right here if someone
1396s already run this pocket but the gates
1398s open
1399s that's not possible come on follow me
1401s they're not bad all right
1409s did anyone see that maybe we should just
1415s head back to the gate we can do a
1418s different development come on Doc it was
1425s that's something I hid there
1441s oh my god
1462s guys oh I have implants of it
1490s Oh
1501s why do I even play with you guys
1504s [Music]
1522s you
1530s [Applause]
1537s I'm sorry I wasn't able to describe all
1541s the exciting stuff before but we've got
1545s an AMA later today at 4:00 so all of the
1549s devs are going to be there so please
1550s bring your questions if you've got
1551s anything about what's what's happening
1553s in the expansion in just four days I'm
1555s super excited for you guys to play
1558s around with this and see you see what
1559s you like something for for everybody but
1562s yeah thank you and enjoy the rest of
1565s your day
1566s [Applause]
1569s [Laughter]