4 months
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EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
5s | today we are joined by my fellow |
7s | colleagues um do you want to introduce |
9s | yourselves CCP Frosty maybe |
12s | first sure uh hello I'm CCP Frosty I've |
17s | been with CCP nearly seven years at this |
19s | point uh I'm the lead backend engineer |
21s | on EV Vanguard and me and my team are |
24s | responsible for all things persistence |
27s | and sort of coordination of uh of the |
29s | game so like your items inventories uh |
33s | the sort of squads and matchmaking side |
35s | of things uh as well as running our game |
37s | servers and also how we actually |
39s | distribute the game client out to uh |
43s | everybody I KN I knew you've been at CCP |
45s | for a while I didn't know it was seven |
46s | years |
47s | though yeah me toes yeah you've |
52s | seen a lot then a lot of different stuff |
53s | it's |
54s | good Dem welcome welcome back hi good to |
60s | out here |
61s | again yeah I'm CCB dge I'm narrative |
65s | designer for Eve Vanguard I've been |
67s | working for CCP for |
70s | what well a narrative designer not for |
73s | super long actually just since last year |
75s | but |
76s | uh 2021 or so I think is when I started |
79s | so you know yeah you've been playing Eve |
83s | you've been playing Eve for a long time |
84s | oh yeah yeah I think what was it I |
87s | started playing Eve in late 20 12 I work |
92s | at the company it's like that uh spatula |
94s | City thing in the weirdo movie or |
97s | UHF yeah know that's really cool and I |
99s | am CCP peaceful the community Dev for |
102s | Eve Vanguard we also have CCP too in the |
106s | chat um probably causing chaos so I'm |
108s | going to try and keep an eye on her uh |
110s | while we're doing the Q&A um but uh yeah |
114s | so today we are going to go over themes |
117s | uh five and six uh which which was in |
120s | relation to the connections to Eve and |
125s | the mining um which are two very big |
129s | topics I think uh but we have the right |
131s | people to to answer the questions there |
133s | is going to be a CCP JS joining us a |
136s | little bit later to answer some of the |
137s | other questions um Unfortunately they |
139s | have to do a school run right now so uh |
142s | uh they will be back a little bit later |
144s | so probably halfway through the the |
146s | session um but if you guys are ready |
148s | should we go into the questions |
152s | I mean yeah that's good yeah yeah let's |
154s | do it um okay so the so the the first uh |
158s | question this came from posum Possum |
160s | this question is so long I had to |
163s | condense it um but this was the one that |
165s | was the most up voted so it says is uh |
168s | the visual direction of e Vanguard |
170s | intentionally moving away from the |
171s | iconic visual Heritage of the four major |
174s | Empires and if so why considering |
176s | players still recognize D 514 years |
178s | later and the current VIs visuals such |
181s | as |
182s | suits uh and wreckage offer limited |
184s | connection to the eve Universe when can |
186s | we expect more recognizable elements or |
189s | eye candy tied to the original Empires |
192s | so obviously I'm not the right person to |
194s | be answering this but I'm going to take |
196s | the answer that I've been given um by a |
199s | colleague who specializes in this so as |
201s | the art team on vangard continues to |
203s | build out the visual feel of the game |
206s | more |
207s | recognizable forets of Eve's major EMP |
210s | will become apparent there are many |
212s | things that the team would like to touch |
214s | upon and Vanguard is uniquely positioned |
216s | to In Time explore anesthetics of a |
219s | great number of areas that previous |
221s | games as well as Eve itself were or not |
224s | able to do due to their scope eventually |
228s | we would like to be able to show more |
230s | intimate and anced sides of new Eden as |
234s | well as the Grand and impressive aspects |
236s | that Eve itself brings just from another |
239s | perspective |
241s | um there is a large range of material in |
243s | Eve to draw from when contemplating the |
246s | visual designs in Vanguard and many on |
248s | the art team are intimately familiar |
250s | with the backgrounds of the visual looks |
252s | of the empires as development continues |
254s | and we start to touch upon more areas |
256s | you will begin to see design traits from |
258s | them flowing into the worlds structures |
261s | and tools you |
262s | experience uh the game with excellent |
266s | that answer actually comes from um CCP |
268s | malevolent who many of you may have had |
270s | the uh luxury of uh chatting to on on |
273s | Discord they are quite active um but |
275s | unfortunately they were unable to attend |
277s | today but yeah um we wanted to make sure |
279s | that we answered that one because that |
280s | was the most uh up voted by the |
283s | community so um is it can I just talk |
287s | yeah of course yeah yeah it's just um |
291s | well Eve's whole deal is continuity so |
295s | we're not definitely not dropping uh the |
297s | context of the world in which it exists |
300s | Vanguard that is it all matters uh we |
304s | have to establish some things for |
305s | ourselves but as we go it's still the |
308s | same place that we were in with Dust 514 |
311s | and the same place we are in in Eve |
312s | online so expect to not lose that |
316s | DNA I actually never knew how connected |
319s | the um the law was in terms of like even |
323s | the first strike events I didn't even |
325s | know that they were so tied in with the |
327s | law uh until I've spoken to a bunch of |
329s | different commun members because |
330s | obviously I came in quite late towards |
332s | the first strike events I didn't even |
333s | know that they were narrative um so that |
336s | that was really interesting find out |
338s | yeah the thing with those is and this is |
341s | just a real quick aside uh though the |
344s | game itself is obviously very much in |
345s | development the story is happening as |
347s | the story is happening there's no uh |
350s | there's no branched off continuities for |
352s | Eve it all has to happen at once as it |
354s | goes so game is in development lore |
358s | is here |
360s | yeah it has to be I like that it's it's |
363s | really fascinating and it kind of Builds |
365s | on the whole like Community Driven game |
366s | um so I like it it does |
369s | help um okay so uh going down the list |
373s | then um there is a couple that CCP JS |
376s | will be answering when uh he gets back |
379s | but if I move on to the next question so |
382s | this one again was answered by CCP |
384s | malevolent um the question comes in from |
386s | uh HEB heod uh it's in relation to theme |
390s | six so are there plans for other |
392s | manufacturers for mining lasers with |
393s | different looks maybe even with some |
395s | minor differences one model might mine |
398s | slightly more but cut bolts to touch |
400s | slower for example and or a mod slot to |
402s | change up behaviors a bit so the answer |
406s | that we have for this is at this |
407s | specific moment in time no but in the |
410s | future it is certainly a possibility |
411s | that we can explore tools designed by |
414s | different manufacturers I think one of |
416s | the main questions that came out of um |
419s | the mining uh theme was who made it like |
423s | the cutting tool like who what faction |
426s | did it come from |
428s | um which I was very interested to see |
431s | that I don't know if that question |
432s | actually came up because there was a lot |
433s | of people asking it in the threads uh |
435s | okay so we'll move on down the list then |
439s | um okay so we have a question here in |
441s | relation to theme five and uh in regards |
443s | to quazer um which CCP fosty will |
447s | probably be the best person to answer on |
448s | this but it says uh quaza connection |
451s | will permit influences between two games |
454s | uh Bel literally what uh whatever will |
456s | happen in Vanguard will have Eve online |
459s | consequences and vice versa could this |
462s | evolve also in realtime links which |
465s | could bring synchronized activities like |
467s | orbital strikes operations creation for |
470s | Vanguard players from Eve client an eve |
472s | player could prepare a settlement to a |
474s | planet giving vanguards some tasks to |
476s | perform some objects uh objectives they |
480s | also building a self-sufficient base and |
481s | established territory or joint |
483s | operations between both clients other |
486s | examples in the support and Joint |
488s | operations sections uh this question |
491s | comes in from |
493s | pombo |
495s | Rossy yeah sure um so I can definitely |
498s | talk to the technical aspect of this uh |
501s | so the link that we're building between |
502s | the two games is between the the back |
504s | ends of the games which is sort of the |
506s | persistence aspects of Eve online and |
508s | the persistence aspects of uard as far |
511s | as like synchronizing data between the |
513s | two of them we're talking like tens to |
515s | hundreds of milliseconds uh sort of |
517s | latency which is you know a kind of real |
521s | time uh if not you know instant um so |
525s | that does open up the possibility for a |
527s | lot of uh I guess quite closely linked |
532s | gameplay um as far as like what we do |
535s | actually build uh I think it has to make |
537s | sense within the the different scales of |
539s | the game |
540s | with like what makes sense for a capsula |
542s | to be doing and what makes sense for a |
543s | war clone to be doing um I can't speak |
546s | too much on that I don't know if Dem has |
548s | anything they'd like to add around that |
550s | well this was about sorry just repeat |
552s | what the |
554s | uh uh so yeah given we have like a real |
557s | time link between the two games uh B |
560s | what kind of things can we do with that |
562s | uh so we're talking |
564s | about uh joint operations uh between |
567s | capsulas and I guess Vanguard walk |
571s | well I mean there's any number of things |
573s | that basically there are very few things |
575s | that you could not do if you really |
577s | wanted to have a thing happen right I |
579s | mean back with Dust 514 There Was You |
581s | Know orbital strikes and that kind of |
584s | thing uh the degree to which you'd |
586s | communicate in that regard is a question |
588s | as well but I mean anything can happen |
591s | planets are in space people are in |
596s | space yeah I've seen the theit |
600s | little bit of a nothing answer there but |
602s | you know it's there's reasons to |
603s | interact it'd be good to do more of that |
606s | yeah um I think the aital strikes |
608s | question comes up a lot um which I'm |
610s | assuming is something that was uh very |
612s | um very much used in in dust uh and I |
616s | think people have even talks about |
619s | having like linked chats across both |
621s | games like even just you know maybe |
623s | doesn't yeah's local chat for Eve online |
626s | would be the same chat you'd have for D |
628s | 514 you had little icons that would say |
629s | say how many uh mercenaries were in the |
632s | chat as well they have their own |
633s | different looking icons and things and |
635s | everything it's all in the same place oh |
637s | that's |
639s | cool um great so uh the next question |
644s | then um so this one is uh again in |
646s | relation to the the mining I do have an |
648s | answer here um so I will answer this |
653s | this is actually in relation |
655s | to uh sorry the answer here came from |
658s | CCP bloke uh if you remember from a |
661s | couple of sessions ago we did have um |
663s | them on I mean they did address |
665s | themselves as Neil you you peeps might |
666s | know them know him as Neil but the |
668s | question came from Juno and it's which |
670s | Corporation manufacturers uh which |
672s | Corporation manufactures the mining |
674s | laser will we see a consistent aesthetic |
676s | across their weapon tools I stand |
679s | corrected the question did come up um so |
681s | the answer to this one then is uh mimar |
683s | mining |
684s | Corporation um is still in existence uh |
689s | uh that can trace its foundation to |
691s | before the conquest of mimar space by |
695s | the amarian it managed to stay in |
697s | business while the amarian ruled the |
699s | minmatar only because it was useful to |
702s | the amarian now it is useful to The |
705s | Republic by providing the raw materials |
706s | to build a space Fleet to defend the |
708s | Republic against the Amar Empire and its |
711s | minions so the Vanguard are using |
712s | equipment made by them and Modified by |
715s | the |
716s | deathless would that sound |
718s | like not about covers it I guess you |
721s | know technology is a ubiquitous thing in |
723s | the universe right someone invents |
725s | something someone else picks it up at |
727s | one point or another uh it seems pretty |
730s | reasonable that the deathless circle |
732s | isn't inventing their own entirely new |
734s | take on on mining just to put it in the |
736s | hands of the Vanguard so yeah it coming |
740s | from a minmatar Creator originally you |
742s | know tracks quite |
744s | well and there's a lot you can do with |
746s | that there's a lot of things you can do |
749s | to improve that if you want for my |
751s | understanding um like Minar is always |
753s | kind of um I don't really know how to |
755s | describe it but it's kind of like |
756s | a the technology seems very like bansy |
761s | is that is that the right way to |
762s | describe it it's very like um put |
764s | together |
765s | like uh I'd say yeah that's not for off |
769s | I suppose you know saying function over |
771s | form is probably the best way I would |
773s | describe it most of the time and when I |
774s | look at the cutting tool I I feel like |
776s | that's kind of what it's it's gone with |
779s | like the of style and |
781s | passion and where we go further with it |
784s | of course MH yeah yeah um oh so the next |
789s | question then um again this is probably |
791s | in relation to uh first CCP Frosty um |
795s | and we just touched on this actually in |
796s | regards to is text chat between a |
799s | Vanguard and an e pilot something that |
800s | will be possible through quaza uh the |
803s | question comes in from Levy |
807s | Levi uh yes yes uh definitely uh for |
812s | this question I did do a quick check |
813s | into the quazar event sort of definition |
817s | uh repository and they do have events |
819s | for like messages being sent and people |
821s | joining leaving channels stuff like that |
824s | so we could listen to those we can even |
826s | send uh requests in quaza that send |
829s | messages to channels things like that uh |
832s | I don't think we have any plans |
833s | currently to do this but I know it's I |
835s | think on the radar uh a sort of like an |
838s | idea |
840s | H um excellent oh sorry |
843s | go oh no I was just going to say any |
846s | used to bring back some of the inter |
847s | communication stuff I'm happy with the |
850s | stuff isn't my side of things certainly |
852s | encour know to to me what's quite |
855s | interesting would be like is it does it |
858s | make sense for kind of capsulas as these |
860s | sort of gods of solar systems and |
862s | alliances and stuff to be talking |
864s | directly to individual War clones like |
866s | narratively or would you would there be |
869s | it makes sense it's happened in the past |
872s | yeah fellow Immortals you |
875s | know like guess organiz let's talk that |
878s | intercepting the commanders coms and |
881s | giving them instructions oh even just |
884s | exactly yeah there's some old trailers |
885s | that sort of do a bit of that |
887s | too that would be cool um so uh I'll |
893s | scroll down a little bit then so we have |
895s | one again in relation to uh quaza um do |
898s | you think you could Implement camera |
900s | drones or capsuleers to deploy to the |
902s | battlefield and see the video feed in E |
904s | online client window panel built |
906s | specifically for that purpose this would |
909s | give capsulas an insight into vanguards |
911s | uh operations affecting in the future |
914s | capsula assets uh like Sky hooks |
917s | poos upwell structures Etc or for |
920s | watching Vanguard fights in blood Sports |
923s | Arenas created and run by capsuleers for |
925s | profit and entertainment or for |
927s | streaming live game content I do like |
930s | that that was quite funny um we're |
933s | streaming live gaming content in CCP |
935s | social media uh the Unreal Engine has |
939s | pixel stream uh for casting uee cameras |
942s | POV onto web browser window |
944s | orchestrating start/stop of the pixel |
947s | stream relaying endpoint info and |
950s | security synchronizations could be done |
952s | with the use of quaza maybe the UEI |
954s | pixel stream gives the ability of full |
956s | control of the UEI camera via web |
958s | browser which can be limited to WD only |
961s | of course the pixel stream endpoint |
963s | could be created by a headless EV |
966s | Vanguard game client started locally by |
968s | E online game client on the same PC if |
970s | the PC is able to handle it s |
972s | simultaneously with E online game client |
974s | or in the cloud in your infrastructure |
977s | and the stream could be cast onto |
978s | embedded web browser panel in Eve online |
982s | client that's an interesting one a |
985s | pretty comprehensive answer yeah yeah |
987s | it's kind of like feedback |
990s | yeah this this is a really interesting |
991s | one espar because it was more like a |
993s | technical proposal as well than as just |
995s | a question um so I'm not an unreal |
999s | expert um so I can't talk too much to |
1002s | the specifics of pixel uh but I think in |
1005s | your answer you did sort of propose |
1007s | solutions to the major obstacles uh that |
1010s | such a like a a feature might have um |
1016s | which would be just sort of like how do |
1017s | you orchestrate the stream like how do |
1018s | you communicate to all the different |
1020s | clients that want to listen in how they |
1022s | actually connect to it um and how you |
1025s | might overcome some of the resource |
1026s | strains on the the users PC by using |
1029s | headless clients in the cloud things |
1030s | like that um I think the the remaining |
1033s | issue that I see is just a cost of a |
1035s | replication within unreal so even with a |
1039s | headless client that's being used for |
1042s | this pixel streaming that is still a |
1043s | client that's connected to the unreal |
1045s | server and that has an overhead of |
1047s | having to replicate all data to that |
1049s | client so it knows what to render at all |
1052s | um so I think if you were to give |
1055s | anybody like any spectator their own |
1058s | client so that they can control it |
1060s | individually you'll hit issues of |
1062s | scaling that solution potentially if it |
1065s | was just a static stream or a shared |
1067s | stream um then you could do that uh but |
1071s | yeah I think my although very |
1074s | interesting my thoughts were kind of |
1076s | like we're very early on in production |
1078s | and we're we've got a lot of say low |
1081s | hanging fruit technically that we can |
1083s | deal with to bring a lot of value to the |
1085s | product so I think this would be the |
1087s | complexity of it would probably mean |
1089s | that it's not worth doing at this time |
1092s | but um it's a really really cool idea |
1094s | and it would be a very like tangible |
1097s | link into to Eve if you could actually |
1099s | watch what was happening down on the |
1101s | ground um and it kind of overcomes the |
1103s | issues of you know them running on |
1105s | separate engines and sort of like Tech |
1107s | compatibility issues that you might have |
1109s | um but yeah it's a really cool idea and |
1110s | I wasn't aware of pixel streaming as a |
1112s | as a |
1114s | thing so the next question that I have |
1118s | then uh so again this one comes |
1121s | uh one sorry the answer comes from Neil |
1125s | um the question again is from Ard danis |
1127s | and it's asking can you share more about |
1129s | the law behind the cutting tools |
1131s | development is there a specific faction |
1132s | or story line tied to its creation and |
1134s | we'll be see more law uh development |
1137s | around it yep so we did kind of this |
1139s | earlier um being that it was minmar |
1142s | um I won't uh read this out again |
1146s | because I believe this just a copy paste |
1148s | um but I think it's safe to say that |
1151s | it's a part of the mimar um cre by the |
1156s | amarian that be right in saying |
1160s | that's the we're talking about the |
1162s | cutting again yeah |
1164s | yeah yeah sorry I got you're at the same |
1167s | time no you're fine I |
1169s | uh we just went over this few minutes we |
1172s | did yeah yeah yeah it's fine it looks |
1174s | like we had the same similar question |
1176s | again um with the same answer so we can |
1178s | just move on to the next one like the |
1180s | they |
1181s | do we've had the banana we've had the |
1183s | banana skin for a long long time so I |
1186s | think people are actually quite sad to |
1187s | see it go |
1189s | uh maybe we should make a I think we |
1192s | will yeah just call it the banana skin |
1195s | um DLC love it it a little overripe yeah |
1199s | yeah or just give it to the uh give it |
1201s | to people who were in the founders that' |
1202s | be |
1204s | interesting um okay uh before I move on |
1207s | to the next question then this one again |
1209s | is for CCP Frosty um was there any |
1212s | questions you want to pick out yourself |
1214s | de that you wanted to go into or should |
1217s | I just keep going through the list feel |
1219s | free to just keep going through I can |
1221s | always jump onto things they didn't seem |
1223s | to be many things that were |
1225s | explicitly l so I can always just add on |
1227s | to other things |
1230s | okay I think they used to be banana gun |
1232s | at some point we're going to have to get |
1235s | like an egg launcher I think as well for |
1236s | a some kind of Easter event that'll be |
1238s | fun um so again in relation to uh |
1242s | connections to Eve the Eda sounds like |
1245s | it could just plug in a number of |
1247s | sources rather than just two is there a |
1250s | sane limit to the number of sources |
1252s | there could be IE say if Valkyrie got a |
1255s | SQL for example could it plug into the |
1257s | system as well and if so are they |
1259s | Protections in place to prevent |
1261s | a convoluted Loop occurring between |
1264s | multiple different sources responding to |
1266s | various things causing other things to |
1268s | respond and so |
1270s | on |
1272s | rosty uh yeah so yeah I mean |
1276s | theoretically there's no real limit to |
1278s | how many um sources of events you can |
1280s | sort of plug into a common message bus |
1282s | and have flying around um I mean there |
1286s | are probably Sayan limits to that uh it |
1289s | might you might bring into question what |
1290s | you're building if it's getting to like |
1292s | insane levels like billions of different |
1294s | sources um but yeah the architecture |
1296s | itself as far as I'm aware there's no |
1298s | real limits uh your your question about |
1302s | kind of the forming of feedback loops so |
1304s | like if an event triggers an event that |
1306s | triggers the same event again and you |
1307s | just end up in a constant cycle uh is is |
1311s | a super interesting one um it's not |
1313s | something I think we explicitly protect |
1315s | against uh in the Vanguard back end at |
1318s | the moment but the kind of thing that we |
1319s | would pick up usually in development |
1322s | because we have you know various levels |
1323s | of testing uh environments that we |
1326s | promote through and and monitoring and |
1328s | stuff to to look at this kind of thing |
1330s | um but that's a problem that's dealt |
1332s | with in other network systems um like in |
1334s | the IP uh Internet Protocol H you have a |
1337s | time to live header so every time a |
1339s | internet packet hops through the network |
1342s | uh that header is incremented by one um |
1345s | and it has a max value of 255 so if a |
1348s | packet is stuck in a loop just hopping |
1350s | around backwards and forwards that value |
1353s | eventually hits its limit and uh the |
1355s | packet will get dropped you could do a |
1356s | similar thing and like with event chains |
1358s | as well just count how many how many |
1361s | events have been triggered and just say |
1362s | okay this is too many and |
1366s | stop um I know it's uh CCP JS you've |
1371s | joined us |
1373s | hello |
1375s | yeah welcome back no you're fine you're |
1378s | fine um we uh it was good timing |
1380s | actually I I saw you come in and you |
1382s | waved at the camera and I my camera is |
1384s | normally over to my right and I just |
1385s | went like that obviously looking than |
1387s | realizing that my camera's actually over |
1388s | here but uh anyway um welcome back nice |
1393s | to have you um do you want to introduce |
1396s | yourself sure yeah uh so I'm uh ccjs I'm |
1401s | a producer on the features |
1403s | team I've been at CCP for a couple of |
1406s | years working on Vanguard um well and a |
1409s | half F on |
1410s | Vanguard and uh yeah the features team |
1412s | we're responsible |
1414s | for yeah sort of all the in session |
1416s | features as well as like front end so |
1419s | adaptive we all that kind of |
1421s | stuff excellent make sure it's good yeah |
1426s | we um I we had you on for the first uh |
1429s | Q&A didn't we um previously so a lot of |
1432s | people probably remember uh from that um |
1435s | but yeah no it's great to have you uh so |
1437s | we do have a couple of questions then um |
1440s | if I are you are you good to answer yeah |
1445s | so awesome stuff so the the first |
1448s | question then I'll put to you um this |
1449s | one comes from posum and it's how has |
1452s | our feedback changed the game so far is |
1455s | there something we suggested that the |
1456s | team now wants to explore but didn't |
1458s | think much of before due to our |
1459s | discussions feedback and ideas I do like |
1462s | this |
1463s | question yeah um so uh yeah the feedback |
1468s | is is super important um obviously uh we |
1471s | have like a really strong vision for |
1473s | what the game is uh |
1475s | and um you |
1477s | know and that's really important too |
1479s | that we know what we want to make first |
1482s | um but that being said you know the the |
1485s | the feedback from from players and |
1486s | particularly the VIPs is used to kind of |
1489s | test that we're not crazy with a lot of |
1491s | that stuff so you know feedback is um is |
1495s | a huge part of us sort of verifying the |
1496s | things that we think are actually true |
1499s | um there's also you know feedback can be |
1501s | really interesting you know um you know |
1504s | I kind of call it like the problem |
1506s | beneath the problem sometimes we get a |
1507s | lot of feedback about a thing that's |
1509s | complaining about something quite |
1510s | specific but actually the problem is |
1513s | something slightly different you know |
1514s | for example people could say oh mining |
1515s | is just not fun it's just like the |
1518s | mechan you know and they'll maybe |
1519s | complain about the me of thing but the |
1521s | problem is actually the controls for |
1523s | example and so so often there's not like |
1525s | a necessarily a onetoone thing but it it |
1528s | does help to identify problem areas um |
1532s | of the game uh I'm trying to think of uh |
1535s | this I didn't prepare for actually |
1536s | because this was one of the last |
1537s | questions I read I'm sure there is an |
1539s | example well I know there is because I |
1540s | had a document with a bunch of things so |
1542s | maybe |
1544s | uh uh I know there is an example of |
1547s | feedback that's come in that has been |
1548s | has directly turned into a thing that |
1550s | we've done I know that that's true I |
1551s | just can't think of one off top of my |
1552s | head um but I will uh find one and next |
1556s | time I do this or next time I maybe |
1558s | maybe by the end of this meeting I'll |
1559s | remember it and we can I remember one |
1562s | yeah about it but sorry I can't on on |
1564s | the spot I can't think I I'm totally |
1567s | mentally blocking no it's all good um |
1569s | it's a very good question um and I |
1573s | obviously he wanted to say yeah I was |
1576s | just following the chat um suppression |
1578s | contract was that |
1580s | one yes that's yeah that's a great |
1582s | example of one yeah that was something |
1584s | that uh I think |
1587s | uh yeah that came from the feedback and |
1589s | we we did it and it was like I think we |
1591s | did it between between the did I think |
1594s | um it December and January yeah yeah or |
1596s | December and March yeah that was a |
1598s | really Qui turn around there that came |
1600s | directly from from |
1602s | feedack add also stuff for story always |
1606s | is at least we keep an eye on what |
1609s | people say about things that doesn't |
1610s | mean stuff is uh changed based on that |
1614s | but never not taking into account at |
1617s | least uh |
1619s | or keeping an eye on how people interact |
1621s | with it or feel about |
1623s | it yeah like I can definitely think of |
1626s | stuff that's like was almost like |
1628s | embarrassing we didn't think of it you |
1629s | know like bad guys dropping ammo that |
1631s | was like that was like a big thing why |
1633s | don't the bad guys drop ammo like |
1636s | oh uh and catas um right being added |
1643s | yeah ready for November yeah |
1647s | uh keep talking about him guys keep |
1649s | talking about them um excellent yeah uh |
1653s | so the next question then um I'm just |
1657s | going to list a bunch off to yourself JS |
1659s | um and the other guys can jump in |
1660s | obviously if there's uh anything they |
1662s | want to add um but this one comes from |
1665s | pombo uh so what about adding a radial |
1668s | menu for the weapons to cycle quickly to |
1670s | a specific ammunition Crystal about the |
1673s | mining laser could there be also faction |
1676s | storyline variants to improve efficiency |
1678s | on specific activities mining or panel |
1681s | removing other than crystals could other |
1685s | resources be mined I.E liquids gases |
1689s | microbiomes for genetic |
1692s | micro microbiome |
1696s | researches Okay cool so let me try and |
1698s | uh do this piece by piece so the first |
1701s | part about radial menus um so we're |
1704s | working on a radial menu for equipment |
1707s | at the moment it's going to be in for |
1708s | November and it's really cool um we |
1711s | don't currently require something like |
1713s | that for weapons and ammo because we |
1715s | just have the one well we have a weapon |
1717s | and the cutting tool and uh so we don't |
1719s | we haven't really explored the how we're |
1721s | going to do that long term but it's |
1723s | definitely a possibility that that that |
1725s | it could be done in the same way that |
1726s | we're doing equipment you know maybe |
1727s | that would make sense and it's kind of |
1729s | you know on the theme with a lot of EES |
1731s | UI um but it hasn't been explored so I |
1734s | don't know how we're going to solve that |
1735s | solve for that just now um second part |
1738s | of the question about uh about um |
1743s | linking uh the mining laser to like |
1745s | faction stuff and story lines |
1749s | um I yeah there's there's there's not |
1752s | currently anything in the plans to do to |
1753s | do anything like that but we will want |
1756s | to add a lot more context and um depth |
1759s | and variety to um mining going forwards |
1763s | uh fluid mining different kinds of |
1764s | mining um we have fluid mining in the |
1767s | game right now as a prototype it's it's |
1769s | it's in its very you'll see it's like |
1771s | quite in its infancy it's like a very |
1773s | new prototype that's just gone in uh in |
1775s | the last maybe two weeks or week um it's |
1781s | like a it's like a kind of a big at the |
1783s | minute it looks like kind of a big kind |
1784s | of crazy Contraption next to and it's |
1787s | next to uh sort of big uh pools and and |
1790s | um sort of ocean um areas and uh you you |
1794s | have to kind of like tune it to uh uh to |
1797s | to optimize the flow of of fluid through |
1800s | the refinery and then it kind of gets |
1801s | picked up and it's it's it's very cor |
1803s | you know it's sort of like an area |
1804s | defense um uh um activity similar to |
1808s | like Mining rights um I think it |
1810s | probably needs some more work and so |
1812s | that's you know feedback on that is |
1813s | going to be going to be really important |
1816s | um and I can't remember the final part |
1818s | what was the final part about peaceful |
1821s | um could other resources be mind I |
1823s | liquid gases I guess that's kind of what |
1824s | you just talked about um yeah yeah yeah |
1828s | did I cover did I cover everything yeah |
1830s | I think so |
1831s | um so could there be also a faction |
1836s | story Varian to improve efficiency on |
1837s | specific activities other than |
1841s | crystals maybe I don't Nicholas has |
1844s | sorry yeah I |
1846s | mean you know lasers do a lot of things |
1849s | in the universe right could always do |
1852s | more fun stuff with them that isn't |
1853s | specifically the mining right now it's |
1855s | called the cutting tool uh you know I |
1857s | know what are it already does damage so |
1860s | it would be |
1863s | fun I got scared then because I didn't |
1865s | know if the uh the damage thing was uh |
1867s | public but yeah it is I just remember |
1868s | because we done it in the last theme |
1870s | yeah that is um that has created some |
1873s | really fun content uh so people can play |
1875s | laser tag in November if they want to |
1879s | um |
1881s | the next a question sorry Frosty did you |
1883s | want to add anything to that no cool all |
1887s | good awesome um let's move down then so |
1891s | we have a question here from Mac |
1893s | Macintosh um could there ever be a |
1897s | dedicated drops specifically made for |
1899s | mining for balance purposes you could |
1902s | limit weapon options to something like a |
1904s | sidearm you could also limit the extra |
1906s | capacity to be used only for minerals |
1908s | instead of ammunition or equipment EV |
1910s | online does this with dedicated mining |
1912s | ships and specific holds that only |
1915s | contain specific types of material or |
1917s | assets |
1920s | yeah so we we definitely don't have like |
1922s | any um for sure plans about this yet but |
1926s | the kind what we're thinking at the |
1927s | moment um so in November the Adaptive |
1930s | Weaponry sort of framework if you like |
1932s | is going to get extended into um into |
1935s | the cutting tool uh and then you know we |
1938s | what we're talking about right now is |
1939s | doing the same thing with um with the |
1941s | suit potentially so you can imagine you |
1944s | know you could in the same way that you |
1946s | now customize your gun you could |
1947s | customize your suit and maybe there's |
1949s | two different versions you could switch |
1950s | between you know um you know we're |
1953s | talking about things like that so you |
1954s | could certainly imagine in in that |
1956s | scenario that you could customize to be |
1959s | really good at mining but then if you |
1960s | have to defend yourself maybe switch to |
1963s | some something like a more defensive you |
1965s | know kind of configuration of of suit |
1967s | chipsets for example so nothing in stone |
1970s | yet but still very much sort of um in |
1974s | the sort of you know we haven't started |
1975s | working on on any of that stuff but that |
1977s | is what we're thinking is kind of |
1979s | carrying that |
1980s | same like philosophy through to all the |
1984s | different areas of of of the character |
1986s | from the weapon to the tool to the |
1991s | suit that's how we would do it yeah |
1995s | excellent um one of the uh it's like one |
1999s | of the posts that I'm putting out today |
2001s | because we have theme 7even going out |
2002s | today and Sim relation to the uh |
2004s | evolution of combat um and it's |
2007s | interesting because the first topic is |
2009s | going to be on weapons and it's always a |
2011s | case of um it's not like what what does |
2014s | it look like it's always who is it going |
2016s | to be used by how does it work it's |
2018s | never like you never design it |
2019s | specifically for a character it's more |
2022s | what is the function of it before that |
2025s | um and it's nice it's it's really good |
2027s | to see uh from the behind the scenes |
2030s | kind of |
2031s | perspective um which I guess is kind of |
2035s | how you described |
2038s | the the |
2041s | answer um yeah I think yeah we want to |
2044s | encourage you know rather than say to |
2046s | players like hey here's a mining suit |
2049s | you know it's more like here's a bunch |
2051s | of stuff what can you do with it yeah |
2055s | yeah add sand to the sandbox overing |
2061s | philosophy um so the next question then |
2066s | uh yeah so this one comes from danis |
2068s | again um so in the future will players |
2071s | working together receive any bonuses |
2073s | when using the cutting tooling group |
2074s | mining operations for instance could |
2077s | provide skill boosts increase yield or |
2079s | faster cutting times through bonuses |
2081s | like mining command modules for example |
2084s | the group |
2086s | activities yeah so I think um we're |
2089s | definitely starting to talk about ways |
2093s | to um you know create stronger like |
2096s | social ties and you know help um |
2099s | encourage people to play in squads more |
2101s | um and again I think there's there's no |
2105s | solid plans to for this kind of stuff |
2107s | yet um but uh the kind of stuff that we |
2109s | have spoken about has been |
2112s | um you know again weaving this into the |
2115s | adapted Weaponry um framework so again |
2119s | you can imagine a chipset where if |
2122s | someone else is using the same kind of |
2123s | chipset or like some sort of |
2124s | complimentary chipset or configuration |
2127s | that that would provide some kind of |
2128s | buff I that would be called out in the |
2130s | in the chipset when you when you would |
2132s | when you would install it into your |
2134s | weapon um so again we'd probably like |
2137s | use that adaptive Weaponry or you know |
2141s | similar with the suits or with the |
2142s | mining tool to um to create those those |
2146s | links between players but again it's all |
2149s | still like s super early days and no um |
2153s | nothing concrete yet but those are the |
2155s | kinds of conversations that we're having |
2157s | when we talk about about features like |
2160s | that |
2163s | cool um I saw Demi nodding his head I |
2166s | don't know if he wanted to add anything |
2168s | to that but uh most are just nodding |
2171s | along oh good um excellent so the next |
2176s | question then um again in relation to |
2178s | crystals um can they become rare |
2180s | Commodities in the game will there be |
2183s | different grades of crystals with higher |
2185s | tier crystals providing better yield or |
2187s | faster cut |
2190s | thing yeah so um right now for November |
2195s | the crystals are all |
2198s | um they're kind of matched to a a kind |
2201s | of resource or so particular Crystal |
2204s | will be better or more efficient at |
2206s | cutting particular resources um but all |
2209s | the actual crystals themselves at the |
2211s | moment are are like very common and um |
2216s | so we haven't started yet dividing the |
2219s | crystals into different tiers of we |
2221s | haven't sort of begun that yet so this |
2223s | just this first iteration I think is |
2224s | going to be quite quite simple with |
2226s | crystals all being quite um yeah like I |
2229s | said quite quite common but I think you |
2232s | know we again we're kind of looking |
2234s | for all the the the philosophy when it |
2237s | comes to this kind of thing is to create |
2239s | something quite basic present it to |
2242s | people and then see what see what see |
2244s | what happens and see how people are |
2245s | using it and then use that rather than |
2248s | tried to add to the complexity in before |
2251s | we before people are actually using it U |
2253s | we like to just present the most basic |
2255s | version and then once we see how people |
2257s | using it then start to like add more |
2259s | depth and complexity to it afterwards |
2261s | but that's that's absolutely like one of |
2264s | the ways that we could add complexity to |
2266s | the crystal |
2269s | system um excellent um so there was a |
2272s | question put in chat um we don't have to |
2275s | answer it but if any um if any of you do |
2278s | wish to uh take a look at it it was |
2281s | submitted by uh |
2283s | oroboros who is a very active member of |
2285s | the community um but I'll move on for |
2287s | now uh maybe we can come back to it if |
2289s | we do wish to answer it um the next |
2293s | question |
2296s | yeah haven't seen it I'll read it as |
2299s | yeah yeah sure it's fine um so the next |
2302s | question then so I think this comes to |
2303s | you uh CCP Frosty um theme five so |
2307s | connection the eve the oh wait sorry two |
2310s | seconds hang on let me back down it |
2312s | wasn't that one I apologize |
2315s | um quer do you have it all sorted out in |
2322s | regards uh in regards to e Vanguard and |
2325s | Eve online connection or something is |
2327s | being worked on yet do you think there |
2329s | could be some sort of uml published for |
2331s | us to think of links specification |
2336s | specifications uh uh yeah so on that I'm |
2340s | assuming that they're they're coming on |
2342s | like um link specification that's on |
2344s | like what ideas would be good for a link |
2348s | so it comes from Elanor I think elor's |
2350s | in the chat um so maybe we can get some |
2352s | kind of confirmation on that yeah um I |
2354s | can talk on the the rest of it though uh |
2357s | so what we were focusing on for um for |
2362s | the first strike stuff was like a very |
2364s | shallow connection of just how do we |
2367s | like prove that we can talk into quazar |
2368s | that we can actually send things that |
2370s | are happening in Vanguard to quazar for |
2373s | then systems within Evon line to react |
2375s | to um we proved that out it worked and |
2377s | we were Keen to now like expand it into |
2380s | more you know more features |
2383s | um because what we effectively did was |
2386s | just grab a bunch of code from Evan |
2387s | Line's code base and drop it into EV |
2389s | Vanguard it's a bit juny and how it fits |
2392s | together with our code Styles and our |
2394s | paradigms and stuff like that um so that |
2397s | that mention of kind of a simplified |
2398s | implementation of that client was us |
2401s | sort of uh saying okay now that we know |
2403s | this works let's tackle it from scratch |
2405s | and do it the way that fits best with |
2407s | the sort of Vanguard back end and how |
2408s | we're doing things um so that's kind of |
2411s | what we were Keen to do before we built |
2413s | more features on top of this connection |
2415s | was like okay let's solidify it and make |
2418s | sure it works how we want it to work |
2419s | works well for our sort of development |
2422s | processes um that's sort of still a bit |
2425s | of ongoing work at the moment um as far |
2428s | as like publishing uh uml which is |
2431s | Unified modeling language I think is |
2434s | like a way of describing systems with |
2436s | diagrams um we could give a more a more |
2440s | detailed look at that I think that the |
2442s | key information you need to know is that |
2443s | it's near real time so like milliseconds |
2446s | of latency so any sort of ideas of links |
2450s | that work within that sort of latency |
2452s | time frame of like tens to hundreds of |
2455s | milliseconds uh latency or things we're |
2458s | interested in um a bit like uh you were |
2461s | talking about uh Ora boris's comment |
2464s | that's like a a really nice idea um |
2467s | there's a similar one earlier about |
2468s | having Eve ships in the Sky Box uh that |
2471s | would be kind of like a Vanguard |
2472s | representation of Eve ships that are |
2474s | nearby near the planet that's a really |
2476s | good idea for a link as well um and it |
2478s | fits within the constraints of the the |
2481s | connection the um the question that they |
2484s | asked yeah that's fine uh let me um read |
2487s | it that then um |
2489s | so uh had a crazy idea about Eve players |
2492s | defending their Planet Side Assets in |
2494s | RTS view uh deploying defenses and |
2496s | vanguards attacking them trying to |
2498s | overcome those is something like that |
2500s | even possible I like the idea of the RTS |
2504s | view uh that would be cool yeah I think |
2507s | it's really cool it plays to the |
2509s | strengths of like Eve being more on the |
2512s | coordination operational side so giving |
2514s | them a view that you know describes |
2516s | what's happening down on the the surface |
2518s | but slightly abstracted uh and it means |
2521s | that also reduces the amount of |
2522s | information you have to communicate back |
2524s | and forth which also then plays to the |
2525s | strength of like the connection um so |
2529s | yeah I think that's a a really cool |
2531s | idea yeah strategic versus tactical |
2534s | versus |
2535s | operational be fun to do something with |
2538s | that there is a particular game that oh |
2544s | sorry very cool idea there's a |
2546s | particular game that comes up uh uh now |
2548s | and again in in conversations um I'm not |
2550s | going to mention the game but uh the RTS |
2553s | functionality of it it's it's |
2555s | interesting um and I think it's |
2557s | something that we we do uh consider a |
2560s | lot and bring up um excellent so the |
2566s | next question I'm going to ask you about |
2568s | crystals again uh Jess um because people |
2571s | seem to be really interested in the |
2572s | crystals uh and rightly so so the the |
2575s | Dynamics um how many different Crystal |
2577s | types will they B at official steam |
2579s | launch and Will some crystals only be |
2581s | available in rare or high level sectors |
2583s | will players have access to any visual |
2585s | indicators or starts to know which |
2586s | crystal is the most effective before |
2588s | starting a cutting session or is it |
2590s | always trial and |
2593s | error okay uh so the first part of that |
2597s | question about how many we're going to |
2598s | have um for this stee launch I I have no |
2601s | idea no idea right right now we have |
2604s | four um but uh that that number is going |
2609s | to change I would imagine after November |
2612s | based on feedback and you know data that |
2616s | that we get from from our analytics |
2618s | um uh as for the Rarity question I think |
2622s | yeah that's kind of again I think this |
2625s | this iteration of is has very little |
2628s | complexity when it comes to crystals I |
2629s | mean crystals is the new layer of |
2631s | complexity that we've added um uh so |
2634s | crystals themselves the way they the way |
2636s | they work is quite quite simple um but |
2639s | again I think that after post November |
2642s | once we see how people are using the |
2644s | system um and playing with mining uh we |
2648s | we'll sort of steer what the next step |
2649s | is and what how we choose to add |
2651s | complexity uh after that and then the |
2653s | last part I can't quite remember what |
2655s | was it um will players have no you're |
2657s | fine uh will players have access to any |
2659s | visual indicators or stats to know which |
2661s | crystal is most effective before |
2662s | starting a cutting session or is it |
2664s | always trial and error |
2667s | uh so we we are going to um |
2672s | so the over overarching philosophy with |
2675s | lot this stuff is about uh making some |
2679s | of these things you know so we don't |
2680s | want to just make it super obvious with |
2683s | like UI immediately how everything works |
2685s | straight away right out the box and we |
2687s | want some element of like mystery and uh |
2690s | people have to figure things out so that |
2692s | that's like an overarching philosophy |
2693s | that applies to everything um so you |
2696s | know because what that leads to is |
2697s | essentially is like e expertise in |
2699s | certain areas you know you have players |
2700s | that are really good at mining because |
2702s | they've invested a lot of time in it and |
2703s | so if you if you would need to go on a |
2706s | some sort of uh you know session that |
2709s | requires a lot of mining you'll want to |
2711s | bring that person along who's who's very |
2713s | good at it and someone who's very good |
2714s | at it will want to go to those kind of |
2715s | play sessions often um but to have that |
2718s | you it means that everything can't be |
2720s | immediately out the box obvious how it |
2722s | works even at its most complex level so |
2724s | there will be um yeah sure I would call |
2727s | it trial and error but certainly like uh |
2730s | yeah maybe there isn't a better way to |
2732s | describe it but yeah like |
2733s | experimentation with how things work and |
2735s | expertise that's built up over time um |
2738s | but yeah but what we do want to add is |
2740s | uh you know you know obviously some |
2743s | level of feedback about whether or not |
2744s | what you're doing is efficient or |
2745s | inefficient so you can say okay this |
2747s | Crystal is not working with these kinds |
2748s | of rocks or this crystal is great um in |
2751s | this kind of situation so there'll be |
2753s | feedback on that L on that level like |
2755s | the in session level and then you know |
2758s | also on the front end level there'll be |
2761s | feedback about you know what kinds of |
2763s | resources you'll expect to find in which |
2766s | kinds of deployments and you know well |
2769s | obviously through the this the front end |
2772s | end systems you'll kind of know and have |
2774s | goals about what you need to acquire |
2776s | what kind of resources you need to |
2778s | gather and so then you'll be picking |
2780s | deployments based on what you need um to |
2783s | do your sort of front- end projects uh |
2786s | so yeah we'll obviously be giving |
2786s | players feed Feb about that so they know |
2788s | I need to go to this planet to get this |
2790s | stuff and then I need to go and find a |
2791s | you know planet that has this this |
2793s | resource so I can finish building this |
2795s | thing um so yeah so we want to kind of |
2798s | uh yes so we need to make that really |
2800s | clear and we're sort of that's one of |
2802s | the things we're working on just now um |
2804s | yes so it has two levels to it hopefully |
2806s | that answers answers the question yeah |
2809s | yeah there's a lot of detail I feel like |
2810s | every time I play the game there's |
2811s | always uh something new that's been done |
2813s | to the mining um it's like always adap |
2817s | it's always changing always evolving um |
2820s | yeah cuz it's like every time I play |
2822s | it's always something different and it's |
2824s | sometimes just like the smallest details |
2825s | as well um as you said like the UI uh |
2828s | interaction and you know telling you |
2829s | which crystal is better Etc um and you |
2833s | said you want to make it feel a little |
2834s | bit more realistic uh and Visually um |
2837s | seeing the difference when you're using |
2838s | different crystals |
2840s | um hard line to to walk between having |
2844s | something be intuitive enough that it's |
2845s | not just annoying and completely obuse |
2848s | when you first pick it up but |
2850s | also um you know having layers of of of |
2854s | depth that you can find if you spend the |
2857s | time it's like but that's that's |
2860s | the the |
2864s | design um I think uh like a lot of |
2866s | people they say you know they don't they |
2868s | don't particularly want to be playing |
2869s | Vanguard for for mining um and I like |
2872s | now that we've actually been able to |
2873s | show a lot more in depth into how it's |
2876s | going to play out with the cutting tool |
2878s | um and we've already seen that like |
2880s | through Solstice it has so many more |
2881s | different |
2884s | um uh what do you call it like |
2886s | activities to use on um more than just |
2889s | just mining um but it'll be really |
2892s | interesting to see how we plays uh and |
2894s | whether people who do just want to go in |
2896s | for the FPS uh feel of the game to see |
2898s | whether they do actually uh participate |
2900s | in the mining because it could be |
2901s | rewarding enough for them to uh to do it |
2904s | um yeah cool um |
2908s | so I believe that was the last uh |
2911s | question that I had answers for was |
2914s | there anything in particular uh that you |
2917s | guys wanted to answer was there anything |
2918s | that we |
2925s | missed yeah yeah I don't think anything |
2928s | else |
2930s | came excellent um we've finished like |
2934s | literally perfect timing um 5 minutes to |
2937s | uh so that is that is great um what I |
2939s | will say is there is going to be a |
2942s | transmission going on uh on YouTube on |
2944s | the |
2945s | CCP uh channel on the Eve online Channel |
2948s | sorry um if you guys want to go and |
2950s | check that out um it's the deathless |
2952s | transmission uh imminent idles um if you |
2955s | want to go and check that out thank you |
2956s | for the link I appreciate that um there |
2958s | is also a blog post going out in the |
2960s | next couple of minutes as well um the |
2962s | only uh key information that I will tell |
2965s | you about is that the play test dates |
2968s | are the 28th of November to the 9th of |
2971s | December so that is going to be the next |
2973s | play test dates um and that will be |
2975s | listed in the blog post um so check out |
2979s | the E online website |
2981s | [Music] |