over 5 years ago - CCP_karkur - Direct link

You can always click on the links yourself, and pretend you are a different character that just got sent that link :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - ISD_Silbad - Direct link

Some other pointers:

  • Target list anchor
  • Probe scanner window elements, notably: Recover Active Probes, Filtered Results, Probe Size modifier.

Some kind of direct pointer for “Tutorial videos” and “Corporation Search” would be nice, but that probably will require creating their own Neocom entries. These two are well hidden in UI and underappreciated.

over 5 years ago - CCP_karkur - Direct link

No one can take control over your computer. Let’s say a spy posts a link to the industry window:

  • you see the link in chat
  • it has special color, so you should know it’s a pointer link
  • nothing more happens if you don’t click on the link
  • if you do click on the link, the pointer points to the industry button in the neocom, it does not open the window.
  • if you, an experienced indy player, then decide since some rando was pointing you to the industry window, that you should probably open it in middle of 1% tidi fight… well, then you might die I guess :grin:
about 5 years ago - CCP_karkur - Direct link

This feature will be release in May, with the list of pointers listed in the original post (it has been updated since I first posted it).
Please test it out and report it if you find any bugs so we can fix them before release :slight_smile: