over 2 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
5s | hello everyone and welcome to a band |
8s | apart versus we form volta this is going |
10s | to be real cracker of a match |
12s | we've got weform volta with a barcast |
15s | two nighthawks scimitar orthres hyena |
17s | triple jackdaw and vigil |
20s | upon the part of a team after my own |
22s | heart they've brought vindicator |
24s | hyperion armageddon so they've gone with |
26s | a triple battleship call with a |
28s | vindicator they've them gone with vedma |
31s | marcus two deacons hyena and two |
33s | vengeance for tackle so they're trying |
35s | to get right on top of all these kindy |
37s | teams and just vomit dps |
41s | oh and that is uh |
43s | depending on what this we form volta |
45s | team is fit to they could be kiting a |
47s | little bit or they could be going all in |
49s | if they're going all in i actually kind |
50s | of like abandoned parts chances and now |
53s | we see what is happening here the two |
55s | items are shutting out from volta kiting |
59s | yeah um we found a very good thing of |
61s | firing all their missiles before the |
63s | hyena could actually get moving and just |
65s | completely offering it they've done it |
67s | the same with the magus these deacons |
69s | just can't lock stuff and rip them fast |
71s | enough with all these light missiles it |
74s | looks like it's going to be a band apart |
77s | triple battleship core against the world |
79s | at the rate that we form valter are |
81s | going through their lower end |
83s | oh and even the vengeance dropping super |
85s | quickly here and i think the magus is |
87s | really going to hurt them once those |
89s | links time out in about uh 30 to 45 |
91s | seconds they're really going to feel it |
93s | we form volta will have the mobility and |
95s | tank edge by far |
98s | yeah so |
100s | we a panda pal have realized what is |
102s | happening that they can't really catch |
104s | up to we form walter at the moment so |
106s | they're pulling back to the microphone |
108s | beacon at the center of the arena |
110s | they're landing aligning our we're |
112s | seeing the armageddon star to mjd we're |
114s | seeing the vindicator line himself up to |
116s | mj team we're seeing the hyperion burn |
119s | backwards to get on top it's just |
120s | whether the rest of the team can |
122s | actually get here in time the armageddon |
124s | has jumped and overshot it just a little |
127s | he's just a touch too high and we're |
128s | going to see newt on the back side of |
130s | the team especially on that symmetra |
132s | planet 6. |
133s | and they they may wind up killing that |
135s | scimitar with the new pressure but as |
137s | their deacon goes down here |
139s | it's just a real uphill battle for band |
141s | apart there's so much dps coming out of |
143s | wim form volta bandit bart does not |
145s | really have an answer even if they do |
147s | manage to pin down the semi with the |
149s | newts the rest of the reform volta team |
151s | could just kite them out and grind these |
153s | battleships down they likely have some |
155s | local tanks the hyperion local tank is |
157s | actually really strong gets some good |
159s | bonuses for that but boy it's it's a |
161s | real uphill battle and you can only |
163s | local tanks so much there's very |
165s | realistic caps on how much damage you |
167s | can absorb and i think we form volta has |
170s | excess of that number by probably two or |
173s | three times |
174s | yeah we are seeing this armageddon hit |
177s | half almond now uh the vindicator |
179s | followed with the jump and i'm yet to |
181s | see if the hyperion did but both of them |
184s | overshot it as the waveform volta team |
186s | pulled in it might have been best if |
188s | while the armageddon jumped and while |
189s | before volta were burning back towards |
191s | the center of the arena if that |
193s | vindicator and hyperion just turned |
195s | around instead of micro jumping just |
197s | burning straight in and said you either |
198s | bend towards us or you bend towards the |
200s | armageddon as the armageddon finally |
202s | goes down |
204s | yeah that kind of strategy is really the |
205s | only way a battleship core team is going |
207s | to be able to run down these mobility |
209s | groups you got to spread yourself out so |
211s | they can't simply go above below or to |
214s | the left to the right you've got to kind |
216s | of cut down their corners cut down their |
218s | angles and force them into |
220s | going close to one of the ships that's |
222s | going to have either tackle or heavy |
223s | neutralization so you can pin a target |
225s | down kill it and then repeat the process |
228s | all over again uh having done this in in |
230s | tournament practices it is a real pain |
232s | in the butt it's very difficult to do |
234s | very demanding and oftentimes it doesn't |
236s | work but it would have been banda parts |
238s | only path to victory here but it looks |
241s | like reform volta will sail through to |
242s | the next round with no losses on their |
245s | comp |
246s | yeah we're now seeing damage finally get |
248s | applied to annie garget in vargas but |
251s | it's just too little too late ships are |
253s | finally starting to go down now the last |
256s | of the battleships are starting to die |
258s | and |
259s | we from volta have just did very very |
262s | well at the start at alphering through |
265s | all that small stuff the vengeances and |
267s | the hyenas we're the only thing that |
270s | we're going to change this for the |
272s | battleship call if those frigates can |
274s | hold on long enough to lock something |
276s | down then it was definitely dead so we |
279s | found volta did very well are just |
280s | offering through everything as this |
282s | hyperion is now hitting structure |
285s | yeah impeccable target calling from we |
287s | form volta the hyena was a great choice |
289s | the magus i i think they really took a |
291s | nice a long term view because that venus |
294s | is links |
295s | key to the mobility of the band apart |
297s | team they just took that away just kept |
299s | undercutting their ability to chase |
302s | targets down and tackle them at every |
303s | step |
304s | you're right about premiering those |
306s | vengeances not as tanky as you'd hoped |
308s | they'd be |
309s | perhaps running too far away from the |
311s | deacons in their effort to chase down we |
313s | formed volta or perhaps the incoming |
315s | damage from the nighthawks was just that |
317s | bad they do get a target application |
320s | bonus to small targets so |
322s | it's a it's a tough task to have any |
324s | kind of frigate chase those ships down |
326s | without severe logistics support and |
329s | double deacons they're fantastic but |
331s | they're not that great |
333s | and rip rick's javex we're gonna send it |
335s | back to the desk |