12 months
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
3s | chemel Tech has suffered the humiliating |
5s | loss of one of their convoys destined |
8s | for the inake bank depository in the txw |
11s | TAC eii system the Convoy security was |
14s | critically undermined by a prior |
16s | intelligence leak that exposed its cargo |
19s | and itinerary the decision to carry on |
22s | with an unchanged plan regardless of |
24s | this leak has now come under heavy |
26s | scrutiny from the moment it embarked |
28s | from the chemal tech research station in |
30s | the ORS alert system the Convoy was |
32s | followed by hundreds of capsulier ships |
35s | centered around the ocer class transport |
37s | ship Daphne tasked with fying vital |
40s | equipment and science Personnel the |
42s | Convoy also consisted of a small |
44s | contingent of escort ships potentially |
47s | overestimating their defensive |
49s | capabilities or misinterpreting the |
51s | intentions of the surrounding capsulier |
52s | ships the Convoy started his voyage the |
55s | uneventful Passage through the initial |
57s | systems might have bolstered their |
59s | confidence but as as soon as the Convoy |
61s | left the relative safety of Empire space |
63s | and jumped into low SEC the Convoy came |
66s | under attack chased through low SEC by |
68s | vastly Superior forces the Convoy |
71s | desperately broadcast pleas for support |
74s | needless to say the Convoy's desperate |
76s | calls for help did not result in their |
78s | salvation and within minutes the |
80s | outnumbered and outgunned chemal Tech |
82s | ships were destroyed one by one |
85s | surviving chemtech geneticists captured |
88s | by members of the fraternity Alliance |
90s | have been been threatened with execution |
91s | if demands made by fraternity are not |
93s | met following this statement kimtech has |
96s | announced the reward of one billion isk |
99s | for the safe return of each geneticist |
102s | emphasizing their commitment to the |
103s | welfare and safety of their staff in |
106s | recent days chemtech has been plagued by |
108s | a series of data leaks including |
110s | sensitive information recovered from the |
112s | wrecks of the destroyed Convoy these |
114s | data fragments have been pieced together |
116s | by capsuleers revealing ties to a |
119s | secretive cloning proc project run by |
121s | the upwell Consortium of which both |
123s | Kemal Tech and the inaki bank are |
125s | members the specifics of this cloning |
128s | initiative remain unclear with upwell |
130s | Consortium maintaining silence on the |
132s | subject however the recovered data |
135s | suggests the project is a feasibility |
137s | study for a cloning operation of |
139s | considerable scale the intended purpose |
141s | of these clones is the subject of wide |
144s | speculation some observers suggest they |
146s | might be being developed as a counter to |
148s | the recent deployment of Vanguard CL CL |
150s | by the deathless While others speculate |
152s | that they could form a new Workforce or |
154s | even represent a breakthrough in capsu a |
156s | cloning technology as this story unfolds |
160s | the scope promises to deliver ongoing |
162s | coverage of these developments this is |
165s | Alton hovery reporting for the |
179s | scope |
187s | e |