over 2 years ago - CCP_PawPatrol - Direct link

Hello! I can assure you that the contest is still on, we have compiled the videos and the GM’s are voting internally on the top 3 videos. After that has been completed, we will update this thread, hopefully, tomorrow at noon with a poll where players can then vote on the best video (1st place to 3rd place) out of the 3 videos provided in the poll.

over 2 years ago - CCP_PawPatrol - Direct link

Hello Capsuleers!

The top 3 submissions of each group have been selected by the GM’s, your job is to choose the best video you liked for each category listed in this post. The vote ends tomorrow at 16:00 EVE time.

There is a link to the ´straw polls´ for each category below, please note that the videos are not in any specific order.

Group 1


Wirashoda’s Final Stand

My 10 year journey through this game

Group 2

Casual Rolling

Teach me Noob Senpai

How 2 Speed Run Pochven

Let the voting begin!

over 2 years ago - CCP_PawPatrol - Direct link

Hello all!

We hope you had a wonderful weekend, the results are in and we are here to update you on the poll results for the top 3 places in each group.

Group 1 winners are as follows:

  • 1st place is “Rist Ozuwara”
  • 2nd place is “Ithica Hawk”
  • 3rd place is “Celltear”

Group 2 winners are as follows:

  • 1st place is “Rist Ozuwara”
  • 2nd place is “Celltear”
  • 3rd place is “Dhuras”

The winners can pick a SKIN of their choosing following the parameters of the original post and then the character that submitted the video will send an in game mail to GM Banquet with their SKIN selection.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you everybody for participating.

I hope you enjoyed GM Week, we had a blast and we’ll be looking forward to next year.

-GM Team

over 2 years ago - CCP_PawPatrol - Direct link

Hey again everyone!

Rewards have been paid out to the characters that submitted their videos in this thread and you can find the rewards in your item hangar in the Jita 4-4 station!

Thank you all for taking part in GM Week and I hope to see you again during the next GM Week!

-GM Team