over 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

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Good day, everyone,

Please use this thread for discussing and reporting known issues from the monthly deployment (Version 18.12).

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

over 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link



  • No subsystem skill loss occurs on destruction when piloting a T3 Cruiser


  • Wightstorm data sites are incorrectly dropping Nightmare BPOs, as opposed to single-use BPCs.


  • Minokawa Yoiul Star SKIN unintentionally displays Police Lights VFX
  • Weather effects do not display when ‘looking’ at objects other than your ship in space
  • Mobile Tractor Units are missing their icons

User Interface

  • Missing Cosmic Signatures when Scanning

Missions & NPCs

  • R&D Agents’ Research Service is not behaving correctly and often fails


  • Ice Storm Nebula Environment has too much bloom when Post Processing is set to High
  • Daily challenge rewards will sometimes not appear in the redeem queue until a relog


  • Unable to self-destruct pod in certain stations
over 4 years ago - CCP_Paradox - Direct link

No we didn’t revert the interdictor changes (or Arazu). This was a bug that reverted some traits which we’ll be fixing in an upcoming patch.

Apologies for the scare in the meantime.

over 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link


The Wightstorm data sites from the Winter Nexus event that started today are incorrectly rewarding some Capsuleers with Nightmare BPOs, as opposed to single-use BPCs that were intended to drop. This bug will be fixed with a patch tomorrow, 11 December.

For the small number of players who receive Nightmare BPOs in the meantime: do not trade them with other players or create extra copies using the original blueprints. We will be replacing all acquired Nightmare BPOs with single-use BPCs after the bug is fixed and reversing any transactions that might have taken place.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

over 4 years ago - ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode - Direct link

Removed a bunch of off topic posts. Keep it civil. Thank you.