almost 6 years
ago -
EVE Online
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Transcript (by Youtube)
4s | hello everyone is he in town here and |
7s | I'm with my accomplice su Tony away to |
10s | commentate the first match of the |
11s | semi-finals of Russia and you can see |
14s | here that the action has already started |
16s | su Tony away don't you tell me a little |
18s | bit about the ships that we can see all |
19s | grid |
20s | okay so we have a cow cool and purple |
23s | versus another look will but this time |
26s | joined by an escrow Navy issue yeah and |
29s | these are some really really interesting |
29s | exceptions ships II don't see too much |
31s | on TQ at all but you can see here that |
33s | both of these color Navy oh those are |
35s | already an army you could see though |
36s | that the application bonus of the |
38s | cavalry Navy the caracal Navy a she was |
40s | just helping it kill that color a navy |
41s | hook bill a little faster but it's not |
44s | going to amount to much I think unless |
45s | this red card our Navy hit bill can |
48s | survive and do something to interact |
50s | with the blue team exec your Navy or |
53s | well it's getting a little close there |
54s | it's good it's moving up as fast as it |
56s | can and this managing to actually speed |
57s | tank these drones |
59s | yeah these drones are chasing after biz |
61s | like overheating in the de trying to get |
63s | away trying to waste as much time as |
65s | possible the Navy the extra Navy issues |
68s | I see a whole tent blaster setup which |
71s | is kind of interesting and the caracal |
73s | Navy issue sort of han kite and all the |
76s | this these drones make a huge difference |
78s | in these 1v1 matchups so the fact that I |
81s | hooked bill is able to waste like a good |
83s | thirty seconds of a hundred DPS or so |
85s | get it off that Carrick or it's really |
88s | important looks like the chemical Navy |
90s | has been caught now as you can see the |
91s | escrow Navy issue is sitting right on |
93s | top of him although he's already in a |
95s | hole yeah you can see though that the |
98s | the caracal Navy issue is just trying to |
100s | or is trying to get a little bit of |
103s | transverse or try and minimize that |
104s | damage as much as possible whilst he |
106s | just puts his hams right on that |
108s | executor Navy it's surprising to not see |
110s | him having launched his own drones in |
111s | this match to counter off the exact |
114s | Navy's drones yeah I believe the the |
117s | drones on actually on this match that |
119s | they're playing on apparently that |
121s | that's what I was told |
124s | okay so the calculator she doesn't have |
126s | any drones in unfunded oh my this game |
130s | is playing still it looks like this |
132s | match is a relatively played out here |
134s | you know the executor is already in two |
137s | thirds hull it's gonna make an absolute |
138s | miracle like the color the cat the |
140s | caracal Navy is probably need to burn |
142s | out his guns at this point to win so |
144s | what could that color I Navy hook bill |
146s | have done of the red team's to throw the |
148s | blue team to stay alive a little longer |
149s | or waste a little more time in order to |
152s | win this match right team yeah |
154s | I think maybe the the red team step |
156s | though should have maybe not committed |
157s | as fast because it seemed like the hook |
159s | bill the two people sort of had their |
161s | jaw well the cackle Naevia she was able |
163s | to support his his hook bill buddy |
166s | whereas the extra Navy she wasn't in |
168s | range for a good like 20 seconds for the |
171s | other hook bill so Andy was actually the |
174s | hook was also wasn't even in scram or |
176s | web range of the Navy XO same it to burn |
178s | away and waste time with the drones at |
179s | the end of the blue hook bill died all |
183s | right well with that I maybe should have |
185s | just played more passive |