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Transcript (by Youtube)

5s Warriors of Legend
14s hallowed and venerated Among the Stars
17s themselves
23s [Music]
26s for those bold enough to join this
28s Gladiators Pantheon
31s this gallery of Champions
36s is only one rule
40s winner
42s stays on
56s welcome back to the alliance tournament
58s 19 at feeders I am today's host
60s Blackbird pirate joined by a wonderful
62s cast of commentators and Analysis both
64s old and new I'm also joined by CCP
67s overload whose job I have temporarily
69s taken just for the day uh CP overload
72s how are you I'm great thank you Bart how
74s are you
75s oh I'm doing super fantastic I am I'm in
78s your chair and you're in my chair in a
80s different chair and uh obviously also
83s joined by Misty a wonderful wonderful
84s mystical might uh lead head FC of
87s fraternity sometimes how are you doing
89s today yeah not doing too bad not doing
92s too bad looking forward to some good
93s games today
94s excellent well we do have uh quite a lot
96s of games and if it's anything like last
98s weekend it should be a wonderful and
100s awesome time we had very very many
103s spaceship explosions last weekend lots
105s of people getting blasted people getting
107s left out people making it through and
109s people that are going to be fighting for
110s their lives today and we actually have I
114s think about 11 or 12 matches today some
116s people will be leaving some people will
117s be making it to our final massive round
120s robin uh event tomorrow so remember to
124s tune in tomorrow as well which we will
125s go all over about that later uh CP
128s overload has there been any matches that
130s you've watched that you were like oh
131s this is amazing like are you excited for
133s today are you super pumped for any of
135s these teams
136s Ayan there's a couple of really good
138s matches uh last week uh that we saw some
140s of them went really down to the wire but
141s today uh after the break we have
144s Pandemic Legion versus White Flag which
145s I'm looking forward to I think that's
146s going to be a super interesting match
148s white flag uh look like there are going
150s to be a really tough team to beat PL
151s I've got a bit of a chip in their
152s shoulder to prove that they're uh good
155s again
156s um and then we have boundary experts
157s versus fraternity that's also going to
159s be a pretty spicy match I think so some
161s really good matches today
164s awesome what about you Misty I mean I'm
167s gonna have to second the fraternity
168s match of course I think that should be
170s pretty interesting to see I'm also
172s looking forward to seeing how hidden
174s Leaf Village Ninja Assassin Squad
177s Esports whatever the their name is
179s performs as well since they're a
181s tournament regular so I thought we had a
183s rule that we weren't supposed to
184s pronounce their entire name I don't
186s think we pronounced the name correctly
188s so it's okay I don't know if the rule
190s stands that's fair
191s all right uh so we do have like we said
194s we have both of those matches or all
195s three of those matches we have a lot of
196s actually big name uh TQ teams playing
199s today so uh we have Castro Valley
201s schooling versus deep prey love as our
203s first match in about five minutes here
204s and then test Alliance versus whole
206s control bright side of death versus sons
208s of Bane uh x877 versus
212s hlv-n-a-s-e there's probably a better
214s way to pronounce that but I am not going
216s to because I will make it even worse uh
219s also we have high SEC miners going up
221s against a team to be decided they have
223s to win first pandemic Legion going up
225s against White Flag boundary experts
227s versus fraternity laser Hawks versus I
228s could do better only cows versus
230s pandemic horde uh Roku pelvis to shut up
233s I'm trying and of essence versus
234s strikara so we have a lot of pretty big
236s names both in the tournament and in TQ
239s but all of that being said let's look at
242s this first match so cast abouts versus
243s the play love I believe this is an
246s elimination match is that correct uh CP
248s overload I've seen you nod all right it
249s is yeah this is an elimination match so
251s so um the way the format works is round
254s one if you win your match you're in to
256s the alliance tournament that's it no
257s more feeders for you if you lose you
259s drop into an elimination bracket and you
261s have to fight through a whole bunch of
262s uh of matches to to get a spot so the
265s first couple of matches today are both
267s elimination matches so whoever loses
269s these goes home
273s excellent so hopefully they end up not
276s going home but hey we will see what
278s happened I do believe we actually have
280s the bands for this match so maybe we can
283s uh use our magical powers of analysis to
287s predict something and not look silly so
290s we have cast about spanning the bargist
291s in the hinya and we have pretty love
293s banding of the burgers and the curse
295s with the trickle ban of the Loki and the
297s slutner a misty what do you what do you
299s think about that I think the henya ban
301s is a pretty common one to see when teams
304s want to remove some form of control and
305s application
306s um so it implies that cost abouts don't
308s want to be in a study dealing with any
309s long-range kiting
311s um comps that can protect that damage
312s because dajin is very good for helping
314s with that application the ball guest is
316s one of those common ships that you would
317s see in those cases and I think that's
319s backed up by the Loki ban as well which
321s again removes another strong webbing
323s ship from uh from the rotation and the
326s castle sleptner I think are common bands
328s interesting band on the slept near it's
330s just trying to remove I think an element
332s of the inventory rush I don't think fly
334s killer is that common anymore and for
336s those who are unaware fly killer is
338s using RT slipkners to project damage and
341s just try and volley the small ships in
343s your hostile comp and then slowly
345s whittling down the larger ones so um
348s yeah I mean pretty standard bones I
350s think it should be fairly interesting to
351s see what they bring
353s pretty standard bands indeed CCP
356s overload do you have any predictions on
357s what you expect to see here since uh
360s Misty handled the analysis of the band
361s so well
363s um well I mean both sides saying we
365s don't really want to see kiting and
366s obviously the curses are super powerful
368s we were platform with his guidance
369s disruptors and tracking disruptors so it
371s looks like both sides wanting to face
374s something kind of close in and usually
376s when you try and make your opponents
378s bring something close and it usually
380s means you want the kite
381s um because then they're not going to
383s hurt you from from range so I would kind
385s of expect that they're going to bring
386s something in kanakaity maybe we see
388s something a bit a bit dorky like maybe
390s some Nighthawks or something like that
391s but uh I guess we'll guess we'll find
393s out soon
395s yes we did see uh we saw a lot of
397s Nighthawk and shield rushes on the
400s second day I believe the first day was
402s kind of a combination of all sorts of
404s different stuff a little bit of gallante
405s Rush going on but the second day
407s everyone went back to a uh I'd say to
409s the alliance opened that's almost three
410s years ago where people were running
413s Shield rushes into each other the entire
414s time so uh we will see about that um I
417s think we've talked about it we will
419s definitely talk about it further but I
421s think most of us don't actually like
422s Nighthawk field rushes so
426s yeah they are they are interesting to
428s cast but we will uh see if they're any
431s good um other than that the channel
433s Point predictions are in we will
434s actually talk about Channel points a
436s little bit more after this match because
438s I know some people were kind of asking
440s questions about it uh but with all that
442s being said it does look like it is
445s massively in favor of eat pretty love
447s here so I'm gonna get some quick
448s predictions here a misty which team do
451s you think is going to win
452s based on the two comps that they brought
455s or rather both teams brought
457s um last weekend I think cost about has a
459s good shot at winning to be honest if
460s they bring the same thing I think if
462s they execute well they'll have a solid
463s chance of getting through
465s all right and uh CCP overload which one
468s are which team do you think is going to
469s be the Glorious winners here well I've
471s never actually seen twitch chat be wrong
473s about anything uh so I'm going to go
475s with what they say which is Eat Pray
476s Love
478s you've never seen twitch pet be wrong
480s about anything yeah
482s ah excellent that is probably the best
485s thing to do is just not read twitch chat
487s uh I personally love reading twitch chat
489s I think that they have fantastic
490s insights and uh you could say that I'm
492s one of the people in twitch chat uh so
495s I'm going to say that uh Eat Pray Love
498s is going to win here just to you know be
500s super unoriginal however I bet all my
501s points on the other team because the
503s odds were so good and with that both
505s teams have actually landed in the arena
506s and we are going to send it over to our
509s commentary pair of fear and Alec
515s hello and welcome to the arena my name
518s is hirvana joined by Alexa card and on
520s the red side of the Arena it is cast
523s about bringing dual megathron Navy plus
526s a Domi Navy lots of blasters lots of
529s high damage we'll see how this looks but
532s have you pray Love Brought
534s Eat Pray Love have a very Brawley drone
538s set up with double Oregon and navy
540s issues than EOS two Tech Two logistic
542s ships and a sentinel for control very
544s interesting match up here it is going to
547s be bloody and fast
549s indeed it is I'm just trying to double
552s check and verify that these are in fact
554s blasters and it does look like that is
556s the the case here uh from these megathar
559s navies indominus Navy issues it will say
561s it's rapid Heavies on the Armageddon
563s Navy issues this is a comp or something
565s similar to a comp that we've seen neat
567s prayer love use very effectively against
569s a lot of different shutups including
570s Shield rush but they did lose last week
573s to uh plug and play in this exact
576s conference as a shield Rush matchup this
577s time they're up against something a
578s little bit more armor uh Centric and a
581s little bit slower so we'll see how that
583s works out for them off the start a
585s little bit of damage going on to the
587s Sentinel uh as they want to take the
589s e-war off the field heretic also getting
591s a bit of damage from uh cast abouts as
594s well
594s meanwhile the mervidon Navy issue and
596s the hurricane Fleet issue drawing the
598s majority of the aggro looks like they're
600s now choosing to consolidate onto the
602s mermaidon Navy issue of the cast abouts
604s team he's taking a withering amount of
606s fire as he's beginning to dip into armor
608s here going down slowly but surely as
611s Focus fire seems to be a slight bit of a
613s problem they're still doing damage to
615s the hurricane Fleet issue and now the
617s drones have moved over this mermaidon is
619s about to be hit with an extra wave of
621s drones he's currently singing half armor
623s and dropping rather rapidly
625s but as far as them and the Sentinel
626s already down into Hull uh the e-war
629s trade is pretty important as you look at
630s the control bar from uh the side of you
633s pray love it's very girthy especially
635s compared to their attack bar kind of a
637s uh difference between the two teams we
639s see this Ramadan Navy issue is all the
641s way into uh 35 armor remaining uh and
644s I'd have to imagine that with the Dual
648s T1 lodgy frags it's not gonna hold for
650s much longer as a sentinel watch those
652s caught reps completely from this
653s deconthalia combo was able to burn away
655s from the guns and uh is living to win
658s for the time being Ivory M Nova will be
661s first Blood of the match uh going over
663s to Eat Pray Love
664s yeah the Sentinel assurism is surrounded
667s by a cloud of Warriors but the logistics
669s are keeping up despite that as I say
671s that he just drops uh possibly a
674s capacitor issue not sure but that is a
676s good trade for Eat Pray Love they're
679s loving that trade right now even as
681s Chadwick's Armageddon does start to take
683s a pretty worrying amount of damage
685s yeah it's in a half armor right now
687s they're swapping their focus on to JM
690s Burrell in the megathorn Navy issue now
692s with dual rapid heavy ships it's not
694s going to be very easy uh to actually
696s break through the uh tank of heavy armor
700s battleships but as I say that they're
701s actually bursting through this armor
703s quite effectively this megathon Navy
705s issue remember he doesn't have a rep
706s bonus like the dog or like the Domi Navy
708s does so they've got them all the way
710s down into structure I'm really surprised
712s actually how fast they were able to take
714s down that armor with the Dual rabbit
716s heavy setup I'll tell you what he
718s doesn't have any armor meaning but what
720s he does have is a pile of structure hit
722s points the way that bar is dropping I
724s have to assume that it's a structure
725s tanked megathron Navy oh my God and that
729s would explain the T1 lodgy as well yeah
731s this structure it's an interesting B we
734s don't typically see whole tank ships all
736s that often and at as the tholio goes
738s down from you pray love Chadwick
740s actually now in a lot of trouble 14
742s armor remaining uh you pray love last
746s year's nanofiber tokens were in an
747s uptank their arm we got Navy issues four
749s setups like this but right now these
751s rapid Heavies they've realized you're
753s not actually going to be able to clip
755s anything and now Chadwick he's all the
756s way into structure this actually could
758s be castabouts winning in a major twitch
760s chat upset if Chadwick goes down and
763s they're not able to trade back onto this
764s Mega Navy
765s this is a devastating turn of events for
768s ye Pray Love they were really hoping
770s that megathron was armor tanked it's not
772s the case he's got an absolutely massive
775s structure buffer which is a feature of
777s galenti ships they naturally have a lot
779s of structure hit points they can be fit
782s such a way that that explodes that hit
784s points tremendously as now you pray love
786s is dropping rapidly their lower end is
788s absolutely melting now that they've lost
790s their Logistics frigates a heretic about
792s to go down for 10 arrests meanwhile Jay
795s still hanging in there at like 20
797s structure this megathon Navy is tanking
800s to win here
802s well R.I.P my 190 000 Channel points by
805s the way I should not have gone all in
807s here but uh either way I mean cast
809s about's really making uh a great showing
812s of it Jay umbrell will go down but they
814s still have significantly more attack bar
816s uh compared to the side of Eat Pray Love
820s now you pray love still has bonus Nudes
822s on the Armageddon Navy issue might be
823s able to turn off the guns of one of
824s these ships but I mean look at this
826s attack bar it's almost twice the size uh
829s for cast abouts right now and right now
831s the points say 38 to 37 but that's not
833s telling the whole story this EOS right
835s now a 19 armor remaining doesn't have
837s any Logistics frigates to keep him up
839s they are uh the wolf pack I should say
841s for meat prayer love going on the low
843s end of cast abouts right now they're
845s taking down this Federation Navy comment
847s pretty effectively they might be able to
848s take down the smallest smallest Navy
849s issue and now the rapid heavy seem to be
851s split or seem to be going on in this
853s doming Navy issue of red house but it
855s also looks pretty whole tanked right now
857s yeah the most demoralizing feature about
860s this match for Eat Pray Love right now
861s is realize that both the Dominic's Navy
864s and megathron navy are almost certainly
866s fit the same way as their EOS drops this
869s Armageddon Navy issue and vexer navy
871s issue now the sole sources of DPS on the
873s Eat Pray Love team and the vexer is now
876s drawing The Lion's Share of fire as soon
878s as that heretic goes down looks like he
880s may be up next the arbitrator does have
882s a drone damage bonus but it's not
885s probably fit up to do a ton of damage
887s and even if it was it's poultry compared
890s to the hit point bars of the Domi Navy
892s and the megathron Navy the cast about's
894s defense bar is still off the scale with
897s half of their team dead
900s yeah it's pretty pretty uh brutal right
904s now for you pray love uh especially
907s because I have rapid Heavies I can't
908s really clip through the Dominic's Navy
910s issue uh this is one of the things that
912s an army got Navy if you have the option
914s to go lasers or rapid Heavies we
916s typically see rapid Heavies from a lot
918s of different teams because they're very
919s good at killing specific ships uh on the
922s enemy team typically battle crews are in
923s down but as we see here when they're
925s trying to get a single rapid heavy ship
926s versus a battleship that's whole tanked
928s it really hurts to have those rapid
930s heavy reloads on the team uh Siobhan
933s meanwhile aspects are navy issue about
934s to go down same thing with the pawn
936s effects of Tyson I will point out this
938s effects or navy issue contrary to what I
940s think we see a lot of in the at uh with
943s you know full rack of newts on it uh I
945s do believe actually has guns so uh let
948s me just double check the model again uh
950s nope uh he's I think he might actually
953s be full nude either way uh still going
956s down pretty effectively I mean just look
958s at the puny attack bar now they saw a
961s pretty strong control bar I will say
963s maybe they can get some newts out but uh
965s with only this Army got a Navy issue of
967s available on this arbitrator doing
969s tracking disruption it doesn't look like
971s it will be enough for them and cast
973s about's pulling off a pretty big upset
975s here up against deep prey love who are
977s now out in two
979s this is a massive massive upset you
983s heard it on the analyst desk before the
984s match started you saw it in the the
987s channel Point prediction ratio here in
990s stream chat everyone thought you pray
991s love which is a rather Elite small gang
993s Alliance would take this well in hand
995s against castabouts who are a pretty
997s solid but traditionally not terribly
1000s successful uh tournament team but here
1003s we have castabouts out Theory crafting
1005s the small gang Alliance and absolutely
1008s breaking them with it just a sheer
1010s weight of their hit point bar just
1013s falling on top of them with an absolute
1014s unit amount of structure hit points
1017s yeah Massive Attack bar massive defense
1020s bar not able to really utilize that
1023s control I would say from eat prayer love
1025s side uh last year they placed top beta
1027s Santa fiber tokens this year
1030s they're not able to do that they're not
1031s even going to make it a name uh main
1033s tournament which
1035s uh a bit of a surprise I think most
1037s people expected you pray love to make it
1039s in uh especially you know Channel Point
1042s predictions before uh the year match
1045s against uh Plug and Play I think a lot
1048s of people expect them to make it end so
1050s quite a bit of an upset but uh quite a
1053s bit of a tournament disappointment for
1055s Yeet prayer love but we'll see them next
1057s year we'll see how they go meanwhile
1058s castabouts well done to them uh for
1061s those who don't know who cast abouts is
1062s they are basically a uh Alliance built
1067s out of the rookie Corp center for
1069s advanced studies as a way to get new
1071s players into doing other things into the
1073s game they're kind of the only Corp like
1075s them in uh Eve online and something that
1078s we've seen a lot of uh from them in the
1081s past as we've seen them have tournament
1082s teams that haven't necessarily gone
1083s super well in theaters but they've
1086s actually maintained a lot of their
1087s pilots from last year which is a bit
1089s surprising considering how high turnover
1091s that Corp name typically is so I like
1093s seeing this from them and I uh wish some
1096s luck in their next match versus high SEC
1098s minors
1100s that should be a very thrilling match
1102s this match just wrapping up now we've
1105s got about 50 to 45 seconds left this
1108s Dominic's Navy is still hanging in there
1110s with about 10 structure remaining as
1112s they get a Navy of icer XX is now
1115s dipping into one-third armor unlike the
1118s galenti battleships Amar not known for
1120s the structure tanking as that uh it may
1124s have some local reps but it's not going
1126s to be enough against the sheer amount of
1127s damage coming off the hurricane Fleet
1130s dummy Navy and mega Navy even if this
1132s dummy goes down it is likely that
1134s getting may even drop before we this
1137s match expires here as we're coming close
1139s to time
1140s yeah he had his rapid heavy reload was
1142s able to take down the Army Navy just a
1144s bit of a moral Victory uh but really
1146s nice whole tank Bank from cast abouts uh
1149s this is the kind of theory crafting that
1151s you occasionally see in theaters or you
1154s bring something a little bit weird
1155s something you typically don't associate
1156s with the at and then uh you see
1159s sometimes it works because people aren't
1161s expecting it or they might be
1162s underestimating your team which I think
1164s might be the case in this particular
1166s match so really well played to cast
1168s about so the match is over we're going
1170s to send it back to the desk and when we
1171s return we will have a new match with a
1174s new set of commentators
1176s bro remember me
1182s [Music]
1188s [Music]
1192s anywhere
1195s [Music]
1208s thank you
1220s [Music]
1234s and with that ye pray love has been
1237s yeeded out of the feeders and quite
1239s unfortunate for them but also quite
1241s unfortunate for that massive Channel
1242s Point upset uh I believe we were talking
1245s about it beforehand we saw it was 85
1247s percent chance that cast abouts lost
1251s there and they didn't so I think we're
1253s gonna actually segue a little bit here
1255s because we were going to talk about
1256s Channel points and now we get to talk
1257s about a massive Channel Point upset so
1259s CCP overload as somebody with the letter
1261s CCP in front of your name and we're on
1263s the CCP Channel therefore you must know
1264s everything about everything that goes on
1266s here tell us about Channel points
1268s okay so Channel points they're awesome
1272s um you you earn Channel points simply by
1274s watching streams on CCP twitch Channel
1276s doesn't have to be just the feeders uh
1278s it can be anything that's streamed on
1279s the CCP twitch channel uh and you see
1281s how many Channel points you've got uh
1282s just underneath your your text box in
1284s the in the chat window occasionally that
1286s even pops up unless you click and get a
1288s little extra bonus 50 and you can trade
1290s those in for pretty cool prizes uh
1292s usually it's the galnet streamcast Skins
1295s which are which are awesome
1297s um so in order to do that you need to
1300s connect your Twitch account to your Eve
1302s account with uh with our bought the eve
1304s to Twitch pod and you do that simply by
1306s typing exclamation mark IGN followed by
1308s your Eve character name in twitch chat
1311s uh that bot will do that and then once
1313s you've accumulated around 10 000 Channel
1315s points and you claim one of these skins
1317s it'll be sent to you in game as a male
1320s in the inbox of the character you
1322s registered with the eve to Twitch bot so
1324s you get a mail with the code and that's
1326s how you get your skin during tournaments
1329s like this you can you can actually wager
1331s those Channel points as we saw in that
1332s last match uh on the outcome of matches
1335s and if you correctly predict uh the
1338s winner uh then all the points weighted
1340s by the losing side get distributed to
1342s The Winning Side
1343s sometimes we do Raffles as well
1345s um and skins for those Raffles uh can be
1347s different they can be gannard ones as
1349s well so we can keep up with that and if
1351s you if you lost all your Twitch Channel
1352s points in that last match you can type
1354s exclamation mark refund and get them
1357s back so
1359s yeah I don't uh I don't know if that
1360s last part is completely true here but
1362s hey what you know what do I know right
1363s I'm not I'm not a CCP guy I'll wait and
1366s see how many people type exclamation
1367s marks we'll see I see one
1373s those are independent you're not getting
1375s them back
1376s yep but hey that's okay because there
1379s are many many more matches to continue
1381s to try and make back all of your points
1383s and who knows maybe you'll uh get lucky
1384s bet on an upset and get several thousand
1387s points like some of us did
1389s um all that being said let's talk about
1391s that match because that was actually a
1392s really fantastic match to start off the
1395s day with and uh Misty you had a bunch of
1397s notes on that match so uh we'll throw it
1399s over to you real quick yeah absolutely I
1401s think the the two things I want to take
1403s away from that match is actually
1404s focusing on the lower end of the comp so
1407s looking at the frigate and the Destroyer
1409s play
1410s um there was a lot happening in the
1411s match so I'll leave some things for
1412s Ithaca to talk about well CCP I have a
1414s lot to talk about
1416s um mazic I believe in the Thalia did an
1419s amazing job of keeping the Sentinel
1421s alive towards the beginning of the match
1423s there were a swarm of light drones
1425s around the Sentinel and he did a really
1427s effective job of splitting his reps
1428s between the gedon Navy and the Sentinel
1431s so that he was able to keep the Sentinel
1433s up while also making sure that the
1435s getting Navy was remaining alive while
1437s they killed the EOS I believe it was
1440s unfortunately the Sentinel still
1442s eventually died but I thought that was a
1444s really good way of using a logistics
1446s frigate because you have to manage your
1447s range from the targets that you want to
1449s wrap I think the optimal for an armor up
1451s is about 13 kilometers so it's by no
1454s means easy to position so I think that
1456s was great and the other thing that I saw
1458s was I believe uh nazgath in the
1463s Federation Navy Comet running around and
1465s actually hunting these Logistics
1466s frigates using that light swarm that was
1469s on the Sentinel to actually do enough
1471s damage to the logistics frigates to
1472s break through the Reps that will be
1473s coming in and then clearing those off
1476s the grid so I think that was excellent
1477s offensive play
1479s but then I also want to point out and
1481s this is a bit of a Learning lesson and
1482s Tyson in the pontifex towards the end of
1485s that match was sitting right next to a
1487s mega Navy and a Dominic's Navy not the
1490s best place to be if you're in a
1491s destroyer that has all of the links that
1493s your team needs to remain alive I would
1496s recommend in the case where you have no
1498s more Logistics available when your team
1500s is trying to pull away to minimum to
1502s minimize the amount of damage they're
1503s taking because you have the range
1505s control advantage against Blaster boats
1508s you probably want to be following your
1510s team out so that you're not just staying
1511s behind and dying because those links are
1513s super important later on in those
1515s matches
1518s all right well do you have anything to
1520s add with that uh CCP overload
1524s muted muterator no um
1528s we knew someone was going to get struck
1530s at that time it was me uh it was a super
1532s interesting match uh it looked like at
1534s the start uh we saw uh you pray love
1537s doing pretty good screening
1539s um it looked like they were in a good
1541s position and it all sort of started to
1543s fall apart uh one interesting little
1544s tidbit that I'd like to share with you
1546s guys is I've been delving recently
1548s through all the code for the tournament
1550s Tool uh and things like the the UI and
1553s stuff an armor shield and Hull hit
1555s points which are displayed in the UI
1558s um Hull is actually tracked in the tool
1560s officially as honor points
1563s um like whoever recorded it together put
1566s them in his owner points so it's
1567s literally according to the alliance
1569s tournament tournament tool honor tanking
1571s that's what we just saw there
1573s excellent well they did do a fantastic
1576s job on our tanking uh it is always fun
1578s watching a hall tanked setup win uh
1581s perhaps there were some things that uh
1583s cast abouts could have done a little
1584s better perhaps there's some things that
1586s he uh you pray love could have done
1587s better like winning but at the end of
1589s the day uh one of the teams has moved on
1591s one of the teams has not and we will be
1593s moving on to another match uh in just a
1596s little bit actually so we're going to be
1598s having a test Alliance please ignore
1599s versus whole control uh both of these
1602s teams have been performing relatively
1604s decently I think uh maybe Hull control
1607s performed a little worse than would be
1609s expected just because they are in an
1610s elimination match Misty how do you feel
1612s about these teams
1614s I mean just going into this next match I
1617s have to assume that twitch chat is going
1619s to take the side of whole control
1621s um to be the favorites I think that
1624s whole control setup that they brought
1626s last time was fairly okay I think it was
1629s Heavy Rush with a lot of cardari trips I
1631s can't remember if they were kaiting or
1632s rushing I can see their comp there was
1634s like two Navy Drakes another Drake
1636s another Cyclone two nebucharicals so I'm
1639s leaning towards Rush which is a lot of
1641s damage and it's really easy to execute
1643s with the test side I believe they
1646s brought the standard like three
1648s battleships that we're typically seeing
1650s at the moment
1651s um which I think they would probably
1652s suffer quite drastically against a rush
1654s comp
1655s but I'm hoping that test has something
1657s in the bag and they have 10 Pilots today
1659s because it seems like the additional
1661s pilot that they found really is the
1663s recipe for winning their matches
1665s absolutely and uh real quick we'll look
1667s at the bands here a test band The
1669s carries the caracal Navy issue and whole
1672s Control Band The Scimitar and the Loki
1674s uh scimitars pretty powerful ships
1677s Loki's being one of the key members of
1679s that Rush that we uh really like to see
1682s here but the teams are actually on grid
1685s right now so uh we will talk more about
1687s these guys after the match is complete
1689s and we can say haha we were right even
1691s though we didn't actually say anything
1693s beforehand so we're just going to go
1694s straight to the arena with uh jinton and
1697s Wingnut as our Caster commentary pair
1703s hello everyone and welcome to Sunny 6q
1706s 5k-5 I'm joined with Wingnut and we're
1709s about to watch test Alliance please
1710s ignore go up against whole control and
1713s we see whole control here having brought
1715s a very very high DPS comp relying on two
1717s abundance of two executive Navy issues
1719s and then a whole Suite of support to try
1722s and lock down their opponents to be able
1724s to apply that what of test Alliance
1726s please ignore brought here
1727s twin rapid heavy Armageddon names with a
1730s Hyperion for extra damage as well as a
1732s lot of the low end control as well hyena
1734s and moles are going to be very potent
1735s combo but there is a nurgle and a verb
1738s Mac on the other side who I suspect
1740s they're going to have a very fun time
1741s just chewing these small ships alive as
1743s the match comes under the way yeah I
1745s think what this match is really going to
1746s come down to is how well tests tackle
1749s can get through that incredibly that
1752s kind of uh back line of the nergo or the
1754s red Mac the Magnus the things that are
1756s going to try and slow them down if they
1757s can get all of that DPS from their top
1759s end into position onto any of those
1761s Cruisers they are going to evaporate
1763s even under Guardian race I will say that
1765s just looking at the outset here the
1767s combat going against is actually almost
1769s a perfect candidate in some ways
1770s abandon's backed by a guardian with
1773s rapid Heavies and a Hyperion is going to
1775s be pain you see the hyena already going
1778s straight through Shields into armor
1779s luckily they've got the there are lodgy
1781s frigs but
1782s if that goes down immediately you lose a
1784s lot of help that these ships really need
1786s for the rapid Heavies yeah whole control
1788s here is really just trying to Leverage
1789s The Great tracking that they have from
1791s those three Cruisers the exact Navy is
1793s and the vet mag which will allow them to
1795s apply really effectively to those small
1797s ships but you can see it you know they
1799s only have so much time to work with here
1801s DPS is already going on that eni and the
1803s hyena might be going into half armor
1805s here but even if it dies at this point
1806s it's done its job these battleships are
1808s getting into position they're about to
1809s start unloading DPS you can see that red
1811s bar for Hulk for uh test Alliance please
1814s ignore creeping up and up taking over
1816s where hole controls is this if this
1818s turns into a race it's not going to be
1819s good for old control
1821s at the moment the rapid heavy is going
1822s on to the executive I believe the
1824s hyperior was about to tackle the uh
1825s abandon but actually backed off which in
1827s my opinion is a very smart call that is
1829s the last thing you want to try and take
1831s down with your with your comp with the
1833s guardian still on grid see now damage
1835s getting spread to the Magus as well so
1836s both teams just trying to find an
1837s opening the problem of course being that
1839s testifying rapid Heavies they can't
1841s really make the mistake of firing
1842s something then reload it takes like a
1844s minute to fix that problem oh look at
1845s that Sapporo drones he's been caught
1847s sleeping seeing a zero Ms and a bunch of
1850s battleships burning on him and
1852s destroying his armor oh my God those
1855s thaliers and deacons are gonna have to
1856s burn across the arena to keep him up as
1858s well
1859s random note as well there is they have
1861s no way to kill these light drones when
1862s they're supporting as far as I can see
1864s and there's just like two or three
1866s flights of light drone just constantly
1867s harassing the support wing of tests at
1869s the moment uh one of them the Magus is
1871s actually going to half armor and look at
1873s the nurgle
1875s yeah I think he's just hit his EDC so
1877s it's gonna be fine the guardian's gonna
1878s be able to wrap him back up but that
1879s amount of DPS isn't something he can
1881s sustain that nurgle needs to move out of
1883s the position he's in and I don't think
1885s he's able to yeah oh no this is going to
1887s be bad as soon as that ADC runs out he
1889s is going to get burst through and that's
1890s gonna be the first Domino to fall
1892s potentially here for whole control
1893s Moonwalks is the Hester lines in low
1896s armor too
1897s oh this is not looking good that there
1899s goes living to win right now the high
1901s period is being shot as well the hyena
1902s is a low armor this is just holding on
1904s for dear life by test they can even the
1907s vet mag that they're just going
1908s everywhere this damage going across
1909s every ship on the field at this point
1910s it's getting ridiculous just fix
1912s something nice
1914s I think both teams are just sort of
1915s sorting by transverse or trying to hit
1917s the targets they can do the most damage
1919s they possibly can to you can see though
1929s is going to be gone very soon that's
1931s gonna be the first thing shifting
1933s towards test they might be able to pull
1934s this through even against a cop that
1936s looks very painful to fight what do you
1938s think about this whole control strategy
1939s though of putting all of her Battleship
1941s DPS onto that Hyperion trying to test
1943s this tank burn through those and silk
1944s rep charges uh do you think they're
1946s going for sort of a late game play here
1948s I don't know the Hyperion I don't know
1951s why they're going for that one that's
1952s probably the one ship the guardian's
1954s been tackled the Guardians
1957s hold on why is the guardian there
1960s okay Deacon goes down too so Logitech is
1962s starting but why was the guardian there
1964s he was like
1966s he was he's right next to the Hyperion
1968s now and he obviously he wasn't that far
1969s away to begin with okay well
1972s looks like that guardian's about to die
1973s very quickly in this point that's going
1975s to be a test probably getting ahead with
1976s us that those are bads are going to be
1978s impossible to break with Guardian reps
1980s but with the guardian gone they're just
1981s big balls of ehp you can break through
1983s that yeah that Logistics trade is very
1985s very much not in the favor of whole
1987s control test lights please ignore you
1989s can see that that red bar is just a
1990s little bit bigger for them because that
1992s Hyperion is going to be able to sustain
1994s DPS into the late game that said neither
1996s side has Logistics now they need to take
1998s a whole controller to win this match
1999s they need to use those Enis application
2001s take out all of these frigates Coast
2003s until the boosts wear off and then go in
2006s for the kill
2007s yeah this is this is the one thing about
2009s the Hyperion it will be at last a lot of
2011s ships just off of one wrapper alone and
2013s with the new pressure from the
2014s Armageddon Navy is constantly pressuring
2016s these abandons they will lose DPS here
2017s and they could buy the Hyperion time to
2019s get back up to full armor and say
2020s capacity meanwhile the high in the
2022s background just getting obliterated so
2024s there's the two exact navies pulling out
2025s good DPS but it's just a little too late
2028s maybe
2029s I don't know there's still there's still
2031s potential in here that abandoned there's
2033s it's only got a quarter of its armor
2034s left but that's a lot of the HP if they
2036s can take the DPS of this Hyperion on the
2037s on the uh Off the Grid and maybe run
2039s into those rmhl reloads the Pat the
2042s consistent DPS of those lasers still has
2044s the potential to take this match here
2045s for whole control
2047s um that said testimony they just need to
2048s fight the kill
2049s the one thing there's all that actually
2051s gave them that kill in the Hyperion they
2053s have a full Newt Mauler who was just
2055s sitting there newting the living hella
2057s that Hyperion now he's going to the
2058s Armageddon navies but that mall would
2060s have been painfully annoying for that
2062s Hyperion which of course does go down
2064s the air battle now in Hull as well as
2065s the second Armageddon Navy is going
2067s through armor yeah but look look at how
2069s much bigger that whole control attack
2071s bar is consistently they're just pumping
2073s out a little more damage here than
2074s teslaites please ignore and it's
2075s outweighing that rap Advantage they had
2077s at the start of this game this is this
2079s is actually looking really bad for test
2080s now at the moment because that I thought
2082s it was getting maybe more tanky but
2083s they're really not two abaddons plus two
2085s exact names are just really ripping
2086s through them
2088s yeah absolutely and you can see that
2091s whole control taking advantage of the
2093s fact they have more players as well
2094s there you can see all of their title are
2095s spread across all of the Hostile ships
2097s just keeping them in position stopping
2099s them from putting any little bit of
2100s extra pressure they can on these
2101s abandons on this exact Navy issue just
2103s put up keeping it alive for as long as
2104s humanly possible that said the abandoned
2107s finally does go down there I mean all
2108s grain Navy is actually soloing off one
2110s of the exact navies as well so that's
2111s going to be one of these extra DPS
2112s Cruisers gone but the Morris goes down
2113s the Armageddon knows about to go down
2115s the executive name is about to go down
2116s that leaves an Armageddon and an organ
2118s Navy versus an Abaddon executive Navy
2121s more and then two um wow down in the
2124s same tip
2125s this is this was looking so much for
2128s tests including that throw from the
2129s guardian but they're claw in this back
2131s these are these are beginning this
2132s abandon's gonna be a nightmare to kill
2134s and then with the Newt Mall of backing
2136s it up as well to even remove the nuke
2137s pressure from the Armageddon Navy this
2139s can still go either way this is
2141s ridiculous
2142s absolutely but it's yeah I think that
2145s whole control now the advantage is in
2147s their Direction they have all the ships
2149s that they need to win this fight it's
2150s just a matter of not screwing it up and
2153s not letting all these ships get away you
2155s know if this if this or a Navy issue if
2156s you can catch one of these Navy issue it
2159s might still be to evil one and the Ponte
2161s just dropped the cat boosters for the
2163s abandon I just saw that drive by cap
2165s drop that is well done as well keep
2167s knowing that that battle needs the
2168s capacity to survive against this armaged
2169s and if he's gonna be nuking the hell out
2171s of it meanwhile the molar is just
2172s sitting on the Armageddon Navy and
2173s constantly just sucking his capacitor
2175s dry this is perfectly excused now at
2177s this point except for the guardian
2178s killing itself this is actually doing
2180s very very well yeah I I the route for
2184s test lights please ignore it in back
2185s into this match they just need to kill
2186s something and then survive if they can
2188s if they can live for the rest of this
2190s match there's only about two minutes 30
2191s on the clock
2192s um they will have the points Advantage
2193s if they manage to take something out
2195s here uh name loading unfortunately
2197s probably isn't going to be able to get
2198s out of his situation though and I don't
2200s think he's going to live that long oh no
2205s and he is a billion miles away
2208s pushing off the exact Navy I guess he's
2211s not even close with the exact Navy nor
2212s is he close to the fight he's just in no
2214s man's land
2216s I'm not exactly sure what he's doing
2217s there he's now decided not time to come
2219s back
2221s too late though
2222s yeah finally getting a rep off there is
2225s name loading but with two minutes left
2227s on the clock and him in structure I
2229s think this is game once the armaged Navy
2230s issue goes out down it's just going to
2232s be clean up for whole control but what a
2234s match you really have to give it up to
2235s hold control for having the mental
2237s resilience to stay in this match after
2240s their Guardian got caught uh got caught
2242s by tennis
2243s exactly it was
2245s it would be the absolute death blow but
2246s the stuff these abandons are always a
2248s pain to kill especially when they're
2249s backed up by a newt Mauler which pretty
2251s much negates the unique pressure against
2252s them as well and yeah Armageddon Navy
2255s goes down the yeah but on at this point
2257s his resist for the reactive was pretty
2258s much making the Army get a Navy
2259s worthless as well Well Done by hole
2262s control this is a beautiful comeback I
2264s just don't know exactly what kirimati is
2265s doing but it doesn't really matter
2267s anymore does it yeah and of course let's
2269s not not forget to give our flowers to
2271s test because they performed excellently
2272s in this match they were uh some people
2274s were not particularly kind to them last
2276s weekend after only showing up with night
2277s players but now they've turned up with
2279s 10 and they took whole control to the
2281s very edge in this match in fact we
2283s thought that they'd won it at one point
2284s here it's a shame and we hope to see
2287s them next year really they uh they have
2289s performed outperformed our expectations
2291s exactly that exactly that there's a lot
2294s of moments in this fight that tests flew
2296s pretty pretty damn well stuff like the
2298s Hyperion not just death charging and but
2301s trying to get something better get the
2303s ships they went after the targets they
2304s picked how they went through them very
2306s very well flown thank you so much to
2307s test and congratulations to Hull we'll
2309s go back to the studio and see what they
2310s think
2316s guys stop being casual they're really
2318s bad we should not lose anybody to this
2321s warp off take the Sleep warp everybody
2323s warp off this is a really really bad
2325s execution I'm very disappointed
2330s another great hall back from Amar damn
2334s I'm thirsty
2335s [Music]
2339s ah that hits the spot
2340s [Music]
2352s uh yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP
2355s collectively so that's why that Alliance
2357s logo is in the game of course you could
2359s change your alliance by leaving but that
2361s would be kind of a jerk move that kind
2363s of oh you know like
2364s I sucks I'm gonna go join
2367s foreign
2381s [Music]
2388s ER make it to the actual Alliance
2391s tournament uh that was another fantastic
2393s match we're like two for two already
2395s today CCP overload what happened there
2397s uh well what happened was one team in
2399s fact killed more ships than the other
2401s team thus allowing them to to win the
2403s match and move on
2405s um what happened in more detail is a
2408s very good match that went back and
2409s forward back and forward when whole
2412s control the guardian
2414s I unpositioned himself into a bad spot
2418s and basically fed his Guardian really
2420s quickly I thought it was going to swing
2421s hard over to test and it started to
2423s swing uh but I think Jin called it
2424s during the match you know well done to
2426s to hold control for uh being able to
2428s essentially switch strategies and and
2430s adapt to things because when stuff
2432s starts to go wrong when your plan
2434s doesn't work then you know it could be
2436s very easy to just spiral into pitted
2438s Despair and lose the match but they were
2439s able to actually uh you know turn it
2441s around and we saw at the start they were
2443s doing a really good job keeping away
2444s from the the test side kiting around
2446s sort of trying to get force them to try
2448s and position better and then strike in
2450s when the moment hit I think you
2452s mentioned the parts in the the back
2454s channels about
2455s um the rapid heavy uh Clips you know
2458s test basically were forced to hold on to
2460s their clips for quite a while until they
2461s could get themselves in a good position
2462s meanwhile the whole control just
2464s applying damage that whole time which
2465s gave them a bit of a bit of a lasting
2467s advantage
2468s it's true that is the second time today
2472s though we have only had two matches so
2473s perhaps 100 of the matches where we have
2476s had somebody bring a rapid heavy
2478s Armageddon Navy issue
2481s um mystical might opinions on the rapid
2483s heavy Armageddon Navy issue
2485s I mean I know your opinion on the
2487s Radford heavy armaged Navy issue
2490s um so Bart professors that both matches
2492s would have been won by the Armageddon
2494s Navy issue team if they just brought
2495s guns
2496s um and I can see the logic behind it to
2498s a degree
2499s um with the rapid Heavies they're really
2501s effective at doing burst damage and
2503s applying to some of the smaller targets
2505s perhaps if you have webs and Target
2507s painters which hyena provides but
2510s they're not as effective at sustaining
2513s damage over long periods of time so you
2515s won't be able to constantly pressure the
2516s enemy team by chipping away at their
2519s lower end like we saw the bands were
2521s able to do because when tests
2523s accidentally turn their Magus a little
2525s bit too steeply and approach the
2526s abandoned it got shot and then put into
2528s low armor and had to turn away again
2530s same with the hyena same with the
2532s pontifex you don't see that really with
2534s rapid Heavies because every single time
2536s you use one that's one less that you can
2538s use before you need to basically spend I
2541s think 25 35 seconds reloading which is
2544s 35 seconds so you're not doing damage so
2547s yeah I I think they have their place it
2550s just depends on the team that you build
2551s them around
2552s um nice cat I would say that the other
2555s ship I wanted to talk about was the
2557s nurgle in this case because we saw that
2558s the nogo went and hunted down the Deacon
2561s and the Sally on the test side I think
2563s Knuckles are extremely costly but very
2565s important and useful ships if used well
2567s if you're able to push your nogal into
2570s the back line and get them on top of the
2571s logistics frigates or perhaps even some
2573s of the Cruisers eventually over time
2575s they spool up to do like a battleship's
2578s worth of damage I think they do they do
2580s a lot of damage
2581s um after a couple minutes of shooting
2583s and they'll be able to effectively clear
2585s the lower end by themselves if they're
2587s kept alive so
2588s um really interesting use of their
2589s knuckle today
2591s yeah you uh you said that it was a lot
2593s of points but it was probably worth it
2595s in this case
2596s um obviously if you are newer to the
2599s tournament scene all of these ships have
2601s a Associated Point cost and this is to
2602s make sure that you don't bring you know
2604s 10 battleships and just clean the grid
2607s by having all of the best ships in the
2610s game uh the point costs and the rules
2612s are uh they're all up on the general
2616s Alliance tournament rules but the easy
2618s way to look at it is higher Tech ship
2621s bigger Point bigger ship bigger Point
2623s big high-tech ship large point
2626s so succinctly wrapping that up for you
2629s guys
2630s um other than that yeah we saw that the
2631s positioning on the guardian was a little
2633s silly uh we don't know if that was
2635s necessarily that it got damped in or
2637s maybe it panicked um Guardian reps are
2639s actually quite long range so it is
2641s entirely possible that it could have
2642s just been The Accidental double click in
2644s space I believe uh anyone who's played
2646s Eve knows that every once in a while
2648s sometimes you get too excited click
2650s twice on your screen and fly in a
2652s direction you did not mean to go uh
2654s other than that though very very good
2655s match hole control will be moving on to
2658s one more match to see if they can make
2659s it in unfortunately test Alliance will
2661s not be making it in to the actual
2664s tournament uh we do have another match
2666s coming up though which is the uh the
2669s bright side of death team a very long
2671s and interesting pedigree team versus
2673s sons of Bane uh CCP overload Let's uh
2677s you probably know a lot about bright
2678s side of death do you know anything about
2679s sons of Bane here
2681s uh not off the top of my head uh to be
2684s to be perfectly fair I can tell you a
2686s bit about uh Brightside though I know
2688s that they have a couple of the uh
2690s experienced pilots from the video
2691s reloaded team uh you know multiple
2694s Alliance Tournament winning team and
2696s Darkseid themself uh Captain DJ by fafi
2699s wafi uh in their own right a very good
2702s experience team so they've kind of
2703s sucked up some of the the more
2705s experienced uh pilots from Vedra
2709s yes absolutely and they are um known so
2712s if you've been watching the tournament
2714s scene video has not been playing as
2716s vidra for a couple years now uh but
2719s right side of death has some of their
2721s main Theory crafters and they've been
2723s known for doing very interesting things
2726s um that most of the time work so kind of
2728s expecting probably some something cool
2731s here a misty do you have any any ideas
2732s what bright side might bring
2735s I mean I'm just thinking about like the
2737s typical comps that vidra would bring
2740s um
2741s we're either going to see some control
2743s which is typically something that we see
2745s reserved for the final weekend of an
2747s alliance tournament because you don't
2748s want to give away your the tricks that
2750s you have up your sleeve too soon
2752s um otherwise we'll probably see
2753s something like Octodad which is just
2755s going to be a lot of long-range battle
2756s Cruisers and cruisers with medium weapon
2759s systems typically guns that can apply
2762s really well to the lower end of any comp
2764s and they do enough damage that you can
2765s really punch through reps
2768s um of battle trips and battle Cruisers
2769s if you need to I'm expecting something
2772s along those lines to be honest
2774s well we are seeing really interesting
2776s bands here I believe we're seeing
2778s several ships we haven't seen banned
2779s before uh sons of Bane has banned the
2781s Bargas which we've seen banned many
2782s times but they also banned the
2784s stormbringer and bright side of death
2786s has banned The Sentinel and the
2788s crucifier so both disruption forgets uh
2790s CCP overload does what does this mean
2793s it means that they're just like hey see
2796s that disruption GTFO like we do not want
2799s any of that here uh both of those ships
2800s as you say bonused to
2803s um uh guidance and tracking disruption
2805s it's interesting that they chose to ban
2806s both of those rather than say also the
2809s curse and the other good thing about the
2811s Sentinel is of course it's a really good
2812s pocket new boat uh if you park one of
2814s them on top of an enemy Logistics
2815s Cruiser you can kind of shut it down uh
2817s it's obviously much more mobile than
2819s something like a curse and less points
2820s but even still the curse has been a
2822s super popular band compared to burning
2824s both of those ships at the same time
2826s which is a bit of a strange one
2828s absolutely and uh mystical might the
2831s stormbringer this is the first time
2832s we've seen it banned
2834s um why
2836s so the stormbringer itself is actually a
2839s fairly tanky ship um it's really
2840s annoying to try and kill I think it can
2842s get like 100k HP if you fully buff a
2845s tank it
2846s um at least on TQ
2848s um in the tournament setting it serves
2850s as a really good way of removing rep
2852s Bots at a long range and it's also
2855s probably going to be good against like a
2856s Sentry swarm too since those drones are
2858s immobile
2859s um what the stormringer brings to the
2862s field is an arc vorton projector which
2864s fires like a beam at its intended target
2867s and then that beam will bounce to the
2870s next like nine or ten people around it
2872s doing damage in a 10 kilometer area
2875s um it only hits up to I think 10 people
2876s so it can't hit hundreds of people at
2879s once but it still does a lot of spread
2881s damage
2882s um over time and that's why it's really
2884s effective at clearing off rep Bots
2885s because you just shoot the target that
2887s you want to clear the Redbox off and
2889s eventually those drones die typically
2891s the sky breaker is better than the
2892s stormbringer just due to the smaller
2894s weapon system meaning better application
2897s um so I'm not quite sure why they ban
2899s the storm burner in this case but it
2900s suggests that they might want to have a
2903s more immobile rep heavy comp versus
2905s perhaps a more projected comp that the
2908s Central and crucifier bands would
2909s suggest
2911s excellent uh well it will not be in this
2914s thing so we will see if you were correct
2915s because the teams have actually both
2917s landed on the field and they are getting
2918s ready to smash their spaceships into
2920s each other and explodeify all over each
2922s other's faces so we are going to be
2924s sending it to the commentary pair uh
2927s once again we have
2928s Alec and fear and we will take a look
2931s and see what's about to happen here
2938s hello and welcome to this absolutely
2940s filling match bright side of death
2941s versus sons of Bane as expected both
2943s teams came to play it's bright side of
2946s death running a modified Octodad setup
2949s with a star day Absolution hard Navy
2952s British Navy X and a pair of extra
2954s navies for damage beer what do we have
2956s on Sons of Bane
2958s well they've brought armor control with
2960s a balgorn and Fleet Tempest uh
2962s interesting to see the fleet Tempest in
2964s the tournament this year is it's not uh
2967s discounted points like it was last year
2969s I'm checking the guns right now I would
2971s assume this is going to be Auto cannons
2973s uh just due to the nature of yeah those
2977s are Auto cannons they are uh looks to be
2981s uh dual 650s actually but I might be
2985s wrong on that one I might uh
2988s it might be 800s and rent aside is about
2991s to get decapitated here as his moles is
2994s taking a ton of fire in the sons of Bane
2996s side it looks like bright side of death
2998s definitely has the edge in projection so
3000s far as they are imposing their will in
3002s the battlefield early while sons of Bane
3004s is rushing forward trying to get into
3006s range
3007s yep uh also to note sons of Bane they do
3011s have guns on their bowel so it's not a
3012s full new bell uh does make sense they
3014s also have an oracle for DPS so their
3016s attack bar actually is similar sized to
3020s what has been brought from the side of
3022s bright side of death but as you
3023s mentioned bright side of that they have
3024s the range advantage that's able to kite
3026s this out we see this nurgle starting to
3028s dive in towards the bright side of death
3029s blob right now we'll see if it's going
3031s to be able to do anything and it's being
3033s taken down into 60 armor remaining uh
3036s does not have anything tackled quite yet
3039s as the damping power of this mollus uh
3043s has been pretty uh well utilized by the
3047s size of sanibaine but at the same time
3049s Mollison carries from Bright Side of
3052s death have won this stamp or pretty
3054s effectively they've got four dams right
3056s now out on the sons of Bane side uh the
3059s snorkel though living to win right now
3061s through the ADC and they've swapped onto
3063s the Oracle MGD play happening
3068s a bright side of death but Shadow guard
3070s in the Oracle he's being taken down very
3072s quickly we'll see this balgorn's able to
3074s lock anything down with his webs uh
3076s actually as I said that bright side of
3078s death counter MJ deed onto the other
3080s side of the fight so excuse me on that
3082s one I may have miscommentated it
3083s otherwise the Oracle goes down and
3085s bright side of death they've still got
3086s the range Advantage but importantly they
3089s are right on top of this Logistics and
3090s the oneros the battlefield has now split
3093s into two distinct fights you've got the
3095s balgorn uh currently going after what is
3099s that surrounded by a cloud of Jones the
3100s hard Navy issue of Midas Bartholomew
3103s meanwhile the sons of Bane aniros is
3106s getting pinned down and killed that is a
3109s far better trade for bright side of
3110s death
3111s oh and it goes down that is a huge huge
3114s loss for Sons of Bane meanwhile the
3116s bright side auger he's perfectly fine
3118s there's nothing anywhere close to him
3120s no I mean it's a really interesting to
3122s see a double mjd play happen uh not
3125s typically something we see uh but this
3127s time they both caught a single Target
3129s from either side Ginger ill now going
3131s down in the snorkel he doesn't have the
3133s ADC available to him he falls at the
3135s same time as that Navy heartbringer so
3138s it ended up being a uh three for one
3140s trade in favor a bright side of death
3142s they're on the mollusk now of retro side
3144s and they're just going to continue
3145s snowballing this match with the range
3147s Advantage with their attack bar now
3150s being quite a bit uh not quite girthier
3153s but uh still much more active than what
3157s we're seeing from Sons of Bane yeah
3160s since Bane had an excellent start the
3161s nergo flying in to fake it out as they
3163s just lose their Magus they faked out a
3165s lot of aggro brought it back healed it
3167s up meanwhile the Mueller was able to get
3168s in and land tackle but this micro jump
3171s play seems to have thrown them off and
3172s they just have not been able to recover
3174s uh there there are getting some kills
3177s the Absolution from Bright Side to death
3179s went down but the tempo of this man
3181s match is so far out of their favor now
3183s it's very difficult to see a way for
3185s Sons of Bane to come back into this if
3187s they're balgor and ironically was full
3189s nude fit they would actually stand a
3191s better chance as literally all of the
3192s damage on bright side of death's team
3194s relies on capacitor but that pregame
3197s decision may be costing them here in the
3198s late stretches of this match
3200s and now you're saying bright side of the
3202s death's attack bar really getting to
3203s work it is an absolutely massive the
3206s defense bar keeps on shrinking uh from
3209s the side of Sons of Bane Grant you they
3212s have some active reps that's what the
3213s purple part of the defense bar uh
3216s represents so they should be able to
3218s hold on for a little bit longer but this
3220s balgorn uh absolutely getting wrecked
3224s right now by bright side of death and
3225s they're maintaining their ranges
3226s perfectly uh they are going to lose
3229s their Muller potentially he's been
3231s running screen for them but that's a
3232s worthwhile trade their Absolution also
3235s uh too far forward did get caught he's
3238s in a structure but he'll go down the
3240s same time as the balgorn and bright side
3241s of death are running away with this
3242s match
3243s now a tempest Fleet issue a somewhat
3246s curious choice for a faction Battleship
3248s it's not it's not as good as some of the
3251s Alternatives that you could bring and it
3253s definitely doesn't have the Solo Carry
3255s power to be able to outlast against the
3257s nostada British Navy with a pair of
3259s executors for DPS best case scenario
3262s you know your your extra Navy is rail
3265s fit which does seem to be what these
3266s guys are here so the tracking is not
3268s going to be great but unfortunately the
3270s Tempest Fleet issue as big as a barn
3272s it's not going to be able to avoid any
3274s of that damage
3275s and importantly he's not able to kill
3277s this Absolution now he's holding under
3278s all reps uh typically when we see T1
3281s logy uh and armor Logitech it is the
3284s auger just because it has the extra tank
3286s and a bit more wrapping power than you
3288s see out of the executor and we're seeing
3290s that being used quite effectively on
3292s this app solution right now the Tempest
3293s Fleet issue just unable uh to take down
3296s this Absolution despite the fact that
3298s he's webbed and scrammed and being
3300s neuted and lost right now uh meanwhile
3302s varek and the exact Navy absolutely gets
3305s deleted and it's just a simple Fleet in
3307s the Mauler versus the world
3309s once again really well played to Bright
3311s Side of death they will move on to the
3312s main tournament sons of Bane are going
3315s to go down to the losers bracket
3318s I'm going to try to make a run to the
3321s main tournament that way
3323s wouldn't count them out just yet they
3325s are a very solid alliance with a good
3327s PVP pedigree with uh but didn't really
3330s get the chance to show it here again the
3332s opening for them looked really really
3334s strong and then it just kind of got away
3336s from them you see the experience of the
3338s bright side of death team coming into
3339s play as they finally bring down that
3342s Fleet Tempest and with it all hope sons
3344s of Bane have of maintaining any presence
3346s in the winners bracket this mall or
3348s while tanky is going to drop extremely
3351s rapidly the experience of bright side of
3353s death coming into play here is they were
3355s able to take that unusual double micro
3357s jump situation and just react more
3360s calmly and make the correct decisions we
3361s prioritize and it takes them into the
3364s next round as we throw this back to the
3365s desk
3371s [Music]
3377s thank you
3389s [Applause]
3401s connected Channel switched well it would
3404s have been an easy fight right but guess
3406s what dude I'm not seeing it people can't
3408s get they're fit together
3414s enemies your temps are completely damned
3417s out Crush I'm dumped out I'm dumped out
3419s you don't like Champions boys
3428s I'm jammed
3430s I feel like we're now three for three
3431s these have all been wonderful matches we
3433s saw a absolutely fantastic uh double MGD
3437s play there and just real quick uh
3440s mystical might mjds obviously we kind of
3444s know how they work but can we like
3445s explain how they work in the arena since
3448s sure yes so you have two different types
3452s of mjds in the arena you're gonna have
3454s the local mjds that battleships and
3457s battle Cruisers can fit which will carry
3460s them 100 kilometers in their chosen
3461s Direction and can and can be prevented
3464s with scrams and you'll also have mobile
3467s mjd beacons around the edges of the
3470s arena and one in the middle and the ones
3472s around the edges are all 100 kilometers
3474s apart so if you're going from the top
3476s left Beacon to the top right Beacon you
3479s can continue jumping around the arena
3480s you can also jump down to the same Arena
3483s on that side but you can't go diagonally
3486s of course so teams make effective use of
3489s them by burning to the mjd beacon at the
3492s furthest Edge and then MJ Dean back in
3494s as we saw with the bsod to jump into the
3497s back lines of teams that they might not
3498s want to necessarily try and brawl
3500s through
3501s and that allows them to get on top of
3503s those weaker ships and melt through them
3506s and that is uh exactly what we saw
3509s happening also I have noticed that CCP
3511s overload has been replaced with jujek do
3513s Jack how are you
3515s hey I'm great I'm happy to finally be
3517s here I'm looking forward to doing some
3519s desk stuff
3520s I I love the match as well it was uh
3524s good entertainment although I'm haunted
3527s in my nightmares from practice sessions
3529s of thinking that I have the range under
3532s control of the enemy team and having
3534s them mjd past me and
3537s killing my backline
3539s yes that was a fantastic fantastic play
3542s from besada actually you know uh Bain
3546s did a pretty good job they did mjd into
3548s them like the Battleground mjding in was
3550s reminiscent of uh I think it's like what
3552s is it Rife riferson doing insane
3554s background plays but Visa did a
3556s fantastic job countering that uh one
3558s thing that we saw was bsod actually
3560s kiting away right off the bat and
3562s applying quite a bit of damage and I
3564s kind of want to pull up the tracking
3566s graph the tracking animation real quick
3567s and JuJu can you uh kind of explain this
3570s through forward for the audience here
3573s tracking is um measured in something
3577s called radial velocity against your
3579s targets so that means that the further
3582s they are away from you the less tracking
3585s you need in order to hit them so as
3589s you're going back and they presumably
3591s might be going back as well it's easier
3594s to hit something that is far away from
3596s you given the same speed and gun
3599s tracking stats than it is to hit the
3602s same ship close-up so if they're going
3604s faster it would be harder and if they're
3606s closer it's harder
3609s absolutely you all you did a perfect
3612s explanation with the uh as the graph
3614s went there too it's uh like you've seen
3615s it before or something uh but yes and I
3618s also saw a uh actual fantastic twitch
3620s hat commentary because I do read twitch
3622s chat because I love all of you
3624s um equally in fact uh somebody said
3626s tracking isn't real just control space
3628s and
3630s that is actually not incorrect um I
3633s believe uh the famous two-time winner uh
3636s captain of how to reloaded Dexter Zhao
3638s was very very uh good at that he would
3641s Ram Battleship send control space and
3643s apply massive DPS so any battleship
3644s Pilots out there just remember if you
3646s hit control space you track better and
3648s do tons and tons of damage
3650s um other than that Misty uh you did a
3653s fantastic job predicting what the comp
3655s was going to be based off those bands so
3658s I we kind of saw what happened there but
3661s I actually want you to talk about ban
3662s Theory a little bit here I'll hit you
3664s with a little bit of a tough one to
3666s explain yeah okay so I guess there's
3669s different types of Band Theory
3671s um really it depends on your team's play
3673s style because there's so many different
3675s ships in Eve online You Can't Ban every
3677s single ship so you need to be thinking
3679s about what type of comps you have
3681s available to you
3683s um and what the ships are that will
3685s really throw a spanner in the works of
3686s what you're able to achieve or like
3688s would actually break your comp apart and
3690s with the tracking comp that we saw here
3691s with vsod because they have so many
3693s ships that rely on long-range projection
3696s and tracking
3697s the tracking disruptors that a crucifier
3700s or a sentinel would be able to bring
3701s would actually prevent you know two or
3704s three of their ships from being able to
3705s effectively reach out and do their
3707s damage and losing that two or three
3709s ships worth of damage may actually mean
3712s that they aren't able to break through
3713s some of the smaller ships towards the
3715s back climb now that's kind of negated a
3717s bit by the fact that you can just mjd
3719s past everything as we saw
3721s um but it's still something that they
3722s would need to be concerned about the
3724s same can be said for a comp that perhaps
3728s only has
3729s Tula Shacks you probably also want to be
3731s looking at removing some of those
3732s tracking disruptors because again
3734s they're very good at nullifying
3737s um the damage that you're able to
3738s project and do at long ranges
3741s I think it's really hard to have like a
3744s single Band Theory or way of banning
3747s because
3748s if you're going up against a team that
3750s you know is basically just a one trick
3752s right they've only got one comp that
3754s they're good with or they've got a comp
3756s that they usually fly and you're fairly
3759s confident that they don't have anything
3760s else that they can replace those ships
3762s with if you ban the exact navies for
3764s example in this Octodad comp that we
3766s just saw there's no effective
3768s replacement for those ships because they
3770s already receive a point reduction so
3772s then they're scrambling to find
3773s something else that is not quite as good
3776s um to replace those ships with the same
3778s can be said for things like
3780s um you know blackbirds are hard to
3783s replace because I don't think there's
3784s any other tech one variant that you
3786s could use to effectively use ECM so
3790s there are some certain ships that you
3791s can ban
3792s um that are effective
3794s Osprey navies cannot do the same
3796s effective job as the exact Navy they are
3799s okay but they do not have the same range
3801s or damage profiles that the exact Navy
3803s does but nice try Wally
3808s yeah we all we all do well some of us do
3811s uh it's kahawk also known as CCP
3813s overload self-admittedly does not know
3815s how to read
3816s um but yes I do I think uh I actually
3818s got slightly flamed a little bit uh last
3820s at for saying that all ships are the
3822s same You Can't Ban anything out
3824s everything is replaceable that's not
3825s entirely true but in general yeah things
3828s get things get wild especially later on
3831s uh but for this not quite as important
3834s but uh thinking about bands so we have
3836s another match coming up with which is
3838s x877 versus Esports team
3842s um I don't want to do their full name
3843s it's uh in my contract that I don't
3845s actually have to uh but we do have the
3847s bands for these teams so we have
3850s x877 Banning the bargest and the
3853s Scimitar with Esports team Banning the
3855s Blackbird and the Scimitar and then we
3857s have an initial trickle ban of anoneros
3860s and a Nighthawk uh so just going with
3864s those bands uh do Jack and it should pop
3865s up on the screen relatively shortly here
3867s uh what what are you expecting to see
3869s like let's let's walk through it real
3871s quick
3872s I feel like the bargain Scimitar and
3876s Blackbird semitar bands are kind of
3879s similar in a way like
3882s all of those are long range ships the
3887s Scimitar doesn't want to be up front the
3889s Blackbird certainly does not want to be
3891s up front but I feel like it diverges in
3894s the trickle-down bands whereas The
3897s Narrows is more of a hedge The Narrows
3899s is kind of rarely in my experience C in
3902s in the kind of comps that would take the
3905s cemetery despite the fact that they are
3907s both Tech Two Logistics whereas the
3909s Nighthawk
3910s is often more popular in an aggressive
3914s comp so it's a hedge against
3917s range versus upfront maybe whereas The
3920s Narrows is more of a armor versus shield
3925s and uh mid-range close versus long range
3928s so I think that both of them don't want
3930s to be out kited and that makes me think
3932s that we are going to see something
3935s Brawley or
3939s um something uh pseudo dad like the last
3942s matchup
3943s pseudo dad interesting well uh we're
3946s gonna keep that one on the back burner
3948s there we'll drop a couple pseudo dads
3950s and Dad Chad means later in the uh
3953s tournament uh we do see a blackbird band
3955s here too uh I don't think we've seen
3957s blackbirds be particularly effective
3958s here uh Misty you're nodding ahead
3960s though no one can see it but me
3962s um but blackbirds like why ban them
3965s I mean so I I alluded to it a little bit
3968s in the BAM Theory chat but I don't think
3972s there's an effective replacement for a
3973s blackbird
3974s um at the tech one kind of Cruiser line
3976s you know if you ban a falcon they can
3978s still bring the rook and vice versa but
3980s if you ban the Blackbird then they need
3982s to either increase the point cost that
3984s they're investing in the ECM or bring
3986s the frigate if they still want to be
3987s able to bring the EC under the grid I
3994s I feel like we just lost them
3997s or I lost my ability to hear them either
4000s right all right cool I can still hear
4002s good news everybody Misty uh I think
4004s your mic just died but that's quite
4006s unfortunate I I want to add to the point
4008s which I think that Misty is saying and
4011s that is there's a big difference between
4013s a Silver Bullet Band like you ban it and
4015s they can't replace it or just making
4018s their comp weaker at something they
4020s could take
4021s and the Knight the Blackbird is
4025s definitely a Silver Bullet Band in that
4029s as soon as are pretty bad yeah we can
4031s marry you now yeah so we can hear you
4032s now yes yeah a lot of surviving I should
4035s say not bad in general necessarily
4038s uh yes yeah sometimes we cite slight
4041s technical difficulties every once in a
4043s while but uh thank you for popping in
4045s and catching up on that and getting all
4046s that sorted so yes uh chip man's
4049s exciting ECM also exciting
4052s um interestingly enough uh ECM really
4055s hasn't seemed to be good in the theater
4056s so far but whether that is a execution
4058s issue or a we will set uh change we will
4062s find out later ECM teams generally being
4064s considered
4065s You know despite what a twitch chat and
4067s the general populace think actually
4069s incredibly difficult to execute and play
4071s correctly a lot of people are like
4072s guricium overpowered if it was
4075s overpowered why does it lose almost
4076s every single time Room For Thought uh
4079s all that being said we are going to be
4080s heading into the match shortly as uh
4082s both teams are landing right now so uh
4086s twitch chat has given predictions
4089s um I would love to get your guys's
4090s predictions however I believe it's
4091s actually going to start here in just a
4092s second so we are going to see x877
4095s versus really really long name and with
4098s our commentators genton and wingman
4105s g'day mates and here we are in the arena
4107s brother and we got to x877 versus hidden
4110s Leaf Village assassin Squad Esports
4112s that's right I can get the name right
4114s first time how you doing there gin mate
4116s how you looking at I'm doing good and
4118s I'm really excited to see this matchup
4120s because we've got another sort of weird
4122s variant of Max threat here coming out
4124s from x877 versus a much more Standard
4127s Version here from uh hidden Leaf ninjas
4129s but they're gonna have be trying to
4131s utilize all of these medium turrets uh
4133s ninjas are to try and snipe off those
4135s support ships and if they can't get them
4137s out it's gonna actually be kind of
4139s potentially a difficult match if uh
4141s Jutsu
4142s I'm just trying to spot I'm saying I'm
4144s like I'm missing something I can see the
4145s select the Kirin is there another Legend
4147s ship I'm missing you can see just one no
4149s and that's actually quite interesting
4151s there's only one logistic ship here from
4153s the kirins from the team of x877 not
4156s sure where that's come from but the
4158s match has begun and we can see that
4159s magical taking a ton of DPS right off
4161s the bat he's just got a little bit of
4163s Shield reps but that's not going to be
4164s enough to keep him up versus all of this
4166s DPS from Jutsu can x877 do anything in
4169s return
4170s I'm not sure the Confessor of Carl
4173s O'Neil is going to be licking his lips
4174s and enjoying life as he kills one trip
4176s already the kieran's gonna be an easy
4178s target the flight actually can be pretty
4179s easy target if he survives I was gonna
4181s say the interesting ship in this lineup
4182s is gonna be the celesters trying to
4184s remove like some of the potential of the
4185s battle Cruisers but honestly without
4187s loggy support that man is screwed
4190s well it doesn't look like they're
4192s focusing on Logistics support because
4193s you can see where all of the ehp from
4195s that brutix Navy issue is it's in the
4197s whole we have some people trying to on a
4200s tank as it were as I believe a CCP
4202s overload talked about earlier uh this is
4204s this is really really risky using a
4206s bowel gone in a whole tank comp it might
4208s have a lot of ehp but you need that
4210s thing to stay on grid for as long as
4212s humanly possible to get the points worth
4214s out of it and it's going to be difficult
4215s for them to do that without any
4216s Logistics as well I'm pretty sure the
4218s Confessor of Carlin who's actually
4220s holding that that Bell going down as
4222s well so the problem with these whole
4223s tank bits is basically you've got a
4224s limited lifespan the ability to do
4226s something if you don't do it in time
4227s it's like if you fight over rapid
4229s Heavies and have no ammo left there's
4230s nothing you can do as you see the one
4232s ship already down and what have they
4234s done in the opposing team basically
4236s nothing the Confessor is still holding
4238s the barrel going The Sentinel is still
4240s being an absolute nightmare if they're
4242s going for a whole tank Rush
4244s they've already failed as far as I'm
4246s concerned they need to do something now
4248s this is weird it's always like a whole
4250s tank kite setup from x877
4253s um you can see uh Jitsu kind of reacting
4255s to this they're all kiting away all
4257s trying to stay outside of that 30
4258s kilometer range where the Belgium is so
4260s so powerful but it looks like he's
4262s finally getting into range this is the
4263s one trance x877 has then muting out that
4266s Satay of Kami Inari and he's gonna fall
4269s behind his team if they can get on top
4270s of him and start pumping DPS into it
4272s that's how x877 executes but I don't
4275s know how they're going to be able to do
4276s that now with two of their main DPS
4278s ships Off the Grid so this lesson was
4281s actually damping at the executive trying
4282s to remove him from the fight but it's
4284s like great You've Done That What's your
4286s follow-up
4287s and I'm just they're kind of stuck
4289s there's nothing they can really do
4291s they've just been kind of held here and
4293s not been able to uh break free so you've
4296s brought a tool for a job and that tool
4298s has been basically useless because you
4299s can't follow it up
4301s you got a hammer without a nail
4303s yeah we've got our fellow commentator
4305s there the Basilisk finally taken to the
4306s DPS he's been doing a great job just
4308s sitting in front of his team trying to
4309s position himself so that he can screen
4311s off these fly catches as they come in uh
4313s it doesn't look like the fly catcher's
4314s finally gotten into backlines though
4316s they're going to tackle something down
4317s here and we're gonna have to see
4318s more x877 chooses to do from this point
4321s onwards the Britax Navy issue going down
4323s it's going to take them down to just a
4325s few thousand DPS here
4328s um which won't be enough to really break
4329s things under exact reps so they might
4331s have to find a way into the back line
4333s which is going to be super difficult for
4334s them
4335s yeah I see the executive Navy of France
4337s is over trying to do something along
4339s those lines but uh nope that's not gonna
4342s happen unfortunately as yeah pop pop pop
4344s team is just Vanishing remarkably
4346s quickly the burger just being left alone
4348s it's being like hard tackled I Believe
4349s by the Confessor this entire time and
4352s basically been worthless there's nothing
4354s you can do you can't move you're being
4355s held down
4357s he's been trying to Nuke the Confessor
4358s but the professor just does not care I
4360s don't think Chris is good enough he does
4362s yeah
4363s yeah
4365s probably a good time to talk about the
4367s fact that there are four Etc Davey
4369s issues on the field though I think this
4370s just goes to show the power of that ship
4372s my God like with the discounted points
4375s the exact Navy is probably arguably the
4378s best faction Cruiser in the game already
4379s the fact that it's cheaper than all of
4381s the rest of them is why we're seeing so
4383s much of them these things can reach out
4385s across the grid and touch anything if
4387s you fit them with rails or if you fit
4389s them as x877 has here with blasters they
4392s can do Insane amount of DPS you can do
4395s something like a thousand DPS with heat
4396s and that's enough to burn through ships
4398s quickly much like that balgorn is
4401s getting burnt through by jutsu's comp
4403s here
4404s and also as well their fall off bonus as
4406s well it makes it very surprising how far
4407s they can truly reach your blasters it's
4409s not as great some other ships but it's
4411s still again it's a very surprising thing
4412s where you can be hit with no like 600
4414s DPS at range it's kind of scary
4416s as the burglar now is the next primary
4418s which honestly they could have left it
4419s there to last and still won this match
4420s but you might as well kill it off it's
4422s right there it's probably maximum Hull
4424s tank which honestly it's going down
4426s remarkably quickly for a potential Max
4427s Hull tank fit
4429s yeah it looks like we might be seeing
4430s another 100 zero uh slam dunk Victory
4434s here and it's been relatively rare so
4436s far in the tournament I think a lot of
4437s the matches that we've seen have had a
4439s lot of trading go back and forth just
4441s because of how cheap these high DPS low
4444s HP ships like the Eli armor
4447s I also like as well for the hidden Leaf
4449s Village Ninja Assassin Squad Esports
4450s team they're pretty much got an equal
4452s amount of damage and control on this
4454s comp they're able to basically control
4455s the opponent just enough and then rip
4457s them apart with a lot of DPS and a lot
4459s of ships it's honestly this comp is
4461s quite hard to pull apart in one move
4463s most comps have like one linchpin ship
4466s you could basically remove any singular
4468s ship in this comp and it would still
4469s function remarkably well sure you can
4471s remove lodgy it wouldn't last as long
4472s but it still has enough DPS to break
4473s through you while doing so it's honestly
4476s I quite like these kind of comps
4478s yeah these Max start comps were super
4480s effective last year and I think they're
4481s only going to get better this year now
4483s that that isn't the prevalence of uh
4485s tracking disruptors and dams which can
4487s help their ability to actually apply
4490s properly you know if you can concentrate
4492s all the fire of eight
4494s oh wow the estate has pounded
4497s [Laughter]
4502s was that it's a was that a Pity point
4505s there
4510s thank you
4515s please go back to the studio before I
4517s die thank you
4522s [Music]
4532s [Music]
4550s foreign
4552s [Music]
4562s [Music]
4581s [Music]
4586s [Applause]
4588s [Music]
4597s and hidden village ninja team
4600s successfully beats x877 uh unfortunately
4604s for them they will have to continue to
4606s play more games or fortunately depending
4608s on if they are here for fun or if
4610s they're here to make it in a pretty
4612s interesting comp sort of a similar setup
4614s there I think uh
4616s I want to see Wing that made a really
4618s really good call out there though that
4619s the hidden team didn't really have any
4622s linchpin ships uh so what did he mean by
4625s that do jack
4626s that's uh when one ship isn't holding up
4630s one of the three triangles of a
4633s successful comp that Jen has talked
4635s about previously one being raps or the
4638s ability to survive one being damaged and
4642s projection and the third being the
4645s ability to control the match I think he
4648s didn't finish the analogy last time I
4649s watched it but
4651s it's not one ship tackling or only one
4655s ship doing BPS like killing one DPS ship
4658s taking 400 DPS off the field still
4661s allows them to keep killing stuff and
4663s that is an important thing a lot of the
4665s time unless you go heavy on control
4668s yeah I think uh I think the analogy he
4671s was trying to make was pretty much what
4672s you said is that uh every at team needs
4675s to have some form of reps
4677s at least three thousand DPS and some
4681s amount of control and you can kind of
4682s cheese the DPS a little bit if you have
4683s insane amounts of control but even then
4686s like you see most teams like even the
4688s most disgusting nasty like
4690s every single ship is some kind of ECM
4693s ship they still generally have about 2.5
4695s 000 DPS
4697s um but that's kind of that's kind of
4698s going into the weeds a little bit there
4700s uh however this team definitely had more
4703s um we saw a massive massive amount of
4706s potential DPS but not actually any
4708s applied from x877 because they had
4711s Neutron Blaster cannons on their brutix
4713s Navy issues a mystical might
4716s what
4718s I mean I guess there's the the age-old
4721s big number mean good
4723s um so if you're looking at tank big
4725s number typically good if you're looking
4726s at damage big number typically good and
4728s there are trade-offs that you cut that
4730s come with big damage which means uh
4732s perhaps shorter range
4734s um and in an 80 setting where
4737s you know you have to make trade-offs
4739s between control between tank and between
4741s damage and projection
4744s not having that projection is kind of uh
4746s crippling for for some of the ships on
4749s the x877 side if they'd had rails and
4752s they were able to more effectively apply
4754s to the hyena and the center at the
4756s beginning of the match I think that
4758s match would have been a lot closer
4760s um they had the hyena webbed at one
4762s point with the bag on webs which means
4764s that they could have effectively removed
4765s the the control that uh hidden ninja
4769s Leaf Village had
4771s um towards the beginning and then begin
4772s burning in towards the exec and then
4773s they could have perhaps traded a bit
4774s more effectively
4776s um but yeah I mean that their weapon
4778s Choice really is one of the things that
4779s attracted from their ability to win that
4782s absolutely uh if you cannot get your
4785s damage onto the other ship it doesn't
4786s matter how much damage you actually have
4789s there uh also do Jack so we've seen a
4793s couple of these over the last uh I guess
4795s this today and then last weekend these
4798s really really high DPS High projection
4800s setups and I think you called it a
4802s pseudo dad so we're gonna call it a
4804s pseudo dad
4805s the kind of tell me how does that team
4806s work why is it so good because they seem
4809s to be winning a lot
4811s yeah I I figured that I'd start saying
4814s for the people who don't know why we
4816s keep calling it Dad related things is it
4820s used to have eight battle Cruisers and
4822s be called Octodad you're no longer
4825s allowed to take eight battle Cruisers so
4827s you have to settle for four and you'll
4829s take a number of Cruisers that do medium
4832s long-range guns so like it's the whole
4836s concept of the comp is take as many
4838s medium long-range guns as you can
4841s and apply to things and one of the
4845s underrated issues with or like aspects
4848s of medium long-range guns rails and
4850s lasers is that they do kind of high
4853s damage at shorter ranges so you you
4856s decide what range the engagement is
4859s going to take place at if you're flying
4861s against ham Rush
4863s you're doing more damage because you
4865s don't have to stay far away and if
4867s you're going up against something the
4869s kites you can even decide to be so far
4872s away that they can't hit you and at
4875s every ass like at every range you do as
4878s much damage as you can and try to pick
4880s apart their team
4881s from their most important ships to their
4884s least important ships
4886s absolutely well said it's a very very
4889s powerful gives you a lot of flexibility
4891s I think that uh it's also been called
4893s like genton's called it Max threat a lot
4895s of the sort of internal teams they'll
4897s just call it like projection like
4899s projection DPS setups uh very very very
4902s strong we are seeing it quite uh quite
4905s prevalent so far at least it's been very
4907s winning like uh a couple teams have used
4910s it and they're usually getting 100 no's
4911s and Misty why is it so good this year
4914s I think that well we've got the mix of
4918s reasons one is that you can't bring
4920s offensive ewo on all of your ships
4922s nowadays so you have to bring a ship
4925s that has an in a kind of equal bonus for
4928s the type of evil that you want to bring
4929s so you need to bring a curse a sentinel
4931s a crucifier those types of ships if you
4933s want tracking disruptors and those are
4935s the ships or the type of Wee wall that
4937s would really threaten
4939s um the concept of the pseudo dad which
4941s means that you can't project as far you
4942s can't hit those smaller targets because
4944s your tracking has been lowered that kind
4946s of stuff
4947s um so we've seen that kind of drop out
4948s of the metal with the rule changes but I
4950s think it's also just kind of easier to
4952s fly because really you just need to
4954s double click in One Direction which is
4956s typically away from the enemy team
4959s and they'll begin to fall over
4961s um Target selection is going to be
4963s really important so that's something
4964s that they need to kind of work on a
4966s little bit they'll need to know the
4968s order of preference that they need to
4969s put in place when calling their targets
4971s and so like judex said they need to
4974s understand what the really important
4975s ships are that need to die at the start
4977s but that's much easier to figure out
4980s than perhaps how to do an ECM control
4982s comp with like two damage ships because
4984s that can fall apart really easily
4986s whereas if you lose two or three damage
4988s ships in your pseudo dad you still have
4990s another like five to fall back on so
4993s it's just ease of execution I think as
4995s well
4997s absolutely and uh you know it is it is
4999s the feeders so you know I think that uh
5002s something it's not that teams are
5004s necessarily bringing bad comps it's that
5005s they're not bringing their best setups
5007s because all of these teams still have to
5009s get through the actual tournament so if
5011s they show their best thing now people
5013s have over a month to uh figure out how
5015s to counter it so always something to
5017s think about it's a gets a little bit in
5019s the weeds there are teams doing silly
5021s things because they're silly or are they
5023s doing it as part of this overall meta
5025s thing uh obviously if they win it was
5027s overall meta and if they lose then well
5029s they lost so that is what it is uh but
5033s that match is over we will be moving on
5035s to high SEC minors versus castabouts
5037s cast abouts upsetting their way into
5039s this match so uh we saw cast abouts at
5042s the beginning of the day uh people lost
5044s a absolute boatload of Channel points
5046s and we're going to be seeing them again
5049s here so they really didn't have that
5052s much turnaround at do check they only
5053s had what about an hour hour and a half
5057s yeah there's a lot of stress I I know as
5059s a captain when you get the bad convo as
5063s you're leaving your previous match like
5066s there's not necessarily the first thing
5068s that you want to think about like you
5070s want to run and get something to drink
5071s and so on and
5073s like debrief your team from what
5076s happened in the last match so
5079s immediately on to it we might see them
5081s bring something
5083s similar unless they feel like they've
5086s they're they've told people what they're
5089s going to bring like if it's an encounter
5092s then they're gonna have to switch it up
5095s even if they like their com maybe if it
5097s was a gocha moment it can't be the same
5101s one again
5102s well it kind of was a gotcha they did
5104s the uh the sort of Honor tank setup I
5107s guess is a good as as we learned that it
5110s is called and we do actually have the
5111s bands here and I can tell you that they
5113s also ban different things so cast
5115s about's banned the balgorn the bargist
5117s and high SEC miners banned the Moss and
5120s the carries so cast about last time at
5123s their first match they banned the hyena
5126s instead of the balgorn so a little bit
5129s interesting there um Misty looking at
5131s these bands like let's let's get a let's
5133s get an amazing let's see predict the
5135s comps again like you did a couple of
5136s matches ago uh okay I could predict the
5139s complicated matches ago because I had a
5141s bit more idea about the teams and some
5143s of the history and other tournaments
5145s um in this particular case I feel like
5148s high SEC miners again wants to have
5150s perhaps some of those uh a
5152s projection-esque comp I don't know if
5154s it's going to be necessarily in the same
5156s vein as pseudod
5158s um it might be that they're just looking
5159s to be able to project out with armor
5161s while they burn in and don't want to be
5164s pinned down a little bit by the damps
5166s that would be coming in from the Morris
5167s and Carries and with cost about it looks
5170s like they're just trying to remove high
5171s damage burst at range and also the
5173s crippling effect of Newton Webbs from
5175s the balgorn so again I I think both
5177s teams are probably just gonna brawl
5179s to be honest or at least have armor comp
5181s sorry
5183s um that kind of want to sit within like
5185s 50 to 70k
5188s all right and uh do Jack what are you
5189s what do you feel in here like look at
5191s looking at this what are you kind of
5192s expecting to see I mean
5197s yes
5199s I well for my match I did Bam the I'm
5203s always scariest it's kind of
5206s that doesn't say a lot about what you
5208s want to go like if you're not facing
5211s molluskares you could be projecting and
5213s you could be wanting to lock something
5216s far away that you're running away from
5218s or you could be wanting to be stationary
5221s and shooting something far away that is
5224s trying to get away from you so I'm not
5225s like I'm not reading a whole lot into
5228s that except for like I assume that
5230s they're more likely to be on the
5231s mid-range control setup of something
5234s armor-based whereas the two other bands
5238s I'm gonna go ahead and say that they
5240s don't want to face something that is
5243s going to restrict their movement too
5245s much so Vargas will kill your range a
5247s balgorn will web your range so I think
5250s they are more likely to want to kite a
5252s bit or at least be able to close the
5255s different distance quickly
5257s and
5258s I guess we're going to see something
5260s galante
5261s flavored for guest boats
5265s awesome well they have uh they have been
5267s doing interesting Hall tank setups
5268s already in the past so you know that is
5271s uh very very likely here uh we are
5274s actually going to head to the arena in
5276s just a second here because both teams
5277s have landed and it does appear that they
5280s are ready to do spaceship things and
5283s there's some interesting stuff going on
5284s here
5285s um I can give you a little hint that a
5287s certain Caster will be very very happy
5289s because one of their favorite ships is
5290s on grid so we have to hand this off to
5293s uh fear and Alec
5301s welcome back to the arena my name is
5302s servanda joined by Alexa card and on the
5305s blue side Caster belts have brought a
5308s very tanky version of a shield Rush comp
5311s uh with a lot of uptank ships a Cerberus
5314s a Nighthawk Cyclone Fleet issue but not
5316s as much ham damage as you typically
5318s expect from this uh type of setup with
5322s really only four ham ships
5324s yeah and I think unfortunately for them
5325s they're about to run into a big wall of
5327s hit points with a double a baton
5328s Vindicator core supported by some light
5330s tackle here this is gonna be dicey for
5333s cast abouts
5335s yeah those 90 webs on The Vindicator can
5338s be very dicey to deal with but you also
5339s have to remember the Nighthawk and the
5341s Loki both push over a thousand DPS with
5343s heat uh and uh one of them is not damage
5346s locked so as we see the start this is
5349s actually going to be a wraparound play
5350s from the side of cast about so I'm going
5352s to try to dodge this Magus trying to
5355s burst in towards the rest of their team
5357s right now the mall are of complexity and
5359s Tulare is actually currently the primary
5361s target from cast about as they try to
5364s get away uh from this Vindicator for the
5367s time being
5368s meanwhile nobody told the hawk which
5370s just ran in straight away he is uh not
5373s paying the price for it though actually
5375s in fact the Magus from Isaac miners oh
5378s just got melted absolutely melted that
5381s links down
5382s so what's happening right now is uh
5386s castabouts are going straight for the
5387s support Wing uh typically in a shield
5389s Rush setup you go from uh trying to get
5392s the highest DPS per ehp off the field uh
5395s as quickly as possible especially in the
5396s showbrush mirror match this time around
5398s they want to get the links off the table
5399s in order to get the Vindicator webs down
5402s to a normal range because the indicator
5404s doesn't have range bonuses on the webs
5406s but does have the strength bonuses and
5408s we see here the fleet Cyclone of Red
5410s House going down very quickly this is an
5413s effective ship to take down in the least
5414s tanky ship from cast about uh under
5417s these Vindicator webs he is not long for
5419s the world with all the damage that
5420s blasters uh plus the pulse lasers of
5423s these Abbas gives towards them
5428s the late game prioritizing the links
5430s here now they're going after the
5431s logistics of the Thalia Deacon they're
5433s trying to clip the support Wing to
5435s isolate these battleships it's making
5437s them more controllable reducing the
5438s range of the Vindicator as you said fear
5440s but also reducing their Mobility
5442s reducing the things they can tackle for
5444s them reducing reps that will come into
5446s those bonus to Baton resist hulls
5448s they're really playing to to just chip
5451s away all the support and slowly chop
5453s down this team and they're methodically
5455s doing so mowing down the support wing of
5458s high SEC miners and interestingly Jay on
5461s Burrell is currently getting damage from
5463s these Abbas they do have relatively high
5465s production just because of the way the
5466s pulses work but at the same time he's
5468s able to actually shrug this off uh
5470s fairly effectively because he's Tech got
5472s Tech Two mimitar resists and actually
5474s has quite a bit of em and thermal uh
5478s resistances right now so while the rest
5479s of his team is deleting the control in
5481s the low end from the side of high-sec
5484s miners he's just taking this damage
5486s right now while the rest of his team has
5488s decided to uh take down this arbitrator
5491s uh probably gonna hold on the smaller
5492s right now and then move on to this
5494s Vindicator who is now all on his own uh
5498s with no actual support Wing to help him
5500s out in fact the hawk has pinned down The
5503s Vindicator who has counter webbed him
5505s but they're still not able to track
5507s actually the hawk being kept up very
5509s comfortably just by a set of light
5511s Shield Bots
5513s yeah and uh obviously the tech 2 medium
5517s or Tech too large wrappers from the
5519s Scimitar as well uh do a lot of range
5523s you have semitar as well he's got the
5525s projection uh he's got the speed to
5526s basically kite this out this is actually
5528s a really good adaptation from cast about
5530s uh to start this match off uh I think
5534s something that a lot of people expect
5536s when you see a shield brush is to just
5538s go straight in and then try to take the
5540s big things out of the picture but we see
5541s from cast abouts they're starting with
5543s the low end they're working with their
5544s way back up they finally have taken down
5546s the Maller and they can actually win the
5548s score of attrition because they're
5549s faster and there's no actual ability for
5553s anyone from the side of high-tec miners
5555s to catch anyone from cast abouts because
5557s all their ships are really really slow
5559s so even though you have 90 webs it's
5561s just not going to be enough that said
5562s they're all piling onto this Vindicator
5564s now as he is not going to be very long
5566s for the world under the pressure of
5568s three hand boats
5569s yeah absolute MVP plays from Ian
5572s Wakefield the hawk pilot on castabouts
5575s he fearlessly charged him while the rest
5577s of his team was trying to kite around he
5579s beelined for that Vindicator got onto
5582s him with the scram and has stayed under
5583s his guns keeping him pinned and immobile
5586s for this entire match making it
5588s relatively trivial for cast about to
5590s maneuver around that sphere of death
5592s that the 90 Vindicator webs usually
5595s entails that Hawk has no problems he has
5598s bonus kinetic thermal so he will take
5601s very little damage from The Blasters of
5604s The Vindicator and he's just been parked
5606s there keeping him like I said perfectly
5608s immobile barely taking any damage and
5611s that vindi has just played a non-factor
5613s in this match despite being arguably a
5615s linchpin of the high SEC minor setup a
5618s pin that is about to be pulled as his
5620s structure goes down
5621s this is just really really well played
5624s from cast about I like I can't say it
5627s enough uh the difference between good
5629s executional Shield rush and bad
5631s execution on the shield brush that still
5633s wins is the ability to tell when to
5636s actually pull the trigger I think a lot
5638s of teams when they see a shield Rush
5640s shut up or they fly Shield Rush setup
5641s they immediately think well we just got
5644s to go in and be as efficient with their
5645s damage as possible but here we saw uh a
5649s higher level of execution where they say
5651s Okay This ship's a linchpin but we can
5652s take them out without of the match
5654s without uh taking our ships and putting
5658s them in a danger zone and so you saw
5661s that Hawk pilot go in well the hawk even
5664s though these under 90 webs has a tiny
5666s tiny Sig radius and while he's able to
5669s keep this uh Vindicator down the Abbas
5672s can't actually shoot him with their
5673s pulses because they have some not
5676s amazing tracking uh on those Abbas so
5678s the Abbas went for the Scimitar who's
5680s bonus against that Emma all uh and he's
5684s able to survive the entire time this
5685s Loki is able to survive the entire time
5686s it's just beautiful play from the side
5689s of castabouts yeah they lost a fleet
5691s Cyclone but in a matchup that I think a
5693s lot of times can go the way of the armor
5695s control they saw their opportunities and
5698s they were able to capitalize on them and
5701s win this match is going to be 100 to 15
5702s once this Abba goes down
5704s and I think also a shout out to the cast
5706s about FC very methodical shot calling
5709s um isolating that Target as you've said
5711s and then systematically picking apart
5714s the high SEC minors comp from the most
5716s important ships to the least important
5718s ships as they talked about in the
5719s commentary desk before this match got
5721s going taking out the links understanding
5723s this was going to be a long match with
5724s the big Battleship bitpoint pools and
5727s just then going for the logistics then
5730s the disruption and then finally the
5733s battleships that they had isolated and
5734s pinned down for so long that were really
5737s non-factors here aside from killing that
5739s cyclone and they just left them for last
5741s because without that support they were
5743s absolutely powerless and that's the way
5745s this match played out as we throw it
5747s back to the desk for some analysis
5755s foreign
5762s [Music]
5770s are you in the armor Vagabond or
5773s something no um I've got axle ISP
5778s and polarized guns or what
5784s foreign
5786s you you are one of two people that
5790s couldn't listen and couldn't check
5791s bookmarks and find your own way out the
5794s route the entire route was literally
5796s bookmarked out to Lasik I bookmarked it
5799s 10 minutes in advance
5800s guys stop being casual they're really
5803s bad we should not lose anybody to this
5805s warp off take the fleet warp everybody
5807s warp off this is a really really bad
5809s execution I'm very disappointed
5815s and with that cast about says cast High
5817s SEC minors out of the feeders they are
5819s gone they will not be returning until
5821s potentially the next Alliance tournament
5824s uh pretty good play on cast about's part
5826s we did see a shield Rush um it was a
5829s little bit different from some of the
5830s ones we've seen but uh do Jack like how
5833s did you like that match what did you
5834s think about it
5836s it was a good match I feel like I would
5839s have
5840s not wanted to be on the cast about side
5843s of that normally I
5846s like how they handled that like when I
5849s get put in a shield rush I'm like okay
5851s we need to kill something big and when
5855s all you have are hams everything looks
5858s like a battleship and killing all the
5861s low end and securing tackle to survive
5864s it was a good play and it won them the
5866s game
5868s absolutely they uh they definitely did
5871s the correct move there
5874s um I believe uh Wingnut in our back
5875s Channel said it was a shield Rush that
5877s was smart enough not to rush and uh
5879s Misty like do you do you agree with that
5881s do you think that's pretty good way of
5883s uh explaining that fight
5885s yeah I mean to be fed the way that cost
5886s about played kind of took me by surprise
5889s um I wasn't paying massive attention to
5891s the weapon systems until someone pointed
5892s out that it was Shield Rush at which
5894s point I had to go take a look at some of
5896s the ships and see how fast they were
5897s shooting their missiles and what weapon
5899s systems they were actually using
5901s um I think that they played it really
5902s well
5903s um I think that the type of approach
5906s that they took in this match isn't
5907s something that we typically expect from
5909s some teams going into the feeders right
5911s because they'll either have a history
5913s behind them of not necessarily doing as
5916s well as one would hope or they're fairly
5918s new to the at and the stresses that come
5920s with it and I think that costs about
5922s some of whether that really well by
5924s finding themselves in a position that by
5926s all means they should probably really
5928s really struggle to win
5930s um and managing to play it in a way that
5932s allows them to claw back I suppose
5935s Victory from the jaws of defeat in that
5937s sense
5938s um I think that there are some things
5940s that high SEC miners could have done a
5941s little bit better
5942s they allowed their Vindicator to be
5944s pinned down for a significant portion of
5947s that match by a single Hawk the hawk did
5950s an amazing job but the Vindicator while
5952s webbing down that Hawk should have
5953s instructed the rest of his damp his
5955s battleships to switch
5957s um and clear that hook as soon as
5959s possible thus freeing The Vindicator to
5961s actually start chasing down some of the
5962s ships on the cost of outside by leaving
5965s that Vindicator pinned They removed a
5967s lot of the web threat I suppose that The
5971s Vindicator carries and also it's not
5973s able to project because it has blasters
5974s fit so they effectively nullified The
5977s Vindicator in this match for a
5979s significant portion of it but yeah I'm
5981s really happy to see how car spouse has
5982s played
5984s absolutely they uh we did see The
5986s Vindicator shoot the hawk once actually
5988s and The Blasters knocked it down almost
5991s 40 shield in one hit and then I think
5993s that the hawk kit is ADC the indicator
5996s shot again and was like wow I'm not
5997s doing damage and then uh High SEC miners
6000s just decided to stop shooting the hawk
6002s for the rest of the match and I think
6004s everybody uh and anyone who's flown
6006s bunions are against mutants on TQ knows
6008s that once the ADC is popped you just
6009s switch back to them 10 seconds later and
6011s uh you can kill them but all that being
6014s said uh we will be seeing pandemic
6016s Legion versus White Flag however we will
6019s not be seeing them for approximately
6020s half an hour uh we are going to take a
6023s break here just a little bit so that
6025s everybody can go get water do their
6027s things are amazing insane ref team uh
6030s definitely needs a break because they
6032s are doing all of the behind the scenes
6034s stuff that makes this continue to run on
6036s time uh every single time so huge shout
6039s out to them uh but other than that we
6041s are actually going to send it off to a
6042s break we will return at probably about
6045s 1855 maybe a little later for pandemic
6048s Legion versus white flag and more
6049s spaceship explosions so see you then
6053s welcome back to the feeders after the
6055s break and I am now joined by Mark
6057s resurrectus and moderator uh the
6060s well-known person who constantly mutes
6063s people in the back of the stream just
6064s because it's funny he is an agent of
6066s pure chaos and evil moderator how are
6069s you doing
6070s you know I'm glad to be here joined by
6072s uh Mark we got Eminem here and uh
6074s BlackMart pirate should be an excellent
6076s cast excellent round of uh matches
6079s coming through a lot of these are going
6080s to be teams competing
6082s um in the very first round so Direct in
6084s to the main Alliance tournament and I'm
6087s looking forward to seeing these matches
6089s awesome and Mark how are you
6093s Bart I'm doing very well thank you as
6096s always I'm extremely excited about
6099s another thrilling round of matches this
6102s is where Champions are made bar this is
6105s where the people come together to really
6107s show who is cream of the crop and I want
6110s to be here for it and I'm glad I am
6112s thank you
6114s awesome I see you are you're practicing
6117s for your uh burgeoning ASMR career after
6120s all of the Wormhole teams are out and
6122s they evict you from space you will
6124s become an ASMR Champion but what I'm
6126s really practicing for and what you what
6128s the people at home don't know is that I
6129s made a bet with fear of vinyl last week
6131s that if uh my bracket does better than
6134s his bracket I know we're not supposed to
6135s talk about the brackets but if his
6137s bracket does better than my bracket I
6139s have to wear a shirt going forward uh so
6141s I'm I'm trialing that out today I do
6143s have a shirt on this is extremely
6145s unusual for me uh but the upside is that
6148s if I win fear Vine has to shave his head
6150s so really I mean who's who's risking
6154s something here that's awesome yeah you
6156s kind of won out on that one that was uh
6158s fears making interesting choices uh
6161s speaking of interesting choices we
6162s actually have a match coming up in three
6164s minutes and we should talk about that
6166s because it is the uh legendary probably
6170s I think Infamous is probably a good word
6171s for it pandemic Legion versus white flag
6174s a pandemic Legion being one of the
6177s oldest tournament teams in existence in
6180s Eve online uh have had a little bit of a
6183s rough patch recently but here they are
6185s again in the feeders Banning the
6186s executor Navy issue and the hyena with
6189s white flag Banning the abandoned the
6190s deacons so moderator let's let's talk
6192s about this a little bit
6193s yeah so pandemic Legion saying hey you
6196s know your white flag you're a Hydra
6197s practice partner we're wanting to get
6199s rid of the executive Navy issue
6201s um the comp that can definitely fit into
6203s a lot of the white flight armor comps
6205s and they want to take out the hyena
6206s which is going to be an excellent range
6209s control ship
6210s um kind of White Flag formerly Locker
6213s Engineers flew that very well in the
6215s last year so understandable that they
6217s would not want that here
6219s excellent yes a white flag is relatively
6223s they did pretty dang well last year I
6224s believe they either got top 8 or top six
6226s uh so good tournament pedigree a lot of
6229s well-known tournament Players there uh
6232s Mark what are you what are you thinking
6233s is going to happen here like give us a
6235s quick little rundown
6236s I think the white flag team is gonna
6238s look really good in this match uh I know
6239s PL has a a storied tournament pedigree
6243s uh but PL the alliance also has a story
6246s to tournament pedigree which has been
6248s diminished somewhat of late and I think
6251s we're going to see a lot of that here
6252s the White Flag uh we didn't talk too
6254s much about the White Flag bands but
6256s going with avadon and Deacon I think is
6259s just a I mean you know Staples of any
6261s heavy armor comp that you'll see in one
6263s of these uh especially in the feeder
6266s matches you know you'll see a lot of
6267s teams field uh dual Abaddon sometimes
6270s they'll feel you know vegan as part of
6272s their their
6273s um you know their armor logic so finding
6275s a way to put limitations on that forcing
6277s teams to be more flexible
6279s um I think is is a smart move here
6281s absolutely and the teams are just
6284s starting to land so we do have a little
6285s tiny bit of time here uh before it goes
6288s off so I'm just gonna get a quick round
6289s of predictions a moderator who are you
6291s feeling is winning this one uh White
6293s Flag by Landslide I a landslide uh Mark
6297s what are you thinking
6299s I mean the smart money's on White Flag I
6301s feel I could be pretty dumb if I didn't
6302s say White Flag so I'm gonna say white
6304s flag
6305s all right we got two for white flag and
6308s one person being neutral which is the
6310s worst of all things to do however we are
6312s going to send it off to the arena right
6314s here because the teams are ready and
6315s they are about to begin blowing each
6317s other up
6321s hello everyone and welcome to the arena
6324s we are here to watch pandemic Legion go
6326s up against White Flag Dot and here we
6329s can see that white flag dot have brought
6331s something very traditional their own
6332s little take on the max threat setup with
6334s four battle Cruisers and three uh
6336s Cruisers all aiming to use those medium
6338s guns to just Spam out High application
6341s DPS at the start of the match what if PL
6344s brought against that uh right they
6346s brought the double pancake set up with a
6348s lot of Rapid lights back up I believe
6350s interesting thing as well is that the
6351s mole that's in the um the uh quad battle
6354s cruiser comp is actually has guns that's
6356s actually a gun molar on top of the organ
6358s navies I thought it was going to be
6359s notes as a backup but no they've brought
6361s guns and everything this is a lot of DPS
6362s with the carries to give it to more
6364s support as the match is underway
6367s yeah we can see that Osprey taking a
6369s massive amount of DPS really quickly off
6371s the bat the range and application of
6373s those medium guns just coming into play
6374s immediately taking it into structure
6376s that's nine points off the board right
6378s away and they're going for the trade
6379s here they're trying to use the long
6380s range and high application of those RL
6382s analysis and rhmls from the bar guests
6384s to take through that order in return but
6386s look at the damage that they're doing to
6387s these support ships they are not going
6389s to have boosts for very very long here
6391s the PLC somebody else
6393s and these rapid light comes are well
6394s known for being able to kill support
6395s really quickly but basically they are
6397s forced into training for the organ
6398s otherwise they're just going to lose it
6399s outright and already it's kind of
6400s already too late so Paul Wing's dead
6402s osprey's dead the small ships are dying
6404s rapid lights are trying to kill the
6405s carriers of trying you know bring
6406s something back but auger keeping it
6408s alive this has gone so bad so quickly
6411s this is just so much projection from
6413s these four battle cruises plus auger
6414s news ah don't count them out just yet PL
6416s still have ways back into this match
6418s even uh Tim Baron might have done a
6419s great job in getting away from that
6421s initial uh burst volley some House of
6423s managing to survive against all of those
6425s missiles oh actually that I say that in
6427s full on one grave and the bar guests
6432s the longer tin last the longer it keeps
6434s in this Arena the more it hurts for PL
6436s and with the bug is going into Hull and
6439s Tin still just holding an armor I think
6441s he's about to go down there he goes and
6443s you can see the lead already built for
6445s this team they've got all their DPS
6446s caught intact they've killed off you
6448s know a good chunk of DPS for a PL
6450s that I mean it's a very tall mountain to
6452s try and ask them to climb especially
6453s when they've got instant projection
6454s battle Cruisers versus a rapid heavy
6456s clip
6457s yeah the one good thing you can say
6459s about pandemic Legion at this point is
6460s that they still haven't had anything
6462s really get caught down but it doesn't
6464s matter when you're facing this much
6465s projection and this much DPS they're
6467s going to kill you even if you can run
6468s away until the ends of the Earth yeah if
6471s they were going against a rush comp like
6472s a like a blaster rushcom this comp would
6474s be really good from PL but unfortunately
6476s they're not they're beginning to come
6477s back and very happily engage them at the
6479s exact same range and apply more DPS
6481s doing so you see verdict in the carries
6483s is still alive the more sorry the auger
6487s is long gone and this guy's still won't
6489s die there he finally goes and finally
6491s gets hung Off the Grid but
6492s it's just painful it's not a CPO now on
6495s reload as well and this must be like the
6498s most depressing thing to experience
6499s you're just sitting there waiting to die
6501s looking at a progress Tyler knowing
6503s you're probably not going to survive
6504s until by point it actually Runs Out
6507s also someone's shooting them all I mean
6509s really are you picking them all
6513s I mean okay your grenade's a tanky but
6515s they're more resist bonus with a
6516s reactive it's not gonna be fun when
6517s you've got Rapids
6519s absolutely absolutely I I will say
6522s though this is a really interesting
6523s little variation on the uh Max track
6526s comp that we're seeing here from White
6528s Flag it'll be uh I'll be curious to see
6530s if that comes to the Forefront with the
6532s other teams you know there's no
6533s executive ladies at all there that's the
6536s interesting thing I think about this
6537s comp is this here is a showing that you
6539s can't just ban the exact Navy and expect
6541s that will remove these battle cruiser
6543s heavy comps because you can just go okay
6545s well fine we can't bring these but we
6547s can bring organovies pay a few more
6549s points and still get an incredibly
6550s potent comp it is kind of showing how do
6553s you ban this out properly
6556s yeah you pretty much can't
6559s yeah I'm just gonna sit here and wait
6561s for Destroyer to die unfortunately he's
6563s got just a few last little bits of HP
6566s remaining and all of those blue Cruisers
6568s just converging on him now as well what
6572s Target is he shooting at the one ship
6573s there is actually the easiest Kilt to
6575s kill oh he's going for an mjd he's going
6577s for a pound tree record in a podcast
6581s but he's definitely going to go for a
6583s long distance he's going for that
6584s Wormhole look there's a wormhole out
6585s there go for it buddy get out of here
6587s pop
6589s well that's uh that's definitely not one
6591s way you want to see PL go but uh well
6593s done very potent win for a white flag
6596s and go back to the studio and see what
6597s they think
6605s [Music]
6610s [Music]
6619s [Music]
6643s [Music]
6649s did it
6653s [Music]
6658s White Flag absolutely punishing pandemic
6660s legiona that was probably one of the
6662s fastest matches that we've had today if
6664s not the fastest um very very brutal uh
6668s pretty much it wasn't you know 100 zero
6670s but it was definitely quite quick
6672s moderator what happened there
6674s yeah so pandemic Legion ran a kite comp
6678s against a kite comp but a kite comp that
6681s has generally less Mobility but instead
6684s it trades for more projection and more
6686s damage and we saw just kind of a very
6688s brutal trade where the white flag team
6691s worked through the logistics and then
6693s burn out the
6694s um support end and then basically
6696s snowball that pandemic Legion having the
6699s rabbit Heavies kind of dumped all their
6701s damage early whereas every single ship
6704s on the side of white flag with a gunship
6706s which does consistent damage and you'll
6709s just can't take that trade long term
6712s yeah it's uh it was it was pretty rough
6715s um obviously pandemic Legion was still
6717s able to get a couple kills uh ten Baron
6719s died as 10 Baron does but ten Baron
6721s often dies and his team still wins it's
6724s one of the most storied and long-term
6726s Logistics Pilots uh very very good pilot
6729s and Mark uh you know what do you have to
6731s say about that match well what's
6733s interesting and it's funny that you
6734s bring up the the fact that Tim Baron was
6736s was able to survive in a lot of cases
6738s what you'll see and this is he he played
6740s this very well he used his body as a
6744s kind of a a lightning rod of their
6746s attention right we talk a lot of times
6747s about teams tunneling too hard on one
6750s Target in this case you have two Bargas
6752s who in any situation are usually able to
6755s clip a uh flip an OG uh with their with
6758s their rapid Heavies
6759s um but spending too much time focused on
6761s the OG which is important you have to
6763s get rid of it at some point while the OG
6765s is burning way away from the rest of the
6767s match uh and at the same time you know
6769s while the rest of your team is then you
6771s know getting uh getting you know chipped
6774s up from the bottom is a smart move and
6776s and 10 played it exactly the way he
6777s needed to he's you know like I said he
6779s he was a fleshy Target he threw himself
6781s out there shook his uh Shook You Know
6784s shook his business a little bit got
6785s their attention and then scampered and
6788s that was uh it was it was very well
6789s played pretty good
6791s yeah let's let's talk about that a
6793s little bit actually so missile
6794s application and missile mechanics is
6796s probably one of the most complex things
6799s in Eve online uh some of the stuff is
6801s easy but the missile if you ever looked
6803s at the formula it has more letters than
6805s numbers in it and that generally means
6806s the math is more complicated uh so we
6809s actually have a pretty awesome little
6811s graph and not really graph a visual
6813s about missiles and moderator kind of
6815s walk us through it a little bit here
6818s yeah so we're kind of going through how
6821s the application works and
6823s um basically if you're a small ship
6826s you're able to outrun kind of the blast
6828s and the explosion uh you know radius of
6831s those ships so take like a jaguar or a
6835s smaller ship is able to go much faster
6836s than say a cruiser or a battleship which
6839s will take you know the full
6841s um you know range of that and some
6844s missiles explode faster than others for
6847s example the rapid lights
6849s um explode very quickly but they don't
6851s do a lot of damage compare that to
6853s Something Like a Torpedo which does a
6855s ton of damage uh basically Battleship or
6857s bomber type of weapon but it explodes
6860s very slowly so they're very poor against
6862s smaller ships excellent against killing
6865s um you know battleships and capitals as
6867s many people hunt with him
6869s and we kind of saw that there we had a
6871s augur which has a very low it's it's a
6873s very low signature radius so in Eve
6875s terms that means it is small for the
6877s missile and uh it just didn't take that
6880s much damage it survived for a very long
6882s time
6882s um there's also a weird thing about
6884s missiles 2 that some people uh don't
6887s quite get necessarily which is that if
6889s you're kiting away from them their range
6891s is actually smaller uh Mark do you kind
6893s of do you feel comfortable explaining
6895s why that is if you're cutting a range of
6897s away from a missile the range of the
6899s missile is smaller
6900s well that's because the missile the
6902s missile itself only has such you know
6904s from the point that the missile leaves
6906s your ship the missile has a pre or a
6908s predetermined amount of distance it can
6910s go right the missile is always going to
6912s hit you if it's within that range if if
6913s it can you know if it can keep Pace with
6916s you we've seen people outrun you know
6918s larger missiles before in smaller faster
6920s ships right so if you are then kiting
6923s away from that ship this the point where
6925s the the missile starts is here you may
6927s be here as you're both moving this
6929s through Direction it may seem to the
6931s person who's hiding after you that the
6933s range between you and the missile is is
6935s you know about the same Soul as before
6938s or closing but the missile the missile
6940s started way all the way back here so
6943s it's one of those situations where that
6945s that count starts immediately after the
6947s missiles fired if it if it runs out
6949s before it hits the target the missile
6951s just dies in space and that's just that
6952s you know it won't it won't apply so
6956s um that's why a lot of times people will
6957s say against you know against missile
6959s comps especially against missile comps
6960s they don't have the same kind of range
6961s like we've talked before about uh like
6964s hams and how hams are maybe not optimal
6966s in these kind of fights hams don't have
6968s nearly as much range as heavy missiles
6971s uh or cruise missiles uh so a good uh
6974s tactic is if you can just get out of the
6977s way of the missile just just get away
6978s just run away uh and you'll be fine no
6980s big deal
6982s yeah missiles missiles are weird um it
6985s is a
6986s fantastic weapon system because you
6989s don't have to worry about tracking
6990s however there are other things you do
6992s have to worry about so uh with tin Baron
6995s flying directly away from them it
6997s actually made a lot of the missiles
6998s early missiles not apply so it was a
7000s very very good call incidentally you can
7002s also have it work the opposite direction
7003s if you charge into missiles the
7005s effective DPS of the missiles will
7007s actually be higher because you are
7009s getting hit faster something you don't
7011s really see that much a long long time
7013s ago in a galaxy far I'm not going to say
7016s that finish that I don't want to get
7017s copyrighted uh but there is tactics like
7021s Cavalry Ravens or uh maybe more relevant
7024s to the tournament bombers where the
7026s bombers would charge in and get two or
7028s three torpedo volleys to hit at the same
7029s time very very hard to do you don't
7032s really see it that much anymore because
7033s bombers just die nowadays thanks to
7036s things like what we just saw eight
7037s gunships is a lot of gunships it's like
7039s a lot a lot of gunships um that being
7042s said looking at the comp mod that was
7043s kind of a throwback from PL like how
7046s obviously it didn't win but how do you
7048s feel about that setup in general with
7050s this tournament this rules
7052s so last year we especially didn't see it
7055s at all because
7057s um we used to have guidance disruption
7059s being on any ship and now you can really
7061s only put the scripts on any ship that
7064s has a bonus to it and the problem that
7066s we're running into with a lot of these
7069s kind of setups is that they really are
7072s hurt by exactly one arbitrator or one
7077s if you get guidance or range disruption
7079s on you know like four or five ships
7083s you're down like 70 of your range and
7086s for a cop that needs to kite it means
7087s you have to close to tackle range if you
7091s want to apply any damage which is
7092s basically a complete and utter death
7094s sentence and makes the comp I'd say
7096s borderline non-viable if you run against
7099s opponents that have good disruption
7101s comps
7102s absolutely obviously with the rule
7104s change you can't fit disruption on every
7106s single ship anymore so you can't do what
7108s uh I believe tuscars did last time where
7110s they flew a shield missile kite set up
7112s except everybody was actually armor and
7114s they had two to three disruptors per
7116s can't do that anymore it does kind
7118s of weaken it but uh we did see two
7119s bargists which has been getting banned
7121s quite a bit and we actually have a
7122s little graphic about it Bargas are one
7124s of the most picked and winninger ships
7126s in the at and Mark can you kind of maybe
7130s take a look at this graphic and maybe
7132s talk about it a little bit because it's
7134s such an interesting spaceship in the
7135s alliance tournament yeah the Bargas is
7137s just it does a lot of things for you it
7139s it fits into it fits into so many kite
7141s comps so well the Bargas has a bonus to
7145s missile flight time uh and it also has
7147s longer
7149s um uh points and wet or points and
7151s scrams rather
7152s me as because it's the mortgage ship uh
7155s so you you end up with with rabbit
7157s Heavies especially you get such long
7159s range on these on these missiles that
7160s can apply so well to you know Cruisers
7163s battle Cruisers
7165s um and while you are limited by the uh
7169s the clip size of the rapid Heavies and
7171s this is something we talked about it at
7173s the Break
7174s um you know rapid Heavies have a set
7176s clip size I can't remember exactly what
7178s it is for Rapid heavy twos but you say
7180s 25 30 missiles once you've run through
7182s that you don't you don't reload nearly
7184s as quickly as uh you would with a normal
7186s weapon system it takes about you know a
7188s minute or so 30 seconds to a minute or
7190s so to to reload and then you can you can
7193s fire again so when we talk about people
7195s firing rapid Heavies we talk about
7197s clipping how can you kill something in a
7199s clip if you can't kill somebody in a
7201s clip you're in you're in a tough spot
7202s but Vargas do so much damage they're so
7204s fast they have a lot of ehp uh people
7207s have run you know two three bargain
7209s steps before and you can pretty pretty
7211s without too much trouble clip most
7213s things in the game they still need a lot
7215s of application they still need you know
7216s webs from ships like the hyena you still
7219s need
7220s um you know Paints in a lot of cases for
7221s going after smaller targets but they are
7224s extremely strong in the right hands and
7226s and a lot of teams we saw I mean teams
7228s that were up on that list Volta Hydra
7230s and these are teams that are perennial
7232s you know top top 10 top five teams uh in
7235s the tournament so uh it is it is not a
7238s surprise to me that they are just one of
7241s those one of those kind of s tier ships
7243s in this tournament
7244s it definitely is an S tier ship uh we
7247s have been seeing it being banned quite a
7249s bit obviously it was not banned in that
7250s match and they got taken however that
7253s match is over and we are about to see
7255s boundary experts versus fraternity dot
7258s um and spoiler alert we will not be
7260s seeing barges because fraternity banned
7262s the Vargas so boundary experts uh ban
7265s the abaddin and the celestis we've been
7267s kind of seeing a lot of a bad in bands
7268s but that's one of the first celestis
7270s bands we've seen and then we have
7272s fraternity banding the Bargas and the
7275s Scimitar so moderator like let's walk
7278s through these bands a little bit here
7279s yeah so about and we've seen it used as
7282s you've mentioned earlier in a lot of
7284s heavy armor comps it has a lot of tank a
7286s lot of damage for the point to bring
7288s celestis
7290s um basically essentially the cruiser
7293s version of the mollus and the carries it
7297s just has a lot more mid slots and you
7299s know can fit that many more dams not
7301s very tanky but if you can't lock it you
7304s can't hit it
7305s um fraternity Banning the bargist in the
7307s Scimitar really signals to me that they
7309s do not want to fly against the kite comp
7311s Our Guest you would definitely use in
7313s the kite comp Scimitar again uh used in
7317s a lot of kind of these more positional
7320s um Fly killer or Shield Rush setups that
7323s want to really focus on positioning so
7325s both teams kind of signaling what they
7328s don't want to deal with
7331s absolutely and uh Mark so it's kind of
7335s one of those things so boundary experts
7337s I mean you can tell by their little icon
7338s that they are definitely a team that was
7341s made to play in the tournament but we
7343s see fraternity here and
7345s they've performed relatively well in the
7347s alliance tournament over the years like
7349s kind of how are you feeling this is
7350s going to go down it's really interesting
7352s to me when you talk about groups the
7354s size of groups like fraternity groups
7356s like goons group like P horde
7358s um because while smaller teams like
7360s boundary experts are obviously purpose
7362s built for you know this tournament
7364s they're getting their best guys they're
7365s getting you know they're reaching out to
7366s other groups finding whoever they can
7367s group's the size of frat you would think
7370s just by law of numbers have to have
7373s enough competent Pilots so they can
7375s field a decent team so while in this
7377s case I still think I'm taking boundary
7380s experts I would not be surprised I mean
7382s you know mystical might he's been he's
7384s been stepping for fret this entire week
7386s so uh I think maybe smart money uh is on
7389s Boundary experts here I don't know Brad
7392s could be the sleeper pick in this one
7394s and what do you feel in moderator
7397s uh it's gonna be hard to call it seems
7399s like a lot of the frat team has changed
7401s over the last couple years boundary
7403s experts notably last year did get top 16
7405s so they do have some quality and
7407s pedigree on their roster I think it can
7409s be a very competitive match and I'm
7411s eager to see what both teams bring to
7412s the field
7414s that is a very very neutral way of
7418s saying absolutely nothing so fantastic
7420s job there
7422s um you if you don't actually commit to
7424s something you can't lose but you also
7426s can't win and uh the teams are landing
7428s here real quickly um just gotta wait
7430s till they stop Flying or stop moving a
7432s little bit before we can officially
7433s switch so it is a little bit interesting
7435s to talk about pedigree uh just because
7438s just because the team did really well
7440s last year if they don't have the same
7441s Pilots they might not do as good this
7443s year
7444s um all that being said both teams are
7446s here on grid they are flying uh quite
7448s differently which is super exciting and
7451s I think we're just gonna head straight
7452s to the arena right here um it looks like
7454s it is about time so we're going to hand
7456s this off to our fantastic commentary
7458s pair
7465s hello everyone
7467s they're exciting match we have
7469s quite the match up here a another Max
7473s threat projection comp run here by
7476s fraternity except this time the
7478s modification of a road Diva the first
7480s time we've seen that here
7481s what do we have on the other side I'm
7484s still calling it pseudo dad uh on the
7486s converse side it's HML and rlml shield
7489s kite
7490s from boundary experts uh Claymore double
7493s Cyclone Fleet issue all three of those
7495s ships with hmls double or thrifts I did
7497s check they do have rapid lights on those
7499s an osprey Navy issue I believe also has
7502s rapid lights and not hmls let me see
7505s uh still looking at the hit points yeah
7509s these are our lmls so
7513s yeah those are all MLS so this is really
7516s interesting to see because when you have
7517s triple rml Plus or quad rmo our llml and
7521s you have the caracal and two jackdaws
7523s doing light missile launchers on their
7525s team that's typically a way to kill low
7528s end but as you see and the jackdaw
7530s immediately gets taken down holy crap uh
7533s this side this come from fraternity
7535s doesn't actually have a lot a whole lot
7537s about low end really only it carries uh
7539s that these rapid lights will be able to
7541s uh dig into yeah and it's far from an
7544s essential piece of that comp
7545s unfortunately for boundary experts
7547s they're running a lot of Shield ships
7548s against laser damage and a lot of kite
7550s ships against damage projection
7553s fraternity having no problem reaching
7555s out and touching them about to claim
7556s another orthos here they will trade it
7558s for their Oracle but that is overall a
7560s pretty good trade for frat as they're
7562s continuing to lay down the damage taking
7563s out the second weather shortly
7565s absolutely demolishing them and this is
7568s the thing right these pseudod comps
7570s they're just so so so
7573s potent and when you're up against Shield
7575s kite comps every single one of these
7577s Shield trips except for the Claymore is
7579s weak to em damage and now they're on the
7581s Osprey as well he gets absolutely
7583s deleted and this match is already
7584s snowballed right in the way of
7587s fraternity dot they're going to lose
7588s their exact Navy of Emily Arata but they
7592s are still going to take down this
7593s jackdaw the cycle and Fleet issue there
7595s just is not a whole lot of damage left
7597s in the tank uh for the side of uh
7601s boundary experts although they still
7602s have all three of their HML ships up and
7604s running it's not going to be for long
7605s Xander Adelis and the Cyclone Fleet
7608s issue about to dip into armor himself
7611s and they've pivoted to now primary the
7613s radiva they realize they're having
7614s trouble struggling breaking any kind of
7617s tank with their fewer remaining damage
7619s ships so they're going after the
7621s logistics of fraternity but it's going
7622s to be a tall order the radiva is very
7624s tanky and they're about to lose another
7626s jacked off followed shortly by the
7628s Cyclone Fleet issue of Xander Adelis as
7631s the DPS from the fraternity team is
7633s steady and inescapable they are able to
7636s project just as far as these missiles
7638s are able to fly but the damage is
7641s hitting harder
7642s yeah just two rapid light chips
7644s remaining to deal with this carries who
7646s has been able to damp help both those
7647s rapid light ships in the Navy Osprey and
7649s the caracal so he's able to stay alive
7651s for the time being they actually stopped
7652s shooting the Cyclone flea issue has had
7654s gotten to armor and they're swapping
7656s back around to the Salisbury Navy issue
7657s they want to try to make sure their
7658s Curry stays alive and at the moment uh
7661s with the radiva just being able to rep
7662s back up all on his own with his local
7664s rep it looks like fraternity have this
7666s match pretty much in the bag
7669s yeah there's a big cloud of drones
7671s following that Osprey Navy around he is
7673s getting absolutely brutalized finally
7675s goes down the Cyclone Fleet looks like
7677s it pulled range pretty close to the
7679s boundary ironically but uh expertly
7681s avoided crossing the line into the edge
7683s of glory and is now coming back to
7685s re-engage the fight with a little bit of
7687s shields left from some natural regen
7689s unfortunately his partner the other
7692s Cyclone Fleet is about to drop very
7695s quickly he is not so well positioned and
7698s his arm is getting absolutely chunked
7699s right now as his ASB struggles to keep
7702s up he's about to go down and this really
7705s does seal the deal here for Fraternity
7707s they're very much in the driver's seat
7709s there were Divas sitting comfortably at
7711s Mid armor and they haven't even
7713s continued to shoot it they're now trying
7714s to Pivot to kill the carries but it's
7716s going to be a dicey proposition and as
7718s we said at the start of this fight even
7719s if it goes down does not present a
7722s serious threat to fraternity who can now
7724s comfortably tank the damage even without
7726s the dams
7727s yeah and it's also worth noting right
7730s last year we actually saw a lot of HML
7732s kite setups but those HTML kite shutups
7734s were Shield chips fit with damps in
7737s their mids and then armor tanked uh this
7740s year since you can't actually fit damps
7742s on the ships that aren't bonus to it HML
7744s kite I think just lost a lot of its
7746s viability because you can't armor tank
7748s the chips and you can't fit damps on
7749s them so now we see uh in this kind of
7752s like well pseudo dad armor uh battle
7756s cruiser Cruiser setup versus you know
7758s more traditional HML and rml shield kite
7761s it just doesn't work uh because just the
7764s damage isn't there and you're being shot
7767s at right in uh your holes with lasers
7771s and then obviously you're still getting
7773s quite a bit of thermal damage out of uh
7775s blasters and or I should say railguns as
7777s well uh there was a boundary though uh
7780s Casimir exercise
7782s boundaried his uh I believe yeah British
7786s Navy issue so uh not as clean from
7789s fraternity as they would have liked they
7790s still lose uh three ships when it's all
7793s said and done but still very well played
7795s for them and kind of showing how The
7799s Meta has changed between last year
7801s Alexander is going for it he's going for
7804s a micro jump play straight up he's got
7806s momentum let's see how far he goes
7809s ah not scrammed we'll see let's go nope
7814s got deleted before he could jump out
7816s that's unfortunate
7818s oh he that that wreck is outside the
7820s arena you made it 176 you're right
7822s you're right you're right I'm bad
7824s absolutely excellent match
7826s we're gonna send this back to the desk
7828s to break that down and bring us on our
7829s next one
7830s we'll see you right after this
7833s guys stop being casual they're really
7836s bad we should not lose anybody to this
7838s warp off warp off take the fleet warp
7840s everybody warp off this is a really
7842s really bad execution I'm very
7843s disappointed
7847s another great hall back from Amar damn
7851s I'm thirsty
7853s [Music]
7856s that hits the spot
7858s [Music]
7860s [Applause]
7861s [Music]
7869s Yeah we actually lost a bet as CCP
7872s collectively so that's why that Alliance
7874s logo is in the game of course you could
7877s change your alliance by leaving but that
7878s would be kind of a jerk move oh you know
7881s leggings Lego sucks I'm gonna go join
7885s foreign
7901s the medium gun dominance continues with
7904s fraternity just absolutely shellacking
7906s boundary experts there uh
7909s yeah oh thank you I stole it from CCP
7911s overload yeah like trying to emulate him
7914s a little bit right uh so very very very
7916s powerful
7918s um moderator like that was brutal they
7920s got they got wrecked like tell us about
7922s it
7925s oh no uh he did it to himself well he
7930s knew there was going to be you know at
7932s some point in the year where I would
7934s forget to unmute they do call me
7935s muterator for a reason I'm glad it was
7938s now rather than you know not later
7940s however uh to Bart's Point uh the reason
7944s that we saw this happen is that in Prior
7947s years what you would do is you would
7949s take these Jack Daws you would take um a
7952s lot of your Shield chips and you would
7953s fit tracking disruption right so you
7956s would say hey we might not do as much
7958s damage as these gun setups but what we
7961s can do is we can fit some disruption it
7963s might not be bonus but it will really
7965s mitigate the ability for you to hit us
7967s while we kite
7968s that's not
7970s in this year's tournament rule set so
7973s it might be early to say this but it
7975s feels like very much though the HTML
7978s kite setup just really is not viable in
7981s Alliance tournament 19.
7983s given the rule changes I mean that
7985s happens every you know Season rules
7987s change comps come in and out of favor
7989s depending on what CCP sides is going to
7992s be you know pointed in what the ship
7996s fitting restrictions are and I don't
7997s know if this is a viable setup anymore
8001s huh that's fair um I've been sort of
8003s thinking the same thing but not 100 sure
8005s on that yet because it is the feeders
8006s and crazy things happen uh real quick
8009s though I would actually like to bring up
8011s something else here so the HTML kite
8013s setup a lot of it is based around these
8015s very tidy Fashions not getting hit and
8017s something that we've been seeing quite a
8019s lot of is these like medium guns being
8022s backed up by Target painters so Mark
8025s let's kind of talk about that because
8026s Target painters are one of those things
8027s that you maybe see a little bit of on TQ
8030s but not quite as
8033s important as it is in the at so Target
8036s yeah yeah well listen Bart here's here's
8039s here's the here's the God's honest truth
8041s sometimes in in life in Nat sometimes
8045s you have small ship and your guns are
8048s only good against big ship right so what
8051s you do is it's very important listen to
8053s this so what you do is you use a little
8055s laser and you
8057s okay and you you fire the laser at the
8060s other ship now this laser doesn't do any
8061s damage part important to know like it
8063s does not do any damage but what it does
8065s is it takes the small ship and makes it
8068s seem as if it's a big ship now for the
8071s weapons the weapon application much
8074s better against the big ship right so
8075s especially in the at where you have a
8077s lot of small ship you have you know you
8079s have frigate you have uh uh you have
8082s carries you have uh you know Deacon and
8086s Thalia you have these little ships okay
8088s and then you have oh I'm a market so I
8090s have rapid heavy missile launcher right
8092s well the rapid Heavies aren't going to
8094s apply to any of this stuff okay unless
8097s unless you have one of these ships that
8099s have a Target painter better if it's
8100s bonus better if it's bonus that apply to
8103s the use their laser they go right and
8106s the ship all of a sudden seems huge
8108s right now you can apply fully you can
8111s put more damage on uh and you know this
8113s is this lots of applications if you're
8115s not using these on TQ I don't know what
8117s to tell you you're doing it wrong this
8118s is that's just that's just that's just
8120s not good right I I myself personally uh
8123s have I I will not undock with that at
8126s least six Target painters just because I
8127s want to make sure that everything that I
8129s shoot big or small look I am an equal
8132s opportunity missile application enjoyer
8135s that's all it is I you know and I want
8137s my stuff to apply evenly so that's why
8139s that's why the target painter is so good
8141s and I'm sure it'll play in that last
8143s match too so I would just I would just
8145s cooking up that explanation for like the
8146s last 20 minutes so go ahead I was you
8149s know what we couldn't couldn't have said
8150s that better ourselves appreciate it
8152s thank you yeah some somebody did ask in
8154s the twitch chat what's more effective a
8156s Target painter or a web both or yeah
8158s effective but obviously as per the
8161s tracking graph it does depend the webs
8163s are helpful for some stuff but the
8164s target painters are helpful all the time
8167s yeah you do want both yeah for sure uh
8170s something else we've been seeing a ton
8172s and we saw it there is this executor
8174s Navy ship and it used to not really be
8176s used that much but that's kind of
8178s changed recently and we do have a
8180s fantastic little graphic about it that
8182s uh moderator once you take a look at
8184s this graphic you will notice that it's
8188s something's changed about it it's being
8190s used a little bit more
8191s oh oh yeah so uh Once Upon a Time the
8194s executive Navy issue uh used to be
8197s pretty god-awful
8199s um and then CCP decided to change its
8201s stats gave it a little bit more
8202s projection gave it a little bit more
8204s fitting as well in tank and all of a
8206s sudden oh oh you know it's like
8208s really good and then we get into a
8210s Glenda tournament which means it cost
8212s one less points and it's like oh wow now
8215s it's like really really good we should
8216s bring it we should bring not just one of
8218s them we should bring like two of them
8221s so that's Alliance tournament 18 kind of
8223s the year when it got buffed from
8227s um you know I believe 1816 I don't even
8229s know if it even got used in 17. so there
8232s you go that's how good it is now it's
8234s even gooder because like my colleague
8237s said
8238s it you know it gets the paints on it and
8240s those medium guns do the tracky tracking
8243s and then blah blappy so that's why
8245s people bring it absolutely absolutely
8248s well spoken mod thank you yeah and we do
8251s we do see the uh like the the ship
8253s balance changes I mean look at that so
8255s not not use not use not used gets
8258s changed by a little bit and suddenly it
8259s becomes one of the most used ships in
8262s the game and we've been seeing it a ton
8263s here too I think it's actually been
8264s being banned quite a bit too uh very
8266s very high damage
8268s um like several hundred up you know 600
8270s to 900 DPS with railguns which is crazy
8273s usually you see that out of a neutral uh
8276s Neutron blasters and things like that so
8279s pretty exciting uh very very good ship
8281s we've seen it uh twice in a row now
8283s actually these medium guns teams still
8286s dominant like completely so um Mark
8288s medium guns is this the way is this the
8290s meta like mod seems to think it might be
8292s you know as as a co-host of the meta
8296s show I one might say that I'm qualified
8298s to talk about what is and is not meta
8301s however in this case uh I don't know if
8303s it's necessarily the case I I think just
8306s medium guns like medium guns strike a
8309s happy balance right between things that
8311s are small right and things that are big
8314s and especially with some of these laser
8316s comps you know these laser comps uh if
8318s teams aren't patching it properly
8319s they're shooting into an em hole in a
8321s lot of these cases
8323s um you know you would hope God you know
8325s teams would patch that but it is the
8326s feeders uh but you you know combined
8329s with the tracking of medium lasers
8331s compared to large lasers it's just it's
8333s it's a heavy balance and in the feeders
8335s I think you can get by with just a heavy
8336s balance now are we going to see that
8338s same kind of thing in the actual
8340s tournament hard to say because teams in
8341s the actual tournament uh you know
8343s they're they're taking because there's
8345s more on the line right they're gonna
8346s they're gonna take it more seriously
8347s they're going to put more thought into
8348s it so uh I like medium guns uh you know
8352s as a cop a lot of these four battle
8353s cruiser setups are so cool
8356s um you know you you might not have seen
8357s these in years past but uh I I don't
8359s know if they were gonna see this carried
8360s on into the main tournament I kind of
8362s hope we do because I love these these
8364s setups but we'll see no they are they
8366s are quite good um the damage
8368s application's been crazy we've been
8369s seeing teams get you know lose a ship in
8371s the first five seconds which you don't
8373s want to start off your match like that
8374s uh but you know all that being said uh
8377s we had another match coming up we
8380s actually have four more matches coming
8381s up which is super duper exciting uh we
8384s have laser Hawks which I believe they're
8386s wormholers I think that they've been
8387s wormholes for a very long time a long
8390s time and we have
8392s I could do better uh mod do you know who
8395s I could do better is
8396s I have honest to God no idea who they
8399s are
8400s well I do like that they are managing
8402s their own expectations uh laser Hawks
8404s had a single tournament where they
8406s actually did quite good
8408s um I believe that they got fourth or
8411s third place in it though uh a certain
8414s analyst has for years and years and
8416s years said that it's because they got
8417s lucky it's me I was the one who said
8420s that
8421s um just putting that out there uh
8423s obviously that was years ago and
8425s tournament pedigree is a thing but also
8427s sometimes it's not a thing
8428s um it has been
8430s gosh almost eight years nine years now
8432s for uh some of these teams
8434s long time uh but you probably know
8436s something about laser Hawks right Mark
8437s you're supposed to be the Wormhole
8438s expert and I believe they are wormholers
8440s I do know Hawks I'll tell you this is
8442s actually a tough match for me because
8443s both these teams are actually uh
8445s wormholers uh I could do better is
8447s actually the alliance name of a
8450s corporation called uh hole punchers
8452s they've got a great logo it's a wormhole
8454s with a fist coming out of it pretty
8456s great
8457s um
8458s and they uh you know that team is uh you
8462s know I haven't seen a lot of them I
8463s honestly haven't seen a lot of hawks
8464s either I don't really watch too many
8465s scrims uh I try and do normal human
8467s things in my day to day and then Retreat
8469s into my Eve Persona at night so I don't
8472s see a lot of the you know the the daily
8474s scrim stuff
8475s um but yeah I mean both these teams I'm
8477s expecting you know again it's the
8479s feeders who knows how this is gonna play
8480s out uh Hawk certainly has
8483s um you know a wealth of Pilots who've
8485s been playing the game for a long time
8487s um you know they I I I I I maybe can't
8489s say tournament pedigree BART to your
8491s point but uh you know they I I don't
8494s know listen that's what makes the uh the
8496s feeder so exciting right is that you
8497s could anything can happen you know you
8500s could have any of these teams come in
8501s here Rock up hell just to uh frap rocked
8505s up and and uh you know did their dirty
8507s business and everyone was like oh so
8508s impressive
8509s Channel fantastic yeah you know
8512s tournament pedigree too like to a degree
8514s even if you haven't done super fantastic
8516s just playing in a tournament gives you
8518s an advantage over other people so yeah
8521s uh but we do actually have the bands so
8522s we can maybe use that to predict what
8524s we're going to see here and what we have
8526s is laser Hawks Banning the Blackbird and
8529s the executive issue so there's another
8532s Blackberry band and I could do better is
8535s Banning executive uh is Banning the
8537s bargist and the Sleep near so mod
8541s anything really stand out to you here
8544s yeah so laser Hawks is saying I really
8546s really hate eccm uh or you see I'm
8549s rather Blackbird is probably one of the
8550s more Point effective ECM ships Banning
8553s out the exact Navy because I mean we
8555s were just talking about how good of a
8556s ship it is for the point value
8558s I could do better deciding they really
8560s don't want to deal with that kind of
8561s Shield kite uh Bargas and the slap meter
8565s kind of hits that both um kind of uh
8567s long range Shield kite Subs but it also
8570s hits that you know a shield Rush setup
8572s it can be used in place of you know the
8574s Nighthawk in those setups as well so
8576s kind of covering a little bit of both
8578s bases there
8580s absolutely and we all start seeing that
8582s a fantastic Alliance logo from uh I
8584s could do better there I'm actually glad
8586s that that popped out and we got to see
8588s it
8589s um yeah sleptner's very very good ships
8591s we have been seeing people do a lot of
8592s this Shield Nighthawk uh kite Shield
8596s Nighthawk uh rush but personally I like
8598s seffner's more I just understand that
8600s it's a little bit more difficult of a
8601s ship to fly because tracking is in fact
8604s a thing
8605s um all that being said these teams will
8606s be entering the arena in the next minute
8608s or so so let's get a quick prediction
8611s here a moderator who are you feeling
8613s between these two teams
8615s uh based on the bands we see I think I'm
8617s gonna go with laser Hawks
8619s nice simple short succinct uh Mark
8622s resurrectus what about you you know in
8626s many ways the wormholer people are my
8628s children and I can never pick a favorite
8629s of my children but in this case I am
8633s going to pick laser Hawks
8635s gotcha you can never pick a favorite but
8637s it was very easy for you to pick a
8639s favorite place
8641s yeah I'm kind of feeling laser hooks too
8643s they've been around a while they have a
8645s lot of uh people that have at least
8646s gotten a couple rounds of the tournament
8648s and maybe this is their year they can
8650s make the uh the repeat come back in and
8653s smash out that uh third place again or
8655s something but first they have to get
8656s through the feeders and to get through
8657s the feeders they have to beat hole
8659s punchers also known as I could do better
8661s and we're gonna actually send it off to
8663s our wonderful commentary pair because
8665s both teams have entered the arena
8669s thank you
8673s g'day mates welcome to the arena I feel
8675s like we've entered the wrong year
8676s because we're seeing a comp from eight
8679s from the most previous 80 we're seeing
8680s an old Nighthawk Rush coming back
8682s warping in at zero even so this is the
8684s full old-school Nighthawk Rush what are
8686s you thinking about this one Jin yeah
8687s those are definitely eight missiles on
8689s those Nighthawks so they are definitely
8690s ham equipped this is going to be a lot
8693s of control going in uh but they are
8695s going to be facing an absolute wall of
8696s control in return here from the hole
8699s punches team uh who have brought uh two
8702s different uh new bonus chips without
8704s Armageddon Navy in that battle gun
8705s they're going to need to put those in
8707s front of everything and try and use them
8709s to turn off the Rush from their
8712s opponents but they're not gonna be able
8713s to turn off the guns this is the good
8714s thing about the hand rush if you get
8716s what's up or something it's gonna die
8718s exactly that all these ships that can
8720s just keep firing even while being neuted
8721s as well the only real weak spot is that
8723s these lokies are basically the tackle
8724s their webs are helping and helping these
8726s hams apply so if they get neuted out
8729s they could maybe get some of the ships
8730s away but of course there are three very
8732s slow battleships at the front of this as
8733s The Rush begins and here they go already
8736s yeah this is one of those matches where
8738s you really wish you could look at all
8739s these fits because whether or not those
8741s lookies have a cat booster is going to
8742s determine so much about how the late
8744s game of this match plays out the cycling
8746s issue something we saw quite a lot in
8748s the last tournament because it was
8749s points discounted taking some DPS there
8751s but it's surprisingly slow actually
8754s getting maybe first call honestly I'd
8756s probably agree with that it's probably
8757s the most most damage of the least tank
8758s in comparison to the other ships so kill
8760s that off and maybe remove a lot of DPS
8762s as their side Fleet is being pounded
8764s they've only got a burst and a scaffold
8765s for tank but all they're gonna do is
8767s outlast just kill as much as you can
8769s before you die that side Fleet is going
8770s into Army he's gonna die real quick oh
8773s my Lord look at the attack bars on both
8774s teams just going nuts down there both
8777s teams are putting out thousands and
8778s thousands of DPS here it's just gonna be
8780s a pure race we can see the Nighthawk is
8782s now the primary uh from the whole
8783s punches team that's good they're trying
8785s to take off one of those 1 300 DPS
8787s Battleship uh battle cruises but they're
8789s gonna be losing their main DPS in that
8791s Armageddon Navy issue as compensation
8794s yeah they've got so much control that's
8795s coming with the barrel going and also a
8797s lot of tank in the abandoned but the
8798s getting Navy's kind of like the real
8799s core of DPS they've also got Vex and
8801s navy as well which is also pretty nice
8802s DPS they're killing a stab of Fleet
8804s which honestly the weakest ship there
8805s best DPS good tug kill but there goes to
8808s get in the Navy and already that's going
8809s to start hurting real bad
8812s I'm not 100 sure what's going on from
8814s the whole purchase team because they're
8815s splitting their DPS across all three of
8817s the main DPS threats here from laser
8819s Hawks you've got about a third of the
8820s shield DPS yeah third Shield takes three
8823s damage on all three of those ships if
8825s they have focused on one of them one of
8827s them would be dead maybe taking a lot
8829s less damage right now
8830s exactly I also saw a bunch of uh ECM
8833s drones being put onto the burst of all
8835s things not exactly what I was expecting
8837s to see there and there's also some
8839s interesting stuff going around the back
8840s line as well we got a Nighthawk being
8842s held down actually by a stripper I think
8843s it's Superman might have got him
8844s actually out of range yeah he's going to
8847s be able to clear his own tackle
8848s potentially here though
8850s yeah that's what Paul is doing his
8851s absolute best the long honestly the
8853s longer he holds that no hook no hook
8855s away from the actual main fire that
8856s could potentially flip things over as
8858s one of the nighhawks actually is going
8859s into about 30 Shield so this is this is
8862s just chaos I'm loving this this is
8863s beautiful I actually want to give a
8865s clever shout out to the hole punches
8867s crew here their tackle is doing really
8868s really well and just spreading out this
8870s rationale from laser Hawks you can see
8872s that the damage is almost stopped on
8874s that battle gun because nothing is near
8876s it
8877s and because of that they're gonna have
8878s to choose something else to go on to
8880s here probably laser Hawks because they
8881s can't concentrate their DPS down onto a
8883s Target
8884s an interesting thing as well they do
8885s have the two Loki's which are basically
8886s their control that Loki's decided they
8888s could come back and just pretty much web
8890s the living hella at the Circle and kill
8891s it in seconds but like no no we're going
8893s to keep on the barrel gone which I mean
8895s could be seen as good idea it could be
8897s seen as a bad idea I'm not in their
8898s shoes I can't exactly tell
8900s but it's it's really hard to make that
8901s call but it's in Nighthawk now now going
8903s back to go into armor that is not good
8905s that's a lot of DPS removed
8909s foreign
8924s as well that might have just been too
8927s late they've gotten rid of the one of
8929s the nine hooks as that I don't know how
8930s it gets free which pretty much puts in
8931s the exact same position they were a
8933s moment ago this is that this is going to
8936s go very well towards um hole punches
8939s away I think at this point unless that
8941s bug one suddenly pops which is possible
8943s it is totally possible it is sitting
8945s there very very low just only a 10 armor
8947s there once it gets into those whole
8948s points they will evaporate but like I
8950s said he's just so far away those
8952s missiles must just barely be hitting you
8954s almost wish one of his teammates could
8956s just bump him further away yep well the
8958s Knight Hook is now with well within
8960s range now so that balcon is going to die
8962s and what ship they're going for next
8964s looks like they're going for a Loki no
8966s that's fair enough I can go see for that
8967s as well also quick note as well is that
8969s one of the hole punchers lodgies I
8971s believe double check yeah one of the
8972s deacons did go down which is only a
8974s single Deacon which is now being shot by
8976s the Jack door when Supple I believe so
8978s that's gonna be the last bit of Lodge he
8980s left but then you've got some pretty
8981s tanky ships Left Behind Vex and navy
8982s self-rep is amazing avadon is just a big
8985s old ball of exp but it's honestly I'm
8988s starting to wonder which way is going to
8990s go now yeah it does feel like laser
8991s Hawks is clawing their way back into
8994s this now with the uh with the bow going
8995s down they're taking off those Logistics
8998s frigates and it just doesn't seem like
8999s those newts have really been able to do
9001s anything to blunt this laser Hawks
9003s advance
9003s uh they've finally picked off all these
9005s frigates and they're going to start
9006s coalescing now into this backlight and
9009s the key as well is also that their logic
9011s frigs are still alive which means the
9012s longer this is going the better it is
9014s for them because they're killing off DPS
9015s and their logic freaks are starting to
9016s keep their ships alive you see that low
9017s heat over infinity he's just been
9020s chilling 56 Shields meanwhile the soup
9022s was now being shot I bet you he'll come
9023s up to full as well this is these logic
9026s freaks coming in where it matters the
9027s most and just keeping this team alive
9028s and they've just for the most
9030s surprisingly enough blunt the opposing
9033s team in a rush comp
9035s and we see the vni going down there and
9037s that's so so crucial that uh that vni
9040s was for new fit so it would have been
9042s able to sit on top of that scalp with it
9044s had gotten free and just turn off the
9046s final remaining bits of Reps for this
9047s laser Hawks team without with that doubt
9050s and there's a Badness sitting in about
9051s half armor
9052s It's Gonna Take a Miracle now for whole
9054s punch just to come back into this it
9055s seemed like they were in a dominant
9057s position earlier in the match and they
9058s just weren't able to capitalize on it I
9061s don't think there's a miracle on the
9062s planet that can really get this back
9063s unfortunately even like you can even
9065s consider the reactive of the Abaddon
9066s maybe doing well against the Nighthawk
9068s problem is there's two lokies it can
9069s shoot the rainbow at you which you
9070s actually by the beautiful new explosions
9072s they are doing exactly that I think I'm
9074s seeing some em explosions I see some
9075s kinetic I see some I think that's
9077s thermal as well so this is reactive even
9079s if you try to play off of that off your
9081s ship is not enough and yeah I think it's
9083s already over there's nothing they can do
9085s unfortunately but they did play it
9086s rather well they managed to screen load
9088s of ships off at the right times just
9090s wasn't quite enough yeah it was a nice
9092s little back and forth I think the hole
9093s puncher is going to have at least a good
9095s shot in the lower bracket here this
9097s setup did you know it seems relatively
9099s well crafted and they executed really
9101s well on the tackle side I think they
9102s just needed to kind of get to get things
9105s together on the target cooling if they'd
9106s have focused down those uh Loki's or
9108s Nighthawks just slap them out uh earlier
9111s on in the match rather than splitting
9112s between all three of them but it could
9115s have been a great late game for them
9116s especially with that vni potentially
9118s being able to run free
9119s I think it's one of the key mistakes
9120s throughout the match about the looks of
9122s it you saw a few times that damage was
9123s being spread against across three or
9124s four different of the uh ships of the
9126s opposing team and if they maybe Focus
9128s that little extra bit of DPS they could
9130s have busted through a ship a lot earlier
9131s potentially uh swung the DPS race on
9134s their side but the good fights and
9135s locals it was a very well flown match on
9137s both teams and uh yeah I mean what else
9139s is there to say Well done yeah a bit of
9142s a Redemption here for laser Hawks um you
9144s know they haven't done particularly well
9145s the last couple of tournaments in fact
9147s they got knocked out by Odin's call in
9149s uh 8018 so I'll be lovely to see them in
9152s the main tournament this year hopefully
9153s they can reclaim some of their former
9155s glory of their fourth place run anyway
9157s with that let's hand it back to the
9158s studio and find out about the matches to
9160s come
9164s [Music]
9171s thank you
9180s [Applause]
9184s [Music]
9188s [Applause]
9193s thank you
9195s connected Channel switched well it would
9198s have been a easy fight right but guess
9200s what dude I'm not seeing it people can't
9202s get they're fit together
9208s crash our enemies your temps are
9210s completely damned out Crush I'm downtown
9212s I'm downtown you don't like Champions
9214s boys
9222s I'm jammed
9225s laserhawk successfully Shield rushes I
9228s could do better showing that I could do
9230s better his name perhaps is accurate all
9232s that being said they actually flew
9234s really really well uh we saw some pretty
9235s awesome screening and other things there
9238s uh mod was this maybe did they get out
9240s comped or was there maybe something they
9242s could have done better
9243s yeah so I'm a little bit conflicted so
9247s on one hand disciple did an excellent
9249s job of pinning down that one laser Hawks
9251s Nighthawk in the back line that's well
9253s over a thousand uh damage that that you
9256s know stifle just completely neutralized
9258s and is basically hey you're gonna bring
9260s a you know a command ship that's nearly
9262s 20 points well my little Destroyer is
9264s going to get in the back line and
9265s basically ruin your entire day
9268s that said
9269s um you also want to if your laser Hawks
9273s um use your cycle and your jackdaw a
9276s little bit earlier they did still win
9279s but one thing that is kind of integral
9281s to these Shield rushes is you use your
9284s small ships you go and you kill the frig
9287s lodgy and then you help kill you know
9290s the battleships the battle Cruisers so
9293s that's
9294s one of the things that a lot of these
9296s teams in the feeders are working through
9298s trying to improve and get better at and
9301s develop their skills as they you know
9303s get more experience
9307s absolutely
9308s um and you know something to say to you
9310s is that these uh we don't really see
9312s them as much anymore um I think people
9313s that were playing in 2013 probably
9315s remember the uh the month of the spiffle
9317s when it was the best ship in the entire
9318s game period and uh that was fun but it
9322s is not quite like that but in the
9323s tournament uh a rocket jackdaw which
9326s again you don't see too much in TQ and
9328s an auto Cannon's football they do about
9330s 500 DPS a piece so you know what mod
9333s said is they could have run in and
9334s basically cleared the back line a little
9336s earlier obviously they did end up doing
9337s that uh we saw both of those deacons Get
9339s Wrecked
9340s um something else we saw though it's
9343s kind of interesting uh Mark taking
9345s multiple ships of the same type makes
9347s their points go up
9349s I could do better took two deacons was
9350s that the correct Choice it is not the
9353s correct Choice uh unfortunately
9354s especially on on you know not that I can
9358s say this is a good reason but on like
9361s Tranquility you might not have two
9362s players that have a mar forget five uh
9365s but this is Thunderdome and on
9367s Thunderdome you have all the skills so
9370s Deacon Thalia is usually the play here
9373s uh they are comparable Logistics
9375s frigates and you get more points out of
9377s it when you do that because your second
9379s Beacon is not worth
9381s um you know worth more so the reason
9383s they they have it like that is so that
9384s you can't just aimlessly spam the best
9387s ships at a discounted price effectively
9390s uh so you know variety is good that's
9394s why when you see like the four battle
9396s cruiser comps we were talking about
9397s earlier you're not seeing you know four
9399s absolutions right you're seeing a mix of
9402s things in there
9403s um and yeah I maybe maybe a bit of a
9406s misstep I mean they played well
9407s otherwise so I don't think it was you
9409s know horrible but is what it is
9412s yeah no they definitely played really
9413s well um something to note is that uh
9416s ever since the surgical strike changes
9418s which was several years ago
9420s um these Shield rushes have just done
9422s absolutely massive damage and uh
9425s fortunately I don't have a super
9426s fantastic graphic for it maybe we will
9428s create something 3D rendered in
9430s beautiful one day
9431s um but the if you noticed when those
9432s teams came in the uh there's the defense
9435s the attack and control bar and the
9436s attack bar of laser Hawks was almost off
9438s the charts in the I believe it's around
9441s 10K so it's like 9 or 10 000 damage is
9444s when it like officially hits the edge
9446s there so laser Hawks had something
9447s insane like over eight thousand over
9450s nine thousand haha DPS on their uh Fleet
9454s which is why you saw them able to just
9455s completely melt through those really
9457s heavy armor tank battleships so yeah it
9460s was a it was pretty awesome
9461s um very that's probably one of the first
9463s shield rushes we've seen that actually
9464s like epitomized the overwhelming DPS
9467s that a shield Rush has uh maybe redeem
9470s the Nighthawk a little bit I don't know
9471s and at least in my eyes what do you
9472s think moderator
9475s yeah it's kind of difficult to say the
9478s the Nighthawk has been generally a ship
9480s that we've seen for the last three or
9482s four years like you said ever since
9484s surgical strike
9485s um you know more damage lower resist
9487s means that it's always going to favor
9490s these kind of like Rush setups that can
9492s just break through and punch through
9494s when they would have had more difficulty
9496s at in Prior years but that's been kind
9499s of the trend
9502s absolutely
9503s um very very high damage very good uh
9506s Mark Nighthawks suckners which one's
9507s your favorite
9509s I mean man you go a lot of different
9511s ways I think aesthetically is pretty
9513s obvious choice is to slept near because
9515s slippery just looks he slipping it looks
9517s like a sword it's hard to say no to a
9519s sword
9521s um I mean they just have they have
9522s different applications in Wormhole space
9524s right now you're seeing a lot of groups
9525s that will bring uh firewallers which are
9528s nesters or
9530s um you know other kinds of of high tank
9533s battleships that have a full rack of
9535s smart bombs to clear hams in fights I
9538s know that happens other places in space
9540s too but it happens a lot normal space
9542s right now so
9544s um you know that's just one of those
9545s things where it's different application
9547s for different environment right I think
9549s the Nighthawk is probably my my most
9551s used of the two just because it has uh
9554s it applies more and more engagements uh
9557s but man I do love that slip here
9560s yeah it is a it is kind of a good point
9562s that different different locations
9563s different applications though we are
9565s into the tournament you are limited to
9566s 10 ships and there's points on it so uh
9569s sometimes you'll see people be like well
9570s why did they bring that and it's like uh
9572s because you can't bring you know 15
9575s ferroxes and four baskets so yeah you
9578s have to actually do interesting things
9579s which is uh super fun and crazy
9583s um all that being said that match is
9584s over and we will be having uh only cows
9586s versus pandemic horde uh pandemic horde
9589s um
9590s kind of hasn't really done particularly
9592s well in the tournament which uh sort of
9595s brings back what was it that you said
9596s that some of these giant groups like
9597s surely they'd be able to find 10 good
9599s players yeah I mean law of averages
9602s right
9603s yeah but like at this point pandemic
9605s horror is a pretty dang good alliance
9607s like it's it's not like six years ago
9609s where it's like oh it's the Newbie
9611s Alliance like they're one of the
9612s powerhouses in the game and I think that
9614s they've actually absorbed a fair amount
9615s of players from all over so you know
9618s looking at that moderator is Panama
9621s chord like do you think they're this is
9623s their year are they going to be a great
9624s at team
9625s I think they're actually we're a decent
9627s team last year and I think we've seen
9630s good things from them I believe it
9631s wasn't the feeders I if I recall
9633s correctly last year
9635s um they had the unfortunate luck of
9637s going up against Volta in the second
9639s round of the at and they actually got a
9641s few Fair number of kills it wasn't like
9643s a 100 to zero dunk they actually you
9645s know stood their ground and uh took
9647s blood
9648s um then they got knocked down and played
9650s dark side so uh they lost to like two of
9653s the like best teams in the entire
9655s tournament that have been good for
9657s forever so unlucky there I think that
9659s they're a solid roster
9661s um and maybe deserve a little bit more
9663s respect than people have given them
9666s that is that is absolutely fair and that
9668s is a good point that maybe they didn't
9669s perform because they went up against the
9671s second place team and the third place
9673s team so you know that that is totally
9676s fair you can get a little bit unlucky
9678s every once in a while uh but it is what
9681s it is only cows not 100 sure who they
9684s are but they seem to have a massive
9685s amount of twitch uh following I don't
9687s know if people just like their name or
9689s if they just like typing moves in twitch
9691s chat uh somebody said that they were in
9693s C but yeah I'm not 100 sure yeah we
9696s could we could guess
9697s um another alliance with a long long
9700s history in Eve online has not done
9702s particularly well in tournaments
9703s recently but again pedigree is Pedigree
9705s uh let's look at the bands real quick
9707s and just talk about them for a second
9709s here so only cows has banned out the
9711s executor Navy issue and the pontifix
9714s which is a band we haven't really seen a
9716s huge amount of uh with pandemic horror
9718s choosing to ban out the Le Shack and the
9720s Armageddon Navy issue uh Mark that's
9724s kind of a little bit a little bit
9725s different we haven't seen these bands
9727s interesting that little Shack ban I
9729s don't really think I understand it
9731s Little Shack is great uh in certain you
9733s know we've talked about this uh we
9735s talked about a lot last week too about
9737s how the The Little Shack in the right
9739s hands can be really dangerous uh because
9742s of that spool because of of you know
9744s just how much raw damage you can get out
9746s of it I don't know if that's the right
9748s choice here the Armageddon Navy is very
9750s strong
9751s um I just feel like there are other
9753s better application plays out there
9755s and that's definitely fair I'm kind of
9757s in the same boat on that uh the geta
9760s Navy we've been seeing it used a lot but
9761s we've been seeing it lose a lot um yeah
9764s moderator how are you feeling about
9765s these
9767s yeah so leshack I just don't feel like
9769s it's that great of a ship this year
9771s frankly uh get a Navy issue um it has
9774s some viability but I don't know if it's
9776s like a ship I want a hard band maybe
9778s they saw something in scrims and they
9779s hate those heavy armor and then we saw
9782s the pontifex band which is really kind
9784s of just a question mark for me
9786s um there's so many ways you can bring
9788s armor links to the grid that I just
9791s don't think it's a valuable band there's
9792s so many better things you can do with
9794s that slot
9796s yeah that is that is definitely fair
9798s especially with this uh very battle
9800s cruiser heavy setup that we've been
9801s seeing used to great effect
9803s um Banning out the pawn effects doesn't
9805s really do as much damage as maybe it
9807s would have done in the previous years so
9809s uh definitely some interesting things
9810s but hey maybe they're trying to prevent
9812s us from being able to predict what
9813s they're going to bring or maybe they're
9815s trying to mess with twitch chat so
9816s twitch chat cannot get their bets off uh
9820s who knows um I do see that the teams are
9822s landing here though so let's get a quick
9824s round of predictions uh Mark pandemic
9826s horde versus only cows who do you think
9828s is going to win here oh man my heart
9830s says to post this cow of horde will
9832s throw in the towel but uh my need to be
9836s elected next year says pandemic horde
9838s plus I think horde I feel like horde is
9840s pretty strong I I pick horn once once
9843s again politics gets in the way of
9845s sportsmanship moderator which one are
9847s you thinking here I'm gonna go with uh
9849s horde I'm gonna raise the horn
9852s yeah okay I guess we got uh we got
9854s people that are you know fans of The
9856s Blob that's fine
9859s um the teams are landing right here so
9861s as they do so I'm going to be contrarian
9864s and put my extremely low amount of
9866s points on uh only cows and we are going
9869s to hand it off to our wonderful
9871s commentators to see who wins this match
9879s welcome back to the arena my name is
9881s fear of Honor joined by Alexa card and
9883s on the red side we have only cows and we
9885s see a comp that won the at last year it
9889s is a variant of the HUD reloaded slash
9892s truth honor light B War comp dual
9895s Blackbird plus bar gas plus a bunch of
9897s miscellaneous uh support low end and
9901s e-war low end they have a sentinel
9902s arbitrator selects this I'm excited to
9904s see how this works because this is a
9906s high execution comp that won the at last
9908s year uh for Hydra reloaded meanwhile one
9911s of the blue side and pandemic horde
9913s brought the democrine have brought an
9916s armor control setup with a stork
9918s presumably for extra links because of
9921s the pontifex band trying to get that
9922s Blackbird and hyena to have their
9924s maximum ECM Effectiveness uh likely the
9927s curse as well but unfortunately there's
9929s no beef in that uh excuse me there's no
9931s bull in that only counts setup they're
9933s bringing the beef and we're about to
9935s kick it off right now
9937s yeah attack bar is relatively similar
9939s defense bars you see quite a bit more
9941s active repping power on the uh blue side
9944s of this for pandemic horde as uh this is
9948s a guardian versus an oniros uh but
9952s mutantly that just means that they're
9953s more active repping modules uh on the
9956s side of pandemic Ward damage going
9958s towards the low end of both of these
9960s teams as this is really kind of the
9961s linchpin for both comps there's a lot of
9963s e-war uh dindel in the hyena being taken
9966s down right now a little bit I want to
9969s take a look at Elektra shock in the
9971s Stroger he's going to be the or he or
9973s she or they is going to be the kind of
9976s most important member of as the
9979s Confessor absolutely gets deleted of
9981s this only cows team for disabling the
9984s low end of pandemic Ward it looks like
9987s the only cow's EOS has offered him up as
9989s offered himself up as a sacrifice for
9991s The Vindicator everyone else trying to
9993s steer clear of the vindicator's 90 webs
9996s as the only cow's dragger has failed to
9999s do so and is dropping rather quickly
10004s yeah this is really important for them
10006s if they lose the stronger they'll lose
10008s their ability to kill the low end as
10009s they really only have high end damage in
10011s The Spar Gust in this EOS uh from this
10014s comp as I mentioned it's a higher
10015s difficulty to execute comp with the
10017s double Blackbird uh the jams currently
10019s being spread along this Vindicator this
10020s curse and the enemy Blackbird which is
10023s also going to be pretty important as
10024s well because we can't see if the jams
10027s actually land we can just see who the
10029s jam attempts are being made towards but
10030s the split DPS is a very important part
10032s of dual Blackbird comps and right now
10034s they're actually able to keep this
10035s dragger from going down with successful
10037s jams Landing as conversely this bar gets
10040s NEOS are working on the curse and that
10042s curse is dropping pretty deep into armor
10045s the armor curse not as tough as you'd
10047s hope it to be for an amarship it has a
10048s low number of low slots and it's
10050s currently getting chewed through right
10052s now meanwhile electroshock hanging in
10055s there uh hopefully some of those
10056s Vindicator shots are just grazing him
10058s otherwise he will be dropping very
10060s quickly
10062s yeah just staying alive right now uh
10066s being webbed by this Vindicator but
10068s conversely keeping the Vindicator pulled
10070s down right now uh The Vindicator
10073s actually he's not uh being held down but
10075s the arbitrator is actually doing a lot
10076s of work right now we see these tracking
10077s disruptors on The Vindicator and Abba
10079s actually doing a whole lot of work while
10081s this curse meanwhile he's got newts out
10082s but he hasn't actually been able to make
10084s tracking disruption uh work towards the
10087s side of only cows quite yet everyone's
10089s still full armor but now the Sentinel
10091s twunk sloth absolutely getting melted
10093s right now
10095s oh that could be a crucial loss they've
10097s lost newts and they've lost critically
10099s some uh some tracking destruction from
10102s there which could be what was helping to
10104s keep that jogger alive but it looks like
10106s they may trade back for it with this
10107s moles here or potentially the hyena both
10109s of them taking a pretty severe amount of
10111s damage for such low hit point ships
10114s uh this is a very back and forth match
10116s despite not a lot of blood so far it's
10119s riding on a knife's edge
10121s this drug are going down it's still the
10124s focus if that does go down I agree with
10126s you it could be huge it's their low end
10127s damage it's links it's a pretty sizable
10130s amount of points as well
10133s yeah it's a lot of damage it's a lot of
10135s links but he's still maintaining uh his
10138s composure and maintaining uh their
10141s ability to uh do what they need to do
10143s right now and that is just stay alive I
10145s mean all this a nearest of Hoyer Valeri
10147s seems to be the focus of at least the
10149s high end from the side of only cows they
10152s haven't quite killed anything with their
10153s high end yet but as I said that the
10155s hyena finally instructure and will go
10157s down massive rep comes in from that or
10159s neroes just in the neck of time oh
10161s clutch play from the ineris both
10163s Logistics Pilots doing a great job
10165s keeping their teams alive unfortunately
10167s Anthony Parker's arbitrator he's dipping
10169s into low armor can the guardian respond
10171s with a similarly buff save here it's
10174s teetering back and forth uh meanwhile
10176s more of the low end taking fire on
10178s pandemic horde side oh this is this is
10182s so close
10183s just under six minutes remaining in the
10185s match right now and thus far the only
10187s ships that have died are Sentinel and a
10188s Confessor uh really could go either way
10190s but Electra shock all the way down in a
10192s structure right now these split reps not
10195s going to be able to keep both these
10196s ships alive I would have to imagine the
10198s drawer Falls and that is links and all
10200s the low end DPS off the table for only
10202s cows
10203s oh man that Guardian pad was forced to
10206s make a very difficult decision he tried
10208s to have the best of both worlds it
10209s wasn't able to switch the Reps back fast
10211s enough they might trade back for a hyena
10213s here which is in high armor but sitting
10215s in low structure from earlier damage but
10217s that was a pretty crucial loss for only
10220s cows they are down
10222s quite a bit at this point uh they still
10224s definitely have a way back in the smash
10226s and there's plenty of support in the
10227s chat from all the brovines out there but
10229s they're really facing an uphill battle
10231s if I want to take down the hyena and
10233s importantly this curse also being taken
10236s down very quickly the scenario uh
10239s appears to be jammed out right now
10240s actually no jams were on him so instead
10242s the aniros just not able to keep the
10244s curse up and actually that gives the
10247s lead ever so slightly over two only cows
10250s now two points up as they've traded
10252s three ships for two
10256s oh this things are probably going to
10258s stabilize a little bit as I think
10260s pandemic horde probably has to sort out
10261s what they need to be targeting they want
10263s to take down these black birds but
10264s they're still going to be tough while
10266s both of them are up and the guardian is
10267s alive
10268s uh none of the the low end of only cows
10271s is fully gone they just have these
10273s electronic warfare Cruisers they're not
10275s the tankiest but they're not exactly
10277s weak either especially if pandemic cord
10280s can't really focus their damage
10281s meanwhile only cows is trying to find a
10284s way back into this match by killing some
10286s of the e-war on pandemic horde side to
10288s allow them to better apply to that
10289s oneros they're focusing down on the
10291s mollusks and seemingly the splitting
10294s fire to the Blackbird now trying to make
10295s their owneros decide who he's going to
10298s keep alive I think the Blackbird is by
10299s far the easier Target both blackbirds on
10302s both teams now dipping deep into armor
10305s this is going to be a race for
10306s electronic warfare if either one of
10308s these goes down it is going to be a huge
10310s swing for the other team
10312s but importantly from uh only cows they
10315s have a double Blackbird set up so one
10317s can jam the chips that are targeting the
10320s other off of his buddy and we're
10321s actually seeing that right now is
10322s torbella able to hold right now for talk
10325s Francis though this is nearest piloting
10327s of Hoyer Valeri has been absolutely
10329s crucial in this match has kept his low
10332s end alive quite effectively but now the
10334s sky breaker of jatzia is going down
10336s pretty low and is getting caught by the
10338s ineros once again the sky breaker not
10340s known for its armor tank but is managing
10342s to hang in there meanwhile Flor Bella is
10344s Blackbird dipping into low armor the
10346s stakes could not be higher for this
10347s Guardian he needs to kill him now
10351s his instructor now they need to get the
10353s chance
10355s oh and the ECM just not working out in
10358s favor of only cows right now they still
10361s have a lot of e-war control in three uh
10364s you were cruisers at the moment but with
10366s their lack of DPS only having this
10368s Bargas in this EOS and the running after
10370s a skybreaker which is a very very tanky
10372s frigate it's not looking great for them
10375s as we approach the 230 Mark remaining on
10377s the match
10378s yeah I feel like they're having trouble
10380s breaking anything in the horde team that
10382s job is only going to get harder now with
10384s half their Blackbird Force gone they
10386s still have the celestes still have the
10388s arbitrator but it's not going to be
10389s enough Hoyer Valeri actually being taken
10392s down a half armor if they're able to do
10394s this they might actually be able to turn
10395s this match around because the ineros is
10397s been absolutely massive for horde and it
10400s looks like he's actually going down
10402s pretty effectively I'm taking a look
10404s he's just painted right now he's trying
10406s to get self reps out and they've got rep
10408s Bots coming in from this Abaddon and
10409s this Vindicator but he's already into
10411s structure I mean all the traits he made
10413s on the estimate or tharson's uh guardian
10416s and there is more damage on the side of
10419s pandemic horde to chunk through this
10421s Guardian as Hoyer Valeri he actually is
10424s able to get back up onto his armor bait
10426s tanking for all the way down to
10428s structure and he's already back up to
10430s one third armor make that half armor and
10433s it looks like that will be the match the
10435s guardian Falls and pandemic horde are
10438s gonna manage to advance on to the main
10441s tournament up against uh a variant once
10445s again of the comp that won the at last
10447s year it was a great attempt from God's
10450s armies broadcast he maneuvered all the
10452s way around to the back end and corralled
10454s that uh near us but unfortunately they
10456s weren't able to hurt it successfully it
10458s just turned right around and stampeded
10460s the other direction and managed to pull
10462s back all that armor and now they just
10464s have no path forward as their Guardian
10466s is down that the electronic warfare on
10469s only cows is not going to be sufficient
10470s to keep these guys up they're going to
10472s be leather in the next couple minutes
10474s although that said there's only one
10475s minute remaining so actually a good
10477s chunk of this team may survive
10478s unfortunately pandemic word has the
10481s points and they will advance
10485s yeah I mean only cows they're gonna have
10489s to uh make their way uh through the rest
10493s of the lower bracket uh we'll be playing
10496s tomorrow pandemic Ward though making it
10497s to the main tournament they want one and
10499s two in the at last year so we'll see how
10502s they do uh this time around maybe
10504s they'll become price ship enjoyers but
10506s uh another thing to note about horde is
10509s that last year their uh horde was
10511s actually split between two teams
10512s pandemic core proper and then Fancy
10514s Pants Alliance which was uh the Fancy
10517s Pants Corporation in horde uh making
10520s their own Alliance for Alliance
10522s tournament and they did for the anger
10523s games that year uh this year Fancy Pants
10526s isn't running their own tournament teams
10527s so they have a much larger pool of
10529s Pilots uh to choose from especially at
10532s experience Pilots so I'm looking forward
10535s to see how horde does with their
10536s combined might this year around GFS have
10539s been called in local and the match clock
10541s hit zero zero we're going to send it
10542s right back to the desk and when we
10544s return Jenna Wing not
10545s shut up I'm trying utterly satisfying
10557s foreign
10571s [Music]
10595s foreign
10610s [Music]
10611s [Applause]
10613s [Music]
10616s [Applause]
10618s [Music]
10627s defeats only cows only cows cow pun cow
10631s pun cow pun imagine Ithaca Hawk said
10633s something clever there uh very very good
10636s match actually fantastic match
10638s um I think that it is
10641s important to note that while pandemic
10643s horde one that only cows actually played
10645s fantastic pandemic horde played
10647s fantastic uh there was a lot of talk
10649s about uh last year's tournament in there
10652s and certain comps a moderator kind of
10655s explain what the casters were getting at
10658s there
10659s yeah so what they were getting at is
10660s that both teams actually brought
10662s versions or essentially copies of what
10665s we saw Hydro loaded bring uh both deep
10668s into the best out of Threes And in the
10671s best out of five grand final match and
10675s the comps that Hydra flew that year in
10678s that best out of five require very very
10681s high player and pilot skill coordination
10685s um as well as player skills so not only
10687s do you have to position well you have to
10689s fly your ship well you also have to
10691s communicate effectively to your
10693s teammates what you're doing if you've
10695s been jammed uh what's going on and both
10698s teams actually did a very very good job
10700s of that I think despite the fact that
10702s only cows lost that they're a terror in
10705s the lower bracket
10707s yep absolutely uh Mark what like why did
10711s only cows have trouble sort of sealing
10713s the deal here
10715s the I mean they were up against a a
10719s it's a difficult position and and
10721s wingnet actually mentioned it in the um
10724s uh the comments let me see if I can pull
10727s up his comments real quick because
10728s they're they're really really astute
10729s effectively you're looking at a
10731s situation where you're damned if you do
10733s damned if you don't right
10735s um where if you jam the Fendi and you
10737s keep your tackle alive you leave the
10739s curse free to just run roughshod over
10742s your entire team but if you jam the
10743s curse and you know you keep your comp
10745s mobile then the Bendy is just gonna
10746s murder you right uh and the vindi is is
10749s extremely strong uh I was surprised if
10751s any you know took so long to go after
10754s the EOS because they're basically
10755s sitting right on top of each other for
10756s such a long time
10758s um but you know I I think this is one of
10761s those and people I I feel like people
10762s will be surprised at how long this match
10765s went but this is the ideal right I think
10768s I think we can all agree like long
10770s matches teams that are fairly evenly
10772s matched running into each other not
10774s every match needs to be a white uh and
10776s that was a ton of fun to watch that was
10777s really really enjoyable
10780s yeah it was a very very very high tier
10783s High technical difficulty play on both
10785s teams
10786s um obviously we sometimes say it's like
10789s oh well Shield Rush is pretty easy like
10790s all these setups are very hard to Pilot
10792s like none of this is like an Easy Auto
10794s win con because if it was everybody
10795s would fly it but in regards to that uh
10799s both sides were probably playing some of
10802s the harder setups with only cows they
10804s cut they gambled on flying something
10805s very technically difficult and they
10807s almost won with it
10808s um but kind of looking at it moderator
10810s how do you think that that setup goes
10812s against eight DPS medium gunships that
10815s we've been seeing use so much
10817s well um the question is can you actually
10819s Jam a lot of those ships out if you can
10822s you're going to do very well uh with
10825s those two blackbirds if you can't you're
10827s going to
10829s um kind of eat and with some of the
10832s changes and this was in effect last year
10834s is
10835s you need to make sure that you're cross
10837s jamming ships essentially
10841s um the way ECM works now is that you can
10844s always lock back the ship that is
10846s targeting you and what Bart's kind of
10847s getting at is okay well if you kind of
10850s jam this out what if you still have like
10852s four Cruisers that can attack you uh and
10856s the answer is you still buy anyway even
10857s if you win gems so you need to do a very
10860s good job of coordinating those gems
10862s while also trying to stay out of eight
10864s very very angry Cruisers and battle
10867s Cruisers that can project uh on top of
10869s you
10870s um
10871s absolutely well Penny McCord did a
10873s fantastic job showing very very good
10876s Mastery of maybe an older setup which uh
10879s they did quite well um very very
10880s powerful only cows also did a great job
10883s they still have to go through the lower
10884s bracket the uh Stakes have definitely
10886s been braised for all of the other teams
10888s down there and hopefully they will be
10889s able to go up against the uh nasty ECM
10893s power or whatever else they might be
10895s bringing uh all that being said we have
10897s another match we have Road Capel versus
10899s shut up I'm trying uh wrote Capel
10902s pretty famous for being sort of a
10905s mid-tier team but I do believe that
10906s they're a team captain from the last
10908s couple years is actually no longer with
10910s them I believe that lady labia has
10914s chosen to go to a different team I think
10916s I saw them on White Flag but I might
10918s might be mistaken on that one so wrote
10920s Scott a little bit it's gonna be a
10922s little tough for them this time I think
10923s yeah some of their their captain and
10926s some of their better players so that
10927s would be apathetic Brent uh who's then a
10929s tournament uh perennial on road Capel
10932s and uh Hydra and hydra's partners since
10935s I really the last 10 years
10938s um was the captain of the road team last
10940s year he has gone with Alice Kate to a
10943s hydra's practice partner this year White
10945s Flag so uh wrote losing some of their I
10948s would say more experienced players and
10950s of course a captain is going to hurt a
10952s lot but they still have some
10954s fundamentally pretty solid uh players
10957s that can execute at a level that
10961s um you know has gotten teams like wrote
10963s in you know top 16 top 12 uh so they're
10968s not you know completely out of luck
10971s having lost some of their players
10974s through and let's take a look at the
10975s bands here real quick so we did have
10977s wrote Banning The balgorn Vindicator so
10980s that's a little bit of a throwback ban
10982s um both of them have been very powerful
10984s ships I don't know about The Vindicator
10985s as much with shut up and try and banning
10987s it carries and an exec Navy issue uh
10989s Mark how do you feel about this yeah I
10991s mean the the setup I'm trying uh of
10994s course wormholers very wise have big
10996s brains uh made two pretty smart bands
10999s here I think the carries obviously uh
11001s you're getting a lot of a lot of
11003s suppression uh for not a lot of money uh
11005s with the carries we've seen what those
11007s carries uh comps can do especially if
11009s you're not able to Nuke it right out of
11010s the gate those dams can be absolutely
11012s oppressive and of course we talked
11013s earlier I won't go on any further by the
11015s exec Navy about how good the exact Navy
11017s is uh and as for the other the other uh
11020s the other bands I don't know I I'm
11022s always kind of hesitant about Battleship
11024s bands unless there's a like a reason for
11026s it
11027s um but you know I assume wrote knows
11029s what they're doing they have pedigree
11031s you know
11034s yes I would uh I would absolutely hope
11036s so and uh we do have the teams Landing
11038s right now a little bit interesting
11040s warpins here which I will definitely
11042s save for the uh casters to talk about um
11046s as the team's Landing so let's get real
11047s quick predictions here uh moderator what
11050s are you thinking is about to happen you
11052s know I'm gonna go with uh Rory hashino
11054s uh and wrote Capell
11057s Rory Shino and wrote Capell and Mark how
11060s are you uh how are you feeling about
11061s this one I think I'm also going to go
11063s with rope Coppell uh yeah I'm gonna go
11065s throat
11069s hmm you're gonna go with rote all right
11071s well I uh I feel like we're gonna have
11074s to send those over to the commentators
11075s because it is about to start before I
11076s make my predictions so I will uh you
11079s know kind of sham out on that one
11085s hello everyone and welcome one last time
11087s to the arena it's myself Annie uh wing
11089s nut here to watch this wonderful game
11091s between Rogue Capel and shut up I am
11093s trying as you can see Chef I'm trying
11095s have brought basically the Apex possible
11097s version of a Nighthawk Rush setup
11101s only that they haven't brought four of
11103s their pilots unfortunately they're
11105s running three Nighthawks and a hugin and
11107s a scimitar so they're gonna try and get
11109s in and try and put those Night books to
11111s use what I've wrote capelle brought here
11113s for us oh they have brought a triple
11115s Battleship core which I am very much a
11117s fan of Mega Navy Armageddon Navy and of
11119s course the ultra thick avadon they put
11121s it also a mountain of control on the
11122s back line so I'm liking this a lot but
11125s um
11126s so shut up I'm trying uh worm holder no
11130s I believe they are and they do have a
11131s absolutely delightful logo
11133s is there are the rest of the team
11135s cloaked is that what's going on here
11138s I believe they're actually waiting on
11139s the other side of that Wormhole you can
11141s just see uh to the brightness
11143s uh they're gonna be jumping in anytime
11145s soon crashing the hole and making sure
11147s that broker have nowhere left to retreat
11149s to
11150s I I don't see this going well for them
11152s but at least they've got a Plus on the
11154s skin game right now the match goes
11155s underway and then I hook to do what
11157s Nighthawks do so they're going to rush
11159s in and obviously roach can just sit
11160s there and wait if they really wanted to
11162s but they're going in as well fair enough
11165s yeah
11167s the match up here really really is not
11169s in suits favor either maybe if this had
11172s been going up against something with a
11173s little less DPS they could have had a
11174s hope but well going up against something
11177s that's going to apply so well to those
11179s Night books is brutal you know those
11182s things have the signature radius of a
11184s small carrier when they're mwding
11185s towards battleships and uh as you can
11188s see that character isn't long for the
11189s world either
11190s God Save the Queen yep uh that's
11192s expected and uh they're going for the
11194s Abaddon first why honestly the thickest
11197s option on grid
11199s sure
11201s I mean you know this is this is the way
11204s that you see Shield Rush work how you
11206s want to use a shield Rush is you
11207s identify the most vulnerable chord
11209s component of your enemies team and then
11211s you put your DPS onto it and you hope it
11213s dies before all of your big boys die as
11216s well I think there's a flaw in that idea
11218s the most vulnerable Abaddon pick one
11224s look at the absolute wave of rep drones
11226s by the way on this Avalon there is a lot
11227s I've even seen some heavy armor rep
11229s drones on the Abaddon so they're they're
11231s not even doing anything to it there are
11233s so much reps on this Amazon there's no
11234s smart bombs there's no way to remove it
11236s I don't think they're ever going to
11238s budge the arm and it's going to get
11240s worse with them too as that reactive
11241s gets worse and worse for them
11243s yeah the uh Murray rothalbo in the
11246s augural Navy issue has managed to sneak
11248s into the back line although there wasn't
11250s really anyone trying to stop him from
11251s getting there and he has tackled down
11253s that Scimitar as well so I imagine
11254s that's going to be the next Target after
11255s Quinn Yi goes down and it's just going
11258s to be a slow picking apart here really
11260s of soup from Road Coppell
11262s that's one of the fun things about the
11264s road comp at the moment is that because
11265s the Abaddon can basically and touch the
11267s Scimitar where it is I'm pretty sure and
11269s again maybe I'm just double checking to
11270s see if it's Rapids I think it's rap but
11272s okay no it's guns we're good here
11274s there's a gun Armageddon Navy so bbp is
11277s happy
11277s yeah I gotta say you know it's always
11280s nice to see teams like soup come out um
11283s I think they had a similar issue in the
11285s last Alliance tournament as well but
11287s here's hoping that next year they'll be
11289s able to either put together some sort of
11291s six-man comp that's a bit more viable
11294s or um recruit a few more members
11297s obviously the alliance tournament's open
11299s to anyone who wants to compete so
11302s yeah I mean if you wanna if you want to
11303s join the team I guess reach out to them
11305s they'll probably be willing to take you
11306s good chance to get into the tournament
11308s because honestly it's
11310s the other man comfortable you've
11311s actually seen work I believe it was um
11313s was it bombers bar was it Noir something
11316s along those lines brought like an
11318s underman comp with five people and
11319s actually dunked the opposing team a few
11321s years back I can't remember what team it
11322s was anymore it's been a while but
11323s underman can definitely work you need to
11325s bring out the right comp to do it and uh
11326s fortunately this was not it I believe we
11328s saw a nine-man comp take it take things
11330s very very close here uh last weekend as
11333s well
11335s hopefully at some point we see a tinker
11337s or something like that because those are
11338s those are the areas where an on-demand
11340s team can really shine no weak spots
11343s exactly you just have all thick ships
11345s you're staying they're not willing to
11346s die
11347s it can definitely work like there is a
11349s room somewhere in some medic a matter of
11351s mind to make another man comp that
11353s functions really well but the amount you
11355s lose to do it is not an easy choice to
11358s make and most teams will just go just
11359s bring 10 men you get more chance of
11361s winning
11362s what do you think about this megaphone
11364s Navy issue though why are we seeing so
11366s many of those as a backstrip choice it's
11368s not something that often gets brought
11370s I mean I'm I'm just a mega fan at heart
11373s to be honest so I'm going to be very
11374s biased it's just like the vindy's little
11376s brother
11377s it is honestly it's a very good ship I
11379s think they said it the um tracking bonus
11381s is one of my favorite things for it it
11382s has no trouble really applying stuff the
11384s vendor uses webs to apply to things the
11387s mega just uses a grapple on its own guns
11388s so it's actually very hard to hold down
11391s safely is kind of my own personal
11393s opinion
11394s yeah that utility high from the new is
11396s so the utility high that lets you put
11398s either a new or a smart bulb in there is
11400s just so powerful in a tournament format
11402s like this especially when it's
11404s effectively the cost of a T1 Battleship
11406s as well with the points reduction
11408s afforded by
11410s the galantis sponsorship of this
11412s livestock Point reduction went to the
11414s mega Navy I didn't even like I was like
11416s oh yeah it's a thing
11419s I'm actually very excited about that the
11420s fact that it has a utility high like I
11422s used to fly up solo Megas in null and
11424s yeah you need to make a you have to make
11426s your own utility fiber removing a gun
11428s it's amazing what one utility I can do
11430s to a battleship it goes from being
11432s worthless to immediately viable
11435s oh goodbye Scimitar soon you can see the
11437s entire comes rushing over to kill it
11438s thank you for showing up suit but
11440s unfortunately uh this was not the right
11442s arena for you
11443s yeah well they do still get another
11445s another chance to play I'm not sure if
11447s that's today or I think that's tomorrow
11449s yes
11450s so
11453s it'll be very interesting to see how
11454s they do there and if they bring
11456s something similar or refer they're able
11458s to refine their planning a little more
11462s I'm sure there's anything for the
11464s channel somewhere
11465s there we are That's The Last Ship Off
11467s the Grid so we will uh hand it back to
11469s the studio and find out what the
11470s analysts have to say about that
11475s [Music]
11482s [Music]
11488s rain are you in the armor Vagabond or
11491s something no um I've got axle ISP
11496s and polarized guns
11498s [Laughter]
11501s hahaha
11503s okay Sig you you are one of two people
11507s that couldn't listen and couldn't check
11509s bookmarks and find your own way out the
11512s route the entire route was literally
11514s bookmarked out to losac I bookmarked it
11516s 10 minutes in advance
11518s guys stop being casual they're really
11521s bad we should not lose anybody to this
11523s warp off warp off take the fleet warp
11525s everybody warp off this is a really
11526s really bad execution I'm very
11528s disappointed
11535s and with that uh despite missing some of
11537s their members who have gone to a other
11538s groups wrote Capell has secured their
11540s place in Alliance tournament 19. uh shut
11543s up I'm trying we'll have one more shot
11545s uh tomorrow as jyn was correct on that
11548s uh to attempt to make it in past the
11552s feeders round uh obviously there was a
11554s little bit of roughness there underman
11556s teams traditionally don't perform
11557s particularly well but you know as per
11560s usual like big props any team that shows
11562s up thank you for showing up even if you
11564s weren't able to get the full amount of
11565s people it is so much better at least for
11567s the viewers to have something to watch
11569s than for us to have an hour of dead
11571s space so uh props to you guys for
11574s showing up even if you were a little
11575s undermanned um I will say that uh there
11578s are some comps that I think Jin hinted
11580s at a moderator like what what could you
11582s do if you only had six people
11585s uh I mean you could do like Battleship
11589s rushes you can do things like that and
11591s just kind of pray that you get on top
11593s and just out trade and then you can just
11595s survive longer
11597s um way back in the day there used to be
11600s something called a tinker comp which
11601s would be you deliberately take a very
11603s undermanned setup this was back when
11605s Tech three uh Logistics had a lot more
11608s rep power and both locally and uh this
11612s was many many years ago but essentially
11615s um you know you'd rate like a self
11617s tanking a sort of composition and you
11621s just grind out the other team
11623s kill somewhaji and then you just win uh
11626s CCP over the last few years has made it
11629s so that you know maybe
11632s um having you know just a death ball fit
11634s there for 10 minutes and not do anything
11636s not the most entertaining match to watch
11637s so we made it so you can't just transfer
11640s infinitely to each other and just kind
11644s of uh break the laws of thermodynamics
11646s infinitely so
11649s um unfortunately these days you can't do
11651s nearly as much but I mean mad respect to
11653s them for showing up and trying and uh
11655s giving it a shot so we appreciate them
11657s coming out
11658s foreign
11660s the other interesting one that we saw
11663s just as kind of a maybe a heads up maybe
11665s they're listening maybe they want some
11667s super pro tips is we were actually
11668s seeing these uh I believe they were four
11671s Battleship setups in the captain's cup
11673s which was kind of interesting and a
11675s couple of them actually did really well
11676s by just absolutely blasting someone so
11679s hey if you only got six Pilots maybe
11680s bring four battleships I don't think you
11682s can actually do that but you know do
11684s something sub-similar like like mod set
11686s triple Battleship rush in there see what
11688s can happen uh we've actually seen
11690s Specter Fleet uh back in yield in days
11693s do some upsets by Blaster Hall rushing
11696s people and those are always fun to watch
11697s one way or another
11699s um but you know other than that uh the
11702s only like big thing that in that match
11705s that was interesting we haven't really
11706s we've seen it a lot but we haven't
11707s talked about it uh reps drones Mark
11709s resurrectus like yeah what are they why
11712s are they so good or bad
11713s so rep drones are supplemental Logistics
11717s that you get uh from drones right I mean
11719s you you have a a handful of different
11721s drones you can come into or you can use
11723s coming into one of these fights uh the
11725s almost a lot of teams will opt for uh EC
11729s drones to try and put them on lodging
11731s break lodgy spools or not logic schools
11733s but break break reps uh they'll you know
11736s afford to use you know sometimes heavy
11738s damaged drones or medium damaged drones
11740s just to in to supplement their the
11742s damage they've already got
11744s um but a lot of groups will put and when
11746s when my team flew in the at we always
11748s had full Rec or full racks of uh rep
11752s drones because if your logic goes down
11754s the rep drones allow you to still have
11756s some kind of logistics on the grid even
11759s after your your reps are gone right so
11762s if you lose that valuable logic Cruiser
11764s or you lose your two logic frigates a
11766s lot of times those those drones are the
11768s only thing that will actually keep your
11770s comp up I we've had Comics before where
11772s we've had people going hard on on
11774s frigate Logie and those light armor
11777s drones were the only things that were
11779s keeping the frigate lodgy alive through
11781s heavy DPS so it is valuable to have
11783s those some people will sneak in uh you
11786s know smart bombs into their comp just to
11788s kind of you know drive into the wall of
11791s of rep drones and try and smart bomb
11793s some of those off so a lot of different
11794s ways to play against it uh it is
11796s interesting whenever they
11798s um you know you come down to the to two
11800s teams that have to only rely on laundry
11802s drones uh and then there are a lot of
11804s cool plays back and forth on how to
11806s mitigate some of that
11808s well said and the uh I think one of the
11811s big ones too is that in these
11812s battleships that can feel the full
11813s flight of heavy rupt drones the heavy
11815s rough drones a full flight of them is
11817s actually I think it's about 30 to 40
11819s percent the rep power of like a guardian
11821s it is not an insignificant amount
11823s they're pretty wild uh other thing we've
11826s been seeing actually quite a bit the
11827s last couple days is these Nighthawk
11830s Shield rushes obviously that one didn't
11831s do so well but laser Hawks did a
11833s fantastic job and we kind of let's talk
11836s about this ship a little bit because
11837s there's some interesting stuff with the
11839s graphs and it's definitely not one of
11842s the most winningest ships of all time
11843s but some of that is because when two
11845s teams use Nighthawks against each other
11847s uh one of them is obviously going to
11849s lose so moderator like taking a look at
11852s this you know we see some interesting
11854s stuff here with Nighthawks
11856s yeah so um Nighthawks have had have been
11859s one of the ships that's been in this
11861s game for uh well over a decade we see a
11863s lot of use kind of in the early early
11865s days 87 through nine um even before I
11868s started playing in 2012 uh where it had
11872s a different role and was you know viable
11874s in you know that meta uh where I'm sure
11877s there's you know maybe even a handful of
11879s people still playing from then and then
11881s you look between the gap between at 16
11883s and 1817 and that was when command ships
11886s got a major major buff the Nighthawk
11889s used to do a fairly anemic amount of
11891s damage and then it nearly doubled
11894s so it got more fitting more tank uh more
11898s resist and now it hits like a truck
11902s yes and uh they can also be flown in
11905s both kiting and brawling setup so you
11907s haven't really seen any kiting
11908s Nighthawks uh their points have been
11910s slowly being jacked up over the last
11912s probably a year or two um there is one
11914s at where the a very common setup was
11917s double Loki triple Nighthawk and then
11919s you could still bring like three command
11921s destroyers and two Logistics frigates
11924s and a skybreaker and you can't do that
11926s anymore
11927s um the points we adjust the points every
11929s single year specifically to try and keep
11931s it a little bit fresh
11933s um which I think is a good thing right
11934s Mark yeah I mean the Nighthawk is so
11937s strong uh you don't want to see comps
11940s that are just that right one of the
11942s things that's so exciting about the at
11944s is is and any of these tournaments
11946s really is how how unique comps get right
11949s out the gate and before they settle into
11951s a meta but even at the meta level there
11954s are so many different cool options with
11955s the way ships get banned and people have
11957s to adjust on the Fly High Level teams do
11960s this so well that they can effectively
11963s create brand new you know meta defining
11965s comps out of basically nothing right on
11967s you know at a moment's notice so
11970s um you know you don't want these comps
11972s then just end up being three of the best
11974s to ship right so I like the Nighthawk
11977s we've talked about it earlier a little
11978s bit uh it's super strong uh I don't know
11981s if it's super strong in this application
11982s but they are a lot of fun to fly
11984s yeah they've definitely been they've
11986s been doing pretty well um they've
11988s obviously lost matches they've won
11989s matches they've technically lost more
11991s matches than they've won uh according to
11993s that graph but that is because like
11995s legit in at 17 and 18 people were flying
11999s Nighthawk rushes into each other so yeah
12001s it's a very powerful ship um I still
12004s personally think Southerners are better
12005s but you know that's okay we're all
12006s allowed to have our opinions even twitch
12008s chat is allowed to have their opinion uh
12011s we do have our final match of the day
12013s coming up which is going to be of
12014s essence versus dracaris so uh all of the
12018s matches that we've been seeing today
12021s have been
12023s um non-elimination matches with the
12025s exception of like the first two and then
12028s High SEC minors versus cast about so
12030s you'll be seeing pretty much all of
12031s these teams that lost today tomorrow
12034s which is pretty so no matter who wins uh
12038s tomorrow we will be doing this once more
12039s time at the same time it will be
12041s starting at about 1700 eave time and we
12044s have quite a lot of matches tomorrow
12045s actually because we'll have the uh the
12047s final gallante gamble matches which is
12050s real exciting and interesting and I'm
12053s Gonna Leave explaining that to CCP
12055s overload who will be returning as host
12057s tomorrow so
12059s make sure we put them on the spot on
12060s that uh he will absolutely love uh we do
12064s have the bands for these teams which is
12066s also super duper fun and exciting with
12069s uh of essence Banning out the barkist
12071s and the Le Shack and your car spanning
12073s out the bargist and the balgorn uh if
12077s you are unaware of the way the rules
12078s work if two teams ban the same thing
12080s they get an additional ban so we have
12082s for an additional band jacarus is banned
12084s out the typhoon Fleet issue and the
12088s um
12089s megathron Navy has been banned out as
12091s well so we're seeing pretty much every
12093s single major Battleship band here aren't
12095s we mod
12096s yeah yeah I was gonna say the only
12098s Battleship we've really seen has been
12100s maybe a Hyperion maybe The Dominics Navy
12103s issue or the um Armageddon Navy so a lot
12107s of the battleship Staples here getting
12108s banned uh still leaves open a lot of
12111s Shield options still leaves open a lot
12112s of these uh as jyn likes to call them
12115s this uh maximum threat option so
12120s um not quite sure about these bands but
12122s definitely says no bad ships for you
12126s yes no battleships for you I mean
12127s obviously there are still quite a lot
12129s open but uh the typhoon Fleet issue Mark
12131s like why like what what is the typhoon
12133s Fleet issue we've barely seen it I don't
12136s know man like you've already picked the
12139s Le Shack as one of your bands which I
12141s think is maybe ill-advised we talked
12142s about
12144s um I mean if you really didn't want to
12145s see battleships you could also pick the
12147s avadon as is is good to get rid of in
12149s this case people fly a lot of abatons
12151s and armor comps I mean the typhoon Fleet
12153s is fine it's good you know it's it is
12155s like a worse bargist in some ways
12159s um but I I don't know I don't I don't I
12162s don't know if that's really the move I
12163s would make here
12165s that is totally fair enough and uh I do
12168s think that typhoon Fleet issues uh
12170s module probably know this you've you've
12172s got a little better grasp of history on
12174s it but they used to be like the ship
12177s for several ATS I think is that correct
12180s yeah back in kind of the 12 uh man
12183s format back when I was in Exodus we
12185s basically flew a typhoon Fleet core all
12188s the way to basically third place and it
12191s was still good even then on for a couple
12193s more years but you know changes to
12195s points and uh the way uh balances worked
12199s out senses meant that uh it just really
12201s doesn't feel the same Niche that it used
12203s to and it's no longer the comp it once
12206s was
12208s well unfortunately we will not be seeing
12210s it so nobody would be able to prove us
12212s uh wrong here but uh I'm sure we'll see
12215s it at some point it always seems to make
12216s her an appearance at some point somebody
12218s tries to bring a triple typhoon Fleet
12220s issue setup and do some super cool stuff
12223s with it uh the teams are in local and
12225s are starting to land which is super
12227s awesome so uh Mark of essence or
12230s dracarus who's winning this one I
12233s honestly have no idea uh I you know I
12235s can't say I know too much about either
12237s one of these teams uh I have Essence is
12239s the is the money pick right now so of
12242s course I picked the upset and have gone
12243s with uh drakaris for this one plus they
12247s just skinned their Fort or their keep
12248s sorry it looks great so easy pick
12250s awesome that is the keep stress Skins
12253s are pretty awesome I do like uh I do
12255s like seeing them like the skin game has
12257s always been amazing ccp's art team has
12259s always been wonderful uh moderator which
12262s group do you think is taking this one
12264s I am going to have to go with
12269s um not dracars
12271s so in essence
12273s yes just just making sure all right cool
12276s that's super fantastic all right the the
12279s teams are in this will be our last match
12281s of the day and we're gonna hand it over
12283s to our wonderful commentary pair to take
12285s us through this wonderful spaceship
12287s explosion Journey
12294s hello and welcome to your main event for
12296s the evening we have drakaris versus of
12299s essence drakaris bringing a very
12302s interesting blend of armor control and
12304s DPS Rush
12306s here what do we have on the other
12308s Essence side
12309s well I've got triple Battleship core
12311s Army got a Navy Vindicator and template
12314s Fleet issue this is not uh this is
12317s actually a type of setup we saw a little
12319s bit uh last it I will also point out
12321s those are rapid Heavies on the
12322s Armageddon Navy issue I don't like the
12325s mixed weapon systems I feel like if you
12327s have a Vindicator and a tempest Fleet
12328s they should be uh lasers on the
12330s Armageddon Navy issue but uh importantly
12333s I think the ship to look at is all three
12335s of these battleships warped to zero on
12337s the dakara side is this Redeemer it's
12339s not a ship we see a whole lot of in the
12341s at but it's worth moaning uh it's worth
12344s noticing that it has uh actually a large
12348s uh turret bonus as well as a neutralizer
12352s amount bonus so actually does decent
12355s amounts of DPS as they see him start to
12357s chew into this Vindicator alongside his
12359s Armageddon AV issue and Abaddon and the
12362s Armageddon Navy issue for dracaris is
12364s actually a laser boat
12366s now curious Target selection going after
12368s The Vindicator uh you would think they
12370s would be able to keep that sort of on
12372s the back burner with their nudes alone
12374s maybe hoping to put newts on the
12376s logistics instead but those being
12379s Logistics frigates that's kind of a
12380s questionable call here as meanwhile of
12383s essence primering the Navitas for
12385s jakaris trying to take out the tech one
12387s logic frigate not exactly known for its
12389s own tank although it can put out a
12391s respectable amount of reps also rusan
12394s saw of the Redeemer oh getting deep into
12397s armor about one-third armor now not
12399s clawing that back very effectively this
12401s is a bit of a race between the Redeemer
12403s and The Vindicator as who goes down
12404s first and it could be a deciding factor
12407s in this match
12408s yeah armor got a Navy issue remember
12410s from of essence is a rapid heavy boat so
12412s they will lose some DPS when that gets
12414s clipped but Chad flame in The Vindicator
12416s also in very low armor right now able to
12419s live just barely as they win the initial
12421s Battleship trade uh more damage is also
12423s going low into low end some low end to
12426s low in violence at the moment Thalia
12428s going down pretty low the second Navy
12429s this novitos also falling pretty low but
12432s the team captain of us Essence and our
12434s co-commentator uh Chad flame has been
12436s taken down but they will trade for at
12438s least it's exact Navy and probably the
12440s novitos as well
12441s one thing to note is that of essence
12443s seems to be Distributing their
12444s neutralizers across the drakaris team
12446s where strikaris is focusing them all in
12448s the primary target of the Thalia
12450s traditional logic would say that you
12452s want to neutralize the the other
12454s logistic frigate so that you can put all
12456s your DPS on one try to nude out the
12458s other and that gives you enough to break
12460s the Reps for cars not employing that
12462s strategy here but of essence definitely
12464s is and they're rewarded by taking that
12466s navitus down now it seems like they are
12468s splitting damage a little bit I think
12470s the low end is going for The Inquisitor
12472s while the rest tries to focus on the
12474s extra Navy
12476s and sure enough that Inquisitor drops
12478s rapidly it may be joined by The Tempest
12480s Fleet issue on the uh of essence team
12483s there will be a huge chunk of their
12484s damage they're not out of this yet
12487s yeah the high end looks to be going for
12489s this Oracle right now of deer mumuson a
12491s very effective Target to take down
12493s because it's got Battleship guns with a
12495s somewhere between a cruiser and a battle
12497s cruiser level of DPS being in an attack
12499s battle cruiser it doesn't have a whole
12501s lot of tank but this Tempest Fleet issue
12503s going down is really really scary for
12505s them because they only have a rapid
12507s heavy boat and the Armageddon Navy issue
12509s and this is once again going for Rapid
12510s Heavies over uh lasers might be a bit of
12514s an issue for them they are able to take
12516s down the Oracle so that's a lot of DPS
12517s out the field but they're going to lose
12518s their Thalia as well as the OG Navy and
12521s the pawn effects and the exact Navy uh
12523s of drakaris are able to take that down
12525s but the sex act Navy also soon to fall I
12527s mean there's just a lot of damage
12528s between uh of us and sex Navy and their
12531s nurgle they will lose their Tempest
12532s Fleet issue though so it's now two
12534s battleships versus one but the low end
12536s War has been won by of essence yeah that
12539s nurgle is a key player there as well as
12541s the spitball both of them deal
12542s incredible amounts of damage for ships
12544s of their size the nurgle is basically a
12546s pocket hack has the tank and damage of a
12549s sacrilege uh now we're seeing teskey
12552s zealots Navy Armageddon beginning to be
12555s primary to onto cars aside is dipping
12558s into armor respectively as you noted
12560s we're going to see that start and stop a
12561s little bit as they get in Navy runs out
12563s of clip it's got a long way to go before
12566s he's down
12567s yeah but importantly the nurgle is now
12569s shooting the primary target as the
12570s Mueller just gets absolutely chunked oh
12573s wrecking shots upon gretching shots uh
12576s ripped to the new pressure that that
12577s brings uh from their team but as I was
12579s mentioning this nurgle uh currently uh
12582s not facing any new pressure from the
12584s armaged Navy issue of teskey uh is going
12587s to be able to supplant or is it to
12590s supplement I should say the rapid heavy
12592s clips of bunny in his own Urban
12595s Scandinavia issue but they are losing
12596s this Magus pretty quickly now uh of
12599s essence though they got to be really
12601s careful they're winning in points but
12602s only barely at the
12605s moments back that's the links down that
12608s Deacon may follow with just the low end
12610s damage here that Armageddon Navy he is
12613s at half armor he's dropping relatively
12615s rapidly but he's got probably at least
12618s one more reload from the get a Navy
12620s before they go damage oh that urgel's
12623s dropping a lot faster than you'd expect
12626s he's going to be able to get his ADC off
12629s and maybe try to piece together the rest
12633s of the dks needed to get the summer get
12634s a Navy issue as he has been spooled up
12636s but he's all done
12641s they're going to win this one now
12644s oh my gosh
12647s the nudes from the geta Navy absolutely
12649s clutch there turning off the ADC
12653s and that's the spiffle now just to get a
12655s navy and an Executor Navy that is a huge
12658s huge amount of DPS but jacaros is
12660s majorly up on points
12662s majorly but they will lose their gun
12664s Navy and it won't be it's not rapid
12666s heavy Clips he might be able to
12668s alongside this exact Navy take down the
12670s low end and then we get get Navy versus
12672s Abba the Scandinavia is worth more
12673s points so that's what you have to do
12676s this war of attrition kill teskey Zealot
12678s and then kill this all Navy and this
12679s Pawn effects as quickly as you can
12681s hopefully before Mike had goes down this
12683s is actually going to go down to the wire
12684s I already called the match but I was
12686s wrong Mike had in the Zack Navy though
12689s if he goes down pretty quickly this
12690s could be all over all jacarus is
12693s counting the beans here
12695s they're absolutely crunching these
12697s numbers can they do it if they take this
12698s exit down it looks like they're going to
12700s his tank is absolutely melting why is
12703s the damage going on the Abba that's such
12706s a huge mistake from assassins
12709s [Music]
12711s Navy he can't actually single clip
12714s anyone on this team let alone in a baton
12718s they're going after the battle because
12720s they need it they need it he can't clear
12722s the amount of points they need by
12724s killing the rest he's got to bring the
12725s abandoned down before the time goes no
12727s it's it's foreign you have to clear the
12730s the OG Navy and the pawn effects it's
12731s less ehp uh yeah like uh I I don't know
12738s still got rapid heavy Clips going into
12741s him but he still is going to be able to
12742s constantly uh pump out damage he's gonna
12745s be able to get his Ansel reloads in
12747s while this is just gonna say that has
12750s his clips and he's clipped out right now
12752s no he's done Eden has a local rapper
12754s that is gonna spell the end of it for
12756s for of essence that is a local rep or
12759s abandoned they've managed to keep one of
12761s its low slots in reserve for what I
12763s presume as an Ansel rapper so he is
12765s going to be clawing that hit points back
12767s even without a logistic ship on his side
12769s of the field that is absolutely
12771s gut-wrenching for a bunny he had to see
12773s that armor tick back up and just have
12775s his heart sink
12777s yeah I mean it's it really sucks as a
12780s rapid heavy ship when they're up against
12781s active armorships they're both currently
12783s sitting at about the same armor uh
12786s percent armor remaining but once this
12788s Army got a Navy issue a bunny runs out
12790s of his rapid heavy clip uh it's going to
12793s be the all the abaddin show uh he's
12796s still firing missiles though right now
12797s so hasn't clipped out quite yet he's
12799s leading for the time being but the
12801s second he hits his rapid heavy reload
12803s this a baton if he's smart is going to
12806s stop his Ansel armor repair module
12809s reload it and the reload times are about
12812s equal between the two modules so we'll
12814s be able to have it back up in time uh to
12816s tank back up against this arm and get a
12817s Navy issue
12819s what a what a knife's edge match this
12821s went back and forth several times could
12823s have gone either way at various points
12825s in this matchup but now you're seeing
12827s jakaris with just Superior Target
12829s calling managed to keep their composure
12832s and Claw their way back into this match
12834s killing off the low end of low of of
12836s essence and now they're just sitting
12839s fairly comfortably this a baton he's
12841s about half armor but he can keep pulling
12844s that back and it's just not going to be
12846s enough is a minute and a half left he
12848s may not even go down before the end of
12849s time here I mean this rapid heavy clip
12853s he's going into Frederick right now uh
12856s he's got the damage back on top of him
12858s 29 armor remaining on the Sabbat and uh
12861s 56 armor emitting on this get Navy
12864s if somehow
12866s bunny is able to take down the Sabaton
12868s before the end of the match uh and
12871s before he Clips out because at this
12873s point he only has time for one reload
12875s and a little bit uh in his Armageddon
12878s Navy issue uh but it's actually going
12881s down to the wire I already call this
12882s match for dakaris twice but it's six
12885s percent three percent armor remaining
12886s for Frederick to gross
12894s [Applause]
12897s he's already down into 63 structure
12901s remaining can't he get this Ansel reload
12904s often time that is what matters at the
12907s end of the day 30 seconds remain in the
12909s match 50 structure remaining and the
12912s Armageddon Navy issue has clipped out he
12915s is out of damage for the foreseeable
12918s future and that will be the match
12922s dracarus they had us worried there for a
12925s little bit but they come out on top of
12927s of essence 11 seconds remaining the
12930s abattan will live Armageddon Navy issue
12932s of bunny also going to live but that is
12935s it for the last match of the day of
12937s essence will be going into the lower
12940s bracket and dracarus uh will be going on
12943s to the main tournament we're gonna send
12945s this to a quick break I'm gonna return
12946s the desk we'll break down that match and
12948s bring us right to the end of the day you
12950s won't want to miss it see after this
12961s two two
12971s [Music]
12997s [Music]
13003s did it
13005s [Music]
13012s 46 structure remaining was all that was
13016s there between tricaris and of essence's
13019s Victory or defeat uh fantastic match
13022s really really awesome one to kind of end
13024s the day at uh we got to see a redeemer
13027s that's pretty cool we actually saw that
13029s a decent amount last uh last year but
13031s you know
13032s mod what was the highlights of that
13034s match for you
13035s so the highlight of the match for me
13037s personally was looking at uh cars being
13041s able to take out uh the Thalia uh just
13044s in time for them to also lose their low
13046s end and once the Thalia was down karkin
13049s bergerberg as Deacon went down had that
13052s volley live just a little bit longer I
13054s think that actually is what turns it in
13057s favor of essence
13059s um then you know later on we saw the
13062s hardeners of that abandoned get shut off
13064s actually which is why it was taking so
13066s much damage in the very last seconds of
13068s the fight
13069s we did but we saw some awesome cargo
13071s container drops I think right at the end
13073s there the Batman was able to reload and
13076s get the hardeners back on and start
13077s repping a bit I don't know if that was
13079s enough to save it I think it might have
13080s lived anyways there but uh Mark like man
13084s wild natch right yeah man wild it was so
13088s close uh we were talking about it during
13091s the during the fight in the back
13092s channels it's just when you're in that
13094s situation and you're you you have to
13096s count rep Cycles you're counting
13097s injector Cycles you're counting how long
13099s you can keep your guns up how much cap
13101s you have left like that I mean this is
13104s the kind of stuff that like makes the
13106s game feel like something that's not just
13107s point-and-click spreadsheet simulator
13109s you know what I mean like there's
13111s nothing about this that is that is more
13113s exciting I feel like than those moments
13115s where you're down to the wire and you
13117s have to like make a decision win or lose
13119s like you have to do something and I
13123s again I you know I was I was thrilled to
13125s death to see my pick pull out but uh
13127s both those teams play that very very
13129s well
13130s they did and uh neither team is out they
13132s will actually be one of them is going
13134s through to the actual tournament uh
13136s which is fantastic for them uh obviously
13139s the other one will have an attempt to
13141s make it through uh tomorrow will be
13143s quite a bit of elimination matches we
13144s will be seeing many many returning faces
13146s uh speaking of tomorrow we will be doing
13148s this again at 1700 Eve times so same
13151s time as today uh we'll be a little bit
13152s more matches which is pretty cool and
13154s exciting and more spaceship explosions
13156s and we'll figure out who the last group
13158s of people that are going to be making it
13159s towards the official tournament which is
13163s in August uh and those who are going to
13166s be going home sad and alone in the cold
13169s dejected reaches of space maybe even a
13171s little dejected yes
13173s um other than that though fantastic
13174s matches from every team today we've had
13176s some absolutely Wild Ones uh personally
13178s I just love that we started the day off
13180s with just really good matches back to
13182s back to back mod were there any that you
13184s saw today that you were like yeah this
13185s is the one like go re-watch this
13188s honest to God I think it was probably
13190s the one we just ended it on
13192s um this one is definitely like a height
13195s match
13196s um and the one we had you know prior to
13199s where we saw a pandemic court against uh
13202s only cows was probably one of the more
13204s technical matches if you want to
13206s understand how do I run an ECM comp go
13209s back and watch hyderabads go back and
13210s watch yesterday's match because that's
13213s how you do it
13214s all right what about you mark any any
13216s standout matches today
13219s I mean I you know
13221s I'd say that I Echo mob's comments the
13223s last two matches or the last couple
13224s matches were just you know especially
13226s this last match they haven't come down
13228s to the wire like that was such a great
13229s cast of commenters on that match uh it
13232s is as good as you can hope for for you
13235s know around a feeder tournament or a
13236s round of feeder matches you know day
13238s three you know this is this is this is
13241s this is fun man I absolutely love it
13242s when it comes down like that
13244s perfect well uh this will be at the end
13247s of our Stream So to say absolutely
13251s massive thanks as usual to the all the
13253s back-end people all of our fantastic
13255s refs uh all the commentators all the
13257s analysis is all the CCP people uh I
13259s always love to do my big shout out to
13261s General Stargazer specifically who is
13263s now known as CCP zealous and does all of
13266s the tournament rules and all the crazy
13268s stuff that makes this happen uh big
13271s shout out to CCP convict he's running
13272s the overall twitch moderation and doing
13275s all that fun and fantastic uh points so
13278s he's the one that when you do
13279s exclamation point refund that does
13281s nothing for you so pretty great
13284s um but he's the one that's getting the
13286s streams or the Skins out and all that
13288s great stuff uh thank you to the ISD
13289s moderators for keeping twitch chat under
13291s control because I know you guys like to
13293s get a little bit wild in there every
13295s once in a while uh obviously thanks to
13297s even T and the staff members in there uh
13299s thank you to Bay art J and disc because
13302s you guys do so many amazing things for
13305s us please stick around for the uh into
13308s the stream we are going to be reading Oz
13310s who is about to have a CCP guest on his
13313s stream is going to be talking about them
13315s it's going to be CCP psych who is the
13317s director of the economy and the systems
13320s for Eve online so I'm sure all of you
13322s have so many so many valid and awesome
13324s opinions about that and should
13326s definitely go over there and watch to
13328s hear all the exciting and interesting
13330s things that are going to be said there
13331s I'm in Blackboard pirate a temporary
13333s host for today and we will see you all
13335s tomorrow at 1700. have a good night