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Title may be a bit vague so let me explain. I have now twice had the following experience: I jump, my overview becomes empty as it usually does, most graphics disappear (ships, structures, skybox, etc), and then instead of the destination system loading, what happens is that I see all the brackets and iirc the overview of where I was, as if I haven't jumped at all. The graphics don't load however (it looks like the ctrl-shift-f9 mode), and I can't do anything like warp, move my ship, or whatever.

The first time I just immediately restarted the client because the jump was a titan bridge to safety and so I didn't care about temporarily being logged out. The second time it happened I wasn't safe (I was traveling with a fleet in null) so I kept trying and got the message "your ship is realigning its magnetic field, please wait a moment". As this didn't seem to change, I eventually just restarted again.

What I'm wondering about is what's actually going on when this is happening. Is it smart to just restart asap? Or is it safer to just wait for the thing to fix itself (I could imagine it being a case of having left one system but not yet entered another, but it could also be purely client-side)? I'd try experimenting with it myself but it's only happened in large fleets (> 200 people), so it's kinda hard to make happen on the test server.

Edit: I've contacted support about it; I'll update this thread if anything comes from that.

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about 4 years ago - /u/ccp_habakuk - Direct link

Hi! Unfortunately I don't know, what bug you encountered there exactly. If this ever happens again it would be very helpful for us, if you could send a bug report directly after this happened (without restarting the client) through F12 - Report Bug. Then we can take a look at your logs and can hopefully identify the problem.
