Welcome back to the Community Beat, your source for what is going on in the EVE Community!
Get ready for an action-packed update! We've got the scoop on player meetups, exciting Twitch Drops, sizzling hot drop videos, stunning 3D-printed masterpieces, and introductions to the newest members of the EVE Online Partnership Program!
To prepare for the weekend, we suggest skipping the Quafe this week and maybe try out some Starsi Blast.
Anger Games 6

The Anger Games has grown into one of the largest player-run tournaments on the EVE competitive scene, and all the action begins this weekend! Follow along live over on CCPTV, or catch up on what you missed with our new tournament portal! There are some star-studded teams, and some fresh pilots looking to make their mark. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the competitve side of EVE! We always pick up a trick or two by watching these talented pilots.
Partner Spotlight!
The EVE Online Partnership Program showcases the immense creativity of EVE players, among the most inventive in gaming. At the end of March, we welcomed a few new faces into the program which we think you should check out!
Content Finder! Whether you've ventured into a new area of space from a filament roam or after a long day of exploration, it helps to know the threats that await That's where Content Finder comes in - just input your system and it will look at neighboring systems to let you know if there have been kills, what the ratting activity is like, and how many people have recently traveled through. Space is dangerous, but at least you'll be forewarned to some of those dangers!
SniperWolfr Keep it PMA! New Eden is vast with many different specialties. SniperWolfr live-streams as he tries out - and masters - new adventures. Homefronts, mining, the Abyss, daytripping in Pocvhen - you name it! Next time he's streaming, stop on by and you might find yourself with a new curiosity...
Girt v2 Known for calling Fountain's core of NPC stations home, Ronin Cartel are experts in guerilla warfare. Whether you want to learn from their hit-and-run-tactics, or you want to learn how to avoid them, Girt's videos are an invaluable resoruce.
Frigate Frenzy!

PvP might seem daunting, but the pirates of Stay Frosty show us it's all in good fun! This year marks the tenth anniversary of their thrilling Frigate Free For All. Join the festivities on Saturday, April 20th, from 16:00 to 22:00 in the system of Ouelletta. Whether you rally with a public fleet or drop in for a complimentary frigate (or five!), you’re guaranteed an unforgettable experience. Celebrate a decade of destruction with Stay Frosty at this landmark public event, and you might even leave with a green killboard and a cargohold of corpses...
Hot Drop Highlights!
Big game hunter. Hyperdunking enjoyer. A madman in a Ragnarok. Whatever you want to call him, Creket is clearly a pilot of many talents. In this compilation video he shares some behind the scenes footage of what it's like to solo around in a super-capital, defend areas of space with a cheeky hotdrop, and setup on some of New Eden's biggest and most elusive ships. We're looking forward to the day when we see his infamous Ragnarok upgraded into an Azariel.
If You Build It
Whether flying in an Alliance Tournament match, breezing through the Abyss, or clearing NPCs with its powerful drones, the Gila is nothing short of iconic. Butze, over on the EVE Online Discord, shared his progress in transforming this ship into a majestic 3D-printed masterpiece.
Friendship Machine!

EVE Online player meetups are the highlight of our year. Hanging with players, putting a voice to a face, meeting corp-mates, chatting about EVE (and everything else!) - it just goes to show how incredible the EVE community is. It might be too late for you to get your tickets to EVE New Orleans, where CCP Bee will be buzzing around, but tickets to EVE Amsterdam just went on sale today! The event will be held 14-16 June and will be a great opportunity to meet old friends and make some new ones. Head on over to their official Discord if you want to know more!
That's it for this edition of the Community Beat! If there's info you'd like to hear about, or something you want to share, head on over to the EVE Online Discord and let us know! Until then, we'll see you in space!