about 2 years ago - EVE Online - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

22s Welcome back to the Pulse at
23s the heart of Jita 4-4, your source of news from EVE Online.
27s The ever popular Winter
28s Nexus event has returned to New Eden until the 3rd of January 2023,
32s featuring all the rewards and excitement
34s you've come to expect from this storm of festivities!
37s The roaming Volatile
38s Ice Storms will once again provide exciting and unique Wightstorm combat
42s mining and hacking sites with awesome rewards across high-sec, low-sec,
46s and null-sec, with the most challenging sites located in low-sec.
49s Be sure to use your Ice Storm filaments to transport yourself
52s directly to (and from) the action.
56s The 13 days of Nexus login rewards will once again provide free Skill Points.
60s New Aurora Universalis SKINs, Expert Systems, Ice Storm
64s Filaments, and more until the 3rd of January 2023.
68s This year, the rewards for Omega pilots also include up to 20,000 EverMarks
72s which you can exchange for corporation and alliance emblems on ships.
76s The Winter Nexus also includes the daily seasonal challenges
79s that provide even more rewards for taking part.
83s The Yoiul Festival seasonal challenges and rewards will allow you to unlock more boosters,
86s and new Aurora Universalis SKINs for completing activities within Volatile
91s Ice Storms and the Chilling Spree will offer up Skill Points
94s for hitting fellow capsuleers with snowballs daily.
97s You will also be able to go head to head in a wintry Abyssal Proving Grounds event,
101s overheating your modules for longer
103s and getting a bigger speed boost from your afterburner modules too,
106s with the Yoiul T1 destroyer 4-player free-for-all
109s from the 30th of December to the 2nd of January.
112s To celebrate this season of festivities, there are a number of offers
115s in the EVE Store
116s the New Eden Store and the EVE Merch store to take advantage of.
121s In the EVE Store, The new Winter Luminae Pack features Omega, PLEX, Skill Points,
124s new Luminae Polaris SKINs,
126s and an Advanced ‘Boost’ cerebral accelerator until the 3rd of January.
130s Also in the EVE Store, treat yourself to Omega and MCT bundles at 50% off
135s from the 22nd of December to the 2nd of January. In the New Eden Store in-game,
140s The Yoiul Star SKINs have returned 20% off until the 3rd of January.
145s Make sure you stock up and some of those skins,
147s especially as the charge will build up incrementally and then project a star
151s from the 25th of December. Then in the EVE merch store,
154s any purchase
155s you make will come with a free SKIN bundle for the character of your choice
158s until the 24th December. Following the successful debut of corp
162s and alliance emblems on over 100 ships with the Uprising expansion,
165s Paragon have made Emblems available on a further 186 ships.
170s These include all remaining frigates, destroyers, cruisers of all tech levels,
174s Tech 1 mining barges and exhumers and non-capital industrial ships
179s Following the recent discovery by Upwell Consortium Corporations,
183s new ores can now be found distributed in close proximity to some type
186s A0 blue stars.
188s These resources have appeared mainly in null-sec and wormhole space, and contain
192s deposits of Megacyte, Zydrine, Pyerite and Isogen, depending on the asteroid type.
198s This increases
198s the amount of ore in the universe offering more opportunities for capsuleers
202s to get their hands on valuable industry materials.
205s Alongside the above, the maximum moon mining yield has been reduced by 25%,
209s striking a balance between necessary conservation
212s and last year's doubling of extraction needs.
215s The new Frontlines page on eveonline.com is up and running,
218s delivering live updates on the state of Factional Warfare in New Eden.
221s The page features maps of conflict hotspots, information on the warzones
225s and a new video outlining how Factional Warfare works.
229s Even more data will be added to the page throughout 2023.
232s Multiple overview windows in EVE have been a much requested feature
236s and you can now opt in to experience it in-game.
239s The overview is an essential tactical tool and allowing multiple instances of it
243s will mean that you can tailor the presented information to your chosen
246s playstyle in a more precise way than ever before.
249s As part of the ongoing EVE Evolved initiative,
252s the Photon UI has undergone a number of updates this holiday season,
255s including updated security colors, transparency controls
258s and more to give players a more modernized in-game interface to enjoy.
263s Check out the patch notes linked below for full details.
266s In order to continue helping fresh capsuleers enter the universe of New Eden
269s more seamlessly and find their path, career agent missions have been updated.
274s The updates include UI guidance, improvements throughout the industrialist
277s paths, tweaks to mission objectives
278s reward rebalancing, more clarity in mission text, and more.
283s In addition, an introductory short mission has also been
286s added to guide players through the ship personalization process.
290s Furthermore, the AIR Career Program has been updated with better visuals
294s and usability changes to improve the experience of new capsuleers.
299s You may have noticed a change
300s in the hangar backgrounds when docked up and looking at your ship.
303s The way depth of field works in hangars has been changed to have greater strength
307s and it is modified dynamically by camera distance from your ship.
311s The eagle-eyed among you may also notice a few rare events and easter eggs
314s that have been added.
316s Submissions have opened for player presenters at EVE Fanfest 2023
319s taking place in Iceland between the 21st and the 23rd of September 2023.
324s You are invited to share your experiences,
326s stories and ideas on stage for your fellow attendees.
330s Extra early bird tickets have also been added
332s due to the original batch selling out within days.
334s In fact, since tickets went on sale last month, they've been selling at record
338s pace, resulting in Fanfest 2023, already outselling Fanfest 2022.
343s The EVE community is the lifeblood of New Eden,
346s and this year was full of achievements and incredible experiences.
349s 2022 in EVE was all about coming together.
352s So it's time to celebrate those amazing collective capsuleers accomplishments
356s with an end of year video
357s that pays tribute to what the community has achieved in-game as a whole.
361s That's all for this episode of the Pulse, thank you for joining us.
363s Check the description below for more information on the stories
366s that we've covered,
366s then hit subscribe and the bell icon to stay notified when we post a new video.
371s See you next time and have a great holiday season!